Tips for Running a Ministry Fair
Goal: The purpose of a Ministry Fair is to augment the stewardship effort by increasing levels of
participation, involvement, and awareness of ministries within the parish community.
The Ministry Fair is Multi-Purposed:
A celebration of the work of the Church
A thank you to all those who carry out the mission of the parish
A time to highlight the services available within the parish
An occasion for those already involved to develop a greater sense of who they are and
what their mission is.
A ministry extravaganza is an event in which all ministries, programs, and services are showcased
at one time each having its own table, booth, or space. This is an occasion in which all
parishioners are able to meet people and gather information about the various ministries within
the parish. This event allows parishioners to ask questions and also brings them to a greater
awareness of all the opportunities the parish has to offer.
After all Masses during a weekend in the Social Hall or outside under tents, with food and
beverage. You may want to consider a parish picnic, cookout, or coffee and donuts. It is important
to have events that will capture the attention of children and offer multiple reasons for adults to
Hosting a Ministry Fair requires much time and preparation. Take the time to plan your fair well
and start early. Developing teams of people who are responsible for specific aspects of the Fair
can lighten the workload for you, the parish staff, and the Stewardship Council. Also, the more
people involved in the event fosters a stronger sense of ownership and contributes to its success.
The following are a list of teams that can aid with you in these efforts:
In consultation with the pastoral leadership, plan a date and reserve a site (usually the
Social Hall). If outside, please make rain contingencies.
Establish a budget. Again, working with your pastoral leaders.
Mark the weekends (3) on the parish calendar and gather a team to coordinate the
project. The first weekend should be lay witness talks. The following weekend is for the
ministry fair. The last weekend is for the parishioners to have the opportunity to turn in
their commitment cards during Mass.
Determine which ministries or individuals should provide lay witness talks.
Contact all organizations/ministries/programs/activities by a letter to invite to participate
in the Ministry Fair. Be careful not to exclude anyone, even a group that may do
something only once a year. If you want the ministry to provide a lay witness talk, please
extend the invitation in the letter. If the organization chooses not to participate in the
fair, request that they still turn in the Ministry Descriptions Form or request an updated
description to include in the brochure. Give deadlines to RSVP for participation and for
their updated information to be returned to the Stewardship Council.
Begin to develop a brochure outlining ministries, descriptions, and contact names.
Plan layout configurations for all participating parish groups.
Make sure that every table/booth has someone available at all times during the fair in
order to answer questions. Please make this expectation clear in your invitation letter.
Planning Teams:
Communications/Public Relations:
Prepare to mail a letter from the pastor, inviting all members of the parish to attend.
Prepare (or utilize provided) bulletin announcements, and give to parish secretary.
Post information on the parish website and social media platforms.
Design signs/posters for parish and local community to advertise.
Design special flyers to school, religious education classes, and other organizations.
Set Up/Decorations:
Signs for all organizations.
Tables - does the parish have enough or do you need to borrow/rent?
Tables cloths and/or banners.
Name Tags.
Two/Three Weeks before the Ministry Fair:
Bulletin Announcements
Email blast or include in eNewsletter
Ensure info is on the website and social media
The Week before the Ministry Fair:
Parish brochures/booklets are distributed.
Use one or a combination of homily, lay witness talks to promote time and talent
opportunities in the parish.
The Day of the Ministry Fair:
Pastors/pastoral administrators should make announcements at all of the Masses.
The day before or that Saturday, organize tables, signs, and set-up for food/beverage.
Have a sign-in sheet with names, phone numbers, and email addresses for all parishioners
who attend the fair.
Have the team to help with the clean-up of the hall/site. This is also a great time to tap
into confirmation students who are completing service hours.
Ministry Commitment Sunday (the weekend after the fair):
Collect Ministry Commitments before and after Masses. Encourage parishioners who
have not yet decided to bring commitment cards to the parish office within the next week.
Priests/pastoral administrators should thank all parishioners who have decided to
become more actively involved in parish life.
It is critical to have an acknowledgement process ready to take effect once the
information is collected. One suggestion is to have the Stewardship Council send an
acknowledgement/thank you note, telling them that they will be notified by a specific
date from the ministry chair. The parishioner is to be encouraged to contact the
Stewardship Council (provide contact information) if they have NOT heard from the
ministry chair by that date. This allows a good follow-up plan to be implemented and
centralized, and reduces the frustration or people who sign up and then feel ignored.
Make a listing available of all new volunteers to all ministries.
Additional Ideas:
Have a picture collage of ministries.
Have a contest between the ministries for the best or most creative display.
To encourage traffic at all tables, have a prize drawing which may be entered by attendees
once they collect signatures from a certain number of tables.
Have a booth for welcoming new parish members. New member packets should also be
Have extra ministry brochure/booklet and commitment cards available for the vestibules.
This will encourage greater awareness and further participation for the ministries
throughout the year.