The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1100 Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53202
The American Board
of Cardiovascular Perfusion
Welcome 2023! I think most of us are looking forward with hope and cautiously optimistic to see the worst of the COVID
pandemic in the rear-view mirror. We might all agree with the lyric from the Grateful Dead song Truckin: “What a long,
strange trip it’s been”.
In the perfusion community and on the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP), it would be fair to say that
lately, the only constant is change. In 2022, the ABCP changed testing companies, changed the exam results reporting
structure and most recently, transitioned and changed to a new management company, Executive Director, Inc. (EDI).
While the current Board of Directors may have thought this is the most rapid change cycle in the history of the ABCP,
we were reminded that previous Directors have dealt with similar daunting tasks. Several past ABCP Directors joined us
for a few days this Fall to reunite and celebrate the retiring co-executive Directors of the ABCP, Beth Richmond, the late
Mark Richmond, and Steve Oshrin. Through this Reunion, we learned much about our perfusion education and credential
journey. I realized how grateful I am for the ones before me that paved the way for the high standard and CCP credential
we enjoy and may take for granted today. We really do stand on the shoulders of those early perfusion pioneers.
Knowing the past is important, but our perfusion path forward is top of mind for the ABCP. With a new management
company comes new ways of doing things, new ideas, and new opportunities. I think as perfusionists, we can all relate to
the saying, “you don’t know it til you’re in it”. While we can plan for and talk through scenarios, nothing compares to the
experience of doing it. Our new Executive Director, Jeanne Rhodes, from EDI and her team started immersing themselves
in the CCP community this past December. With the guidance and experience of outgoing National Oce personnel,
EDI began answering the phones, receiving emails, vetting examination applications and distributing certication,
recertication and licensure materials. It was necessary for EDI to begin these processes while still having a guiding
presence to arm and explain the multi-faceted matters of perfusion. Thank you for your patience as they continue to
become familiar and comfortable with us all. They are excited to be hearing from the perfusion community and committed
to fullling your needs.
There are also ongoing challenges that EDI has inherited, the most prominent being the Online Filing System (OFS).
As I write this, it is disappointing that the ABCP is not in a better place with the OFS than a year ago. As an end user, I
also experience the glitches and aspects that result in a dissatisfying if not frustrating experience. Without getting into
the weeds, EDI’s internal IT department has made strides in getting into the existing platform to diagnose issues and
understand the end user needs and expectations. A seamless and innovative online ling experience is of the highest
priority for the ABCP and EDI. We must do better for all involved.
While an important goal is to ensure that current processes and routines stay consistent, we don’t plan to stay still.
Part of the management transition involved evaluating and quantitating every aspect of daily operations. In doing so,
opportunities for streamlining and innovation were identied. The ABCP looks forward to implementing improvements
while maintaining the proven procedures that compel the prominent CCP credential. We strive for a collaborative process
that includes engagement with the CCP community. While I know sometimes we all experience “survey fatigue”, the
annual ABCP survey linked to the OFS recertication platform is an important tool we utilize to hear from you. It is
designed to be short and substantive. Please take time to give us your feedback. Also, as part of the ABCP mission, we
provide a Knowledge Base Survey to all active CCP’s. The survey occurs every ve to seven years and will be open in
2023 for several months. The goal of the survey is to rene the established knowledge base for perfusion technology in
terms of required knowledge and its importance in the everyday practice of perfusion. While lengthy, the survey is very
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
important in ABCP examination development, and upon completion, will provide you with 5 Category 1 CEU’s towards
the professional activity requirement. We hope to oer this survey in a format that allows you to complete it in phases,
if preferred, as well as a one-time submission. Please look for communication from the ABCP when the survey opens,
currently planned for the rst quarter of 2023.
In closing, this is my one and only President’s Message as I come to term limits on the American Board of Cardiovascular
Perfusion in February of 2023. I was privileged to serve on the ABCP for three four year terms, the maximum allowed by
ABCP Bylaws. Many former ABCP Directors also volunteered their time and talents at this maximal level. We sometimes
refer to each other as ABCP “lifers”. Believe it or not, the time went by swiftly; and while there were many “discussions”
and some tears, there was also much laughter and friendships that will last a lifetime. Consider serving within this
unique credentialing body that liaisons with all facets of our profession, from accreditation and education to professional
organizations both national and international, all for the highest quality and standards for the communities and patients we
serve. I’m not hanging up my pump clamps just yet, so instead of saying “goodbye”, I prefer to say ,“see you soon”. On
behalf of the ABCP Directors and Executive Directors, you are appreciated for all you do each and every day.
All the best in 2023 and beyond,
Ann Guercio CCP
American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
Ann Guercio, CCP
David Boyne, CCP
William Riley, CCP Emily Saulitis Collins, CCP
Kirsten Kallies, CCP
Tyler Kelting, CCP Scott Noesges, CCP Carol Ann Rosenberg, CCP Emily Thunstrom-Kahring, CCP
In 2022, the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
(ABCP) annual winter business meeting was held in Tucson,
Arizona, on February 24-26, 2022. The annual test development
and business meetings were held in Vail, Colorado, on June 20-
25, 2022. An additional business meeting was held in Charleston,
South Carolina, on October 6-8, 2022.
Representatives of the ABCP attended virtual meetings of the
Accreditation Committee – Perfusion Education (AC-PE),
the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education
Programs (CAAHEP), and various perfusion forums and
educational meetings. This report will summarize the highlights
of the year 2022.
The Perfusion Basic Science Examination (PBSE) and the
Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination (CAPE) were
administered at Pearson Vue Examination Centers on April 20-
23, 2022.
The results were as follows:
Perfusion Basic Science Examination
Total: 53 examinees – passed 37 (70%), failed 16 (30%)
Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination
Total: 58 examinees – passed 51 (88%), failed 7 (12%)
The Perfusion Basic Science Examination (PBSE) and the
Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination (CAPE) were
administered at Pearson Vue Examination Centers on October
12-15, 2022.
The results were as follows:
Perfusion Basic Science Examination
Total: 213 examinees – passed 193 (91%), failed 20 (9%)
Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination
Total: 197 examinees – passed 187 (95%), failed 10 (5%)
At the February 26, 2022, business meeting, the following
William Riley, CCP, was
elected for a third term as director, and Emily Thunstrom-Kahring
was elected for a second term as director. Kirsten Kallies and
Scott Noesges were elected as new directors.
The other current director of the ABCP is Carol Ann Rosenberg,
CCP who is serving a third term.
Biographical information regarding ABCP Ocers. Directors,
and National Oce sta is available on the ABCP website at
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
The ABCP Liaison Panel meeting was held on Saturday, February
12, 2022, in the Robertson-Leftwich Room of the Hyatt Regency,
Lost Pines Resort and Spa, in Lost Pines, Texas. The meeting was
well attended and provided an opportunity for representatives
to share the work of their perfusion organizations. Those
representatives attending were as follows:
Accreditation Committee - Perfusion Education
David Palmer, CCP
American Academy of Cardiovascular Perfusion
William D. Riley, CCP, President, AACP
American Society of ExtraCorporeal Technology
James Reagor, CCP, President AmSECT – Virtually
Canadian Society of Clinical Perfusion
Paul Hunter, CCP, Vice President, CSCP
Extracorporeal Life Support Organization
Desiree Bonadonna, CCP, ELSO – Virtually
Latin American Perfusion Society
Brigida Aguerrevere, CCP, ALAP
Perfusion Program Directors’ Council
Edward DeLaney, CCP, PPDC
The 2023 Liaison Meeting will be held in conjunction with the
AmSECT International meeting which is scheduled for March
23-26, 2023 in Orlando, Florida.
In 2022, the ABCP administered 266 Perfusion Basic Science
Examinations (PBSE) and 255 Clinical Applications in Perfusion
Examinations (CAPE) through Pearson Vue Testing Centers.
The Directors of the ABCP meet annually to review the results
of the previous years testing and to develop new examination
items. The 2022 meeting included a review of existing pediatric
perfusion, ECMO, and VAD questions, as well as the additional
development of new questions in these relevant areas and the
other extracorporeal technology topics found in the ABCP
Knowledge Base Survey and the AC-PE curriculum.
During these intensive work sessions, the Directors propose,
review, and approve new items for inclusion in the Perfusion
Basic Science Examination (PBSE) and the Clinical Applications
in Perfusion Examination (CAPE) test banks. Items proposed
for inclusion in the PBSE test bank are reviewed for accuracy,
validity, relevance, and diculty before being approved for use in
the examination. Scenarios proposed for the CAPE are reviewed
not only for accuracy, validity, relevance, and diculty but also
for appropriate situational sequence and ow. The correct answer
to each CAPE question is required to be determinable from
information provided in the scenario, ensuring that an incorrect
answer on any CAPE question does not bias a response on any
subsequent question in that scenario. The Directors also reviewed
item statistics for questions used on both forms of the previous
years PBSE and CAPE. Historical information is maintained
for each item on the PBSE and CAPE to provide data about item
consistency and performance. Adhering to the best practices
for test development and subjecting test bank items to careful
statistical review ensures that the ABCP examination process
remains consistent and fair.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
Both the Perfusion Basic Science Examination (PBSE) and the
Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination (CAPE) are
administered in Testing Centers as computer-based examinations.
Computer-Based Testing (CBT) allows candidates to take their
certication examinations in a computer center in or near their
home cities. The close proximity of the testing centers reduces or
eliminates the costs of lodging and travel for the candidates and
oers a more secure and convenient examination environment.
In 2022, the ABCP changed the company that administers the
ABCP examinations. The ABCP is now using Professional
Testing (PTI) to administer the PBSE and CAPE examinations
beginning with the spring 2022 examinations. The change in
examination centers has many benets including an immediate
return of examination results to the examinees.
The application and registration process did not change with
the new testing company. As in the past, when the application
process is completed and the examinees have been cleared
for examination by the ABCP National Oce, they log into
the PTI website to reserve a location and time for taking their
examinations. The ABCP works closely with the testing company
to schedule examinations at times that the test centers are
not experiencing heavy trac. It is imperative, however, that
examinees understand that they must reserve their test site seat
and time as early as possible. This helps ensure that examinees
take the test at the time and in the location of their choosing.
Although the PTI platform is similar to the previous Prometric
platform, it does oer more assistance by allowing the National
Oce sta to nd locations for test-takers by zip codes. If
examinees are unable to nd a location, they can call the National
Oce for assistance in nding a convenient testing center. The
platform also allows the ABCP to authorize extended dates for
testing if necessary.
Computer-Based Testing works to the strong advantage of
the examinees, as it minimizes travel and time requirements
as compared to the traditional mode of testing. For each
examination, the PBSE and the CAPE, there are four days
scheduled for examination. Once the National Oce validates
their application materials and they are cleared for examination,
examinees may pick any day in that window and choose which
examination they wish to take rst. The examinations are given
twice annually, in the spring and in the fall.
Did you know that we prole individual CCP’s on the ABCP
website in a section called “Beyond the Pump”? Read about
interesting perfusionists who contribute to the profession and
realize great accomplishments. Tell us about a perfusionist who’s
prole should be shared through the “Beyond the Pump” contact
link on the ABCP website. See link below to our most recent
prole of Brigida Aguerrevere.
Clinical Activity
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) is required to perform
a minimum of 40 clinical activities annually. Of the 40 clinical
activities, a minimum of 25 activities must be documented from
Table A as Primary Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA). Clinical
case credit is only given to the perfusionist who is considered
the primary perfusionist in a primary clinical perfusion activity.
A primary perfusionist is dened as the perfusionist who is
responsible for the conduct of perfusion for 60% of the case
and whom the hospital/institution recognizes as the primary
perfusionist. Only one perfusionist may submit for primary
perfusionist per clinical case.
If a CCP is unable to obtain 40 primary clinical perfusion
activities, a maximum of 15 activities may be documented from
Table B as Secondary Clinical Perfusion Activities (SCPA) and
will count towards the 40-case requirement. Only one SCPA case
credit will be allowed during the conduction of one perfusion
The CCP must be documented at the institution as a member of
the patient care team for that period, and a physician name must
accompany the case in the Clinical Activity Report.
All clinical cases must be performed on human patients and
documentable in an audit. Clinical activities and core elements of
the clinical activity are dened in Tables A and Table B.
In 2022, there were no changes made to Tables A and B
recertication charts below.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
Clinical Denition Core Elements
1P Cardiopulmonary
Bypass (CPB),
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the
primary operator of the heart-lung machine, used
during cardiac surgery and other surgeries that
require extracorporeal circulation, used to manage
the patients physiological status.
Blood pump, reservoir, heat exchanger, oxygenator,
extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with
hemodynamic/lab value monitoring. Multiple pump
runs per one OR visit equal 1 primary case credit.
2P Instructor CPB
Bypass, Primary
(Not eligible
for examination
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who
serves as a clinical instructor to a student enrolled
in an accredited perfusion program during
primary clinical perfusion activities that require
extracorporeal circulation, used to manage the
patient’s physiological status.
Blood pump, reservoir, heat exchanger, oxygenator,
extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with
hemodynamic/ lab value monitoring. Primary
clinical perfusion activities (PCPA) performed as
clinical instructor in an accredited program are
considered a primary perfusion activity and will
receive full case credit. During clinical instruction
in which the student is operating extracorporeal
circulation equipment, there must be direct one-
to-one supervision by the clinical instructor.
Students may also receive credit toward certication
eligibility for the same case.
3P Extra-Corporeal
(ECMO), Primary
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the
primary operator of Extra-Corporeal Membrane
Oxygenation (ECMO) circuit that provides life
support for respiratory and/or cardiac failure.
The CCP must be documented at the institution as
a member of the patient care team for that period
and a physician name must accompany the case in
the Clinical Activity Report.
Extracorporeal circuit, oxygenator, heat exchanger
used accordingly with hemodynamic/lab value
monitoring. For each ECMO case, one case credit
per 24 hours will be awarded for initiating and
bedside managing ECMO (4-hour minimum)
or bedside managing (6-hour minimum). No
simultaneous credit will be awarded for managing
multiple ECMO patients in this time period.
4P Isolated Limb,
Ex Vivo Organ
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist (CCP), who is
(1) the primary operator of an extracorporeal
device used to deliver anticancer drugs directly to
an arm, leg, or organ that manages the patient’s
physiological status or (2) the primary operator of an
extracorporeal device, including an oxygenator/de-
oxygenator and pump, used to manage the physiologic
state of isolated and separated human organs from the
body, for potential transplant opportunities.
Reservoir, blood pump, heat exchanger, oxygenator,
extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with
hemodynamic, temperature, and lab value
monitoring. No simultaneous credit will be awarded
for managing multiple organs.
5P Veno-Venous
or Left Heart
Bypass, Primary
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is
the primary operator of an extracorporeal device,
used to perfuse specic vascular regions within the
circulatory system or recirculate venous blood for
purposes such as clot/tissue removal.
Blood pump, extracorporeal circuit used
accordingly with hemodynamic/lab value
6P Ventricular Assist
Device (VAD),
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) who is the
primary operator of the Ventricular Assist Device
(VAD) that provides cardiac support for the failing
For each VAD case, one case credit per 24 hours
will be awarded for initiating and managing VAD
or bedside managing (6-hour minimum). No
simultaneous credit will be awarded for managing
multiple VAD patients in this time period.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
Activities (SCPA)
Clinical Denition Core Elements
1S CPB,First Assistant The “CPB First Assistant” is the
Certied Clinical Perfusionist
(CCP) whom the hospital/ institution
recognizes as the assistant to the
primary perfusionist during the
conduction of perfusion.
The “CPB First Assistant” must be documented within the
operating suite and actively assisting during the operative
case. Multiple First Assistant credits will not be allowed
during concurrent operative procedures. Multiple pump runs
per one OR visit equal one secondary case credit.
2S Ex Vivo, First
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist
(CCP) who is the secondary operator
of an extracorporeal device, used to
perfuse isolated and separated human
organs from the body, for potential
transplant opportunities.
Reservoir, blood pump, heat exchanger, oxygenator,
extracorporeal circuit used accordingly with hemodynamic,
temperature, and lab value monitoring. No simultaneous
credit will be awarded for managing multiple organs.
3S Intraperitoneal
or Intrapleural
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist
(CCP) who is the primary operator
of an intraperitoneal or intrapleural
A device with pump ow, circulation, temperature,
monitoring, and regulation of chemotherapeutic uids
within abdominal or thoracic cavity for periods exceeding
30 minutes. Syringe infusion devices will not be counted as
an SCPA.
4S Cardiopulmonary
Bypass (CPB)
Standby Procedures,
and Extracorporeal
Oxygenation (ECMO)
Standby Procedures
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist
(CCP) who is the primary standby
operator of the heart- lung machine
which is used during cardiac surgery
that may require extracorporeal
circulation to manage the patient’s
physiological status or is the primary
standby operator of the Extracorporeal
Membrane Oxygenator (ECMO) that
provides life support for respiratory
and /or cardiac failure.
Any procedure that may require immediate and onsite
extracorporeal circulatory support. Standby procedures must
be documented, requested by the attending physician, and
veriable in an audit.
5S High Fidelity
Perfusion Simulation
A Certied Clinical Perfusionist
(CCP) who is the primary operator
of the heart-lung machine or ECMO
circuit, used to manage physical
and physiological variables during
simulated perfusion scenarios taking
place at an ABCP- recognized HFPS
HFPS is the use of simulation modalities or mechanisms
to create a realistic patient model or perfusion situation.
HFPS must be an interactive process facilitated by a CCP
using standardized medical simulation devices that integrate
realistic perfusion events experienced during CPB procedures
in a realistic surgical setting using a conventional heart-lung
machine or ECMO circuit. Each HFPS or series of HFPS
must have an education/brieng, simulation, and debrieng.
The simulation/simulation series length must be no less than
50 minutes of active simulation activity. One case credit is
awarded for each HFPS activity that meets or exceeds these
guidelines. Each HFPS must include and retain a participant
evaluation form.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
There were no changes to Professional Activity requirements in 2022.
A summary of professional activity requirements may be found in the following charts.
CATEGORY I — ABCP Approved Perfusion Meetings and Related Activity
[A minimum of 15 CEUs must be from this category]
Maximum CEUs
per activity
Maximum CEUs
in 3-year period
No maximum
Attendance at an ABCP-approved perfusion-related meeting; Live Interactive Webcast or
Webinar (independent of an on-site meeting) Approved by the ABCP
5 Publication of Perfusion-Related Book Chapter or Article in Professional Journal 10
5 Presentation of a Talk at an ABCP-approved perfusion-related meeting 10
2 Presentation of a Poster or Other Exhibit at an ABCP-approved perfusion-related meeting
Editorial Review of Perfusion Journal Articles.
5 Participation in ABCP Knowledge Base Survey 5
No maximum SDCE 10
No maximum High Fidelity Perfusion Simulation (HFPS) event that is associated with an approved Cate-
gory I meeting
(per year)
Serving as a Clinical Instructor in an Accredited Perfusion Training Program 9
CATEGORY II — Non-Approved Perfusion Meetings and Other Medical Meetings
Maximum CEUs
per activity
Maximum CEUs
in 3-year period
15 Perfusion-related meeting or medical meeting NOT approved by the ABCP None
5 Medical meeting or perfusion–related meeting not accessible to all perfusionists or
manufacturer-specic or company sponsored educational events
5 All other medical meetings (Hospital-based Grand Rounds, In-services, M&M, Cath
Conferences, etc.)
10 Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) or Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) 15
CATEGORY III — Individual Education and Other Self-Study Activities
Maximum CEUs
per activity
Maximum CEUs
in 3-year period
1 (per contact hr) Serving as a Didactic Instructor in an Accredited Perfusion Training Program 6
2 (per contact hr) ABCP Examination Development Workshop 6
5 (per contact hr) Participation in an AC-PE Site Visitors Workshop/or as an AC-PE Site Visitor 10
1 (per activity) Self-Learning Activities
• Use of Audiovisual Devices/ Electronic Forums/ Podcasts/Additional SDCEs
• Reading Scientic Journals
• Participation in Journal Club
• Participation in degree oriented, professionally related coursework
• Self-study modules
• Basic Life Support (BLS)
1 (per activity) Presentation at non-approved meeting 3
1 (per activity) Membership in a professional perfusion organization at the international, national, or state
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
High Fidelity Perfusion Simulation (HFPS) was added as a secondary perfusion activity following collaboration with the ABCP
Liaison Panel representatives over a period of several years. For HFPS case credit to be awarded to a CCP, the administering HFPS
Center is required to be recognized by the ABCP as having met the criteria that are deemed essential for receiving HFPS case credits.
To attain recognition, HFPS centers seeking recognition must submit an application that may be found on the ABCP website at: > For CEU Provider > Application Forms > Simulation. Recognition will be awarded for one year and renewed
annually. The ABCP appreciates the value of HFPS and supports the development and use of HFPS technology to educate the CCP
and to promote safety for the public.
The following HFPS Centers are recognized by the ABCP for the awarding of secondary clinical case credits:
• The Biomed Simulation Training and Education Center
Administrator: Robin Sutton, MS, CCP, CHSE
Email address: [email protected]
Phone number: 630-336-2146
Web address:
• Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Perfusion Simulation
Administrator: David A. Palmer, Ed.D., CCP, LP
Email address: [email protected]
Phone number: 412-692-7187
Web address: None
• Comprehensive Care Simulation Center
Administrator: Patty Fanelli, BS, CCP
Email address: [email protected]
Phone number: 734-525-9712
Web address:
• Innovative ECMO Concepts, Inc.
Administrator: Hayden Miller, AAS, RRT, BS, CCP, LP
Email address: [email protected]
Phone number: 405-639-8715
Web address:
• InvoSim - Center of High Fidelity Extracorporeal Simulation
Administrator: Giovanni Cerere, MS, CCP
Email address: [email protected]
Phone number: 617-699-7043
Web address:
• Medtronic Mounds View Central Virtual Cardiac OR
Administrator: Michael Cristoforo, CCP
Email address: [email protected]
Phone number: 414-326-5216
Web address: None
• The University of Colorado Hospital
Perfusion Simulation Program
Administrator: George Justison
Email address: [email protected]g
Phone number: 720-848-6860
Web address:
• The University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC)/
Procirca Simulation Center
Administrator: Robert Dyga, BS, CCP, LP
Email address: [email protected]
Phone number: 412-578-9602
Web address:
• The Rush Center for Clinical Skills and Simulation (RCCSS)
Administrator: Julie A. Collins MS, CCP, LP
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone number: 312-942-0515
Web address: None
CCPs may receive CEUs for professional activity if they participate in simulation activities at an approved Category I professional
meeting. Simulation activities not occurring at an approved Category I meeting may be documented as Category III with fty minutes
of simulation activity being awarded one Category III CEU.
If CEUs are awarded to a simulation activity at an approved Category I professional meeting, CCPs may NOT submit that activity for
secondary case credit for the Clinical Activity Report.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
CCPs who are unable to fulll recertication requirements by the
end of a reporting period may request an extension of the ling
deadline as follows:
• Requests must be made in writing by the August 1st ling
• The appropriate report(s) (Clinical Activity Report and/or
Professional Activity Report) must be submitted, complete
with all activity up to June 30th and the appropriate ling
• If approved, the deadline will be extended to December
31st of the same year at which time the report(s) must be
completed, and a late fee ($81.00) paid.
• For those CCPs who requested an extension due to
COVID-19, the extension fee was waived for 2021.
• An extension will not be granted to an individual more
than once during a three-year period or to an individual on
conditional certication. Due to pandemic-related issues, this
requirement was waived in 2020-2021.
A CCP who fails to submit the completed recertication report
with appropriate fee by the August 1st deadline and does not
formally request an extension will be placed on conditional
A CCP on conditional certication must apply to the ABCP for
reinstatement before the next August 1st ling deadline. The
petition statement must include:
1. An explanation in writing of the reasons for not completing
the recertication requirements (clinical activity) for the
previous year;
2. A completed recertication report for the current
reporting year comprising 40 cases with the rst 25 cases
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) which are supervised and
veried by a current CCP; and
3. Payment of all normal ling fees, a $81.00 Late Filing Fee,
and a Reinstatement Fee of $81.00.
If unable to successfully complete the reinstatement requirements
for conditional certication, a CCP may request extended
leave status in writing prior to the August 1st deadline of the
conditional certication year.
Extended leave gives the CCP placed on conditional certication
for clinical inactivity an additional year after the conditional
certication year to complete the following clinical requirements:
1. A completed recertication report for the current
reporting year comprising 40 cases with the rst 25 cases
cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) which are supervised and
veried by a current CCP; and
2. Payment of all normal ling fees, a $81.00 Late Filing Fee,
and a Reinstatement Fee of $81.00.
If unable to satisfy the above requirements, reinstatement will be
granted upon successful completion of the Clinical Applications
in Perfusion Examination prior to the deadline of the extended
leave year.
If none of the above requirements are completed by the August
1st deadline of the extended leave year, it will be necessary to
successfully complete all steps listed in the Re-entry into the
Certication Process section of the Booklet of Information.
CCPs on clinical activity conditional certication and extended
leave are required to complete the Professional Activity Report
(PAR) during the conditional certication period.
The recertication ABCP Online Filing System (OFS) was used
for the 20th year for the 2022 recertication process. The ABCP
requires all CCPs to le recertication reports into the OFS.
The ABCP National Oce provides support to CCPs who need
assistance with online ling.
The ABCP acknowledges the aws in the current online ling
system and the frustration at times for the end user. To keep the
recertication process on a routine timeline and avoid downtime
during peak ling periods, root cause analysis of issues has taken
longer to identify and rectify. The ABCP apologizes for any
inconvenience the CCP may have experienced. The internal IT
department of the new management company, EDI, is working
diligently on known issues and ways to improve the OFS
The National Oce will be glad to oer assistance to anyone
having questions about using the new Online Filing System.
Reminder electronic postcards and other notications will be sent
in May.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
A total of 4233 CCPs recertied in August of 2022. An additional 52 candidates completed the certication process in the spring
of 2022 and an additional 185 completed the certication process in the fall of 2022 for a total of 4750. Including 202 CCPs
on conditional certication and 78 CCPs on extension, there are currently 4750 Certied Clinical Perfusionists. A total of 132
perfusionists lost certication December 31, 2022.
Following is a chart that depicts the certication and recertication trends for the past 22 years.
2000 3073 71 71 142 118 42 3375 83
2001 3120 80 60 140 120 45 3425 86
2002 3158 78 82 160 108 49 3475 103
2003 3238 75 77 152 110 43 3543 73
2004 3279 74 54 128 124 45 3576 95
2005 3302 52 67 119 148 40 3609 84
2006 3328 75 73 148 135 46 3657 89
2007 3396 83 44 127 127 32 3682 89
2008 3403 47 102 149 129 51 3732 96
2009 3464 64 51 115 108 68 3755 83
2010 3490 68 69 137 127 57 3811 72
2011 3562 57 61 118 93 71 3844 73
2012 3595 76 83 159 111 54 3919 79
2013 3669 53 108 161 88/11 58 3987 80
2014 3724 55 101 156 95/13 66 4054 84
2015 3758 44 141 185 127/12 53 4135 76
2016 3819 36 134 170 100/13 81 4183 120
2017 3873 58 114 172 90/7 89 4234 119
2018 3912 63 154 217 87/13 67 4323 69
2019 3881 46 176 222 73/7 102 4418 116
2020 4066 37 173 210 110/5 131 4522 94
2021 4154 51 188 239 135/13 114 4655 106
2022 4233 52 185 237 189/13 78 4750 132
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
To better understand perfusion workforce trends, the ABCP has partnered with the Perfusion Program Directors Council to provide
perfusion program graduation data. Please note that student volumes are listed by year. As there is variation in program timeline to
graduation, annual volume of graduates may not reect total students admitted due to program length.
University of Texas Health
Science Center at Houston
6 6 6 6
Cleveland Clinic Foundation Master of Science 7 4 6 7
Hofstra University Master of Science 10 10 12 10
Lawrence Technological
Master of Science
Libscomb University Master of Science 15 0 12 0
Medical University of South
Carolina (MUSC)
Master of Science
28 26 29 27
Midwestern University Master of Science 41 33 44 38
Milwaukee School of
Master of Science
6 8 8 8
Northern Kentucky University Master of Science 12 0
Quinnipiac University Master of Health Science 9 9 10 6
Rush University Master of Science 19 18 20 18
SUNY Upstate Medical
Master of Science
11 12 12 11
Texas Heart Institute Post-Baccalaureate
13 17 14 13
Baylor Scott and White The
Heart Hospital - Plano
5 5 6 5
The University of Arizona Master of Science 3 2 4 3
Thomas Jeerson University Master of Science 12 10 12 12
University of Iowa Health Care Certicate 5 5 5 5
University of Nebraska Medical
Center (UNMC)
Master of Science
21 13 20 17
University of Utah Master of Science 5 0 7 4
UPMC Shadyside Master of Science 20 19 18 20
Vanderbilt University Medical
10 10 0 10
TOTAL 246 207 269 220
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
Following is a list of Certied Clinical Perfusionists residing in the United States as of December 31, 2022.
State Certied Lost New State
Certied Lost New
Alabama 68 0 2
16 1 1
Alaska 6 0 0
46 2 0
Arizona 73 6 6
35 3 4
Arkansas 41 0 0
New Hampshire
19 2 0
California 333 5 20
New Jersey
144 2 4
Colorado 68 1 4
New Mexico
15 1 1
Connecticut 69 1 5
New York
239 7 11
Delaware 10 1 1
North Carolina
123 6 7
District of Columbia 12 0 0
North Dakota
13 0 0
Florida 347 9 22
230 6 7
Georgia 112 0 9
42 3 0
Hawaii 13 0 0
39 0 2
Idaho 19 1 0
245 6 15
Illinois 150 6 7
Puerto Rico
15 0 0
Indiana 86 3 0
Rhode Island
2 2 0
Iowa 30 1 0
South Carolina
87 2 2
Kansas 43 1 2
South Dakota
10 0 0
Kentucky 71 2 5
111 3 4
Louisiana 68 0 1
360 6 27
Maine 20 1 1
39 0 1
Maryland 68 2 4
5 0 0
Massachusetts 88 2 4
97 2 6
Michigan 143 6 11
78 4 5
Minnesota 86 2 11
West Virginia
26 0 0
Mississippi 38 2 1
107 5 5
Missouri 95 3 4
3 1 0
4303 119 204
This does not include CCPs living outside the United States.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
The ABCP recertication clinical case reporting procedures
are in compliance with the Health Insurance Portability and
Accountability Act (HIPAA) standards; therefore, hospital case
numbers are not required on the Clinical Activity Report. This
change in reporting resulted in a change in the audit process.
Rather than the cases being veried by the Medical Records
Department, the audit is conducted by the Chief Perfusionist,
the Operating Room Director, or another hospital authority
designated by the CCP. This designated authority is asked to
verify the accuracy of the cases in the audit. If the cases cannot be
veried by the designated authority, the perfusionist is contacted
to provide verication of the cases and explain discrepancies.
The revised audit process has been in eect since 2003 and
has worked smoothly for 18 years without major problems. If
fraudulent reporting of cases is discovered, the issue is submitted
to the ABCP Ethics Committee for appropriate actions. The
perfusionist is ultimately responsible for providing verication of
the cases and explaining discrepancies.
Audits of Professional Activity Reports were performed in 2022
in accordance with the revision of the system for documenting
professional activity that was implemented in 2001. Since 2001,
each CCP is responsible for retaining supporting documentation
for his/her professional activity reported on the Professional
Activity Report, which is submitted every three years. Prior to
2001, the CCP mailed the documentation to the ABCP with the
Professional Activity Report; under the current system, the CCP
retains all documentation for the three-year period. Random
audits are performed annually on a percentage of Professional
Activity Reports as a validating procedure.
Failure to produce the necessary documentation, should the
CCP be a subject of the random audit, can result in loss of
the CCP credential. The CCP is ultimately responsible for
providing verication of professional activity and for explaining
discrepancies in reports.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP)
confers the designation of CCP Emeritus to recognize retiring
CCPs, with 20 or more cumulative years of experience as a CCP
in good standing, to maintain acknowledgement of their former
certied status.
To be conferred with this status the following stipulations must
be met:
1. The retiring CCP, with 20 or more cumulative years of
experience as a CCP in good standing, must request the
CCP Emeritus status within 30 days of losing certication
(January 31 of the year that certication is lost).
2. He/she must agree to use the title CCP Emeritus and not to
use the title CCP, CCP-R, Certied Clinical Perfusionist, or
Certied Clinical Perfusionist Retired.
3. He/she must maintain a current mailing/email address on le
with the ABCP National Oce.
Once the CCP Emeritus status is conferred, his/her name is
published on the ABCP website with the title of CCP Emeritus,
and each CCP Emeritus will be provided with a certicate
recognizing his/her service as a CCP. He/she will also receive
the ABCP Annual Report and any other appropriate ABCP
publications. There is no fee associated with this status.
The CCP Emeritus status has received a positive response from
CCPs and has been especially popular with retired CCPs. At the
current time, 753 retired CCPs have received the CCP Emeritus
designation. The National Oce encourages any eligible retirees
seeking this status, who may not have been previously notied, to
contact the oce by telephone (414-918-3008) or email
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
The ABCP has been collaborating with licensure states since
perfusion state licensure was initiated in 1996. The National
Oce of the ABCP provides the following certication and
recertication information as specically requested from the
various licensure states:
• Following each examination session, a list of candidates who
passed or failed (all licensure states do not require this)
• Following each examination session, a list of newly certied
• Annual lists of CCPs who recertied
• Verication of ABCP certication for CCPs moving to a
licensure state
• Other specic information as requested on an individual state
The following states currently require the ABCP to supply
certication information for licensure:
Arkansas, Connecticut, Georgia, Illinois, Louisiana, Maryland,
Massachusetts, Missouri, Nebraska, Nevada, New Jersey, New
York, North Carolina, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee,
Texas, and Wisconsin.
The New York State Licensure process ended their grandfathering
period October 20, 2018. Please visit the following website for
In response to input from the ABCP Liaison Panel
representatives, the ABCP developed the following information
document for HR departments in hospitals.
American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP)
Certication Job Description Resource Document for the
Certied Clinical Perfusionist (CCP) Credential
Perfusionist Denition
A “Perfusionist” is a person, qualied by academic and
clinical education, to operate the extracorporeal circulation
equipment during any medical situation where it is necessary
to support or replace a person’s cardiopulmonary, circulatory,
or respiratory function. A perfusionist is responsible for the
selection of appropriate equipment and techniques necessary
for support, treatment, measurement, or supplementation of the
cardiopulmonary and circulatory system of a patient, including
the safe monitoring, analysis, and treatment of physiologic
conditions under an order and under the supervision of a
physician. A CCP validates his/her mastery of these clinical
skills, knowledge, and abilities through certication and meets
ongoing continuing education and practice requirements through
Certication Background
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP) is
the certifying body for Certied Clinical Perfusionists (CCPs).
Established in 1975, the primary purpose of the ABCP, and
therefore its most essential function, is protection of the public
through the establishment and maintenance of standards in the
eld of cardiovascular perfusion. To achieve this objective,
the ABCP has established qualications for certication
examination and procedures for recertication. Its requirements
and procedures are reviewed and modied by the Directors of the
ABCP as necessary.
Certication in Clinical Perfusion is attained by meeting
specic educational and clinical requirements and satisfactory
performance on the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
certication examination. Certication in cardiovascular
perfusion is evidence that a perfusionist’s qualications for
operation of extracorporeal circulation equipment are validated
by his/her peers. Certication is not intended to dene
requirements for employment, to gain special recognition or
privileges, to dene the scope of extracorporeal circulation, or to
state who may not engage in cardiovascular perfusion.
Extracorporeal technologies such as ECMO, VAD,
autotransfusion, blood therapy, pediatric perfusion, and adult
perfusion are included in the consensus curriculum developed
by the Accreditation Committee of Perfusion Education (AC-
PE) and are followed by The Commission on Accreditation
of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) accredited
perfusion education programs. It is the ABCP position that all
CCPs have acquired knowledge and have demonstrated through
the certication process a validated level of knowledge in these
To be eligible to sit for the ABCP examination process,
a perfusionist must have graduated from an accredited
cardiovascular perfusion education program. The certication
examination is composed of two parts. Part I, the Perfusion
Basic Science Examination (PBSE), is a 220-item, multiple-
choice examination designed to cover perfusion basic sciences
and cardiopulmonary bypass. Part II, the Clinical Applications
in Perfusion Examination (CAPE), is also a multiple-choice
format where a series of clinical scenarios are presented, each
with a series of questions. The number of questions on the Part
2 examination may vary from 200 to 230, depending on the
scenarios used. Both the Perfusion Basic Science Examination
and the Clinical Applications in Perfusion Examination are given
twice a year, in the spring and in the fall.
The American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
2022 Annual Report
Recertication is designed to ensure that Certied Clinical
Perfusionists, through continuing education and clinical activity,
continue to meet professional standards and possess current
and adequate knowledge in the eld. CCPs are required to
recertify every year. A CCP is required to perform a minimum
of 40 clinical activities annually. Of the 40 clinical activities,
a minimum of 25 activities must be documented as Primary
Clinical Perfusion Activities (PCPA). During each three-year
reporting period, every CCP must earn 45 Continuing Education
Units (CEUs). See the ABCP Booklet of Information for detailed
recertication information:
Primary Source Verication
• The ABCP National Oce provides primary source
verication of the CCP credential through the following
Names of currently certied perfusionists are listed on
the ABCP website:
Verication can be provided via telephone, fax, email,
or USPS.
Telephone number for a verbal verication:
(414) 918-3008;
Fax number: (414) 276-3349;
Email address: [email protected];
Mailing address:
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
• All the methods listed are considered “primary source”
If you request written verication by email and require
a mailed or faxed response on ABCP letterhead, please
include a fax number and your address with your
The National Oce will gladly respond using the
preferred method in a timely manner.
For more information on perfusion certication, contact us:
ABCP National Oce
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: (414) 918-3008
Fax: (414) 276-3349
The ABCP examinations are conducted in compliance with the
Americans with Disabilities Act. Individuals with disabilities who
are otherwise qualied for the ABCP certication process should
write the National Oce of the ABCP to request reasonable
accommodations for the examinations. The request must be made
at least four weeks prior to the examination date. Appropriate
documentation will be required for all disability requests.
Professional organizations may use the ABCP mailing list
provided those organizations send the materials that are to be
mailed to the ABCP National Oce. The National Oce will
then mail all materials and charge the organization an appropriate
fee. A schedule of fees is available from the ABCP National
Professional organizations may freely publish the Ethical
Standards of the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
provided the ABCP is appropriately credited in the publicatio
The credential CCP is a registered trademark of the American
Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion, Inc. The title is reserved for
those active perfusionists who annually submit documentation for
recertication. Further, the ABCP zealously protects the title on
behalf of those currently holding certication.
If you have moved, or are anticipating a move, please notify the
National Oce, in writing or by telephone, of your change of
address and update your Online Filing System Prole Page.
Tara Withington, CAE
Consulting Partner
Jeanne Rhodes
Executive Director
Breanna Carter
Communications Manager
American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion
555 E. Wells Street, Suite 1100
Milwaukee, WI 53202
Phone: (414) 918-3008
Fax: (414) 276-3349
The National Oce welcomes your telephone calls, emails and
requests for information. It is the role of the National Oce to
encourage certication and recertication for those who are
eligible and to make those processes as ecient as possible, and
we will do everything that we can to assist you. Additionally, we
solicit your input concerning the improvement of our operations.