rev. 11/1/12
The Duke Hospital Executive Committee has established a policy of required health reviews, including
immunization/communicable disease status for health care workers/employees with patient contact.
Students and Faculty must also adhere to these requirements. The following requirements are based on
recommendations of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices
All Students & Faculty having patient contact are required to provide
Immunity Status: Immunity to measles, mumps, rubella, polio, and chickenpox is required. The
vaccine for Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) is required for all faculty and staff who
provide direct patient care to children 18 months of age or younger. History of disease is acceptable
for measles, mumps, and varicella if born before 1/1/57; otherwise only the following is acceptable:
Immunity to Measles Must provide official documentation
of one of the following:
o Documentation from health care provider of a diagnosis of measles disease
o Lab evidence of measles immunity (blood test)
o Two doses of live measles-containing vaccine on or after the 1st birthday
Immunity to Mumps Must provide official documentation
of one of the following:
o Documentation from health care provider of a diagnosis of mumps disease
o Lab evidence of mumps immunity (blood test)
o Two doses of live mumps-containing vaccine on or after the 1st birthday
Immunity to Rubella Must provide official documentation
of one of the following:
o Lab evidence of rubella immunity (blood test).
o One dose of live rubella-containing vaccine on or after the 1st birthday
Immunity to chickenpox (Varicella Zoster) Must provide official documentation
of one of
the following:
o Documentation from health care provider of a diagnosis of chickenpox disease.
o Lab evidence of varicella immunity (blood test).
o Two doses of Varicella Vaccine.
Immunity to Polio
o History of receiving polio vaccine is acceptable without documentation.
Immunity to Pertussis-- Must provide official documentation
of vaccination if providing care to
children 18 months of age or younger.
1 Official means a document dated, signed, and stamped by a health professional or facility.
Tuberculosis Status: The School must verify TB status of students, prior to Duke clinical
experiences, by completing the “DUHS Attestation to TB testing”. BCG history does not preclude
tuberculin testing; students with a history of BCG vaccination may be required to have a two-step
procedure. Students who have active disease must be under appropriate medical treatment, care
and follow-up. History of positive tuberculin reaction requires documentation. Documentation of
chest x-ray at least 2 years after tuberculin test conversion is required.
Influenza: Proof of vaccination, valid medical exemption form signed by a healthcare provider,
or a signed vaccine refusal form must be provided.
Hepatitis B vaccine: 3-dose-series is recommended.