Stronger Together!
Department of Defense
Contractor Personnel Office
NATO SOFA Status Accreditation for Contractor Employees
in Germany and Italy
Stronger Together!
DoD Contractor Personnel Office
Mission: Carry out provisions in bilateral agreements with Germany and Italy
allowing contractors to have NATO SOFA status
NATO SOFA covers the force and the civilian component, not contractors;
Contractors fall under separate side agreements:
Germany: Supplementary Agreement (between Germany and the
“sending states”), plus US-Germany bilateral agreements of 1998 and 2001
AE Reg 715-9 contains most information needed regarding status accreditation
under Articles 72 and 73
Italy: US-Italy “Shell Agreement” of 1995
BOTTOM LINE: DOCPER “accredits” DOD contractor employees (authorizes
them to have NATO SOFA status) in Germany and Italy
Stronger Together!
DoD Contractor Personnel Office
HQ USAREUR G1, Clay Kaserne – USAG Wiesbaden
Group Box:
usarmy.wiesbaden.usareur.mbx.odcs-g1-[email protected]
Official Mail:
Department of the Army
Unit 29351, Box 99
APO AE 09014-9351
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Platform to Process Contracts and Applications:
- European Contractor Online Processing System (ECOPS)
COR / VREP Guide
DOCPER Informational Website:
- U.S. Army Europe and Africa - Department of Defense Contractor Personnel Office
Frequently Asked Questions -- and Answers
Contractor Accreditation Process for Germany
Contractor Accreditation Process for Italy
Crafting Effective Job Descriptions
Crafting a Well Written Contract Synopsis
AE Reg 600-700 ID Cards and Individual Logistic Support
Website to Initiate CAC Application:
- Trusted Agent Sponsorship System (TASS)
Websites and Tools
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New Contracts Requests for NSSACE
How a record gets into ECOPS
- ALL New Contract Actions and Follow On Contracts are:
Initiated by the COR via email to:
usarmy.wiesbaden.usareur.mbx.odcs-g1[email protected]
Must include the Contracting Action Submission Form, PWS, Signed
contract, and COR Designation Letter
Access to ECOPS - European Contractor Online Processing System
Upon favorable review by DOCPER, the COR is granted access to the
contract record in ECOPS, and will be assigned a DOCPER Contract and
Application Analyst
Note New CORs on existing contracts are granted access to ECOPS via
the “Contract MOD” tab; incumbent CORs grant access
Vendor Representatives are added to the contract record by CORs
CORs can delegate responsibility to Vendor Representatives to aide in
the processing of Individual Applications and Application Modifications
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Processes and Procedures
- What causes an initial Contract Submission Request to be rejected?
- Incomplete Contracting Action Submission Form (POP, blanks
- Unsigned Contract
- Scope of Work / JDs appear not technical in nature
- PWS/Contract does not show Host Nations of Germany or Italy as the
region supported
- Accreditation Category Questions on Submission form assist
DOCPER in determining whether a Contract supports:
- Troop Care / Troop Care IT Contracts (Germany) – Art. 72
- Technical Expert Contracts (Germany) – Art. 73
- Analytical Support Contracts (Germany) – Art. 72
- Technical Representative Contracts (Italy)
New Contracts Requests for NSSACE
Stronger Together!
Record Opened in ECOPS
DOCPER Analysts are now assigned
Analysts broken into Teams, consisting of a Contract and an
Application Analyst
Correspondence between the COR/VRep should now be between
assigned DOCPER personnel
Personnel assigned based upon Accreditation category, your
particular assigned analyst is a SME for that particular type of
New Contract Record Opened
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New Contract Record Opened
Record Opened in ECOPS What Next?
COR / VREP Guide
Completing New Record in ECOPS
COR / VREP Guide
Complete the Contract profile, English Language Synopsis, upload job
descriptions, and submit to your analyst, via the "Status/Actions" tab within
Easiest method is to go tab by tab
Don’t forget to click “Submit to DOCPER” in the Status/Actions tab
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Contract Profile ECOPS
DOCPER provides the COR with LOGIN access to the Electronic Contractor
Online Processing System (ECOPS) – once opened in ECOPS
COR can designate a vendor representative as “Vendor Representative”
(VRep), and delegate most of the data entry to the Vrep
COR provides DOCPER with contract information and documentation
through ECOPS
Upload the executed contract document
Provide contract information, name of vendor, name and contact info of the
VRep, position locations
Upload the executed contract document and PWS/SOW
Upload the job description(s) which articulate duties and minimum
education/experience requirements
NOTE: VRep can do the data entry, but only the COR can make formal
submissions to DOCPER
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New Contract Record - Tips
Common Mistakes and Tips Contracts
Poorly Crafted English Language Synopsis (see website)
Job Description does not utilize required verbiage: (see website)
Job title not matching Description
POP dates due not match contract
Sub-contractor documentation and data fields not entered
COR address field not completed
Not returning the record back to DOCPER
Failure to upload the: PWS, COR Designation Memo, Job Descriptions, Signed
Contract, Subcontract memo (if applicable)
Job Description does not match Job location/title
Salaries listed for positions are basic salaries (not inclusive of benefits) and
match job offer letters
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COR / VRep generates ECOPS login for each applicant
Applicant provides information necessary to determine if the applicant is
qualified and not “ordinarily resident”
Enter resume in Resume Builder
Upload applicant’s offer letter or employment verification letter as signed
by a company representative not older than 2 months.
Upload the Passport Picture page
COR reviews for accuracy and submits application for review
COR or Vrep logs into ECOPS, selects the applicant and request a
MOD for Visa/Soggiorno update (Italy)
COR will check the renewal documents in ECOPS and submit to
DOCPER for review
DOCPER reviews the application and provide a new DOCPER
Accreditation Letter, new DD 1172-2, as appropriate, and a AE 600-
77a (Germany only)
Individual Applications ECOPS
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Individual Applications - Tips
Common Mistakes and Tips Applications
Individual Applications can be submitted once record is in “Pending Authorities” status
TE can be processed “conditionally” under Military Exigency
Not submitting back to DOCPER for processing #1- click “submit to DOCPER”
715-9C not signed (wet signature, or digital CAC signature only)
Passport – not signed, need at least 7 months remaining if outside the EU
Resume not detailed enough showing skills needed for JD
Watch the 90 days (Germany) Ordinarily Resident Status
Remuneration package needs to be inputted prior to generating form 715-9c
There is not Military Exigency for Italy applications
Stronger Together!
Individual Applications - Tips
Common Mistakes and Tips Applications
Ordinarily Resident section must be completed if applicant has been in GE w/o status
Applicant must use physical address, no APO/FPO addresses; current address
A new 715-9c must be generated if any edits are made after initial generation
Annual salary, location and title on the Job Offer must match form 715-9c
Job Offer must be on subcontractors letterhead, if applicable
Job Offer Letter must be dated 90 days or less, signed by applicant/company
The accreditation process MUST be completed before the individuals arrive in Italy
Contracted employees cannot legally enter Italy to perform work until they have
received a mission visa
The Italian Consulate will not issue a mission visa to a contractor unless they have an
accreditation letter from the USSSO through DOCPER
There is not military exigency in Italy.
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Status Accreditation Overview Germany
Technical Expert (TE) - Article 73: accomplishes complex tasks of a technical-
military or technical-scientific nature
Analytical Support (AS) - Article 72: military planning and intelligence analysis
Troop Care (TC) - Article 72: provides care to members of the force (doctors,
nurses, physical therapists, social workers, and military career counselors)
Troop Care Information Technology (TC-IT) - Article 72: IT support to TC
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Article 72 (AS, TC, TC-IT)
Phase 1 approval comes from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
Phase 1 approval focuses on the company in regard to a specific
contract and establishes approval via a Note Verbale(NV)
NV process is very formal and structured
Jobs must be mapped to pre-approved position descriptions (AS or TC-
IT) or job titles (TC)
Article 73 (TE)
Phase 1 approval comes from respective Laender authorities
Phase 1 approval focuses on the contract and the job position
Positions must be of a highly technical or scientific nature dealing with
equipment and require a combination of higher education and/or
specialized experience
For both Article 72 and 73, Phase II Approval (individuals) runs through the
Laender authorities
Status Accreditation Overview Germany
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Civilian Personnel” (CP)
Closely affiliated with the United States Armed Forces and under their
authority, but not employed directly by them, and not included in the
Civilian component.
Technical Representatives:
The definition of a TR is broader than “Technical Experts” (Germany).
The definition also includes: Troop Care service providers (doctors,
dentists, etc.), and Analytical Support service
Job is sufficiently complex, requiring a high degree of skill/ knowledge?
(based on the SOW, JD)
A bachelor’s degree in a related field OR; An associate’s degree in a
related field plus 4 years specialized experience OR; High School
diploma and at least 8 years of specialized experience
Civilian Personnel:
- Civilian Personnel (CP) may be treated similarly as members of the
civilian component for purposes of individual logistical support.
- bank and credit union employees, university employees
religious activity resource personnel members
Status Accreditation Overview Italy
Stronger Together!
Technical Expert and Technical Representative positions
Information regarding the sub-vendor must be included on Contract
Notification Form
Applicants apply and are treated as if employees of the prime-vendor
Analytical Support positions
Each sub-vendor requires individual enterprise approval as if they were
a separate prime-vendor
The prime-vendor must provide a Prime-Sub Agreement
The COR must submit a separate “Detainee Memo”
Applicants can only apply for AS positions specifically approved for their
Sub-vendors must only provide a “small” number of total employees
supporting the contract effort
TC and TC-IT positions not approvable if subcontracted
Status Accreditation- Subcontractors
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Decision Timeframes Germany and Italy
Contract Notification (Article 73) - 8 weeks
Review by DOCPER - 5 day objective
German authorities expected to concur/non-concur in writing within 5 weeks.
If no response, concurrence is assumed
Enterprise Approval (Article 72) – 3-5 months
No set timelines for Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MFA)
Individual Applications - 10 weeks
Review by DOCPER - 5 day objective
German authorities expected to concur/non-concur in writing within 6 weeks.
Military Exigency TE / AS with approval
Approval (Technical Representative) 10 days
In house, DOCPER approval
Individual Applications 18 days
Review by DOCPER - 5 day objective
USSSO is expected to concur/non-concur within 10 days
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Required by German law, not utilized in Italy only Germany
Does NOT provide status or any Individual Logistical Support (ILS)
<= 90 days (3 months) per 12 month period
Between contractor and German government
DOCPER provides information, but does not process
*NOTE: Formerly known as “Fax-back-- now done via e-mail
Does provide full ILS while on TDY, not utilized in Italy only Germany
<= 90 days per calendar year
Must apply to DOCPER and qualify for an approved position on an approved
contract and not be “Ordinarily Resident”
TESA TDY contractors must receive a privileged CAC specifically associated
with their TESA TDY approval.
Temporary Duty in Germany
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There is no provision in Italy to allow short-term or temporary personnel (in
Italy less than 90 days) to be accredited as TRs or CPs.
[NOTE: Contractors can work in Italy on TDY for up to 90 days without
The time-frame for “losing” OR status is one year. The Italian family
members do not need to leave Italy. There must be clear evidence that the
individual left Italy with a clear intent of establishing a permanent residence
outside of Italy
Leaving Italy for a short period is not sufficient
Totality of evidence (HHG moved, paying taxes in US, etc.)
The USSSO (through DOCPER) would require supporting documentation
Temporary Duty in Italy
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The bilateral agreements allow the US forces to grant immediate,
temporary, unilateral status under “military exigency.
ME requests must come from the COR
Only DOCPER has the authority to approve an ME request
DOCPER approve MEs for previously bilaterally-approved applicants
DOCPER may deny an ME request when deemed prudent
MEs can be approved for:
TE applicants anytime following unilateral (DOCPER) contract approval
AS applicants anytime following bilateral (Embassy and MFA) approval
Contractors can begin operating on an contract (AS approved only),
once the application is in “Pending Authorities” status.
TC, TR, and TC-IT applicants are not eligible for ME
Military Exigency (ME)
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General criterion for OR determinations under Art. 72 or Art. 73
Duration in Germany w/o status
Employment in Germany w/o status
Real property ownership
Receipt of German social benefits
Children in Germany/school
Other sources of income in Germany
Main focus of societal relations in Germany
Spouse employment in Germany
German spouse
Test: weigh the totality of the circumstances, determine the main focus of
vital interests, whether in Federal Republic of Germany or elsewhere
Applicants determined to be OR are ineligible for status
20 Year Rule: a contractor for 20 uninterrupted years in Germany will be
considered OR by German Authorities
6 Year Re-Applications: a person who’s application was more than 6 years
ago will be asked to submit an abbreviated application for review
Ordinarily Resident (OR) Germany
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General criterion for OR determinations in Italy:
Similar criterion exist in Italy, to include the exclusion of individuals with dual
Italian/US citizenship from accreditation, and a highly likelihood of OR
status for those applicants who possess a
The time-frame for “losing” OR status is one year. The Italian family
members do not need to leave Italy. There must be clear evidence that the
individual left Italy with a clear intent of establishing a permanent residence
outside of Italy
Leaving Italy for a short period is not sufficient
Totality of evidence (HHG moved, paying taxes in US, etc.)
The USSSO (through DOCPER) would require supporting documentation
Ordinarily Resident (OR) - Italy
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“Yellow-Card” or “Last Chance” approval means that the individual
receives status this last time
This generally happens when a person is essentially ordinarily resident
now, but has been previously approved Germany only
If the person re-applies, he is extremely likely to be denied
“Yellow-Card” approval is a decision made by the German authorities, not
by DOCPER - it is also NOT a denial
“Yellow-Card” approval allows a person time to either make a graceful exit
or transition to full German residency
A “Yellow-Card” approval does not change the status of the applicant
Not subject to challenge by DOCPER
Applicants re-applying after a “Yellow-Card” approval must prove their
“main focus of vital interests” is no longer Germany
“Yellow-Card” = your local Finanzamt (Germany) is vying to tax the
The Yellow Card Approval
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Cost of Living Estimates DoDEA Tuition
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Cost of Living Estimates Housing
Department of State Living Quarters Allowance
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A valid AE Form 600-77A is required in order for an approved contractor
and their dependents to receive NATO SOFA certificates
NATO SOFA certificates are the only true credential for NATO SOFA status
for individuals not in possession of an official passport
The NATO SOFA certificate is not an optional document
Only DOCPER can authorize the issuance of NATO SOFA certificates for
contractors approved under Articles 72 and 73
DOCPER generates and provides AE Forms 600-77A thru the DCOPS
Expiration dates on AE Forms 600-77A will match the expiration date of the
1172-2’s provided by DOCPER
Approved contractors should receive their privileged CACs first, prior to
seeking to obtain their NATO SOFA certificates
AE Forms 600-77A
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DoD system for verifying contractors, run by Defense Manpower Data
Center (DMDC) Contractors must be entered into TASS by a Trusted
Agent (TA) to get a CAC
DOCPER is a TASS Trusted Agent Security Manager (TASM)
A valid AE Form 600-77A is required in order for an approved contractor
and their dependents to receive NATO SOFA certificates
NATO SOFA certificates are the only true credential for NATO
Only DOCPER can authorize the issuance of NATO SOFA certificates
for contractors approved under Articles 72 and 73
DOCPER generates and provides AE Forms 600-77A thru ECOPS
Trusted Associate Sponsorship System - TASS
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The COR must ensure that a Trusted Agent (TA) is
appointed to:
Manage applicants in the Trusted Agent Sponsorship System (TASS)
Once a contractor applicant is approved in ECOPS, and a DD1172-2 is
generated, the TA must input this data in TASS
Without this vital step, approved contractor employees will be unable to
obtain a CAC
DOCPER will not approve a new contract, in ECOPS, without a TA
Approved contractors should receive their privileged CACs first, prior to
seeking to obtain their NATO SOFA certificates
Expiration dates on AE Forms 600-77A will match the expiration date
of the 1172-2’s provided by DOCPER
The Trusted Agent
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AE Reg 715-9 - The COR will
Ensure that contract and individual application packages are
completed and submitted (through ECOPS)
Ensure that applicants meet approved job requirements
Prevent fraud
Notify DOCPER of employee terminations (Template available on
DOCPER webpage)
Collect and turn-in credentials after terminations:
Common Access Cards (CACs) and dependent identification (ID)
cards are turned in to local ID card facilities
NATO SOFA certificates are turned into local passport offices
Instruct approved contractors to accompany family members to ID card
section. (Do not prepare DD Form 1172 authorizing ID cards for family
The Contracting Officer Representative (COR)
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The COR is responsible for informing DOCPER when a contractor’s
status must be terminated for any reason:
End of a contract
Early contract termination
Contractor is terminated
Job offer is declined
NATO SOFA status is always associated with an approved position
under an approved contract
When the contractor leaves either the contract or the position
under which they were approved, they have no more basis for
NATO SOFA status. Their status is no longer valid and must be
The Contracting Officer Representative (COR)
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Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Can contracts and individual applications be processed by DOCPER at the
same time?
Article 73 individual applications may (under the military exigency clause) be approved unilaterally
and conditionally before the German authorities have completed their review of the contract.
Article 72 individual applications may be reviewed by DOCPER, but will only be sent to the German
authorities after contract had been approved
What are the factors that may effect approval?
Contractor Applications OR factors; lack of experience; applicant does not meet requirements
shown in job description
Is a follow-on contract to a contract previously used in Germany considered
a new contract?
Yes. Please see AE Regulation 715-9. A "new contract," which must be notified and approved,
includes follow-on or successor contracts even when awarded to the same company.
How long does TESA/ASSA/TCSA accreditation remain valid?
For contracted employees, status accreditation is directly tied to an approved position under an
approved contract; accreditation remains valid for as long as the individual remains in the same
position under the same contract. The maximum length of the card will be 3 years, or the exp. of the
passport, whichever is less.
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Is a follow-on contract to a contract previously used in Germany
considered a new contract?
Yes, see AE Regulation 715-9. A "new contract," includes follow-on or successor
contracts even when awarded to the same
When a contracted employee has received SOFA status under a
particular approved position, can they also perform work under a
different position?
There are certain types of "other" work that may jeopardize a contracted
employee's tax exempt status, as well as his or her entitlement to accreditation
under the NATO SOFA SA
Contractors are required to work a minimum of 20 hours per week in order to be
eligible for status accreditation
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Stronger Together!
Can contracts and individual applications be processed by DOCPER at
the same time?
Article 73 individual applications may (under the military exigency clause) be
approved unilaterally and conditionally before the German authorities have
completed their review of the contract.
Article 72 individual applications may be reviewed by DOCPER, but will only be
sent to the German authorities after contract had been approved
Why are some Article 73 individual applications denied Military
DOCPER will not approve ME requests for individual applicants who are at risk of
denial by the German authorities. Risk of denial might exist because of marginal
qualifications or, more likely, because the applicant has one or more OR factors.
Can a non-US citizen receive TE/AS/TC?TR status?
Yes. Under both Articles 72 and 73, U.S. citizens and citizens of other NATO
nations, except Germany, may be granted NATO SOFA status.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Stronger Together!
If an individual is approved for an ME by DOCPER, but then is
subsequently denied by the German authorities, what is the person's
status during the period worked in Germany?
As long as the individual has been in Germany for less than 90 days, there is no
violation of the German work permit laws (assuming the work qualifies for one of
the exemptions to the work permit laws) or residency laws.
It must be noted, however, that working in Germany for more than 90 days in a
12- month period without NATO SOFA status places a person in violation of
German work permit provisions
How long does TESA/ASSA/TCSA accreditation remain valid?
Status accreditation is always directly tied to an approved position under an
approved contract. Accreditation remains valid for as long as the approved
individual remains in the same position under the same contract.
How long can a contractor keep their soggiorno visa?
When an applicant terminates his/her employment they will need to return the
soggiorno to the Base liaison office.
Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
Stronger Together!
DoD Contractor Personnel Office