ASPR TRACIE Technical Assistance Request
Request Receipt Date (by ASPR TRACIE): 21 January 2020
Response Date: 23 January 2020
Type of TA Request: Standard
The requestor asked for technical assistance in identifying surge resources specific to homecare
and hospice agencies.
The ASPR TRACIE Team reviewed existing materials; namely the Homecare and Hospice and
Hospital Surge Capacity and Immediate Bed Availability Topic Collections, and the Medical
Surge and the Role of Home Health and Hospice Agencies and Engagement of Home Health and
Hospice Agencies in Medical Surge Activities reports.
Please note that it was difficult to obtain homecare/ hospice agency resources that were dedicated
specifically to surge planning. However, the resources gathered and provided in this document
contain useful preparedness information that can help facilities develop their surge plans.
I. Relevant Homecare/ Hospice Resources
Carr, M., Hammon, R., Glenn, J., et al. (2008). Emergency Preparedness Packet for Home
Health Agencies. National Association for Home Care and Hospice.
This document is the product of a large national workgroup and includes tools and
templates that can be customized and used by hospice and homecare providers in
developing all hazards emergency preparedness plans. NOTE: Pages 15-16 include items
to consider for facilities developing surge plans.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2016). Long-Term, Home Health, and Hospice
Care Planning Guide for Public Health Emergencies. U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services.
This planning guide is geared towards long-term care, homecare, and hospice providers
and is comprised of six sections: situational awareness, continuity of operations, facility
or agency operations, crisis standards of care, staffing, and fatality management. NOTE:
This resource is mostly focused on continuity of operations planning. However, it
provides useful information for general emergency planning and could be useful for this
Maryland Emergency Preparedness Network. (n.d.). Provider Resources. (Accessed 1/23/2020.)
This webpage includes a link to an Emergency Preparedness Resource Guide for Home
Care Providers, which includes sections on emergency planning and business continuity
planning. There are also links to fillable forms that support the Emergency Preparedness
Resource Guide. NOTE: This resource is not specifically focused on surge; however, it
provides useful information for general emergency planning and could be useful for this
Michigan Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Home Health Emergency
Preparedness: A Handbook to Assist Home Health Care Providers in Emergency
Preparedness Planning. (Accessed 1/23/2020.)
This handbook was written to help Michigan home care agencies develop and evaluate
their emergency preparedness plans. Beginning in Chapter 3 it helps users define plan
elements, assess their agency's level of preparedness (with the included checklist),
develop a plan that addresses specific needs and populations, and test and evaluate the
plan. NOTE: Surge planning is addressed on pages 35-37.
Mississippi State Department of Health. (n.d.). Facilities Preparedness. (Accessed 1/23/2020.)
This website provides comprehensive downloadable emergency operations templates that
can be customized and used by home health and hospice providers. NOTE: Page 90 of
the Home Health Emergency Operations Plan Template addresses surge capacity.
State of Louisiana. (2017). Louisiana Model Home Health Agency Emergency Plan. City of
Baton Rouge.
Though it includes Louisiana-specific information, this template can be adapted by home
health agencies in other states to develop emergency operations plans. It is an update of
the content in the 2015 Louisiana Model Home Health/Hospice Emergency Plan and
includes information relevant to compliance with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Services (CMS) Emergency Preparedness (EP) Rule. NOTE: This resource is not
specifically focused on surge; however, it provides useful information for general
emergency planning and could be useful for this request.
The Association for Home and Hospice Care of North Carolina. (2007). Emergency
Preparedness Handbook.
This handbook was designed to help home and hospice care agencies, staff, and patients
develop their disaster plans. It provides an introduction to a variety of hazards for
providers, discussion scenarios, forms, and templates. NOTE: This resource is not
specifically focused on surge; however, it provides useful information for general
emergency planning and could be useful for this request.
Virginia Department of Health, Office of Licensure and Certification. (2006). Emergency
Preparedness Planning for Hospice and Home Care Providers.
This document provides clear, concise emergency plan guidance for hospice and
homecare providers in Virginia (but it can be used by those in other states responsible for
developing a plan). NOTE: This resource is not specifically focused on surge; however,
it provides useful information for general emergency planning and could be useful for
this request.
West Central Minnesota Healthcare Preparedness Coalition. (n.d.). Home Care Business
Continuity Plan. (Accessed 1/23/2020.)
This business continuity template may be referenced and adapted by other home care
agencies developing their own plans. NOTE: This resource is focused on continuity of
operations planning. However, it provides useful information for general emergency
planning and could be useful for this request.
Wisconsin Department of Health Services. (2018). CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule Toolkits.
This webpage includes links to toolkits and other resources designed to help select
healthcare facilities better understand the CMS EP Rule. There is both a PDF (toolkit)
and Word version (workbook) for each facility type, and the relevant CMS rules for each
facility type are included. Each toolkit includes sample templates and planning
worksheets that can help facilities develop compliant plans, policies, and procedures.
NOTE: There are documents for both home health agencies and hospices, which include
general emergency planning information and may prove useful for this request.
Zane, R., and Biddinger, P. (2011). Home Health Patient Assessment Tools: Preparing for
Emergency Triage.
The purpose of this study was to develop a patient risk assessment tool that would allow
home care agencies, hospitals, and emergency planners to anticipate the needs of all
home care patients in a community, should a mass casualty incident (MCI) occur. It
focuses on those whose needs are most complexthose patients who could not be safely
evacuated to a public shelter or even a special needs shelter during a MCI. It includes a
Community-Living Patient Assessment Tool for Disaster Planning, which is a screening
tool that creates a record for identifying patient needs and plans for meeting those needs.
NOTE: This tool may be useful for surge planning of patients.