Assignments and Tests
Tests and assignments allow you to collect, grade, or return student submissions. Blackboard Ultra test and
assignment tools use the same process to create and deliver assessments. If you know how to create an
assignment, you now know how to create a test. If you know how to create a test, you now know how to create an
Creating an Assignment
1. Select a learning module.
2. Select the plus sign where you want to add an assignment and choose Create.
3. Expand Assessments and choose Assignment.
4. Enter an assignment name.
5. Select the plus sign in the center of the screen to begin building your assignment.
You can add new or existing questions, text to provide details or instructions, or files from your
IDDC Pro Tip: Blackboard Ultra Assignments allow you to include questions throughout instructional
content. Try using the Assignment feature for formative assessment and insert questions before, during,
and after content uploaded into the assignment.
6. Select the settings icon in the upper right corner to adjust the assignment settings.
Details & Information
Due date Set the due date for the assignment.
Allow class conversations Allow conversations to take place within the assignment
with contributions by anyone.
Randomize questions Randomize the order of questions among students.
Randomize answers Randomize the order of answer choices among students.
Collect submissions offline Does not require a student submission upload.
Grading & Submissions
Grade category Change the grade category for custom grouping in your gradebook.
Attempts allowed Let students submit more than one attempt and change the grading
options for those attempts.
Grade using Select a grade schema.
Maximum points Enter the maximum points.
Anonymous grading Hide student names during grading for assignments without
questions (text/upload submission only).
Assessment results Show students the correct answers to automatically scored
questions after they submit an answer.
Evaluation options Setup parallel grading and assign graders.
Additional Tools
Time Limit Add a time limit for completion.
Grading Rubric Create a new rubric or associate an existing rubric to the assignment.
Goals and Standards Align the assignment to one or multiple goals.
Group Assignment Assign the assignment to a group(s).
Enable SafeAssign Check for plagiarism in student submissions.
7. Add an optional description to appear with the assignment title on the course content page.
8. Click Save to save settings.
9. Adjust the visibility and availability settings by selecting the drop-down menu in the upper right
10. Click to return to the course content page.
Grading Student Assignments
1. Select the Gradebook from the navigation
2. Select the assignment that needs graded.
The submissions page opens.
3. Select a student.
The student’s submission will open underneath your original assignment.
4. Select the ellipses within the student’s submission to download the file locally, if applicable.
5. Select the icon to enter feedback or upload a file to be sent to the student. Select Save.
6. Enter a grade in the box provided in the upper right corner.
IDDC Pro Tip: Grades will only be visible to you until you post them to the gradebook. You can post grades
individually as you grade each student’s work or you can post all grades at once.
7. To post a grade immediately, select the ellipses and choose Post.
Optionally, click the to return to the submissions page to post individual grades or all
8. Use the right and left pointing arrows to navigate through the students.