Frequently Asked Questions About Personal Statements
Q. How long is a personal statement?
A. Sometimes, the graduate program will provide specific instructions regarding the length of your statement. Often, however, there
will be little or no direction provided, simply a request for a statement.
A general rule of thumb you might follow is to submit a 2-3 page statement, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins, in 12-pt. Times
New Roman font. While there are no set rules about length or format, this is typically considered appropriate and sufficient.
Q. What should I write about?
A. A personal statement is your opportunity to tell the Admissions committee about YOU. In general, the personal statement
should include an interesting story about you, your reasons for wanting to attend graduate school in this field of study, why you
want to attend that particular institution, your future career goals and any relevant research or work experience. Read pages 2 & 3
of this guide for more idea.
Unless directed otherwise in the statement instructions, your essay should NOT discuss weaknesses or deficiencies. The statement is
your time to shine; problems may be addressed separately, in a brief addendum. The addendum, if necessary, is a separate page
where you may briefly explain any information in your application that may reflect poorly on you, such as poor grades or a low
admission test score. Be sure to avoid long, tedious excuses and keep the addendum short, to the point, and as positive as possible.
Q. Can I submit the same statement to each of the programs where I apply?
A. In a word, "No." While your statement will certainly have much in common from one program to another, each version should
be slightly different. Pay careful attention to the writing prompt and any length instructions provided on the application.
Whereas one program may ask you to describe your relevant coursework, another program might prefer to find that information on
your transcript. In addition to differences such as these, your statement should specify why you want to attend that specific
institution. These reasons might be for certain classes or specialties that are offered, for the change to work with an admired
faculty, or some other motivating factor. Obviously, this will require you to submit a different essay to each program.
Q. Who at Rollins can help me with my personal statement?
A. Your advisor, a career counselor, or those who wrote recommendation letters for you may be very helpful in critiquing your
writing. The Center for Career & Life Planning can provide guidance in many areas and, after reviewing your statement, will offer
suggestions for improvement in content, organization and writing style. You may also want to seek the advice and counsel of people
in your chosen field; as they may have specific knowledge about programs in that area. For assistance with grammar, spelling,
sentence structure and other elements of the writing process, you can ask for a tutor from TJ's to proofread your work. Do not be
surprised, however, if you get differing opinions and recommendations for your essay. In the end, only you can decide the best way
of presenting yourself.
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Personal Statement Dos & Donts
Keep your audience in mind
Be accurate and be yourself
Let the reader know who you are, what motivates you,
what characteristics come together to make you unique
Use the active voice and avoid passive verbs; using “I”
is to be expected in a statement that is about YOU
Make connections between your experience and the
resulting value or meaning to you
Use specific examples to illustrate connections you
have made, conclusions you have reached, and insights
you have gained from your experiences
Point out specific features of the school that attract you
Include academic distinctions (publications, study
abroad, internships) related to your goals
Include information that puts your achievements into
perspective (such as working full-time during your
undergraduate education)
Include any special skills that may make you a
preferred candidate for acceptance into the program
(e.g., research, computer, laboratory, foreign language
Put creativity and imagination into your opening
remarks to capture the attention of the reader
Make your point early and be sure to focus on the
Follow the school’s instructions TO THE LETTER
Keep your statement concise - two pages or less (and
within the word-count limit)
Consider the personal statement a persuasive essay
Use your conclusion to pull everything together and
make a final attempt to sell yourself to the graduate
When it is absolutely necessary to explain shortfalls or
deficiencies, consider using an addendum rather than
including this in your personal statement
Enlist others to proofread your essay for grammar,
syntax, punctuation, word usage, and style
Use a highly readable font with conventional spacing
and margins
Write your autobiography or simply reiterate
information from your application or your resume
Fall into the trap of “I’ve always wanted to be…”
Compose a list of your achievements and personal
Generalize, lecture, whine, or present yourself as an
expert in the field of study
Pretend to be the “ideal” applicant
Include anything that you cannot substantiate or
anything that is untrue
Talk about money as a motivating factor in your plans
for the future
Discuss your minority status or disadvantaged
background unless you have a compelling and unique
story that relates directly to it
Remind the school of its ranking among the various
programs of its type
Waste your personal statement opportunity with a silly
introduction or conclusion
Use a gimmicky style or format
Submit supplemental materials unless the school
requests them
Get the name of the school wrong
Use clichés and common information. Almost all
applicants are intelligent, hardworking, and have a
strong desire to pursue an advanced degree.
Include high school accomplishments, as they are
almost always irrelevant at this point in your
professional development.
Risk writing about a controversial topic. Consider your
audience. If you feel passionate about a topic, it is
certainly your right to express your feelings about it.
Just be aware that your audience may not share your
strong opinions.
Address problems or weaknesses in your personal
statement. Keep the personal statement positive, even
if the subject is overcoming adversity.
Disclose aspects of yourself (personal, medical,
religious, etc.) which you are uncomfortable sharing.
Use sensationalistic stories that are unrelated to your
program of interest.
Ideas For Personal Statement
Before you begin writing:
Research the school, the graduate program, the faculty, and possible areas of focus within the graduate field of study and/or
associated career field.
Have a very clear understanding of why you want to go to graduate school, and why each school is a good fit with your
background and interests.
Think about what makes you unique. An experience or person in your life may have molded you or contributed to your desire
to attend graduate school. Do you have a hobby or artistic ability about which you are passionate?
Determine how you can express what distinguishes you from other applicants and how your goals or research interests match
the program and its faculty.
Be aware of your long-range goals, how an advanced degree will help you achieve those goals,
and how you might use your degree in the future.
Be ready to articulate the most compelling reasons for the school or program to accept your application.
Consider referring to elements of the program that are a good fit for you.
Focus on your specific interests and goals as they pertain to academics
Determine what questions are being asked and answer them fully, paying careful attention to those that have multiple parts
Typically, graduate programs want to learn:
o What your purpose is in choosing graduate studies
o What your area of focus will be
o How you will use your graduate studies in your career or future plans
o How your academic and extracurricular experiences combine to make you a unique candidate
o What problems or inconsistencies appear in your records/grades/scores, as well as what you have done to address
these issues or specific positive qualities that may temper this information
o What additional commitments/responsibilities you have that may present challenges (such as a significant workload
outside of school) and (as above) what your plans are to address the situation and/or what positive qualities may
serve to balance or temper this
o What made you choose the specific institution to which you are applying
o Who you are!
Style and Approach
The perfect style and approach to writing a personal statement is the one that best fits who you are as an individual. Beyond that, the
style should be clear, well-organized, and specific with special attention given to transitions that facilitate the flow of the document.