Governors Highway Safety Program
Data Documentation Project
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Compiled January 10, 2019
Crash Records from NC Division of Motor Vehicles
Overview: General description of data source
Crash reports investigated by all of North Carolinas law enforcement agencies are maintained by
the North Carolina Division of Motor Vehicles, located within the North Carolina Department of
Data owner
NC Department of Transportation; Division of Motor Vehicles
Data description and collection criteria
A motor vehicle crash involves a motor vehicle in transport resulting in an un-stabilized situation,
which includes at least one harmful event. An un-stabilized situation is a set of events not under
human control, which originates when control is lost and terminates when control is regained or
when all persons and property are at rest. The terms collision, accident, and crash are
synonymous when describing a motor vehicle crash.
North Carolina crash records must meet at least one of the following criteria:
The crash resulted in a fatality, or
The crash resulted in a non-fatal personal injury, or
The crash resulted in total property damage amounting to $1,000.00 or more, or
The crash resulted in property damage of any amount to a vehicle seized, or
The vehicle has been seized and is subject to forfeiture under G. S. 20-28.3.
In addition, a reportable motor vehicle traffic crash must occur on a trafficway (any land way open
to the public as a matter of right or custom for moving persons or property from one place to
another) or occur after the motor vehicle runs off the roadway but before events are stabilized.
Type of data: source or compiled/abstracted
Source data
Are the data available to outside parties for analytical purposes?
Process to obtain the data for research
There are three ways to obtain crash data for research:
1. Submit a request for data to the Traffic Records Section at the Department of Transportation
Division of Motor Vehicles using form DMV APP-ONLINE-DATA Request for Access to
Multiple Records Containing Personal Information. The form should be submitted to:
North Carolina Department of Transportation
Division of Motor Vehicles Traffic Records Section
3105 Mail Service Center
Raleigh, NC 27699-3105
Data extracts are typically only available to state agencies, insurance companies or for a
substantial fee. Extracts do not contain identifying variables.
Governors Highway Safety Program
Data Documentation Project
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Compiled January 10, 2019
2. Use the HSRC Crash Data website tool (no longer supported) to obtain limited data from
20012017. Results are in Excel.
3. Contact the HSRC for assistance obtaining data.
Eric Bellamy
FARS/Operations/Support/Data Control
NC Department of Transportation
Brian Murphy, PE
Safety Planning Engineer
Traffic Safety Unit
North Carolina Department of
Governors Highway Safety Program
Data Documentation Project
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Compiled January 10, 2019
Data Flowchart
Who enters the original data (Highway patrol officers, Healthcare providers, etc.)?
NC highway patrol officers within 24 hours of event; approximately 75% submit PDF forms, 25%
submit paper forms that are then data-entered by state office staff.
Injury classification: Injury classification method (ICD-10-CM, etc.)
K Killed: Deaths, which occur within 12 months after the crash.
A injury type (disabling): Injury obviously serious enough to prevent the person injured
from performing his normal activities for at least one day beyond the day of the collision.
B injury type (evident): Obvious injury, other than killed or disabling, which is evident at
the scene. Class B injury would not necessarily prevent the person from carrying on his
normal activities.
C injury type (possible): No visible injury, but person complains of pain, or has been
momentarily unconscious.
Governors Highway Safety Program
Data Documentation Project
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Compiled January 10, 2019
No injury
Collection timeframe: when the data were entered after original event
After the investigation of a crash is completed, North Carolina General Statute 20-166.1 requires
that the investigating officer make a written report of the crash within 24 hours. The law
enforcement agency must submit the report to the Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV) within 10
days after receiving it. If the officer writing the report is a member of the State Highway Patrol, the
officer must forward the report to the Division of Motor Vehicle (DMV).
Years available: Description of timespan for which data are available
January 1, 1990 to the present, with 1-2 month delay for current records
Data History: Key changes in the data that would affect research use
KABCO definitions revised in 2012
Is a data dictionary available?
CR_Dictionary.pdf from 2015, Excel version 2018
Governors Highway Safety Program
Data Documentation Project
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Compiled January 10, 2019
Field Mapping from Source Documentation
Source documentation field map
Two documents were made available to create the data documentation: an Excel file which
documented the DMV crash database and a PDF called the 2015 DMV 349 Data Dictionary.
There were no exact fields in common between the two documents and they appeared to serve
different purposes, the former as a comprehensive database documentation and the latter as a
guide for researchers. We created two field dictionaries based on the two documents and
included our attempt to cross match the data elements. Researchers requesting data elements
should not rely on the cross match, but should work with the data owners to ensure the data
requested is correct.
Report labels
Source labels (where available)
Excel Database Documentation
Source labels (where available)
DMV 349 Data Dictionary
Table or category
Table Name
Number and heading
Field Name
Field Description
Source comments
Comments + Date
Source + Attributes (if needed)
+ Rationale
Required (Y/N)
‘Null?’ (NOT NULL = Y)
Sensitive (Y/N)
Unique key (Y/N)
Retired Field (Y/N)
Retired Date
Additional fields available in source documentation
Table description (Excel file)
Quality and Performance Measures
Known data quality issues
Injury classification (KABCO) not always an accurate measure of level of injury
Does not include accidents on private or federal land, which excludes most ATV accidents