1. Lesson Plan Information
Subject/Course: Physical and Health Education
Name: Tori Martin, Kristen Devereaux, Kelly
Shultz, Scott Hunter
Grade Level: 9
Date: Mon. Feb. 6, 2016 Time: 12:05PM
Topic: Healthy Eating
Length of Period: 75 mins.
2. Expectation(s)
Expectation(s) (Directly from The Ontario Curriculum):
C2.1 Apply their knowledge of basic nutrition principles and healthy eating practices (e.g., Relating food intake to activity
level, insuring their diets include foods from all food groups in Canada’s Food Guide, using healthy preparation methods) to
develop a healthy eating plan. [PS, CT]
Learning Skills (Where applicable):
Independent Work
3. Content
What do I want the learners to know and/or be able to do?
Learners will be able to make appropriate food choices to lead a healthy lifestyle. Learners are new to high school
and becoming more independent and will be making more food choices on their own. Learners will understand what
foods to eat and be able to decide when it is appropriate to eat them.
Today learners will:
Apply healthy eating practices using Canada’s Food Guide when creating a meal plan using a given scenario. The
scenarios will consist of individuals of varying physical activity schedules and lifestyles.
4. Assessment (collect data) / Evaluation (interpret data)
(Recording Devices (where applicable): anecdotal record, checklist, rating scale, rubric)
Based on the application, how will I know students have learned what I intended?
Assessment of Refined Expectation
During presentations of their seven-day meal plan the teacher will assess the appropriateness of their meal plans in
accordance to the scenario they are given. Does the student appear to know how to create an appropriate meal
plan? Make notes on the answer to this question in the anecdotal record for the class as well as specific notes on
specific students in the appropriate student anecdotal record.
After the class the meal plan is collected. Review each plan. Make anecdotal notes in student files on whether they
are able to apply healthy eating practices when they created the meal plan, given the scenario they had to work
Learning Skills
Through circulating around the class the teacher will be observing and recording participation in accordance with
their ability to work in a group (collaboration). Also make note that students are on-task (self-regulation) and are
participating fully (initiative). Record observations on the three learning skills in anecdotal record under each
student’s name.
Lesson Plan
5. Learning Context
A. The Learners
(i) What prior experiences, knowledge and skills do the learners bring with them to this learning
Students will be very familiar with Canada’s Food Guide and how to navigate it
Students will be familiar with portion sizes and food preparation
Students will have a basic understanding of CSEP (Canadian Society’s for Exercise Physiology) for all
activity levels and age ranges.
In yesterday’s lesson we went over as a class a scenario to demonstrate what is expected in today’s
(ii) How will I differentiate the instruction (content, process and/or product) to ensure the inclusion of all
learners? (Must include where applicable accommodations and/or modifications for learners identified as
KG has dyslexia, consequently will most likely be in charge of the discussion portion of the group work in
addition to their contributions.
B. Learning Environment
The assigned classroom is room 140. Tables will be numbered and arranged so that 4-5 students will be
able to comfortably sit in their assigned groups. As the students walk into the classroom they will be
assigned their groups and a table number. The classroom will remain in this setup for the entirety of the
class. Students will be working at their tables with minimal movement. The teacher will be at the front of the
room during attendance and beginning of instruction, and will be circulating the groups during the
The classroom is equipped with a whiteboard and dry erase markers. All other necessities will have been
brought to the classroom prior to start time (see Resources/Materials).
Adjustments to the Learning Environment: (before class)
Make sure that there are enough chairs/tables in relation to group sizing
Assign a number to each tablestick number on each table using tape
Have resources out and easily accessible to the students
Have instructions written on the whiteboard before students enter class (or as they enter the classroom)
Chart paper and a coloured markers placed at the back of the classroom on the bookshelf in pile
No further adjustments are required to the learning environment in the Application
On the Board:
Put the instructions for the class on the whiteboard in the middle where it is visible for everyone
Written Instructions: “Using Canada’s Food Guide create a one week meal plan for your specific scenario.
Remember to take into consideration the individuals activity level and age.” These instructions will be
used in addition to verbal instruction. They will act as a reminder for students throughout the class.
List class structure under “Class at a Glance” section on the left hand side of the whiteboard
C. Resources/Materials
I need to bring:
- This lesson plan
- Attendance Sheets
- Key to classroom
- Chart Paper and chart paper from last class with scenario meal plan on it
- 8-10 Markers
- Magnets
- 8-10 copies of Canada’s Food Guide
- 8-10 Scenario’s
- numbers on pieces of paper and tape
- students need pencils and erasers
- scrap paper (approximately 20 sheets)
- Whiteboard and dry erase markers
6. Teaching/Learning Strategies
How will I engage the learners? (e.g., motivational strategy, hook, activation of learners’ prior knowledge,
activities, procedures, compelling problem)
Content: Nutrition
Motivational Strategy: Brief discussion and reflection on Group Scenario from yesterday (or last lesson).
Pull up the chart paper from last class of the meal plan we created as a class.
Ask, “Why is this a good plan for this group scenario?”
Teaching: How does the lesson develop?
How we teach new concepts, processes (e.g., gradual release of responsibility - modeled, shared, and
guided instruction).
Content: Lesson Planning
Strategy: Modeling
Review the food choices and timing for eating we did from the class activity yesterday.
Ask individual tables to come up with reasoning as to why we chose the specific food for lunch on
day 1 for our class activity from last day.
Take up responses. Discuss as appropriate.
Consolidation and/or Recapitulation Process: How will I bring all the important ideas from the learning
experiences together for/with the students? How will I check for understanding?
Ask, “What are things we must consider when making a good meal plan?”
Have one group tell you their thoughts, and if this group understands the
reasoning continue on with lesson for today. If the group does not understand completely what the
reasoning behind our food and timing choices are than another class activity would be beneficial for
ultimate understanding. After this, repeat consolidation to make sure they are ready to move on to
the application.
Application: What will learners do to demonstrate their learning? (Moving from guided, scaffolded practice,
and gradual release of responsibility.)
In groups of four or five, learners will create a one week meal plan for their given
scenario. They will do so using Canada’s Food Guide. Students are to include
what the specific diets would entail. Students should include three meals and snacks for each day.
Have one student from each group obtain a piece of chart paper and a coloured marker (these
items will be placed at the back of the classroom on the bookshelf in pile)
Have the students assign themselves roles - Students will have different roles in each group. Roles
include: Note taker, speaker, and time manager. All students (even if identified with a role) will
contribute to group discussion.
Have the students read their scenario as a group
Following reading of the scenario students will brainstorm ideas for their meal plan using pencils on
scrap paper. During this time the teacher will be circulating each table to provide assistance if
Students will then make a “good copy” of their meal plan on the chart paper using markers.
5 mins
5 mins
2 mins
40 mins
Once the students have all completed their meal plan on chart paper each
group will present two days of their meal plan to the class (the designated
‘Speaker’ will magnet the chart paper to the whiteboard and present).
Allow time for student comment and teacher feedback.
CONCLUSION: How will I conclude the lesson?
Students will leave their completed meal plans with the teacher for further
evaluation and feedback.
Assign homework:
Ø Discuss the importance of nutrition in your daily lives and how this assignment can help us all plan
Ø Bring outdoor gym clothes to next class we’ll be doing soccer!
7. My Reflections on the Lesson
What do I need to do to become more effective as a teacher in supporting student learning?
This portion of the lesson plan will be completed following the conclusion of the lesson.
20 mins