American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
There are ten steps involved in writing a research paper:
Step 1: Select a subject
Step 2: Narrow the topic
Step 3: State the tentative objective (or thesis)
Step 4: Form a preliminary bibliography
Step 5: Prepare a working outline
Step 6: Start taking notes
Step 7: Outline the paper
Step 8: Write a rough draft
Step 9: Edit your paper
Step 10: Write the final draft
Step 1: Select a subject
Choose your subject carefully, keeping in mind the amount of time you have to write the
paper, the length of the paper, your intended audience and the limits of the
resources. Check in the library to make sure a reasonable amount of information is
available on the subject you choose.
Writing the paper will be much easier if you select a subject that interests you and that
you can form an opinion or viewpoint about. In fact, it will be easier later on to narrow
the topic if you choose a subject you already know something about. However, avoid
controversial and sensational subjects that are not scholarly, or too technical, or will only
restate the research material.
Step 2: Narrow the topic
The topic of the paper is what you want to say about the subject. To narrow the topic, you
need to read background articles about your subject in encyclopedias and other general
references. Do not take notes at this time other than to jot down possible main ideas. As
you read, ask questions like the following:
Who are the important people involved?
What are the major issues?
What are my opinions regarding the topic?
Why is this an important (controversial, interesting) subject?
How has the problem (or issue) developed? When? Where?
The answers will help you narrow your topic. Remember to keep in mind the length of
your paper.
American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
Example of a topic for a five page paper:
Too broad: Sports are enjoyable.
Better, but still too broad: Swimming is enjoyable. (Answers the
question, what sport is enjoyable?)
Narrowed topic: Swimming is enjoyable because _______. (Answers
the question, why is swimming enjoyable?)
Narrowing the topic is a more complicated process for extensive research. General
encyclopedias (like World Book) do not give enough information to get a broad overview
of a subject, so instead you need to read specialized encyclopedias, abstracts, etc. At the
reference desk in the Bender Library, there are reference guides in business and
economics, humanities, history, politics and area studies, and language and
literature. Ask the librarian about these and other sources that might be useful to
you. When you find the reference books that are available, read only to get an overview
of the subject.
Step 3: State your objective or thesis
Before you begin your research for your paper, you need to compose a thesis statement
that describes the viewpoint you are going to express and support in your paper. Since
your purpose in the rest of the paper is to prove the validity of your thesis, your thesis
statement provides a controlling idea which will help you choose the resource materials
you will use and will limit your note taking.
Thesis statement: Ancient Greek culture is reflected in the lives of
present day Greeks.
Controlling idea: "reflected in." The writer will look for materials that
describe characteristics of ancient Grecian culture and characteristics of
modern Grecian culture, and for any similarities between the two.
A thesis statement must not be an indisputable fact or an opinion that cannot be proven.
For example, it would be difficult to write a research paper to prove the following thesis
o The United States was the first nation to land on the
moon. [indisputable fact]
o J.D. Salinger's Catcher in the Rye is the most fascinating novel
ever written. [insupportable opinion]
American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
Compose your thesis statement carefully, for it is the key to a good paper. As a matter of
fact, a good thesis statement can outline your paper for you. For example, the following
thesis can be divided into three parts that, in effect, provide a rough outline.
Much of Martin Luther King's success resulted from the passive resistance
techniques proposed by Mahatma Gandhi.
1. Martin Luther King's success.
2. The passive resistance techniques of Gandhi.
3. The role of Gandhi's passive resistance techniques in Martin Luther
King's success.
There are several common errors that students make when composing thesis statements.
Some of these are listed below, with examples.
1. A thesis cannot be a fragment; it must be expressed in a sentence.
Poor: How life is in a racial ghetto.
Better: Residents of a racial ghetto tend to have a higher death rate,
higher disease rates, and higher psychosis rates than do any other residents
of American cities in general.
2. A thesis must not be in the form of a question. (Usually the answer to the
question could be the thesis.)
Poor: Should eighteen-year-old males have the right to vote?
Better: Anyone who is old enough to fight in a war is old enough to vote.
3. A thesis must not contain phrases such as “I think.” (They merely weaken
the statement.)
Poor: In my opinion most men wear beards because they are trying to find
Better: The current beard fad may be an attempt on the part of men to
emphasize their male identity.
4. A thesis must not contain elements that are not clearly related.
Poor: All novelists seek the truth; therefore some novelists are good
Better: In their attempt to probe human nature, many novelists appear to
be good psychologists.
5. A thesis must not be expressed in vague language.
American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
Poor: Bad things have resulted from religion being taught in the
Better: Religion as part of the school curriculum should be avoided
because it is a highly personal and individual commitment.
6. A thesis must not be expressed in muddled or incoherent language.
Poor: In Act One of Othello, to cause them to feel fury against Othello,
Iago fuels Brabantio, Othello, Roderigo, and Cassio with deceit by telling
them lies.
Better: In Act One of Othello, Iago deceives several characters in order to
further his plot to destroy Othello's life.
7. A thesis should not be written in figurative language.
Poor: Religion is the phoenix bird of civilization.
Better: As long as man can conceive the idea of a god, religion will rise
to give man a spiritual reason for existence.
Step 4: Form a Preliminary Bibliography
A preliminary bibliography is a list of potential sources of information. In addition to the
card catalog and the guides to reference books already mentioned in Step 2, there are
other sources which will help you locate articles and books relevant to your topic. Some
of these are listed below:
Reference Guides to Indexes and Abstracts Indexes
Reader's Guide to Periodical Literature, (1900- )
Business Periodicals Index
Social Sciences and Humanities Index, (1965-1974)
Humanities Index, ( 1974- )
Social Sciences Index, (1974- )
Bibliographies (available on many subjects)
Bibliographic Index: A Cumulative Bibliography of Bibliographies
Evaluate the potential sources as you go along, keeping in mind how well they relate to
your topic, how up-to-date they are and how available they are. Watch for well-known
authors and try to determine the point of view presented in the articles and whether they
sound too technical or too simplistic. The following books can help you evaluate sources:
Book Review Digest, (1905 - )
American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
Book Review Index, (1965 - )
Index to Book Reviews in the Humanities (1960 - )
As you select articles and books, record information regarding them just as you want it to
appear in your bibliography. Using 3x5 index cards is a good method. Later, when you
complete your final bibliography, you will just arrange this information in alphabetical
order. The form for bibliographic entries varies from school to school. If you are
uncertain about which form to use, refer to a writer's handbook, such as A Manual for
Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations by Kate Turabian, which is available
in the university bookstore.
Also include the call number for each book and a personal note with each entry.
An example of what a bibliographic note card might look like:
Tillich, Paul. Systematic Technology. 3 vols. Chicago: University of Chicago Press,
(esp. vol. 1, chp. 2) bibliographic information; also see chp. 4 for dissenting opinions
Next, gather your materials. Evaluate them again, using the criteria mentioned
above. Do this by previewing each source, checking the table of contents and index,
finding relevant chapters and skimming them.
Step 5: Prepare a Working Outline
A working outline is important because it gives order to your notetaking. As you do your
research, you may find that you need to review your plan if you lack information about a
topic or have conflicting information. Nevertheless, it provides a good starting point and
is essential before you start to take notes.
Begin by listing the topics you want to discuss in your paper. (You should have a general
idea of these from the reading you have already done.) Then, divide the items on the list
into major topics and subtopics. An example of a working outline is presented below:
Thesis statement: Ancient Grecian culture is reflected in the present day Greeks.
Working outline:
Ancient Greeks Modern Greeks
religious beliefs religious beliefs
family structure family structure
artistic pursuits artistic pursuits
American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
Step 6: Start Taking Notes
After you have gathered your materials and prepare a working outline, you can start to
take notes. Write your notes on index cards (either 3x5" or 4x6") being sure to include
only one note on each card. Each note should relate in some way to one of the topics on
your working outline. Label each card with the appropriate topic; then you can easily
organize your note cards later when you begin to prepare the final outline of your paper.
Each note card should also include the title of the source of information and the page
number to use later for footnoting. This is very important because you must cite all
material even if you have not used the exact words of the text. Be sure to write the note
in your own words; use direct quotes only when the information is worded in a
particularly unusual way. To avoid overlooking any material, write on only one side of
each card--if the note requires more space, use another card and label it accordingly.
Read the passage below and the sample note card that follows it. Pay particular attention
to the paraphrasing that summarizes the content of the passage and the other items
included on the card.
Thesis: Man's attempts to create a healthier and more prosperous life often have
unforeseen detrimental effects upon the very environment he hopes to improve.
Ecology and Its Implications
In Malaysia recently, in an effort to kill off mosquitoes, American technologists sprayed
woods and swamplands with DDT. Result? Cockroaches, which ate poisoned mosquitoes
were slowed in their reactions that they could be eaten by a variety of tree-climbing
lizards, which in turn could be eaten by cats, which promptly died of insecticide
poisoning. The cats having died, the rat population began to increase; as rats multiplied,
so did fleas: hence the rapid spread of bubonic plague in Malaysia. But that is not all. The
tree-climbing lizards, having died, could no longer eat an insect that consumed the straw
thatching of the natives' huts. So, as Malaysians died of the plague, their roofs literally
caved in above their heads.
Peter A. Gunter. The Living Wilderness. Spring 1970
Sample notecard:
title of reference
note in your own words: unforeseen detrimental effects
"Ecol. & Its Implications"
Living Wilderness. Spr. '70, p. 31
Recently the use of DDT in Malaysia, originally intended to kill mosquitoes, started a
chain reaction of events leading to bubonic plaque and the actual collapse of Malaysian's
topic from working outline
page number
American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
Step 7: Outline the Paper
The final outline is similar to the working outline, but is more complex, with each topic
being further divided into several subtopics. To accomplish this, sort your note cards into
separate piles according to the topics at the top of each them. Then, sort each pile into
separate subtopics. For example, one of the topics from our sample working outline
might be subdivided like this:
Religious beliefs of the ancient Greeks
feelings about death
Your final outline also should reflect the organizational format you have chosen for your
paper. This will depend on the topic of your paper and your thesis statement. For example,
if the topic of your paper is the artistic development of a famous painter, you would
probably want to use a chronological organization. However, if your paper is a discussion
of the family life of baboons and humans, a comparison-contrast format would be more
Step 8: Write the Rough Draft
After you have completed your final outline, you can begin to write your rough draft. It
is important to remember that this rough draft will be revised. Therefore, at this time, you
do not need to worry too much about spelling or punctuation. Instead, you should
concentrate on the content of the paper, following your outline and expanding the ideas in
it with information from your notes.
Your paper should consist of three parts: the introduction, the body of the paper and the
conclusion. The introduction should state the thesis, summarize the main ideas of the
paper and capture the reader's interest. The body of the paper should develop each section
of the outline. This is not difficult to do if you follow your outline and work through your
note cards (which should be arranged to correspond with your outline) using the
information from them to support the points you are making. Whenever you use
information from a note card, remember to put a number at the end of the sentence. At
the same time, write the footnote as it should appear in the paper at the bottom of the
page you are working on or in list form on a separate sheet of paper. Number your notes
consecutively throughout the paper. The conclusion should summarize your findings and
restate the thesis.
Step 9: Edit Your Paper
When you have finished the rough draft, read through it again and revise it. Pay particular
attention to the content and organization of the paper. Does each paragraph have a topic
American University, Academic Support Center, Writing Lab, updated 2009
sentence that relates to the thesis? Is each idea supported by evidence? Are there clear
transitions from one section to another, from your words to quotations? Are there clear
transitions to indicate to the reader when one idea is ending and another one is
beginning? Revision often requires many readings, each with its own purpose.
Step 10: Write the Final Draft
The final draft of your paper should be typed and must include citations and a
bibliography; some paper might require a title page, depending on the formatting style
and/or the professor. The title page should include the title of the paper, your name, the
name of the course, the instructor's name, and the date the paper is due.
Footnotes are a matter of style and you can check with your instructor on the format
he/she prefers. In general, though, a footnote is indicated by an Arabic numeral raised a
half space above the line, placed after the sentence or passage to which it
refers. Footnotes may be arranged in numerical order at the bottom of the page on which
they appear or a separate page (labeled Endnotes) placed at the end of the paper just
before the bibliography.
The bibliography is simply a list of your sources; how it is arranged depends again on the
formatting style (MLA/APA/etc).
Before handing in your paper, be sure to proofread it for any mechanical errors.