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February 2021
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Guidelines for International Arrivals
(in supersession of all guidelines issued on the subject since 2
August 2020)
In the context of COVID-19, Government of India is following point of entry procedures for identifying
International travellers, particularly at-risk travellers to India through multi-pronged strategy of
thermal screening and testing.
There is increasing evidence that the mutant variant of SARS-CoV-2 are in circulation in many countries
and these mutant variants are driving the pandemic in their country of origin. So far, the three SARS-
CoV-2 variants in circulation viz-a-viz (i) UK Variant [VOC 202012/01 (B.1.1.7)] (ii) South Africa variant
[501Y.V2 (B.1.351)] and (iii) Brazil variant [P.1 (P.1)] - have been detected in 86, 44 and 15 countries
All three variants have demonstrated increased transmissibility, as reported by World Health
Ministry Health of Family & Welfare in consultation with Ministry of Civil Aviation has reviewed the
situation with regard to point of entry actions required to minimize the risk of importation of mutant
strains of SARS-CoV-2.
This document addresses all the actions that need to be taken in two parts:
Part (A) Standard Operating Procedures for all international travellers coming to India
Part (B) Additional procedures for those coming from United Kingdom, Europe and Middle
The entry Airports for flight services would be decided by Ministry of Civil Aviation based on the
Bilateral/ Vande Bharat Mission (VBM) flights.
This Standard Operating Procedure shall be valid w.e.f. 22
February 2021 (23.59 Hrs IST) till further
orders. Based on the risk assessment, this document shall be reviewed from time to time.
Part A For all international travellers except travellers coming through flights originating from
United Kingdom, Europe and Middle East
A.1. Planning for Travel
i. All travellers should (i) submit self-declaration form on the online Air Suvidha portal
( before the scheduled travel (ii) upload a negative COVID-19 RT-PCR
report. This test should have been conducted within 72 hrs prior to undertaking the journey.
Each passenger shall also submit a declaration with respect to authenticity of the report and
will be liable for criminal prosecution, if found otherwise.
ii. They should also give an undertaking on the portal or otherwise to Ministry of Civil Aviation,
Govt. of India, through concerned airlines before they are allowed to undertake the journey
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that they would abide by the decision of the appropriate government authority to undergo
home quarantine/ self-monitoring of their health for 14 days, or as warranted.
iii. Arrival in India without negative report shall be allowed only for those traveling to India in the
exigency of death in the family.
iv. If they wish to seek such exemption under para (iii) above, they shall apply to the online portal
( at least 72 hours before boarding. The decision taken by the
government as communicated on the online portal will be final.
A.2. Before Boarding
v. Dos and Don'ts shall be provided along with ticket to the travellers by the airlines/agencies
vi. Airlines to allow boarding only those passengers who have filled in the Self Declaration Form
on the Air Suvidha portal and uploaded the negative RT-PCR test report.
vii. At the time of boarding the flight, only asymptomatic travellers will be allowed to board after
thermal screening.
viii. All passengers shall be advised to download Aarogya Setu app on their mobile devices.
ix. Suitable precautionary measures such as environmental sanitation and disinfection shall be
ensured at the airports.
x. During boarding all possible measures to ensure physical distancing are to be ensured.
A.3. During Travel
xi. Suitable announcement about COVID-19 including precautionary measures to be followed
shall be made at airports and in flights and during transit.
xii. While on board the flight, required precautions such as wearing of masks, environmental
hygiene, respiratory hygiene, hand hygiene etc. are to be observed by airline staff, crew and
all passengers.
A.4. On arrival
xiii. Deboarding should be done ensuring physical distancing.
xiv. Thermal screening would be carried out in respect of all the passengers by the health officials
present at the airport. The self-declaration form filled online shall be shown to the airport
health staff.
xv. The passengers found to be symptomatic during screening shall be immediately isolated and
taken to medical facility as per health protocol.
xvi. The passengers who have been exempted for pre-arrival RT-PCR testing [para (iii) and (iv) of
A.1 above] (as approved and indicated on the online portal in advance) will show the same to
the respective State counters. They will be prioritized for sample collection in the designated
area, samples collected and permitted to exit the airport. They shall monitor their health for
14 days (subject to negative test report of the sample taken at the Airport that would be
conveyed to such travellers by the concerned State authorities/airport operators).
xvii. All other passengers who have uploaded RT-PCR negative certificates on Air Suvidha portal
shall be allowed to leave the airport/ take transit flights and will be required to undertake self-
monitoring of their health for 14 days.
xviii. All such passengers will also be provided the list of the National and State level surveillance
officers and the respective call centre numbers, so as to inform State/National Call Centres in
case they develop symptoms at any time during the quarantine or self-monitoring of their
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International travellers arriving at seaports/land ports
xix. International travellers arriving through seaports/land ports will also have to undergo the
same protocol as above, except that facility for online registration is not available for such
passengers currently.
xx. Such travellers shall submit the self-declaration form to the concerned authorities of
Government of India at seaports/land ports on arrival.
Part B For all international travellers coming/transiting through flights originating from United
Kingdom, Europe and Middle East
All the clauses as above (part A) shall be applicable to such travellers coming/transiting from flights
originating in United Kingdom, Europe and Middle East except for clauses on testing, quarantine and
isolation as specified below:
All international travellers coming/transiting from flights originating from United Kingdom, Europe
and Middle East as described in the scope above should submit Self-Declaration Form (SDF) for COVID
on the online Air Suvidha portal ( before the scheduled travel and will be
required to declare their travel history (of past 14 days).
i. While filling SDF, apart from providing all other information required in the SDF, passengers need
to select:
a. Whether they plan to disembark at the arrival airport or take further flights to reach their
final destination in India.
b. Based on this selection, the receipt of SDF (dispatched online to the transiting travellers)
will display “T” (Transit) in easily readable and bigger font than other text.
c. The passengers will need to display this receipt to State authority / Government officials
at the airport for segregation.
ii. Keeping in mind the testing requirements for passengers from UK, Brazil and South Africa, who
have to take connecting flights, airlines should keep the passengers informed about the need for
transit time of a minimum 6-8 hours at the entry airport (in India) while booking the tickets for
connecting flights.
iii. All the passengers arriving from United Kingdom, Europe and Middle East shall be carrying negative
RT-PCR Test report for which test should have been conducted within 72 hours prior to undertaking
the journey. The same also shall be uploaded on the online portal (
iv. Airlines to allow boarding only those passengers who have filled in the SDF on the Air Suvidha
portal and uploaded the negative RT-PCR test report.
v. The concerned airlines shall ensure that prior to check-in, the traveller is explained about this SOP
particularly clause (ix) of part B of this SOP, besides displaying the same prominently in the waiting
areas of the airports.
vi. Airlines should identify the international travellers arriving from/transiting through United
Kingdom, Brazil and South Africa (during past 14 days) and segregate them in-flight or while
disembarking to facilitate the authorities to follow the due protocol in respect of these travellers.
vii. In-flight announcements must also be made explaining the relevant information to the
passengers. Relevant information in this regard shall be prominently displayed in arrival area and
waiting area of the airports of arrival.
viii. The immigration officers of these identified airports shall also ensure identification of travellers
(from their passports) who originated or transited from UK, Brazil and South Africa (during past
14 days).
ix. All the travellers arriving from/transiting through flights originating in United Kingdom, Europe or
Middle East shall be mandatorily subjected to self-paid confirmatory molecular tests on arrival at
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the Indian airports concerned (port of entry). Entry made in the SDF regarding telephone number
and address would be reconfirmed.
x. Adequate arrangements for passengers waiting for their confirmatory molecular test as well as
test results duly following effective isolation may also be made at the airports in conjunction with
the airport authorities.
xi. The airport authority shall ensure streamlining of the systems for testing at the concerned airports
to ensure seamless sampling, testing, and waiting arrangements to avoid crowding and
inconvenience to passengers. Once passengers arrive at the entry airport, Airport Operator should
lay down a well-defined flow for such passengers at their respective arrival terminals leading to
the waiting lounges and to the exit from the terminal.
xii. Airports can provide options to the passengers to do online booking of the confirmatory molecular
test through respective website (Air Suvidha portal) or other appropriate platforms as well as to
do offline booking. As far as possible digital payment facilities to be ensured.
xiii. Sample collection cum waiting lounge for the passengers should follow all sanitization and physical
distancing related guidelines issued by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare from time to time.
xiv. The States/UTs Government concerned should set up helpdesks at airports concerned to facilitate
implementation of the SOP.
xv. Travellers from UK, Brazil and South Africa taking connecting flights from the arrival
international airport (‘T” in their SDF).
a. Give sample at designated area and exit airport only after confirmation of negative test
report which may take 6-8 hours.
b. Those transit travellers from UK, Brazil and South Africa who are found negative on testing
at the airport shall be allowed to take their connecting flights and would be advised
quarantine at home for 7 days and regularly followed up by the concerned State/District
IDSP. These travellers shall be tested after 7 days and if negative, released from
quarantine, and continue to monitor their health for a further 7 days.
c. All those tested positive shall undergo the procedure as detailed in clause (xviii) below.
xvi. All travellers from UK, Brazil and South Africa existing at the arrival airport:
a. Will give their sample in the designated area and exit the airport. They will be followed up
by the State Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP).
b. The concerned State authorities/airport operators will collect and convey the test report
to the traveller.
c. If tested negative, they will remain in home quarantine for 7 days and regularly followed
up by the concerned State/District IDSP. These travellers shall again be tested after 7 days
and if negative, released from quarantine, and continue to monitor their health for a
further 7 days.
d. All those tested positive shall undergo the procedure as detailed in clause (xviii) below.
xvii. All other travellers from Europe and Middle East (other than those in flights originating from
Brazil, South Africa and United Kingdom) who have to exit the destination airport or take
connecting flights to their final domestic destination:
a. Shall give samples at the designated area and exit the airport.
b. The concerned State authorities/airport operators will collect and convey the test report
to the traveller.
c. If the test report is negative, they will be advised to self-monitor their health for 14 days.
d. If the test report is positive, they will undergo treatment as per standard health protocol.
xviii. Travellers from Brazil, South Africa and United Kingdom, testing positive (either at the
airport or subsequently during home quarantine period or their contacts who turn positive) shall
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be isolated in an institutional isolation facility in a separate (isolation) unit coordinated by the
respective State Health Authorities. They would earmark specific facilities for such isolation and
treatment and take necessary action to send the positive samples to Indian SARS-CoV-2 Genomics
Consortium (INSACOG) Labs.
a. If the report of the sequencing is consistent with the current SARS-CoV-2 virus genome
circulating in the country; the ongoing treatment protocol including home
isolation/treatment at facility level as per case severity may be followed.
b. If the genomic sequencing indicates the presence of new variant of SARS-CoV-2 then the
patient will continue to remain in a separate isolation unit. While necessary treatment as
per the existing protocol will be given, the patient shall be tested on 14
day, after having
tested positive in the initial test. The patient will be kept in the isolation facility till his
sample is tested negative.
xix. The State-wise passenger manifest of the flights originating from Europe and Middle East and
landing at Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru, Hyderabad and Chennai airports in India for the said period
shall be conveyed by the Bureau of Immigration to State Government/Integrated Disease
Surveillance Programme (IDSP) [[email protected] and designated e-mails provided by the
respective State Governments] so that this data would be provided to the surveillance teams. This
data of manifests provided by Bureau of Immigration will be supplemented by the online Self-
Declaration Forms available on ‘AIR SUVIDHA’ portal.
xx. All the contacts* of travellers arriving from UK, South Africa and Brazil who test positive (either at
the airport or subsequently during home quarantine period), shall be subjected to institutional
quarantine in separate quarantine centers and would be tested on the 7
day (or early if develop
symptoms). Contacts testing positive shall be accordingly further followed as mentioned in Clause
(xviii) above.
xxi. Information regarding any passenger covered within the scope of this SOP, who has moved to
another State will be immediately notified to the concerned State Health Authority. If any
passenger is not traceable initially or during any duration while being followed up should be
immediately notified to Central Surveillance Unit of IDSP by the District Surveillance Officer.
International Travellers on short stay
xxii. International travellers (covered under Part A or Part B) on short stay (less than 14 days) and
who have tested negative and remain symptom free, shall undergo all the procedures as above
and shall be permitted to leave India under proper intimation to their District/State health
authorities, subject to them fulfilling the requirement of the airlines and destination country.
* Contacts of the suspect case are the co-passengers seated in the same row, 3 rows in front and 3
rows behind along with identified Cabin Crew. Also, all the community contacts of those travellers
who have tested positive (during home quarantine period) would be subjected to institutional
quarantine in separate Quarantine Centers for 14 days and tested as per ICMR protocol.
States may consider (if required) additional requirements with regards to testing, quarantine and
isolation as per their risk assessment.
The States should however do the same under timely intimation to Ministry of Civil Aviation and
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
Further, States should adequately publicize such additional requirements on their official websites
well in advance to avoid inconvenience to the travellers.
The travellers destined to a specific State are also requested to refer to State specific official
websites to be well informed about such additional requirements.
Algorithm: Standard Operating Procedure for International Arrivals
*Contacts of the case include the co-passengers seated in the same row, 3 rows in front & 3 rows behind, along with the identified Cabin Crew as well as high-risk contacts
in the community (as defined in Guidelines for Contact Tracing of Covid-19 Cases in Community Settings, available at
** Those exiting the airport may be allowed to exit after sampling, however those transiting to other domestic destinations shall proceed for exit only after a negative test
# Report to a medical facility If symptoms develop
Information regarding any passenger covered within the scope of this SOP, who travels to another State, will be immediately notified to the concerned State Health
If any passenger is not traceable initially or during any duration while being followed up should be immediately notified to Central Surveillance Unit of IDSP by the District
Surveillance Officer
International Arrival
International arrival from flights originating in UK, Europe and Middle
Mandatory filling up of Self-Declaration Form (SDF) and uploading of negative RT-PCR test report for all International
Travelers to comply to directions from airlines for segregating
travelers from Brazil, South Africa and United Kingdom
Non-transiting travelers
Transiting travelers (T on SDF)
Those traveling
from Brazil,
South Africa and
United Kingdom
traveling from
Give sample at
designated area
and exit
Give sample at
area and exit
health for
14 days
for 7 days
and re-test
as per
Those traveling from
Brazil, South Africa
and United Kingdom
Those traveling
from other
Give sample at
designated area and
take connecting flight
only after
confirmation of
approved negative
test report
Give sample at
area and
proceed for the
for 7 days
and re-test
Contacts* of positive cases
Contact of a positive case
traveling from Brazil, South
Africa and United Kingdom
Contact of a positive case
traveling from other
Separate institutional
quarantine and test on
day or early, if
symptoms develop
for 7 days
Home quarantine for 7
days and test
as per
for 7
Self health
for 7 days
Airlines to ensure availability of negative RT-PCR report before allowing the travelers to board
Genomic sequencing for variant strain
Follow treatment protocol for
the circulating strain (SARS-
Continue separate Isolation,
treatment and discharge after
negative test report
Positive for variant
Negative for variant
PositivePositiveNegative Negative
health for
14 days (#)
as per
International arrival from all other
Those traveling to India in the
exigency of death in the family
Self monitor
health for 14
days (#)
Treatment as per health
protocol for all except
those coming from
Brazil, South Africa and
UK shall follow the
protocol prescribed in
this algorithm
Self monitor
health for 7
days (#)
Give samples at designated area of
arrival airport and proceed for
If symptoms
Those allowed exemption from pre-
arrival mandatory RT-PCR Testing
Travelers to apply online using Air
Suvidha portal for exemption prior
to their arrival and should have
received approval for grant of
Self health
for 7 days
Self monitor
Health for 14