November 4, 2021
Re: Florida International University Healthcare MBA Program Application
CAHME/George and Reggie Herzlinger Innovation Education Award
Dear Panel:
Thank you for the opportunity to submit this application for consideration by the panel.
The Florida International University Healthcare Master’s in Business Administration
(FIU HCMBA) is both a hybrid and online program. Both programs are CAHME and
AACSB accredited. Also, FIU HCMBA is a member of the prestigious CAHME
Mentorship Circle. Most notably, at the university level, FIU was recently ranked as the
most innovative university in the U.S. by U.S. News and World Report.
The FIU HCMBA curriculum integrates concepts of innovation in healthcare
management education and practice to better prepare our students for marketplace. The
attached application expands on these innovations, and they are briefly summarized in
this letter. There are two courses, Marketing Management (MAR 6805) and Master’s
Project in Management (MAN 6974), that illustrate the true uniqueness and innovative
qualities of our program. Specifically, the curriculum in MAR 6805 is designed for
students to provide actual marketing plans for use by West Kendall Baptist Hospital (part
of the Baptist Health South family) and Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital,
respectively. These two local hospitals are the first to enter into partnerships with the
FIU HCMBA program to implement the marketing strategy curriculum. We expect to
expand the program to other local hospitals as well (See Attachment A: example of a
student team-based marketing plan presented to the hospital).
In MAN 6974, the Academic Director has co-authored and published three healthcare
case studies with healthcare professionals and administrators at two local hospitals,
Cleveland Clinic and Baptist Health South Florida. The case studies are used by the
students in MAN 6974 to design a consulting project for these hospitals and present their
findings to the hospital administrators and healthcare professionals as part of the
experiential portion of the capstone course. These cases are also used nationally by other
healthcare programs. The most recent published case can be found on the Harvard
Business Publishing website (See Attachment B).
These courses are complimented by several certificates that must be completed by all
students in the three residency programs which include Lean Six Sigma yellow and green
belts; Tableaux data analytics certification; CMS fraud and abuse certification; and the
Advanced Certificate in Global Healthcare Administration (elective) (See Attachment C).
These courses and certificates provide our students with cutting edge innovative
instruction and increase their competitive edge in the marketplace.
The most recent educational innovation is the Administrative Fellowship Program created
in partnership with Baptist Health South Florida, the largest healthcare provider in South
Florida. Through this partnership, one Administrative Fellowship position is dedicated
annually to a FIU HCMBA graduate.
Additionally, faculty research also provides examples of best innovative practices in the
program. Examples of innovative faculty research, funded by contributions to the FIU
HCBMA program, are attached in Attachment D. One recent publication addresses
health disparities during COVID published by Cambridge University Press/Boston
University. The program funds three annual faculty research grants in healthcare
If our program receives the award, we agree to specifically designate the award to fund
faculty research grants and student scholarships as more particularly described in the
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
Miriam F. Weismann
Dr. Miriam F. Weismann
Florida International University
Academic Director Healthcare MBA
CAHME/ George and Regi Herzlinger Innovation Education Award
Program Background
The Florida International University Healthcare Master’s in Business Administration (FIU
HCMBA) is both a hybrid and online delivery program. Both programs are CAHME and AACSB
accredited. Also, FIU HCMBA is a member of the prestigious CAHME Mentorship Circle.
FIU’s national rankings for innovation are impressive. FIU was recently ranked as the 17
innovative university in the U.S. by U.S. News and World Report. As explained in College of
Business Dean William Hardin’s letter (Attachment E), the ranking is based on the overall
initiatives implemented at the university level and from college and program level additions and
improvements to curriculum. This is reflected in the FIU HCMBA program, not only in its
curriculum, but also in its commitment to developing our students as leaders with competencies
and skills related to innovation.
Program Philosophy and Mission
The FIU HCMBA program philosophy is “Dreaming, Learning, Doing and Becoming.” This
mission philosophy derives from a quote by President John Adams: “If your actions inspire others
to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” The required courses in
the program curriculum (Attachment F) and the required three residency programs (Attachment
G) aim to inspire and create innovative leaders to address the complex problem in healthcare
today. Our mission embraces diversity, a commitment to the local healthcare organizations, and
to improve population health in our community. South Florida is richly diverse but has many
underserved populations in terms of healthcare and other community services. The FIU HCMBA
mission states: “The mission of the Healthcare MBA Program at Florida International University
is to improve the delivery of health services through the education of healthcare managers,
service to the community and the profession, and research. The Program provides educational
opportunity with a special commitment to multicultural and working students. The educational
mission is to provide early to mid-level career path students with professional knowledge and
with conceptual, analytical, technical, and ethical skills to manage healthcare systems
collaboratively with competency, sound decision-making, and integrity.”
Program Curriculum Innovations Through Community Partnerships
Due to time and space limitations, three course innovations are highlighted showing student team
innovation projects directly linked to innovative experiential learning in the healthcare
community. The first course is Marketing Management (MAR 6805). In early 2020, the FIU
HCMBA was contacted by Baptist Health South Florida (BHSF). BHSF needed assistance to
market its new population health initiatives. BHSF asked if the FIU HCMBA could assist in
preparing a marketing plan design. We agreed. We also thought this would be a good opportunity
to redesign the marketing curriculum to make this type of team project a permanent feature of the
program and offer marketing assistance to multiple hospitals in South Florida. Specifically, the
curriculum in MAR 6805 is designed for students to provide actual marketing plans for use by
West Kendall Baptist Hospital (part of the BHSF family) and Joe DiMaggio Children's Hospital,
respectively. The Chief Medical Officer of Joe DiMaggio’s Children’s Hospital, Dr. Ronald
Ford, is an alumnus of the FIU HCMBA program and a member of the FIU HCMBA Advisory
Board. These two local hospitals are the first to enter partnerships with the FIU HCMBA program
to implement the marketing strategy curriculum. We expect to expand the program to other local
hospitals as well. (See Attachment A: examples of student team-based marketing plans).
The Master’s Project in Management (MAN 6974), is the capstone course in the FIU HCMBA.
Students are required to write an individual thesis in the form of a health policy analysis report.
The thesis is data based. Students use research studies and/or original survey research to create
health policy solutions to a selected problem. The second capstone requirement is a team-based
consulting project where students are assigned to a case study that was co-authored and published
with a local hospital in South Florida. The Academic Director co-authored and published three
such healthcare case studies with healthcare professionals and administrators at two local
hospitals, Cleveland Clinic and Baptist Health South Florida (Attachment B). The case studies
are used by the students in MAN 6974 to design a consulting project for these hospitals and
present their findings to the hospital administrators and healthcare professionals as part of the
experiential portion of the capstone course. These cases can be accessed from the publishers and
are used nationally by other healthcare programs as well. The case studies address issues such as
value-based purchasing and its implications for patient satisfaction and reimbursement; the
problem of emergency room overuse; and developing cultural competencies to deliver improved
patient care.
Finally, Management of Healthcare Finance and Reimbursement (MAN 6098), applies finance
principles directly to healthcare delivery. Harold Vera, an alumnus and BHSF/FIU HCMBA
Administrative Fellow explains: “The program [FIU HCMBA] understands the disruptive nature
of innovation and incorporates coursework that foster innovative thinking. Management of
Healthcare Finance and Reimbursement gives students that opportunity to assess how healthcare
innovation affects the healthcare industry and government policy through lectures, class
discussions, exercises, case studies, and simulations. On the other hand, Strategic Management
explores how healthcare organizations foster innovations to sustain a competitive advantage in a
volatile, reimbursement driven industry. Topics include external and internal environmental
analysis, strategy formulation, and the impact of mergers and alliances on industry performance.
Courses integrate learning from accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behavior, and
other industries to better understand innovation and innovative thinking” (Attachment E).
Program Residency Innovations: Problem Solving and Analytics
The three residency programs likewise provide the students an opportunity to master innovations
in problem solving, data analytics and healthcare experiential learning. First, every student
graduates with Lean Six Sigma yellow and green belts. Some of the most prestigious healthcare
organizations in the U.S., including The Mayo Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Mt. Sinai, BHSF and
others, (
hospitals/) have become “Lean” problem solving organizations. Our students bring this training
to the marketplace and make them more competitive in terms of promotion and initial job
placement. In fact, Dr. Irving Jorge, Head of Acute Care Surgery, Mayo Clinic Phoenix, FIU
HCMBA alum, and FIU HCMBA Advisory Board Member, credits his LSS training as one factor
in his job placement at Mayo Clinic (Attachment E). The FIU HCMBA program has designed its
own green belt certification project to train our students (Attachment C).
The residency programs also include, among other profession development seminars, a data
analytics certification in Tableau and training in the Malcolm Baldridge transformative
management model known as “communities of excellence.” Because of the expense of global
travel, the Advanced Certificate in global Healthcare Administration is the only elective in the
program. The program does provide scholarship assistance to deserving students and part of this
award would be used for that purpose. The program is open to current students and alumnae.
Since 2015, students have visited healthcare systems in China, Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand,
The United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Western Europe. Students are required to prepare a health
policy analysis report based on an observed healthcare problem or issue during the visit.
Parenthetically, students also receive scholarships to attend annual conferences including ACHE,
and to participate in case competitions. Funds from the award will also be earmarked for these
student activities.
Innovation Through Institutional Collaboration
Collaboration informs innovation. To that end, the FIU HCMBA offers dual degrees with the
FIU Wertheim Medical School (MD/MBA) and with the FIU Department of Informatics
(HCMBA/Master’s in Healthcare Informatics). Also, the HCMBA partners with local hospitals to
increase student experiential learning opportunities and to contribute to local healthcare systems.
This includes partnering with local hospitals to provide marketing and business consulting as
explained in detail above and in training administrative fellows. FIU HCMBA students study
global healthcare systems while sharing our own national experience with teaching professionals
abroad. In short, the FIU HCMBA is a critical partner in the healthcare community locally,
nationally, and globally.
Innovation Through Faculty Research
Finally, the FIU HCMBA faculty is committed to high quality research. In the Carnegie
Classification of Institutions of Higher Education, FIU retained its highest classification as a
R1University. Examples of the faculty related healthcare publications are included in Attachment
D. The HCMBA offers three faculty research grants, each in the amount of $2500, to fund
healthcare research annually. This award would enable the program to expand the research grant
opportunities to faculty. The quality of the attached articles speaks to the important contribution
made by this research to healthcare policy and innovative initiatives (Attachment D).
Application Attachments
Attachment A: MAR 6805 Student Marketing Plans 2021
Experiential Project Marketing Strategy (Spring 2021)
Winner (Spring 2021): Final Report (Team Touch Point Healthcare Consulting)
Experiential Project Marketing Strategy (Fall 2021)
Winner (Fall 2021): Final Report (Team Blue Horizon Marketing Agency)
Attachment B: Published Case Studies co-authored with Baptist Health South Florida and
Cleveland Clinic, respectively
West Kendall Baptist Hospital: meeting the demand of community-based healthcare in
the new (and stormy) regulatory environment
The Overuse of Hospital Emergency Departments for Primary Care
Cleveland Clinic Florida “pay-for performance” reimbursement: why the best care does
not always make the happiest patients
Attachment C: Green Belt Case designed for students in the FIU HCMBA
Attachment D: Recent faculty healthcare related publications
Attachment E: Letters
Alumnus: Harold Vera, Dr. Irving Jorge
University: Dean William Hardin, FIU College of Business
Students: Benito Yon, Zachary Pierce
Example of Team Based business plan for healthcare innovation: See attachment A (Four
plans attached for 2021)
Attachment F: Curriculum schedule
Attachment G: Residency schedule
Residency 1
Residency 2
Residency 3