SECTION I. General
Chapter 5. Training
Revision Date 06/30/09
Review Date 03/2013
The purpose of the Duke Safety Training Program is to provide employees with the
knowledge and tools necessary to reduce the risks associated with their work
responsibilities to the lowest possible level. Safety training programs are developed in
response to federal, state, and local regulations, accreditation agency requirements and
institutional needs.
The Occupational and Environmental Safety Office (OESO) is responsible for:
Identifying institutional safety training needs.
Ensuring that these requirements are communicated to departments, supervisors and
Monitoring institutional compliance with safety training requirements.
Providing information on institutional and departmental compliance to the safety
committees, administration and departments.
Providing training materials, assistance and programs to address institutional
Assisting supervisors on how to identify and provide training for specific workplace
Departments are responsible for:
Working with representatives of OESO and departmental supervisors to identify
training needs of their departments.
Ensuring that all departmental employees receive the appropriate safety training
within established time frames.
Ensuring that all departmental training records are transmitted to OESO as
Supervisors are responsible for:
Being trained and knowledgeable in the safety and health hazards to which
employees, students and visiting faculty under their direction may be exposed.
Establishing, implementing and maintaining a system for communicating with
employees, students and visiting faculty about health and safety matters.
Providing site-specific training for employees, students and visiting faculty to
include the specific hazards present in their workplace.
Requesting assistance with specialized training where needed.
Ensuring that all employees, students and visiting faculty under their supervision have
completed all safety training requirements.
Employees, students and visiting faculty are responsible for participating in the required
training programs provided by the OESO and their supervisors.
The Safety Training Program is implemented through a two-tier plan involving both
general and site-specific training. General information regarding occupational hazards is
presented in Tier 1 training, which is provided by OESO. Tier 1 training focuses on
“generic” information about the epidemiology, regulatory requirements, institutional
policies and control measures for occupational hazards. This training is then enhanced by
site-specific information, Tier 2, which is provided by supervisors and managers and
expands on the foundation established in Tier 1. The details of the two-tier plan are as
Duke Medicine and Campus Orientation
Target Population All new employees.
Training Requirements Required within two weeks of employment for all employees or
at the time of transfer from the Campus to Duke Medicine.
Training Availability University employees will be provided safety orientation
training on-line at www.safety.duke.edu.
Duke Medicine employees will be provided training on-line.
Incoming housestaff will be provided training on-line.
Training Topics Information is provided at Orientation on Safety Culture at Duke
and how to access on-line training. On-line training provides
information on functions involved in the Environment of Care,
including bloodborne pathogens, TB, ergonomics, chemical
safety, hazardous materials, security, utilities, emergency
preparedness, medical equipment and fire and interim life safety.
These training modules satisfy both the JCAHO orientation
requirements for the Environment of Care and the OSHA
orientation requirements for Bloodborne Pathogens, TB
Exposure Prevention, Fire Safety, Fire Extinguisher, and Hazard
Communication Training.
Safety Update Training
Target Population All Employees.
Training Requirements Training requirements are determined by the specific standard
under which the training is required. Most standards require
training annually.
Training Availability Employee update training is available on-line at
Campus employee training is available on-line at
Training Topics Training requirements are based on work location and exposure
determinations. A list of required courses for an individual may
be accessed by the employee on-line at
www.safety.duke.edu/OnlineTraining/. Questions about training
requirements should be directed to the OESO Training
Coordinator at 684-2794.
Training will be documented at the time training is taken and documentation will be
maintained in the OESO Safety Management Database.
Site-Specific Training
Target Population All employees, students and visiting faculty.
Training Requirements Training is required as follows:
When an employee, student or visiting faculty member
begins work and before the individual may work
without direct supervision.
When an employee or student is given a new assignment
for which training has not previously been received.
Whenever new categories of hazards are introduced by
new substances, processes, or equipment.
Whenever the supervisor is made aware of a new or
previously unrecognized hazard.
Safety policies and training requirements for each work unit will be based on job-
specific requirements. The supervisor must evaluate each position at the time the
position is established to determine the exposure potential by hazard-type for each
employee. The OESO is available to assist the supervisor in making the exposure
determinations. Additional safety training requirements may be identified by OESO.
Supervisors must provide workplace-specific training to employees to include the
specific hazards associated with each job. At a minimum, the following elements
should be included in the training sessions:
A review of the workplace-specific written safety policies.
Specific training on the hazards associated with the materials and equipment used
by the employee.
Specific training on how employees are to protect themselves against the hazards
in the workplace.
Recognition and assessment of health and safety risks.
Regulations applicable to their work.
Basic information on the location of manuals, safety devices and personal
protective equipment.
Basic procedures to follow in the event of emergencies, especially fires, chemical
spills and medical emergencies.
Supervisors should keep records of who was trained, the name of the trainer, when the
training occurred, and the topics covered by the training. Documentation should include
safety meeting or training session agendas, sign-up sheets with the Duke unique ID and
signature of the attendees, and copies of any written communications. These records
should be maintained by the department.
Allied Health Students Orientation
Target Population Allied Health students from institutions other than Duke.
Training Requirements Training is required prior to beginning a clinical rotation at
Training Availability Duke-specific safety orientation is provided by OESO at live
sessions or by the student’s affiliated institution using a Student
Orientation video developed by OESO. This video is available
through the DUHS Clinical Education and Professional
Development Department.
Duke Temporary Services (DTS) Orientation
Target Population All DTS employees.
Training Requirements Training is required within two weeks of employment.
Training Availability Training will be provided by DTS using a video provided by
Volunteer Orientation and Update Training
Target Population All Duke Hospital volunteers.
Training Requirements Training is required prior to being assigned to a work area.
Training Availability Training is provided by Volunteer Services using a video
developed by OESO.
Duke Medicine supervisors are required to register new hires or transfers to the Health
System or the Duke New Employee Central Orientation Program through Benefits
Administration at 684-6723.
For information on Campus New Employee Orientation, call Learning and Organization
Development at 613-7608.
To schedule a focused training session, call 684-2794.
Update training is available on-line at www.safety.duke.edu or call the OESO training
Coordinator at 684-2794 to schedule training for a specific work group.
Safety training requirements for a position are determined through a risk assessment
process referred to as exposure determination. This risk assessment may be performed by
OESO and/or the supervisor. These exposure determinations identify the employee’s
potential for exposure to hazardous materials or environments and determine the job-
specific safety training requirements.
Annual – For the purpose of determining when retraining is required, annual means
within the past 365 days.
Duke Medicine – Refers to Duke Health System, Duke School of Medicine, PDC, and
Duke School of Nursing.