Avila University Honors Program: Academic Year 2022-2023
Honors Program Information:
Twitter: @AvilaHonors
Website: www.avila.edu/academics/honors-program/
What is the Avila Honors Program?
Our program aims to provide unique and individualized learning and research
opportunities for creative, motivated students. We want to challenge and inspire you,
not overwork you. As a member of the honors program, you will be offered myriad
opportunities that will enhance your work at Avila. Additionally, all students in the
Honors Program are offered an additional $1,000 grant each year they are part of the
program (up to four years). Unlike many other grants, this can be added on top of our
largest scholarships.
Structure of the Avila Honors Program
Honors Seminars
(2 required)
Honors Enhancements
(5 required)
Cultural & Community
Experiences (2 required)
HN 180: Honors Seminar I
(enroll in Fall of your
FIRST year in the program)
HN 480: Honors Seminar II
(enroll in Fall of your LAST
year in the program)
Honors Enhancement (1)
Honors Enhancement (2)
Honors Enhancement (3)
Honors Enhancement (4)
Honors Enhancement (5)
Cultural & Community
Experience (1)
Cultural & Community
Experience (2)
Can be completed during any semester in the program
(including Summer!)
Once you complete all these requirements, you will be awarded seven additional credits
toward your 120 for graduation and be designated an Honors graduate on your degree.
You will also receive Honors cords for graduation.
Honors program work, once awarded, will count toward the 120 credit hours
required for graduation; in other words, the program does not require any
additional work above and beyond what you are already doing at Avila – it is just
a different type of work!
Avila University Honors Program: Academic Year 2022-2023
Requirements in Detail
Honors Seminars (Two Required)
Each student will be required to take at least two of these courses, one in their first Fall
semester in the program (HN 180) and the other in their last Fall semester (HN 480).
The Honors Seminars are designed to enhance critical thinking skills and to connect
university experiences with the wider world. They require enrollment in a 1-credit hour
Get started by: E-mailing the Honors Program Director at [email protected]
when it’s time for you to register for courses
Honors Enhancements (Five Required)
Each unique Enhancement will be developed by the student, the Director, and a faculty
member. Enhancements will supplement the knowledge and skills of a traditional course
(CORE, major/minor, or elective) through an individual experiences.
Get started by: During the first week or two of class, approach one of your
current instructors
about adding an Honors Enhancement to your
coursework; fill out the enhancement form together – this is available on the
Honors Canvas site. No additional course enrollment is required.
Cultural & Community Experiences (Two Required): To fulfill the requirements students
must attend and reflect upon approved university and community events.
Complete four unique experiences. This may be any combination of events or
volunteer opportunities. If a student chooses to volunteer for all of their experiences,
they must do so for four unique organizations or agencies.
o Volunteering should be a minimum of 3 hours per agency for credit
o Take a photo of yourself at the event or location to document your time there
Complete a brief voice-over presentation (2-3 minutes) that will be shared on the
Honors Program Canvas page. The goal of this is to share your experiences with
your peers and reflect on your activities. This must be completed and submitted via
Canvas by the last day of traditional classes during the respective semester (prior to
finals beginning).
Get enrolled by: During the first two weeks of class, e-mail [email protected]
to notify the Honors Program Director that you will be completing your CCE
that semester. No additional course enrollment is required.
If you’re a first-time first year student, you should automatically be added to a section of HN 180
This should be a full-time faculty member. You can see a list of full-time faculty in the current catalog at
Avila University Honors Program: Academic Year 2022-2023
Applying to the Avila Honors Program
For First-Time, First-Year Students:
You will be notified of your status by Admissions and provided with instructions about
how to proceed when you are admitted to the University. There are a limited number of
spots available each year; so please be aware that the earlier you confirm you place,
the better your chances are.
Pre-approved: A high school GPA of 3.50 or above OR an ACT score of 25+ (SAT
score of 1200+). Pre-approved students need to formally accept their admission to
the Honors Program.
Conditional acceptance: A high school GPA of 3.25+ OR an ACT score of 25+ (SAT
score of 1200+). These students will be required to submit an admissions essay for
consideration. Instructions will be provided in your Admissions package.
For Transfer Students and Current Avila Students
Transfer students will be notified of their status by Admissions and provided with
instructions about how to proceed when they are admitted to the University.
Current Avila students should speak with their Advisor and the Director
([email protected]) about how to proceed. Both Transfer Students and Current Avila
students need to submit/possess at least two of the following: (1) College GPA of
3.5+, (2) Academic Letter of recommendation, and (3) Admissions essay.
What to Expect Once You Are Accepted:
You will be added to a Canvas group for Honors students, which contains all
relevant forms and communications. Be sure to have announcement notifications
sent to your e-mail or phone.
You will be awarded a $1,000/year tuition discount starting your first full academic
year in the program.
If you’re an incoming first-year student, you will be added into a section of HN 180 (1
credit hour). If you’re not an incoming first-year student, you should make sure you
register for HN 180 your first Fall.
Maintaining Good Status in the Honors Program
Pass/complete all Honors enhancements and seminars that you enroll in
Complete at least 1 requirement every academic year until finished
Maintain a college GPA of at least 3.50
Honors students can be placed on probation if these conditions aren’t met. In addition to
these requirements, students can be dismissed from the program if they receive a Level
3 conduct sanction (as detailed in the Student Code of Conduct) or a 2
Dishonesty warning.
At least four semesters in the program will be necessary to complete all of the requirements
Avila University Honors Program: Academic Year 2022-2023
Who are we?
The Honors Program is run by faculty, the same faculty who you might take classes
from in the CORE curriculum or in your major/minor.
Director of Avila Honors Program
Dr. Jordan Wagge, Professor of Psychology and Cognitive Science
Dr. Wagge earned a Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology in 2009 from
Miami University of Ohio, has been teaching at Avila University since
Fall 2009. She teaches courses in research design and analysis and
cognitive psychology at the undergraduate and master’s level, and
conducts research in scholarship of teaching and learning and
debunking weight-centered health paradigms. She has leadership
roles in several external bodies, including the Collaborative
Replications and Education Project (Executive Director), the Psychological Science
Accelerator, and on the Research Advisory Committee for Psi Chi, the International
Honors Society for Psychology. Most importantly, Dr. Wagge very fondly remembers her
time as an undergraduate student at Northern Kentucky University as an Honors student
and all of the opportunities that opened for collaboration with faculty and other students.
Members of the Honors Program Steering Committee
Dr. Leslie Dorrough Smith – Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Director of
Women’s and Gender Studies Program
Dr. Smith has been working at Avila University since 2010. She
teaches courses in religious studies and women’s and gender
studies. She earned a PhD in Religious Studies from the University
of California, Santa Barbara. She also earned an MA and a BA
from Missouri State University. Her areas of primary research
include American conservatives and their impact on sex, gender,
and reproduction policy. She has an extensive publication record
including her most recent book, Compromising Positions: Sex Scandals, Politics, and
American Christianity, which was published by Oxford University Press in 2019.
Dr. Ken Parsons – Associate Professor of Philosophy
Dr. Parsons joined the faculty of Avila University in 2008. He holds
a PhD and an MA in Philosophy from Michigan State University. He
teaches a range of philosophy courses. His research focuses on
phenomena of violence and the moral questions relating to mass
violence and genocide. He has published and presented this
research in a wide range of venues. Dr. Parsons commonly teaches
courses at Avila that travel across the globe.
Avila University Honors Program: Academic Year 2022-2023
Sample 4-year Honors plan (for a first-time, first-year student)
Fall, Year 1
HN 180 (1 credit hour)
Spring, Year 1
Honors Enhancement 1
Summer, Year 1
Fall, Year 2
Honors Enhancement 2
Spring, Year 2
Honors Enhancement 3
Summer, Year 2
Fall, Year 3
Honors Enhancement 4
Spring, Year 3
Honors Enhancement 5
Summer, Year 3
Fall, Year 4
HN 480 (1 credit hour)
Spring, Year 4
Sample 2-year Honors plan (for a current or transfer student)
Fall, Year 1
HN 180 (1 credit hour)
Spring, Year 1
Honors Enhancement 1
Honors Enhancement 2
Summer, Year 1
Fall, Year 2
HN 480 (1 credit hour)
Honors Enhancement 3
Honors Enhancement 4
Spring, Year 2
Honors Enhancement 5
Q: What courses should I do my Honors Enhancements in?
A: You can do these in any courses, but strongly encourage you to work with full-time
faculty because that way you can work on building scholarly relationships with experts
in your field of study. This can help create additional opportunities and can help your
faculty members learn more about you and your skills/abilities/goals so they can serve
as references for graduate school or jobs after graduation.
Q: What CCE experiences are available?
A: During the Fall and Spring, we will have experiences listed on Canvas. You can also
propose additional experiences before those experiences occur by contacting the
Honors Program Director at [email protected]. During the Summer, please consult with
the Honors Program Director to identify appropriate experiences.
Q: What happens if I leave the program before completing my requirements?
A: Unfortunately, you will only receive credit for the Honors Seminars (HN 180 and HN
480) that you have completed if you leave the program before completing all
Q: If I leave the program, do I lose my $1,000/year tuition discount?
A: Yes, you will lose the discount in starting the following Academic year.