Weathering Cash Flow Shocks
James R. Brown
Matthew T. Gustafson
Ivan T. Ivanov
We show that unexpectedly severe winter weather, which is arguably exogenous to
firm and bank fundamentals, represents a significant cash flow shock for the average
bank-borrowing firm. Firms respond to such shocks by increasing credit line use, but
do not significantly adjust cash reserves, non-cash working capital, or real activities.
The increased credit line use occurs within one calendar quarter of the cash flow shock
and is accompanied by an increase in credit line size, for all but the most distressed
borrowers. These results highlight the role of banks in mitigating transitory cash flow
shocks to firms.
The views stated herein are those of the authors and are not necessarily the views of the Federal
Reserve Board or the Federal Reserve System. We thank Heitor Almeida, Mitchell Berlin, Mark Carey,
Kristle Romero Cortes, Christopher James, Kathleen Johnson, Ralf Meisenzahl, Atanas Mihov, Joe Nichols,
Ben Ranish, Robert Sarama, Antoinette Schoar, Phillip Strahan, Nathan Swem, Bastian von Beschwitz,
James Wang and seminar participants at the 13th Annual Conference on Corporate Finance at Washington
University in St. Louis, the 2017 SFS Cavalcade, the Federal Reserve Board, the Federal Reserve Bank of
Philadelphia, the FDIC, Iowa State University, Penn State University, and the SEC for helpful comments.
Iowa State University, College of Business, 3331 Gerdin Business Building, Ames, IA 50011; 515-294-
Smeal College of Business, Penn State University, State College, PA 16801, USA; +1-814-867-4042;
Federal Reserve Board, 20th Street and Constitution Avenue NW, Washington, DC, 20551; 202-452-
2987; ivan.t.iv[email protected]v.
1 Introduction
Despite the extensive literature emphasizing the unique advantages of banks as liquidity
providers (e.g., Kashyap, Rajan, and Stein (2002); Gatev and Strahan (2006)), there is little
empirical evidence on how bank-dependent firms manage idiosyncratic cash flow shocks. One
challenge is the lack of data on the financing activities of private firms, which leads most prior
research to study liquidity management in larger publicly-traded firms (e.g., Sufi (2009)).
Another challenge is that it is difficult to isolate cash flow variation that is exogenous to
firm-level investment opportunities and unrelated to the health of financial intermediaries.
In this paper we introduce a new dataset and a unique empirical setting to overcome
these challenges and provide new evidence on the extent to which firms rely on bank financ-
ing to mitigate the effects of idiosyncratic cash flow shocks. The dataset we employ, which
is only recently available and collected by the Federal Reserve, contains detailed information
on bank loan contracts, including credit line limits, credit line drawn amount, and a range
of borrower (firm) characteristics. Because the data collection covers the full set of firms
in a bank’s loan portfolio with outstanding loan commitments of at least $1 million, we
observe a much broader cross-section of borrowers than most other research on corporate
liquidity management. In particular, our sample is largely comprised of private firms, which
tend to be particularly dependent on bank financing (e.g., Robb and Robinson (2014)). For
example, in our sample the average credit line is 24% of total assets, which is approximately
50% larger than the average for the publicly traded firms studied in Sufi (2009). Thus, this
sample offers a unique opportunity to study the effects of cash flow volatility in a broad
sample of private firms, and to directly evaluate how the borrowers that are most reliant on
credit lines use them to manage liquidity.
To break the endogenous link between cash flow and factors such as investment op-
portunities or the financial health of intermediaries, we introduce abnormally severe local
winter weather as a shock to corporate cash flows. We obtain data on winter weather at
the county level from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). We
find that abnormally-severe weather in the first calendar quarter significantly affects total
annual firm-level cash flows. For example, a two standard deviation increase in abnormal
winter snow cover in a given county reduces the annual cash flow of firms headquartered
in that county by 0.36% of total assets. Partitioning by industry reveals that this negative
relation between snow cover and cash flow exists in all 8 sectors that each comprise over 3%
of our sample, with the effect being statistically significant at the 10% level or better for the
transportation, manufacturing, wholesale and construction industries. This result provides
large scale support for anecdotal and sector-specific evidence that severe weather adversely
affects firm performance (e.g., Tran (2016)).
We use the abnormal winter snow cover in the county of a firm’s headquarters as an
instrumental variable (IV) for cash flow to investigate how firms manage cash flow shocks.
The exclusion restriction is that severe weather affects corporate liquidity management only
through its effect on cash flow. The temporary nature of severe winter weather makes this
assumption plausible. A typical winter storm is unlikely to affect investment opportunities
or access to capital, except through its effect on cash flows. The most severe winter weather
events may affect investment opportunities for reasons other than reduced cash flows. Such
events do not drive our results as our findings are similar after trimming our measures of
abnormal snow cover.
Two-stage least squares (2SLS) regressions reveal an economically large and statistically
significant negative relation between cash flow and credit line drawdowns. The coefficient
estimates suggest that annual credit line drawdowns increase by between 41 and 61 cents
for every $1 reduction in annual cash flow. In addition, the IV estimates indicate a sig-
nificant negative relation between cash flow and changes in credit line limits. On average,
we estimate that the end of year credit limit increases by between 74 cents and $1 and 13
cents for every $1 reduction in firm cash flow. Together, these results show that firms with
existing lending relationships rely extensively on credit lines to manage liquidity, and that
banks accommodate these firms by adjusting credit line limits.
These findings suggest that the average bank-reliant firm uses credit lines as their pri-
mary means of managing liquidity shocks. In contrast, survey evidence in Lins, Servaes,
and Tufano (2010) suggests that larger firms use cash to hedge against potential cash flow
shortfalls, reserving credit line use primarily to pursue investment opportunities. To in-
vestigate whether firms in our sample also use cash to buffer weather induced cash flow
shocks, we employ the same IV approach with the change in cash holdings as the second
stage dependent variable. We find a positive but statistically insignificant relation between
exogenous cash flow shocks and changes in cash, suggesting that cash balances decrease by
approximately 20 cents for every $1 decrease in annual cash flow. We also find a similarly
sized but insignificant relation between cash flows and changes in non-cash working capital.
Importantly, we find no evidence that cash flow shocks significantly affect the accumulation
of either fixed or total assets. Thus, the firms we study fully shield real investment from
cash flow shocks, primarily via credit line adjustments.
In our final set of tests, we estimate the direct relation between abnormal winter snow
cover and corporate outcomes. Consistent with our two-stage estimates, abnormal snow
cover is positively and significantly related to changes in credit line draws and credit line
size, but not to other corporate outcomes. A two standard deviation increase in first quarter
abnormal snow results in the average firm drawing 0.15% of assets more on their credit line
and increasing their credit line size by 0.27% of assets over the course of the year.
An important benefit to this reduced form analysis is that we can examine the relation
between severe winter weather and credit line activity on a quarterly basis. Doing so, we
find that firms respond to abnormal snow in the first calendar quarter by drawing on and
expanding the size of credit lines in the second quarter (i.e., between April 1 and June 30).
Interestingly, abnormal snow cover is negatively related to credit line size during the first
Thus, there is some initial hesitance of banks to offer financing, but (on average)
this hesitance is short-lived, at least for the cash flows shocks we examine, which are exoge-
There is no significant relation between abnormal first quarter snow cover and credit line activity in the
third or fourth calendar quarters.
nous to firm fundamentals.
This one-quarter delay in line expansion is consistent with Sufi
(2009) and Acharya et al. (2014), who argue that bank financing may not be available to
firms experiencing low cash flows or negative profitability shocks. We find further support
for this idea when partitioning the sample on the lender’s assessment of credit risk. As credit
risk increases, credit line size and drawdowns become less related to adverse weather. Thus,
bank financing becomes a less viable liquidity source as borrower financial health deterio-
Our study contributes most directly to the literature that considers the extent to which
firms rely on credit lines as a source of short-term liquidity. Our finding that credit lines are
actively used to manage cash flow shocks is consistent with the large theoretical literature
arguing that credit lines are a valuable and efficient liquidity management tool (e.g., Shock-
ley and Thakor (1997); Holmstrom and Tirole (1998)). Kashyap, Rajan, and Stein (2002)
and Gatev and Strahan (2006) argue that banks are ideal providers of this liquidity because
deposits and credit line drawdowns are imperfectly correlated. Our findings also support the
idea in Diamond (1991) that bank financing may become less accessible for firms as their
financial health deteriorates.
Despite the prominence of credit line use,
there is little evidence that firms rely on credit
lines to manage idiosyncratic cash flow shocks. Rather, many empirical studies question the
extent to which credit lines are a viable source of liquidity when firms face cash flow short-
falls (Sufi (2009); Lins, Servaes, and Tufano (2010)).
Our evidence shows that the average
bank-dependent firm is able to rely extensively on credit lines to manage unexpected cash
Data limitations prevent us from examining how firms manage their liquidity through sources such as
cash buffers and non-cash working capital within the first quarter when credit limits fall.
Sufi (2009) documents that credit lines account for over 80% of bank financing provided to U.S. public
firms, with the median credit line size being approximately 16% of a firm’s total assets. 65% of the private
firms sampled by Demiroglu, James, and Kizilaslan (2012) had a credit line in the year before they were
acquired or went public. Lins, Servaes, and Tufano (2010) conduct an international survey and conclude
that lines of credit are the dominant source of liquidity for companies around the world. See Demiroglu and
James (2011) for a survey of literature on credit line usage.
Other determinants of credit line usage include systemic risk (Acharya, Almeida, and Campello (2013)),
time since loan origination and borrower defaults (Jimenez, Lopez, and Saurina (2009)), governance quality
(Yun (2009)), and variation in bank lending standards (Demiroglu, James, and Kizilaslan (2012)).
flow shocks that are exogenous to firm fundamentals. This evidence contributes to the large
literature on the value of lending relationships (e.g., James and Wier (1990); Petersen and
Rajan (1994)) by providing a specific channel through which bank relationships provide in-
creased access to capital.
These findings complement recent evidence on firm use of credit lines during the financial
crisis. Campello et al. (2011) survey a large number of CFOs from around the world and find
that credit lines helped ease the impact of the financial crisis for firms with available credit.
In a related vein, Berospide and Meisenzahl (2016) show that public firms drew on credit
lines in late-2007 and used these drawdowns to sustain investment during the crisis, while
Ivashina and Scharfstein (2010) document a run on syndicated credit lines leading into the
crisis that was followed by some syndicated lenders cutting back available credit. Ivanov and
Pettit (2017) study how a number of large lenders managed their entire credit line portfolio
during the crisis and find that once bilateral credit lines are taken into account, outstanding
credit line draws at these large institutions appear less consequential from a systemic risk
standpoint. Our setting is notably different in that we focus on exogenous shocks to corpo-
rate cash flow that are uncorrelated with lender financial health. For these types of shocks
credit lines appear to be the primary way bank-dependent firms manage liquidity.
We also contribute to the broader liquidity management literature (e.g., Almeida, Campello,
and Weisbach (2004); Denis and Sibilkov (2010); Campello et al. (2011)). As Almeida et al.
(2014) discuss, this literature emphasizes the increasing importance of cash holdings as
a liquidity management tool, particularly for financially constrained firms that face large
aggregate liquidity risks. We contribute to this literature by showing that the typical bank-
dependent firm manages liquidity very differently than large public firms, which are the focus
of this literature.
Our focus on exogenous cash flow shocks also distinguishes our study from most prior
evidence on corporate liquidity management. Scholars have long recognized the inherent
challenges in identifying the effects of cash flow volatility, due in large part to difficulties
in adequately controlling for changes in the profitability of future investment (e.g., Poterba
(1988); Erickson and Whited (2000); Alti (2004); Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach (2004);
Moyen (2004); Almeida and Campello (2007); Riddick and Whited (2009); Chang et al.
(2014)). The correlation between cash flows and other economic factors makes it difficult
to interpret any observed associations between cash flow and other corporate outcomes.
Indeed, in sharp contrast with our 2SLS estimates, OLS regressions show a positive and sta-
tistically significant association between cash flow and bank credit line commitments. That
is, although banks almost fully accommodate firms experiencing cash flow shocks that are
orthogonal to firm fundamentals, in general credit line commitments actually tend to fall
when firm cash flows decline. These findings directly illustrate the importance of isolating
the component of cash flow volatility that is free of information about future growth oppor-
tunities in order to draw causal inferences about cash flow shocks and corporate liquidity
Finally, our study contributes to a small but growing literature on the effects of weather
and other natural events on firm decision-making and economic activity (e.g., Giroud et al.
(2012); Chen et al. (2017)). In particular, Tran (2016) links negative weather shocks with
significant reductions in retail sales, and Bloesch and Gourio (2015) find that the winter of
2013-2014 negatively affected the broader U.S. economy. We provide broad evidence on the
implications of unanticipated weather shocks for firm-level cash flows. Moreover, we identify
an important role of banks in helping small firms deal with these unanticipated weather
events. In so doing, our work complements recent evidence showing that local banks play
an important role in mitigating the negative effects of natural disasters (Cortes and Strahan
(2016); Cortes (2014)).
2 Data construction and sample descriptive statistics
2.1 Federal Reserve’s Y-14Q collection
Our main data source is Schedule H.1 of the Federal Reserve’s Y-14Q data collection.
This data collection began in June of 2012 to support the Dodd-Frank Stress Tests and the
Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review. The reporting panel includes bank holding
companies exceeding US $50 billion in total assets. The 35 institutions in the Y-14 collection
provide loan-level data on their corporate loan portfolio whenever a loan exceeds $1 million in
commitment exposure.
We restrict the sample to domestic borrowers, excluding government
entities, individual borrowers, foreign entities, and nonprofit organizations.
We build a firm-year-level panel from the loan characteristics and financial statement
information in the bank lending portfolios. The majority of firms update their financials
only once a year, however some firms report quarterly. To avoid duplicate observations we
keep the financial statement information with financial reporting date closest to the end of
each calendar year, which typically are the financials as of Q4. We next match the financial
statement information for each firm-quarter to the loan data based on the identity of the
borrower and the quarter of the loan and financial reports. We aggregate all loan-level
variables to the firm-quarter level by summing up the committed/utilized exposure of a
given borrower across all lenders in a given quarter.
We exclude likely data errors by requiring that for each firm and financial statement date:
1) EBITDA does not exceed net sales, 2) fixed assets do exceed total assets, 3) cash and
As Bidder, Krainer, and Shapiro (2016) document, the commercial loans in the Y-14 data represent
approximately 70% of all commercial loans extended in the United States.
This aggregation does not affect any of the variables constructed from the financial statement information
as these pertain to all operating, financing, and investment activities of a given borrower, however it may bias
the total bank borrowing of large firms downward to the extent that their loans are syndicated to non-Y14
and smaller banks. This bias is mitigated by the fact that syndicated credit lines are almost always held
by banks and Y-14 reporting banks participate in approximately 98% of all banks credit line exposure in
the Shared National Credit data between 2011 and 2015. Therefore, changes in the committed and utilized
shares of Y-14 banks are likely to mirror changes in overall credit lines. In the FR-Y14Q Schedule H1
between 2012 and 2016 syndicated credit line commitments typically taken by mid-size and large corporate
borrowers represented between 54% and 57% of total commercial and industrial credit commitments at the
30-35 largest US banks.
marketable securities do not exceed total assets, and 4) total liabilities do not exceed total
assets. In addition, we trim all variables at the 0.5% and 99.5% percentiles to mitigate the
effect of outliers. See Appendix A for more detailed description of the data cleaning.
We require data on total assets, fixed assets, cash and marketable securities, non-cash
working capital, total liabilities, total sales, total debt, and EBITDA, which we use as our
measure of cash flow. For our main tests, we also require at least two consecutive years
of bank financing information so that we can compute changes in credit line limits and
utilization. After imposing these restrictions, the final sample consists of 97,619 firm-year
observations with available information on bank financing and firm characteristics during
the period 2012 to 2015.
2.2 Descriptive statistics
Table 1 presents descriptive statistics. Small private firms dominate our sample. The
75th percentile of the book value of total assets is approximately $91 million, and the average
size of firms falling below this threshold is only $22 million. The firms we study are thus
substantially smaller than the majority of firms in studies using COMPUSTAT and survey
data. For example, Campello et al. (2011) consider firms “small” if their sales are less than
$1 billion, whereas the 75th percentile of sales in our sample is $5.5 million (unreported, the
sales measure in Table 1 is scaled by total assets).
On average, the firms in our sample are more levered than the typical COMPUSTAT
firm, with average leverage (i.e., total liabilities-to-assets) and total deb-to-assets ratios of
approximately 60% and 32%, respectively. This is likely due, in part, to the fact that our
sample only includes firms that have obtained a bank loan, though the extensive reliance
on bank debt is broadly consistent with the evidence on small firm borrowing in Robb and
Robinson (2014).
The average credit line size is approximately 24% of total assets, which is considerably
larger than the average ratio of credit line commitments to total assets among large publicly-
traded firms reported in recent studies (e.g., Sufi (2009)). There is also substantial variation
in line size. The 75th percentile of credit line size is approximately 35% of total assets,
while the 25th percentile is only 9%. By comparison, cash holdings are somewhat small as
a fraction of total assets the mean is approximately 10% while the median is about 5%
which also highlights an important difference between the bank-dependent firms we sample
and the typical public firm (e.g., Bates, Kahle, and Stulz (2009)).
3 Severe weather and cash flow
There is no shortage of anecdotal evidence suggesting that abnormally bad weather has
a significant negative impact on firm cash flows, even at the annual level. Recently, this
idea has manifested itself during the abnormally cold winters in the Northeast United States
during 2014 and 2015. Colvin and Loten (2014) document this phenomenon, citing evidence
that bad winter weather in 2014 adversely affected small business sales. A CNBC report
in February of 2014 on the manufacturing sector contains a long list of companies detailing
the impact of severe winter weather. For example, Fabricated Metal Products cited poor
weather impacting their outbound and inbound shipments, and Plastics & Rubber Products
said that they experienced many late deliveries due to truck lines being shut down.
is also no shortage of anecdotes in other industries. For example, Todd Smith, VP Sales, at
Leonard’s Express, a mid-sized trucking company summarizes the effect that winter storms
can have in his industry, stating ”ultimately, the true cost of a winter weather storm can be
staggering. Multiple days of lost productivity, added miles, additional equipment, fuel, snow
removal, lost driver wages, and accident/incident costs are all very real results. A midsized
trucking company can easily see a financial hit in the tens of thousands of dollars per day.”
There is also some academic literature supporting this idea. For example, Tran (2016)
See the February 5, 2014 article entitled ”Here’s how bad winter weather is hurting the economy”
by Kristen Scholer, which can be found online at
finds that the worst 5% of weather shocks decrease in-store sales by 20%, with no evidence
of substitution toward other forms of purchases. Bloesch and Gourio (2015) find that the
unusually cold and snowy winter of 2013-2014 had a temporary but significant effect on the
U.S. economy. However, we are not aware of any broad empirical evidence on the extent to
which abnormally severe winter weather affects firm cash flows.
To the extent that severe winter weather has an impact on cash flow, it provides a unique
opportunity to investigate how firms manage exogenous cash flow shocks. The reason for this
is that unexpectedly bad winter weather is unlikely to impact long-run firm outcomes. This is
especially true if the severe weather is measured over a relatively short interval and extreme
severe weather incidents, which may destroy a jurisdiction’s infrastructure and affect the
firm’s long-run growth prospects, are excluded from the measure. Below, we describe how we
develop a measure of unanticipated severe winter weather that has a negative impact on firms’
immediate cash flows, but arguably does not affect their long-run investment opportunities.
3.1 Measuring severe winter weather
There are a variety of ways to measure severe winter weather, and the extent to which
various aspects of weather affect corporate cash flow is an empirical question. We use nor-
malized measures of severe winter weather, such that they capture the component of winter
weather that firms are not already prepared for. Our two primary measures of abnormal
weather are the average daily snow cover during the first quarter of each year and the 95th
percentile of daily snow cover during the first quarter (i.e., the snow cover on the fourth
snowiest day of the quarter). The reason we choose snow cover as our main measure is
because it combines the intuitive negative effects that snowfall and cold weather may have
on firm cash flow.
We construct these measures using data on daily snow cover (in inches) from the NOAA’s
website. NOAA reports this measure (SNWD) for each weather station in the United States.
For each day and county, we first compute the median value of snow cover across weather
stations. We use the median to mitigate the effect of weather in high elevation geographic
areas that we do not expect to have as much of an effect on corporate outcomes. We then
calculate the average and 95th percentile of daily snow cover in each county-quarter between
2000 and 2015. Finally, we compute the time series average of snow cover in the first cal-
endar quarter for each county-year using the previous 10 years worth of data.
We then
define Abnormal Snow as the difference between the average daily snow cover in a given
county-quarter minus the county’s average daily snow cover in the same quarter during the
previous ten years. Abnormal Snow 95 is defined similarly as the 95th percentile of daily
snow cover in a county-quarter, which can be interpreted as the snow cover on the fourth
most snow covered day during the quarter, minus the average 95th percentile of daily snow
cover in the county during the ten previous years.
Panels A and B of Figure 1 present the distribution of these two measures of severe
winter weather over our sample period. For the sake of presentation, all of these metrics
are divided by 1,000. The figures show a large dispersion in abnormal weather during our
sample period, and show that there are a significant number of observations with extreme
weather outcomes. However, it is also notable that abnormal snow cover is close to zero in
approximately 50% of firm-years. One reason for this concentration around zero is that some
counties do not get a lot of snow during our sample period or in the previous ten years.
Both Panels A and B reveal that the distribution of abnormal snow cover exhibits posi-
tive skew. In addition, both measures of snow cover contain extreme events. In unreported
tests we show that our results are not sensitive to trimming both measures at 2.5% and
97.5% percentiles (in Panel A that is 0.08 and 0.20, while in Panel B that is 0.17 and
0.34, respectively). Thus, it is not just the most severe winter weather events that drive our
Results are robust to defining benchmark weather conditions using a fixed ten year period from 2001
through 2010.
3.2 Abnormal weather and cash flow
To investigate if severe winter weather affects corporate cash flow, we regress annual cash
flow on the abnormal weather measure of interest, firm-specific control variables, and a set
of industry, county, and year-quarter fixed effects. Therefore, we identify the effect of severe
weather on cash flows using only within-county severe weather variation over time, while the
year-quarter fixed effects control for macro-economic conditions affecting all firms. Equation
1 details this specification:
Cash F low
+ α
Abnormal Snow
+ α
F ixed Assets
+ α
+ α
+ α
+ α
W orkCap
+ γX + ε
, (1)
where Cash F low
denotes the cash flow realization of firm i in year t, and Abnormal Snow
denotes the abnormal snow cover in Q1 for county j corresponding to the location of the
headquarters of firm i at time t. We include the following control variables, which we more
formally define in Appendix B: Fixed Assets
, which is the total fixed assets for firm i
at time t 1 scaled by firm total assets at time t 1; the natural log of the book value of
total assets of firm i at time t 1 (Log(Assets)
); Leverage
total liabilities divided
by total assets of firm i both as of time t 1; Sales
represents the net sales in time t 1
divided by total assets of firm i at time t 1; Cash
represents the balance of cash and
marketable securities at time t 1 divided by total assets of firm i at time t 1; Debt
defined as the total borrowing of firm i at time t 1 divided by total assets as of time t 1;
W orkCap
is defined as the non-cash working capital of firm i at time t 1 divided by
total assets as of time t 1. X is a vector of industry, county, and year-quarter fixed effects.
Notably, all of these controls are measured as of the beginning of the period over which cash
flow is measured.
Table 2 reports estimates of Equation 1 for our sample of firms. Columns 1 through 4
present associations between cash flow and our primary measures of severe winter weather,
Abnormal Snow and Abnormal Snow 95. Comparing Column 1 with Column 2 and Col-
umn 3 with Column 4 indicates that the inclusion of control variables has little effect on the
relation between severe winter weather and corporate cash flows. This evidence is consistent
with our measure of weather capturing a cash flow shock that is exogenous to firm funda-
Across all four columns there is a negative and statistically significant relation between
abnormal snow cover and corporate cash flows. Focusing on Columns 2 and 4, which in-
clude the full set of control variables, Abnormal Snow and Abnormal Snow 95 have t-
statistics of approximately 3.9 and 4.7, respectively. Given that the standard deviation
of Abnormal Snow is 0.0765, the coefficient of 0.0236 in Column 2 suggests that a two
standard deviation increase in average snow cover results in an annual cash flow decrease of
approximately 0.36% of total assets. The magnitude of this cash flow shock is approximately
0.18 standard deviations of annual cash flow (or 2.27% of average cash flow), consistent with
abnormally severe weather having an important impact on corporate cash flow.
Undoubtedly, there is significant heterogeneity in the effect of severe weather on cash
flow. Small firms are more likely to be affected by our measure of abnormal weather than
large firms because their operations are likely to be concentrated around the corporate head-
quarters, where abnormal weather is defined. For example, we find no consistent evidence
that abnormally severe winter weather in the headquarter county of Compustat firms sig-
nificantly affects annual cash flows. Thus, our sample, which is tilted towards small and
middle-market private firms, within which over 75% of firms have total assets less than $100
million, is well suited for this analysis.
Although a negative relation between cash flows and severe winter weather can be ra-
tionalized across a wide range of industries, the magnitude of these severe weather effects
will likely vary. To examine this, Table 3 presents separate estimates of Equation 1 for 15
different sectors. Of the fifteen sectors, four industries each comprise between 9% and 24%
of our sample, four comprise between 4% and 7% of our sample, and the remaining seven
each comprise less than 2.31% of our sample. Of the eight sectors comprising more than
4% of our sample, all exhibit a negative relation between both of our measures of abnormal
snow cover and cash flow. For each measure, the negative effect is statistically significant at
the 10% level or better in three of these eight sectors. The effect is statistically significant in
the transportation and manufacturing sectors using either measure and is significant using
one of the two measures in the wholesale and construction industries. The magnitude of the
effect is largest in the transportation industry, which is intuitive because transportation is
directly affected by snow cover. It is somewhat surprising that the negative relation between
abnormal snow and retail cash flows is not more statistically significant, given evidence in
Tran (2016) showing that retail sales are adversely affected by rain.
Since we are primarily interested in the effect of abnormally severe weather as an exoge-
nous shock to cash flow in the context of a 2SLS procedure, we leave additional discussion
of the heterogeneous effect of weather on corporate cash flow to future research. What is
important for the validity of our 2SLS procedure is that the F-statistics in the first stage are
large enough to mitigate weak instrument concerns. The F-statistics in Columns 2 and 4
are approximately 15 and 22, respectively. This makes it unlikely that we encounter a weak
instruments problem. For example, Table 2 in Stock and Yogo (2005) shows that potential
bias of the IV estimate attributable to weak instruments could be at most 10% of the size of
the IV coefficient whenever the first-stage F-statistic is 16 or higher. The two-stage proce-
dure we employ in the following section will identify the effect of exogenous cash flow shocks
on liquidity outcomes for a given firm-year only to the extent that severe winter weather
meaningfully affects cash flow. Thus, our identification is likely to come primarily from small
firms and industries with high sensitivities of cash flow to winter weather.
4 Managing Exogenous Cash Flow Shocks
The results in Section 3 show that abnormal weather leads to reduced cash flows. In this
section, we investigate how this affects corporate outcomes. For empirical estimation, we use
a 2SLS procedure, where the second stage regresses corporate outcomes on the fitted value
of cash flows from the model reported in Column 2 or 4 of Table 2. Formally, we estimate
the following system of equations using 2SLS:
Cash F low
+ α
Abnormal Snow
+ α
F ixed Assets
+ α
+ α
+ α
+ α
W orkCap
+ γX + ε
, (2a)
+ β
Cash F low
+ β
F ixed Assets
+ β
+ β
+ β
+ β
W orkCap
+ δX +
where Cash F low
, Abn W eather Q1
, F ixed Assets
, Log(Assets)
, Leverage
, Cash
, Debt
; W orkCap
and X are defined as in Section 2. Y
the second-stage outcome of interest, such as credit line drawdowns, change in credit line
limit, change in cash, or real investment.
4.1 Liquidity Management
Despite extensive literature investigating corporate cash reserves and credit lines, there
is little direct evidence on how firms use credit lines to deal with unanticipated liquidity
shocks. The evidence on credit line use that does exist is mixed and comes primarily from
surveys or studies of large firms. Lins, Servaes, and Tufano (2010) provide survey evidence
that firms typically rely on cash buffers to manage liquidity shocks, while short-term debt
in the form of credit lines is used primarily to pursue investment opportunities. However,
managers surveyed in Campello et al. (2011) and Campello et al. (2012) indicated that credit
lines were an important source of liquidity during the financial crisis. A goal of this paper
is to provide broad-based, direct evidence on how firms manage random fluctuations in cash
flow. Notably, our analysis occurs outside of the crisis period and centers on small U.S. firms
with access to bank lenders.
In Table 4 we investigate the extent to which firms use credit lines to manage exogenous
cash flow shocks. Column 1 of Table 4 presents an OLS regression in which the dependent
variable is the year over year change in drawn credit line amount scaled by the beginning
of period total assets. The explanatory variable of interest is cash flow. The OLS analysis
in column 1 reveals a negative and significant relation between cash flow and credit line
drawdowns, but the point estimate is small (0.005). It is difficult to pinpoint the driving
forces behind this estimate given the correlation between cash flows and omitted variables,
such as investment opportunities (e.g., Riddick and Whited (2009)) and the availability of
credit (e.g.,Sufi (2009)).
In Columns 2 and 3 of Table 4 we present the IV results, which isolate the effect of exoge-
nous cash flow fluctuations on changes in credit line draws. Column 2 uses Abnormal Snow,
which is the average daily abnormal snow cover in the first calendar quarter, to instrument
for annual cash flow, while Column 3 uses Abnormal Snow 95 the snow cover during the
95th percentile of daily snow cover during the first quarter. The coefficients in Columns
2 and 3 of Table 4 are negative, statistically significant, and range from 0.41 to 0.61,
suggesting that firms with access to bank debt cover the majority of a weather related cash
flow shock with credit line draws.
These findings highlight the value of our two-stage procedure. By focusing on exogenous
shocks to cash flow, we identify the effect of cash flow changes on credit line drawdowns in a
manner that is not confounded by the high correlations between cash flows and other factors,
such as unobserved investment opportunities (e.g., Riddick and Whited (2009)). Our results
suggest that these correlations between cash flow and other factors are sufficiently strong to
camouflage the extent to which credit lines are used to buffer unanticipated shocks to cash
In unreported results, we conduct two additional tests that offer circumstantial support
for our identifying assumption that abnormally severe winter weather affects firm outcomes
only through its effect on corporate cash flows. First, we replicate our analyses using trimmed
weather IVs, which drop the most extreme 2.5% of abnormal snow outcomes. We obtain very
similar coefficient estimates of 0.3657 and 0.8162, which mitigates any concern that the
most severe weather events, which may impact investment opportunities, drive our findings.
Second, we replicate our findings excluding firm-level controls (i.e., using Columns 1 and 3
of Table 2 as the first-stage regression). As would be expected if abnormally severe winter
weather represents a shock to corporate cash flows that is unrelated to firm characteristics,
we find qualitatively similar second-stage estimates for the effect of cash flows on credit line
Next, we investigate how firms use alternative sources of liquidity such as cash balances
and non-cash working capital to manage cash flow shocks. The OLS estimate in Column 1 of
Table 5 reveals a small but significantly positive association between cash flow and changes
in cash. These results are consistent with a large literature on the cash flow sensitivity of
cash, such as Almeida, Campello, and Weisbach (2004) and Khurana, Martin, and Pereira
(2006), and suggest that firms draw on cash balances when cash flow declines. As with the
OLS estimates in Table 4, however, it is difficult to draw causal inferences from this positive
relation regarding the use of cash as a buffer for cash flow shocks.
In Columns 2 and 3, we estimate the two stage regressions with changes in cash as the
dependent variable. The coefficient on cash flow increases to 0.17 in Column 2 and 0.16 in
Column 3, but the standard error also increases substantially and the point estimate is no
longer statistically significant. Columns 4 through 6 yield similar estimates using non-cash
working capital as the dependent variable (point estimates of 0.16 and 0.24, respectively).
Overall, the point estimates in Tables 4 and 5 suggest that for every dollar an exogenous
cash flow shock costs a firm, approximately 41 to 61 cents are reflected in increased credit
line drawn amount, and approximately 20 cents each are reflected in reduced cash and non-
cash working capital balances. Thus, credit lines are the primary way that firms with bank
lending relationships manage exogenous cash flow shocks.
4.2 Credit Line Size Adjustments
Next, we investigate whether cash flow shocks cause firms to adjust their credit line
size. Credit lines of public firms are frequently renegotiated Roberts and Sufi (2009) and
Roberts (2015) find that the average bank loan in their sample is renegotiated once every
6-9 months, and that most renegotiations are not due to impending covenant violations.
Within our sample, credit line sizes are adjusted in almost half of firm-years. This raises the
possibility that banks work with firms to adjust available credit in response to exogenous
cash flow shocks.
Interestingly, the OLS evidence in Column 1 of Table 6 indicates the opposite relation.
When cash flow is high, credit line size expands. This is consistent with profitable firms
having greater demand for, or access to, bank credit. This is also consistent with Sufi
(2009), who finds that the availability of credit lines can be dependent on maintaining high
levels of cash flow as lenders may reduce credit line availability following cash flow shortfalls
by using financial covenants to force loan renegotiation (also see Smith (1993) and Smith
and Warner (1979)).
Although this may be the predominant relation in the data, we expect the opposite
response if banks work with firms to manage exogenous liquidity shocks. Columns 2 and 3
examine this question using IV regressions with the change in credit line size (as a percentage
Once again, using the trimmed weather IVs provides similar evidence on firm use of cash and non-cash
working capital to respond to exogenous cash flow shocks (coefficients of 0.067 and 0.029 for cash, and 0.07
and 0.189 for non-cash working capital).
of beginning of period total assets) as the second stage dependent variable. In Columns 4
through 6 we replicate the OLS and IV specifications using an indicator equal to one if the
firm experiences a credit line increase over the previous year as the dependent variable.
Columns 2 and 3 indicate that there is a negative relation between exogenous cash flow
shocks and credit line size. These results are consistent with banks accommodating random
cash flow fluctuations with credit line adjustments. The coefficient of 0.74 in Column 2
and 1.13 in Column 3 indicate that in our sample of firms all of which have established
bank lending relationships a one dollar reduction in cash flow due to the weather shock
is associated with approximately a one dollar increase in credit line size. The coefficients
of 3.31 and 3.92 in Columns 5 and 6 indicate that increasing cash flows by 1% of total
assets increases (decreases) the probability of a credit line increase (decrease) by between 3
and 4%. Again, these effects are similar when using the trimmed weather variables as IVs.
We posit that the reason firms seek this additional credit is to maintain sufficient liquidity
as they draw down their existing credit line. Consistent with this, we cannot reject the null
hypothesis that the increased credit line drawdown (in Table 4) is the same size as the credit
line size increase. It is also possible that a portion of the credit line size increase we observe is
due to firms adjusting their beliefs regarding the probability of future cash flow shocks. Such
behavior would be consistent with evidence in Dessaint and Matray (2017) who find that
managers temporarily overestimate hurricane risk when there have been recent hurricanes
in nearby areas. In either case, our findings provide new evidence on how firms work with
banks to adjust their available credit in response to cash flow shocks.
Overall, the results in Tables 4 and 6 indicate that bank-borrowing firms rely on their
credit lines as an important source of liquidity. Not only do firms use existing credit when
faced with exogenous cash flow shocks, but they are also able to work with their lender to
expand available credit.
4.3 Investment and Cash Flow
An important question is whether the credit line adjustments documented in the previous
section are sufficient to prevent cash flow shocks from affecting other corporate outcomes.
To address this question, we use our 2SLS framework to investigate how exogenous cash flow
shocks relate to changes in fixed assets, total assets, and (in unreported tests with a smaller
sample) net capital expenditures.
We present evidence on the relation between cash flow and the change in fixed assets in
the first three columns of Table 7. In the first column, the OLS estimates show a positive
and significant association between cash flow and investment in fixed assets. In the second
and third columns, we report IV estimates, using two measures of abnormal snow cover
to instrument for cash flow. In both cases, the coefficient on cash flow is negative, small,
and statistically insignificant. This result is interesting because it suggests that small firms
with access to credit lines are able to buffer investment from exogenous cash flow shocks.
This finding also underscores how misleading OLS estimates of the investment-cash flow
sensitivity can be, particularly when, as in this case, controls for investment opportunities
are imperfect (e.g., Erickson and Whited (2000); Alti (2004); Moyen (2004); Almeida and
Campello (2007)).
In Columns 4 through 6 of Table 7, we investigate whether exogenous cash flow shocks
affect asset growth. Although there is a positive OLS relation between cash flows and
asset growth, this effect becomes statistically insignificant using our two-stage procedure.
Comparing the magnitude of the 2SLS estimate to the cash and working capital estimates
in Table 5, reveals that any change in assets that does exist appears to be attributable to
changes in cash and working capital. Analyses using net CAPEX are qualitatively similar to
those we report in Columns 1 through 3 (using the change in fixed assets as the second stage
dependent variable). However, these results should be interpreted with caution since net
CAPEX is not always reported in our sample. Overall, the evidence in this section suggests
that the average bank-borrowing firm manages exogenous cash flow shocks primarily via
credit line adjustments. The effect of these cash flow shocks does not spill over into other
corporate activities.
5 Reduced Form Analyses
In our final set of analyses, we more directly investigate the effect of abnormally severe
winter weather on corporate outcomes. We continue to maintain our identifying assumption
used in the 2SLS approach, which is that severe winter weather only affects corporate out-
comes through its effect on corporate cash flow. If this instrument is indeed an important
determinant of random variation in cash flow, then abnormally severe winter weather should
directly predict corporate outcomes when plugged into the second stage regressions.
5.1 Direct Effect of Winter Weather
A benefit to this analysis is that it allows us to directly examine the economic magnitude
of the effect of severe winter weather on corporate activity. The results in the previous
section suggest that severe winter weather will be positively related to credit line use and
size, but not other corporate outcomes. The evidence in Table 8 supports this prediction.
Panels A and B show that both measures of abnormal snow are positively and significantly
related to changes in credit line drawn amount and credit line size, but not other corporate
outcomes. The magnitude of the effect of severe weather on credit line use is economically
meaningful. Given that the standard deviation of Abnormal Snow is 0.0765, the coefficient
of 0.0098 in Column 1 of Table 8 Panel A suggests that a two standard deviation increase in
abnormal snow results in the average firm drawing 0.15% of assets more on their credit line
over the course of the year. The coefficient in Column 2 suggests that severe winter weather
has almost double that effect on the change in credit line size. Consistent with our earlier
findings, weather has no statistically or economically significant effect on cash balances, fixed
assets, or total assets.
5.2 Quarterly Credit Line Adjustments
This reduced form analysis also allows us to examine the relation between severe first
quarter weather and credit line activity on a quarterly basis. We cannot conduct such an
analysis using cash flows or any of our other dependent variables because we only observe
financial data at an annual frequency. In Panel A of Figure 2 we decompose the annual effect
of Abnormal Snow 95 on the change in credit line drawn amount, estimated in Column 1 of
Table 8 Panel B, into its quarterly components. Specifically, each point on the solid line in
the figure represents the estimated effect of abnormal first quarter snow cover on credit line
draw downs during the calendar quarter indicated on the x-axis. The dashed lines represent
the 95% confidence interval for these estimates. Panel A of Figure 2 indicates that the ef-
fect of abnormal first quarter snow on credit line use is concentrated in the second calendar
quarter, meaning that firms respond to bad weather between January 1 and March 31 by
drawing on their credit line at some point between April 1 and June 30th. Panel B of Figure
2 shows that, similar to the credit line drawdowns, the credit line size increases that occur in
response to severe winter weather happen during the second calendar quarter. Interestingly,
during the first quarter we find that line size decreases in response to severe winter weather.
Taken together, the evidence in Figure 2 is consistent with banks providing liquidity to
firms experiencing exogenous cash flow shocks, but not immediately. It is possible that firms
manage exogenous cash flow shocks by tapping cash or working capital reserves in the very
short-run. One reason for this might be that firms only meet with their banks sporadically,
however this is unlikely to be the entire story because it does not explain the credit line size
reduction in the first quarter or the delay with which firms draw on their credit line.
Our findings seem more consistent with banks being cautious about extending additional
credit to firms whose cash flows have declined, preferring to take “a wait and see” approach.
This explanation is consistent with Sufi (2009) and Acharya et al. (2014) who argue that
bank financing may not be available to firms experiencing low cash flows or negative prof-
itability shocks. However, our results suggest that the hesitance of banks to offer financing
in these situations is (on average) short-lived when the cash flow shock is exogenous to firm
fundamentals, making credit lines an important way that firms manage their liquidity in
response to exogenous cash flow shocks.
5.3 Partitioning on Borrower Financial Health
In our final set of tests we delve deeper into the possibility that bank liquidity may not be
available for some firms when they need it. For example, Diamond (1991) shows theoretically
that low- and medium-credit risk borrowers can rely on bank financing, while high credit risk
borrowers may not be able to obtain bank financing when needed. We therefore partition
the sample based on the credit quality of the borrower as of the year-end immediately prior
to the weather shock, quarter 4 of year t 1. Our measure of credit quality is the borrower’s
internal risk rating assigned by the lender converted to a ten-grade S&P ratings scale.
In Table 9 we partition the sample into two groups BB and better and B and below.
Approximately 94% of the sample is contained within the B, BB, and BBB rating categories.
Specifically, the breakdown of the sample in terms of credit quality is as follows B-rated
(14.54%), BB-rated (52.75%), BBB-rated (26.50%), below B (3.31%), above BBB (2.90%).
Panel A shows that cash flow is adversely impacted by weather in both subsamples (compare
columns 1 and 2 to columns 3 and 4) and that these adverse effects are somewhat stronger in
the poor-credit quality subsample. Columns 1 through 4 of Panel B show that more severe
abnormal weather is associated with larger annual increases in credit line draw and credit
line size for the borrowers with ratings of BB and better, while columns 5 through 8 indicate
the lack of an association between adverse weather and credit line use.
The absolute value of the coefficients in the first two columns of both Panels A and B
are all approximately 0.01. This suggests that a given increase in adverse weather leads to a
decrease in cash flows and an increase credit line draws that are of similar magnitude. Thus,
Each bank is required to provide its internal risk rating together with a concordance mapping to a
10-grade S&P scale ranging from AAA to D. These internal ratings are available for almost all borrowers in
our sample 96,251 borrower-years out of a total of 97,619 borrower-years. To the extent that a borrower
has financing from multiple banks we use the most conservative among these ratings.
medium- and high-credit quality firms appear to buffer cash flow shocks entirely with credit
line draw downs. In contrast, low-credit quality firms do not draw on their lines of credit
in response to more severe winter weather, even though such weather shocks significantly
affect cash flows. These results illustrate that only medium- and high-credit quality firms
can rely on their credit lines to buffer adverse transitory cash flow shocks. In unreported
tests, we find no significant relation between severe winter weather and either cash reserves
or working capital within either subsample. Rather, the inability of low credit quality firms
to buffer cash flow shocks appears to result in reductions in total assets (with t-statistics
ranging between 1.4 and 1.6).
6 Concluding Remarks
This study uses a unique dataset on bank lending portfolios to study how firms manage
liquidity in the face of exogenous cash flow shocks. Starting in 2012, the Federal Reserve
has collected comprehensive data on bank lending activities as part of the Dodd-Frank
Stress Tests and Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review. The resulting data (the
Federal Reserve Y-14 collection) contains a rich set of information on bank lending terms
and borrower financial information. Notably, the FR Y-14 collection has broad coverage
of lending and financial activity of the small private firms that rely extensively on external
credit, but typically do not appear in publicly available databases.
We show that these firms rely extensively on credit lines as a source of finance. To identify
the causal connection between cash flow shocks and corporate liquidity management, we
construct an instrument for cash flow based on abnormal adverse weather conditions in the
county in which the company is located. Using this instrument to predict firm-level cash
flows, we find that firms manage negative cash flow shocks by drawing on their credit lines
rather than tapping their cash reserves or adjusting their real activities. In addition, negative
cash flow shocks are accompanied by significant increases in the size of the firm’s overall
credit line, indicating that banks accommodate borrowers confronted with unexpected cash
flow shortfalls. Taken together, these results show that, for firms with lending relationships,
credit lines are the primary means of corporate liquidity management.
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0 10 20 30 40
Percent of Observations
5th 95th
0 .1<-0.08 >0.20
Percentiles of Abnormal Snow Cover
(a) Abormal Snow Cover
0 10 20 30
Percent of Observations
5th 95th
-.1 0 .1 .2 >0.34<-0.17
Percentiles of Abnormal Snow Cover P95
(b) Abnormal Snow Cover P 95
Figure 1: Distribution of Abnormal Snow Cover. This figure presents the distribution of
abnormal snow cover during the first calendar quarter for the 97,619 firm-years in our sample.
The distribution in Panel A is constructed based on the average daily snow cover during the first
calendar quarter, while Panel B uses the 95th percentile of snow cover during the first calendar
quarter. Abnormal snow cover is defined relative to the the time-series average of first calendar
quarter snow cover in each county over the previous 10 years.
(a) Draw
(b) Line Size
Figure 2: Credit Line Dynamics Following the Weather Shock This figure decomposes
the annual effect of abnormal snow on change in credit line drawn amount (Panel A) or credit line
size (Panel B), estimated in Columns 1 and 4 of Table 8 Panel B, into its quarterly components.
Specifically, each point on the solid line in the figure represents the estimated effect of abnormal
first quarter snow cover on quarterly change in credit line drawn amounts or credit line size during
the calendar quarter indicated on the x-axis (for example, Q1 represents the change in credit line
drawn amount or line size between the end of Q4 of the previous year and the end of Q1 of the
current year). The dashed lines represent the 95% confidence interval for these estimates.
Table 1: Descriptive Statistics. This table presents descriptive statistics for our sample of
97,619 observations with available borrower and loan characteristics. Columns 1 and 2 present
the mean and standard deviation, while Columns 3 through 5 present the 25th, 50th, and 75th
percentiles, respectively. All explanatory variables are defined in Appendix B.
Mean SD P 25 P 50 P 75
T otal Assets ($ Millions) 726.9890 3668.5250 8.4290 22.0430 90.6961
Cash F low 0.1584 0.2011 0.0635 0.1177 0.1987
Leverage 0.6004 0.2042 0.4609 0.6209 0.7572
F ixed Assets 0.2933 0.2668 0.0680 0.2109 0.4562
Sales 2.2846 1.8593 1.0880 1.9588 3.0008
Cash 0.0975 0.1234 0.0124 0.0501 0.1348
Debt 0.3168 0.2337 0.1230 0.2908 0.4746
W orkCap 0.1015 0.2022 0.0288 0.0787 0.2236
Line Size 0.2419 0.1913 0.0892 0.1974 0.3517
Draw 0.0866 0.1539 0.0000 0.0000 0.1163
Line Size 0.0267 0.1064 0.0000 0.0000 0.0101
Draw 0.0153 0.0803 0.0000 0.0000 0.0101
Cash 0.0084 0.0701 0.0136 0.0006 0.0249
W orkCap 0.0075 0.0915 0.0292 0.0045 0.0450
Liabilities 0.0422 0.1600 0.0437 0.0119 0.0978
Debt 0.0214 0.1243 0.0357 0.0000 0.0576
Assets 0.0752 0.1895 0.0267 0.0433 0.1400
F ixed Assets 0.0188 0.0894 0.0111 0.0008 0.0258
Table 2: Cash Flow and Abnormal Weather. This table contains estimated coefficients from
an OLS regression of Cash F low
on Abnormal Snow (columns 1 and 2) and Abnormal Snow P 95
(columns 3 and 4). We include a number of control variables (defined in Appendix B), as well as
three-digit NAICS 2012 industry indicators, county, and year-quarter fixed effects. The standard
errors are clustered at the three-digit NAICS 2012 industry level.
Cash F low
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Abnormal Snow 0.0217*** 0.0236***
(0.00593) (0.00603)
Abnormal Snow P 95 0.0139*** 0.0148***
(0.00355) (0.00317)
) 0.00484*** 0.00484***
(0.00182) (0.00182)
F ixed Assets
0.0930*** 0.0930***
(0.0200) (0.0200)
0.0521 0.0521
(0.0324) (0.0324)
0.0250*** 0.0250***
(0.00853) (0.00853)
0.240*** 0.240***
(0.0570) (0.0570)
0.0111 0.0111
(0.0361) (0.0361)
W orkCap
0.0373*** 0.0373***
(0.0132) (0.0132)
Industry Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES
County Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES
Year-Quarter Fixed Effects YES YES YES YES
Adjusted R-Squared 0.0183 0.152 0.0183 0.152
Observations 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619
Standard errors in parentheses
*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01
Table 3: Cash Flow and Abnormal Weather: Industry Partitions This table contains
estimated coefficients from an OLS regression of Cash F low
on Abnormal Snow in a model with
identical controls to that in Specifications (2) and (4) of Table 2. Each row in the table restricts
the sample to one of fifteen sectors, which are indicated in Column 1. Columns 2 and 3 present the
estimates (and standard errors below in parentheses) for the coefficients on Abnormal Snow and
Abnormal Snow P 95, respectively. We include a number of control variables (defined in Appendix
B), as well as three-digit NAICS 2012 industry indicators, county, and year-quarter fixed effects.
The standard errors are clustered at the three-digit NAICS 2012 industry level.
IV 1 Coef f IV 2 Coef f P ercent Obs Obs
(SE) (SE)
MANUF ACT URING 0.0267* 0.0189** 24.16% 23,583
(0.0148) (0.00756)
W HOLESALE 0.0206 0.0128** 17.14% 16,729
(0.0126) (0.00628)
RET AIL 0.00251 0.00494 14.16% 13,823
(0.0126) (0.00732)
BUSINESS SERV ICES 0.0591 0.0300 9.32% 9,098
(0.0441) (0.0274)
CON ST RUCT ION 0.0498* 0.0134 7.12% 6,947
(0.0264) (0.0121)
REAL EST AT E 0.0291 0.0103 7.43% 7,252
(0.0227) (0.0113)
EDUCAT ION & HEALT H 0.0166 0.0149 4.44% 4,335
(0.0815) (0.0382)
T RANSP ORT AT ION 0.0554** 0.0257** 4.43% 4,325
(0.0264) (0.0130)
ACCOMODAT ION & F OOD 0.0464 0.0117 2.31% 2,253
(0.0693) (0.0412)
AGRICULT URE 0.0234 0.0242 1.94% 1,898
(0.0371) (0.0219)
INF ORMAT ION 0.0694 0.0108 1.92% 1,870
(0.0835) (0.0436)
MINING & EXT RACT ION 0.0655 0.0560 1.86% 1,819
(0.0764) (0.0367)
LEISU RE 0.0957 0.0630 1.46% 1,429
(0.0780) (0.0427)
UT ILIT IES 0.0193 0.0182 1.34% 1,314
(0.0288) (0.0163)
OT HER 0.113* 0.0578 0.97% 944
(0.0630) (0.0376)
Standard errors in parentheses
*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01
Table 4: Credit Line Use and Cash Flow Column 1 present OLS estimates from regres-
sions of Draw
on Cash F low
and controls. Columns 2 and 3 present 2SLS estimates of
IV regressions of Draw
on instrumented Cash F low
and controls using Abnormal Snow
and Abnormal Snow P 95 as IVs, respectively. IV1 and IV2 correspond to Abnormal Snow and
Abnormal Snow P 95, respectively. We include a number of control variables (defined in Appendix
B), as well as three-digit NAICS 2012 industry indicators, county, and year-quarter fixed effects.
The standard errors are clustered at the three-digit NAICS 2012 industry level.
(1) (2) (3)
Cash F low
0.0049*** 0.4140** 0.6050***
(0.0012) (0.1821) (0.2143)
0.0019*** 0.0039*** 0.0048***
(0.0004) (0.0014) (0.0018)
F ixed Assets
0.0131*** 0.0250 0.0427**
(0.0033) (0.0165) (0.0190)
0.0027 0.0186 0.0286
(0.0027) (0.0140) (0.0216)
0.0014*** 0.0117** 0.0165***
(0.0005) (0.0047) (0.0061)
0.0281*** 0.0701 0.1160*
(0.0056) (0.0460) (0.0600)
0.0096*** 0.0050 0.0028
(0.0034) (0.0126) (0.0189)
W orkCap
0.0009 0.0144 0.0215**
(0.0023) (0.0090) (0.0107)
Year-Quarter FE YES YES YES
Adjusted R-Squared 0.0641 . .
Observations 97,619 97,619 97,619
Standard errors in parentheses
*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01
Table 5: Other Liquidity Management and Cash Flow Columns 1 and 4 present OLS estimates from regressions of Cash
W orkCap
on Cash F l ow
and controls. Columns 2 and 3 present 2SLS estimates of IV regressions of Cash
on instrumented
Cash F low
and controls, while Columns 5 and 6 present 2SLS estimates of IV regressions of ∆W orkCap
on instrumented Cash F low
and controls. IV1 and IV2 correspond to Abnormal Snow and Abnormal Snow P 95, respectively. We include a number of control
variables (defined in Appendix B), as well as three-digit NAICS 2012 industry indicators, county, and year-quarter fixed effects. The
standard errors are clustered at the three-digit NAICS 2012 industry level.
W orkCap
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Cash F low
0.0543*** 0.1748 0.1583 0.0488*** 0.1591 0.2392
(0.0073) (0.1268) (0.1119) (0.0095) (0.2610) (0.2482)
0.0008*** 0.0002 0.0003 0.0014*** 0.0009 0.0005
(0.0002) (0.0007) (0.0007) (0.0003) (0.0014) (0.0014)
F ixed Assets
0.0030 0.0142 0.0126 0.0221*** 0.0323 0.0398*
(0.0027) (0.0120) (0.0104) (0.0019) (0.0232) (0.0218)
0.0106** 0.0043 0.0052 0.0174*** 0.0232 0.0273
(0.0046) (0.0089) (0.0079) (0.0031) (0.0160) (0.0173)
0.0004 0.0026 0.0022 0.0021*** 0.0049 0.0069
(0.0004) (0.0029) (0.0025) (0.0004) (0.0066) (0.0067)
0.0829*** 0.1118*** 0.1078*** 0.0134** 0.0131 0.0323
(0.0050) (0.0293) (0.0247) (0.0061) (0.0619) (0.0615)
0.0151** 0.0138 0.0139 0.0130*** 0.0118** 0.0109
(0.0072) (0.0109) (0.0103) (0.0037) (0.0060) (0.0080)
W orkCap
0.0065*** 0.0020 0.0026 0.0287*** 0.0328*** 0.0358***
(0.0024) (0.0059) (0.0053) (0.0051) (0.0083) (0.0080)
Adjusted R-Squared 0.0354 . . 0.0196 . .
Observations 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619
Standard errors in parentheses
*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01
Table 6: Credit Line Adjustments and Cash Flow. Columns 1 and 4 present OLS estimates from regressions of Line Size
Column 1) and Line Increase
(in Column 4) on Cash F low
and controls. Columns 2 and 3 present 2SLS estimates of IV regressions
of ∆Line Size
, while columns 5 and 6 present estimates of IV regressions of Line Increase
on instrumented Cash F low
and controls.
IV1 and IV2 correspond to Abnormal Snow and Abnormal Snow P 95, respectively. We include a number of control variables (defined
in Appendix B), as well as three-digit NAICS 2012 industry indicators, county, and year-quarter fixed effects. The standard errors are
clustered at the three-digit NAICS 2012 industry level.
Line Size
Line Increase
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Cash F low
0.0128*** 0.7407** 1.1320*** 0.0537*** 3.3060*** 3.9155***
(0.0040) (0.3041) (0.3823) (0.0145) (1.1841) (1.0810)
0.0021*** 0.0058** 0.0077** 0.0397*** 0.0235** 0.0205*
(0.0004) (0.0023) (0.0032) (0.0026) (0.0099) (0.0107)
F ixed Assets
0.0217*** 0.0484* 0.0848** 0.1370*** 0.1754 0.2320**
(0.0050) (0.0292) (0.0357) (0.0259) (0.1077) (0.0908)
0.0114*** 0.0278 0.0482 0.0426* 0.1322 0.1639
(0.0037) (0.0285) (0.0430) (0.0241) (0.1062) (0.1343)
0.0028*** 0.0217** 0.0314*** 0.0059** 0.0900*** 0.1052***
(0.0007) (0.0085) (0.0112) (0.0023) (0.0297) (0.0306)
0.0485*** 0.1324 0.2263* 0.3207*** 0.4856 0.6319**
(0.0055) (0.0925) (0.1241) (0.0350) (0.3119) (0.3224)
0.0072 0.0012 0.0056 0.0624*** 0.0248 0.0180
(0.0056) (0.0270) (0.0403) (0.0155) (0.1233) (0.1417)
W orkCap
0.0032 0.0249 0.0396* 0.0524*** 0.0732 0.0960
(0.0030) (0.0160) (0.0210) (0.0186) (0.0809) (0.0784)
Adjusted R-Squared 0.1111 . . 0.1335 . .
Observations 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619
Standard errors in parentheses
*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01
Table 7: Investment and Cash Flow Columns 1 and 4 present OLS estimates from regressions of ∆F ixed Assets
(in Column 1) and
(in Column 4) on Cash F low
and controls. Columns 2 and 3 present 2SLS estimates of IV regressions of F ixed Assets
while columns 5 and 6 present estimates of regressions of Assets
on instrumented Cash F low
and controls. IV1 and IV2 correspond
to Abnormal Snow and Abnormal Snow P 95, respectively. We include a number of control variables (defined in Appendix B), as well as
three-digit NAICS 2012 industry indicators, county, and year-quarter fixed effects. The standard errors are clustered at the three-digit
NAICS 2012 industry level.
F ixed Assets
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Cash F low
0.0391*** 0.0541 0.1472 0.1781*** 0.3972 0.1833
(0.0107) (0.2526) (0.2321) (0.0373) (0.3634) (0.3141)
0.0018* 0.0014 0.0009 0.0009 0.0020 0.0009
(0.0010) (0.0009) (0.0009) (0.0011) (0.0022) (0.0018)
F ixed Assets
0.0115 0.0028 0.0058 0.0232*** 0.0436 0.0237
(0.0118) (0.0172) (0.0161) (0.0069) (0.0347) (0.0286)
0.0200** 0.0249 0.0297 0.0071 0.0043 0.0068
(0.0087) (0.0207) (0.0201) (0.0115) (0.0278) (0.0220)
0.0003 0.0020 0.0043 0.0045*** 0.0010 0.0043
(0.0006) (0.0062) (0.0059) (0.0016) (0.0096) (0.0083)
0.0250** 0.0027 0.0197 0.0685*** 0.1211 0.0697
(0.0099) (0.0550) (0.0511) (0.0131) (0.0978) (0.0780)
0.0026 0.0015 0.0005 0.0302** 0.0278 0.0302**
(0.0066) (0.0050) (0.0070) (0.0145) (0.0202) (0.0141)
W orkCap
0.0171** 0.0136* 0.0101 0.0175** 0.0093 0.0173
(0.0082) (0.0070) (0.0073) (0.0085) (0.0169) (0.0143)
Adjusted R-Squared 0.0370 . . 0.0577 . .
Observations 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619
Standard errors in parentheses
*p < 0.10, **p < 0.05, ***p < 0.01
Table 8: Direct Weather Plugin and Corporate Outcomes This table presents the direct association between Abnormal Snow
(Panel A) or Abnormal Snow P 95 (Panel B) and corporate liquidity management, saving, and investment outcomes. The dependent
variables are Draw
(in Column 1), ∆Cash
(in Column 2), ∆W orkCap
(in Column 3), ∆Line Size
(in Column 4), ∆F ixed Assets
(in Column 5), and Assets
(in Column 6). Controls variables are defined in Appendix B. All models include all firm-level variables
from Table 7 except Cash F low
in addition to three-digit NAICS 2012 industry indicators, county, and year-quarter fixed effects. The
standard errors are clustered at the three-digit NAICS 2012 industry level.
Panel A: Abnormal Snow Cover
W orkCap
Line Size
F ixed Assets
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Abnormal Snow Cover 0.00977** 0.00412 0.00375 0.0175*** 0.00128 0.00937
(0.00391) (0.00296) (0.00625) (0.00627) (0.00606) (0.00834)
Adjusted R-Squared 0.0640 0.0149 0.00986 0.111 0.0305 0.0274
Observations 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619
Panel B: Abnormal Snow Cover P 95
W orkCap
Line Size
F ixed Assets
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)
Abnormal Snow Cover P 95 0.00893*** 0.00234 0.00353 0.0167*** 0.00217 0.00271
(0.00294) (0.00158) (0.00377) (0.00481) (0.00337) (0.00471)
Adjusted R-Squared 0.0642 0.0149 0.00987 0.111 0.0305 0.0274
Observations 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619 97,619
Table 9: Credit Line Use, Weather Shocks, and Credit Quality This table presents the direct association between
Abnormal Snow or Abnormal Snow P 95 and cash flow (in Panel A) or credit line use (Panel B) for low- and high-credit quality
firms, where high-credit firms are defined as those with BB ratings or better. Controls variables are defined in Appendix B. All models
include all firm-level variables from Table 7 except Cash F low
in addition to three-digit NAICS 2012 industry indicators, county, and
year-quarter fixed effects. The standard errors are clustered at the three-digit NAICS 2012 industry level.
Panel A: Weather Shocks and Cash Flow
Cash F low
BB and better B and worse
(1) (2) (3) (4)
Abnormal Snow 0.0109 0.0575***
(0.00677) (0.0183)
Abnormal Snow P 95 0.00925** 0.0250**
(0.00351) (0.00975)
Observations 79,124 79,124 17,127 17,127
Adjusted R-Squared 0.152 0.152 0.122 0.122
Panel B: Weather Shocks and Credit Lines Use
Line Size
Line Size
Line Size
Line Size
BB and better B and worse
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)
Abnormal Snow 0.0124** 0.0227*** 0.000134 0.00345
(0.00475) (0.00700) (0.00830) (0.0131)
Abnormal Snow P 95 0.0112*** 0.0205*** 0.00208 0.00810
(0.00343) (0.00549) (0.00528) (0.00647)
Observations 79,124 79,124 79,124 79,124 17,127 17,127 17,127 17,127
Adjusted R-Squared 0.0703 0.0705 0.128 0.129 0.0671 0.0671 0.0773 0.0774
Appendix A - Data Cleaning
We use the IRS tax identification (TIN) number to identify borrowers in the Y-14 data.
While the TIN is likely to be the unique firm ID for small and mid-market firms, large firms
are likely to have multiple subsidiaries that may have different TINs than the parent com-
If we were solely relying on the TIN from the Y-14 data, we would erroneously treat
some subsidiaries of large firms as separate companies. To address this issue, we supplement
the TIN from the Y-14 collection with additional borrower identifying information from the
quarterly reports from the Shared National Credit (SNC) spanning 2009 through present.
Specifically, the examiners at the Shared National Credit program create a unique borrower
identifier of each borrowers participating in the syndicated loan market and link all TINs
associated with it including that of the parent company and any subsidiaries. Even though
the quarterly SNC data collection only tracks the syndicated participations of the 18 largest
banks in the United States, these banks participate in the vast majority of syndicated bank
loans and as a result this correction is likely to capture most subsidiaries that would be
otherwise identified as separate firms.
First, to minimize the effect of errors we exclude financial statement information if the
financial statement date is missing or comes later than the data report date if: (1) there are
no other valid financial statement date observations for the given borrower as of the data
report date (2) there are multiple other valid financial statement dates for this borrower as
of the report date. We also exclude likely data errors by requiring that for each firm and
financial statement date: 1) EBITDA does not exceed net sales, 2) fixed assets do exceed
total assets, 3) cash and marketable securities do not exceed total assets, and 4) total liabil-
ities do not exceed total assets.
Next, we correct errors related to the dollar units of reporting. In some cases the fi-
nancial statement information may be reported in thousands of US dollars instead of raw
dollar amounts as instructed. To address this potential reporting irregularity, we multiply
Please see
all financial statement information by 1,000 if either the utilized loan exposure in a given
reporting quarter exceeds total liabilities by a factor of 100 or more, or if total assets are less
than $100,000. Given that the reporting criteria only includes loans larger than $1 million,
it is highly unlikely that the borrower has total assets below $100,000.
Last, to address the possibility that some large corporations are borrowing through their
subsidiaries, for each borrower and financial statement date we only keep the financial state-
ment information corresponding to the observation with the largest value of total assets.
Given that the financials and physical location information we observe always correspond
to the entity that is directly responsible for loan repayment, in the case of large firms the
financial statement information could be that of a subsidiary instead of the ultimate parent
company. For example, to the extent that for a given borrower-quarter one financial insti-
tution reports the financials of a corresponding subsidiary while another institution reports
financials associated with the parent entity, then we will retain the financials of the parent
entity. If, however, certain companies only borrow through their subsidiaries, we may un-
derstate the size of some firms in our sample.
Additionally, given that we rely on the time series aspect of the data, we require that
currently-reported borrower total assets for the prior year are within 2.5% of the 1-year
lagged value of currently-reported borrower total assets. This filter eliminates observations
in which the Y-14 reporters switch reporting of financial statement information between
subsidiaries and the parent company of the borrower.
Appendix B - Variable Definitions
Below we present variable definitions, the item numbers of data fields refer to Schedule
H1 of the Y-14Q data on the Federal Reserve’s website:
https : // R Y 14Q20160930 i.pdf
T otal Assets
– is defined as the first annual lag of the book value of total assets as
of the current financial statement date, ‘Total Assets Current Year’ (item #70) data field in
Y-14Q Schedule H1. To the extent that ‘Total Assets Current Year’ is missing, we replace
it with the book value of total assets as of exactly one year prior to the current financial
statement date, ‘Total Assets Prior Year’ (item #71).
Cash F low
we primarily rely on the sum of ‘Operating Income’ (item #56) and
‘Depreciation & Amortization’ (item #57) to arrive at a measure of EBITDA. To the extent
that the ‘Operating Income’ field is not populated in our data, we fill in missing values with
the ‘EBITDA’ field that is overall available for a smaller fraction of the data. We then scale
the resulting variable by T otal Assets
to arrive at Cash F low.
is defined as the net sales from time t 2 to t 1, ‘Net Sales Prior Year’ (item
#55) divided by total assets of firm i at time t 1, T otal Assets
is defined as the first annual lag of the value of total liabilities of firm
i, ‘Total Liabilities’ (item #80), divided by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1,
T otal Assets
F ixed Assets
is defined as the first annual lag of the value of total fixed assets
of firm i, ‘Fixed Assets’ (item #69), divided by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1,
T otal Assets
W orkCap
is defined as the first annual lag of the value of current assets of firm
i, ‘Current Assets Current’ (item #66), minus the first annual lag of the value of current
liabilities, ‘Current Liabilities Current’ (item #76)’, minus first annual lag of the value of
cash and marketable securities of firm i, ‘Cash & Marketable Securities’ (item #61). Then
the resulting value is divided by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1, T otal Assets
To the extent that ‘Current Assets Current’ and ‘Current Liabilities Current’ are missing, we
replace it with ‘Current Assets Prior Year’ (item #67) and ‘Current Liabilities Prior Year’
(item #77) which are the values current assets and current liabilities exactly one year prior
to the current financial statement date.
is defined as the first annual lag of the value of cash and marketable securities
of firm i, ‘Cash & Marketable Securities’ (item #61), divided by total assets of firm i also
as of time t 1, T otal Assets
is defined as the first annual lag of the value of total debt of firm i, ‘Short-Term
Debt’ (item #74) + ‘Long-Term Debt’ (item #78), divided by total assets of firm i also as
of time t 1, T otal Assets
is defined as the first annual lag of the total value of credit line commitments
of firm i (‘Commitment Exposure Global’ (item #24) aggregated for each firm-quarter in
our sample), divided by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1, T otal Assets
is defined as the first annual lag of the total value of drawn amount under
all credit line commitments of firm i (‘Utilized Exposure Global’ (item #25) aggregated for
each firm-quarter in our sample), divided by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1,
T otal Assets
Line Size
is defined as the annual change of the total value of credit line commit-
ments of firm i (‘Commitment Exposure Global’ (item #24) aggregated for each firm-quarter
in our sample), divided by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1, T otal Assets
Line Increase
is an indicator variable that takes the value of one whenever the total
credit line commitments of firm i in year t exceed the total credit line commitments of firm
i in year t 1.
is defined as the annual change of the total value of drawn amount under
all credit line commitments of firm i (‘Utilized Exposure Global’ (item #25) aggregated for
each firm-quarter in our sample), divided by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1,
T otal Assets
is defined as the annual change of the value of cash and marketable securities
of firm i (‘Cash & Marketable Securities’ (item #61)), divided by total assets of firm i also
as of time t 1, T otal Assets
is defined as the annual change of the value of total liabilities of firm
i (‘Total Liabilities’ (item #80)), divided by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1,
T otal Assets
is defined as the annual change of of the value of total debt of firm i (‘Short-
Term Debt’ (item #74) + ‘Long-Term Debt’ (item #78)), divided by total assets of firm i
also as of time t 1, T otal Assets
is defined as the annual change of the value of total assets of firm i (we use
‘Total Assets Current Year’ (item #70) to build the current value of total assets), divided
by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1, T otal Assets
F ixed Assets
is defined as the annual change of the value of total fixed assets of
firm i (‘Fixed Assets’ (item #69)), divided by total assets of firm i also as of time t 1,
T otal Assets
W orkCap
is defined as the annual change of the value of non-cash working capital
of firm i (W orkCap) between years t 1 and t, divided by total assets of firm i also as of
time t 1, T otal Assets