Notes to help you complete form HO81 - Claim for fuel duty relief
These notes are for information only and are intended to help you complete the form to claim fuel
duty relief when you cannot access the online form.
If you are unable to use the online form you will need to have a copy of the blank form printed off
in advance so that you can use it if you need to. You can obtain blank forms from the Excise and
Customs helpline 0300 200 3700
You should use this form if you are registered with HM Revenue & Customs to claim relief from fuel
If you have not registered, and you are eligible to register, you can apply by completing form HO80
Registration to claim fuel duty relief.
If you are not sure whether or not you qualify contact the Excise and Customs Helpline 0300
200 3700
Claimant details Completion note
Full name
This is the business or individual registered with us to claim
fuel duty relief.
Daytime telephone number
Please enter a phone number that we can use to contact
you during the day. This may be a home number, a work
number or a mobile number. Please use only the following
characters: numbers, spaces, brackets (), hyphen -, plus sign
Registration reference number
You will find the registration reference number on the
letter confirming your registration. It is a seven-digit
reference made up of two letters 'RF', followed by five
numbers, the last two being the year. For example,
RF99912 for 2012.
Claim period and purchase details
Claim period
Enter the full name of the month you are claiming for in
text followed by the year in digits, for example January
Details of road fuel purchased
within the claim period
Enter each individual purchase of road fuel on a separate
row in the table. You should add the volume of petrol
(column A) and the volume of diesel (column B) and enter
the total figure (A+B) in (column C). If there are not enough
rows to enter all of your purchases, please attach an
additional sheet showing the details.
Total volume in litres
Add together the volumes entered for each individual
purchase. Enter the total volume in litres of petrol
purchased in column A. Enter the total volume in litres of
diesel purchased in column B. Add the total in column A to
the total in column B and enter this figure in column C. This
is the total volume of fuel on which the relief is claimed.
Relief due (volume x £0.05 per
Multiply each total volume in litres figure by £0.05 and
enter the amounts in pounds and pence.
Adjustments - underclaimed and overclaimed
Period of adjustment
Enter the full name of the month in text followed by the
year in digits, for example January 2012.
Amount underclaimed
If you have underclaimed, add the amount you have
underclaimed to the relief you are claiming and enter the
new total in the ‘Adjusted claim total’.
Amount overclaimed
If you have overclaimed deduct this amount from the
amount you are claiming and enter the new total in the
‘Adjusted claim total’.