2018 Zionsville High School Girls Soccer
Fitness/Conditioning and Strength Training
The best teams and players work during the summer to improve. This means that, in order
for us to be the best, we must be working these next few months to improve our fitness.
This means WE:
Are Responsible For Our Own Fitness
Hold Ourselves Accountable To Do The Work
Push Ourselves Past Our Perceived Limits
Strive To Work Hard Every Day
Come Into Tryouts In The Best Shape
Championships are EARNED, not given.
Success is not a quick fix. It is a LONG-TERM Investment. It is the same with your Fitness
One of the key requirements of a good soccer team is being in peak fitness and the key to
any conditioning program is the mind of the athlete involved. No matter how good the
fitness program may be, nothing is truly accomplished unless the individual athlete actually
DOES the work necessary to find success.
Soccer is a game that requires you to run. A LOT. You must be able to run long distances
and move in many different ways. When you train for soccer specific fitness, you should be
replicating the physical demands of soccer in your training routine.
Working hard is not just a slogan but rather an attitude shared and demonstrated by
everyone associated with the Zionsville High School Lady Eagles Soccer Program.
The fitness and strength program outlined below focuses on the main components in soccer
specific conditioning: Endurance, Speed, Flexibility, Strength, Agility, and Explosiveness.
This packet is designed to help get you where you want to be through a summer of hard
work. Work hard, push yourself, be dedicated and results will come.
Table of Contents:
1. Fitness Guidelines Page 3
2. Fitness/Conditioning Program Pages 4-5
3. Description of Exercises Page 6
4. Body Circuit Page 7
5. Speed/Agility Drills Pages 8-14
6. Strength/Weight Training Page 15
7. Workout Tracking Sheet Page 16
The vision of a champion is bent over, drenched in
sweat, at the point of exhaustion, when nobody else is
looking.”- Mia Hamm
Fitness Guidelines:
1. Always warm up properly before any workout
2. Always keep a written record of your workouts
3. The best way to stay on track with a workout program is to work out
with a motivated partner
4. Push Yourself especially on the days you don’t feel energetic
5. Avoid workouts of the same type or using the same muscle groups; give
yourself time to recover
6. Listen to your body. Take care of any injuries
7. Fitness levels develop gradually over time, not in peaks and valley
8. Vary your workouts so your work remains fresh
Once you are ready to get started, ask yourself the following
Am I ready to hold myself accountable to do the necessary fitness and strength work
this summer to be a better soccer player?
How bad do I want myself and my team to be successful this upcoming high school
Am I ready to put in the work to fulfill my potential?
Note: The good news is that if you are attending our summer conditioning and open field
sessions we will be doing these activities during that time. However, if you are not
attending, then you are responsible to do this work on your own. Note: Players are
expected to complete Tuesday and Wednesday sessions on their own as well as workouts
for the entire week of July 4
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are still playing club soccer during June and/or July please
communicate with coach Ramon so we can discuss your specific plan of action. Also if you
are participating in another high school sport this summer please communicate with coach
Ramon since we don’t want players to be doing double the training.
DISCLAIMER: While this program is not mandatory it is recommended for all
incoming and returning players to ensure the continued success of Zionsville HSigh
School Girls Soccer.
2018 Summer Fitness and Conditioning Program
Be sure that a warm-up and stretch is completed before you start each session. A
sufficient warm-up should last at least 10 minutes and allow you to break a sweat
and it should include dynamic stretching. After completing the workout spend
another 10 minutes doing static stretching to decrease muscle soreness.
Descriptions of the exercises are found at the end of this program packet. Each
workout should be around 60 minutes long.
Week of June 4
- June 8
Monday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Wednesday (On your own)
1 Mile Run @ 9:00/min mile pace 2 Mile Run @ 9:00 min/mile pace
Monday: 120’s- 4 sets. Hill Run- 4 sets Tu: Sprints 8x20,6x40,4x60,2x80, 1x100
Thursday: Cones- 4 sets. Hill Run- 4 sets Wed: Shuttle Run-4 Sets. Body Circuit
Friday: 22 Minutes Hard Corps Cardio 1 4 x 25 Sit-ups
4 x 25 Sit-ups 4 x 10 Pushups
Week of June 11
- June 15
Monday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Wednesday (On your own)
1 Mile Run @ 8:45/min mile pace 2 Mile Run @ 8:45 min/mile pace
Monday: 120’s- 5 sets. Hill Run- 5 sets Tu: Sprints 10x20,8x40,6x60,4x80, 2x100
Thursday: Cones- 5 sets. Hill Run- 5 sets Wed: 5105 Ladders (5), Funnel Run (5), Body Circuit
Friday: 22 Minutes Hard Corps Cardio 1 5 x 25 Sit-ups
5 x 25 Sit-ups 5 x 10 Pushups
Week of June 18
- June 22
Monday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Wednesday (On your own)
1 Mile Run @ 8:30/min mile pace 2 Mile Run @ 8:30 min/mile pace
Monday: 120’s- 6 sets. Hill Run- 6 sets Tu: Sprints 12x20,10x40,6x60,4x80, 3x100
Thursday: Cones- 6 sets. Hill Run- 6 sets Wed: Two Tower Run (5), Hand Run (5), Body Circuit
Friday: 22 Minutes Hard Corps Cardio 2 5 x 25 Sit-ups
5 x 25 Sit-ups 5 x 10 Pushups
Week of June 25
- June 29
Monday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Wednesday (On your own)
1 Mile Run @ 8:15 min/mile pace 2 Mile Run @ 8:15 min/mile pace
Monday: 120’s- 7 sets. Hill Run- 7 sets Tu: Sprints 14x20,10x40,8x60,6x80,4x100
Thursday: Cones- 7 sets. Hill Run- 7 sets Wed:300 yd. shuttle (5), Compass Run (5) Body Circuit
Friday: 22 Minutes Hard Corps Cardio 2 6 x 25 Sit-ups
6 x 25 Sit-ups 6 x 10 Pushups
Week of July 2
July 6
(On your own entire week)
Monday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Wednesday
1 Mile Run @ 8:00 min/mile pace 2 Mile Run @ 8:00 min/mile pace
Monday: 120’s-7 sets. Body Circuit Tu: Sprints 16x20,10x40,8x60,6x80,4x100
Thursday: Cones- 7 sets. Body Circuit. Wed: Super Weave (5). Body Circuit
Friday: OFF. 6 x 25 Sit-ups
6 x 25 Sit-ups 7 x 10 Pushups
Week of July 9
July 13
Monday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Wednesday
Mon/Thu: 1 Mile Run @ 7:45 min/mile pace Tu: 120’s- 8 sets
Mon/Thu. Hill Run- 8 sets Wed: Cones- 8 sets
Monday: Sprints:16x20,10x40,8x60,6x80,4x100 6 x 25 Sit-ups
Thursday: 1100-yard Shuttle Run- 3 sets 8 x 10 Pushups
Fri: 2 Mile Run @ 7:45 min/mile pace. Body Circuit
6 x 25 Sit-ups
Week of July 16
- July 20
Monday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Wednesday
Mon/Thu: 1 Mile Run @ 7:30 min/mile pace Tu: 120’s- 9 sets
Mon/Thu. Hill Run- 9 sets Wed: Cones- 9 sets
Monday: Sprints:18x20,10x40,8x60,6x80,4x100 6 x 25 Sit-ups
Thursday: Half Laps- 5 sets 9 x 10 Pushups
Fri: 2 Mile Run @ 7:30 min/mile pace. Body Circuit
6 x 25 Sit-ups
Week of July 23
- July 27
Monday, Thursday, Friday Tuesday, Wednesday
Monday: 2 Mile Run @ 7:15 min/mile pace Tu: 120’s- 10 sets
Thursday: 1100-yard Shuttle Run- 4 sets Wed: Cones- 10 sets
Monday/Thursday: Body Circuit 6 x 25 Sit-ups
Friday: OFF. 10 x 10 Pushups
6 x 25 Sit-ups
Description of Exercises
(Perform before each conditioning session)
High knee walk stepping forward, grabbing the shin of the opposite leg and
pulling the knee towards the chest. Extend the stepping leg and get up on the
High knee walk with external rotation grasp the shin with a double
overhand grip and pull the shin to waist height. Extend the hip of the
supporting leg while raising up on the toes.
A-skip gentle skipping designed to warm up the hips. No emphasis on
height or speed only rhythmic action.
Heel ups touch heels with both hands, actively warms up the hamstrings as
well as move the quads through full range of motion.
High knee run similar to running in place but with forward movement.
Emphasis is on maintaining an upright posture and getting a large number of
foot contacts. The key to this exercise is to maintain perfect posture.
Straight leg skip increases the dynamic stretch of the hamstring while
activating the hip flexor. Hands are held at shoulder height and right foot
goes up to the opposite left hand and left foot goes up to the opposite right
Walking lunges w/ side lunge lunge walk forward then lateral lunge to the
same side. (i.e. lunge forward with the right, then lunge lateral with the
Giant carioca facing laterally, lead with the trail leg. The trail leg crosses
over the lead leg above knee height. When the trail leg becomes the lead leg
make sure the toes are facing up field.
Backward run emphasis is on actively pushing with the front leg while
reaching out aggressively with the back leg.
Forward sprint Forward sprint-turn to backward run.
Each exercise is to be performed for 45 seconds with a 30 second rest in between
exercises. Do 2 rotations of the assigned body circuit with a 3-minute rest in
between circuits. Prior to starting the circuit, make sure you do the following: 5-
minute warm-up any type of cardio or running. A comprehensive full body stretch.
1. Squat Jumps
2. Forward and backward jumps- one leg. 20 total (10 each leg)
3. Side to side jumps. 20 total (10 each side)
4. Lunges alternate legs.
5. Broad jumps jump as far out in front as you can. Yes, for 45 seconds
6. Burpees jump, hands on ground, extend your legs into a push up position,
legs back to chest, jump. Yes, for 45 seconds.
7. Bench dips hands on a bench or chair, feet straight out on the floor, lower
yourself until upper arm is parallel with the floor.
8. Hip ups lie on your back, legs straight up in the air, shoot your hips to the
9. Mountain Climbers keep knee over your ankle
10. Bicycle crunches - hands behind head, legs off the ground, opposite elbow to
11. Front Plank
12. Side Plank Alternate sides
Speed and Agility Drills
120’s: this drill focuses on aerobic fitness, although there is a small anaerobic
component (sprint). Each player will be required to run 120 yard sprints in less
than 20 seconds. They must jog back and return to starting line in 40 seconds. The
total time of the run should not exceed 60 seconds. Once they finish the run,
players will get 15 seconds rest on the line and start again. Extra rest will be given
every three sets (15 seconds extra rest) after runs 3, 6, 9. Goal = all sets
completed in under one minute.
Cones: this drill serves to measure the anaerobic fitness and agility base of a
player. Each run will have 5 cones set at five yard intervals, the players have to
run out to first cone and back, out to second and back, out to third and back and so
on. Run time should be 35 seconds. Rest will be 35 seconds. Extra rest will be
given every three sets (15 seconds extra) after runs 3, 6 and 9. Goal = all sets
completed in under 35 seconds.
Sprints: set cones apart based on established distances. Run full out when doing
the sprint, do not pace yourself. You should feel exhausted while performing this
activity. Complete all yardage sprints with little recovery time.
22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 1 Moves
1. T Jacks Simple jumping jacks. You alternate arms forward and arms to the side
on each jack. Hands only go up to shoulder level. Round 1: 50. Round 2: 40. Round
3: 30.
2. Bear Crawl Keep your bottom down. Right leg and right arm go up
simultaneously, then left arm and left leg go up simultaneously as you “crawl”
forward and backward for a 5 count rep. Round 1: 20. Round 2: 25. Round 3: 30
3. Side Lateral Shuffle Two shuffles to each side and the opposite hand comes
down. Round 1: 30. Round 2: 25. Round 3: 20
4. Forward Lunge Twist Clasp your hands in front of you. As you lunge forward
with your left leg, twist to the left and come back up. Then lunge with your right leg
and twist to the right. Round 1: 10. Round 2: 16. Round 3: 20
5. Basic Burpee A burpee but with NO jumping at the top. It’s set to the cadence so
it’s down, back, forward, stand up. Round 1: 15. Round 2: 12. Round 3: 10
6. A Skips Running in place but your leg that is down slides backward. The left leg
and right arm are up, then opposite right leg and left arm. Round 1: 30. Round 2:
40. Round 3: 50
7. Run Lunge Squat Low impact move where you squat, the reverse lunge right,
squat, reverse lunge left, squat, repeat. Round 1: 30. Round 2: 40. Round 3: 50.
8. BONUS ROUND After you do all seven moves three times; bonus round which
is 22 Bear Crawls and 22 Basic Burpees.
22 Minute Hard Corps Cardio 2 Moves
1. Sprint in Place Like it sounds, high knees in-place sprinting. While you spring,
move your arms also. Round 1: 60. Round 2: 50. Round 3: 40.
2. Mountain Climbers Plank position, and move your knees in and back. 2 moves
count as 1 rep. Round 1: 30. Round 2: 40. Round 3: 50.
3. Straight Leg Sprint It’s basically kicking with a straight leg. Round 1: 50.
Round 2: 40. Round 3: 30.
4. Gorilla Crawl This one is HARD, you are in a super low squat the ENTIRE time.
Basically you start off in a squat, place your hands to the side and then jump
laterally while keeping your hands on the ground. You do this twice in each
direction before going back. Round 1: 10. Round 2: 12. Round 3: 14.
5. Jimmy Jumps This is a simple jump but each on you alternate which hand goes
in the air (like you are shooting a basket). Round 1: 50. Round 2: 40. Round 3: 30.
6. Water Bug This is like a lateral Plyo push up, but without the actual push up part.
You basically jump side to side in the plank position. Round 1: 10. Round 2: 12.
Round 3: 14.
7. Frog Burpee These are similar to Gorilla Crawls. Wide feet / wide legs, you hop
back into a blank, back up to a squat and then you look up, but keep down in the
knees, no standing up like a regular burpee. So all reps are done low in your
legs. Round 1: 15. Round 2: 12. Round 3: 10.
300 Yard Shuttle: The 300-yard shuttle is a very tough agility movement. The
athlete will be going a twenty-five-yard distance. The objective is to move between
the lines as quickly as possible until 12 complete trips are completed, which equals
300 yards. The goal is to complete the drill in less than 65 seconds and to continue
improving the time. **There are 12 direction changes in this drill.
Compass Run: Place 5 cones 5 yards away from the middle marker as shown
above. Start in the middle and sprint to a cone and back to the middle, continue to
run to each cone (5 runs). Repeat with a 30 second break between each set.
Funnel Run: Sprint laterally; keep the knees bent and shuttle side to side, when
you reach the last cone sprint forward 10 yards, and walk back to the start.
5-10-5 Ladders: Start in a sport specific position and sprint 5 yards out. Touch
the line and sprint to the starting line. Next sprint 10 yards, touch the line, and
sprint back. Continue with the last 5 yards out and back. Also change the
direction the athlete turns after touching the line.
Two Tower Drill: Begin drill by backpedaling ten yards and then either
shuffle/carioca ten yards to cone. Again backpedal another ten yards and
shuffle/carioca ten yards through cone. Next sprint ten yards to cone and
shuffle/carioca ten yards and finish with a ten-yard sprint to the last cone.
Hand Run: Begin at the START cone and sprint forwards to the 1st cone and
then sprint backwards to the start cone, then sprint forwards to the 2nd cone and
backwards to the start cone, continue to do the same for the 3rd, 4th & 5th cone
this equals one set with a 30 second rest between each set.
Super Weave: Start on either side of the drill and sprint through the entire drill
while weaving in and out of each cone, touch each cone before continuing.
Half Laps: Using a standard soccer field start where the centerline & touchline
meet. Sprint around the perimeter of the field (behind the goal) and finish at the
opposite side of the field (where the other touchline & centerline meet). You will
be running 2 half fields and one width. When you complete the half lap
immediately jog across the centerline. When you reach the original starting point,
repeat sprint & jog. You have 30 seconds to complete the half lap and 30 seconds
for the recovery jog across the centerline.
1100-yard Shuttle Run: Put a cone down (on a level surface) as a starter marker
and then place seven cones the exact distance from the starter marker as drawn
above. Run from the starter marker to the 1st cone and back, and then to the 2nd
cone and back, 3rd cone and back, 4th cone and back, 5th cone and back, 6th and
back, 7th and back.
Strength Training
Generally speaking, the goal is to perform strength training 2-3 times per week. For
the summer our weightlifting days will be Monday and Thursday mornings, these
sessions will be held at the ZHS gym and led by Coach David Williams. If you are
attending these sessions all of these exercises will be performed there. If you are
not attending, we suggest going to your local gym and doing these exercises there.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are new to weight lifting and you are unfamiliar
with these exercises please contact a member of the ZHS Girls Soccer
coaching staff so they can be explained to you. Do not attempt to work out on
your own if you don’t know what to do. We don’t want you to get hurt.
To keep agility and explosive power, we will perform low weight with high reps.
Each exercise is 10-12 repetitions x 3 times.
1. Bench Press: 12 reps x 3 sets
2. Walking Lunges: 12 reps each leg x 3 sets
3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press: 12 reps x 3 sets
4. Dumbbell Rows: 12 reps x 3 sets
5. Step-ups, Knee to Chest: 12 reps each leg x 3 sets
6. Dumbbell Curl: 12 reps x 3 sets
7. Box Jumps- 10 reps x 3 sets
8. Calf Raises- 12 reps x 3 sets
Remember: YOU set the EXPECTATIONS FOR
SUCCESS. YOU and your willingness to do the WORK.
YOU have the power to make this program GREAT.
Player Name: __________________ Grade: _____
Player Signature
Parent Signature
Completed (Y/N)