Volume 2 / Paper 5 1 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
NOTE: To download the first
paper in this series, “Security
101 for Covered Entities,” visit
the CMS website at:
dard/ under the “Regulation”
Compliance Deadlines
No later than April 20, 2005 for
all covered entities except small
health plans, which have until
no later than April 20, 2006.
What is the Security Series?
The security series of papers provides guidance from the Centers for
Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) on the rule titled “Security Standards
for the Protection of Electronic Protected Health Information,” found at 45
CFR Part 160 and Part 164, Subparts A and C. This rule, commonly known as
the Security Rule, was adopted to implement provisions of the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA). The series
will contain seven papers, each focused on a specific topic related to the
Security Rule. The papers, which cover the topics listed to the left, are
designed to give HIPAA covered entities
insight into the Security Rule and
assistance with implementation of the
security standards. This series explains
specific requirements, the thought process
behind those requirements, and possible
ways to address the provisions.
CMS recommends that covered entities read the first paper in this series,
“Security 101 for Covered Entities” before reading the other papers. The first
paper clarifies important Security Rule concepts that will help covered
entities as they plan for implementation. This fifth paper in the series is
devoted to the standards for
Organizational Requirements and Policies
and Procedures and Documentation
Requirements, and their implementation
specifications, and assumes the reader has
a basic understanding of the Security
Three earlier papers in this series discuss the Administrative, Physical, and
Technical Safeguards standards in the Security Rule. While these
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies
and Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Security Standards
- Technical
Security 101 for
Covered Entities
Basics of Risk
Analysis and Risk
Implementation for
the Small Provider
Security Standards
- Administrative
Security Standards
- Physical
- Organizational,
Policies and
Procedures and
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Volume 2 / Paper 5 2 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
safeguards comprise the vast majority of standards and implementation
specifications, there are four other standards that must be implemented; the
other four standards are addressed in this paper and in 45 CFR §§ 164.314
and 164.316.
The standards at 45 CFR § 164.314, Organizational Requirements, and §
164.316, Policies and Procedures and Documentation Requirements,
immediately follow the Technical Safeguards standards. They are not
included in Appendix A the Security Standards: Matrix that is found at the
end of the Security Rule, but must not be overlooked by covered entities.
These requirements must be implemented to achieve compliance.
The objectives of this paper are to:
Review each Organizational Requirements and Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements standard and
implementation specification listed in the Security Rule.
Discuss the purpose for each standard.
§ 164.314 - Organizational Requirements
Business Associate Contracts
or Other Arrangements
The Business Associate Contracts and Other Arrangements standard found
at § 164.308(b)(1) requires a covered entity to have contracts or other
arrangements with business associates that will have access to the covered
entity’s electronic protected health information (EPHI). The standard, at §
164.314(a)(1), provides the specific criteria required for written contracts or
other arrangements between a covered entity and its business associates.
The actual language used to address the requirements can be tailored to the
needs of each organization, as long as the requirements are addressed.
In general, a business associate is a person or entity other than a member of
the covered entity’s workforce that performs functions or activities on the
covered entity’s behalf, or provides specified services to the covered entity,
that involve the use or disclosure of protected health information. A
business associate may also be a covered entity.
164.314 (a)(1)
- Security Management
- Assigned Security
- Workforce Security
- Information Access
- Security Awareness
and Training
- Security Incident
- Contingency Plan
- Evaluation
- Business Associate
Contracts and Other
- Facility Access
- Workstation Use
- Workstation Security
- Device and Media
- Access Control
- Audit Controls
- Integrity
- Person or Entity
- Transmission Security
- Business Associate
Contracts or Other
- Requirements for
Group Health Plans
Security Standards:
General Rules
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Volume 2 / Paper 5 3 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
For example, a health care clearinghouse may be a business associate and is also a covered entity
under HIPAA. A software vendor may be a business associate as well; however, it is not, in that
capacity, a covered entity. In both cases, the organizations could perform certain functions,
activities or services on behalf of the covered entity and would therefore be business associates.
(See 45 CFR § 160.103, for the definition of “business associate.”)
Section 164.314(a)(1)(ii) also identifies certain situations when a covered entity would not be in
compliance with this standard despite the existence of a business associate contract.
(ii) A covered entity is not in compliance with the standards in §
164.502(e) [the HIPAA Privacy Rule - Disclosures to Business Associates
standard] and paragraph (a) of this section [the Business Associate
Contracts or Other Arrangements standard] if the covered entity knew of
a pattern of an activity or practice of the business associate that
constituted a material breach or violation of the business associate’s
obligation under the contract or other arrangement, unless the covered
entity took reasonable steps to cure the breach or end the violation, as
applicable, and, if such steps were unsuccessful
(A) Terminated the contract or arrangement, if feasible; or
(B) If termination is not feasible, reported the problem to the Secretary.
The two implementation specifications of this standard are:
1. Business associate contracts (Required)
2. Other arrangements (Required)
1. BUSINESS ASSOCIATE CONTRACTS (R) § 164.314(a)(2)(i)
The Business Associate Contracts implementation specifications state that a business
associate contract must provide that the business associate will:
(A) Implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that
reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of the electronic protected health information that it
creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of the covered
(B) Ensure that any agent, including a subcontractor, to whom it
provides such information agrees to implement reasonable and
appropriate safeguards to protect it;
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Volume 2 / Paper 5 4 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
(C) Report to the covered entity any security incident of which it
becomes aware;
(D) Authorize termination of the contract by the covered entity, if the
covered entity determines that the business associate has violated a
material term of the contract.
Covered entities may already have business associate contracts in place in order to
comply with the Privacy Rule. If the business associate creates, receives, maintains, or
transmits EPHI, these existing contracts should be reviewed and modified in order to
meet the Security Rule Business Associate Contracts requirements. Alternatively,
covered entities could have two separate contracts to address the requirements of the
Privacy and Security Rules respectively.
2. OTHER ARRANGEMENTS (R) - § 164.314(a)(2)(ii)
The Other Arrangements implementation specifications provide that when a covered
entity and its business associate are both government entities, the covered entity may
comply with the standard in either of two alternative ways: (1) if it enters into a
memorandum of understanding (MOU) with the business associate and the MOU
contains terms which accomplish the objectives of the Business Associate Contracts
section of the Security Rule; or (2) if other law (including regulations adopted by the
covered entity or its business associate) contain requirements applicable to the business
associate that accomplish the objectives of the business associate contract. If statutory
obligations of the covered entity or its business associate do not permit the covered entity
to include in its other arrangements authorization of the termination of the contract by the
covered entity, the termination authorization may be omitted. (See §164.314(a)(2)(ii)(C).)
This implementation specification also applies to certain situations in which other laws
require a business associate to perform certain functions or activities on behalf of the
covered entity or provide certain services to the covered entity. These situations will not
be discussed in detail within this paper. (See § 164.314(a)(2)(ii)(B).)
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
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§ 164.314(b)(1)
NOTE: The definition of a
Group Health Plan can be
found in 45 CFR § 160.103.
Requirements for Group Health Plans
The second standard in § 164.314 is the Requirements for
Group Health Plans. The standard requires a group health plan
to ensure that its plan documents require the plan sponsor to
reasonably and appropriately safeguard EPHI that it creates,
receives, maintains or transmits on behalf of the group health
plan. (See 45 CFR § 164.314(b)(1).) Specific exceptions to this requirement are provided when
the only EPHI disclosed to a plan sponsor is disclosed pursuant to permitted disclosures under
the HIPAA Privacy Rule, specifically § 164.504(f)(1)(ii) or (iii), or as authorized under §
164.508. The standard includes the following required implementation specifications:
The plan documents of the group health plan must incorporate provisions to require the
plan sponsor to:
(i) Implement administrative, physical, and technical safeguards that
reasonably and appropriately protect the confidentiality, integrity,
and availability of the electronic protected health information that it
creates, receives, maintains, or transmits on behalf of the group
health plan;
(ii) Ensure that the adequate separation required by § 164.504(f)(2)(iii)
[of the Privacy Rule] is supported by reasonable and appropriate
security measures;
(iii) Ensure that any agent, including a subcontractor, to whom it
provides this information agrees to implement reasonable and
appropriate security measures to protect the information; and
(iv) Report to the group health plan any security incident of which it
becomes aware.
In other words, the Security Rule generally requires that if the plan sponsor of a group
health plan has access to EPHI beyond summary information and enrollment information
or to EPHI other than that which has been authorized under § 164.508, the plan
documents must contain language similar to that already required by the Privacy Rule.
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Procedures and Documentation Requirements
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§ 164.316(a)
§ 164.316 Policies and procedures and documentation
In addition to the policies, procedures and documentation contained throughout the Security
Rule, § 164.316 sets forth specific requirements for all policies, procedures and documentation
required by the Rule.
Policies and Procedures
The first standard, Policies and Procedures, contains several important concepts. Specifically, it
requires that covered entities:
Implement reasonable and appropriate policies and procedures to
comply with the standards, implementation specifications, or other
requirements of this subpart, taking into account those factors specified in
§ 164.306(b)(2)(i), (ii), (iii), and (iv) [the Security Standards: General
Rules, Flexibility of Approach]. This standard is not to be construed to
permit or excuse an action that violates any other standard,
implementation specification, or other requirements of this subpart. A
covered entity may change its policies and procedures at any time,
provided that the changes are documented and are implemented in
accordance with this subpart.
The reference to § 164.306(b)(2), the Security Standards:
General Rules, is specifically to the “Flexibility of
Approach” provisions that outline the types of factors
covered entities must consider when implementing the
Security Rule.
While this standard requires covered entities to implement policies and procedures, the Security
Rule does not define either policy or procedure.” Generally, policies define an organization’s
approach. For example, most business policies establish measurable objectives and expectations
for the workforce, assign responsibility for decision-making, and define enforcement and
consequences for violations. Procedures describe how the organization carries out that approach,
setting forth explicit, step-by-step instructions that implement the organization’s policies.
Policies and procedures should reflect the mission and culture of the organization; thus, the
Security Rule enables each covered entity to use current standard business practices for policy
development and implementation. Polices and procedures required by the Security Rule may be
NOTE: For more information
about the concepts behind the
General Standards, see the first
paper in this series, “Security
101 for Covered Entities.
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Volume 2 / Paper 5 7 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
§ 164.316(b)(1)
modified as necessary to meet the changing needs of the organization, as long as the changes are
documented and implemented in accordance with the Security Rule.
The Policies and Procedures standard is further explained and supported by the Documentation
The Documentation standard requires covered entities to:
(i) Maintain the policies and procedures implemented to comply with this
subpart in written (which may be electronic) form; and (ii) if an action,
activity or assessment is required by this subpart to be documented,
maintain a written (which may be electronic) record of the action, activity,
or assessment.”
The Documentation standard has three implementation specifications.
1. Time Limit (Required)
2. Availability (Required)
3. Updates (Required)
1. TIME LIMIT (R) - § 164.316(b)(2)(i)
The Time Limit implementation specification requires covered entities to:
“Retain the documentation required by paragraph (b)(1) of this section
for 6 years from the date of its creation or the date when it last was in
effect, whichever is later.”
This six-year period must be considered the minimum retention period for required
documentation under the Security Rule. Some organizations may choose to keep their
documentation longer based on state law, requirements of accreditation organizations, or
other business reasons.
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Volume 2 / Paper 5 8 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
2. AVAILABILITY (R) - § 164.316(b)(2)(ii)
The Availability implementation specification requires covered entities to:
“Make documentation available to those persons responsible for
implementing the procedures to which the documentation pertains.”
Organizations often make documentation available in printed manuals and/or on Intranet
3. UPDATES (R) - § 164.316(b)(2)(iii)
The Updates implementation specification requires covered entities to:
“Review documentation periodically, and update as needed, in response
to environmental or operational changes affecting the security of the
electronic protected health information.”
The need for review and update will vary based on a covered entity’s documentation
review frequency and/or the volume of environmental or operational changes that affect
the security of EPHI. This implementation specification requires covered entities to
manage their documentation so that it reflects the current status of their security plans and
procedures implemented to comply with the Security Rule.
In Summary
The Organizational Requirements section of the Security Rule, among other things, provides
requirements for the content of business associate contracts or other arrangements and the plan
documents of group health plans. The Policies and Procedures and Documentation Requirements
section, among other things, requires covered entities to implement and maintain written
policies, procedures and documentation required to comply with the Security Rule.
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Volume 2 / Paper 5 9 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
The next paper in this series, paper #6 “Basics of Risk Analysis and Risk Management” outlines
some of the general techniques used in risk analysis and risk management. Not all of the
material discussed in the “Basics of Risk Analysis and Risk Management” paper will apply to all
covered entities. The basic concepts and techniques discussed in this paper will be useful for
most covered entities.
Covered entities should periodically check the CMS website at www.cms.hhs.gov under
“Regulations and Guidance” for additional information and resources as they work through the
security implementation process. There are many other sources of information available on the
Internet. While CMS does not endorse guidance provided by other organizations, covered
entities may also want to check with other local and national professional health care
organizations, such as national provider and health plan associations for additional information.
Need more information?
Visit the CMS website often at www.cms.hhs.gov under “Regulations and Guidance” for the
latest security papers, checklists, and announcements of upcoming events.
Visit the Office for Civil Rights website, http://www.hhs.gov/ocr/hipaa, for the latest
guidance, FAQs and other information on the Privacy Rule.
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Volume 2 / Paper 5 10 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
Security Standards Matrix (Appendix A of the Security Rule)
Implementation Specifications
(R)= Required, (A)=Addressable
§ 164.308(a)(1)
Risk Analysis
Risk Management
Sanction Policy
Information System
Activity Review
Assigned Security
§ 164.308(a)(2)
Workforce Security
§ 164.308(a)(3)
Authorization and/or
Workforce Clearance
Termination Procedures
Information Access
§ 164.308(a)(4)
Isolating Health Care
Clearinghouse Functions
Access Authorization
Access Establishment
and Modification
Security Awareness
and Training
§ 164.308(a)(5)
Security Reminders
Protection from Malicious
Log-in Monitoring
Password Management
Security Incident
§ 164.308(a)(6)
Response and Reporting
Contingency Plan
§ 164.308(a)(7)
Data Backup Plan
Disaster Recovery Plan
Emergency Mode
Operation Plan
Testing and Revision
Applications and Data
Criticality Analysis
§ 164.308(a)(8)
Business Associate
Contracts and Other
§ 164.308(b)(1)
Written Contract or Other
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Volume 2 / Paper 5 11 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
Implementation Specifications
(R)= Required, (A)=Addressable
Facility Access
§ 164.310(a)(1)
Contingency Operations
Facility Security Plan
Access Control and
Validation Procedures
Maintenance Records
Workstation Use
§ 164.310(b)
Workstation Security
§ 164.310(c)
Device and Media
§ 164.310(d)(1)
Media Re-use
Data Backup and Storage
Implementation Specifications
(R)= Required, (A)=Addressable
Access Control
§ 164.312(a)(1)
Unique User Identification
Emergency Access
Automatic Logoff
Encryption and Decryption
Audit Controls
§ 164.312(b)
§ 164.312(c)(1)
Mechanism to Authenticate
Electronic Protected Health
Person or Entity
§ 164.312(d)
§ 164.312(e)(1)
Integrity Controls
Implementation Specifications
(R)= Required, (A)=Addressable
Business associate
contracts or other
§ 164.314(a)(1)
Business Associate
Other Arrangements
Requirements for
Group Health Plans
§ 164.314(b)(1)
5 Security Standards: Organizational, Policies and
Procedures and Documentation Requirements
Volume 2 / Paper 5 12 5/2005: rev. 3/2007
Implementation Specifications
(R)= Required, (A)=Addressable
Policies and
§ 164.316(a)
§ 164.316(b)(1)
Time Limit