Dr. Mark Turner
aduate Director
September 16, 2014
evious version by San-Mou Jeng, August 2012
PARTMENT CHAIR, ASE&EM (513) 556-3366
AN, CEAS (513) 556-4450
& RESEARCH, CEAS (513) 556-2933
665 BALDWIN HALL (513) 556-0635
745 BALDWIN HALL (513) 556-3712
O. Box 210070
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Office Telephone Number:
Voice: (5
13) 556-3548
Fax: (513) 556-5038
PREFACE ...................................................................................................................................................1
A. The Graduate School........................................................................................................................1
B. Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics...............................................1
1. Graduate Program Chair ....................................................................................................1
2. School Graduate Committee..............................................................................................1
3. Graduate Program Coordinator.......................................................................................... 2
4. School Graduate Secretary.................................................................................................2
5. School
Business Officer.....................................................................................................2
A. Application.......................................................................................................................................3
1. Process ...............................................................................................................................3
2. Requirements ..................................................................................................................... 3
3. Types of Admission...........................................................................................................3
4. Admissions and Financial Aid Decisions ..........................................................................4
B. Pre-Re
gistration Procedures and Requirements...............................................................................7
1. Supplementary Information Form......................................................................................7
2. Transfer of Credits .............................................................................................................7
II. REGISTRATION ...........................................................................................................................................9
A. Registration Procedures....................................................................................................................9
B. Registration Change Procedure (Drop/Add) ....................................................................................9
C. Audit Regulations.............................................................................................................................9
D. Pass/Fail ...........................................................................................................................................10
E. Withdrawals .....................................................................................................................................10
1. Academic Consideration....................................................................................................10
2. Leave of Absence...............................................................................................................10
III. GRADUATE CREDITS AND GRADING PRACTICES.............................................................................11
A. Full-tim
e and Part-time Course Load............................................................................................... 11
B. Graduate Assistants and University Graduate Scholarship Recipients............................................11
C. Graduate Credit in 6000
and Above 6000 Level Courses................................................................11
D. Grading Practices .............................................................................................................................11
IV. MASTER'S DEGREE PROGRAMS .............................................................................................................12
A. Types of Mas
ter's Degrees Programs ...............................................................................................12
B. Program Requirements .....................................................................................................................
1. M.S. in Ae
rospace Engineering ......................................................................................... 12
2. M.S. in En
gineering Mechanics.........................................................................................13
Notes for Both M.
S. Programs........................................................................................... 13
4. M.Eng. in Aero
space Engineering.....................................................................................15
C. Minimum Academic Performance ...................................................................................................15
D. Candidacy.........................................................................................................................................16
E. Time Limitations ..............................................................................................................................16
F. Research Projects, Thesis and Examinations ................................................................................... 16
1. Research Projects...............................................................................................................16
2. Thesis Preparation and Submission ...................................................................................16
3. Thesis Defense................................................................................................................... 16
G. Final Ev
aluation ...............................................................................................................................17
H. Graduation........................................................................................................................................17
V. DOCTORAL DEGREE PROGRAM .............................................................................................................18
A. Course of Study................................................................................................................................18
B. Credit Hours Requirements..............................................................................................................18
C. Minimum Academic Performance ...................................................................................................19
D. Residency .........................................................................................................................................19
E. Ph.D. Qualifying Examination .........................................................................................................19
1. Time Requirements............................................................................................................20
2. Petition Requirements........................................................................................................20
3. Special Req
uirement for Foreign Students ........................................................................20
4. The Ph.D. Qualifying Examination ...................................................................................21
F. Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal .............................................................................................................22
1. Time Requirements............................................................................................................23
2. Petition Requirements........................................................................................................23
3. The Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal........................................................................................23
G. Candidacy and Time Limitations .....................................................................................................24
H. Dissertation....................................................................................................................................... 24
1. Dissertation Advisor and Committee.................................................................................24
2. Final Defense of Dissertation.............................................................................................25
3. Publication of Dissertation.................................................................................................25
I. Graduation........................................................................................................................................25
VI. SPECIAL RULES AND PROVISIONS ........................................................................................................ 26
A. Nondiscriminati
on Policy................................................................................................................. 26
B. Right to Review Records..................................................................................................................26
C. Grievance Procedure ........................................................................................................................26
D. Academic Dishone
E. Implementation of Provisions of this Handbook..............................................................................26
APPENDICES.......................................................................................... ................................
A. Course Requirements for Non-En
gineering B.S. Students ..............................................................28
All graduate students in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
(ASE&EM) should familiarize themselves with the contents of this document. It is recommended
that graduate students retain the handbook for their personal use throughout their degree program.
All students are expected to be thoroughly aware of, and conform to, all the requirements and
regulations of ASE&EM and UC.
A. The Graduate School
The Graduate School of the University of Cincinnati administers policies pertaining to
supervision, rules and regulations of graduate education, maintains graduate student records,
provides central administrative services to the graduate programs, assigns and monitors allocations
of university graduate scholarship and assistantship funding, and supports the academic mission of
the individual graduate programs, including those of the Department of Aerospace Engineering
and Engineering Mechanics. It is the role of the Graduate Faculty to determine educational
policy of the Graduate School, regulate admission of students, candidacy and awarding of
graduate degrees. The Graduate Faculty has sole power in establishing requirements, but leaves to
each individual department/school the right to determine specific courses of study, precise
manners of instruction and individual methods for evaluating the results of examinations. The
rules and regulations of the Graduate School are delineated in the University of Cincinnati
Graduate School Graduate Handbook
). This manual may be consulted
r general regulations. The Graduate Handbook of the Department of Aerospace
Engineering and Engineering Mechanics contains the entire policies specific to the Schools
graduate programs and is in compliance with the rules and policies of the Graduate School.
B. The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
The administrative organization of the Graduate Program in the Department of Aerospace
Engineering and Engineering Mechanics consists of the following:
1. Graduate Program Chair
The Graduate Program Chair (GPC) is appointed by the Department Chair. The GPC oversees
the smooth operation of the Graduate Program and serves as liaison between the School and the
College Graduate Office. He/she serves as Chairperson of the School Graduate Committee (SGC).
The GPC convenes meetings of the SGC. The Graduate Program Chair is charged with keeping
accurate and timely graduate records for the School, implementing graduate policy, appointing
temporary advisors to students who have not yet chosen a permanent advisor, and certifying
students for graduation.
The GPC administers the recru
iting and admission efforts of the School. He/she coordinates the
preparation and dissemination of recruiting literature, the correspondence with prospective
graduate students, and the processing of all graduate applications.
2. School Graduate Committee
The School Graduate Committee consists of three school faculty representing each of the three
technical areas in the School: Dynamics & Controls, Fluid Dynamics & Propulsion Systems, and
Solids & Structural Mechanics. Each Committee member is appointed by the School Director in
consultation with the area faculty and the CGS.
The GPC is the chairperson of the SGC and does not represent his own area. In addition the
President of the School Graduate Student Association acts as a non-voting student representative
to the SGC.
The GPC calls regular meetings of the SGC (at least one per semester) to review graduate student
progress and discuss other issues as they arise including requests from any faculty member or
graduate student. The SGC deliberates on any issue concerning the Graduate Program, interprets
graduate policy and proposes new policy from time to time. The SGC serves as a School
Grievance Committee for any and all issues pertaining to the Graduate Program. The SGC also
coordinates each Ph.D. qualifying exam. The SGC makes admission and financial assistance
A quorum for a SGC meeting consists of at least 3 of the voting members. All issues are decided
a simple majority vote of the members present. Any faculty member, graduate student or staff
member may request that an item be placed on the SGC meeting agenda or may submit a petition
by sending a written request to the GPC. When the issue comes before the SGC, whoever made
the request may be asked to appear at the meeting.
3. Graduate Program Coordinator
The ASE&EM Graduate Coordinator (GC) handles the day-to-day operations on behalf of the CEAS
Graduate Studies Office. The primary activities of the GC are:
Typing all correspondence related
to School graduate affairs
Processing all graduate applications for review
Maintaining graduate database and files
Interacting with School faculty, sta
ff and students and College and University offices
(Graduate School, Registrar, Personnel, International Services, etc.) to resolve student
and operational problems
Interacting with the Manager of Technical Education Progr
ams of General Electric
Aviation and the Director for Education of the Ohio Aerospace Institute on matters
related to their special programs
Handling the graduation process for graduate students
Handling long-di
stance (voice, FAX, mail and e-mail) communication with prospective
graduate students
Providing statistics concerning graduate students and applicants
4. School Graduate Secretary
Assisting with the preparation of the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam
Assisting with Teach
ing Assistantship (TA) assignments and bi-annual reviews, graduate student
annual reviews, etc.
Assisting with preparation of recruiting materials, and School graduate brochures and handbooks
School Business Officer
Handling Personnel Action Forms (PAF) and other paperwork for graduate assistants
A. Application
1. Process
Application should be made directly to the Graduate School using the on-line system
Applicants should ensure that all application materials are
received well in advance of their proposed starting date.
Students are usually admitted for the Fall Semester of any academic year. However, applications
e processed on a continuous basis and in exceptional circumstances admission for another
semester may be granted.
In order to enhance their chances at securing financial aid (stipend and/or tuition remission),
plicants interested in such aid should apply prior to February 1.
2. Requirements
Admission to the Graduate Program requires a baccalaureate degree (or its equivalent) in
engineering, physics, mathematics or some other related area. Those having non-engineering
degrees should take core courses in engineering early in their graduate studies. Applicants are
expected to have a minimum undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 (out of 4.0). A
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score must be submitted with the application. Flexibility in
the admissions criteria will be maintained, and students will be treated individually. In
exceptional cases, a student lacking the minimal requirement may be granted admission, on a
provisional basis.
3. Types of Admission
a. Full Graduate Standing
Students meeting the minimum criteria for admissi
on are admitted with full graduate standing.
These students are eligible for financial aid, if available, and are entitled to all rights and privileges
(as well as subject to all regulations) as any other graduate student in good standing.
b. Provisional Admission
Students may be admitted to the Graduate Program under special circumstances or with
provisional status. This may include such conditions as probation or satisfactory elimination of
deficiencies. It should be emphasized that these contingencies will be made on a case-by-case
basis, that they will last for a stated period of time (usually one academic year), and will be
specified in the admission letter. Students may attain full graduate standing when the conditions
responsible for their provisional status are corrected, subject to approval of the SGC.
c. Joint Advisors and Interdisciplinary Programs
If a graduate student enrolled in the Sch
ool wishes (1) to have a joint advisor in another school, or
(2) to carry out his/her thesis/d
issertation research in a laboratory outside the School or (3) to
pursue an Interdisciplinary Graduate Program involving the Department of Aerospace Engineering
and Engineering Mechanics, such arrangements will require advanced approval of the SGC. In all
cases, active participation by one or more faculty of the Department of Aerospace Engineering and
Engineering Mechanics will be necessary.
d. Part-tim
e Study
Students may apply for admission for part-tim
e study. Such students will be eligible to receive a
degree from the School. Domestic part-time students must register for one graduate credit hour
per year to maintain their standing in the program. In addition, they must take the ASE&EM
Graduate Seminar prior to graduation. A Ph.D. Degree Program study may be initiated on a part-
time basis to complete coursework and qualifying examinations. However, the student must
accumulate one academic year residence. All part-time doctoral programs will require the
approval of the SGC. A part-time student in good standing will be granted full-time status upon
written request to and approval from the Graduate Program Chair.
e. Unclassified Graduate Student
Unclassified graduate students are admitted to the Graduate School for study, but not admitted for
aduate degree programs. They may take courses for graduate credit, but the number of credits
taken under this classification, which are accepted for a degree program, is at the discretion of the
School; ordinarily it will not exceed 10 graduate credits. The only requirement for admission as
an unclassified student, or special student, is evidence of a baccalaureate degree.
f. Foreign Student Admission
Foreign graduate students applying to the School for admission must demonstrate evidence of
ility to speak and write English. A minimal Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL)
score of 80 (92 for a Graduate Assistantship) on the internet-based test (iBT) or 220 on the
computer-based test (CBT) is required. Alternatively, a score of 60 on the Test of Spoken English
(TSE) is accepted.
4. Admissions, Advisors, and Financial Aid Decisions
a. Admission
All admissions to the Graduate Program in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and
gineering Mechanics are competitive and subject to review by the Graduate Committee.
Each applicant will be judged on the basis of:
Overall grade point average (GPA); GPA in the junior and senior years, GPA in the major
area. A value of 3.0 (B) or above is expected in at least one of these.
Graduate Record Examination (GRE) verbal, quantitative, analytical are required; subject
sts are optional.
At least two letters of recommendation on the supplied forms.
Official transcripts of all previous baccalaureate and graduate work.
School faculty interest and available laboratory space or research activity.
Students originally admitte
d to the M.S. Program and wishing to transfer to or continue
towards the Ph.D. may apply for admission to the doctoral program by sending a written
request to the GPC. The student’s Advisor and/or the Research Advisory Committee must
endorse the request.
Availability of financial aid, availability of research funds, or evidence that the applicant has
financial means to support him/herself.
b. Advisors
Upon acceptance a student will be assigned a temporary faculty contact. Upon arrival a temporary
culty advisor is assigned. The temporary faculty advisor may be the same as the temporary
faculty contact. Prior to the end of the first semester after arrival on campus, the student must
select a permanent research advisor for M.S. thesis or Ph.D. dissertation. If an appropriate advisor
cannot be obtained in this time frame, a waiver from the Graduate Office must be obtained. Once
a permanent advisor is selected, any change of advisor requires the approval of both the current
and new advisors. The student should inform the current advisor of any planned change prior to
discussion with a new advisor. A form for this purpose can be obtained from the Graduate
c. Financial Aid
pes of awards and guidelines for graduate awards are described under Financial Support in the
UC Graduate Handbook published by the Graduate School.
i. Types of Sup
The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics has a variety of
sistantships and Scholarships which are awarded to deserving students in support of their
graduate education.
Graduate Assistant
ship (GA) awards provide for full time students a stipend for a nine
month period: August 1 through April 30. In addition, a University Graduate Scholarship
(UGS) will be awarded to cover the costs of tuition and fees. The value of the stipend will
be announced in the award letter. The University has determined that the stipend
should be treated as taxable pay, and federal, state, and city taxes are withheld from
the stipend checks. The duties of the Assistant are an integral part of the Graduate
Program, and thus the GPC and/or the Director of ASE&EM will provide assistance in
helping Assistants to recover withheld taxes.
Those students receiving a GA are required to work approximately (10) hours per week for
e School. This includes (10) hours of research on a new or on-going research project and
(10) hours of instructional assistance. These students are also assigned to an Assistantship
visor. (Usually the Assistantship Advisor is also the temporary Academic Advisor.)
Graduate Assistants are expected to participate in the teaching and research functions of the
School, usually helping with the research efforts of his/her Assistantship Advisor, assisting
in laboratory courses, grading papers, or possibly teaching a course. Specific school
assignments are made each year by the GPC usually in consultation with advisors and
students. The specific duties for the research assignment will be given by the Assistantship
In some cases, graduate Re
search Assistantships (RAs), which are funded from research
grants or contracts of individual faculty members, may be awarded. These awards are made
by individual faculty members. It is the responsibility of the student to meet with faculty
members in the student’s area of interest to determine the availability of RA positions. The
stipend level for RAs will be set by the individual faculty member to a level comparable to
that paid to a GA. Students awarded an RA will be eligible to receive a UGS if they satisfy
the guidelines for support stated be
low (Section I.A.4.c.ii) and apply for such an award to
the GPC.
School Service Assistantship a
wards are available periodically and are part-time awards.
They carry a small stipend and a tuition remission scholarship. This assistantship requires
about (8) hours a week of grading, laboratory assistance, research assistance or school
service activity.
A graduate student requesting financial aid may be awarded a University Graduate
Scholarship (UGS) only. Such awards cover the costs of tuition and all fees except the
general fee. If the student is supported on an external grant to the minimum acceptable
level set by CEAS, a fee waiver can be requested by his/her research faculty advisor. This
must be requested no later than one month prior to the start of any semester. In addition, if
the student is supported by an external grant the award must provide tuition payments at a
specified rate (currently $2,000 per semester), if the awarding agency permits. A UGS will
then be awarded to cover the remaining tuition balance.
The University of Cincinnati and the Department of Aerospace Engineering and
Engineering Mechanics offer a limited number of Graduate Scholarships awarded
competitively to eligible students. Information regarding these awards and application
requirements will be announced to graduate students each year by the GPC when the
information becomes available.
There are several sources of fin
ancial aid available on a competitive basis for the Summer
Semester. Announcements for these will be made during the Fall and Spring Semesters.
The University Research Council (URC) offers Summer Fellowships, with applications
normally due about the end of January. There are also some Summer Research
Assistantships available from individual faculty as well as the Distinguished Dissertation
Fellowship which is awarded each spring.
ii. Guidelines for Financial Awards
Decisions on awards are based solely o
n academic potential as indicated by credentials for new
students or by actual performance in the case of continuing students. The guidelines below are
followed by the SGC when awarding financial aid.
Initial awards are
for one academic year. Support for additional years is based on the
students academic performance. Those with a GPA of less than 3.0 during the first year
will not be considered for support of any kind during the second year.
support will depend on the availability of aid, the student’s academic performance,
teaching or research performance, and normal progress towards the degree (2 years for
M.S. and 3 years beyond the M.S. for the Ph.D.).
The student must meet with his/her
advisor at least once every year to complete a performance review form. This form must be
signed by the advisor and transmitted to the GPC. This form is required if further support of
any kind is requested. The meeting is also an opportunity for the student to discuss any
academic, research or other problems or issues.
Graduate Assistantship (GA) su
pport is generally offered to incoming students only.
Except for special terminal Ph.D. awards, a student will not receive GA support past
the second year of study in the ASE&EM. It is expected that further financial aid will be
as a research assistant supported by the student’s major advisor. The student should make
arrangements with his/her advisor for any financial support during summer semesters or
beyond the second year of graduate study.
Financial aid is not normally terminated during the period for which it has been granted.
wever, for serious reasons such as poor academic performance, teaching or research
duties, or moral turpitude, a dismissal hearing by the SGC may be convened. If the
dismissal hearing warrants it, the SGC may terminate prematurely a student support.
International students who are interested in teaching assignments must pass the Oral English
Proficiency Test (OEPT) (see at
This exam must be
taken twice during each year of study by all International students for whom English is not
the native language until it is passed.
One sp
ecial course in English offered by the Center for English as a Second Language
(CESL) (see at http://www.
) in
preparation for the OEPT is allowed for
graduate credit and can be applied toward the (15) UGS credit hours per semester.
Under ordinary circumstances, tuition scholarships will not be awarded to st
udents who
have attempted 170 or more semester hours. Students with master’s degrees from other
institutions will not be eligible for tuition scholarships after attempting 140 semester hours
at our University.
UC policy permits tuition scholarships for d
egree related courses only. That is, students
may be awarded a UGS only if they require credits for the completion of a degree. In
addition, a tuition scholarship can still only be awarded for full-time study. This policy
requires students to pay careful attention to their workload and make every effort to
graduate in a timely manner.
School policy on UGS tuition scholarships caps the number of semesters a student can
ceive full time UGS funds. M.S. students may now receive UGS funds for no more than
3 semesters. Ph.D. students with an M.S. degree may now receive UGS funds for no more
than 4 semesters and Ph.D. students without an M.S. degree no more than 7 semesters.
At the beginning of the Spring Semester of each academic year, the GPC will send an
announcement to all graduate students asking if they wish to be considered for financial support
for the following academic year. All awards are made on a competitive basis. Students who
currently do not receive financial aid will also be considered at this time. Only students requesting
aid, in writing before March 1st, will be considered by the Graduate Committee with entering
students for the coming year and other renewal candidates. Students applying after this date will
be considered only if there are remaining funds available. A letter will be sent before the end of
the Spring Semester notifying the student of the award decision. The ASE&EM Annual Progress
Review is required for continuing students.
In reviewing the request, the Graduate Committee will proceed as outlined below:
The members of the SGC will meet to review student requests and recommendations by the
visors. It will decide, by a majority vote of the members present, whether each student
will be awarded financial support for the coming academic year.
For all doctoral students, the advisor will provide a written assessment of performance at the
d of the academic year. This is part of the annual review. This evaluation will be used by
the SGC in making award decisions.
In the event that the decision of the SGC is negative, the student may appeal the decision
thin one week of notification. The appeal must be made to the SGC by sending a written
request to the GPC. The student and/or his/her advisor will be allowed to present
information in person on behalf of the student. The SGC will decide by a majority vote of
the members present whether to uphold or rescind the earlier decision. The results of the
vote will be final.
B. Pre-Registration Procedures and Requirements
1. Supplementary Information Form
The supplementary Information Form must be completed prior to registration by the following
new students entering the University,
students not enrolled in the previous academic year,
students who transfer to another college, or
students who have earned their Master’s degree and are admitted to the School’s Ph.D.
2. Transfer of Credits
As a means of assuring that the character and standards embodied in graduate degrees awarded by
the University of Cincinnati are preserved, limits are set on the amount of work completed at other
institutions which can be included as fulfilling graduate degree requirements. Transfer of credits
from other universities, summer programs, etc., are subject to the approval of the student’s
Advisor and the Graduate Program Chair. Limits are as follows:
a. Master's Degrees
The minimum requirement for these degrees is one year’s full-time graduate study, or its
equivalent. Eligibility for graduation requires a minimum of thirty-two (32) graduate credits for a
thesis or a non-thesis program, the latter half of which must be completed while in residence at
the University of Cincinnati; two (2) credits for the school seminar is included in the (32) semester
credits total (see GE-ACE students for an exception). The M.S. thesis is twelve (12) credits. A
student who has conducted previous graduate work at another institution that has not been used
towards a degree may petition the SGC to transfer up to six (6) semester credit hours of relevant
coursework with grades of “B” or better. Total out-of-school courses are still limited (see Section
I.B.2.c below.
b. Doctoral Degrees
These degrees are conferred on the basis of extensive study and high scholarly attainment in a
ecial field of learning. In no case, however, will the degree be granted for less than three years
of full-time graduate study or its equivalent, of which the last year must be in residence at the
University of Cincinnati or under the University’s direction. Eligibility for graduation requires a
minimum of ninety-two (90) graduate credits, the last thirty (30) of which, exclusive of research
credits, must be completed at the University of Cincinnati. Two (2) credits for the school seminar
is included in the (90) credits total. A student who enters the School with a M.S. degree may be
credited with a maximum of thirty (30) semester credits, of which a maximum of twenty (20)
course credits may be from another university. In addition, a maximum of ten (10) research
credits can also be transferred.
c. Out of School Course Limits
M.S. students are allowed to take six (6) credit hours of coursework outside of the ASE&EM. The
credit hours do not include any Math courses needed to meet the degree math requirements.
Ph.D. students who have an earned M.S. degree are allowed to take nine (9) credit hours of their
PHD coursework outside of the school. The 9 credit hours do not include any math courses
needed to meet the degree math requirements. Ph.D. students who choose not to earn an M.S.
degree are allowed to take fifteen (15) credit hours of coursework outside of the school. The 15
hours do not include any math courses needed to meet the degree math requirements.
A graduate student must be registered in the Graduate School in order to earn graduate credit.
However, unclassified students may be eligible to apply specific course credits towards their
degree if later admitted into the Graduate Program (see Section I.A.3.e above).
A. Registration Procedures
A student who has applied to, and has been admitted by, the Graduate School registers each
semester by securing registration materials from the appropriate administrative unit, seeking
counsel from his/her Advisor and obtaining his/her approval (signature), properly completing
and processing registration materials, and promptly making full payment when billed. A student
may not attend classes until registration is completed. A graduate student receiving financial
support is required to register for fifteen (15) graduate credits in the Fall and Spring semesters.
Twelve (12) credits is the minimum full time load. Registration for courses that will not be
included in the student’s Program of Study, requires written approval from his/her Advisor or this
can result in termination of his/her UGS. An updated Program of Study must be on file in the
Graduate Office at all time.
The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics has two (2) approved
des to identify which program the student is enrolled in:
Program Co
Aerospace Engineering AEEM
Engineering Mechanics ENGM
The student should insert the appropriate code number on his/her registration form.
B. Registration Change Procedure (Drop/Add)
Once a student has completed registration, the official record can be changed only with a
registration change form (Drop/Add) secured from the student’s college office, to be used only
when changes in a program are absolutely necessary. Such changes can be made in the regular
registration period without charge. Beginning on the first day of classes of any academic period, a
service fee is charged for all changes involving addition of a course, change in course section,
change from graduate to undergraduate credit, change from credit to audit or vice versa, regardless
of the reason. Such changes must be processed through the Office of the Registrar by Friday of
the second week of classes, unless the college offering the course has established an earlier
deadline. After Friday of the second week of the semester, course drops will be accepted. See
Section II.E.1 for complete course withdrawal rules.
C. Audit Regulations
The audit option is intended for cases in which coursework is desired or advised but in which a
grade is deemed unnecessary by the student in consultation with the Advisor. Admissions and
conditions for participation in audit courses are at the discretion of the instructor, who is not
obligated to accept a student for audit. Audited courses cannot be used to satisfy any graduate
degree course requirements. An example of where an audited course may be appropriate would be
for a student doing field work in a foreign country where a working knowledge of the language is
Audit hours may not be charged to a UGS unless at least twelve (12) graduate credits are taken
at same semester and if the total is less than nineteen (19) credits. Also, no more than one audit
course per semester may be charged to a UGS.
D. Pass/Fail
A graduate student may not take courses for graduate credit on a pass/fail basis, except when
approved by the Advisor. The pass/fail option is limited to research, seminars or courses outside
the requirements of the graduate program (e.g., deficiency credits, extra-school electives). Under
no circumstances may a course taken on a pass/fail basis be counted towards fulfilling a graduate
degree course requirement.
E. Withdrawals
1. Academic Consideration
Dropping a class and withdrawing from a class are generally allowed until the end of the second
and tenth week of the semester, respectively. Specific deadlines to drop a class and withdraw
from a class in any given semester are published by the Office of the Registrar (see For dropped classes, the grade of “W” is assigned by the
fice of the Registrar and the course is deleted from the student’s official record. In the case of
official withdrawal, the grade of “W” is assigned by the Office of the Registrar. For withdrawals
thereafter, the instructor is required to submit a grade of “UW (unofficial withdrawal with
attendance/participation) for students who cease to attend a class following some attendance or
participation and “X” (unofficial withdrawal without attendance/participation) for students who
never attended any classes and did not submit any assigned work. Both types of unofficial
withdrawal carries zero (0.00) quality points and is calculated into the GPA as an “F grade.
No withdrawal is permitted after the published deadline.
Exceptions to this rule will be only with the approval of both the advisor and the Associate Dean
for Graduate Studies and Research and will require both detailed and adequate justification.
Every withdrawal slip must be signed by the student’s academic advisor. The advisor’s signature
is required so that the advisor is aware of the student’s action, and to advise the student of possible
academic, fiscal, or visa problems. Full time graduate students must carry at least twelve (12)
graduate credits but are encouraged to take fifteen (15) graduate credits, exclusive of audits. A
withdrawal which brings the student below that level places UGS support in jeopardy. The student
will then become liable for the semester’s tuition. International students must maintain full time
A student may be withdrawn by the instructor at any time in the semester when excessive absences
ve been incurred. A student who is withdrawn due to excessive absences is not eligible for
academic credit, refund of fees, or reinstatement as an auditor in that course.
2. Leave of Absence
Students may request a leave of absence from the program, for a period of up to one year, for
medical, financial, or personal reasons. Such requests must be made in writing to the GPC and
must be endorsed by the student’s advisor. Upon return to the program the student’s status will be
the same as when he/she started the leave. Students, however, are cautioned that, if they had
financial aid at the time of the leave, there is no guarantee that aid will be available when they
resume their studies at the end of the leave.
Unofficial leaves of absence or vacations during the academic year may not be taken. Students
o do so may have their financial aid withdrawn and/or may be placed on probation or dismissed
from the program by the SGC.
A. Full-time and Part-time Course Load
Unless specifically admitted as a part-time student, all graduate students are expected to carry a
minimum of twelve (12) graduate credit hours (courses at the 6000 level and above) for the Fall
and Spring Semesters. Students do not have to register for Summer Semester to maintain their
full-time status. Students taking courses for audit must still take an additional twelve (12)
graduate credit hours. The recommended course load is fifteen (15) graduate credit hours per
semester. Students admitted as full-time students may request part-time status by submitting a
written petition to the GPC. Approval of part-time status may not be automatic, however.
Credit can be earned for only those courses in this University listed in the current Sc
hedule of
Classes (
Most foreign students, under the terms of their viASE&EM, must be enrolled as full-tim
e students.
B. Graduate Assistants and University Graduate Scholarship Recipients
Any students receiving a GA, RA or UGS must carry a full credit load each semester, i.e., at least
twelve (12) graduate credits, exclusive of audit credits.
e students who have received a UGS or GA are required to register for fifteen (15) hours
during the Fall and Spring Semesters.
The Ohio Board of Regents denie
s state subsidy for graduate students who have earned more than
170(?) semester graduate credit hours. Graduate students whose graduate credit hours at the
University of Cincinnati exceed this limit are not eligible for financial aid from general funds
(UGS and GA).
C. Graduate Credit in 6000 and Above 6000 Level Courses
The College of Engineering and Applied Science (CAES) has a five-year cooperative
undergraduate program. Therefore, courses designated at the 1000 through 5000 levels are strictly
undergraduate courses. Courses at the 6000 level are called “Dual Level Courses”. They are
primarily graduate level, but may be taken by Engineering Seniors as technical electives. When
requesting a 6000 level course, the student must specify if it is for graduate or undergraduate level
credit. Courses from the 7000 through 9000 levels are strictly graduate courses.
Usually, only CAES courses at the 6000 level taken for graduate credit and courses from 7000
rough 9000 levels may be used for a graduate program. Courses from other Colleges at the 5000
level or above may be used on a graduate program however.
D. Grading Practices
The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics uses the graduate grading
scales and definitions specified by the Office of the Registrar ( If a
udent receives a grade of “F” in a course, the student must retake the course or its approved
equivalent. Upon receiving a grade of “A”, “B”, or “C” after retaking the course, the “F” grade
will still be considered in calculating the student’s grade point average.
A. Types of Master’s Degree Programs
The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics offers courses of study
leading to the Master of Science (M. S.) degree in both Aerospace Engineering and Engineering
Mechanics. Each of these two M.S. Programs offers a Thesis and a Non-Thesis Option. The
requirements for the Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics M.S. Programs are
different. In each Program, the requirements are also different for the Thesis and the Non-Thesis
Options. The Non-Thesis option is not available for students who receive financial aid from UC
CEAS. ASE&EM also offers courses of study leading to the Master’s of Engineering Degree
(M.Eng.) in Aerospace Engineering. M.Eng. programs are centrally administered by the College
of Engineering and Applied Science (CAES).
B. Program Requirements
1. M.S. in Aerospace Engineering
Three majors are available in the Aerospace Engineering Program: (i) Dynamics and Controls, (ii)
Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion Systems, and (iii) Solids and Structural Mechanics. The
requirements appear below.
Major Option 9
cr. hrs. 12 cr. hrs.
Technical Electives 6 cr. hrs. 9 cr. hrs.
Mathematics 3 cr. hrs. 6 cr. hrs.
Thesis 12 cr. hrs. --- NA ---
M.S. Mini-Th
esis --- NA --- 3 cr. hrs.
Seminar 2 cr. hrs. 2 cr. hrs.
Total 32
cr. hrs. 32 cr. hrs.
2. M.S. in Engineering Mechanics
No majors are available in the Engineering Mechanics Program. The requirements appear below.
Dynamics and Control
9 cr. hrs. 12 cr. hrs.
Fluid Dyn. & Prop. Systems with at least with at least
Solid Mechanics 3 in ea. area 3 in ea. area
Technical Electives 6 cr. hrs. 9 cr. hrs.
Mathematics 3 cr. hrs. 6 cr. hrs.
Thesis 12 cr. hrs. --- NA ---
M.S. Mini-Thesis --- NA --- 3 cr. hrs.
Seminar 2 cr. hrs. 2 cr. hrs.
Total 32
cr. hrs. 32 cr. hrs.
3. Notes for Both M.S. Programs
a. Program of Study
The student must pr
epare a Program of Study in consultation with a temporary advisor during
the first two months of the semester in which the student first enrolls. A copy of the Program of
Study must be provided to the Graduate Office. The student must select a permanent advisor by
the end of the first semester after admission. If necessary the Program of Study should be revised
and a copy given to the Graduate Office. Future financial support may depend on the completion
of the Program of Study. Classes not included on the Program of Study will not be counted
toward the student’s degree unless the Program of Study is amended and signed by the advisor.
Taking courses not in the Program of Study and not approved by the advisor may result in
termination of financial aid.
b. Petitions
If a student wishes to petition for a waiver from School rules, they must have signed approval
om their advisor and their Graduate Committee representative prior to submitting the petition to
the School Graduate Committee.
c. Reading Courses
M.S students may take up to one 3-cr
edit-hour Reading Course as approved by their advisor.
Ph.D. students may take an additional six credit hours of Reading Courses as approved by their
d. Seminar Requirement
School ru
les specify that two (2) graduate credits for seminar are required at the M.S. and Ph.D.
levels. Registration for the seminar is for two semesters, generally the semesters of the first year
during which the student first registers. A grade of “P” is assigned at the end of each semester
when the Seminar is completed successfully. Students must attend all seminars each semester.
For part-time students this seminar requirement may be spread over several academic years. For
the GE-ACE students this requirement is reduced to one (1) credit. In exceptional cases where
conflicts or other business preclude attendance to the seminars, the seminar director should be
notified and suitable alternate arrangements be made.
e. Major Requirements
The following course
s must be included in each ASE&EM major option course requirements.
i. Dy
namics and Controls
20-AEEM-6003 Analytical Dynamics
20-AEEM-6015 Modern Control
In addition, 1 (thesis) or 2 (non-th
esis) formal, non-research, 3-cretit-hour courses at the
6000 level or higher in the Dynamics & Controls area. These can include 20-AEEM-
6022 Optimal Control, 20-AE
EM-6036 Spacecraft Dynamics, 20-AEEM-6093 Advanced
Flight Mechanics, 20-AEEM-6095 Astrodynamics, and/or any other graduate-level
CEAS courses in the area of Dynamics & Controls. Selected courses from other schools
in the Dynamics & Controls area are also acceptable.
ii. Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion Systems
EM-6011 Combustion
20-AEEM-6041 Compressible Flow and Thermodynamics
In addition,
1 (thesis) or 2 (non-thesis) formal, non-research, 3-cretit-hour courses at the
6000 level or higher in the Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion Systems area. These can
include 20-AEEM-6012 Gas Turbine Combustion, 20-AEEM-6012 Gas Turbine
Combustion, 20-AEEM-7050 Turbomachinery Flows, 20-AEEM-8030 Advanced
Propulsion, and/or any other graduate-level CEAS courses in the area of Fluid Dynamics
and Propulsion Systems. Selected courses from other schools in the Fluid Dynamics and
Propulsion Systems area are also acceptable.
iii. Solids and Structural Mechanics
20-AEEM-6001 Advanced Strength of Materials
20-AEEM-7052 Finite Element Method
In addition, 1 (thesis) or 2 (non-th
esis) formal, non-research, 3-cretit-hour courses at the
6000 level or higher in the Solids and Structural Mechanics area. These can include 20-
Engineering Elasticity I, 20-AEEM-7002 Elasticity II, 20-AEEM-7074
Advanced Finite Element Method, 20-AEEM-7027 Nondestructive Testing, and/or any
other graduate-level CEAS courses in the area of Solids and Structural Mechanics.
Selected courses from other schools in the Solids and Structural Mechanics area are also
Recall that the number of credits outside the School is limited. (see I.B.2.c).
i. Engineering Mechanics: Analytical Mechanics
EM-6003 Analytical Dynamics
20-AEEM-6041 Compressible Flow and Thermodynamics
20-AEEM-6001 Advanced Strength of Materials
In addition, 1 (non-th
esis) formal, non-research, 3-cretit-hour course at the 6000 level or
higher in one of the three major principles. These can include 20-AEEM-6015 Modern
Control, 20-AEEM-6011 Combustion, or 20-AEEM-7001 Elasticity I. Another graduate-
level CEAS course in one of the three major principles is also acceptable.
f Mathematics Requirement
Graduate mathematics courses are generally taken from the Math Department 5000 and above.
ur advisor should approve these courses. In some cases appropriate mathematics courses can
be found in other schools such as School of Computing Sciences and Informatics. Your advisor
and the School Graduate Committee must approve these courses. A list of already approved
courses is on file in the graduate office.
g. Special Rules for GE- A
CE M.S. Programs
Graduate students enrolled in the General
Electric Advanced Course in Engineering program (GE-
ACE) receive a Non-Th
esis M.S. degree with the Mini-Thesis requirement replaced by a Final
Project requirement. The Final Project is conducted at GE facilities and supervised and evaluated
by qualified GE personnel. A UC/GE ACE program participant can apply nine (9) semester
credits of Advance Standing from the GE A and B courses to the M.S. program. From the
contents of the A and B courses, three (3) credits can be applied to the mathematics requirement
and six (6) credits to technical electives.
4. M.Eng. in Aerospace Engineering
UC College of Engineering and Applied Sciences offers a Masters of Engineering (M.Eng)
degree program (see
). Th
M.Eng. program is designed to provide students with advanced knowledge and experience in their
fields of interest along with courses covering new developments in the respective disciplines.
ASE&EM offers courses of study leading to M.Eng. in Aerospace Engineering. The coursework
requirements for this degree track are listed below.
M.Eng. Core Courses 9
cr. hrs.
Track Courses 12 cr. hrs.
Elective Courses 6 cr. hrs.
Capstone Project 3 cr. hrs
Total 30 cr. hrs.
Students enrolled in the Aerospace Engineering M.Eng. program must se
lect four track courses
from the list below and two additional elective dual-level or graduate courses offered in CEAS.
EM-6001 Advanced Strength of Materials
20-AEEM-6003 Analytical Dynamics
20-AEEM-6011 Combustion
20-AEEM-6015 Modern Control
20-AEEM-6041 Compressible Flow and Thermodynamics
20-AEEM-6077 Energy Systems
20-AEEM-6099 Systems Engineering Analysis
20-AEEM-7052 Finite Element Method
C. Minimum Academic Performance
The UC Graduate Handbook states that graduate students must receive a minimum grade of a “C”
or “P” in all coursework to receive graduate credit. In addition, 2/3 of the minimum graduate
credits necessary for the degree must be at a grade level of “B” or higher.
The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics also has established the
llowing requirements:
A Master's degree student must achieve an overall average of “B” on all graduate coursework. A
student in ASE&EM may be dismissed if his/her overall technical coursework GPA falls below
If coursework is repeated all grades of a repeated
course count toward these requirements.
The graduate student’s grades will be reviewed by the SGC once they become available after the
d of each semester. All graduate students with grade deficiencies will be notified by the GPC
and reminded of the above requirements.
D. Candidacy
Students are not required to submit a formal application for Master’s candidacy. A student
becomes a candidate for the Master’s Degree upon matriculation in the Master’s Program in which
he/she has been admitted. To maintain status as a graduate student and thus be eligible for a
graduate degree, students must register for at least one (1) credit each academic year during the
Fall Semester. (See Section II.E on withdrawals and leaves.) International students must register
for at least one (1) credit hour each semester.
E. Time Limitations
The minimum requirement for the Master’s Degree is the equivalent of one academic year of full-
time graduate study. The UC Graduate Handbook states that a student pursuing a program
leading to a Master’s Degree must complete all requirements no later than five (5) years from the
date of acceptance in that degree program.
F. Research Projects, Thesis and Examinations
1. Thesis Research Projects
A student electing a Master’s Degree with thesis will select a research advisor and a Research
Advisory Committee (RAC). The committee normally consists of the research advisor and at least
two other appropriate representatives, see UC Graduate Handbook for more details. The student
will then select a research project in consultation with the research advisor and with approval of
his/her Research Advisory Committee (RAC). The advisor and the RAC have the responsibility to
see that the project is carried out under currently accepted scientific standards. Upon completion
of the research, a thesis will be prepared and defended orally in public. A grade of “P” should be
given if applicable.
2. Thesis Preparation and Submission
The UC Graduate Handbook provides graduate degree candidates with detailed information
concerning the written/electronic form of the thesis and the mechanics of preparing the final
manuscript and abstract. Regulations regarding electronic submission are also available from the
Graduate Office.
When a thesis has been approved, the candidate for the master’s degree will be required to follow
the thesis submission procedures detailed on the Graduate School website entitled Electronic
Thesis/Dissertation Information (
). Stu
dents are
responsible for reviewing the most current and detailed instructions on the website referenced
above and for full compliance with those regulations.
3. Thesis Defense
Prior to graduation, the thesis student will give an oral defense. In this defense the student will
give a 30- to 45-minute presentation of his/her thesis to the RAC. After the thesis presentation,
the student will be questioned by the Committee on both the thesis and the subject matter related
to the thesis topic. Successful completion of this defense and the courses required in this program
plus electronic submission of the thesis (in accordance with the rules of the CEAS and the
Graduate School) constitute completion of the requirement for the Master’s of Science degree.
If the defense is failed, the student may repeat the defense at a later date to be arranged through
his/her Advisor. A second failure of the defense is disqualifying.
The final version of the M.S. Thesis ready for ele
ctronic publication must be submitted to the
Graduate School no later than the published date.
G. Final Evaluation
According the UC Graduate Handbook, each master’s degree student must undergo an individual
evaluation process at the end of his or her program. The nature of the final evaluation is to be
established by each school. For M.S. students a thesis, along with the oral defense, constitutes a
final evaluation. Students enrolled in a Non-Thesis M.S. program must submit a mini-thesis. GE-
ACE stude
nts enrolled in a Non-Thesis M.S. program must conduct a final project and have the
project report approved by qualified GE personnel.
The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics has established the
llowing method for conducting final evaluation in a Non-Thesis M.S. program. The student
must prepare a mini-thesis. The mini-thesis will be supervised by a committee including the
Advisor and at least one additional faculty member. The student must have written approval
from the mini-thesis committee and submit this approval to the SGC.
This project may be: (1) an extensive review of a technical paper or other technical work, (2) a
ate-of-the-art review in a specific technical discipline, or (3) any other appropriate investigation
as approved by the mini-thesis committee. The procedure to be followed by the student is:
Identify a faculty member who will serve as mini-th
esis Advisor.
Register for two (2) credit hours for the course 20-AE
EM-9070 Research (under the
appropriate section for the chosen mini-thesis Advisor).
Within four weeks after registration the student will prepare a one-pa
ge proposal describing
work to be performed under this project. This is to be approved by the student's mini-
thesis committee.
The result of this project is a written report submitted to the committee. If approved by the
mmittee, the Advisor is to register a grade of “P” for the project. If any dispute arises as to
satisfactory completion of a project, the SGC as a whole can act to approve or disapprove the
project. A copy of the approved mini-thesis project should be forwarded to the GPC.
H. Graduation
Upon successful completion of the mini-thesis or thesis defense, the Research Advisor will
forward a letter to the Graduate Program Chair certifying that the student has completed all
requirements for the degree. The letter must be accompanied by a duplicate copy of the front page
of the mini-thesis or thesis, signed by the members of the Research Advisory Committee and a
completed “Certification For Graduation Form”. The GPC will sign the form and forward it to the
Graduate Office.
Each student who has successfully completed all requirements
for any of the Master's Degree
Programs in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics should apply
to the office of the Graduate School for graduation. It is the responsibility of the student to
insure that all forms, procedures and regulations required by that office for graduation are
fulfilled. See the Chapter entitled “Graduation” in the UC Graduate Handbook for these
A. Course of Study
The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics offers courses of study
leading to the Ph.D. degree in both Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. The
requirements for the Aerospace Engineering Program and the Engineering Mechanics Program are
similar. Three majors are available in the Aerospace Engineering Program: (i) Dynamics and
Controls, (ii) Fluid Dynamics and Propulsion Systems, and (iii) Solids and Structural Mechanics.
Majors available in the Engineering Mechanics Program are (i) Dynamics, (ii) Fluid Dynamics,
and (iii) Solids and Structural Mechanics. Each of these can also serve as minor subject areas.
Students may elect to choose the required nine (9) credit hours of minor in an alternate area with a
petition to the Graduate Committee.
A prospective candidate for the doctorate follows a plan of full time study that ordinarily lasts
three (3) years beyond a Master’s Degree.
The first year of study is generally directed toward completing most of the coursework in the
major area of study and mathematics, and passing the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination.
The second year of study is generally aimed toward completing all coursework, initiating a
ssertation research project, and completing the Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal.
The third year, and any subsequent years of study, is generally focused on completing the
All full-tim
e and part-time students who earn their M.S. degree in the Department of Aerospace
Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and who wish to continue their studies toward the Ph.D.
degree must petition to the SGC for admission to the Ph.D. Programs.
Immediately upon a student’s declaration of intent to pursue registration and study leading
wards the Ph.D. degree, an advisor will be selected by the student subject to the approval of the
SGC. The faculty member selected must be from the area in which the student wishes to major.
The faculty advisor will usually become the Dissertation Advisor and assist the student in the
formation of a Dissertation Committee once the student has passed the Qualifying Examination
(see Section V.G below). A Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal, duly signed by the Dissertation
Committee, must be submitted to the School Graduate Committee for approval no later than one
year prior to graduation (see Section V.G below).
The Dissertation Committee, together with the student, will prepare the student’s program of study
d submit it to the SGC for their information and review. The student and his/her committee will
endeavor to draft a program with a central emphasis on a major option in Aerospace Engineering
or Engineering Mechanics with mathematics and a minor option in ASE&EM or another
appropriate school in CEAS.
An important function of the Dissertation Committee is to supervise the student’s program of
udy. The student may request a meeting with the Dissertation Committee when there is an
important academic matter to discuss.
B. Credit Hours Requirements
A student is required to satisfactorily complete a minimum of (90) semester credits beyond the
Bachelors degree and a minimum of (60) semester credits beyond the Master's degree
requirements, whichever is greater. Work in the major option should represent at least (24) credit
hours of study beyond the Bachelor's degree, not counting credits for thesis and dissertation, and
with at least (12) credits in 700 level or above courses. One minor of (9) credits, (9) credits of
Mathematics hours, (6) credits of technical electives, plus (40) credits of research, with at least
(30) credits of Ph.D. Dissertation Research are also required as well as (2) credits for registration
in the School seminar after M.S. degree. These requirements are summarized below.
Major Option 18 cr. hrs. with at least 9 cr. hrs.
in 7000 level or above courses
Technical Electives 6
cr. hrs.
Mathematics 6
cr. hrs.
Ph.D. Research 58
cr. hrs. with at least 48 cr. hrs.
in Ph.D. Dissertation Research
minar 2 cr. hrs.
Total 90
cr. hrs.
Major Option 9
cr. hrs. with at least 6 cr. hrs. in
7000 level or above courses
Technical Electives 6 cr. hrs.
Mathematics 3 cr. hrs.
Ph.D. Research 46 cr. hrs. with at least 38 cr. hrs in
Ph.D. Dissertation Research
Seminar 2 cr. hrs
Total 66 cr. hrs.
C. Minimum Academic Performance
The UC Graduate Handbook states under Graduate Credit Policies that graduate students must
receive a minimum grade of a “C” or “Pin all coursework to earn graduate credit. In addition,
ASE&EM also has established the following requirements:
A doctoral student must maintain an overall Grade Point A
verage (GPA) of 3.0 or greater on all
graduate coursework as well as a 3.0 or greater GPA for coursework in their major area of study.
A student in the Aerospace Engineering or Engineering Mechanics Ph.D. degree programs may be
dismissed if his/her coursework GPA falls below 3.0.
Coursework is defined explicitly to exclude research credits and the graduate seminar, since they
are graded on a Pass/Fail basis.
If coursework is repeated, all grades of a repeated course count toward these requirements.
The g
rades of each graduate student will be reviewed by the SGC once they become available
after the end of each semester. All graduate students with grade deficiencies will be notified by
the GPC and reminded of the above requirements.
D. Residency
The UC Graduate Handbook stipulates under Residency that all doctoral students must meet a
residency requirement. The minimum requirement consists of enrollment in at least ten (10)
credit hours per semester for two out of four consecutive semesters, including the
summer semester(?), so long as the student registers for at least twelve (12) credit hours in each
Fall Semester involved.
E. Proposed Changes to the Qualifying Exam Procedure
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
University of Cincinnati
E. Ph.D. Qualifying Examination
All doctoral students in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics are required to pass a
didacy examination, hereafter referred to as Ph.D. Qualifying Examination, in accordance with the rules and guidelines of
the UC Graduate Handbook under Candidacy. In order to take the exam a doctoral student must meet or exceed the
Minimum Academic Performance rules earlier listed in Section V.C. In addition, the student can have no more than two (2)
I/NG grades.
Passing the exam is only one of the requirements for candidacy (see UC Graduate Handbook under Candidacy and Section
V.G below).
The Ph.D. Qualifying Examination will consist of two parts: su
bmission of a research paper and an oral examination to be
given only after the research paper has received a positive assessment by the Exam Committee. The objective of the
examination is to establish the student’s:
1. understanding of engineering concepts and ability
to apply these concepts in research and design;
2. ability to critically analyze an engineering problem;
3. ability to organize and communicate a body of knowledge;
4. ability to answer questions related to a defined body of knowledge.
Any graduate student, whether holding a M.S. degree or not, who has declared hi
s/her intention to pursue a Ph.D.
degree is considered a doctoral student and as such is required to pass the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination and is
subject to the requirements of this Section.
1. Time Requirements
The Ph.D. Qualifying Examination is given th
roughout the academic year.
A student entering the doctoral program must pass the exam no later than two years after his/her entrance into the Ph.D.
program. This time is extended to three years for students without a master degree due to the larger number of credits they
have to take. A student may not take the Ph.D. Qualifying Exam more than two times and may be denied a retake due to poor
performance on the first try (see Section V.E.4.c below), or if this retake would violate the above time requirements. In
exceptional cases the time requirements specified above may be waived upon petition to the Graduate Program Chair (see
Section V.E.2 below).
2. Petition Requirements
A student wishing to depart from the time requirements stated above must notify t
he Department Graduate Committee by
petition of his/her intentions. This written petition, detailing the reasons for the departure, must be received and approved
within 18 months from his/her entrance into the Ph.D. program.
A student wishing to take the
Qualifying Examination must notify the School Graduate Secretary using the form provided by
that office. On the form, the student must indicate his/her major area and must secure the signature of a faculty member who
has agreed to act as the student’s dissertation advisor after the student has passed the examination.
As listed above, approved Department m
ajor areas of study are (i) Dynamics & Controls; (ii) Fluid Mechanics & Propulsion
Systems; or (iii) Solids & Structural Mechanics.
3. Additional Informa
Foreign students subject to TOEFL requirements are strongly urged to pas
s the Oral English Proficiency Exam before taking
the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination because of the language skills required for the oral portions of the exam.
4. The Ph.D. Qualify
ing Examination
In order to pass the Qu
alifying Examination the student shall demonstrate a superior ability to solve research-oriented
problems with guidance in a field relevant to Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics. The phrase “with
guidance” is included to recognize that a student at this stage in his/her pursuit of a doctorate degree is not expected to
conduct research without supervision; rather the expectation is that under the guidance of the advisor, the student has a
superior ability to solve research-oriented problems.
The exam will consist of two parts: submission of a research paper and an oral examination. The oral examination is taken
only if a passing grade is achieved on the research paper. The exam committee will evaluate the research paper and the oral
a. Exam committee
The committee will be formed by a m
inimum of three (3) Department faculty members of the student’s major area.
b. Research Paper
The research paper will be prepared in accordance with the best
practices for preparing peer reviewed journal papers and will
be evaluated based on
1) Interest. The paper has to address a topic of significant importance to the fields of aerospace engineering or
gineering mechanics
2) Novelty. The paper must present origi
nal methods or results which are not available in the open literature
3) Validity. The paper must be accurate and free from errors
The Exam Committee members will vote on the quality of the work based on the three criteria above. A consensus vote is
quired to pass. Students failing the evaluation will be given the possibility of resubmitting the research paper for a second
and final time within six months subject to the time limitations of Section V.E.1.
In the event that the paper has been accepted for publication in a peer reviewed journal or equivalent prior to the Qualifying
exam, the review stage may not be required. If the Exam Committee members agree that the journal has acceptable standards
and reputation in the field, the student can directly proceed to the oral portion provided that he/she is the first author of the
paper and that the work was conducted at UC under the direct guidance of the advisor.
c. Oral Exam
The student must schedule the oral ex
amination as described below. At the oral exam, the student will present an
uninterrupted seminar open to all faculty and students of twenty (20) minutes in length.
The presentation will be prepared in accordance with the best practices for preparing presentations
for conferences and
seminars. Besides the clarity and conciseness of the presentation the exam will establish the student’s ability to respond to
questions aimed at assessing:
1) Critical thinking skills
2) Understanding of technical material and fundamental knowledge in the field
3) Ability to
relate their research to the field as a whole
The question and answer period wi
ll typically last thirty to sixty minutes and is open only to the Department faculty and any
designated persons outside the faculty to whom the Department faculty present indicate no objections.
Upon completion of the oral examination, th
e Exam Committee members will vote on the outcome of the examination using
the criteria found above. A consensus vote is required in order to pass. The oral examination will be given once, unless the
examiners, by consensus vote, recommend a second and final oral presentation. If a second oral exam is recommended, it
must be completed before the end of the following semester. A student who does not pass the oral examination will be given
a chance to retake the Qualifying Examination, subject to the time limitations of Section V.E.1 above.
d. Procedure
An application to take the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination must be
completed and returned to the Graduate Office. At the
same time the student must submit the research paper to the Exam Committee. Within two weeks from submission the Exam
Committee will vote on the research paper and communicate the result to the Graduate Program Chair. The seminar must be
scheduled by the student and registered with the Graduate Office no later than two weeks after notification of having passed
the research paper review. The notification to the Graduate Office must include an indication, either via a faculty sign-off
sheet or by email messages to the Graduate Program Chair, that the scheduled time for the seminar is acceptable to a majority
of faculty members in the major area of study. It is expected that the student will work diligently to find a time suitable for as
many faculty as possible, not just a simple majority. A written seminar announcement stating the time and place of the
presentation must be distributed to all members of the faculty at least one week before the scheduled date.
All Department f
aculty members of the students major area of study are expected to be present at the oral examination;
however, all other members of the Department faculty are also welcome, as are other persons to whom the faculty members
present have no objection. All the Exam Committee members must be present.
Failure of the
student to meet any of the requirements stated in this section is justification for failure of the Ph.D. Qualifying
d. Change of Major
If a student changes major area of study, the entire Ph.D. Qualifying Examination must be repeated.
F. Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal
All doctoral students in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics
who have passed the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination must have a Dissertation Proposal accepted
before they can be admitted into candidacy in accordance with the rules and guidelines of the
Graduate School as set forth in the UC Graduate Handbook under Candidacy.
The purpose of the Dissertation Proposal is to ascertain the appropriateness of the students
proposed research to constitute a Doctoral Dissertation as well as the students ability to carry
through with the proposed research. The following specific rules and regulations govern the
Dissertation Proposal in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics.
1. Time Requirements
No later than the end of the semester immediately following the semester during which a student
has passed the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination, he/she must select a Dissertation Advisor.
At least on
e year prior to graduation, the student must have a Dissertation Proposal presented to
and accepted by his/her Dissertation Committee. A completion form must be submitted to the
GPC at that time. Forms are available in the Graduate Office. Recall, that only five (5) years are
allowed prior to Ph.D. candidacy (see Section V.G below).
The choices of a Dissertation Advisor and Dissertation Committee will be communicated to the
GPC by the student no later than the end of the second semester following the semester during
which he/she has passed the Ph.D. Qualifying Examination, using the appropriate form (which
may be obtained from the Graduate Administrative Coordinator), and securing on the form the
signatures of the Advisor and Committee Members.
A student who changes Dissertation Advisor and/or
Dissertation Committee must still satisfy the
latest of these time requirements and have an accepted Dissertation Proposal no later than during
the third semester following the semester during which he/she has passed the Ph.D. Qualifying
The timeline below summarizes the above time requirements.
Semester 0
Semester 1
Semester 2
Semester 3
must have
must have
Ph.D. Qual.
Proposal has been
presented and
and notified
(At Least One
Year prior to
In exceptional cases the time requirements specified above may be waived upon petition to the
GPC (see following Section V.F.2 below).
2. Petition Requirements
A student wishing to depart from the time requirements of Section V.F.1 above shall notify, by
petition, the Graduate Program Chair of his/her intentions. This written petition, detailing the
reasons for the departure, should be received and approved prior to the expiration of the time
requirement for which departure is requested.
3. The Ph.D. Dissertation Proposal
A Dissertation Proposal is a typed document detailing the student’s proposed dissertation research.
The student is required to present orally the Dissertation Proposal to his/her Dissertation
Committee. The Dissertation Proposal must be distributed by the student to the members of
his/her Dissertation Committee at least one week prior to the oral presentation.
After the oral presentation, the Dissertation Committee shall evaluate the Dissertation Proposal
and accept or reject it. The evaluation criteria are:
1. the scientific merits of the proposed research, in particular its originality and
ntribution to the state of the art in the discipline of the proposed research;
2. the realism and reasonableness of the proposed research;
3. the qualifications of the student to conduct the proposed research.
The result of this evaluation shall be communicated in writing by the Dissertation Advisor, with
signatures from all members of the Dissertation Committee, to the Graduate Program Chair. A
copy of the Dissertation Proposal shall be attached to this written evaluation and both will be
included in the student’s school file.
A doctoral student is not allowed to have more than one rejection of a Dissertation Proposal. Thus
a student who has had a proposal rejected twice or two proposals rejected once shall be asked to
leave the school doctoral program.
G. Candidacy and Time Limitations
A student admitted to the Ph.D. program becomes a Ph.D. candidate when he/she has satisfactorily
completed all required coursework beyond the M.S. degree and has passed the Candidacy Exam
(Ph.D. Qualifying Examination). As stated in the UC Graduate Handbook under Candidacy
(Doctoral Degree Program), a doctoral student shall be admitted into candidacy when he/she has:
1. achieved and maintained a GPA of a least 3.0 in all doctoral coursework (school rule);
2. acceptance of dissertation proposal;
3. passed the school Qualifying Examination;
4. accumulated at least the minimum total of graduate credits specified by the
udent’s academic program.
The student who has completed all requirements for candidacy will be officially admitted into
candidacy when the school fills out the proper candidacy forms, including the Dissertation
Advisor and Committee form, and submits them for inclusion in the student’s official record.
The doctoral degree will be granted for no less than the equivalent of three (3) years of full-tim
graduate study.
The maximum time limit for doctoral degree completion is five (5) years to candidacy and four (4)
ars from candidacy to degree completion, so the overall maximum time limit for doctoral degree
completion is nine (9) years.
Candidacy for the doctora
te automatically terminates after four (4) consecutive calendar years.
Candidates may petition to the Graduate School through their school, college, and the Dean of the
Graduate School for extension of candidacy prior to its expiration or for reinstatement if candidacy
has expired. If reinstatement is approved, the student will be readmitted to candidacy only
after satisfying the formal candidacy examination requirements administered by the school.
Registration and fee payment for at least one credit hour
in the Fall Semester is required for each
student if his/her candidacy is not to lapse.
Students who interrupt their graduate studies by withdrawing from the University, either officially
by failing to register for an entire academic year, will be held responsible for the graduate
program requirements in force and published at the time they re-enter that program.
H. Dissertation
1. Dissertation Advisor and Committee
The student in consultation with the Dissertation Advisor should form an advisory committee that
includes at least two additional faculty members after he/she passes the qualifying exam. At least
one member of the committee must be a member of the Department of Aerospace Engineering and
Engineering Mechanics. If the advisor is from outside the ASE&EM a faculty member from the
ASE&EM will serve as co-chairperson of the Committee.
In accordance with the UC
Graduate Handbook under Dissertation, the dissertation committee
must consist of at least three (3) full-time faculty members with professorial rank (tenure-track
assistant, associate and full professors not adjunct, visiting, retired or emeriti), at least one of
which is a member of the Graduate Faculty. Research faculty may serve on the committee or chair
the committee. If the chairperson is not a member of the Graduate Faculty, at least two other
members must be. If a faculty member or appropriate professional practitioner has special
expertise in a dissertation topic, such a person may be added to the dissertation committee if he or
she is nominated by the candidate and approved by both the chairperson of the dissertation
committee and the Graduate Program Chair for the academic unit (ASE&EM) involved. Such a
person would serve as a full voting member of the dissertation committee without compensation
from either the University of the candidate.
See Section V.A above for the selection and functioning of the Advisory Committee.
2. Final Defense of Dissertation
After completing the Dissertation, the candidate will give an oral presentation of the dissertation to
the Advisory Committee and any other interested (or appointed) members of the Graduate Faculty
of the University in an open seminar. The date of this presentation will be arranged by the
Dissertation Advisor. When a dissertation has been approved, the candidate for the Ph.D. degree
will be required to follow the dissertation submission procedures outlined in Section V.H.3 below.
A grade of “P” should be given for completion of the PhD research requirement.
3. Publication of Dissertation
After a successful defense, the Ph.D. candidate will be required to follow the dissertation
submission procedures detailed on the Graduate School website entitled Electronic
Thesis/Dissertation Information (
). Stu
dents are
responsible for reviewing the most current and detailed instructions on the website referenced
above and for full compliance with those regulations. The final version of the Ph.D. Dissertation
ready for electronic publication as well as other documents required for graduation, which are
available from the Graduate Office, must be submitted to the Graduate School no later than the
published date. It is the responsibility of the student to see that he/she is in compliance with
all submission and graduation regulations.
I. Graduation
Upon successful completion of the Dissertation defense, the Dissertation Advisor will forward a
letter to the Graduate Program Chair certifying that the student has completed all requirements for
the degree. The letter must be accompanied by a duplicate copy of the front page of the
dissertation, signed by the members of the examining committee and a completed Certification for
Graduation Form. The Graduate Program Chair will sign the form and forward it to the CEAS
Graduate Studies Office.
Each student who has successfully completed all requirements for any of the Ph.D. Programs in
e Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics may apply to the Graduate
School for graduation. It is the responsibility of the student to insure that all forms,
procedures and regulations required by that office for graduation are fulfilled. See the UC
Graduate Handbook under Graduation for these requirements.
A. Nondiscrimination Policy
The Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics reaffirms the University of
Cincinnati policy that discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex,
sexual orientation, handicap or age will neither be practiced nor tolerated in any of its activities.
Complaints involving discrimination should be directed to the Graduate Program Chair and/or the
Director of the School.
B. Right to Review Records
Students, once enrolled, have the right to review their educational records, except for those
excluded by law, such as those maintained by a physician or psychiatrist, or parent’s financial
statement. Educational records are maintained in such offices as the Office of the
Registrar/Student Records, Office of the Dean of CEAS, CAES Graduate Studies Office, UC
Student Financial Aid Office, Division of Professional Practice, as well as in the ASE&EM
In order to gain a review of such records,
along with any appropriate explanation or interpretation,
the student should first address the proper University or College office. In the Department of
Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics, files are maintained which include: (a) the
original application for admission; (b) university personnel payroll forms; (c) university grade
forms; (d) Research Advisor and Research Advisory Committee progress reports and letters; (e)
copies of all correspondence from the Graduate Program Chair and School Director; (f) results of
candidacy examinations; (g) certification of candidacy and graduation forms; (h) a copy of the
front page of the thesis/dissertation signed by the student’s RAC. Students wishing to review
these files must submit a request with the GPC. If the student feels there are inaccuracies, he/she
may place a letter of explanation in the file.
C. Grievance Procedure
Each student shall receive a copy of the university document entitled Graduate Student Grievance
Procedures at the time of entrance into the graduate program. Copies will be made available at
the new graduate student orientation program conducted in August of each year. Other copies are
available in the School Office and from the ASE&EM Graduate Student Association. The
Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics reaffirms its adherence to these
At any time a graduate student may petition the Graduate Committee to hear a grievance on any
tter concerning the Graduate Program (probation, teaching duties, examinations, use of school
equipment, etc.) and the SGC will attempt to resolve the issue. However, the student has the right
to pursue any and all procedures available outside the School.
D. Academic Dishonesty
Academic dishonesty in any form is a serious offense and cannot be tolerated in an academic
community. Dishonesty in any form, including cheating, plagiarism, deception of effort,
unauthorized assistance, or manufacturing of data may result in a failing grade in a course or
graduate research credits, and/or immediate suspension or dismissal, as described under Academic
Dishonesty, Student Code of Conduct, and Research Misconduct in the UC Graduate Handbook
E. Implementation of Provisions of this Handbook
The provisions of this handbook have been previously adopted by the Department of Aerospace
Engineering and Engineering Mechanics and were contained in preceding school documents and
minutes of the SGC or the ASE&EM faculty meetings. Provisions not specifically addressed in
this and earlier documents follow those of the UC Graduate Handbook.
The current Gr
aduate Handbook of the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering
Mechanics is adopted as the official graduate procedures as of 08/01/12. All graduate students
entering or reentering a graduate program in the Department of Aerospace Engineering and
Engineering Mechanics after that date are subject to all the rules and regulations herein.
A. Course Requirements for Non-Engineering B.S. Students
All students entering the M.S. and Ph.D. programs in Aerospace Engineering or Engineering
Mechanics must have taken the equivalent of, or demonstrated proficiency in, the following
subjects (equivalent UC course numbers are shown in parentheses):
1. Ca
lculus (15-MATH-1061 and -1062))
2. Fluid Mechanics (20- ME
3. Thermodynamics (20-MECH-2010)
4. Dynamics (20-AEEM-2032)
5. Mechanics of Solids (
This is considered mi
nimum proficiency for all students. A student may need additional
remedial work to satisfy or to prepare for advanced work in their field of study. This must be
arranged in consultation with their respective advisor.