Section 4:
Ministry Fair
Section Contents:
Stewardship Roadmap 3
1. Ministry Fair Overview 4
Purposes of the Ministry Fair 4
Essential Components of the Ministry Fair 4
2. Getting Started 5
Ministry Fair Committee Kick-Off Meeting 5
Option 1 for Planning 7
Option 2 for Planning 9
3. Lessons Learned (Tips and Tricks) 12
4. Examples and Templates 13
5. Additional Resources and Websites 23
“We are all stewards of the Church….
so stewardship in an ecclesial setting means cherishing and fostering
the gifts of all, while using one’s own gifts to serve the community of faith..”
~Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, U.S. Bishops’ Pastoral Letter on Stewardship
Stewardship Roadmap
The Stewardship Manual provides a roadmap to implementing and sustaining a
successful Stewardship process in a parish. The roadmap is divided into 6 sections:
1. Developing a Stewardship Committee
2. Assessing Ministries and Creating a Future Vision
3. Educating and Forming the Parish on Stewardship
4. Conducting the Ministry Fair
5. Committing Time Talent and Treasure
6. Sustaining Stewardship
The Manual contains 4 additional sections containing materials for:
Appendix A – Discernment of Gifts
Appendix B – Children’s Stewardship
Appendix C A Steward’s Prayer and Reflection Journal
Appendix D Sunday Homilies – Forming Communities in the Spirit of
Each section provides an overview, suggested steps for implementation, lessons
learned, tools, sample materials, and external resources that can be used to initiate and
sustain Stewardship in a parish. This section (highlighted in gray above) addresses
Conducting a Ministry Fair.
Ministries &
on CD
& Blurbs
Educate/Form on Parish Stewardship
Leading to Commitment Sunday
Commit Time,
Talent &
(& Follow-Up)
Ongoing – Throughout the Year
Months After Months Prior
Four Weeks Leading to Commitment Sunday
Educate/Form Parish on Stewardship - Ongoing
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Ministry Fair Overview
The Ministry Fair provides parishioners an opportunity to experience the depth of Christian ministry in
the parish. For those parishes developing a Stewardship process, this affords a unique occasion to
emphasize its priorities. The Ministry Fair is a highly effective instrument to help parishioners
determine how to use their gifts in service to others and be good stewards of their lives. Parishes
have found that holding a Ministry Fair every 1 – 3 years is very beneficial in attracting new members
to more active involvement in parish life.
Purposes of the Ministry Fair
The purposes of the Ministry Fair are to:
Present/represent parish ministries, programs, and services to the members of the parish.
Be a visible and physical demonstration of the parish stewardship process (if applicable).
Help parishioners understand the impact that their gifts of time, talent, and treasure have on
the lives of others in the parish community.
Promote a better understanding of stewardship as a way of life.
Invite parishioners to volunteer their time and talent.
Essential Components of the Ministry Fair
A successful Ministry Fair is comprised of these necessary components which will be described in
detail in the remainder of this section:
Post Fair Contact
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Getting Started
If the parish has a Stewardship Committee, this Committee should oversee and be responsible for the
planning and implementation of the Ministry Fair.
If this is not the case, the pastor or appointed parish staff member could recommend ministry leaders
and/or parishioners to be members of a Ministry Fair Committee. An announcement could be placed
in the parish bulletin inviting volunteers to be part of this newly formed Committee.
Once members have been established, the pastor, staff member, or appointed parishioner should
contact the members of the Committee and inform them of the date and time of the first Ministry Fair
Committee Meeting. It is advisable not
to rely too heavily on email or left messages but to talk directly
with the members. This meeting should take place within the next 4 weeks of establishing its
Ministry Fair Committee Kick-Off Meeting
6 months prior to the Ministry Fair
Every meeting should begin and adjourn with a Stewardship prayer such as Example 4.1 on page 14,
or another prayer of the Committee’s choice. Listed below are the remaining activities that should
take place at this meeting:
Select and plan the role of a chairperson:
In the selection of a chair person take into consideration the willingness and capability of the person
to accept and commit to the responsibilities for the duration of the planning and implementation of the
Ministry Fair.
These duties may include but are not limited to:
1. Create meeting agendas.
2. Collect contact information of committee members.
3. Oversee and insure that the responsibilities and duties are fulfilled in a timely manner by
individual committee members.
4. Build consensus among committee members.
Establish a budget for the Fair
Determine possible budgetary needs for the event. Most likely, this budget will be dependent upon
the scope and size of the Ministry Fair along with the parish finances. Costs to be considered may
include, but not limited to, outside advertising, refreshments, decorating, exhibit boards, rental of
equipment, banners, etc. Consider the possibility of parish donations to defray these costs or
involving the ministries in hosting bake sales and other fundraisers.
Something to think about – create banners listing all ministries available in the parish, such as those
shown in Example 4.2, on page 15. The banners can be displayed at the fair or in the back of the
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Establish a date of the Fair
If the parish is holding a Stewardship Commitment Sunday, the Ministry Fair should be held the week
immediately preceding it.
Other ideas to consider is that some parishes hold the Ministry Fair at a special time that has
importance in the life of the parish i.e. celebration of the parish’s feast day or anniversary date.
The parish may want to hold the Ministry Fair based around the Church’s liturgical calendar. The time
of the year may be an important factor, especially if the Parish is planning on having an outside event.
Establish a time of the Fair
Once a date is decided upon, the time of the day must be considered. Most parishes hold the Ministry
Fair around the Mass schedule since this is the time when the greatest number of parishioners will
However, some parishes may wish to hold the Ministry Fair at only one Mass. This has the advantage
of creating a special feeling of community as all parishioners come together around a single Mass.
When exercising this option, special consideration must be made regarding the location chosen by
the parish. Is it able to handle every parishioner at one Mass, including parking, food, transportation
and seating?
A parish could hold a separate event for their Ministry Fair modeled after a Parish Festival or picnic.
This would probably necessitate a timeframe of 3 to 4 hours.
One parish decided to hold a Sunday afternoon festival. The hours were from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Using
the theme, “Taste of the Ministries,” each individual Ministry set up their table and offered their own
“taste.” Included were a chili cook-off, wine and food tasting, coffee and home made donuts
contributed by the Coffee and Donuts Ministry. In addition, children’s games and a raffle were
available. Proof of its success was evident in the number of new members added to the parish. In
addition, a very successful Stewardship Commitment Card Weekend followed.
Decide on a location of the Fair
Where is the best place to conduct the parish Ministry Fair? The answer to this will vary on a parish
by parish basis. Take into consideration ease of access for parishioners, ability to prepare and serve
refreshments (if applicable), convenience and availability of parking. Ideally, the location of the
Ministry Fair will be one where the maximum number of parishioners can participate.
Ease of access is the primary issue. Make it convenient for persons to attend by creating a straight
line from the church to the Ministry Fair and then to the parking lot. As an example, one parish put up
a tent on the front lawn of their church between the church and the parking lot. As a result, every
parishioner who attended Mass also attended the Ministry Fair.
Parish halls, gymnasiums, as well as the interior of the church are also locations to be considered.
Make sure the location is wheel chair accessible to accommodate disabled parishioners.
Decide on a theme of the Fair
A theme will help to maintain continuity among the various ministries, programs and services that will
be exhibiting at the Fair.
When deciding on the theme, take into account the season of the year, the liturgical calendar, or
some unique characteristic of the parish i.e. its architecture, its tradition, its diversity. Be as
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
imaginative and creative as possible in the plan development! The following are some ideas for
theme consideration:
In the springtime, consider the theme of “planting seeds” and “growing” stewards.
If the Ministry Fair is close to Pentecost, consider the theme of empowering the church for
If the Ministry Fair is held in the fall, consider a thanksgiving theme, or perhaps the harvesting
of gifts of time, talent and treasure for the work of God’s Kingdom in the community. Other
themes to build upon are “Fishers of Men and Women,” “Taste” of the Ministries.
One parish showed their creativity by creating a pathway through the parish hall so that everyone
experienced the Ministry Fair in chronological order according to life events. The first booth was the
Baptism Committee and the last booth was the Cemetery Committee! Everything else, from First
Communion to adult ministries fell in between. They titled the Ministry Fair, “Pathway to Heaven.”
Delegation of duties among the Ministry Fair Committee
Compile a list of ministry leaders. This list should include the ministry leaders of all the
organizations within the parish. Be sure to include all groups even if they only meet once or
twice a year or 15 minutes a week. It might be advisable to confirm this list with the pastor or
appointed parish staff member to assure no ministry is overlooked.
Compile contact information. Once a valid list is created, delegate committee member/s
(dependent upon the size of your list) to compile contact information of the ministry leaders.
This may include the home/work phone number, cell phone number, email address and home
Contact ministry leaders. Once the Ministry Fair Committee has a complete list of the
ministry leaders’ contact information, a decision needs to be made as to how the Committee
would like to proceed in establishing and maintaining contact with leaders by selecting Option
1 or Option 2 for Planning as described on the following pages.
Option 1 for Planning
This option primarily relies on correspondence, emails and phone calls as the main source of contact.
If a parish is limited in its number of volunteers this option can be accomplished with as few as 1-3
The Option 1 timetable described below should be viewed as only a suggestion. It can be altered
according to what a parish feels is a reasonable timeframe for their event.
5 months prior to the Ministry Fair
The Ministry Fair Committee should create a mailing that will be sent to all ministry leaders 4 months
prior to the event. The following should be included in the mailing:
Invitation letter to participate in the Ministry Fair, as in Example 4.3, page 16 that includes
information such as the following:
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
o Date, time, and location of the Fair
o Purpose of the Fair (such as that described on page 4 of this section of the manual)
o Suggestions of how they are to promote their ministry
Power point
Ministry Fair Participation Form, as in Example 4.4, page 17, that includes a request for
information such as:
o Ministry Name
o Contact Person: name, phone and email
o Confirmation of participation: “yes” or “no”
o List of ministry volunteers to staff the tables at the Fair
o Date when form should be returned
4 months prior
The Committee should mail the invitation letter and participation form to all ministry leaders inviting
them to participate in the Ministry Fair.
3 months prior
Committee members should call any ministries that have yet to respond to the invitation letter.
2 months prior
Meet with the Ministry Fair Committee to plan and delegate responsibility for the following:
Serve refreshments – keep them simple and within the budget. Suggestions of refreshments
include coffee and donuts in the morning, cookies or pizza and punch in the evening.
Set up/clean up – determine how many volunteers will be needed and the timeframes.
Draw up the floor plan – the placement and flow of ministries is important. Grouping certain
ministries together will help with the flow, for example placing all Youth Ministries together,
Faith Formation together, etc.
Decorations – this may include but not be limited to balloons, color scheme table clothes,
welcome signs or even a raffle to entice parishioners. The decorations should be coordinated
with the theme of the Fair.
Schedule a lay witness talk – consider asking parishioners to speak at the Masses on the
weekend of the Ministry Fair about their involvement in ministry. (Refer to Lay Witness
Guidelines, Section 3 of this manual – Parish Stewardship Education and Formation, page 8.)
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
1 month prior
The Ministry Fair Committee meets to review preparation activity to date (described above) and to
develop a confirmation letter, such as Example 4.5, page 18, that will be mailed 1 week prior to the
event and includes the following information:
The time the ministry can set up their table
The timeframe for dismantling their display
A “thank you” for giving of their time
1 week prior
The Ministry Fair Committee should meet at this time to finalize all plans and to have a time of prayer
together. This last meeting could be scheduled around a Mass or adoration hour.
The Committee should mail the confirmation letters at this time that were described above.
2 weeks post
Send a note of thanks to all ministry leaders, lay witnesses and other important participants, e.g.
Facility Maintenance Staff. Place an announcement in the parish bulletin naming winners of the raffle
(if applicable) and thanking all the parishioners who attended the event. See Example 4.6, page 19,
for a sample of such a letter.
Option 2 for Planning
Option 2 relies on a combination of correspondence, emails, phone calls and meetings. This is a
more labor intensive approach with more emphasis put on face to face communication with the
ministry leaders. This option may be better suited for parishes with a larger community and, thereby,
more members on the Ministry Fair Committee to help share the responsibilities. However, it will
work equally well with all parishes, regardless of their size.
The below timetable should be viewed as only a suggestion. It can be altered according to what a
parish feels is a reasonable timeframe for their event.
5 months prior to the Ministry Fair
The Ministry Fair Committee should create a mailing to send to all ministry leaders 4 months prior to
the Fair. The following should be included in the mailing:
Invitation letter to attend the Ministry Leaders’ Meeting, as in Example 4.7, page 20. This
meeting should be held approximately 3 months prior to the Fair.
*As a suggestion, when choosing an alternate meeting day to include in the letter for the
Ministry Leaders’ Meeting, select different weekdays and a different week i.e. Tuesday of the
first week of the month and Wednesday of the 2
week of the month.
Agenda for the Ministry Leaders’ Meeting, as in Example 4.8, page 21, that includes topics
such as:
o Introduction to Stewardship
o Description and goals of a Ministry Fair
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
o Review of pertinent forms and information needed
o Time for questions
The Committee should also develop the following to be distributed at the Ministry Leaders’ Meeting:
Ministry Fair Participation Form to gather individual ministry information, as in Example 4.4,
page 17.
Ministry Fair Summary of Event, as in Example 4.9, page 22, that will include information such
as the following:
o Date of event
o Theme
o Start and end times
o Take down time for displays
o Location of displays
o Map of display locations
o Name and contact info of Ministry Fair Committee
o Name and contact info of facility maintenance staff
The Committee should also plan and delegate responsibility for the following:
Serve refreshments – keep them simple and within the budget. Suggestions of refreshments
include coffee and donuts in the morning, cookies or pizza and punch in the evening.
Set up/clean up – determine how many volunteers will be needed and the timeframes.
Draw up the floor plan – the placement and flow of ministries is important. Grouping certain
ministries together will help with the flow, for example placing all Youth Ministries together,
Faith Formation together, etc.
Decorations – this may include but not be limited to balloons, color scheme table clothes,
welcome signs or even a raffle to entice parishioners. The decorations should be coordinated
with the theme of the Fair.
Schedule a lay witness talk – consider asking parishioners to speak at the Masses on the
weekend of the Ministry Fair about their involvement in ministry. (Refer to Lay Witness
Guidelines, Section 3 of this manual – Parish Stewardship Education and Formation, page 8.)
4 months prior
Mail the invitation letters described above to all ministry leaders, inviting them to attend the Ministry
Leaders’ Meeting.
3 ½ months prior
The Ministry Fair Committee members should contact each ministry leaders to verify that the
Invitational letter was received and to confirm that the each ministry leader or a delegate will be
attending one of the meetings. Hopefully, at that time, the ministry leader will be in a position to
commit to the meeting date that works best.
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
It is advisable to make direct contact with the ministry leaders rather than leaving a message. If
emailing, be sure to receive a reply. A combination of phone call and email is the most effective
A reminder phone call or email 3-4 days prior to the meeting
, is an excellent way to increase
3 months prior
While the Ministry Fair Committee hosts the Ministry Leaders’ Meeting, it is helpful if the pastor or
appointed parish staff member is present to show their support and encourage participation in this
event. The meeting should be scheduled for one hour. As described on the agenda, Example 4.8,
page 21, the purpose of the meeting is to:
Set the spiritual tone of the Ministry Fair
Give an introduction on Stewardship
State the goals of the Ministry Fair
Provide information to ministry leaders (or delegates) through the Ministry Fair Summary form
Gather information from ministry leaders using the Confirmation Form
Answer any questions
Attendees of the meeting will receive:
Stewardship Prayer, Example 4.1, page 14
Meeting Agenda, Example 4.8, page 21
Ministry Fair Summary Form, Example 4.9, page 22
Ministry Fair Participation Form, Example 4.4, page 17
1 month prior
The Ministry Fair Committee may decide to meet again. The purpose of this meeting would be to get
an update on the progress of the attending ministries.
This also affords the chairperson the opportunity to see if other duties and responsibilities are being
completed in a timely manner and to handle any questions or concerns.
1 week prior
The Ministry Fair Committee should meet at this time to finalize all plans and to have a time of prayer
together. This last meeting could be scheduled around a Mass or adoration hour.
2 weeks post
Send a note of thanks to all ministry leaders, lay witnesses and other important participants, e.g.
Facility Maintenance Staff. Place an announcement in the parish bulletin naming winners of the raffle
(if applicable) and thanking all the parishioners who attended the event. See Example 4.6, page 19,
for a sample of such a letter.
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Lessons Learned (Tips and Tricks)
Lessons learned in conducting a Ministry Fair include:
Plan Ahead – It is helpful to set dates long in advance. Fairs take a great deal of time and
Publicize – Get the word out as soon as the date for the Fair is set and be creative in
regularly advertising through to the date of the Fair. Constant publicity can’t be stressed
Be Inclusive – Invite each and every organization to set up a display at the Fair but don’t
force any organization to participate. Instead, let the positive impact of Stewardship work on
those who may then plan to participate in future Fairs.
Coach the Ministry Leaders – Stress the importance of each ministry staffing their “booth” at
all times during the Fair so that questions of interested parishioners can be answered.
Encourage Creativity – Consider having a contest between the organizations for the best or
most creative displays.
Make it Social – Providing food and beverage at the Fair is a must…and the more creative
the better! Also, consider serving something special for the volunteers at the Fair. It’s
important to show gratitude to those who have given so much of themselves.
Keep it Informational Only! – Rather than being a solicitation tool, the Ministry Fair should
only be used to help parishioners gather information that will assist them in completing their
time/talent commitment form on Commitment Sunday.
Invite Parishioners – Ask parishioners to explore opportunities and ask questions. It is
especially helpful if the pastor or a parish staff member encourage the parishioners to stop in
at the Fair and consider how God is calling them to share their gifts with the parish.
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Examples and Templates
Included in this section are sample materials for your reference, adaptation and use in planning a
Ministry Fair in your Parish. Included here are:
4.1. Stewardship prayer
4.2. Sample ministry banners
4.3. Invitation Letter – Option 1
4.4. Ministry Fair Participation Form
4.5. Confirmation Letter
4.6. Post Ministry Fair Thank You Letter
4.7. Invitation Letter – Option 2
4.8 Ministry Leaders’ Meeting Agenda – Option 2
4.9 Ministry Fair Summary Form
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Example 4.1.
Stewardship Prayer
Oh Lord, giver of life and source of
our freedom,
We are reminded by the Psalmist that
Yours is “the earth and its fullness;
the world and those who dwell in it.”
We know that it is from your hand
that we have received all we have and
are and will be.
Gracious and loving God,
We understand that You call us to be the
Stewards of your abundance,
the caretakers of all You have entrusted to us.
Help us always to use Your gifts wisely
and teach us to share them generously.
May our faithful stewardship bear witness
to the love of Christ in our lives.
We pray with grateful hearts,
in Jesus’ name.
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Example 4.2.
Sample Ministry Banners
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Example 4.3.
Invitation Letter – Option 1
Parish Letterhead
<Salutation name>,
On the weekend of <
> we will be hosting our Parish Ministry Fair. The object of this fair
is to inform parishioners about the numerous ministries available in our parish and invite
them to become involved in areas that meet their needs and talents.
The parish very much appreciates your ministry and would like to assist you in continuing
your work toward your goals and future growth. With this in mind, I would like to invite
your group to participate in this event. To help in your publicity, we recommend each group
provides a poster with the name of their group as well as literature explaining the goals and
purpose of the group. Parishioners will be receiving a ministry catalog detailing all of the
ministries. However the fair is your opportunity to provide more in depth information about
your ministry. I encourage you to be creative with your tables and feel free to use any
electronic or other medium available.
I look forward to your participation in this event. Please fill in the attached form and return
it to the rectory (
or place of your choice
) by <
Thank you for your help in making this a successful event. May God continue to bless you in
your ministry and to His Church and people.
Ministry Fair Chairperson or Delegate
E mail address
Phone number
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Example 4.4.
Ministry Fair Participation Form
Ministry Name: _____________________________________________
Ministry Contact: _____________________________________________
Name Phone No.
Email Address
Ministry Mission Statement: _______________________________________
Yes, we will be able participate in the Ministry Fair _________
No, we will not be able to participate in the Ministry Fair _________
The following members will staff our ministry table at the below Masses:
Saturday (date and time) __________________________________
Sunday (date and time) __________________________________
Sunday (date and time) __________________________________
Sunday (date and time) __________________________________
Please return this completed form to (name and contact information), no later
than (date).
Thank you for your help in making this a successful event.
“It is not how much we give
but how much Love we put into giving.”
Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Example 4.5.
Confirmation Letter
Parish Letterhead
Dear Ministry Fair Participant:
Thank you for participating in the Ministry Fair. We appreciate you giving of your time and
talents to share your ministry with other parishioners and we value the work your ministry
does for the parish.
The following information will help you plan for the event:
Date of the event
Time the event begins
Time the event ends
Location of the event
Set up time for display tables
Take down time for display tables
Again, thank you for all your efforts and may God bless you.
Ministry Fair Chairperson or Delegate
E mail Address
Phone number
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Example 4.6.
Post Ministry Fair Thank You Letter
Parish Letterhead
<Group Name>
<City, OH, Zip>
Dear (Salutation Name):
What a great turn out for the Ministry Fair!
Thank you for all your efforts in making this year’s Ministry Fair a great success. Please
extend our thanks to all the members of your ministry who volunteered their time and
talent during this weekend.
It is evident that God has blessed our Parish with many special people who are willing to
share the joy that our ministries have added to their lives.
(Include any follow up information, if applicable)
Again, thank you for your participation. May God bless you.
Ministry Fair Committee
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Example 4.7.
Invitation Letter – Option 2
Parish Letterhead
<Group Name>
<City>, OH <Zip>
Dear <
Salutation Name>
On the weekend of (
), we will be hosting our Parish Ministry Fair. The object of the fair is to
inform parishioners about the numerous ministries available in our parish and invite them to become
involved in areas that meet their needs and talents. We value the work of your ministry and would
like to invite your group to participate in this event.
The Ministry Fair Stewardship Committee is inviting all ministry leaders to a meeting to discuss the
Ministry Fair in more detail.
In order to accommodate everyone’s busy schedule, we are offering a choice of two dates. You, or a
delegate from your ministry, need only attend one meeting.
Date, Time
Date, Time
The meeting is scheduled to last one hour. The goals and guidelines for the Ministry Fair will be
presented by the Ministry Fair Committee. We will meet at
Please let us know, no later than
), (by email or phone) what date you or a delegate will be
We look forward to having all the leaders and/or delegates come together for this important meeting!
May God continue to bless you and your ministry.
Ministry Fair Chairperson or Delegate
Email Address
Phone Number
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Example 4.8.
Ministry Leaders’ Meeting Agenda – Option 2
Opening Stewardship Prayer Pastor or Chairperson 7:00 to 7:05
Introduction on Stewardship Pastor or Chairperson 7:05 to 7:15
Goals of the Ministry Fair Chairperson 7:15 to 7:25
Review of Ministry Fair Summary Form Chair or Co-Chairperson 7:25 to 7:35
Explanation of the Information Form Chair or Co-Chairperson 7:35 to 7:40
Fill out Information Form Ministry Leaders/delegate 7:40 to 7:50
Questions All 7:50 to 8:00
Closing Prayer Pastor or Chairperson
clip art used with permission from the Diocese of Rockville Centre
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Example 4.9.
Ministry Fair Summary Form
Date of Event
Theme of Event
Time of Event (begins & ends)
Set Up Time for Displays
Take Down Time for Displays
Location of Displays
Map of Display Locations
Miscellaneous Information
Names & contact Information of
Ministry Fair Committee
Names & Contact Information of
Custodial Staff
Name Phone
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Link to the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Stewardship Office. OR go to
and click on the Stewardship Office link.
Link to the International Catholic Stewardship Council.
Link to a Catholic free clip art web site.
Link to Diocese of Metuchen --resources for weekly scripture selections based on stewardship
Link to Diocese of Rockville stewardship page, with many free downloadable resources.
Link for a variety of resources on stewardship and other topics from the US Bishops Conference.
Link to the Archdiocese of St. Louis, and in particular, their bulletin inserts regarding weekly
stewardship themes.
Link to the Diocese of Wichita stewardship page with free downloadable resources.
Link to learning more about this incredible journey of parishioners sharing gifts. St. Barnabas
Parish in Northfield has had a remarkable experience with this approach.
Link to a Catholic perspective and suggestions for fostering faith at work.
Useful Web sites for personal prayer/study:
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
This link leads to publications for use in parishes, particularly products to enhance the liturgical
worship and personal devotional life for Catholic parishes. Their catalogs include hundreds of
Christian print and electronic media products.
Related DVDs available to borrow from the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland Stewardship
Office (call 216-696-6525 and ask for the Stewardship Office)
NOOMA, “Rich”, an engaging 10 minute DVD about the need to share our gifts with the larger
RSI Catholic Services Group, “Reflections on the Pastoral Letter”, an enlightening DVD featuring
the late Archbishop Thomas J. Murphy who shares his experiences of chairing the Bishops’
committee that wrote the USCCB Pastoral Letter – Stewardship – A Disciple’s Response.
Books, articles and other links related to Stewardship
Buckingham, Marcus and Donald O. Clifton, Now, Discover Your Strengths
, New York: Free
Press, 2001.
Buckingham, Marcus, First, Break All the Rules
(see ).
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, Evangelization Office, 1404 E. Ninth Street, Cleveland, OH,
44114 or call 216-696-6525. All Are Welcome – A Manual for Parish Hospitality.
Champlin, Joseph, M, A Way of Life
, Collegeville, Minnesota: Liturgical Press, 2004 or go to
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Clements, Justin C., Stewardship – A Parish Handbook, Liguori, Missouri: Liguori Publications,
2000 or go to
Conway, Daniel, Stewardship in America – A Countercultural Way of Life
, Indianapolis, Indiana:
Saint Catherine of Siena Press, 2006 or go to
Conway, Daniel, What Do I Own and What Owns Me?
, Mystic, CT: Twenty-Third Publications,
2005 or go to
Diocese of Wichita, 424 N. Broadway, Wichita, KS 67202; Four Pillars of Stewardship
, invites
parishioners to experience, witness and live the stewardship way of life in response to their
baptismal call to discipleship or go to
Diocese of Saginaw, 5800 Weiss St., Saginaw, MI 48603;
Little Burgundy Book on Stewardship
– scriptural reflections on stewardship.
Heart to Heart Communications, 40 University Avenue, Akron, OH 44308, 330-434-3278 or go to
(good resource for information on applying faith to work issues).
Hendricks, Kathy, Everything About Parish Ministry I Wish I Had Known
, Mystic, CT: Twenty-
Third Publications, 2002 or go to
Hueckel, Sharon, Stewardship by the Book (Bulletin bits based on the Sunday readings),
Huntington, IN: Our Sunday Visitor, 2004 or go to
International Catholic Stewardship Council, 1275 K Street, N.W., Suite 980, Washington, DC
20005-4006, call 1-202-289-1093 or go to
Leider, Richard J. and Shapiro, David, Whistle While You Work: Heeding Your Life’s Calling
San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc.
Lenahan, Phil, 7 Steps to Becoming Financially Free, Huntington, Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor,
2007 or go to
Mahan, Daniel J., More Than Silver or Gold – Homilies of a Stewardship Priest
, Indianapolis,
Indiana: Saint Catherine of Siena Press, 2005 or go to
Morris, Danny, and Olsen, Charles, M., Discerning God’s will Together: A Spiritual Practice for
the Church Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1997.
Nouwen, Henri J.M., The Spirituality of Fundraising, New York: Estate of Henri J.M. Nouwen
Society, 2004 or go to
for a free booklet.
Our Sunday Visitor publishes many different resources on Catholic Stewardship. Go to
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Paprocki, You Give them Something to Eat, Notre Dame, Indiana: Ave Maria Press, 1998.
Petro, Vicky and Palencar, Lee, Spiritual Gifts Experience
is a Gifts Discernment workshop and
workbook that is foundational to living and grooming exceptional stewardship. Call Vicky Petro
for details and to schedule a presentation for your parish or group. at 440-506-0811.
U.S. Catholic Bishops, Office of Publishing and Promotion Services.
Call 1-800-235-8722 or go to
Numerous resources including: Stewardship –
A Disciple’s Response
(A Pastoral Letter on Stewardship); Called and Gifted for the Third
Millennium, reflections of the U.S. Catholic Bishops on the Thirtieth Anniversary of the Decree on
the Apostolate of the Laity, and Global Climate Change
, a religious and moral perspective on the
need for environmental protection.
Warren, Rick, The Purpose Driven Life
, Grand Rapids, Michigan: Zondervan, 2002 or go to
Winesman, Albert L., Clifton, Donal, O., and Liesveld, Curt, Living your Strengths
, New York:
Gallup Press, 2003-2004.
Zech, Charles E., Why Catholics Don’t Give…And What Can Be Done About It
, Huntington,
Indiana: Our Sunday Visitor, 2006.
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Ministry Fair
Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Stewardship Logo
of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland
Our logo is designed to encompass elements of the Catholic Christian’s Stewardship
journey. The three colored spheres signify the most common themes of Stewardship
practice – time, talent, and treasure. The loop encircling the top of the cross represents
the Church, where we are enabled and encouraged to live out our gifts in the hope of
building God’s Kingdom on earth. This hope is rooted in the cross, the most basic tenet
of our faith. In the death and resurrection of Jesus we are offered salvation and our
place in the Kingdom. Living a life of Stewardship is living fully in the knowledge that
God will supply all our needs through the gift we are to each other. The beautiful font,
colors, and general design combine contemporary and traditional styles which reinforce
the awareness that Stewardship is an age-old but ongoing process within our Catholic