Embedding SOP
IRF Instrumentation Resource Facility - University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Embedding Tissues
Thermo Scientific TN1550 Embedding Center
Location: IRF Lab Room B60
All users are required to undergo proper embedding training. All users must read and
sign the microtome SOP before operating the instrument independently. A list of trained
individuals is to be kept by the histology manager. To schedule time to embed tissues,
contact the histology manager.
If there is any issue with the embedding center, the histology manager should be
This instrument is maintained by Karmen Owen
Cell Phone: (803) 237-9583
Molten wax is kept at 60°C therefore the station will be heated up and will be hot. Avoid
touching surfaces without gloves on to prevent burns. An apron or lab coat may be used
to protect your clothing from paraffin splashes.
1. To turn on the embedding station, the switch on the back should be flipped on.
The arrow button on the display should then be pressed to turn on “manual”
2. The cooling station switch should be turned on. It takes about 15 minutes to cool
3. After tissues are fully processed, they should be transferred to the embedding
station chamber.
4. A mold should be picked that is the appropriate size for the specimen. The molds
are in the other chamber or extra molds are in the drawer underneath the
embedding station.
5. Choose a cassette from the chamber to start to embed. Remove the lid from the
cassette and throw it away.
6. Push back the lever to dispense paraffin into the mold.
7. If the machine is running low on paraffin, paraffin pellets can be placed in the
back reservoir of the embedding station.
8. Place the specimen in the mold with heated forceps.
9. Orient the specimen properly. Use the cold plate to slightly solidify the paraffin to
the bottom of the mold which can then be used to ‘hold’ the specimen in place.
The mini cold plate on this instrument only works a little bit. The cooling station
can also be used.
10. Place the now empty cassette on top of the embedding mold and be sure it is
seated properly.
11. Fill the top of the cassette with more paraffin.
12. Carefully place the embedded specimen on to the cold plate in an orderly
13. Blocks can be removed from the molds when they have completely solidified and
are cold to the touch.
14. Blocks should come out of the mold easily, do not try to force a block out of the
15. Repeat procedure with all specimens.
1. Remove the collection trays under both chambers of the embedding center and
empty the used paraffin into the trash can.
2. Using a spatula, scrape the extra paraffin from around the hot plates and discard
in the trash can.
3. Use gauze to wipe down the area around the hot plates and rub the extra paraffin
away from the outer surfaces of the embedding center.
4. After all of the blocks have been removed from the molds, replace the metal
molds back into the chamber for reuse and close the chambers.
5. Flip the switch on the back of the embedding station to the ‘off’ position.
6. Switch the cold plate off.
In case of injury, seek first aid. A first aid kit is located at the front of the lab benches. An
IRF staff member should be notified of the injury and an incident report should be filled
Microtome SOP
IRF Instrumentation Resource Facility - University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Microtome Sectioning
Reichert-Jung 2030 Rotary Microtome and Leica RM 2255 Automatic Microtome
Location: IRF Lab Room B60
All users are required to undergo proper microtome training. All users must read and
sign the microtome SOP before operating the instrument independently. A list of trained
individuals is to be kept by the histology manager. All users are required to log their
usage time in the log book. Reserved time on the microtome can be booked through an
iLabs account.
If there is any issue with histology, the histology manager should be notified:
This instrument is maintained by Karmen Owen
Cell Phone: (803) 237-9583
1. Tissue specimens should be properly embedded in paraffin wax. Blocks should
then be placed on an ice block to keep them properly cooled.
2. Select the desired trimming thickness. To trim the block, the settings should be at
around 10um and for sectioning the settings should be around 5um.
3. During cutting, the block holder moves up and down as the handwheel is rotated.
After the up stroke, the block holder moves forward in increments of the set
trimming thickness setting.
4. Make sure the handwheel is rotated until the specimen clamp is in the uppermost
5. Insert the block into the block holder by pushing the lever towards you. Release
the handle to secure the block. A block can be positioned horizontally or
6. Insert a new blade into the blade holder CAREFULLY and tighten the blade
holder. Angle the blade and specimen so that the block face is parallel to the
knife edge.
7. Make sure all bolts are tightened before unlocking the handwheel.
8. Use the handwheel to advance the knife forwards to move the specimen close to
the knife.
Different sections of the blade can be used at different times. If there are blade marks
starting to show while sectioning, move the blade down to a newer section of blade. Start at
one side of the blade and then move the blade down when it needs to be changed.
1. Start to turn the wheel slowly to see how close the blade is to the block. Advance
or retract the specimen block based on what is needed.
2. Blocks should be faced to expose the entire tissue by trimming it at 5-10μm.
Continue trimming by rotating the microtome wheel until the specimen is fully
exposed to the point desired for sections.
3. After facing the block, put the block back on ice to keep them cold before
sectioning. When ready to start sectioning, the section thickness should be set to
4. After trimming move the blade to a different portion of blade to start sectioning.
5. Keep rotating the hand wheel clockwise to start making sections. A ribbon should
start forming.
6. Gently, pick up the ribbon and lay it on top of the water bath.
7. Multiple sections can fit on to a slide. Orientation and location of the tissue
should be considered before placing the tissue.
8. To change blocks, move the specimen clamp to the upper end position and
activate the handwheel lock. Remove the blade before changing blocks.
9. Always keep the knife guard up and the hand wheel locked when not actively
using the microtome.
1. Fill a water bath with distilled water and let it heat to 10° less than the melting
point of the paraffin being used.
2. Gently, pick up the ribbon and let it float on top of a heated water bath. The
sections should flatten out.
3. A long ribbon can be separated in the bath into individual sections.
4. Orient a glass slide next to a section and slip the slide under the water at a 45°
angle. Move the slide underneath the wanted section and touch it to the ribbon.
5. Lift the slide up at an angle.
6. After the desired sections are on slides, let the slides air-dry.
7. Make sure to turn off the water bath after use.
1. When you are done sectioning, lock the handwheel with the specimen holder in
the top position.
2. Remove the blade from the knife holder and discard it in the sharps container.
3. Remove the block from the block holder.
4. Brush loose paraffin into the waste paraffin tray with gauze. Empty the paraffin
tray into the trash by pulling it out until the magnets release the tray. Return the
empty paraffin tray.
5. Unwanted paraffin trimmings can be disposed of in a regular trash bin.
6. Paraffin can be wiped from the area using gauze. Wipe down the microtome and
water bath with 70% ethanol on a Kimwipe.
7. Empty ice bath in the sink and replace with water and return it back to the
8. Empty the water bath in the sink and make sure it is turned off
9. Remember to record your time in the log book.
1. Air dry the slides at room temperature.
2. Place in an oven at 70° for at least 20 minutes to melt the paraffin. This is an
essential step, as otherwise the sections will fall off the slide.
3. Stain the slides using whichever stain protocol is wanted.
4. Coverslip slides in the coverslipper machine using mounting media and glass
Use with caution!! Microtome blades are very sharp and can cause serious injuries.
Never touch a blade with your fingers. Always lock the handwheel when manipulating
the blade. Do not clean the blade along its length. Wipe the blade from the back edge to
the cutting edge with a brush when cleaning. Put blade guard up when not sectioning.
Never leave the microtome unattended with an exposed blade in position. If you need to
step away, remove the blade or use the blade guard.
After Use: Remove the blade when you have finished using the microtome. Never
leave a used blade in the blade holder in the microtome. All used blades should be
properly disposed of in the appropriate sharps container located on the lab bench. Do
not place blades in the trashcan or laying on the benchtop.
All trimmings and sections of tissue that accumulate on the microtome should be
brushed into the waste container below the microtome. This waste container with all of
the trimmings should be emptied into a trashcan. All blades should be disposed of
properly in the designated sharps container on the lab bench.
Before cleaning the instrument, make sure to lock the rotary hand wheel. Make sure all
blades are removed and disposed of. All surfaces of the microtome can be disinfected
using 70% ethanol. Gauze can help get the paraffin off the microtome.
In case of injury, seek first aid. A first aid kit is located at the front of the lab benches. An
IRF staff member should be notified of the injury and an incident report should be filled
IRF Instrumentation Resource Facility - University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Frozen Sectioning
Thermo Scientific Cryostat Microm HM 525
Location: IRF Lab Room B60
All users are required to undergo proper cryostat training. All users must read and sign
the cryostat SOP before operating the instrument independently. A list of trained
individuals is to be kept by the histology manager. All users are required to log their
usage time in the log book. Reserved time on the cryostat can be booked through an
iLabs account.
If there is any issue with the cryostat, the histology manager should be notified:
This instrument is maintained by Karmen Owen
Cell Phone: (803) 237-9583
9. Samples should be brought down to the core on ice or dry ice.
10. Pick the desired mold for your sample. Place the sample in the mold face down
and cover it with OCT media until the entire well is covered. Avoid air bubbles.
Put it in the cryostat and let it freeze.
11. Once it is completely frozen and is white in color, it can be popped out of the
mold. Apply a small amount of OCT on the specimen chuck and mount the
specimen onto it. Allow OCT media to harden. Let it briefly freeze before
mounting it.
12. Turn the cryostat light on. Lock the handwheel in the upper position before
working with hands inside the cryostat.
13. Insert the chuck into the specimen holder and tighten the screw. The specimen
can be manipulated by untightening the clamp on the right side of the specimen
14. Insert new blade into the blade holder CAREFULLY and tighten the blade holder.
Angle the blade and specimen so that the block face is parallel to the knife edge.
15. Select the desired trimming thickness. The most common thickness for frozen
sectioning is
16. 10um. During cutting, the block holder moves up and down as the handwheel is
rotated. After the up stroke, the block holder moves forward in increments of the
set trimming thickness setting.
17. Make sure all bolts are tightened before unlocking the handwheel.
18. Press the motorized coarse feed button to move the specimen close to the knife.
The knife angle on this cryostat sometimes does not stay in the correct position.
Make sure to set the angle tightly at 5-6 μm and avoid hitting the clamp during
10. Keep your samples in the cryostat until they are ready to be sectioned. Do not
allow the tissue to thaw at any time. It is best to only work with one sample at a
11. During trimming, keep the antiroll device up. Advance the knife by turning the
handwheel and start trimming the block face. Continue trimming until the
specimen is exposed to the point desired for sections. Discard the first 2-3
sections to ensure that desired thickness is achieved.
12. Keep the knife and specimen free of debris by brushing upwards with a brush.
13. When ready to section, lower the antiroll device glass onto the stage in the
correct position. This will catch the sections as they are cut.
14. Continue to advance the knife to start taking sections. When a desired section is
cut, lift the antiroll plate and touch a glass slide face down onto the section. The
section should jump and stick onto the slide.
15. Multiple sections can fit on to a slide. Orientation and location of the tissue
should be considered before placing the tissue. If a section needs to be
repositioned in any way, a brush can be used to manipulate the section.
16. The slides can be stored in the cryostat while sectioning. Let the slides dry at
room temperature before staining.
1. When you are done sectioning, lock the handwheel with the specimen holder in
the top position. Press the rewind button to move the specimen holder all the way
to the back, to the rear position.
2. Remove the blade from the knife holder and discard it in the sharps container.
3. Remove the chuck from the specimen holder and also remove the specimen
from the chuck. The specimen can also be removed with running warm water.
Clean the chuck with water at the sink or 70% ethanol and wipe the chuck with a
4. The cryostat chamber and accessories can be cleaned using 70% ethanol on a
5. Make sure the window is down and the chamber light is off. Leave the main
power on. Do not shut down the main power of the instrument.
Slides can be stored in -20°C if being used in the next few weeks and should be stored
in -80°C if they are going to be stored for months or years at a time. The slides should
only be thawed when they are ready to be used.
Use with caution!! Microtome blades are very sharp and can cause serious injuries.
Never touch a blade with your fingers. Always lock the handwheel when manipulating
the blade. Do not clean the blade along its length. Wipe the blade from the back edge to
the cutting edge with a brush when cleaning. Put blade guard up when not sectioning.
Never leave the microtome unattended with an exposed blade in position. If you need to
step away, remove the blade or use the blade guard.
After Use: Remove the blade when you have finished using the cryostat. Never leave a
used blade in the blade holder in the cryostat. All used blades should be properly
disposed of in the appropriate sharps container located on the lab bench. Do not place
blades in the trashcan or laying on the benchtop.
Temperature range of the cryostat is -20°C to -35°C. Do not go above -20°C.
Keep temperature of the cryostat on -23°C. If you change the temperature of the
cryostat, put it back on -23°C when you are done using it.
The cryostat operates at extremely low temperatures and is capable of causing
frostbite. Be sure to wear gloves when working in the chamber.
If sections are accumulating on the knife edge, the temperature may be too
warm. Keep the glass door shut as much as possible. Freeze spray may also be
If sections are curling, the temperature may be too cold. Place your finger on the
specimen to warm it up.
Do not leave specimens in the cryostat. The waste container below the blade holder
should be emptied into a trashcan. All trimmings and sections of tissue that accumulate
in the cryostat should be swept into the holes in the back of the cryostat. Any leftover
specimens should be taken back to your own lab for disposal. All blades should be
disposed of properly in the designated sharps container on the lab bench.
Before cleaning the instrument, make sure to lock the rotary hand wheel. Make sure all
blades are removed and disposed of. All surfaces of the cryostat can be disinfected
using 70% ethanol. To defrost the cryostat, the main power should be turned off. All
parts of the cryostat should be removed and cleaned separately. Everything should be
thoroughly dried before being reinserted back into the chamber to prevent icing. The
chamber should also be completely dried out before switching the cryostat back on.
In case of injury, seek first aid. A first aid kit is located at the front of the lab benches. An
IRF staff member should be notified of the injury and an incident report should be filled
Instrumentation Used
Autostainer: Leica Autostainer XL
Leica ASP 300 Tissue Processor
Leica CV 5000 Automatic Coverslipper
Thermo Scientific Microm HM 525 Costat
Reichert-Jung 2030 Rota Microtome
Thermo Scientific TN1550 Embedding Center
Nikon Eclipse E600 Light Microscope
Lab Vision PT Module for Antigen Retrieval
Leica RM 2255 Automatic Microtome (Karmens)
Tissue Flotation Bath
Laborato Oven
Study of microscopic structure of cells, ssues, and organs
Thin slice of ssue under a microscope
Steps of Histology
1. Fixaon
2. Dehydraon
3. Clearing
4. Paran Inltraon
5. Embedding
6. Seconing
7. Drying
8. Staining
Series of alcohols, xylene, and paran
Overnight protocol
(6 hours, 45 minutes)
Dehydraon: the removal of water by increasing concentraons of ethanols
Water molecules are removed from ssue
Clearing: ethanol is replaced by xylene
Paran and ethanol are immiscible!
Paran Inltraon: ssue is inltrated with a supporng medium
Xylene is replaced with molten wax under vacuum
H&E stain is the most common
Regressive staining – ssue is overstained with hematoxylin and dierenator is used to remove excess
hematoxylin (Harris Hematoxylin, Weigerts Hematoxylin)
Progressive staining – ssue is stained with hematoxylin up to a point and excess hematoxylin is not
removed (Mayers Hematoxylin, Gills Hematoxylin)
PAS Stain – Glycogen
Masson’s Trichrome - Collagen
Preserves tissues by stopping autolytic changes but allows tissues to remain
unchanged by subsequent treatment.
Functions to kill the tissue by denaturing proteins so that the postmortem activities
of decay, or putrefaction (bacterial attack), and autolysis (enzyme attack) are
Helps maintain the proper relationship between cells and extracellular substances.
Tissues are hardened slightly.
Resistant to further changes.
Delayed fixation causes autolysis – fixation should be performed immediately after
tissue has been removed.
Temperature – Increase in temperature increases the rate of fixation but also increases rate
of autolysis. Fixation should normally be done at room temperature. After 24 hours, can be
stored in 4°C.
Size – Effects reagent penetration. Maximum size should be no more than 10mm for
adequate fixation.
Volume Ratio – Fixative volume should be at least 20X greater than the tissue volume.
Fixative Used – Different fixatives penetrate at different rates. Most commonly used is 10%
buffered neutral formalin or 4% paraformaldehyde (pH should be 7.2 to 7.4)
Time – Interval between interruption of the blood supply and placement of tissue in
fixative should be minimal. Changes in tissue begin to occur within seconds so speed is
Duration – 24 (small) to 48 hours (larger) (depends on size of tissue)
Rinse with distilled water and change to 70% ethanol. Can be stored long term in 4°C.
70% Ethanol – 45 minutes
70% Ethanol – 30 minutes
95% Ethanol – 30 minutes
95% Ethanol – 30 minutes
95% Ethanol – 30 minutes
100% Ethanol – 20 minutes
100% Ethanol – 20 minutes
100% Ethanol – 20 minutes
Xylene – 20 minutes
Xylene – 20 minutes
Xylene – 20 minutes
Paraffin – 45 minutes
Paraffin – 45 minutes
Paraffin – 30 minutes
Routine H & E Protocol
XYLENE - 5 minutes
XYLENE - 5 minutes
100% ETHANOL - 2 minute
100% ETHANOL - 2 minute
95% ETHANOL - 1 minute
95% ETHANOL - 1 minute
WASH 1 - WATER - 1 minute
HEMATOXYLIN - 6 minutes
WASH 2 - WATER 5 minutes
WASH 3 - WATER - 2 minutes
ACID ALCOHOL - 2 seconds
WASH 4 - WATER - 5 minute
BLUING - 1 minute
WASH 5 - WATER - 5 minutes
95% ETHANOL - 2 minutes
EOSIN - 1 minute 30 seconds
95% ETHANOL - 30 seconds
95% ETHANOL - 30 seconds
100% ETHANOL - 1 minute
100% ETHANOL - 2 minute
100% ETHANOL - 1 minute
XYLENE - 5 minutes
XYLENE - 5 minutes
Autostainer (H&E) Reagents
5 drops ammonia in water
Make fresh each day!
(Or use premade bluing reagent)
Filter Daily
Stir daily
Acid Alcohol:
1% HCl in 70% ETOH
(1L) 10mL HCl and 990mL 70% ETOH
70% ETOH (1L):
700mL 100% ETOH
300mL H20
Switch reagents frequently
Karmen.Owe[email protected].edu
(803) 237-9583
(Frozen) Rapid H & E Protocol
FORMALIN 2 minutes
95% ETHANOL - 1 minute
WASH 2 WATER 20 seconds
WASH 3 WATER 20 seconds
WASH 1 - 1 minute
ACID ALCOHOL 2 seconds
WASH 4 - WATER 10 seconds
BLUING 10 seconds
WASH 5 - WATER 30 seconds
95% ETHANOL 5 seconds
EOSIN 15 seconds
95% ETHANOL - 5 seconds
95% ETHANOL - 5 seconds
100% ETHANOL 5 seconds
100% ETHANOL 5 seconds
100% ETHANOL 5 seconds
XYLENE 5 seconds
XYLENE 5 seconds
Periodic Acid Schi (PAS) Stain
Purpose: The Periodic Acid Schi (PAS) stain is intended for use in demonstraon of lymphocytes and
mucopolysaccharides. It is also used to demonstrate glycogen, basement membranes, cellulose, and
starch. PAS posive material will be stained magenta. Nuclei will be stained black or blue.
Posive Controls: Kidney, Intesne, Liver
Reagents: Periodic Acid Soluon, Schis Soluon, Mayers Hematoxylin, Bluing Reagent
Principle: The periodic acid oxidizes the carbon to carbon bond forming aldehydes that react with the
Schis soluon, which forms the magenta color.
Use: The PAS stain is intended for use in histological demonstraon of lymphocytes and
mucopolysaccharides. The staining paern of the lymphocytes are helpful in making therapeuc
decisions in established cases of lymphocyc leukemia. The PAS stain can also be used for the
demonstraon of fungal organisms in ssue secons. Can be used to detect glycogen deposits in the
liver when glycogen storage disease is suspected.
Periodic Acid Schi (PAS) Stain
1. Deparanize and hydrate to water (program 3 on autostainer)
2. Immerse slide in Periodic Acid Soluon for 5 minutes (7 minutes for kidney, skin and liver)
3. Rinse in dislled water
4. Immerse slide in Schis Soluon for 15 minutes (20 minutes for kidney, skin and liver)
5. Rinse slide in hot running tap water (beaker in oven)
6. Rinse slide in dislled water
7. Stain slide in Mayer’s Hematoxylin for 1 minute
8. Rinse slide in running tap water for 2 minutes
9. Apply Bluing Reagent for 10 seconds
10. Rinse in dislled water
11. Dehydrate by using program 2 on the autostainer
12. Mount with mounng media and coverslip
Note: Save all reagents in original containers
Note: The Periodic Acid Soluon and the Schis Soluon are located in
the refrigerator
Masson’s Trichrome Stain
Purpose: Demonstraon of collagen and smooth muscle. Collagen bers will be stained blue. Nuclei will
be stained black, and the muscle, cytoplasm, and keran are stained red.
Posive Controls: Skin, Lung, Stomach, Intesne, Uterus, Appendix, Fallopian Tube
Reagents: Bouin’s Soluon, Weigerts Iron Hematoxylin Stock Soluon A&B, Biebrich Scarlet-Acid Fuchsin
Soluon, Phosphomolybdic-Phosphotungsc Acid, Aniline Blue Soluon, 1% Acec Acid Soluon
Principle: Post-xaon in Bouins increases the intensity of the stain. The negavely charged nuclei are
then stained with the posively charged hematoxylin. An acidic dye is applied to the secon which binds
all of the acidophilic elements including collagen and muscle. The phosphomolybdic-phosphotungsc
acid then displaces the acid dye from the collagen. Collagen is more permeable than cytoplasm and the
large phosphomolybdic-phosphotungsc molecule cannot displace the acid dye from the cytoplasm. It
also acts as a mordant for the aniline blue to bind to collagen. Acec acid helps clear the slide of any
loosely bound dye.
Use: This method is used to dierenate between smooth muscle and of collagen bers in ssue
secons. This stain can assess the degree of brosis in the liver, which gives important informaon about
stage and progression of a disease. Liver diseases such as hepas B and C viral infecons, fay liver
disease, alcoholic liver disease and chronic biliary diseases show the formaon of brous ssue including
brous septa leading to the end-stage process called cirrhosis.
Masson’s Trichrome Stain
1. Deparanize and hydrate to water (program 3 on autostainer)
2. Mordant in Bouin’s xave for 1 hour in the oven (70°)
3. Cool and wash in running water unl yellow color disappears
4. Rinse in dislled water
5. Place in Weigerts Iron Hematoxylin Working Soluon for 10 minutes
6. Wash in running water for 10 minutes
7. Rinse in dislled water
8. Place in Biebrich Scarlet-Acid Fuchsin for 2 minutes. Save soluon in original container when
9. Rinse in dislled water
10. Place in phosphotungsc-Phosphomolybdic acid for 12 minutes.
11. Place in Aniline Blue soluon for 5 minutes. Save soluon in original container when nished
12. Rinse in dislled water
13. Place in acec acid 1% aqueous for 4 minutes. Pour used acid in waste container.
14. Dehydrate by using program 2 on the autostainer
15. Mount with mounng media
Working Soluon is made by adding equal parts of stock soluon A and stock
soluon B. Mixture is good for 2 weeks. This step will be premade for you.
When nished, pour mixture back into the original container.
Note: Pour used acid in labeled waste container
Note: Bouin’s xave has highly toxic fumes. Make sure fume hood is on
and limit exposure. Close the lid on the container before pung it in the
Picrosirius Red Stain
Purpose: Stains brillar type I and type III collagen. Collagen will be stained red. Type I will be stained
yellow, and type III will be stained green.
Posive Controls: Heart, Lung, Uterus, Muscle, Kidney
Reagents: Phosphomolybdic Acid, Picrosirius Red Stain, .1 N Hydrochloride Acid
Principle: Picric acid dye is a small and slightly hydrophobic molecule and Sirius Red is a red acid dye that
is large and hydrophilic. This method stains collagen red, and cytoplasm and other protein rich material
being stained dierent shades of yellow. Thick secons stain more yellow than thin secons.
Use: Picrosirius red method is used to stain collagen I and III. The stain will quanfy the amount of
collagen in a given area of myocardial ssue. Picrosirius Red Stain binds specically to collagen brils of
varying diameter that is used to disnguish collagen type I from collagen type III. Collagenous structures
of the mandible stain brilliant red. Dennal tubules, Sharpey’s bers and other structures not easily seen
in secons stained with hematoxylin and eosin alone were seen clearly aer this procedure. Under
polarized light collagen bers could be specically idened and their orientaon determined. Picrosirius
Red Stain hematoxylin is recommended for examinaon of normal or pathologic dental specimens.
Picrosirius Red Stain
1. Deparanize and hydrate to water (program 3 on autostainer)
2. Place in Phosphomolybdic Acid for 2 minutes
3. Rinse in dislled water
4. Place in Picrosirius Red Stain for 1 hour. Save soluon in original container when nished.
5. Place in .1 N Hydrochloride Acid for 2 minutes
6. Place in 70% Ethanol for 45 seconds
7. Dehydrate by using program 2 on the autostainer
8. Mount with mounng media
Note: Pour used acid in labeled waste container
The demonstraon of neutral lipids in frozen ssue secons. Fat occurring in an abnormal place such as
fay emboli that may develop aer either a bone fracture or an injury that crushes a fay body area may
be demonstrated. The fat stain may verify that the emboli caused death. Degenerang material
containing fat, such as cell membranes or myelin, may coalesce into fat droplets that are demonstratable
with fat stains, and tumors arising from fat cells (liposarcomas) can be dierenated from other types of
Staining with oil soluble dyes is based on the greater solubility of the dye in the lipoid substances than in
the usual hydroalcoholic dye solvents. This is a physical method of staining and the dye used must (1) be
more soluble in the ssue lipid than in the solvent in which it is dissolved, (2) not be water soluble, (3) be
strongly colored, and (4) act with ssue constuents only by soluon. The solvent used is crical, with
isopropanol removing a minimal amount of lipid and propylene glycol not extracng any lipid.
Lipids are removed by any xave or soluon containing alcohol or organic solvents, so secons cannot
be processed for paran embedding. Frozen secons are most frequently used, but the use of water
soluble wax for embedding will allow the demonstraon of fat.
Free-oang secons stain more readily; however free-oang secons are dicult to obtain with the
cryostat, and secons mounted on slides may be used. The staining me may need to be adjusted.
Secons that have been xed previously also may tend to loosen from the slides.
To improve the microtomy of frozen secons, formalin xed ssues may be inltrated with 30% sucrose
soluon before freezing.
Aqueous mounng media must be used, because the organic solvent present in synthec resinous media
will dissolve the fat.
The fat in the secon is relavely liquid and mobile, so care should be taken that no pressure is placed
on the coverglass or the fat may be displaced. If air bubbles are present in the secon, remove the
coverslip by soaking the slide in warm water. If glycerin jelly is used for mounng, it should not be
overheated because this may melt the fat and also displace it.
Oil Red O Stock Soluon
Oil Red O - 2.5g
Isopropanol, 98% - 500mL
Mix well.
Oil Red O Working Soluon
Oil Red O Stock Soluon – 24mL
Dislled Water – 16mL
Mix well and let stand for ten minutes. Filter. The ltrate can be used for several hours.
1. Cut frozen secons, x in 40% formaldehyde for 1 minute, and wash well in tap water;
blot o excess water; if the ssue has been previously xed, there is no need to rex.
2. Stain secons in oil red O for 10 minutes
3. Wash secons in tap water
4. Stain for 1 minute in Harris hematoxylin containing acec acid (glacial acec acid,
2mL/hematoxylin, 48mL)
5. Wash secons in tap water
6. Blue in ammonia water (or bluing)
7. Wash in tap water
8. Mount secons with an aqueous mounng medium
9. Seal the edges of the coverslip with ngernail polish
DAKO – Envision+ Dual Link System-HRP
Envision+ Dual Link System-HRP has been opmally diluted for use with primary anbodies from
mouse and rabbit in immunohistochemical procedures based on the labelled Polymer method.
The Envision+ Dual Link System-HRP is a two-step IHC staining technique. This system is based on
an HRP labelled polymer which is conjugated with secondary anbodies. The labelled polymer
does not contain avid or bion. Consequently, nonspecic staining resulng from endogenous
avidin-bion acvity in liver, kidney, lymphoid, and cryostat secons is eliminated or signicantly
Kit is stored at 4C. All steps should take place at room temperature. Do not allow ssue secons
to dry during the staining procedure.
Principle: Any endogenous peroxidase acvity is quenched by incubang the specimen with an
endogenous blocking reagent. The specimen is then incubated with a diluted rabbit primary anbody,
followed by incubaon with the labeled polymer, using two sequenal 30-minute incubaons. Staining is
completed by a 5-10 minute incubaon with a substrate-chromogen.
Descripon: Ki-67 is a nuclear protein, which is expressed in proliferang cells. Ki-67 is preferenally
expressed during late G1-, S-, M-, and G2 phases of the cell cycle, while cells in the G0 (quiescent) phases
are negave for this protein.
Posive Controls: Spleen, Tonsil, Breast
Labeled polymer: Peroxidase labelled polymer conjugated to goat an-rabbit immunoglobulins in Tris-
HCl buer containing stabilizing protein and an an-microbial agent.
Dako Anbody Diluent: intended for the preparaon of primary and secondary anbody diluons and
negave control reagents for use in immunohistochemical (IHC) staining procedures.
1. Deparanizaon and Angen Retrieval
a. Make 1.5L 1X Angen Retrieval Buer from stock 100X Citrate Buer (pH 6.0).
(15mL Citrate + 1.5L Dislled Water)
b. Pour this soluon into one tank of the Lab Vision PT Module.
c. Place slides in the slide holder and suspend the slide holder over the bath.
d. Turn the module on and press “run” on the side that corresponds with the lled bath.
e. Protocol takes about 2 hours including heang and cooling.
2. Endogenous Enzyme Block
a. The following steps should be performed rapidly enough to prevent the ssue from
drying out.
b. Once module is cooled down, remove slides from slide holder.
c. Tap o excess buer onto paper towels and wipe the area around the ssue specimen
with a kimwipe.
d. Use a Pap pen to draw a circle around the ssue.
e. Place slides on a staining tray and apply Dual Endogenous Enzyme Block dropwise
enough to cover the specimen without overowing the circle.
f. Incubate for 10 minutes.
g. Remove slides from staining tray and tap o the Enzyme Block onto paper towels.
h. Place slides upright in PBS for 30 seconds.
3. Primary Anbody or Negave Control Reagent
a. Remove the slides from PBS and tap o the excess and wipe the slides as before.
b. Briey spin down primary anbody (Ki-67, rabbit monoclonal, which has been diluted
1:200 in anbody diluent) or negave control reagent.
c. Using a transfer pipee, apply enough diluted primary anbody or negave control
reagent to cover the specimen.
d. Incubate for 30 minutes.
e. Tap o excess soluon and place in PBS for 5 minutes.
f. Repeat for a total of 2 washes.
4. Labelled Polymer-HRP
a. Tap o excess and wipe slides as before.
b. Apply labeled polymer dropwise to cover specimen.
c. Incubate for 30 minutes.
d. Tap o excess and place in PBS for 5 minutes.
e. Repeat for a total of 2 washes.
f. While waing, add 1 mL DAB+ Substrate Buer to an Eppendorf tube, then add 1 drop of
g. Invert the mixture several mes to mix.
h. Fill another tube with DI water.
5. Substrate-Chromogen
a. Tap o excess buer and wipe slides as before.
b. Using a transfer pipee, apply enough substrate-chromogen soluon to cover specimen.
c. Incubate for 10 minutes.
d. Using a transfer pipee, remove the soluon from the slide and deposit it in the
hazardous waste container designated for chromogen waste.
e. Using the same transfer pipee, to move any unused substrate-chromogen soluon to
the chromogen waste container, then move the DI water from the Eppendorf tube to the
tube that contained the substrate-chromogen soluon. Close the tube, invert, and then
pour into the chromogen waste container.
f. Place slide upright in DI water for 1-2 minutes.
6. Hematoxylin Counterstain
a. Remove slide from DI water and promptly transfer to autostainer,
b. Use program #14 on autostainer and load the samples.
c. Mount with mounng media and a cover slip.