Syllabus (Section 3)
from 2023
ABRSM Grades 1 to 8
Qualification Specification
This syllabus is specific to Singing for Musical Theatre and is part of the
main Qualification Specification: Music Performance Grades. The remainder of
that specification provides other relevant information for those preparing for
Performance Grades exams and applies to all subjects (instruments/voice).
It can be found at and should be read
when preparing for an exam.
Music Performance Grades
January 2023
© 2022 by The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music
All the syllabus information in this document, including repertoire lists, is the copyright of ABRSM.
No syllabus listing may be reproduced or published without the permission of ABRSM. Updated in 2023.
In this January 2023 Edition
Diversity 
3. Performance Grades Syllabus
Introducing the qualification
Performance Grades: requirements and information
Performance as a whole
Selecting repertoire
Preparing for the exam
Grade 1
Grade 2 
Grade 3 
Grade 4 
Grade 5 
Grade 6 
Grade 7 
Grade 8 
In this January 2023 Edition
We have added more songs from recently-released shows and rediscovered
Newly added songs are marked with in the syllabus and can be performed in
exams from January 2023.
No overlap applies to this syllabus update, as we have only added content and
not removed any songs. Occasional changes to publication details or other minor
corrections will be posted at
Some updates have been made to the text to further clarify existing requirements and
Please also refer to the overarching Qualification Specification: Music Performance
Grades document, which contains other important and relevant information for those
preparing for Performance Grades.
From 8 March 2023, Performance Grade candidates should provide their programme
information online when uploading their video. It is no longer necessary to show a
written programme form to camera. All other recording requirements remain the
same [Section 3: Preparing for the Exam].
ABRSM is committed to creating greater diversity, equality and inclusion in the
field of music and we are actively working to achieve this across key areas of our
operations, including the content of our syllabuses.
Musical Theatre has a long history, enriched by the range and depth of its composers
and arrangers, characters, performers, cultures, intentions and themes. This complex
nature currently makes it extremely dicult to properly represent a broad historical
sweep of the genre without including pieces which may contain outdated attitudes
and cultural stereotypes.
We are working to reduce the significance of all such pieces within the syllabus.
In the meantime, we draw attention to the nature of the contents of some pieces
featured here – not simply as a warning to customers but so that we can learn from
them too.
We will continue raising awareness of such issues as we make progress on our
broader diversity commitments.
3ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | Last updated 31/07/2023
3. Performance Grades Syllabus
Introducing the qualification
Performance Grades, introduced by ABRSM in 2020, run alongside and provide an alternative
pathway to our long-standing Practical Grades. They allow learners to focus on and showcase their
performance skills if that is their preference. This suite of qualifications has been designed to allow
learners to play to their strengths and interests and still have their level of achievement formally
recognised with a regulated qualification that attracts UCAS points (in the UK) at Grades 6 to
8. Performance Grades are accessible exams given their sole focus on performance, without the
assessment of any supporting tests. Instead they encourage the selection of appropriate repertoire
to be delivered in a sustained performance, even at the earliest levels.
Musicians learn to sing, explore and perform repertoire, which is why songs, and the way they can
be combined to create a convincing and sustained performance, are the focus of the exam. For
Performance Grades, candidates are asked to present four songs at each grade.
ABRSM Performance Grades draw on the same repertoire set for our Practical Grades. This syllabus
repertoire is organised into lists, which explore dierent characters and styles of music, with songs
from shows dating from the 1920s to the present day. Choosing repertoire from dierent lists gives
candidates the opportunity to perform a balanced selection and demonstrate a range of skills.
Since Performance Grades focus on performance alone, the choice of repertoire is important, and
attention should be given to the way songs are contrasted, the order in which they are presented, and
the dierent moods and characters they inhabit. This will enable candidates to demonstrate their
ability to deliver a coherent and convincing performance event, not just a series of individual songs.
Credit for this is given through the performance as a whole assessment criteria that are applied.
Performance Grades: requirements and information
The syllabus repertoire is valid from 1 January 2023 until further notice.
This section provides a summary of the most important points that teachers and candidates need
to know when taking ABRSM Performance Grades in Singing for Musical Theatre. Further details,
as well as administrative information about the exams, are given in ABRSMs Exam Regulations
(available at which should be read before making an exam
Performance as a whole
Performance skills are at the heart of Performance Grades, and go beyond the preparation of
individual songs. Designing programmes that play to learners’ strengths as performers, and then
delivering them with a real sense of musical intent and communication, is central to musical
development. This also builds stamina, and embeds the technical control required to sing a whole
programme through, including managing the transitions from one song to another. Finding ways to
put across the mood and character, and really get inside the style of dierent types of repertoire,
as well as arranging songs into coherent and compelling programmes will in turn increase learners’
knowledge and understanding of music more broadly.
For full details of how the performance as a whole component of the exam is assessed, see Section 4
of the Qualification Specification: Music Performance Grades.
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Selecting repertoire
Number of songs: Candidates present four accompanied songs in one continuous performance.
They choose at least one song from each of the three lists (A, B and C). The fourth song at all grades
can be from the repertoire lists or an accompanied song of the candidate’s choice. The songs can
be performed in any order. See further programming requirements within this ‘Selecting repertoire’
section before finalising choices.
Own-choice song: The following options and restrictions apply to the own-choice song selection:
The song must be accompanied and be in a musical-theatre style.
The song should be broadly the same standard, or above, as repertoire set for the grade being
taken (prior approval from ABRSM is not needed, and can’t be given).
The song may be chosen from any of the repertoire lists set for the grade, as long as all other
requirements within this ‘Selecting repertoire’ section are also met, including the minimum
duration. Performing all four songs from the lists gives no advantage.
The song may be a candidate’s own composition or arrangement (see ‘Own composition’).
The song must exist in a legible and fully-notated score using standard music notation (e.g. not in
tab) and must be performed as notated in that score.
In cases where there is a concern about the standard of an own-choice song presented, ABRSM
reserves the right to request a copy from the Applicant where we cannot readily access one
ourselves. This may delay the issuing of the exam result.
The song must not last less than the following timings for each grade (unless the overall
programme time would be exceeded; see ‘Programme times’):
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Minimum duration (mm:ss) 00:25 00:30 00:35 00:45 01:00 01:30 02:00 03:00
The duration for each grade is the minimum time required in order to demonstrate the breadth
and depth of skills required, including stamina.
The other programming requirements described in this ‘Selecting repertoire’ section must also be
Programme times: The overall performance, including transitions between songs and the inclusion
of one longer break if taken (see ‘Break’), should not exceed the maximum programme time set for
the grade, as shown in the following table. The programme time is the duration from the first note
of the performance to the last. The examiner may stop listening to the recording if the candidate’s
performance goes over the maximum programme time.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Maximum programme time
6 7 8 10 12 15 20 25
Break: Candidates may take one break during their performance if they wish. The break must not
exceed the time allowed for the grade as shown in the following table. The exam recording must not
be paused or stopped during the break.
1 to 5 6 to 8
Maximum break time
1 2
Accompaniment: An accompaniment is required for all songs. Candidates provide their own
accompaniment, which may be live or recorded. The teacher may accompany, but candidates may
not accompany themselves (unless using a pre-recorded accompaniment). Live accompaniment
must be on the piano. An accompanist may use a page-turner (prior permission is not required;
the turner may be the teacher). If necessary, an accompanist may simplify any part of the
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 31/07/2023 5
accompaniment, as long as the result is musical. Lengthy instrumental/piano solos should not be
included unless specified in the syllabus.
Recorded accompaniments may be commercially-available tracks or recordings made specially for
the candidate’s exam. The accompaniment can feature any instrument or group of instruments, or
can be synthesised. If the solo part begins on the first beat of the bar, a short introduction or count-in
may be added, in keeping with the song. All recordings must:
be of good quality
not change the diculty of the piece
match any syllabus requirements, such as repeats or cuts
be of the accompaniment only and not include the vocal part unless it is in the published edition
Full guidance on the use of recorded accompaniments in exams is available at
Composers: Up to two songs by the same composer may be performed.
Own composition: ABRSM welcomes the inclusion of candidates’ own compositions, or
arrangements, to be performed as their own-choice song. We will not judge or provide feedback on
the structure or quality of the composition, only the performance of it. However, as with any other
own-choice song, the technical demand of the composition must be broadly the same as repertoire
set for the grade being taken.
Languages: Songs may be sung in their original language or in a singing translation in any other
Keys: At Grades 1 to 7 all songs may be sung by any voice and in any key. At Grade 8 all songs may
be sung by any voice, and in a key up to one tone higher or lower than any of the keys in the listed
editions for a song only; this applies even if singing from a dierent published edition. Own-choice
songs at all grades may be sung by any voice and in any key. Many songs are available published in
dierent keys, and candidates/teachers may make their own transpositions. The key of each song
should be chosen carefully to ensure it is appropriate for the candidate’s voice.
For guidance, the syllabus shows the published keys and vocal ranges for all songs (except for songs
that are in more than one key, in which case only the vocal range is shown). Keys, where applicable,
are shown for all editions of songs listed. The vocal range is shown for the first-listed edition only
(unless there are slight variants in range between editions).
The vocal ranges are presented according to the following scheme:
C2 B2 C3 B3 C4 B4 C5 B5 C6
Repertoire lists: There is a broad range of songs set on the syllabus, to suit dierent voices and to
appeal to candidates of dierent ages and backgrounds. Not every song will be suitable for every
candidate because of vocal range, content (themes, lyrics) or the wider context (historical, cultural,
subject matter of the show). We advise that songs are chosen carefully for their appropriateness to
each individual, which may require consultation between teachers and parents/carers. A parental
guidance symbol ( ) is shown in the repertoire list where the content and/or context of the song or
musical may have some mature themes.
The repertoire lists are the same as for ABRSM Practical Grades. Candidates intending on taking
both qualifications at the same grade may find their musical development benefits from preparing
dierent songs for each.
Exam music & editions: Candidates may use any edition of their choice; this includes editions
that are downloaded. Editions have been listed for guidance only. Many of the songs are available
in a large number of collections and editions. Information on sourcing exam music is given on
Lyrics: All songs may be sung by singers of any gender, and candidates may change pronouns and
gender-specific words. Some songs include parts for dierent characters in which case candidates
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 31/07/2023 6
should sing them straight through as a solo, unless we have specified a particular part in the lists.
Candidates are welcome to adjust lyrics to make a multi-character song work as a solo or to avoid
oensive words.
Verses & repeats: Songs must be performed complete, including standard repeats and DS/DC
markings, with the following exceptions:
where the repertoire list specifies ‘without repeats’ (this applies to standard repeats) or ‘without
DS/DC’. (If there are dierent lyrics, candidates can choose which lyric to sing.)
where the repertoire list specifies cuts or other instructions.
where there is a standard repeat mark (including first-time bars) indicated in the score but words
and music are exactly the same, in which case the repeat need not be sung.
Where cuts are indicated in the syllabus, they are specified to make songs suitable for exam
purposes. A suitably adjusted piano introduction, ending or bridging passage may be needed.
Candidates may, however, choose to include repeats, extra verses or sections that would be cut
following the syllabus instructions as long as the maximum programme time is not exceeded (see
‘Programme times’).
Preparing for the exam
Programme form & pre-performance procedures: Candidates should provide their programme
information online when uploading their video. The song information required should be given in the
order the songs will be performed.
Candidates should show the opening of their own-choice song and announce themselves and their
songs before beginning their performance. Candidates taking a Grade 6, 7 or 8 must additionally
show a form of photographic identification to the camera. This is because these qualifications can
be used either as a prerequisite for higher grades and diplomas, or as part of a university application.
If preferred, a Responsible Adult present may show the music to camera (but not the ID, where
applicable) and make the introductory announcement, as this does not form part of the performance.
The assessment of the performance begins on the first note of music played/sung.
More information on all of the above is given in the Guidance for Music Performance Grades
available at
Interpreting the score: Whether a song contains printed musical indications or not, candidates
are encouraged to interpret the score in a musical and stylistic way. Examiners’ marking will be
determined by how candidates’ decisions contribute to the musical outcome of each individual song
and to the performance as a whole.
Performing from memory: Candidates are encouraged to perform all songs from memory.
Ossias: Where an ossia (alternative musical line or note) occurs in the music, candidates may
choose either option unless the repertoire list specifies dierently.
Copyright: Performing from unauthorised photocopies (or other kinds of copies) or illegal downloads
of copyright music is not allowed. In the UK, copies may be used in certain limited circumstances
– for full details, see the MPAs Code of Fair Practice at In
all other cases, application should be made to the copyright holder before any copy is made. Care
should also be taken when making arrangements, as permission will be required in the case of
copyright music.
Candidates and Applicants are expected to act within the law with regard to copyright. ABRSM may
withhold the exam result where we have evidence that this is not the case.
Sourcing exam music: Exam music is available from music retailers and online, including at the
ABRSM music shop: Every eort has been made to make sure that the
publications listed will be available for the duration of the syllabus. We advise candidates to get
their music well before the exam in case items are not kept in stock by retailers. Non-exam related
questions about the music (e.g. editorial, availability) should be addressed to the relevant publisher:
contact details are listed at
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May contain mature themes
See page 5 for more details
Four ACCOMPANIED SONGS: from memory; at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists,
A,B and C (listed below), and a fourth of the candidate’s own choice. For further programming requirements, see
Parental guidance: a symbol is shown in the song list where there is known potential for mature content or
context in a song or show, but this is not exhaustive. We strongly advise that songs are chosen carefully for their
appropriateness to each individual.
Grade 1
list A
Annie Get Your Gun
I. Berlin
A:1 I got lost in his arms
(from chorus)
ĥ Annie Get Your Gun: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (D4–E5)
The Aristocats
Richard & Robert Sherman
A:2 Scales and Arpeggios
(without first repeat)
ĥ Songs from The Aristocats (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
A:18 The Aristocats
(straight to coda after 2nd time bar)
ĥ Songs from The Aristocats (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–C5)
Churchill & Morey
A:3 Little April Shower ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–E5)
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Grade 1, List A
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Richard & Robert Sherman
A:4 Doll on a Music Box ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: musical selections (Alfred)
F (C4D5)
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: stage selections (Alfred)
A:5 Toot Sweets
(without repeat)
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: musical selections (Alfred)
C (C4D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
A:6 Truly Scrumptious ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: musical selections (Alfred)
G (D4–D5)
(verse and children’s chorus)
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: stage selections (Alfred)
(verse and children’s chorus)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
(without repeat)
David, Homan & Livingston
A:16 A dream is a wish your heart makes ĥ Walt Disney’s Cinderella: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (B3–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 1 (ABRSM)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
Hans Christian Andersen
F. Loesser
A:7 The Inch Worm
(melody line only; without repeat)
ĥ Junior Songscape: Stage and Screen (Faber)
F (B-3–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
(from b. 22)
A:19 Wonderful Copenhagen ĥ Hans Christian Andersen (Music Sales)
C (C4D5)
ĥ Wonderful Copenhagen
Jack and the Beanstalk
Matthew White & Ana Sanderson
A:8 Crock of Gold
(cut bb. 19–26; singing animals 1 part from b. 27)
ĥ Roald Dahl’s Jack and the Beanstalk: A Gigantically Amusing Musical
(Collins Music)
D (D4–D5)
A:9 O you go to market
(animals 1 part)
ĥ Roald Dahl’s Jack and the Beanstalk: A Gigantically Amusing Musical
(Collins Music)
E min (B3–C5)
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Grade 1, List A
The Jungle Book
Matthew Crossey & Tom Kirkham
A:20 King of the Jungle
(no repeat – straight to 2nd time bar)
ĥ The Jungle Book: A new musical adaptation: vocal selections (The School
Musicals Company)
D (B3–C5)
ĥ King of the Jungle
Mary Poppins
Richard & Robert Sherman
A:10 The Perfect Nanny ĥ Mary Poppins: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
A:11 Where is love?
(without repeat)
ĥ Oliver! film vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
C (C4D5)
ĥ Oliver! stage vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
(to b. 31)
ĥ Oliver! vocal score (Lakeview Music)
(to fig. C)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The White Book (Wise)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 1 (ABRSM)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
de Paul & Mercer
A:12 When you’re in love ĥ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: musical selections (Alfred)
F (C4C5)
So Dear to My Heart
E. Daniel & L. Morey
A:13 Lavender Blue ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–D5)
The Sound of Music
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:14 Do-Re-Mi
(ending b. 68)
ĥ The Sound of Music: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
C (C4C5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
A:15 Edelweiss
(ending with 2nd-time bar)
ĥ The Sound of Music: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
B - (D4–C5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
B -
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 10
Grade 1, List A
Frank Wildhorn & Jack Murphy
A:17 Home ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
C (A3–C5)
ĥ Home
list B
Bugsy Malone
Paul Williams
B:1 Bad Guys
(to b. 22)
ĥ Bugsy Malone: vocal selections (Faber)
G (C
Germaine Franco & Adrian Molina
B:16 Proud Corazón
(ending on 3rd bar of p. 38)
ĥ Coco: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (A3–C5)
(ending on 3rd bar of p. 38)
Gay Divorce
C. Porter
B:2 Night and Day
(chorus only, once through)
ĥ The Best of Cole Porter (Faber)
C (G3C5)
High School Musical
Andy Dodd & Adam Watts
B:22 What I’ve Been Looking For ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 1 (Hal
G (E4–E5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
ĥ What I’ve Been Looking For
The Jungle Book
Richard & Robert Sherman
B:3 Colonel Hathi’s March
(any two verses)
ĥ The Jungle Book: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (D4–B-4)
B:4 I Wan’na Be Like You
(any two verses)
ĥ The Jungle Book: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (E4–E5)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The Black Book (Wise)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 11
Grade 1, List B
La La Land
Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:5 City of stars
(cut bb. 21–34)
ĥ La La Land: vocal selections (Faber)
D min (G3–A4)
James Ford Murphy
B:17 Lava ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
C (G4G5)
Mamma Mia!
Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus & Stig Anderson
B:6 Honey, honey
(without spoken section)
ĥ Play the Songs That Inspired Mamma Mia!: vocal selections (Alfred)
F (C4C5)
ĥ Honey, honey
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus & Stig Anderson
B:18 The Day Before You Came
(ending at first-time bar)
ĥ The Day Before You Came
C min (G3–C5)
(ending at first time bar)
B:19 Fernando
(any one verse and chorus; verse and 3rd phrase of
chorus may be sung 8ve lower)
ĥ Fernando
A (A3–A4)
Modern Times
Chaplin, Turner & Parsons
B:7 Smile ĥ The Songs of Charlie Chaplin (Bourne)
F (C4D5)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The Black Book (Wise)
Ocean Commotion
Debbie Campbell
B:8 Ocean commotion
(without verse 2)
ĥ Ocean Commotion (Novello)
G min (B -3–D5)
Pal Joey
Rodgers & L. Hart
B:9 I Could Write a Book
(from b. 24)
ĥ Pal Joey: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (D4–D5)
Matthew Crossey & Tom Kirkham, arr. Mark Place
B:20 Higher and Higher
(cut bb. 29–62)
ĥ Pantastic (The School Musicals Company)
E (B3–C
ĥ Higher and Higher
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 12
Grade 1, List B
Paws and Claws
Matthew Crossey & Tom Kirkham, arr. Mark Place
B:21 Somewhere
(cut bb. 2740)
ĥ Paws and Claws (The School Musicals Company)
E- (B -3–C5)
ĥ Somewhere
Pete’s Dragon
Al Kasha & Hirschhorn
B:10 Candle on the Water
(without repeat)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
C (C4A4)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
Harline & Washington
B:11 I’ve got no strings ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
F (C4C5)
(this version only)
The Rescuers
Fain, Ayn Robbins & Carol Connors
B:12 Someone’s Waiting for You
(from end of b. 8)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
F (C4D5)
School of Rock
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Glenn Slater
B:13 Time to Play
(ending at first-time bar (b. 33))
ĥ School of Rock: The Musical (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–D-5)
Neil Diamond
B:14 I’m a Believer
(straight to coda after b. 34)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
E (C
ĥ I’m a Believer
Summer Magic
Richard & Robert Sherman
B:15 The Ugly Bug Ball ĥ Stage & Screen – The Black Book (Wise)
C (C4D5)
ĥ Great Songs for Children: The Gingerbread Man Book (Wise)
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Grade 1, List C
list C
Annie Get Your Gun
I. Berlin
C:1 Doin’ What Comes Natur’lly
(without repeat)
ĥ Annie Get Your Gun: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (C4D5)
Alexander L. Mandel & Mark Andrews
C:15 Touch the Sky
(with DS; end at 15th bar of p. 223)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
D (A3B4)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Richard & Robert Sherman
C:2 The Roses of Success
(any two verses)
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: musical selections (Alfred)
C (C4D5)
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: stage selections (Alfred)
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:3 A lovely night ĥ Cinderella: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
F (C4C5)
ĥ A lovely night
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
David, Homan & Livingston
C:4 The Work Song ĥ Walt Disney’s Cinderella: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–E5)
Germaine Franco
C:20 Everyone Knows Juanita ĥ Coco: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (E3–A4)
Doctor Dolittle and the Monkey Mayhem
Matthew Crossey & Tom Kirkham, arr. Mark Place
C:16 Not Having Me for Their Tea ĥ Doctor Dolittle and the Monkey Mayhem (The School Musicals Company)
E (E4B4)
ĥ Not Having Me for Their Tea
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Grade 1, List C
Doctor Dolittle
Leslie Bricusse
C:5 Talk to the Animals ĥ Talk to the Animals
B - (B-3–D5)
(ending at b. 70)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
B -
(without repeat, ending at b. 73)
Styne & Stephen Sondheim
C:6 Let me entertain you ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
B -/C (A
(this version only)
The Jungle Book
Matthew Crossey & Tom Kirkham, arr. Mark Place
C:17 Leader of the Pack
(without repeat)
ĥ The Jungle Book: A new musical adaptation: vocal selections (The School
Musicals Company)
B - (B-3–B-4)
ĥ Leader of the Pack
B -
C:18 Snake Eyes
(without repeat)
ĥ The Jungle Book: A new musical adaptation: vocal selections (The School
Musicals Company)
E min (D
ĥ Snake Eyes
E min
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Richard & Robert Sherman
C:21 The wonderful thing about tiggers ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
F (C4C5)
ĥ The wonderful thing about tiggers
Mary Poppins
Richard & Robert Sherman
C:7 Let’s Go Fly a Kite ĥ Mary Poppins: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (B-3–D5)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (high voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (low voice) (Faber)
B -
ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
B -
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
B -
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 15
Grade 1, List C
C:8 Oom-pah-pah ĥ Oliver! film vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
F (C4D5)
(without repeat)
ĥ Oliver! vocal score (Lakeview Music)
(from fig. c to fig. e)
ĥ Oliver! stage vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
(ending b. 42)
Project Planet
Niki Davies
C:22 Sabotage
(twice through)
ĥ Niki Davies: Project Planet: A flower power musical: vocal selections (The
School Musicals Company)
E min (B3–C5)
ĥ Sabotage
E min
Seussical The Musical
Stephen Flaherty
C:23 Green Eggs and Ham ĥ Seussical The Musical: vocal selections (Alfred)
A- (E4–D -5)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
de Paul & Mercer
C:9 Goin’ Co’tin’
(without repeat)
ĥ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: musical selections (Alfred)
F (C4C5)
C:10 Lonesome Polecat
(any two verses)
ĥ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: musical selections (Alfred)
C (G3–D5)
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Churchill & Morey
C:11 Heigh-Ho
(without repeat)
ĥ Heigh-Ho
G (C4E5)
The Sound of Music
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:12 My Favorite Things ĥ The Sound of Music: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
E min/G (B3–C5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
E min/G
ĥ The Broadway Ingénue: 37 Theatre Songs for Soprano (Hal Leonard)
E min/G
ĥ Essential Audition Songs for Kids (Faber)
E min/G
(without repeat)
ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
E min/G
(without repeat)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
E min/G
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 16
Grade 1, List C
South Pacific
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:13 Dites-moi
(once through (either language))
ĥ South Pacific: vocal selections (Williamson)
C (D4–C5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree
Richard & Robert Sherman
C:24 Little Black Rain Cloud ĥ Little Black Rain Cloud
G (A3–C5)
The Wizard of Oz
Arlen & Harburg
C:14 We’re o to see the wizard ĥ The Wizard of Oz: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (C4E5)
(whistling optional; 70th Anniversary Deluxe Songbook not suitable for
exam use)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 1 (ABRSM)
(without repeat)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (high voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (low voice) (Faber)
B -
Not from a show
C:19 Bring me sunshine
A. Kent
(without repeat)
ĥ Bring me sunshine
B - (D4–D5)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 17
May contain mature themes
See page 5 for more details
Four ACCOMPANIED SONGS: from memory; at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists,
A,B and C (listed below), and a fourth of the candidate’s own choice. For further programming requirements, see
Parental guidance: a symbol is shown in the song list where there is known potential for mature content or
context in a song or show, but this is not exhaustive. We strongly advise that songs are chosen carefully for their
appropriateness to each individual.
Grade 2
list A
Churchill & Morey
A:1 Love is a song that never ends
(chorus only, once through, with suitable intro)
ĥ Love is a song (Campbell Connelly & Co)
G (D4–E5)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The Black Book (Wise)
Bedknobs and Broomsticks
Richard & Robert Sherman
A:27 The Beautiful Briny ĥ Bedknobs and Broomsticks: vocal selections (Campbell Connelly & Co)
F (B3–D5)
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Richard & Robert Sherman
A:2 Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
(without repeat)
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: musical selections (Alfred)
G (D4–D5)
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: stage selections (Alfred)
A:3 Hushabye Mountain ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: musical selections (Alfred)
C min (B3–D-5)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (high voice) (Faber)
D min
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (low voice) (Faber)
C min
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: stage selections (Alfred)
C min
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
C min
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 18
Grade 2, List A
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:23 Do I Love You Because You’re Beautiful? ĥ Cinderella: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
B - (D4–D5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
B -
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 1 (revised
edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
A:4 In my own little corner ĥ Cinderella: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
F (D4–D5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The Broadway Ingénue: 37 Theatre Songs for Soprano (Hal Leonard)
(to end of p. 67)
ĥ Kids’ Book of Vocal Solos (Hal Leonard)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard–Faber)
(to end of p. 35)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
A:5 Ten Minutes Ago ĥ Cinderella: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
G (C
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard–Faber)
Washington & Churchill
A:24 Baby mine
(without repeat)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
F (E4–F5)
Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz
A:25 True Love’s Kiss ĥ Enchanted: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (A3–D5)
(from b. 9; cut bb. 35–58)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
(cut bb. 20–42)
Funny Face
G. & I. Gershwin
A:6 ’S Wonderful
(refrain only; without repeat)
ĥ 50 Gershwin Classics (Alfred)
E- (E-4–E5)
Girl Crazy
G. & I. Gershwin
A:7 But Not for Me
(refrain only; without repeat)
ĥ 50 Gershwin Classics (Alfred)
E- (E-4–F5)
ĥ But Not for Me
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 19
Grade 2, List A
High Society
C. Porter
A:8 True Love ĥ The Best of Cole Porter (Faber)
G (C4C5)
ĥ Cole Porter 100th Anniversary (Alfred)
ĥ Everlasting Voices (medium-high) (Peters)
ĥ Everlasting Voices (medium-low) (Peters)
The King and I
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:9 Getting to know you ĥ The King and I: vocal selections (Williamson)
C (E4–E5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard–Faber)
A:10 Shall We Dance? ĥ The King and I: vocal selections (Williamson)
E- (C4B -4)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
A:11 We kiss in a shadow ĥ The King and I: vocal selections (Williamson)
F (C4D5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The Broadway Ingénue: 37 Theatre Songs for Soprano (Hal Leonard)
(ending b. 38)
Les Misérables
Claude-Michel Schönberg
A:12 Castle on a Cloud ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
A min (A3–C5)
ĥ Les Misérables: stage vocal selections (Wise)
A min
ĥ Les Misérables: film vocal selections (Wise)
A min
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
A min
Mary Poppins
Richard & Robert Sherman
A:13 A Spoonful of Sugar
(any two verses)
ĥ Mary Poppins: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–D5)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The Black Book (Wise)
A:14 Stay Awake ĥ Mary Poppins: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (B3A4)
A:15 Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
(without repeat; one verse only (any))
ĥ Mary Poppins: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (D4–D5)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 20
Grade 2, List A
One Minute to Zero
Young & Heyman
A:16 When I fall in love ĥ The Definitive Jazz Collection (2nd edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
E- (B -3–D5)
Over the Moon
Curtis, Dueld & Park
A:30 On the Moon Above
(both parts; without spoken section)
ĥ Over the Moon: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (G3C5)
Peter Pan
Fain & Cahn
A:17 The second star to the right ĥ Peter Pan: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4E5)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
The Princess and the Frog
Randy Newman
A:26 Ma Belle Evangeline
(without instrumental, straight to 3rd bar of coda after
b. 44)
ĥ The Princess and the Frog: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (A3–F5)
Stephen Flaherty
A:28 Gliding
(start lead in to b. 33)
ĥ Ragtime: vocal selections (Alfred)
F (C4F5)
Reuben Reuben
A:18 Never get lost ĥ The Marc Blitzstein Songbook, Vol. 2 (Boosey & Hawkes)
D (C
Singin’ in the Rain
Brown & Freed
A:19 Singin’ in the Rain ĥ Singin’ in the Rain: vocal selections (50th Anniversary Edition) (Alfred)
G (D4–D5)
(chorus only)
ĥ Junior Songscape: Stage and Screen (Faber)
(part 1 in final six bars)
ĥ The Faber Music Theatre Songbook (Faber)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
(chorus only)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (high voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (low voice) (Faber)
Sleeping Beauty
Fain & Lawrence
A:20 Once Upon a Dream ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
F (D4–F5)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 21
Grade 2, List A
Larry Grossman
A:29 Just One Person
(cut bb. 15–33 (lyrics may be adjusted))
ĥ Just One Person
D (C
The Sound of Music
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:21 Something Good ĥ The Sound of Music: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
F (B3–C5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard–Faber)
South Pacific
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:22 A Cock-eyed Optimist ĥ South Pacific: vocal selections (Williamson)
G (B3–D5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 1
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
list B
Adventures in Love
Zina Goldrich & Marcy Heisler
B:1 Beautiful You
(ending b. 43)
ĥ The Songs of Goldrich and Heisler (Hal Leonard)
D (A3B4)
ĥ Beautiful You
Matthew Crossey & Tom Kirkham
B:27 A-la-la-la-la-laddin
(any one verse)
ĥ A-la-la-la-la-laddin: A musical tale of gems and genies (The School Musicals
F (C4C5)
ĥ A-la-la-la-la-laddin
Alan Menken & Tim Rice
B:2 A Whole New World ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
D (A3–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
Amélie The Musical
Nathan Tysen & Daniel Messé
B:21 Halfway
(ending b. 36, with suitable ending)
ĥ Amélie: A new musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3C5)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 22
Grade 2, List B
Carole King & Gon
B:3 The Loco-Motion
(without repeats)
ĥ Beautiful: The Carole King Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–C5)
Billy Elliot
Elton John & Lee Hall
B:4 The Letter - Reprise ĥ Billy Elliot: The Musical (Wise)
C (G3–D5)
Brother Bear
Phil Collins
B:28 On My Way
(starting b. 13; cut bb. 37–56; without repeats)
ĥ On My Way
C (E4–G5)
Bugsy Malone
Paul Williams
B:5 Bugsy Malone
(ending b. 34)
ĥ Bugsy Malone: vocal selections (Faber)
C (D4–D5)
B:6 My name is Tallulah
(straight to coda after b. 46)
ĥ Bugsy Malone: vocal selections (Faber)
C (A3B4)
(No repeat straight to coda)
Andrew Lloyd Webber & T. S. Eliot
B:7 Mr Mistoelees
(any one verse; without DS)
ĥ Cats: vocal selections (Faber)
F (C4E5)
Stephen Schwartz
B:22 Day by day
(without repeats)
ĥ Day by day
F (C4A4)
Casey & Jim Jacobs
B:8 Beauty School Dropout
(bb. 16–47 only)
ĥ Grease: vocal selections (20th Anniversary Edition) (IMP)
E- (A-3–C5)
ĥ Beauty School Dropout
High School Musical 2
Tim James & Antonia Armato
B:9 Bet on it
(without repeats; cut bb. 35-62)
ĥ Bet on it
C min (G4–A-5)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 23
Grade 2, List B
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice
B:10 Any Dream Will Do ĥ Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat: vocal score (Really Useful
C (C4F5)
(ending at fig. Y; melody line only)
ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
(cut 4th–11th bars on final page)
ĥ Junior Songscape (Faber)
B -
(ending b. 45; melody line only; without top F in b. 29)
B:23 Pharaoh Story
(without repeat; one verse only; narrator line only)
ĥ Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat: vocal score (Really Useful
E (B3–E5)
The Lion King
Elton John & Tim Rice
B:11 Can You Feel the Love Tonight
(bb. 12–36 only)
ĥ The Lion King: Broadway selections (Hal Leonard)
G - (D-4–E-5)
ĥ The Lion King: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
ĥ Can You Feel the Love Tonight
Mamma Mia!
Benny Andersson & Björn Ulvaeus
B:12 I have a dream
(cut bb. 33–61)
ĥ Play the Songs That Inspired Mamma Mia!: vocal selections (Alfred)
D - (A-3–D-5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
D -
Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again
Benny Andersson & Björn Ulvaeus
B:24 One of Us ĥ One of Us
G (A3–C5)
(from b. 11)
ĥ Play the Songs That Inspired Mamma Mia!: vocal selections (Alfred)
(from b. 11)
Mary Poppins Returns
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
B:25 A Conversation
(cut bb. 26–44)
ĥ Mary Poppins Returns: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (A3B4)
Matilda The Musical
Tim Minchin
B:13 When I grow up
(straight to coda after b. 22; Matilda part from 14th bar
of coda)
ĥ Matilda The Musical: vocal selections (Wise)
F (C4C5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 24
Grade 2, List B
Pitch Perfect
A.P. Carter, Luisa Gerstein & Heloise Tunstall-Behrens
B:30 Cups ĥ Contemporary Movie & TV Hits (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–A4)
ĥ Cups
The Prince of Egypt
Stephen Schwartz
B:14 River Lullaby (from Deliver Us) ĥ The Prince of Egypt: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
C/D (G3–D5)
(pp. 912 with suitable intro and ending)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
School of Rock
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Glenn Slater
B:15 If Only You Would Listen
(ending b. 55)
ĥ School of Rock: The Musical (Hal Leonard)
F (A3–C5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
Seussical The Musical
Stephen Flaherty, Lynn Ahrens & Dr Seuss
B:16 It’s Possible
(melody line)
ĥ Seussical The Musical: vocal selections (Alfred)
D (C4C5)
Alan Menken & Glenn Slater
B:17 I See the Light ĥ Tangled: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3C5)
(ending on 9th bar of p. 29)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
(ending on 9th bar of p. 213)
B:18 I’ve Got a Dream
(ending on 2nd bar of p. 22)
ĥ Tangled: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (B3–E5)
Watership Down
Mike Batt
B:19 Bright Eyes
(without repeats; straight to coda)
ĥ Essential Audition Songs For Male Vocalists: Pop Ballads (IMP)
G (F
We Will Rock You
John Deacon
B:26 Another One Bites the Dust ĥ We Will Rock You: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E min (E3–D5)
(ending on 4th bar of p. 137; bb. 1–21 may be sung 8ve higher)
ĥ Another One Bites the Dust
E min
(any two verses; ending after 2nd-time bar)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 25
Grade 2, List B
Whistle Down the Wind
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Jim Steinman
B:20 No Matter What
(melody line only; without repeats)
ĥ Junior Songscape (Faber)
G (B3–E5)
Not from a show
B:29 Starmaker
Bruce Roberts
(ending on p. 6 with suitable ending)
ĥ Starmaker
C (C4G5)
list C
42nd Street
Warren & Dubin
C:1 Forty-Second Street
(Andy Beck arrangement only)
ĥ Ready to Sing... Broadway (Alfred)
D min (D4–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
D min
Charles Strouse & Martin Charnin
C:2 You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a
ĥ You’re Never Fully Dressed Without a Smile
G (D4–E5)
ĥ Annie: vocal selections (Faber)
The Aristocats
F. Huddleston & A. Rinker
C:3 Ev’rybody Wants to be a Cat ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
C min (C4–A-4)
ĥ Songs from The Aristocats (Hal Leonard)
C min
ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
E min
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
C min
C:27 Thomas O’Malley Cat
(straight to coda; no repeat)
ĥ Songs from The Aristocats (Hal Leonard)
B - (F3–B -4)
The Band’s Visit
David Yazbek
C:19 It Is What It Is ĥ The Band’s Visit: A new musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
min (G
ĥ It Is What It Is
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 26
Grade 2, List C
Bugsy Malone
Paul Williams
C:4 So you wanna be a boxer
(straight to coda after b. 30; bb. 38–39 may be sung 8ve
ĥ Bugsy Malone: vocal selections (Faber)
G (G3/D4–D5)
(straight to coda)
ĥ So you wanna be a boxer
Andrew Lloyd Webber & T. S. Eliot
C:5 Gus: The Theatre Cat
(ending before DS on p. 61)
ĥ Cats: vocal selections (Faber)
D (G
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang
Richard & Robert Sherman
C:24 Me Ol’ Bam-Boo
(any two verses)
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: stage selections (Alfred)
D (C
ĥ Chitty Chitty Bang Bang: musical selections (Alfred)
A. Homan & Livingston
C:25 Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Bo ĥ Walt Disney’s Cinderella: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4D5)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
ĥ Great Songs for Children: The Gingerbread Man Book (Wise)
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
C:20 Remember Me
(ending at b. 17)
ĥ Coco: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D/E- (F
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
O. Wallace & Washington
C:6 When I See an Elephant Fly ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
F (C4F5)
(with repeat)
ĥ When I See an Elephant Fly
Susannah Pearse
C:26 Gotta Think Positive ĥ Gotta Think Positive
E- (B -3–C5)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 27
Grade 2, List C
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
C:7 Do you want to build a snowman?
(finishing at b. 48 with suitable ending)
ĥ Frozen: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–C5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
Half a Sixpence
C:8 Flash, Bang, Wallop! ĥ Junior Songscape: Stage and Screen (Faber)
F (C4C5)
(without DS)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (high voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (low voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Faber Music Theatre Songbook (Faber)
(without DS)
Kiss Me, Kate
C. Porter
C:9 Brush Up Your Shakespeare
(without repeats)
ĥ Kiss Me, Kate: vocal selections (Alfred)
F (B3–D5)
Little Johnny Jones
George M. Cohan
C:10 Give My Regards to Broadway
(cut bb. 5–36)
ĥ Ready to Sing... Broadway (Alfred)
G (D4–D5)
The Little Mermaid
Alan Menken & Ashman
C:11 Under the Sea ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
B - (C4–D5)
ĥ Under the Sea
B -
(ending after 2nd-time bar)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 2 (ABRSM)
B -
(ending after 2nd-time bar)
The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh
Richard & Robert Sherman
C:12 Winnie the Pooh ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
F (C4B -5)
Mary Poppins Returns
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
C:21 Can You Imagine That?
(bb. 19–53 only)
ĥ Mary Poppins Returns (Hal Leonard)
G (E3G4)
ĥ Can You Imagine That?
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 28
Grade 2, List C
Me and My Girl
Gay & Butler
C:13 The sun has got his hat on ĥ Junior Songscape: Children’s Favourites (Faber)
C (C4E5)
C:14 Food, Glorious Food ĥ Oliver! film vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
F/C (B3E5)
C:15 I’d do anything ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
B - (B-3–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 2 (ABRSM)
B -
ĥ Oliver! film vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
(twice through)
Peter Pan
Churchill & J. Lawrence
C:16 Never smile at a crocodile ĥ Peter Pan: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4F5)
ĥ Never smile at a crocodile
Harline & Washington
C:17 Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
B -/E- (B -3–F5)
The Princess and the Frog
Randy Newman
C:23 Dig a Little Deeper
(cut bb. 48–91 & 113–123)
ĥ The Princess and the Frog: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3-C5)
The Wind in the Willows
George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
C:22 Messing About in a Boat
(cut bb. 29–51; ending b. 93)
ĥ Messing About in a Boat
D - (D-4–F5)
The Wizard of Oz
Arlen & Harburg
C:18 Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead
(chorus only)
ĥ The Harold Arlen Songbook (Hal Leonard–Faber)
C (C4E5)
ĥ The Wizard of Oz: vocal selections (Alfred)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 29
May contain mature themes
See page 5 for more details
Four ACCOMPANIED SONGS: from memory; at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists,
A,B and C (listed below), and a fourth of the candidate’s own choice. For further programming requirements, see
Parental guidance: a symbol is shown in the song list where there is known potential for mature content or
context in a song or show, but this is not exhaustive. We strongly advise that songs are chosen carefully for their
appropriateness to each individual.
Grade 3
list A
Annie Get Your Gun
I. Berlin
A:1 They Say It’s Wonderful
(chorus only)
ĥ Annie Get Your Gun: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4D5)
(without repeat)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3 (Hal
(ending p. 25 b. 3)
Beauty and the Beast
Alan Menken & Ashman
A:26 Beauty and the Beast ĥ Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D/E (F
ĥ The Faber Music Theatre Songbook (Faber)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
Big River
R. Miller
A:29 Waitin’ for the Light to Shine ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 4 (Hal Leonard–
E (G
Bye Bye Birdie
Charles Strouse & Lee Adams
A:2 One Boy (Girl) ĥ One Boy (Girl)
C (C4E6)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 30
Grade 3, List A
Lerner & Loewe
A:3 Before I gaze at you again ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard–Faber)
F (C4E -5)
ĥ Camelot: vocal score (revised edition) (Faber)
A:4 If ever I would leave you ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 1 (revised
edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
B - (A3–D5)
ĥ Camelot: vocal score (revised edition) (Faber)
B -
(ending b. 95)
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:5 Impossible ĥ Cinderella: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
G (C4C5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
ĥ Impossible
A Damsel in Distress
Gershwin & I. Gershwin
A:6 A Foggy Day
(refrain only)
ĥ 50 Gershwin Classics (Alfred)
F (C4F5)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
A:31 Dos Oruguitas
(English or Spanish versions; without repeats)
ĥ Encanto: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (C4G5)
A:7 Be Kind to Your Parents ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
F (B3–D5)
The Fantasticks
Harvey Schmidt & Tom Jones
A:8 Try to remember ĥ Try to remember (Faber)
G (B3–D5)
(any two verses; without ‘echo’)
ĥ Ready to Sing... Broadway (Alfred)
Fifty Million Frenchmen
C. Porter
A:9 You Do Something to Me
(refrain only)
ĥ The Best of Cole Porter (Faber)
E- (B -3–E-5)
Flower Drum Song
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:30 I am going to like it here
(ending b. 54)
ĥ I am going to like it here
E- (B -3–B-4)
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Grade 3, List A
Frozen 2
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
A:28 All is Found ĥ All is Found
C (G3C5)
The Great Magoo
Arlen, Harburg & Billy Rose
A:10 It’s Only a Paper Moon
(refrain only)
ĥ The Harold Arlen Songbook (Hal Leonard–Faber)
G (D4–E5)
Guys and Dolls
F. Loesser
A:11 I’ve never been in love before ĥ I’ve never been in love before
B - (B-3–E-5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
B -
The King and I
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:12 I whistle a happy tune
(whistling section may be vocalised)
ĥ The King and I: vocal selections (Williamson)
B - (D4–D5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
B -
ĥ Kids’ Book of Vocal Solos (Hal Leonard)
B -
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 2 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard–Faber)
B -
Mack & Mabel
Jerry Herman
A:32 I Won’t Send Roses ĥ Mack & Mabel: vocal selections (Faber)
C (G3–D5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
Mary Poppins
Richard & Robert Sherman
A:13 Feed the Birds ĥ Mary Poppins: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
(not stage selections)
ĥ Kids’ Book of Vocal Solos (Hal Leonard)
ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
Meet me in St. Louis
K. Mills & A. B. Sterling
A:14 Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis
(any two verses)
ĥ Meet Me in St. Louis, Louis
C (C4E5)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 32
Grade 3, List A
The Mermaid
Carl Davis & Hiawyn Oram
A:15 Ride out the Storm ĥ Junior Songscape: Stage and Screen (Faber)
E min (D4–E5)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
E min
Night and Day
C. Porter
A:16 What is this Thing Called Love?
(refrain only)
ĥ The Best of Cole Porter (Faber)
C (C4F5)
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:17 Oh, What a Beautiful Mornin’
(without repeats)
ĥ Oh, What a Beautiful Morning (Williamson)
E- (D4–E-5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
Pal Joey
Rodgers & L. Hart
A:18 Bewitched
(from b. 21; without repeats)
ĥ Pal Joey: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (D4–D5/E5)
Peter Pan
L. Bernstein
A:19 My House ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 3 (ABRSM)
ĥ 20th-Century Easy Song Collection (Boosey & Hawkes)
ĥ Leonard Bernstein Song Album (Boosey & Hawkes)
Harline & Washington
A:20 When you wish upon a star ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
C (G3/B3–D5)
(from b. 13)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
(from b. 9)
Say It with Music
R. Noble
A:21 Love is the sweetest thing
(from b. 15; without repeat)
ĥ Love is the sweetest thing (Hal Leonard)
D (C
ĥ Love is the sweetest thing
D (C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 33
Grade 3, List A
The Secret Garden
Lucy Simon & Marsha Norman
A:22 Round-Shouldered Man ĥ The Secret Garden: vocal selections (Alfred)
B -/B (B-3–D
A:23 The Girl I Mean to Be ĥ The Secret Garden: vocal selections (Alfred)
E- (A-3–C5)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers
de Paul & Mercer
A:24 Bless yore beautiful hide ĥ Bless yore beautiful hide
E- (B -3–E-5)
ĥ Seven Brides for Seven Brothers: musical selections (Alfred)
State Fair
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:25 It’s a grand night for singing
(without the Interlude)
ĥ State Fair: vocal selections (Williamson)
G (D4–E5)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
Leslie Bricusse & Newley
A:27 Cheer Up, Charlie
(refrain only)
ĥ Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–E-5)
The Woman in White
Andrew Lloyd Webber
A:30 I Believe My Heart
(sing either Hartright (bb. 1–37) or Laura (bb. 38–53))
ĥ I Believe My Heart
B -/F (B-3/F3–G5/D5)
list B
An American Tail
James Horner, Barry Mann & Cynthia Weil
B:1 Somewhere Out There
(straight to coda after b. 35)
ĥ Somewhere Out There
C (A-3–D5)
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:2 Once Upon a December
(without Russian Chorus)
ĥ Once Upon a December
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 34
Grade 3, List B
Charles Strouse & Martin Charnin
B:3 Maybe
(once through, end before instrumental)
ĥ Annie: vocal selections (Faber)
B - (B-3–D5)
ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
B -
(without 2nd repeat)
ĥ More Audition Songs for Kids (Wise)
Carole King
B:4 So far away
(straight to coda after b. 5 2nd time)
ĥ Beautiful: The Carole King Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (A3–C5)
Blood Brothers
Willy Russell
B:5 Easy Terms
(straight to coda, without DS)
ĥ Blood Brothers: vocal selections (Wise)
C (G3–A4)
Alexander L. Mandel
B:29 Into the Open Air
(straight to coda; without repeat)
ĥ Brave: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (A3–C
ĥ Into the Open Air
Andrew Lloyd Webber & T. S. Eliot
B:6 Macavity: The Mystery Cat
(cut bb.13–49; without repeat)
ĥ Cats: vocal selections (Faber)
C min (A3–C5)
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
B:7 Almost Nearly Perfect
(without repeat)
ĥ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The New Musical: vocal selections (Hal
F (A3–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
Children of Eden
Stephen Schwartz
B:8 Children of Eden
(from b. 11)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
D - (A-3–D5)
ĥ Children of Eden: vocal selections (Alfred)
D -
Germaine Franco
B:30 The World es Mi Familia ĥ Coco: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (C4C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 35
Grade 3, List B
Dear Evan Hansen
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul, arr. Alex Lacamoire
B:23 Requiem
(ending b. 34)
ĥ Dear Evan Hansen: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
min (B3–C
ĥ Requiem
Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz
B:9 Happy Working Song
(cut bb. 24–41)
ĥ Enchanted: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (G
Everybody’s Talking About Jamie
Tom MacRae & Dan Gillespie Sells
B:24 The Wall in My Head
(ending b. 54)
ĥ The Wall in My Head
G (D4–G5)
Finding Neverland
Eliot Kennedy & Gary Barlow
B:10 Neverland
(without repeat)
ĥ Finding Neverland: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4E5)
B:11 Something About this Night ĥ Finding Neverland: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–A5)
B:12 We’re All Made of Stars ĥ Finding Neverland: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (G3C5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
Frozen 2
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
B:28 Lost in the Woods
(melody line; ending at b. 49)
ĥ Lost in the Woods
The Greatest Showman
Pasek & Paul
B:13 A Million Dreams
(ending b. 55)
ĥ A Million Dreams
G (E4C6)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
High School Musical
Robbie Nevil & Matthew Gerrard
B:14 We’re All in This Together
(first verse 8vb; cut from 3rd bar p. 4 to 2nd-to-last bar
p. 5)
ĥ We’re All in This Together
G (B3–B -5)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz
B:15 Someday
(cut piano ending)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
A-/B- (Ab3–E-3)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 36
Grade 3, List B
Mary Poppins The New Musical
George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
B:16 Being Mrs. Banks ĥ Mary Poppins: The New Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (A3–D5)
(from 12th bar of p. 100)
ĥ Being Mrs. Banks
(from 12th bar of p. 3)
Mary Poppins Returns
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
B:25 The Place Where Lost Things Go
(ending b. 39)
ĥ Mary Poppins Returns: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (E3–A4)
ĥ The Place Where Lost Things Go
Opetaia Foa’i
B:31 We Know the Way ĥ Moana: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (E4–F
Next to Normal
Tom Kitt & Brian Yorkey
B:17 Theres a world ĥ Next to Normal (Alfred)
Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová
B:18 The Hill
(cut from 7th bar p. 62 to 13th bar b. 65)
ĥ Once: vocal selections (Alfred)
min (G
Shrek The Musical
David Lindsey-Abaire & Jeanine Tesori
B:26 I Know It’s Today ĥ Shrek The Musical: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
D (A3B4)
(ending on 5th bar of p. 40)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
(finishing at the end of p. 133)
Spring Awakening
Duncan Sheik & Steven Sater
B:19 All that’s known ĥ Spring Awakening: A New Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G min (C4–E5)
B:20 Mama who bore me ĥ Spring Awakening: A New Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–A4)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 37
Grade 3, List B
Starlight Express
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Richard Stilgoe
B:32 Pumping Iron
(without repeat)
ĥ The New Starlight Express: vocal selections (Really Useful Group)
C (C4E -5)
B:27 Starlight Express
(without repeat)
ĥ The Andrew Lloyd Webber Anthology (revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
E-/E (C4F
B:21 There’s Me ĥ There’s Me
B - (F3–F5)
The Wedding Singer
Matthew Sklar & Chad Beguelin
B:22 Someday
(cut from b. 43 to piano gliss on p. 8)
ĥ Someday
D (A3–E-5)
list C
Alan Menken & Ashman
C:21 Friend Like Me ĥ Aladdin: Broadway vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G min (B -3–F5)
(bb. 2272 only)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
D min
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:1 The Gentleman is a Dope
(from b. 24)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
B - min (A-3–C5)
Annie Get Your Gun
I. Berlin
C:2 I Got the Sun in the Morning ĥ Annie Get Your Gun: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4C5)
ĥ I Got the Sun in the Morning
Beauty and the Beast
Alan Menken & Ashman
C:3 Gaston
(from b. 30; without repeat)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard–
C (B3–E5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 38
Grade 3, List C
Calamity Jane
Fain & Webster
C:4 The Deadwood Stage ĥ Calamity Jane: vocal score (Faber)
A- (C4E-5)
(from 4 bars before fig. 3 to fig. 7)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (high voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (low voice) (Faber)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The White Book (Wise)
(without repeat)
John Kander & F. Ebb
C:5 Funny Honey
(may be sung 8ve lower; without repeats)
ĥ Funny Honey
G (G4–A5)
ĥ Chicago: movie vocal selections (Faber)
Germaine Franco & Adrian Molina
C:22 Un Poco Loco
(cut bb. 40–55; ending b. 73)
ĥ Coco: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G/A (G3–B4)
Damn Yankees
R. Adler & J. Ross
C:6 Heart ĥ Ready to Sing... Broadway (Alfred)
F (C4D5)
Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz
C:7 That’s How You Know
(from b. 19; cut bb. 60–75 finishing at the end of p. 26)
ĥ Enchanted: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (C4E5)
The Fantasticks
Harvey Schmidt & Tom Jones
C:23 Plant a radish
(without repeat)
ĥ The Fantasticks: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (C4E5)
Follow the Fleet
I. Berlin
C:8 Let’s Face the Music and Dance ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (high voice) (Faber)
C (C4E5)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (low voice) (Faber)
B -
Goldilocks and the Three Bears
George Stiles
C:27 Just because I’m a girl
(cut bb. 20–44)
ĥ Just because I’m a girl
E (B3–D
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 39
Grade 3, List C
Hello, Dolly!
Jerry Herman
C:9 Hello Dolly! ĥ Hello Dolly!: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (B-3–E-5)
In the Heights
Lin-Manuel Miranda
C:27 Piragua ĥ Piragua
A (E4–A5)
Legally Blonde The Musical
Laurence O’Keefe & Nell Benjamin
C:24 Omigod You Guys
(ending b. 46)
ĥ Legally Blonde The Musical: vocal selections (Williamson)
E/C (G
The Life
C. Coleman & Ira Gasman
C:10 Easy Money
(without repeat)
ĥ Easy Money
G (A3B4)
ĥ The Life: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
The Lion King
Elton John & Tim Rice
C:11 Be Prepared
(without spoken section)
ĥ The Lion King: Broadway selections (Hal Leonard)
A min (A3–A4)
ĥ The Lion King: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A min
The Little Mermaid
Alan Menken & Ashman
C:12 Les poissons ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard–
G (B-3–A4)
Mack & Mabel
Jerry Herman
C:30 Movies Were Movies ĥ Mack & Mabel: vocal selections (Faber)
D min (A3–D5)
Mary Poppins Returns
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
C:25 Nowhere to Go but Up
(cut bb. 57–188; may be sung 8ve lower from b. 192)
ĥ Mary Poppins Returns: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F/B (D
Matilda The Musical
Tim Minchin
C:13 Revolting Children
(cut bb. 28–35)
ĥ Matilda The Musical: vocal selections (Wise)
E min (D
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
E min
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 40
Grade 3, List C
Monsters, Inc.
Randy Newman
C:28 If I Didn’t Have You
(cut bb. 21–36 & bb. 45–51)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–D5)
My Fair Lady
Loewe & Lerner
C:14 Wouldn’t it be loverly ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard–Faber)
F (C4D5)
ĥ My Fair Lady: film vocal selections (Faber)
(F major section only, ending in 1st time bar)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (high voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 1–3 (low voice) (Faber)
ĥ Essential Audition Songs for Kids (Faber)
ĥ The Broadway Ingénue: 37 Theatre Songs for Soprano (Hal Leonard)
Nine-Fifteen Revue
Arlen & Koehler
C:15 Get Happy
(from chorus; with repeat)
ĥ The Harold Arlen Songbook (Hal Leonard–Faber)
E- (B -3–F5)
C:16 My Name ĥ Oliver! vocal score (Lakeview Music)
D min (C
ĥ Oliver! stage vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
D min
C:17 Pick a Pocket or Two
(any three verses)
ĥ Oliver! film vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
F min (C4–G5)
ĥ Oliver! vocal score (Lakeview Music)
F min
ĥ Oliver! stage vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
G min
Singin’ in the Rain
Brown & Freed
C:18 Good Morning ĥ Singin’ in the Rain: vocal selections (50th Anniversary Edition) (Alfred)
B - (C4–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
B -
Six The Musical
Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss, arr. Joe Beighton
C:26 Don’t Lose Ur Head
(cut bb. 39–45; ending b. 62; all parts)
ĥ Don’t Lose Ur Head
F (C4C5)
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023 41
Grade 3, List C
South Pacific
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:19 I’m gonna wash that man right outa my
ĥ South Pacific: vocal selections (Williamson)
F (C4D5/F5)
(straight to final ending, stopping before interlude)
ĥ I’m gonna wash that man right outa my hair
(straight to coda after b. 38)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
(straight to coda after b. 38)
Three Little Pigs
George Stiles
C:29 A Little House
(ending b. 97)
ĥ A Little House
F (C4F5)
The Wizard of Oz
Arlen & Harburg
C:20 If I Only Had a Brain ĥ The Harold Arlen Songbook (Hal Leonard–Faber)
F (C4E5)
(any one character; chorus only, with suitable intro)
ĥ Ready to Sing... Broadway (Alfred)
ĥ The Wizard of Oz: vocal selections (Alfred)
(any one character; chorus only, with suitable intro; 70th Anniversary
Deluxe Songbook not suitable for exam use)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 3 (ABRSM)
(any character; chorus only, with suitable intro)
42ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
May contain mature themes
See page 5 for more details
Four ACCOMPANIED SONGS: from memory; at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists,
A,B and C (listed below), and a fourth of the candidate’s own choice. For further programming requirements, see
Parental guidance: a symbol is shown in the song list where there is known potential for mature content or
context in a song or show, but this is not exhaustive. We strongly advise that songs are chosen carefully for their
appropriateness to each individual.
Grade 4
list A
42nd Street
Warren & Dubin
A:1 Lullaby of Broadway
(without repeat)
ĥ Ready to Sing... Broadway (Alfred)
C/F (C4D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
Stephen Sondheim
A:2 Lovely ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 4 (Hal Leonard)
B (C
An American in Paris
A:3 Shall We Dance? ĥ An American in Paris: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–D-5)
Anything Goes
C. Porter
A:27 It’s De-Lovely ĥ Anything Goes: vocal selections (revival edition) (Alfred)
F (C4F5)
ĥ The Best of Cole Porter (Faber)
ĥ Cole Porter 100th Anniversary (Alfred)
Beauty and the Beast
Alan Menken & Tim Rice
A:24 How Does a Moment Last Forever?
(straight to coda after b. 51)
ĥ Beauty and the Beast: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (G3–E-5)
Grade 4, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Bombay Dreams
A.R. Rahman
A:28 The journey home
(one verse only; ending top of p. 7; ad libs optional)
ĥ The journey home
D (F
Calamity Jane
Fain & Webster
A:4 My Secret Love ĥ Stage & Screen – The White Book (Wise)
E- (B -3–E-5)
(refrain only, with suitable intro)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
(chorus only, with suitable intro)
ĥ Calamity Jane: vocal score (Faber)
(figs 2–6 only)
Cover Girl
Kern & I. Gershwin
A:5 Long ago and far away ĥ The Essential Jerome Kern Song Book (Wise)
G (C4F5)
ĥ The Definitive Jazz Collection (2nd edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
(refrain only)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 4 (ABRSM)
Fiddler on the Roof
Bock & Harnick
A:6 Matchmaker ĥ Fiddler on the Roof: vocal selections (Wise)
F (C4F5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The Black Book (Wise)
Flower Drum Song
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:25 My Best Love ĥ My Best Love
G (B3–C5)
For Me and My Gal
Meyer, Leslie & Goetz
A:7 For Me and My Gal ĥ 100 Years of Popular Music: 1900 (Faber)
G (C
(without DC)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (high voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (low voice) (Faber)
Styne & Stephen Sondheim
A:31 Small World ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
B (F
Grade 4, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Half a Sixpence
Heneker (& Anthony Drewe)
A:26 I Know What I Am ĥ Half a Sixpence: original vocal score (Faber)
G/D- (C4B4)
A:8 Long Ago ĥ Half a Sixpence: vocal selections (Faber)
D (C
Hello, Dolly!
Jerry Herman
A:29 Elegance ĥ Hello Dolly!: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4F5)
C. Coleman
A:30 Why Try to Change Me Now
(ending top of p. 4)
ĥ Why Try to Change Me Now
B - (F3G4)
Jekyll & Hyde
Frank Wildhorn & Bricusse
A:9 No One Knows Who I Am ĥ Jekyll & Hyde: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
G min (C4–D5)
Jesus Christ Superstar
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice
A:10 Pilate’s Dream ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
B - min (A3–B-4)
The King and I
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:11 Hello, young lovers ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 4 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
D (B3–D5)
ĥ The King and I: vocal selections (Williamson)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
Les Misérables
Claude-Michel Schönberg & Alain Boublil
A:12 Drink with me ĥ Les Misérables: stage vocal selections (Wise)
F (D4–E-5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
Maury Yeston
A:13 Only With You
(without repeat)
ĥ Nine: vocal selections (2003 edition) (Cherry Lane Music Company)
E- (A3–F5)
Over the Moon
Curtis, Dueld & Park
A:32 Rocket to the Moon
(starting at b. 38)
ĥ Over the Moon: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (G3–F5)
Grade 4, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz
A:14 Colors of the Wind ĥ Colors of the Wind
B - (F3–C5)
The Prom
Matthew Sklar & Chad Beguelin
A:15 We Look to You ĥ We Look to You
C (F
Singin’ in the Rain
Brown & Freed
A:16 You Were Meant for Me ĥ Singin’ in the Rain: vocal selections (50th Anniversary Edition) (Alfred)
F (C4E -5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
The Sound of Music
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:17 The Sound of Music ĥ The Broadway Ingénue: 37 Theatre Songs for Soprano (Hal Leonard)
G (E4–E5)
ĥ The Sound of Music: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 2 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
Top Hat
I. Berlin
A:18 Cheek to Cheek ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (high voice) (Faber)
C (B3–E5)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (low voice) (Faber)
B -
West Side Story
L. Bernstein & Stephen Sondheim
A:19 I feel pretty
(without repeat)
ĥ I feel pretty (Boosey & Hawkes)
F (C4G5)
ĥ West Side Story: vocal selections (new edition) (Boosey & Hawkes)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 4 (ABRSM)
A:20 One Hand, One Heart
(without repeat)
ĥ One Hand, One Heart (Boosey & Hawkes)
E- (E-4–E-5)
ĥ Singing Time! Grade 4 (Bosworth)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 4 (ABRSM)
ĥ West Side Story: vocal selections (new edition) (Boosey & Hawkes)
(up to key-change)
Grade 4, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Whistle Down the Wind
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Jim Steinman
A:21 Whistle down the wind ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
D (D4–D5)
Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory / Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Bricusse & Newley
A:22 Pure Imagination ĥ Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–F5)
(without repeat)
ĥ Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The New Musical: vocal selections
(Hal Leonard)
(ending b. 37)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
D -
(straight to coda after b. 26)
The Wizard of Oz
Arlen & Harburg
A:23 Over the Rainbow
(original Arlen version only)
ĥ The Wizard of Oz: vocal selections (Alfred)
E- (C4F5)
(chorus only, with suitable intro; 70th Anniversary Deluxe Songbook not
suitable for exam use)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The Black Book (Wise)
(with suitable intro)
ĥ The Harold Arlen Songbook (Hal Leonard–Faber)
(chorus only, with suitable intro)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (high voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (low voice) (Faber)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
(chorus only, with suitable intro)
list B
Richard Maltby Jr & David Shire
B:1 I Chose Right
(ending b. 40)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–E5)
Bat Out of Hell The Musical
Jim Steinman
B:2 Heaven can wait
(pp. 1–6 with suitable ending)
ĥ Heaven can wait
G (D4–E5)
Grade 4, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Billy Elliot
Elton John & Lee Hall
B:3 Electricity ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
D (A3B4)
ĥ Electricity
Blood Brothers
Willy Russell
B:4 I’m Not Saying a Word ĥ Blood Brothers: vocal selections (Wise)
A (E4–F
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
Bright Star
Edie Brickell & Steve Martin
B:28 If you knew my story
(ending at b. 80)
ĥ Bright Star: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (G3–D5)
ĥ If you knew my story
Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:34 Surface Pressure
(cut bb. 13–37; with D.S. al Coda)
ĥ Encanto: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E min (G3–D5)
Everybody’s Talking About Jamie
Tom MacRae & Dan Gillespie Sells
B:5 It Means Beautiful
(without DS, go to 2nd bar of coda)
ĥ It Means Beautiful
min (F
B:6 If I Met Myself Again
(cut bb. 41–55)
ĥ If I Met Myself Again
E- (E-3–B-4)
Fame The Musical
Leslie & Michael Gore
B:7 Out Here on My Own
(without repeat)
ĥ Teen Pop Broadway Collection (Cherry Lane Music Company)
G (G3C
Freaky Friday
Tom Kitt & Brian Yorkey
B:8 After All of This and Everything ĥ After All of This and Everything
A- (F3–D -5)
B:9 Just one day
(ending b. 82)
ĥ Just one day
C (G3C5)
Casey & Jim Jacobs
B:10 Freddy, My Love
(without verse 2)
ĥ Grease: vocal selections (20th Anniversary Edition) (IMP)
D (C
Grade 4, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Groundhog Day The Musical
Tim Minchin
B:11 Everything About You ĥ Everything About You
D (F
Alan Menken & David Zippel
B:12 I Won’t Say (I’m in Love) ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
C (G3C5)
High School Musical 2
David Lawrence & Faye Greenberg / Adam Watts & Andy Dodd
B:25 Fabulous
(without repeat; cut bb. 4754; ending b. 65)
ĥ Fabulous
C (G3–E-5)
B:13 Gotta Go My Own Way ĥ Gotta Go My Own Way
A (F
(cut 3rd bar of p. 4 to 6th bar of p. 6)
La La Land
Justin Hurwitz, Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:14 Audition (The Fools Who Dream) ĥ La La Land: vocal selections (Faber)
F (G3–B4)
The Lion King
Elton John & Tim Rice
B:15 Circle of Life
(once through; Lin Marsh arrangement only)
ĥ Songscape: Stage and Screen (Faber)
A (B3–E5)
ĥ The Faber Music Theatre Songbook (Faber)
The Little Mermaid
Alan Menken & Ashman / Alan Menken & Glenn Slater
B:29 Kiss the Girl ĥ The Little Mermaid: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (A3–C5)
ĥ The Little Mermaid: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B:16 Part of Your World ĥ The Little Mermaid: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4C5)
B:17 The World Above ĥ The Little Mermaid: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
Matilda The Musical
Tim Minchin
B:18 Naughty
(cut bb. 54130)
ĥ Matilda The Musical: vocal selections (Wise)
F (A3–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
Grade 4, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Glen Hansard & Markéta Irglová
B:30 Falling Slowly
(any one verse)
ĥ Once: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (G3–G5)
Stephen Schwartz
B:31 Magic to Do
(ending on p. 6)
ĥ Pippin: vocal selections (updated edition) (Alfred)
A min (E4–A5)
Douglas Lyons
B:32 Sticks and stones ĥ Sticks and stones
E (B3–F
ĥ Sticks and stones
Pretty Woman The Musical
Bryan Adams & Jim Vallance
B:19 This Is My Life ĥ This Is My Life
D (A3–D5)
The Princess and the Frog
Randy Newman
B:20 Almost There ĥ The Princess and the Frog: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3C5)
Sister Act
Alan Menken & Glenn Slater
B:21 Sister Act ĥ Sister Act: vocal selections (Faber)
B - (F3B4)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
B -
Song and Dance
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Don Black
B:22 Take That Look o Your Face
(without repeats)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 5
(Hal Leonard)
D - (G -3–D-5)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The Black Book (Wise)
C. Mayfield
B:33 It’s All Right ĥ Soul: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (A4–C
ĥ It’s All Right
Grade 4, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
South Pacific
Rodgers & Hammerstein
B:26 Happy Talk
(without verses 2 & 3)
ĥ South Pacific: vocal selections (Williamson)
F (C4D5)
ĥ South Pacific: vocal score (Williamson)
Toy Story
Randy Newman
B:27 You’ve Got a Friend in Me ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
E- (E-4–F5)
When Midnight Strikes
Kevin Hammonds & Charles Miller
B:23 I Never Learned to Type
(cut bb. 22–37 & 83–90)
ĥ I Never Learned to Type
B - (F
The Wind in the Willows
George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
B:24 A Place to Come Back To
(from b. 22, cut bb. 75–110, ending b. 144)
ĥ A Place to Come Back To
C (C4F5)
list C
42nd Street
Warren & Dubin
C:1 You’re Getting to Be a Habit with Me ĥ 42nd Street: vocal selections (Faber)
F (D4–E5)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
Stephen Sondheim
C:2 Comedy Tonight ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (high voice) (Faber)
G (A3–E5)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (low voice) (Faber)
ĥ Songscape: Stage and Screen (Faber)
(melody line bb. 44–48)
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
The Addams Family
Andrew Lippa
C:3 The Moon and Me
(ending b. 65)
ĥ The Addams Family: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (C4E5)
C:4 What if ĥ The Addams Family: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (A3–D5)
Grade 4, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Alan Menken & Chad Beguelin
C:23 Somebody’s Got Your Back
(singing any part when lines divide)
ĥ Aladdin: Broadway vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (C4A5)
Charles Strouse & Martin Charnin
C:5 Easy Street ĥ Annie: vocal selections (Faber)
A min (G3–F5)
(all parts)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
A min
Annie Get Your Gun
I. Berlin
C:6 You Can’t Get a Man with a Gun
(without repeat)
ĥ Annie Get Your Gun: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4D5)
Coleman & Stewart
C:7 Out There ĥ Barnum: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (B-3–E-5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
Calamity Jane
Fain & Webster
C:8 (Just blew in from the) Windy City
(cut figs 4–10; singing Calamity part from fig. 11)
ĥ Calamity Jane: vocal score (Faber)
C (G3C5)
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:9 Stepsisters’ Lament ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
C (C4D5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 1
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
Elf the Broadway Musical
Matthew Sklar
C:26 World’s Greatest Dad
(cut bb. 48100)
ĥ World’s Greatest Dad
G (B3–G5)
Flower Drum Song
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:10 I Enjoy Being a Girl ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 1
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
D (A3–C
Grade 4, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Kiss Me, Kate
C. Porter
C:11 Always True to You in My Fashion
(without repeat)
ĥ Kiss Me, Kate: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (C4D5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 1
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
(from b. 17)
Legally Blonde The Musical
Laurence O’Keefe & Nell Benjamin
C:12 Ireland ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
B (A3B4)
Little Shop of Horrors
Alan Menken & Ashman
C:13 Dentist!
(with spoken section; cut bb. 33–43)
ĥ Little Shop of Horrors: film vocal selections (Alfred)
F (C4E5)
My Fair Lady
Lerner & Loewe
C:14 With a Little Bit of Luck ĥ My Fair Lady: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (G3–E5)
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:15 The Surrey with the Fringe on Top
(cut bb. 5–20; verse 1 or 2, once through)
ĥ Oklahoma!: vocal selections (Williamson)
G (C
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
C:16 Consider yourself ĥ Oliver! stage vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
G (A3–C5)
(up to key-change)
ĥ Junior Songscape (Faber)
(check this is right publication)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 4 (ABRSM)
C:24 It’s a Fine Life
(all parts)
ĥ Oliver! stage vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
A- (A-3–D5)
The Princess and the Frog
Randy Newman
C:27 Down in New Orleans ĥ Hit Songs from Animated Movies (Wise)
C (G3–E-5)
ĥ The Princess and the Frog: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C:28 Gonna Take You There ĥ The Princess and the Frog: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (C
Grade 4, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Youn Young Park & Susannah Pearse
C:29 Stuck in a tower ĥ Stuck in a tower
D (A3–A5)
Seussical The Musical
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
C:17 A Day for the Cat in the Hat
(singing any part on pp. 32 & 33 where lines divide)
ĥ Seussical The Musical: vocal selections (Alfred)
G (E4–E5)
C:18 How Lucky You Are ĥ Seussical The Musical: vocal selections (Alfred)
F (C4F5)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
(upper line in bb. 23–25 & 40–41)
ĥ Ready to Sing… Broadway (Alfred)
(upper line in bb. 23–25 & 40–41)
Shall We Dance?
G. & I. Gershwin
C:19 Let’s Call the Whole Thing O ĥ The Best of George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin (Faber)
ĥ The Great Songs of Gershwin (Alfred)
ĥ George Gershwin: The Definitive Songbook (Faber)
South Pacific
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:20 There Is Nothin’ Like a Dame ĥ South Pacific: vocal selections (Williamson)
G (D4–G5)
Sweet Charity
C. Coleman & Fields
C:21 If My Friends Could See Me Now ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 4 (ABRSM)
E (G
ĥ If My Friends Could See Me Now
Alan Menken
C:30 Mother Knows Best ĥ Tangled: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (F3–C5)
The Wind in the Willows
George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
C:22 A Friend Is Still a Friend
(ending b. 58)
ĥ A Friend Is Still a Friend
A (A3–D5)
The Wiz
C:25 Don’t Nobody Bring Me No Bad News
(without DS)
ĥ The Wiz: vocal selections (Alfred)
B - (G4G5)
54ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
May contain mature themes
See page 5 for more details
Four ACCOMPANIED SONGS: from memory; at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists,
A,B and C (listed below), and a fourth of the candidate’s own choice. For further programming requirements, see
Parental guidance: a symbol is shown in the song list where there is known potential for mature content or
context in a song or show, but this is not exhaustive. We strongly advise that songs are chosen carefully for their
appropriateness to each individual.
Grade 5
list A
42nd Street
Harry Warren
A:34 About a Quarter to Nine ĥ 42nd Street: vocal selections (Faber)
E min (A3–E5)
ĥ 42nd Street: broadway musical vocal selections (Warner Bros)
E min
The Addams Family
Andrew Lippa
A:1 Happy/Sad
(cut bb. 4766)
ĥ The Addams Family: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D - (D-4–D-5)
Ain’t Misbehavin
Brooks, ‘Fats’ Waller & Razaf
A:2 Ain’t misbehavin’ ĥ The Definitive Jazz Collection (2nd edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
E- (E-4–F5)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The White Book (Wise)
An American in Paris
G. & I. Gershwin
A:3 I’ve Got Beginner’s Luck ĥ An American in Paris: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G - (D-4–E-5)
Anyone Can Whistle
Stephen Sondheim
A:4 With so little to be sure of ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–E5)
(end at 13th bar of p. 18, with suitable ending)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
C (C4E5)
Grade 5, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Anything Goes
C. Porter
A:36 Goodbye, Little Dream, Goodbye ĥ Anything Goes: vocal selections (revival edition) (Alfred)
F (A3–E-5)
Babes in Arms
A:37 My Funny Valentine ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard–Faber)
min (C
ĥ My Funny Valentine
C min
Big Fish
Andrew Lippa
A:5 I Don’t Need a Roof
(cut bb. 34–64)
ĥ Big Fish: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–D5)
Blood Brothers
Willy Russell
A:30 Tell me it’s not true
(without DS, straight to 4th bar of coda)
ĥ Blood Brothers: vocal selections (Wise)
F (F3–C5)
Broken Wings
Dana Al Fardan & Nadim Naaman
A:43 Prologue: Heart of the Earth ĥ Prologue: Heart of the Earth
E min (B3–A-5)
Calamity Jane
Fain & Webster
A:6 Higher Than a Hawk ĥ Calamity Jane: vocal score (Faber)
E- (B -3–D5)
C. Porter
A:7 I Love Paris ĥ The Best of Cole Porter (Faber)
ĥ Cole Porter 100th Anniversary (Alfred)
Evening Primrose
Stephen Sondheim
A:8 I remember ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
A min (C4–D5)
Grade 5, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice
A:9 Don’t Cry for Me Argentina
(ending b. 54)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 1
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
D - (A-3–D-5)
ĥ Don’t Cry for Me Argentina
D -
A:38 High flying, adored ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
F (B-3–G5)
ĥ High flying, adored
Flora, the Red Menace
Kander & Ebb
A:10 A Quiet Thing ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 4 (Hal Leonard)
A (G
Flower Drum Song
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:31 Love, Look Away ĥ The Big Book of Broadway, 4th edition (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–E5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
George Whites Scandals of 1922
G. Gershwin, I. Gerswhin & De Sylva
A:11 I’ll Build a Stairway to Paradise
(without repeats)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook Plus, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
C (C4F5)
The Goldwyn Follies
G. & I. Gershwin
A:12 Love Walked In ĥ The Best of George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin (Faber)
E- (B -3–F5)
ĥ The Great Songs of Gershwin (Alfred)
ĥ George Gershwin: The Definitive Songbook (Faber)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 5 (ABRSM)
The Happy Time
Kander & Ebb
A:13 I don’t remember you ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
D (A3–E5)
Hello, Dolly!
Jerry Herman
A:14 Ribbons Down My Back ĥ Hello Dolly!: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D min (A3–D5)
Grade 5, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz
A:15 God Help the Outcasts
(without repeat; this version only)
ĥ Kids’ Musical Theatre Collection, Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
C/D (B3–D5)
Into the Woods
Stephen Sondheim
A:16 No One Is Alone ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
D - (B-3–D-5)
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
D -
Jekyll & Hyde
Frank Wildhorn & Leslie Bricusse
A:17 Lost in the darkness ĥ Jekyll & Hyde: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
min (G
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
A:18 Once Upon a Dream ĥ Jekyll & Hyde: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
E/G -
The King and I
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:19 I have dreamed ĥ The Broadway Ingénue: 37 Theatre Songs for Soprano (Hal Leonard)
F (C4G5)
ĥ The King and I: vocal selections (Williamson)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
Wright & Forrest (based on Borodin)
A:32 Baubles, Bangles and Beads ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
A- (E-4–A-5)
ĥ Baubles, Bangles and Beads
Lady in the Dark
Weill & I. Gershwin
A:20 My Ship ĥ Weill From Berlin to Broadway (Hal Leonard)
F (C4F5)
ĥ The Definitive Jazz Collection (2nd edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
ĥ The ABRSM Songbook, Book 5 (ABRSM)
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Eamonn O’Dwyer
A:39 The Tale of the Whippoorwill ĥ The Tale of the Whippoorwill
D - (Ab3–D -5)
Grade 5, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Legrand, Alain Boublil & Kretzmer
A:21 China Doll ĥ Marguerite: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E min (B3–D5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
E min
Me and Juliet
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:22 No Other Love ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
C min (C4–F5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
C min
Me and My Girl
N. Gay
A:23 Leaning on a lamp-post ĥ Me and My Girl: vocal selections (Music Sales)
C (C4E5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
B -
(first four pages only)
Minnies Boys
Hackady & Larry Grossman
A:24 Mama, a Rainbow ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
A (A3–E5)
My Fair Lady
Lerner & Loewe
A:25 I could have danced all night ĥ The Broadway Ingénue: 37 Theatre Songs for Soprano (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–G5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The Black Book (Wise)
(with repeat)
A:26 On the Street Where You Live ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
C (C4F5)
(without instrumental section on p. 150)
My Favorite Year
Stephen Flaherty
A:40 If the World Were Like the Movies ĥ If the World Were Like the Movies
B (G
A New Brain
William Finn
A:42 I’d Rather Be Sailing ĥ I’d Rather Be Sailing
F (F4–G -5)
Grade 5, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Maury Yeston
A:27 Getting Tall ĥ Nine: vocal selections (2003 edition) (Cherry Lane Music Company)
E- (B -3–G5)
The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole Aged 13¾
Pippa Cleary & Jake Brunger
A:44 Perfect Mother ĥ Perfect Mother
G - (B-3–D-5)
Shall We Dance?
A:35 They Can’t Take That Away from Me ĥ 50 Gershwin Classics (Alfred)
E- (B -3–E-5)
ĥ George Gershwin: The Definitive Songbook (Faber)
Singin’ in the Rain
Brown & Freed
A:28 Would You?
(ending b. 51; final 2 bars may be sung 8ve higher)
ĥ Singin’ in the Rain: vocal selections (50th Anniversary Edition) (Alfred)
E- (B -3–E-5)
South Pacific
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:33 Bali Ha’i
(with repeat, cut 8th–31st bars of refrain 2nd time)
ĥ The Big Book of Broadway, 4th edition (Hal Leonard)
F (C4D5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
The Woman in White
Andrew Lloyd Webber
A:41 You Can Get Away with Anything ĥ The Woman in White: vocal selections (Really Useful Group)
B - (C4–F5)
(without encore; no repeat)
ĥ You Can Get Away with Anything
(without encore; cut p. 3 b. 4 to top of p. 4)
Wonderful Town
L. Bernstein, Comden & Green
A:29 A little bit in love ĥ Wonderful Town: vocal selections (Boosey & Hawkes)
F (C4C
(cut bb. 11–34)
ĥ The Graded Song Collection (Faber)
(cut bb. 1–16)
Grade 5, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
list B
Amélie The Musical
Nathan Tysen & Daniel Messe
B:1 Times Are Hard for Dreamers ĥ Amélie: A new musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (A-3–D5)
The Band’s Visit
David Yazbek
B:2 Omar Sharif ĥ The Band’s Visit: A new musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B min (F
Broken Wings
Dana Al Fardan & Nadim Naaman
B:39 Spirit of the Earth
(ending b. 43, with suitable ending)
ĥ Spirit of the Earth
D min (E3–C5)
Benny Andersson, Tim Rice & Björn Ulvaeus
B:3 Someone Else’s Story
(cut bb. 20–35)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
G - (F3–C5)
arr. Germaine Franco
B:33 La Llorona ĥ Coco: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E min (F
The Color Purple
Brenda Russell, Willis & Stephen Bray
B:4 Too Beautiful for Words ĥ The Color Purple: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D - (E-3–B-4)
ĥ The Contemporary Singing Actor, Women’s Voices Vol.1 (3rd edition)
(Hal Leonard)
D -
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 5
(Hal Leonard)
D -
Henry Krieger & Eyen
B:29 Family
(from b. 10)
ĥ Dreamgirls: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–E5)
Freaky Friday
Tom Kitt & Brian Yorkey
B:5 No More Fear ĥ No More Fear
A (A3–D5)
Grade 5, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
B:6 True Love ĥ Frozen: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (F3–D5)
Going Under
Colleen Dauncey
B:35 Stepping Stone
(from b. 21 with suitable intro)
ĥ Stepping Stone
G (G3–D5)
John Farrar / Scott Simon & Louis St. Louis
B:7 Hopelessly Devoted to You
(straight to coda after b. 48)
ĥ Grease: vocal selections (20th Anniversary Edition) (IMP)
A (E3–D5)
B:8 Sandy ĥ Grease: vocal selections (20th Anniversary Edition) (IMP)
F (C4B -5)
Groundhog Day The Musical
Tim Minchin
B:9 Night Will Come
(any two verses)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
F min (A-3–E-5)
ĥ Night Will Come
F min
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
B:10 It Takes Two
(without first repeat)
ĥ Hairspray: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (E4–A5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
B:11 Dierent ĥ Honk!: vocal selections (Faber)
D - (D-4–F5)
ĥ Broadway Presents! Kids’ Musical Theatre Anthology (Alfred)
B -
Jagged Little Pill
Alanis Morissette & Glen Ballard
B:36 Perfect ĥ Jagged Little Pill: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A- (E-4–A-5)
ĥ Perfect
James and the Giant Peach
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:12 On Your Way Home ĥ On Your Way Home
G (B3–G5)
Grade 5, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Kinky Boots
Cynthia Lauper
B:13 Step One
(cut bb. 33–59)
ĥ Kinky Boots: vocal selections (Alfred)
D - (A-4–A5)
ĥ Step One
D -
A Little Princess
Andrew Lippa & Brian Crawley
B:14 Live Out Loud ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
A (A3–C
Little Voice
Sara Bareilles
B:30 Little Voice ĥ Little Voice
G (F
The Louder We Get
Colleen Dauncey
B:37 Infinite
(cut bb. 19–38)
ĥ Infinite
A/D (F
Mamma Mia!
Benny Andersson & Björn Ulvaeus
B:15 Slipping through my fingers
(bb. 1–47 only, without repeat)
ĥ Mamma Mia! vocal selections (Wise)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook Plus, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
Mean Girls
Je Richmond & Nell Benjamin
B:16 What’s Wrong With Me? ĥ Mean Girls: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–E5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
ĥ What’s Wrong With Me?
Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:17 How Far I’ll Go ĥ Moana: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (B3–D5)
Moulin Rouge!
Will Jennings & Joe Sample
B:18 One Day I’ll Fly Away ĥ One Day I’ll Fly Away
B (F
Grade 5, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Movin’ Out
Billy Joel
B:19 She’s got a way ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–G5)
Matthew Wilder & David Zippel
B:20 Reflection ĥ Disney Ingénue Songbook (Hal Leonard)
F (G3–D-5)
Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz
B:21 Just around the Riverbend ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
C (G3–E5)
ĥ Disney Ingénue Songbook (Hal Leonard)
Pretty Woman The Musical
Bryan Adams & Jim Vallance
B:22 Freedom
(cut bb. 22–48)
ĥ Freedom
A- (E-4–F5)
The Rocky Horror Show
Richard O’Brien
B:31 Hot Patootie - Bless My Soul ĥ The Rocky Horror Show: vocal selections (40th Anniversary Songbook)
(Hal Leonard)
A (F
The Secret Garden
Lucy Simon & Marsha Norman
B:23 Hold On ĥ The Secret Garden: vocal selections (Alfred)
min (F3–B4)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
Alan Menken & Glenn Slater
B:24 When Will My Life Begin? ĥ Tangled: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (G
ĥ Disney Ingénue Songbook (Hal Leonard)
ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
Tell Me on a Sunday
Andrew Lloyd Webber
B:38 Nothing like you’ve ever known
(without instrumental)
ĥ Nothing like you’ve ever known
min (G
Grade 5, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Toy Story 2
Randy Newman
B:25 When She Loved Me ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
F (G3–F5)
Tuck Everlasting
Chris Miller & Nathan Tysen
B:26 Everlasting ĥ Tuck Everlasting: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (B-3–D5)
When Midnight Strikes
Kevin Hammonds & Charles Miller
B:27 Let Me Inside ĥ Let Me Inside
C (A3–E-5)
Stephen Schwartz
B:28 I’m Not That Girl ĥ Wicked: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (E3B4)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
The Wiz
B:32 What would I do if I could feel? ĥ The Wiz: vocal selections (Alfred)
D (B3–F
list C
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
William Finn
C:1 My Friend, the Dictionary
(cut bb. 59–73; sing p. 29 as one character; sing Olive
part from p. 30)
ĥ The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee: vocal selections (Alfred)
F (B3–D5)
9 to 5 The Musical
Dolly Parton
C:2 Backwoods Barbie ĥ 9 to 5 The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B (E3–C
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum
Stephen Sondheim
C:22 That’ll Show Him ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
F (C4G5)
Grade 5, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Addams Family
Andrew Lippa
C:23 In the Arms
(Mal part)
ĥ The Addams Family: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–F5)
Coleman & Stewart
C:3 Museum Song ĥ Barnum: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (C4E5)
Beauty and the Beast
Alan Menken & Tim Rice
C:4 Me
(without spoken sections)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
E (B3–F5)
The Boy Friend
Sandy Wilson
C:5 It’s Nicer in Nice ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 4 (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–G5)
Brenda Bly: Teen Detective
Kevin Hammonds & Charles Miller
C:24 Stu ĥ Stu
G (G3–D5)
Kander & Ebb
C:25 Cabaret ĥ The Complete Cabaret Collection (Hal Leonard)
A (E3–C5)
(cut bb. 102–141)
ĥ Cabaret
(cut 1st bar of p. 6 to 5th bar of p. 8)
ĥ Cabaret
B - (F3–E5)
(cut 1st bar of p. 7 to 9th bar of p. 8)
Kander & Ebb
C:26 Razzle Dazzle
(without repeat; lower line in bb. 39–41)
ĥ Chicago: movie vocal selections (Faber)
F (C4F5)
C:6 When You’re Good to Mama ĥ Chicago: movie vocal selections (Faber)
F min (F3–A-4)
The Drowsy Chaperone
Lisa Lambert & Greg Morrison
C:27 Show O ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 5
(Hal Leonard)
B - (G3C5)
ĥ Show O
B -
Grade 5, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Fun Home
Jeanine Tesori & Lisa Kron
C:7 Ring of Keys ĥ Ring of Keys
E (B3–E5)
ĥ Ring of Keys
Just So
George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
C:8 Thick Skin
(from b. 31)
ĥ Thick Skin
A- (C3G4)
Kicks: The Showgirl Musical
Alan Menken & Eyen
C:9 I Wanna Be a Rockette ĥ Alan Menken Songbook (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–B4)
Kinky Boots
Cynthia Lauper
C:28 The History of Wrong Guys
(cut bb. 59–84)
ĥ Kinky Boots: vocal selections (Alfred)
B - (B-3–D5)
Little Shop of Horrors
Alan Menken & Ashman
C:10 Grow for Me ĥ Little Shop of Horrors: film vocal selections (Alfred)
E- (B -3–E-5)
Mack & Mabel
Jerry Herman
C:34 Wherever He Ain’t ĥ Mack & Mabel: vocal selections (Faber)
A min (A3–C5)
Meet Me in St Louis
Blane & H. Martin
C:11 The Trolley Song ĥ 100 Years of Popular Music: 40s Vol. 1 (Faber)
E- (D4–E-5)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (high voice) (Faber)
ĥ The Best of Singing, Grades 4–5 (low voice) (Faber)
D -
Lin-Manuel Miranda
C:12 You’re Welcome
(rap optional; singing upper line bb. 73–89)
ĥ Moana: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (A3–A5)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
C:29 Reviewing the Situation
(cut bb. 56–95)
ĥ Oliver! stage vocal selections (Lakeview Music)
F min (C4–F5)
Grade 5, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
On the Town
L. Bernstein, Comden & Green
C:14 Ya Got Me ĥ On the Town: vocal selections (Alfred)
C min (G3–E-5)
Once Upon a Mattress
Mary Rodgers & Barer
C:15 Shy ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
A (B3–C
The Sound of Music
C:30 I Have Confidence
(from b. 30)
ĥ The Sound of Music: vocal selections (revised edition) (Williamson)
South Pacific
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:16 Honey Bun ĥ South Pacific: vocal score (Williamson)
E- (B -3–B-4)
(cut bb. 45–80. end at b. 93)
ĥ South Pacific: vocal selections (Williamson)
(once through; straight to 3rd ending)
ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
(without repeat)
Street Scene
Weill & L. Hughes
C:31 Wouldn’t you like to be on Broadway?
(cut bb. 41–48)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–F5)
Tuck Everlasting
Chris Miller & Nathan Tysen
C:17 Good Girl Winnie Foster ĥ Tuck Everlasting: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G - (G -3–E-5)
Twelfth Night
Shaina Taub
C:33 Greatness ĥ Greatness
F (D4–G5)
Whoop Dee Doo!
Gallagher & Mark Waldrop
C:18 Last One Picked ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
F (B-3–E5)
The Wind in the Willows
George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
C:32 The Amazing Mr Toad
(Toad part; cut bb. 121–180; ending b. 194)
ĥ The Amazing Mr Toad
D (D4–A5)
Grade 5, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Young Frankenstein
Mel Brooks
C:19 Listen to Your Heart ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown
Gesner / Andrew Lippa
C:20 The Kite ĥ The ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre Songbook, Grade 5 (ABRSM)
E- (B -3–E-5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 4 (Hal Leonard)
C:21 My New Philosophy
(without vamp sections; with short ending)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
G (B3–D5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3
(Hal Leonard)
69ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
May contain mature themes
See page 5 for more details
Prerequisite for entry: ABRSM Grade 5 (or above) in Music Theory, Practical Musicianship or a Practical Grades
solo Jazz instrument. For alternatives, see
Grade 6
Four ACCOMPANIED SONGS: from memory; at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists,
A,B and C (listed below), and a fourth of the candidate’s own choice. For further programming requirements, see
Parental guidance: a symbol is shown in the song list where there is known potential for mature content or
context in a song or show, but this is not exhaustive. We strongly advise that songs are chosen carefully for their
appropriateness to each individual.
list A
The 45th Marvellous Chatterley Village Fete
Rebecca Applin
A:49 The White Elephant Stall
(cut bb. 20–35)
ĥ The White Elephant Stall
D (G3–D5)
Jay Kuo
A:50 Higher ĥ Higher
E- (G3–D5)
Anything Goes
C. Porter
A:1 I Get a Kick out of You ĥ The Best of Cole Porter (Faber)
E- (C4F5)
ĥ Cole Porter 100th Anniversary (Alfred)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
The Baker’s Wife
Stephen Schwartz
A:2 Where Is the Warmth? ĥ Where Is the Warmth?
A (G
Grade 6, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Beauty and the Beast
Alan Menken & Tim Rice
A:3 A Change in Me ĥ Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (E3–C5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3
(Hal Leonard)
A:4 Home
(without repeat)
ĥ Beauty and the Beast: The Broadway Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G/D (G3–E5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
Born to Dance
C. Porter
A:5 I’ve got you under my skin ĥ The Best of Cole Porter (Faber)
E- (B -3–F5)
ĥ The Definitive Jazz Collection (2nd edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
ĥ Cole Porter 100th Anniversary (Alfred)
Carmen Jones
Bizet & Hammerstein
A:48 Dat’s Love ĥ Carmen Jones: vocal selections (Williamson)
D min (D4–F
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:6 Mister Snow ĥ Carousel: vocal selections (Williamson)
E- (B -3–E-5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard–Faber)
A:7 You’ll Never Walk Alone ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
C (C4G5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
Taylor Swift & Andrew Lloyd Webber
A:8 Beautiful Ghosts ĥ Cats: film vocal selections (Faber)
E min (G
Benny Andersson, Björn Ulvaeus & Tim Rice
A:9 Anthem ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
D (C
Grade 6, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Andrew Lloyd Webber & David Zippel
A:10 Far too late
(cut bb. 33–72)
ĥ Far too late
B - (G3–D5)
The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Darren Clark
A:51 Time
(ending at b. 44)
ĥ Time
C (G3C5)
The Fantasticks
Harvey Schmidt
A:52 Much More ĥ The Fantasticks: vocal selections (Alfred)
G (B3–F5)
Fiddler on the Roof
Bock & Harnick
A:11 Far from the Home I Love ĥ Fiddler on the Roof: vocal selections (Wise)
C min (C4–E5)
(either lyric)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard–Faber)
C min
Flower Drum Song
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:46 Sunday ĥ Sunday
C (C4D5)
Stephen Sondheim
A:12 Losing My Mind
(cut bb. 38–52)
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
A- (F3–A-4)
Girl Crazy
A:13 Embraceable You ĥ The Best of George Gershwin and Ira Gershwin (Faber)
G (D4–E5)
ĥ The Great Songs of Gershwin (Alfred)
ĥ George Gershwin: The Definitive Songbook (Faber)
Golden Boy
Charles Strouse & Lee Adams
A:14 Night Song
(without repeat)
ĥ Night Song
F (G3–E5)
Grade 6, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Grey Gardens
Scott Frankel
A:53 Will You ĥ Grey Gardens: vocal selections (Williamson)
F (C4E5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
ĥ Will You
Hallelujah Baby
A:54 Being good isn’t good enough ĥ Being good isn’t good enough
G (B3–D5)
Jekyll & Hyde
Frank Wildhorn & Leslie Bricusse
A:15 Someone Like You ĥ Jekyll & Hyde: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
F/G - (G3–E-5)
Jesus Christ Superstar
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice
A:16 I don’t know how to love him
(without repeat)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 4
(Hal Leonard)
D (A3–C5)
Just So
George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
A:17 Does the moment ever come? ĥ Does the moment ever come?
G (D4–E-5)
Les Misérables
Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil & Jean-Marc Natel
A:18 I dreamed a dream ĥ Les Misérables: stage vocal selections (Wise)
E- (G -3–C5)
ĥ Les Misérables: film vocal selections (Wise)
The Lion King
Lebo M., Hans Zimmer, Jay Rifkin, Julie Taymor & Mark Mancina
A:19 Endless Night
(without repeats)
ĥ The Lion King: Broadway selections (Hal Leonard)
D (D4–G5)
A:20 Shadowland
(straight to coda after b. 42, without DS; chorus part
may be sung 8ve lower)
ĥ The Lion King: Broadway selections (Hal Leonard)
C (E3–A5)
The Little Mermaid
Alan Menken & Glenn Slater
A:21 Her Voice
(without repeat)
ĥ The Little Mermaid: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (D4–F
Grade 6, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Douglas Lyons & Ethan D. Pakchar
A:56 Who I Am ĥ Who I Am
C (C4A-5)
Love Life
Weill & Lerner
A:22 Here I’ll Stay ĥ Weill From Berlin to Broadway (Hal Leonard)
B - (C4–E -5)
Matilda The Musical
Tim Minchin
A:23 My House ĥ Matilda The Musical: vocal selections (Wise)
B - (F3–E5)
Me and My Girl
N. Gay
A:24 Once you lose your heart ĥ Me and My Girl: vocal selections (Music Sales)
D - (A-3–D-5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
D -
The Me Nobody Knows
Gary William Friedman & Holt
A:25 The Tree ĥ The Me Nobody Knows: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (C
Meet Me in St Louis
Blane & Martin
A:26 The Boy Next Door
(without repeat)
ĥ The Boy Next Door
F (C4D5)
The Music Man
A:58 Goodnight, My Someone ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–E5)
My Favorite Year
Stephen Flaherty
A:27 Larger Than Life
(cut bb. 28–36 & 68–84)
ĥ Larger Than Life
E- (E-4–F5)
Grade 6, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:28 Lonely Room ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
B min (D4–C
A:29 Out of my dreams ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard–Faber)
A- (E-4–F5)
ĥ The Broadway Ingénue: 37 Theatre Songs for Soprano (Hal Leonard)
ĥ Oklahoma!: vocal selections (Williamson)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
A:30 People Will Say We’re in Love
(without repeat)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
G (B3–E5)
Once on This Island
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
A:31 The Human Heart ĥ The Human Heart
E (B3–C5)
A:47 Some Girls ĥ Once on This Island: vocal selections (Alfred)
D (B3–F
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
Steven Edis
A:55 Hold still ĥ Hold still
F (E3–B -4)
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
A:57 Back to Before
(without 2nd verse (pp. 90–92))
ĥ Back to Before
G (G3C5)
A:32 Make Them Hear You ĥ Make Them Hear You
E- (E-4–G5)
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Frank Wildhorn & Nan Knighton
A:33 Only Love
(without repeat)
ĥ The Scarlet Pimpernel: vocal selections (Alfred)
A- (B -3–E5)
A:34 Where’s the Girl?
(without repeat)
ĥ The Scarlet Pimpernel: vocal selections (Alfred)
A- min (B-3–E-5)
Grade 6, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Secret Garden
Lucy Simon & Marsha Norman
A:35 How could I ever know? ĥ The Secret Garden: vocal selections (Alfred)
D - (B-3–F5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 2 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard–Faber)
D -
She Loves Me
Bock & Harnick
A:36 Days Gone By ĥ Days Gone By
G (D4–D5)
A:37 Grand Knowing You ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
C (D4–A5)
Show Boat
Kern, Hammerstein & Wodehouse
A:38 Bill ĥ Show Boat: vocal score (Wise)
B - (C4–D5)
ĥ The Essential Jerome Kern Song Book (Wise)
B -
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
B -
Sister Act
Alan Menken & Glenn Slater
A:39 The Life I Never Led
(cut bb. 55–107)
ĥ Sister Act: vocal selections (Faber)
D (A3–D5)
State Fair
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:40 It Might as Well Be Spring ĥ State Fair: vocal selections (Williamson)
G (D4–D5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
Sweeney Todd
Stephen Sondheim
A:41 Not While I’m Around ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
F (C4F5)
Jeanine Tesori & Brian Crawley
A:42 Lay down your head ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 6
(Hal Leonard)
G (G3–D5)
West Side Story
L. Bernstein & Stephen Sondheim
A:43 Tonight ĥ West Side Story: vocal selections (new edition) (Boosey & Hawkes)
A- (B -3–F-5)
(ending b. 35)
Grade 6, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Wiz
A:44 Home
(without repeat)
ĥ The Wiz: vocal selections (Alfred)
E- (B -3–G5)
A:45 Soon As I Get Home ĥ The Wiz: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (G3–D5)
list B
Jason Robert Brown
B:1 What It Means to Be a Friend ĥ Jason Robert Brown Plays Jason Robert Brown, Women’s Edition
(Hal Leonard)
A (A3–E5)
ĥ Teen Pop Broadway Collection (Cherry Lane Music Company)
Adventures in Love
Zina Goldrich & Marcy Heisler
B:2 Out of Love ĥ The Songs of Goldrich and Heisler (Hal Leonard)
A (A3–C
Elton John & Tim Rice
B:3 Fortune Favors the Brave ĥ Fortune Favors the Brave
C (C4G5)
B:4 The Past Is Another Land ĥ The Past Is Another Land
E (A3B4)
Alan Menken & Ashman
B:5 Proud of your boy ĥ Aladdin: Broadway vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (E4–F
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:6 Journey to the Past ĥ Anastasia: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–C
Bend It Like Beckham
Howard Goodall & Charles Hart
B:42 Glorious
(cut bb. 84112)
ĥ Howard Goodall’s Songs from the Musicals for female voice (Faber)
B (G
Big Fish
Andrew Lippa
B:7 Fight the Dragons
(cut bb. 52–82)
ĥ Big Fish: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4G5)
Grade 6, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Bring It On: The Musical
Tom Kitt & Amanda Green
B:8 Killer Instinct ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
A (A3–E-5)
A Class Act
Kleban & Brian Stein
B:9 Light on My Feet ĥ A Class Act: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (B3–F
The Clockmaker’s Daughter
Webborn & Finn
B:48 A Story of My Own ĥ A Story of My Own
A (A3–E5)
Dessa Rose
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:43 Old Banjar ĥ Old Banjar
B (D
Don’t Bother Me, I Can’t Cope
M. Grant
B:49 Thank Heaven for You
(no repeat, straight to 2nd-time bar)
ĥ Thank Heaven for You
C (C4C5)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:54 Waiting on a Miracle ĥ Encanto: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
min (E4D6)
(may be sung 8vb)
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice
B:10 I’d Be Surprisingly Good for You ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
E min (G
Yve Blake
B:51 Wait and See ĥ Wait and See
D (A3B4)
Grade 6, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Stephen Schwartz
B:11 All Good Gifts ĥ All Good Gifts
D (D4–A5)
B:12 Beautiful City
(without repeat)
ĥ Godspell: vocal selections (revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
A (E4–F
B:13 O bless the Lord, my soul ĥ Godspell: vocal selections (revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
A min (B3–A5)
Grand Hotel
Maury Yeston
B:14 At the Grand Hotel ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
A- (D4–A-5)
Casey & Jim Jacobs
B:15 There are worse things I could do ĥ Grease: vocal selections (20th Anniversary Edition) (IMP)
G (A3–C5)
Groundhog Day The Musical
Tim Minchin
B:16 Playing Nancy ĥ Groundhog Day The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (F
ĥ Playing Nancy
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
B:17 I Know Where I’ve Been
(cut bb. 13–20 & 36–44)
ĥ Hairspray: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (E3–E-5)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:18 That Would Be Enough ĥ Hamilton: vocal selections (Faber)
D (A3–D5)
ĥ The Contemporary Singing Actor, Women’s Voices Vol.1 (3rd edition)
(Hal Leonard)
I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change
Jimmy Roberts & Joe DiPietro
B:19 Shouldn’t I Be Less in Love with You? ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 4 (Hal Leonard)
C min (C4–E5)
Tom Kitt & Brian Yorkey
B:20 You Learn to Live Without
(cut bb. 24–45)
ĥ The Contemporary Singing Actor, Women’s Voices Vol.1 (3rd edition)
(Hal Leonard)
G - (G -3–D-5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 6
(Hal Leonard)
G -
Grade 6, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
In the Heights
Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:21 Enough
(Camila part)
ĥ Enough
D - (G -3–A-4)
B:44 Inútil ĥ In the Heights: vocal selections (Williamson)
C (C4E5)
ĥ Inútil
Is There Life After High School?
Craig Carnelia
B:22 The Kid Inside ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
G (B3–G5)
Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Tim Rice
B:23 Close every door
(cut bb. 45–67)
ĥ The Big Book of Broadway, 4th edition (Hal Leonard)
F min (C4–F5)
The Lightning Thief
Rob Rokicki
B:24 My Grand Plan ĥ The Lightning Thief: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A- (A-3–E-5)
Little Voice
Sara Bareilles
B:25 Ghost Light
(without instrumental interlude, end at 2nd bar of coda)
ĥ Ghost Light
C (A3–F
Little Women
Jason Howland & Mindi Dickstein
B:26 Here Alone ĥ Little Women: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
F min (G3–E-5)
Legrand, Alain Boublil & Kretzmer
B:27 Jazz Time ĥ Marguerite: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B min (A3–E-5)
Mary Poppins Returns
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
B:28 (Underneath the) Lovely London Sky
(whistling optional)
ĥ Mary Poppins Returns: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–A -5)
Matilda The Musical
Tim Minchin
B:29 Pathetic ĥ Matilda The Musical: vocal selections (Wise)
B - (B-3–D5)
Grade 6, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Mean Girls
Je Richmond & Nell Benjamin
B:30 I’d Rather Be Me ĥ Mean Girls: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (A3–C
ĥ I’d Rather Be Me
Once on This Island
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:45 Come down from the tree ĥ Come down from the tree
F (F3–F5)
Ordinary Days
Adam Gwon
B:31 Favorite Places ĥ Favorite Places
B (B3–F
The Prince of Egypt
Stephen Schwartz
B:32 Footprints on the Sand ĥ The Prince of Egypt: vocal selections (Alfred)
ĥ Footprints on the Sand
The Prom
Matthew Sklar & Chad Beguelin
B:33 Alyssa Greene ĥ Alyssa Greene
A- (A-3–D-5)
B:34 Just Breathe ĥ Just Breathe
B (F
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:46 Sarah Brown Eyes
(as one character)
ĥ Ragtime: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (A3–C5)
ĥ Sarah Brown Eyes
B:47 Wheels of a Dream
(as one character)
ĥ Ragtime: vocal selections (Alfred)
ĥ Wheels of a Dream
Phil Collins
B:35 Strangers Like Me ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
D - (E-4G5)
Grade 6, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Unauthorized Autobiography of Samantha Brown
Kait Kerrigan & Brian Lowdermilk
B:36 Say the Word ĥ Say the Word
Tim Sutton
B:53 Edge of the World ĥ Edge of the World
F (C4F5)
Wearing Someone Else’s Clothes
Jason Robert Brown
B:37 Nothing in Common
(cut bb. 34–61)
ĥ The Jason Robert Brown Collection: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–F5)
ĥ Jason Robert Brown Plays Jason Robert Brown, Men’s Edition (Hal Leonard)
West Side Story
L. Bernstein & Stephen Sondheim
B:38 Jet Song ĥ West Side Story: vocal selections (new edition) (Boosey & Hawkes)
B - (B-3–F5)
When Midnight Strikes
Kevin Hammonds & Charles Miller
B:39 A Jerk Like Me ĥ A Jerk Like Me
A- (D-4–G5)
B:40 Like Father, Like Son ĥ Like Father, Like Son
C (G3–F5)
When Pigs Fly
Gallagher & Mark Waldrop
B:41 Laughing Matters ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
B - (F3–C5)
Not from a show
B:52 I’m Your Guy
Amir Shoenfeld
ĥ I’m Your Guy
F (B-3–F
list C
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
William Finn
C:1 I speak six languages
(Marcy part)
ĥ The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee: vocal selections (Alfred)
G (B3–D5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
Grade 6, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
9 to 5 The Musical
Dolly Parton
C:2 Heart to Hart
(Roz part; cut bb. 40–42)
ĥ 9 to 5 The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (F3–C5)
C:3 Here for You
(cut bb. 4060)
ĥ 9 to 5 The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (C
C:4 One of the Boys
(Violet part; without men’s choruses)
ĥ 9 to 5 The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (F3B4)
(without pp. 85 & 87)
The Addams Family
Andrew Lippa
C:5 Just Around the Corner
(Morticia part)
ĥ The Addams Family: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B min (G3–G
Charles Strouse & Martin Charnin
C:6 Little girls ĥ Annie: vocal selections (Faber)
E min (G
Anything Goes
C. Porter
C:7 Anything Goes ĥ Anything Goes: vocal selections (revival edition) (Alfred)
A- min (A-3–C5)
(without refrain 2)
C:44 Blow, Gabriel, Blow ĥ Anything Goes: vocal selections (revival edition) (Alfred)
E- (B -3–F5)
ĥ Cole Porter 100th Anniversary (Alfred)
Avenue Q
Robert Lopez & Je Marks
C:8 Purpose ĥ Avenue Q: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (B3–G5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
Babes in Arms
Rodgers & L. Hart
C:9 The Lady Is a Tramp ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 1
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
A (A3B4)
The Band’s Visit
David Yazbek
C:10 The Beat of Your Heart
(Avrum part)
ĥ The Band’s Visit: A new musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (D-4–E-5)
Brenda Bly: Teen Detective
Kevin Hammond & Charles Miller
C:11 I Always Get My Man ĥ I Always Get My Man
A (G
Grade 6, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Bye Bye Birdie
Charles Strouse & Lee Adams
C:12 Kids! ĥ Bye Bye Birdie: vocal selections (deluxe souvenir edition) (Hal Leonard)
C (D4–D5)
Kander & Ebb
C:13 Don’t Tell Mama
(ending b. 66)
ĥ The Complete Cabaret Collection (Hal Leonard)
C min (C4–C5)
William Finn
C:49 You Gotta Die Sometime ĥ Falsettos: vocal selections (Alfred)
E min (C4–G5)
ĥ You Gotta Die Sometime
E min
Flower Drum Song
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:42 Like a God ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
D (C
ĥ Like a God
Tom Snow & Dean Pitchfork
C:14 Mama Says
(without repeat)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–A-5)
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
C:15 In Summer ĥ Frozen: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (B3–A5)
Frozen 2
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
C:16 When I Am Older ĥ Frozen II: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A- (E-4–A-5)
ĥ When I Am Older
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes
Styne & Robin
C:17 Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend ĥ Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend
E- (B -3–E-5)
Grade 6, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Kate Marlais & Alex Young
C:45 I Don’t Hold with Making a Fuss ĥ I Don’t Hold with Making a Fuss
D (A3–D5)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz
C:46 Topsy Turvy ĥ The Hunchback of Notre Dame: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (D4–A5)
Into the Woods
Stephen Sondheim
C:18 Into the woods ĥ Into the Woods: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–E-5)
Kiss Me, Kate
C. Porter
C:19 I hate men ĥ Kiss Me, Kate: vocal selections (Alfred)
D min (D4–E5)
Little Shop of Horrors
Alan Menken & Ashman
C:20 Somewhere That’s Green ĥ Somewhere That’s Green
G (B3–C5)
Mrs Beeton Says...
Eamonn O’Dwyer
C:47 Watch the Light
(from b. 8)
ĥ Watch the Light
B - (F3–D5)
My Fair Lady
Lerner & Loewe
C:21 I’ve grown accustomed to her face
(from b. 35; cut bb. 54–64 & 120145)
ĥ My Fair Lady: stage vocal selections (IMP)
A min (A3–B4)
C:22 Without You ĥ My Fair Lady: stage vocal selections (IMP)
C (B3–E-5)
Alan Menken & Jack Feldman
C:23 That’s Rich ĥ Newsies: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (F3–E5)
Rodgers & Hammerstein
C:24 I Cain’t Say No ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
F (C4D5)
Grade 6, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Once on This Island
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
C:25 Mama Will Provide ĥ Mama Will Provide
E (B3–G
Ordinary Days
Adam Gwon
C:26 Don’t Wanna Be Here ĥ Don’t Wanna Be Here
C (G3C
Stephen Schwartz
C:27 Extraordinary ĥ Pippin: vocal selections (updated edition) (Alfred)
B - (C4G5)
Porgy and Bess
G. & I. Gershwin and E. D. & D. Heyward
C:28 There’s a boat dat’s leavin’ soon for
New York
ĥ There’s a boat dat’s leavin’ soon for New York
B - (D4–B -5)
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
C:29 Bualo Nickel Photoplay, Inc. ĥ Ragtime: vocal selections (Alfred)
G (B3–F
ĥ Bualo Nickel Photoplay, Inc.
ĥ Bualo Nickel Photoplay, Inc.
Marvin Laird & Joel Paley
C:30 Born to Entertain ĥ Born to Entertain (Hal Leonard)
C (A-3–F-5)
The Scarlet Pimpernel
Frank Wildhorn & Nan Knighton
C:31 Falcon in the Dive
(without repeat)
ĥ The Scarlet Pimpernel: vocal selections (Alfred)
min (G
C. Coleman & Fields
C:32 Nobody Does It Like Me ĥ Seesaw: vocal selections (Alfred)
A (B
Grade 6, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Seussical The Musical
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
C:33 All for You ĥ Seussical The Musical: vocal selections (Alfred)
B - (D4–D5)
C:34 Amayzing Mayzie
(Mayzie and Gertrude parts)
ĥ Seussical The Musical: vocal selections (Alfred)
A (G
C:35 Notice Me, Horton
(Gertrude part)
ĥ Seussical The Musical: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (G3–F5)
She Loves Me
Bock & Harnick
C:36 I resolve ĥ I resolve
B - (A3–B -4)
Shrek The Musical
Jeanine Tesori & David Lindsay-Abaire
C:37 When Words Fail ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
G (B3–F
Starting Here, Starting Now
Richard Maltby Jr & David Shire
C:38 I Don’t Remember Christmas ĥ Singer’s Library of Musical Theatre, Baritone/Bass Vol. 2 (Alfred)
A min (C4–E5)
ĥ I Don’t Remember Christmas
A min
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Jeanine Tesori
C:39 Forget about the Boy
(top part where lines divide)
ĥ Forget about the Boy
F (A3–D5)
ĥ Forget about the Boy
Wonderful Town
L. Bernstein
C:48 One Hundred Easy Ways ĥ Wonderful Town: vocal selections (Boosey & Hawkes)
C (G4–A5)
Not from a show
C:40 Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
Tom Lehrer
ĥ Poisoning Pigeons in the Park
C (A3–E5)
C:41 Taylor, the Latte Boy
Zina Goldrich & Dick Scanlan
ĥ The Songs of Goldrich and Heisler (Hal Leonard)
A (G
C:43 The Angel at the Top of the Tree
Darren Clark
ĥ The Angel at the Top of the Tree
A- (G3–F5)
87ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
May contain mature themes
See page 5 for more details
Prerequisite for entry: ABRSM Grade 5 (or above) in Music Theory, Practical Musicianship or a Practical Grades
solo Jazz instrument. For alternatives, see
Grade 7
Four ACCOMPANIED SONGS: from memory; at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists,
A,B and C (listed below), and a fourth of the candidate’s own choice. For further programming requirements, see
Parental guidance: a symbol is shown in the song list where there is known potential for mature content or
context in a song or show, but this is not exhaustive. We strongly advise that songs are chosen carefully for their
appropriateness to each individual.
list A
110 in the Shade
Harvey Schmidt & Tom Jones
A:49 Simple Little Things ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 2 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
D (B3–E5)
ĥ Simple Little Things
Elton John & Tim Rice
A:1 Easy as Life ĥ Easy as Life
C min (G3–C5)
A:2 I Know the Truth ĥ I Know the Truth
E min (E3–D5)
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
A:3 Crossing a Bridge ĥ Anastasia: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (G3–D5)
Aspects of Love
Andrew Lloyd Webber, Don Black & Charles Hart
A:4 Love changes everything ĥ Love changes everything
A (D4–B -5)
Grade 7, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
A:5 Role of a Lifetime ĥ Role of a Lifetime
D min (C4–G5)
C. Coleman
A:52 Love Makes Such Fools of Us All ĥ Barnum: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (C
Beauty and the Beast
Alan Menken & Tim Rice
A:6 Evermore ĥ Beauty and the Beast: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
min (G
Bonnie & Clyde
Frank Wildhorn & Don Black
A:7 How ’bout a dance? ĥ How ’bout a dance?
A- (B -3–E-5)
The Bridges of Madison County
Jason Robert Brown
A:8 It All Fades Away
(cut bb. 23–45)
ĥ The Bridges of Madison County: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (A3–A5)
ĥ It All Fades Away
Andrew Lloyd Webber
A:53 Memory
(without instrumental)
ĥ Cats: vocal selections (Faber)
B - (G3–E-5)
City of Angels
C. Coleman & David Zippel
A:9 Lost and found ĥ Lost and found
C (B3–D5)
Closer Than Ever
Richard Maltby Jr & David Shire
A:50 If I Sing ĥ Closer Than Ever: vocal selections (Alfred)
min (A3–F5)
ĥ Closer Than Ever: vocal score (Alfred)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
William Finn
A:10 When the Earth Stopped Turning ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
A (E4–F
Grade 7, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Alan Menken
A:54 So Close ĥ Enchanted: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (B3–D-6)
Guys and Dolls
F. Loesser
A:11 If I Were a Bell ĥ Guys and Dolls: vocal selections (Music Sales)
F (C4E5)
ĥ Guys and Dolls: vocal score (Williamson)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 2 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
Kate Marlais & Alex Young
A:55 Temporary ĥ Temporary
D - (B-3–G-5)
Into the Woods
Stephen Sondheim
A:13 Children Will Listen ĥ Into the Woods: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (A3–F
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
Jekyll & Hyde
Frank Wildhorn & Leslie Bricusse
A:14 In his eyes ĥ Jekyll & Hyde: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
C min (B -3–D5)
(as one character, either part where lines divide)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
C min
A:15 This is the moment ĥ Jekyll & Hyde: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
E- (B -3–G5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
Just So
George Stiles & Anthony Drewe
A:16 Wait a Bit ĥ Wait a Bit
E (F
The King and I
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:17 Something Wonderful ĥ The King and I: vocal selections (Williamson)
G (B3–E5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
Grade 7, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Kiss Me, Kate
C. Porter
A:18 Were thine that special face ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 1 (revised
edition) (Hal Leonard)
D - (C4–F5)
Lady in the Dark
Weill & I. Gershwin
A:19 One Life to Live ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–E-5)
The Life
C. Coleman & Gasman
A:51 We Had a Dream ĥ The Life: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–C5)
The Light in the Piazza
Adam Guettel
A:58 Fable ĥ The Light in the Piazza: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (C4–F5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
A:20 Love to Me ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
D (D4–F
ĥ The Light in the Piazza: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
Little Women
Jason Howland & Mindi Dickstein
A:21 Some things are meant to be ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
G (B3–E5)
Man of La Mancha
Leigh & Darion
A:22 The Impossible Dream ĥ The Big Book of Broadway, 4th edition (Hal Leonard)
B - (C4–E -5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 1 (revised
edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
B -
On the Town
L. Bernstein, Comden & Green
A:23 Lonely Town ĥ On the Town: vocal selections (Alfred)
F (C4F5)
A:24 Lucky to Be Me ĥ On the Town: vocal selections (Alfred)
F (B-3–F5)
ĥ Lucky to Be Me
ĥ Lucky to Be Me
Grade 7, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Pajama Game
R. Adler & J. Ross
A:25 Hey there ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
G - (F4–A-5)
Jason Robert Brown
A:26 It’s hard to speak my heart ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
E (B3–E5)
A:27 You don’t know this man ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3
(Hal Leonard)
G min (B -3–E-5)
Phantom of the Opera
Andrew Lloyd Webber, Charles Hart & Richard Stilgoe
A:28 The Music of the Night
(cut bb. 28–45)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
D - (A-3–A-5)
A:29 Think of me
(with cadenza)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
D (D4C6)
A:30 Wishing you were somehow here again ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
Stephen Schwartz
A:31 With You ĥ Pippin: vocal selections (updated edition) (Alfred)
G (B3–G5)
Porgy and Bess
G. & I. Gershwin and E. D. & D Heyward
A:32 Summertime ĥ George Gershwin: The Definitive Songbook (Faber)
A min (E4–E5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
B min
The Prince of Egypt
Stephen Schwartz
A:33 For the rest of my life ĥ The Prince of Egypt: stage vocal selections (Alfred)
E- min (D-4–A-5)
ĥ For the rest of my life
E- min
Salad Days
Slade & Reynolds
A:34 I Sit in the Sun ĥ Salad Days: vocal score (Faber)
C min (E-4–F5)
Show Boat
Kern & Hammerstein
A:35 Make Believe ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 4 (Hal Leonard)
C (C4E -5)
Grade 7, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Shrek The Musical
Jeanine Tesori
A:56 Who I’d Be ĥ Shrek The Musical: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
D - (B-3–F
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
D -
Songs for a New World
Jason Robert Brown
A:36 Christmas Lullaby ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
C (A3–E5)
South Pacific
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:37 This Nearly Was Mine ĥ South Pacific: vocal selections (Williamson)
E- (D4–F5)
ĥ South Pacific: vocal score (Williamson)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 1 (revised
edition) (Hal Leonard)
A:38 Younger Than Springtime ĥ South Pacific: vocal selections (Williamson)
C (B3–D5)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
St. Louis Woman
Arlen & Mercer
A:39 I had myself a true love ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3
(Hal Leonard)
B - (F3–C5)
ĥ I had myself a true love
Sunset Boulevard
Andrew Lloyd Webber, Don Black, Christopher Hampton & Amy Powers
A:40 As If We Never Said Goodbye
(cut bb. 31–60)
ĥ As If We Never Said Goodbye
E- (G3C5)
Sweeney Todd
Stephen Sondheim
A:41 Johanna ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
E- (C4E-5)
ĥ Sondheim for Singers: Tenor (Hal Leonard)
ĥ Sondheim for Singers: Baritone/Bass (Hal Leonard)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
Grade 7, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Jeanine Tesori & Dick Scanlan
A:42 What Do I Need with Love ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
F (D4–G5)
Maury Yeston
A:43 No moon ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
A min (E4–G5)
Top Hat
I. Berlin
A:57 Top Hat, White Tie and Tails ĥ Irving Berlin Anthology (Irving Berlin Music Company)
G (D4–E5)
ĥ Top Hat, White Tie and Tails
West Side Story
L. Bernstein & Stephen Sondheim
A:44 I have a love ĥ West Side Story: vocal selections (new edition) (Boosey & Hawkes)
F (A-3–F5)
ĥ West Side Story: vocal score (Hal Leonard)
A:45 Somewhere ĥ West Side Story: vocal selections (new edition) (Boosey & Hawkes)
E- (B -3–F5)
ĥ Somewhere (Boosey & Hawkes)
The Wiz
A:46 The Feeling That We Have ĥ The Wiz: vocal selections (Alfred)
D (G3–B4)
Wonderful Town
L. Bernstein, Comden & Green
A:47 A Quiet Girl
(Baker part, without men’s chorus)
ĥ Wonderful Town: vocal selections (Boosey & Hawkes)
A- (B -3–E-5)
Not from a show
A:48 There’s You
Timothy Huang & Patrick Gallagher
ĥ There’s You
list B
Jason Robert Brown
B:1 The Lamest Place in the World ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
B (B3–D
Grade 7, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:2 In My Dreams ĥ Anastasia: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- min (B-3–D5)
B:3 Still ĥ Anastasia: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - min (E-4–A-5)
Big Fish
Andrew Lippa
B:5 Stranger ĥ Big Fish: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (C4G5)
ĥ Stranger
Big The Musical
Richard Maltby Jr & David Shire
B:6 Stop, Time ĥ Big The Musical: vocal selections (Alfred)
B - (G3C5)
ĥ Stop, Time
B -
Bring It On: The Musical
Tom Kitt, Amanda Green & Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:7 One Perfect Moment ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 6
(Hal Leonard)
C (G3–D5)
ĥ One Perfect Moment
Broken Wings
Dana Al Fardan & Nadim Naaman
B:65 So Many Questions ĥ So Many Questions
C min (B -3–D5)
Brooklyn The Musical
Mark Schoenfeld & Barri McPherson
B:8 Sometimes
(as one character, top part where lines divide)
ĥ Brooklyn The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (E4–G5)
Kander & Ebb
B:9 Maybe this time ĥ The Complete Cabaret Collection (Hal Leonard)
C (A3–F5)
Caroline, Or Change
Jeanine Tesori & Tony Kushner
B:10 I hate the bus ĥ I hate the bus
C (G3–F
Grade 7, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Carrie The Musical
Michael Gore & Dean Pitchford
B:11 Dreamer in Disguise ĥ Carrie The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A- (E-4–G5)
Dominic Powell
B:59 Let Your Garden Grow ĥ Let Your Garden Grow
A (E4–B5)
Catch Me If You Can
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
B:12 Someone Else’s Skin
(without spoken parts)
ĥ Someone Else’s Skin
B (B3C6)
The Clockmaker’s Daughter
Webborn & Finn
B:66 You’re Still Here
(without spoken sections)
ĥ You’re Still Here
G min (G3–F
The Color Purple
Brenda Russell, Willis & Stephen Bray
B:13 The Color Purple
(as one character, top part where lines divide)
ĥ The Color Purple: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B (F
Stephen Sondheim
B:14 Sorry-Grateful ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 1 (revised
edition) (Hal Leonard)
D (B3–E5)
Dessa Rose
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:57 Something of My Own ĥ Something of My Own
G (A3–D5)
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:15 Nothing Short of Wonderful ĥ Nothing Short of Wonderful
B (A
B:16 Pretty Funny
(from b. 7)
ĥ Pretty Funny
G (G3–E5)
Henry Krieger & Siedah Garrett
B:17 Love You I Do ĥ Dreamgirls: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (F3–G5)
Grade 7, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Elegies for Angels, Punks and Raging Queens
Bill Russell & Janet Hood
B:18 My brother lived in San Francisco ĥ The Contemporary Singing Actor, Women’s Voices Vol.1 (3rd edition)
(Hal Leonard)
C (F
Tom Snow & Dean Pitchford
B:19 I Can’t Stand Still ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
B - (D4C6)
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
B:21 Dangerous to Dream
(cut bb. 104–129)
ĥ Frozen: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (A3–D5)
Frozen 2
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
B:20 The Next Right Thing ĥ Frozen II: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (B -3–E5)
ĥ The Next Right Thing
C min
Funny Girl
Styne & Merrill
B:22 I’m the Greatest Star ĥ Gypsy & Funny Girl: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (G3C5)
ĥ I’m the Greatest Star
Ghost The Musical
Glen Ballard, David Allan Stewart & Bruce Joel Rubin
B:23 With You ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
G (A3–E5)
The Greatest Showman
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:24 Never Enough ĥ The Greatest Showman: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A- (E-3–F5)
ĥ Never Enough
B -
Anaïs Mitchell
B:60 Flowers ĥ Hadestown: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B (F
ĥ Flowers
Grade 7, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:25 Burn ĥ Hamilton: vocal selections (Faber)
B min (A3–D5)
Laurence O’Keefe & Kevin Murphy
B:26 Kindergarten Boyfriend ĥ Kindergarten Boyfriend
C (G3–E5)
Alan Menken & David Zippel
B:27 Go the Distance ĥ The Illustrated Treasury of Disney Songs (7th edition) (Hal Leonard)
A (A3–G5)
How We React and How We Recover
Jason Robert Brown
B:61 Wait ‘til You See What’s Next ĥ The Jason Robert Brown Collection, Volume 2 (Hal Leonard)
F (A3–B -5)
ĥ Wait ‘til You See What’s Next
In the Heights
Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:29 Everything I Know ĥ In the Heights: vocal selections (Williamson)
E- (B -3–D-5)
James and the Giant Peach
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:30 Middle of a Moment ĥ Middle of a Moment
E (B3–G5)
Kinky Boots
Cynthia Lauper
B:31 Take What You Got
(as one character, top part where lines divide)
ĥ Take What You Got
B (F
ĥ Take What You Got
The Last Five Years
Jason Robert Brown
B:32 A Part of That ĥ The Last Five Years: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–E-5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
Grade 7, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Legally Blonde The Musical
Laurence O’Keefe & Nell Benjamin
B:33 So Much Better
(Elle part)
ĥ Legally Blonde The Musical: vocal selections (Williamson)
G - (G -3–E-5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
G -
Les Misérables
Claude-Michel Schonberg, Alain Boublil & Jean-Marc Natel
B:34 On my own ĥ Les Misérables: stage vocal selections (Wise)
D (A3–C5)
ĥ Les Misérables: film vocal selections (Wise)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard–Faber)
The Life
C. Coleman & Gasman
B:35 Use What You Got ĥ The Life: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A min (G
The Lightning Thief
Rob Rokicki
B:36 The Tree on the Hill
(Grover part, without chorus sections)
ĥ The Lightning Thief: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (E4–G5)
A Little Night Music
Stephen Sondheim
B:37 Send in the Clowns ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
D - (G -3–A-4)
Little Women
Jason Howland & Mindi Dickstein
B:38 Days of Plenty ĥ Little Women: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
A- (E-3–D-5)
Marie Christine
Michael John LaChiusa
B:39 Beautiful ĥ Beautiful
G min (F3–D5)
Mean Girls
Je Richmond & Nell Benjamin
B:40 World Burn ĥ Mean Girls: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A- (A-3–E5)
(Regina part)
ĥ World Burn
Grade 7, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
A Mother’s Song
Finn Anderson
B:63 Change of Plan
(follow ‘Sarah’ line)
ĥ Change of Plan
D min (F3–B -4)
Next to Normal
Tom Kitt & Brian Yorkey
B:41 I Miss the Mountains ĥ Next to Normal: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (G3–D5)
B:42 I’m Alive
(cut bb. 45–78)
ĥ Next to Normal: vocal selections (Alfred)
G (G4–D6)
Once on This Island
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:43 Waiting for Life ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
A (B3–D5)
Ordinary Days
Adam Gwon
B:44 Let Things Go ĥ Let Things Go
B - (G
This Ordinary Thursday
Georgia Stitt
B:45 One Day More ĥ This Ordinary Thursday: vocal selections (Williamson)
F (C4F5)
Jason Robert Brown
B:46 Do it alone ĥ Do it alone
A (A3–E5)
Stephen Schwartz
B:47 Corner of the Sky
(any two verses)
ĥ Pippin: vocal selections (updated edition) (Alfred)
C (E4C6)
The Prince of Egypt
Stephen Schwartz
B:48 When You Believe ĥ The Prince of Egypt: film vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
D min (A3–E5)
ĥ The Prince of Egypt: stage vocal selections (Alfred)
D min
The Secret Garden
Lucy Simon & Marsha Norman
B:49 Winter’s on the wing ĥ The Secret Garden: vocal selections (Alfred)
A min (D4–F
Grade 7, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
She Loves Me
Bock & Harnick
B:50 Ilona ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
C (C4E5)
Six The Musical
Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss
B:51 Heart of Stone
(Seymour part; ending b. 115)
ĥ Six The Musical: vocal selections (Faber)
F (A3–D5)
Tick, Tick… Boom!
Jonathan Larson
B:52 Come to Your Senses
(cut bb. 32–58)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
C min (A-3–C5)
B:64 Louder than Words
(cut bb. 59–106)
ĥ Tick, Tick ... BOOM! (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–G
ĥ Louder Than Words
Sara Bareilles
B:53 She Used to Be Mine ĥ Waitress: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G - (G -3–E-5)
What’s Not Inside: The Lost Songs from Waitress
Sara Bareilles
B:54 Door Number Three ĥ Door Number Three
G (A3–D5)
We Will Rock You
Brian May
B:55 No One But You ĥ We Will Rock You: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (G
ĥ No One But You
Legrand, Alan Boublil & Marilyn Bergman
B:56 No wonder ĥ No wonder
B - (G3–D5)
Grade 7, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Not from a show
B:62 Looking at the Moon
Amir Shoenfeld
ĥ Looking at the Moon
D (A3–A5)
B:67 Quiet
Jonathan Reid Gealt
ĥ Quiet
G (G3–F
B:68 September of ’92
Jonathan Reid Gealt
(starting at b. 40, with suitable intro)
ĥ September of ’92
B (B3–B -5)
list C
Jason Robert Brown
C:1 Get Me What I Need ĥ 13 The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (C4A5)
(Archie part)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee
William Finn
C:2 I’m not that smart ĥ The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee: vocal selections (Alfred)
D (A3–A5)
Elton John & Tim Rice
C:3 My Strongest Suit
(Amneris part; cut bb. 121143)
ĥ Aida: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D - (G -3–F5)
ĥ My Strongest Suit
D -
Anyone Can Whistle
Stephen Sondheim
C:4 Everybody says don’t ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 1 (revised
edition) (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–E5)
The Band’s Visit
David Yazbek
C:5 Papi Hears the Ocean ĥ The Band’s Visit: A new musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G min (G4–G5)
Brenda Bly: Teen Detective
Kevin Hammonds & Charles Miller
C:6 Oogie Woogie Boogie
(top part; cut bb. 77–88)
ĥ Oogie Woogie Boogie
G (G3–A -5)
Grade 7, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Bridges of Madison County
Jason Robert Brown
C:7 What do you call a man like that? ĥ The Bridges of Madison County: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (G3–G-5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
C min
ĥ What do you call a man like that?
C min
Kander & Ebb
C:8 Mein Herr ĥ The Complete Cabaret Collection (Hal Leonard)
C min (G3–C5)
ĥ Stage & Screen – The White Book (Wise)
C min
A Chorus Line
Hamlisch & Kleban
C:9 Nothing
(with spoken sections)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3
(Hal Leonard)
E- (G3–B4)
City of Angels
C. Coleman & David Zippel
C:10 Funny ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
B - min (B-3–F5)
Stephen Sondheim
C:11 Another hundred people ĥ The Complete Company Collection: vocal selections (author’s edition)
(Hal Leonard)
C (C4E -5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
C:12 The Ladies Who Lunch ĥ The Complete Company Collection: vocal selections (author’s edition)
(Hal Leonard)
A min (E3–B -4)
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
C min
C:13 Marry me a little ĥ The Complete Company Collection: vocal selections (author’s edition)
(Hal Leonard)
B (G
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 1 (revised
edition) (Hal Leonard)
B -
The Drowsy Chaperone
Lisa Lambert & Greg Morrison
C:14 I Am Adolpho
(spoken parts optional)
ĥ The Drowsy Chaperone: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (E3–A5)
(as one character)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
C min (A
Grade 7, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
C:15 In Short
(without spoken section at b. 114)
ĥ In Short
D (A3–B -5)
C:54 I’ve Gotta Run ĥ I’ve Gotta Run
E (B3–E5)
Stephen Sondheim
C:16 Broadway Baby ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
G (G3–B4)
The Full Monty
David Yazbek
C:17 Life with Harold
(with scat; ad lib. ri optional)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 4
(Hal Leonard)
C (G3–D5)
A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
Steven Lutvak & Robert L. Freedman
C:18 Foolish to think ĥ A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–G5)
Grand Hotel
Maury Yeston
C:19 I Want to Go to Hollywood ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 4
(Hal Leonard)
A (D3–G
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
C:20 I can hear the bells
(in full, do not take optional ending)
ĥ Hairspray: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (A3–C5)
Lin-Manuel Miranda
C:21 You’ll Be Back
(King George part)
ĥ Hamilton: vocal selections (Faber)
G (D4C6)
I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change
Jimmy Roberts & DiPietro
C:22 Single Man Drought
(as one character, top part where lines divide)
ĥ I Love You, You’re Perfect, Now Change: vocal selections (Williamson)
D min (C
Into the Woods
Stephen Sondheim
C:23 Moments in the Woods ĥ Into the Woods: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (F
Grade 7, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Just So
George Stiles
C:55 If - The Crab
(sing all lyrics, follow EM when in harmony)
ĥ If - The Crab
A- (A-3–G5)
Kiss Me, Kate
C. Porter
C:56 Where is the Life that Late I Led? ĥ Kiss Me, Kate: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (B3–F5)
The Little Mermaid
Alan Menken & Glen Slater / Alan Menken & Ashman
C:24 Beyond My Wildest Dreams
(as one character)
ĥ The Little Mermaid: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (A3–E5)
C:25 I Want the Good Times Back
(Ursula part; without spoken sections)
ĥ The Little Mermaid: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (F
C:26 Poor Unfortunate Souls
(cut bb. 46–58)
ĥ The Little Mermaid: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F min (F3–D5)
ĥ The Little Mermaid: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F min
Matilda The Musical
Tim Minchin
C:27 The Hammer ĥ Matilda The Musical: vocal selections (Wise)
A min (C4–F
My Fair Lady
Lerner & Loewe
C:28 Just you wait ĥ My Fair Lady: vocal selections (Faber)
E- (A3–E-5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
C:29 Show Me ĥ My Fair Lady: stage vocal selections (IMP)
D (B3–F5)
Next Thing You Know
Joshua Salzman & Ryan Cunningham
C:30 You Can’t Be Everything You Want ĥ You Can’t Be Everything You Want
E- (G3–E-5)
Nymph Errant
C. Porter
C:31 The Physician (But he never said he
loved me)
ĥ Cole Porter 100th Anniversary (Alfred)
D (B3–F
Once Upon a Mattress
Mary Rodgers & Barer
C:52 Happily Ever After ĥ Happily Ever After
E- (B3–D -5)
Grade 7, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Ordinary Days
Adam Gwon
C:32 Gotta Get Out
(spoken sections optional)
ĥ Gotta Get Out
E min (G3–E5)
The Producers
Mel Brooks
C:33 When you got it, flaunt it ĥ The Producers: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (A3–E5)
ĥ The Producers: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
The Prom
Matthew Sklar & Chad Beguelin
C:34 Barry Is Going to Prom ĥ Barry Is Going to Prom
C:35 It’s Not About Me ĥ It’s Not About Me
A min (E3–C6)
Jonathan Larson
C:36 Take Me or Leave Me ĥ Rent: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (A3–F5)
Saturday Night
Stephen Sondheim
C:37 What More Do I Need? ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–E-5)
She Loves Me
Bock & Harnick
C:38 Try Me
(with spoken sections)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
C (B-3–E5)
Shrek The Musical
Jeanine Tesori & David Lindsay-Abaire
C:39 Morning Person ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
B (A3–D
Side Show
Henry Krieger & Bill Russell
C:40 The Devil You Know ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
E- (C4G -5)
Sister Act
Alan Menken & Glen Slater
C:41 Fabulous, Baby
(Deloris part; without spoken sections)
ĥ Sister Act: vocal selections (Faber)
E- (G3A6)
Grade 7, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Something Rotten!
Wayne Kirkpatrick & Karey Kirkpatrick
C:42 Hard to Be the Bard
(Shakespeare part; with spoken sections; cut bb. 6570)
ĥ Hard to Be the Bard
G (D4–G5)
C:43 Right Hand Man
(as one character; without spoken sections)
ĥ Right Hand Man
D - (D3–D5)
Songs for a New World
Jason Robert Brown (& Kristine Zbornick)
C:44 Just One Step
(spoken sections optional)
ĥ The Contemporary Singing Actor, Women’s Voices Vol.1 (3rd edition)
(Hal Leonard)
B (F
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 4
(Hal Leonard)
C:45 Surabaya-Santa
(without spoken sections)
ĥ Songs for a New World: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (G3–E-5)
Sophie’s Apocalypse
Finn Anderson
C:57 Sophie’s Apocalypse ĥ Sophie’s Apocalypse
C (Ab3–D5)
Sophisticated Ladies
Ellington & George
C:46 Hit me with a hot note ĥ Hit me with a hot note
D - (G3–G5)
John Du Prez & Eric Idle
C:47 Whatever happened to my part? ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
A (E3–D -5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 4
(Hal Leonard)
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Jeanine Tesori & Dick Scanlan
C:48 Not for the Life of Me ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
G (A-3–C5)
ĥ The Contemporary Singing Actor, Women’s Voices Vol.1 (3rd edition)
(Hal Leonard)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 5
(Hal Leonard)
Grade 7, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Sara Bareilles
C:49 Never Ever Getting Rid of Me
(Ogie part; without spoken sections)
ĥ Waitress: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (D4–B -5)
C:50 When He Sees Me
(Dawn part)
ĥ Waitress: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A- (G3–E-5)
The Witches of Eastwick
Dana P. Rowe & John Dempsey
C:58 Another Night at Darryl’s ĥ The Witches of Eastwick: vocal selections (Faber)
E- (G -3B4)
C:51 Words, Words, Words ĥ The Witches of Eastwick: vocal selections (Faber)
A- (G3–E-5)
ĥ Words, Words, Words
Craig Carnelia
C:53 Just a Housewife ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3
(Hal Leonard)
D (A3–C5)
108ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
May contain mature themes
See page 5 for more details
Prerequisite for entry: ABRSM Grade 5 (or above) in Music Theory, Practical Musicianship or a Practical Grades
solo Jazz instrument. For alternatives, see
Grade 8
Four ACCOMPANIED SONGS: from memory; at least one chosen by the candidate from each of the three Lists,
A,B and C (listed below), and a fourth of the candidate’s own choice. For further programming requirements, see
Parental guidance: a symbol is shown in the song list where there is known potential for mature content or
context in a song or show, but this is not exhaustive. We strongly advise that songs are chosen carefully for their
appropriateness to each individual.
list A
The Boys from Syracuse
Rodgers & L. Hart
A:1 Falling in Love With Love
(cut bb. 125140)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
C (D4–A-5)
The Bridges of Madison County
Jason Robert Brown
A:2 Wondering ĥ The Bridges of Madison County: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E min (B3–G5)
ĥ Wondering
E min
ĥ Wondering
E min
Carmen Jones
Bizet & Hammerstein
A:49 Dis flower ĥ Carmen Jones: vocal selections (Williamson)
D - (E4–B -5)
Caroline, Or Change
Jeanine Tesori & Tony Kushner
A:3 The Bus ĥ The Bus
E- (B -3–B-5)
Grade 8, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Rodgers & Hammerstein
A:4 If I loved you ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard–Faber)
G (C4G -5)
ĥ The Broadway Ingénue: 37 Theatre Songs for Soprano (Hal Leonard)
(C4–G -5)
ĥ Carousel: vocal selections (Williamson)
ĥ The Rodgers & Hammerstein Collection (Williamson)
Children of Eden
Stephen Schwartz
A:51 A World Without You ĥ Children of Eden: vocal selections (Alfred)
A- (D-4–A-5)
City of Angels
C. Coleman & David Zippel
A:5 With Every Breath I Take ĥ City of Angels: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A min (D
Stephen Sondheim
A:6 Being Alive ĥ The Complete Company Collection: vocal selections (author’s edition)
(Hal Leonard)
D (E4–E5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
E- (F4–F
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
C (D4–E5)
Dick Tracy
Stephen Sondheim
A:7 What can you lose? ĥ Sondheim for Singers: Tenor (Hal Leonard)
C (C4G5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
B -
ĥ Sondheim for Singers: Baritone/Bass (Hal Leonard)
ĥ Sondheim for Singers: Soprano (Hal Leonard)
Henry Krieger & Eyen
A:8 I Am Changing ĥ Dreamgirls: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (D4–F5)
ĥ I Am Changing
Stephen Sondheim
A:52 In Buddy’s Eyes ĥ Follies: The Complete Collection (Carlin America)
C (F
Grade 8, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Fun Home
Jeanine Tesori & Lisa Kron
A:9 Days and Days ĥ Days and Days
D - (A-3–E5)
Happy End
Weill, Michael Feingold & Brecht
A:10 Surabaya Johnny ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
E- (C -4–G-5)
The Hunchback of Notre Dame
Alan Menken & Stephen Schwartz
A:59 Made of Stone
(cut bb. 91–111)
ĥ The Hunchback of Notre Dame: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (C4–C6)
A:11 Out There ĥ The Hunchback of Notre Dame: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
Into the Woods
Stephen Sondheim
A:12 Stay with Me ĥ Into the Woods: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A min (B3–D5)
Jagged Little Pill
Alanis Morissette & Michael Farrell
A:13 Smiling
(lower part in bb. 1719)
ĥ Smiling
G (G3–F5)
Kinky Boots
Cynthia Lauper
A:14 Soul of a Man ĥ Soul of a Man
C (C4B -5)
Wright & Forrest (based on Borodin)
A:15 And This Is My Beloved ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 2 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
F (E4–A5)
A:16 Stranger in Paradise ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
G (E-4–A-5)
Lady in the Dark
Weill & I. Gershwin
A:17 The Saga of Jenny ĥ Weill From Berlin to Broadway (Hal Leonard)
F (C4G5)
ĥ The Saga of Jenny
Grade 8, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Last Five Years
Jason Robert Brown
A:18 If I Didn’t Believe in You ĥ The Last Five Years: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (B-3–G5)
A:19 Still Hurting ĥ The Last Five Years: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (A3–D5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
ĥ Jason Robert Brown Plays Jason Robert Brown, Women’s Edition
(Hal Leonard)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 4
(Hal Leonard)
Les Misérables
Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil & Kretzmer
A:20 Bring Him Home ĥ Les Misérables: stage vocal selections (Wise)
F (C4F5)
ĥ Les Misérables: film vocal selections (Wise)
A:21 Empty Chairs at Empty Tables ĥ Les Misérables: stage vocal selections (Wise)
A min (A3–G5)
ĥ Les Misérables: film vocal selections (Wise)
A min
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
A min
A:55 Javert’s Suicide ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
C (C4F
The Life
C. Coleman & Gasman
A:22 I’m Leaving You ĥ The Life: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (C4–F5)
The Light in the Piazza
Adam Guettel
A:23 Passeggiata ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
D (B3–G
A:54 The Beauty Is ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
G (C-4–G5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
Love Never Dies
Andrew Lloyd Webber & Glenn Slater
A:24 Love never dies ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
B - (B-3–B-5)
Grade 8, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Miss Saigon
Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil. Michael Mahler & Richard Maltby Jr
A:25 Maybe ĥ Miss Saigon: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (E3B4)
A:48 Movie in My Mind
(as one character)
ĥ Miss Saigon: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A min (A3–E5)
A:26 Why God Why? ĥ Miss Saigon: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (E4–G5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
The Music Man
A:56 My white knight ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
D - (C4–F
ĥ My white knight
The Mystery of Edwin Drood
Rupert Holmes
A:27 Moonfall ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 2 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
A min (B3–G5)
Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812
Dave Malloy
A:28 Dust and Ashes
(from b. 20)
ĥ Natasha, Pierre and the Great Comet of 1812: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G min (A3–F5)
The New Moon
A:29 One Kiss ĥ One Kiss
F (E4–A5)
ĥ One Kiss
Alan Menken
A:57 Santa Fe ĥ Newsies: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (B3–A5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
Next to Normal
Tom Kitt & Brian Yorkey
A:30 So anyway ĥ Next to Normal: vocal selections (Alfred)
A (A3–E5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 6
(Hal Leonard)
Grade 8, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Maury Yeston
A:31 Unusual Way ĥ The Big Book of Broadway, 4th edition (Hal Leonard)
min (G
Ordinary Days
Adam Gwon
A:32 I’ll Be Here ĥ I’ll Be Here
F (A3–C5)
Porgy and Bess
G. & I. Gerswhin and E. D & D. Heyward
A:33 My man’s gone now ĥ Singer’s Library of Musical Theatre, Soprano Vol. 2 (Alfred)
E min (E4–B5)
ĥ My man’s gone now
E min
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
A:34 Your Daddy’s Son ĥ Ragtime: vocal selections (Alfred)
G min (G3–F5)
ĥ Your Daddy’s Son
Saturday Night
Stephen Sondheim
A:35 So Many People ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–E-5)
The Secret Garden
Lucy Simon & Marsha Norman
A:36 A bit of earth ĥ The Secret Garden: vocal selections (Alfred)
A (D-4–G-5/A5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
She Loves Me
Bock & Harnick
A:37 Will he like me? ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 2 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
G (B3–F
Spring Awakening
Duncan Sheik & Steven Sater
A:38 Left Behind
(Melchior part)
ĥ Spring Awakening: A New Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–B5)
Grade 8, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Street Scene
Weill & L. Hughes
A:39 Lonely House ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
E- (F4–B -5)
A:40 What good would the moon be? ĥ Weill From Berlin to Broadway (Hal Leonard)
E- (C4G5)
Sunset Boulevard
Andrew Lloyd Webber, Don Black, Christopher Hampton & Amy Powers
A:58 Sunset Boulevard ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
Sweeney Todd
Stephen Sondheim
A:41 Green finch and linnet bird ĥ Sweeney Todd: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (C4G5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
ĥ Sondheim for Singers: Soprano (Hal Leonard)
This Ordinary Thursday
Georgia Stitt & Faye Greenberg
A:42 I lay my armor down ĥ I lay my armor down
E- (G3–E-5)
Wearing Someone Else’s Clothes
Jason Robert Brown
A:43 Someone to Fall Back On ĥ Jason Robert Brown Plays Jason Robert Brown, Men’s Edition (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–A5)
ĥ Someone to Fall Back On
West Side Story
L. Bernstein & Stephen Sondheim
A:44 Maria ĥ West Side Story: vocal selections (new edition) (Boosey & Hawkes)
ĥ Maria (Boosey & Hawkes)
A:45 Something’s coming ĥ West Side Story: vocal selections (new edition) (Boosey & Hawkes)
C (D4–F5)
The Wild Party
Andrew Lippa
A:46 How Did We Come to This? ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 4
(Hal Leonard)
E (G
Grade 8, List A
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Woman in White
Andrew Lloyd Webber & David Zippel
A:47 Evermore Without You ĥ The Woman in White: vocal selections (Really Useful Group)
ĥ Evermore Without You (Really Useful Group)
Not from a show
A:53 Johnny
Tim Sutton
ĥ Johnny
E (G
A:50 Song for a Dark Girl
Ricky Ian Gordon & L. Hughes
ĥ Only Heaven (Williamson)
list B
9 to 5 The Musical
Dolly Parton
B:1 Get Out and Stay Out ĥ 9 to 5 The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A- (A-3–F
Anyone Can Whistle
Stephen Sondheim
B:2 There Won’t Be Trumpets ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
A min (G3–C5)
The Baker’s Wife
Stephen Schwartz
B:3 Meadowlark ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 5
(Hal Leonard)
E (E3–E5)
Be More Chill
Joe Iconis
B:4 Michael in the Bathroom ĥ Be More Chill: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (A3–G5)
Diane Warren
B:6 You Haven’t Seen the Last of Me ĥ You Haven’t Seen the Last of Me
F min (A-3–D5)
Catch Me If You Can
Marc Shaiman & Scott Wittman
B:7 Fly, Fly Away ĥ The Contemporary Singing Actor, Women’s Voices Vol.1 (3rd edition)
(Hal Leonard)
G - (G -3–E5)
Grade 8, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Chaplin The Musical
Christopher Curtis
B:8 When It All Falls Down ĥ When It All Falls Down
A min (E3–D5)
ĥ When It All Falls Down
A min
Children of Eden
Stephen Schwartz
B:9 Lost in the Wilderness ĥ Children of Eden: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E min (D4–G5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
E min
B:10 The Spark of Creation ĥ Children of Eden: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (A3–D5)
The Color Purple
Brenda Russell, Willis & Stephen Bray
B:71 I’m Here ĥ The Color Purple: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (G3–G5)
Come From Away
Irene Sanko & David Hein
B:65 Me and the Sky ĥ Come From Away (Hal Leonard)
C (G3–E5)
Stephen Sondheim
B:11 Someone is waiting ĥ The Complete Company Collection: vocal selections (author’s edition)
(Hal Leonard)
E (B3–E5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
ĥ Someone is waiting
Dear Evan Hansen
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:12 For Forever ĥ Dear Evan Hansen: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (G3–B5)
Descendants 2
Shayna Mordue, Stephen Mark Conley, Tyler Shamy & Andy Dodd
B:13 Space Between
(as one character)
ĥ Space Between
E (B3–E5)
Grade 8, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Descendants 3
David Goldsmith & John Kavanaugh
B:14 My Once Upon a Time ĥ My Once Upon a Time
E min (G3–D -5)
Dessa Rose
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:61 Twelve Children
(without spoken sections)
ĥ Twelve Children
C (B-3–D5)
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:15 Come to a Party
(without spoken sections; as one character)
ĥ Come to a Party
D (G3–G5)
Henry Krieger, Anne Preven, Scott Cutler & Beyonce Knowles
B:16 Listen ĥ Dreamgirls: film vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (F3–F5)
Dreaming Wide Awake
Scott Alan
B:17 Kiss the Air ĥ Kiss the Air
C (D4–E5)
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:18 Monticello ĥ Monticello
C (D-4–B-5)
Everybody’s Talking About Jamie
Tom MacRae & Dan Gillespie Sells
B:19 Ugly in This Ugly World ĥ Ugly in This Ugly World
E min (D4–G5)
Finding Neverland
Eliot Kennedy & Gary Barlow
B:20 All That Matters ĥ Finding Neverland: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (B-3–F5)
First Date
Alan Zachary & Michael Weiner
B:21 Safer ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 6
(Hal Leonard)
A- (A-3–E5)
Grade 8, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Five Points
Ethan D. Pakchar & Douglas Lyons
B:66 Without You ĥ Without You
B - (C4C5)
Frozen the Broadway Musical
Kristen Anderson-Lopez & Robert Lopez
B:67 Monster
(Elsa part only)
ĥ Frozen: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D min (A3–E-5)
Funny Girl
Styne & Merrill
B:22 Don’t Rain on My Parade ĥ Gypsy & Funny Girl: vocal selections (Alfred)
B - (G3–D5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3
(Hal Leonard)
The Greatest Showman
Benj Pasek & Justin Paul
B:24 This Is Me
(any part where lines divide)
ĥ The Greatest Showman: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B min (A3–F
Groundhog Day The Musical
Tim Minchin
B:25 Hope
(cut bb. 105–167)
ĥ Groundhog Day The Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B min (C
ĥ Hope
B min
ĥ Hope
B min
Anaïs Mitchell
B:68 Epic III ĥ Hadestown: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
F (D4F6)
ĥ Epic III
Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:26 Dear Theodosia
(as one character, either part where lines divide)
ĥ Hamilton: vocal selections (Faber)
A (E4–F
Heathers The Musical
Laurence O’Keefe & Kevin Murphy
B:27 Dead Girl Walking
(Veronica part)
ĥ Dead Girl Walking
D min (A3–G
B:28 Freeze Your Brain
(without spoken sections)
ĥ Freeze Your Brain
G - (D-4–G5)
Grade 8, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
The Hired Man
Howard Goodall
B:29 If I could ĥ Howard Goodall’s Songs from the Musicals for female voice (Faber)
C min (B -3–E-5)
In the Heights
Lin-Manuel Miranda
B:30 Breathe
(Nina part)
ĥ In the Heights: vocal selections (Williamson)
B - (F3–G5)
ĥ Breathe
B -
B:31 It Won’t Be Long Now ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
D (F
B:62 Paciencia Y Fe
(Claudia part)
ĥ In the Heights: vocal selections (Williamson)
D (F
ĥ Paciencia Y Fe
Into the Woods
Stephen Sondheim
B:32 Giants in the Sky ĥ Into the Woods: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (G
ĥ Into the Woods: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E (C4F
ĥ Sondheim for Singers: Tenor (Hal Leonard)
E (C4F
It’s Only Life
John Bucchino
B:23 Taking the Wheel ĥ Grateful: The Songs of John Bucchino (Williamson)
G (D4–G5)
B:33 Unexpressed ĥ Grateful: The Songs of John Bucchino (Williamson)
C (G3–D5)
The Last Five Years
Jason Robert Brown
B:34 I Can Do Better Than That ĥ The Last Five Years: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (A3–D5)
ĥ The Contemporary Singing Actor, Women’s Voices Vol.1 (3rd edition)
(Hal Leonard)
B:35 See I’m Smiling ĥ The Last Five Years: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (E3–C
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 4
(Hal Leonard)
B:36 Shiksa Goddess ĥ The Last Five Years: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (A3–A5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
Grade 8, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Les Misérables
Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil & Jean-Marc Natel
B:37 Who Am I? ĥ Les Misérables: stage vocal selections (Wise)
D - (B3–B5)
ĥ Les Misérables: film vocal selections (Wise)
B -
The Life
C. Coleman & Gasman
B:38 Piece of the Action ĥ The Life: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (B -3–G5)
The Lightning Thief
Rob Rokicki
B:39 Good Kid
(Percy part)
ĥ The Lightning Thief: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G (E-4–A-5)
Little Women
Jason Howland & Mindi Dickstein
B:40 Take a Chance on Me ĥ Little Women: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
A (B3–B -5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
Douglas Lyons & Ethan D. Pakchar
B:64 The First Song of Summer ĥ The First Song of Summer
E (B3–A5)
A Man of No Importance
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
B:41 The Streets of Dublin ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Men’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
E (E4–A5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
Martin Guerre
Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil & Stephen Clark
B:42 I’m Martin Guerre ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
B - min (D4–A5)
David Bryan & Joe DiPietro
B:43 Colored Woman ĥ Colored Woman
(C4–E -5)
Grade 8, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Merrily We Roll Along
Stephen Sondheim
B:44 Not a day goes by ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
C (A3–C
ĥ Not a day goes by
B -
Miss Saigon
Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alain Boublil & Richard Maltby Jr
B:45 I’d Give My Life for You ĥ Miss Saigon: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (G3–E5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3
(Hal Leonard)
B -
One Good Day
Rona Siddiqui
B:69 Honestly ĥ Honestly
D - (F4–D -6)
Jason Robert Brown
B:46 The Old Red Hills of Home ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
F (D4–A5)
B:47 This Is Not Over Yet ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 3 (Hal Leonard)
A (D4–F
The Pirate Queen
Claude-Michel Schönberg, Alan Boublil, Richard Maltby Jr & John Dempsey
B:48 I’ll Be There ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
E- (C4–A5)
ĥ I’ll Be There
Jonathan Larson
B:49 Out Tonight ĥ Rent: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (A3–E5)
She Loves Me
Bock & Harnick
B:50 She Loves Me ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
A- (E-4–F5)
Six The Musical
Toby Marlow & Lucy Moss
B:51 I Don’t Need Your Love
(cut bb. 99107; end at b. 125)
ĥ Six The Musical: vocal selections (Faber)
D min (A3–E5)
Grade 8, List B
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Hamlisch & Ashman
B:63 Disneyland ĥ Disneyland
C (G3–D5)
Sunday in the Park with George
Stephen Sondheim
B:52 Finishing the Hat ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
G - (B-3–A-5)
Twelfth Night
Shaina Taub
B:70 Is This Not Love? ĥ Is This Not Love?
A- (F3–E-5)
Jeanine Tesori & Brian Crawley
B:53 Let It Sing ĥ Let It Sing
G (D4E6)
B:54 Look at me ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 6
(Hal Leonard)
B min (A3–E5)
ĥ Look at me
B min
When Midnight Strikes
Kevin Hammonds & Charles Miller
B:55 What You See ĥ What You See
Stephen Schwartz
B:56 Dancing Through Life ĥ Wicked: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A- (C4G5)
Frank Wildhorn & Jack Murphy
B:57 The Mad Hatter
(Hatter part)
ĥ Wonderland: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
E min (B -3–F5)
B:58 Once More I Can See ĥ Wonderland: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
A- (G3–E5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 2
(Hal Leonard)
Legrand, Alan Bergman & Marilyn Bergman
B:59 Where Is It Written?
(from b. 12)
ĥ Where Is It Written?
C (B3–F5)
Grade 8, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
list C
Ryan Scott Oliver
C:1 Caralee ĥ Caralee
B (D
The Addams Family
Andrew Lippa
C:2 Pulled ĥ The Addams Family: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D min (C4–E5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
D min
Eddie Perfect
C:4 Dead Mom ĥ Dead Mom
A (A3–E-5)
Lerner & Loewe
C:5 The Simple Joys of Maidenhood
(from b. 13; cut bb. 61–82 as marked)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 1 (revised edition)
(Hal Leonard)
C/B (B3–D
Carmen Jones
Bizet & Hammerstein
C:49 Dere’s a cafe on de corner ĥ Carmen Jones: vocal selections (Williamson)
D (B3–B5)
Closer Than Ever
Richard Maltby Jr & David Shire
C:6 What Am I Doin’? ĥ Closer Than Ever: vocal score (Alfred)
ĥ Singer’s Library of Musical Theatre, Tenor Vol. 2 (Alfred)
Stephen Sondheim
C:7 The Little Things You Do Together
(as one character)
ĥ The Complete Company Collection: vocal selections (author’s edition)
(Hal Leonard)
E (C
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
Andrew Lippa
C:8 Evil Like Me
(from b. 19)
ĥ Evil Like Me
G min (A3–G5)
Grade 8, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Dick Tracy
Stephen Sondheim
C:9 More ĥ More
B - (F3B4)
Falsettos / In Trousers
William Finn
C:10 I’m Breaking Down ĥ Falsettos: vocal selections (Alfred)
A (A3–E5)
ĥ I’m Breaking Down
Stephen Sondheim
C:51 Could I Leave You? ĥ Follies: The Complete Collection (Carlin America)
B - (F
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
B -
ĥ Could I Leave You?
B -
Fun Home
Jeanine Tesori
C:52 Changing My Major ĥ Changing My Major
A- (G3–D5)
A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder
Steven Lutvak & Robert L. Freedman
C:11 Poor Monty ĥ A Gentleman’s Guide to Love & Murder: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- min (A3–E-5)
Grey Gardens
Scott Frankel & Michael Korie
C:56 Daddy’s Girl ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
C min (C4–E5)
Guys and Dolls
F. Loesser
C:12 Adelaide’s Lament ĥ Guys and Dolls: vocal selections (Music Sales)
F (G3C5/D5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
G -
Styne & Stephen Sondheim
C:13 Everything’s Coming Up Roses ĥ Gypsy & Funny Girl: vocal selections (Alfred)
C (C4D5)
Grade 8, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Honeymoon in Vegas
Jason Robert Brown
C:14 I Love Betsy ĥ Honeymoon in Vegas: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
D (D4–A5)
I Can Get It for You Wholesale
C:15 Miss Marmelstein
(without spoken parts)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 3
(Hal Leonard)
B - (B-3–D5)
Melissa Li
C:53 Loser Dumplings ĥ Loser Dumplings
G (C4G5)
Into the Woods
Stephen Sondheim
C:16 I Know Things Now ĥ Into the Woods: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C (C4E -5)
C:17 On the Steps of the Palace ĥ Into the Woods: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
E- (B -3–F5)
The Last Five Years
Jason Robert Brown
C:18 A Miracle Would Happen ĥ A Miracle Would Happen
A (A3–A5)
(cut bb. 76–107)
C:19 A Summer in Ohio ĥ The Last Five Years: movie vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
B - (F3–E-5)
A Little Night Music
Stephen Sondheim
C:20 Every day a little death
(Charlotte part)
ĥ A Little Night Music: vocal selections (deluxe edition) (Hal Leonard)
B (G
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
C:21 The Glamorous Life ĥ A Little Night Music: vocal selections (deluxe edition) (Hal Leonard)
E- (C4E5)
C:22 In Praise of Women ĥ A Little Night Music: vocal selections (deluxe edition) (Hal Leonard)
F (C4F5)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Baritone/Bass Vol. 2 (Hal Leonard)
C:23 The Miller’s Son ĥ A Little Night Music: vocal selections (deluxe edition) (Hal Leonard)
B min (F
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
B min
A Little Princess
Andrew Lippa & Brian Crawley
C:24 Lucky ĥ A Little Princess: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (F
Grade 8, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Lucky Sti
Stephen Flaherty & Lynn Ahrens
C:25 The Phone Call ĥ Lucky Sti: vocal selections (Alfred)
D (D4–F
ĥ Singer’s Library of Musical Theatre, Tenor Vol. 2 (Alfred)
ĥ The Phone Call
ĥ The Phone Call
C:26 Rita’s Confession
(Rita part)
ĥ Lucky Sti: vocal selections (Alfred)
B min (F
ĥ Rita’s Confession
B min
The Mad Show / Putting It Together
Stephen Sondheim (Esteban Ria Nido) & Mary Rodgers
C:30 The Boy From… ĥ The Boy From…
F (A3–C5)
Alan Menken & Jack Feldman
C:27 Watch What Happens ĥ Newsies: stage vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (A3–E5)
ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
On the Town
L. Bernstein, Comden & Green
C:28 I Can Cook Too
(cut b. 71–84)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 2
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
G (A3–C
Ordinary Days
Adam Gwon
C:29 Calm ĥ Calm
A (F
Road Show
Stephen Sondheim
C:31 Talent ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection (Hal Leonard)
F (A3–F5)
She Loves Me
Bock & Harnick
C:32 Vanilla Ice Cream ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 4 (Hal Leonard)
G (D4–B5)
Grade 8, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Side by Side by Sondheim
Stephen Sondheim
C:54 I Never Do Anything Twice
(sing any two verses)
ĥ The Stephen Sondheim Collection, Volume 2 (Hal Leonard)
F min (B3–E-5)
ĥ I Never Do Anything Twice
F min
John Du Prez & Eric Idle
C:33 The Song That Goes Like This ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 4 (Hal Leonard)
A (B3–B5)
Starting Here, Starting Now
Richard Maltby Jr & David Shire
C:34 Crossword Puzzle
(with spoken sections)
ĥ Crossword Puzzle
C (C4E5)
Sunday in the Park with George
Stephen Sondheim
C:35 Putting It Together ĥ Putting It Together
E- (B -3–F5)
Sweeney Todd
Stephen Sondheim
C:36 By the Sea
(spoken part optional)
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 1
(revised edition) (Hal Leonard)
A (G
Thoroughly Modern Millie
Jeanine Tesori & Dick Scanlan
C:37 Gimme Gimme ĥ Contemporary Musical Theatre for Teens, Young Women’s Edition Vol. 1
(Hal Leonard)
G - (A-3–D5)
Two on the Aisle
Styne, Comden & Green
C:38 If You Hadn’t, But You Did ĥ Singer’s Library of Musical Theatre, Mezzo/Alto Vol. 2 (Alfred)
G min (G3–C5)
ĥ If You Hadn’t, But You Did
G min
The Unocial Bridgerton Musical
Abigail Barlow & Emily Bear
C:57 If I Were a Man
(without spoken sections)
ĥ The Unocial Bridgerton Musical: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
A (E3–C
Mark Hollmann & Greg Kotis
C:39 It’s a Privilege to Pee
(Pennywise part)
ĥ Urinetown: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
C min (C4–G5)
Grade 8, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
David Kirschenbaum
C:40 Fly into the Future
David Kirschenbaum
ĥ Fly into the Future
E- (G3C5)
Jeanine Tesori & Brian Crawley
C:50 Last time I came to Memphis ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Tenor Vol. 6 (Hal Leonard)
E (C4A5)
Sara Bareilles
C:41 What Baking Can Do ĥ Waitress: vocal selections (Hal Leonard)
G - (C4–E -5)
The Wicker Husband
Darren Clark
C:55 My Wicker Man ĥ My Wicker Man
A (G3–A5)
The Wild Party
Andrew Lippa
C:42 An Old Fashioned Love Story ĥ An Old Fashioned Love Story
G (G3–D5)
Frank Wildhorn & Jack Murphy
C:43 O with Their Heads
(Queen of Hearts part)
ĥ Wonderland: vocal selections (Cherry Lane Music Company)
Stephen Schwartz
C:44 It’s an Art ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Mezzo-Soprano/Belter Vol. 5
(Hal Leonard)
C (G3–G5)
Grade 8, List C
ABRSM Singing for Musical Theatre | 3. Performance Grades Syllabus | Last updated 10/10/2023
Not from a show
C:45 Alto’s Lament
Zina Goldrich & Marcy Heisler
ĥ The Songs of Goldrich and Heisler (Hal Leonard)
A min (F-3C6)
ĥ Alto’s Lament
A min
ĥ Alto’s Lament
A min
C:46 Los Pinguinos
Zina Goldrich & Marcy Heisler
ĥ The Songs of Goldrich and Heisler (Hal Leonard)
G (G3–E-5)
C:47 My Simple Christmas Wish
David Friedman
ĥ Listen to My Heart: The Songs of David Friedman (Midder Music)
C (G3–E5)
ĥ My Simple Christmas Wish
C:48 The Girl in 14G
Jeanine Tesori & Dick Scanlan
ĥ The Singer’s Musical Theatre Anthology, Soprano Vol. 5 (Hal Leonard)
F (G3–D6)
ĥ The Girl in 14G
Singing for Musical Theatre Syllabus Music Performance Grades 1 to 8
from 2023
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