Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Introduction to policy
making processes
Dr Arash Rashidian, MD PhD
Director of Science, Information and Dissemination
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Challenges in understanding,
developing and
implementation policies
Key policy making processes
Interaction between processes,
context, content and key policy
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Health Policy as
a Social/Public
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
What is a social/public policy
Challenge starts from defining policies!
Policies are sometimes likened to “elephants”
Defining policy is rather like the elephant you know it
when you see it but you cannot easily define it(Cunningham, 1963)
Overlapping terms used interchangeably in different
Policy, planning, strategy, management, politics
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
What is a social/public policy
Courses of action adopted by governments and other
important social organizations
Public policy is whatever governments choose to do or not to do(Dye, 1972)
Adoption or maintenance of an existing course of action
Policy intention: Health and health inequalities tell us a great deal about the
good or bad effects of social policiesMichael Marmot
Policy decisions in one sector interact with those in another
e.g. Health and environment; health and housing .
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Approaches in defining policy
Policies are developed at different levels
Highand lowpolitics
International, national and sub-national (e.g. provincial) levels
And not sedentary
Important to note policy-making processes
more than outputsof decisions, or inputsof management
Defining policies:
How policies should occur prescriptive
How policies occur in reality descriptive
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Policy making stages
essentially there are four stages
Problem formation /
agenda setting
Policy formulation
Policy implementation
Policy evaluation
Stages Activities
Problem identification and issue
Understand the challenge or problem
What precisely is the problem?
What evidence is there?
Who has an interest in the issue?
What do we want to achieve?
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Policy making stages
essentially there are four stages
Problem formation /
agenda setting
Policy formulation
Policy implementation
Policy evaluation
Stages Activities
Review and evaluate research evidence
Identify options
Assess national data and evidence
Consult stakeholders
Identify risks and barriers and
Identify what works well
Evaluate options, identify pros and cons
Incremental changes or radical reforms?
Achieve consensus and ownership
Develop recommendations
Make decision (s)
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Policy making stages
essentially there are four stages
Problem formation /
agenda setting
Policy formulation
Policy implementation
Policy evaluation
Stages Activities
National policies often requires
“translation” to programmatic of those
responsible for implementation
They may also require adaptation to the
Draw implementation strategies and plans
Develop manageable pieces of work
Define timelines and deadlines
Allocate responsibilities
Keep stakeholders informed / involved
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Policy making stages
essentially there are four stages
Problem formation /
agenda setting
Policy formulation
Policy implementation
Policy evaluation
Stages Activities
Establish performance measures
(quantitative and qualitative)
Key performance indicator
Develop plan for measurement and
Monitor progress / ensure accountability
Give feedback to those involved with the
Report on performance
Evaluate the outcomes of the policy
Adapt and amend the implementation
plan in light of evaluation results
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Policy making stages
Using stages to understand policy-making
“descriptive” or “prescriptive”?
The “stages” imply policy making steps are sequential or
Policy-making does not necessarily follow a rational process
It often involves incremental decisions that result in small gains
Policy processes are very context specific, policy actor
dependant and vary over time in a country
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Policy content is not the only important
element in policy-making!
“ … health policy means different things to different people. For most
people, health policy is concerned with content . For me health
policy is about process and power. it is concerned with who
influences whom in the making of policy, and how that happens.
Gill Walt, 1994
Example of efforts to reduce alcohol consumption in Hungary (Varvasovszky &
McKee, 1998)
Different stakeholders relative power and position
Those who wanted it reduced lacked power - i.e. MoH
Those who didnt have the will to reduce consumption were in power
positions - i.e. MoF; MoC
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Approaches in defining policy
The World Health Organization defined health policy as
an agreement or consensus on the health issues, goals and objectives
to be addressed, the priorities among those objectives, and the main
directions for achieving them.(WHO/EURO, 1999)
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Descriptive policy
analysis can be used
for prescriptive policy
A good example: John Kingdons 3
streamsmodel (1984, 1995)
Agenda setting opportunities
windows of opportunity for policy
Policy (solution)
Politics (political will)
no change
no change
no change
no change
Action policy window
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Important note
The strong interaction between policy formulation and policy implementation
Policy making encompasses both
Think of top downand bottom upapproaches to policy making
Despite the widespread misconception:
A good policy that is badly implemented
I call this the chained elephant
Capacity Building for Development of Policy Briefs: General Principles for NEDtP Members
25-26 October 2021
Cairo, Egypt
Complexities policy-making objectives,
processes, and interactions
What are the main
What are the
potential e
and safe policy
Are the policy
options cost-
effective and
Are the policy
easible to
implement and
Policy making is influenced by a variety of factors
Policy triangle
Walt & Gilson, 1994
Study of health policy
makers in a LMIC
(Mostafavi, Rashidian et al)
Conflict of
Burden of
Equity in
Equity in