Scarsdale Teachers Association
Scarsdale Board of Education
2021-2024 Contract
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Scarsdale, New York
for the period
JULY 1, 2021
JUNE 30, 2024
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Table of Contents
Article Title Page
1 Recognition................................................................................. 1
2 Collective Negotiations .............................................................. 1
3 Association Dues Deductions ..................................................... 2
4 Association Facilities.................................................................. 2
5 Association President.................................................................. 3
6 Board’s Rules & Regulations...................................................... 3
7 Academic Freedom..................................................................... 3
8 Major Curriculum Changes ........................................................ 3
9 Professional Development Program ........................................... 4
10 Scarsdale Teachers Institute........................................................ 5
11 Teacher Salary Schedule............................................................. 7
12 Payroll Schedule ......................................................................... 8
13 Part-time Teachers ...................................................................... 8
14 Athletic Coaching Pay ................................................................ 8
15 Extra-Curricul
ar Assignment Pay ............................................... 13
16 Salary Differentials & Work Year for Certain Assignments ....... 13
17 Summer School Salary ............................................................... 17
18 Improvement of Instruction Program ......................................... 17
19 Termination Allowance............................................................... 17
20 Health & Life Insurance ............................................................. 17
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Number Title Page
21 Benefit Fund ............................................................................... 19
22 Personal Property Loss or Damage............................................. 19
23 Sick Leave Bank ......................................................................... 19
24 Just Cause ................................................................................... 20
25 Posting & Notification of Openings ........................................... 21
26 Personnel Files............................................................................ 21
27 Absence & Leaves-Absence for Personal Illness ....................... 22
28 Absences & Leaves-Absence for Personal Purposes.................. 23
29 Leaves of Absence-Without Pay................................................. 24
30 Jury Duty .................................................................................... 24
31 Child-Care Leave........................................................................ 24
32 Calendar...................................................................................... 25
33 Grievance Procedure................................................................... 25
34 Chaperoning................................................................................ 29
35 Pro
fessional Performance Review.............................................. 29
36 Professional Standards................................................................ 31
37 Voluntary Reassignment & Involuntary Transfer ....................... 33
38 Parent-Teacher Conferences ....................................................... 33
39 Notification of Assignment......................................................... 33
40 Lunch Period and Lunch Period Supervision ............................. 33
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Number Title Page
41 Elementary School Preparation Periods ..................................... 34
42 Mentor Teacher Program ............................................................ 34
43 School Nurses ............................................................................. 34
44 Occupational Therapists ............................................................. 37
45 Notice of Retirement................................................................... 38
46 Headings ..................................................................................... 38
47 Contract Implementation ............................................................ 38
48 Statutory Provision ..................................................................... 38
49 Duration of Agreement ............................................................... 38
Signatures of Contract Executors..................................................................... 38
Exhibit A1 Teacher Salary Schedule 2021-22............................................... 39
Exhibit A2 Salary Range Adjustment Model ................................................ 39
Exhibit B Pl
acement of Teachers & Allowance for Salary Credit .............. 40
Exhibit C Teacher’s Career Increment ........................................................ 42
Exhibit D Notification of Grievance ........................................................... 43
Exhibit E Stipend for Continuing Study through
Graduate Course Credit .............................................................. 43
AGREEMENT between the Board of Education of Scarsdale Union Free School
District (hereinafter referred to as the “Board”), and the Scarsdale Teachers
Association, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the “Association”).
W I T N E S S E T H:
In consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, the parties hereto
hereby agree as follows:
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Article 1-Recognition
The Board hereby recognizes the Association as the exclusive representative
for all professional employees of the Board, including all classroom teachers,
psychologists, librarians, special teachers, High School Deans, Middle School
House Counselors, department heads, District coordinators, teachers-in-charge,
elementary curriculum coordinators, part-time teachers, and summer sch
teachers, as well as school nurses, occupational therapists, and physical therapists
but excluding certain personnel having supervisory duty, that is, the Superintendent,
Assistant Superintendents, Principals, Assistant Principals, and central staff
directors, employed by the Board, for the purpose of negotiating collectively in
the determination of, and administration of grievances arising under,
the terms
and conditions of employment as provided in the Public Employees' Fair
Employment Act. Unless otherwise indicated, the term "teacher" or "teachers"
when used in this Agreement shall refer to a member or members of the unit
herein defined.
Article 2-Collective Negotiations
A. The Board and the Association agree to negotiate in good faith in an effort to
reach Agreement in the determination of
, and administration of grievances arising
under the terms and conditions of employment (as defined in the Public Employees'
Fair Employment Act) of the teachers in the unit. All proposals for adoption in
the school year following the expiration of this Agreement shall be submitted in
writing by the Board or the Association to the other party by February 15, 2024,
and negotiations on such proposals sha
ll commence as soon thereafter as is
B. During negotiations, the Board and Association shall present relevant data,
and exchange points of view. The Board shall, within reason, make available
records, data and information in its possession (including line budget items
where developed) which are directly pertinent to a topic under negotiation.
The Association shall also, within reason, ma
ke available records, data, and
information in its possession or which may be available through its state or
national affiliate and which are directly pertinent to a topic under negotiation.
In addition, the Board will provide the Association with copies of the School
District's annual audited financial report for the fiscal years 2021-22, 2022-23,
and 2023-24. Negotiated agreements shall be reduced to writing and be signed
by the Association and the Board. No agreements shall be signed until all
negotiations are completed on all topics being negotiated.
C. Release Time for Negotiations
1. If a negotiating session is held during part of a school day, Association
members directly engaged in negotiation discussions shall be released
without loss of pay from their normal duties at least fifteen (15) minutes
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prior to the beginning of the session. If it shall be necessary during the
school day for such Association members to meet and confer or engage in
activity to prepare for negotiations, not more than fifteen (15) days of
released time in the school year shall be permitted without loss of pay for
that purpose; provided, however, that the President of the Association
shall provide the Superintendent of S
chools, in writing, ordinarily three
(3) days in advance, with the name of each teacher and the date and hour
of requested release; and on grounds of educational hardship for the
students of each teacher, the Superintendent may direct that another date
be used. Days permitted under this provision shall not be charged to the
personal leave days provided in Article 28.
2. Except as provided in this paragraph C, no within-the-school-day activity
of the members of the Association negotiating team shall in any manner alter
or interfere with the normal instructional processes of any teacher.
Article 3-Association Dues Deductions
A. The Business Office of the District shall collect dues of members of the
Association, on behalf of the Association, by a system of authorized dues
deductions. Teachers, as
defined in Article 1 hereof, shall sign and file dues
deduction cards for this purpose with the Business Office, and thereafter, dues
deduction cards will remain effective until withdrawn by the teacher or until the
teacher's employment in the District terminates. On or before June 30th of each
year, and again on or before January 15th, the President of the Association shall
inform the Assistant Sup
erintendent for Business & Facilities in writing of the
exact amount of dues to be collected for each membership category. Deductions
reported by June 30th will be made in twenty (20) equal installments, beginning
on or about September 15th. Deductions reported by January 15th will be made
in ten (10) equal installments beginning February 15th.
B. Withdrawal of payroll deduction must be made in writi
ng and only in accordance
with the terms of membership set forth on the membership enrollment form that
has been individually signed and presented to the District. The District must
notify the Association President within three (3) business days of the receipt of
an employee’s request to withdraw from payroll deduction.
C. No other organization, entity or individual that would otherwise seek to
represent or advocate for professional employees as defined in Article 1 employees,
or otherwise discuss organizational or individual questions or issues pertaining
to union membership or terms and conditions of employment will be permitted
access to employees on the District’s property.
Article 4-Association Facilities
A. The Board shall assign space to the Association in Scarsdale High School to
be used as an office of the Association.
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B. The Board shall provide the following facilities to the Association: a private
telephone to be paid for by the Association, one bulletin board in each faculty
room at each school in the District, and a meeting room at each school when use of
the room is permitted by the Principal of the school. In addition, the Association is
to have use of teachers’ mailboxes and reasonable use of the mail servic
e of each
Article 5-Association President
A. The President of the Association will be released from those pupil supervisory
duties specified in this Article to transact Association business, provided such
duties can be satisfactorily performed by the Principal assigning them to other
teachers without the necessity of the hiring of additional personnel. Such released
duties are: study hall, bus dut
y, playground supervision, cafeteria duty, recess
duty, homeroom duty, hall monitoring, and chaperoning.
B. The President shall have his or her teaching load reduced by 40%. His or her
schedule shall be so arranged as to leave each afternoon free from teaching and
supervisory duties.
Article 6-Board's Rules and Regulations
Copies of each amendment or new policy made to the Board's current Rules and
lations, during the life of this contract, will be made available as follows:
A. The Board of Education shall maintain official Policies, Rules and Regulations
on the District website, and
B. Within five (5) days of the Board's approval of each amendment or new policy,
the President of the Association shall be notified by email for distribution to
members of the Association.
Article 7-Academic Freed
The Board and the Association affirm that academic freedom has been and shall
continue to be guaranteed to all teachers in this District.
Article 8-Major Curriculum Changes
Curriculum development and changes will be carried out in a shared and collegial
manner by teachers and administrators with the Assistant Superintendent for
Instruction having primary responsibility for supporting and overseeing
curriculum projects and changes. Such curriculum projects and changes are
subject to the authority of the Board under statute.
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A. Elementary Schools: Curriculum at the elementary schools will be developed
through a District Committee(s). Each elementary school will be represented on
such a committee with the composition of the committee to be determined by the
Superintendent or his/her designee in consultation with the STA President. For
any changes that would affect the Middle School, a representative from the
related department of the Middle Sch
ool will be appointed by the Middle School
building unit.
B. Secondary Schools: Curriculum at the Middle School and High School will be
developed through individual departments, school wide committees, and individual
group initiative. When the secondary schools are involved in District curriculum
committees, each school will be represented by at least one teacher who is either
elected or appointed by the Association building unit in each school.
C. Support for New Curriculum:
The Assistant Superintendent for Instruction
and the STI Director will collaborate with each other, curriculum committees,
building departments, and the Principals in planning and carrying out staff
development necessary to prepare teachers to develop, use, and evaluate new
D. Nothing in this article precludes the faculty and Principal at individual schools
from proposing curriculum to meet
the unique building needs and interests.
Article 9-Professional Development Program
A. The Board will allocate the following amounts for such professional development
activities as may be recommended by a joint Administration/ Teacher Professional
Development Committee (consisting of four administrators appointed by the
Superintendent and four teachers appointed by the Association) and approved
by th
e Board: $144,000 in 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24. Recipients of any
salary payments made pursuant to this provision from September 1st through the
end of the school year in June shall be paid at a daily rate prorated upon 80% of
their full salary during the then current school year. Recipients of any salary
payments made pursuant to this provision from the end of the school year in
June to September 1st of the following school year will be paid at a daily rate
prorated upon 80% of their full salary during the preceding school year.
B. If, for any reason, recipients return money to the District or do not use their
approved allocation, these funds shall be used to fund additional approved
activities in the same school year. If for any reason such funds are not used for
such purpose during the same school year, they shall be added to any funds
provided for such purpose in the Agreement for the ensuing year.
C. Professional Development Program funds not committed during the initial
March-April selection process shall become available for further applications in
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the same school year. If for any reason such funds are not used for such purpose
during the same school year, they shall be added to any funds provided for such
purpose in the Agreement for the ensuing school year. The Superintendent and
the Professional Development Committee shall establish new dates for accepting
and reviewing the new applications.
Article 10-Scarsdale Teachers Institute
A. The Boa
rd will approve a full-time leave with pay and with full benefits for a
teacher presently on staff who is designated by the Association to serve as Director
of the STI.
B. The Board will provide such suitable accommodation as may be available as
an office or headquarters for the Director's use without charge to the Association.
The Board shall not incur cost for any secretarial service for the Institut
C. The Board will provide such suitable accommodation as may be available for
use as an Institute Center for all staff members. The Center shall be used for some
course meetings and to house standing exhibits of particular interest to teachers,
such as environmental models and collections of children's books.
D. Under the Rules and Regulations of the Board for in-service courses, the
Association m
ay recommend to the Superintendent through the Accreditation
Committee, referred to in "F" below, that Institute courses be approved for
salary credit for staff members. Upon approval by the Board such courses may
carry one (1) to three (3) units of credit at the rate established on the current salary
schedule in the District. Class or lecture time, reading, and appropriate activities
for a course for
study credit will be patterned in a manner generally consistent
with university practices. Teachers at MA+75 or above who successfully complete
courses approved for credit will receive a stipend in the amount of $300. Also,
the Board may approve one (1) course per semester for payment of a stipend in
the amount of $300 to participating teachers rather than for salary credit.
Stipends which are paid sh
all not be deducted from the amount specified in
paragraph K below.
E. The option to offer a course without salary credit and without any form of
financial assistance from the Board shall remain with the Institute, and, if a course
is denied salary credit, the Institute may conduct it for such teachers as wish to
pursue the subject provided, however, that such a course not be conducted during
school hours except with the prior approval of the Board. The Board shall incur
no direct cost of instructor's salary, study credit or other related costs for such
non-approved courses. For any courses which it intends to give on school
grounds, the STI will apply to the Board for permission to use the buildings or
grounds in the manner established for all community groups.
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F. An Accreditation Committee shall be composed of three (3) teachers designated
by the Association and three (3) administrators designated by the Superintendent.
This committee shall review all Institute in-service course proposals to be
presented to the Superintendent. The Committee shall submit written descriptions
of recommended courses to the Superintendent no later than thirty (30) days
prior t
o the anticipated commencement of any course. Upon the recommendation
of the Superintendent, the Board shall determine whether or not it will approve
the course for salary credit and the Superintendent shall confirm the decision of
the Board within thirty days of receiving the original request. If the Board does
not approve a course, the Institute Director shall have the option of revising and
resubmitting the course for Board consideration.
G. Released time equivalent to three (3) school days shall be provided to each of
the three (3) teacher members of the Accreditation Committee for meetings to
review Institute courses. If additional time is required to complete its work, the
Committee shall schedule its meetings at such times as all members can reasonably
H. In order to obtain salary cr
edit for an approved course, a teacher will be
responsible for completing the course requirements. The Director of the Institute
will certify to the Superintendent that the teacher has met the requirements. In
addition, the teacher shall, within ninety days of completion of the course, file
with the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Leadership
Development office a signed statement cer
tifying (1) that he or she has met all
the requirements for the course, (2) how he or she has met these requirements,
and (3) requesting salary credit.
I. The Association shall be responsible for the preparation of a yearly analysis
of the nature and degree of success of the Institute courses offered during the
school year. Such a report shall provide a description of each course offered
both for cre
dit and non-credit and an estimate of the course's quality and
effectiveness. The report shall also include registration lists of all teachers and
others who have enrolled in STI courses or other experiences during the program
year, a listing of all disbursements made from all funding received by the STI
during the program year, and a listing of all payments made to teachers during the
program year. The report shall be filed with the Board and the Superintendent by
August 31st immediately following the program year.
J. Annual Limits on Credit Accrual
1. Effective with the 2016-17 school year, salary study credits earned
by any teacher through the Institute shall not exceed eight (8) in any
one school year. Continuing payment for such credits shall conform to
the "study credit" policies of the Board of Education. K-12 teachers who
are not directly responsible for teaching fine arts courses may take six
(6) credits in the fine arts out of twenty-four (24) earned. However,
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this limitation shall not apply to courses that address the goals of the
district’s Strategic Plan as determined by the STI Accreditation
Committee. Any STI credits above the credit limit shall not be
accorded salary schedule credit but will receive a stipend in the
amount of $300.
2. Upon application and approval, the eight (8) credit maximum noted
above may be waived for STI courses where the STI
Committee determines that such courses meet District goals.
K. Board Contribution to STI:
1. The Board will allocate the following for salaries, reasonable travel
expenses, reasonable supplies and materials of instructors, and reasonable
cost of materials for course administration with respect to in-service
courses approved for salary credit and to other in-service education
activities ap
proved by the Board conducted during such school year:
$141,000 in 2021-22, $146,000 in 2022-23, and $151,000 in 2023-24.
The Board will not assume any cost for learning or text materials for
course enrollees.
2. In each year of the contract the Board will allocate an additional
$500 to the STI if funding from the New York State Teacher Resource
and Computer Training Center Grant is not increased by at
least $500
per year.
L. The course plan that a leader develops shall be considered his project
requirement for salary credit if the course is approved for credit.
M. For the purpose of planning the Institute program for the following school
year, the Institute Director shall be paid by the Board for fifteen (15) days of
summer work during each of the years of this Agreement. Payment shall be
upon a daily rate of 1/200th of the Director's full salary during the
preceding school year. These funds shall not be deducted from the amount for
Institute programming specified in paragraph K above.
Article 11-Teacher Salary Schedule
A. The teacher salary schedule for the period September 1, 2021, to August 31,
2022 (Exhibit A1) is 1.700% above the salary schedule for September 1, 2020.
The teacher salary schedule for September 1, 2022, to August 31, 2023 shall be
generated by increasing the salary schedule for September 1, 2021 by either
1.250%, 1.375%, 1.500%, 1.625%, or 1.750% as determined by the Salary Range
Adjustment Model found in Exhibit A2. The teacher salary schedule for September
1, 2023, to August 31, 2024 shall be generated by increasing the salary schedule
for September 1, 2022 by either 1.250%, 1.375%, 1.500%, 1.625%, or 1.750% as
determined by the Salary Range Adjustment Model found in Exhibit A2.
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B. Those teachers who were employed in the District in 2013-2014 who return to
the District in 2014-2015 shall receive an off schedule recurring salary payment
of $1750. This amount shall be prorated for part-time staff.
Article 12-Payroll Schedule
Salaries will be paid bimonthly between September and June of each year.
When payday falls on a day when school is not in session, salaries will be paid
on t
he nearest preceding school day except as set forth in paragraph B below.
Each teacher, nurse, occupational and physical therapist may select either pay
option herein contained, provided that the Assistant Superintendent for Business
& Facilities be informed in writing before June 30th of the preceding school
year. All payments shall be made by direct deposit.
A. Twenty (20) or more checks per school y
ear, commencing on or about
September 15th, each check consisting of a proportionate amount of the
teacher's annual salary.
B. Twenty-four (24) or more checks per school year, commencing on or about
September 15th, each check consisting of a proportionate amount of the
teacher's annual salary. The final five (5) payments, however, shall be paid on
the last payday in June.
Article 13-Part-time Teachers
A. Salaries for part-time teachers shall be prorated on the salary schedule for
full-time teachers.
B. Part-time teachers employed on a half-time or greater basis shall receive full
health and life insurance benefits. Part-time teachers employed less than half-
time shall not be eligible for health, life, or dental/vision insurance benefits.
Article 14-Athletic Coaching Pay
A. The schedules below repla
ce the previously used point and multiplier system.
With the start of the 2021 - 2022 school year, for coaches previously employed
by the Scarsdale Schools, they shall be placed on a Tier of the schedule such that
this tier represents a growth in their stipend from the previous structure with
exact placement determined through discussion between the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources and Leadership Development and the
STA President (or their designee). With the start of the 2021 - 2022 school year,
coaches previously employed by the Scarsdale schools whose previous stipend
exceeds the Tier F stipend of their sport, shall receive a one-time 3% increase
on that stipend. For coaches newly employed by the Scarsdale Schools starting
in the 2021 - 2022 school year, their initial placement on the schedule shall be
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determined through negotiation between the new employee and the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources and Leadership Development or their
If multiple coaches occupy the same role, the stipends listed below are per coach
appointed by the Board of Education to that role.
High School Sports
Position Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier D Tier E Tier F
Baseball - Var. Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Baseball - Asst. $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Baseball - JV Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Baseball - JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Baseball - Frosh Head $5,128 $5,351 $5,574 $5,797 $6,020 $6,466
Basketball - Boys Var. Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Basketball - Boys Var Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Basketball - Boys JV Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Basketball - Boys JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Basketball - Boys Frosh Head $5,413 $5,648 $5,884 $6,119 $6,354 $6,825
Basketball - Girls Var. Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Basketball - Girls Var Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Basketball - Girls JV Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Basketball - Girls JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Basketball - Girls Frosh Head $5,413 $5,648 $5,884 $6,119 $6,354 $6,825
Bowling $5,698 $5,945 $6,193 $6,441 $6,689 $7,184
Cheerleading - Var Head (fall) $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Cheerleading - Var Asst (winter) $5,270 $5,500 $5,729 $5,958 $6,187 $6,645
Cheerleading - JV (fall) $5,270 $5,500 $5,729 $5,958 $6,187 $6,645
Cheerleading - JV Asst (fall) $4,273 $4,459 $4,645 $4,831 $5,016 $5,388
Cheerleading - Var Head (winter) $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Cheerleading - Var Asst (winter) $5,270 $5,500 $5,729 $5,958 $6,187 $6,645
Cheerleading - JV (winter) $5,270 $5,500 $5,729 $5,958 $6,187 $6,645
Cheerleading - JV Asst (fall) $4,273 $4,459 $4,645 $4,831 $5,016 $5,388
Crew - Head $5,698 $5,945 $6,193 $6,441 $6,689 $7,184
Crew - Asst $3,988 $4,162 $4,335 $4,509 $4,682 $5,029
Cross Country - Head $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
Cross Country - Asst $4,986 $5,202 $5,419 $5,636 $5,853 $6,286
Field Hockey - Var Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Field Hockey - Var Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Field Hockey - JV A Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Field Hockey - JV B Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Field Hockey - JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Football - Var Head $9,971 $10,405 $10,838 $11,272 $11,705 $12,572
Football - Var Asst $6,980 $7,283 $7,587 $7,890 $8,194 $8,801
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Football - JV Head $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
Football - JV Asst $4,986 $5,202 $5,419 $5,636 $5,853 $6,286
Football - Frosh Head $5,698 $5,945 6,193 $6,441 $6,689 $7,184
Golf - Boys $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Golf - Girls $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Gymnastics - Head $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
Gymnastics - Asst $4,986 $5,202 $5,419 $5,636 $5,853 $6,286
Ice Hockey - Var Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Ice Hockey - Var Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Ice Hockey - JV Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Ice Hockey - JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Indoor Track - Head $9,971 $10,405 $10,838 $11,272 $11,705 $12,572
Indoor Track - Asst $6,980 $7,283 $7,587 $7,890 $8,194 $8,801
Lacrosse - Boys Var Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Lacrosse - Boys Var Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Lacrosse - Boys JV Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Lacrosse - Boys JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Lacrosse - Boys Frosh Head $4,807 $5,016 $5,226 $5,435 $5,644 $6,062
Lacrosse - Girls Var Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Lacrosse - Girls Var Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Lacrosse - Girls JV Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Lacrosse - Girls JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Lacrosse - Girls Frosh Head $4,807 $5,016 $5,226 $5,435 $5,644 $6,062
Outdoor Track - Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Outdoor Track - Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Ski - Head $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
Ski - Asst $4,986 $5,202 $5,419 $5,636 $5,853 $6,286
Soccer - Boys Var A Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Soccer - Boys Var A Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Soccer - Boys Var B Head $5,983 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Soccer - Boys JV A Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Soccer - Boys JV B Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Soccer - Boys JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Soccer - Girls Var A Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Soccer - Girls Var A Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Soccer - Girls Var B Head $5,983 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Soccer - Girls JV A Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Soccer - Girls JV B Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Soccer - Girls JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Softball - Var Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Softball - Var Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Softball - JV Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Softball - JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Softball - Frosh Head $5,128 $5,351 $5,574 $5,797 $6,020 $6,466
Swimming - Boys Head $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
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Swimming - Boys Asst $4,986 $5,202 $5,419 $5,636 $5,853 $6,286
Swimming - Girls Head $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
Swimming - Girls Asst $4,986 $5,202 $5,419 $5,636 $5,853 $6,286
Tennis - Boys Var Head $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
Tennis - Boys Var B Head $4,986 $5,202 $5,419 $5,636 $5,853 $6,286
Tennis - Boys JV Head $5,342 $5,574 $5,806 $6,038 $6,271 $6,735
Tennis - Girls Var Head $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
Tennis - Girls Var B Head $4,986 $5,202 $5,419 $5,636 $5,853 $6,286
Tennis - Girls JV Head $5,342 $5,574 $5,806 $6,038 $6,271 $6,735
Volleyball - Boys Var Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Volleyball - Boys Var Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Volleyball - Boys JV Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Volleyball - Boys JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Volleyball - Girls Var A Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Volleyball - Girls Var A Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Volleyball - Girls Var B Head $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Volleyball - Girls JV A Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Volleyball - Girls JV B Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Volleyball - Girls JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Wrestling - Boys Var Head $8,547 $8,918 $9,290 $9,661 $10,033 $10,776
Wrestling - Boys Var Asst $5,983 $6,243 $6,503 $6,763 $7,023 $7,543
Wrestling - Boys JV Head $6,410 $6,689 $6,967 $7,246 $7,525 $8,082
Wrestling - Boys JV Asst $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Middle School Sports
Position Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier D Tier E Tier F
Cheerleading - Modified Head $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Cheerleading - Modified Asst $3,704 $3,865 $4,026 $4,187 $4,348 $4,670
Cross Country - Modified Head $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Cross Country - Modified Asst $3,704 $3,865 $4,026 $4,187 $4,348 $4,670
Field Hockey - Modified Head $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Field Hockey - Modified Asst $3,704 $3,865 $4,026 $4,187 $4,348 $4,670
Ice Hockey - Modified Head $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Ice Hockey - Modified Asst $3,704 $3,865 $4,026 $4,187 $4,348 $4,670
Lacrosse - Boys Modified Head $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Lacrosse - Boys Modified Asst $3,704 $3,865 $4,026 $4,187 $4,348 $4,670
Lacrosse - Girls Modified Head $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Lacrosse - Girls Modified Asst $3,704 $3,865 $4,026 $4,187 $4,348 $4,670
Outdoor Track - Modified Head $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Outdoor Track - Modified Asst $3,704 $3,865 $4,026 $4,187 $4,348 $4,670
Volleyball - Girls Modified Head $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Volleyball - Girls Modified Asst $3,704 $3,865 $4,026 $4,187 $4,348 $4,670
Wrestling - Boys Modified Head $4,558 $4,756 $4,955 $5,153 $5,351 $5,747
Wrestling - Boys Modified Asst $3,704 $3,865 $4,026 $4,187 $4,348 $4,670
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Miscellaneous - All stipends in this section are per season (3 seasons/year)
Position Tier A Tier B Tier C Tier D Tier E Tier F
Assistant Athletic Director $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
HS Intramurals (per season) $4,273 $4,459 $4,645 $4,831 $5,016 $5,388
Modified Athletic Director $5,413 $5,648 $5,884 $6,119 $6,354 $6,825
MS Director of After School Life $4,273 $4,459 $4,645 $4,831 $5,016 $5,388
Strength & Conditioning Head (S&C) $7,122 $7,432 $7,742 $8,051 $8,361 $8,980
S&C Ass't Coach $5,698 $5,945 $6,193 $6,441 $6,689 $7,184
S&C Supervisory $4,273 $4,459 $4,645 $4,831 $5,016 $5,388
Compensation for Intramurals - $17.00 per hour
B. Openings in any of the above positions are to be posted and emailed to all district
staff. Scarsdale teacher applicants shall be interviewed. Only after such posting and
interviewing may an applicant other than a Scarsdale teacher be offered the position.
C. In each year of the contract, a coach that was previously employed by the Scarsdale
Schools in
that position will move to the next Tier. Effective with the 2022-23 school year,
for coaches that are at Tier F, in their next year and each year thereafter of employment in
that sport, they shall receive a 1.5% increase in their stipend as based on the Tier F
D. The Board will reimburse coaches for reasonable and necessary expenses as
recommended by the Superintendent and approved by the Boa
rd. The Board will also
reimburse coaches for courses required for certification as coaches up to $200 per coach
per year.
E. The District shall provide opportunities through the STI for professional development
courses for coaches. For each Level of classes (consisting of three credits) a coach
completes, they shall receive a stipend in the amount of 1% of each season’s coaching
stipends earned. The
course guide and procedures can be found in the document named
“STI Courses for Coaches” (hyperlink available in online version on the District HR
webpage). Section E will sunset at the end of this Agreement on June 30, 2024, including
for purposes of Triborough.
F. Teachers who volunteer to do so may, at the sole discretion of the Superintendent, be
assigned a coaching workday, the hours of which sha
ll be scheduled as to permit time for
coaching as part of the teachers regular assignment. In such a case, no coaching stipend
shall be paid. In scheduling a coaching workday with the Superintendent, the teacher
shall be accompanied by a representative of the STA.
G. A joint committee consisting of the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources
and Leadership Development, the Athletic Director, the
STA President (or a delegate of
the President), and the Lead Negotiator of the STA shall convene each year to review
Article 14.
H. There shall be a representative appointed by the STA President or designee on all
committees constituted for the hiring of athletic coaches in the District.
I. The parties understand and agree that the expenditure of funds provided for under this
Article as well as others
calling for the payment of extra pay for extra assignments,
require Board action.
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Article 15-Extra-Curricular Assignment Pay
A. Extra-curricular assignment pay shall be paid on the following rates:
Tier 1 = $119 per point
Tier 2 = $131 per point
Tier 3 = $144 per point
For teachers regularly employed by the Board who advise satisfactorily in the same
activity beyond one year, they will move to the next tier of pay.
Effective with the 2022-23 school year, for those advisors that have
achieved the Tier 3
pay rate, for every subsequent year in the role as approved by the Board of Education,
they shall receive a 1.5% increase in their stipend as based on the Tier 3 rate.
B. The list of positions as well as the point values of those positions shall be maintained
in a separate document entitled “Article 15 Extra-Curricular Assignments-Current
(hyperlink available in online version on t
he District HR webpage). This list shall be
shared annually with the staff. This document shall also outline the mechanism of
supervision of these advisors as well as the mechanisms by which new positions will be
added to the list, removed from the list, or altered in value. This review process shall
occur annually through a Joint Committee consisting of the Assistant Superintendent for
s and Leadership Development and his/her designee, the STA President (or a
delegate of the President), the Lead Negotiator of the STA, and the appropriate building
Principal (or their designee).
C. Openings in any of the positions are to be posted. Scarsdale teacher applicants shall be
interviewed. Only after such a posting and interviewing may an applicant other than a
Scarsdale teacher be offered the
D. The parties understand and agree that the expenditure of funds provided for under this
Article, as well as others calling for the payment of extra pay for extra assignments,
require Board action and that the materials considered by the Board in reviewing such
action may reflect dollar values as opposed to point values.
Article 16- Salary Differentials and Work Year for Certain Assignmen
During each of the years of this Agreement the following assignments shall receive a
salary differential as listed. High School Deans will work on four (4) of the five (5)
weekdays in the week immediately preceding Labor Day. Middle School House
Counselors will work on two (2) of the five (5) weekdays in the week immediately
preceding Labor Day. All other staff members entitled to receive a dif
ferential under
this Article are required to work the additional days set forth below in order to fulfill his
or her responsibility. The schedule of these days will be determined by the individual
staff member with the approval of the building Principal. Generally, these days will be
scheduled during school recess periods, the months of July or August, and/or during the
period after graduation in Ju
ne, and/or the period prior to Labor Day in September.
Category 1: Extended Year and Additional Duty Assignments
The following positions include responsibilities that extend beyond the school year as a
regular part of the role, and/or reflect additional duties beyond the annual assignment.
Appointments for such differentials are annual.
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High School Pre 1998 Post 1998-Pre 9/1/2002
Differential Days Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
Deans 11.0% 10 8.0% 9.0% 10.0% 12
Psychologists (District) 5.0% 4 5.0% 5.0% 5.0% 5
Effective 9/1/2002
District Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
Behaviorist $3,600 $4,600 $5,600 5
Psychologists $3,600 $4,600 $5,600 5
CSE Chairs $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
High School Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
Deans $8,400 $9,400 $10,400 12
Head Computer Teacher $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 5
SAT Coordinator $3,600 $4,600 $5,600
Senior Options Coordinator $4,600 $5,600 $6,600
Mentor Coordinator $4,000 Course Release
College Data Analyst $3,000
Middle School Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
Advisory Coordinator $2,600 $3,600 $4,600 3
Head Computer Teacher $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 5
House Counselor $8,400 $9,400 $10,400 10
State Testing Assistant $3,000
Lunch Supervisor* $8,400 $9,400 $10,400
Elementary School Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
Lunch Supervisor* $8,400 $9,400 $10,400
*Incumbents and faculty previously serving in the role at 8% during the period September,
2016 and June 30, 2021, will receive their prior differential if it exceeds these amounts.
Middle School lunch supervisor stipends will be pro-rated as per past practice.
Category 2: Rotating Job-Alike Positions
With the exception of elementary grade level chairs, faculty serving in these positions will
be appoint
ed annually, and a second year of leadership will be granted upon request to the
Assistant Superintendent for HR and Leadership Development. An incumbent will be
succeeded after one or two years according to seniority status within the department, with
the understanding that a member may decline when their opportunity arises. The initial
filling of a vacancy will be determined from among those intere
sted after an interview
process with the Assistant Superintendent for HR and an STA designee. An initial rotation
for the Elementary Grade Level Chair positions will be established. When it is that
schools turn to hold the grade level chair position, the teachers currently on that team will
determine by consensus the grade level chair for that year subject to the approval of the
building Principal. If
no one on that schools team volunteers to serve as chair, or the team
cannot come to a consensus, the next school in the sequence will fill the position.
District (K-12) Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
ENL Head $2,600 $3,600 $4,600 5
Professional Dev. Co-Chair $1,400
PPR/Option A Coordinator $1,950
Speech/Language Head $3,600 $4,600 $5,600 5
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Secondary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
6-12 Library Head $3,600 $4,600 $5,600 5
Elementary Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
K-5 Art Head $3,600 $4,600 $5,600 5
K-5 Computer Teacher Head $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 5
K-5 FLES Head $3,600 $4,600 $5,600 5
K-5 Grade Level Chairs $1,500
K-5 Instrumental Music Head $4,600 $5,600 $6,600 5
K-5 Library Head $3,600 $4,600 $5,600 5
K-5 PE & Health Head $4,600 $5,600 $6,600 5
K-5 Vocal Music Head $4,600 $5,600 $6,600 5
Category 3: Leadership Assignments with Supervisory Responsibilities
The positions in this category are different from the others in that the faculty members
who hold these positions have some degree of responsibility for supervising other faculty
members. Supervision is a responsibility that is distinct from other positions in that it
requires skills and practices that fall outside of the domains of
practice required for the
positions our faculty members achieve tenure in. Further, it is helpful to recognize the
healthy tension between the need to acquire leadership expertise over time and the resistance
to a concept of “lifetime appointment”. Whereas some of the Article 16 positions can
rightly be rotated or assigned year-to-year, the positions below historically involve
extended time in the ro
le. As such, faculty members holding these leadership roles should
have 1) a clear understanding of the unique leadership and supervisory standards and
expectations that come along with the role, 2) support to meet these expectations, 3) a
regular cycle of feedback about the degree to which a faculty member is meeting or not
meeting the expectations, and 4) periodic determination of fitness to contin
ue in the role.
A. Standards and Expectations
1. The “New York State Teacher Leadership Framework
” (hyperlink available
in online version on the District HR webpage) will serve as a guide to the broad
standard we seek to meet with respect to these positions.
2. It is expected that the individuals who hold these positions will seek, at a
minimum, School Building Leader training and certification either in advance
of applying for, or while serving in, the leadership role.
3. In addition, building- a
nd role-based expectations will be developed and
communicated by the building leadership team.
B. Support Structures
1. Individuals new to the position will have the opportunity to enroll in an STI
course focused on teacher leadership, and to receive a mentor for the first year
in the role.
2. Regular meetings with the building leadership will take place.
3. Optionally, a study group can be convened thro
ugh the STI (i.e., like the MS
Chairs group) to engage in regular discussion of problems of practice.
4. The opportunity to take RBT’s Analyzing Teaching for Student Results
(ATSR) will be made available.
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C. Feedback Cycle
1. During the first three years serving in these roles, faculty members will have
an opportunity to get feedback annually from the building principal/administrative
team. This will include a meeting before the year to discuss goals for the year
ahead, a mid-year check in conversation, and an end of year summary
conversation inclusive of commendations and recommendations for growth.
If there are specific concerns, including concerns about continuation in the
role, these will also be discussed and put into writing.
3. Additionally, in the first two years, teachers assigned to one of these positions
will develop a process (reviewed/collaborating with building principal) to seek
feedback from the faculty members they supervise. In the third year, the building
principal will seek suc
h feedback from the individual’s supervisees.
D. Periodic Review
1. The feedback cycle described above will serve as the model for the first
three years of service in the role, and will serve as the basis for continuation in
the role to year 4.
2. After that, there will be a 3-year cycle that will include feedback from the
faculty in year 3 of each cycle.
District Coordinators Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
Elem. Curriculum Coords. $3,600 $4,600 $5,600 5
Fine Arts $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
Music & Performing Arts $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
Special Ed Teacher in Charge $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
Director of Nurses $3,600 $4,600 $5,600 5
Director of Psychologists $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
HS Department Chairs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
English $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
World Language $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
Guidance $7,000 $8,000 $9,000 7
Mathematics $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
PE & Health $9,000 $10,000 $11,000 5
Science $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
Social Studies $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
Special Education $10,400 $11,400 $12,400 10
Alternative School $8,400 $9,400 $10,400 10
MS Department Chairs Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Days
Art, Technology, & Design $10,500 $11,500 $12,500 8
CHOICE $6,000 $7,000 $8,000 7
English $11,500 $12,500 $13,500 10
Health, Phys Ed, & Wellness $10,500 $11,500 $12,500 8
Mathematics $11,500 $12,500 $13,500 10
Music $9,500 $10,500 $11,500 5
Science $11,500 $12,500 $13,500 10
Social Studies $11,500 $12,500 $13,500 10
Special Education $11,500 $12,500 $13,500 10
World Language $11,500 $12,500 $13,500 10
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Beginning in an individual’s fourth (4) year of service in a particular position, the amount
of the differential will increase each year at 1.5% of the third (3) year’s amount.
Article 17-Summer School Salary
When and if the District conducts a summer school, all teachers employed in such school
during July and August will be paid at a daily rate prorated upon 80% of their full salary
during the follow
ing school year.
Article 18-Improvement of Instruction Program
All staff members engaged in Improvement of Instruction projects from September 1st,
through the end of the school year in June will be paid at a daily rate prorated upon 80% of
their full salary during the then current school year. All staff members engaged in such projects
from the end of the school year in June to September 1st of the f
ollowing school year will be
paid at a daily rate prorated upon 80% of their full salary during the preceding school year.
Article 19-Termination Allowance
A. Any tenured teacher who is notified that he or she will not be employed during the
following year solely because of the elimination of his or her position shall be entitled to
payment for unused sick leave accumulated in the district up to a max
imum of 180 days,
calculated at the daily rate of 1/200th of the teacher's salary during the last full year of
employment in the district, less unemployment insurance or salary from a new position
received by the teacher.
B. The amount due the teacher in accordance with Paragraph A shall be calculated,
divided into tenths and paid monthly thereafter for ten (10) months in accordance with
the next sent
ence. At the end of each of the ten (10) months following the teacher's
termination, the teacher shall inform the Superintendent in writing as to the amount of
any such unemployment insurance payment or salary received by the teacher during that
month. This amount, if any, shall be deducted from the next payment due the teacher
and a check for the balance shall be forwarded to the teacher.
C. Any te
acher eligible for the benefits set forth in Paragraph A above may choose to
forgo the benefits set forth in Paragraph A and, instead, choose to receive up to 18 months
of health insurance through the School District Plan at no cost to such eligible teachers
who choose this option. Should the eligible teacher choose this option instead of the
benefit set forth in Paragraph A above, it shall continue
for up to 18 months so long as the
teacher does not obtain employment elsewhere that affords the teacher health insurance
coverage. Should a teacher obtain employment elsewhere, he/she shall immediately
notify the Superintendent in writing of said employment and whether the teacher is
eligible for health insurance as a result of being so employed. An eligible teacher who
chooses this option must i
ndicate such choice to the District in writing no later than May
15 prior to the layoff or two weeks after receiving the layoff notice, whichever is later.
Article 20-Health and Life Insurance
A. Terms of Active Employee’s Health Insurance
1. The Board shall continue the current benefits under the Scarsdale Self-Insured
Health Insurance Plan for individual teachers, nurses, occupational therapists,
physical therapists and their dependents and for teachers, nurses,
occupational therapists, and physical therapists of the School District who
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have retired or who will retire and who were covered by the District’s health
insurance plan and their dependents. Members of the bargaining unit eligible
for health insurance under this Article shall, if they choose coverage, contribute
9.5% of the applicable COBRA premium (individual or family as appropriate)
through payroll deduction during the 2021 - 2022 and 2022 - 2023 school
years. For the 2023
- 2024 school year, the member contribution will be at least
9.5% and at most 10.5% with any adjustment needed to be determined by the
District Health Advisory Committee based on the accepted metrics to calculate
cost share as agreed upon by the parties and codified in the document entitled
“SUFSD Benefit Change Calculator”. The Health Advisory Committee shall
meet no later than February, 2023, to beg
in discussion of this work and shall
publish its work no later than May 1, 2023 with any agreed upon changes to
be implemented effective July 1, 2023. The District shall provide, to the extent
permitted by law, a qualified IRS Section 125 Plan permitting for health
insurance payments of this nature to be contributed pre-tax. The health
insurance plan shall be incorporated into and made a part of thi
s agreement and
may be altered only pursuant to collective negotiations between the parties.
2. Effective with employees commencing employment on or after July 1, 2007,
a teachers spouse (domestic partner) who is eligible for health insurance
coverage at his/her place of employment where the employer pays 80% or more
of the cost of health insurance will not be eligible for full coverage under the
rsdale Plan. The Plan will continue coordination of benefits for any such
spouse (domestic partner). Such spouse (domestic partner) may participate in
the Plan by paying an amount equal to the premium equivalent at the individual
rate. If the teacher has dependents on the District plan, then they must also be
enrolled in the spouse’s plan for the purpose of coordination of benefits. Each
teacher wi
th family coverage affected by this provision will be required to
complete an enrollment form specifying the spouse’s (domestic partners)
employer and coverage availability. Such certification shall require that the
teacher must notify the District if the spouse (domestic partner) changes
employers or employment status including access to health insurance and/or the
employers contribution rate) a
nd must provide a new certification.
B. During each of the years of this Agreement the Board shall provide a life insurance
policy in an amount equivalent to twice the teacher's or nurse's annual salary with a
minimum of $40,000 and a maximum of $250,000 for all teachers or nurses employed
on a one-half time or greater basis.
C. The Board will pay for medical examinations required by the Board accor
ding to the
following schedule:
1. Medical examinations performed by a school physician will be paid in full.
2. The cost of medical examinations, including chest X-rays performed by the
teacher's personal physician, will be reimbursed up to a maximum of $50.
Medical reports received by the District will be maintained as confidential
information in the teacher's personnel folder.
D. A Health Insurance R
eview Committee consisting of the Assistant Superintendent for
Business, the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Leadership Development,
the President of the Association, and two (2) teachers designated by the President of the
STA shall meet from time to time to review coverage, rates, and other matters pertinent to
the District's health insurance program and to report to the Board and th
e STA.
E. Eligibility for Health Insurance in retirement
1. To be eligible for health insurance at District cost into retirement with the
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State Retirement System, a member of the bargaining unit must have served at
least ten (10) years with the district. Teachers who commence employment on
or after July 1, 2007 shall be eligible for health insurance in retirement after
twelve (12) years in Scarsdale.
2. Eligible unit members retiring on or after July 1, 2018 who choose health
insurance through the District health insurance plan in
retirement shall be
obligated to make the following contributions toward the applicable COBRA
premium in retirement (family or individual as appropriate):
Years of active service in the District Contribution Level
30 years or more of service in the District 3%
at least 20 years of service but less than
30 years of service in the District 5%
at least 12 years of service but less than full employee contribution rate in
20 years of service in the District effect at time of retirement
Article 21-Benefit Fund
A. During the 2021-22, 2022-23, and 2023-24 school years, the Board will contribute to
the Scarsdale Teachers Association, Inc. Benefit Trust Fund the sum of $1,976 for each
teacher, nurse, occupational therapist, and physical therapist employed by the Board on
a half-time or greater basis to be used to provide insurance benefits to such teachers
provided, that the Plan is adm
inistered and the contributions to the fund are made under
and pursuant to the trust documents heretofore executed by the Board and the Association
and as be amended from time to time. Such payments shall be made to the Fund in each
year in two equal payments, one payment by October 1st and the second by January 1st.
In addition to the above, the District shall contribute $10,000 to the Benefit Tru
st Fund
in each school year of this Agreement that the Association certifies to the District by
January 15th of that year that the Trust will provide catastrophic health insurance
coverage to all employees covered by the Benefit Trust.
B. By October 1st of each of the years of this Agreement, the Board shall provide the
sum of five hundred ($500) to be used as an insurance fund for personal pro
perty loss or
damage suffered by teachers. This fund shall be administered under and pursuant to the
agreement and declaration of trust and the collateral agreement described in paragraph A
of this Article.
Article 22-Personal Property Loss or Damage
Provided a teacher has secured prior written approval from the building Principal to make
instructional use of personal property for carrying out teache
r responsibilities and such
property is lost or damaged, not as the result of carelessness or negligence on the part of the
teacher, the Board shall assume the responsibility for its repair or replacement, provided,
however, such responsibility shall not exceed the sum of $2,000 per each occurrence.
Article 23-Sick Leave Bank
The Board and the Administration will maintain a jointly administered sick l
eave bank
consisting of days contributed pursuant to the following procedure. Upon receiving
tenure all members of the bargaining unit shall make an initial contribution of two (2)
days from his/her accrued sick leave.
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When the accumulated days in the bank drops below 200 in number on September 1st of
the given year, all tenured members of the bargaining unit who have at least thirty-one
(31) or more accrued sick days as of that September 1st will be required to contribute one
(1) day to the sick bank. Tenured teachers who have used all their accumulated sick leave
and who are a victim of a prolonged illness and/or
disability may apply for the use of sick
leave bank according to the following definitions and procedures:
1. The sick leave bank shall be administered by a governing committee
of two (2) administrators appointed by the Superintendent and two (2)
professional staff members appointed by the President of the Association. The
function of the governing committee shall be to approve or disapprove sick
ave bank applications. The governing committee shall establish its operational
procedures including selecting a chairperson, meeting times, listing of necessary
specialists, application forms, etc.
2. For the purpose of this article, "prolonged" is defined as twenty (20)
consecutive school days or more. Holidays and vacations are not "school days."
3. Application for withdrawal of time from the sick
leave bank shall be made
to the Superintendent or his or her designee by the employee or, in the event
of incapacity, by a) a legally qualified relative, or b) a legal guardian.
4. Application for withdrawal of time from the sick leave bank shall be
supported by a statement-of-need from a physician.
5. The governing committee shall have the right to request an examination of
the employee by a Board
physician designated by the governing committee.
Such examination shall be paid by the Board.
6. In the event of a disagreement between the employee's physician and
the Board's physician as to the applicant's disability, a third and mutually
acceptable professional consultation, examination, and opinion on disability
shall be binding on all parties. The cost of the third consultation, examination,
and/or opinion shall be shared equally by the employee and the Board of
Education. If the third physician has certified a disability and the committee
is divided two to two on whether or not the applicant may use the bank, the
application shall be granted.
7. For any one illness and/or disability an individual may withdraw up to a
maximum number of school days equal to one full school year.
8. In
the event that an employee may require additional time from the sick
leave bank, he or she shall have the right to submit a request for such time up
to an additional school year according to steps three (3) through six (6).
Approval for such additional time for any one illness and/or disability may only
be granted by a vote of at least three (3) members of the governing committee.
In no event may a
teacher receive more days than equal to double the number
of days in the full school year from the Bank for any one illness or disability.
Article 24-Just Cause
A. No teacher shall be subject to disciplinary action for infraction of Board Rules and
Regulations or other serious dereliction of duty without just cause.
B. For the purpose of this Article the following definitions shall apply and govern
foregoing provision:
1. "Disciplinary Action" shall mean and include only written reprimand,
suspension from duty, fines, disciplinary demotions, or the withholding of an
economic benefit to which one would normally be entitled.
2. "Just Cause" shall mean a reasonable basis for the disciplinary action.
C. Nothing contained in this Article is intended in any way to apply or pertain to formal
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observation and evaluation of a teacher relating to the teacher's classroom competency
(except if such formal observation and evaluation is used as the basis for a disciplinary
action), termination, or discharge of teachers.
Article 25-Posting and Notification of Openings
A. All professional staff openings of one semester or more in duration are to be posted in
each building and emailed to District sta
ff. This posting shall generally take place two
(2) weeks prior to the commencement of interviews unless the circumstances surrounding
the opening require that interviews be conducted expeditiously in which case such
circumstances will be communicated to the STA President and the posting period will
be reduced accordingly. All Scarsdale teacher applicants shall be entitled to a written
. Scarsdale teachers shall be notified by email of any openings which may occur during
the summer vacation period, including any and all teaching, administrative, extra-curricular,
or athletic coaching openings.
C. Every reasonable effort will be made to comply with paragraph B above. However,
failure to comply shall not in any way prevent the vacancy from being filled.
Article 26-Personnel Files
chers shall have the right to inspect the contents of their District personnel file in the
Superintendent's office within the usual business hours as hereinafter provided. Items
permitted to be inspected in the file shall be all entries dated September 1, 1969, and
thereafter, except items pertaining to recruitment or hiring. The file shall be maintained
in a manner to protect items pertaining to re
cruitment and hiring. The right of inspection
means that a teacher, upon reasonable notice, may inspect such permitted items in his
or her file in the presence of the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and
Leadership Development or his or her designee. The teacher may not remove any items
from the file but the Board shall provide upon reasonable notice a copy of any permitted
item upon the
request of the employee, and at the employee's expense. Letters or
memoranda which relate to his or her professional performance shall not be placed in a
teacher's file until the teacher has been offered in writing an opportunity to review the
material. All such letters or memoranda must be signed by the author and initialed by
the administrator requesting the material to be placed in the file.
The teacher shall, within
five (5) school days after such an offer, review the material and acknowledge that he or
she has read such material by affixing his or her signature on the actual document to be
filed. After this five (5) day period, the material will be filed whether or not it has been
signed by the teacher. The signature will not indicate agreement with the contents.
The employee may, af
ter reviewing the material, prepare his or her clarification,
interpretation, or comment of any permitted item included in his or her file and it will be
attached thereto. Effective September 1969, all items open to inspection by the employee
shall be sequentially numbered.
A teacher will be entitled to have a representative of the Association accompany him or
her during such an inspection.
If a tea
cher brings a grievance proceeding which has advanced to Stage Four (4), he or
she will be entitled to inspect any permitted item in his or her file not less than 48 hours
before it is introduced in the arbitration proceeding; and further he or she will be entitled
to inspect any item in his or her file pertaining to his or her recruitment or hiring provided
the same is introduced in the arbitration p
roceeding as evidence against him or her which
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inspection shall be allowed not less than 48 hours before such item is so introduced in
evidence. No permitted item in such a teacher's file will be introduced in an arbitration
proceeding if such item is dated more than five (5) years prior to the commencement of
such proceeding.
Article 27-Absences and Leaves - Absence for Personal Illness
No salary deduction will be made for absences due to perso
nal illness for the number
of sick days accumulated by a teacher, nurse, occupational or physical therapist in
accordance with the following provisions of the sick leave policy:
1. Pursuant to this agreement, teachers and nurses shall be entitled to:
a. All sick leave accumulated as of the end of this agreement.
b. Twenty (20) days at any time after the first day of the first year of employment.
Eighteen (18) days for teachers and nurses whose employment commences on
or after October 1st.
d.Two (2) days per month for each full or partial month of service during the first
year of employment for teachers and nurses whose employment commences on or
after November 1st.
e. Up to fifteen (15) additional days per year until accumulated sick leave reaches
a total the number of school days in one ful
l school year for the second and
succeeding years of employment.
f. Up to fifteen (15) additional days per year thereafter not to exceed a total of the
number of school days in one full year.
g. An additional fifteen (15) days toward maximum accumulation of sick leave
will be given to those teachers in the year following their tenure appointment.
2. Should a non-tenured teacher exhaust accumulated si
ck leave, he or she may make an
application for an extension to the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and
Leadership Development. Upon receipt of the application, the Superintendent will meet
with the teacher to discuss the merits of the request. In the event the Assistant
Superintendent for Human Resources and Leadership Development does not recommend
such leave, or the Board overrules th
e Superintendent's recommendation in favor of the
leave, the teacher may petition the Board for further redress under this Agreement;
neither the Superintendent nor the Board shall be required to grant additional sick leave.
When a teacher is physically unable to make such petition, a personal representative may
be appointed.
3. The sick leave to which a teacher is entitled is the total number of accu
mulated days
minus those days used by the teacher during his or her employment by the Board.
4. Proof of illness shall be certified as follows:
a. For illnesses of one (1) through five (5) consecutive school days, the teacher
shall certify his or her own illness in writing to the building Principal upon the
teacher's return to school. However, where the building Principal has reason to
believe that a t
eacher has shown an apparent pattern of abusing the benefits of
this Article, the Principal shall inform the teacher that he or she believes that a
pattern exists, and that a statement from a physician may be required as proof
of illness following the teacher's next absence which falls within the pattern.
b. For illnesses of six (6) through twenty (20) consecutive school days, the
teacher shall, upon h
is or her return to school, furnish the building Principal
with a certificate from a physician.
c. For any succeeding period of twenty (20) consecutive school days of further
illness, the teacher shall furnish the building Principal with a further physician's
5. Commencing September 1, 2020, disability leaves for pregnancy, like all disability
leaves, will only be taken during the period of
time when the unit member is actually
disabled from working.
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Article 28-Absences and Leaves of Absence for Personal Purposes
Personal absence may be authorized by the Assistant Superintendent for Human
Resources and Leadership Development normally with pay not to exceed ten (10) days in
any school year for the following purposes:
Immediate Family Situations*
Death in the immediate family
Illness in the immediate family
Birth in the immediate family
Wedding in the immediate family
Moving household
Graduation of a spouse or child
Medical appointment that cannot be scheduled at another time
Special Event or Emergency
*"Immediate Family" for the purposes of this Article shall include spouse, domestic
partner, children, mother, father, mother-in-law,
father-in-law, sister, brother, sister-in-
law, brother-in-law and grandparents.
Death of Persons Not in the Immediate Family
Two (2) of the ten (10) days may be authorized in the event of death of other relatives or
Legal Matters
Court appearance
House transaction
Directed meeting with IRS or any other government taxing authority
Final settlement of an estate
Adoption of a child
Other legal matter
Religious Holiday
Other Compelling Personal Emergency
A. In certain instances, as determined by the Assistant Superintendent for Human
Resources and Leadership Development, personal absence may be approved for such
purposes without a deduction in salary.
B. Personal absence shall not be granted for the instructional day immediately preceding
or following any holiday or vacation day listed in the school year calendar, except for
reasons of illness, birth
, death, compelling legal matter, religious holiday, or emergency
in the immediate family of the teacher. Additional provision for such absence is made in
the Board's Rules and Regulations.
C. The staff member shall submit to his or her building Principal or other appropriate
administrator written application for the Superintendent's approval of personal absence
days not less than five (5) days in a
dvance of the requested occurrence, except for emergency
circumstances, which necessitate a lesser prior period of application.
D. Two (2) of the days of personal absence may be without statement of reason at the
discretion of the staff member.
E. At the end of each school year, a teacher having unused personal days may have up to
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four (4) such days placed in an individual family leave bank. For tenured teachers, two
unused personal leave days shall result in one banked day; for probationary teachers,
four unused personal leave days shall result in one banked day. Days placed in such a
bank may not exceed fifteen (15) in number at any time. Days may be banked only in
increments of at least one-half day.
A teacher may make a
n application to draw time from the bank by directing such
application in writing to the sick bank governing committee as described in Article 23.
The application must reflect the circumstances which generate the need to use days in
his/her bank relating to a case involving the birth or adoption of a child within 12 weeks
of the taking of the banked days, the serious illness of a parent, or the dying
or death of
a parent, spouse, child, grandparent, grandchild, or other immediate family member.
Any teacher making an application to use days so banked may be required to provide
documentation to substantiate his/her need. Any days so granted will run concurrently
to FMLA leave, to the extent that the situation qualifies.
Article 29-Leaves of Absence - Without Pay
A. A tenured teacher or nurse, phys
ical therapist or occupational therapist with permanent
status according to Civil Service Rules & Regulations who has completed three (3)
consecutive years of service in Scarsdale immediately preceding a requested leave of
absence may apply to the Superintendent of Schools for a leave of absence without pay
for a period not to exceed two (2) years. Staff members on such leave shall not be eligible
o return to the District until the September next following the expiration of such leave,
or until such earlier date, including midyear, as may be authorized by the Superintendent
and approved by the Board within its sole discretion. Except when, in the judgment of the
Superintendent, which judgment shall be final and binding, unusual circumstances bring
about the need and request for a leave at a l
ater date, application shall be made in writing
no later than one-hundred and twenty (120) days preceding the commencement of such
leave of absence and action on applications shall be taken by the Board with the
recommendation of the Superintendent. Staff members must declare their intentions in
writing regarding returning to active service in the District following their leave of absence
no later th
an ninety (90) days prior to the expiration of such leave. The positions of
staff members failing to declare their intentions in writing ninety (90) days prior to the
expiration of such leave shall be deemed abandoned. Staff members on leave of absence
without pay will not accrue any salary increment or sick leave days and the Board will not
pay any premium for health insurance or life insurance co
verage. This provision may be
varied if required by the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), provided, however, that
any greater benefits provided by the terms of this Agreement shall in no way be diminished.
B. Leaves for purposes of this Article shall be of eleven (11) consecutive school days or
more in duration. Any requests for absences without pay for periods of ten (10) school
days or less sha
ll be made pursuant to the Rules and Regulations of the Board.
Article 30-Jury Duty
Staff Members serving jury duty shall be excused without salary deduction and without
charge to allowable leave under any other section of this Agreement. Salary received for
jury duty must be repaid to the school district.
Article 31-Child-Care Leave
A. Tenured teachers, or nurse, or occupational therapist with permane
nt status according
to Civil Service Rules & Regulations may apply to the Superintendent or his designee for
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a child-care leave of absence without pay for a period not to exceed two (2) years, except
that tenured teachers, nurses, or occupational therapists who become pregnant during an
authorized child-care leave may apply for an extension of that leave for an additional
period not to exceed two (2) years. Staff members on child-care leave shall not be
eligible to return to the District until the Septemb
er next following the expiration of
such leave, or until such earlier date, including midyear, as may be authorized by the
Superintendent or his designee and approved by the Board within its sole discretion.
Except where unusual circumstances, in the judgment of the Superintendent or his
designee, which judgment shall be final and binding, bring about the need and request for
leave at a later date
, application shall be made in writing no later than ninety (90) days
prior to the requested commencement of such leave. Staff members on child-care leave
will not accrue any salary increment or personal absence days and the Board of Education
will not pay any premiums for health insurance or life insurance coverage.
B. A staff member planning to adopt a child shall notify the Superintendent or his
designee at least one month prior to the anticipated adoption except where the immediacy
of the situation demands a shorter period of notification. That person may request a leave
with pay not to exceed ten (10) days. If procedures associated with the adoption take
longer, the period may be extended with pay at the discretion of the Superintendent.
C. This provision may be varied if required by the
Family and Medical Leave Act
(FMLA), provided, however, that any greater benefits provided by the terms of this
Agreement shall in no way be diminished.
D. Non tenured teachers shall not be eligible for child care leaves except as provided
pursuant to the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA).
Article 32-Calendar
A. During the months of November and December of each year of this Agreement, the
tion and the Association shall meet to determine the school calendar for the
following year.
B. Effective with the 1998-99 school-year, three (3) days in addition to the regular school
calendar will be designated for all members of the bargaining unit for staff development
purposes. A joint committee of teachers appointed by the STA and administrators
appointed by the Superintendent shall meet to de
velop mutually the schedule and plan of
these days. A Conference Day for teachers will be included if mutually agreeable. Once
adopted by the Board, the calendar shall be disseminated to teachers.
C. Effective with the 2003-04 school year one additional instructional day will be added
within the regular school calendar.
D. Effective with the 2017-18 school year, one Superintendent’s Conference day pr
student attendance in the beginning of the year shall be removed from the calendar and
the conference day marked as an asterisk day on the calendar shall consist of two (2)
technology hours.
Article 33-Grievance Procedure
A. Purpose
- The purpose of this procedure is to secure, at the lowest possible adminis-
trative level and at the earliest possible stage, an orderly and equitable settlement of dif-
ferences which may, from time to time arise affecting the matters specified in paragraph
"B" below. The grievance procedures outlined herein are not to be used for changing the
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provisions of this Agreement nor the rules and regulations of the Board nor for establishing
new ones.
B. Definition of Grievance
1. A "grievance" is a claimed violation, misinterpretation, or inequitable a
pplication of (a) any express provision of the Agreement or of (b) any Board
Rule, Regulation or Policy pertaining to terms and conditions of employment.
2. An "aggrieved person" is the person or persons making the claim.
C. Basic Principles
1. A teacher shall have the right to present grievances in accordance with
these procedures, free from coercion, interference, restraint, discrimination, or
2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as limiting the right of an
individual teacher having a grievance to resolve the matter informally with
his or her immediate supervisor.
3. If he or she chooses, an aggrieved person may b
e represented at Stages One
(1) and Two (2) by from one to three professional staff members of his or her
choosing. At Stages Three (3) and Four (4) he or she may be represented by
any person or persons of his or her choosing. At Stage One (1) the Association
may participate only if requested to do so by the aggrieved party. However, at
Stages Two (2) through Four (4) the Association shall have the
right to be
present and to state its views through any of its officers and/or counsel whether
or not the aggrieved person requests such participation.
4. In disputes arising outside the jurisdiction of a building Principal an
aggrieved person may initiate a grievance proceeding directly at Stage Two (2).
5. If a grievance affects a group or class of teachers, and if the Association is
authorized in
writing to bring the grievance on behalf of teachers from at least
two different school buildings, the Association may submit such a grievance in
writing to the Superintendent directly and the processing of such grievance
will be commenced at Stage Two (2). In such a group or class grievance, the
Association shall have the same status as an aggrieved person. The written
grievance shall state the fac
ts on which it is based, the provisions of this
Agreement and/or the Board's Rules, Regulations, and Policies involved and
the relief sought and shall be signed by the President of the Association or his
6. Each aggrieved person shall have access at reasonable times to all written
material, relevant documents, and records concerning the alleged grievance that
would be subject to judicial sub
poena at the instance of the party requesting
7. All meetings at Stage One (1) shall be confidential. At Stages Two (2), Three
(3), and Four (4) all proceedings shall be confidential unless the Board, the
Association, and the aggrieved party agree that the proceedings shall be public.
8. The aggrieved person shall have the right to withdraw his or her grievance
and personal involvement at any po
int. The Association, however, may take up
and pursue such grievance as an Association grievance once the aggrieved
person has filed the grievance at Stage Two (2) or beyond.
D. Procedure - Time Limits
1. Since it is important that grievances be processed as rapidly as possible, the
number of days indicated at each stage should be considered as a maximum and
every effort should be made to expedite the process. The time limits specified
may, however, be extended by mutual agreement.
2. In the event a grievance is filed at such time that it cannot be processed
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through all the steps in this grievance procedure by the end of the school year,
the parties will make every effort to reduce the time limits set forth herein so
that the grievance procedure may be exhausted prior to the end of the school
year or as soon as practicable after the opening of the next school year.
3. A grievance will be deemed to have been waived unless presented within
sixty (60) school
days after the event or events on which the grievance is based
are known or should reasonably have been known by the aggrieved person,
except that the end of a school year shall toll such period of limitations until
the opening day of the next school year, and that the procedure created by this
contract, notwithstanding the expiration of the contract, shall remain in effect
with respect to any griev
ance arising during the term of this contract. Failure
at any step of this procedure to appeal the grievance to the next step within the
specified time limits shall be deemed to be acceptance of the decision rendered
at that step.
E. Procedure - Stages
1. Stage One (1)
a) A person who feels aggrieved may file a written grievance with his or
her Principal with a copy to the President of the Association on the
Notification of Grievance form which is available in all schools. (A
copy of this form is included as Exhibit D to this Agreement.) The written
grievance shall state the facts on which it is based, the provisions of this
Agreement and/or the B
oard Rules, Regulations, and Policies involved
and the relief sought and shall be signed and dated by the aggrieved party.
b) Within five (5) days after the presentation of the written grievance, the
Principal will meet with the aggrieved person in an effort to resolve the
grievance. The aggrieved person shall be present and may be represented
by from one to three professional staff members of his or
her choosing.
A decision shall be rendered on the grievance within five (5) school days
after such meeting.
2. Stage Two (2)
a) If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his or her
grievance at Stage One, or if a decision has not been rendered within five
(5) school days after the meeting at Stage One, he or she may file the
grievance in writing with the Superintendent, with a c
opy to the President
of the Association, within five (5) school days after the decision at Stage
One (1), or twenty (20) school days after the written grievance was
presented, whichever is sooner.
b) Within five (5) school days after receipt of the written grievance by the
Superintendent, he or she or their designee will meet with the aggrieved
person in an effort to resolve it. The Superintendent,
or his designee, will
render a decision on the grievance within ten (10) school days after he first
meets on the grievance.
3. Stage Three (3)
a) If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his or
her grievance at Stage Two, or if no decision has been rendered within ten
(10) school days after he or she has first met with the Superintendent, or
their designee, he or she may file
the grievance in writing with the
President of the Board with copies to the Superintendent and the President
of the Association within five (5) school days after a decision by the
Superintendent, or his designee, or twenty (20) school days after he or she
has first met with the Superintendent, or his designee, whichever is sooner.
b) Within ten (10) school days after receiving the written grievance,
least a legal quorum of the Board shall meet with the aggrieved person for
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the purpose of resolving it. The Board shall render its decision in writing
on the grievance within ten (10) school days after its first meeting with the
4. Stage Four (4)
a) If the aggrieved person is not satisfied with the disposition of his or her
grievance at Stage Three (3), or if no decision has been rendered within
ten (10) school days after he or she has first met with the Board, he or
may, within five (5) school days after a decision by the Board or twenty
(20) school days after he or she has first met with the Board, whichever is
sooner, file the grievance in writing with the President of the Association
with a copy to the Superintendent requesting the Association to submit his
or her grievance to arbitration. If the Association determines that the
grievance is meritorious and
that submitting it to arbitration is in the best
interests of the school system, it may submit the grievance to arbitration
within ten (10) school days after receipt of a request by the aggrieved
person by notifying the Board and the Superintendent in writing to that
effect. The notice shall include a statement of the issues to be decided by
the arbitrator, the provisions of the Agreement and/or Boa
rd Rules,
Regulations, and Policies involved and the relief sought.
b) Within ten (10) school days after such written notice of submission to
arbitration the Board and the Association (or the aggrieved person if he
or she initiates the arbitration) shall request the American Arbitration
Association to designate a panel of arbitrators experienced in public
employment relations with reference to scho
ols from which in accordance
with the rules then obtaining of the American Arbitration Association an
arbitrator will be selected or designated.
c) The arbitrator so selected will hold closed hearings promptly in the
Village of Scarsdale and will issue a written award not later than thirty
(30) days from the date of the close of the hearings or, if oral hearings
have been waived, then from the date th
e final statements and proofs are
submitted. The decision shall be in writing and shall set forth the
arbitrator's opinion and conclusions on the issues submitted. The
arbitrator shall limit his or her decision strictly to the interpretation or
application of the express provisions of this Agreement and/or the Rules,
Regulations, and the Policies of the Board submitted to him or her and
shall apply
such provisions to the specific facts of the grievance and he
or she shall be without power or authority to make any decisions:
1) contrary to, or inconsistent with or modifying or varying in any
way, the terms of this Agreement, or the Rules, Regulations, and
Policies of the Board, or any applicable law or Rules, Regulations,
or Policies having the force and effect of law;
2) involving Board discre
tion or Board Policy or Superintendent's
discretion, except that he or she may decide in a particular case
submitted to him or her under the provisions of this agreement that
the Board or the Superintendent, as the case may be, exercised its
or his or her discretion under a provision of this Agreement in so
discriminatory, arbitrary, or capricious a manner as to constitute an
abuse of discretion.
As to grievance pertaining to any express provision of this Agreement,
the decision of the arbitrator, if made in accordance with his or her
jurisdiction and authority under this Agreement, will be accepted as final
by the parties to the dispute and they will abide by it and judgment may
be entered thereon in a court of competent jurisdiction. As to grievances
pertaining to any Board Rules, Regulat
ions, and Policies pertaining to
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terms and conditions of employment, the decision of the arbitrator will be
advisory to the parties.
e) The costs for the services of the arbitrator, including expenses, if any,
will be borne equally by the Board and the Association (except as other-
wise provided in paragraph E.4 (a) above).
f) If both the Board and the Association agree, a Stage Four (4) grievance
may be arbitrated under the Expedite
d Arbitration Procedure of the
American Arbitration Association.
Article 34-Chaperoning
A. Teachers shall be reimbursed at regular District rates for mileage traveled in their own
car to and from their home on chaperoning assignments after regular school hours.
B. No teacher shall be required to chaperone more than one event per year.
C. Out of district chaperoning shall be voluntary.
D. Each year, eac
h secondary education teacher shall be assigned a chaperoning duty.
Depending on the nature of that duty, the duty may or may not be paid. Each year, the
building administrators in consultation with the Assistant Superintendent for Human
Resources and Leadership Development and the STA President (or their designee), shall
agree upon the list of assignments that will be compensated and those that wil
l not be
compensated. Teachers will be given the opportunity to request specific chaperoning
duties although there will be no guarantee of fulfilling such a request. The District will
make reasonable efforts to inform teachers early in the school year of any required
chaperoning assignment by October 1st.
E. Every third year, each elementary school teacher shall be assigned a chaperoning duty.
duties shall be paid. Teachers will be given the opportunity to request specific
chaperoning duties although there will be no guarantee of fulfilling such a request. The
District will make reasonable efforts to inform teachers early in the school year of any
required chaperoning assignment by October 1st.
F. The Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Leadership Development upon
on from the building Principal may authorize a payment of no less than
$100 or equal to the established chaperoning rate (as determined by the Establishment
of Rates at the beginning of that school year) for chaperoning school related events which
are undertaken in addition to a teachers normal assignment. The Assistant Superintendent
for Human Resources and Leadership Development in consultation wi
th the building
Principals and the STA President (or their designee) may elect to designate certain
chaperoning assignments as worth multiple instances of chaperoning.
G. Nurses may volunteer for paid chaperoning.
Article 35-Professional Performance Review
A. Introduction
- The performance of all professional personnel shall be reviewed
annually. A full review of each tenured teacher shall normally be prepared at least once
every three years. This review may take one of two forms, self-directed or supervision-
directed. A more limited review shall be completed each year in which a
full review is not prepared.
B. Criteria and Forms
- No later than September 15th each year all tenured teachers
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shall receive a statement of the criteria and copies of any forms to be used in the
professional performance review.
C. Professional Growth Options
(Self-directed) -The full review may be selected from
but not limited to those options listed below. These options shall be exercised when both
the teacher and the teachers Principal agree to do so.
Prior to October 1st of the year in which the Full Review is to be conducted, the teacher
shall submit a plan for his/her professional growth during that year to the Principal or
other supervisor designate
d by the Principal. The plan shall include a statement of goals
and objectives, a list of activities, a tentative timetable, and a method of assessment.
Professional Growth Options may be selected from the range of professional opportunities
available within the district (i.e.) Critical Friends, Action Research, Teacher Portfolios,
and Teacher-Supervisor Collaboration.
The supervisor may suggest ch
anges in the plan; once the plan is acceptable to both the
teacher and the supervisor, both shall sign it. During the year the teacher and the supervisor
shall meet when appropriate to discuss progress on the plan. On or before June 1st the
teacher shall submit to the supervisor a written report of what he or she did and what he
or she learned. The report should include a summary that can be publish
ed in a journal
for dissemination when permission is given by both the teacher and supervisor.
D. Performance Review
1. The teacher will receive a formal evaluation based in part on at least two
formal observations, conducted in accordance with paragraphs 3 and 4 of
Performance Review Program. Such observations must have been conducted
subsequent to the prior formal evaluation of the teacher. (This latter requirement,
however, shall not apply to the first formal evaluation of a teacher prepar
ed in
accordance with this Article.)
2. A tenured teacher shall be given 24 hours’ notice of a formal observation.
This observation should last at least 20 minutes to the extent permitted by law.
3. Within five (5) school days after the observation, the observer and the
teacher shall meet to discuss the observation and the observation report. The
teacher will sign the observation report to indicate only
that he or she has read
it. The report shall then be placed in the teacher’s file. The teacher may prepare
written comments on the report, which comments shall also be placed in the
teachers file.
4. The final evaluation report shall be given to the teacher and within ten (10)
school days thereafter the evaluator and the teacher shall meet to discuss it.
The teacher will sign the report to indicate o
nly that he or she has read it. The
report shall then be placed in the teachers file. The teacher may prepare written
comments on the report, which comments shall also be placed in the teachers
E. Limited Review
1. The limited review may be conducted by the teacher’s Principal, department
head, and/or other appropriate supervisor(s). Teachers shall be informed no
later than October 1st of each year which supervisor(s) shall participate in the
2. During the year the supervisor may visit the teachers class(es) and consult
with the teacher as the supervisor deems appropriate. In the event that the
rvisor writes an observation report to be filed, the teacher will sign the
report to indicate only that he or she has read it. The report shall then be placed
in the teachers file. The teacher may prepare written comments on the report,
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which comments shall also be placed in the teachers file. The teacher may
request a conference with the supervisor to discuss the report, in which case
the supervisor and the teacher shall conduct such a conference within the five
school days following the teachers request.
3. During the year the supervisor or the teacher may request a conference to
discuss the teachers professional performance t
o date. The supervisor shall
record the date and time of the conference, but no report need be written or
filed. The teacher may prepare written comments on the report, which
comments shall also be placed in the teachers file.
4. Prior to June 1st of each year the supervisor shall prepare and give to the
teacher a “Professional Performance Tenured Teacher/Limited Review” report
form. The teacher sh
all sign the report to indicate only that he or she has read
it. The report shall then be placed in the teacher’s file. The supervisor and the
teacher shall discuss the contents of the report and shall also discuss the
teachers professional performance goals for the following school year.
5. If the supervisor checks “Needs Improvement” in any category, the supervisor
shall explain in writing the nat
ure of the improvement needed and shall, within
ten school days, meet with the teacher to discuss the report. The teacher may
prepare written comments on the report, which comments shall also be placed
in the teachers file.
F. Informal Classroom Visits and Conferences
-Nothing in this Article shall be deemed
to prohibit conferences with the teacher or informal classroom visits which may be made
apart from formal observations. Any material to be placed in a teachers file as a result of
such conferences or informal visits shall be placed there in accordance with Article 26 of
this Agreement.
G. The parties understand and agree that the APPR required pursuant to Edu
cation Law
Section 3012(d) shall be completed and submitted with all appropriate signatures prior
to July 1, 2016, in a form acceptable to the State Education Department. Should any
provisions of Article 35 not correspond to the terms of the newly agreed upon APPR, it
is understood that the APPR shall take precedence over the Contract language.
H. Prior to the start of the 2020-21 school year, mem
bers of the STA and Administration
shall establish an ongoing committee to define and guide the process for annual goal
setting done by teachers. This process will emphasize the alignment of individual goals
with department, school, and District goals, and encourage individuals to share goals
with colleagues. As part of the goal-setting process, members will identify professional
learning and collabo
rative planning activities designed to aid in the achievement of the
annual goal(s). Such activities shall consist of at least five hours devoted to goal work
outside of the school day drawn from a range of self-selected activities, including options
scheduled on the third or fourth Monday of the month. During the full review year, this
goal-setting process may be satisfied by the completion of the se
lf-directed option outlined
in section C of this article. Activities for which a stipend is paid or salary credit is
received shall not count toward the five-hour requirement.
Article 36-Professional Standards
The Professional Performance Review Program (Article 35) is the standard method of
professional review, however, when a teacher needs additional support the following
program shall be followed:
A. Results of an Unsatisfactory Evaluation
1. If, as a result of conducting the annual or tri-annual review, a tenured teacher
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receives an unsatisfactory evaluation, the Principal/Department Chairperson
will provide the teacher concerned with a written assessment clearly stating
the reasons for judging the performance to be below expected standards; will
continue administrative visitation and assessment (all provisions of Article 35,
Supervisor Directed Performance Review, shall continue); may recommend to
the Professional Pe
rformance Committee that a peer reviewer/mentor be
appointed to work with the teacher for a maximum of one year, and periodically
report results to the Principal/department chairperson.
2. At the end of the prescribed time period, the Principal in consultation with
the peer reviewer/mentor will judge that the staff member concerned has
responded and is performing at expected levels and that the proce
ss has been
B. Results of Continued Unsatisfactory Evaluation
1. For any tenured teacher whose teaching remains “unsatisfactory” during the
course of a second year, that teachers supervisor will work with the individual
during that year to continue to define and address the specific concerns. If a
teacher has continued “unsatisfactory” performance in a second or subsequent
year, the Principal may direct the teacher concerned to proceed with one or
more of the f
ollowing options:
● Continuation of the peer review/mentor program;
Accept a different assignment (invoke the involuntary transfer policy);
● Enroll in appropriate university or STI courses that address his/her
particular professional needs (Article 10J-Salary Study Credits will
not apply.)
● Supervisory Referral to the Employee Assistance Program.
2.a) After completion of a second year where t
he tenured teachers performance
continues to be “unsatisfactory” the District may freeze the teachers salary at
the same annual rate that applied during the second year of unsatisfactory
performance. The teacher’s salary will thereafter remain frozen until such time
as the teacher receives a “satisfactory” rating on the overall evaluation at the
end of a future year or is terminated.
b) Should a tea
cher receive an overall satisfactory evaluation, the teachers
salary will be placed on the salary step that the teacher would have occupied
if his or her progress had not been frozen. Further, the teacher will receive the
difference between the frozen salary received during the year(s) of the freeze.
This amount will be paid to the teacher no later than November 1st of the
school year following the
overall year-end satisfactory evaluation.
c) No more than five (5) teachers may have their salaries frozen as a result of
“unsatisfactory” performance in any school year.
d) The terms of Article 36 apply to all members of the bargaining unit.
C. This program does not eliminate any evaluator’s authority to review the performance
of a teacher at any time. Further, this program in no way limits the Distri
ct’s right and
authority to commence disciplinary procedures against any teacher at any time.
D. The end of year evaluation form for tenured teachers must be signed by the building
Principal, and the department chair, except that at the elementary level, the second
signature shall be of the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Leadership
E. This review process may only be impl
emented beginning with the annual review for
the 2001-02 school year.
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F. National Board Certification - A one-time stipend of $3,500 will be awarded to a
teacher who, while employed by the district, becomes certified by the National Board.
Article 37-Voluntary Reassignment and Involuntary Transfer
A. Teachers who desire a change in grade and/or subject assignment, or who desire to
transfer to another building, may inquire at any time of the Superintendent or such person
as he may designate to ascertain
the possibility of such a vacancy in the following year,
and may file a written statement of such desire with the Superintendent or such designee,
ordinarily no later than February 1st. Such a statement shall include the grade and/or
subject to which the teacher desires to be assigned and the school or schools to which he
or she desires to be transferred, in order of preference. Whenever the Superi
ntendent or
his designee knows of a vacancy, he will notify the teacher who has filed a statement of
interest in that position as promptly as possible. In the event that an opening occurs
during a school holiday or recess, the Superintendent shall make the vacancy immediately
known to all staff by means of district-wide e-mail. The teacher desiring a position
change shall receive an interview for an
y such position if he or she so requests.
B. Involuntary transfers shall be made in accordance with Board Rules and Regulations
#9260 (as adopted November, 1994). In addition the following shall apply: Involuntary
transfers for tenured teachers from building to building shall not occur more than once
every two years.
C. Teachers moving from one building to another shall receive $500 so that these teac
can attend summer workshops, graduate or STI courses, and/or work independently
developing curriculum for their new assignments.
Article 38-Parent-Teacher Conferences
A. Each elementary and middle school special education teacher shall have up to two (2)
days of release time for the purpose of preparing and conducting IEP conferences during
the school year.
B. During each of the years of this Agre
ement, released time shall be provided to teachers
for the purpose of parent-teacher conferences according to the following schedule:
Fall K-5 Teachers 3 half days
Spring K-2 Teachers 3 half days
Article 39-Notification of Assignment
The Board agrees to provide tentative school and grade assignments to elementary teachers
by May 15th of each year for the following school year. The Board agrees to provi
tentative school, grade, and course assignments to secondary teachers by June 1st of each
year for the following school year.
Article 40-Lunch Period and Lunch Period Supervision
A. Elementary Schools
1. The lunch period for elementary school teachers shall be sixty (60) minutes
in good weather and fifty-five (55) minutes in bad weather. The determination
as to "good" or "bad" weather will be made b
y each building Principal for his
or her school.
2. There shall be a volunteer teacher-in-charge of the lunch program in each
elementary school who shall be paid a salary differential as set forth in Article 16
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of this Agreement. Under the leadership of the Principal, the teacher-in-charge
shall plan an appropriate program of activities, supervise the lunch aides, help to
enforce discipline and be present throughout the lunch period to assist in
supervising children. The teacher-in-charge shall have a duty-free lunch period of
at least thirty (30) minutes immediately preceding or following the lunch hour.
3. The Board shall assign aides to supervise children during each lunch period.
B. Middle School
1. The Board agrees to assign one cafeteria aide per Middle School House per
day throughout the lunch period in order to relieve one teacher per House per
day of lunch supervision.
2. There shall be a volunteer teacher-in-charge of the lunch program in each
House who shall be paid a salary differential as
set forth in Article 16. Under
the leadership of the Principal the teacher-in-charge of the lunch program shall
plan an appropriate program of activities, supervise the lunch aides, help to
enforce discipline and be present throughout the lunch period to assist in
supervising children.
3. In the event that no teacher volunteers for the full teacher-in-charge
assignment in a given House two teacher
s-in-charge may be appointed; the
two shall share equally in the duties of the assignment and shall share equally
in the salary differential.
Article 41-Elementary School Preparation Periods
All teachers in grades kindergarten through five shall be guaranteed a thirty (30) minute
preparation period per day. All lunchtime meetings shall be voluntary.
Article 42-Mentor Teacher Program
A. Teachers who serv
e as first year mentors and are eligible for salary credit up to the
MA+75 class shall receive three in-service credits for such service.
B. Teachers who serve as mentors and are at MA+75 or above shall receive a stipend of
$1,750 instead of in-service credits. Nurses who serve as first year mentors shall receive
a stipend of $1,250.
Article 43-School Nurses
The following terms and conditions of empl
oyment shall apply only to school nurses
employed by the District.
A. Life Insurance
The Board shall provide a life insurance policy in an amount equivalent to twice the
nurse’s annual salary with a minimum amount of $40,000 and a maximum of $250,000
per school nurse for all school nurses employed on a one-half time or greater basis.
B. Retirement Plan
1. School nurses employed prior to July 1, 1976 s
hall participate in the Scars-
dale Retirement Plan under the New York State Employees Retirement System,
which plan consists of the following options:
a. Section 75i 25 Year Career Plan
b. Section 41j Unused Sick Leave
c. Section 60b Death Benefits
2. School nurses employed after that date shall participate in the Co-ESC plan.
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C. Part-time School Nurses
1. Salaries for part-time school nurses shall be prorated under the salary schedule
for full-time school nurses.
2. Part-time school nurses employed .5 or more a week shall receive health and
life insurance benefits.
D. Summer Nurse Service
1. Nurses shall receive two (2) workdays prior to the opening of school for the
purpose of completing State mandated record keeping. T
hese days shall be
paid at the daily rate of the contract year in which the nurse is working.
2. When and if the District requests that a nurse work more than two (2) days
during July and August, or before the official start of school, the nurse will be
paid at a daily rate of the contract year in which she is working.
E. Calendar/Work Year for School Nurse
The work year and calendar for school nurses
shall be the same as that for teachers.
F. Professional Development Program
The Board shall provide a total of up to twenty-seven (27) days for the unit for the pur-
poses of professional development for members of the unit. The utilization of any of
these days is at the sole discretion of the Superintendent or his designee and requires
prior written approval. The purposes for which professional dev
elopment time may be
used may not include work related to the Association or any of its affiliates.
The Board may approve up to two (2) courses of continuing education per year for pay-
ment of a stipend in the amount of $300 per course to participating nurses. Also, the
Board may approve up to an additional two (2) courses of continuing education per year
(not to exceed four (4) in total) with such a
dditional two (2) courses to be from a list to be
compiled by the District and the Association. Such a list shall be made up of offerings
that are directed at the needs of the District.
G. Duties
The Association shall be consulted regarding the organization and/or implementation of
all new State-mandated health services. The Association will by September 15th of each
school year inform the Superintenden
t or his designee of the name and building location
of the Association representative to be contacted regarding the aforesaid consultation.
H. Salary Schedule and Longevity
1. The nurses’ salary schedule for the period September 1, 2021 through
August 31, 2022 shall be generated by increasing all steps on the nurses’ salary
schedule for September 1, 2020 by 1.700%. The nurses’ salary schedule for th
period September 1, 2022 through August 31, 2023 shall be generated by in-
creasing all steps on the nurses’ salary schedule for September 1, 2021 by the
same percentage as that applied to the teachers’ salary schedule for the 2022-23
school year. The nurses’ salary schedule for the period September 1, 2023
through August 31, 2024 shall be generated by increasing all steps on the
nurses’ salary schedu
le for September 1, 2022 by the same percentage as that
applied to the teachers’ salary schedule for the 2023-24 school year. A new Step
11 shall be added effective September 1, 2022 that is 1.500% higher than Step
10, and a new Step 12 shall be added effective September 1, 2023 that is
1.500% higher than the new Step 11. The District will publish a copy of the
salary schedule for the 2022 - 2023 and 2
023 - 2024 school years no later than
April 1st of 2022 and 2023, respectively.
2. School nurses who were employed in the District in 2013-14 who returned to
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the District in 2014-15 and continue to be employed in the District shall receive
an off-schedule recurring salary payment of $1,750 effective with the 2016-17
school year. This amount shall be pro-rated for part-time staff.
Salary Schedule for 2021 - 2022
Step Registered Nurse with B.S.Nurse Registered Nurse without B.S.
9/1/21-8/31/22 9/1/21-8/31/22
1 $63,061 $61,782
2 $65,722 $64,444
3 $68,491 $67,101
4 $71,997 $69,858
5 $73,690 $72,407
6 $76,337 $75,063
7 $78,935 $77,652
8 $81,920 $80,317
9 $83,559 $81,923
10 $85,230 $83,561
The following Career Increment schedule shall apply to nurses on the top step of the
salary schedule who have completed the appropriate number of years of service in the
Scarsdale School District as of June 30, 2013.
the Completion of Year Stipend
11 $800
16 $1,600
21 $2,400
26 $3,200
Commencing September 1, 2014 the following longevity shall apply to Registered Nurses
who were on Steps 1 through 8 of the salary schedule as of June 30, 2014: $800 (prorated
for part-time nurses)
Director of Nurses A Director of Nurses shall be appointed annually by the Board with
a differential as per Article 16. No nurse shall hold the position for more than four yea
I. Master’s Degree Stipend
Effective September 1, 2014 an annual stipend of $1500 shall be paid to those nurses who
are members of the bargaining unit and who have obtained a Master’s Degree.
J. Lunch Period
Each nurse shall be provided a lunch period of 30 minutes during which he or she shall
be on call. Such a lunch period shall be a paid lunch period. The amount paid for the
lunch period will be
separate and apart from the salaries listed above and will be reflected
on each nurse’s Salary & Benefit sheet.
K. Articles That Do Not Apply
The following articles in this Agreement do not apply to the school nurses: 9, 11, 13, 17,
19, 35, 37, 39, and 40.
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Article 44-Occupational and Physical Therapists
The following terms and conditions of employment shall apply only to occupational and
physical therapists employed by the District.
A. Life Insurance
The Board shall provide a life insurance policy in the minimum amount of $40,000 and a
maximum of $250,000 per occupational and physical therapist for all occupational and
physical therapists employed twenty
-one hours a week or more.
B. Retirement Plan
Occupational and physical therapists shall participate in the CO-ESC plan.
C. Part-time Occupational and Physical Therapists
1. Salaries for part-time occupational therapists shall be prorated.
2. Part-time occupational therapists employed .5 or more a week shall receive
health and life insurance benefits.
D. Summer Occupational and Physical Therapist Serv
When and if the District requests an occupational therapist to work during July and
August, or before the official start of school, the occupational therapist will be paid at a
daily rate of the contract year in which he/she is working. The occupational therapist and
physical therapist may decline to work during the aforesaid times.
E. Calendar/Work Year for Occupational and Physical Therapist
work year and calendar for occupational and physical therapists shall be the same as
that for teachers.
F. Salary
1. The base salary of the Occupational Therapist shall be increased by 1.700%
effective September 1, 2021. The base salary of the Occupational Therapist
shall be increased effective September 1 of 2022 and 2023, respectively, by
the same percentage as that applied to the teachers’ salary s
chedule in each
corresponding year of the Agreement.
2. Occupational therapists who were employed in the District in 2013-14 who
returned to the District in 2014-15 and continue to be employed in the District
shall receive an off-schedule recurring salary payment of $1,750 effective with
the 2016-17 school year. This amount shall be pro-rated for part-time staff.
G. Lunch Period
Occupational and physica
l therapists shall be provided with a duty-free period of thirty
H. Professional Development
The Board may approve up to two (2) courses of continuing education per year for pay-
ment of a stipend in the amount of $300 per course to participating occupational and
physical therapists. Also, the Board may approve up to an additional two (2) courses of
continuing education per year (not to exceed
four (4) in total) with such additional two
(2) courses to be from a list to be compiled by the District and the Association. Such list
shall be made up of offerings that are directed at the needs of the District.
I. Articles That Do Not Apply
The following articles in this Agreement do not apply to occupational therapists: 8, 10,
11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 25, 34, 35, 37, 39, 40, 41 and 43.
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Article 45-Notification of Retirement
Teachers who submit notice of their planned retirement to the Assistant Superintendent
for Human Resources and Leadership Development before January 15th of the school
year in which they intend to retire shall receive a one-time payment of $10,000.
Article 46-Headings
The headings contained herein are for descriptive purposes only. They do not affect the
of this Agreement and are not to be considered in construing it.
Article 47-Contract Implementation
Should any provision of this contract be held to be contrary to law, or result in any con-
flict in interpretation, such holding or event shall have no effect upon the remainder of
this contract.
Article 49-Duration of Agreement
The provisions of this agreement shall become effective July 1, 2021, unless otherwise
stated herein and shall remain in full force through June 30, 2024.
ures of Contract Executors
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have duly executed this instrument this 18th day of
October, 2021.
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Scarsdale Teachers’ Salary Schedule- 2021-22 (1.7% increase)
Step BA MA MA+15 MA+30 MA+60 MA+75 PHD
1 $63,748 $71,306 $75,085 $78,864 $86,423 $90,202 $93,981
2 $68,156 $75,715 $79,494 $83,273 $90,831 $94,610 $98,390
3 $70,361 $77,919 $81,699 $85,478 $93,036 $96,815 $100,594
4 $72,566 $80,124 $83,903 $87,682 $95,240 $99,019 $102,798
5 $77,604 $85,163 $88,942 $92,721 $100,279 $104,058 $107,838
6 $82,643 $90,202 $93,981 $97,760 $105,317 $109,097 $112,876
7 $87,682 $95,240 $99,019 $102,798 $110,357 $114,136 $117,915
8 $89,887 $97,444 $101,223 $105,002 $112,562 $116,340 $120,120
9 $92,091 $99,650 $103,428 $107,207 $114,765 $118,545 $122,324
10 $96,500 $104,058 $107,838 $111,617 $119,174 $122,953 $126,732
11 $100,909 $108,467 $112,246 $116,025 $123,584 $127,363 $131,142
12 $104,688 $112,876 $116,655 $120,434 $127,993 $131,772 $135,551
13 $108,467 $117,286 $121,064 $124,843 $132,401 $136,180 $139,960
14 $110,357 $119,489 $123,269 $127,048 $134,606 $138,384 $142,164
15 $112,246 $121,694 $125,473 $129,253 $136,810 $140,589 $144,368
16 $116,025 $126,103 $129,882 $133,661 $141,220 $144,999 $148,778
17 $130,512 $134,291 $138,070 $145,628 $149,407 $153,187
18 $132,716 $136,496 $140,275 $147,832 $151,612 $155,390
19 $134,921 $138,699 $142,479 $150,037 $153,816 $157,595
Salary Range Adjustment Model
The Agreement for salary adjustment for the 2022 - 2023 and 2023 - 2024 school year is
based upon a model that combines two economic drivers, the annual unadjusted All Items
Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (CPI-U), used to calculate the annual tax
cap levy limit, and the change in the contribution rate to the Teachers Retirement System
(TRS) that is
determined annually by NYSTRS. The following model determines the ad-
justment factor, if any, to a 1.500% increase in a teachers salary in those years of the
contract. The adjustment factor is calculated using the tables below. First, the value of the
CPI-U is applied to determine a number of credits towards change (Step 1). Next, the
change in the TRS percentage, calculated by subtracting the subs
equent years TRS Em-
ployer Contribution Rate (ECR) from the current years ECR, is considered to determine
an additional number of credits (Step 2). These two credit factors are then added together
(Step 3). Depending on the total sum of credits, the adjustment factor can be found on the
table under Step 4, which is then added to, or subtracted from the middle 1.500% set
point. This salary adjustment
is then applied to the prior years Salary schedule.
The District will publish a copy of the salary schedule for the 2022 - 2023 and 2023 -
2024 school years no later than April 1st of 2022 and 2023, respectively.
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STA Salary Range Adjustment Model for 2022-23 and 2023-24
Step 1: Determine the CPI Range Credit Step 2: Determine the TRS Range Credit
CPI Credits % TRS Change Credits
2 and above 4 1.0 and up -4
1.75-1.999 3 0.75-0.999 -3
1.5-1.749 2 0.5-0.749 -2
1.25-1.499 1 0.25-0.499 -1
1.0-1.249 0 0-0.249 0
0.75-0.999 -1 (-0.001)-(-0.249) 1
0.5-0.749 -2 (-0.25)-(-0.499) 2
0.25-0.0499 -3 (-0.5)-(-0.749) 3
0-0.249 -4 -0.75 and below 4
Step 3: Add calculated CPI credits + TRS credits
Step 4: Determine the % salary adjustment from center
Total Credits % Salary Adj.
>=2 0.25
1 0.125
-1 -0.125
<=-2 -0.25
Step 5: Apply % increase to prior year salary schedule
Placement of Teachers and Allowance for Salary Credit
Placement of Teachers & Allowance for Salary Credit-Placement of New Teachers
on This Schedule
Teachers first employed may be
granted, at the discretion of the Superintendent, up to
full credit for all claimed and validated prior experience and training. Such teachers
shall receive the salary indicated at the step commensurate with their granted training and
teaching experience.
Allowance for Salary Credit
A. Salary credit payment in each of the years of this Agreement is established for
approved graduate study credit up to twenty-nine (29) points after the B.A. or M.A.
degree at the rate of 1/30th of the difference between the Step 1 salaries at Class I and
Class II of the teacher salary schedule for the year of this Agreement. Salary credit
payments shall apply only to graduate credits earned afte
r the B.A. or the M.A. degree
was awarded and only upon certification of the credits by the official university transcript
from a regionally accredited institution of higher education or from Board of Education
approved local in-service credit courses and upon the recommendation of the
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Superintendent. Salary credit payments may also be awarded for other in-service
education experiences upon the recommendation of the Superintendent and the approval
of the Board, provided, however, a denial of payment for such experience is not subject
to the grievance procedure. Salary credits will also be awarded to teachers fulfilling
course requirements for certification by means of proficiency
examinations sponsored by
the University of the State of New York and/or the State Education Department, and for
graduate credits completed at a foreign institution of higher education which has been
favorably evaluated by the Credentials Evaluation Service in Los Angeles or by a
comparable evaluation service.
B. Salary adjustments for certified graduate study credit are made by September 1st
for s
tudy completed during the previous twelve months by application and approval
procedures through the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and Leadership
Development. Teachers who apply for admission to a new salary class (Classes II, III, IV,
V, VI, VII) on or before November 15th and whose application is approved will receive
salary credit for the new class retroactively to September 1st and
teachers who apply
for admission to a new salary class on or before April 15th and whose application is
approved will receive salary credit for the new class retroactively to February 1st. Salary
class adjustments will be made within three pay periods of receipt and subsequent
approval of the application and all necessary supporting documents.
C. No graduate study will be awarded salary credit in
Class I (B.A.) after the 29th point.
Effective September 1, 2015 payment for study credits will be awarded on Class II upon
the completion of fifteen (15) credits.
D. No graduate study salary credits will be awarded between Class IV (M.A.+30) and
Class V (M.A.+60) or between Class V (M.A.+60) and Class VI (M.A.+75) or between
Class VI (M.A.+75) and Class VII (Ph.D. or Ed.D.).
E. The maximum salary lis
ted for any preparation class may not be exceeded except that
salary credits for approved graduate study may be added to the maximum salary listed
for Classes I and II up to a maximum of 29 credits at the established rate.
F. For purposes of determining salary credit payment, the LL.B. or J.D. shall be held
equivalent to the M.A.+60 (Class V).
G. In unusual circumstances, teachers may apply for sala
ry credit for undergraduate
courses. Teachers shall apply in writing to the Superintendent or his or her designee prior
to registering for the course. The Superintendent may authorize credit for such courses
within his or her sole discretion.
Placement in Class V (M.A.+60)
Teachers completing sixty (60) approved graduate study credits after completion of the
M.A. Degree will be assigned to Class V up
on filing an official university transcript of
graduate study credits with the Assistant Superintendent for Human Resources and
Leadership Development and upon the approval of the Board based upon the
recommendation of the Superintendent, provided that such graduate study is directly
related to the field in which the teacher is to give instruction or is of substantial and
pertinent value to the tea
cher in his work in the district.
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Teachers’ Career Increment
Career Increment
The following career increment schedule shall apply to teachers who have completed the
appropriate number of years of service in the Scarsdale School District as of June 30th of
the previous year:
Completed Years of Service Stipend
in Scarsdale
16 $1,000
22 $2,500
25 $4,000
30 $5,000
For teachers who began active service in the District prior to July 1, 2016, this career in-
crement shall commence upon completi
on of the 16th year of service in Scarsdale regard-
less of step. For teachers who began active service in the District after July 1, 2016, the
career increment will begin upon completion of one year on top step of the salary sched-
ule and completion of at least 16 years of service to the District.
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Grievant’s Copy
Scarsdale, New York
Notification of Grievance
Stage One
Name of Grievant______________________________________________
School Address________________________________________________
Building Principal______________________________________________
Statement of Grievance:
Facts on Which Based:
Provisions of Agreement and/or Board of Education Rules, Regulation
s, or Policies:
Relief Sought:
Signature of Grievant
(Use additional sheets if necessary)
Exhibit E
Stipend for Continuing Study through Graduate Course Credit
Stipend for Continuing Study through Graduate Course Credit
A teacher who is at MA+75 shall receive a stipend of $300 for each graduate credit from
an accredited institution earned p
ast the MA+75 upon meeting the application and
approval procedures referenced in Exhibit B.
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