of the U.S.
Budget of the United States Government,
Fiscal Year 2025 contains the Budget Message of the
President, information on the President’s priorities,
and summary tables.
Analytical Perspectives, Budget of the United
States Government, Fiscal Year 2025 contains anal-
yses that are designed to highlight specified subject
areas or provide other significant presentations of
budget data that place the Budget in perspective.
This volume includes economic and accounting anal-
yses, information on Federal receipts and collections,
analyses of Federal spending, information on Federal
borrowing and debt, baseline or current services es-
timates, and other technical presentations.
Supplemental tables and other materials that
are part of the Analytical Perspectives volume
are available at
Appendix, Budget of the United States
Government, Fiscal Year 2025 contains detailed in-
formation on the various appropriations and funds
that constitute the Budget and is designed primarily
for the use of the Appropriations Committees. The
Appendix contains more detailed financial informa-
tion on individual programs and appropriation ac-
counts than any of the other Budget documents. It
includes for each agency: the proposed text of ap-
propriations language; budget schedules for each
account; legislative proposals; narrative explana-
tions of each budget account; and proposed general
provisions applicable to the appropriations of entire
agencies or groups of agencies. Information is also
provided on certain activities whose transactions
are not part of the budget totals.
The President’s Budget and supporting materi-
als are available online at
omb/budget/. This link includes electronic versions
of all the Budget volumes, supplemental materials
that are part of the Analytical Perspectives volume,
spreadsheets of many of the budget tables, and a
public use budget database. This link also includes
Historical Tables that provide data on budget re-
ceipts, outlays, surpluses or deficits, Federal debt,
and Federal employment over an extended time pe-
riod, generally from 1940 or earlier to 2029. Also
available are links to documents and materials from
budgets of prior years.
For more information on access to electronic ver-
sions of the Budget documents, call (202) 512-1530
in the D.C. area or toll-free (888) 293-6498. To pur-
chase the printed documents, call (202) 512-1800.
1. All years referenced for budget data are fiscal years unless otherwise
noted. All years referenced for economic data are calendar years unless
otherwise noted.
2. At the time the Budget was prepared, none of the full-year appropria-
tions bills for 2024 have been enacted, therefore, the programs and ac-
tivities normally provided for in the full-year appropriations bills were
operating under a continuing resolution (Public Law 118-15, division A,
as amended). References to 2024 spending in the text and tables reflect
the levels provided by the continuing resolution.
3. Detail in this document may not add to the totals due to rounding.
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ISBN 978-0-16-096004-8
ISBN 978-0-16-096004-8
9 780160 960048
Table of Contents
The Budget Message of the President ................................................................................................1
Building the Economy from the Middle Out and Bottom Up .......................................................5
Investing in America and the American People ............................................................................15
Creating a Government that Delivers for the American People ...............................................49
Department of Agriculture .................................................................................................................55
Department of Commerce ................................................................................................................... 61
Department of Defense ........................................................................................................................ 65
Department of Education ...................................................................................................................69
Department of Energy .........................................................................................................................73
Department of Health and Human Services ..................................................................................77
Department of Homeland Security ...................................................................................................85
Department of Housing and Urban Development ........................................................................89
Department of the Interior .................................................................................................................93
Department of Justice .........................................................................................................................97
Department of Labor ..........................................................................................................................101
Department of State and Other International Programs .........................................................105
Department of Transportation ........................................................................................................111
Department of the Treasury ............................................................................................................. 115
Department of Veterans Affairs .......................................................................................................117
Corps of Engineers—Civil Works ....................................................................................................121
Environmental Protection Agency .................................................................................................123
National Aeronautics and Space Administration .......................................................................127
National Science Foundation ........................................................................................................... 129
Small Business Administration .......................................................................................................131
Social Security Administration .......................................................................................................133
Summary Tables ..................................................................................................................................135
OMB Contributors to the 2025 Budget ...........................................................................................177
When I was elected President, a pandemic was raging and our economy was reeling. We
were in the midst of the most devastating downturn in nearly a century. I came into office de-
termined to fundamentally change things, by rebuilding our economy from the middle out and
bottom up, not the top down—because when the middle class does well, the poor have a ladder
up and the wealthy still do well. We all do. We can give everyone a fair shot and leave no one
Our work started with the American Rescue Plan, which vaccinated the Nation, delivered
immediate economic relief to people who badly needed it, and sent funding to States and cities
to keep key services going. It continued with the biggest investment in our Nation’s infrastruc-
ture since the 1950s. More than 46,000 new projects have been announced to date, rebuilding
our roads, bridges, railroads, ports, airports, public transit, water systems, high-speed internet,
and more. At the same time, we are making the most significant investment in fighting climate
change in the history of the world. I have seen Americans’ courage and resilience in the wake
of devastating natural disasters, and I will always have their backs as we rebuild and boost
resilience to extreme weather. We are building a cleaner, more resilient and sustainable power
grid, and making America’s biggest investment in rural electricity since the New Deal. We are
revitalizing fence-line communities that have shouldered the burden of harmful pollution for
generations. We are lowering energy costs for hardworking families and strengthening our
energy security with clean energy breakthroughs. Across the board, we are supporting ad-
vanced manufacturing, ensuring the industries of the future are made in America by American
Our plan is working. Already, my Investing in America agenda has attracted $650 billion in
private investment from companies that are building factories and moving production back to
America. We are making things here in America again, with American union workers. We have
ignited a manufacturing boom, a semiconductor boom, an electric-vehicle boom, and more. My
agenda is creating hundreds of thousands of union jobs, so folks never have to leave their home-
towns to find good-paying work they can raise a family on. Today, America once again has the
strongest economy in the world. We have created a record 15 million jobs, with unemployment
under four percent for the longest stretch in over 50 years. Growth is strong. Wages are rising
and inflation is down by two-thirds, with costs having fallen for key household items from a
gallon of gas to a gallon of milk. We have more to do, but folks are starting to feel the benefits.
Consumer sentiment has surged more in recent months than any time in 30 years. Americans
have filed a record 16 million new business applications since I took office; each one of them is
an act of hope.
Importantly, we made these historic investments in a fiscally responsible way, while making
our tax system fairer. In 2022, I signed a law that imposed a new minimum tax of 15 percent
on the Nation’s largest corporations, saved $160 billion by giving Medicare the authority to ne-
gotiate prescription drug prices and limit price increases, and boosted funding to the Internal
Revenue Service to crack down on wealthy and corporate tax cheats. This is just the beginning.
My Budget would do more to close loopholes. It would save another $200 billion by enabling
To The Congress of The UniTed sTaTes:
Medicare to negotiate prices on even more drugs and by limiting other drug price increases. It
would cut wasteful subsidies to Big Oil and other special interests; and it would introduce a
minimum tax on billionaires, which alone would raise $500 billion for the American people.
So far, we have already cut the deficit by $1 trillion since I took office, one of the biggest reductions
in history, and I have signed legislation to cut it by $1 trillion more. My Budget would reduce it by
another $3 trillion over the next 10 years as well, while continuing to pay for our investments in
And we are just getting started.
My Administration will keep fighting to lower costs for working families, on everything from hous-
ing to childcare to student loans. After decades of talk in Washington, we beat Big Pharma and
capped the cost of insulin for seniors at $35 a month, down from as much as $400. Starting next year,
no senior on Medicare will pay more than $2,000 a year in total out-of-pocket prescription drug costs,
even for expensive cancer medications that now cost many times more. We are cracking down on
price gouging by requiring drugmakers that raise prices of certain drugs faster than inflation to pay a
rebate back to Medicare. At the same time, we have protected and expanded the Affordable Care Act,
with a record 21 million Americans enrolled in marketplace plans this past year, while saving millions
of Americans $800 per year on their premiums. Today, more Americans have health insurance than
ever before. My Budget builds on those gains.
I also know that for too many hardworking families, it costs too much to find a good home,
so we are working to lower costs and boost supply of housing nationwide. My Budget will
make monthly mortgage payments more affordable for middle-class first-time homebuyers by
providing a $5,000 annual mortgage relief credit for two years. My Budget will expand rental
assistance to hundreds of thousands of additional families, continuing the largest expansion
in 20 years. It will also help to ease America’s longstanding shortage of affordable housing,
including by cutting red tape, so that more builders can get Federal financing to build more af-
fordable housing. Important progress is underway: more families own homes today than before
the pandemic; rents are easing; and a record 1.7 million housing units are under construction
My Budget also makes key investments in childcare and education, so every child in America
can have the strong start they need to thrive. It restores the Child Tax Credit expansion I signed
into law, which cut child poverty nearly in half in 2021; and it guarantees the vast majority of
families high-quality childcare for no more than $10 a day, while boosting pay for childcare work-
ers. It offers universal free preschool for all four million of America’s four-year-olds. Building on
the American Rescue Plan’s investment in public education, the biggest in history, it also helps
States expand tutoring, afterschool, and summer programs; and boosts recruiting to ease teacher
At the same time, I am keeping my promise to ease the crushing burden of student debt.
Despite legal challenges, we have canceled some $138 billion in student debt for nearly four mil-
lion Americans, including more than 750,000 teachers, nurses, firefighters, social workers, and
other public servants. That is freeing people to finally consider buying a home, having a child,
or starting that small business they always dreamed of.
We are also working to secure our border. In October, I sent an emergency request for more
funding; my Budget renews that request for additional resources, including for 1,300 more
Border Patrol agents, 375 immigration judges, and 1,600 asylum officers, and for cutting-edge
technology to help detect fentanyl. We need to pass the Senate’s bipartisan border deal as well,
which would make urgent additional investments to secure the border and help to fix our broken
immigration system.
Today, the world is facing an inflection point in history, at home and abroad. My Administration
has restored America’s leadership on the world stage, rallying more than 50 nations to support
Ukraine in the face of brutal Russian aggression, strengthening and expanding NATO, revital-
izing our alliances and partnerships in the Indo-Pacific—including with Japan, South Korea,
and Australia—and strengthening democracy across the globe. But we need to do more to prove
that America can once again be relied on to stand up for freedom. In October, I submitted a na-
tional security supplemental request to cover urgent needs, including support for Ukraine and
Israel, and humanitarian aid and relief for Palestinians. My Budget reiterates that request and
continues other critical support for NATO allies and partners around the world. It strengthens
our deterrence capacity in the Indo-Pacific, expanding our capabilities in the region. It also
works to keep our military the best-trained, best-equipped fighting force in the world, integrat-
ing advanced innovation technologies, and improving overall readiness. My Budget also takes
important steps to honor our Nation’s most sacred obligation—to protect and equip our troops
when they are in harm’s way, and to care for them and their families throughout and after their
service. Since I took office, I have signed over 30 significant bipartisan bills to support veterans,
including the PACT Act, the biggest-ever expansion of benefits for servicemembers exposed to
toxic burn pits during their service; and I have issued the most comprehensive executive actions
to date to boost economic security for military families. My Budget builds on that work.
The story of America is one of progress and resilience, of always moving forward and never
giving up. It is a story unique among nations. We are the only nation that has emerged from
every crisis we have entered stronger than we went in. While my Administration has seen great
progress since day one, there is still work to do. My Budget will help make that promise real.
The WhiTe hoUse,
March 2024
When the President and Vice President came
into office, America faced historic challenges,
including a once-in-a-century pandemic and an
economy experiencing the most severe downturn
since the Great Depression. From day one, the
President moved swiftly to tackle these challeng-
es head-on and has delivered long-lasting results.
Over the past three years, the President has
overseen a strong economic recovery, amassed
one of the most successful legislative records
in generations, sought to grow the economy by
growing the middle class, and delivered impor-
tant progress for the American people.
Since the President took office, the economy
has added about 15 million jobs. That is about
15 million additional Americans who know the
peace of mind that comes with a paycheck. The
unemployment rate has remained below four
percent for 24 months in a row—a more than 50-
year record—while inflation has fallen by two-
thirds. Our strong labor market has meant high-
er paychecks, driven by pay increases across the
middle class. Workers’ paychecks and household
wealth are higher now than they were before the
pandemic—including after adjusting for infla-
tion. Higher pay has spurred strong consumer
spending and business investment. Americans
have filed a record 16 million applications to
start businesses—the highest number ever over
a three-year span. Under President Biden, the
Nation has achieved faster growth than any of
America’s peer nations and now has the lowest
core inflation of almost any other major economy.
The President’s top economic priority is low-
ering costs for hardworking Americans. The
Administration is working to bring down pre-
scription drug costs, health insurance premiums,
utility bills, and costs for everyday goods—all
while taking on junk fees that some airlines,
banks, and other companies use to rip off
The President has lowered costs while in-
vesting in America and the American people.
The President’s Investing in America agenda,
which includes his landmark legislation—
the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act
(Bipartisan Infrastructure Law), the CHIPS
and Science Act (Public Law 117-167), and the
Inflation Reduction Act (Public Law 117-169)—
is driving record investment and opportunity
in communities across the Nation, including
those that have been too often left behind. The
President has led a historic economic recovery,
implemented the Investing in America agenda,
and worked to lower costs for Americans, while
also keeping Americans safe and promoting de-
mocracy at home and abroad.
As the President said, “the story of America
is a story of progress and resilience, of always
moving forward, of never, ever giving up. It’s a
story unique among all nations. We’re the only
country that has emerged from every crisis we’ve
ever entered stronger than we got into it. Under
the President’s leadership, the Administration is
focused on building on this record of progress as
we write the next chapter in the great American
Over the past three years, the global pandem-
ic and Putin’s illegal war against the people of
Ukraine have led to inflation all over the world.
The President has made it his top domestic prior-
ity to lower costs and give American families more
breathing room. Under the President’s leader-
ship, the Nation has seen significant progress in
bringing down inflation. Over the last six months
of 2023, core inflation was at the pre-COVID-19
pandemic benchmark of two percent—with aver-
age hourly earnings adjusted for inflation higher
now than before the COVID-19 pandemic and ris-
ing faster than inflation over the last year. The
Administration has consistently taken steps to
lower a range of costs and put more money back
into American’s pockets.
Lowering Healthcare Costs
The President signed into law the historic
Inflation Reduction Act, which is helping millions
of Americans save an average of $800 per year
on health insurance by extending the Patient
Protection and Affordable Care Act (Affordable
Care Act) enhanced premium tax credit, helping
drive enrollment in Affordable Care Act health
insurance to record-breaking highs. The historic
legislation also capped the cost of insulin at $35 a
month for seniors per insulin prescription, made
recommended vaccines free, and is requiring drug
companies to pay rebates to Medicare if they raise
prices faster than inflation. Under the President’s
leadership, the Administration has taken on Big
Pharma to finally allow Medicare to negotiate for
lower prescription drug prices—starting with ten
of the costliest, most widely used drugs used to
treat blood clots, cancers, arthritis, diabetes, and
more. The Administration has also cracked down
on surprise medical bills, preventing Americans
from receiving more than one million surprise
medical bills every month, and is also including
an allowance to ban unwarranted “facility fees”
for telehealth and certain other outpatient ser-
vices in commercial insurance.
Bringing Down Energy
and Internet Costs
The President has taken action to bring gas
prices down—since their peak, average gas prices
for Americans have come down more than $1.60
per gallon. The President’s historic Inflation
Reduction Act is directly investing in communi-
ties while also spurring hundreds of billions of
dollars in private sector investment—in wind, so-
lar, energy efficiency, electric vehicles, and more—
creating economic opportunities, lowering energy
costs across the Nation, and improving public
health. The Inflation Reduction Act is expected
to help families save an average of $500 per year
on energy costs once fully implemented. The
President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law cre-
ated the Affordable Connectivity Program, which
has helped 23 million households save more than
$500million per month on internet bills.
Forgiving Historic Amounts of
Student Debt and Launching the Most
Affordable Repayment Plan Ever
The President has made history by approving
a total of over $137billion in debt cancellation for
over 3.7 million Americans through a variety of
actions, including by taking on private, for-profit
universities that have scammed hard-working
Americans. The Administration launched the
most affordable student loan repayment plan
ever—the Saving on a Valuable Education plan—
which will cut undergraduate loan payments
in half and prevent student loan balances from
growing due to runaway interest. To alleviate
the burden of student loan debt for hard-working
public servants, the Administration has helped
almost 750,000 people access Public Service Loan
Forgiveness (PSLF). Prior to the Administration’s
fixes to PSLF, only about 7,000 borrowers had re-
ceived forgiveness. The President has also signed
legislation increasing the maximum Pell Grant by
$900 since the beginning of the Administration—
the largest increase in nearly 10 years—making
college more affordable.
Lowering Housing Costs
The President and Vice President understand
that housing affordability remains a challenge
for too many families. However, we are making
progress: homeownership is higher now than it
was before the COVID-19 pandemic, including
for African Americans and Hispanic Americans;
rental costs have moderated in the last year;
and a record number of apartments are under
construction—which should ease the burden of
housing costs going forward. With the Housing
Supply Action Plan, the Administration is mak-
ing progress toward reducing the growth of hous-
ing costs by increasing supply, including through
reducing barriers to housing and offering new
and improved financing for affordable housing
development. In 2023, the Administration low-
ered Federal Housing Administration annual
mortgage insurance premiums by about one-
third, saving more than 400,000 Americans—in-
cluding many first-time homebuyers—approxi-
mately $800 over the first year of the mortgage
with continued savings in subsequent years. To
lower rental costs for those who need it most, the
Administration has secured rental assistance for
over 100,000 additional low-income households
for the Housing Choice Voucher program, guar-
anteeing rents at 30 percent of those families’
Taking on Junk Fees
Junk fees are hidden, surprise fees that compa-
nies sneak onto customer bills, costing American
families tens of billions of dollars each year and
stifling competition across the economy. The
President has taken junk fees head on by direct-
ing his Administration to use every available tool
to address them and lower costs for the American
people—including by cracking down on hidden
junk fees in airline tickets, banking, investment
advice, health insurance, and apartment rent-
als. The Administration has pushed banks to
reduce overdraft and bounced check fees, saving
consumers more than $5billion a year compared
to pre-COVID-19 pandemic. The Federal Trade
Commission has proposed rules to ban companies
from charging hidden and misleading fees and re-
quire them to show the full price up front, and to
require sellers to make it as easy for consumers
to cancel their enrollment as it was to sign up—
rescuing consumers from difficulties cancelling
unwanted subscriptions like gym memberships.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has
proposed a rule that wouldlower credit card late
feesfrom approximately $30 to $8, saving consum-
ers up to $9billion annually. To help stop conduct
like price fixing or price gouging in grocery stores,
the Department of Agriculture has announced a
new partnership with bipartisan State attorneys
general. In addition, the Department of Housing
and Urban Development has called on industry,
housing providers, and State and local govern-
ments to adopt policies that promote greater fair-
ness and transparency of fees faced by renters.
Taking on Unfair Wage Practices to
Put Money Back in Americans’ Pockets
The Biden-Harris Administration has re-
covered more than $770 million for more than
485,000 workers across the Nation by enforc-
ing laws that protect these workers from being
victims of wage theft and exploitation, includ-
ing when they were not paid minimum wages
or hard-earned overtime wages, were denied
their tips, or were misclassified as independent
contractors. The Administration has proposed
a new rule to extend overtime pay for up to an
additional 3.6 million workers by raising the in-
come threshold, meaning workers like fast-food
managers or executive assistants could get their
well-deserved overtime pay. In addition, the Vice
President announced the publication of a final
rule that will raise wage standards of construc-
tion workers by updating prevailing wage regu-
lations, affecting more than one million workers
constructing $200 billion in federally funded or
assisted projects.
Delivering on a Commitment
to Fiscal Responsibility
The deficit is over $1trillion lower than when
President Biden took office, thanks in large part
to a strong economic recovery facilitated by in-
vestments that have expanded the Nation’s pro-
ductive capacity and a historic vaccination pro-
gram that allowed the responsible wind-down of
emergency measures. In addition, the President
has also enacted another roughly $1 trillion
in savings over the next decade through the
Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023, and through
the Inflation Reduction Act provisions that em-
power Medicare to negotiate lower prescription
drug prices, cap insulin at $35 per month for se-
niors,and make the wealthy and large corpora-
tions pay more of their fair share. To address the
unfairness of 55 of the most profitable U.S. cor-
porations paying zero dollars in Federal income
taxes, the President signed into law a 15-percent
minimum tax on the profits of the largest corpo-
rations—those with over $1billion in profits. He
also signed into law a surcharge on corporate stock
buybacks, which encourages businesses to invest
in their growth and productivity as opposed to
funneling tax-preferred profits to wealthy share-
holders. The Inflation Reduction Act also enact-
ed long-overdue investments in rebuilding and
modernizing the Internal Revenue Service (IRS),
which raise revenue by making wealthy taxpay-
ers and big corporations pay the taxes they owe—
while improving customer service and without
increasing audit rates relative to historical levels
for small businesses and taxpayers making under
$400,000 per year. The Budget would build on
this progress by increasing the corporate mini-
mum tax rate to 21 percent, quadrupling the sur-
charge on stock buybacks, extending the IRS in-
vestment, and other important reforms, resulting
in about $3 trillion of deficit reduction even after
financing the Budget’s investments.
As the President takes action to lower costs
and grow the economy from the middle out and
bottom up, he is also investing in America and the
American people—expanding access to health-
care and improving women’s health, building
the next generation of American infrastructure,
empowering American workers and families, ad-
vancing equity across the Nation, delivering on
the most ambitious climate agenda in history,
and ensuring the dignity of honoring America’s
sacred obligation to its veterans.
Expanding Access to Healthcare
The President believes healthcare is a right,
not a privilege. The Administration continues
to build on and strengthen the Affordable Care
Act—and Americans are enrolled in record num-
bers. A record-breaking 21.3 million Americans
signed up for healthcare coverage through the
Affordable Care Act Marketplaces for 2024, an in-
crease of more than nine million people since the
President took office. In addition, over one million
people in the four States that have adopted the
Affordable Care Act’s Medicaid expansion under
the President’s watch have gained Medicaid cov-
erage, many for the first time. The Vice President
has also continued her leadership on addressing
the maternal health crisis and its disparate im-
pacts, particularly on Black women. Since taking
office, over 40 States have answered her call to
extend Medicaid postpartum coverage from two
months to 12—expanding access to this essential
care for mothers across the Nation.
Investing in Women’s Health Research
Despite making up more than half the popula-
tion, women have historically been understudied
and underrepresented in health research. This
lack of investment limits the understanding of
conditions that are specific to women, predomi-
nantly affect women, or affect women differently.
In order to give women and their healthcare pro-
viders the tools and information that they need
to more effectively prevent, diagnose, and treat
these conditions, the President and First Lady
launched the first-ever White House Initiative on
Women’s Health Research—which will galvanize
the Federal Government and the private and
philanthropic sectors to spur innovation, unleash
transformative investment to close research gaps,
and improve women’s health.
Defending and Protecting
Reproductive Rights and Healthcare
Twenty-seven million women of reproductive
age—more than one in three—live in one of the
21 States with an abortion ban currently in effect.
In the last year, women have been denied medi-
cal care needed to preserve their health and save
their lives. In the wake of the Supreme Court’s
decision to overturn nearly 50 years of precedent
in Roe v. Wade, the President has signed Executive
Orders to: protect access to abortion, including
medication abortion; strengthen access to con-
traception; help ensure women receive the medi-
cal care they need in an emergency; and support
women’s ability to travel across State lines to ac-
cess care. The Administration has also strength-
ened privacy protections for patients and doctors,
and defended in court women’s ability to access
medication abortion and emergency medical care
required under Federal law. The Administration
continues to call on the Congress to pass legisla-
tion restoring the protections of Roe v. Wade in
Federal law.
Ensuring Robust Access to
Mental Healthcare
The President believes mental health is health,
particularly given the unprecedented mental
health crisis impacting people of all ages that was
exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. As part
of the Administration’s Unity Agenda, President
Biden released a comprehensive national strate-
gy to transform how mental health is understood,
accessed, treated, and integrated in and out of
healthcare settings. The Administration has
made historic investments in mental healthcare,
including nearly $1 billion to support the 988
Suicide and Crisis Lifeline. The Administration
is also committed to investing in training more
mental health professionals, and is expanding
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
nationwide. In addition, the Administration has
taken action to improve and strengthen mental
health parity requirements for mental health
and substance use care, and ensure that more
than 150 million Americans with private health
insurance can better access mental health ben-
efits under their insurance plan. The Biden-
Harris Administration is also implementing the
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act—the single
largest investment to support student mental
health in history, which will help hire and train
over 14,000 school-based mental health pro-
fessionals across the Nation. In addition, the
Administration eliminated the first three copays
for mental health outpatient visits for veterans
using their Department of Veteran Affairs (VA)
Delivering Critical Resources to
Address the Overdose Epidemic
A key pillar of the President’s Unity Agenda,
the Administration has taken action to coun-
ter the overdose epidemic and save Americans’
lives. The Administration has made this issue a
top priority, and taken historic actions over the
past three years to address substance use, en-
hance public health, strengthen public safety,
and save lives. With the President’s leadership,
the Administration has provided historic fund-
ing to States, localities, and Tribes for overdose
prevention efforts like access to naloxone and
treatment for opioid-use disorder. In addition,
the Administration requested $1.6billion in sup-
plemental funding for 2024 in the Department
of Health and Human Services (HHS) to expand
substance use prevention, treatment, harm re-
duction, and recovery support services to address
the overdose crisis.
Building the Next Generation
of American Infrastructure and
Igniting an Economic Resurgence
The President signed the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law, the largest infrastructure
bill since the Eisenhower Administration, and
has already announced $400 billion for 40,000
infrastructure projects across 4,500 communi-
ties throughout every State in the Nation. This
includes over $250billion to improve transporta-
tion all across the Nation—from better roads and
bridges, to improved airports, to more reliable
public transit and rail service. The Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law is investing in rural commu-
nities alongside urban ones—it invests in afford-
able, reliable high-speed internet infrastructure,
clean drinking water, and reliable electricity.
The President’s Inflation Reduction Act has
unleashed a manufacturing and clean energy
boom—spurring over $600 billion in private
sector investments since taking office, includ-
ing more than $160 billion announced invest-
ments in battery and EV supply chains. Clean
energy projects that have moved forward since
the President signed the historic law are already
on track to create more than 210,000 new clean
energy jobs across the Nation, and are projected
to create more than 1.5 million additional jobs
over the next decade, according to estimates by
outside groups. In addition, the President signed
the bipartisan CHIPS and Science Act, which is
creating good jobs and driving American competi-
tiveness in the industries of the future. As part
of the implementation of the CHIPS and Science
Act, the Department of Commerce announced 31
Tech Hubs that will help communities across the
Nation become centers of innovation critical to
American competitiveness.
Supporting Workers and Building
Pathways to Good Jobs
President Biden is the most pro-worker
President in history—and he is committed to
building an economy from the middle out and bot-
tom up. Together, he and Vice President Harris
have committed to ensuring high labor standards,
bringing workers’ voices to the decision-making
table, and enforcing rules against unfair labor
practices—not just here at home, but around the
world. Upholding common standards and pro-
tecting fundamental rights are key for American
workers and American companies to compete fair-
ly in the global economy. The White House Task
Force on Worker Organizing and Empowerment,
led by Vice President Harris, has championed the
Administration’s commitment to worker rights,
including the right to a free and fair choice to join
a union and to dignity in the workplace. As the
President says, “unions built the middle class,
and as we rebuild America, they can help rebuild
the middle class in the process.
To expand access to the good jobs creat-
ed by the President’s historic legislation, the
Administration has invested in pathways to jobs
in growing sectors, supporting both critical work-
force programs at community colleges and career
pathways programs in the K-12 system through
the first-ever Career-Connected High Schools
grants. The First Lady announced the first five
Workforce Hubs in cities with significant public-
and private-sector investments and a new initia-
tive to expand pathways to careers in advanced
manufacturing, resulting in the launch of new
Registered Apprenticeships, community college,
and high school programs and partnerships to
provide opportunities for more Americans to pur-
sue careers in the industries that will continue to
fuel the economy.
Rebuilding Supply Chains
When the President took office, supply chains
were severely disrupted as a result of the
COVID-19 pandemic. The Administration made
supply chain resilience and response a top pri-
ority on day one, collaborating with industry
and labor to address acute shortages and bot-
tlenecks throughout the economy—and secur-
ing critical supply chain investments through
the President’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,
Inflation Reduction Act, and bipartisan CHIPS
and Science Act. As a result, critical supply
chains are significantly more fluid and resilient
than they were when the President took office.
In addition, the President recently announced
a new White House Council on Supply Chain
Resilience, which will support the enduring resil-
ience of America’s critical supply chains.
Advancing Equity across the Nation
The President signed two Executive Orders
on advancing racial equity and support for un-
derserved communities, providing a powerful
and unprecedented mandate for all Federal agen-
cies to launch a whole-of-Government approach
to equity. Over the past three years, agencies
have taken historic steps toward ensuring that
Federal programs are supporting communities
that have been locked out of opportunity. The
Administration’s whole-of-Government work on
equity has included key steps to decrease the ra-
cial wealth gap, including by expanding Federal
contracting opportunities for small disadvan-
taged businesses and taking sweeping action
to address racial bias in home valuations to en-
sure that every American who buys a home has
the same opportunities to build generational
wealth through homeownership. In addition, the
Administration has tackled gender and racial pay
gaps, including through salary history bans and
pay transparency measures for Federal workers
and contractors. The Administration has also de-
ployed record investments to tribal nations and
Native communities, including through the his-
toric American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (American
Rescue Plan) and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
The enactment of advance appropriations for the
Indian Health Service for the first time in history
will help ensure more stable, predictable funding
and improved access to high quality healthcare.
The President also continues to expand the reach
of Rural Partners Network, which provides a
targeted across-Government approach to access-
ing training, technical assistance, and programs
to distressed rural communities, and creates a
clear point-of-entry for rural leaders to utilize all
Federal agencies’ assistance for rural areas.
In Executive Order 14041, “White House
Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity,
Excellence, and Economic Opportunity through
Historically Black Colleges and Universities
(HBCUs), President Biden charged the initia-
tive to “develop new and expand pre-existing na-
tional networks of individuals, organizations, and
communities to share and implement adminis-
trative and programmatic best practices related
to advancing educational equity, excellence, and
opportunity at HBCUs. HBCUs are central to
the Administration’s vision of a more inclusive,
equitable, and valuable higher education sys-
tem. Under the President and Vice President’s
leadership, the Administration has secured tens
of billions of dollars in funding for HBCUs and
Minority-Serving Institutions to prepare stu-
dents to contribute to the future in high-demand
and high-income fields, like cybersecurity, en-
gineering, biochemistry, and healthcare. The
Administration also re-established the White
House Initiative on Advancing Educational
Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for
HBCUs to increase their participation in Federal
programs that offer greater access to funding, en-
suring HBCUs can continue to be engines of op-
portunity in the future.
Supporting K-12 Education
To deliver on the promise of education for all
Americans, the Administration secured the larg-
est investment in public education in history to
help students get back to school and recover aca-
demically from the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing
on evidence-based strategies such as addressing
chronic absenteeism and increasing student ac-
cess to tutoring and summer, afterschool, and
extended learning programs. The President’s
leadership has garnered substantial increases
for Federal student support programs to meet the
needs of historically underserved students. The
Administration has provided record funding to
Title I schools and made significant investments
in the Nation’s teachers. These investments are
helping States in their efforts to address teacher
shortages, which fall hardest on underserved stu-
dents. Since the President took office, the Nation
has added 73,000 public school teachers.
Increasing High-Quality Care
and Supporting Caregivers
High-quality early care and long-term care
are critical to the Nation’s economic growth and
economic security. Early care and education give
young children a strong start in life, while long-
term care helps older Americans and people with
disabilities live, work, and participate in their
communities with dignity. Unfortunately, too
many families and individuals struggle to access
the affordable, high-quality care they need. In
recognition of this need, the Administration in-
vested over $60billion from the American Rescue
Plan in the care economy, including $24billion to
help child care providers keep their doors open
and to provide child care workers with higher
pay, bonuses, and other benefits. To date, these
efforts have helped over 225,000 child care pro-
grams serving as many as 10 million children
across the Nation.
The President’s Council of Economic Advisers
also found that these investments saved families
with young children who rely on paid child care
approximately $1,250 per child per yearby: slow-
ing the rise of child care prices; increasing the real
wages of child care workers by 10 percent; and
boosting maternal labor-force participation by up
to three percent, bringing hundreds of thousands
of mothers into the workforce. The President
also worked with the Congress to secure an ad-
ditional $2.1 billion in annual Child Care and
Development Block Grant program funding since
2021, a 36-percent increase, to help low-income
working families access the child care they need.
The Administration continues to call on the
Congress to make significant new investments to
give families in this Nation more breathing room
when it comes to care. In April 2023, the President
signed an Executive Order with the most compre-
hensive set of executive actions any president has
ever taken to improve care for hard-working fam-
ilies while supporting care workers and family
caregivers. Executive Order 14095, “Increasing
Access to High-Quality Care and Supporting
Caregivers” charged agencies with working with-
in their existing authorities to: lower the cost of
care for families; boost the supply of high-quality
early care and education and long-term care; pro-
vide more options for individuals and families in-
crease access to affordable care for families; and
improve job quality and support for care workers
and caregivers. Agencies have made substantial
progress in implementing this Executive Order.
VA launched a pilot program to provide mental
health services to roughly 2,300 family caregivers
who care for the Nation’s heroes.
HHS has proposed major rulemaking to low-
er costs for families receiving Federal child care
assistance and increase the pay for Head Start
teachers. In addition, the Administration has
also proposed actions to crack down on nursing
homes that put seniors at risk, proposing mini-
mum staffing requirements that would ensure
every facility has enough nurses to provide nec-
essary care, and expanded payments to clinicians
who train caregivers for seniors and people with
Honoring Our Sacred Obligation
to Ensure the Dignity of America’s
Veterans, Military Service
Members, and Their Families
President Biden believes we have a sacred ob-
ligation to care for the Nation’s veterans, their
families, caregivers, and survivors. Since taking
office, the President has signed into law over 30
bipartisan bills that address some of the most
important issues facing veterans today, includ-
ing the Honoring our PACT Act of 2022 (PACT
Act), which is the most significant expansion of
benefits and services for veterans exposed to toxic
substances in more than 30 years. The biparti-
san PACT Act delivers better healthcare and ben-
efits to veterans exposed to toxic burn pits during
their military service. In addition, the President
has called to end veterans’ homelessness—and
this year alone, the Administration permanently
housed over 46,000 veterans, which far exceeded
its goal of permanently housing 38,000 veter-
ans. The Administration and the Congress have
worked together to expand access to healthcare,
improve access to child and long-term care, and
support education and workforce opportuni-
ty for veterans and their families. In addition,
the Administration also continues to deliver on
veterans’ services—in 2023 alone, VA delivered
$163billion in earned benefits to 6.3 million vet-
erans and survivors.
Meeting the economic, social, and emotional
needs of America’s military and veteran families
as well as military and veteran caregivers and
surviving family members is also a national secu-
rity imperative. As part of her Joining Forces ini-
tiative to support military and veteran spouses,
military caregivers, and survivors, the First Lady
has championed meaningful policy solutions to
improve military spouse employment and entre-
preneurship, military children’s education, and
military family mental health and wellbeing.
President Biden signed the most comprehen-
sive set of executive actions by any President to
advance military family economic security and
make the Federal Government the employer of
choice for the military-connected community. The
Administration: established Dependent Care
Flexible Spending Accounts for service members;
funded universal pre-school for military children
living overseas; expanded child care options for
military families; increased the amount of child
care fee assistance available to offset costs; and
reduced military child development center costs
for lower income military families by 30 percent.
Delivering on the Most Ambitious
Climate Agenda in History
Since day one, President Biden has delivered
on the most ambitious climate, conservation, and
environmental justice agenda in history—tak-
ing bold action to reduce climate pollution across
every sector of the economy, protecting more than
26 million acres of lands and waters, and restor-
ing the vital role of science in guiding Federal
decision-making. The President signed the larg-
est investment in climate action ever with the
Inflation Reduction Act—resulting in 210,000
new clean energy jobs created by clean energy
projects that have moved forward in the year and
a half since the passage of the law, according to
estimates by outside groups. The President has
also taken bold executive action to cut emissions
across the economy, including strong final stan-
dards to reduce methane pollution from oil and
gas operations. As a result of the President’s
leadership and economic plan, clean energy jobs
are on the rise across the Nation, companies have
announced hundreds of billions of dollars in clean
energy investments, and the United States is on a
path toward cutting carbon pollution in half from
2005 levels by 2030 and net zero by 2050. While
tackling the climate crisis, the President is using
the Justice40 Initiative to embed environmental
justice into clean energy and climate programs,
ensuring that communities that are on the front-
lines benefit from this historic investment in
confronting climate pollution. In addition, in
September 2023, the Administration announced
the launch of the American Climate Corps initia-
tive to mobilize a new, diverse generation of clean
energy, conservation, and resilience workers to
tackle the climate crisis in communities around
the Nation.
Since the President took office, he has pro-
tected democracy across the globe and restored
U.S. leadership on the world stage. In the wake
of Putin’s brutal invasion and illegal war against
Ukraine, he has rallied the world to support
Ukraine’s defense and stand up against dicta-
torship. The President continues to secure criti-
cal support for Ukraine in the face of continued
Russian aggression while also enhancing the col-
lective capabilities and readiness of the United
States, our allies, and partners. The President
has strengthened alliances across the globe,
including winning congressional support to add
Finland and Sweden to the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization Alliance.
After Hamas’s horrific terrorist attacks against
Israel, the President has led the United States
to support Israel’s right to defend its country
and protect its people in a way that upholds in-
ternational humanitarian law, while ensuring
the Palestinian people have access to vital hu-
manitarian aid and lifesaving assistance. The
President continues to press for congressional
support to provide the necessary security assis-
tance to Israel and to extend humanitarian as-
sistance to civilians impacted by conflict in the
region, while working toward a future where
Palestinians have a state of their own and Israel’s
security is assured.
Under the President’s leadership, the
Administration continues to focus on the Nation’s
strategic competition with the People’s Republic
of China —and promoting American competitive-
ness worldwide. The President has advocated for
congressional support to invest in the American
defense industrial base to ensure military readi-
ness and strengthen integrated deterrence for the
growing security requirements in the Indo-Pacific.
The President has also increased U.S. foreign as-
sistance to the region in support of a more free,
open, secure, and connected Indo-Pacific, while
also expanding America’s diplomatic presence.
At the same time, the President remains laser-
focused on keeping Americans safe at home. The
President took on the gun lobby and signed the
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act into law, the
first significant gun violence legislation in nearly
30 years, which includes background checks for
buyers under 21, expanded mental health pro-
grams, and support for implementation of red flag
laws that keep guns away from dangerous people.
The President created the first-ever White House
Office of Gun Violence Prevention in American
history, overseen by the Vice President, and has
announced nearly 40 executive actions to keep
guns out of dangerous hands. The Administration
has also delivered the most funding ever for
the bipartisan Violence Against Women Act
Reauthorization Act of 2022 to combat gender-
based violence and strengthened this landmark
law, in addition to issuing the Nation’s first-ever
U.S. National Action Plan to End Gender-Based
To continue to protect and secure the border,
the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has
taken action to process noncitizens at record scale
and efficiency. On May 12, 2023, DHS returned to
processing all noncitizens under Title 8 immigra-
tion authorities. Each day since then, DHS has
maximized the use of expedited removal, plac-
ing more than 900 individuals into the process
each day on average, and conducting more than
100,000 credible fear interviews, both of which
are record highs. As a result, DHS has removed or
returned more than 565,000 noncitizens who did
not have a lawful basis to remain in the United
States, the vast majority of whom crossed the
Southwest land border, since May 12, 2023. Total
removals and returns since mid-May of 2023 ex-
ceed removals and returns in every full year since
2013. The majority of all individuals encountered
at the Southwest land border over the past three
years have been removed, returned, or expelled.
The President and Vice President continue to
take action to combat hate which undermines
democracy, including by releasing the first-ever
national strategy to counter Antisemitism, an-
nouncing the development of a national strat-
egy to counter Islamophobia and related forms
of bias and discrimination, signing legislation to
enhance State and local law enforcement’s ability
to respond to hate crimes, and signing legislation
to make lynching a Federal crime. The President
and Vice President have continued to speak out
against discrimination, racism, sexism, anti-LG-
BTQI+ hate, and more—so that all Americans
can live freely and without fear of attack or ha-
rassment. To strengthen the right to vote, a key
pillar of our democracy, the President and Vice
President have continued pushing for stronger
voting rights to make sure every American can
make their voice heard.
From the first days of the Administration, the
President has moved swiftly to deliver results for
the American people. While challenges remain,
America has made historic progress as we con-
tinue to grow the economy from the middle out
and bottom up and ensure America can compete
to win in the global economy. Since President
Biden took office, the economy has added about
15 million jobs—while core inflation fell to two
percent over the last six months of 2023. The ac-
tions taken by the Administration have support-
ed that progress—and set the stage for a more
prosperous, healthier, and safer future.
Under the President’s leadership, the
Administration has focused on investing in
America and the American people, including
by signing into law historic legislation such
as the American Rescue Plan, the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and Science Act,
and the Inflation Reduction Act. These invest-
ments—by supporting a manufacturing boom,
revitalizing American infrastructure, expand-
ing high-quality education and healthcare, and
investing in communities too often left behind—
have helped to reverse decades of chronic under-
funding of vital priorities all while supporting the
Nation’s greatest resource: the American people.
Importantly, their gains are only beginning to be
felt. Over the coming years, the consequences
of these investments—and the new jobs, innova-
tion, and benefits they will bring—will continue
to spread throughout American communities
with the ongoing implementation of the land-
mark legislation the President has signed into
law. At the same time, they set the stage for
continued progress under the President’s leader-
ship to lower costs, create new good-paying jobs,
keep families safe and healthy, and bolster the
Nation’s leadership on the world stage.
The Budget protects and builds on this prog-
ress with proposals for responsible, pro-growth
investments in America and the American peo-
ple. The Budget includes proposals that lower
costs for the American people, expand access to
high-quality healthcare, support America’s work-
force, confront the climate crisis, expand oppor-
tunity, and protect America at home and abroad.
The Budget upholds the President’s commitment
to protecting Medicare and Social Security for
this and future generations. The Budget builds
on the President’s record to date while achiev-
ing meaningful deficit reduction through mea-
sures that reduce wasteful spending and ask the
wealthy and large corporations to pay their fair
The President’s top economic priority is lower-
ing costs for American families. Thanks to the
Inflation Reduction Act, the United States is
lowering costs for prescription drugs, healthcare,
and energy for tens of millions of Americans, in
a fiscally responsible way. The Administration’s
actions to eliminate junk fees and promote great-
er competition across the American economy are
playing a key role in lowering costs. The Budget
builds on this critical work to lower costs and give
families more breathing room.
Accelerates Negotiations of Lower Drug
Prices and Expands Access to Prescription
Drugs. Thanks to action taken by the
Administration, millions of seniors are saving
money on their drug costs, and the Administration
announced the first 10 drugs for which prices will
be negotiated as it continues implementation of
the Inflation Reduction Act. The Budget builds
on this success by significantly increasing the
pace of negotiation, bringing more drugs into ne-
gotiation sooner after they launch, expanding in-
flation rebates and $2,000 out-of-pocket prescrip-
tion drug cost cap beyond Medicare and into the
commercial market, and other steps to build on
the Inflation Reduction Act drug provisions. In
addition, the Budget extends the $35 cost-shar-
ing cap for a month’s supply of a covered insulin
product to the commercial market. For Medicaid,
the Budget includes proposals to ensure Medicaid
and the Children’s Health Insurance Program
(CHIP) are prudent purchasers of prescription
drugs, such as authorizing the Department of
Health and Human Services (HHS) to negotiate
supplemental drug rebates on behalf of interest-
ed States in order to pool purchasing power. The
Budget also limits Medicare Part D cost-sharing
for high-value generic drugs, such as those used
to treat hypertension and hyperlipidemia, to no
more than $2 per month for Medicare beneficia-
ries. To speed up development and increase ac-
cess to safe and affordable biosimilar medicines,
the Budget streamlines and modernizes the Food
and Drug Administration’s (FDA) premarket re-
view. The Budget also includes funding for con-
tinued implementation of the No Surprises Act,
which protects Americans across the Nation from
surprise medical bills.
Lowers Child Care Costs. From the begin-
ning of this Administration, the President and
Vice President have been focused on child care
costs as a critical challenge for families. When
child care is reliable, high-quality, and afford-
able, parents can make ends meet, advance in
their careers, and stay in the workforce—while
children benefit from opportunities to socialize
with peers. The President is committed to pro-
viding relief to families, and the Budget creates a
historic new program under which working fami-
lies with incomes up to $200,000 per year would
be guaranteed affordable, high-quality child care
from birth until kindergarten, with most fami-
lies paying no more than $10 a day, and the low-
est income families paying nothing. This would
provide a lifeline to the parents of more than 16
million children, saving the average family over
$600 per month in care costs, per child, and giv-
ing parents the freedom to select a high-quality
child care setting. This investment could help
hundreds of thousands of women with young
children enter or re-enter the workforce more
quickly. The President’s Council of Economic
Advisers found that recent Federal investments
in child care have increased labor force partici-
pation among mothers with young children by
roughly three percentage points, equivalent to
over 300,000 more women in the labor force. The
President’s proposal would also ensure that early
care and education workers receive fair and com-
petitive pay. In addition, the Budget provides
$8.5billion for the Child Care and Development
Block Grant, a 44-percent increase since the first
year of the Administration, which would continue
to serve school-age children, while most children
under age six would be served through the new
program. The Budget also expands a tax credit
to encourage businesses to provide child care ben-
efits to their employees.
Reduces the Cost of Education Pathways
that Connect to Growing Jobs. Ensuring all
Americans benefit from the jobs created by the
Investing in America agenda is critical to grow-
ing the economy from the middle out and the bot-
tom up. High college prices deter many young
people from attending the colleges that would be
best for them. The Budget includes a $12billion
mandatory Reducing the Costs of College Fund
that would fund three strategies to lower college
costs for students. First, the fund would pro-
vide competitive awards for public institutions
that affordably deliver a quality education, al-
lowing those schools to use those funds either to
serve more students or to share best practices so
that other schools can become more affordable.
Second, the Classroom to Career fund would also
provide over $7billion for States to provide access
to at least 12 credits of transferable career-con-
nected dual enrollment credits to students while
in high school—credits that can enable students
to obtain postsecondary degrees more affordably.
Third, the fund would support evidence-based
strategies, such as the City University of New
York’s Accelerated Study in Associated Programs
Associate Program model, which increase college
graduation rates, reduce cost burdens for stu-
dents, and lower costs per graduate.
Increases Affordable Housing Supply to
Reduce Housing Costs. The President believes
that all Americans should be able to afford a qual-
ity home. The Budget builds on previous invest-
ments and actions by this Administration to boost
housing supply and lower housing costs, particu-
larly for lower- and middle-income households.
The Budget invests $1.3 billion in the HOME
Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) to
construct and rehabilitate affordable rental hous-
ing and provide homeownership opportunities. To
further address the critical shortage of affordable
housing in communities throughout the Nation,
the Budget provides $20 billion in mandatory
funding for a new Innovation Fund for Housing
Expansion, which would be a competitive grant
program for municipalities and other entities
that develop concrete plans for expanding hous-
ing supply, with additional funding for housing
affordability pilots. The Budget also provides
$7.5billion in mandatory funding for new Project-
Based Rental Assistance contracts to incentivize
the development of new climate-resilient afford-
able housing. The Budget expands the existing
Low-Income Housing Tax Credit and proposes a
new Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit. Together
these proposals would expand the supply of safe
and affordable housing, bring new units to mar-
ket, and ultimately help curb cost growth across
the broader rental market.
Expands Access to Homeownership and
Reduces Down Payments for First-Time and
First-Generation Homebuyers. The Budget
proposes a new Mortgage Relief Credit to help
increase access to affordable housing. The pro-
posal includes a new tax credit for middle-class
first-time homebuyers of up to $10,000 over two
years to ease affordability challenges. In addi-
tion, to unlock starter home inventory for first-
time homebuyers and help middle-class fami-
lies who are “locked in” to their current homes
due to lower mortgage rates at the time of pur-
chase, this proposal also includes a credit of up
to $10,000 for one year to middle-class families
who sell their starter home—a home at or below
the area median home price—to another owner-
occupant. The Budget also provides $10 billion
in mandatory funding for a new First-Generation
Down Payment Assistance program to help ad-
dress homeownership and wealth gaps. In addi-
tion, the Budget preserves the Administration’s
progress in expanding access to homeownership
for underserved borrowers, including many first-
time and minority homebuyers, through Federal
Housing Administration (FHA) and Ginnie Mae
credit guarantees. In 2023, first-time homebuy-
ers accounted for over 80 percent of FHA-insured
home purchase loans. The Budget also includes
up to $50million for a HOME down payment as-
sistance pilot program that would reduce mort-
gage down payments for first-generation as well
as low wealth first-time homebuyers.
Expands Access to Affordable Rent
through the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)
Program. The HCV program currently provides
2.3 million low-income families with rental as-
sistance to obtain housing in the private market,
but many families who are eligible do not receive
assistance due to limited funding. The Budget
proposes $32.8 billion in discretionary funding,
an increase of $2.5 billion over the 2023 level,
and assumes Public Housing Agencies will draw
$963million from HCV program reserves to main-
tain and protect critical services for all currently
assisted families. The Budget also reflects the
Administration’s continued commitment to ex-
pand assistance, supporting an additional 20,000
households, particularly those who are experienc-
ing homelessness or fleeing, or attempting to flee,
domestic violence or other forms of gender-based
violence. To further ensure that more households
have access to safe and affordable housing, the
Budget includes mandatory funding to support
two populations that are particularly vulnerable
to homelessness—youth aging out of foster care
and extremely low-income (ELI) veterans. The
Budget provides $9billion to establish a housing
voucher program for all 20,000 youth aging out
of foster care annually, and provides $13billion
to incrementally expand rental assistance for
400,000 ELI veteran families, paving a path to
guaranteed assistance for all who have served
the Nation and are in need. Since the beginning
of this Administration, Department of Housing
and Urban Development (HUD) has expanded
voucher assistance to over 100,000 additional
families, and the Budget continues this progress
by expanding voucher access to hundreds of thou-
sands of families.
Reduces Home Heating and Water Costs.
The Budget provides $4.1 billion for the Low
Income Home Energy Assistance Program
(LIHEAP). Reducing household energy and
water costs continues to be a priority for the
Administration, as reflected in the $7billion in
additional funding the Administration has se-
cured for LIHEAP since 2021. LIHEAP helps
families access home energy and weatherization
assistance—vital tools for protecting vulnerable
families’ health in response to extreme weather
and climate change. In addition, since the Low
Income Household Water Assistance Program ex-
pired at the end of 2023, the Budget proposes to
allow States the option to use a portion of their
LIHEAP funds to provide water bill assistance to
low-income households.
Lowers Energy Costs and Catalyzes
Clean Energy and Economic Growth in
Rural Communities. The Budget builds on
the $13 billion provided in the President’s his-
toric Inflation Reduction Act for rural develop-
ment programs at the Department of Agriculture
(USDA) to reduce energy bills for families, expand
clean energy, transform rural power production,
and create thousands of good-paying jobs for peo-
ple across rural America. Rural communities are
critical to achieving the goal of 100 percent clean
electricity by 2035. The Budget provides $1billion
for loan guarantees for renewable energy systems
and energy efficiency improvements for farmers
and rural small businesses, and $6.5 billion in
authority for rural electric loans to support addi-
tional clean energy, energy storage, and transmis-
sion projects that would create good-paying jobs.
In addition, the Budget includes $53 million in
zero-interest loans for the Rural Energy Savings
Program, which would help rural Americans im-
plement durable cost-effective energy efficiency
measures in their homes, which lowers energy
costs and contributes to the President’s clean en-
ergy goals. The Budget also provides $10million
in Rural Community Facilities Grants specifically
for rural communities making an energy transi-
tion away from outdated energy sources, facilitat-
ing emerging infrastructure needs.
Connects More Americans to Affordable,
High-Speed, and Reliable Internet. The
President is committed to ensuring that every
American has access to affordable broadband in-
ternet. Thanks to the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law: the Affordable Connectivity Program has
provided high-speed Internet service to over
23 million eligible low income households at
low or no cost; the Department of Commerce
(Commerce) has allocated nearly $42 billion
in Broadband Equity, Access, and Deployment
program funding to all 50 States, the District
of Columbia, and five Territories to deploy reli-
able high-speed Internet service; and USDA has
provided $2.3 billion to people living and work-
ing across 35 States and Territories, which is ex-
pected to expand broadband access to more than
137,000 households. Installing high-speed inter-
net creates high-paying union jobs and strength-
ens local economies, which leads to increased job
and population growth, lower unemployment
rates, and new business formation. Reliable in-
ternet is also crucial for Americans to access
healthcare services through telehealth. Building
on the $2billion for USDA broadband programs
provided in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
for 2023, the Budget provides $112 million for
the ReConnect program, which provides grants
and loans to deploy broadband to unserved areas,
especially tribal areas. Building on the demon-
strated successes enabled by the $14billion pro-
vided in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the
Budget includes the Administration’s pending
supplemental request for $6 billion to continue
the Affordable Connectivity Program in 2024 and
the Administration will work with the Congress
to secure additional funding for this important
need in 2025 and beyond.
Eliminates the Origination Fee on Student
Loans. The Budget builds on the President’s
historic actions to reduce student debt and the
cost of college by eliminating the origination fees
charged to borrowers on every new Federal stu-
dent loan. These unnecessary fees burden anyone
who needs to borrow to help get an education and
cost American families billions of dollars.
Bolsters Antitrust Enforcement. The
Budget proposes $288 million for the Antitrust
Division of the Department of Justice (DOJ), an
increase of $63million over the 2023 enacted lev-
el and $103million over the 2021 enacted level,
to strengthen antitrust enforcement efforts to
promote vigorous marketplace competition and
reduce costs and raise wages for the American
Prior to the creation of Social Security nearly
90 years ago, almost half of all American seniors
lived in poverty—including some seniors who
had worked their entire lives. Before Medicare
was signed into law almost 60 years ago, many
seniors’ basic needs went unmet without health-
care to count on. Social Security and Medicare
are more than Government programs, they are a
promise—a rock-solid guarantee that generations
of Americans have counted on—that after a life of
hard work, you will be able to retire with dignity
and security. As the President has made clear,
he will reject any efforts to cut or undermine the
Medicare or Social Security benefits that seniors
and people with disabilities have earned and paid
into their entire working lives. The Budget hon-
ors that ironclad commitment by firmly opposing
benefit cuts to either program and by embrac-
ing reforms that would protect and strengthen
these programs. The President remains com-
mitted to working with the Congress to protect
Medicare and Social Security for this and future
Strengthens Medicare by Requiring High-
Income Americans to Contribute Their Fair
Share and Reducing Prescription Drug
Costs. The Budget extends solvency of the
Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund in-
definitely by modestly increasing the Medicare
tax rate on incomes above $400,000, closing loop-
holes in existing Medicare taxes, and directing
revenue from the Net Investment Income Tax
into the HI trust fund as was originally intend-
ed. Current law allows certain wealthy business
owners avoid Medicare taxes on some of the prof-
its they get from passthrough businesses. The
Budget closes the loophole that allows certain
business owners to avoid paying Medicare taxes
on these profits and raises Medicare tax rates on
earned and unearned income from 3.8 percent to
5 percent for those with incomes over $400,000.
In addition, the Budget directs an amount equiv-
alent to the savings from the proposed Medicare
drug reforms into the HI trust fund.
Protects the Social Security Benefits that
Americans Have Earned. The Administration
is committed to protecting and strengthening
Social Security. In particular, the Administration
looks forward to working with the Congress to re-
sponsibly strengthen Social Security based on the
following principles:
No benefit cuts. The President opposes
policies that cut benefits, as well as pro-
posals to privatize Social Security.
Extending solvency by asking the highest-
income Americans to pay their fair share.
The President believes that protecting
Social Security should start with asking
the highest-income Americans to pay their
fair share.
Improving financial security for seniors
and people with disabilities. The President
supports efforts to improve Social Security
benefits, as well as Supplemental Security
Income benefits, for seniors and people
with disabilities, especially for those who
face the greatest challenges making ends
Ensuring that Americans can access the
benefits they have earned. The President
supports investments in Social Security
Administration (SSA) services so that
seniors and people with disabilities can
access the benefits they have earned.
Consistent with the final principle, the Budget
invests in staff, information technology (IT),
and other improvements at SSA, providing an
increase of $1.3 billion, a nine-percent increase
from the 2023 enacted level. These funds would
improve customer service at SSA’s field offices,
State disability determination services, and tele-
service centers for retirees, individuals with dis-
abilities, and their families. The Budget also
adds staff to process more disability claims and
reduce the amount of time claimants have to wait
for decisions on vital benefits.
Protects Seniors’ Health and Dignity.
The Budget invests $150 billion over 10 years
to strengthen and expand Medicaid home and
community-based services, allowing elderly and
individuals with disabilities to remain in their
homes and stay active in their communities, and
improving the quality of jobs for home care work-
ers. The Budget also increases funding for senior
nutrition services to ensure seniors continue to
receive healthy meals by eight percent above the
2023 level, and 21 percent over the 2021 level. In
addition, the Budget proposes to shift funding for
nursing home surveys from discretionary to man-
datory beginning in 2026, and increase funding
to cover 100 percent of statutorily-mandated sur-
veys, which would guard against negligent care
and ensure that Americans receive high-quality,
safe services within these facilities. The Budget
also continues to build on the President’s commit-
ment to protect the Nation’s seniors through a
comprehensive agenda that: improves the safety
and quality of nursing home care; addresses the
backlog of complaint surveys from nursing home
residents; expands financial penalties for under-
performing facilities; requires greater transpar-
ency of nursing facility ownership; and increases
the inspection of facilities with serious safety
The Administration has achieved monumental
gains in its commitment to protect and expand
Americans’ access to quality, affordable health-
care. Since taking office, the President has: deliv-
ered the resources necessary to end the COVID-19
emergency; built on the success of the Affordable
Care Act to further close the uninsured gap; re-
duced Americans’ healthcare premiums and pre-
scription drug costs; finally allowed Medicare
to negotiate for lower prescription drug prices;
acted to protect millions of consumers from sur-
prise medical bills and junk fees; made progress
on bold new goals as part of the Biden Cancer
Moonshot; and created new efforts dedicated to
preventing, detecting, and treating devastating
diseases like cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. The
Administration recognizes that by investing in
the health and well-being of the American people,
healthier, safer, and more productive communities
can be created. The Budget protects the progress
this Administration has made while proposing
additional investments to address the challenges
that remain, including further expanding access
to high-quality healthcare, responding to mental
health needs, and strengthening America’s public
health infrastructure.
Putting High-Quality
Healthcare Within Reach
Expands Access to Quality, Affordable
Healthcare. The President and the Vice
President believe that healthcare is a right, not a
privilege. With enrollment in marketplace cover-
age at an all-time high, the Budget builds on the
incredible success of the Affordable Care Act by
making permanent the expanded premium tax
credits that the Inflation Reduction Act extended
and providing Medicaid-like coverage to individ-
uals in States that have not adopted Medicaid
expansion, paired with financial incentives to
ensure States maintain their existing expan-
sions. For Medicaid and CHIP, the Budget allows
States to extend the existing 12-month continu-
ous eligibility for all children to 36 months, and
allows States to provide continuous eligibil-
ity for children from birth until they turn age
six. Further, the Budget prohibits enrollment
fees and premiums in CHIP. The President also
supports eliminating Medicaid funding caps for
Puerto Rico and other Territories while aligning
their matching rate with States—and moving to-
ward parity for other critical Federal programs
including Supplemental Security Income and the
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Supports Family Planning Services for
More Americans. Americans deserve access to
the healthcare they need, including contraception
and family planning services, which are essential
to ensuring control over personal decisions about
their own health, lives, and families. For more
than 50 years, Title X family planning clinics
have played a critical role in ensuring access to a
broad range of high-quality family planning and
preventive health services. Most Title X clients
live in poverty and the uninsured rate of Title X
users is twice the national average, making the
Title X family planning program a critical part
of the public health safety net. The Budget in-
cludes $390million, a 36-percent increase above
the 2023 enacted level, for the Title X Family
Planning program to increase the number of pa-
tients served to 3.6 million.
Promotes Maternal Health and Health
Equity. The United States has the highest ma-
ternal mortality rate among developed nations,
and rates are disproportionately high for Black,
American Indian, Alaska Native, and rural
women. Since 2021, funding to reduce maternal
mortality has grown by over $190million, dem-
onstrating the Administration’s commitment to
addressing needs in this area. The Budget con-
tinues this progress by including $376million, an
increase of $82 million above the 2023 enacted
level to support the ongoing implementation of
the White House Blueprint for Addressing the
Maternal Health Crisis, launched by the Vice
President, to reduce maternal mortality and
morbidity rates, and address the highest rates
of perinatal health disparities. The Budget ex-
pands Medicaid maternal health support services
during the pregnancy and post-partum period by
incentivizing States to reimburse a broad range
of providers including doulas, community health
workers, peer support initiatives, and nurse
home visiting programs. In addition, the Budget
builds on the success of the more than 40 States
that answered the Vice President’s call to extend
Medicaid postpartum coverage for 12 months,
eliminating gaps in health insurance at a critical
time for all women.
Saving Lives by Advancing
Behavioral Healthcare
Strengthens Mental Health Parity
Protections. The Budget requires all health
plans to cover mental health and substance use
disorder benefits, ensures that plans have an ad-
equate network of behavioral health providers,
and improves the Department of Labor’s (DOL)
ability to enforce the law. In addition, the Budget
includes $275 million over 10 years to increase
the Department’s capacity to ensure that large
group market health plans and issuers comply
with mental health and substance use disorder
requirements, and to take action against plans
and issuers that do not comply.
Expands Coverage and Invests in
Behavioral Healthcare Services. In 2022,
almost a quarter of adults suffered from men-
tal illness, 13 percent of adolescents had serious
thoughts of suicide, and overdose deaths con-
tinued near record highs. As a core pillar of his
Unity Agenda, the President released a national
strategy to transform how to understand and ad-
dress mental health in America—and the Budget
makes progress on this agenda by improving
access to care for individuals and communities.
The Budget makes significant investments in ex-
panding the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline that
is projected to respond to 7.5 million contacts
from individuals in distress in 2025 alone. The
Budget: expands mental healthcare and sup-
port services in schools; expands the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) sui-
cide prevention program to additional States, as
well as tribal and territorial jurisdictions; and
invests in strengthening the behavioral health
workforce—including integration of behavioral
health services into primary care settings. The
Budget also expands access to behavioral health
services through significant investments in
Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinics
and Community Mental Health Centers. In ad-
dition, the Budgetprovides $1billion to advance
Health IT adoption and engagement in interop-
erability for certain behavioral health providers.
The Administration is also implementing the
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act—the single
largest investment to support student mental
health in history, which would help hire and train
over 14,000 school-based mental health profes-
sionals across the Nation.
Expands Access to Treatment for
Substance Use Disorder. The Administration
has made historic advances in expanding access
to treatment for opioid use disorder, including
signing into law a bipartisan provision to ex-
pand the number of medical providers who can
initiate buprenorphine treatment for opioid use
disorder from 129,000 to nearly two million, a
15-fold increase that can expand treatment to ru-
ral and underserved areas. Funding for States,
Territories, and Tribes through the Substance Use
Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery Services
Block Grant and the State Opioid Response
grant program has grown by a combined seven
percent since 2021, expanding access to preven-
tion, harm reduction, treatment, and recovery
support services nationwide. The Budget builds
on these accomplishments by increasing funding
for the State Opioid Response grant program,
which has provided treatment services to over
1.2 million people and enabled States to reverse
more than 500,000 overdoses with over nine
million purchased overdose reversal medication
kits. The Budget also invests in a new technical
assistance center to strengthen health providers’
understanding and treatment of women’s mental
health and substance use.
Driving Healthcare Innovation and
Discovering Future Treatments
Advances Progress toward Biden Cancer
Moonshot Goals. The President and First Lady
reignited the Biden Cancer Moonshot to mobilize
a national effort to end cancer as we know it—
spurring tremendous action across the Federal
Government and from the public and private
sectors, and building a strong foundation for the
work ahead. To date, the Biden Cancer Moonshot
has announced roughly 50 new programs, poli-
cies, and resources to address five priority actions
including: improving access to cancer screening;
understanding and addressing environmental
and toxic exposures; making progress on cancer
prevention; driving innovation to reach commu-
nities and individuals; and boosting support for
patients, families, and caregivers. More than 100
private companies, non-profits, academic institu-
tions, and patient groups have also stepped up
with new actions and collaborations. The Budget
makes significant investments to work toward
the President and First Lady’s signature Biden
Cancer Moonshot goal of reducing the cancer
death rate by at least 50 percent over the next
25 years and improving the experience of people
who are living with or who have survived can-
cer. These investments include an increase of
more than $2billion across the National Cancer
Institute, FDA, CDC, cancer projects at the
Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health,
and additional mandatory funds for the Indian
Health Service (IHS) beginning in 2026.
Enhances Biodefense and Public Health
Infrastructure. Over the past three years, sub-
stantial progress has been made toward develop-
ing and implementing transformational capabili-
ties to increase the Nation’s ability to respond
to and prepare for emerging health threats.
Building upon this progress, the Budget invests
$9.8 billion in both discretionary and manda-
tory Prevention and Public Health Fund fund-
ing, an increase of $499 million over the 2023
enacted level, to bolster public health capacity
to enable CDC to better serve and protect the
American public. These resources would contin-
ue to strengthen State, tribal, local, and territo-
rial health departments, enhance public health
data systems and collection, and improve the core
immunization program. In addition, the Budget
includes $20 billion in mandatory funding for
HHS public health agencies in support of the
Administration’s biodefense priorities as outlined
in the 2022 National Biodefense Strategy and
Implementation Plan for Countering Biological
Threats, Enhancing Pandemic Preparedness, and
Achieving Global Health Security.
Invests in the Treatment and Prevention
of Infectious Diseases. The Budget invests in
the treatment and prevention of infectious dis-
eases, including Hepatitis C, HIV, and vaccine-
preventable diseases. The Budget proposes a na-
tional program to significantly expand screening,
testing, treatment, prevention, and monitoring of
Hepatitis C infections in the United States, with
a specific focus on populations with high infection
levels. To help end the HIV epidemic, the Budget
eliminates barriers to accessing pre-exposure
prophylaxis—also known as PrEP—for Medicaid
beneficiaries and proposes a new mandatory pro-
gram to guarantee PrEP at no cost for all unin-
sured and underinsured individuals and provide
essential wrap-around services. The Budget also
invests in State and local efforts to promote eq-
uity and protect civil rights through a new ini-
tiative to modernize outdated criminal statutes
with a discriminatory impact on HIV-positive
individuals. In addition, the Budget proposes a
new Vaccines for Adults program to provide unin-
sured adults with access to routine and outbreak
vaccines at no cost. The Budget also expands the
Vaccines for Children (VFC) program to include
all children under age 19 enrolled in CHIP and
covers the vaccine administration fee for all VFC-
eligible uninsured children.
The President’s economic strategy is rooted
in what has always worked best for this Nation:
investing in America and the American people.
Since the President took office, the economy has
added about 15 million new jobs—including near-
ly 800,000 manufacturing jobs—more Americans
are working than at any point in American his-
tory, a record number of Americans have started
small businesses, and America continues to out-
pace its global peers in the speed and breadth of
our economic recovery from the COVID-19 pan-
demic. The President’s plan is modernizing and
rebuilding America’s infrastructure, promoting
a flexible and dynamic workforce, empowering
workers and creating good jobs here at home,
fueling healthy competition in the marketplace,
and reinvigorating manufacturing and industry
across the Nation. The Budget builds on this
proven record of economic success with addition-
al proposals to secure America’s position as the
strongest economy in the world by: continuing
to invest in manufacturing and making more in
America; ensuring workers and entrepreneurs
have the skills and supports to thrive; and creat-
ing good-paying jobs in emerging fields.
Boosting American Manufacturing
and Investing in Infrastructure
Continues Implementation of the
President’s Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law. The Budget provides a total of $78.4billion
for highway, highway safety, and transit formula
programs, supporting the amounts authorized for
year four of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
This includes $62.1billion in obligation limitation
funding for the Federal-aid Highways program,
an increase of $3.3billion above the 2023 enacted
level and $15.7billion above the enacted level for
2021, the year prior to enactment of the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law. This funding would sup-
port the continued repair and upgrading of the
Nation’s highways and bridges. The Budget also
includes $14.3billion for Transit Formula Grants,
a $645million increase above the 2023enacted
level, to support core capital and planning pro-
grams for transit agencies across the Nation, as
well as transit research, technical assistance, and
data collection. The Budget also reflects an addi-
tional $9.5billion in advance appropriations pro-
vided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for
bridge replacement and rehabilitation, electric
vehicle charging infrastructure, and other pro-
grams to improve the safety, sustainability, and
resilience of America’s transportation network.
Maintains World Leading Research
through the CHIPS and Science Act
Investments. The Budget invests $20 billion
across major research agencies, an increase
of $1.2 billion above the 2023 level, to boost
American innovation and re-establish American
leadership in research and scientific discovery.
At the National Science Foundation (NSF), these
investments include support for regional inno-
vation programs, investments in emerging tech-
nologies—such as artificial intelligence (AI) and
quantum information science—and science, tech-
nology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)
workforce programs. Funding for Commerce’s
National Institute for Standards and Technology
would support activities responsive to the
Administration’s Executive Order 14110, “Safe,
Secure and Trustworthy Development and Use of
Artificial Intelligence” and fund construction and
maintenance of research and development facili-
ties. In the Department of Energy’s (DOE) Office
of Science, the Budget supports AI, high perfor-
mance computing to improve climate modeling,
clean energy technologies including fusion, and
positions the United States to meet the demand
for isotopes.
Prioritizes Investment in the Federal
Aviation Administration (FAA). The Budget
provides $17.5billion in discretionary budget au-
thority for FAA, an increase of $2.1billion above
the 2023 enacted level, less Congressionally
Directed Spending. This funding supports robust
hiring and training of air traffic controllers start-
ed in 2023, to rebuild the pipeline of new control-
lers needed to safely meet projected air traffic
demands. The Budget also continues FAA’s mul-
tiyear effort of reforming aircraft certification, as
well as increasing its safety oversight capabili-
ties. The Budget proposes a five-year, $8billion
mandatory program to significantly modernize
FAAs major facilities and radars. This effort
would ensure that the American people and all
travelers can continue to depend on a safe, mod-
ern, and efficient aviation system. In addition,
the Administration proposes to increase the fuel
tax for high-end business jets, to better align the
costs of the services provided to those users on
the system.
Builds on Investments for a Safe and
Efficient Passenger and Freight Rail
Network. The Budget expands on the
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s already signifi-
cant investments toward improving the safety
and efficiency of the Nation’s rail network. This
includes $2.5billion for grants to Amtrak, along
with $250 million for the Consolidated Rail
Infrastructure and Safety Improvements pro-
gram, which is in addition to the $13.2billion in
rail funding directly provided by the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law. The Budget also increases
funding for critical rail safety programs.
Supports the Administration’s Goal of
Replacing All Lead Pipes and Invests in
Critical Water Infrastructure. To help pro-
tect families from the health hazards of lead
pipes, the Budget provides a total of $101million
to two Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
grant programs dedicated to remediating lead
contamination in drinking water—the Reducing
Lead in Drinking Water grant program and the
Voluntary School and Child Care Lead Testing
and Reduction Grant Program—an increase of
$53million over the 2021 enacted level. This in-
vestment, along with other programs at EPA that
can be used for lead projects, builds on the his-
toric $15billion in direct funding for lead pipe re-
placement through the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law and underscores the President’s commit-
ment to ensuring access to safe drinking water
and creating good-paying jobs in the process. In
addition, the Budget provides a total of $2.4bil-
lion for EPA’s State Revolving Funds for drink-
ing water and wastewater infrastructure, an
increase of more than $1billion over the 2023 en-
acted level for those programs. The Budget also
provides $350million in HUD grants for States,
local governments, and nonprofits to reduce lead-
based paint and other health hazards, especially
in the homes of low-income families with young
children. The Budget targets $67million at HUD
specifically to prevent and mitigate lead-based
paint and housing-related health hazards, such
as fire safety and mold, in public housing, an in-
crease of $2million above 2023 levels.
Strengthens American Leadership in
Space. The Budget includes $7.8 billion for
the Artemis program, which would bring astro-
nauts—including the first women, first people of
color, and first international astronauts—to the
lunar surface as part of a long-term journey of
science and exploration. The Budget invests in
new systems to assist lunar surface science and
exploration activities, including a small lunar
rover and a large cargo lander that would be used
to deliver larger rovers and habitats to the sur-
face in the 2030s.
Supporting Workers, Entrepreneurs,
and Small Businesses
Cuts Taxes for Families with Children and
American Workers. The Budget would expand
key tax cuts benefitting lower- and middle-income
workers and families. The Budget would restore
the full Child Tax Credit enacted in the American
Rescue Plan, which helped cut child poverty
nearly in half in 2021 to its lowest level in his-
tory. The Budget would expand the credit from
$2,000 per child to $3,000 per child for children
six years old and above, and to $3,600 per child
for children under six. In addition, the Budget
would permanently reform the credit to make
it fully refundable, so that it no longer excludes
18 million children in the lowest-income families
from receiving the full credit, and allow fami-
lies to receive monthly advance payments. The
President also calls on the Congress to make per-
manent the Earned Income Tax Credit expansion
for workers not raising children in their homes,
which would boost the income of 19 million very
low-paid workers.
Provides National, Comprehensive Paid
Family and Medical Leave and Proposes
Paid Sick Days.The vast majority of America’s
workers do not have access to employer-provided
paid family leave, including 73 percent of private
sector workers. Among the lowest-paid workers,
who are disproportionately women and work-
ers of color, 94 percent lack access to paid fam-
ily leave through their employers. In addition,
as many as one in five retirees leave the work-
force earlier than planned to care for an ill fam-
ily member, which negatively impacts families, as
well as the Nation’s labor supply and productiv-
ity. The Budget proposes to establish a national,
comprehensive paid family and medical leave
program administered by SSA to ensure that all
eligible workers can take up to 12 weeks to bond
with a new child, care for a seriously ill loved one,
heal from their own serious illness, address cir-
cumstances arising from a loved one’s military
deployment, find safety from domestic violence,
dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking—oth-
erwise known as “safe leave”; or up to three days
to grieve the death of a loved one.The program
would provide workers with progressive, partial
wage replacement to take time off for family and
medical reasons; include robust administrative
funding; and use an inclusive family definition.
Further, the President continues to call on the
Congress to require employers to provide seven
job-protected paid sick days each year to all work-
ers, and ensure that employers cannot penalize
workers for taking time off to address their health
needs, or the health needs of their families, or for
safe leave.
Empowers and Protects Workers. Workers
power America’s economic prosperity, building
the economy from the middle out and bottom
up. To ensure workers are treated with dignity
and respect in the workplace, the Budget invests
$2 billion in DOL’s worker protection agencies.
These investments would build upon the near-
ly $100 million increase in base appropriations
for these agencies since the beginning of the
Administration, in addition to the $200million in
American Rescue Plan funding the Administration
secured for the agencies to address the unprec-
edented COVID-19 emergency. The Budget
would enable DOL to protect workers’ wages and
benefits, ensure that children are working only
in conditions that are safe and legal, address
the misclassification of workers as independent
contractors, and improve workplace health and
safety. Since 2019, DOL has seen an 88-percent
increase in children being employed illegally by
companies. The Administration is focused on pre-
venting and addressing child labor exploitation,
and has assessed more than $16million in child
labor penalties. The Budget also includes addi-
tional funding to combat exploitative child labor,
including among migrant children, who are par-
ticularly vulnerable. For the Equal Employment
Opportunity Commission, the Budget supports
implementation and enforcement of the Pregnant
Workers Fairness Act, and advancement of pay
equity through the collection and analysis of em-
ployer pay data. The Budget also supports the
Agency’s work to ensure that employers’ use of
automated employment systems, including those
that incorporate AI, does not result in discrimi-
nation against employees or job applicants in
any of a wide range of job-related activities, in-
cluding recruitment, selection, retention, pay, or
promotion. The Budget also includes funding to
strengthen the National Labor Relations Board’s
capacity to enforce workers’ right to organize and
collectively bargain for better wages and working
conditions. The Budget proposes instituting and
significantly increasing penalties for employers
that violate workplace safety and health, wage
and hour, child labor, equal opportunity, and labor
organizing rules. The Budget also includes fund-
ing to implement the significant reforms to em-
ployer-sponsored retirement plans enacted in the
SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, helping to ensure that
workers’ retirement plans are always protected.
Broadens Access to Registered
Apprenticeships. The Budget increases sup-
port for Registered Apprenticeships, an evidence-
based earn-and-learn model that is a critical tool
for training future workforces for good jobs in the
clean energy, construction, semiconductor, trans-
portation and logistics, education, health, and
other growing and in-demand industries. The
Budget invests $335 million, a $50 million in-
crease above the 2023 enacted level, and supports
expanding existing Registered Apprenticeship
programs in clean energy-related occupations.
This investment would also be used to increase
the number of workers from historically under-
represented groups, including people of color,
women, and people with disabilities, who partici-
pate in Registered Apprenticeships.
Expands Access to Capital for Small
Businesses. Building on the historic growth in
small business applications under the President
and Vice President’s leadership, the Budget sup-
ports historic lending levels across the Small
Business Administration’s (SBA) business lend-
ing programs, including: the 7(a) business loan
guarantee; capital for major fixed assets, other-
wise known as a 504 loan guarantee; the Small
Business Investment Company (SBIC) program;
and Microloan programs. The over $58billion in
lending provided in the Budget would address
the need for greater access to affordable capital,
particularly in underserved communities. The
Budget proposes a new direct 7(a) lending pro-
gram, which would further enable SBA to ad-
dress gaps in access to small dollar lending. In
addition, increasing the authorized lending level
for the SBIC program by 16 percent to $7billion
would significantly expand the availability of
venture capital funding for small businesses.
Since taking office, the President has delivered
on the most ambitious climate, clean energy, con-
servation, and environmental justice agenda in
history by: signing into law the largest invest-
ment in climate action ever; protecting more than
26 million acres of lands and water; mobilizing
and training the next generation of workers for
good-paying jobs in clean energy, conservation and
resilience; and advancing the Justice40 Initiative,
which directs 40 percent of the overall benefits
from key Federal investments to disadvantaged
communities. This includes the Administration’s
work to continue implementation of the Inflation
Reduction Act and the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law—the largest investments that any country
has made in clean energy, energy security, clean
air and water, and combatting climate change
in history. The Budget protects and builds on
this monumental progress, making pro-growth
investments in clean energy across the Nation,
cutting energy bills for families, creating good-
paying jobs, and safeguarding and modernizing
American communities and infrastructure.
Reducing Greenhouse Gas (GHG)
Emissions, Advancing Clean
Energy, and Investing in Climate
Science and Innovation
Reduces GHG Emissions and Tackles the
Climate Crisis. The Budget builds on the his-
toric climate investments made in the Inflation
Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law, and includes over $2.8 billion in EPA cli-
mate-related programs to address the climate cri-
sis by: reducing GHG emissions; expanding upon
the GHG Reporting Program and Sinks inven-
tory; implementing provisions in the American
Innovation and Manufacturing Act of 2020 to
continue phasing out the production and import
of hydrofluorocarbons; advancing equitable im-
plementation of EPA authorities and directives
in Indian Country; and engaging with the global
community to respond to the shared challenge of
building resilience in the face of climate impacts.
The Budget includes $10.6billion in DOE climate
and clean energy research, development, demon-
stration, and deployment programs. This fund-
ing advances efforts crucial for achieving the goal
of a 50- to 52-percent reduction from 2005 levels
of economy-wide net GHG pollution in 2030 and
economy-wide net-zero emissions no later than
2050, while also cutting energy bills for American
families and building U.S. leadership in the glob-
al clean energy economy.
Creates Jobs by Building Clean Energy
Infrastructure. The Budget provides $1.6bil-
lion for DOE, more than double above the 2021
enacted level and 29 percent above the 2023 en-
acted level, to support clean energy workforce
and infrastructure projects across the Nation, in-
cluding: $385million to weatherize and retrofit
homes of low-income Americans; $113million to
create good jobs and ensure reliable supply chains
by manufacturing clean energy components here
at home; $95million to electrify tribal homes and
transition tribal colleges and universities to re-
newable energy; and $102million to support util-
ities and State and local governments in building
a grid that is more secure, reliable, resilient, and
able to integrate electricity from clean energy
sources. These investments, which complement
and bolster the historic funding in the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act,
create good-paying jobs while driving progress to-
ward the Administration’s climate goals, includ-
ing carbon pollution-free electricity by 2035.
Continues to Advance Clean Energy
Development on Public Lands. The Budget
includes $142million, an increase of $31million
above the 2023 enacted level, to continue the
Administration’s progress in deploying clean
energy on public lands and waters, spurring
economic development and creating thousands
of good-paying jobs. The Budget supports the
leasing, planning, and permitting of solar, wind,
and geothermal energy projects, and associated
transmission infrastructure that would help
mitigate the impacts of climate change and sup-
port the Administration’s goal of deploying 30
gigawatts of offshore wind capacity by 2030 and
25 gigawatts of clean energy capacity on public
lands by 2025.
Strengthens and Accelerates Permitting
Activities. The Budget supports environmental
permitting capacity to ensure the effective and
efficient delivery of modernized infrastructure
across the Nation while promoting positive envi-
ronmental and community outcomes. The Budget
includes over $1billion to support environmental
review and permitting processes that are effec-
tive, efficient, and transparent, guided by the best
available science and shaped by early and mean-
ingful public engagement and input. For exam-
ple, the Budget continues to propose expanding
existing transfer authority by enabling Federal
agencies to transfer funds provided under the
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to the U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service and National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries
to expedite the Endangered Species Act of 1973
Builds the Clean Energy Innovation
Pipeline. The Budget includes $10.7 billion
across DOE, the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA), NSF, Department of
Defense (DOD), and other agencies to support
researchers and entrepreneurs transforming in-
novations into commercial clean energy prod-
ucts, including in areas such as: offshore wind;
industrial heat; sustainable aviation fuel; and
grid infrastructure. Across DOE, the Budget pro-
vides over $325million to support the research,
development, and demonstration of technologies
and processes to increase the domestic supply of
sustainable critical minerals and materials es-
sential for several clean energy technologies. The
Budget provides more than $500million for green
aviation at NASA; over $500million for clean en-
ergy research at NSF; and $845million for DOE
Department-wide efforts to accelerate the vi-
ability of commercial fusion energy, coordinating
academia, national laboratories, and the private
sector, which supports the Bold Decadal Vision
for Commercial Fusion Energy. The Budget also
funds eight crosscutting DOE Energy Earthshots
initiatives which could substantially reduce the
cost of energy for the American consumer through
innovations in clean energy generation, energy ef-
ficiency, and storage. In addition to the amounts
above, the Budget includes the Administration’s
pending supplemental request for $2.2billion to
acquire low-enriched uranium (LEU) and high-
assay low-enriched uranium (HALEU), which
coupled with a long-term ban on imports of LEU
and HALEU from Russia, would prompt suffi-
cient private sector investment to reinvigorate
U.S. uranium enrichment and reduce America’s
current dependence on Russian enriched urani-
um imports. The Budget also includes the pend-
ing supplemental request for $300million to safe-
guard the Strategic Petroleum Reserve, which is
a critical energy security asset that has histori-
cally protected American consumers in times of
emergency oil shortages.
Advances Climate Science. The Budget
includes $4.5billion for climate research across
NASA, NOAA, NSF, and other agencies. This
includes $150 million at NASA to develop the
next-generation land-imaging mission, other-
wise known as Landsat Next, and more than
$600million for NASA in research grants to en-
hance understanding of Earth systems, includ-
ing climate and natural hazards. The Budget
includes $900 million for NSF, an increase of
$236million above the 2023 enacted level. This
investment supports a broad portfolio of research
that includes: atmospheric composition; water
and carbon cycles; climate resilience technologies
including for communities heavily affected by cli-
mate change; and social, behavioral, and economic
research on human responses to climate change,
among other topics. The Budget also includes
$275 million at the Department of the Interior
(DOI) to continue to leverage science to better
understand the impacts of climate change, and to
inform and improve land management practices
from the Federal to the local level. The Budget
invests $407 million at DOE to support funda-
mental research, including modeling and scientif-
ic user facilities to enable enhanced predictability
of dynamically changing climate, environmental,
and Earth systems, which includes predictability
of climate trends and extremes that influence the
design and deployment of next generation energy
Strengthening Resilience
Strengthens Climate Resilience in
Communities and Ecosystems. Across
America, communities are enduring historic and
catastrophic flooding, wildfires, extreme heat,
drought, and more, while longer-term changes in
temperature affect ecosystems and the economies
that depend on them. The intensifying impacts of
climate change are costing lives, disrupting liveli-
hoods, and causing billions of dollars in damages.
The Budget provides $23billion in climate adap-
tation and resilience across Commerce, DOI, the
Department of Homeland Security (DHS), USDA,
Army Corps of Engineers, EPA, and DOD to ad-
dress the increasing severity of extreme weather
events fueled by climate change. This includes
resources for flood hazard mapping, including the
development of new data to support future flood
conditions so that communities and Americans
have the most up-to-date information regarding
their flood risk, and investments to mitigate the
impacts of extreme heat in low-income and disad-
vantaged communities. The Budget also provides
funding to assist farmers, ranchers, and forest-
land owners with production goals in the face of a
changing climate while conserving, maintaining,
and restoring natural resources on their lands.
Overall, the Budget supports enhanced and coor-
dinated provision of climate information and tools
to support decision making across the Nation.
Invests in America’s Brave Wildland
Firefighters. The Budget builds on the
Administration’s historic investments in the
wildland firefighting workforce at USDA and
DOI by supporting the implementation of per-
manent and comprehensive pay reform, the en-
hancement of health services, the hiring of ad-
ditional permanent and temporary wildland
firefighters to increase capacity, and the improve-
ment of Government housing. These invest-
ments, totaling $522million over the comparable
2023 enacted funding levels, would help address
long-standing recruitment and retention chal-
lenges, increase the Departments’ capacity to
complete critical risk mitigation work, and fur-
ther the Administration’s commitment to build
a more robust and resilient wildland firefighting
workforce as the frequency and intensity of cata-
strophic wildfires continue to increase due to cli-
mate change.
Increases Drought Resilience. The Budget
helps ensure communities across the West have
access to a resilient and reliable water supply
by investing in rural water projects, water con-
servation, development of desalination technolo-
gies, and water recycling and reuse projects. The
Budget complements the nearly $1.7billion pro-
vided in 2025 for western water infrastructure
through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, as
well as the nearly $4.6 billion provided by the
Inflation Reduction Act for drought mitigation
and domestic water supply projects through the
Bureau of Reclamation.
Reduces Housing Insecurity and
Strengthens Climate Resiliency in Rural
Communities. Adequate affordable housing
has been a long-standing problem in rural com-
munities—one that is exacerbated by low energy
efficiency of the aging housing stock, meaning
higher costs to families. To help address this, the
Budget proposes additional funding for USDA
multifamily and single-family housing, and again
proposes to eliminate the existing low-income
borrower penalty that requires individuals to re-
pay subsidy costs for USDA Single-Family Direct
loans—a requirement that only exists for rural
housing. The Budget provides strong support for
USDA’s multifamily housing and housing preser-
vation programs. Through these investments, the
Administration advances equity in support of un-
derserved communities by reducing rent burdens
for low-income borrowers and preserving low-
income tenant-based housing in rural America.
The Budget again proposes to reduce operating
costs and increase the resiliency of rural housing
to the impacts of climate change through a pro-
posal to require energy and water efficiency im-
provements and green features in USDA’s rural
housing programs that include construction, such
as housing repair loans and grants.
Supports and Expands the American
Climate Corps. Last year, the Administration
announced the launch of the American Climate
Corps (ACC) to mobilize a new, diverse genera-
tion of more than 20,000 clean energy, conser-
vation, and climate resilience workers, and this
year, the first cohort of ACC members will begin
their service. The ACC will provide job training
and service opportunities on a wide range of proj-
ects that tackle climate change in communities
around the Nation. AmeriCorps is supporting
this new initiative by standing up an ACC hub
to provide centralized coordination across seven
agencies—AmeriCorps, USDA, DOI, Commerce,
DOE, DOL, and EPA—who are charged with
implementing the ACC. The Budget provides
$15million to support and expand AmeriCorps’
ACC hub and $23million to support over 1,700
additional ACC members, as well as $8 billion
in mandatory funding to support an additional
50,000 ACC members annually by 2031. This
builds on additional investments to support cli-
mate-related workforce development and service
initiatives across all seven ACC agencies.
Delivering for Communities Often Left
Behind. The Administration continues to take
bold steps and prioritize efforts to deliver environ-
mental justice in communities across the United
States, including implementing the President’s
Justice40 Initiative and keeping up the momen-
tum of the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law and Inflation Reduction Act environmental
justice investments. The Budget bolsters these
efforts by supporting several key initiatives to ac-
celerate energy equity and justice for historically
excluded communities to benefit all Americans,
and by investing nearly $1.5billion across EPA
in support of environmental justice efforts, in-
cluding investments that would support cleaner
air and cleaner water in frontline communities.
This includes a new $25million grant to devel-
op Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative
Agreements to carry out crucial EPA programs in
Indian Country with an emphasis on addressing
the impacts of climate change.
Reduces Health and Environmental
Hazards for At-Risk Communities. The
Budget provides $8.2 billion to address legacy
waste and contamination in communities used
during the Manhattan Project and the Cold War
for nuclear weapons production, as well as other
key investments in programs that reduce envi-
ronmental hazards like EPA’s Superfund pro-
gram, Brownfields program, and Toxic Substances
Control Act enforcement. The Administration
would ensure the investments for the manage-
ment of toxic chemicals, including per-and poly-
fluoroalkyl substances, cleanup of legacy pollu-
tion, and long-term stewardship of these sites
align with the Justice40 Initiative to benefit dis-
advantaged communities.
Invests in Clean Air. The Budget provides
a total of $1.5billion for EPA’s Office of Air and
Radiation, an increase of $690million since the
beginning of the Administration, to continue the
development of national programs, policies, and
regulations that control air pollution and radia-
tion exposure. This funding includes a historic
$187 million for the Atmospheric Protection
Program to support implementation and compli-
ance with GHG emission standards and to tackle
the climate crisis at home and abroad. Also in-
cluded is $100 million for the Diesel Emissions
Reduction Act grant program, which funds grants
and rebates to reduce harmful emissions from
diesel engines, and $70million for the Targeted
Airshed Grants program, which helps reduce air
pollution in the most polluted nonattainment ar-
eas. The Administration continues to support in-
vestment in EPA’s work of limiting emissions of
harmful air pollutants and tackling the climate
Doubling Down on America’s
Global Climate Leadership
Achieves the Administration’s Historic
Climate Finance Pledge. The Budget provides
a path to achieving the President’s $11 billion
commitment for international climate finance, in-
cluding $3billion for the President’s Emergency
Plan for Adaptation and Resilience (PREPARE).
A signature initiative, PREPARE supports more
than half a billion people in developing countries
to adapt to and manage the impacts of climate
change. The Budget also supports a $500million
2025 contribution through mandatory funding to
finance the Green Climate Fund, as part of the
$3billion multiyear pledge to expand climate ad-
aptation and mitigation projects in developing
countries, and $100million for the Amazon Fund
to combat deforestation and preserve the world’s
largest tropical rainforest. The Budget builds
on historic international climate finance prog-
ress made over the course of the Administration,
in which estimated 2023 levels of $9.5 billion
represent a near-six-fold increase from 2021.
Since taking office, the President has fought
to create opportunity and advance equity—not
as a one-year project, but as part of a sustained
commitment to make the promise of America
real for every American, including rural com-
munities, communities of color, women and girls,
tribal communities, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,
Transgender, Queer, and Intersex individuals,
people with disabilities, and communities im-
pacted by persistent poverty. Since day one, the
Administration has made significant progress ad-
vancing equity across the Federal Government,
including by reinvigorating Federal civil rights
enforcements, prioritizing the advancement of
gender equity and equality, expanding access to
opportunities in underserved communities, in-
creasing food security, advancing efforts to end
homelessness, improving children’s education,
upholding the United States’ promise to tribal
communities, and honoring the Nation’s commit-
ment to America’s veterans and servicemembers.
The Budget builds on that progress by making
historic investments to support the advancement
of all Americans—especially in underserved com-
munities—and combat racial and gender dispari-
ties across the Nation, including in health, educa-
tion, and economic opportunity.
Investing in American Families
Supports a Strong Nutrition Safety Net.
The Budget provides $8.5billion for critical nu-
trition programs, including $7.7 billion to fully
fund participation in the Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and
Children (WIC), which is critical to the health
of pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and
young children. This program helps low-in-
come families put nutritious food on the table
and addresses racial disparities in maternal
and child health outcomes. In the Biden-Harris
Administration National Strategy on Hunger,
Nutrition, and Health, the Administration set
goals to help more individuals experiencing food
insecurity access Federal nutrition assistance
programs. By investing in outreach and modern-
ization, WIC would reach 800,000 more women,
infants, and children each month, providing vital
nutrition assistance to nearly seven million indi-
viduals, up from 6.2 million in 2021. The Budget
supports enhanced benefits for fruits and vegeta-
bles to improve nutritional outcomes and reduce
food insecurity among children consistent with
the recommendations by the National Academies
of Science, Engineering, and Medicine. In ad-
dition, the Budget includes an emergency con-
tingency fund that would provide additional
resources, beyond the $7.7 billion, when there
are unanticipated cost pressures. The Budget
also includes $15 billion over 10 years to allow
more States and schools to leverage participation
in the Community Eligibility Provision to pro-
videhealthy school meals at no cost to an addi-
tional nine million children.
Advances Efforts to End Homelessness.
The Budget provides $4.1billion, an increase of
$427 million over the 2023 level, for Homeless
Assistance Grants to continue supporting
approximately 1.2 million people experiencing
homelessness each year and to expand assistance
to approximately 25,000 additional households,
specifically survivors of domestic violence and
homeless youth. In addition, the Administration
plans to use approximately $100million in pro-
gram recaptures to fund coordinated interven-
tions to support nearly 11,000 additional home-
less individuals and families. These new resources
support the Administration’s commitment to the
goals laid out in the All In: Federal Strategic Plan
to Prevent and End Homelessness and build on
efforts that have expanded assistance to rough-
ly 140,000 additional households experiencing
homelessness since the President took office. The
Budget also provides $505million, or $6million
above the 2023 level, for Housing Opportunities
for Persons with AIDS, serving a population with a
disproportionately high rate of homelessness and
providing a critical link to services. The Budget
further reflects the Administration’s commitment
to make progress toward ending homelessness by
providing $8billion in mandatory funding for the
acquisition, construction, or operation of housing
to expand housing options for people experienc-
ing or at-risk of homelessness, as well as $3bil-
lion in mandatory funding for grants to provide
counseling and emergency rental assistance to
older adult renters at-risk of homelessness.
Expanding Access to Quality
Education and Supporting Students
Builds a Strong Foundation for Families
with Universal Pre-K and Head Start. The
Budget funds voluntary, universal, free preschool
for all four million of the Nation’s four-year-olds
and charts a path to expand preschool to three-
year-olds. High-quality preschool would be of-
fered in the setting of the parent’s choice—from
public schools to child care providers to Head
Start. In addition, the Budget increases Head
Start funding by $544 million to support the
Administration’s goal to reach pay parity be-
tween Head Start staff and public elementary
school teachers with similar qualifications over
time. Together these proposals would support
healthy child development, help children enter
kindergarten ready to learn, and support families
by reducing their costs prior to school entry and
allowing parents to work.
Addresses Critical Educator Shortages.
While the education sector has faced shortages in
critical staffing areas for decades, these shortages
have grown worse since the COVID-19 pandemic,
highlighting the importance of retaining educa-
tors and building strong, diverse pipelines into
the profession. Since 2021, the Administration
has supported schools in addressing educator
shortages, including by supporting the expan-
sion of evidence-based pathways such as residen-
cies and grow your own programs, which may
be provided through teacher registered appren-
ticeships. The Budget includes $90 million for
Supporting Effective Education Development,
$95million for the Teacher Quality Partnership
program, and doubles funding to $30million for
the Hawkins Centers of Excellence program, to
expand the number of prospective teachers who
have access to comprehensive, high-quality path-
ways and improve the diversity of the teacher
pipeline. The Budget also includes critical invest-
ments in recruitment and retention of teachers
and school leaders, and provides $173million for
the Teacher and School Leader Incentive Fund.
Increases Support for Children with
Disabilities. To support high-quality spe-
cial education services for over seven million
Pre-K through 12 students with disabilities, the
Budget provides $14.4 billion for Individuals
with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) State
Grants, a $200million increase over the 2023 en-
acted level. Since 2021, the Administration has
secured a $1.3billion, or 10-percent increase in
annual funding for the program as well as an
additional $2.6billion in American Rescue Plan
funds to help students with disabilities recover
from the COVID-19 pandemic. The Budget also
invests $545million in IDEA Grants for Infants
and Families to provide early intervention ser-
vices to infants and toddlers with disabilities.
To address nationwide special educator short-
ages, the Budget also invests $125million, which
is $10 million above the 2023 enacted level, in
grants to prepare special education and early
intervention personnel—addressing another crit-
ical educator shortage area.
Supports Students in Schools with High
Rates of Poverty. The disruptive effects of the
COVID-19 pandemic on student learning and
well-being have added new urgency to the work
of schools. The Budget includes $8billion in man-
datory funding to provide Academic Acceleration
and Achievement Grants to high-need school
districts to help close opportunity and achieve-
ment gaps and speed the pace of learning recov-
ery. These grants would support evidence-based
strategies to increase school attendance, provide
high-quality tutoring and student supports, and
expand learning time, including both in the sum-
mer and in extended day or afterschool programs.
To help ensure that every student receives the
high-quality education and support they de-
serve, the Budget also provides $18.6billion for
Title I, a $200 million increase above the 2023
enacted level. This funding amount is $2.1 bil-
lion higher than when the President took office,
reflecting the President’s strong commitment to
expanding support for every American student.
Title I, which reaches 90 percent of school dis-
tricts across the Nation, delivers critical funding
to public schools in low-income communities so
they can provide their students with the learn-
ing opportunities needed to recover academically
from the COVID-19 pandemic and be successful
after graduation.
Improves College Affordability and
Provides Free Community College. To help
low-and middle-income students overcome fi-
nancial barriers to postsecondary education, the
Budget proposes to increase the discretionary
maximum Pell Grant by $100 and thereby ex-
pand the reach of the program to over 7.2 million
students. The Budget builds on successful bipar-
tisan efforts to increase the maximum Pell Grant
award by $900 over the past two years—the larg-
est increase in more than 10 years. The Budget
provides a path to double the maximum award by
2029 for students attending public and non-profit
institutions. The Budget excludes for-profit insti-
tutions from the mandatory increases due to evi-
dence these institutions are least likely to provide
good outcomes for students. The Budget also ex-
pands free community college across the Nation
through a Federal-State partnership. In addi-
tion, the Budget provides two years of subsidized
tuition for students from families earning less
than $125,000 enrolled in a four-year Historically
Black College and University (HBCU), Tribally
Controlled College and University (TCCU), or
Minority-Serving Institution (MSI).
Expands Institutional Capacity at
HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs—including HSIs—and
Community Colleges. The Budget increases
institutional capacity at HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs—
including HSIs—and under-resourced institu-
tions, including community colleges, by providing
an increase of $93million above the 2023 enacted
level. The Budget funding level is $329million
higher than the 2021 enacted level, underscor-
ing the President’s commitment to increasing
funding to historically under-served institutions.
The Budget also doubles funding by providing
$100 million for four-year HBCUs, TCCUs, and
MSIs to expand research and development in-
frastructure at these institutions, a program the
President has championed since his first year in
office to address historic disparities in Federal
research and development funding to HBCUs,
TCCUs, and MSIs.
Promotes Equity in STEM Education and
Workforce Training. In support of the CHIPS
and Science Act’s priority of building a diverse,
STEM-capable workforce, the Budget provides
$1.4 billion for STEM education and workforce
development programs at NSF that have an em-
phasis on diversity, equity, inclusion, and acces-
sibility. The Budget also includes funding for
programs focused on increasing the participa-
tion of groups historically underrepresented in
science and engineering fields, including women
and girls and people of color, by supporting: cur-
riculum program design; research on successful
recruitment and retention methods; development
of outreach or mentorship programs; and fellow-
ships. The Budget also includes $256million in
funding to build capacity for advancing energy
research and developing a new energy workforce
through programs at HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs,
tribal colleges, community colleges, and emerg-
ing research institutions. The Budget also pro-
vides $46million to NASA’s Minority University
Research and Education Project, to increase com-
petitive awards to MSIs to recruit and retain
underrepresented and underserved students in
STEM fields.
Bolsters Mental Health Supports for
All Students. The mental health of students,
teachers, and school staff is essential for their
overall well-being and continued academic re-
covery, and continues to be a high priority of
the Administration, which has delivered an ad-
ditional $2.1 billion to mental health programs
since 2021. Research shows that students who
receive social, emotional, mental, and behavioral
supports have better outcomes, including per-
forming better academically. The Budget pro-
vides a combined total of $216million for mental
health programs, including $200million from the
Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a 900-percent
increase in program funding since 2021. These
funds would help increase the number of school-
based counselors, psychologists, social workers,
and other mental health professionals in K-12
Honoring America’s Commitments to
America’s Veterans and Servicemembers
Expands Healthcare, Benefits, and
Services for Environmental Exposures. The
Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring
our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics
Act of 2022 (PACT Act) represented the most
significant expansion of Department of Veterans
Affairs (VA) healthcare and disability compensa-
tion benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits
and other environmental exposures in 30 years.
As part of the PACT Act, the Congress authorized
the Cost of War Toxic Exposures Fund (TEF) to
fund increased costs above 2021 funding levels
for healthcare and benefits delivery for veterans
exposed to certain environmental hazards—and
ensure there is sufficient funding available to
cover these costs without shortchanging other
elements of veteran medical care and benefits
delivery. The Budget continues this commit-
ment and includes $24.5 billion for the TEF in
2025, through funds appropriated by the Fiscal
Responsibility Act (FRA), which is $19.5 billion
above the 2023 enacted level.
Strengthens VA Medical Care and Invests
in Critical Veteran Medical Facilities. The
Budget provides a total of $112.6billion in dis-
cretionary medical care funding in 2025, equal
to the 2025 advance appropriation request. In
addition, the Budget, through funds appropri-
ated by the FRA, includes $21.5 billion in TEF
for medical care, bringing the medical care total
to $134billion in 2025, an $11.5billion increase
over the 2023 enacted level. In addition to fully
funding inpatient, outpatient, mental health, and
long-term care services, the Budget supports pro-
grams that enhance VA healthcare quality and
delivery, including a $2 billion investment for
non-recurring maintenance to improve medical
facility infrastructure, and continued efforts to
address the opioid and drug overdose epidemic.
The Budget also includes $2.8billion in budget-
ary resources for construction and expansion of
critical infrastructure and facilities.
Prioritizes Mental Health Services,
Suicide Prevention, and Sexual Assault
Prevention for Military Servicemembers
and Veterans. The Budget invests $135million
within VA research programs, together with
$17.1billion within the VA Medical Care program,
to increase access to quality mental healthcare,
with the goal of helping veterans take charge of
their treatment and live full, meaningful lives.
In addition, the Budget provides $583 million
to further advance the Administration’s veteran
suicide prevention initiatives, including contin-
ued support of the Veterans Crisis Line’s 988
and additional support for VA’s National Suicide
Prevention Strategy. The Budget also includes
funding to support DOD’s efforts on Suicide
Prevention and Response and implements rec-
ommendations from the Suicide Prevention and
Response Independent Review Committee. This
funding would support improving the delivery of
mental healthcare, addressing stigma and oth-
er barriers to care, revising suicide prevention
training, and promoting a culture of lethal means
safety within the military. The Budget also in-
cludes funding to support DOD’s efforts on Sexual
Assault Prevention designed to increase aware-
ness, provide support mechanisms to victims, and
significantly reduce the environment for, toler-
ance of, and occurrence of sexual assault in the
Joint Force.
Supports Women Veterans’ Healthcare.
The Budget invests $13.7billion for women vet-
erans’ healthcare, including $1.1 billion toward
women’s gender-specific care. More women are
choosing VA healthcare than ever before, with
women accounting for over 30 percent of the
increase in enrolled veterans over the past five
years. These investments support comprehen-
sive specialty medical and surgical services for
women veterans, improve maternal health out-
comes, increase access to infertility counseling
and assisted reproductive technology, and elimi-
nate copayments for contraceptive coverage.
The Budget also improves the safety of women
veterans seeking healthcare at VA facilities by
supporting implementation of the zero-tolerance
policy for sexual harassment and assault.
Bolsters Efforts to End Veteran
Homelessness. The President believes that
every veteran should have permanent, safe, and
sustainable housing with access to healthcare and
other supportive services. The Budget invests
$3.2billion to end current veteran homelessness
and prevent veterans from becoming homeless
in the future. In addition to investments made
in VA programs, the Budget for HUD provides
$13billion in mandatory funding to expand the
HCV program to reach an additional 400,000 ELI
veteran families, paving a path to guaranteed as-
sistance for all who have served the Nation and
are in need.
Invests in Overdose Prevention and
Treatment Programs. The Budget invests
$713million toward opioid use disorder preven-
tion and treatment programs for veterans, in-
cluding using predictive analytics to stratify a
patient’s risk of overdose, provide augmented
care as appropriate, and to support programs
authorized in the Jason Simcakoski PROMISE
Act. In addition, investments contribute to distri-
bution of naloxone to veterans, which, according
to researchers with the VA Palo Alto Health Care
System, has demonstrated success in effective uti-
lization of the lifesaving opioid overdose reversal
medication, and development of an opioid safety
toolkit that provides clinicians materials that aid
in decisions related to safe opioid prescribing and
non-opioid pain management options.
Fulfills America’s Commitment to
Military Families. Military families are key to
the readiness and well-being of the All-Volunteer
Force, and therefore are critical to national secu-
rity. The Budget continues to support military
families by prioritizing programs, including the
Secretary of Defense’s Taking Care of People ini-
tiatives, that seek to increase access to behavioral
health providers. The Budget also continues to
support the establishment of universal pre-school
for military children at DOD Education Activity
schools, both stateside and overseas, to ensure no
military child faces barriers to accessing early
childhood education due to where their parents
are stationed. The Budget provides critical fund-
ing for the VA Program of General Caregivers
Support Services, as well as $2.9billion for the
Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family
Caregivers, which includes stipend payments and
support services to help empower family caregiv-
ers of eligible veterans.
Supports Economic Security for Military
Families. Military families, like their civilian
counterparts, increasingly look to rely upon dual
incomes. However, the 21-percent unemploy-
ment rate experienced by active-duty military
spouses makes that a difficult goal to achieve and
maintain. The President continues to prioritize
efforts to make the Federal Government the em-
ployer of choice for military spouses. In addition,
the Administration understands that access to
high-quality, affordable child care is a necessity
for working families, and a military readiness is-
sue. The Budget continues to support increases
to high-quality child care for military families via
the Child Care Workforce Initiative. The Budget
also proposes to increase the income eligibility
threshold for the Basic Needs Allowance from
150 percent to 200 percent of the Federal Poverty
Delivering for Tribal Communities
Guarantees Adequate and Stable Funding
for IHS. The Administration is committed to up-
holding the United States’ responsibility to tribal
nations by addressing the historical underfund-
ing of IHS. The enactment of an advance appro-
priation for 2024 for IHS was a historic and wel-
come step toward the goal of securing adequate
and stable funding for IHS that will provide
needed improvements in access to care and the
overall health status of American Indians and
Alaska Natives. The Budget requests $8billion
in discretionary resources in 2025, including in-
creases for clinical services, preventative health,
facilities construction, contract support costs,
and tribal leases. Beginning in 2026, the Budget
proposes all resources as mandatory. Mandatory
funding would close longstanding service and fa-
cility shortfalls over time, improve access to high-
quality healthcare, and fund key Administration
priorities such as the Biden Cancer Moonshot.
The Budget also proposes to reauthorize and in-
crease funding for the Special Diabetes Program
for Indians, which has been critical in lowering
the prevalence of diabetes in Indian Country.
Honors Commitments to Support Tribal
Communities. Incorporating feedback from
tribal consultations, the Budget continues to pro-
vide robust support for indigenous communities
in keeping with U.S. Federal trust responsibili-
ties while working to advance equity. The Budget
includes $4.6 billion for DOI’s tribal programs,
$514 million above the 2023 enacted level and
more than $1billion over the 2021 enacted lev-
el, to support public safety and justice, human
and social services, and education. The Budget
continues to propose reclassification of Contract
Support Costs and the Indian Self-Determination
Act Section 105(l) leases as mandatory spend-
ing, beginning in 2026, to provide certainty for
tribal communities in meeting these ongoing
requirements with dedicated funding. Budget
resources across DOI’s tribal programs build on
historic investments in the American Rescue
Plan and complement Inflation Reduction Act
and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law investments
to ensure long-term success in addressing criti-
cal infrastructure and climate adaptation needs
in indigenous communities. The Budget sup-
ports the Administration’s commitment to pri-
oritize restoration of healthy and abundant wild
salmon, steelhead, and other native fish popu-
lations in the Columbia River Basin, and honor
the United States’ obligations to tribal nations.
This includes $145million through the Corps of
Engineers, a 123-percent, or $80million increase
above the 2023 enacted level, $19million through
the Bureau of Reclamation, and $34 million
through NOAA to enhance restoration efforts in
the watershed.
Invests in Affordable Housing in Tribal
Communities. Native Americans are seven
times more likely to live in overcrowded condi-
tions and five times more likely to have inad-
equate plumbing, kitchen, or heating systems
than all U.S. households. The Budget provides
$1.1billion, a $33million increase above the 2023
level, at HUD to support tribal efforts to expand
affordable housing, improve housing conditions
and infrastructure, and increase economic op-
portunities for low-income families. Of this total,
$150 million would prioritize activities that ad-
vance resilience and energy efficiency in housing-
related projects.
Commits to Tribal Water Rights
Settlements Funding. The Budget builds on
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law investments by
providing $2.8 billion in additional mandatory
funding to the Indian Water Rights Settlement
Completion Fund, as well as $226million in dis-
cretionary funding to meet existing settlement
obligations. This funding would ensure stable,
dedicated funding for tribal water rights settle-
ments, which is crucial for safe, reliable water
supplies to improve public and environmental
health and support economic opportunity in trib-
al communities.
From taking action to combat hate in America’s
communities, tackling gun violence, and strength-
ening trust in the Nation’s democratic institu-
tions, to defending freedom around the globe,
and rebuilding key alliances, the Administration
has taken decisive action to strengthen America
at home and abroad, all with the goal of keep-
ing Americans safe. The Budget builds on this
progress with proposals to continue: investing in
State, local, tribal, and Federal law enforcement;
advancing much-needed reforms to the crimi-
nal justice system; reducing gun violence and
crime; revitalizing U.S. alliances and partner-
ships, confronting global threats and strengthen-
ing America’s military; securing the border and
strengthening the U.S. immigration system; ad-
vancing U.S. national security to Out-Compete
China and counter Russian aggression; and ad-
dressing pressing global challenges.
Tackling Crime, Reducing
Gun Violence, and Making
America’s Communities Safer
Invests in Federal Law Enforcement to
Combat Gun Violence and Other Violent
Crime. The Budget makes significant invest-
ments to bolster Federal law enforcement ca-
pacity to strengthen public safety. The Budget
includes $17.7billion, an increase of $1.1billion
above the 2023 enacted level and $2.6 billion
above the 2021 enacted level, for DOJ law en-
forcement, including $2billion for the Bureau of
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to: ef-
fectively investigate and prosecute gun crimes;
expand multijurisdictional gun trafficking strike
forces; increase regulation of the firearms in-
dustry; bolster crime-solving ballistics, gun-
shot residue, and other forensic technologies as
well as analysts; and implement the Bipartisan
Safer Communities Act. The Budget includes
$1.9billion for the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS)
to support efforts to reduce violent crime, in-
cluding through fugitive apprehension and en-
forcement operations. The Budget also provides
$51million to the Federal Bureau of Investigation
(FBI) to support the continued implementation of
enhanced background checks, a key provision of
the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. In addi-
tion, the Budget provides a total of $2.8billion for
the U.S. Attorneys, which includes funding for 50
new attorneys to prosecute violent crimes. The
Budget also requests $15million for the Jabara-
Heyer NO HATE Act, an increase of $5 million
over the 2023 enacted level.
Pursues New Mandatory Investments to
Combat Violent Crime and Support Victims.
The Budget builds upon the Safer America Plan
by investing an additional $1.2 billion over five
years to launch a new Violent Crime Reduction
and Prevention Fund to give Federal, State, local,
tribal, and territorial law enforcement the dedi-
cated, seasoned, and full support they need to fo-
cus on violent crime. This investment includes
hiring new Federal law enforcement agents, pros-
ecutors, and forensic specialists to address vio-
lent crime, expand Federal operations to combat
fentanyl and apprehend dangerous fugitives, and
support for the hiring of 4,700 detectives at the
State and local level to solve homicides, non-fatal
shootings, and other violent crimes to drive down
the high rate of unsolved violent crimes and the
lengthy delays that undermine public trust and
public safety. In addition, $28million is provid-
ed to expand the USMS’s Operation North Star,
which has taken more than 6,700 of the most
dangerous State and local fugitives off the street
since 2021, to 100 more cities over five years, in-
cluding 20 more cities in 2025 in order to drive
down violent crime. This investment also ex-
pands Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA)
Operation Overdrive, which uses a data-driven,
intelligence-led approach to identify and disman-
tle violent drug trafficking networks, to 50 more
cities that are experiencing high rates of gun vio-
lence and fentanyl overdoses for 45-day opera-
tions. The Budget also requests $7.3 billion to
replenish the Crime Victims Fund and ensure a
stable and predictable source of funding is avail-
able to support critical victim service and com-
pensation programs over the next decade.
Combats Narcotics Trafficking Networks.
The Budget provides $3.3billion to the DEA to
combat drug trafficking, including $1.2billion to
combat opioid trafficking, save lives, and make
communities safer. The Budget invests an addi-
tional $18million in Domestic Counter-Fentanyl
Threat Targeting Teams at the Drug Enforcement
Administration to enhance America’s fight
against the transnational criminal networks
pushing deadly illicit fentanyl in America’s com-
munities. These interdisciplinary teams of spe-
cial agents, intelligence analysts, and data ex-
perts would map criminal organizations and
build cases that lead to the dismantling of entire
drug trafficking networks and the deprivation
of hundreds of millions of dollars to the Sinaloa
and Jalisco cartels. In addition, the Budget pro-
vides $494 million in grants supporting efforts
to address substance use, including $190million
for the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and
Substance Use Program, $95million to support
Drug Courts, and $51million for anti-drug task
Disrupts the International Synthetic Drug
Trade. The Budget includes $169million across
the Department of State and the U.S. Agency for
International Development (USAID) to counter
fentanyl and other synthetic drug production
and trafficking, which is 58 percent above 2023
enacted levels. These resources would counter
the worldwide flow of fentanyl and other synthet-
ics that endanger public safety and health, and
contribute to tens of thousands of drug-overdose
deaths in the United States annually.
Supports State, Local, and Tribal Law
Enforcement and Public Safety. The Budget
provides $3.7 billion in discretionary resources
for State and local grants and $30.3 billion in
mandatory resources to support State, local, and
tribal efforts to protect U.S. communities and pro-
mote public safety through the President’s Safer
America Plan. Through a combination of discre-
tionary and mandatory investments, the Safer
America Plan supports the President’s goal to
recruit, train, support, and hire 100,000 addition-
al police officers for effective, accountable com-
munity policing consistent with the standards
of the Executive Order 14074, Advancing
Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal
Justice Practices To Enhance Public Trust and
Public Safety.” In addition, the Safer America
Plan would: fund bonuses for retention of police
officers; provide student loan repayment, tuition
reimbursement, and higher education grant pro-
grams to incentivize service-minded candidates,
including women and individuals from under-
represented communities to become officers; sup-
port pilot programs to explore more flexibility
in scheduling and work arrangements; expand
mental health and wellness care for police offi-
cers; and fund life-saving equipment. The Safer
America Plan would further support the evi-
dence-based training of law enforcement on top-
ics including crime control and deterrence tactics,
community engagement, use of force, interacting
with people with disabilities, and responding to
persons in mental health crisis and to domestic
violence calls. The Safer America Plan would also
further efforts to advance transparency, account-
ability, and safety to simultaneously strengthen
public safety and public trust consistent with
the standards of Executive Order 14074 through
funding to support the purchase and operation
of body-worn cameras, modernize police acad-
emies and training, comprehensively reform pub-
lic safety systems, and combat crime to keep the
Nation’s streets safe. The Budget, through the
Safer America Plan, provides funding for courts
around the Nation to clear their backlogs and
improve accountability and deterrence for people
on pretrial supervision, and supports technol-
ogy and data systems modernization necessary
to ensure that the justice system runs efficiently
and with the most current data, such as: case
management systems that effectively integrate
pretrial services, judicial, and law enforcement
records; virtual access and notification systems
to facilitate remote check-ins and hearings as
appropriate and beneficial for all involved; and
scheduling software to manage the increased vol-
ume of cases. The Budget also provides funding
to support pretrial and post-conviction supervi-
sion staffing and systems, ensuring that persons
on release are appropriately monitored and given
assistance with the employment, health, hous-
ing, and other supportive services that reduce the
risk of recidivism. Specific discretionary invest-
ments include $270million for the COPS Hiring
Program, an increase of $45million or 20 percent
over the 2023 enacted level, and $100 million
for Community Violence Intervention (CVI) pro-
grams, an increase of $50million or 100 percent
over the 2023 enacted level, to bolster evidence-
based strategies for preventing and reducing
gun violence in U.S. communities. To achieve
the original goals of the Safer America Plan, the
Budget requests an additional $1.5 billion in
mandatory funding to support CVI programs at
the Department over the next 10 years.
Prioritizes Efforts to End Gender-Based
Violence. The Budget proposes $800 million
to support programs under the Violence Against
Women Act of 1994 (VAWA), which was reau-
thorized and strengthened in 2022. This is a
$100 million or 14-percent increase over the
2023 enacted level, which was the highest fund-
ing level in history. The Budget supports sig-
nificant increases for longstanding VAWA pro-
grams, including key investments in sexual
assault services, transitional housing, and legal
assistance for survivors. The Budget strongly
supports underserved and tribal communities
by providing $15 million for culturally-specific
services, $5million for underserved populations,
$25 million to assist enforcement of tribal spe-
cial domestic violence jurisdiction, $3million to
support tribal Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys,
and $10million for a new special initiative to ad-
dress missing and murdered indigenous people.
The Budget also provides $10million to address
technology-facilitated abuse through funding
new VAWA programs that address cybercrimes
against individuals. In addition, the Budget pro-
vides $55million to the Office of Justice Programs
for the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative to address
the rape kit backlog.
Reforms the Federal Criminal Justice
System. The Budget leverages the capacity of
the Federal justice system to advance crimi-
nal justice reform and serve as a model that is
comprehensive, evidence-based, and that en-
hances public safety and equity. The Budget sup-
ports key investments in First Step Act (FSA)
implementation, including continuing the his-
toric collaboration between the Bureau of Prisons
and DOL to provide comprehensive, intensive,
and market-driven workforce development and
reentry services for people in the Federal prison
system. In total, the Budget continues to invest
$409 million in base resources for FSA imple-
mentation, to support rehabilitative program-
ming, improve confinement conditions, and hire
additional FSA-dedicated staff.
Securing the Border and Strengthening
the Immigration System
Reiterates the Administration’s Request
for Immediate Funding to Secure the Border,
Build Capacity to Enforce Immigration Law,
and Counter Fentanyl. In October 2023, the
Administration transmitted an emergency sup-
plemental request for the Southwest border and
migration issues totaling $11.8billion, of which
$8.7billion was for DHS. The Budget includes,
and therefore reiterates the need for, the unmet
needs from the October 2023 supplemental re-
quest. In addition to urgent requirements, the re-
quest includes investments to build longer-term
capacity in the areas of border security, immigra-
tion enforcement, and countering fentanyl, total-
ing $2.9billion for DHS. This amount includes:
$405 million to hire 1,300 additional Border
Patrol Agents to secure the border; $239million to
hire 1,000 additional U.S. Customs and Border
Protection (CBP) Officers to stop fentanyl and
other contraband from entering the United
States; $755million to hire an additional 1,600
Asylum Officers and support staff to facilitate
timely immigration dispositions; $100million for
Homeland Security Investigations to investigate
and disrupt transnational criminal organizations
and drug traffickers; and $849 million for cut-
ting-edge detection technology at ports of entry.
Taken together, these long-term capacity build-
ing investments represent the Administration’s
vision for ensuring the Nation’s border security
and immigration system can effectively respond
to challenges present along the border. In ad-
dition to the Executive Office for Immigration
Review (EOIR) investments, the Budget also
reiterates the $1.7 billion for DOJ requested in
the Administration’s October 2023 border, immi-
gration, and countering fentanyl supplement re-
quest. Of this amount, $1.3billion is requested
for EOIR to fund the hiring of 375 new immigra-
tion judge teams to help reduce the immigration
case backlog. In addition, the Administration
appreciates the Senate’s bipartisan border legis-
lation that would make additional investments
in DHS and provide authorities to bolster the
Department’s efforts to secure and manage the
Continues to Invest in Critical Capabilities
Needed for Border and Immigration
Enforcement. Strengthening border security
and providing safe, lawful pathways for migra-
tion remain top priorities for the Administration.
The Budget builds on the Administration’s
2023 October supplemental request to in-
clude $25.9billion for CBP and U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), an increase of
$1.9billion over the 2023 enacted level when con-
trolling for border management amounts. The
Budget includes: funds for CBP to hire an addi-
tional 350 Border Patrol Agents and 310 process-
ing coordinators; $127million for border security
technology between ports of entry; and $86mil-
lion in air and maritime operational support that
is central to efforts to secure the border. The
Budget also includes: funds to support 34,000
ICE immigration detention beds; $225million to
address increased transportation and removal
costs; and $34 million to combat child exploita-
tion, forced labor, and human trafficking.
Enables Resources to Scale Border
Enforcement Capacity for Conditions on
the Southwest Border. Given the uncertain-
ty surrounding border conditions in any given
year, the Budget proposes a $4.7 billion con-
tingency fund to aid DHS and its components
when responding to migration surges along the
Southwest border. Modeled on a contingency
fund provided for unaccompanied children, each
fiscal year the fund would receive appropria-
tions incrementally, and above the base appro-
priation, as Southwest border encounters reach
pre-identified levels. DHS would be limited to
obligating funds for surge-related functions, and
would transfer funds to CBP, ICE, and Federal
Emergency Management Agency accounts for
valid surge-related obligations.
Supports America’s Promise to Refugees
and Care for Unaccompanied Children.
The Budget builds on the Administration’s
October 2023 supplemental request and provides
$9.3billion for the Office of Refugee Resettlement
(ORR) to help rebuild the Nation’s refugee reset-
tlement infrastructure and support the resettling
of up to 125,000 refugees in 2025. The Budget
also helps ensure that unaccompanied immigrant
children receive appropriate support and servic-
es while they are in ORR’s care and are unified
with relatives and sponsors as safely and quickly
as possible. This funding would allow ORR to
continue the programmatic improvements the
Administration has made, including expanding
access to counsel to help children navigate com-
plex immigration court proceedings and enhanc-
ing case management and post-release services.
In addition, the Budget includes an emergency
contingency fund that would provide additional
resources, beyond the $9.3billion, when there are
unanticipated increases in the number of unac-
companied children.
Improves Immigration Courts. The Budget
invests $981million, an increase of $121million
above the 2023 enacted level, in EOIR to enhance
America’s immigration courts and help address
the backlog of over 2.4million currently pending
cases. This funding would support 25 new immi-
gration judge teams, which includes the support
personnel necessary to ensure efficient case pro-
cessing. The Budget also invests $30million for
EOIR to partner to with the U.S. Digital Service
to develop and implement digital court operations
strategies that would maximize each judge’s adju-
dicatory capacity and help reduce the case back-
log. In addition to EOIR investments, the Budget
also reiterates the $1.7billion for DOJ request-
ed in the Administration’s October 2023 border,
immigration, and countering fentanyl supple-
ment request. Of this amount, $1.3billion is re-
quested for EOIR to fund the hiring of 375new
immigration judge teams to help reduce the im-
migration case backlog.
Confronting Threats to Global Security
and Strengthening America’s Military
Reiterates the Administration’s Request
for Immediate Funding for Urgent National
Security Priorities Related to Ukraine,
Israel, and the Indo-Pacific. In October 2023,
the Administration transmitted an emergency
supplemental request totaling $92 billion to
the Congress for urgent national security needs
through the end of 2024, of which $58 billion
was for DOD, $32billion was for the Department
of State and the U.S. Agency for International
Development, and $2billion for the Department
of the Treasury (Treasury). This request includ-
ed $61.4billion to support Ukraine as it contin-
ues to defend itself against Russian aggression,
$14.3 billion to support Israel’s defense against
terrorism, $10billion for lifesaving humanitarian
assistance, including for the Palestinian people,
$3.4 billion for the Submarine Industrial Base
(SIB), and $4billion in other national security pri-
orities. The request would also make significant
and much needed investments in the American
defense industrial base (DIB), benefitting U.S.
military readiness and helping to create and sus-
tain jobs across America. Absent congressional
action on this emergency request, the United
States would not be able to provide the necss-
sary support to Ukraine, provide urgently need-
ed military support to allies and partners, make
critical DIB investments, or sustain lifesaving as-
sistance and development in some of the world’s
most vulnerable areas. The Administration ap-
preciates the bipartisan supplemental legislation
that passed the Senate that would address these
urgent needs.
Supports Ukraine, European Allies, and
Partners. The Budget continues to provide
critical support for Ukraine, the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization allies, and other European
partner states by prioritizing funding to en-
hance the capabilities and readiness of U.S., al-
lied, and partner forces in the face of continued
Russian aggression. The Budget includes a
new capital increase to the European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development to maintain
support to Ukraine and deliver on multilateral
development bank evolution reforms. However,
the Budget cannot address the critical support to
Ukraine, which requires congressional action on
the Administration’s October 2023 national secu-
rity supplemental request.
Promotes Integrated Deterrence in the
Indo-Pacific and Globally. To sustain and
strengthen deterrence, the Budget provides
funding to prioritize China as America’s pac-
ing challenge in line with the 2022 National
Defense Strategy. DOD’s 2025 Pacific Deterrence
Initiative highlights some of the key investments
the Federal Government is making, focuses on
strengthening deterrence in the region, and dem-
onstrates the Administration’s long-term com-
mitment to the Indo-Pacific. DOD is building the
concepts, capabilities, and posture necessary to
meet these challenges, working to integrate de-
terrence efforts across the U.S. Government and
with U.S. allies and partners.
Underpins Commitments to Nuclear
Deterrence, Nonproliferation, and Arms
Control. Nuclear deterrence remains a top pri-
ority for the Nation and is foundational to inte-
grated deterrence. A safe, secure, and effective
nuclear force deters strategic attacks and as-
sures allies and partners. To ensure the United
States’ nuclear deterrent remains responsive to
all threats, DOD and DOE continue to modern-
ize the nuclear Triad, nuclear command, control,
and communications, and nuclear weapons in-
frastructure, while strengthening extended de-
terrence commitments to America’s allies. The
Budget also supports the President’s commitment
to reduce nuclear risks and strengthen the global
non-proliferation regime by simultaneously pur-
suing realistic goals for mutual, verifiable arms
control and efforts to protect against the existen-
tial threats posed by weapons of mass destruction
Ensures Readiness across America’s
Armed Forces. The Budget continues to ensure
that U.S. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and
Guardians remain the best trained and equipped
fighting forces in the world. The Budget places
additional emphasis on foundational investments
to sustain current weapon systems and support
increased training across DOD, while pursuing
technological enhancements to extend the service
life of material vital to the warfighter. In addition,
the Budget continues the recapitalization and op-
timization of the four public Naval Shipyards to
meet future submarine and carrier maintenance
Invests in SIB. DOD conducted the 2025 SIB
study to determine how to complete the once-in-
a-generation recapitalization of the submarine
force needed to increase the United States’ ability
to build and sustain attack submarines to meet
U.S. military requirements. The Budget also sup-
ports the Administration’s commitments under
the Australia-United Kingdom-United States en-
hanced trilateral security partnership, the first
major deliverable of which was the historic deci-
sion to support Australia acquiring conventional-
ly-armed, nuclear-powered submarines.
Addresses Emerging Cyber Threats. The
Budget expands DOJ’s ability to pursue cyber
threats through investments in FBI’s cyber and
counterintelligence investigative capabilities.
These investments sustain the FBI’s cyber in-
telligence, counterintelligence, and analysis ca-
pabilities and include an additional $25million
to enhance those cyber response capabilities.
The Budget also includes $5million to expand a
new section within the DOJ’s National Security
Division to focus on cyber threats. These invest-
ments are in line with the National Cybersecurity
Strategy that emphasizes a whole-of-Nation ap-
proach to addressing ongoing cyber threats. The
Budget also provides $2million for DOJ to support
implementation of the Executive Order 14110,
“Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and
Use of Artificial Intelligence.
Combats Terrorism and Corruption and
Increases Corporate Transparency. Treasury
plays a leading role in monitoring and disrupting
corruption, money laundering, terrorist financing,
the use of the financial system by malicious ac-
tors domestically and abroad, and combatting
the trafficking of illicit substances such as fen-
tanyl in American communities. The Budget
provides $231million to the Office of Terrorism
and Financial Intelligence, $15million above the
2023 level, to expand Treasury’s capacity to pro-
vide financial intelligence and conduct sanctions-
related economic analysis while continuing to
modernize the sanctions process. These invest-
ments would expand Treasury’s ability to craft,
implement, and enforce sanctions, including the
historic sanctions program targeting Russia’s
illegal war in Ukraine, and sanctions on key
Hamas terrorist group members and financial fa-
cilitators in Gaza.
Invests in AI. The President issued a land-
mark Executive Order to ensure that America
leads the way in seizing the promise and man-
aging the risks of AI. The Executive Order es-
tablishes new standards for AI safety and se-
curity, protects Americans’ privacy, advances
equity and civil rights, stands up for consumers
and workers, promotes innovation and competi-
tion, advances American leadership around the
world, and more. The Budget provides funding
to responsibly develop, test, procure, and inte-
grate transformative AI applications across the
Federal Government and supports the implemen-
tation of the Administration’s Executive Order.
Specifically, the National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) would establish the U.S.
AI Safety Institute to operationalize NIST’s AI
Risk Management Framework by creating guide-
lines, tools, benchmarks, and best practices for
evaluating and mitigating dangerous capabilities
and conducting evaluations including red-team-
ing to identify and mitigate AI risk.
Addressing Pressing Global Challenges
Drives Inclusive and Sustainable
Economic Growth and Quality International
Infrastructure through the Partnership
for Global Infrastructure and Investment
(PGI). The Budget advances the President’s
goal of mobilizing $200billion for infrastructure
investment in low- and middle-income countries
by 2027. PGI aims to promote infrastructure de-
velopment along critical economic corridors to
drive inclusive and sustainable economic growth,
secure energy supply chains, fortify trusted digi-
tal connectivity, and build more resilient food
and health systems, as well as critical transport
and logistics networks, while advancing gender
equality and equity. The Budget includes ap-
proximately $50billion for PGI across all depart-
ments and agencies, inclusive of private sector
financing leveraged, including $250 million in
flexible resources to support strategic, high-
quality infrastructure to connect workers to good
jobs, allow businesses to grow and thrive, and
advance shared national security priorities. To
further PGI goals, the Budget includes $2billion
in mandatory funding over five years to establish
the International Infrastructure Fund to combat
People’s Republic of China coercive financing.
Strengthens Health Systems Globally.
The Budget provides nearly $10billion for glob-
al health programs, which would increase sup-
port for global health programs, strengthening
health systems, and pandemic preparedness.
The Budget fulfills the President’s commitment
to the seventh replenishment of the Global Fund
to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria by pro-
viding $1.2billion to match $1 for every $2 con-
tributed by other donors. The Budget also pro-
vides more than $900 million for global health
security, including $250million for the Pandemic
Fund. The Budget invests $30million in new re-
sources for the World Bank’s Global Financing
Facility for Women, Children, and Adolescents,
a contribution anticipated to leverage at least
$210 million to strengthen health systems, and
$20 million for the Administration’s Global
Health Worker Initiative to better train, equip,
and protect the health workforce. In addition,
the Budget includes loan guarantees to the World
Bank’s International Bank for Reconstruction
and Development to support investments in glob-
al challenges, including pandemic preparedness,
which would bolster the impact of these global
health activities.
Secures American Presence and
Commitment in the Indo-Pacific. The Budget
provides over $4 billion to realize a more free,
open, secure, and connected Indo-Pacific that bol-
sters U.S. alliances and partnerships, which is
nearly $600 million above the 2023 level. This
includes $2.1 billion in bilateral and regional
foreign assistance, including $100 million for
a standalone request for Taiwan military as-
sistance, and $20 million for the Indo-Pacific
Economic Framework. The Budget includes
over $62million in support of the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), demonstrat-
ing America’s continued commitment to ASEAN
centrality. The Indo-Pacific Strategy total also in-
cludes $2billion to support diplomatic presence
and programs in the region, including new and
planned U.S. diplomatic posts in the Pacific and
Indian Oceans. The Budget requests $7.1billion
in mandatory funding for the renewal of the
Compact of Free Association relationships with
the Federated States of Micronesia, the Republic
of the Marshall Islands, and the Republic of Palau.
The Budget reflects a substantial commitment to
the Indo-Pacific and relies on the $2 billion in-
vestment that the Administration requested in
the October 2023 national security supplemen-
tal request in security assistance to fully address
urgent regional security needs and deter acts of
Provides Lifesaving Humanitarian
Assistance and Combats Global Food
Insecurity. The Budget provides $10.3 billion
in lifesaving humanitarian and refugee assis-
tance to support more than 330 million people in
need in more than 70 countries, in addition to the
October 2023 emergency supplemental request
of $10 billion to address unprecedented global
humanitarian needs. The Budget also fully sup-
ports the President’s commitment to resettle
up to 125,000 refugees in the United States, as
well as the Enduring Welcome and Safe Mobility
Office initiatives. The Budget also provides more
than $1billion to support the President’s pledge
to alleviate global food insecurity, including
$100million for the Vision for Adapted Crops and
Soils, as part of the overall U.S. Government’s
flagship food security initiative, Feed the Future,
which works to build more resilient and sus-
tainable food systems and nutritious food crops
in underserved regions. The State Department
and USAID would have to reduce lifesaving as-
sistance around the globe without the additional
$10billion in humanitarian assistance requested
in the Administration’s October 2023 national se-
curity supplemental request.
Bolsters Sustainable, Inclusive, and
Democratic Global Development. The
Budget supports the President’s goal to strength-
en American development efforts through local
expertise and by deploying a more expansive set
of development tools. The Budget provides over
$3billion for bolstering global democracy, includ-
ing $345million for the President’s Initiative for
Democratic Renewal to foster transparent and
accountable governance. The Budget provides
more than $3 billion to advance gender equity
and equality worldwide, including $200 million
for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund.
The Budget also includes $110million in support
of internet freedom, including $50million for the
U.S. Agency for Global Media Open Technology
Fund. The Budget provides $594million, an in-
crease of $37 million above the 2023 level, for
USAID directed high-impact and lifesaving vol-
untary family planning and reproductive health
programs and America’s voluntary contribution
to the United Nations Population Fund. The
Budget continues America’s commitment to con-
tributions for the United Nations.
Fulfills the President’s Commitment to
Central America and Strengthens America’s
Partnership in the Western Hemisphere.
The Budget provides approximately $1 billion
for Central American programming to meet the
President’s commitment to invest $4 billion in
Central America over four years to address the
root causes of migration. The Budget also sup-
ports hemispheric programs to advance econom-
ic prosperity and regional security through key
initiatives such as the Americas Partnership for
Economic Prosperity, including $75million for a
capital increase to the Inter-American Investment
Corporation—known as IDB Invest—to advance
clean energy projects, modernize agriculture,
strengthen transportation systems, and expand
access to financing. The Budget further re-
serves $35million in additional targeted funding
for regional migration management, including
$25million for the IDB’s Migration Grant Facility
to support integration efforts for migrants and
host communities and address the root causes of
irregular migration.
From day one, the Biden-Harris Administration
has worked to build an economy from the middle
out and bottom up. The President’s economic
agenda has shown that investing in the Nation
can go along with achieving meaningful deficit re-
duction. The deficit is over $1 trillion lower than
when the President took office, thanks in large
part to a strong economic recovery facilitated by
investments that have expanded the Nation’s pro-
ductive capacity and a historic vaccination pro-
gram that allowed the responsible wind-down of
emergency measures. In addition, the President
has also signed into law significant pro-growth
investments and deficit-reduction policies that
are already lowering costs for families and rein-
vigorating American industry and will continue
to take full effect in coming years.
Delivering on a Commitment
to Fiscal Responsibility.
The President has enacted another rough-
ly $1 trillion in savings over the next decade
through the FRA, and through the Inflation
Reduction Act provisions that empower Medicare
to negotiate lower prescription drug prices, cap
insulin at $35 per month for seniors,and make
the wealthy and large corporations pay more of
their fair share. To address the unfairness of 55
of the most profitable U.S. corporations paying
$0 in Federal income taxes, the President signed
into law a 15-percent minimum tax on the prof-
its of the largest corporations—those with over
$1 billion in profits. He also signed into law a
surcharge on corporate stock buybacks, which
encourages businesses to invest in their growth
and productivity as opposed to funneling tax-
preferred profits to wealthy shareholders. The
Inflation Reduction Act also enacted long-overdue
investments in rebuilding and modernizing the
Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which raise rev-
enue by making wealthy taxpayers and big corpo-
rations pay the taxes they owe—while improving
customer service and without increasing audit
rates relative to historical levels for small busi-
nesses and taxpayers making under $400,000 per
year. The Budget would build on this progress by
increasing the corporate minimum tax rate to 21
percent, quadrupling the surcharge on stock buy-
backs, extending the IRS investment, and other
important reforms.
As these investments continue to deliver
for working families and communities, the
Administration looks forward to building on this
progress with responsible investments that con-
tinue to grow America’s economy from the middle
out and bottom up while improving the long-term
budget outlook. The Budget proposes another
$3 trillion in deficit reduction over the next 10
years by making the wealthy and large corpora-
tions pay their fair share, closing tax loopholes,
cutting wasteful spending on Big Pharma, Big
Oil, and other special interests.
In addition to Medicare tax and prescription
drug reforms discussed above, the Budget:
Proposes a Minimum Tax on Billionaires.
The tax code currently offers special treatment
for the types of income that wealthy people en-
joy. While the wages and salaries that everyday
Americans earn are taxed as ordinary income,
billionaires make their money in ways that are
taxed at lower rates, and sometimes not taxed
at all. This special treatment, combined with
sophisticated tax planning and giant loopholes,
allows many of the wealthiest Americans to pay
lower rates on their full income than many mid-
dle-class households pay. To finally address this
glaring inequity, the Budget includes a 25 per-
cent minimum tax on the wealthiest 0.01 percent,
those with wealth of more than $100million.
Ensures Corporations Pay Their Fair
Share. The Budget increases the rates that corpo-
rations pay in taxes on their profits. Corporations
received an enormous tax break in 2017, cutting
effective U.S. tax rates for U.S. corporations to a
low of less than 10 percent. While their profits
soared, their investment in their workers and the
economy did not. Their shareholders and top ex-
ecutives reaped the benefits, without the prom-
ised trickle down to workers, consumers, or com-
munities. The Budget would set the corporate
tax rate at 28 percent, still well below the 35 per-
cent rate that prevailed prior to the 2017 tax law.
In addition, the Budget would raise the Inflation
Reduction Act’s corporate minimum tax rate on
billion-dollar corporations from 15 percent to 21
percent, ensuring the biggest corporations pay
more of their fair share. These policies are com-
plemented by other proposals to incentivize job
creation and investment in the United States and
ensure large corporations pay their fair share.
Denies Corporations Deductions for
All Compensation Over $1 million Per
Employee. Executive compensation has sky-
rocketed in recent decades, with Chief Executive
Officer pay averaging more than 300 times that
of a typical worker in 2022. The 2017 tax law’s
corporate tax cuts only made this problem worse,
producing massive boosts to executive compen-
sation while doing nothing for low- and middle-
income workers. Current law denies deductions
for executive compensation over $1million only
for a small number of highly paid employees at
publicly-traded C corporations. The Budget pro-
poses to deny deductions for all compensation
over $1million paid to any employee of a C corpo-
ration, which would discourage companies from
giving their executives massive pay packages and
level the playing field across C corporations.
Stops the Race to the Bottom in
International Corporate Tax and Ends Tax
Breaks for Offshoring. For decades, countries
have competed for multinational business by
slashing tax rates, at the expense of having ad-
equate revenues to finance core services. Thanks
in part to the Administration’s leadership, more
than 130 nations signed on to a global tax frame-
work to finally address this race to the bottom in
2021. Many of America’s international partners,
including many of the world’s largest economies,
have implemented or will soon implement this
transformational agreement. The Budget propos-
es to do the same by reforming the international
tax system to reduce the incentives to book prof-
its in low-tax jurisdictions, stopping corporate in-
versions to tax havens, and raising the tax rate
on U.S. multinationals’ foreign earnings from
10.5 percent to 21 percent. These reforms would
ensure that profitable multinational corporations
pay their fair share.
Quadruples the Stock Buybacks Tax. In
2022, the President signed into law a surcharge
on corporate stock buybacks, which reduces the
tax advantage for buybacks over dividends and
encourages businesses to invest in their growth
and productivity as opposed to funneling tax-
preferred profits to foreign shareholders. The
Budget proposes quadrupling the stock buybacks
tax from one percent to four percent to address
the continued tax advantage for buybacks and
encourage corporations to invest in productivity
and the broader economy.
Repeals Tax Cuts for the Wealthy and
Reforms Capital Gains Tax to Ensure the
Wealthy Pay Their Fair Share. The 2017 tax
law lowered rates for the wealthiest Americans,
delivering massive tax cuts to the top one per-
cent. The Budget repeals those cuts, restoring
the top tax rate of 39.6 percent for single filers
making more than $400,000 a year and married
couples making more than $450,000 per year.
The Budget also proposes taxing capital gains
at the same rate as wage income for those with
more than $1million in income and finally closes
the carried interest loophole that allows some
wealthy investment fund managers to pay tax at
lower rates than their secretaries.
Closes Tax Loopholes. The Budget saves bil-
lions of dollars by closing other tax loopholes that
overwhelmingly benefit the rich and the largest,
most profitable corporations. This includes: clos-
ing the so-called “like-kind exchange loophole”
that lets real estate investors defer tax indefinite-
ly; reforms to tax preferred retirement incentives
to ensure that the ultrawealthy cannot use these
incentives to amass tax free fortunes; prevent-
ing the super-wealthy from abusing life insur-
ance tax shelters; closing a loophole that benefits
wealthy crypto investors; and ending a tax break
for corporate jets.
Cracks Down on Wealthy Tax Cheats. The
Inflation Reduction Act addressed long-standing
IRS funding deficiencies by providing stable,
multi-year funding to improve tax compliance by
finally cracking down on high-income individuals
and corporations who too often avoided paying
their lawfully owed taxes and improve service for
the millions of Americans that do pay their taxes.
Already, the IRS is using these resources to crack
down on tax evasion by the wealthy and big busi-
nesses. For example, the IRS is collecting taxes
owed by tax-delinquent millionaires and address-
ing complex tax schemes used by the largest part-
nerships and multinational corporations, along
with improving customer service and moderniz-
ing IT infrastructure. The Budget proposes to re-
store the full Inflation Reduction Act investment
and provide new funding over the long-term to
continue cutting the deficit by making sure that
wealthy Americans and big corporations pay the
taxes they owe.
Addresses Expiring Tax Cuts after 2025.
President Trump and congressional Republicans
deliberately sunset portions of the Tax Cuts and
Jobs Act of 2017 legislation after 2025 to con-
ceal both the true increase in the deficit—much
larger than the already-massive $2 trillion cost
estimate—and the true size of their tax breaks
for multi-millionaires and large corporations.
This was one of the most egregious and fiscally
reckless budget decisions in modern history. The
President, faced with this fiscally irresponsible
legacy, will work with the Congress to address the
2025 expirations, and focus tax policy on reward-
ing work not wealth, based on the following guid-
ing principles. The President:
Opposes increasing taxes on people earn-
ing less than $400,000 and supports
cutting taxes for working people and
families with children to give them more
breathing room;
Opposes tax cuts for the wealthy—either
extending tax cuts for the top two percent
of Americans earning over $400,000 or
bringing back deductions and other tax
breaks for these households; and
Supports paying for extending tax cuts for
people earning less than $400,000 with
additional reforms to ensure that wealthy
people and big corporations pay their fair
share, so that the problematic sunsets
created by President Trump and congres-
sional Republicans are addressed in a
fiscally responsible manner.
To build on the historic progress made under
President Biden’s leadership, the American peo-
ple need a modern and effective Government. A
high-performing Federal Government—staffed
by expert civil servants—plays a critical role in
ensuring Americans have reliable services and
resources, from helping the American people file
taxes and apply for benefits, to confronting the
risks and opportunities presented by artificial
intelligence (AI).
To help deliver that future, the President’s
Budget advances the goals of the Biden-Harris
Management Agenda (PMA) across three key ar-
eas: strengthening and empowering the Federal
workforce; delivering excellent, equitable, and
secure Federal services and customer experi-
ence; and managing the business of Government.
This work is critical for bolstering Government’s
ability to deliver for the American people.
The Right Team and the Right Tools
More than four million Americans serve the
Nation, as civilian and uniformed personnel,
both at home and overseas. As the Nation’s larg-
est employer, the Federal Government is stra-
tegically competing for highly-skilled talent to
continue carrying out programs and delivering
services that benefit the American people. These
civil servants need to be equipped with the right
tools to do their jobs, including modern infor-
mation technology (IT). The Budget continues
investments to ensure the Federal Government
has the right team and tools to deliver for the
American people.
Helping Agencies Attract, Retain, and
Hire Top Talent. Agencies have made sub-
stantial progress in strengthening and empow-
ering the Federal workforce, such as recruiting
the wide-range of talent necessary for the im-
plementation of the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law, a once in a generation investment in the
Nation’s infrastructure and competitiveness
that spurred a surge hiring effort of 6,099 target-
ed positions. The Budget continues to support
Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) pro-
grams—such as the Hiring Experience Office—
in making progress on streamlining hiring. The
Budget also directs agencies to take part in col-
laborative cross-Government shared hiring ac-
tions that enable agencies to quickly hire on a
larger scale, allowing applicants to submit one
Federal job application and be considered for
many opportunities. The Budget advances the
Administration’s focus on the expansion of early
career talent pipelines, including the develop-
ment of strategic and targeted apprenticeships,
increased volume of student and early career op-
portunities, and equitable access to paid intern-
ships. The Budget also provides resources to
support continued transformation of the person-
nel vetting mission, and its Trusted Workforce
2.0 Implementation Strategy, which is designed
to ensure all Americans can trust the Federal
Building the Personnel System and
Support Required to Make the Federal
Government a Model Employer. As the
Government faces increasingly complex chal-
lenges, the need for Federal leaders, managers,
and front-line staff with the right skills in the
right jobs has never been greater. The Budget
sustains critical investments in OPM to en-
able the Agency’s ability to lead Federal human
capital management and serve as a centralized
leader in human resources. The Budget further
advances work to address Government-wide com-
pensation challenges, and reinforces additional
initiatives to enhance personnel systems for criti-
cal elements of the workforce.
Modernizing Federal IT Policies and
Technology to Better Serve the American
People. Technology is a key enabler for the
Federal Government and its workforce. The
Budget makes key investments to protect the
Federal systems from compromises—leverag-
ing the benefits of digital identity and AI while
balancing the risks it poses to rights, opportuni-
ties, and safety, and redefining security expecta-
tions for software and the cloud. To support IT
modernization efforts, the Budget also includes
an additional $75 million for the Technology
Modernization Fund (TMF), an innovative in-
vestment program that gives agencies additional
ways to deliver services to the American public
quickly. TMF manages over $750 million for
48investments, across 27 Federal agencies, and
is particularly well-positioned to make a large
impact in the Federal Government’s ability to de-
liver excellent, equitable, and secure services.
Advancing AI Governance, Innovation,
and Risk Management. To capitalize on the
opportunities and mitigate the risks of AI—in-
cluding by implementing Section 10 of Executive
Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy
Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence,”—
the Administration is committed to advancing
its management of AI and significantly expand-
ing AI talent in the Federal Government. The
Budget provides additional funding for Federal
agencies to establish agency Chief AI Officers ac-
countable for their agency’s use of AI, to adopt
new AI technologies to improve Government ser-
vices, and to establish minimum safeguards for
Government use of AI to protect the rights and
safety of the public. In addition to this funding,
the Budget also includes an additional $32 mil-
lion for the U.S. Digital Service (USDS), General
Services Administration, and OPM to support
the National AI Talent Surge across the Federal
Serving the American People
President Biden set an objective in the PMA
that when the American public interacts with
Government, they should get a simple, seamless,
and secure customer experience that is on par
with what they expect in the private sector. The
Budget advances this goal by:
Supporting Digital Services Teams. The
Budget sustains investment in the USDS to con-
tinue bringing world class technology talent into
the Federal Government—helping agencies con-
front some of their hardest issues. USDS staff
are centrally recruited into the Government from
the private sector and deployed into agencies to
assist with the critical projects, buttressing exist-
ing personnel with new skills and expertise. Over
the past 10 years, USDS has successfully helped
agencies to modernize their technical operations
and minimize the risk of large IT projects, over 60
percent of which have historically failed without
the intervention of USDS. For example, USDS
is supporting the Internal Revenue Service in its
technology transformation, modernizing decades-
old systems and improving taxpayer services,
the Department of Health and Human Service
(HHS) in streamlining the enrollment and re-
newal process for Medicaid coverage, including
saving half a million children from erroneously
losing their health insurance, and the Federal
Communications Commission in its efforts to
bring affordable, reliable, and high-speed broad-
band to eligible households.
Increasing Customer Experience Across
the Federal Government. The Budget funds
the expertise and tools necessary to ensure ex-
cellent service delivery and customer experience
across the Federal Government. The Budget
invests in teams of specialized customer expe-
rience and digital services professionals in 10
Federal departments, and critical subagencies
that serve millions of customers. The Budget
also provides funding for new “Voice of Customer”
programs at eight Federal agencies to collect and
report performance data on key drivers of cus-
tomer experience from a broad representation of
Americans— which can drive meaningful service
improvements. The Budget also supports spe-
cific service delivery enhancements, such as the
Transportation Security Administration’s pilot
program to deploy customer experience strate-
gists at airports to streamline passenger screen-
ing, and the Department of State’s efforts to build
online passport renewal.
Designing, Building, and Managing
Government Service Delivery for Priority
Life Experiences. The Budget advances efforts
to better serve the American people by providing
funding for interagency teams to build digital
service capacity. Following extensive customer
experience-focused discovery research and design
phase projects and pilots aimed at developing
promising solutions, the Budget also specifical-
ly supports cross-agency Life Experience proj-
ects, including funding for the Health Resources
and Services Administration at HHS to help
Americans more easily access essential services
following the birth of a child. In addition, the
Budget invests in shared products and platforms
that enable simple, seamless, and secure services
across the Federal Government.
Protecting Taxpayer Investment
The Administration has the obligation to invest
taxpayer money with care, ensuring that taxpay-
ers get excellent returns on each dollar that is
spent. That includes investing in American work-
ers, small businesses, equity efforts, and climate
resilience. The Budget invests in improved stew-
ardship of taxpayer funds in the following ways:
Ensuring the Future is Made in America.
The President’s economic agenda is focused on
ensuring the future is made in America. The
Administration is delivering on the President’s
agenda by advancing a whole-of-Government ef-
fort to ensure resources and programs advance
domestic jobs and industries. The Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law included the Build America,
Buy America Act, requiring that all federally
funded infrastructure projects use American iron
and steel, manufactured products, and construc-
tion materials, unless such items are not avail-
able, would constitute an unreasonable cost, or
meet the requirements of other statutory exemp-
tions. The Office of Management and Budget’s
(OMB) Made in America Office is working with
Federal agencies to improve their capacity to
perform supply chain analysis, perform market
research, and engage with industry to maximize
the use of critical domestic products. These ef-
forts will help to strengthen the U.S. industrial
base in critical sectors while increasing the qual-
ity and number of good-paying jobs by promoting
the domestic production of steel and iron prod-
ucts, manufactured products, and construction
Streamlining Federal Grant-Making and
Improving Program Outcomes. In order to
reduce administrative burden for Federal agen-
cies and recipients and to improve outcomes of
Federal financial assistance programs, OMB is
updating its comprehensive Guidance on Grants
and Agreements. These updates will represent
the most substantial changes to the guidance
since its release in 2013, and will reduce unnec-
essary compliance requirements. In addition,
to improve the coordination of Federal financial
assistance policy, oversight, and strategic direc-
tion, OMB established the Council on Federal
Financial Assistance in August 2023. This part-
nership of Federal grant-making agencies pro-
vides a single forum for oversight and manage-
ment of Federal financial assistance.
Improving Federal Procurement. Under
the Better Contracting Initiative, agencies will
ensure strong contracting outcomes by mak-
ing better use of acquisition data and leverag-
ing expertise in acquiring common software and
other IT requirements. At the same time, the
Administration is working aggressively to cre-
ate a more resilient supplier base and increase
competition by increasing the percent of Federal
contract award dollars that go to small disad-
vantaged businesses—building on historic spend
made by agencies to this underserved community
on the way to a goal of 15 percent by 2025. In ad-
dition, agencies will advance the sustainability of
Federal supply chains and achieve net-zero emis-
sions from Federal procurement by 2050.
Managing the Government to Deliver
Results that Improve Lives. The
Administration continues to drive evidence-based
management practices to deliver a more effective
Government. OMB and agency leadership con-
ducted strategic review meetings to review prog-
ress on agency strategic plans and discuss ap-
proaches to strengthening organizational health
and organizational performance, following the re-
lease of OMB Memorandum M-23-15, Measuring,
Monitoring, and Improving Organizational
Health and Organizational Performance in the
Context of Evolving Agency Work Environments.
In December of 2023, agencies established 79
new performance commitments to be achieved
through 2025. The public is invited to follow
agency progress on
Advancing Federal Evidence-Based
Policymaking. The President has made clear
that the Administration will make decisions guid-
ed by the best available science and data. The
Budget demonstrates this commitment by invest-
ing in evidence-based programs at, and bolster-
ing capacity for, program evaluation. The Budget
invests in the Federal statistical system’s key role
in evidence building by expanding skilled statis-
ticians and infrastructure to equip agencies with
tools for ensuring high-quality data and robust
data confidentiality protections, as well as creat-
ing a seamless data user experience.
Promoting Accountability and Integrity.
The Administration is committed to improving
program integrity and ensuring effective stew-
ardship of taxpayer dollars, including through
implementation of the American Rescue Plan, the
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the CHIPS and
Science Act, and the Inflation Reduction Act. To
deliver on those commitments, the Administration
has provided agencies with the tools to strength-
en program integrity and deliver results. The
President has made clear that results, transpar-
ency, and accountability go hand-in-hand, which
is why the Budget includes robust legislative and
funding proposals that would ensure agencies and
their Inspectors General have the resources and
authorities they need for appropriate oversight
of these programs. For example, the Budget in-
cludes new proposals for modernizing, protecting,
and strengthening the Unemployment Insurance
(UI) program that would help states develop and
test fraud-prevention tools and strategies and
increase investigations of fraud rings targeting
the UI program. Further, the Budget ensures
additional resources and time for investigations
and prosecution of those engaged in major or sys-
temic pandemic fraud, invests in identity theft
and fraud prevention to stop fraud before funds
are ever paid out, and provides much-needed help
for innocent victims recovering from having their
identities and benefits stolen.
Bolstering Federal Cybersecurity. To pro-
tect against foreign adversaries and safeguard
Federal systems, the Budget bolsters cyberse-
curity by ensuring every agency is increasing
the security of public services. To advance the
Administration’s commitment to making cyber-
space more resilient and defensible, the Budget
provides $13 billion in cybersecurity funding
across civilian departments and agencies. In addi-
tion, the Budget provides an additional $103mil-
lion for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency (CISA), for a total of $3 billion
to advance the Administration’s commitment to
making cyberspace more resilient and defensible.
This includes: $470 million to deploy Federal
network tools, including endpoint detection and
response capabilities; $394 million for CISAs in-
ternal cybersecurity and analytical capabilities;
$41 million for critical infrastructure security
coordination, and $116 million for critical infra-
structure cyber event reporting.
Transforming Personnel Vetting. The
Administration is committed to improving how
agencies vet their civilian, military, and contrac-
tor personnel—to ensure Government is employ-
ing personnel with necessary skillsets. During
2023, the Administration sustained reform mo-
mentum by rolling out new training standards for
the background investigators and adjudicators
implementing policy changes, authorizing the
expansion of continuous vetting beyond national
security sensitive personnel, and transitioning
away from legacy e-QIP software to the more
user-friendly eApp platform for individuals en-
tering the personnel vetting process. The Budget
instructs agencies to be prepared for further
improvements as directed in the Performance
Accountability Council’s Trusted Workforce 2.0
Implementation Strategy. Among other goals,
agencies should expect to continue enrolling their
non-sensitive personnel into continuous vetting,
expand data collection for enhanced performance
metrics, update training and internal processes
to reflect reform progress, and adopt additional
personnel vetting shared services.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Lowers Energy Costs and Catalyzes Clean Energy and Economic Growth in Rural
Communities. The Budget builds on the $13 billion provided in the President’s historic
Inflation Reduction Act for rural development programs at USDA to reduce energy bills for
families, expand clean energy, transform rural power production, and create thousands of
good-paying jobs for people across rural America. Rural communities are critical to achiev-
ing the goal of 100 percent clean electricity by 2035. The Budget provides $1billion for loan
guarantees for renewable energy systems and energy efficiency improvements for farmers
and rural small businesses, and $6.5 billion in authority for rural electric loans to support
additional clean energy, energy storage, and transmission projects that would create good-
paying jobs. In addition, the Budget includes $53 million in zero-interest loans for the Rural
Energy Savings Program, which would help rural Americans implement durable cost-effec-
tive energy efficiency measures in their homes, which lowers energy costs and contributes
to the President’s clean energy goals and the Justice40 Initiative. The Budget also provides
$10 million in Rural Community Facilities Grants specifically for rural communities making
an energy transition away from outdated energy sources, facilitating emerging infrastruc-
ture needs.
Connects More Rural Americans to High-Speed, Affordable, and Reliable Internet.
The President is committed to ensuring that every American has access to affordable broad-
band internet—and thanks to his Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, under the Biden-Harris
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible for providing nutrition assistance to
low-income Americans and a safety net for the farm sector, conserving and preserving private
agricultural lands, and sustaining the health and productivity of the Nation’s forests. The
President’s 2025 Budget for USDA: sustains America’s advantages in agriculture; strengthens
the nutrition safety net and removes barriers to vital assistance; promotes job growth and
economic opportunity in rural communities, including more jobs in clean energy to mitigate
the effects of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions; promotes environmental justice; supports
historically disadvantaged and underserved producers; and helps farmers, ranchers, and forest
landowners adapt to the effects of the climate crisis.
The Budget requests $29.2 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $2 billion or
7.4-percent increase from the 2023 level, excluding Food for Peace Title II Grants, which are
included in the State and International Programs total. Resources provided through the 2025
Budget complement investments in natural resource conservation, national forest and wildland
re management, and broadband deployment provided in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and
Ination Reduction Act.
Administration, USDA has provided $2.3 billion to people living and working across 35 States
and Territories, which is expected to expand broadband access to more than 137,000 house-
holds. Installing high-speed internet creates high-paying union jobs and strengthens rural
economies, which leads to higher property values, increased job and population growth, lower
unemployment rates, and new business formation. Reliable internet is also crucial for ru-
ral Americans to access healthcare services through telehealth. Building on the $2 billion
for USDA broadband programs provided in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for 2023, the
Budget provides $112 million for the ReConnect program, which provides grants and loans to
deploy broadband to unserved areas, especially tribal areas.
Increases Climate Resilience and Other Conservation Practices in Agriculture
Production. Climate change presents real threats to U.S. agricultural production, forest re-
sources, and rural communities. The Budget provides $6 billion for climate-related funding, a
$733 million increase over the 2023 enacted level, and $1.3 billion over the 2020enacted level.
This funding includes $985 million for the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS),
a $67 million or 7-percent increase above the 2023 enacted level, and a $152 million increase
or 18-percent above the 2020 enacted level, to assist farmers, ranchers, and forestland owners
with production goals in the face of a changing climate while conserving, maintaining, and
restoring natural resources on their lands. The Inflation Reduction Act provided generational
investments to increase adoption of voluntary conservation practices that sequester carbon
and reduce GHG emissions associated with farming and ranching operations. Increasing
conservation in agricultural production supports voluntary environmental services markets,
leverages private-sector and other non-Federal investment, and provides additional income
opportunities for America’s farmers. These practices also help producers adapt to multi-year
drought conditions and reductions in water availability. To implement Inflation Reduction
Act investments, the NRCS would hire thousands of employees—creating good-paying jobs
throughout rural America.
Supports a Strong Nutrition Safety Net. The Budget provides $8.5 billion for critical nu-
trition programs, including $7.7 billion to fully fund participation in the Special Supplemental
Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), which is critical to the health of
pregnant women, new mothers, infants, and young children. This program helps low-income
families put nutritious food on the table and addresses racial disparities in maternal and child
health outcomes. In the Biden-Harris Administration National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition,
and Health, the Administration set goals to help more individuals experiencing food insecurity
access Federal nutrition assistance programs. By investing in outreach and modernization,
WIC would reach 800,000 more women, infants, and children each month, providing vital nu-
trition assistance to nearly seven million individuals, up from 6.2 million in 2021. The Budget
supports enhanced benefits for fruits and vegetables to improve nutritional outcomes and
reduce food insecurity among children consistent with the recommendations by the National
Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. In addition, the Budget includes an emer-
gency contingency fund that would provide additional resources, beyond the $7.7 billion, when
there are unanticipated cost pressures. The Budget also includes $15 billion over 10 years to
allow more States and schools to leverage participation in the Community Eligibility Provision
to providehealthy school meals at no cost to an additional nine million children.
Invests in America’s Brave Wildland Firefighters. The Budget builds on the
Administration’s historic investments in the wildland firefighting workforce at the Forest
Service and the Department of the Interior, including investments from the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law, by supporting implementation of permanent and comprehensive pay reform,
enhancement of health services, hiring of additional permanent and temporary wildland fire-
fighters to increase capacity, and improvement of Government housing. These investments,
totaling $387 million over the comparable 2023 enacted level for USDA Forest Service, would
help address long-standing recruitment and retention challenges, increase the Departments’
capacity to complete critical risk mitigation work, and further the Administration’s commit-
ment to build a more robust and resilient wildland firefighting workforce as the frequency and
intensity of catastrophic wildfires continue to increase due to climate change.
Reduces Housing Insecurity and Strengthens Climate Resiliency in Rural
Communities. Adequate affordable housing has been a long-standing problem in rural
communities—one that is exacerbated by low energy efficiency of the aging housing stock,
meaning higher costs to families. To help address this, the Budget proposes additional funding
for rental assistance, multifamily and single-family housing, and again proposes to eliminate
the existing low-income borrower penalty that requires individuals to repay subsidy costs for
Single-Family Direct loans—a requirement that only exists for rural housing. The Budget
provides strong support for USDA’s multifamily housing and housing preservation programs.
Through these investments, the Administration advances equity in support of underserved
communities by reducing rent burdens for low-income borrowers and preserving low-income
tenant-based housing in rural America. The Budget again proposes to increase the resiliency
of rural housing to the impacts of climate change through a proposal to require energy and
water efficiency improvements and green features in USDAs rural housing programs that
include construction.
Sustains American Leadership in Agricultural Innovation and Research. The Budget
sustains American innovation in agriculture by providing a total of almost $3.8billion for ag-
ricultural research, education, and outreach. This includes $365 million, a 20-percent increase
above the 2023 enacted level, for agriculture research, extension, and education grants to
minority-serving land grant universities and tribal colleges to increase the productive capac-
ity of small family farms and historically underserved populations, including the responsible
application of artificial intelligence to ensure that the entire spectrum of the agriculture sector
can reap the economic benefits of this technology. The Budget also includes support for the
duties of a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer, who would promote the safe and responsible
application of artificial intelligence in advancing the productivity of the Nation’s agriculture
sector. The Budget provides $321 million for the Department’s core climate-related research
and development (R&D) activities, which includes R&D on the carbon cycle and the impacts
of weather and water cycle variations on soil, air, and water resources associated with agri-
culture. This would help to quantify risks and benefits to agriculture from global change so
technologies can be developed for harnessing beneficial aspects of global change, adapting
agricultural systems to change, and mitigating the Nation’s net emissions of GHG.
Provides Trade and International Food Security. America’s farmers, ranchers, and
producers are feeding the world. The Budget provides funding to fully staff the Foreign
Agricultural Service, which supports the marketing and promotion of high-quality, high-value
U.S. agricultural products to a variety of overseas markets, creating jobs and income streams
throughout the supply chain domestically and internationally. Further, the Budget allows
for USDA to engage in international trade and regulatory systems and agreements, creating
new markets and ensuring current markets stay open. In addition, the Budget provides food
assistance, such as $243 million for the McGovern-Dole International Food for Education and
Child Nutrition Program. Lastly, capacity building projects, supported by the Budget, combat
global food insecurity, share knowledge around climate-smart agricultural practices, and de-
velop rules- and science-based markets.
Supports Better Delivery of Services to Rural America and the Nation’s Farmers. To
better serve rural communities and areas that have been previously left behind, the Budget
provides funding for USDA to ensure adequate staffing and critical information technol-
ogy upgrades to improve program delivery. This includes expanding the authority for the
Non-recurring Expenses Fund to access expired discretionary funds for projects that would re-
mediate cybersecurity vulnerabilities and improve web-based rural development loan services
to provide a more automated experience for borrowers. To make sure that eligible individuals
are aware of available Federal support, regardless of their native language, the Budget pro-
vides $2 million for a Department-wide Language Access Plan. To expand rural prosperity
and economic growth, the Budget includes $10 million for the Rural Partners Network, which
continues the collaboration and outreach of 20 Federal agencies and regional commissions to
ensure rural communities have equitable access to Federal programs.
Supports the Upcoming Farm Bill. The Budget provides USDA with the staffing resources
necessary to seamlessly implement reauthorization of the Farm Bill. The Administration looks
forward to working this year with the Congress, partners, stakeholders, and the public to iden-
tify shared priorities and build on the historic legislative achievements of the first three years
of the Administration. The Farm Bill presents a unique opportunity to transform the food and
agricultural system from one that benefits a few to one that benefits many—all while strength-
ening USDA’s nutrition programs, which are among the most effective and far-reaching tools
available to improve the health and well-being of Americans. The Nation can achieve mean-
ingful, equitable growth in agriculture and rural economies by creating new revenue streams
for American farmers, ranchers, and producers of all sizes through climate smart agriculture
and forestry, biobased products, renewable energy, local and regional food systems, increased
competition in agricultural markets, and other value-added opportunities, while reducing the
paperwork burden for Federal programs and achieving best in Government practices. The Farm
Bill is also a critical opportunity to ensure that the wealth created in rural America stays there
to empower rural communities with the tools necessary to advance their locally-led vision.
The upcoming Farm Bill is also an opportunity to make progress toward ensuring that all
Americans have access to healthy, affordable food, as emphasized in the Biden-Harris
Administration National Strategy on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health. This is an important
moment to protect food assistance benefits that reflect the true cost of a basic, healthy diet,
strengthen cross enrollment capabilities across Federal assistance programs, and eliminate
barriers to food assistance for vulnerable groups. These barriers make it difficult for un-
derserved groups to succeed, including low-income college students, individuals reentering
society and seeking a second chance, youth who have aged out of foster care, kinship fami-
lies, low-income individuals in the U.S. Territories, and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
Program (SNAP) recipients facing time limits. Rather than reducing obstacles to employ-
ment, research demonstrates that time limits on SNAP eligibility amplify existing inequities
in food and economic security. Beyond removing barriers to food access, there is also the
opportunity to make healthier choices easier by expanding food purchasing options, fruit
and vegetable incentives, and local food procurement through Federal nutrition programs,
including by building upon efforts already plotted by USDA. The Farm Bill reauthorization
process is an opportunity to strengthen program integrity to address new risks and vulnera-
bilities while ensuring that USDA can continue to support the needs of all eligible households.
The Administration looks forward to working with the Congress to: support new and beginning
farmers; shore up the Federal Government’s commitment to agricultural research; address
climate change by protecting and enhancing investments in conservation, climate-smart
agriculture and forestry, and clean energy; strengthen local and regional food supply chains; con-
tinue efforts on reducing food loss and waste; support competition by increasing transparency
and continuing to support small and independent processors; open new market opportunities
and provide a competitive advantage for American producers—including small and histori-
cally underserved producers and early adopters. In addition, the Administration supports
improvements to crop insurance, proactively managing risk from natural hazards, including
the permanent authorization of the cover crop incentive program. These Administration pri-
orities can help create a stronger safety net and better markets for consumers and producers
of U.S. agricultural products through the Farm Bill, which is one piece of the puzzle for how
USDA helps people across America and the globe.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Fosters Economic Development and Creates Good-Paying Jobs. The Budget provides
the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) with $437million to award grants
that help communities across the Nation bolster innovation, competitiveness, and econom-
ic development. This represents a significant $131.5million or 43-percent increase under
the Biden-Harris Administration. As part of this historic investment, the Budget provides
$41million to continue the Recompete Pilot Program, a new program established under this
Administration to provide flexible, place-based funding to communities working to reduce
prime-age employment gaps in the most economically distressed areas. The Budget also
proposes $41million for the Good Jobs Challenge to fund high-quality, locally-led workforce
systems that expand career opportunities for hard-working Americans, and $5 million for
grants focused exclusively on the economic development needs of tribal governments and
indigenous communities.
Promotes Leadership and Responsible Innovation in Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The Budget invests $65million with Commerce to safeguard, regulate, and promote AI, in-
cluding protecting the American public against its societal risks. This funding would allow
Commerce to successfully implement central components of the Administration’s Executive
Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
Specifically, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) would establish
the U.S. AI Safety Institute to operationalize NIST’s AI Risk Management Framework by
creating guidelines, tools, benchmarks, and best practices for evaluating and mitigating
dangerous capabilities and conducting evaluations including red-teaming to identify and
mitigate AI risk. The institute would develop technical guidance that would be used by reg-
ulators considering rulemaking and enforcement on issues such as authenticating content
created by humans, watermarking AI-generated content, identifying and mitigating against
The Department of Commerce (Commerce) is responsible for: promoting job creation; supporting
and overseeing international trade; and providing economic, environmental, and scientic
information needed by businesses, citizens, and governments. The President’s 2025 Budget
for Commerce promotes access to good jobs and equitable growth, protects supply chains and
national security, bolsters American leadership in manufacturing and responsible innovation, and
produces better data about the Nation’s economy.
The Budget requests $11.4 billion in discretionary budgetary authority for 2025, a $287 million
or 2.4-percent increase above the 2023 level. Resources provided through the 2025 Budget
support signicant investments in America’s innovation economy authorized under the CHIPS
and Science Act of 2022.
harmful algorithmic discrimination, ensuring transparency, and enabling adoption of priva-
cy-preserving AI, and would serve as a driver of the future workforce for safe and trusted AI.
Supports Offshore Wind Energy and Climate Resilience. The Budget provides $53mil-
lion to expand offshore wind permitting activities at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), a $31 million increase above the 2023 enacted level. This would
support NOAA in its efforts to use the best available science to support the goal of deploying
30 gigawatts of offshore energy by 2030 while protecting biodiversity and promoting sus-
tainable ocean co-use. The Budget also provides $16million for NOAA’s Climate Adaptation
Partnerships, which would support collaborative efforts that help communities build equitable
climate resilience.
Encourages Technological Development and Innovation across the Nation. The
Budget includes $4billion in mandatory funds for EDAs Regional Technology and Innovation
Hubs Program to build on the one-time $500million investment provided in the Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023. The Budget also includes $41million in discretionary funding for
smaller grants that enable tech and innovation growth in underrepresented regions. In total,
this funding would enable EDA to establish cutting-edge and strategic regional technology
hubs that foster the geographic diversity of innovation and create quality jobs in and for un-
derserved and vulnerable communities across the Nation.
Advances the Next Generation of Weather Satellites. The Budget provides $2.1billion
for weather satellites, a $432million increase above the 2023 enacted level. This investment
would maintain the existing fleet of satellites critical for extreme weather forecasts and invest
in next generation systems that would provide more accurate forecasts and outlooks as well
as new environmental monitoring capabilities as the Nation faces more powerful and frequent
storms and extreme weather caused by climate change.
Supports Minority-Owned Businesses to Narrow Racial Wealth Gaps. The Budget pro-
vides an additional $10million to increase the capacity of the Minority Business Development
Agency (MBDA) for a total of $80million. Overall, this funding level reflects a $32million
increase for MBDA since the start of the Administration. This continued investment would
bolster services provided to minority-owned, including women of color-owned, enterprises by
expanding the Business Center Program, funding the Rural Business Center program, and
supporting innovative initiatives to foster economic resiliency.
Modernizes Research Facilities. The Budget invests in the fundamental infrastructure
that makes science possible. The Budget provides $312million for maintenance, renovations,
and improvements at NIST research campuses, a $182million increase above the 2023 en-
acted level. With these resources, NIST would overhaul the backbone of several electricity,
heating, and cooling capabilities to enable its laboratories to continue to advance in measure-
ment sciences and calibration services.
Protects High-Priority Natural Resources. The Budget provides $86million to support
National Marine Sanctuaries and Marine Protected Areas as part of the Administration’s
America the Beautiful Initiative, which aims to conserve at least 30 percent of U.S. lands and
waters by 2030. This is an $18million increase above the 2023 enacted level, which would
expand critical conservation work and support the designation process for additional sanc-
tuaries. In addition, the Budget provides $34million, a $10million increase over the 2023
enacted level, to support Mitchell Act hatcheries in the Columbia River Basin. These addition-
al funds are part of the Administration’s commitment to prioritize the restoration of healthy
and abundant wild salmon, steelhead, and other native fish populations to the Columbia River
Basin, and honor the United States’ obligations to tribal nations.
Improves Economic Data. The Budget provides $1.6 billion for the Census Bureau, a
$93million increase from the 2023 enacted level. This includes funding to support informa-
tion technology system modernization to improve the collection and analysis of data, funding
to improve how the Census Bureau measures the economic wellbeing of Americans over time,
and investments in gathering data about Puerto Rico’s people and economy. The Budget pro-
vides $138.5million for the Bureau of Economic Analysis, an $8.5million increase from the
2023 enacted level, to support economic statistics, including research on environmental-eco-
nomic statistics.
Protects Critical and Emerging Technology. The Budget provides $223million to the
Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). These resources would help BIS expand export enforce-
ment domestically and overseas, bolster the Bureau’s capacity to identify critical and emerging
technologies eligible for export control and evaluate the effectiveness of export controls, and
increase regional expertise to enhance cooperation on export controls with allies and partners.
In addition, the Budget provides $5 million for the International Trade Administration to
effectively implement new requirements under Executive Order 14105,Addressing United
States Investments in Certain National Security Technologies and Products in Countries of
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Promotes Integrated Deterrence in the Indo-Pacific and Globally. To sustain and
strengthen deterrence, the Budget provides funding to prioritize China as America’s pacing
challenge in line with the 2022 National Defense Strategy. DOD’s 2025 Pacific Deterrence
Initiative highlights some of the key investments the Department is making, focuses on
strengthening deterrence in the region, and demonstrates the Department’s long-term com-
mitment to the Indo-Pacific. The Budget also provides funding to advance the Administration’s
commitments under the Australia-United Kingdom-United States enhanced trilateral secu-
rity partnership (AUKUS) dedicated to bolstering security and stability in the region. DOD is
building the concepts, capabilities, and posture necessary to meet these challenges, working
to integrate deterrence efforts across the U.S. Government and with U.S. allies and partners.
Supports Ukraine, European Allies, and Partners. The Budget continues to provide
critical support for Ukraine, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies, and other
European partner states by prioritizing funding to enhance the capabilities and readiness
of U.S., allied, and partner forces in the face of continued Russian aggression. However, the
Budget cannot address the critical support to Ukraine, which requires congressional action
on the Administration’s October 2023 national security supplemental request.
The Department of Defense (DOD) is responsible for the military forces needed to safeguard
the United States’ vital national interests. The President’s 2025 Budget for DOD provides the
resources necessary to sustain and strengthen U.S. deterrence, advancing vital national security
interests through integrated deterrence, campaigning, and investments that build enduring
advantages. The Budget supports America’s servicemembers and their families, strengthens
alliances and partnerships, bolsters America’s technological edge, ensures readiness, preserves
economic competitiveness, and combats 21
Century security threats.
The Budget includes $850 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $34 billion or
4.1-percent increase from the 2023 enacted level. This growth is in alignment with levels agreed
to in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 and enables DOD to make the investments necessary
to execute the Administration’s 2022 National Security Strategy and 2022 National Defense
In addition, the Budget includes a request for unmet needs from the Administration’s October
2023 supplemental request for urgent security needs through the end of 2024.
Counters Persistent Threats. While focused on maintaining robust deterrence against
China and Russia, the Budget also provides funding to enable DOD to remain vigilant in the
face of other persistent threats including those posed by North Korea, Iran, and violent ex-
tremist organizations.
Modernizes the Nuclear Deterrent. The Budget provides funding to maintain a strong nu-
clear deterrent as a foundational aspect of integrated deterrence, for the security of the Nation
and U.S. allies. The Budget supports the U.S. nuclear triad, NATO strategic deterrence, and
the necessary ongoing nuclear modernization programs, to include the nuclear command, con-
trol, and communication networks.
Invests in the Submarine Industrial Base (SIB). DOD conducted the 2025 SIB study to
determine how to complete the once-in-a-generation recapitalization of the submarine force
needed to increase the United States’ ability to build and sustain attack submarines to meet
U.S. military requirements. The Budget builds on the Administration’s October 2023 supple-
mental request supporting the SIB and also supports the Administration’s commitments under
AUKUS—the first major deliverable of which was the historic decision to support Australia
acquiring conventionally-armed, nuclear-powered submarines.
Advances U.S. Cybersecurity. The Budget continues to invest in cybersecurity programs
to protect the Nation from malicious cyber actors and cyber campaigns. These investments
strengthen cyber protection standards for the defense industrial base (DIB) and cybersecurity
of DOD networks.
Delivers a Robust Military Pay Raise. The Budget funds a robust 4.5 percent pay raise for
America’s servicemembers, continuing to build on the highest pay raise in decades of 5.2 per-
cent in 2024. The Budget also provides servicemembers with annual rate increases for both
housing and subsistence allowances.
Increases Income Eligibility Threshold for Basic Needs Allowance (BNA). The Budget
proposes to increase the income eligibility threshold for BNA from 150 percent to 200 percent
of the Federal Poverty Guidelines.
Fulfills America’s Commitment to Military Families. Military families are key to the
readiness and well-being of the All-Volunteer Force, and therefore are critical to national secu-
rity. The Budget continues to support military families by prioritizing programs, including the
Secretary of Defense’s Taking Care of People initiatives, that seek to increase access to behav-
ioral health providers, continue access to employment opportunities for military spouses, and
increase access to high-quality child care for military families via the Child Care Workforce
Focuses on Suicide and Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Efforts. The Budget
includes funding to support the Department’s efforts on Suicide Prevention and Response
and implements recommendations from the Suicide Prevention and Response Independent
Review Committee. This funding would support improving the delivery of mental health-
care, addressing stigma and other barriers to care, revising suicide prevention training, and
promoting a culture of lethal means safety. The Budget also includes funding to support the
Department’s efforts on Sexual Assault Prevention and Response and implements Secretary-
approved recommendations from the Independent Review Commission on Sexual Assault in
the Military, designed to increase awareness, provide support mechanisms to victims, and
significantly reduce the environment for, tolerance of, and occurrence of sexual assault, sexual
harassment, and domestic violence in the Joint Force. The Budget also includes funding to
continue implementation of military justice reforms, led by each of the Services’ Office for
Special Trial Counsel.
Promotes Energy Efficiency and Installation Resilience for Warfighting Operations.
The Budget invests in power and energy performance, which makes U.S. forces more agile,
efficient, and survivable. The Budget also improves the resilience of DOD facilities and opera-
tions to protect mission critical capabilities.
Enhances Biodefense and Pandemic Preparedness. The Budget provides robust fund-
ing to support the Administration’s 2022 National Biodefense Strategy and Implementation
Plan for Countering Biological Threats, Enhancing Pandemic Preparedness, and Achieving
Global Health Security, the National Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Initiative, and to
implement recommendations from DOD’s 2023 Biodefense Posture Review.
Ensures Readiness across America’s Armed Forces. The Budget continues to ensure
that U.S. Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines, and Guardians remain the best trained and
equipped fighting forces in the world. The Budget places additional emphasis on foundational
investments to sustain current weapon systems and support increased training across the
Department, while pursuing technological enhancements to extend the service life of material
vital to the warfighter. In addition, the Budget continues the recapitalization and optimiza-
tion of the four public Naval Shipyards to meet future submarine and carrier maintenance
Builds the Air Power Needed for the 21
Century. The Budget funds the procurement of
a mix of highly capable crewed aircraft while continuing to modernize fielded fighter, bomber,
mobility, and training aircraft. The Budget also accelerates the development and procurement
of uncrewed combat aircraft and the relevant autonomy to augment crewed aircraft. Investing
in this mix of aircraft provides an opportunity to increase the resiliency and flexibility of the
fleet to meet future threats, while reducing operating costs.
Optimizes U.S. Naval Shipbuilding and Modernization. Maintaining U.S. naval power
is critical to reassuring allies and deterring potential adversaries. The Budget includes ex-
ecutable and responsible investments in the U.S. Navy fleet. The Budget also continues the
recapitalization of the Nation’s strategic ballistic missile submarine fleet while robustly in-
vesting in the SIB. In addition, the Budget invests in improving the lethality and survivability
of the fleet, particularly improving undersea superiority.
Strengthens the U.S. Supply Chain and Industrial Base. The Budget invests in key
technologies and sectors of the U.S. industrial base such as microelectronics, submarine
construction, munitions production, and biomanufacturing. The Budget supports DOD’s mod-
ernization initiatives in its organic industrial base to maintain the Nation’s readiness.
Supports a Ready and Modern Army. The Budget maintains a ready Army capable of
responding globally as part of the Joint Force through investments in Army modernization
initiatives, including critical non-kinetic and long-range strike capabilities. In addition, the
Budget modernizes and expands the production capacity of the industrial base to ensure the
Army can meet strategic demands for critical munitions.
Invests in Long-Range Fire Capabilities. The safety and security of the Nation requires a
strong, sustainable, and responsive mix of long-range strike capabilities. The Budget invests
in the development and testing of hypersonic strike capabilities while enhancing existing long-
range strike capabilities to bolster deterrence and improve survivability.
Increases Space Resilience. Space is vital to U.S. national security and is integral to mod-
ern warfare. The Budget maintains America’s advantage by providing funding to improve the
resilience of U.S. space architectures, such as in-space sensing and communications, in order
to bolster deterrence and increase survivability.
Optimizes Force Structure. In line with the 2022 National Defense Strategy, the Budget
provides funding to optimize force structure in order to build a Joint Force that is lethal, sus-
tainable, resilient, survivable, agile, and responsive.
Supports Defense Research and Development (R&D) and the Defense Technology
Industrial Base. DOD plays a critical role in overall Federal R&D that spurs innovation,
yields high-value technology, enables America to maintain and build advantages over strategic
competitors, and creates good-paying jobs. The Budget sustains high levels of defense R&D,
testing, and evaluation funding to invest in breakthrough technologies that drive innovation,
support capacity in the defense technology industrial base, ensure American technological
leadership, and underpin the development of future defense capabilities.
Invests in Artificial Intelligence (AI). The Budget provides funding to responsibly develop,
test, procure, and integrate transformative AI applications across the Department. The Budget
also supports the implementation of Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy
Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
Reiterates the Administration’s Request for Urgent National Security Priorities. In
October 2023, the Administration submitted an emergency national security supplemental
request to the Congress for urgent security needs through the end of 2024. This request in-
cluded $58 billion for DOD to provide critical support to Israel and Ukraine, and to strengthen
integrated deterrence in the Indo-Pacific. The request would also make crucial investments in
the American DIB, benefitting U.S. military readiness and helping to create and sustain jobs
across America. Absent congressional action on this emergency request, DOD would not be
able to provide this urgently needed support to its allies and partners, or to make these criti-
cal DIB investments. The Administration appreciates the bipartisan supplemental legislation
that passed the Senate that would address these urgent needs.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Preschool to 12th Grade Education
Supports Academic Achievement for All Students, Particularly Students in Schools
with High Rates of Poverty. The disruptive effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on student
learning has added new urgency to the work of schools. The Budget includes $8 billion in
mandatory funding to provide Academic Acceleration and Achievement Grants to close op-
portunity and achievement gaps and speed the pace of learning recovery. Carrying forward
efforts funded by the American Rescue Plan, these grants to school districts would support
evidence-based strategies to increase school attendance, provide high-quality tutoring, and
expand learning time, including both in the summer and in extended day or afterschool pro-
grams. To help ensure that every student receives the high-quality education they deserve,
the Budget also provides $18.6 billion for Title I, a $200 million increase above the 2023
enacted level. This funding amount is $2.1 billion higher than when the President took of-
fice, reflecting the President’s strong commitment to expanding support for every American
student. Title I, which reaches 90 percent of school districts across the Nation, delivers criti-
cal funding to schools in low-income communities so they can provide their students with the
learning opportunities needed to recover academically from the COVID-19 pandemic and be
successful after graduation.
Expands Access to High-Quality Preschool. The Budget includes a major new manda-
tory funding proposal for a Federal-State partnership to provide free, high-quality preschool
to four-year olds, offered in the setting of a parent’s choice—from public schools to child care
providers to Head Start. The proposal gives States the flexibility to expand preschool to
three-year-old children once they make high-quality preschool fully available to four-year-old
children. Over the next 10 years, this proposal would dramatically expand access to effec-
tive early childhood education, ensuring students enter kindergarten ready to learn. This
The Department of Education (ED) is responsible for assisting States, school districts, and
institutions of higher education in providing a high-quality education to all students and
addressing the inequitable barriers underserved students face in education. The President’s
2025 Budget for ED makes critical investments to: spur the Nation’s future prosperity; accelerate
academic growth; bolster mental health supports for students at all levels; advance the needs
of students with disabilities; increase affordability and quality in higher education; and improve
connections between the K-12 system, higher education, and the workforce.
The Budget requests $82 billion in discretionary funding for ED in 2025, a $3.1 billion or
3.9-percent increase from the 2023 level.
proposal would be administered by the Department of Health and Human Services in col-
laboration with ED. The Budget also includes $25 million for incentive demonstration grants
to create or expand free, high-quality preschool in school or community-based settings for
children eligible to attend Title I schools. The incentive demonstration grants, which would
require close collaboration among school districts, Head Start, and other community-based
providers, would serve as models that could be adopted across the Nation. This program would
expand its reach by encouraging districts to leverage Title I funds, along with other Federal,
State, and local funds.
Bolsters Mental Health Supports for All Students. The mental health of students, teach-
ers, and school staff is essential for their overall well-being and continued academic recovery,
and continues to be a high priority of the Administration, which has delivered an additional
$2.1 billion to mental health programs since 2021. Research shows that students who receive
social, emotional, mental, and behavioral supports have better outcomes, including performing
better academically. The Budget provides a combined total of $216 million for mental health
programs, including $200 million from the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, a 900-percent
increase in program funding since 2021. These funds would help increase the number of
school-based counselors, psychologists, social workers, and other mental health professionals
in K-12 schools.
Addresses Critical Educator Shortages. While the education sector has faced shortages
in critical staffing areas for decades, these shortages have grown worse since the COVID-19
pandemic, highlighting the importance of retaining educators and building strong pipelines
into the profession. Since 2021, the Administration has supported schools in addressing ed-
ucator shortages, including by supporting the expansion of evidence-based pathways such
as residencies and grow your own programs, which may be provided through teacher regis-
tered apprenticeships. The Budget includes $90 million for Supporting Effective Education
Development, $95 million for the Teacher Quality Partnership program, and $30 million for
the Hawkins Centers of Excellence program, to expand the number of prospective teachers
who have access to comprehensive, high-quality pathways and improve the diversity of the
teacher pipeline. The Budget also includes critical investments in recruitment and retention
of teachers and school leaders, and provides $173 million for the Teacher and School Leader
Incentive Fund.
Increases Support for Children with Disabilities. To support high-quality special edu-
cation services for over seven million Pre-K through 12 students with disabilities, the Budget
provides $14.4 billion for Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) State Grants, a
$200 million increase over the 2023 enacted level. Since 2021, the Administration has secured
a $1.3 billion, or 10-percent, increase in annual funding for the program as well as an addition-
al $2.6 billion in American Rescue Plan funds to help students with disabilities recover from
the COVID-19 pandemic. The Budget also invests $545 million in IDEA Grants for Infants
and Families, to provide early intervention services to infants and toddlers with disabilities.
To address nationwide special educator shortages, the Budget also invests $125 million, which
is $10 million above the 2023 enacted level, in grants to prepare special education and early
intervention personnel—addressing another critical educator shortage area.
Expands Full-Service Community Schools. Community schools continue to be a high
priority for the Administration as they play a critical role in providing comprehensive wrap-
around services to students and their families, including afterschool programs, adult education
opportunities, and health and nutrition services, and have been demonstrated to improve aca-
demic and other outcomes for students. The Budget provides $200 million for this program,
an increase of $50 million above the 2023 enacted level, and a 500-percent, or $120 million,
increase in program funding since the beginning of the Administration.
Supports Multilingual Learners. The number of students learning English as a second
language continues to grow in the Nation’s schools, and multilingualism is a crucial skill
that all students should develop to be competitive in a global economy. The Budget provides
$940 million for the English Language Acquisition program, an increase of $50 million above
the 2023 enacted level, to help students learning English attain English proficiency and achieve
academic success. The Budget provides $72 million in dedicated funding to help schools hire
more bilingual teachers and allow States and districts to provide professional development on
multilingual education for existing teachers and staff.
Education Beyond High School
Improves College Affordability and Provides Free Community College. To help low-
and middle-income students overcome financial barriers to postsecondary education, the
Budget proposes to increase the discretionary maximum Pell Grant by $100 and thereby
expand the reach of the program to over 7.2 million students. The Budget builds on success-
ful bipartisan efforts to increase the maximum Pell Grant award by $900 over the past two
years—the largest increase in more than 10 years. The Budget provides a path to double
the maximum award by 2029 for students attending public and non-profit institutions. The
Budget excludes for-profit institutions from the mandatory increases due to evidence these in-
stitutions are least likely to provide good outcomes for students. The Budget also expands free
community college across the Nation through a Federal-State partnership. In addition, the
Budget provides two years of subsidized tuition for students from families earning less than
$125,000 enrolled in a four-year Historically Black College and University (HBCU), Tribally
Controlled College and University (TCCU), or Minority-Serving Institution (MSI).
Invests in Services for Student Borrowers. The Budget provides $2.7 billion for the
Office of Federal Student Aid (FSA), a $625 million increase above the 2023 enacted level. This
additional funding is needed to provide better support to the 46 million student loan borrowers
and make additional and necessary improvements to the new servicing system. This increase
would allow FSA to continue to modernize its digital infrastructure and ensure the success-
ful administration of its financial aid programs, including the Free Application for Federal
Student Aid, through a simplified and streamlined process for students and borrowers.
Reduces College Costs for Students. High college prices deter many young people from at-
tending the colleges that would be best for them. The Budget includes a $12 billion mandatory
Reducing the Costs of College Fund that would fund three strategies to lower college costs for
students. First, the fund would provide competitive awards for public institutions that afford-
ably deliver a quality education, allowing those schools to use those funds either to serve more
students or to share best practices so that other schools can become more affordable. Second,
the Classroom to Career fund would also provide over $7 billion for States to provide access to
at least 12 credits of transferable career-connected dual enrollment credits to students while
in high school—credits that can enable students to obtain postsecondary degrees more afford-
ably. Third, the fund would support evidence-based strategies, such as the City University of
New York’s Accelerated Study in Associate Programs model, which increase college graduation
rates, reduce cost burdens for students, and lower costs per graduate.
Eliminates the Origination Fee on Student Loans. The Budget builds on the President’s
historic actions to reduce student debt and the cost of college by eliminating the origination
fees charged to borrowers on every new Federal student loan. These unnecessary fees burden
anyone who needs to borrow to help get an education and cost American families billions of
Reimagines the Transition from High School to Higher Education. Reimagining tra-
ditional educational pathways to higher education is critical to improving outcomes for all
students. The Budget doubles the funding provided in 2023 for national activities in career
and technical education, including a focus on the Career-Connected High Schools initiative,
which seeks to increase the integration and alignment of the last two years of high school
and the first two years of higher education by expanding access to dual enrollment programs,
work-based learning, college and career advising, and the opportunity to earn industry-recog-
nized credentials while in high school.
Supports Students through Graduation. The Budget supports strategies to improve the
enrollment, retention, transfer, and completion rates of students by investing in the Federal
TRIO Programs and Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs,
and by more than doubling funding for the Postsecondary Student Success Grants Program.
The Budget also promotes student success through investments to support students’ basic
needs, including funding to help students access non-student aid public benefits and to provide
affordable child care for low-income student parents.
Expands Institutional Capacity at HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs—including Hispanic
Serving Institutions (HSIs)—and Community Colleges. The Budget increases institu-
tional capacity at HBCUs, TCCUs, MSIs—including HSIs—and under-resourced institutions,
including community colleges, by providing an increase of $93 million above the 2023 enacted
level. The Budget funding level is $329 million higher than the 2021 enacted level, underscor-
ing the President’s commitment to increasing funding to historically under-served institutions.
The Budget also doubles funding by providing $100 million for four-year HBCUs, TCCUs, and
MSIs to expand research and development infrastructure at these institutions, a program the
President has championed since his first year in office to address historic disparities in Federal
research and development funding to HBCUs, TCCUs, and MSIs.
Other Key Priorities
Strengthens Civil Rights Enforcement. The Budget provides $162 million to ED’s Office
for Civil Rights (OCR), a $22 million increase above the 2023 enacted level. This funding
would ensure that OCR has the personnel it needs to carry out its mission to protect equal ac-
cess to education through the vigorous enforcement of civil rights laws.
Advances Opportunities and Manages Risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI has
the potential to provide transformational academic programming and career opportunities for
the Nation’s students, but it also poses significant risks to the privacy, opportunity, and well-
being of students and educators. To support implementation of Executive Order 14410, “Safe,
Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence, the Budget includes
additional resources to enhance the capacity of Department staff, schools, and postsecondary
institutions to achieve the promise of AI while managing inherent risks.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Creates Jobs by Building Clean Energy Infrastructure and Lowers Energy Prices
for American Families. The Budget provides $1.6 billion for DOE, more than double the
2021 enacted level and 29 percent above the 2023 enacted level, to support clean energy
workforce and infrastructure projects across the Nation, including: $385 million to weath-
erize and retrofit homes of low-income Americans; $95 million, $73 million above the 2021
enacted level, to electrify tribal homes, provide technical assistance to advance tribal energy
projects, and transition tribal colleges and universities to renewable energy; $113 million for
the Office of Manufacturing and Energy Supply Chains to strengthen domestic clean energy
supply chains; and $102 million to support utilities and State and local governments in build-
ing a grid that is more secure, reliable, resilient, and able to integrate electricity from clean
energy sources. These investments, which complement and bolster the historic funding in
the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act, create good-paying jobs while
driving progress toward the Administration’s climate goals, including producing carbon pollu-
tion-free electricity by 2035. The Budget also provides dedicated funding for the Interagency
Working Group on Coal and Power Plant Communities and Economic Revitalization to fa-
cilitate a whole-of-Government approach to workforce training, community engagement,
and identification of Federal resources to spur economic revitalization in hard-hit energy
communities that have powered the Nation for generations. In addition to building clean en-
ergy infrastructure, the Budget also assumes enactment of the Administration’s request for
$300 million in supplemental funding for 2024 to safeguard the Strategic Petroleum Reserve,
which is a critical energy security asset that has historically protected American consumers
in times of emergency oil shortages.
Advances Critical Climate Goals. The Budget includes $10.6 billion in DOE climate and
clean energy research, development, demonstration, and deployment programs, an increase of
12 percent above the 2023 enacted level. Notably, these investments include over $1 billion to
The Department of Energy (DOE) is responsible for supporting the Nation’s prosperity by
addressing its climate, energy, environmental, and nuclear security challenges through
transformative science and technology solutions. The President’s 2025 Budget for DOE builds
on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and the Ination Reduction Act; invests in innovation for the
energy economy; advances basic research and scientic infrastructure; creates jobs building
clean energy infrastructure; supports the Nation’s energy and environmental justice goals; and
modernizes and ensures the safety and security of the nuclear weapons stockpile.
The Budget requests $51 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $3.6 billion or 7.5-
percent increase from the 2023 level.
improve technologies to reduce pollution from industrial facilities, nearly $900 million to com-
mercialize technologies like sustainable aviation fuel and zero-emission trucks to reduce
emissions from the transportation sector, and over $2.4 billion in clean energy research and
development to improve carbon-free electricity generation, transmission, distribution, and stor-
age technologies for reliability, resilience, and decarbonization. Specifically, within the Office
of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, the Budget includes $502 million for the Vehicle
Technologies Office, $280 million for the Bioenergy—including Sustainable Aviation Fuel—
Technologies Office, $318 million for the Solar Energy Technologies Office, $199 million for the
Wind Energy Technologies Office, $179 million for the Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies
Office, and over $500 million for the Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Office and the
Industrial Efficiency and Decarbonization Office. In addition, the Budget invests in advanc-
ing climate modeling within the Biological and Environmental Research program in the Office
of Science. Overall, this funding advances efforts crucial for achieving the goal of a 50- to
52-percent reduction from 2005 levels of economy-wide net greenhouse gas pollution in 2030
and economy-wide net-zero emissions no later than 2050, while also reducing energy bills for
American families.
Builds the Clean Energy Innovation Pipeline. The Budget includes $8.5 billion across
DOE to support researchers and entrepreneurs transforming innovations into commercial
clean energy products, including in areas such as: offshore wind; industrial heat; sustainable
aviation fuel; and grid infrastructure. Across DOE, the Budget provides $325 million to sup-
port the research, development, and demonstration of technologies and processes to increase
the domestic supply of sustainable critical minerals and materials essential for several clean
energy technologies. The Budget supports $76 million to advance technologies that can enable
earlier detection of methane leaks and integrate across a network of methane monitoring sen-
sors for more reliable measurement and mitigation and $150 million to make small quantities
of high-assay, low-enriched uranium (HALEU) available for ongoing advanced nuclear reac-
tor demonstrations. The Budget also assumes enactment of the Administration’s request for
$2.2 billion in 2024 supplemental funding to procure low-enriched uranium (LEU) and HALEU,
which—coupled with a long-term ban on imports of LEU and HALEU from Russia—would
prompt sufficient private sector investment to reinvigorate U.S. uranium enrichment and re-
duce America’s current dependence on Russian imports for roughly 20 percent of LEU used
in civilian nuclear power reactors. The $8.5 billion also includes $845 million, an $81 million
increase above the 2023 enacted level, for a Department-wide initiative to accelerate the viabil-
ity of commercial fusion energy, coordinating academia, national laboratories, and the private
sector, which supports the Bold Decadal Vision for Commercial Fusion Energy. The Budget
funds eight crosscutting DOE Energy Earthshots initiatives which could substantially reduce
the cost of energy for the American consumer through innovations in clean energy generation,
energy efficiency, and storage. In addition, the Budget provides $30 million to accelerate com-
mercial demonstration projects through a new national laboratory effort.
Reduces Health and Environmental Hazards for At-Risk Communities. The Budget
provides $8.2 billion to address legacy waste and contamination in communities used during
the Manhattan Project and the Cold War for nuclear weapons production, including $3.1 billion
to continue cleanup progress at the Hanford site in Washington. The Budget also supports
$205 million to ensure cleanup remedies at Cold War sites remain protective of human health
and the environment. The Administration would ensure the investments for the cleanup of
legacy pollution and long-term stewardship of these sites align with the Justice40 Initiative to
benefit disadvantaged communities.
Advances Energy Justice and Equity. The Budget supports several key initiatives to
accelerate equity and justice for historically excluded communities to benefit all Americans,
including: $55 million for Community Capacity Building grants to address areas impact-
ed by persistent poverty around DOE sites; $105 million to plan, design, and demonstrate
community-scale energy solutions to mitigate extreme heat in low-income and disadvantaged
communities; and $256 million to build capacity for advancing energy research and develop-
ing a new energy workforce through programs at Historically Black Colleges and Universities,
Minority Serving Institutions, tribal colleges, community colleges, and emerging research in-
stitutions. The Budget also supports systematic implementation of the Justice40 Initiative
and the Department’s equity action plan strategies.
Maintains World Leading Research through the CHIPS and Science Act and Invests
in Climate Innovation. The Budget invests $8.6 billion for the Office of Science to boost
American innovation and sustain American leadership in research and scientific discovery,
advancing toward the CHIPS and Science Act full authorization level. These investments sup-
port: cutting-edge research at the national laboratories and universities as well as building
and operating world-class scientific user facilities; identifying and accelerating novel technolo-
gies for clean energy solutions; improving predictability of climate trends and extremes using
high performance computing; providing new computing insight through quantum information;
and positioning the United States to meet the demand for isotopes. The Budget also assumes
enactment of the Administration’s request for $98 million in 2024 supplemental funding for
increased domestic operational capacity for development and production of isotopes. This
funding would decrease U.S. dependence on a foreign supply chain for isotopes which are
critical for the public health, energy, and national security sectors and would increase U.S.
competitiveness in the global market for isotopes.
Strengthens Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity, and Resilience of the Energy
Sector. The Budget provides $455 million to extend the frontiers of AI for science and tech-
nology and to increase AI’s safety, security, and resilience. These investments enhance the
Department’s computing capabilities and support the development of AI testbeds to build
foundation models for energy security, national security, and climate resilience as well as tools
to evaluate AI capabilities to generate outputs that may represent nuclear, nonproliferation,
biological, chemical, critical-infrastructure, and energy security threats or hazards. The fund-
ing also invests in continued support for training new researchers from a diverse array of
backgrounds capable of meeting the rising demand for AI talent.
Protects the Nation from Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD) Terrorism. The Budget
enhances DOE capabilities to prevent and respond to WMD terrorist attacks by non-state ac-
tors at home and abroad. The Budget also supports DOE’s long-standing efforts to advance
nuclear and radioactive material security, enhancing U.S. national security, health, and eco-
nomic interests. In addition, the Budget continues investments to develop the next generation
of arms control technologies and experts to help mitigate against emerging and evolving na-
tional security risks.
Strengthens the Nation’s Nuclear Deterrent. The Budget provides $19.8 billion for
Weapons Activities, $4.5 billion above the 2021 enacted level, to prioritize implementation of
the 2022 National Defense Strategy and Nuclear Posture Review by modernizing the Nation’s
nuclear deterrent to keep the American people safe. The Budget supports a safe, secure, reli-
able, and effective nuclear stockpile and a resilient, responsive nuclear security enterprise
necessary to protect the U.S. homeland and allies from growing international threats.
Powers the Nuclear Navy. DOE’s Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program ensures safe and
reliable operation of reactor plants in nuclear-powered submarines and aircraft carriers. The
Budget prioritizes infrastructure modernization and investments to develop, refine, and de-
liver new technologies to the Navy and maintain America’s advantage over its adversaries.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Reduces Drug and Other Healthcare Costs for All Americans
Negotiates Lower Drug Prices and Expands Access to Prescription Drugs. Thanks
to action taken by this Administration, millions of seniors are saving money on their drug
costs, and the Administration announced the first 10 drugs for which prices will be negoti-
ated by Medicare as it continues implementation of the Inflation Reduction Act. The Budget
builds on this success by: significantly increasing the pace of negotiation; bringing more
drugs into negotiation sooner after they launch; expanding the Inflation Reduction Act’s in-
flation rebates and $2,000 out-of-pocket prescription drug cost cap beyond Medicare and into
the commercial market; and by taking other steps to build on the Inflation Reduction Act drug
provisions. In addition, the Budget extends the $35 cost-sharing cap for a month’s supply of
a covered insulin product to the commercial market. For Medicaid, the Budget includes pro-
posals to ensure Medicaid and the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) are prudent
purchasers of prescription drugs, such as authorizing HHS to negotiate supplemental drug
rebates on behalf of interested States in order to pool purchasing power. The Budget also
limits Medicare Part D cost-sharing for high-value generic drugs, such as those used to treat
hypertension and hyperlipidemia, to no more than $2 for Medicare beneficiaries. To speed
development and increase access of safe and affordable biosimilar medicines, the Budget
streamlines and modernizes the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) premarket review.
Expands Access to Quality, Affordable Healthcare. The President and Vice President
believe that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. With enrollment in marketplace coverage
at an all-time high, the Budget builds on the incredible success of the Affordable Care Act by
making permanent the expanded premium tax credits that the Inflation Reduction Act ex-
tended and providing Medicaid-like coverage to individuals in States that have not adopted
The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is responsible for protecting the health
and well-being of Americans through its research, public health, and social services programs.
The President’s 2025 Budget for HHS: expands access to quality, affordable healthcare while
lowering costs; dramatically improves access to early care and learning; advances the Biden
Cancer Moonshot; transforms behavioral healthcare; enhances public health infrastructure and
capabilities to improve health outcomes; bolsters maternal health; advances health equity; and
transforms child welfare.
The Budget requests $130.7 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $2.2 billion or
1.7-percent increase from the 2023 level. This request includes appropriations for the 21st
Century Cures Act and the program integrity cap adjustment.
Medicaid expansion, paired with financial incentives to ensure States maintain their existing
expansions. Further, the Budget includes an allowance to ban unwarranted “facility fees” for
telehealth and certain outpatient services in commercial insurance. The Budget also includes
funding for continued implementation of the No Surprises Act, which protects Americans across
the Nation from surprise medical bills. For Medicaid and CHIP, the Budget allows States to
extend the existing 12-month continuous eligibility for all children to 36 months, and allows
States to provide continuous eligibility for children from birth until they turn age six. Further,
the Budget prohibits enrollment fees and premiums in CHIP. The President also supports
eliminating Medicaid funding caps for Puerto Rico and other Territories while aligning their
matching rate with States and moving toward parity for other critical Federal programs in-
cluding Supplemental Security Income and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program.
Honors America’s Commitment to Seniors and Americans in Need
Protects and Strengthens Medicare and Medicaid. The Budget extends solvency of the
Medicare Hospital Insurance (HI) trust fund indefinitely by ensuring that high-income indi-
viduals contribute their fair share and directing revenue from the Net Investment Income Tax
into the HI trust fund as was originally intended. In addition, the Budget directs an amount
equivalent to the savings from the Budget’s proposed Medicare drug reforms into the HI trust
fund. The Budget proposes to limit the portion of Medicaid and CHIP managed care dollars
spent on administration and incentivize more investments in quality healthcare services by
establishing a medical loss ratio.
Protects Seniors’ Health and Dignity. The Budget invests $150 billion over 10 years to
improve and expand Medicaid home and community-based services, which allow older adults
and individuals with disabilities to remain in their homes and stay active in their communi-
ties, and improve the quality of jobs for home care workers. In addition, the Budget proposes
to shift funding for nursing home surveys from discretionary to mandatory beginning in 2026,
and increase funding to cover 100 percent of statutorily-mandated surveys, which would guard
against negligent care and ensure that Americans receive high-quality, safe services within
the facilities. The Budget also continues to build on the President’s commitment to protect
the Nation’s seniors through a comprehensive agenda that: improves the safety and quality of
nursing home care; addresses the backlog of complaint surveys from nursing home residents
and their families; expands financial penalties for underperforming facilities; requires greater
transparency of nursing facility ownership; and increases the inspection of facilities with seri-
ous safety deficiencies.
Invests in the Health and Well-Being of Families and the Next Generation
Strengthens Families—and the Economy—by Investing in High-Quality Child Care.
From the beginning of this Administration, the President and Vice President have been fo-
cused on child care costs as a critical challenge for families. When child care is reliable,
high-quality, and affordable, parents can make ends meet, advance in their careers, and stay
in the workforce. Children benefit from early childhood experiences that support healthy child
development and provide opportunities to socialize with peers. The President is committed
to providing relief to families and the Budget creates a historic new program under which
working families with incomes up to $200,000 per year would be guaranteed affordable, high-
quality child care from birth until kindergarten, with most families paying no more than $10
a day, and the lowest income families paying nothing. This would provide a lifeline to the par-
ents of more than 16 million children, saving the average family over $600 per month in care
costs, per child. Parents would have the freedom to select a high-quality child care setting.
This investment could help hundreds of thousands of women with young children enter or re-
enter the workforce more quickly. The President’s Council of Economic Advisers found that
recent Federal investments in child care have increased labor force participation among moth-
ers with young children by roughly three percentage points, equivalent to over 300,000 more
women in the labor force. The President’s proposal would also ensure that early care and edu-
cation workers receive fair and competitive pay. The Budget also provides $8.5 billion for the
Child Care and Development Block Grant, a 44-percent increase since 2021, which would con-
tinue to serve school-age children, while most children under age six would be served through
the new program.
Builds a Strong Foundation for Families with Universal Pre-K and Head Start. The
Budget funds voluntary, universal, free preschool for all four million of the Nation’s four-year-
olds and charts a path to expand preschool to three-year-olds. High-quality preschool would
be offered in the setting of the parent’s choice—from public schools to child care providers to
Head Start. In addition, the Budget increases Head Start funding by $544 million to support
the Administration’s goal to reach pay parity between Head Start staff and public elementary
school teachers with similar qualifications over time. Together these proposals would support
healthy child development, help children enter kindergarten ready to learn, and support fami-
lies by reducing their costs prior to school entry and allowing parents to work.
Supports Family Planning Services for More Americans. Americans deserve access to
the healthcare they need, including contraception and family planning services, which are es-
sential to ensuring control over personal decisions about their own health, lives, and families.
For more than 50 years, Title X family planning clinics have played a critical role in ensuring
access to a broad range of high-quality family planning and preventive health services. Most
Title X clients live in poverty and the uninsured rate of Title X users is twice the national av-
erage, making the Title X family planning program a critical part of the public health safety
net. The Budget includes $390 million, a 36-percent increase above the 2023 enacted level, for
the Title X Family Planning program to increase the number of patients served to 3.6 million.
Reduces Home Energy and Water Costs. The Budget provides $4.1 billion for the Low
Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). Reducing household energy and wa-
ter costs continues to be a priority for the Administration, as reflected in the $7 billion in
additional funding the Administration has secured for LIHEAP since 2021. LIHEAP helps
families access home energy and weatherization assistance—vital tools for protecting vul-
nerable families’ health in response to extreme weather and climate change. As part of the
Justice40 Initiative, HHS plans to continue its efforts to prevent energy shutoffs and increase
support for households with young children and older people, especially those that have high
energy burdens. The Budget also proposes to expand LIHEAP to advance the goals of both
LIHEAP and the Low Income Household Water Assistance Program. Specifically, the Budget
gives States the option to use a portion of their LIHEAP funds to provide water bill assistance
to low-income households.
Advances Child and Family Well-Being in the Child Welfare System. With the overarch-
ing goal of keeping families safely together, reducing the number of children entering foster
care, and achieving better outcomes for children, the Budget proposes to expand and incentiv-
ize the use of evidence-based foster care prevention services. The Budget provides States with
support and incentives to place more foster children with relatives or other adults who have an
existing emotional bond with the children instead of in group homes and institutions, and pro-
vides additional funding to support youth who age out of care without a permanent caregiver.
The Budget proposes to nearly double flexible funding for States through the Promoting Safe
and Stable Families Program, and proposes new provisions to expand access to legal represen-
tation for children and families in the child welfare system. The Budget provides competitive
grants for States and localities to advance reforms that would reduce the overrepresentation
of children and families of color in the child welfare system and address the disparate experi-
ences and outcomes of these families. The Budget also respects the rights of Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, and Intersex individuals and provides more families with the
support they need to remain safely together. In addition, the Budget provides $195 million for
States and community-based organizations to respond to and prevent child abuse.
Supports America’s Promise to Refugees and Care for Unaccompanied Children.
The Budget builds on the Administration’s October 2023 supplemental request and provides
$9.3 billion for the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) to help rebuild the Nation’s refugee
resettlement infrastructure and support the resettling of up to 125,000 refugees in 2025. The
Budget also helps ensure that unaccompanied immigrant children receive appropriate sup-
port and services while they are in ORR’s care and are unified with relatives and sponsors as
safely and quickly as possible. This funding would allow ORR to continue the programmatic
improvements the Administration has made, including expanding access to counsel to help
children navigate complex immigration court proceedings and enhancing case management
and post-release services. In addition, the Budget includes an emergency contingency fund
that would provide additional resources, beyond the $9.3 billion, when there are unanticipated
increases in the number of unaccompanied children.
Transforms Behavioral Healthcare
Invests in Behavioral Healthcare. In 2022, almost a quarter of adults suffered from men-
tal illness, 13 percent of adolescents had serious thoughts of suicide, and overdose deaths
continued near record highs. As a core pillar of his Unity Agenda, the President released a
national strategy to transform how to understand and address mental health in America—and
the Budget makes progress on this agenda by improving access to care for individuals and
communities. The Budget makes significant investments in expanding the 988 Suicide and
Crisis Lifeline that is projected to respond to 7.5 million contacts from individuals in distress
in 2025 alone. In addition, the Budget: expands mental healthcare and support services in
schools; expands the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) suicide prevention
program to additional States, and tribal and territorial jurisdictions; increases funding for the
Children’s Mental Health Initiative by $50 million; doubles funding for the Mental Health
Crisis Partnership Program; and invests in strengthening the behavioral health workforce—
including integration into primary care settings. The Budget also expands access to behavioral
health services through significant investments in Certified Community Behavioral Health
Clinics and Community Mental Health Centers. In addition, the Budget provides $1 billion
to advance health information technology adoption and engagement in interoperability for
certain behavioral health providers.
Expands Coverage of Behavioral Healthcare Services. The Budget further builds on the
President’s Unity Agenda by increasing access to behavioral health services through expanded
coverage. For Medicare beneficiaries, the Budget ensures parity of coverage between behav-
ioral and physical conditions, expands access to a broader range of behavioral health provider
types, and reduces costs for patients receiving behavioral health services. The Budget also
proposes to extend incentive payment programs for Medicare providers in areas with clinician
shortages to a broader set of clinicians, including behavioral health clinicians. For people with
commercial insurance, the Budget expands coverage of mental health benefits and strength-
ens the network of behavioral health providers.
Expands Access to Treatment for Substance Use Disorder. The Administration has
made historic advances in expanding access to treatment for opioid use disorder, including
signing into law a bipartisan provision to expand the number of medical providers who can
initiate buprenorphine treatment for opioid use disorder from 129,000 to nearly two million,
a 15-fold increase that can expand treatment to rural and underserved areas. Funding for
States, Territories, and Tribes through the Substance Use Prevention, Treatment, and Recovery
Services Block Grant and the State Opioid Response grant program have grown by a combined
seven percent since 2021, expanding access to prevention, harm reduction, treatment, and
recovery support services nationwide. The Budget builds on these accomplishments by in-
creasing funding for the State Opioid Response grant program, which has provided treatment
services to over 1.2 million people and enabled States to reverse more than 500,000 overdoses
with over nine million purchased overdose reversal medication kits. The Budget also invests
in a new technical assistance center to strengthen health providers understanding and treat-
ment of women’s mental health and substance use.
Invests in Medical Innovation, Scientific Breakthroughs,
and the Treatments of Tomorrow
Advances Progress toward Biden Cancer Moonshot Goals. The President and First
Lady reignited the Biden Cancer Moonshot to mobilize a national effort to end cancer as we
know it—spurring tremendous action across the Federal Government and from the public
and private sectors and building a strong foundation for the work ahead. To date, the Biden
Cancer Moonshot has announced roughly 50 new programs, policies, and resources to address
five priority actions including: improving access to cancer screening; understanding and ad-
dressing environmental and toxic exposures; making progress on cancer prevention; driving
innovation to reach communities and individuals; and boosting support for patients, families,
and caregivers. More than 100 private companies, non-profits, academic institutions, and pa-
tient groups have also stepped up with new actions and collaborations. The Budget makes
significant investments to work toward the President and First Lady’s signature Biden Cancer
Moonshot goal of reducing the cancer death rate by at least 50 percent over the next 25 years
and improving the experience of people who are living with or who have survived cancer.
These include an increase of more than $2 billion across the National Cancer Institute, FDA,
CDC, cancer projects at the Advanced Research Projects Agency for Health, and additional
mandatory funds for the Indian Health Service (IHS) beginning in 2026.
Closes Research Gaps in Women’s Health. The President and the First Lady launched
the first-ever White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research, recognizing that wom-
en have been understudied and underrepresented in health research for far too long. The
Initiative is working across Government to better integrate women’s health within the Federal
research portfolio and catalyze significant private and philanthropic commitments to increase
funding for women’s health research. The Administration proposes to transform the way the
Government funds women’s health research at the National Institutes of Health (NIH), includ-
ing by creating a new nationwide network of centers of excellence and innovation in women’s
health. The Budget would also double existing funding for the Office of Research on Women’s
Health at NIH. These new resources would make investments that maximize the ability to
prevent, diagnose, and treat health conditions in women and ensure women get the answers
they need when it comes to their health.
Advances Health Equity
Promotes Maternal Health and Health Equity. The United States has the highest mater-
nal mortality rate among developed nations, and rates are disproportionately high for Black,
American Indian and Alaska Native, and rural women. Since 2021, funding to reduce maternal
mortality has grown by over $190 million, demonstrating this Administration’s commitment to
addressing needs in this area. The Budget continues this progress by including $376 million,
an increase of $82 million above the 2023 enacted level to support the ongoing implementation
of the White House Blueprint for Addressing the Maternal Health Crisis, launched by the Vice
President, to reduce maternal mortality and morbidity rates, and address the highest rates of
perinatal health disparities. The Budget expands Medicaid maternal health support services
during the pregnancy and postpartum period by incentivizing States to reimburse a broad
range of providers including doulas, community health workers, peer support initiatives, and
nurse home visiting programs. In addition, the Budget builds on the success of the more than
40 States that answered the Vice President’s call to extend Medicaid postpartum coverage by
requiring all States to provide continuous Medicaid coverage for 12 months postpartum, elimi-
nating gaps in health insurance at a critical time for all women.
Guarantees Adequate and Stable Funding for IHS. The Administration is committed
to upholding the United States’ responsibility to tribal nations by addressing the historical
underfunding of IHS. The enactment of an advance appropriation for 2024 for IHS was a
historic and welcome step toward the goal of eventually securing adequate and stable funding
for IHS that will provide needed improvements in access to care and the overall health sta-
tus of American Indians and Alaska Natives. The Budget requests $8 billion in discretionary
resources in 2025, a 12-percent increase over the 2021 enacted level. Included increases are
for clinical services, preventative health, facilities construction, contract support costs, and
tribal leases. Beginning in 2026, the Budget proposes all resources as mandatory. Mandatory
funding would: close longstanding service and facility shortfalls over time; improve access
to high-quality healthcare; and fund key Administration priorities, such as the Biden Cancer
Moonshot. The Budget also proposes to reauthorize and increase funding for the Special
Diabetes Program for Indians, which has been critical in lowering the prevalence of diabetes
in Indian Country.
Advances Rural Health. With over 60 million Americans living in rural areas, the Budget
invests in direct primary care and mental healthcare services, expanded infrastructure, and
assistance for rural hospitals to remain open and provide high-quality services in these critical
Protects and Strengthens Public Health and Health Infrastructure
Helps Communities Respond to and Recover from Gun Violence. Gun violence is a
significant public health problem in the United States and is the leading cause of death for
children and teens. The effects of gun violence extend beyond victims and their families. Gun
violence can overwhelm communities and lead to short- and long-term needs. The Budget
invests a total of $2.5 billion in discretionary and mandatory funds over 10 years in CDC to
support an evidence-based community violence initiative. The initiative would address the
causes of violence in communities and help reduce the health inequities that characterize
such violence across the United States. The Budget also includes $60 million for gun violence
research across CDC and NIH.
Enhances Biodefense and Public Health Infrastructure. Over the past three years,
substantial progress has been made toward developing and implementing transformational
capabilities to increase the Nation’s ability to respond to and prepare for emerging health
threats. Building upon this progress, the Budget invests $9.8 billion in both discretionary and
mandatory Prevention and Public Health Fund funding, an increase of $499 million over the
2023 enacted level, to bolster public health capacity that would enable CDC to better serve
and protect the American public. These resources would continue to strengthen State, tribal,
local, and territorial health departments, enhance public health data systems and collection,
and improve the core immunization program. In addition, the Budget includes $20 billion in
mandatory funding for HHS public health agencies in support of the Administration’s biode-
fense priorities as outlined in the 2022 National Biodefense Strategy and Implementation Plan
for Countering Biological Threats, Enhancing Pandemic Preparedness, and Achieving Global
Health Security.
Strengthens Domestic Medical and Food Supply Chains. The Administration has made
historic investments over the past three years to increase the resiliency of America’s supply
chains. Using Defense Production Act authorities, HHS expanded domestic manufacturing
capacity of medical countermeasures to make access to lifesaving drugs and vaccines more
reliable and quickly scalable to respond to future threats. The Budget builds on this progress
by investing $75 million in the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response to
manufacture more essential medicines, medical countermeasures, and critical inputs in the
United States and $12 million to strengthen FDA’s capacity to identify and address potential
disruptions and shortage threats. The Budget also expands end-to-end supply chain visibility
to priority FDA-designated essential medicines and devices to prepare for and mitigate po-
tential shortages. The Budget institutionalizes HHS’s supply chain resilience and shortage
mitigation efforts in a new office to coordinate Department-wide activities, strategy, and guid-
ance for drugs, biologics, medical devices, and critical foods.
Invests in the Treatment and Prevention of Infectious Diseases. The Budget invests
in the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases, including Hepatitis C, HIV, and vac-
cine-preventable diseases. The Budget proposes a national program to significantly expand
screening, testing, treatment, prevention, and monitoring of Hepatitis C infections in the
United States, with a specific focus on populations with high infection levels. To help end the
HIV epidemic, the Budget eliminates barriers to accessing pre-exposure prophylaxis—also
known as PrEP—for Medicaid beneficiaries and proposes a new mandatory program to guar-
antee PrEP at no cost for all uninsured and underinsured individuals and provide essential
wrap-around services. The Budget also invests in State and local efforts to promote equity
and protect civil rights through a new initiative to modernize outdated criminal statutes with
a discriminatory impact on HIV-positive individuals. In addition, the Budget proposes a new
Vaccines for Adults program to provide uninsured adults with access to routine and outbreak
vaccines at no cost. The Budget also expands the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program to in-
clude all children under age 19 enrolled in CHIP and covers the vaccine administration fee for
all VFC-eligible uninsured children.
Invests in Healthcare Cybersecurity. Cyber attacks on the healthcare system disrupt
patient care and put patient safety at risk, and the healthcare system continues to be a target
for cyber criminals. From 2018 to 2022, there was a 95-percent increase in large data breach-
es reported to HHS, including ransomware attacks. In line with the National Cybersecurity
Strategy, which emphasizes a whole-of-Nation approach to addressing the ongoing cyber
threat, the Budget invests in protecting the Nation’s healthcare system from cyber threats.
The Budget includes funding for the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response
to coordinate HHS’s cybersecurity efforts. The Budget provides $800 million to help high-
need, low-resourced hospitals cover the upfront costs associated with implementing essential
cybersecurity practices, and $500 million for an incentive program to encourage all hospitals
to invest in advanced cybersecurity practices. The Budget also provides $141 million to con-
tinue strengthening HHS’s ability to protect and defend HHS systems and information while
supporting the Healthcare and Public Health Sector, including $11 million to expand and en-
hance HHS’s capacity to protect the privacy and security of health information through Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 modernization. The Budget also invests
in HHS’s role in promoting the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare and public health
while protecting against its risks.
Modernizes Organ Donor Systems and Networks. In 2023, the President signed into law
the Securing the U.S. Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Act to overhaul and
break up the monopoly that controlled the organ transplant system for decades. This law will
help modernize the organ transplant system used to allocate and distribute donor organs to
individuals waiting for transplants. The Budget includes critical funding that would support
lifesaving reforms to the system to make it more agile, user friendly, accountable, and equi-
table, resulting in increased access to donor organs. The Budget also helps to facilitate and
encourage transplants for Medicare beneficiaries through expanded support for living organ
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Reiterates the Administration’s Request for Immediate Funding to Secure the
Border, Build Capacity to Enforce Immigration Law, and Counter Fentanyl. In
October 2023, the Administration transmitted an emergency supplemental request for the
Southwest border and migration issues totaling $11.8 billion, of which $8.7 billion was for
DHS. The Budget includes, and therefore reiterates the need for, the unmet needs from the
October 2023 supplemental request. In addition to urgent requirements, the request in-
cludes investments to build longer-term capacity in the areas of border security, immigration
enforcement, and countering fentanyl, totaling $2.9 billion for DHS. This amount includes:
$405 million to hire 1,300 additional Border Patrol Agents to secure the border; $239 million to
hire 1,000 additional U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Officers to stop fentanyl and
other contraband from entering the United States; $755 million to hire an additional 1,600
Asylum Officers and support staff to facilitate timely immigration dispositions; $100 million
for Homeland Security Investigations to investigate and disrupt transnational criminal or-
ganizations and drug traffickers; and $849 million for cutting-edge detection technology at
ports of entry. Taken together, these long-term capacity-building investments represent the
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for: protecting the United States
from threats and hazards by preventing terrorism; securing the Nation’s land and maritime
borders; enforcing U.S. immigration laws; protecting the President and other key ofcials;
securing Federal cyberspace and critical infrastructure; and ensuring disaster resilience,
response, and recovery. The President’s 2025 Budget for DHS advances climate resilience,
Federal cybersecurity, maritime security, and humane border enforcement. Resources in the
2025 Budget build on prior-year investments in the DHS workforce, cybersecurity, border security,
and hazard mitigation.
The Budget requests $62.2 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a 2-percent increase
above the 2023 level, when controlling for a proposal to use a greater portion of Passenger
Security Fees to offset the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) topline. The Budget
also includes a proposed $4.7 billion Southwest Border Contingency Fund to respond to changing
conditions on the Southwest border, which, if fully accessed, would increase the DHS request to
10 percent above the 2023 level.
In addition, the Budget includes a request for unmet needs from the Administration’s October
2023 border and disaster supplemental requests, including investments to build additional DHS
border and immigration capacity to better address conditions at the border and counter illegal
fentanyl trafcking.
Administration’s vision for ensuring the Nation’s border security and immigration system can
effectively respond to challenges present along the border. In addition, the Administration ap-
preciates the Senate’s bipartisan border legislation that would make additional investments
in DHS and provide authorities to bolster the Department’s efforts to secure and manage the
Continues to Invest in Critical Capabilities Needed for Border and Immigration
Enforcement. Strengthening border security and providing safe, lawful pathways for migra-
tion remain top priorities for the Administration. The Budget builds on the Administration’s
October 2023 supplemental request to include $25.9 billion for CBP and U.S. Immigration
and Customs Enforcement (ICE), an increase of $1.9 billion over the 2023 enacted level when
controlling for border management amounts. The Budget includes: funds for CBP to hire an
additional 350 Border Patrol Agents and 310 processing coordinators; $127 million for border
security technology between ports of entry; and $86 million in air and maritime operational
support that is central to efforts to secure the border. The Budget also includes: funds to
support 34,000 ICE immigration detention beds; $225 million to address increased transporta-
tion and removal costs; and $34 million to combat child exploitation, forced labor, and human
Enables Resources to Scale Border Enforcement Capacity to Conditions on the
Southwest Border. Given the uncertainty surrounding border conditions in any given year,
the Budget proposes a $4.7 billion contingency fund to aid the Department and its components
when responding to migration surges along the Southwest border. Modeled on a contingency
fund provided for unaccompanied children, each fiscal year the fund would receive appropria-
tions incrementally, and above the base appropriation, as Southwest border encounters reach
pre-identified levels. DHS would be limited to obligating funds for surge-related functions,
and would transfer funds to CBP, ICE, and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
accounts for valid surge-related obligations.
Supports Refugee Processing. As part of the Administration’s commitment to wel-
come 125,000 refugees annually, the Budget proposes $145 million for U.S. Citizenship and
Immigration Services (USCIS) International Refugee Affairs Division.
Protects the Homeland from the Threat of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)
Terrorism. To ensure the security of the homeland from all types of terrorism threats, the
Budget provides $418 million for Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD). The
CWMD office works across Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial governments and the
private sector to prevent WMD use against the homeland and promote readiness against
chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. The Budget enhances the ability of
high-risk urban areas across the United States to detect and prevent terrorist attacks using
nuclear or other radiological material, through critical protection programs such as the Global
Nuclear Detection Architecture, Securing the Cities, Radiation Portal Monitor Program, and
Mobile Deployment Detection Program.
Supports Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security. To make U.S. cyberspace more
resilient and secure, the Budget provides $3 billion for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure
Security Agency (CISA), an increase of $103 million over the 2023 enacted level. This includes:
$470 million to deploy Federal network tools, including endpoint detection and response capa-
bilities; $394 million for CISAs internal cybersecurity and analytical capabilities; $41 million
for critical infrastructure security coordination; and $116 million for critical infrastructure
cyber event reporting.
Deploys Artificial Intelligence (AI) Responsibly. Recognizing that rapid advancements
in AI and machine learning bring with them both opportunities and the potential for misuse,
the Budget includes $5 million to open an office at DHS responsible for: coordinating the
Department’s use of AI; promoting AI innovation; and managing risks from the use of AI,
including risks to rights and safety. Additional AI funds are also requested for existing pro-
grams in ICE, CBP, and FEMA to ensure investment and expansion of the DHS AI mission, in
support of Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of
Artificial Intelligence.
Invests in Climate and Natural Disaster Resilience. As part of the Administration’s
efforts to build a climate resilient Nation, the Budget provides $4.4 billion for DHS’s climate
resilience programs. This is in addition to $1 billion provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law for 2025. The Budget helps State and local communities, Tribes, and Territories build
climate resilience through various FEMA grant and technical assistance programs, in support
of the National Climate Resilience Framework. The Budget includes $531 million for flood haz-
ard mapping, including the development of new data to support future flood conditions so that
communities and Americans have the most up-to-date information regarding their flood risk.
Supports State, Local, Tribal, Territorial, and Community Preparedness. The
Budget proposes $3.2 billion for FEMA grants that support jurisdictions to prevent, protect
against, mitigate, respond to, and recover from terrorism and natural disasters. The Budget
increases funds for priority grant programs including: $770 million for firefighter grants,
which is $50 million above the 2023 enacted level; $375 million for Emergency Management
Performance Grants, which is $20 million above the 2023 enacted level; and $385 million for
the Nonprofit Security Grant Program, which is $80 million above the 2023 enacted level, and
provides vital security assistance to threatened nonprofits, including houses of worship.
Reiterates the Need for Additional Disaster Relief and Security Amounts. In October
2023, the Administration transmitted an emergency supplemental request for domestic re-
quirements totaling $56 billion, of which $9.2 billion was for DHS. The Budget includes, and
therefore reiterates the need for, the unmet needs for FEMA from the October 2023 domestic
supplemental request. This amount includes $9 billion for the Disaster Relief Fund to address
ongoing recovery needs in communities that have suffered major disasters, and close the gap
between disaster costs and available funding in 2024. The Budget also reiterates the supple-
mental request for $200 million for FEMA’s Nonprofit Security Grant Program to support
nonprofit institutions at risk of terrorist attacks.
Enhances America’s Presence in the Indo-Pacific Region. Increasing America’s pres-
ence in the Indo-Pacific region is critical to strengthening security and prosperity in Asia. The
Budget includes $263 million to increase Coast Guard presence in the Indo-Pacific: $200 million
to procure two additional Fast Response Cutters; and $63 million to support training, partner-
ships, and regional engagement. This investment contributes to: building a more stable, free,
and open region with unrestricted access to the maritime commons for all nations; advancing
the existing rules-based international order; and solidifying the United States as a trusted
partner in the region.
Supports Presidential Campaign and Special Event Security. The Budget includes
$2.9 billion for the Secret Service, including funds to meet both protective and investigative
mission requirements. Of this amount, the Budget includes $70 million for security related to
the 2024 Presidential Campaign and inauguration and $16 million to begin security prepara-
tions for the 2026 World Cup.
Modernizes TSA Pay and Workforce Policies. The TSA workforce deserves to be fair-
ly compensated at rates comparable with their peers in the Federal workforce. The Budget
includes an additional $1.5 billion to fully fund the TSA pay equity initiative. Since imple-
menting pay parity in July 2023, TSA has already seen an 11-percent reduction in attrition,
and is making gains in retaining what has historically been a workforce with high turnover.
The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is responsible for creating
healthy, safe, sustainable, and inclusive communities and affordable homes. The President’s
2025Budget for HUD: protects and expands rental assistance for low-income families; provides
new projects to prevent and reduce homelessness; takes steps to address affordable housing
supply shortages; protects vulnerable populations from housing instability and health hazards;
and prevents and redresses housing-related discrimination.
The Budget requests $72.6 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a nearly
$500million, or 0.7-percent increase from the 2023 level. In recognition of challenges in the
housing market, the Budget also includes signicant mandatory and tax proposals to prioritize
and expand rental assistance, homeownership, and affordable and climate resilient housing
supply across the Nation.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Expands Access to Affordable Rent through the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV)
Program. The HCV program currently provides 2.3 million low-income families with rental
assistance to obtain housing in the private market. The Budget proposes $32.8billion in dis-
cretionary funding, an increase of $2.5 billion over the 2023 level, and assumes Public Housing
Agencies will draw $963 million from HCV program reserves to maintain and protect criti-
cal services for all currently assisted families. The Budget also reflects the Administration’s
continued commitment to expand assistance, supporting an additional 20,000 households,
particularly those who are experiencing homelessness or fleeing, or attempting to flee, domes-
tic violence or other forms of gender-based violence. To further ensure that more households
have access to safe and affordable housing, the Budget includes mandatory funding to sup-
port two populations that are particularly vulnerable to homelessness—youth aging out of
foster care and extremely low-income (ELI) veterans. The Budget provides $9 billion to
establish a housing voucher program for all 20,000 youth aging out of foster care annually,
and provides $13 billion to incrementally expand rental assistance for 400,000 ELI veteran
families, paving a path to guaranteed assistance for all who have served the Nation and are
in need. Since the beginning of this Administration, HUD has expanded voucher assistance
to over 100,000 additional families, and the Budget continues this progress by expanding
voucher access to hundreds of thousands of families.
Increases Affordable Housing Supply to Reduce Housing Costs. Access to safe and
affordable housing is a critical foundation of the President’s economic vision. The Budget
builds on previous investments and actions by the Administration to boost housing supply
and lower housing costs, particularly for lower- and middle-income households. The Budget
invests $1.3 billion in the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) to construct and
rehabilitate affordable rental housing and provide homeownership opportunities. To further
address the critical shortage of affordable housing in communities throughout the Nation,
the Budget provides $20 billion in mandatory funding for a new Innovation Fund for Housing
Expansion, which would be a competitive grant program for municipalities and other entities
that develop concrete plans for expanding housing supply, with additional funding for hous-
ing affordability pilots. The Budget also provides $7.5 billion in mandatory funding for new
Project-Based Rental Assistance contracts to incentivize the development of new climate-re-
silient affordable housing. The Budget expands the existing Low-Income Housing Tax Credit
and proposes a new Neighborhood Homes Tax Credit. Together these proposals would expand
the supply of safe and affordable housing, bring new units to market, and ultimately help curb
cost growth across the broader rental market.
Advances Efforts to End Homelessness. The Budget provides $4.1 billion, an increase of
$427 million over the 2023 level, for Homeless Assistance Grants to continue supporting ap-
proximately 1.2 million people experiencing homelessness each year and to expand assistance
to approximately 25,000 additional households, specifically survivors of domestic violence and
homeless youth. In addition, the Administration plans to use approximately $100 million
in program recaptures to fund coordinated interventions to support nearly 11,000 addition-
al homeless individuals and families. These new resources support the Administration’s
commitment to the goals laid out in the All In: Federal Strategic Plan to Prevent and End
Homelessness and build on efforts that have expanded assistance to roughly 140,000 addi-
tional households experiencing homelessness since the President took office. The Budget
also provides $505 million, or $6 million above the 2023 level, for Housing Opportunities for
Persons with AIDS, serving a population with a disproportionately high rate of homelessness
and providing a critical link to services. The Budget further reflects the Administration’s com-
mitment to make progress toward ending homelessness by providing $8 billion in mandatory
funding for the acquisition, construction, or operation of housing to expand housing options for
people experiencing or at-risk of homelessness, as well as $3 billion in mandatory funding for
grants to provide counseling and emergency rental assistance to older adult renters at-risk of
Supports Economic Development and Removes Barriers to Affordable Housing. The
Budget provides $2.9 billion for the Community Development Block Grant program to assist
communities in modernizing infrastructure, investing in climate resilience and economic de-
velopment, creating parks and other public amenities, and providing social services. Within
this amount, up to $100million is provided to expand Pathways to Removing Obstacles to
Housing, a competitive program that builds upon ongoing HUD research on land use and af-
fordable housing by rewarding State, local, and regional jurisdictions that make progress in
removing barriers to affordable housing developments, such as restrictive zoning. States and
localities that embrace efforts to increase their supply of housing would ease cost growth for
renters and homebuyers in those areas.
Reduces Lead and Other Home Health Hazards for Vulnerable Families. The Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention identifies the risk for lead exposure as greatest for children
from racial and ethnic minority groups and children in families living below the poverty level.
To help protect families from these health hazards, the Budget provides $350 million for States,
local governments, and nonprofits to reduce lead-based paint and other health hazards, espe-
cially in the homes of low-income families with young children, as part of the Administration’s
Justice40 Initiative. To more efficiently deliver assistance, the Budget transforms how States
and local governments receive funds through a new formula grant program to more effectively
fund lead and other home health hazard mitigation efforts for the most vulnerable and at-risk
families across the Nation. The Budget targets $67million specifically to prevent and mitigate
lead-based paint and housing-related health hazards, such as fire safety and mold, in public
housing, an increase of $2 million above the 2023 level.
Expands Access to Homeownership and Reduces Down Payments for First-Time
and First-Generation Homebuyers. The Budget proposes a new Mortgage Relief Credit to
help increase access to affordable housing. The proposal includes a new tax credit for middle-
class homebuyers of up to $10,000 over two years to ease affordability challenges. In addition,
to unlock starter home inventory for first-time homebuyers and help middle-class families
who are “locked in” to their current homes because of lower mortgage rates at the time of pur-
chase, the proposal also includes a credit of up to $10,000 for one year to middle-class families
who sell their starter home—a home at or below the area median home price—to another
owner-occupant. The Budget also provides $10 billion in mandatory funding for a new First-
Generation Down Payment Assistance program to help address homeownership and wealth
gaps. In addition, the Budget preserves the Administration’s progress in expanding access to
homeownership for underserved borrowers, including many first-time and minority homebuy-
ers, through Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and Ginnie Mae credit guarantees. In
2023, first-time homebuyers accounted for over 80 percent of FHA-insured home purchase
loans. The Budget also includes up to $50 million for a HOME down payment assistance pi-
lot program that would reduce mortgage down payments for first-generation as well as low
wealth first-time homebuyers.
Supports Eviction Prevention Efforts. The Budget provides $3 billion in mandatory fund-
ing for competitive grants to promote and solidify State and local efforts to reform eviction
policies by providing access to legal counsel, emergency rental assistance, and other forms of
rent relief. The Budget also includes $10 million for the Eviction Protection Grant Program,
which provides legal assistance to low-income tenants at risk of or subject to eviction.
Advances Equity by Preventing and Redressing Housing Discrimination and
through Other Government-Wide Priorities. The Budget provides $86 million, equal
to the 2023 level, to support State and local fair housing enforcement organizations and to
further education, outreach, and training on rights and responsibilities under Federal fair
housing laws. The Budget also preserves robust funding for HUD staffing and technical as-
sistance to affirmatively further fair housing, improve access to affordable housing, address
gender-based violence, and combat housing discrimination, including discrimination in tenant
and homebuyer screening and advertising in furtherance of Executive Order 14110, “Safe,
Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
Improves the Quality of HUD-Assisted Housing. The Budget provides $26.5 billion
in funding to support HUD-assisted multifamily properties and Public Housing to serve
2.2million low-income families. In addition to ongoing efforts to make HUD-assisted multi-
family housing more resilient and energy efficient—the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program,
the Budget includes $112 million for preservation and greening of HUD-assisted housing via
the Rental Assistance Demonstration. The Budget also centralizes funding for inspections for
these properties, which would enhance HUD’s ability to identify and address financial and
physical risks and would complement HUD’s modernized National Standards for Physical
Inspection of Real Estate building maintenance standards. To further complement these ef-
forts, the Budget provides $7.5 billion in mandatory funding for comprehensive modernization
of targeted Public Housing communities.
Invests in Affordable Housing in Tribal Communities. Native Americans are seven
times more likely to live in overcrowded conditions and five times more likely to have inad-
equate plumbing, kitchen, or heating systems than all U.S. households. The Budget provides
$1.1 billion, a $33 million increase above the 2023 level, to support tribal efforts to expand
affordable housing, improve housing conditions and infrastructure, and increase economic op-
portunities for low-income families. Of this total, $150 million would prioritize activities that
advance resilience and energy efficiency in housing-related projects.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Honors Commitments to Tribal Communities. Incorporating feedback from tribal con-
sultations, the Budget continues to provide robust support for indigenous communities and
upholds Federal trust responsibilities while working to advance equity. The Budget includes
$4.6 billion for DOI’s tribal programs, $514 million above the 2023 enacted level and more
than $1 billion over the 2021 enacted level, to support public safety and justice, human and
social services, and education. The Budget continues to propose reclassification of Contract
Support Costs and the Indian Self-Determination Act Section 105(l) leases as mandatory
spending, beginning in 2026, to provide certainty for tribal communities in meeting these
ongoing requirements with dedicated funding. Budget resources across DOI’s tribal pro-
grams build on historic investments in the American Rescue Plan and complement Inflation
Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law investments to ensure long-term success in
addressing critical infrastructure and climate adaptation needs in indigenous communities.
Invests in Key Tribal Programs. The Budget includes over $700 million in Tribal Public
Safety and Justice funding at DOI, a $71 million increase over the 2023 enacted level, to sup-
port critical law enforcement and tribal court needs in Indian Country. The Budget supports
and protects funding for economic development and other tribal community programs and pro-
poses increases over the 2023 enacted level, including: an increase of $26 million for climate
resilience and natural resources management; a $77million increase for education programs
across Bureau of Indian Education schools; a $38 million increase for tribal human services
programs; and an increase of $12 million for native language and cultural revitalization
The Department of the Interior (DOI) manages and conserves the Nation’s natural resources
and cultural heritage, and supports the Administration’s efforts to address the climate crisis
and transition the Nation to clean energy. The President’s 2025 Budget for DOI: protects
environmental resources by investing in ecosystem restoration, wildre management, and public
land resilience to ensure healthy lands and waters; enhances programs that advance racial and
economic justice and honors commitments to tribal nations; and supports development in U.S.
Territories and freely associated states.
The Budget requests $17.8 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $0.8 billion or
4.8-percent increase from the 2023 level. The 2025 Budget advances DOI’s mission through
investments in wildre management, tribal programs, ecosystem restoration, national park
operations, western water infrastructure, and climate resilience. The Budget demonstrates the
continued support of the Compacts of Free Association with Palau, the Federated States of
Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands, which are critical to U.S. national security.
programs addressing needs highlighted by the Federal Boarding School Initiative and its re-
cently concluded Road to Healing Tour. To strengthen tribal land management and promote
tribal sovereignty through tribal co-stewardship, the Budget includes a new $8 million alloca-
tion of mandatory funding from the Land and Water Conservation Fund to support tribal land
acquisition for conservation and outdoor recreation.
Strengthens Climate Resilience in Communities and Ecosystems. Across America,
communities are enduring historic and catastrophic flooding, wildfires, extreme heat, drought,
and more, while longer-term changes in temperature will continue to affect ecosystems and
the economies that depend on them. The intensifying impacts of climate change are costing
lives, disrupting livelihoods, and causing billions of dollars in damages. The Budget provides
$5.5 billion in climate adaptation and resilience to address the increasing severity of extreme
weather events fueled by climate change. As a key steward of America’s public lands and
waters, and with a primary responsibility to uphold the Nation’s commitments to American
Indians and Alaska Natives, DOI plays a critical role in combating the climate crisis. The
Budget provides DOI the resources to invest in community partnerships and science-based
land management. The Budget complements the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
and the Inflation Reduction Act, which dedicate more than $50 billion across the Federal
Government to advance climate resilience strategies in every community in America, includ-
ing in support of the Justice40 Initiative to ensure that these investments reach communities
that need them the most.
Advances Climate Science. The Budget includes $275million at DOI to continue to lever-
age science to better understand the impacts of climate change and to inform and improve
land management practices from the Federal to the local level. The Budget includes additional
funding for the U.S. Geological Survey’s Climate Adaptation Science Centers, which partners
scientists with natural and cultural resource managers and local communities to help fish,
wildlife, water, land, and people adapt to climate change. The Budget also provides increases
for science that would support land management decisions, including funding to better map
migration corridors for big game populations and to develop actionable science and tools for
drought response.
Invests in America’s Brave Wildland Firefighters. The Budget builds on the
Administration’s historic investments in the wildland firefighting workforce at DOI and the
Department of Agriculture, including investments from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,
by supporting implementation of permanent and comprehensive pay reform, enhancement of
health services, hiring of additional permanent and temporary wildland firefighters to increase
capacity, and improvement of Government housing. These investments, totaling $135million
over the comparable 2023 enacted level for DOI, would help address long-standing recruit-
ment and retention challenges, increase the Departments’ capacity to complete critical risk
mitigation work, and further the Administration’s commitment to build a more robust and re-
silient wildland firefighting workforce as the frequency and intensity of catastrophic wildfires
continue to increase due to climate change.
Continues to Advance Clean Energy Development on Public Lands. The Budget in-
cludes $142 million, an increase of $31 million above the 2023 enacted level, to continue the
Administration’s progress in deploying clean energy on public lands and waters, spurring eco-
nomic development and creating thousands of good-paying jobs, while conserving biodiversity.
The Budget supports the leasing, planning, and permitting of solar, wind, and geothermal en-
ergy projects, and associated transmission infrastructure that would help mitigate the causes
of climate change and support the Administration’s goal of deploying 30 gigawatts of offshore
wind capacity by 2030 and 25gigawatts of clean energy capacity on public lands by 2025.
Commits to Tribal Water Rights Settlements Funding. The Budget builds on Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law investments to provide $2.8 billion in additional mandatory funding to the
Indian Water Rights Settlement Completion Fund, as well as $226 million in discretionary
funding to meet existing settlement obligations. This funding would ensure stable, dedicated
funding for tribal water rights settlements, which is crucial for safe, reliable water supplies
to improve public and environmental health and support economic opportunity in tribal
Increases Drought Resilience. The Budget helps ensure communities across the West have
access to a resilient and reliable water supply by investing in rural water projects, water con-
servation, development of desalination technologies, and water recycling and reuse projects.
The Budget complements the nearly $1.7 billion provided in 2025 for western water infra-
structure through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, as well as the nearly $4.6 billion that
was provided by the Inflation Reduction Act for drought mitigation and domestic water supply
projects through the Bureau of Reclamation. The Budget provides funding to address the on-
going drought in the western United States, including along the Colorado River System, which
remains near historically low levels, and also for other western river sheds that are experi-
encing similar adverse impacts due to climate change. The Budget also funds Reclamation’s
research and development activities and the WaterSMART program which converts unusable
water resources into useable water supplies, conserve water, and increase drought resiliency.
Invests in Columbia and Snake River Salmon Recovery. The Budget includes $22million
for technical support, studies, and habitat restoration activities to restore healthy and abun-
dant populations of fish in the Columbia and Snake River basins. The Budget provides
additional funding for a study to evaluate the potential success of reintroducing anadromous
fish above the Grand Coulee Dam.
Supports Biodiversity, Ecosystem Health, and Visitor Experiences. The Budget rec-
ognizes the critical importance of biodiversity and ecosystem health across the Nation. In
order to enhance the President’s America the Beautiful initiative to support locally designed
and community-driven conservation, the Budget supports high-priority biodiversity programs
including: the Endangered Species Act of 1973 implementation; the National Wildlife Refuge
System; and migratory bird, fish, and aquatic conservation. The Budget includes: $602 million
for the National Wildlife Refuge System with increased support for refuge law enforcement
activities to improve safety and the visitor experience; and $111 million, an increase of
$19 million above the 2023 enacted level, for law enforcement programs enhancing wildlife
and plant protections. In addition, the Budget also includes increases for natural resource
stewardship and increased recreation access at America’s National Conservation Lands and
other Bureau of Land Management recreation areas, and to help advance the National Seed
Strategy across DOI.
Increases Access to National Parks. The Budget provides $3.6 billion for the National
Park Service, an increase of $461 million since the start of the Administration. Investments
include $11 million to create a more inclusive and representative National Park System and
to strengthen tribal co-stewardship. The Budget also includes $11million to support new sites
that preserve the stories of the cultures and history across America. In addition, the Budget
provides $125 million for the Outdoor Recreation Legacy Program to develop high-quality
recreation opportunities in economically disadvantaged urban communities, which advances
the Justice40 Initiative.
Strengthens and Streamlines Permitting Activities. The Budget supports environmen-
tal permitting capacity to accelerate delivery of modernized infrastructure across the Nation.
For example, the Budget includes nearly $200 million for Endangered Species Act of 1973
environmental planning and consultation and migratory bird permitting, an increase of more
than $40 million above the 2023 enacted level. The Budget continues to propose expanding
existing transfer authority by enabling Federal agencies to transfer funds provided under the
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries to expedite Endangered Species Act of 1973 con-
sultations. Together with existing law, this proposal would facilitate timely development of
priority infrastructure projects and energy solutions while minimizing negative environmen-
tal impacts.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Invests in Federal Law Enforcement to Combat Gun Violence and Other Violent
Crime. The Budget makes significant investments to bolster Federal law enforcement
capacity to strengthen public safety. The Budget includes $17.7 billion, an increase of
$1.1billion above the 2023 enacted level and $2.6 billion above the 2021 enacted level, for
DOJ law enforcement, including $2 billion for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and
Explosives to effectively investigate and prosecute gun crimes; expand multijurisdictional gun
trafficking strike forces, increase regulation of the firearms industry, bolster crime-solving
ballistics, gunshot residue, and other forensic technologies as well as analysts; and imple-
ment the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. The Budget includes $1.9 billion for the U.S.
Marshals Service (USMS) to support efforts to reduce violent crime, including through fugi-
tive apprehension and enforcement operations. The Budget also provides $51 million to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to support the continued implementation of enhanced
background checks, a key provision of the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act. In addition,
the Budget provides a total of $2.8 billion for the U.S. Attorneys, which includes funding for
50 new attorneys to prosecute violent crimes. The Budget further requests $15million for
the Jabara-Heyer NO HATE Act, an increase of $5 million over the 2023 enacted level.
Pursues New Mandatory Investments to Combat Violent Crime and Support
Victims. The Budget builds upon the Safer America Plan by investing an additional $1.2bil-
lion over five years to launch a new Violent Crime Reduction and Prevention Fund to give
Federal, State, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement the dedicated, seasoned, and full
support they need to focus exclusively on violent crime. This includes: hiring new Federal law
enforcement agents, prosecutors, and forensic specialists to address violent crime; expand-
ing Federal operations to combat fentanyl and apprehend dangerous fugitives; and hiring
4,700 detectives at the State and local level to solve homicides, non-fatal shootings, and other
violent crimes to drive down the high rate of unsolved violent crimes and the lengthy delays
that undermine public trust and public safety. In addition, $28 million is provided to expand
The Department of Justice (DOJ) is responsible for defending the interests of the United States
and protecting the rights and safety of all Americans. The President’s 2025 Budget for DOJ
invests in: combating gun violence and other violent crime, terrorism, violence against women,
child exploitation, and cyber threats; countering narcotics; protecting civil rights; implementing
Federal, State, and local criminal justice reforms; improving the immigration court system; and
bolstering antitrust enforcement.
The Budget requests $37.8 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $235 million or
0.5-percent increase from the 2023 level.
the USMS’s Operation North Star, which has taken more than 6,700 of the most dangerous
State and local fugitives off the street since 2021, to 100more cities over five years, including
20 more cities in 2025 in order to drive down violent crime. This investment also expands the
Drug Enforcement Administration’s (DEA) Operation Overdrive, which uses a data-driven,
intelligence-led approach to identify and dismantle violent drug trafficking networks, to 50
more cities that are experiencing high rates of gun violence and fentanyl overdoses for 45-day
operations. The Budget further requests $7.3 billion to replenish the Crime Victims Fund and
ensure a stable and predictable source of funding is available to support critical victim services
and compensation programs over the next decade.
Combats Narcotics Trafficking Networks. The Budget also provides $3.3 billion to DEA
to combat drug trafficking, including $1.2 billion to combat opioid trafficking, save lives, and
make communities safer. The Budget invests an additional $18 million in Counter-Fentanyl
Threat Targeting Teams at DEA to enhance America’s fight against the transnational criminal
networks pushing deadly illicit fentanyl in America’s communities. These interdisciplinary
teams of special agents, intelligence analysts, and data experts would map criminal organiza-
tions and build cases that lead to the dismantling of entire drug trafficking networks and the
deprivation of hundreds of millions of dollars to the Sinaloa and Jalisco cartels. In addition,
the Budget provides $494 million in grants supporting efforts to address substance use, in-
cluding $190 million for the Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program,
$95 million to support Drug Courts, and $51million for anti-drug task forces.
Reinvigorates Federal Civil Rights Enforcement. In order to address longstanding in-
equities and strengthen civil rights protections, the Budget invests $201 million, an increase
of $11 million over the 2023 enacted level, in the DOJ Civil Rights Division. These resources
would support police reform via pattern-or-practice investigations, prosecuting hate crimes,
enforcing voting rights, and ensuring access to justice.
Improves Immigration Courts. The Budget builds on the Administration’s October 2023
supplemental request and invests $981 million, an increase of $121 million above the 2023en-
acted level, in the Executive Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) to enhance America’s
immigration courts and help address the backlog of over 2.4 million currently pending cases.
This funding would support 25 new immigration judge teams, which includes the support
personnel necessary to ensure efficient case processing. The Budget also invests $30 million
for EOIR to partner to with the U.S. Digital Service to develop and implement digital court
operations strategies that would maximize each judge’s adjudicatory capacity and help reduce
the case backlog.
Supports State, Local, and Tribal Law Enforcement and Public Safety. The Budget
provides $3.7 billion in discretionary resources for State and local grants and $30.3 billion in
mandatory resources to support State, local, and tribal efforts to protect U.S. communities and
promote public safety through the President’s Safer America Plan. Through a combination of
discretionary and mandatory investments, the Safer America Plan supports the President’s
goal to recruit, train, support, and hire 100,000 additional police officers for effective, account-
able community policing consistent with the standards of Executive Order 14074, Advancing
Effective, Accountable Policing and Criminal Justice Practices To Enhance Public Trust and
Public Safety.” In addition, the Safer America Plan would: fund bonuses for retention of police
officers; provide student loan repayment, tuition reimbursement, and higher education grant
programs to incentivize service-minded candidates, including women and individuals from
underrepresented communities to become officers; support pilot programs to explore more
flexibility in scheduling and work arrangements; expand mental health and wellness care for
police officers; and fund life-saving equipment. The Safer America Plan would further support
the evidence-based training of law enforcement on topics including crime control and deter-
rence tactics, community engagement, use of force, interacting with people with disabilities,
and responding to persons in mental health crisis and to domestic violence calls. The Safer
America Plan would also further efforts to advance transparency, accountability, and safety
to simultaneously strengthen public safety and public trust consistent with the standards of
the Executive Order 14074 through funding to support the purchase and operation of body-
worn cameras, modernize police academies and training, comprehensively reform public safety
systems, and combat crime to keep the Nation’s streets safe. The Budget, through the Safer
America Plan provides: funding for courts around the Nation to clear their backlogs and im-
prove accountability and deterrence for people on pretrial supervision, and likewise supports
technology and data systems modernization necessary to ensure that the justice system runs
efficiently and with the most current data, such as case management systems that effectively
integrate pretrial services, judicial, and law enforcement records; virtual access and notifica-
tion systems to facilitate remote check-ins and hearings as appropriate and beneficial for all
involved; and scheduling software to manage the increased volume of cases. The Budget also
provides funding to support pretrial and post-conviction supervision staffing and systems,
ensuring that persons on release are appropriately monitored and given assistance with the
employment, health, housing, and other supportive services that reduce the risk of recidi-
vism. Specific discretionary investments include $270 million for the COPS Hiring Program,
an increase of $45 million or 20 percent over the 2023 enacted level, and $100 million for
Community Violence Intervention (CVI) programs, an increase of $50 million or 100 percent
over the 2023 enacted level, to bolster evidence-based strategies for preventing and reducing
gun violence in U.S. communities. To achieve the original goals of the Safer America Plan, the
Budget requests an additional $1.5 billion in mandatory funding to support CVI programs at
the Department over the next 10 years.
Prioritizes Efforts to End Gender-Based Violence. The Budget proposes $800 million to
support programs under the Violence Against Women Act of 1994 (VAWA), which was reautho-
rized and strengthened in 2022. This is a $100 million or 14-percent increase over the 2023
enacted level, which was the highest funding level in history. The Budget supports significant
increases for longstanding VAWA programs, including key investments in sexual assault ser-
vices, transitional housing, and legal assistance for survivors. The Budget strongly supports
underserved and tribal communities by providing $15 million for culturally-specific services,
$5 million for underserved populations, $25 million to assist enforcement of tribal special do-
mestic violence jurisdiction, $3 million to support tribal Special Assistant U.S. Attorneys, and
$10 million for a new special initiative to address missing and murdered indigenous people.
The Budget also provides $10 million to address technology-facilitated abuse through funding
new VAWA programs that address cybercrimes against individuals. In addition, the Budget
provides $55 million to the Office of Justice Programs for the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative to
address the rape kit backlog.
Promotes Equity Across the Justice System. The Budget includes over $10 million in
the Office of the Access to Justice to support its work to increase the availability of legal
assistance and eliminate barriers to legal access based on economic, demographic, and geo-
graphic factors. In addition, the Budget continues to invest in the Office of Environmental
Justice to protect overburdened and disadvantaged communities from the harms caused by
environmental crimes, pollution, and climate change. The Budget further supports State and
local efforts to promote equity and protect civil rights by including $10million for a new ini-
tiative to modernize outdated criminal statutes with a discriminatory impact on HIV-positive
individuals, $50 million in VAWA programs specifically focused on delivering equitable ser-
vices, and $50 million for programs to combat hate crimes.
Reforms the Federal Criminal Justice System. The Budget leverages the capacity of the
Federal justice system to advance criminal justice reform and serve as a model that is compre-
hensive, evidence-based, and that enhances public safety and equity. The Budget supports key
investments in First Step Act (FSA) implementation, including continuing the historic collabo-
ration between the Bureau of Prisons and the Department of Labor to provide comprehensive,
intensive, and market-driven workforce development and reentry services for people in the
Federal prison system. In total, the Budget continues to invest $409 million in base resources
for FSA implementation, to support rehabilitative programming, improve confinement condi-
tions, and hire additional FSA-dedicated staff.
Addresses Emerging Cyber and Counterintelligence Threats. The Budget expands
DOJ’s ability to pursue threats through investments in FBI’s cyber and counterintelligence
investigative capabilities. These investments sustain the FBI’s cyber intelligence, counter-
intelligence, and analysis capabilities and include an additional $25 million to enhance those
cyber response and counterintelligence capabilities. The Budget also includes $5 million to
expand a new section within the DOJ’s National Security Division to focus on cyber threats.
These investments are in line with the National Cybersecurity Strategy that emphasizes a
whole-of-Nation approach to addressing ongoing cyber threats. The Budget also provides
$2 million for DOJ to support implementation of Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, and
Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.
Bolsters Antitrust Enforcement. The Budget proposes $288 million for the Antitrust
Division, which is an increase of $63 million over the 2023 enacted level and $103 million over
the 2021 enacted level, sustaining the significant investments made under this Administration.
These resources would strengthen antitrust enforcement efforts to promote vigorous market-
place competition and reduce costs and raise wages for the American people.
Reiterates the Administration’s Request for Immediate Funding to Secure the
Border and Build Capacity to Enforce Immigration Law. In addition to the EOIR
investments included in the Budget, the Budget also reiterates the $1.7 billion for DOJ re-
quested in the Administration’s October 2023 border, immigration, and countering fentanyl
supplement request. Of this amount, $1.3 billion is requested for EOIR to fund the hiring of
375 new immigration judge teams to help reduce the immigration case backlog.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Empowers and Protects Workers. Workers power America’s economic prosperity,
building the economy from the middle out and bottom up. To ensure workers are treat-
ed with dignity and respect in the workplace, the Budget invests $2 billion, an increase
of $121 million above the 2023 enacted level, in the Department’s worker protection
agencies. These investments would build upon the nearly $100 million increase in base
appropriations for these agencies since the beginning of the Administration, in addition
to the $200 million in American Rescue Plan Act funding the Administration secured for
the agencies to address the unprecedented COVID-19 emergency. The Budget would en-
able DOL to protect workers’ wages and benefits, ensure that children are working only
in conditions that are safe and legal, address the misclassification of workers as indepen-
dent contractors, and improve workplace health and safety. Since 2019, DOL has seen an
88-percent increase in children being employed illegally by companies. The Administration
is focused on preventing and addressing child labor exploitation, and has assessed more
than $16 million in child labor penalties since taking office. The Budget includes funding
to combat exploitative child labor, including among migrant children, who are particularly
vulnerable. The Budget also includes funding to implement the significant reforms to em-
ployer-sponsored retirement plans enacted in the SECURE 2.0 Act of 2022, helping to ensure
that workers’ retirement plans are always protected.
Expands Access to Paid Family and Medical Leave and Proposes Paid Sick Days.
The vast majority of America’s workers do not have access to employer-provided paid family
leave, including 73 percent of private sector workers. Among the lowest-paid workers, who
are disproportionately women and workers of color, 94 percent lack access to paid family
leave through their employers. In addition, as many as one in five retirees leave the work-
force earlier than planned to care for an ill family member, which negatively impacts families
as well as the Nation’s labor supply and productivity. The Budget proposes to establish a
national, comprehensive paid family and medical leave program administered by the Social
The Department of Labor (DOL) is responsible for protecting the health, safety, wages, and
economic security of workers and retirees. The President’s 2025 Budget for DOL supports:
building the skills of America’s workers; protecting workers’ rights and benets, health and safety,
and wages; strengthening the integrity and accessibility of the Unemployment Insurance (UI)
program; and creating good jobs that are safe and equitable, provide fair wages and benets,
empower workers, and offer opportunities for advancement and a pathway to the middle class.
The Budget requests $13.9 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $318 million or
2.3-percent increase from the 2023 level.
Security Administration to ensure that all workers can take up to 12 weeks of leave to bond
with a new child; care for a seriously ill loved one; heal from their own serious illness; address
circumstances arising from a loved one’s military deployment; find safety from domestic vio-
lence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking—otherwise known as “safe leave”; or up to
three days to grieve the death of a loved one. The Budget also invests in a program at DOLs
Women’s Bureau to help States expand access to paid leave benefits, including through grants
to support States in implementing new paid leave programs and through the creation of a
Technical Assistance Hub to share best practices among States. Further, the President contin-
ues to call on the Congress to require employers to provide seven job-protected paid sick days
each year to all workers, and ensure that employers cannot penalize workers for taking time
off to address their health needs, or the health needs of their families, or for safe leave.
Expands Workforce Training and Provides Pathways to In-Demand Jobs for More
Americans. The President’s historic legislative accomplishments are rebuilding U.S. infra-
structure, supporting clean energy, boosting American manufacturing, and creating millions
of high-quality jobs. The Administration has worked with States, localities, and community-
based organizations to leverage American Rescue Plan Act, Bipartisan Infrastructure Law,
Inflation Reduction Act, and CHIPS and Science Act resources to advance effective, evidence-
based training models that ensure all workers, particularly women, workers of color, those
living in rural areas, workers with disabilities, and others underrepresented in growing fields,
have the skills they need to compete for and fill these and other jobs. The Budget makes ma-
jor new investments in expanding these strategies, through an $8 billion mandatory Career
Training Fund and a $50 million new Sectoral Employment through Career Training for
Occupational Readiness program, both of which would support the development and expan-
sion of public-private partnerships among employers, education and training providers, and
community-based groups to equitably deliver evidence-based, high-quality training, focused
on creating pathways into good jobs in growing, in-demand industries. The Career Training
Fund would provide full funding for 750,000 individuals to enroll in evidence-based training
programs, such as Registered Apprenticeships, that are proven to deliver sustained earnings
increases. These new investments would supplement Workforce Innovation and Opportunity
Act programs by providing the resources necessary to deliver high-quality training at scale.
Broadens Access to Registered Apprenticeships. The Budget increases support for
Registered Apprenticeships, an evidence-based earn-and-learn model that is a critical tool for
training future workforces for good jobs in the clean energy, construction, semiconductor, trans-
portation and logistics, education, health, and other growing and in-demand industries. The
Budget invests $335 million, a $50 million increase above the 2023enacted level, and supports
expanding existing Registered Apprenticeship programs in clean energy-related occupations.
This investment would also be used to increase the number of workers from historically un-
derrepresented groups, including people of color, women, and people with disabilities, who
participate in Registered Apprenticeships.
Centers Community Colleges in American Workforce Development. The President
recognizes the crucial role that community colleges play in making high-quality training ac-
cessible to all Americans. For this reason, the Budget invests $70 million, a $5 million increase
above the 2023 enacted level, in the Strengthening Community College training program,
which builds community colleges’ capacity to work with the public workforce development
system and employers to design and deliver high-quality, evidence-based training programs in
communities across the Nation.
Expands Penalties when Employers Violate Workers’ Rights to Organize, Receive
Fair Wages, or Have a Safe and Healthy Workplace Free from Discrimination. For
too long, employers have only received a slap on the wrist—at most—when they fire or retali-
ate against workers for exercising their right to organize and collectively bargain, steal wages
from workers, force workers to work in unsafe conditions, exploit children, or otherwise fla-
grantly violate the Nation’s labor laws. To create meaningful deterrence for employers from
violating workers’ rights, ensure those who do violate their rights are held accountable, and
level the playing field for responsible employers, the Budget proposes instituting and signifi-
cantly increasing penalties at DOL, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, and the
National Labor Relations Board for employers that violate workplace safety and, health, wage
and hour, child labor, equal opportunity, and labor organizing rules.
Modernizes, Protects, and Strengthens UI. The UI program provides a critical safety net
for workers who have lost a job through no fault of their own and helps protect the economy as
a whole from further damage during downturns. The Budget invests $3.5 billion, an increase
of $313 million above the 2023enacted level, to modernize, protect, and strengthen the UI pro-
gram. This includes investments to tackle fraud and support more robust identity verification
for UI applicants. Further, the Budget proposes a comprehensive legislative package designed
to provide States with new tools and resources to combat UI fraud and improper payments
while ensuring equity and accessibility for all claimants. The Budget also includes principles
to guide future efforts to reform the UI system, including improving benefit levels and access,
scaling UI benefits automatically during recessions, expanding eligibility to reflect the modern
labor force, improving Federal and State solvency through more equitable and progressive fi-
nancing, expanding reemployment services, and further safeguarding the program from fraud.
Strengthens Mental Health Parity Protections. The Budget requires all health plans to
cover mental health and substance use disorder benefits, ensures that plans have an adequate
network of behavioral health providers, and improves DOLs ability to enforce the law. In ad-
dition, the Budget includes $275 million over 10 years to increase the Department’s capacity
to ensure that large group market health plans and issuers comply with mental health and
substance use disorder requirements, and to take action against plans and issuers that do not
Proposes to Reauthorize the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program. The TAA
program provides employment services, job training, income support, job search allowances,
and relocation allowances for workers who lose their jobs due to trade. Since the program’s
expiration in 2022, however, approximately 10,000 trade-affected workers per month have
been deprived of these services. The Administration proposes to reauthorize the TAA program
that expired in 2022, and looks forward to working with the Congress on a broader reauthori-
zation to modernize the program to help trade-affected workers return to quality employment
as quickly as possible.
Helps to Ensure Compliance with the Labor Provisions of the United States-Mexico
-Canada Agreement (USMCA). The Budget includes a $45 million increase for the Bureau
of International Labor Affairs to allow it to continue Mexico-specific technical assistance in
support of ongoing USMCA implementation by advancing labor protections, improving work-
ing conditions, stabilizing labor relations, and increasing public awareness and engagement.
Builds Capacity and Infrastructure for Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) Use
and Innovation. The Budget includes funding for a new AI policy office to oversee and
manage AI-related work at the Department. The office, led bya new Chief AI Officer, would
guide the effective use of AI, promote AI innovation in DOL programs, and help DOL agen-
cies mitigate risk, as well as coordinate the AI-related activities already occurring across the
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Drives Inclusive and Sustainable Economic Growth and Quality International
Infrastructure through the Partnership for Global Infrastructure and Investment
(PGI). The Budget advances the President’s goal of mobilizing $200 billion for infrastruc-
ture investment in low- and middle-income countries by 2027, building on the $30 billion in
financing already mobilized by the Administration, which was announced by the President
at the May 2023 G7 Summit. PGI aims to promote infrastructure development along critical
economic corridors to drive inclusive and sustainable economic growth, secure energy sup-
ply chains, fortify trusted digital connectivity, advance gender equality and equity, and build
more resilient food and health systems, as well as critical transport and logistics networks.
The Budget includes approximately $50 billion for PGI across all departments and agencies,
inclusive of private sector financing leveraged, including $250 million in flexible resources
to support strategic, high-quality infrastructure to connect workers to good jobs, allow busi-
nesses to grow and thrive, and advance shared national security priorities. To further PGI
goals, the Budget includes $2 billion in mandatory funding over five years to establish the
International Infrastructure Fund to combat People’s Republic of China (PRC) coercive fi-
nancing, and spur U.S. economic growth. This includes development of the Port of Rades in
Tunisia and includes $200 million for the Millennium Challenge Corporation with a focus
The Department of State (State), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), and
other international programs deliver on the President’s vision of a more free, open, secure, and
prosperous world in which all Americans and people everywhere have the opportunity to reach
their full potential. The President’s 2025 Budget strengthens U.S. national security to Out-
Compete China and counter Russian aggression, revitalize long-standing U.S. alliances and
partnerships, and galvanize a U.S. global response to shared challenges in nearly 200 countries.
The Budget requests $64.4 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025 for State, USAID, and
other international programs, a $0.7 billion or 1.1-percent increase from the estimated 2023 level
which includes actual offsetting collections and fee revenue. Within this total, the Budget includes
$58.8 billion for State and USAID, a $0.7 billion or 1.2-percent increase from the estimated 2023
level. The Budget also includes $2.5 billion for international programs at the Department of the
Treasury, a $0.1 billion or 5-percent increase from the estimated 2023 level.
In addition, the Budget includes a request for unmet needs from the Administration’s October
2023 supplemental request for urgent security needs through the end of 2024.
on critical investments across Africa. The Budget also leverages U.S. Development Finance
Corporation investments to strengthen U.S. global infrastructure.
Provides Lifesaving Humanitarian Assistance and Combats Global Food Insecurity.
The Budget provides $10.3 billion in lifesaving humanitarian and refugee assistance to sup-
port more than 330 million people in need in more than 70 countries, in addition to the October
2023 emergency supplemental request of $10 billion to address the unprecedented humanitar-
ian need globally. The Budget also fully supports the President’s commitment to resettle up
to 125,000 refugees in the United States, as well as the Enduring Welcome and Safe Mobility
Office initiatives. The Budget also provides more than $1 billion to support the President’s
pledge to alleviate global food insecurity, including $100 million for the Vision for Adapted
Crops and Soils, as part of the overall U.S. Government’s flagship food security initiative,
Feed the Future, which works to build more resilient and sustainable food systems and nutri-
tious food crops in underserved regions. State and USAID would have to reduce lifesaving
assistance around the globe without the additional $10 billion in humanitarian assistance
requested in the Administration’s October 2023 national security supplemental request.
Unlocks New Lending to Address Global Challenges and Provides a Credible
Alternative to the PRC’s Coercive Lending. The Budget builds on the Administration’s
October 2023 supplemental request and unlocks roughly $36 billion in new World Bank financ-
ing to address global challenges by leveraging $1 billion in contributions to the World Bank,
largely for International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loan guarantees.
This funding would provide an alternative to the PRC’s coercive financing and address global
Disrupts the International Synthetic Drug Trade. The Budget includes $169 million
across State and USAID to counter fentanyl and other synthetic drug production and traffick-
ing, which is 58 percent above 2023 levels. These resources would counter the worldwide flow
of fentanyl and other synthetics that endanger public safety and health, and contribute to tens
of thousands of drug-overdose deaths in the United States annually.
Galvanizes Action against Strategic Competitors. The Budget builds on the
Administration’s October 2023 supplemental request and provides approximately $1.5 billion
to counter Russian aggression across Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia, including more than
$300 million to support procurement of American equipment across the region and $482 million
for Ukraine to continue its efforts to expel Russian forces from its territory, establish civilian
security in newly liberated territories, and spur economic growth. The Budget also includes
$400 million for the Countering PRC Influence Fund to support strategic opportunities to
counter the PRC globally, and $241 million in military assistance to reaffirm American nation-
al security commitments in the Indo-Pacific. In addition, the Budget provides $25 million for
a new Countering Russian Malign Actors in Africa Fund to suppress Russian or other malign
actors in the region, and to improve security force responsiveness and democracy. The Budget
also invests $50 million for a new capital increase to the European Bank for Reconstruction
and Development to maintain support to Ukraine and deliver on multilateral development
bank evolution reforms.
Secures American Presence and Commitment in the Indo-Pacific. The Budget provides
over $4 billion to realize a more free, open, secure, and connected Indo-Pacific that bolsters U.S.
alliances and partnerships, nearly $600 million above the 2023 level. This includes $2.1 billion
in bilateral and regional foreign assistance, including $100 million for a standalone request
for Taiwan military assistance and $20 million for the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework. The
Budget includes over $62 million in support of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
(ASEAN), demonstrating America’s continued commitment to ASEAN centrality. The Indo-
Pacific Strategy total also includes $2 billion to support diplomatic presence and programs in
the region, including new and planned U.S. diplomatic posts in the Pacific and Indian Oceans.
The Budget reflects a substantial commitment to the Indo-Pacific and relies on the $2 billion
investment that the Administration requested in the October 2023 national security supple-
mental request in security assistance to fully address urgent regional security needs and deter
acts of aggression.
Achieves the Administration’s Historic Climate Finance Pledge. The Budget pro-
vides a path to achieving the President’s $11 billion commitment for international climate
finance, including $3 billion for the President’s Emergency Plan for Adaptation and Resilience
(PREPARE). A signature initiative, PREPARE supports more than half a billion people in
developing countries to adapt to and manage the impacts of climate change. The Budget
also supports a $500 million contribution through mandatory funding to finance the Green
Climate Fund, as part of the $3 billion multiyear pledge to expand climate adaptation and
mitigation projects in developing countries, and $100 million for the Amazon Fund to combat
deforestation and preserve the world’s largest tropical rainforest. The Budget builds on his-
toric international climate finance progress made over the course of the Administration, in
which estimated 2023 levels of $9.5 billion represent a near-six-fold increase from 2021.
Protects Americans at Home and Abroad, and Strengthens Health Systems Globally.
The Budget provides nearly $10 billion for global health programs, which would increase sup-
port for global health programs, strengthening health systems, and pandemic preparedness.
The Budget fulfills the President’s commitment to the seventh replenishment of the Global
Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria by providing $1.2 billion to match $1 for every
$2 contributed by other donors. The Budget also provides more than $900 million for global
health security, including $250 million for the Pandemic Fund. The Budget invests $30 million
in new resources for the World Bank’s Global Financing Facility for Women, Children, and
Adolescents, a contribution anticipated to leverage at least $210 million to strengthen health
systems, and $20 million for the Administration’s Global Health Worker Initiative to better
train, equip, and protect the health workforce. In addition, the Budget includes loan guaran-
tees to the World Bank’s IBRD to support investments in global challenges, including pandemic
preparedness, which would bolster the impact of these global health activities.
Fulfills the President’s Commitment to Central America and Strengthens America’s
Partnership in the Western Hemisphere. The Budget provides approximately $1 billion
for Central American programming to meet the President’s commitment to invest $4 billion in
Central America over four years to address the root causes of migration. The Budget also sup-
ports hemispheric programs to advance economic prosperity and regional security through key
initiatives such as the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity, including $75 million
for a capital increase to the Inter-American Investment Corporation—known as IDB Invest—
to advance clean energy projects, modernize agriculture, strengthen transportation systems,
and expand access to financing. The Budget also includes $35 million in additional targeted
funding for regional migration management, including $25 million for the Inter-American
Development Bank’s Migration Grant Facility to support integration efforts for migrants and
host communities, and address the root causes of irregular migration. The Budget also further
strengthens America’s diplomatic presence in the region with funding for posts in the Eastern
Caribbean. The Budget continues robust support for Haiti to curb gang violence, improve
security, and address drivers of migration, including $100 million for the Haiti Multinational
Security Support to address insecurity and create the necessary conditions for long-term sta-
bility and growth.
Invests in America’s Workforce to Ensure U.S. Foreign Policy Delivers for the
American people. The Budget requests more than $8 billion for America’s national secu-
rity workforce to underpin America’s global leadership, modernize diplomacy, and implement
the President’s National Security Strategy. The Budget includes pay increases for the U.S.
workforce and locally employed and foreign service national staff at the 75th percentile of
the median wage in their respective countries to retain and attract the local personnel criti-
cal to U.S. diplomatic and development efforts. The Budget also expands State and USAID’s
workforce by nearly 550, including 145 new positions in support of the Global Development
Partnership Initiative at USAID and 58 new positions at State in support of the Indo-Pacific—
including increased support for the Australia-United Kingdom-United States enhanced
trilateral security partnership and Pacific Island posts. To equip the workforce with cutting-
edge technology, the Budget also provides over $800 million in information technology and
cybersecurity, a 17-percent increase above 2023 levels. These resources include substantial
funding for zero trust architecture implementation to strengthen cybersecurity, and approxi-
mately $20 million in targeted artificial intelligence investments firmly aligned with the goals
laid out in the Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use
of Artificial Intelligence.
Bolsters Sustainable, Inclusive, and Democratic Global Development. The Budget
supports the President’s goal to strengthen American development efforts through local ex-
pertise and by deploying a more expansive set of development tools. The Budget provides over
$3 billion for bolstering global democracy, human rights, and governance, including $345 million
for the President’s Initiative for Democratic Renewal to foster transparent and accountable
governance. The Budget provides more than $3 billion to advance gender equity and equal-
ity worldwide, including $200 million for the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund. The
Budget also includes $110 million in support of internet freedom, including $50 million for the
U.S. Agency for Global Media Open Technology Fund. The Budget also provides $594 million,
an increase of $37 million above 2023 levels, for USAID-directed high-impact and lifesav-
ing voluntary family planning and reproductive health programs and America’s voluntary
contribution to the United Nations Population Fund. The Budget also continues America’s
commitment to contributions for the United Nations, including $25 million for United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization back payments incurred since 2011, restor-
ing America’s seat at the table on scientific cooperation, freedom of expression, and media
Advances International Digital Connectivity and Security. The Budget provides
$500 million to further the National Security Strategy’s commitment to American leadership
to ensure an open and secure technological ecosystem. This includes $91 million for USAID’s
whole-of-Government Digital Strategy, which expands secure internet access, increases adop-
tion of open and secure digital technology policies, and supports the American economy through
export of U.S. information technology goods and services. The Budget also includes $65 million
for the Administration’s signature Digital Transformation with Africa initiative to promote
the African digital economy.
Promotes Stability and Security in the Middle East. The Budget builds on the
Administration’s October 2023 supplemental request and sustains core investments in the
stability of the Middle East and the security of key partners. The Budget maintains support
for Israel with $3.3 billion in security assistance, consistent with the U.S.-Israel Memorandum
of Understanding, as well as sustains assistance for the Palestinian people in the West Bank
and Gaza and continues investments in peacebuilding as a foundation for a sustainable, two-
state solution with Israel. The Budget also demonstrates enduring commitments to other U.S.
partners in the region, including nearly $1.5 billion for Jordan and $1.4 billion to support the
U.S. strategic partnership with Egypt. U.S. assistance in the Middle East and North Africa
continues efforts to combat terrorism and Iran-backed malign actors and helps mitigate the
economic shocks and instability worsened by the Israel-Hamas conflict.
Complements the Urgent National Security Supplemental. In October 2023, the
Administration submitted an emergency national security supplemental request to the
Congress to fund key national security priorities through the end of 2024. This request included
$34 billion to provide security and economic assistance to Ukraine, critical support for Israel,
lifesaving humanitarian assistance, including for the Palestinian people, foreign military fi-
nancing to support America’s partners in the Indo-Pacific, and to address irregular migration
and other national security priorities. Absent congressional action on this emergency request,
the United States would not be able to provide the necessary support to Ukraine, and State
and USAID would have to reduce lifesaving assistance around the globe. The Administration
appreciates the bipartisan supplemental legislation that passed the Senate and would address
these urgent needs.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Continues Implementation of the President’s Historic Bipartisan Infrastructure
Law. The Budget provides a total of $78.4 billion for highway, highway safety, and tran-
sit formula programs, supporting the amounts authorized for year four of the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law. This includes $62.1 billion in obligation limitation funding for the
Federal-aid Highways program, an increase of $3.3 billion above the 2023 enacted level and
$15.7billion above the enacted level for 2021, the year prior to enactment of the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law. This funding would support construction and safety projects of highways
and bridges across the United States. The Budget also includes $14.3 billion for Transit
Formula Grants, a $645 million increase above the 2023 enacted level, to support core capital
and planning programs for transit agencies across the Nation, as well as transit research,
technical assistance, and data collection. The Budget also reflects an additional $9.5 billion
in advance appropriations provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for bridge replace-
ment and rehabilitation, electric vehicle charging infrastructure, and other programs to
improve the safety, sustainability, and resilience of America’s transportation network.
Prioritizes Investment in the FAA. The Budget provides $17.5 billion in discretionary
budget authority for the FAA, an increase of $2.1 billion above the 2023 enacted level, less
Congressional Directed Spending. This funding supports robust hiring and training of air
traffic controllers started in 2023 to rebuild the pipeline of new controllers needed to safely
meet projected air traffic demands. The Budget also continues FAA’s multiyear effort of
The Department of Transportation (DOT) is responsible for delivering the world’s leading
transportation system, serving the American people and economy through the safe, efcient,
sustainable, and equitable movement of goods and people. The President’s 2025 Budget
for DOT continues to complement the President’s historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law by:
continuing to rebuild and modernizing America’s roads, bridges, rail, transit systems, and airports;
and prioritizing signicant investments in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to ensure
the agency has the people, facilities, and equipment necessary for a safe and efcient National
Airspace System (NAS).
The Budget requests $25.4 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025. The Budget also
includes $81.7 billion in obligation limitations and $1.9 billion in mandatory resources, as well as
$36.8 billion in emergency-designated advance budget authority, for transportation infrastructure
and safety investments in 2025. In total, the Budget represents an increase of $58 billion or
a 67-percent increase above the enacted level for 2021, the year prior to enactment of the
Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, demonstrating the Administration’s commitment to rebuilding and
modernizing America’s infrastructure.
reforming aircraft certification as well as increasing its safety oversight capabilities. In addi-
tion, the Budget increases investment in the facilities and systems that comprise the NAS by
over $650 million for a total investment of $3.6billion, to ensure the NAS continues to safely
accommodate the growth in traditional commercial aviation traffic alongside new entrants
from the commercial space, unmanned aircraft, and advanced air mobility industries. The
Administration also proposes to increase the fuel tax for high-end business jets, to better align
the costs of the services provided to those users on the system.
Modernizes FAA Facilities. The Administration supports a long-term FAA authorization
that: improves safety; enables access to the system by current and emerging users; reduces
emissions and improves resiliency; and expands consumer protections and access. However,
it would be difficult to achieve these important goals if FAA does not have the modern facili-
ties and systems necessary to operate the NAS. Over the last decade, FAA capital spending
has not kept up with the Agency’s needs. Therefore, the Budget proposes a five-year, $8 billion
mandatory program to significantly modernize FAAs major facilities and radars. This effort
would ensure that the American people and all travelers can continue to depend on a safe,
modern, and efficient aviation system.
Builds on Investments for a Safe and Efficient Passenger and Freight Rail Network.
The Budget expands on the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law’s already significant investments to-
ward improving the safety and efficiency of the Nation’s rail network. This includes $2.5 billion
for grants to Amtrak, along with $250 million for the Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and
Safety Improvements program, a flexible and oversubscribed competitive grant program that
advances the Justice40 Initiative. These amounts are in addition to the $13.2 billion in rail
funding directly provided by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. In addition, the Budget in-
creases funding for critical safety programs, such as $8 million for the Confidential Close Call
Reporting System, doubling the 2023enacted level. This program, which all Class I railroads
have agreed to join, allows railroads and their employees to report unsafe events and condi-
tions without fear of reprisal.
Supports the Nation’s Transit Systems. The Nation’s transit systems play a critical role
in: ensuring riders can access jobs, school, healthcare, and opportunity; spurring sustainable
economic development; reducing highway congestion; and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
The Budget includes $2.4 billion for the Capital Investment Grant program, which provides
essential funding for transit expansion projects. At the same time, the Budget recognizes that
many transit systems face an uncertain future as ridership and fare revenue have still not ful-
ly rebounded to pre-COVID-19 pandemic levels. To ensure transit continues to be a vital and
viable transportation option, the Budget includes language to temporarily allow larger transit
systems to use existing formula funds for operating expenses, and also encourages States to
support their transit systems.
Makes Supply Chains More Resilient and Moves Goods More Quickly through the
Nation’s Ports and Waterways. The Budget continues support for modernizing America’s
port and waterway infrastructure initiated under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The
Budget includes $80 million for the Port Infrastructure Development Program to strengthen
maritime freight capacity on top of the $450 million in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for
2025. In addition to keeping the Nation’s supply chain moving by improving efficiency, DOT
would prioritize projects that also lower emissions—reducing environmental impact in and
around the Nation’s ports.
Supports Competitive Programs for Multimodal Projects. The Budget provides
$800 million for the Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity
(RAISE) and National Infrastructure Project Assistance—also known as the Mega grant pro-
gram—competitive grant programs, matching the 2023 enacted level for National Infrastructure
Investments, by redirecting balances from the Transportation Infrastructure Finance and
Innovation Act program. The RAISE and Mega grant programs support innovative highway,
transit, passenger rail, freight, port and other transportation projects across the Nation, and
advance the Justice40 Initiative. The RAISE program invests in locally- or regionally-signifi-
cant projects such as complete streets projects that improve transportation options and protect
all transportation system users, infrastructure to support healthier and more sustainable
means of travel, and projects that provide significant benefits to disadvantaged communities.
The Mega program accelerates delivery of larger projects that can transform and better con-
nect regions and strengthen major supply chain networks, such as the Brent Spence Bridge
Project connecting Kentucky and Ohio, and the I-5 Bridge Replacement Project connecting
Oregon and Washington.
Addresses the Roadway and Pedestrian Safety Crisis. Despite improvements in vehicle
safety technologies, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates
that 42,795 people died in motor vehicle traffic crashes in 2022. While this is a very small de-
crease from 2021, the Nation continues to face a national crisis of traffic deaths on America’s
roadways. The Budget provides $1.3 billion for NHTSA, which is $83million above the 2023
enacted level, to conduct critical research to reduce roadway fatalities and injuries on the
Nation’s highways. The Budget also includes increased funding for the newly formed Office of
Automation Safety which would lead NHTSA’s efforts to safely and securely integrate autono-
mous vehicles onto the Nation’s roadways. The Office of Automation Safety, in coordination
with NHTSA research, would address vehicle cyber security risks as well as risks related to
artificial intelligence, in alignment with the implementation of Executive Order 14110, “Safe,
Secure, and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence. The Budget also
provides almost $965million to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration to continue
its essential safety activities, including its Large Truck and Medium-Duty Truck Crash Causal
Factors Studies.
Invests in Merchant Mariner Training. The Budget provides $191 million for the United
States Merchant Marine Academy (USMMA) to support an exemplary standard of excellence
in education and training opportunities for the next generation of diverse seagoing officers
and maritime leaders to serve the Nation. This includes funding for sexual assault and sexual
harassment prevention and response activities, newly created subject matter expert Advisory
Council positions, and expanded measures to support survivors of sexual assault. The Budget
also proposes $86 million in priority maintenance and improvement projects at the USMMA
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Protects Improvements to Taxpayer Experience and Supports Ensuring the
Wealthy and Big Corporations Pay the Taxes They Owe. The Inflation Reduction Act
addressed long-standing Internal Revenue Service (IRS) funding deficiencies by providing
stable, multi-year funding to improve tax compliance by finally cracking down on high-income
individuals and corporations who have too often avoided paying their lawfully owed taxes,
and improving service for the millions of Americans who do pay their taxes. The IRS is us-
ing Inflation Reduction Act funding to modernize its information technology infrastructure,
administer new clean energy tax credits, rebuild the administrative capacity of the Agency
to better assist taxpayers, and crack down on tax evasion by the wealthy and big corpora-
tions. These goals can only be realized if annual discretionary appropriations are provided
to maintain and protect current services. To ensure that taxpayers continue to receive high-
quality customer service and that all Americans are treated fairly by the U.S. tax system, the
Budget maintains annual funding at the 2023 level for all IRS activities and provides a total
of $12.3 billion for the Agency. In addition to annual discretionary funding, the Budget pro-
poses to restore the full Inflation Reduction Act investment and provide new funding over the
long-term to maintain progress on service enhancements and deficit-reducing tax compliance
initiatives. This proposal reflects a robust research base demonstrating that program integ-
rity investments to enforce existing tax laws increase revenues in a progressive way and, in
doing so, shrink the tax gap—the difference between taxes owed and taxes paid.
Promotes Access to Capital to Underserved Communities. The Budget provides
$325million for the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) Fund, an in-
crease of $1 million above the 2023 level, and $55 million, or a 20-percent increase above the
2021 level, to provide access to credit and technical assistance to historically underserved
The Department of the Treasury (Treasury) is responsible for maintaining a strong economy,
promoting economic conditions that enable inclusive growth and stability, protecting the integrity
of the nancial system, combating global nancial crime and corruption, and managing the U.S.
Government’s nances and resources effectively. The President’s 2025 Budget for Treasury:
supports a fair and robust tax system that ensures the wealthy and large corporations pay
the taxes they owe; maintains improved taxpayer experience and service; combats terrorism
and nancial crime; promotes community development and access to credit in disadvantaged
communities; strengthens corporate transparency; and builds institutional capacity to address
emerging issues and advance equity across all Treasury programs.
The Budget requests $14.4 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $0.2 billion or a
1.2-percent increase from the 2023 level.
and often low-income communities. To address the shortage of long-term affordable credit for
development projects in disadvantaged communities, the Budget also includes a $10 million
subsidy for the CDFI Fund’s Bond Guarantee Program and proposes changes to broaden par-
ticipation while still minimizing the risk of loss to the Federal Government. The Budget would
also broaden access to the Small Dollar Loan Program, allowing more organizations to par-
ticipate in the program that supports individuals seeking affordable credit building loans and
alternatives to costly payday loans.
Combats Terrorism and Corruption and Increases Corporate Transparency. Treasury
plays a leading role in monitoring and disrupting corruption, money laundering, terrorist fi-
nancing, the use of the financial system by malicious actors domestically and abroad, and
combatting the trafficking of illicit substances such as fentanyl in American communities. The
Budget provides $231 million to the Office of Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, $15 million
above the 2023 level, to expand Treasury’s capacity to provide financial intelligence and con-
duct sanctions-related economic analysis while continuing to modernize the sanctions process.
These investments would expand Treasury’s ability to craft, implement, and enforce sanctions,
including the historic sanctions program targeting Russia’s illegal war in Ukraine, and sanc-
tions on key Hamas terrorist group members and financial facilitators in Gaza. The Budget
also provides $216 million for the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, $26 million above
the 2023 level, to support Beneficial Ownership Information reporting which will be required
for existing covered companies beginning in 2025. This reporting will provide investigative
tools making it harder for bad actors to hide or benefit from their ill-gotten gains through shell
companies or other opaque ownership structures.
Builds Critical Agency Capacity to Address Emerging Threats. The Budget pro-
vides $312 million for Treasury’s Departmental Offices, an increase of $38 million, or a
14-percent increase above the 2023 level, to continue to rebuild staffing levels for Treasury’s
core policy offices and support Treasury’s role in promoting investment security in sensitive
technologies and products critical to the national security of the United States. The increase
in funding would also allow Treasury to support a Chief Artificial Intelligence Officer to ensure
responsible use and development of artificial intelligence capabilities. The Budget builds in-
stitutional capacity to support Treasury-wide coordination of program evaluation and expand
engagement with historically underrepresented and underserved groups to advance equity
across all Treasury programs.
Strengthens Enterprise Cybersecurity. The Budget provides $150 million for the
Cybersecurity Enhancement Account, an increase of $50 million above the 2023 level, to
protect and defend sensitive agency systems and information, including those designated as
high-value assets. The Budget increases centralized funding to strengthen Treasury’s overall
cybersecurity efforts and to continue the implementation of a Zero Trust Architecture. These
investments would protect Treasury’s systems, and the American public’s sensitive data safe-
guarded within these systems, from future attacks. The Budget also provides $396 million for
the Bureau of the Fiscal Service, $24 million above the 2023level. This includes funding to
enhance the security posture of core Government financial systems by modernizing and tran-
sitioning all mainframe applications to the secure cloud.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Expands Healthcare, Benefits, and Services for Environmental Exposures. The
Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring our Promise to Address Comprehensive
Toxics Act of 2022 (PACT Act) represented the most significant expansion of VA healthcare
and disability compensation benefits for veterans exposed to burn pits and other environ-
mental exposures in 30 years. As part of the PACT Act, the Congress authorized TEF to fund
increased costs above 2021 funding levels for healthcare and benefits delivery for veterans
exposed to certain environmental hazards—and ensure there is sufficient funding available
to cover these costs without shortchanging other elements of veteran medical care and ben-
efits delivery. The Budget continues this commitment and includes $24.5billion for TEF in
2025, through funds appropriated by the FRA, which is $19.5billion above the 2023 enacted
Strengthens VA Medical Care. The Budget provides a total of $112.6billion in discre-
tionary medical care funding in 2025, equal to the 2025 advance appropriation request. In
addition, the Budget, through funds appropriated by FRA, includes $21.5billion in TEF for
medical care, bringing the medical care total to $134 billion in 2025, an $11.5billion in-
crease over the 2023 enacted level. In addition to fully funding inpatient, outpatient, mental
health, and long-term care services, the Budget supports programs that enhance VA health-
care quality and delivery, including a $2billion investment for non-recurring maintenance to
improve medical facility infrastructure, and continued efforts to address the opioid and drug
overdose epidemic. In addition, to provide VA with a committed cadre of veteran-oriented,
The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is responsible for providing military veterans and their
families, caregivers, and survivors with the benets, care, and support they have earned through
sacrice and service to the Nation. The President’s 2025 Budget for VA honors the Nation’s
sacred obligation to veterans by: investing in world-class healthcare, including enhancing
veterans’ general well-being and mental health; prioritizing veteran mental health services and
suicide prevention programs; increasing support for family caregivers; improving delivery of
benets, including disability claims processing; supporting efforts to end veteran homelessness;
and bolstering other benets to enhance veterans’ prosperity.
The Budget requests $153.7billion for VA, which is a 10-percent increase over the 2023
level, including $129.3billion in discretionary budget authority and $24.5billion in mandatory
budget authority provided by the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (FRA) for the Cost of War
Toxic Exposures Fund (TEF) in 2025. The Budget also includes advance appropriations of
$131.4billion in discretionary budget authority and $22.8billion in mandatory budget authority for
TEF for VA medical care programs in 2026.
mission-focused physicians, the Budget implements a joint VA-Public Health Services Health
Professions Scholarship Program for medical students enrolled in the F. Edward Hébert School
of Medicine at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences.
Advances the Biden Cancer Moonshot. The Budget invests $45 million within VA research
programs, together with $215million within the VA Medical Care program, for precision on-
cology and to provide access to the best possible cancer care for veterans. Funds also support
research and programs that address cancer care, rare cancers, and cancers in women, as well
as genetic counseling and consultation that advance tele-oncology and precision oncology care
to improve veterans’ health outcomes.
Prioritizes Veterans’ Mental Health Services and Suicide Prevention. The Budget
invests $135million within VA research programs, together with $17.1billion within the VA
Medical Care program, to increase access to quality mental healthcare with the goal of helping
veterans take charge of their treatment and live full, meaningful lives. VA will also expand and
strengthen the future mental health provider pipeline in innovative ways through strategic
engagement, planning, interagency collaboration, and academic expansion. In addition, the
Budget provides $583million to further advance the Administration’s veteran suicide preven-
tion initiatives, including continued support of the Veterans Crisis Line’s 988 and additional
support for VA’s National Strategy for Preventing Veteran Suicide.
Supports Women Veterans’ Healthcare. The Budget invests $13.7billion for women vet-
erans’ healthcare, including $1.1billion toward women’s gender-specific care. More women
are choosing VA healthcare than ever before, with women accounting for over 30 percent of
the increase in enrolled veterans over the past five years. These investments support compre-
hensive specialty medical and surgical services for women veterans, improve maternal health
outcomes, increase access to infertility counseling and assisted reproductive technology, and
eliminate copayments for contraceptive coverage. The Budget also improves the safety of
women veterans seeking healthcare at VA facilities by supporting implementation of the zero-
tolerance policy for sexual harassment and assault.
Bolsters Efforts to End Veteran Homelessness. The President believes that every veter-
an should have permanent, safe, and sustainable housing with access to healthcare and other
supportive services. The Budget invests $3.2billion to end current veteran homelessness and
prevent veterans from becoming homeless in the future. In addition to investments made in
VA programs, the Budget for the Department of Housing and Urban Development provides
$13billion in mandatory funding to expand the Housing Choice Voucher Program to reach an
additional 400,000 extremely low-income veteran families, paving a path to guaranteed assis-
tance for all who have served the Nation and are in need.
Invests in Caregivers Support Programs. Recognizing the critical role family caregivers
play in supporting the health and wellness of veterans, the Budget provides critical funding
for the Program of General Caregivers Support Services. The Budget also specifically pro-
vides $2.9 billion for the Program of Comprehensive Assistance for Family Caregivers, which
includes stipend payments and support services to help empower family caregivers of eligible
Invests in Overdose Prevention and Treatment Programs. The Budget invests
$713million toward opioid use disorder prevention and treatment programs, including us-
ing predictive analytics to stratify a patient’s risk of overdose, provide augmented care as
appropriate, and to support programs authorized in the Jason Simcakoski PROMISE Act. In
addition, investments contribute to distribution of naloxone to veterans, which, according to
researchers with the VA Palo Alto Health Care System, has demonstrated success in effective
utilization of the lifesaving opioid overdose reversal medication, and development of an opioid
safety toolkit that provides clinicians materials that aid in decisions related to safe opioid pre-
scribing and non-opioid pain management options.
Honors the Memory of All Veterans. The Budget includes $495million to ensure veter-
ans and their families have access to exceptional memorial benefits. These funds maintain
national shrine standards at the 158 VA-managed cemeteries and support the operations and
maintenance of Mare Island Cemetery transferred in 2023 from the City of Vallejo, California.
Invests in Veteran Medical and Other Facilities. The Budget includes $2.8billion in
budgetary resources for construction and expansion of critical infrastructure and facilities, in
addition to the $2billion investment for non-recurring maintenance to improve medical facil-
ity infrastructure. The Budget also provides $141million for grants for construction of State
extended care facilities to deliver high-quality healthcare, benefits, and services for veterans.
Modernizes VA Information Technology. The Budget provides $6.2billion in total budget-
ary resources for VA’s Office of Information Technology to continue upgrades to information
technology systems to enable faster benefits delivery and easier access to medical care ser-
vices. In addition, VA will continue its investments in expanding the safe use of artificial
intelligence to improve veteran care.
Supports Claims Processing and Benefits Delivery. The Budget provides $4billion to
the General Operating Expenses, Veterans Benefits Administration account, notably to sup-
port the timely processing of claims. This is an increase $172million over the 2023 enacted
level and would enable VA to continue to focus on delivering timely benefits and services to
Invests in Housing. The Budget provides $326million in discretionary housing loan pro-
gram administration resources aiding veterans in buying, building, improving, or refinancing
a home. The Budget supports program modernization, loss mitigation efforts to keep veterans
in their homes, and the Administration’s Justice40 and Property Appraisal Valuation Equity
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Invests in Projects with High Economic, Environmental, and Public Safety Returns.
The Budget invests in projects and programs in the main mission areas of the Corps, which
are commercial navigation, flood and storm damage reduction, and aquatic ecosystem resto-
ration, which provide a high economic or environmental return, increase resilience to climate
change, promote environmental justice, or address a significant risk to public safety. For ex-
ample, the Budget improves the safety of Corps’ dams by investing in projects that the Corps
has identified as among the highest potential risks to public safety nationwide.
Increases Climate Resilience. The Budget protects and maintains funding for programs
that help communities identify and address their flood risks and improve the operation of
reservoirs to strengthen ecosystems consistent with other project purposes. For example, the
Budget includes $20million for the Floodplain Management Services Program, $9million
for Planning Assistance to States, and $5 million for the Sustainable Rivers Program. The
Budget also provides: $51.5million for emergency preparedness, which is $11million above
the 2023 enacted level; and $16.5million to dredge the Lower Mississippi River Main Stem
project’s navigation channel, including funds the Corps can use in the event of future low
water levels such as those experienced over the last two years.
Strengthens Supply Chains at Coastal Ports and on the Inland Waterways. The
Budget facilitates safe and efficient navigation at the Nation’s coastal ports and along the
highest use inland waterways. The Budget includes $930million for operation and mainte-
nance work on the inland waterways, with an emphasis on investments that would improve
the condition of locks and dams and help keep supply chains flowing. The Budget also pro-
vides over $1.7 billion in spending from the Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund to support
navigation in Federal channels that serve the Nation’s coastal ports. The Budget continues
The Army Corps of Engineers—Civil Works program (Corps) is responsible for: developing,
managing, restoring, and protecting water resources primarily through the construction, operation,
maintenance, and study of water-related infrastructure projects; regulating development in waters
of the United States; and working with Federal agencies to help communities respond to and
recover from oods and other natural disasters. The President’s 2025 Budget for the Corps
invests in high return projects, improves the supply chain at the Nation’s coastal ports and on the
inland waterways, increases climate resilience, and promotes environmental justice.
The Budget requests $7.2billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, including Harbor
Maintenance Trust Fund appropriations that are exempted from budget enforcement, building on
the $17billion in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law for the Corps.
construction of the Soo Locks replacement lock in Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan, funded in part
through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Promotes Environmental Justice. The Budget continues to invest in projects and programs
that help disadvantaged and tribal communities address their water resources challenges in
line with the President’s Justice40 Initiative. For example, the Budget includes funding for
the Tribal Partnership Program, for technical and planning assistance for communities, and
to continue construction of the Pajaro River at Watsonville, California project initiated with
funding from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law.
Restores Aquatic Ecosystems. The Budget invests in restoration of some of the Nation’s
most unique aquatic ecosystems, such as the Chesapeake Bay, the Upper Mississippi River,
the Missouri River, and the Louisiana Coast. The Budget includes $444 million for Florida’s
Everglades restoration program, a $195million or 77.6-percent increase above the 2021 en-
acted level, and $145 million, a $80million or 123-percent increase above the 2023 enacted
level, to support salmon recovery efforts in the Columbia River Basin. The Budget includes
$13million for small aquatic ecosystem restoration projects to help protect wetlands that may
be negatively impacted by the Supreme Court’s Sackett v. Environmental Protection Agency
decision on the Administration’s Waters of the United States rule.
Invests in Research and Development. The Budget builds on the investments proposed
in prior budgets for research and development that would benefit the civil works program.
The Budget includes $79million for this research and development, with a focus on innova-
tive solutions that would help achieve significant cost savings in the Civil Works program or
would address emerging water resources challenges, including climate change. For example,
this continued investment would help reduce the cost to maintain existing water resources
infrastructure and improve its reliability, safety, and environmental sustainability—including
through more effective water management at certain dams and innovative methods to identify
risks to existing infrastructure.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Tackles the Climate Crisis. The Budget prioritizes tackling climate change with the ur-
gency that science demands. Resources in the Budget support efforts to mitigate and adapt
to the impacts of the climate crisis while spurring economic progress and creating good-
paying jobs. The Budget builds on the historic climate investments made in the Inflation
Reduction Act and Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and includes $2.9billion in EPA climate-
related programs to address the climate crisis by: reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions;
expanding upon the GHG Reporting Program and Sinks inventory; implementing provisions
in the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act of 2020 to continue phasing down the
production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons; advancing equitable implementation of
EPA authorities and directives in Indian Country; and engaging with the global community
to respond to the shared challenge of building resilience in the face of climate impacts.
Invests in Clean Air. The Budget provides a total of $1.5billion for the Office of Air and
Radiation, an increase of $690million since the beginning of the Administration, to continue
the development of national programs, policies, and regulations that control indoor and out-
door air pollution and radiation exposure. This funding includes a historic $187million for
the Atmospheric Protection Program to support implementation and compliance with GHG
emission standards and to tackle the climate crisis at home and abroad. The Budget also in-
cludes $100million for the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act Program, which funds grants and
rebates to reduce harmful emissions from diesel engines, and $70million for the Targeted
Airshed Grants program, which helps reduce air pollution in the most polluted nonattain-
ment areas. The Administration continues to support investment in EPA’s work of limiting
emissions of harmful air pollutants, such as air toxics that are especially harmful to frontline
communities and greenhouse gases that are contributing to the climate crisis.
Supports the Administration’s Goal of Replacing All Lead Pipes. The Budget pro-
vides a total of $101 million for two EPA grant programs dedicated to remediating lead
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for protecting human health and
the environment. The President’s 2025 Budget for EPA continues the historic progress and
investments made by the Administration and supports the continuing restoration of the Agency’s
capacity to carry out its vital mission to ensure clean air and water, tackle the climate crisis,
return contaminated land to productive use, safeguard chemicals in commerce, and advance
environmental justice.
The Budget requests $11billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, an $858million or
8.4-percent increase from the 2023 level.
contamination in drinking water—the Reducing Lead in Drinking Water grant program and
the Voluntary School and Child Care Lead Testing and Reduction Grant Program—an increase
of $53million over the 2021 enacted level. This investment, along with other programs at EPA
that can be used for lead projects, like the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, builds on
the historic $15billion in direct funding for lead pipe replacement through the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law and underscores the Administration’s commitment to ensuring access to
safe drinking water and creating good-paying jobs in the process.
Advances Environmental Justice. The Administration continues to take bold steps and
prioritize efforts to deliver environmental justice in communities across the United States,
including implementing the President’s Justice40 Initiative and keeping up the momentum of
the historic Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act environmental justice
investments. The Budget bolsters these efforts by providing robust funding for EPA’s newly
established Office of Environmental Justice and External Civil Rights and investing nearly
$1.5billion across numerous programs throughout the Agency in support of environmental
justice efforts, including investments that would support cleaner air and cleaner water in
frontline communities. This includes a new $25million categorical grant program to develop
Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements to carry out crucial environmental pro-
grams in Indian Country that would include a focus on addressing the impacts of climate
Invests in Critical Water Infrastructure. The Budget provides a total of $2.4billion for
the State Revolving Funds (SRFs) for drinking water and wastewater infrastructure, an in-
crease of more than $1billion over the 2023 enacted level for those programs. The SRFs allow
States to fund high priority projects that improve human health and environmental condi-
tions. These funds and other water infrastructure programs within EPA, such as the Water
Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act credit program, investments in lead pipe replace-
ment, and funding grants authorized in the Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act
of 2021, complement significant resources provided for water infrastructure in the Bipartisan
Infrastructure Law. The Budget also includes $30million for a new program that addresses
gaps in resources to help improve the Federal response to water-related emergencies.
Safeguards against Dangerous Chemicals and Protects Public Health and the
Environment. The Budget continues to build core capacity under the Toxic Substances
Control Act (TSCA) and modernize information technology and data software for the TSCA
program with an investment of $132million, which is $49million above the 2023 enacted lev-
el. The Superfund and Brownfields Programs support efforts to clean up and revitalize sites
contaminated by hazardous waste releases to the environment. The Budget includes $661mil-
lion for Superfund and would be complemented by an estimated $2.2billion in Superfund tax
revenue that is expected to be available in 2025, for a total of approximately $2.9billion.In
addition, the Budget includes $208million for Brownfields, an increase of $34 million over
the 2023 enacted level. The Budget proposes approximately $170million for EPA to contin-
ue addressing per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) through actions highlighted in the
Agency’s PFAS Strategic Roadmap.
Continues to Build Back Critical Capacity to Carry Out EPAs Core Mission. The
Budget adds more than 2,000 full-time equivalents (FTEs) relative to 2023 levels, for a total of
more than 17,000 FTEs, working on protective regulations, oversight of delegated programs,
enforcement and compliance, land clean-up, grant deployment, public communication and
engagement, and scientific research in support of all offices at EPA. In addition, the Budget in-
cludes necessary resources for EPA to begin addressing Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure,
and Trustworthy Development and Use of Artificial Intelligence.These staffing investments
would enable EPA to better serve the American people and protect the Nation’s public and
environmental health.
Ensures Compliance with and Enforcement of the Nation’s Environmental Laws.
The Budget provides $260million for civil enforcement efforts, which is $50million above the
2023 enacted level and $88million above the 2021 enacted level, including funding to pre-
vent the illegal importation and use of hydrofluorocarbons in the United States. The Budget
also includes: $172 million for compliance monitoring efforts, $57 million above the 2023
enacted level, including funds to conduct inspections in underserved, disadvantaged, and over-
burdened communities, and funds to rebuild the inspector corps; and $77million for criminal
enforcement efforts, an increase of $6million over the 2023 enacted level. The Agency would
also implement the National Enforcement and Compliance Initiatives to target these invest-
ments on the most serious environmental violations.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Invests in the U.S.-led Artemis Program of Lunar Exploration. The Budget includes
$7.8billion for the Artemis program, which would bring astronauts—including the first wom-
en, first people of color, and first international astronauts—to the lunar surface as part of a
long-term journey of science and exploration. The Budget invests in new systems to assist lu-
nar surface science and exploration activities, including a small lunar rover and a large cargo
lander that would be used to deliver larger rovers and habitats to the surface in the 2030s.
Supports Highly-Efficient and Greener Commercial Airliners. The Budget invests
$966million in NASA’s Aeronautics program. Within this topline, the Budget provides a
12-percent increase above the 2023 enacted level for green aviation projects, which would
develop hybrid-electric jet engines, lightweight aircraft structures, and a major new flight
demonstrator to pave the way for new commercial airliners that would be cheaper to operate
and produce less pollution.
Enhances Climate Science and Information. The Budget invests $2.4billion, $184million
above the 2023 enacted level, in the Earth Science program for missions and activities that
advance Earth systems science and also increase accessibility to information to mitigate
natural hazards, support climate action, and manage natural resources. This includes
$150million for the next generation of Landsat satellites, ensuring continuity of data that
is used for water resource management and climate science. This also includes develop-
ment of applications and tools to support wildland fire management, provide farmers with
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is responsible for sending astronauts
and robotic missions to explore the solar system, advancing the Nation’s understanding of the
Earth and space, and developing new technologies and approaches to improve aviation and
space activities. The President’s 2025 Budget for NASA enables progress toward priority goals
including: exploring the Moon with U.S. and international partner astronauts; understanding the
Earth system; conducting a broad space science program consisting of multiple exciting missions;
and transitioning from a Government-led to commercially-led space stations.
The Budget requests $25.4billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a 9.1-percent
increase since the start of the Administration, to advance space exploration, improve
understanding of the Earth and space, develop and test new aviation and space technologies,
and to do this all with increased efciency, including through the use of tools such as articial
information they can use, and better understand greenhouse gas emissions from natural and
human-caused sources through the U.S. Greenhouse Gas Center, a multi-agency collaboration
to improve data sets and analysis tools.
Advances Exploration of the Solar System and Universe. The Budget provides
$5.2 billion for space science, enabling a broad portfolio of missions to explore the solar system
and universe. The Budget supports: continued operations of the James Webb Space Telescope;
increasing space weather research and applications; and expanding technology maturation
ef forts at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center to find habitable planets beyond the solar sys-
tem. Given that the Mars Sample Return mission is a major part of part of NASAs planetary
science budget, the Budget enables NASAs internal assessment of mission architecture op-
tions to be completed to address mission cost overruns before providing more details for the
$2.7 billion in planetary science budget.
Increases Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Opportunities
at Minority-Serving Institutions. The Budget provides $46 million to the Minority
University Research and Education Project, to increase competitive awards to Historically
Black Colleges and Universities, Tribal Colleges and Universities, and other Minority-Serving
Institutions, and recruit and retain underrepresented and underserved students in STEM
Advances U.S. Space Industry Technology Development. The Budget provides
$1.2 billion for NASA’s Space Technology portfolio to foster innovative technology research
and development to meet the needs of NASA, support the expanding U.S. space industry which
is creating a growing number of good jobs, and keep America ahead of competitors at the fore-
front of space innovation. The Budget funds the close-out of the On-orbit Servicing, Assembly,
and Manufacturing mission, freeing up funding to grow early-stage space technology research
and development programs, fund additional technology collaboration opportunities between
NASA and industry, and fully-fund the Demonstration Rocket for Agile Cislunar Operations
nuclear propulsion demonstration project, a cooperative program with the Defense Advanced
Research Projects Agency.
Continues the Transition to Commercial Space Stations. The Budget funds continued
operation of the International Space Station (ISS), a vehicle to safely de-orbit the space station
after it is retired in 2030, and the commercial space stations that NASA would use as soon as
they become available. The Budget gradually reduces research and other activities on board
the ISS in order to provide the funding necessary for the de-orbit vehicle and commercial
space stations. The Administration continues to strongly support the transition to commercial
space stations in 2030, which would maintain U.S. leadership in low earth orbit and free up
resources to allow NASA to make greater investments in cutting-edge science and exploration
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Accelerates Regional Innovation across the Nation. In support of a major priority of
the CHIPS and Science Act, the Budget increases investments to translate the results of ba-
sic research into practical applications and processes that can benefit the Nation, including
$900 million for the Directorate for Technology, Innovation, and Partnerships, an increase
of $236 million from the 2023 enacted level. The Budget also includes $205 million for the
Regional Innovation Engines program, which facilitates the creation of regional innovation
ecosystems, particularly in areas of the Nation that do not already have strong technology
ecosystems, bringing good-paying jobs in in-demand industries to more areas.
Strengthens U.S. Leadership in AI and Emerging Technologies. The Budget provides
more than $2 billion for research and development (R&D) in critical emerging technology
areas in alignment with CHIPS and Science Act priorities of boosting U.S. competitiveness in
science and technology, including AI, advanced manufacturing, advanced wireless, biotechnol-
ogies, microelectronics and semiconductors, and quantum information science. The Budget
also includes $30 million for the second year for a pilot of the National AI Research Resource,
as highlighted in Executive Order 14110, “Safe, Secure, and Trustworthy Development and
Use of Artificial Intelligence,” which aims to democratize access to resources to support the
research and innovation needed to build the next generation of safe and trustworthy AI.
Advances Climate Research and Development. The Budget includes $1.4 billion for
R&D on climate and clean energy technologies, an increase of $80 million from the 2023
enacted level. This investment supports a broad portfolio of research that includes: at-
mospheric composition; water and carbon cycles; renewable energy technologies; climate
resilience technologies for communities heavily affected by climate change; and social, be-
havioral, and economic research on human responses to climate change, among other topics.
The National Science Foundation (NSF) is responsible for promoting the progress of science
and innovation, including advancing science education. The President’s 2025 Budget for NSF
builds on previous years’ investments and furthers the goals of the CHIPS and Science Act,
including: strengthening U.S. leadership in articial intelligence (AI) and other critical emerging
technologies; boosting research and development, including for combating the climate crisis;
supporting the Nation’s research infrastructure; advancing equity while promoting education
and workforce development in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM); and
increasing research security and oversight.
The Budget requests $10.2 billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $644 million or
6.8-percent increase from the 2023 level.
Bolsters the Nation’s Research Infrastructure. The Budget includes $300 million for
research infrastructure at NSF to support the construction and procurement of research fa-
cilities and instrumentation across the Nation to enable scientific and technological advances.
The Budget provides support for: upgrades to the Large Hadron Collider, the world’s largest
particle accelerator; construction of the Leadership-Class Computing Facility to support sci-
ence and engineering research that requires the largest and most computationally intensive
capabilities; and long-term upgrades of NSF’s major Antarctic infrastructure. The Budget
also includes support for continued design and development work for a single extremely large
telescope, which has the potential to advance ground-based astronomy observing capabilities
for U.S. researchers.
Promotes Equity in STEM Education and Workforce Training. In support of the
CHIPS and Science Act’s priority of building a diverse, STEM-capable workforce, the Budget
provides $1.4 billion for STEM education and workforce development programs at NSF that
have an emphasis on diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility. Within this amount, the
Budget includes $592 million, an increase of $51 million from the 2023 enacted level, for
programs focused on increasing the participation of groups historically underrepresented in
science and engineering fields, including women and girls and people of color, by supporting:
curriculum design; research on successful recruitment and retention methods; development of
outreach or mentorship programs; fellowships; and building science and engineering research
and education capacity at Historically Black Colleges and Universities, Tribally Controlled
Colleges and Universities, and Minority-Serving Institutions.
Increases Research Security and Oversight. The Budget includes $18 million for re-
search security activities at NSF, an increase of $6 million from the 2023 enacted level, to
identify risks to the U.S. research enterprise and to develop policies and best practices to
mitigate against those risks. The Budget also includes support for the expanded role of the
Office of the Inspector General to conduct oversight and prosecution cases of sexual assault
and harassment in the United States Antarctic Program.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Expands Access to Capital for Small Businesses. Building on the historic growth in
small business applications under the President and Vice President’s leadership, the Budget
supports historic lending levels across SBAs business lending programs, including: the 7(a)
business loan guarantee; capital for major fixed assets, otherwise known as a 504 loan guar-
antee; the Small Business Investment Company (SBIC) program; and Microloan programs.
The over $58billion in lending provided in the Budget would address the need for greater
access to affordable capital, particularly in underserved communities. The Budget proposes
a new direct 7(a) lending program, which would further enable SBA to address gaps in access
to small dollar lending. In addition, increasing the authorized lending level for the SBIC
program by 16 percent to $7billion would significantly expand the availability of venture
capital funding for small businesses.
Supports Disaster Mitigation and Recovery. As communities across the Nation face
increased risks from natural disasters, the Budget continues to support SBAs Disaster Loan
Program, a program that is vital to ensuring SBA can continue to administer low-interest
disaster loans that provide a financial lifeline for homeowners and businesses recovering
from natural disasters.
Delivers Equitable Access to Counseling and Training Resources. The Budget pro-
vides $20million for the Community Navigator Pilot Program, which works with community
organizations to provide and amplify awareness of free and low-cost business counseling
and training resources. Community Navigators are reducing resource and access barriers in
underserved communities, including veterans, women, rural communities, and communities
of color.
The Small Business Administration (SBA) is responsible for ensuring that small businesses,
entrepreneurs, innovative startups, and disaster-impacted communities have access to the tools
and resources they need to start, recover, build, and grow. The President’s 2025 Budget for
SBA supports comprehensive and equitable access to business technical assistance services,
affordable capital, and Government contracting opportunities.
The Budget requests $971million in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a 25-percent
increase over the 2021 enacted level at the beginning of the Administration. The Budget
continues to build on the historic small business growth achieved under this Administration by
expanding access to capital, counseling services, contracting opportunities, and disaster recovery
Invests in Innovators. The Budget provides $30million to support SBA’s Growth Accelerator
Fund Competition, Regional Innovation Clusters, and the Federal and State Technology
Partnership Program to provide entrepreneurs at various technical readiness levels with a
network of technical assistance providers including accelerators, State and local economic
development agencies, colleges and universities, and other technology-based economic devel-
opment entities. This technical assistance provides small business entrepreneurs access to
the tools, networks, and services they need to commercialize cutting-edge innovation and bring
solutions to the market.
Invests in Veteran-Owned Small Businesses. In January 2023, SBA began accepting
applications for the Veteran Small Business Certification program to expand small business
contracting opportunities for veterans. The Budget provides $16million to support this im-
portant program, including the cost to review certification and recertification applications for
veteran and service-disabled veteran-owned small businesses.
The President’s 2025 Budget:
Protects the Benefits that Americans Have Earned. The Administration is commit-
ted to protecting and strengthening Social Security and opposes any attempt to cut Social
Security benefits as well as proposals to privatize Social Security. The Administration be-
lieves that protecting Social Security should start with asking the highest-income Americans
to pay their fair share. In addition, the Administration supports efforts to improve Social
Security benefits, as well as Supplemental Security Income benefits, for seniors and people
with disabilities, especially for those who face the greatest challenges making ends meet.
Improves Service Delivery. The Administration is committed to improving service deliv-
ery for the more than sixmillion retirement, survivor, and Medicare claimants, as well as the
more than two million individuals applying for disability and Supplemental Security Income
every year. The Budget provides an increase of $1.3billion, nine percent over the 2023 en-
acted level, to improve customer service at SSAs field offices, State disability determination
services, and teleservice centers for retirees, individuals with disabilities, and their families.
The Budget also improves access to SSA’s services by reducing wait times.
Provides National, Comprehensive Paid Family and Medical Leave.The vast major-
ity of America’s workers do not have access to employer-provided paid family leave, including
73 percent of private sector workers. Among the lowest-paid workers, who are dispropor-
tionately women and workers of color, 94 percent lack access to paid family leave through
their employers. In addition, as many as one in five retirees leave the workforce earlier than
planned to care for an ill family member, which negatively impacts families, as well as the
Nation’s labor supply and productivity. The Budget proposes to establish a national, compre-
hensive paid family and medical leave program administered by SSA. The program would:
provide workers with progressive, partial wage replacement to take time off for family and
medical reasons; include robust administrative funding; and use an inclusive family defini-
tion. The Budget would provide up to 12 weeks of leave to allow eligible workers to take time
The Social Security Administration (SSA) is responsible for providing essential benets to
retirees, survivors, individuals with disabilities, and older Americans with limited income and
resources, helping Americans retire with dignity. The President’s 2025 Budget for SSA supports
investments in improving service delivery and advancing equity and proposes a national paid
family and medical leave program that would give workers the time they need to care for
themselves or a loved one or to bond with a new child.
The Budget requests $15.4billion in discretionary budget authority for 2025, a $1.3billion or
8.9-percent increase from the 2023 level, including cap adjustment funding.
off to: care for and bond with a new child; care for a seriously ill loved one; heal from their own
serious illness; address circumstances arising from a loved one’s military deployment; or find
safety from domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking—otherwise known
as “safe leave. The Budget would also provide up to three days to grieve the death of a loved
one. The Administration looks forward to continuing to work with the Congress to make this
critical investment and strengthen America’s economy.
Advances Equity and Accessibility. The Administration is committed to making it easier
for people to access the services they rely on, including individuals experiencing homeless-
ness, children with disabilities, and people with mental health and intellectual disabilities.
The Budget makes investments to decrease customer wait times, to simplify Supplemental
Security Income application processes, and to expand access to Agency programs and services,
particularly for underserved communities. SSA will also continue to modernize its informa-
tion technology systems to make more services available online and improve 800 Number
access for those who call. The Budget also prioritizes actions to prevent overpayments and to
allow customers to navigate the recovery and waiver processes more easily.
Summary Tables
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Budget totals in billions of dollars:
Receipts .............................................................................. 4,441 5,082 5,485 5,873 6,186 6,510 6,830 7,164 7,509 7,873 8,258 8,639 30,883 70,328
Outlays ............................................................................... 6,135 6,941 7,266 7,419 7,697 8,083 8,313 8,805 9,123 9,544 10,060 10,316 38,777 86,625
........................................................................... 1,694 1,859 1,781 1,547 1,510 1,573 1,483 1,640 1,614 1,671 1,801 1,677 7,894 16,297
Debt held by the public ...................................................... 26,236 28,156 29,984 31,639 33,250 34,892 36,441 38,139 39,795 41,502 43,339 45,056
Debt held by the public net of financial assets ................. 23,728 25,587 27,370 28,917 30,428 32,001 33,485 35,129 36,748 38,419 40,220 41,897
Gross domestic product (GDP) .............................................. 26,977 28,255 29,340 30,553 31,816 33,129 34,511 35,984 37,546 39,176 40,877 42,654
Budget totals as a percent of GDP:
Receipts ..............................................................................
16.5% 18.0% 18.7% 19.2% 19.4% 19.6% 19.8% 19.9% 20.0% 20.1% 20.2% 20.3% 19.4% 19.7%
Outlays ............................................................................... 22.7% 24.6% 24.8% 24.3% 24.2% 24.4% 24.1% 24.5% 24.3% 24.4% 24.6% 24.2% 24.3% 24.4%
Deficit .............................................................................. 6.3% 6.6% 6.1% 5.1% 4.7% 4.7% 4.3% 4.6% 4.3% 4.3% 4.4% 3.9% 5.0% 4.6%
Debt held by the public ...................................................... 97.3% 99.6% 102.2% 103.6% 104.5% 105.3% 105.6% 106.0% 106.0% 105.9% 106.0% 105.6%
Debt held by the public net of financial assets ................. 88.0% 90.6% 93.3% 94.6% 95.6% 96.6% 97.0% 97.6% 97.9% 98.1% 98.4% 98.2%
Memorandum, real net interest:
Real net interest in billions of dollars ............................... –453 187 349 389 410 441 461 480 502 533 558 574 2,051 4,699
Real net interest as a percent of GDP ............................... –1.7% 0.7% 1.2% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3% 1.4% 1.4% 1.3% 1.3% 1.3%
The estimated deficit for 2024 is based on partial year actual data and generally incorporates actuals through November.
Table S–1. Budget Totals
(In billions of dollars and as a percent of GDP)
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Projected deficits in the baseline ................................................. 1,694 1,909 1,865 1,784 1,752 1,815 1,763 1,933 1,985 2,080 2,313 2,233 8,980 19,524
Percent of GDP ................................................................................. 6.3% 6.8% 6.4% 5.8% 5.5% 5.5% 5.1% 5.4% 5.3% 5.3% 5.7% 5.2%
Proposals in the 2025 Budget:
Lowering everyday costs for the American people:
Expand access to child care and early learning ......................... ......... ......... 15 23 40 56 65 73 75 81 85 87 199 600
Reduce the cost of health care ..................................................... ......... ......... 9 37 46 48 50 52 53 55 59 61 190 470
Reduce the cost of prescription drugs ......................................... ......... ......... * –1 –7 –19 –20 –26 –26 –32 –38 –38 –46 –205
Reduce the cost of and expand access to postsecondary
education and training ............................................................ ......... ......... 3 8 21 32 39 39 37 37 37 37 103 290
Reduce the cost of housing for home owners and renters .......... ......... 1 31 19 14 13 15 17 17 19 19 20 91 183
Offset by tax reforms to ensure the wealthiest Americans and
big corporations pay their fair share:
Impose a minimum income tax on the wealthiest taxpayers ......... ......... ......... –50 –56 –59 –60 –60 –59 –53 –50 –54 –227 –503
Increase the top marginal income tax rate for high-income
earners .................................................................................. ......... –10 –75 –31 –14 –15 –16 –17 –18 –19 –20 –21 –151 –246
Reform the taxation of capital income .................................... ......... ......... –18 –24 –25 –26 –28 –29 –31 –32 –34 –42 –121 –289
Close loopholes in the estate and gift taxes and related
reforms .................................................................................. ......... ......... –2 –4 –6 –8 –10 –12 –12 –13 –14 –16 –30 –97
Expand limitation on deductibility of excessive employee
remuneration ........................................................................ ......... ......... –37 –19 –30 –35 –31 –28 –22 –21 –22 –26 –153 –272
Subtotal, tax reforms to ensure the wealthiest Americans
and big corporations pay their fair share ....................... ......... –10 –132 –128 –132 –144 –145 –146 –142 –138 –141 –158 –681 –1,406
Total, lowering everyday costs for the American people ........ ......... –9 –75 –41 –18 –13 3 10 14 23 21 8 –144 –68
Invest in working families and improve healthcare:
Provide national, comprehensive paid family and medical
leave .......................................................................................... ......... ......... 2 10 18 20 25 50 50 50 50 50 75 325
Restore and make permanent the American Rescue Plan
expansion of the earned income tax credit for workers
without qualifying children ..................................................... ......... * 15 16 16 16 16 16 17 17 17 17 80 163
Expand the child credit, and make permanent full
refundability and advanceability ............................................ ......... 5 210 11 8 11 12 12 12 12 13 9 252 310
Improve home care ....................................................................... ......... ......... 3 4 6 8 10 13 17 23 30 40 30 154
Strengthen public health and improve health outcomes ........... ......... 2 11 31 42 42 42 46 44 45 48 51 167 402
Total, invest in working families and improve healthcare .... ......... 8 241 72 90 97 105 137 140 147 158 168 604 1,354
Tax reforms to make big corporations pay their fair share:
Raise the corporate income tax rate to 28 percent ..................... ......... –75 –122 –125 –128 –129 –128 –129 –138 –145 –150 –155 –633 –1,350
Increase the corporate alternative minimum tax rate to 21
percent ...................................................................................... ......... –10 –14 –12 –12 –13 –13 –14 –14 –15 –15 –16 –63 –137
Revise the global minimum tax regime, limit inversions, and
make related reforms ............................................................... ......... –9 –28 –36 –35 –35 –36 –38 –39 –41 –42 –44 –169 –374
Table S–2. Effect of Budget Proposals on Projected Deficits
(Deficit increases (+) or decreases (–) in billions of dollars)
Table S–2. Effect of Budget Proposals on Projected Deficits—Continued
(Deficit increases (+) or decreases (–) in billions of dollars)
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Adopt the undertaxed profits rule ............................................... ......... ......... –10 –15 –14 –14 –14 –14 –14 –14 –14 –14 –67 –136
Increase the excise tax rate on repurchase of corporate stock
and close loopholes ................................................................... ......... –4 –15 –15 –15 –15 –16 –16 –17 –18 –19 –20 –76 –166
Total, tax reforms to make big corporations pay their fair
share ..................................................................................... ......... –97 –189 –202 –204 –206 –208 –211 –222 –232 –240 –249 –1,008 –2,164
Close Medicare tax loopholes and increase Medicare tax for
people making over $400,000 ....................................................... ......... –17 –81 –61 –64 –70 –75 –80 –85 –89 –94 –99 –351 –797
Additional investments and reforms ............................................... ......... 67 24 4 –29 –27 –76 –111 –171 –199 –284 –296 –103 –1,165
Debt service and other interest effects ........................................... ......... –1 –4 –9 –16 –23 –30 –38 –47 –59 –72 –88 –83 –388
Total proposals in the 2025 Budget .............................................. ......... –50 –84 –238 –242 –242 –281 –292 –371 –409 –512 –556 –1,086 –3,227
Resulting deficits in the 2025 Budget .......................................... 1,694 1,859 1,781 1,547 1,510 1,573 1,483 1,640 1,614 1,671 1,801 1,677 7,894 16,297
Percent of GDP ................................................................................. 6.3% 6.6% 6.1% 5.1% 4.7% 4.7% 4.3% 4.6% 4.3% 4.3% 4.4% 3.9%
* $500 million or less.
Table S–3. Baseline by Category
(In billions of dollars)
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Discretionary programs:
Defense ........................................................................... 806 852 884 902 923 938 958 972 998 1,022 1,046 1,070 4,604 9,712
Non-defense .................................................................... 912 965 995 993 1,003 1,009 1,019 1,033 1,054 1,087 1,112 1,136 5,019 10,441
Subtotal, discretionary programs .............................. 1,718 1,818 1,879 1,894 1,926 1,947 1,977 2,005 2,052 2,109 2,158 2,206 9,624 20,153
Mandatory programs:
Social Security ................................................................ 1,348 1,452 1,543 1,637 1,730 1,824 1,919 2,018 2,118 2,221 2,325 2,432 8,653 19,767
Medicare ......................................................................... 839 839 936 997 1,075 1,219 1,176 1,335 1,423 1,534 1,789 1,766 5,402 13,249
Medicaid ......................................................................... 616 567 587 622 662 701 742 785 833 885 940 996 3,314 7,752
Other mandatory programs ........................................... 955 1,308 1,038 1,038 1,037 1,041 1,106 1,174 1,191 1,230 1,285 1,291 5,260 11,431
Subtotal, mandatory programs ................................. 3,758 4,165 4,104 4,294 4,503 4,786 4,943 5,311 5,565 5,870 6,339 6,484 22,629 52,199
Net interest ........................................................................ 658 890 969 1,022 1,088 1,158 1,220 1,278 1,347 1,425 1,500 1,572 5,457 12,579
Total outlays ................................................................... 6,135 6,873 6,952 7,211 7,517 7,891 8,140 8,594 8,964 9,404 9,997 10,262 37,710 84,931
Individual income taxes ..................................................... 2,176 2,510 2,639 2,915 3,145 3,325 3,496 3,658 3,848 4,055 4,265 4,486 15,520 35,834
Corporation income taxes .................................................. 420 520 467 453 440 454 483 494 512 550 559 570 2,297 4,982
Social insurance and retirement receipts:
Social Security payroll taxes ......................................... 1,194 1,240 1,285 1,343 1,399 1,469 1,528 1,592 1,658 1,725 1,817 1,887 7,023 15,702
Medicare payroll taxes ................................................... 358 384 399 415 433 456 475 496 518 540 570 593 2,178 4,894
Unemployment insurance .............................................. 49 54 56 59 62 64 64 67 70 71 73 78 306 664
Other retirement ............................................................ 14 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 78 175
Excise taxes ........................................................................ 76 97 97 100 100 99 101 103 103 104 105 105 497 1,016
Estate and gift taxes .......................................................... 34 29 31 33 49 51 53 56 60 65 70 75 218 543
Customs duties ................................................................... 80 81 61 53 53 55 57 59 61 53 56 58 277 564
Deposits of earnings, Federal Reserve System ................. 1 ......... ......... ......... 25 40 51 62 71 79 85 90 116 503
Other miscellaneous receipts ............................................ 40 35 37 40 43 47 51 56 60 63 66 68 218 530
Total receipts .................................................................. 4,441 4,964 5,087 5,426 5,765 6,076 6,376 6,661 6,979 7,324 7,684 8,029 28,730 65,407
Deficit .................................................................................... 1,694 1,909 1,865 1,784 1,752 1,815 1,763 1,933 1,985 2,080 2,313 2,233 8,980 19,524
Net interest ........................................................................ 658 890 969 1,022 1,088 1,158 1,220 1,278 1,347 1,425 1,500 1,572 5,457 12,579
Primary deficit ................................................................... 1,035 1,019 896 762 664 657 544 655 638 655 814 661 3,523 6,945
On-budget deficit ................................................................ 1,666 1,837 1,753 1,648 1,590 1,637 1,550 1,692 1,712 1,770 1,990 1,872 8,179 17,214
Off-budget deficit ................................................................ 27 72 112 136 162 178 213 241 273 310 323 361 801 2,310
Baseline estimates are on the basis of the economic assumptions shown in Table S–9, which incorporate the effects of the Administration's fiscal policies.
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Discretionary programs:
Defense ........................................................................... 806 884 900 906 920 940 961 967 981 990 998 1,005 4,626 9,566
Non-defense .................................................................... 912 1,001 1,029 1,021 1,014 993 986 986 993 1,018 1,038 1,057 5,042 10,134
Subtotal, discretionary programs .............................. 1,718 1,885 1,929 1,927 1,934 1,933 1,946 1,952 1,974 2,008 2,036 2,062 9,669 19,700
Mandatory programs:
Social Security ................................................................ 1,348 1,452 1,543 1,637 1,730 1,824 1,919 2,018 2,118 2,221 2,325 2,432 8,653 19,767
Medicare ......................................................................... 839 839 936 997 1,069 1,202 1,158 1,311 1,398 1,504 1,721 1,693 5,362 12,989
Medicaid ......................................................................... 616 567 589 625 666 707 749 797 850 907 969 1,035 3,335 7,893
Other mandatory programs ........................................... 955 1,310 1,303 1,221 1,225 1,281 1,350 1,487 1,483 1,538 1,580 1,609 6,381 14,077
Subtotal, mandatory programs ................................. 3,758 4,167 4,372 4,479 4,690 5,014 5,176 5,612 5,849 6,169 6,595 6,769 23,731 54,725
Net interest ........................................................................ 658 889 965 1,013 1,072 1,136 1,190 1,241 1,301 1,367 1,428 1,485 5,377 12,199
Total outlays ................................................................... 6,135 6,941 7,266 7,419 7,697 8,083 8,313 8,805 9,123 9,544 10,060 10,316 38,777 86,625
Individual income taxes ..................................................... 2,176 2,503 2,679 2,976 3,178 3,369 3,549 3,734 3,925 4,129 4,341 4,574 15,751 36,455
Corporation income taxes .................................................. 420 613 668 721 703 710 741 770 806 859 882 905 3,544 7,766
Social insurance and retirement receipts:
Social Security payroll taxes ......................................... 1,194 1,240 1,284 1,342 1,397 1,467 1,526 1,591 1,656 1,723 1,814 1,885 7,016 15,685
Medicare payroll taxes ................................................... 358 413 542 519 543 572 597 625 653 682 720 752 2,772 6,203
Unemployment insurance .............................................. 49 54 56 59 62 64 64 67 70 71 73 78 306 664
Other retirement ............................................................ 14 14 14 15 16 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 78 175
Excise taxes ........................................................................ 76 100 110 112 113 113 115 118 118 120 122 122 563 1,163
Estate and gift taxes .......................................................... 34 29 33 35 53 57 61 65 69 75 80 87 238 614
Customs duties ................................................................... 80 81 61 53 53 55 57 59 61 53 56 58 277 564
Deposits of earnings, Federal Reserve System ................. 1 ......... ......... ......... 25 40 51 62 71 79 85 90 116 503
Other miscellaneous receipts ............................................ 40 35 38 41 43 47 52 56 60 64 66 69 221 537
Total receipts .................................................................. 4,441 5,082 5,485 5,873 6,186 6,510 6,830 7,164 7,509 7,873 8,258 8,639 30,883 70,328
Deficit .................................................................................... 1,694 1,859 1,781 1,547 1,510 1,573 1,483 1,640 1,614 1,671 1,801 1,677 7,894 16,297
Net interest ........................................................................ 658 889 965 1,013 1,072 1,136 1,190 1,241 1,301 1,367 1,428 1,485 5,377 12,199
Primary deficit ................................................................... 1,035 971 816 533 438 437 293 400 313 304 373 192 2,516 4,098
On-budget deficit ................................................................ 1,666 1,788 1,669 1,410 1,346 1,392 1,268 1,398 1,338 1,359 1,476 1,313 7,086 13,970
Off-budget deficit ................................................................ 27 72 112 137 164 180 215 243 275 312 326 364 807 2,327
Table S–4. Proposed Budget by Category
(In billions of dollars)
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Discretionary programs:
Defense ........................................................................... 3.0 3.1 3.1 3.0 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.6 2.5 2.4 2.4 2.9 2.7
Non-defense .................................................................... 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.3 3.2 3.0 2.9 2.7 2.6 2.6 2.5 2.5 3.2 2.9
Subtotal, discretionary programs .............................. 6.4 6.7 6.6 6.3 6.1 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.3 5.1 5.0 4.8 6.1 5.6
Mandatory programs:
Social Security ................................................................ 5.0 5.1 5.3 5.4 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.6 5.6 5.7 5.7 5.7 5.4 5.5
Medicare ......................................................................... 3.1 3.0 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.6 3.4 3.6 3.7 3.8 4.2 4.0 3.4 3.6
Medicaid ......................................................................... 2.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.3 2.3 2.4 2.4 2.1 2.2
Other mandatory programs ........................................... 3.5 4.6 4.4 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.9 4.1 3.9 3.9 3.9 3.8 4.0 4.0
Subtotal, mandatory programs ................................. 13.9 14.7 14.9 14.7 14.7 15.1 15.0 15.6 15.6 15.7 16.1 15.9 14.9 15.3
Net interest ........................................................................ 2.4 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4
Total outlays ................................................................... 22.7 24.6 24.8 24.3 24.2 24.4 24.1 24.5 24.3 24.4 24.6 24.2 24.3 24.4
Individual income taxes ..................................................... 8.1 8.9 9.1 9.7 10.0 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 10.5 10.6 10.7 9.9 10.2
Corporation income taxes .................................................. 1.6 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.2 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.1 2.2 2.2
Social insurance and retirement receipts:
Social Security payroll taxes ......................................... 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4 4.4
Medicare payroll taxes ................................................... 1.3 1.5 1.8 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 1.8 1.8 1.7 1.7
Unemployment insurance .............................................. 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Other retirement ............................................................ 0.1 * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Excise taxes ........................................................................ 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3
Estate and gift taxes .......................................................... 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2
Customs duties ................................................................... 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2
Deposits of earnings, Federal Reserve System ................. * ......... ......... ......... 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.1
Other miscellaneous receipts ............................................ 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2
Total receipts .................................................................. 16.5 18.0 18.7 19.2 19.4 19.6 19.8 19.9 20.0 20.1 20.2 20.3 19.4 19.7
Deficit .................................................................................... 6.3 6.6 6.1 5.1 4.7 4.7 4.3 4.6 4.3 4.3 4.4 3.9 5.0 4.6
Net interest ........................................................................ 2.4 3.1 3.3 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.4 3.4
Primary deficit ................................................................... 3.8 3.4 2.8 1.7 1.4 1.3 0.8 1.1 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.4 1.6 1.2
On-budget deficit ................................................................ 6.2 6.3 5.7 4.6 4.2 4.2 3.7 3.9 3.6 3.5 3.6 3.1 4.5 4.0
Off-budget deficit ................................................................ 0.1 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.7 0.8 0.8 0.9 0.5 0.6
* 0.05 percent of GDP or less.
Table S–5. Proposed Budget by Category as a Percent of GDP
(As a percent of GDP)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Lower everyday costs for the American people:
Expand access to child care and early learning:
Department of Health and Human Services:
Expand access to affordable, quality child care
for low- and middle-income families ............... ......... 9,900 16,400 32,200 43,800 47,600 52,000 53,100 54,800 56,600 57,900 149,900 424,300
Expand access to free, universal preschool ......... ......... 5,000 7,000 8,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 25,000 30,000 32,500 32,500 55,000 200,000
Account for child care and preschool interaction ......... ......... ......... ......... –2,600 –3,100 –3,600 –3,600 –3,700 –3,800 –3,900 –5,700 –24,300
Subtotal, expand access to child care and
early learning ............................................... ......... 14,900 23,400 40,200 56,200 64,500 73,400 74,500 81,100 85,300 86,500 199,200 600,000
Reduce the cost of health care:
Crosscutting reforms:
Permanently extend enhanced premium tax
.............................................................. ......... ......... 18,408 25,980 27,783 29,326 31,171 32,051 33,715 35,967 38,302 101,497 272,703
Permanently extend coverage to low-income
individuals in States that have not expanded
Medicaid ........................................................... ......... 8,500 19,000 20,000 20,500 21,000 21,500 21,500 22,000 23,000 23,000 89,000 200,000
Replenish and extend No Surprises Act
implementation fund ....................................... ......... 103 115 118 122 42 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 500 500
Extend surprise billing protections to ground
...................................................... ......... ......... –74 –101 –104 –113 –117 –121 –128 –133 –140 –392 –1,031
Ban “facility fees” for telehealth and certain
outpatient services in commercial insurance ... ......... ......... –190 –190 –190 –280 –280 –280 –280 –280 –280 –850 –2,250
Subtotal, reduce the cost of health care .......... ......... 8,603 37,259 45,807 48,111 49,975 52,274 53,150 55,307 58,554 60,882 189,755 469,922
Reduce the cost of prescription drugs:
Department of Health and Human Services:
Expand Medicare drug negotiation, extend
inflation rebates and out-of-pocket cost caps
to the commercial market, and other steps
to build on the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
drug provisions ................................................. ......... ......... –1,000 –7,000 –18,000 –19,000 –25,000 –25,000 –31,000 –37,000 –37,000 –45,000 –200,000
Limit Medicare Part D cost-sharing on certain
generic drugs to $2 ........................................... ......... ......... ......... 129 173 173 173 174 174 173 173 475 1,342
Modify the Medicaid Drug Rebate Program in
the Territories ................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Permit biosimilar substitution without Food and
Drug Administration (FDA) determination of
interchangeability ............................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Authorize the Department of Health and
Human Services (HHS) to negotiate Medicaid
supplemental rebates on behalf of States ....... ......... ......... ......... ......... –670 –690 –710 –740 –770 –790 –810 –1,360 –5,180
Apply Medicaid drug rebates to separate
Children’s Health Insurance Programs
(CHIP) ............................................................... ......... –220 –230 –240 –260 –280 –290 –230 –180 –180 –180 –1,230 –2,290
Crosscutting reforms:
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals
(In millions of dollars)
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Reduce insulin cost-sharing in commercial
................................................................ ......... 580 473 108 24 25 27 22 25 27 27 1,210 1,338
Subtotal, reduce the cost of prescription drugs .... ......... 360 –757 –7,003 –18,733 –19,772 –25,800 –25,774 –31,751 –37,770 –37,790 –45,905 –204,790
Reduce the cost of and expand access to
postsecondary education and training:
Department of Education:
Double Pell Grants for students at public and
non-profit institutions ...................................... ......... 906 3,922 6,974 10,354 14,151 16,777 17,040 17,315 17,584 17,891 36,307 122,914
Create the Reducing the Costs of College Fund ... ......... 240 600 840 960 1,200 1,320 1,320 1,560 1,680 2,280 3,840 12,000
Fund free community college .............................. ......... ......... 531 7,190 13,752 16,590 13,294 10,443 9,579 9,278 9,343 38,063 90,000
Fund Advancing Affordability for Students
(Historically Black Colleges and Universities
(HBCU)/Tribally Controlled Colleges and
Universities (TCCU)/Minority Serving
Institution (MSI) Tuition Subsidies) ................ ......... ......... 85 2,662 3,477 3,596 3,925 4,050 4,138 4,228 3,839 9,820 30,000
Eliminate student loan origination fees ............. ......... 1,278 1,910 1,939 1,966 2,000 2,040 2,079 2,052 2,048 2,099 9,093 19,411
Department of Labor:
Create a Classroom to Career Training Fund to
support high-quality training .......................... ......... 89 585 884 1,000 1,078 1,091 1,091 1,091 1,091 ......... 3,636 8,000
Corporation for National and Community
Expand the American Climate Corps ......... ......... 125 250 430 600 860 990 1,180 1,180 1,190 1,195 2,265 8,000
Subtotal, reduce the cost of and expand
access to postsecondary education and
training ......................................................... ......... 2,638 7,883 20,919 32,109 39,475 39,437 37,203 36,915 37,099 36,647 103,024 290,325
Reduce the cost of housing for home owners and
Department of Housing and Urban Development:
Create an Innovation Fund for Housing
Expansion ......................................................... ......... 10 310 910 1,680 2,500 3,190 3,370 3,090 2,320 1,500 5,410 18,880
Fund new units for extremely low-income
households ........................................................ ......... 610 638 666 696 728 761 795 831 868 907 3,338 7,500
Modernize the public housing stock .................... ......... ......... 75 375 1,125 1,125 1,275 1,275 1,950 300 ......... 2,700 7,500
Create a housing voucher program for youth
aging out of foster care .................................... ......... ......... 215 422 720 951 1,124 1,254 1,372 1,487 1,606 2,308 9,151
Create a housing voucher program for
extremely low-income veterans ....................... ......... ......... 241 507 711 868 1,037 1,211 1,682 2,748 4,120 2,327 13,125
Provide down payment assistance to first
generation homebuyers ................................... ......... 243 755 1,523 2,386 2,338 1,768 558 237 192 ......... 7,245 10,000
Fund efforts to support and sustain eviction
prevention ......................................................... ......... 500 1,000 750 750 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 3,000 3,000
Fund new assistance for homelessness ............... ......... 2 67 329 603 871 1,108 1,278 1,175 915 685 1,872 7,033
Provide emergency rental assistance for older
adults at risk of homelessness ......................... ......... 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 300 1,500 3,000
Department of the Treasury:
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Provide Mortgage Relief Credit
.......................... 710 28,517 14,066 5,005 –218 –69 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 47,301 47,301
Provide a neighborhood homes credit
................ ......... 270 1,145 1,829 1,963 2,099 2,183 2,253 2,304 2,371 2,428 7,306 18,845
Expand and enhance the low-income housing
................................................................ ......... 84 354 980 1,918 2,961 4,010 5,054 6,090 7,118 8,077 6,297 36,646
Affordable Housing Program:
Increase Federal Home Loan Banks’
contribution to the Affordable Housing
......................................................... ......... 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 475 950
Subtotal, reduce the cost of housing for home
owners and renters ...................................... 710 30,631 19,261 13,691 12,729 14,767 16,851 17,443 19,126 18,714 19,718 91,079 182,931
Offset by tax reforms to ensure the wealthiest
Americans and big corporations pay their fair
Impose a minimum income tax on the
wealthiest taxpayers
................................... ......... ......... –50,310 –56,387 –59,430 –60,451 –59,974 –59,331 –53,057 –50,215 –53,513 –226,578 –502,668
Increase the top marginal income tax rate for
high-income earners
................................... –9,871 –75,419 –31,189 –13,798 –14,939 –15,859 –16,818 –17,833 –18,885 –19,997 –21,187 –151,204 –245,924
Reform the taxation of capital income
........... ......... –18,031 –23,713 –25,164 –26,417 –27,624 –29,050 –30,727 –32,158 –33,758 –41,941 –120,949 –288,583
Close loopholes in the estate and gift taxes and
related reforms:
Improve tax administration for trusts and
decedents’ estates
....................................... ......... –9 –79 –83 –96 –112 –130 –150 –174 –199 –227 –379 –1,259
Limit duration of generation-skipping
transfer tax exemption
............................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Modify income, estate, gift, and generation-
skipping transfer tax rules for certain
........................................................... ......... –1,290 –2,625 –5,032 –6,855 –8,871 –10,566 –10,749 –11,608 –12,587 –13,567 –24,673 –83,750
Revise rules for valuation of certain property
... ......... –331 –955 –1,025 –1,139 –1,225 –1,296 –1,390 –1,493 –1,613 –1,745 –4,675 –12,212
Subtotal, close loopholes in the estate and
gift taxes and related reforms ................. ......... –1,630 –3,659 –6,140 –8,090 –10,208 –11,992 –12,289 –13,275 –14,399 –15,539 –29,727 –97,221
Expand limitation on deductibility of
excessive employee remuneration
............ ......... –37,169 –19,015 –30,421 –34,951 –31,354 –28,057 –22,148 –20,594 –22,385 –25,760 –152,910 –271,854
Subtotal, tax reforms to ensure the
wealthiest Americans and big
corporations pay their fair share ............. –9,871 –132,249 –127,886 –131,910 –143,827 –145,496 –145,891 –142,328 –137,969 –140,754 –157,940 –681,368 –1,406,250
Subtotal, lower everyday costs for the
American people ................................... –9,161 –75,117 –40,840 –18,296 –13,411 3,449 10,271 14,194 22,728 21,143 8,017 –144,215 –67,862
Invest in working families and improve healthcare:
Provide national, comprehensive paid family and
medical leave:
Social Security Administration:
Provide national, comprehensive paid family
and medical leave ............................................. ......... 2,000 10,000 18,000 20,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 325,000
Subtotal, provide national, comprehensive
paid family and medical leave ..................... ......... 2,000 10,000 18,000 20,000 25,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 75,000 325,000
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Restore and make permanent the American Rescue
Plan expansion of the earned income tax credit for
workers without qualifying children
.................... 388 15,330 15,770 15,998 16,126 16,310 16,451 16,503 16,587 16,695 16,783 79,534 162,553
Expand the child credit, and make permanent full
refundability and advanceability
........................... 5,409 209,890 11,210 7,769 11,376 11,586 11,827 12,157 12,372 12,717 9,120 251,831 310,024
Improve home care:
Department of Health and Human Services:
Improve Medicaid home and community-based
services ............................................................. ......... 3,000 4,000 5,250 7,050 9,400 12,550 16,750 22,350 29,850 39,800 28,700 150,000
Reclassify discretionary nursing home Survey
and Certification activities as mandatory ...... ......... ......... 218 352 448 458 469 480 490 501 513 1,476 3,929
Discretionary effects (non-add) ........................ ......... ......... –200 –325 –413 –422 –431 –441 –451 –462 –472 –1,360 –3,617
Require Medicaid adult and home and
community-based services quality reporting .... ......... 25 26 27 28 29 30 32 33 34 35 135 299
Increase private equity and real estate
investment trust ownership transparency in
long-term care (LTC) facilities ......................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Reduce survey frequency for high-performing
LTC facilities .................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Provide authority for the Secretary to collect
and expend re-survey fees from LTC facilities
within the Survey and Certification Program
that require a revisit survey ............................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Increase per instance civil monetary penalty
authority for LTC facilities .............................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Hold LTC facility owners accountable for
noncompliant closures and substandard care ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Improve the accuracy and reliability of Nursing
Home Care Compare data ............................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Extend to the United States Public Health
Service Commissioned Corps (USPHS)
Commissioned Corps benefits available to
other uniformed services ................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Align USPHS Commissioned Corps authorities
with select Armed Forces authorities and
the Military Department Exemption to
the Uniformed Services Employment and
Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) ............. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, improve home care ........................... ......... 3,025 4,244 5,629 7,526 9,887 13,049 17,262 22,873 30,385 40,348 30,311 154,228
Strengthen public health and improve health
Guarantee stable and adequate funding for the
Indian Health Service (IHS):
Department of Health and Human Services:
Shift the IHS to mandatory spending (gross) . ......... ......... 11,078 19,769 25,719 31,219 37,259 35,390 36,494 38,924 41,401 87,785 277,253
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Reduction in discretionary spending (non-
add) ........................................................... ......... ......... –5,127 –6,906 –8,422 –8,616 –8,814 –9,019 –9,224 –9,438 –9,653 –29,071 –75,219
Subtotal, guarantee adequate and stable
funding for the IHS .............................. ......... ......... 11,078 19,769 25,719 31,219 37,259 35,390 36,494 38,924 41,401 87,785 277,253
Transform behavioral health:
Department of Health and Human Services:
Modernize inpatient psychiatric and
behavioral health facilities’ health
information technology ................................ ......... ......... 400 300 300 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 1,000 1,000
Apply the Mental Health Parity and
Addiction Equity Act to Medicare
.............. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Eliminate the 190-day lifetime limit on
inpatient psychiatric facility services ......... ......... 140 175 180 200 205 220 235 240 260 265 900 2,120
Require Medicare to cover three behavioral
health visits without cost-sharing
............. ......... ......... 110 140 150 160 170 170 180 190 200 560 1,470
Revise criteria for psychiatric hospital
terminations from Medicare ........................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Modernize Medicare mental health benefits
. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Broaden the Health Professional Shortage
Area (HPSA) Incentive Program to include
additional non-physician and behavioral
health practitioners ..................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Provide mandatory funding for State
enforcement of mental health parity
requirements ................................................ ......... 10 40 25 25 25 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 125 125
Create a Mental Health Transformation
Fund ............................................................... ......... 400 400 400 400 400 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 2,000 2,000
Provide grants to Community Mental Health
Centers ......................................................... ......... 124 289 372 413 413 413 413 413 413 413 1,611 3,676
Convert Medicaid demonstration to improve
community mental health services into a
permanent program ..................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... 223 641 1,033 2,160 2,304 2,453 2,604 864 11,418
Department of Labor:
Authorize the Department of Labor (DOL)
to pursue parity violations by entities
that provide administrative services to
Employee Retirement Income Security Act
(ERISA) group health plans ........................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Authorize DOL to impose civil monetary
penalties for Mental Health Parity
and Addiction Equity Act (MHPAEA)
noncompliance .............................................. ......... ......... –3 –4 –4 –4 –4 –4 –4 –4 –4 –15 –35
Provide mandatory funding for DOL to
perform additional Non-Quantitative
Treatment Limitations (NQTL) audits ....... ......... 2 5 25 25 34 35 36 37 38 38 91 275
Crosscutting reforms:
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Improve access to behavioral healthcare in
the private insurance market
..................... ......... ......... ......... 2,549 3,532 3,701 3,884 4,055 4,283 4,496 4,724 9,782 31,224
Require coverage of three behavioral health
visits and three primary care visits without
................................................. ......... ......... ......... 5,011 4,756 1,966 1,286 1,301 1,384 1,462 1,548 11,733 18,714
Subtotal, transform mental health ............. ......... 676 1,416 8,998 10,020 7,541 7,037 8,366 8,837 9,308 9,788 28,651 71,987
Strengthen public health and combat disease:
Department of Health and Human Services:
Expand access to maternal health supports in
Medicaid ....................................................... ......... 6 10 15 19 24 23 22 27 27 31 74 204
Require 12 months of Medicaid postpartum
....................................................... ......... –55 –58 –62 –65 –68 –70 –71 –79 –86 –93 –308 –707
Expand and enhance access to Medicare
coverage of nutrition and obesity
counseling ..................................................... ......... 4 71 123 181 213 224 236 248 264 277 592 1,841
Conduct a subnational Medicare medically-
tailored meal demonstration
...................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Increase access to Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
Establish PrEP delivery program to end
the HIV epidemic in the United States ... ......... 213 371 526 687 853 1,027 1,206 1,394 1,587 1,789 2,650 9,653
Eliminate barriers to PrEP under Medicaid .... ......... –730 –790 –850 –920 –990 –1,070 –1,160 –1,250 –1,340 –1,450 –4,280 –10,550
Establish the National Hepatitis C
Elimination Program ................................... ......... 435 1,280 1,496 1,617 –168 –1,327 –1,648 –1,798 –1,878 –2,038 4,660 –4,029
National Hepatitis C Elimination Program
Costs (non-add) ....................................... ......... 940 1,880 2,350 2,820 1,410 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 9,400 9,400
Medicaid prescription drug and medical
savings (non-add) .................................... ......... –700 –890 –1,120 –1,390 –1,690 –1,120 –1,320 –1,480 –1,600 –1,830 –5,790 –13,140
Medicare zero cost sharing on drugs and
medical savings (non-add) ...................... ......... 195 290 266 187 112 –207 –328 –318 –278 –208 1,050 –289
Establish the Vaccines for Adults program ..... ......... 823 1,036 1,077 1,118 1,162 1,208 1,255 1,304 1,354 1,408 5,216 11,745
Expand Vaccines for Children (VFC) program
to all CHIP children and make program
improvements ............................................... ......... 174 175 186 209 210 221 197 184 185 195 954 1,936
Encourage development of innovative
antimicrobial drugs
................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Enable the Secretary to temporarily modify
or waive the application of specific
requirements of the Clinical Laboratory
Improvement Amendments of 1988 (CLIA)
................................................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Extend Teaching Health Center Graduate
Medical Education (GME) ........................... 61 212 292 115 68 36 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 784 784
Reauthorize the Special Diabetes Program
for Type 1 Diabetes Research (National
Institutes of Health, NIH) ........................... 10 33 65 102 139 157 124 62 17 3 1 506 713
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Reauthorize the Special Diabetes Program for
Indians (IHS) ................................................ 177 257 269 11 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 714 714
Increase funding for the National Health
Service Corps (NHSC) program .................. 144 553 730 596 155 32 8 ......... ......... ......... ......... 2,210 2,218
Extend Family-to-Family Health Information
Centers ......................................................... ......... 3 10 12 12 12 9 2 ......... ......... ......... 49 60
Extend the 21st Century Cures Act Cancer
Extend mandatory spending for the Cancer
Moonshot .................................................. ......... 361 1,066 996 348 77 34 14 ......... ......... ......... 2,848 2,896
Discretionary budget authority (BA) (non-
add) ........................................................... ......... 716 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 716 716
Total Cancer Moonshot request (non-add) .. ......... 1,077 1,066 996 348 77 34 14 ......... ......... ......... 3,564 7,176
Expand cancer care quality measurement in
...................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Provide a pathway to double funding for the
Health Center Program ............................... 1,538 4,664 6,774 4,078 138 75 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 17,267 17,267
Subtotal, strengthen public health and
combat disease ......................................... 1,930 6,953 11,301 8,421 3,706 1,625 411 115 47 116 120 32,006 32,815
Strengthen biodefense:
Department of Health and Human Services:
Strengthen biodefense to protect against 21
Century biothreats ....................................... ......... 3,000 7,000 5,000 2,400 1,400 1,200 ......... ......... ......... ......... 18,800 20,000
Authorize coverage for specific products and
services, including unapproved drugs,
vaccines, and devices authorized for
emergency use
............................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Create Federal public health data reporting
authority ....................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, strengthen biodefense .................. ......... 3,000 7,000 5,000 2,400 1,400 1,200 ......... ......... ......... ......... 18,800 20,000
Subtotal, strengthen public health and
improve health outcomes ..................... 1,930 10,629 30,795 42,188 41,845 41,785 45,907 43,871 45,378 48,348 51,309 167,242 402,055
Subtotal, invest in working families
and improve healthcare ................... 7,727 240,874 72,019 89,584 96,873 104,568 137,234 139,793 147,210 158,145 167,560 603,918 1,353,860
Tax reforms to make big corporations pay their fair
Raise the corporate income tax rate to 28 percent
.... –74,646 –122,474 –125,105 –128,114 –128,624 –128,353 –129,396 –137,888 –144,919 –150,028 –155,040 –632,670 –1,349,941
Increase the corporate alternative minimum tax rate
to 21 percent
............................................................ –10,050 –13,543 –11,759 –12,264 –12,675 –13,119 –13,672 –14,238 –14,800 –15,379 –15,980 –63,360 –137,429
Revise the global minimum tax regime, limit
inversions, and make related reforms
................... –8,875 –27,920 –35,889 –34,589 –34,819 –36,215 –37,719 –39,261 –40,846 –42,483 –44,178 –169,432 –373,919
Adopt the undertaxed profits rule
.............................. ......... –9,596 –14,541 –14,065 –14,389 –14,181 –14,088 –13,837 –13,752 –13,916 –13,948 –66,772 –136,313
Increase the excise tax rate on repurchase of
corporate stock and close loopholes
....................... –3,863 –15,344 –14,980 –14,936 –15,184 –15,792 –16,458 –17,167 –17,912 –18,691 –19,502 –76,236 –165,966
Subtotal, tax reforms to make big corporations pay
their fair share…………………………………. ...... –97,434 –188,877 –202,274 –203,968 –205,691 –207,660 –211,333 –222,391 –232,229 –240,497 –248,648 –1,008,470 –2,163,568
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Close Medicare tax loopholes and increase Medicare
tax for people making over $400,000:
Apply the net investment income tax to pass-through
business income of high-income taxpayers
............ –8,496 –38,302 –29,950 –31,931 –34,819 –37,435 –39,950 –42,143 –43,986 –46,126 –48,579 –172,437 –393,221
Increase the net investment income tax rate and
additional Medicare tax rate for high-income
................................................................. –8,394 –42,920 –31,327 –32,285 –34,710 –37,224 –39,822 –42,450 –44,963 –47,602 –50,487 –178,466 –403,790
Subtotal, close Medicare tax loopholes and
increase Medicare tax for people making over
$400,000 ................................................................ –16,890 –81,222 –61,277 –64,216 –69,529 –74,659 –79,772 –84,593 –88,949 –93,728 –99,066 –350,903 –797,011
Reduce crime and protect victims:
Department of Health and Human Services:
Support Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) Community Violence
Intervention (CVI) initiative ........................... ......... 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 750 1,500
Department of Justice:
Invest in Community Oriented Policing Services ... ......... 870 1,305 1,740 2,023 2,175 1,305 870 435 152 ......... 8,113 10,875
Establish Gun Crime Prevention Strategic Fund ... ......... 194 530 839 884 884 690 354 44 ......... ......... 3,331 4,419
Support the Accelerating Justice System Reform
(AJSR) Program ............................................... ......... 66 279 654 1,064 1,358 1,540 1,705 1,888 1,988 2,000 3,421 12,542
Restore the Crime Victims Fund ......................... ......... ......... 187 377 516 623 650 650 619 630 635 1,703 4,887
Establish the Violent Crime Reduction and
Prevention Fund .............................................. ......... 158 195 223 239 247 89 52 24 8 ......... 1,062 1,235
Expand Community Violence Intervention
Programs .......................................................... ......... 33 90 143 150 150 150 150 150 150 150 566 1,316
Subtotal, reduce crime and protect victims .... ......... 1,471 2,736 4,126 5,026 5,587 4,574 3,931 3,310 3,078 2,935 18,946 36,774
Outcompete China:
Department of the Interior:
Renew Compacts of Free Association .................. 32 1,443 343 248 154 150 147 149 155 164 165 2,370 3,150
International Assistance Programs:
Advance the Indo-Pacific Strategy ...................... ......... 200 300 350 375 400 200 100 50 25 ......... 1,625 2,000
Invest in International Infrastructure Fund ...... ......... 220 510 475 355 265 100 43 22 10 ......... 1,825 2,000
Subtotal, outcompete China ............................ 32 1,863 1,153 1,073 884 815 447 292 227 199 165 5,788 7,118
Additional investments and reforms:
Department of Agriculture:
End subsidy recapture for Single Family Housing
Direct Loans ......................................................... ......... 1,120 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 1,120 1,120
Extend crop insurance for Pandemic Cover Crop
Program ................................................................ ......... 60 65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100 105 350 825
Improve The Emergency Food Assistance Program
(TEFAP) infrastructure in underserved
communities ......................................................... ......... 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 125 250
Waive the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer
(EBT) administrative match requirement .......... ......... 101 131 94 69 56 43 22 26 ......... ......... 451 542
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Provide Summer EBT implementation grants ....... ......... 40 50 50 10 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 150 150
Expand Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for
school meals .......................................................... ......... 187 1,233 1,522 1,569 1,614 1,658 1,705 1,753 1,808 1,823 6,125 14,872
Improve utilization of USDA Foods ........................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, Department of Agriculture .................. ......... 1,533 1,504 1,761 1,748 1,775 1,811 1,842 1,899 1,933 1,953 8,321 17,759
Department of Commerce:
Fund the Regional Technology and Innovation
Hub Program ........................................................ ......... 225 270 675 810 800 645 500 75 ......... ......... 2,780 4,000
Subtotal, Department of Commerce .................... ......... 225 270 675 810 800 645 500 75 ......... ......... 2,780 4,000
Department of Defense.........Military Programs:
Permanently increase Department of Defense
(DOD) Voluntary Separation Incentive Payment
ceiling .................................................................... ......... 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 8 15 51
Fund Survivor Benefit Plan ..................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Fund State Active Duty Reimbursement ................ ......... 44 46 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 231 486
Post–9/11 Educational Assistance for Dependent
Victims of Domestic Violence ............................... ......... 4 7 8 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 35 84
Subtotal, Department of Defense.........Military
Programs ........................................................... ......... 49 55 57 59 61 64 66 68 70 72 281 621
Department of Education:
Fund Academic Acceleration and Achievement
Grants ................................................................... ......... 480 2,160 2,160 2,800 400 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 8,000 8,000
Academic Acceleration and Achievement Grants
(Budget authority) (non-add) ............................ ......... 8,000 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 8,000 8,000
Fund Vocational Rehabilitation State Grants
without an inflationary increase ......................... ......... ......... –66 –126 –136 –140 –142 –146 –153 –161 –165 –468 –1,235
Subtotal, Department of Education .................... ......... 480 2,094 2,034 2,664 260 –142 –146 –153 –161 –165 7,532 6,765
Department of Health and Human Services:
Increase mandatory Health Care Fraud and Abuse
Control (HCFAC) funding .................................... ......... –260 –390 –510 –510 –530 –540 –560 –560 –580 –600 –2,200 –5,040
Provide cybersecurity support for hospitals ........... ......... ......... ......... 412 412 262 262 ......... ......... ......... ......... 1,086 1,348
Medicare Enhancements:
Add Medicare coverage of services furnished by
community health workers
............................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Enhance Medicaid managed care enforcement ...... ......... –120 –130 –140 –150 –160 –170 –180 –200 –210 –220 –700 –1,680
Require remittance of medical loss ratios in
Medicaid and CHIP managed care ..................... ......... ......... –900 –1,000 –1,000 –1,100 –1,100 –1,200 –1,200 –1,300 –1,300 –4,000 –10,100
Continuous Medicaid and CHIP coverage for
Allow States to provide 36-month continuous
eligibility for all children in Medicaid and
CHIP ................................................................. ......... 109 243 525 539 579 607 643 675 719 760 1,995 5,399
Allow States to provide continuous eligibility up
to age 6 in Medicaid and CHIP
...................... ......... 30 89 282 380 490 519 546 588 616 657 1,271 4,197
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Prohibit CHIP enrollment fees and premiums
. ......... 112 125 133 144 143 154 –1 2 2 2 657 816
Good Governance and other technical proposals:
Implement targeted risk-adjustment pre-
payment review in Medicare Advantage
....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Ensure providers that violate Medicare safety
requirements and have harmed patients
cannot quickly reenter the program ............... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Standardize data collection to improve quality
and promote equitable care ............................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Refine the Quality Payment Program (QPP):
measure development funding for QPP .......... ......... 10 10 10 10 10 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 50 50
Allow collection of demographic and social
determinants of health data through Center
for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS)
quality reporting and payment programs ....... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Create a consolidated Medicare hospital quality
payment program ............................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Implement value-based purchasing and quality
programs for Medicare facilities
.................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Create a permanent Medicare Home Health
Value-Based Purchasing program ................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Create a permanent Medicare Diabetes
Prevention Program benefit ............................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Reauthorize Medicare Improvements for
Patients and Providers Act (MIPPA) .............. ......... 50 50 50 50 50 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 250 250
Change the Medicare Appeal Council’s standard
of review to appellate-level to expedite
adjudication procedures and timelines ........... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Provide CMS Program Management
implementation funding .................................. ......... 50 150 100 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 300 300
Strengthen Medicare Advantage by establishing
new Medical Loss Ratio requirements for
supplemental benefits
..................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Prohibit unsolicited Medicare beneficiary
............................................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Expand tools to identify and investigate fraud
in the Medicare Advantage program .............. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Increase transparency by disclosing
accreditation surveys ....................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Require Average Sales Price (ASP) reporting
fororal Methadone
.......................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Remove restrictions on the certification of new
entities as Organ Procurement Organizations
and increase enforcement flexibility ............... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Establish meaningful measures for the End-
Stage Renal Disease Quality Incentive
Program ............................................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Extend Post–9/11 GI Bill educational benefits
and Montgomery GI Bill Selected Reserve
Program to USPHS Commissioned Corps ...... ......... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 5 12
Authorize Tribal health programs to pay
Medicare Part B premiums directly on behalf
of Tribal members ............................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Prohibit billing of beneficiaries after Medicare
bad debt payments ........................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Fully cover costs for all living organ donors for
Medicare ........................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Improve access and coverage for beneficiaries
dually eligible for Medicare and Medicaid:
Align Qualified Medicare Beneficiary renewal
period with other Medicaid groups ................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Unify Medicare and Medicaid appeals
....................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Align Medicare Savings Program and Part D Low
Income Subsidy eligibility methodologies
......... ......... 320 340 360 380 410 440 470 500 540 580 1,810 4,340
Allow retroactive coverage of Medicare Part B
premiums for Qualified Medicare Beneficiary
applicants ............................................................. ......... 50 60 70 80 80 90 100 110 120 130 340 890
Administration for Children and Families:
Provide comprehensive tribal child welfare
funding .............................................................. ......... 42 49 55 62 69 75 82 88 95 102 277 719
Increase support for kinship foster care
placements and guardianships ........................ ......... 88 88 88 88 90 91 92 94 98 103 442 920
Reauthorize Personal Responsibility Education
Program (PREP) ............................................... ......... 3 17 35 11 6 3 ......... ......... ......... ......... 72 75
Reauthorize, increase funding for, and amend
Promoting Safe and Stable Families program ... ......... 84 240 294 297 300 300 300 300 300 300 1,215 2,715
Prevent and combat religious, sexual
orientation, gender identity, gender
expression, or sex discrimination in the child
welfare system .................................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Treat certain populations as refugees for public
benefit purposes ............................................... ......... 57 88 101 109 111 113 59 25 11 6 466 680
Authorize program integrity data collection for
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Improve Internal Revenue Service (IRS) data
disclosure to tribal child support services and
child support services contractors ................... ......... –165 –185 –206 –83 –85 –87 –89 –91 –93 –95 –724 –1,179
Reduce reimbursement rates for foster care
congregate care placements ............................. ......... –27 –24 –21 –18 –17 –16 –15 –14 –14 –14 –107 –180
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Create new flexibilities and support in the
Chafee program for youth who experienced
foster care, including a Post-Foster
Care Healthy Transition Assistance
Demonstration. .................................................. ......... 126 182 197 234 241 245 249 251 252 249 980 2,226
Allow Tribes that do not currently receive IV-E
funding to be eligible for IV-E Prevention
funding .............................................................. ......... 1 1 2 3 4 6 7 9 12 15 11 60
Expand and encourage participation in the
title IV-E Prevention Services and Kinship
Navigator programs ......................................... ......... 279 318 376 445 389 457 539 628 701 767 1,807 4,899
Increase the repatriation ceiling ......................... ......... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 10
Private health insurance interactions .................... ......... ......... ......... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 8
Medicare interactions .............................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... –8 –3 ......... 8 12 3 ......... –11 12
Medicaid interactions .............................................. ......... –27 –59 –127 –132 –141 –149 –181 –189 –200 –211 –486 –1,416
CHIP interactions .................................................... ......... –3 –6 –11 –10 –12 –12 ......... ......... ......... ......... –42 –54
Subtotal, Department of Health and Human
Services ........................................................... ......... 811 358 1,078 1,336 1,189 1,291 872 1,031 1,076 1,235 4,772 10,277
Department of Homeland Security:
Extend expiring Customs and Border Patrol (CBP)
user fees ................................................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –5,628 –5,115 –5,276 ......... –16,019
Expand Expand CBP user fee facilities costs ......... ......... –7 –7 –7 –7 –8 –8 –8 –8 –8 –9 –36 –77
End deficit reduction contributions from Passenger
Security Fee .......................................................... ......... 1,600 1,640 1,680 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 4,920 4,920
Establish an affordability program for the
National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) ........ ......... 220 426 467 512 556 598 638 674 706 734 2,181 5,531
Reauthorize the NFIP ............................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Establish Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS)
user fee
................................................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, Department of Homeland Security ..... ......... 1,813 2,059 2,140 505 548 590 630 –4,962 –4,417 –4,551 7,065 –5,645
Department of the Interior:
Reclassify Tribal lease payments ............................ ......... ......... 122 124 126 129 132 135 138 141 144 501 1,191
Discretionary effects (non-add) ............................ –122 –124 –126 –129 –132 –135 –138 –141 –144 –501 –1,191
Reclassify Contract Support Costs (CSC) ............... ......... ......... 252 423 436 449 462 475 485 495 505 1,560 3,982
Discretionary effects (non-add) ............................ –252 –423 –436 –449 –462 –475 –485 –495 –505 –1,560 –3,982
Provide mandatory funding for previously enacted
Tribal Water Settlements Operations and
Maintenance ......................................................... ......... 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 170 340
Provide mandatory funding for current and future
Indian Water Rights Settlements ........................ ......... 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 250 1,250 2,500
Subtotal, Department of the Interior .................. ......... 284 658 831 846 862 878 894 907 920 933 3,481 8,013
Department of Labor:
Extend Trade Adjustment Assistance ..................... ......... 232 288 299 247 273 283 300 320 338 364 1,339 2,944
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Shift timing of Pension Benefit Guaranty
Corporation (PBGC) Single Employer premiums ... ......... 3,020 –3,022 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –1 –2 –3
Provide authority to keep and spend H–2A labor
certification fees ................................................... ......... 3 4 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 25 62
Eliminate funding cliff for Federal Employees’
Compensation Act (FECA) benefits ..................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 21 20 19 18 ......... 78
Improve Unemployment Insurance (UI) program
............................................................... ......... –139 –289 –322 –312 –328 –339 –351 –367 –375 –392 –1,390 –3,214
Subtotal, Department of Labor ........................... ......... 3,116 –3,019 –17 –59 –49 –49 –23 –20 –10 –3 –28 –133
Department of Transportation:
Increase business aviation kerosene jet fuel tax
....................................................................... ......... –44 –106 –169 –235 –300 –322 –325 –329 –332 –336 –854 –2,498
Fund facility replacements and radar
modernizations ..................................................... ......... 136 226 551 900 1,246 1,348 1,289 961 572 362 3,059 7,591
Subtotal, Department of Transportation ............ ......... 92 120 382 665 946 1,026 964 632 240 26 2,205 5,093
Department of the Treasury:
Extend investments in Internal Revenue Service
................................................................... ......... ......... 2,673 2,822 2,177 648 –27,973 –42,108 –51,231 –60,198 –63,520 8,320 –236,710
Expand Treasury’s authority to require bank
account verification .............................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Simplify Debt Management Services (DMS) fees ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Retain Surety Bond Program Fees .......................... ......... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 20
Enhance Participation in the Small Dollar Loan
Program ................................................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Ensure the Treasury Do Not Pay Business Center
(DNP) has full access to complete State death
data ....................................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Allow DNP to use Fair Credit Reporting Act
(FCRA) data for improper payment purposes .... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Expand Treasury’s access to the National
Directory of New Hires (NDNH) for improper
payments .............................................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Reauthorize and reform the Community
Development Financial Institutions (CDFI)
Fund Bond Guarantee Program .......................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Increase access to the Capital Magnet Fund .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Enable alternative metal compositions for
circulating coins ................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Make technical corrections regarding calculation
of Current Value of Fund rate ............................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, Department of the Treasury ................ ......... 2 2,675 2,824 2,179 650 –27,971 –42,106 –51,229 –60,196 –63,518 8,330 –236,690
Department of Veterans Affairs:
Expand eligibility for government-furnished
headstone, marker, or medallion for Medal of
Honor recipients ................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Expand plot allowance for certain individuals
eligible for internment in a national cemetery ... ......... 16 15 16 16 17 17 17 18 18 19 80 169
Amend the miscellaneous receipts statute
for retention of parking receipts from the
Department of Veterans Affairs Central Office
(VACO) parking facilities ..................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Enhance veterans health care programs ................ ......... 4 3 4 4 5 5 6 7 8 9 20 55
Subtotal, Department of Veterans Affairs .......... ......... 20 18 20 20 22 22 23 25 26 28 100 224
General Services Administration:
Invest in Acquisition Workforce Training Fund ..... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Establish and capitalize the Federal Capital
Revolving Fund .................................................... ......... –128 25 493 1,238 1,622 1,395 832 343 –38 –260 3,250 5,522
Expand Disposal Fund authority ............................ ......... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 10
Subtotal, General Services Administration ........ ......... –127 26 494 1,239 1,623 1,396 833 344 –37 –259 3,255 5,532
International Assistance Programs:
Contribute to the Green Climate Fund ................... ......... 500 750 750 1,000 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 3,000 3,000
Subtotal, International Assistance Programs .... ......... 500 750 750 1,000 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 3,000 3,000
National Aeronautics and Space Administration:
Eliminate the Science, Space, and Technology
Education Trust Fund .......................................... ......... 14 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 10 5
Subtotal, National Aeronautics and Space
Administration ................................................. ......... 14 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 10 5
Office of Personnel Management:
Improve financial management of Tribal Federal
Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) admin fee
by treating as mandatory authority .................... ......... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 20
Expand family member eligibility under Federal
Employee Dental and Vision Insurance Program
(FEDVIP) .............................................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Expand FEDVIP to certain tribal employers ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Expand FEHB to tribal colleges and universities .. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Preempt State/local taxation of FEDVIP carriers
to align with FEHB carriers ................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Shorten FEDVIP contract terms to allow flexibility
for new carriers .................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Establish OPM trust fund authority for Postal
Service Health Benefits (PSHB) and FEHB
enrollment systems .............................................. ......... ......... 37 45 51 54 55 56 57 59 60 187 474
Provide permanent authority to collect
reimbursement for Voluntary Early Retirement
Authority (VERA) and Voluntary Separation
Incentive Payment (VSIP) processing costs ........ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 1 2
Subtotal, Office of Personnel Management ......... ......... 2 39 47 53 56 57 58 59 61 62 197 494
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Social Security Administration:
Authorize Social Security Administration (SSA)
to refer Social Security Disability Insurance
(SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
beneficiaries to State vocational rehabilitation
services ................................................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, Social Security Administration ........... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Consumer Product Safety Commission:
Remove barriers to establishing mandatory
consumer safety rules
......................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Strengthen mandatory recall authorities
.............. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Streamline the release of consumer safety
information to the public
.................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Increase civil penalties for violations of consumer
product safety laws
............................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, Consumer Product Safety Commission ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Corporation for National and Community Service:
Authorize the expenditure of interest earnings in
the National Service Trust .................................. ......... 46 67 68 60 55 52 50 48 47 46 296 539
Subtotal, Corporation for National and
Community Service .......................................... ......... 46 67 68 60 55 52 50 48 47 46 296 539
Delta Regional Authority:
Outyear effects of Delta Regional Authority user
fee proposal ........................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 2 4
Subtotal, Delta Regional Authority ..................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Election Assistance Commission:
Fund election grants ................................................ ......... 1,625 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 3,125 5,000
Subtotal, Election Assistance Commission ......... ......... 1,625 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 375 3,125 5,000
Federal Communications Commission:
Extend radio frequency spectrum general auction
authority for 10 years .......................................... ......... ......... ......... –17,050 3,450 –17,050 3,450 –17,050 3,450 –17,050 3,450 –30,650 –54,400
Subtotal, Federal Communications Commission ... ......... ......... ......... –17,050 3,450 –17,050 3,450 –17,050 3,450 –17,050 3,450 –30,650 –54,400
Japan-United States Friendship Commission:
Fund Japan-U.S. Trust Fund Endowment .............. ......... ......... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 9
Subtotal, Japan-United States Friendship
Commission ...................................................... ......... ......... 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 9
Postal Service:
Pay United States Postal Service (USPS) past
.................................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, Postal Service ....................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Crosscutting reforms:
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Increase Afghan Special Immigrant Visas (SIVs)
by 20,000 ............................................................... ......... 130 262 342 277 236 225 215 201 205 206 1,247 2,299
Extend Balanced Budget and Emergency
Deficit Control Act (BBEDCA) Section 251A
sequestration ........................................................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –7,698 –39,427 –42,478 ......... –89,603
Provide for the safe, secure, and trustworthy
development and use of artificial intelligence
(AI) ........................................................................ ......... 63 138 63 21 15 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 300 300
Increase civil monetary penalties for labor law
............................................................. ......... –150 –200 –250 –250 –250 –250 –250 –300 –300 –300 –1,100 –2,500
Support pandemic fraud prevention and
enforcement .......................................................... ......... 320 320 320 320 320 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 1,600 1,600
Subtotal, crosscutting reforms ............................ ......... 363 520 475 368 321 –25 –35 –7,797 –39,522 –42,572 2,047 –87,904
Subtotal, additional investments and reforms ... ......... 10,848 8,569 –3,056 17,318 –7,556 –16,530 –52,253 –55,248 –116,645 –102,888 26,123 –317,441
Subtotal, mandatory initiatives and
savings .................................................... –115,726 –90,160 –219,914 –194,753 –168,530 –175,456 –155,109 –201,027 –202,951 –268,305 –271,925 –848,813 –1,948,130
Additional receipt proposals:
Reform business taxation:
Tax corporate distributions as dividends ................ ......... –110 –160 –170 –180 –190 –200 –210 –230 –240 –250 –810 –1,940
Limit tax avoidance through inappropriate
leveraging of parties to divisive reorganizations ......... –279 –826 –1,614 –2,550 –3,569 –4,645 –5,769 –6,937 –8,150 –9,408 –8,838 –43,747
Limit losses recognized in liquidation transactions ... ......... –30 –50 –52 –54 –56 –57 –59 –61 –63 –65 –242 –547
Prevent basis shifting by related parties through
partnerships ......................................................... ......... –3,851 –5,537 –3,999 –2,325 –563 177 215 275 341 402 –16,275 –14,865
Conform definition of “control” with corporate
affiliation test ....................................................... ......... –447 –651 –667 –681 –695 –709 –719 –727 –733 –736 –3,141 –6,765
Strengthen limitation on losses for noncorporate
taxpayers .............................................................. ......... –1,185 –2,241 –2,519 –2,666 –12,901 –14,735 –10,543 –9,789 –9,621 –9,526 –21,512 –75,726
Prevent prison facility rent payments from
contributing to qualification as a REIT .............. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, reform business taxation ........................ ......... –5,902 –9,465 –9,021 –8,456 –17,974 –20,169 –17,085 –17,469 –18,466 –19,583 –50,818 –143,590
Reform international taxation:
Repeal the deduction for foreign-derived
intangible income:
Repeal the deduction for foreign-derived
intangible income ............................................. ......... –13,938 –17,669 –14,213 –14,639 –15,078 –15,531 –15,997 –16,477 –16,971 –17,480 –75,537 –157,993
Provide additional support for research and
experimentation expenditures ........................ ......... 13,938 17,669 14,213 14,639 15,078 15,531 15,997 16,477 16,971 17,480 75,537 157,993
Subtotal, repeal the deduction for foreign-
derived intangible income ........................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Revise the rules that allocate Subpart F income
and GILTI between taxpayers to ensure that
Subpart F income and GILTI are fully taxed ..... ......... –106 –196 –225 –250 –272 –294 –313 –332 –349 –366 –1,049 –2,703
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Require a controlled foreign corporation’s
taxable year to match that of its majority U.S.
shareholder ........................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Limit foreign tax credits from sales of hybrid
entities .................................................................. ......... –343 –535 –484 –446 –418 –397 –381 –370 –362 –357 –2,226 –4,093
Restrict deductions of excessive interest of
members of financial reporting groups ............... ......... –2,691 –4,281 –4,038 –3,918 –3,910 –4,002 –4,113 –4,219 –4,341 –4,481 –18,838 –39,994
Conform scope of portfolio interest exclusion for
10-percentshareholders to other tax rules ......... ......... –64 –54 –39 –22 –5 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –184 –184
Treat payments substituting for partnership
effectively connected income as U.S. source
dividends .............................................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Expand access to retroactive qualified electing
fund elections ....................................................... ......... –1 –2 –4 –5 –6 –6 –7 –8 –8 –9 –18 –56
Reform taxation of foreign fossil fuel income: .........
Modify foreign oil and gas extraction income
and foreign oil related income rules ................ ......... –184 –310 –318 –329 –340 –352 –363 –377 –393 –409 –1,481 –3,375
Modify tax rule for dual capacity taxpayers ....... ......... –3,908 –6,582 –6,735 –6,966 –7,214 –7,458 –7,703 –7,994 –8,332 –8,671 –31,405 –71,563
Subtotal, reform taxation of foreign fossil fuel
income ........................................................... ......... –4,092 –6,892 –7,053 –7,295 –7,554 –7,810 –8,066 –8,371 –8,725 –9,080 –32,886 –74,938
Provide tax incentives for locating jobs and
business activity in the United States and
remove tax deductions for shipping jobs
Provide tax credit for inshoring jobs to the
United States ................................................... ......... 3 6 6 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 29 71
Remove tax deductions for shipping jobs
overseas ............................................................ ......... –3 –6 –6 –7 –7 –8 –8 –8 –9 –9 –29 –71
Subtotal, provide tax incentives for locating
jobs and business activity in the United
States and remove tax deductions for
shipping jobs overseas ................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, reform international taxation ............. ......... –7,297 –11,960 –11,843 –11,936 –12,165 –12,509 –12,880 –13,300 –13,785 –14,293 –55,201 –121,968
Support housing and urban development:
Make permanent the new markets tax credit and
formalize allocation incentives for investing in
areas of higher distress ........................................ ......... ......... 97 278 483 716 990 1,290 1,602 1,796 1,866 1,574 9,118
Subtotal, support housing and urban
development ..................................................... ......... ......... 97 278 483 716 990 1,290 1,602 1,796 1,866 1,574 9,118
Modify energy taxes:
Eliminate fossil fuel tax preferences:
Repeal the enhanced oil recovery credit ............. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Repeal the credit for oil and natural gas
produced from marginal wells ......................... ......... –19 –34 –26 –14 –4 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –97 –97
Repeal expensing of intangible drilling costs ..... ......... –1,790 –2,652 –1,971 –1,234 –478 –204 –265 –334 –406 –448 –8,125 –9,782
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Repeal the deduction for costs paid or incurred
for any qualified tertiary injectant used as
part of tertiary recovery method ..................... ......... –6 –8 –9 –9 –9 –9 –9 –9 –9 –9 –41 –86
Repeal the exception to passive loss limitations
provided to working interests in oil and
natural gas properties ..................................... ......... –5 –9 –8 –8 –8 –8 –7 –7 –7 –7 –38 –74
Repeal the use of percentage depletion with
respect to oil and natural gas wells ................ ......... –880 –1,476 –1,493 –1,521 –1,562 –1,611 –1,671 –1,741 –1,820 –1,900 –6,932 –15,675
Increase geological and geophysical
amortization period for independent
producers .......................................................... ......... –65 –251 –414 –455 –448 –439 –432 –419 –395 –360 –1,633 –3,678
Repeal expensing of mine exploration and
development costs ........................................... ......... –148 –220 –164 –102 –39 –17 –22 –28 –34 –38 –673 –812
Repeal percentage depletion for hard mineral
fossil fuels ......................................................... ......... –57 –103 –112 –122 –128 –136 –145 –148 –148 –153 –522 –1,252
Repeal capital gains treatment for royalties ...... ......... –26 –54 –56 –54 –53 –52 –53 –50 –49 –48 –243 –495
Repeal the exemption from the corporate
income tax for fossil fuel publicly traded
partnerships ..................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –75 –148 –186 –220 –251 ......... –880
Repeal the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund and
Superfund excise tax exemption for crude oil
derived from bitumen and kerogen-rich rock
.... ......... –115 –160 –166 –172 –179 –183 –186 –192 –198 –200 –792 –1,751
Repeal accelerated amortization of air pollution
control equipment ............................................ ......... –12 –30 –47 –62 –77 –91 –103 –101 –90 –79 –228 –692
Subtotal, eliminate fossil fuel tax preferences .... ......... –3,123 –4,997 –4,466 –3,753 –2,985 –2,825 –3,041 –3,215 –3,376 –3,493 –19,324 –35,274
Eliminate drawbacks on petroleum taxes that
finance the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund and
............................................................ ......... –149 –202 –206 –210 –213 –216 –218 –222 –224 –227 –980 –2,087
Impose digital asset mining energy excise tax
...... ......... –107 –302 –533 –670 –744 –832 –935 –1,052 –1,197 –1,361 –2,356 –7,733
Subtotal, modify energy taxes ............................. ......... –3,379 –5,501 –5,205 –4,633 –3,942 –3,873 –4,194 –4,489 –4,797 –5,081 –22,660 –45,094
Modify rules relating to retirement plans:
Prevent excessive accumulations by high-income
taxpayers in tax-favored retirement accounts and
make other reforms .................................................. ......... –6,926 –6,142 –3,402 –1,992 –1,278 –931 –776 –724 –726 –759 –19,740 –23,656
Subtotal, modify rules relating to retirement
plans ................................................................. ......... –6,926 –6,142 –3,402 –1,992 –1,278 –931 –776 –724 –726 –759 –19,740 –23,656
Support workers, families, and economic security:
Make the adoption tax credit refundable and allow
certain guardianship arrangements to qualify
.. ......... 2 2,642 1,420 1,186 1,183 1,180 1,186 1,187 1,173 1,182 6,433 12,341
Make permanent the income exclusion for forgiven
student debt
........................................................ ......... ......... 2 17 37 234 252 270 290 311 333 290 1,746
Extend tax-preferred treatment to certain Federal
and tribal scholarship and education loan
programs ............................................................... ......... 62 104 114 120 123 127 130 133 134 136 523 1,183
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Increase the employer-provided childcare tax
credit for businesses ............................................. ......... 19 37 38 40 41 43 43 44 44 44 175 393
Improve the design of the work opportunity tax
credit to promote longer-term employment ........ ......... –85 –93 –22 –12 –9 –7 –5 –4 –3 –2 –221 –242
Subtotal, support workers, families, and
economic security ............................................. ......... –2 2,692 1,567 1,371 1,572 1,595 1,624 1,650 1,659 1,693 7,200 15,421
Close loopholes:
Tax carried (profits) interests as ordinary income ... ......... –397 –661 –659 –657 –664 –677 –691 –705 –719 –733 –3,038 –6,563
Repeal deferral of gain from like-kind exchanges ... ......... –680 –1,870 –1,926 –1,984 –2,044 –2,104 –2,169 –2,232 –2,300 –2,369 –8,504 –19,678
Require 100 percent recapture of depreciation
deductions as ordinary income for certain
depreciable real property ..................................... ......... –41 –128 –267 –417 –579 –755 –946 –1,151 –1,373 –1,611 –1,432 –7,268
Modify depreciation rules for purchases of general
aviation passenger aircraft .................................. ......... –46 –141 –206 –217 –207 –175 –142 –125 –117 –116 –817 –1,492
Limit use of donor advised funds to avoid a private
foundation payout requirement .......................... ......... –65 –61 –42 –27 –14 –11 –12 –12 –13 –13 –209 –270
Exclude payments to disqualified persons from
counting toward private foundation payout
requirement .......................................................... ......... –1 –2 –1 –1 –1 –1 ......... ......... ......... ......... –6 –7
Extend the period for assessment of tax for certain
Qualified Opportunity Fund investors ................ –11 –26 –19 –15 –11 –10 –9 –6 –2 ......... ......... –81 –98
Impose ownership diversification requirement for
small insurance company election ...................... ......... –272 –908 –1,023 –1,097 –1,165 –1,235 –1,310 –1,395 –1,497 –1,587 –4,465 –11,489
Expand pro rata interest expense disallowance for
business-owned life insurance ............................. ......... –609 –618 –646 –668 –691 –717 –748 –780 –813 –850 –3,232 –7,140
Modify rules for insurance products that fail the
statutory definition of a life insurance contract . ......... –3 –10 –12 –14 –17 –19 –22 –26 –29 –33 –56 –185
Limit tax benefits for private placement life
insurance and similar contracts .......................... ......... –140 –208 –288 –387 –505 –651 –825 –1,032 –1,276 –1,567 –1,528 –6,879
Correct drafting errors in the taxation of
insurance companies under the Tax Cuts and
Jobs Act of 2017 .................................................... ......... –77 –105 –111 –107 –73 –56 –47 –39 –35 –32 –473 –682
Define the term “ultimate purchaser” for purposes
of diesel fuel exportation
.................................... ......... –7 –9 –11 –13 –15 –19 –21 –23 –26 –28 –55 –172
Limit the deduction for the transfer of property
to the value of property actually included in
income ................................................................... ......... –85 –128 –130 –136 –141 –147 –154 –159 –167 –173 –620 –1,420
Subtotal, close loopholes ...................................... –11 –2,449 –4,868 –5,337 –5,736 –6,126 –6,576 –7,093 –7,681 –8,365 –9,112 –24,516 –63,343
Improve tax administration:
Enhance accuracy of tax information:
Expand the Secretary’s authority to require
electronic filing for forms and returns ............ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Improve information reporting for reportable
payments subject to backup withholding ....... ......... –41 –95 –161 –221 –231 –241 –252 –263 –275 –301 –749 –2,081
Subtotal, enhance accuracy of tax information ... ......... –41 –95 –161 –221 –231 –241 –252 –263 –275 –301 –749 –2,081
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Amend the centralized partnership audit regime
to permit the carryover of a reduction in tax
that exceeds a partner’s tax liability ................... ......... 5 5 6 6 7 7 7 7 8 8 29 66
Incorporate chapters 2/2A in centralized
partnership audit regime proceedings ................ ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Allow partnerships to resolve audits earlier .......... ......... –127 –49 –8 –8 –9 –9 –10 –10 –10 –10 –201 –250
Modify requisite supervisory approval of penalty
included in notice ................................................. ......... –148 –152 –154 –160 –162 –175 –171 –178 –185 –194 –776 –1,679
Modify the requirement that general counsel
review certain offers in compromise ................... ......... –6 –15 –10 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –35 –45
Simplify foreign exchange gain or loss rules and
exchange rate rules for individuals ..................... ......... 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 12 29
Modernize reporting with respect to foreign
tax credits to reduce burden and increase
compliance ............................................................ ......... 10 31 34 34 34 35 35 36 39 40 143 328
Authorize limited sharing of business tax return
information to measure the economy more
accurately ............................................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Expand TIN matching and improve child support
enforcement .......................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Clarify that information previously disclosed in
a judicial or administrative proceeding is not
return information ............................................... ......... –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –2 –10 –20
Require earlier electronic filing deadlines for
certain information returns ................................. ......... –175 –153 –129 –118 –106 –75 –59 –41 –43 –45 –681 –944
Allow the Tax Court to review all evidence in
innocent spouse relief cases ................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Permit electronically provided notices .................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Reform Federal grants to low-income taxpayer
clinics .................................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, improve tax administration ................. ......... –483 –428 –421 –468 –468 –459 –451 –450 –466 –502 –2,268 –4,596
Improve tax compliance:
Address taxpayer noncompliance with listed
Extend statute of limitations for listed
transactions ...................................................... ......... –23 –51 –64 –78 –76 –74 –73 –72 –70 –69 –292 –650
Impose liability on shareholders to collect
unpaid income taxes of applicable
corporations ...................................................... ......... –492 –513 –534 –556 –579 –604 –630 –658 –686 –716 –2,674 –5,968
Subtotal, address taxpayer noncompliance
with listed transactions ............................... ......... –515 –564 –598 –634 –655 –678 –703 –730 –756 –785 –2,966 –6,618
Impose an affirmative requirement to disclose a
position contrary to a regulation ......................... ......... –9 –11 –11 –12 –14 –14 –15 –15 –16 –18 –57 –135
Require employers to withhold tax on failed
nonqualified deferred compensation plans ......... ......... –206 –215 –225 –235 –245 –256 –267 –279 –291 –304 –1,126 –2,523
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Extend to six years the statute of limitations for
certain tax assessments ....................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Increase the statute of limitations on assessment
of the COVID-related paid leave and employee
retention tax credits
........................................... –42 –557 –1,624 –1,327 –218 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –3,726 –3,726
Impose penalties for inaccurate or fraudulent
employment tax returns
..................................... ......... –1,704 –95 –45 –11 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –1,855 –1,855
Expand and increase penalties for noncompliant
return preparation and e-filing and authorize
IRS oversight of paid preparers:
Expand and increase penalties for noncompliant
return preparation and e-filing
...................... ......... –40 –53 –49 –50 –55 –60 –66 –72 –78 –85 –247 –608
Grant authority to IRS for oversight of all paid
......................................................... ......... –28 –51 –70 –87 –98 –100 –100 –99 –98 –97 –334 –828
Subtotal, expand and increase penalties
and oversight for return preparation and
e-filing ........................................................... ......... –68 –104 –119 –137 –153 –160 –166 –171 –176 –182 –581 –1,436
Make repeated willful failure to file a tax return a
felony for those with significant tax liability ...... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Expand IRS summons authority for large
partnerships ......................................................... ......... –143 –244 –255 –265 –276 –288 –300 –313 –326 –340 –1,183 –2,750
Address compliance in connection with tax
responsibilities of expatriates ............................. ......... ......... –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –5 –4 –4 –4 –10 –32
Define control of the payment of wage .................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, improve tax compliance ....................... –42 –3,202 –2,858 –2,582 –1,515 –1,347 –1,401 –1,456 –1,512 –1,569 –1,633 –11,504 –19,075
Modernize rules, including those for digital assets:
Apply the wash sale rules to digital assets and
address related party transactions ..................... ......... –1,034 –1,774 –2,151 –2,313 –2,515 –2,776 –2,979 –3,201 –3,433 –3,650 –9,787 –25,826
Modernize rules treating loans of securities as tax-
free to include other asset classes and address
income inclusion ................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Provide for information reporting by certain
financial institutions and digital asset brokers
for purposes of exchange of information ............. ......... –239 –279 –297 –316 –334 –357 –382 –403 –427 –451 –1,465 –3,485
Require reporting by certain taxpayers of foreign
digital asset accounts ........................................... ......... –375 –439 –466 –497 –526 –561 –600 –634 –671 –708 –2,303 –5,477
Amend the mark-to-market rules to include digital
assets .................................................................... ......... –8,047 58 64 70 77 85 94 103 113 125 –7,778 –7,258
Subtotal, modernize rules, including for digital
assets ................................................................ ......... –9,695 –2,434 –2,850 –3,056 –3,298 –3,609 –3,867 –4,135 –4,418 –4,684 –21,333 –42,046
Improve benefits tax administration:
Rationalize funding for post-retirement medical
and life insurance benefits ................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Clarify tax treatment of on-demand pay
arrangements ....................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Amend the excise tax on employment-based group
health plans .......................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, improve benefits tax administration ... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, additional receipt proposals ................ –53 –39,335 –40,867 –38,816 –35,938 –44,310 –46,942 –44,888 –46,508 –49,137 –52,088 –199,266 –438,829
Grand total, mandatory and receipt proposals .. –115,779 –129,495 –260,781 –233,569 –204,468 –219,766 –202,051 –245,915 –249,459 –317,442 –324,013 –1,048,079 –2,386,959
Note: Detail in this table may not add to the totals due to rounding. For receipt effects, positive figures indicate lower receipts. For outlay effects, positive figures indicate higher
outlays. For net costs, positive figures indicate higher deficits.
This proposal affects both outlays and receipts. The net effect is shown above. The receipt effects included in these estimates are as follows:
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Permanently extend enhanced premium tax credits . ......... ......... 5,551 7,977 8,581 9,128 9,839 10,068 10,700 11,616 12,587 31,237 86,047
Extend surprise billing protections to ground
ambulances ............................................................... ......... ......... –57 –78 –81 –86 –90 –94 –100 –104 –110 –302 –800
Reduce insulin cost-sharing in commercial plans ...... ......... 409 335 66 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 810 810
Provide Mortgage Relief Credit ................................... 710 17,230 7,820 2,062 –218 –69 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 26,825 26,825
Provide a neighborhood homes credit ........................ ......... 270 1,145 1,829 1,963 2,099 2,183 2,253 2,304 2,371 2,428 7,306 18,845
Expand and enhance the low-income housing credit ......... 84 354 980 1,918 2,961 4,010 5,054 6,090 7,118 8,077 6,297 36,646
Increase Federal Home Loan Banks’ contribution to
the Affordable Housing Program ........................... ......... –284 –284 –284 –284 –284 –284 –284 –284 –284 –284 –1,420 –2,840
Impose a minimum income tax on the wealthiest
taxpayers .................................................................. ......... ......... –50,310 –56,387 –59,430 –60,451 –59,974 –59,331 –53,057 –50,215 –53,513 –226,578 –502,668
Increase the top marginal income tax rate for high-
income earners ......................................................... –9,871 –75,419 –31,189 –13,798 –14,939 –15,859 –16,818 –17,833 –18,885 –19,997 –21,187 –151,204 –245,924
Reform the taxation of capital income ........................ ......... –18,031 –23,713 –25,164 –26,417 –27,624 –29,050 –30,727 –32,158 –33,758 –41,941 –120,949 –288,583
Improve tax administration for trusts and decedents’
estates ....................................................................... ......... –9 –79 –83 –96 –112 –130 –150 –174 –199 –227 –379 –1,259
Limit duration of generation-skipping transfer tax
exemption ................................................................. ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Modify income, estate, gift, and generation-skipping
transfer tax rules for certain trusts ........................ ......... –1,290 –2,625 –5,032 –6,855 –8,871 –10,566 –10,749 –11,608 –12,587 –13,567 –24,673 –83,750
Revise rules for valuation of certain property ............ ......... –331 –955 –1,025 –1,139 –1,225 –1,296 –1,390 –1,493 –1,613 –1,745 –4,675 –12,212
Expand limitation on deductibility of excessive
employee remuneration ........................................... ......... –37,169 –19,015 –30,421 –34,951 –31,354 –28,057 –22,148 –20,594 –22,385 –25,760 –152,910 –271,854
Restore and make permanent the American Rescue
Plan expansion of the earned income tax credit for
workers without qualifying children ...................... 386 1,551 1,702 2,043 2,029 2,022 2,012 1,999 1,977 1,973 1,968 9,347 19,276
Expand the child credit, and make permanent full
refundability and advanceability ............................ 5,329 23,570 –28,289 –854 3,189 3,398 3,627 3,896 4,196 4,522 4,262 1,014 21,517
Require Medicare to cover three behavioral health
visits without cost-sharing ...................................... ......... ......... ......... 3,740 3,483 1,346 834 877 925 977 1,035 8,569 13,217
Improve access to behavioral healthcare in the
private insurance market ........................................ ......... ......... ......... 1,836 2,555 2,669 2,804 2,945 3,101 3,272 3,442 7,060 22,624
Require 12 months of Medicaid postpartum coverage ... ......... ......... ......... ......... –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –7 –8 –3 –30
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Raise the corporate income tax rate to 28 percent ..... –74,646 –122,474 –125,105 –128,114 –128,624 –128,353 –129,396 –137,888 –144,919 –150,028 –155,040 –632,670 –1,349,941
Increase the corporate alternative minimum tax rate
to 21 percent ............................................................. –10,050 –13,543 –11,759 –12,264 –12,675 –13,119 –13,672 –14,238 –14,800 –15,379 –15,980 –63,360 –137,429
Revise the global minimum tax regime, limit
inversions, and make related reforms ..................... –8,875 –27,920 –35,889 –34,589 –34,819 –36,215 –37,719 –39,261 –40,846 –42,483 –44,178 –169,432 –373,919
Adopt the undertaxed profits rule ............................... ......... –9,596 –14,541 –14,065 –14,389 –14,181 –14,088 –13,837 –13,752 –13,916 –13,948 –66,772 –136,313
Increase the excise tax rate on repurchase of
corporate stock and close loopholes ......................... –3,863 –15,344 –14,980 –14,936 –15,184 –15,792 –16,458 –17,167 –17,912 –18,691 –19,502 –76,236 –165,966
Apply the net investment income tax to pass-through
business income of high-income taxpayers ............. –8,496 –38,302 –29,950 –31,931 –34,819 –37,435 –39,950 –42,143 –43,986 –46,126 –48,579 –172,437 –393,221
Increase the net investment income tax rate and
additional Medicare tax rate for high-income
taxpayers .................................................................. –8,394 –42,920 –31,327 –32,285 –34,710 –37,224 –39,822 –42,450 –44,963 –47,602 –50,487 –178,466 –403,790
Allow States to provide continuous eligibility up to
age 6 in Medicaid and CHIP .................................... ......... ......... ......... 1 ......... 1 ......... 1 1 ......... 1 2 5
Prohibit CHIP enrollment fees and premiums ........... ......... ......... 1 ......... 1 ......... 1 ......... 1 1 1 2 6
Establish Electronic Visa Update System (EVUS)
user fee ..................................................................... ......... –7 –7 –8 –8 –8 –8 –8 –8 –8 –8 –38 –78
Improve Unemployment Insurance (UI) program
integrity .................................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... 6 5 10 11 11 18 16 11 77
Increase business aviation kerosene jet fuel tax rate ... ......... –44 –106 –169 –235 –300 –322 –325 –329 –332 –336 –854 –2,498
Extend investments in Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) .......................................................................... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –3,046 –42,691 –60,911 –70,716 –80,001 –83,648 –3,046 –341,013
Increase civil monetary penalties for labor law
violations ................................................................. ......... –150 –200 –250 –250 –250 –250 –250 –300 –300 –300 –1,100 –2,500
Total, receipt effect of mandatory proposals ........... –117,770 –359,719 –403,472 –381,203 –396,399 –408,231 –455,324 –484,084 –501,583 –524,147 –556,531 –1,949,024 –4,470,693
Net of income offsets.
Estimates were not available at the time of Budget publication.
This proposal represents a $9 billion dollar investment; potential savings could not be estimated, so the net effect of the proposal on spending is not available.
The Cancer Moonshot authorization expires in 2023. The Budget prioritizes the reauthorization of the Cancer Moonshot by requesting $716 million in discretionary resources
within NIH in 2024 in discretionary resources and by proposing a mandatory reauthorization through 2026. The total Budget request for NIH Cancer Moonshot is $3.6 billion
through 2026.
The current approach to revenue estimation does not consider many activities that are likely to influence revenue. A comprehensive approach would potentially yield an additional
$353 billion from the IRS’s investment and this proposal over the 10-year window. See the “Budget Process” chapter in the Analytical Perspectives volume for further discussion.
The Budget proposes to support the USPS through an intragovernmental transaction that increases the balances in the Postal Service Fund but results in no net deficit effect in the
10-year budget window. The General Fund appropriation of $494 million in 2025 can be found in the transmit 4 for the Payment to the Postal Service account and is offset in the
receiving account, the Postal Service Fund.
This proposal affects both receipts and outlays. The net effect is shown above. The outlay effects included in these estimates are as follows:
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Make the adoption tax credit refundable and allow
certain guardianship arrangements to qualify ...... ......... ......... 2,653 1,481 1,252 1,253 1,254 1,265 1,273 1,268 1,282 6,639 12,981
Make permanent the income exclusion for forgiven
student debt .............................................................. ......... ......... ......... 2 2 23 27 29 30 32 35 27 180
Table S–6. Mandatory and Receipt Proposals—Continued
(In millions of dollars)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
2025–2029 2025–2034
Increase the statute of limitations on assessment
of the COVID-related paid leave and employee
retention tax credits ................................................. –10 –144 –434 –372 –72 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –1,022 –1,022
Impose penalties for inaccurate or fraudulent
employment tax returns .......................................... ......... –596 –10 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... –606 –606
Expand and increase penalties for noncompliant
return preparation and e-filing ............................... ......... –24 –29 –21 –19 –20 –22 –24 –26 –28 –30 –113 –243
Grant authority to IRS for oversight of all paid
preparers .................................................................. ......... –10 –17 –18 –21 –24 –24 –24 –23 –21 –21 –90 –203
Total, outlay effect of receipt proposals ................... –10 –774 2,163 1,072 1,142 1,232 1,235 1,246 1,254 1,251 1,266 4,835 11,087
20342026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Base Discretionary Funding
................... 1,618 1,603 1,629 1,691 1,728 1,766 1,805 1,830 1,856 1,883 1,911 1,938 8,619 18,038
Non-Defense Shifts to Mandatory
......... ......... ......... ......... –9 –9 –10 –10 –10 –10 –10 –11 –11 –38 –90
Bureau of Indian Affairs ............................. ......... ......... ......... –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –2 –5
Indian Health Service ................................. ......... ......... ......... –8 –8 –9 –9 –9 –9 –9 –10 –10 –34 –80
CMS Survey and Certification ................... ......... ......... ......... –* –* –* –* –* –* –* –* –* –2 –4
Non-Base Discretionary Funding (not included above):
Enacted and Proposed Emergency
Funding ................................................... 88 148 8 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 24 45
Program Integrity ....................................... 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4 15 32
Disaster Relief ............................................. 20 20 23 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 78 146
Wildfire Suppression ................................... 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 14 28
FRA Appropriations .................................... 14 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Exempted from Budget Enforcement ......... 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 22 45
Total, Non-Base Funding ........................... 132 178 42 28 27 27 28 28 28 29 29 29 152 295
Grand Total, Discretionary Budget
Authority ................................................... 1,750 1,780 1,671 1,710 1,746 1,784 1,823 1,848 1,875 1,901 1,929 1,957 8,733 18,243
Memorandum: Presentation of base discretionary by defense and non-defense
Defense Allocation
..................................... 858 886 895 924 944 963 983 990 997 1,004 1,011 1,018 4,709 9,730
Non-Defense Allocation ............................... 641 581 621 636 650 665 680 696 712 729 745 762 3,253 6,897
Veterans Affairs Medical Care Program ........ 119 136 113 131 134 138 141 144 147 151 154 158 657 1,410
Memorandum: Presentation of base discretionary by security and nonsecurity
Security Allocation ...................................... 980 1,007 1,017 1,050 1,072 1,097 1,120 1,131 1,141 1,152 1,163 1,173 5,357 11,117
Nonsecurity Allocation ................................ 519 460 499 510 521 531 543 556 568 581 594 607 2,605 5,510
Veterans Affairs Medical Care Program ......... 119 136 113 131 134 138 141 144 147 151 154 158 657 1,410
Memorandum: Discretionary appropriations provided in the
Infrastructure, Investment, and Jobs Act
... 70 67 66 64 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... 130 130
Table S–7. Funding Levels for Appropriated (“Discretionary”) Programs by Category
(Budget authority in billions of dollars)
Table S–7. Funding Levels for Appropriated (“Discretionary”) Programs by Category—Continued
(Budget authority in billions of dollars)
* Less than $500 million.
The 2023 actual level includes changes that occur after appropriations are enacted that are part of budget execution such as transfers, reestimates, and the rebasing as mandatory
any changes in mandatory programs (CHIMPs) enacted in appropriations bills. The 2023 levels are adjusted to add back OMB’s scoring of CHIMPs enacted in 2023 appropriations
acts for a better illustrative comparison with the 2025 request.
At the time the 2025 Budget was prepared, 2024 appropriations remained incomplete and the 2024 column reflects at the account level enacted full-year and annualized continuing
appropriations provided under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 (Division A of Public Law 118–15, as amended) (“the 2024 CR”). The 2024 levels are further adjusted
through allowances to illustratively reflect a “likely enacted” level to account for the appropriations topline deal reached by Congressional Leadership in January 2024.
Base funding includes certain amounts designated as emergency requirements that are for base activities. These amounts are described as “shifted base” in numerous budget
The 2025 Budget proposes to shift the Indian Health Service (IHS) and the CMS Survey and Certification Program in HHS, as well as contract support costs and 105(l) leases
within the Bureau of Indian Programs (BIA) in the Department of the Interior to the mandatory side of the Budget starting in 2026. See the “Budget Process” chapter of the
Analytical Perspectives volume of the Budget for more information on these proposals.
The 2025 Budget presents enacted and proposed cap adjustments such as emergency requirements, program integrity, disaster relief, wildfire suppression, and other appropriations
exempted from budget enforcement outside of base allocations.
The section presents base discretionary funding by both defense and non-defense and by security and nonsecurity allocations. The definition of security and nonsecurity is the
same as the definition specified in the Budget Control Act of 2011 with security including the Departments of Defense, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, the National Nuclear
Security Administration, the International Budget Function (150), and the Intelligence Community Management Account and with all other discretionary programs in the
nonsecurity category. This presentation of discretionary excludes the proposed shifts to mandatory. After 2025, the Administration proposes that the Veterans Affairs Medical Care
Program be budgeted for separately from the rest of non-defense programs given its anomalous growth pattern. See the “Budget Process” chapter of the Analytical Perspectives
volume of the Budget for more information on this proposal.
The amounts in the 2025 Budget are based on the National Security and National Defense strategies and the Department of Defense Future Years Defense Program, which
includes a five-year appropriations plan and estimated expenditures necessary to support the programs, projects, and activities of the Department of Defense. After 2029, the
Budget reflects outyear growth rates consistent with prior Budgets.
Section 905(c) of division J of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117–58; IIJA) specified that amounts provided in division J should be considered as
emergency discretionary appropriations. The amounts provided as discretionary appropriations in IIJA are summarized here, however, these amounts are kept separate from
other discretionary amounts included above that are considered during the regular appropriations process.
2025 Request Less
2023 Actual
Dollar Percent
Base Discretionary Funding:
Cabinet Departments:
............................................................................................................................................. 27.2 27.2 29.2 +2.0 +7.4%
Commerce ................................................................................................................................................. 11.2 11.2 11.4 +0.3 +2.4%
Defense ..................................................................................................................................................... 815.9 817.3 849.8 +33.8 +4.1%
Education .................................................................................................................................................. 79.2 79.2 82.4 +3.1 +3.9%
Energy (DOE) ........................................................................................................................................... 47.8 47.9 51.4 +3.6 +7.5%
Health and Human Services (HHS)
...................................................................................................... 129.1 135.6 133.8 +4.8 +3.7%
Homeland Security (DHS):
DHS program level ............................................................................................................................... 60.9 61.0 62.2 +1.2 +2.0%
Transportation Security Administration passenger fee proposal ....................................................... ......... ......... –1.6 –1.6 N/A
Housing and Urban Development (HUD):
HUD program level .............................................................................................................................. 72.1 72.1 72.6 +0.5 +0.7%
HUD receipts ........................................................................................................................................ –6.5 –5.0 –6.7 –0.2 N/A
Interior (DOI) ........................................................................................................................................... 17.0 17.3 17.8 +0.8 +4.8%
Justice ....................................................................................................................................................... 37.6 38.1 37.8 +0.2 +0.5%
Labor ......................................................................................................................................................... 13.6 13.6 13.9 +0.3 +2.3%
State and International Programs
...................................................................................................... 64.2 63.4 64.4 +0.1 +0.2%
Transportation (DOT) .............................................................................................................................. 28.7 28.7 25.4 –3.2 –11.2%
.................................................................................................................................................. 14.2 14.2 14.4 +0.2 +1.2%
Veterans Affairs ........................................................................................................................................ 134.9 151.7 129.3 –5.6 –4.2%
Major Agencies:
Corps of Engineers (Corps) ...................................................................................................................... 6.3 6.3 5.5 –0.8 –12.6%
Environmental Protection Agency .......................................................................................................... 10.1 10.1 11.0 +0.9 +8.4%
General Services Administration ............................................................................................................ 0.1 –0.4 0.7 +1.0 N/A
National Aeronautics and Space Administration ................................................................................... 25.4 25.4 25.4 ......... .........
National Science Foundation ................................................................................................................... 9.5 9.5 10.2 +0.6 +6.8%
Small Business Administration ............................................................................................................... 1.1 1.1 1.0 –0.1 –7.5%
Social Security Administration
............................................................................................................. 9.6 9.2 9.9 +0.3 +3.4%
Other Agencies ......................................................................................................................................... 27.4 27.3 29.2 +1.8 +6.6%
Offsets including changes in mandatory programs
............................................................................. –18.6 –15.9 –51.1 –32.6 +175.5%
Adjustments for 2024 Likely Enacted
................................................................................................... ......... –43.8 ......... ......... N/A
Subtotal, Base Discretionary Budget Authority (BA) ...................................................................... 1,618.1 1,602.5 1,629.1 +11.0 +0.7%
Non-Base Discretionary Funding:
Emergency Requirements:
Agriculture ........................................................................................................................................... 6.0 ......... * –5.9 N/A
Commerce ............................................................................................................................................. 1.9 ......... ......... –1.9 N/A
Defense ................................................................................................................................................. 35.8 ......... ......... –35.8 N/A
Table S–8. 2025 Discretionary Request by Major Agency
(Budget authority in billions of dollars)
Table S–8. 2025 Discretionary Request by Major Agency—Continued
(Budget authority in billions of dollars)
2025 Request Less
2023 Actual
Dollar Percent
Energy .................................................................................................................................................. 1.7 ......... ......... –1.7 N/A
Health and Human Services ............................................................................................................... 6.6 ......... 3.6 –3.0 N/A
Homeland Security .............................................................................................................................. 6.6 16.0 4.7 –1.9 N/A
Housing and Urban Development ....................................................................................................... 5.0 ......... ......... –5.0 N/A
Interior .................................................................................................................................................. 2.0 ......... ......... –2.0 N/A
State and International Programs ...................................................................................................... 19.0 ......... ......... –19.0 N/A
Transportation ..................................................................................................................................... 1.0 ......... ......... –1.0 N/A
Corps of Engineers (Corps) .................................................................................................................. 1.2 ......... ......... –1.2 N/A
Environmental Protection Agency ...................................................................................................... 1.7 ......... ......... –1.7 N/A
Small Business Administration ........................................................................................................... –0.6 ......... ......... +0.6 N/A
Other Agencies ..................................................................................................................................... 0.7 ......... ......... –0.7 N/A
Subtotal, Emergency Requirements ....................................................................................................... 88.4 16.0 8.3 –80.1 N/A
Pending 2024 Supplemental Emergency Requests:
Agriculture ........................................................................................................................................... ......... 1.2 ......... ......... N/A
Defense ................................................................................................................................................. ......... 58.3 ......... ......... N/A
Energy .................................................................................................................................................. ......... 3.0 ......... ......... N/A
Health and Human Services ............................................................................................................... ......... 5.5 ......... ......... N/A
Homeland Security .............................................................................................................................. ......... 17.9 ......... ......... N/A
Justice ................................................................................................................................................... ......... 1.7 ......... ......... N/A
State and International Programs ...................................................................................................... ......... 34.8 ......... ......... N/A
Federal Communications Commission ............................................................................................... ......... 9.1 ......... ......... N/A
Other Agencies ..................................................................................................................................... ......... 0.2 ......... ......... N/A
Subtotal, Pending 2024 Supplemental Emergency Requests ................................................................ ......... 131.5 ......... ......... N/A
Program Integrity:
Health and Human Services ............................................................................................................... 0.6 0.6 0.6 +0.1 +9.4%
Labor ..................................................................................................................................................... 0.3 0.3 0.3 +* +5.0%
Social Security Administration .......................................................................................................... 1.5 1.5 1.6 +0.1 +7.8%
Adjustments for 2024 Likely Enacted
.............................................................................................. ......... 0.1 ......... ......... N/A
Subtotal, Program Integrity .................................................................................................................... 2.3 2.4 2.5 +0.2 +7.9%
Disaster Relief:
Homeland Security .............................................................................................................................. 19.9 19.9 22.7 +2.8 +13.9%
Small Business Administration ........................................................................................................... 0.1 0.1 0.5 +0.3 +244.1%
Adjustments for 2024 Likely Enacted
............................................................................................... ......... 0.3 ......... ......... N/A
Subtotal, Disaster Relief .......................................................................................................................... 20.1 20.4 23.2 +3.1 +15.5%
Wildfire Suppression:
Agriculture ........................................................................................................................................... 2.2 2.2 2.4 +0.2 +8.1%
Interior .................................................................................................................................................. 0.3 0.3 0.4 +* +5.9%
Adjustments for 2024 Likely Enacted
.............................................................................................. ......... 0.1 ......... ......... N/A
Subtotal, Wildfire Suppression ................................................................................................................ 2.6 2.7 2.8 +0.2 +7.8%
Table S–8. 2025 Discretionary Request by Major Agency—Continued
(Budget authority in billions of dollars)
2025 Request Less
2023 Actual
Dollar Percent
Appropriations Enacted in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023:
Commerce ............................................................................................................................................. 22.0 ......... ......... –22.0 N/A
Health and Human Services ............................................................................................................... –6.6 ......... ......... +6.6 N/A
Small Business Administration ........................................................................................................... –0.8 ......... ......... +0.8 N/A
Other Agencies ..................................................................................................................................... –0.2 ......... ......... +0.2 N/A
Subtotal, FRA Appropriations ................................................................................................................. 14.4 ......... ......... –14.4 –100.0%
Exempted Funding:
Education .............................................................................................................................................. 0.2 0.2 0.2 ......... N/A
Health and Human Services ............................................................................................................... 1.3 0.7 0.4 –1.0 N/A
Justice ................................................................................................................................................... 0.3 0.3 0.3 ......... N/A
Corps of Engineers (Corps) .................................................................................................................. 2.4 2.4 1.7 –0.6 N/A
Environmental Protection Agency ...................................................................................................... 0.2 1.2 2.2 +2.0 N/A
Subtotal, Exempted Funding ................................................................................................................... 4.4 4.7 4.8 +0.4 +9.5%
Subtotal, Non-Base Discretionary Funding ....................................................................................... 132.2 177.8 41.6 –90.6 –68.6%
Total, Discretionary BA ........................................................................................................................... 1,750.3 1,780.3 1,670.7 –79.6 –4.5%
2025 Request Less
2023 Actual
Dollar Percent
Memorandum - Comparison by Category:
Total, Base Discretionary Funding .......................................................................................................... 1,618.1 1,602.5 1,629.1 +11.0 +0.7%
Base Discretionary by Defense and Non-Defense:
............................................................................................................................................... 858.2 886.3 895.2 +37.0 +4.3%
Non-Defense .......................................................................................................................................... 759.9 716.2 733.9 –26.0 –3.4%
Base Non-Defense, excluding shifted base funding
..................................................................... 747.4 703.7 710.7 +7.0 +0.9%
Non-Defense shifted base funding ................................................................................................... 12.5 12.5 23.2 +10.7 +85.6%
Non-Defense Program Level
............................................................................................................. 759.9 754.9 770.0 +10.1 +1.3%
Table S–8. 2025 Discretionary Request by Major Agency—Continued
(Budget authority in billions of dollars)
2025 Request Less
2023 Actual
Dollar Percent
* Less than $50 million.
The 2023 actual level includes changes that occur after appropriations are enacted that are part of budget execution such as transfers, reestimates, and the rebasing as mandatory
any changes in mandatory programs (CHIMPs) enacted in appropriations bills. The 2023 levels are adjusted to add back OMB’s scoring of CHIMPs enacted in 2023 appropriations
acts for a better illustrative comparison with the 2025 request.
At the time the 2025 Budget was prepared, 2024 appropriations remained incomplete and the 2024 column reflects at the account level enacted full-year and annualized continuing
appropriations provided under the Continuing Appropriations Act, 2024 (Division A of Public Law 118–15, as amended) (“the 2024 CR”). The 2024 levels are further adjusted
through allowances to illustratively reflect a “likely enacted” level to account for the appropriations topline deal reached by Congressional Leadership in January 2024.
Base funding includes certain amounts designated as emergency requirements that are considered to be for base activities. These amounts are described as “shifted base” in
numerous budget materials.
Funding for Food for Peace Title II Grants is included in the State and International Programs total. Although the funds are appropriated to the Department of Agriculture, the
funds are administered by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Funding from the Hospital Insurance and Supplementary Medical Insurance trust funds for administrative expenses incurred by the Social Security Administration that support
the Medicare program are included in the Health and Human Services total and not in the Social Security Administration total.
The State and International Programs total includes funding for the Department of State, USAID, Treasury International, and 11 international agencies while the Treasury total
excludes Treasury’s International Programs.
The limitation enacted and proposed in the Justice Department’s Crime Victims Fund program and cancellations in the Children’s Health Insurance Program in HHS and the
Nonrecurring Expenses Fund in Commerce make up the bulk of these offsets.
The 2024 column includes several emergency supplemental funding requests that the Administration has submitted to the Congress including all amounts requested in its
National Security Supplemental Request for Ukraine, Israel, humanitarian aid, and border and other national security funding that was transmitted on October 20, 2023, as well
as additional amounts for domestic needs, including disaster-related funding, that was informally submitted on October 25, 2023.
This columns reflects appropriations enacted in the Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (Public Law 118–5; FRA); these appropriations are considered to be outside of base totals.
The Exempted funds column reflects amounts that are not counted for purposes of budget enforcement which includes 21st Century Cures appropriations in HHS, the Bipartisan
Safer Communities Act advance appropriations, certain revenues provided for the EPA Superfund, and the Corps’ Harbor Maintenance Trust Fund appropriations. These amounts
are not counted as part of base totals.
The defense and non-defense base totals, excluding shifted base funding for 2024 and 2025, tie to the statutory discretionary caps enacted in the FRA.
The non-defense base program level includes shifted base funding and adjusts for certain offsets included in the Budget that are part of the FRA agreement to provide non-defense
resources above the FRA caps.
Note: Section 905(c) of division J of the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (Public Law 117–58; IIJA) specified that amounts provided in division J should be considered as
emergency discretionary appropriations. The amounts provided as discretionary appropriations in IIJA are not summarized on this table, however, as these amounts are kept
separate from other discretionary amounts included above that are considered during the regular appropriations process.
2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Gross Domestic Product (GDP):
Nominal level, billions of dollars .................................................... 25,744 27,348 28,507 29,640 30,863 32,139 33,466 34,870 36,368 37,947 39,594 41,313 43,110
Percent change, nominal GDP, year/year ....................................... 9.1 6.2 4.2 4.0 4.1 4.1 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3 4.3
Real GDP, percent change, year/year ............................................. 1.9 2.4 1.7 1.8 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
Real GDP, percent change, Q4/Q4 .................................................. 0.7 2.6 1.3 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2 2.2
GDP chained price index, percent change, year/year .................... 7.1 3.7 2.5 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1 2.1
Consumer Price Index,
percent change, year/year ................ 8.0 4.2 2.9 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3
Interest rates, percent:
91-day Treasury bills ...................................................................... 2.0 5.1 5.1 4.0 3.3 3.1 2.9 2.8 2.8 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.7
10-year Treasury notes ................................................................... 3.0 4.1 4.4 4.0 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7 3.7
Unemployment rate, civilian, percent
...................................... 3.6 3.6 4.0 4.0 3.9 3.9 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8 3.8
Note: A more detailed table of economic assumptions appears in the “Economic Assumptions and Overview” chapter of the Analytical Perspectives volume of the Budget.
Seasonally adjusted CPI for all urban consumers.
Annual average.
Average rate, secondary market (bank discount basis).
Table S–9. Economic Assumptions
(Calendar years)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Unified budget deficit:
Primary deficit ................................................................ 1,035 971 816 533 438 437 293 400 313 304 373 192
Net interest ..................................................................... 658 889 965 1,013 1,072 1,136 1,190 1,241 1,301 1,367 1,428 1,485
Unified budget deficit .................................................. 1,694 1,859 1,781 1,547 1,510 1,573 1,483 1,640 1,614 1,671 1,801 1,677
As a percent of GDP ................................................ 6.3% 6.6% 6.1% 5.1% 4.7% 4.7% 4.3% 4.6% 4.3% 4.3% 4.4% 3.9%
Other transactions affecting borrowing from the public:
Changes in financial assets and liabilities:
Change in Treasury operating cash balance ............. 21 143 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Net disbursements of credit financing accounts:
Direct loan and Troubled Asset Relief Program
(TARP) equity purchase accounts ...................... 259 –102 43 104 97 66 63 54 37 33 32 36
Guaranteed loan accounts ...................................... 37 22 3 6 4 5 4 5 5 5 5 5
Net purchases of non-Federal securities by the
National Railroad Retirement Investment Trust
(NRRIT) ................................................................... 1 –1 –* –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –1 –*
Net change in other financial assets and liabilities
.... –30 ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... .........
Subtotal, changes in financial assets and
liabilities .............................................................. 288 61 47 109 100 70 66 58 41 36 36 40
Seigniorage on coins ........................................................ ......... –* –* –* –* –* –* –* –* –* –* –*
Total, other transactions affecting
borrowing from the public ...................................... 288 61 47 109 100 70 66 58 41 36 36 40
Total, requirement to borrow from the public
(equals change in debt held by the public) .... 1,982 1,921 1,828 1,656 1,610 1,643 1,549 1,698 1,655 1,707 1,837 1,716
Changes in Debt Subject to Statutory Limitation:
Change in debt held by the public ...................................... 1,982 1,921 1,828 1,656 1,610 1,643 1,549 1,698 1,655 1,707 1,837 1,716
Change in debt held by Government accounts .................. 168 198 161 288 138 31 155 49 33 –16 –135 –35
Change in other factors ...................................................... 51 –1 –2 –2 –1 * 1 * 1 1 2 2
Total, change in debt subject to statutory limitation .... 2,201 2,118 1,986 1,941 1,747 1,674 1,705 1,748 1,689 1,692 1,703 1,683
Debt Subject to Statutory Limitation, End of Year:
Debt issued by Treasury ..................................................... 32,968 35,086 37,071 39,012 40,758 42,431 44,135 45,883 47,572 49,264 50,967 52,649
Adjustment for discount, premium, and coverage
........... 102 103 103 104 105 106 106 106 107 107 107 108
Total, debt subject to statutory limitation
................ 33,070 35,189 37,175 39,116 40,863 42,537 44,241 45,989 47,679 49,371 51,074 52,756
Debt Outstanding, End of Year:
Gross Federal debt:
Debt issued by Treasury ................................................. 32,968 35,086 37,071 39,012 40,758 42,431 44,135 45,883 47,572 49,264 50,967 52,649
Debt issued by other agencies ........................................ 21 22 25 27 29 30 30 30 29 28 27 26
Total, gross Federal debt ............................................. 32,989 35,108 37,096 39,040 40,788 42,461 44,165 45,912 47,601 49,292 50,993 52,674
As a percent of GDP ................................................ 122.3% 124.3% 126.4% 127.8% 128.2% 128.2% 128.0% 127.6% 126.8% 125.8% 124.7% 123.5%
Table S–10. Federal Government Financing and Debt
(Dollar amounts in billions)
Table S–10. Federal Government Financing and Debt—Continued
(Dollar amounts in billions)
2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034
Held by:
Debt held by Government accounts ............................... 6,753 6,952 7,113 7,400 7,538 7,569 7,724 7,773 7,806 7,790 7,654 7,619
Debt held by the public
................................................. 26,236 28,156 29,984 31,639 33,250 34,892 36,441 38,139 39,795 41,502 43,339 45,056
As a percent of GDP .................................................... 97.3% 99.6% 102.2% 103.6% 104.5% 105.3% 105.6% 106.0% 106.0% 105.9% 106.0% 105.6%
Debt Held by the Public Net of Financial Assets:
Debt held by the public ....................................................... 26,236 28,156 29,984 31,639 33,250 34,892 36,441 38,139 39,795 41,502 43,339 45,056
Less financial assets net of liabilities:
Treasury operating cash balance ................................... 657 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800 800
Credit financing account balances:
Direct loan and TARP equity purchase accounts ...... 1,598 1,496 1,539 1,643 1,740 1,806 1,869 1,923 1,960 1,993 2,025 2,061
Guaranteed loan accounts .......................................... 83 104 108 114 118 122 127 131 136 141 145 150
Government-sponsored enterprise stock
...................... 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240 240
Air carrier worker support warrants and notes
.......... 12 12 11 10 10 9 9 5 * * ......... .........
Emergency capital investment fund securities ............. 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1
Non-Federal securities held by NRRIT .......................... 24 23 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 17 16 16
Other assets net of liabilities .......................................... –109 –109 –109 –109 –109 –109 –109 –109 –109 –109 –109 –109
Total, financial assets net of liabilities ...................... 2,508 2,569 2,614 2,722 2,822 2,891 2,956 3,010 3,047 3,083 3,119 3,159
Debt held by the public net of financial assets ...... 23,728 25,587 27,370 28,917 30,428 32,001 33,485 35,129 36,748 38,419 40,220 41,897
As a percent of GDP ............................................ 88.0% 90.6% 93.3% 94.6% 95.6% 96.6% 97.0% 97.6% 97.9% 98.1% 98.4% 98.2%
* $500 million or less.
A decrease in the Treasury operating cash balance (which is an asset) is a means of financing a deficit and therefore has a negative sign. An increase in checks outstanding (which is
a liability) is also a means of financing a deficit and therefore also has a negative sign.
Includes checks outstanding, accrued interest payable on Treasury debt, uninvested deposit fund balances, allocations of special drawing rights, and other liability accounts; and, as
an offset, cash and monetary assets (other than the Treasury operating cash balance), other asset accounts, and profit on sale of gold.
Consists mainly of debt issued by the Federal Financing Bank (which is not subject to limit), the unamortized discount (less premium) on public issues of Treasury notes and bonds
(other than zero-coupon bonds), and the unrealized discount on Government account series securities.
Legislation enacted June 3, 2023 (Public Law 118–5), temporarily suspends the debt limit through January 1, 2025.
Treasury securities held by the public and zero-coupon bonds held by Government accounts are almost all measured at sales price plus amortized discount or less amortized
premium. Agency debt securities are almost all measured at face value. Treasury securities in the Government account series are otherwise measured at face value less
unrealized discount (if any).
At the end of 2023, the Federal Reserve Banks held $4,952.9 billion of Federal securities and the rest of the public held $21,282.7 billion. Debt held by the Federal Reserve Banks is
not estimated for future years.
Treasury’s warrants to purchase 79.9 percent of the common stock of the enterprises expire after September 7, 2028. The warrants were valued at $4 billion at the end of 2023.
Portions of the notes and warrants issued under the Air carrier worker support program (Payroll support program) are scheduled to expire in 2025, 2026, 2030, and 2031.
Allison Abbott
Andrew Abrams
Chandana L. Achanta
Laurie Adams
Jeffrey Adarkwa
Olukayode Adeyemo
Abby Admete
Shagufta Ahmed
Benjamin Aidoo
Lina Al Sudani
Erin Cheese Alejandre
Jason Alleman
Emma S. Almon
Katherine S. Aloisi
Raymond Y. AlQaisi
Aaron Alton
Marc Alvidrez
Samantha Ammons
Starlisha Anderson
James L. Anthony
Lisa Anuszewski
Alejandra Apecechea
Kristine Arboleda
Fiama P. Arce
Rachel Arguello
Alison Arnold
Anna R. Arroyo
Emily Schultz Askew
Lisa L. August
Jeffrey Auser
Viraj Ayar
Eileen Baca
Drew Bailey
Jessie W. Bailey
Paul W. Baker
Melinda J. Baldwin
Carol A. Bales
Pratik S. Banjade
Carl Barrick
Avital Bar-Shalom
Amy Batchelor
Sarah Belford
Alexandra Bell
Jennifer Wagner Bell
Joseph J. Berger
Samuel Berger
Danielle Berman
Elizabeth A. Bernhard
Katherine Berrey
Jalen K. Berrian
William Bestani
Karuna Bhimagouni
Samuel J. Black
Kathleen M. Blackwell
William M. Blais
Mathew C. Blum
Brandon Bodnar
Amira C. Boland
Melissa B. Bomberger
James R. Boohaker
Charles J. Borges
Alexandra S.
Matthew Bowen
Michael E. Boyce
Michael D. Branson
Alex M. Brant
Jon Paul Brazill
Victoria Bredow
Joseph F. Breighner
Nicholas Brethauer
Candice M. Bronack
Ashley A. Brooks
Katherine W. Broomell
Dustin S. Brown
Michael T. Brunetto
Brandon Bryan
Tom D. Bullers
Coulton Bunney
Jinee Burdg
Scott Burgess
Elisha M. Burke
Samantha M.
Michael D. Burstein
John C. Burton
Cinnamon L. Butler
Sean Butler
Steven Cahill
Edward A. Calimag
Samuel F. Callahan
Gregory J. Callanan
Amy Marie Canfield
Eric D. Cardoza
Joseph Carlile
Laura Carollo
Kevin Carpenter
Christina S. Carrere
Scott D. Carson
Mariah L. Casimir
Mary I. Cassell
David Cassidy
Trisha Castaneda
Sam P. Cathcart
Dan Chandler
David Chang
Laura K. Chang
Suzanne Chapman
William W. Chapman
Anthony Chase
James Chase
Nida Chaudhary
Anita Chellaraj
Fonda Chen
Amy Chenault
Douglas G. Cheung
Zachary A. Child
Dana Chisnell
Sophia Choudhry
Colin D. Christensen
Lisa Chung
Michael J. Ciccarone
Alex Ciepley
Ashley N. Clark
Jaimie N. Clark
Louise A. Clark
Michael Clark
Rachel Claude
Christopher Clavin
Christopher L.
Alyssa Cogen
Jesse A. Cohen
Kristy L. Colbert
Nani A. Coloretti
Kelly T. Colyar
Kathleen B. Comando
Jose A. Conde
Christine M. Connolly
David C. Connolly
Kyle Connors
LaTiesha B. Cooper
Nicole Cordan
Drew W. Cramer
Ayana Crawford
Tiffany N. Crawford
William E. Creedon
Jefferson Crowder
Albert Crowley
Juliana Crump
Lily Cuk
Pennee Cumberlander
C. Tyler Curtis
Patricia Cusack
Nadir Dalal
Shaibya L. Dalal
D. Michael Daly
Rody Damis
Neil B. Danberg
Kristy L. Daphnis
Joanne C. Davenport
Kelly Jo Davis
Kenneth L. Davis
Margaret B. Davis-
Karen De Los Santos
The following personnel contributed to the preparation of this publication. Hundreds, perhaps
thousands, of others throughout the Government also deserve credit for their valuable contribu-
David A. del Cuadro-
Emily L. DeLancey
Tasha M. Demps
Paul J. Denaro
Catherine A. Derbes
Christopher DeRusha
Maggie A. DeSisto
Selene Diaz
John H. Dick
Rachel M. Diedrick
Rachael E. Dietkus
Cle Diggins
Jean Diomi Kazadi
Katie Webb Doerge
Angela Donatelli
Paul S. Donohue
Tobias A. Dorsey
Clara Marian Downey
Celeste Drake
Megan Dreher
Angela Driscoll
Lisa Cash Driskill
Adrian Drummond
Vanessa Duguay
Daphney Dupervil
Nathaniel Durden
Ryan R. Durga
Javier R. Dutan
Dominique M. Duval
Maureen E. Earley
Jeanette Edwards
Peter S. Eggerding
Melissa Eggleston
Matthew Eliseo
Jeffrey M. Elkin
Michelle Enger
Diana F. Epstein
Paul R. Eriksen
Celeste Espinoza
Jose A. Estrada
Erica Evans
Gillian Evans
Patrick Evans
Farnoosh Faezi-Marian
Edna Falk Curtin
Hunter Fang
Kara Farley-Cahill
Luke M. Farrell
Louis E. Feagans
Kelsi Feltz
Agatha Fenech
Matias C. Fernandez
Saverio V. Feudo
Lesley A. Field
Tess E. Fields
Jonathan R. Finch
Mary S. Fischietto
John J. Fitzpatrick
Ashlie B. Flegel
Cleones Fleurima
Maria Christina J.
Mary Frances Foster
Daniel G. Fowlkes
Steven D. Frankel
Nicholas A. Fraser
Katherine L. Friedman
Carlos A. Fuentes Cruz
Laurel D. Fuller
Steven Furnagiev
Noha Gaber
Kelley J. Gallagher
Christopher D.
Joseph R. Ganahl
Jacob A. Garcia
Kyle Gardiner
Mathias A. Gardner
Marc Garufi
Alex Gaynor
Jeremy J. Gelb
Marc Geller
Anna M. Gendron
Laura Gerhardt
Mariam Ghavalyan
Daniel M. Giamo
Carolyn Gibson
Laura Gillam
Brian Gillis
Janelle R. Gingold
Jacob Glass
Porter O. Glock
Christopher Glodosky
Tyler Glotfelty
Andrea L. Goel
Jeffrey D. Goldstein
Christopher Gomba
Anthony A. Gonzalez
Oscar Gonzalez
Alex Goodenough
Colleen M. Gravens
Kathryn Green
Aron Greenberg
Elyse F. Greenwald
Robin J. Griffin
Justin Grimes
Hester C. Grippando
Adam A. Grogg
Benjamin Guhin
Michael B. Hagan
James R. Hagen
William F. Hamele
Christine E. Hammer
Rachel Han
Anastasia K. Hanan
Brian J. Hanson
Jennifer L. Hanson
Christine J. Harada
Dionne Hardy
Ashley Harris
Noah Harris
Deidre A. Harrison
Paul Harvey
Homa Hassan
Julian Hasse
Glinda R. Hawkins
Mark Hazelgren
Kelly A. Healton
Noreen Hecmanczuk
Margaret Z. Heimann
Gary Hellman
Sherita J. Henderson
Natalie D.
Tonya R. Henley
Catherine M. Hensly
John David Henson
Mitchel Herckis
Nathalie S. Herman
Jacobo Hernandez
Rachel Hernández
Michael J. Hickey
Michael Hildner
Amanda M. Hill
Jennifer E. Hoef
Stuart Hoffman
Anthony Hokayem
Jayla R. Hollie
Shavonne U. Holman
Michele Holt
Michael Holtje
Nicholas Holtz
Camille T.D. Hopkins
Christopher Hoppel
Benjamin Hosmer
Clinton T. Hourigan
Danielle S. House
Devany M. Howard
Peter Hoy
Mina Hsiang
Grace Hu
Julia Bickett Hubbell
Samantha Hubner
Kathy M. Hudgins
Zachary M.
Thomas Huelskoetter
Shristi Humagai
Ashley Hungerford
Sally J. Hunnicutt
Alexander T. Hunt
Ginny Hunt
Lorraine D. Hunt
James C. Hurban
Tae H. Im
Shelley Irving
Matthew Ishimaru
Maya Israni
Alfred Jackson
Sharease M. Jackson
Theodore R. Jackson
Aryeh Jacobsohn
Daniel Jacobson
Manish Jain
Natasha A. Jamal
Yejin Jang
Joseph C. Jankiewicz
Ames R. Jenkins
Carol Jenkins
Juan G. Jimenez
Michael J. Joannes
Carol Johnson
Gregory Johnson
Michael D. Johnson
Suraju O. Jolaoso
Andre A. Jolivette
Denise Bray Jones
Joshua Jones
Karianne M. Jones
Lauren H. Jones
Lisa M. Jones
Shannon Maire Joyce
Hee Jun
Jason Kahn
Riyad Kalla
Benjamin J. Kallos
Jennifer Kam
Daniel T. Kane
Jacob H. Kaplan
Steven Kappel
Jenifer Liechty
Florence Kasule
Natalie Kates
Jason Kattman
Regina L. Kearney
Ariel L. Keller
Mary W. Keller
Natonne E. Kemp
Nancy B. Kenly
Kameron Kerger
Arianna Khan
Alexander J. Kharbush
Meen Khatri
Amy J. Kim
Maria Kim
Nathaniel Kim
Rachael Y. Kim
Kelly C. King
Kelly A. Kinneen
Jessica Elizabeth
Cheryl A. Klein
Robert T. Klein
Hank Knaack
Sreeja Kondeti
Clair A. Koroma
Andrea G. Korovesis
Megan Kosai
Anneli Faride Kraft
Charles Kraiger
Jennifer O. Kramer
Lori A. Krauss
Alyssa Kropp
Megan K. Kruse
Steven B. Kuennen
Jennifer J. Kuk
Anshul Kumar
Tara Kumar
Sara Kuncaitis-Wall
Christine J. Kymn
Christopher D. LaBaw
Leonard L. Lainhart
Chad A. Lallemand
Kristine Lam
Lawrence L. Lambert
Michael Landry
Katrina M. Langer
Rachel S. Lanman
Daniel LaPlaca
Eric P. Lauer
Shelby K. Lauter
Jessie L. LaVine
Daniel Lawver
Jessica K. Lee
Susan E. Leetmaa
Jacob Leibenluft
Stephen Leibman
Bryan P. León
Annie M. Leonetti
Kerrie Leslie
John C. Levock-
Andrew Lewandowski
Kali M. Lewis
Benjamin Lidofsky
Andrew Lieberman
Jennifer Liebschutz
Jane C. Lien
Ming Ligh
Kristina E. Lilac
Erika Liliedahl
John E. Lindner
Jennifer M. Lipiew
Adam Lipton
Luanne Lohr
Tanner L. Long
Sara R. Lopez
Zuzana Love
Adrienne E. Lucas
Alisa Luu
Kelvin T. Luu
Steven Mackey
Sarah Mackintosh
Ryan MacMaster
Joshua H. MacNeill
Brett Maden
Sophie Maher
Claire A. Mahoney
Dominic Maione
Bianca Majumder
Nancy Makale
Kathryn E. Maloney
Dominic J. Mancini
Emily J. Mann
Noah S. Mann
Iulia Z. Manolache
Christopher Steven
Madeline R. Marquez
Nicole Martinez Moore
Clare Martorana
Stephen Massoni
Monica Mata
Ankit Mathur
Kimie Matsuo
Maya Mau
Joshua May
Jenna J. Mayer
Mitzi Mayer
Maxwell R. Mazzocchi
Jessica Rae McBean
Alexander J.
John L. McClung
Elisabeth L. McClure
Daniela McCool
Jeremy P. McCrary
Anthony W. McDonald
Christine A. McDonald
Katrina A. McDonald
Renford McDonald
Benjamin L. McGuire
Lewis A. Mcilwain
Katherine E. McKenna
Kellie McManamon
Michael McManus
Frank McNally
Amy L. McNary-
William McNavage
Christopher McNeal
Maya Mechenbier
Edward Meier
Flavio Menasce
Gabriel A. Menchaca
Andrew G. Mendoza
Margaret Mergen
P. Thaddeus
Daniel J. Michelson-
Jaden A. Mikoulinskii
Frank W. Milbourn V
Leah Milhander
Eric Mill
Jason Miller
Kimberly Miller
Leanna M. Miller
Sofie Miller
Morgan Mills
Susan M. Minson
Angela L. Mitchell
Chance Mitchell
Terrance D. Mitchell
Kira Mickie Mitre
Katherine Mlika
Elizabeth E. Molle-
Kirsten J. Moncada
Allyce Moncton
Claire E. Monteiro
Andrea J. Montoya
Julia C. Moore
Natalie Moore
Amy A. Morath
Mary J. Moreno
Anne M. Morgan
Karen M. Moronski-
Peter D. Morrissey
Savannah M. Moss
Zoriana Moulton
Siddharth Muchhal
Robin McLaughry
Tracey C. Mulrooney
Angela Lum Mundi
Ian Munoz
Susan R. Murphy
Paul-Donavon Murray
Christian G. Music
Hayley W. Myers
Heather Myers
Kimberley L Myers
Drew Myklegard
Andrew Nacin
Jeptha E. Nafziger
Larry J. Nagl
Barry Napear
Robert Nassif
Beverly Nelson
Kimberly Nelson
Michael D. Nelson
Anthony Nerino
Melissa K. Neuman
Travis Newby
Joanie F. Newhart
Sheila Newman-
Annie Nguyen
Hieu Nguyen
Ella M. Nicholson
Brieanna Nicker
Thomas Nielsen
Yu Ning
Julia Nonnenkamp
Sharanda D. Norman
Jennifer Nou
Greg Novick
Janice M. Nsor
Nagela Nukuna
Tim H. Nusraty
Joseph B. Nye
Erin O’Brien
Mary O’Brien
Kevin R. O’Connor
Wayne T. O’Donnell
Matthew O’Kane
Tyler Olsen
Cassandra Olson
Kathryn Olson
Alison O’Mara
Brendan J. O’Meara
Jessica L. Ondusko
Stephanie D. O’Neill
Matthew Oreska
Karin A. Orvis
Joe Osborne
Timothy F. O’Shea
Jared Ostermiller
James Owens
Leticia C. Oxley
Heather C. Pajak
Farrah N. Pappa
Amy Paris
Eric L. Parks
Breanna L. Parra
John C. Pasquantino
Matthew Pastore
Mira D. Patel
Swati A. Patel
Kareema N. Patton
Brian Paxton
Casey Pearce
Liuyi Pei
Zoe W. Pennington
Sean Pennino
Amanda Y. Perez
Patricia C. Perozo
Michael A. Perz
Sean E. Peters
William C. Petersen
Andrea M. Petro
Amy E. Petz
Stacey Que-Chi Pham
Brian Pickeral
Joseph Pipan
Megan Policicchio
Marc A. Poling
Nicholas Polk
Mark J. Pomponio
Ruxandra Pond
Imani Pope-Johns
Bev Pratt
Jamie M. Price
Grant Procopio
Alanna B. Pugliese
Robert B. Purdy
Hannah Pyper
Syeda A. Quadry
Kathleen J. Quinn
Angie B. Quirarte
Lucas R. Radzinschi
Mary Raglin
Makaila Ranges
Zahid Rashid
Johnnie Ray
Alex Reed
Maurice Reeves
Heather Regen
Thomas M. Reilly
Cody Reinold
Andrew R. Reisig
Bryant D. Renaud
Richard J. Renomeron
Richard L. Revesz
Marta A. Reyes
Kharl M. Reynado
Charles R. Rhodes
Cheredith Rhone
Keri A. Rice
Michael P. Richard
Robert B. Richardson
Kyle S. Riggs
Glorimar Ripoll Balet
Rahish Risal
Tina Roberts Ashby
Sean M. Robertson
Donovan Robinson
Lamar R. Robinson
Whitney R. Robinson
Marshall J. Rodgers
Jose Antonio
Samantha Romero
Meredith B. Romley
Nichole M. Rosamilia
Andrea L. Ross
Katy Rother
Alicia Rouault
Rachael M. Roueche
David J. Rowe
Amanda Roy
Brian Rozental
Todd W. Rubin
Erika H. Ryan
Muhammed Saeed
Elana L. Safran
Jennifer Saindon
Faisal G. Salad
John Asa Saldivar
Zohaib Sameer
Aziz K. Sandhu
Mark S. Sandy
Mi-Hwa Saunders
Ruth Saunders
Joel J. Savary
Jason K. Sawyer
Tricia Schmitt
Eric A. Schroeder
Loren DeJonge
Benjamin E. Schwartz
Vanessa G. Schwartz
Kristi Scott
Jasmeet K. Seehra
Owen Seely
Andrew Self
Anna Setzer
Megan Shade
Vimal Shah
Andrea N.
Ishan K. Sharma
Amy K. Sharp
Dionna Sharp
Pooja Shaw
Paul Shawcross
Parag A. Shende
Kartik Sheth
Livia Shmavonian
Gary F. Shortencarrier
Matthew Sidler
Julie Siegel
Leticia Sierra
Sara R. Sills
Alexa Simmons
Celeste Simon
Daniel Liam Singer
Sarah L. Sisaye
Robert Sivinski
Benjamin J. Skidmore
Vanessa R. Sloane
Curtina O. Smith
Jasmine R. Smith
Matthew Smith
Patrick C. Smith
Stannis M. Smith
Tatiana Y. Smith
Joshua Solomon
Roderic A. Solomon
Timothy Soltis
Ki Suk Song
Suzanne Soroczak
Valerie Souffront
Amanda R.K. Sousane
Megan Sowder-Staley
Rebecca L. Spavins
Samara M. Spence
Valeria Spinner
Christopher Spiro
John H. Spittell
Sarah Whittle Spooner
Deneen Spruill
Travis C. Stalcup
Scott R. Stambaugh
Nathan A. Steele
Nora Stein
Benjamin M. Stern
Brittany M. Stewart
Meredith Stewart
Aaron M. Stienstra
Ryan Stoffers
Gary R. Stofko
Robert B. Stone III
Conrad D. Stosz
Nathan T. Stowes
Paul D. Strande
Terry W. Stratton
Vanessa Studer
Thomas J. Suarez
Elizabeth G. Sukut
Kevin J. Sullivan
Patrick Sullivan
Abe Sussan
Katherine M. Sydor
Jamie R. Taber
Diane Thanh Nhu
Shelby Ann Talton
John T. Tambornino
Naomi S. Taransky
Patrick Tarasiewicz
Stephanie J. Tatham
Kelly Taylor
Myra L. Taylor
Whitney Teal
Jay F. Teitelbaum
Stephanie Teller-
Emma K. Tessier
Lan H. Thai
Amanda L. Thomas
Barbara E. Thomas
Jennifer Thomas
Judith F. Thomas
Payton A. Thomas
Will Thomas
Serita K. Thornton
Matthew B. Tibbitts
Parth Tikiwala
Thomas Tobasko
Allison C. Toledo
Erika Tom
Gia Tonic
Susanna Troxler
Patrick Trulock
Ariana C. Tuckey
Austin Turner
Regina A.
Shraddha A.
Darrell J. Upshaw
Matthew J. Vaeth
Saratkumar Varanasi
Areletha L. Venson
Alexandra Ventura
Jesus Vidaurri
Genna Kate Viggiano
Merici Vinton
Megha Vyas
James A. Wade
Shelby Wagenseller
Brett Waite
Nicole Waldeck
Joseph Waldow
Eric C. Waller
Heather V. Walsh
Gang Wang
Sonia Wang
Suzy Wang
Tim Wang
Ben A. Ward
Michelle Ward
Jhavoiya Washington
Gary Waxman
Bess M. Weaver
Emily M. Weaver
Daniel Week
David M. Weisshaar
Philip R. Wenger
Max West
Elizabeth Whitcomb
Arnette C. White
Ashley M. White
Curtis C. White
Kim S. White
Sherron R. White
Timothy White
Alison Whitty
William G. Wickett
Brian A. Widuch
Christina Wilkes
Avery D. Williams
Carl Christian
Jamie S. Wilson
Kevin Wilson
Kimberly C. Wilson
Kristen H. Wilson
Christine A
Stephanie Winker
Catherine Winters
Jeffrey A. Wojton
Wintta M.
Ephrem Woldetsadik
Brittany J. Wolford
Henry K. Wolgast
Minzy Won
Nicholas J. Woroszylo
Christopher Wren
Jazmine P. Wright
Sophia M. Wright
Bertram J. Wyman
Melany N. Yeung
David Y. Yi
Wesley Yin
Christian T. Yonkeu
Jinha Yoon
Xia You
Rita Young
Shalanda D. Young
Nadia K. Zahir
Elizabeth Zahorian
Erica Zamborsky
Corinna J. Zarek
Eliana M. Zavala
Bin Feng Zheng
Olivia D. Zhu
Erica H. Zielewski
Timothy Ziese
Morgan E. Zimmerman
Jeremy Zitomer
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ISBN 978-0-16-096004-8
ISBN 978-0-16-096004-8
9 780160 960048