Planning Guide
It is hoped that students throughout the Howard County Public School
System will benefit from the information provided in this booklet. The
goal is to support students to graduate successfully and to transition to
college or into a career. It is a compilation of materials from each high
school counseling center in Howard County.
Planning Guide
Table of Contents
Career Planning
Decision Making
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Career Assessments
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Post-High School Options
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Apprenticeship Programs
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Trade & Technical Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Military Training
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
College/University. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
College Planning
Preparing for College - 11th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Preparing for College - 12th Grade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Decision Making
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
What Colleges Look For
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Choosing a College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Words of Wisdom
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Advice for Students with Disabilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
College Entrance Tests
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
How to Market Yourself/Visits & Interviews
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14-15
Suggestions for Filling Out College Applications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Sample Essays & Personal Statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Notification of the College Decision
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Financial Aid/Scholarship Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Key Terms and Admissions Lingo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
2 General Books of Interest
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3 College Comparison Worksheet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
4 A Quick College - Planning Guide for Students with Special Needs
. . . . . . . . . . 31
4 Colleges with Special Needs Programs/Types of Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5 Colleges in Maryland
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
6 Historically Black Colleges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Colleges with Large Hispanic Enrollments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What is career planning?
A career is not just an occupation or paid job. It is all
the productive work, paid and unpaid, performed
throughout a person's lifetime. This includes work at
home and volunteer work in the community, as well as
work for an employer. Career education is a joint effort
of the home, school, and community to provide all
students from pre-kindergarten through high school
with opportunities to:
Learn about their interests, abilities, and aspirations.
Become aware of and appreciate a range of careers.
Develop decision-making, job-seeking, and job-
keeping skills.
Career education is delivered to Howard County
students through the instructional program, through
the guidance program, and through collaborative
school/community programs.
Career education objectives are infused into the subject-
area curricula, where they can most appropriately
carry out the intent of both the subject-area and career
education objectives.
Classroom instruction of career education is supported
by school counselors, media center staff, and members
of the business community who provide career
information to staff and students. Schools also plan
career activities that serve as an introduction to the
many types of careers.
What courses provide career-
focused education?
Career experts predict that you will have at least five
careers in your lifetime. New occupations are continually
emerging. It is important to keep an open mind to
career possibilities. As you select courses and attend
classes, watch for opportunities to learn about emerging
careers and trends in employment.
The following is a listing of programs and courses that
will provide practical career information:
Internships - a non-paid, one- to three-period career
education class occurring in the workplace tied to a
student's interest
Career Research and Development (CRD) - a paid
job linking school and work
Gifted and Talented Mentorship Program - a non-
paid semester spent working as a special assistant to
a professional or business owner in the greater
Baltimore/Washington Metropolitan area
Student Service Learning - opportunities designed
to acquaint students with the purpose and rewards
of providing volunteer service and investigating
career options
Career Academies - career focused programs of
study and courses summarized in brochures
available in the counseling center
How to develop good
decision-making skills
As you are faced with an increasing number of choices,
you will need to understand and practice good
decision-making skills. The model below shows how to
arrive at a decision by thinking it through beforehand.
Get to Know Yourself
Identify your goal
Focus on what you want to achieve and state that as
your goal. The goal may be deciding what courses to
take in school, what majors to study in college, what
technical school to attend, or what job to take after
high school.
Gather Information
Gather facts, ideas, and other information related to
your decisions.
Talk with people, read books, visit the Counseling
Center and library, and use the Internet.
Write down all the choices that appeal to you.
Evaluate each alternative in terms of its consequences
Consider the possible effects of each choice.
Ask yourself these questions:
- Will I feel good about this choice?
- How will my parents feel about it?
- Will it be satisfying for me?
- Will certain risks be involved?
- Am I willing to take such risks?
- How will I feel about this choice five years from now?
List the advantages and disadvantages of each choice.
Rank choices from highest to lowest, according to
level of desirability of each choice.
Make a choice and state that as your goal.
Develop a plan of action
Examine your choice.
If you are not happy with your choice, start the
decision-making process again.
Career Planning
Choose a Career
You need to ask yourself, "What am I?" You need
to look at yourself in many different ways. You can
look at yourself in a mirror. You can look at yourself
through the eyes of your friends. You can look
at yourself through your likes, dislikes, strengths,
weaknesses, attitudes, values, and abilities. In order to
plan for the future, you need to make choices based on
what you find out about yourself. As you take career
assessments and talk with your friends and family
about the way they see you, you will learn some things
about yourself that may make you happy. You will
also discover some things you may want to change.
If you find that some of the things you thought about
yourself aren't true anymore, you can recreate your
self-image to be one that you like better each day. Your
future does not have to be something that just happens
to you. Your future can be something that you make
Match Yourself with the World of Work
How many occupations can you name? There are more
than 20,000 occupations listed by the U.S. Department
of Labor in the Dictionary of Occupational Titles. Of
course, you don't have to research all of these, but you
do need to find out as much as possible about those
that match your own interests, values, and abilities.
That takes some investigation! The point is, you cannot
leave your career choice to chance. You have to explore
and become aware of various occupations and their
educational requirements. Another valuable source
of information about occupation is the Occupational
Outlook Handbook, also published by the U.S.
Department of Labor. A print version of this publication
can be found in your school's career center. An electronic
version can be found at
Career Assessments Available
There are several types of career interest inventories
and aptitude tests available to you in school. These
may be administered in groups or individually.
They help you learn more about yourself and make
appropriate career decisions. Visit the counseling
center and find out which tests are available in your
school. Counselors will discuss the results of your
test(s) with you.
College Selection
The Choices program allows you to investigate
more than 7,000 two- and four-year colleges and
to develop an individualized list of colleges and
universities according to personally selected criteria
such as location, size, majors, athletic and other special
programs, and financial aid availability. There are also
direct links to the web pages for numerous colleges
and universities listed and to on-line applications
where these are available. Vocational/technical schools
also can be explored. Financial aid applications and
scholarships are available as well.
site id: _______________ (check with your counseling
center office for your school's id #)
password: ____________ (check with your counseling
center office for your school's password)
My Road
MyRoad is's college and career
planning web site. The program provides you with a
detailed suggested list of careers and majors that best
fit your personality and strengths. You are able to then
search for colleges by different criteria such as location,
major, cost, athletic and other special programs. The
program offers you feedback from students and
professionals about their choices and the opportunity
to create an online portfolio for college and career
user name: __________ (use's user name)
password: ___________ (use's password
found on the upper right hand corner of your PSAT results)
Career Interests and Aptitude Tests
In addition to the Choices computer on-line assessment/
interest inventory, most career center self-administered
instruments or other computer inventories can be done
individually or can be used as part of class assignments.
Also available at some schools is the Armed Services
Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). The ASVAB is
administered free to students in Grades 10, 11, and
12. Check the counseling center for the testing date.
Taking the ASVAB in no way involves a commitment
to the military.
Post-High School Options
If you decide to continue your educational training,
there are a variety of options to choose from. Some
of these options include Apprenticeship programs,
postsecondary education through the work place,
trade and technical training, military training, and
Apprenticeship Programs
An apprentice is a person who is:
At least 16 years old.
Being trained on the job in a particular trade by a
skilled worker under a planned program.
Taking classroom instruction (through adult
education, at a community college, or in regular
school if on a part-time job).
In training anywhere from one to six years (depending
upon the trade averaging three to four years).
Additional facts:
Employment is based on supply and demand.
The person wanting an apprenticeship may apply to
and have a contract with one of the following:
- An employer in the trade
- The association of employers
- The joint apprenticeship committee
For further information about specific apprenticeship
programs, check in the counseling center and meet
with your counselor.
Work/Postsecondary Education
If you decide to get a job immediately after high
school, you should:
Develop job-finding and job keeping skills.
Talk to a counselor about job possibilities.
Visit with a career Research and Development
Teacher in your high school.
Visit your career and media centers.
Talk with employers about combining work and a
part-time college program and/or apprenticeship.
Investigate career-focused courses that match your
Trade and Technical Training
Community colleges, adult education, and private
schools have trade and technical training programs
for people who are no longer in high school and who
are interested in learning a specific trade. These career
programs are designed to meet the high demands of
business and industry. The programs qualify students
for a variety of technical positions and prepare them
to take a certification examination when needed.
Because of the need, most students can gain immediate
employment upon completion of the program.
Salaries tend to be competitive with or better than
typical four-year college entry-level positions.
Howard Community College offers a number of career
programs. Check the programs of studies for an
updated list of programs as they are added each year.
Current programs offered at Howard Community
College include:
Accounting - Preparation for the CPA Examination
Biomedical Engineering Technology
Business Management
Cardiovascular Technology
Chemical Dependency Counseling
Computer Aided Design Technology
Computer Support Technology
Computer Technology
Early Childhood Development
Electronics Technology
Telecommunications Technology
Laboratory Science (Biotechnology)
Network Administration
Novell Certification
Practical Nursing
Office Technology
Plant Science
All State Career Inc.
Building Renovations
Tractor Trailer Driving
American Beauty Academy
Baltimore’s International Culinary College
Culinary Career Training
Theory and Techniques of Cooking
Practical Culinary Skills
Broadcasting Institute of Maryland
Diesel Institute of America
Diesel Technician
Truck Driving
Lincoln Technical Institute
Automotive Mechanics
Automotive Technology
Medix School
Medical Assistant
Dental Assistant
Medical Office Administration
RETS College
Refrigeration, Climate Control/Clean Air
Air Conditioning/ Refrigeration/Heating/Ventilation
Architectural & Electro Mechanical Drafting w/
Electronic engineering Technology
Computer Electronics
TESST College of Technology
Health Care
Legal Studies
Here’s a short checklist to help you select the
training that is right for you:
Make sure the school is authorized to operate.
Find out about support services offered.
Find out if the school is accredited.
Find out if the school qualifies for federal financial aid.
Ask about the admissions policy.
Ask about the refund policy.
Check the program carefully.
Get all the policies in writing, in the school catalog.
Check out the instructors’ qualifications.
Read and understand what you sign.
Ask about job placement.
Listed below is a sample of some private career schools in the Washington/Baltimore Area
and the programs they offer:
Military Training
You can learn about your chances for success in the
military by taking the Armed Services Vocational
Aptitude Battery (ASVAB). This test is given at many
high schools free of charge. Check with your counselor
for possible testing opportunities.
There are two ways in which men and women can
join the military through enlistment and through
enrollment in a military academy. Men and women
may enlist in all branches of the armed forces.
Enlistment procedures are similar, but the services
differ in length of enlistment and opportunities for
specific training. Active military enlistments are
available in the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine
Corps, and Coast Guard. For further information
about enlistment, please use the following websites:
Military Branch Website
Air Force
Marine Corp
Military Academies enable you to earn a four-year degree
while pursuing a career as a military officer. These
programs are very competitive programs. The junior
year is the best time to explore opportunities at the
academies to ensure that you receive full consideration.
The first step in securing an appointment to one of
the academies is to write and ask for a pre-Candidate
Questionnaire. Addresses are:
Admissions Office
U.S. Military Academy
Building 606
West Point, NY 100996
Admissions Office
U.S. Air Force Academy
USAF Academy, CO 80840
Admissions Office
United States Naval Academy
117 Decatur Road
Annapolis, Maryland 21042-5068
Admissions Office
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
300 Steamboat Road
Kings Point, NY 11024
The second step is to write to each of your senators
and congressmen/women and ask that they consider
you as one of their nominees. In this letter, you should
indicate your first, second, and third choices for
academies. Also include:
name, address, and telephone number
date of birth
social security number
high school name and year of graduation
names of your parents
The Coast Guard Academy has an admissions procedure
similar to other highly competitive colleges. There is
no nomination process involved. Write directly for an
Admissions Office
U.S. Coast Guard Academy
31 Mohegan Avenue
New London, CT 06320-8103
ROTC scholarship programs involve a competitive
application process as well. In addition to the written
application, candidates must undergo a physical
examination, formal interview and a physical ability
test. The first step in the scholarship process is to
write for an application:
AFROTC Admissions
551 East Maxwell Boulevard
Maxwell AFB, AL 36112-5917
Box 9000
Clifton, NJ 07015
Box 3060
Hyattsville, MD 20784
Finally, the last option we will discuss as a post-high
school option is college or university. There are several
types of colleges and universities. The majority of
these schools provide the opportunities to earn bachelor
degrees, master degrees, and doctorate degrees. The
counseling office at your school and your counselor
has a variety of resources to help you choose the right
school for you.
Example of University: University of Maryland
Each year, a large number of students from our county
apply to the University of Maryland at College Park
(UMCP). In recent years, admission to Maryland
continues to be more competitive. More of the state’s
finest students are selecting the flagship campus. In
fact, many students bring a very strong Honors and
Advanced Placement record to UMCP.
In keeping with its mission, the university seeks to
enroll students who have demonstrated their potential
for academic success. This potential is usually assessed
by examination of high school course work and SAT or
ACT scores. In addition to overall grade point average
and test scores, the Admission Committee also considers
the quality of an applicant’s course work, counselor
and teacher recommendations, the student’s essay,
and extracurricular involvements. In many cases, the
Admission Committee also will consider first-semester
grades from the senior year.
Students are encouraged to apply early to receive
consideration for admission, merit-based scholarships,
and special programs such as the University Honors
Program and College Park Scholars.
The remainder of this guide is dedicated to assisting
with the college process. Enjoy the process and have
fun in identifying the schools that best fit you.
Student Resources and Responsibilities
As a college bound student you will be expected to
assume an active role in meeting college requirements.
Meet with your counselor EARLY in your junior year
and as often as needed!
Monitor your graduation status and the completion of
university or college requirements.
Inquire about procedures at your school for obtaining
transcripts and letters of recommendation.
Study this planning guide and do your HOMEWORK!!!
Attend the Howard County College Fair, other college
fairs, College Information Night, and Financial Aid
Visit the college campuses you are considering.
Apply as seniors, in EARLY November to four-year
colleges AND in EARLY January for Financial Aid.
Meet all DEADLINES, in your senior year. It may be
to your advantage to apply at the earliest date, before
space and/or financial aid is depleted.
Preparing for College - 11th Grade
Take the PSAT-NMSQT. Scores on this test determine
a student's standing in the National Merit Scholarship
Results of PSAT arrive and are discussed at school.
Parents may attend county-wide meetings for
additional explanations.
It is advised that a student take the SAT I in January or
March and the SAT II's in June.
Attend the College Preparation Night.
Begin to research colleges. Echoices is available for use
at home or at school at
Schedule individual parent and student conferences
with your counselor.
Develop an initial list of colleges to investigate.
If possible, visit colleges over spring break.
If ready, request letters of recommendation from teachers.
Summer between Junior and Senior year
Write for catalogs and application materials if not
requested previously.
Plan college visits, scheduling interviews where possible.
Make appointments over the summer for fall visits.
(Hint: Try to have your first interview experience at a
school that is not a possible first choice.)
Contact the State Scholarship Administration,
Maryland High Education Commission, District
Senator and Delegate for scholarship information.
Learn who your state representative is within the
Admissions Office at each school.
College Planning
Preparing for College - 12th Grade
Sign up for October/November SAT I, or October
ACT, if needed.
Meet with counselor for your Senior Interviews.
See teachers to ask for recommendations.
Pick up Transcript Request Packet from the
counseling center. CAREFULLY read and follow
ALL directions.
If college requests, write essay.
See college/trade/technical school representatives
as they visit your school.
Early Decision candidates should have secondary
school report forms and transcript request pack to
the Registrar by September 15.
See college/trade technical school representatives as
they visit your school.
Attend Howard County College Fair.
Complete military academy and ROTC scholarship
applications, if desired.
Sign up for December SAT I, SAT II*, or November
ACT. (*if required by college)
Take SAT I or ACT.
Visit college campuses for interviews and to narrow
down application choices.
Take SAT I.
Continue to see college/trade/technical school
Fill out applications carefully. Transcript Request
Pack and Secondary School Report forms with a
January 1 deadline must be given to the registrar
prior to Thanksgiving.
Start checking scholarship files and note deadlines.
Do this monthly!!
Take SAT I, or SAT II*, or ACT. (*if required by college)
All transcript requests for college with January 15 or
February 1 deadlines should be turned in to the
registrar by December 1.
Attend Financial Aid workshops in county.
File the FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student
Aid) and profile (if applicable).
Pay attention to housing deadlines.
For early decision candidates, let the Counseling
Center know of your college acceptances.
Request mid-year reports from your registrar.
Sign up for AP exams.
Pay attention to all housing and other deadlines.
Let the Counseling Center know of your college
Reply promptly to schools and/or financial aid offers.
If you need a larger financial aid package make an
appointment or call the Financial Aid Department of
the university/college of your choice.
May: May 1 - Final College Decision Due
Take AP exams.
Request a final transcript to be sent to your chosen
Decision making
The choice of a college may be simple for one student
who knows precisely where he or she wants to go and
has the qualifications to get there. This student knows
how to make it happen. Another student may find
the process baffling and complicated. Both students
should find this guide helpful.
College decision-making is serious business, but it is
not life's ultimate moment. It is one of a long series
of decisions that will help to define you as you move
toward adulthood. A calm, businesslike approach with
a dash of humor will serve you better than a frenzied,
frantic, doomsday outlook. Actually, this should be
fun! You are doing something positive for yourself,
and you should enjoy it!
Now for a few things about how to make this
important decision:
Know yourself well - your strengths and weaknesses,
your likes and dislikes, your hopes and dreams.
Understand and accept the evidence of your grades
and test scores.
Research your options - the full range of post-
secondary possibilities that may interest you.
Consult the people who can help you evaluate
the situation. These people may include parents,
counselors, teachers, relatives, friends, college
representatives, financial aid experts, etc. Useful
information sometimes comes from unexpected
Choose where you will apply and attend college.
Every school choice involves both plus and minus
factors. In the end you will choose the available
alternatives that, all things considered, seem to suit
you best.
Remember, as you consider various colleges, that there
is no "best" college. There are only "right" colleges
(often several of them) for the "right" students. Your
task is to discover and choose a college that is "right"
for you. This booklet will help you in your effort.
Good luck!
What Colleges Look for In
Prospective Students
The students play a major role in defining the tone and
atmosphere of a college or university campus. With
that in mind, college admissions officers try to attract
and admit a diverse freshman class filled with students
who are talented, creative and unique.
To decide whether you and a college are a good
match, admissions officers look at a variety of factors.
These factors usually remain constant at most schools
although they may be weighted differently depending
on the selectivity of the school. These factors are listed
below. Keep in mind that your academic record is the
most important factor in the college admission process.
Grades/Grade Point Average - Colleges consider how
well you have done in all courses from grades 9 -12.
More emphasis will be placed on how well you have
done in your academic versus elective courses.
High School Program of Study - Colleges want
to admit students who are academically prepared
to succeed in college. The difficulty and diversity of
the courses (Honors, Gifted and Talented, Advanced
Placement) suggests you are prepared for college.
A lower grade in a demanding course carries more
weight than a higher grade in an easy course. Most
colleges will require that students take at least four
years of English, three years of mathematics, three
years of science, three years of social studies, and two
years of foreign language.
Recommendations - Colleges differ when it comes to
recommendations. Most will require a recommendation
from your guidance counselor. Others will recommend
or require a letter from one or two teachers. It is important
to choose people who know you well and who can
articulate specific details about your academic record
and personal qualities. Choose at least one teacher
from an academic subject.
Class Rank - Colleges want to know how you compare
to other college bound students at your high school.
Colleges will take into consideration the type of high
school you attend and the percentage of students
attending college from your school. Most colleges
prefer to admit students in the top 50% of their high
school class. Selective colleges prefer to admit students
in the top 25% of their high school class.
What Colleges Look for In
Prospective Students, continued
Standardized Test Scores - Most four year colleges
will require students to submit either SAT I or ACT
scores. Selective colleges will require or recommend
2-3 SAT II subject tests. When looking at your SAT I
scores, most colleges will consider the highest math,
verbal and writing scores even if they are from several
different tests. It is to your advantage to take the SAT
I at least two times. Many colleges will accept both
SAT I and ACT scores and consider only the best set
of scores. Most colleges will not accept scores after the
December test date.
Essay/Personal Statement - Most colleges require an
essay as part of their application. Use this opportunity
to tell colleges more about yourself. Let them know
what makes you unique and how you could contribute
to that college.
Extracurricular Activities - Colleges want to know
about all of the activities you are involved in when
you are not in school. Tell them about clubs and
organizations you belong to, volunteer or
community service projects, jobs you have held or
sports you play. Special talents and leadership skills
should be highlighted. Some colleges welcome pictures,
videotapes, and other forms of documentation.
Interviews - Very few colleges use interviews as part of
the admissions process. Some colleges view interviews
as an information exchange rather than a question and
answer period. Schedule interviews carefully requesting
them only if you have specific questions or would like
to explain a particular circumstance or experience.
Other Factors - Some colleges may use other factors
in the admissions process such as the ability to pay or
special needs of the school. It is your job to ask if any
other factors will be taken into consideration.
Choosing a College
Choosing the right school can seem like the most
important decision you'll ever make. After all, your
education will affect the rest of your life. "What if I
make the wrong choice? What if I don't get in? What if
I'm not happy there?" It can be very scary.
Relax! It is important to know that most schools need
you as much as you need them. You are the consumer
in this process and should be looking for the school
that will be the "best fit" for you, the school where you
will feel the most comfortable. Students tend to succeed
where they are happy.
When Do I Start The College Process?
Beginning in the late fall of your junior year, you
should begin to think about some of the characteristics
about the college that are of importance to you.
Questions you might ask yourself include:
What kind of school do I want to attend? A liberal
arts school, a pre-professional school, etc. (See types
of colleges on page 32.)
What size school do I want to attend? Small 500-
1500 students; medium 1500-5000; large 5000+.
Large schools usually offer many majors, extensive
activities, larger classes, and are usually found
in an urban atmosphere. Small schools offer
more personalized attention, usually smaller
classes, fewer majors, fewer total activities, and
more opportunities for participation in student
government, the arts, student activities, and more.
Where do I want to be? Do I want to live at home or
on campus? Close to home or far away? Some people
find being far away too lonely; others enjoy the
What location do I want? Urban or rural? Boston
University, New York University or the University
of Chicago, for example, are in the middle of big
cities. For some people, these are the best schools;
for others they are not.
What lifestyle do I want? Does the school offer the
opportunity for participation in an activity you wish
to pursue? At what level is that participation offered?
Activities to consider include, but should not be
limited to, Intramural or Intercollegiate Sports;
Division I, II, or III; student government; Fraternities
and Sororities; The Arts. You need to think about the
education you want in addition to the surrounding
you want when you are not studying.
When Do I Start The College Process? continued
What special programs do I want? This should
include majors you are interested in, activities in
which you are interested and special opportunities
you might wish to pursue.
What academic pace do I want? Most competitive or
less competitive?
What can I financially afford? Maryland public
college fees will run approximately half the cost of
private college fees. Financial aid or scholarships are
possibilities. Don’t automatically rule out a college
because of cost. Sometimes private colleges have
more scholarship money so they may end up being
less expensive than public universities. Attend
financial aid workshops at local high schools to
obtain an overview of opportunities.
To assist you in answering these questions, several
resources are available to you:
Begin to talk to friends, parents, and acquaintances
about colleges. Remember, much of what you hear
will be subjective. Your preferences might be very
different from your friends.
Published Sources. There is an array of materials
available on the college process. These materials can
be found in the library, local bookstores and in the
counseling center. These materials can also be
subjective. See Appendix 2 for a sample of
recommended resources.
Consult the catalogs, brochures, and other materials
in the counseling center.
Computer search programs: i.e. Choices
College representatives that visit your school.
The Internet
After conferences and careful research through
catalogs, books, computerized searches, and possibly
college visits, your counselor can assist you in
developing a tentative list of schools to apply to. The
number of schools will vary from student to student,
but a general rule of thumb is to apply to about four
and not more than six. Your list should include at least
one "long shot" or "reach" school; at least one or more
schools in which you feel you have a 50/50 chance;
and finally at least one very realistic school.
Each school has a different set of college admission
criteria. The majority of schools will look at the
student’s GPA, high school courses, letters of
recommendation, SAT/ACT scores and extracurricular
activities. If you have done your homework, you
should be able to narrow down your choices.
Words of Wisdom
Be prepared for one of the busiest times of your life.
The college admissions process can be hectic.
Don't wait for the last minute to make college plans
because the entire college admissions process is a
long one. Many months of planning and research
must take place before the actual application is
submitted. Give yourself plenty of time to make the
"proper" decision. This decision should be based on
your aptitude, needs, and interests. Remember, a
"proper" decision for you may not be the right one
for your friend and vice versa.
Read through applications and instructions
before completing any forms. Retain copies of all
completed forms.
Seek advice from your school counselor. One of the
most knowledgeable people regarding college
admissions is right in your own school. Set up an
appointment for your parents and yourself to meet
with your counselor.
Keep records of everything associated with the
process: test score reports, information from colleges,
and correspondence with colleges.
Be aware of both school and college deadlines and
be sure to file applications well in advance of the
Know your school’s college Entrance Examination
Board Educational Testing Service (CEEB/ETS) code.
Debunking the Myths
The most expensive and prestigious colleges are the best.
No school is the best for everyone. Some small and/or
public colleges have programs that are as good as or
better than those in more prestigious private colleges
and are less expensive. Students should choose a college/
university based on their aptitude, needs, and interests
and not just on the NAME.
SAT I or ACT scores are the only basis for college
Most college admissions committees look at a number
of different criteria (grades, test scores, extracurricular
activities, and recommendations) when making
selections. It is important that you try to do your very
best in all the areas.
Don't worry about your senior year grades; your
junior grades will get you admitted.
Mid-year reports of senior grades are requested by
colleges. Senior slump could be fatal. Remember, a
final transcript is mailed to the college you will attend.
Straight-A students are always accepted.
Usually, the better the grades, the greater the number
of options, but don't assume that a straight-A record is
an automatic ticket of admission to a highly selective
college. Top colleges have more valedictorians and
straight-A students applying than they have spaces in
their freshman classes. Apply to a range of schools.
A student whose parents make average to above-
average salaries should not apply for financial aid.
The possibilities for financial aid will vary according to
the college that a student chooses to attend. A student
could very well receive financial aid at a high-priced
college and be denied aid at a less costly one.
It pays to get into the toughest college you can.
Resist the pressure of prestige if you think you'll end
up struggling to survive. Attend a college where you
will be successful.
Advice for Students with Disabilities
Talk with your counselor. It is important to determine
the level of support services you will need in college
- minimal support services or an extensive program.
Your counselor also will assist with the process of
assessing and determining a college's ability to meet
your identified needs and how and with whom to
initiate a dialogue about accommodations.
Special editions of the SAT I and special exam
arrangements are available for students with
documented chronic illnesses or visual, hearing,
physical, or learning disabilities. Students also are
permitted to use certain aids. An extended testing
time is given on regularly scheduled testing dates
throughout the year. Ask your counselor for
Contact the disabled student services office or the
academic advising office of each college you are
considering. Learn about the kinds of services and
support that are available for students with
disabilities, the number of students being served,
and the admission requirements for the programs.
Visit the colleges you are considering.
Know and be able to articulate your strengths
and weaknesses. Let the college know what
compensating techniques work best for you and
what accommodations you may need.
Housing issues may be a problem. Educate the
resident assistant on your hall. Talk to your
roommate so that you are both comfortable about
any accommodations you may need. Inform your
resident assistant if there are roommate concerns.
Strategies for Success
Identify your needs and any services and/or
accommodations you will need to enhance your
ability to learn, live, manage health care and
independence needs, participate in activities, and
access resources on and off campus.
Set realistic goals and priorities for course work.
Keep only one calendar with all relevant dates and
assignments, and be sure to keep appointments and
Use a tape recorder during lectures. Selectively tape
record key points using the "pause" switch.
Listen to the tape as soon after class as possible to
refresh your memory, then reorganize your notes.
Make note of any questions you might have so that
they can be answered before the next exam.
Sit toward the front of the classroom to maximize
your eye contact and to reduce distraction.
Estimate how long a given class assignment will
take, generally planning on two hours outside of
class for every hour in class. Build in study breaks;
fatigue is a big time-waster.
If you are having trouble, seek help early in the
Plan for the transition of health care services to a
provider at the college location if needed.
See planning guide in Appendix 4.
College Entrance Tests
Most colleges require applicants to take college
entrance tests. The results are used by most colleges
to determine whether the student has the academic
aptitude and educational background necessary for
success in college and/or placing students in the
appropriate courses. Since colleges vary in their
test requirements, the applicant must check each
college catalog for specific information. The company
that provides college entrance testing, such as the
SAT I, SAT II, TOEFL, etc. is The College Entrance
Examination Board (C.E.E.B.)
Name of High School
School Code: ________________
PSAT/NMSQT - Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude
Text/National Merit Qualifying Test
(C.E.E.B. Test Program)
A shortened version of the SAT offered in October
for high school sophomore and juniors. The PSAT is
given at each high school. The scores may be helpful
in college admission planning, as an indicator of
SAT scores, and as a test practice. PSATs taken in
the 11th grade qualify students for the National
Merit Scholarship Program and/or the National
Achievement Scholarship Program for Outstanding
African American Students.
SAT I (C.E.E.B. Test Program)
A three-hour test measuring verbal and mathematical
reasoning and writing ability as it develops over
time. Most colleges require either SAT or ACT.
Register by mail using applications available
in the student services office or online at www. The test is held almost every
month at various high schools. Check the
registration bulletin for dates the SAT will be
offered. It is advisable for the student to save his/
her collegeboard student code and password. It
can later be used to access scores on line at www.
SAT II - Subject Area (C.E.E.B. Test Program)
One-hour tests measuring knowledge and ability
to apply that knowledge in specific subject areas.
Three tests may be taken on one test date. It is
recommended that you take the SAT II test at the
conclusion of the year that you take the corresponding
class. You cannot take the SAT I and the SAT II
tests on the same day. Some competitive four-year
colleges require three achievement tests. Register by
mail using materials available in the student services
office or online at The test
is offered at local high schools.
ACT - American College Testing Program
(A.C.T. Test Program)
A four-year college admission test. Four 34-50
minute tests in academic areas of English usage,
mathematics usage, social science reasoning, and
natural sciences reasoning. Most colleges will accept
the ACT or the SAT. Register by mail using materials
available in the student services office or online at The test is offered at local community
AP - Advanced Placement Test (CEEB Test Program)
The AP program is sponsored by the College Board
and offers high school students a chance to do
college-level work in a variety of academic subjects.
AP exams, which students may take either at the
end of AP courses, or on their own, enable students
to receive college credit or more advanced course
placement. These exams are scored on a 1-5 scale,
with 5 at the top mark. Most colleges award credit
for scores of 3 or better. Registration is conducted
through your school's testing coordinators. Check
out for specific college
information, accessing scores, and to forward
scores to the college of your choice. Receive specific
registration information from the Student Services
TOEFL - Test of/English as a Foreign Language
The TOEFL is designed for students for whom
English is not a native language and whose scores
on the SAT would obviously be affected by the
language difference. Register by mail using the
materials available in the Student Services office or
online at The test is held at
various high schools and local colleges.
Helpful Reminders for the College Entrance
Examination Process
Find which tests are required by colleges where you
may apply. Allow at least two test dates for the SAT
and/or ACT, one in the spring of your junior year and
one in the fall of your senior year.
Pick up test registration materials in the counseling
center. You may also choose to register online at or
Read the application and follow directions carefully.
Mail the applications WELL BEFORE the deadlines.
Remember, you may NOT take the SAT I and SAT
II on the same date. Plan to mail your applications
EARLY or you may find yourself redirected to an
alternate testing center.
Prepare yourself for the format of the test.
Study sample test questions in the bulletin, which
accompanies the application. This will give you an
idea of the test format. Study guides are also available
in bookstores and libraries.
On test day have a good breakfast and BE 10 MINUTES
For the SATs be sure to follow all directions carefully.
Answer all questions you are REALLY sure of first;
then go back and see if you can answer the others.
Your score is the number of right answers MINUS a
fraction of those answered incorrectly.
For ACTs be sure to follow all directions carefully.
Answer all questions you are REALLY sure of first;
then go back and see if you can answer the others.
Your score is the number of right answers MINUS a
fraction of those answered incorrectly. There are no
penalties for unanswered questions.
For both tests BUDGET YOUR TIME carefully. Work
as rapidly as possible. Don't panic! If your mind goes
blank, move to the next question. Go back and review
if you have time, but DON'T change answers unless
you are sure.
Be sure to order score reports from the College Board
for each college to which you apply.
It is not Recommended that you take the SAT more than
three times.
How to Market Yourself
The best way to select a campus is to see it for yourself.
One visit may tell you more than all other sources
combined. The junior year is an excellent time for
students and parents to tour college campuses. It
is most helpful to have a guided tour, meet with
admission and financial aid officers and sit in on classes.
If you are unable to visit a school, call and request an
interview with a local college alumnus/ae.
The college interview can be an important factor in the
college admission process. Although an interview is often
optional, this experience will enable the admission
staff to see you as a person, not just an applicant. The
interviewer often becomes the student's advocate during
the admission decision-making process. Since many
larger universities give only group interviews on campus,
arrange for local alumni/ae interviews. These interviews
can be of equal importance. Remember, it is easier to
reject an application than to turn down a person!
Here are some hints to make your interviewing
experience pleasant and to decrease your anxiety.
Write or call for an appointment well in advance.
Never fail to keep an appointment. Be sure to call
regarding any cancellations.
If you interview at a school before you submit your
application or before the school has received your
application, you should take a copy of your transcript.
Tips for College Visits
ALWAYS CALL AHEAD to schedule a campus visit.
It is best to schedule your visit at least three weeks in
advance. The admissions office can then arrange for a
tour, an interview with an admissions officer, and any
other activities you request. Be sure to get directions to
the campus and information on parking, area, hotel, etc.
The best time to schedule a campus visit is during the
week so that you can observe the campus on a typical
day. Most colleges do offer campus tours on Saturdays.
Consider spending the night with a campus host. Many
colleges offer overnight visits with current students.
If possible, talk with a current student or recent
graduate prior to your visit. They can help you make a
list of things to do and people to talk to.
Dress comfortably. Most colleges offer a walking tour
of the campus.
After a guided tour, be sure to explore the campus on
your own. Tour guides will only show you the best
parts of campus.
Have a prepared list of questions to ask both the
admissions officer and the tour guide.
Make it a point to talk with students. They will give
you very honest information about what the school is
really like.
While on campus, get a copy of the school newspaper.
This will give you a good overview of what is important
to the student body. Be sure to read campus bulletin
boards. Boards will give you an idea of what events
are popular on campus.
Make arrangements to talk with a member of the
faculty in your area of interest. Better yet, observe a
class. This will give you first-hand information about
the quality of academic program.
Be sure to visit the campus library and computer
facilities. Will they meet your needs?
Visit the Financial Aid Office to inquire about scholarships
and other financial aid opportunities. Many colleges
do not advertise merit and departmental scholarships.
Have a meal in the campus dining hall. You will get a
chance to sample the food and socialize with students.
When your visit is over, write down your impressions
of the school while they are fresh in your mind. See
Appendix 3 for sample chart.
Send a thank-you note to the admissions office following
your visit. It will go in your file and let those deciding
if you are admitted know that you took the time to
investigate the college thoroughly.
The Interview Process
Learn as much as possible about the college before
your visit. Be prepared to both ask and answer
Give some advance thought to the things you want
to look for and ask about. Having a list of questions
is acceptable.
Go alone rather than with a group of friends. A
parent might join you for the campus visit; however,
you should attend the interview alone. Parents
could request to speak with a financial aid officer
while you are attending your interview.
Arrive a few minutes early.
Be yourself at all times…be honest, sincere, interested.
Dress neatly, but do not overdress.
Speak confidently and naturally. Avoid stuttering and
make every effort not to use a lot of slang terms or
too many “ums”, “ahs”, and “likes” when speaking.
Look at the interviewer when you are speaking.
Try to be as outgoing as you can. Be prepared to talk
about yourself and your interests. Interviewers
are interested in what sets you apart from other
Know your background and experience. Be prepared
to present it in an orderly manner. An opening
question may be “Tell me about yourself.”
Be prepared to tell why you have chosen this
particular college and what you expect to get out
of four years there.
Be sure to write down the interviewer’s name and
write a thank-you note.
Complete a college comparison worksheet.
(See Appendix 3)
Provide your interviewer with complete responses.
Don’t say that you don’t enjoy reading or that you
read very little. You will be doing extensive reading
in college. Get used to it in high school! As a high
school junior or senior, you should be reading
newspapers and magazines, for example The
Washington Post, Newsweek or Time.
Interviewing Preparation
Skills I have to offer:
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Personal qualities about myself that would be an asset to this college/university:
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Information I have gathered about the school:
Location: _______________________________________________________________________________________________
Size of student body: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Majors offered: __________________________________________________________________________________________
Extracurriculars I am interested in: _______________________________________________________________________
Questions I want to ask during the interview:
1. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
2. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
4. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Responses to questions I might be asked:
1. My long-range career goals. ____________________________________________________________________________
2. Why I want to attend this school: _______________________________________________________________________
3. My strengths: _________________________________________________________________________________________
4. My weaknesses: _______________________________________________________________________________________
5. Why I’m interested in/qualified for this school: ___________________________________________________________
When you Interview
Do go prepared! You need to think about your strengths
and accomplishments. Study the colleges to which you
are applying. “Lack of preparation” is the number one
complaint of college admission counselors. Connect
yourself to the college here just as you did, or are
about to do with your application and essay. Be prepared
to intelligently discuss why you are serious about the
college. Always state multiple reasons for wanting to
attend: you want to become a foreign-service officer and
this college has a strong international relations major;
you play men’s lacrosse and you’re aware that this college
has a dynamic team. These are valid and appropriate
reasons for wanting to attend. A college interview is
not the time for frivolity. It is inappropriate to make
statements such as, “I hear you have more women
than men, and I wouldn’t mind improving the ratio.”
Your may want to take an unofficial copy of your
transcript, unless you have already applied, and your
records are at the college. Do not present the document
unless the interviewer asks for it.
Do set yourself an interview strategy; there will be
some things you will want to know about the school
and some things you will want the school to know about
you. The strategy that you adopt should be consistent
with the rest of your application.
Don’t sit until you are directed to do so, and don’t
move any furniture. Keep your hands away from your
face and your fingers out of your mouth.
Don’t slouch in you chair, and don’t fidget with your
hair. If you don’t know what to do with your hands,
keep them folded in you lap. It’s okay to cross your
legs at the ankles or the knees, but make sure you are
sitting erect when you do so.
Do take your lead from your interviewer who might open
the session with any number of questions, including
some that are rather audacious. Some question might
be; “Tell me about yourself!” “Why do you want to go
to college?” “What do you expect to be doing 10 years
from now?” “Let’s hear about your most valuable
experience?” “What do you think about…(a current
issue)?” “What are your strengths? Weaknesses?”
“How would your friends describe you?”
Do try to be as concise as possible when the interviewer
is simply trying to clarify a point. The dialogue should
flow naturally. The best interviews are really just
Do open up, pose questions and do a fair amount of
talking. (You should carry about half the conversation).
With certain schools, there can be a tendency for the
host to talk a lot, recruiting more than interviewing.
If you find that you interviewer is doing most of the
talking, redirect the conversation.
Don’t knock your high school. Try to be positive!
Don’t judge a college by the interviewer. Keep an
open mind.
Sample Questions to Ask at the College Visit
Try to visit the college while it is in session so that you
will be able to talk not only with the admissions officer,
but also with the students who attend the college.
Here are some sample questions you might ask an
admissions officer. Please do not ask questions that
can be found in the school’s literature or website.
What is the composition of your student body
(ethnicity, geography, etc.)?
What percentage of the classes are taught by
graduate assistants?
What is the percentage of graduates who are
employed immediately after graduation or who are
accepted into graduate school?
What financial aid/scholarships are available?
How do I apply for them?
What percentage of the freshman class complete
their degrees?
What is your current enrollment? What is the
faculty/student ratio?
What is the major consideration on the part of
the college for admission? Test scores? Grade
averages? Extracurricular activities?
Does financial need impact the admission decision?
If I am awarded financial aid, will that amount and
type of aid be guaranteed for the duration of my
college experience at the college?
What intercollegiate sports are offered? Are
athletic scholarships offered?
What percentage of students are receiving either
full or partial scholarships? What are the types of
loans available through your institution and what
are the requirements?
What are my chances of admission to your school?
Suggestions For Filling Out College
The appearance of your application, as well as
content will influence the Admissions Committee.
Allow yourself sufficient time to fill out the
application form. A “rush job” results in careless
errors. Work at home, alone in a quiet place where
you can give the job the consideration it deserves.
Many colleges have applications on their web
site, which can be completed online or printed to
be hand written. Your application does not have to
be typed if you choose the paper method. Neatly
written is sometimes better. Additionally, some
colleges also give you the option to apply using
the Common Application. When applying online,
print the Secondary School Report and Teacher
Recommendation forms and bring them to your
counselor to be mailed with your transcript directly
to the college admissions office.
Read directions carefully; follow them accurately. If
an essay is required and is supposed to be 500 words
or less, DO NOT submit an essay with 1,000 words.
Read all question carefully. Answer them accurately.
Most colleges will assign a student identification
number to be utilized by the student during the
application process.
Write all answers to essay questions on scrap paper
first. It is a good idea to start working on essays the
summer prior to senior year. Ask your English
teacher to critique this before writing it on the
application form.
Emphasize what you have learned: e.g. provide more
than a narration when recounting an experience.
Make your answers truthful, specific, and concise.
Avoid spelling errors; use a dictionary. Avoid
grammatical errors.
Make copies of your application and essay, just in case.
If an application fee is required, enclose a check or
money order with your application.
If a photo is required, paste or staple it to the form
in the space provided. An expensive portrait is not
Send your SAT scores directly from collegeboard to
the colleges to which you are applying.
Be sure to follow all instructions on the cover of the
Transcript Request Packet that can be found in the
Student Services Office at your school.
Pick up transcript envelope and mail with
application to the college admissions office.
Sample Essays and Personal Statements
Many students applying to college will have to write
an essay to include with their formal application. If
you are in this situation you may feel very intimidated
or nervous about writing an essay that may impact
where you will attend school. It is perfectly normal to
feel this way, however, an explanation of why they are
requesting this may ease your mind a bit. The school is
requiring this essay for several reasons.
An essay adds a personal dimension to your
It gives you an opportunity to express your ideas
and opinions.
It encourages you to highlight your most significant
interests, commitments, and achievements.
It allows you to explain events or circumstances that
have affected your school record (good or bad).
It represents a sample of your technical writing
ability and your ability to show critical and abstract
Some schools may also ask for an actual assignment
that you wrote in your English class. This is so the
college can see what is being asked of you from
your teacher compared to what other teachers across
the country are asking of their students.
As you begin to respond to these questions, you may
want to contact your counselor or English teacher for
some help. The counselor can assist you with your
essay by:
Helping you understand what the college hopes to
gain from your essay.
Helping you interpret the topic to allow you to
speak clearly and honestly through your essay.
Giving you feedback on the topic, structure of your
work, and clarity of content.
It is not the counselors role to edit your work!!
Sample Essays and Personal Statements
There are several types of original writing samples
that a college could ask for: personal statement, free
response to a question, book review, or critical analysis
of a quotation or character. The two most common
samples are the personal statements and free response
essays. Following are some samples of questions taken
from actual college applications.
Some examples of personal statement essays are:
How would you describe yourself as a human
being? What quality do you like best in yourself and
what do you like the least? What quality would you
most like to see flourish and what would you like to
see whither?
What are your intellectual strengths and interests?
What personal or academic experiences have been
particularly significant or rewarding to you (i.e.
project, teacher, course, trip)?
Discuss an issue or opinion about which you feel
very strongly (i.e. a political or moral issue, a
personal relationship, a work of art or literature, a
school or government policy).
Write your own letter of recommendation, evaluating
your strengths and weaknesses. What makes you
different from other applications, and what value is
there in that difference?
Some examples of free response essays are:
What extracurricular activity is most important to
you and why?
If you could spend time with any historical figure,
who would it be and what would you discuss?
If you were applying to college 100 years from now,
what do you think would be the prevailing social or
moral issue facing young adults?
Why, in particular, do you want to attend this college?
What does the admission committee need to know
about you that has not been addressed elsewhere in
this application?
You are a college admission dean. Write the
essay you would most like to have answered by
applicants to your institution, and answer it.
Good writing can address any idea. Write an essay on
any topic you like.
When You Write Your Essay
Do write lean! A cardinal rule promulgated by former
Cornell University professor William Strunk, JR., is for
the writer to omit needless words. Strunk, with noted
author E.B. White, wrote The Elements of Style, a concise
and practical “carry along” handbook on the art of
writing. The two gentlemen maintain that “vigorous
writing is concise.” They also say: “A sentence
should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph
no unnecessary sentences for the same reason that
a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a
machine no unnecessary parts.” Each time you use
the passive voice, you add words to a sentence. “Bob
struck Bill” is sixty-five percent leaner than “Bill was
struck by Bob.” The simple sentence in itself is active,
moving from subject through verb to object.
Start early. Leave plenty of time to revise, reword, and
rewrite. You can improve on your presentation.
Read the directions carefully. You will want to answer
the questions as directly as possible, and you’ll want to
follow word limits exactly. Express yourself as briefly
and clearly as you can.
Tell the truth about yourself. The admission committee
is anonymous to you; you are completely unknown
to it. Even if you run into a committee member in the
future, he will have no way of connecting your essay
(out of the thousands he has to read) to you.
Focus on an aspect of yourself that will show your best
side. You might have overcome some adversity, worked
through a difficult project, or profited from a specific
incident. A narrow focus is more interesting than a
broad-based generalization.
Consider using the three common application for
topics as early practice possibilities:
Evaluate a significant experience or achievement
that has special meaning to you.
Discuss some issue of personal, local, or national
concern and its importance to you.
Indicate a person who has had a significant
influence on you, and describe that influence.
Feel comfortable expressing anxieties. Everybody has
them, and it’s good to know that an applicant can see
them and face them.
Speak positively. Negativity tends to turn people off.
When You Write Your Essay
Write about your greatest assets and achievements.
You should be proud of them.
Avoid repeating information given elsewhere on your
application. The committee has already seen it and it
looks as though you have nothing better to say.
Avoid writing on general, impersonal topics like
the nuclear arms race or the importance of good
management in business. The college wants to know
about you.
Avoid sacrificing the essay to excuse your
shortcomings unless you intend it to be a natural
and integral part of your topic. If it’s a question of
underachievement, you should find a spot somewhere
else in the application (or use a separate sheet of
paper) to explain why you had not been working to
your ability.
Avoid using clichés.
Avoid going to extremes. Don’t be too witty, too
opinionated, or too “intellectual.”
The personal statement is yours. If it looks like
Madison Avenue, the admissions committee will
probably assume that it is your mother’s or your
father’s or their secretaries’.
A “gimmick” essay rarely goes anywhere. The committee
is amused, but unimpressed with your candidacy.
Write a serious essay, from the bottom of your heart, in
the most mature manner possible.
Approach an English teacher (with whom you are
currently studying or had last year), to help you edit
your work. They are more than willing to assist.
Sample Essay - Personal Statement
In the space provided, please tell us about an activity that
has been of special importance to you.
I poise myself, ready to spring into action. As I look
out across the playing field and see my team waiting
for me to act, I push the noise of the crowd out of my
mind. Raising my arms into the air, I count off. And
as I lower them, my team reacts by moving about the
field. I never have to worry that there’s only a minute
left and we’re down by three. For, you see, it’s half
time and I’m the Drum Major of the Medford High
School Marching Band.
Rising from sophomore clarinetist to Drum Major, for
the past two years I have been responsible for organizing,
arranging, and of course, conducting the band. It is
at games and competitions that I realize that all of
the time and energy expended has been worthwhile.
When I perform I fear falling off the podium, slipping
in the mud, or generally looking silly. Nevertheless,
I still pour forth enthusiasm, as if each performance
is the performance of a lifetime. I guess you might
say that I have not just become a band leader, but an
entertainer as well. The crowd and the band become
spirited, and we have a good time. Quite frankly, I love
hearing the applause for the band’s presentation, and
for my own personal performance. My work as Drum
Major here at Medford has enhanced my leadership
and human relations skills. It has also provided me
with a greater sense of confidence, self-esteem, and
Sample Essay
For the first time, Mr. Ulrich couldn’t. The cancer had gotten worse. “I can’t,” he said. “I can’t show you.” He never
told me until that morning that he had lost so much feeling in his chin and neck that he was no longer able to hold
a violin to play. Doctors had informed him that he would never again get that feeling and strength back; that it
was doubtful that he would ever be able to play again. His life was falling apart. A recent operation, which caused
a long-term absence, forced him to step down as orchestra director of three schools. His loss of energy and his
constant fatigue left him no choice but to discontinue private lessons for many of his students. Mr. Ulrich began to
lose contact with the outside world; he became isolated in a time when he needed people the most. Because he lived
alone and because all of his close relatives were deceased, his students were his only family. After all the years, it
was hard to believe that this was the last lesson he would ever teach. It was hard to believe Mr. Ulrich was giving up
teaching music.
After I split the chin-rest during the first lesson, Mr. Ulrich told me a story of his first student. He too broke his
chin-rest during his first lesson. This student went onto great things he went to Peabody and toured Europe with
a premier orchestra. And then, he told me something that I would never forget. He told me that I had more talent
and more potential than that first student did. I often dreamt and believed that I would someday become that first
student, making Mr. Ulrich proud as I stood tall on the concert stage.
A week after my audition, I was informed that I had been selected to be an alternate for the All-State Orchestra. I
was disappointed and disheartened. Later in the afternoon, I cried. That night, Mr. Ulrich called, already knowing
the results. He had a story to tell me.
He talked of another student; one that he had met, it seemed, just yesterday. It was a student that, in ninth grade
was unable to take strings because of a schedule conflict. This student foresaw that the problem would not go away
next year, but he wanted to make sure that strings would never be left off his schedule, even though, in ninth grade,
he still attended all the after-school rehearsals and went in during lunch to play with other freshman who needed
help. But this student pushed for a 6:15 before school class. Enrollment grew and in the two years the school had its
largest orchestra ever. This student had also founded a chamber music group, which played at several community
functions, art exhibitions and school activities. But most of all, this student was a friend always there to talk,
always there for support. He said that the student was now his only connection to the outside world; that he always
looked forward to the daily conversations with him. Now, it was the student who breathed life into him, for he was
his only family and his only friend. This was, he said, the last student he ever had.
In my high school years, I have accomplished many things. But also, I have grown. The most meaningful activities
and experiences have not necessarily been the ones that have drawn the most attention or awards, but the ones that
have built my character, opened my eyes and my heart.
I will always remember the last lesson. When Mr. Ulrich told me that he could not play his violin, that he had given
it away, and that he would never be able to play again, it ended. It did not end with a grade trill or a majestic ring. It
ended, like it began, with a tear.
Sample Essay
In reviewing my high school years, I feel pride about my progress in academics, my warm friendships, my
relationships with my family, and my efforts in sports. My accomplishments have not come automatically, but have
often required effort, persistence, and self-confidence. In thinking about the many experiences that have shaped this
time in my life, I realize that the training, effort, and experiences of my job, above other experiences, have helped me
to grow in many important ways.
The life guarding job I got when I was in the tenth grade took an activity that I enjoyed and then helped me to build
self-confidence, and taught me dedication, not only on the job but in school as well. Since I was four, swimming was
an important part of my life, complementing my academic work in many ways. The winter of my sophomore year
in high school, I decided to try out for a position as a lifeguard in our community system, which has high standards
and requirements. I remember the first night of lifeguard training; I was excited and nervous and didn’t know what
to expect. That night, my whole perception of myself changed. The instructor talked about the complexity of the
job, hard work, and a great responsibility. It takes strength, stamina, and dedication; if a lifeguard makes a mistake,
somebody’s life may be at risk. As I continued the class, I worked hard, struggling to do my best despite increasing
demands in academics. I was in four gifted and talented classes, and involved in four major extra curricular activities.
However, despite the hard work, I enjoyed the life guarding classes and refused to give up. By the end of the course,
there was a battery of written and in-water tests. I worked every day after school to practice for these tests. When I
passed, I applied and was hired by the local community aquatics association.
The first summer of life guarding, I was fifteen. When I sat on the stand for the first time, the responsibility and
the power I was given frightened me. I will never forget the first rescue I performed. I can still picture in my mind
the overcast sky, the humidity in the air, the lap swimmer, and the two small boys playing in the water. When the
nine year old boy jumped off the diving board and began to cry for help, I don’t remember jumping off the stand or
performing the rescue. All I remember is pulling him out of the water. That rescue taught me how a physical skill
empowers an individual and provides strength of mind. The sense of security and pride I gained from that incident
has stayed with me, because I learned that I could successfully master a demanding job.
After working for two years, at times I am in charge of the entire facility, the staff, and the safety of the people
swimming. In all this time, I have only used my life guarding skills five times. Although these five incidents lasted
only minutes each, the self-confidence I have gained enhances other efforts in my life.
From the time I began life guarding, I have found an interesting connection between life guarding and other areas
of my life. I find myself approaching other issues, such as academics and friendships the same way I do my job.
No matter how challenging they become, I stick through and refuse to give up. The confidence I have gained in
these experiences sticks with me; I have more confidence in myself and a strong sense of dedication toward each
important challenge I face with life guarding.
Sample Essay
I had been sixteen for barely a month, my driver’s license still hot off the press. The glossy, shiny card was comfortably
stiff and added new definition to my wallet, which now proudly protruded from my back pocket. Classes were only
over less than a week, and already the school year’s rigorous regimen was becoming a foggy memory. I was driving
with two friends to a rehearsal of our band’s new drummer; the directions were scribbled on a crinkled Safeway
receipt in Greg’s hand. We passed an aging, weathered church and a housing development that featured a large,
white-washed wagon wheel at its entrance. I was concentrating intensely on the twists and turns of the black asphalt
when I was startled by navigator Greg’s sheepish announcement that the turn was probably a couple of blocks back.
The road, unfamiliar and empty, suddenly loomed before me like a highway to infinity. I began to sweat where
could I turn around? “Just make a U-turn,” said James.
We ended up in someone’s front lawn on the other side of the road facing the wrong way. Instruments, amplifiers,
and shards of glass were strewn about in jumbled disarray. The Mack truck had been pushing sixty when it smashed
into us. The terror of that moment resounds within me still. I sat motionless, gripping the steering wheel, thoughts
chaotically careening my brain.
I didn’t feel injured, but why wasn’t I moving? Why weren’t Greg and James saying anything? Were they hurt? Were
they dead? I unbuckled my safety belt and shakily forced the question from my mouth: Is everyone ok?” I felt a
surge of relief at the two mumbled affirmatives I received in response.
Am I ok? I thought that night, and the next and the next. How can I be the same person after this? Much later came
the realization of how important it was for me not to remain the same.
I have never been careless. Before the crash I was not speeding, nor was the radio playing. Nonetheless, in those few
moments, my self-confidence was blasted to smithereens; my inexperience and wrongdoing did little to reestablish
my confidence.
In order to feel okay again, I had to find a way to integrate this experience into the old me. I found that I had
the ability to turn an ostensibly negative experience into a positive one. The accident made me consider my own
mortality in unsettlingly real terms, and although the eventual certainty of death is an unpleasant truth to face,
confronting it motivated me toward change.
It was weeks before I was able to return to the driver’s seat unaccompanied by an adult, and months before I was
at all comfortable there. Later that summer, demands of the job at my new mentorship were dwarfed by the more
immediate task of making the deceptively simple 15-minute drive to the Applied Physics Lab. Gradually, the drive
became easier, just another part of my daily routine. My confidence level returned once again. I began to evaluate
the pros and cons of new situations more clearly and I learned to take calculated risks.
Now, over a year later, I navigate with ease on I-95 and drive through Baltimore’s convoluted web of one-way
streets to my new internship. I even enjoy the commute. I see my new job and responsibilities as part of natural
progression that I have orchestrated since that split second when I was forced to confront the brevity of human life.
My mom is an elementary school guidance counselor, and as a result, our home is full of posters, pamphlets, and
games to help kids develop positive attitudes. On one poster, a smiling raccoon urges the reader, “When life offers
you lemons make lemonade!” Cute advice, I thought, for little kids but actually, it has proven to be valuable advice
for me as well. Personal growth is an essential, ongoing process. Leaving the security of my job at the APL for an
intimidating internship at a software engineering company was difficult, but the risk has paid off, and my experiences
in Baltimore have been unique, exciting and educational. I approach obstacles with creativity and determination,
and I am looking forward to the new challenges ahead.
Notification of the College’s Decision
Each college to which you apply will send you a
letter indicating that you have been accepted, denied
admission, or placed on the waiting list.
For early decision candidates, notification will usually
come in mid-December, putting a welcome end to the
application process for those who are accepted. For
students who apply to schools using rolling admission,
decisions may be made within a few weeks. For many
students, the day of reckoning may be April 15.
Some of you, after you have heard from your colleges,
must face a new, often difficult, decision. If more
than one college has invited you to join them, you
must decide which one is best for you. Many factors,
frequently including financial aid offers, may influence
your choice. Be sure to advise your counselor of your
final decision so final grades may be mailed to the
college you have chosen.
Early Decision: Acceptance/Denial/Deferral
If you are accepted under early decision, you should
withdraw any applications that might have been filed
at other colleges. If you are not accepted under early
decision, you will usually be reconsidered for admission
later in the school year. You should continue to look at
other colleges. Once you determine that a college that
has offered you admission is no longer a school you
will attend, notify that college of your decision.
Most schools will give you several weeks to decide
among the colleges to which you have been accepted.
Observe all deadlines for notifying the college of your
decision. Most acceptances are contingent on satisfactory
completion of senior course work. Be aware that
acceptances have been rescinded because of failure
to maintain college standards in the second semester.
Notify the schools that have accepted you to let them
know that you will not be attending that school.
Denial of Admission
If you are denied admission by all the schools to which
you applied, consult with your counselor. Pursue less
competitive or less well-known colleges, or possibly
community or other colleges with open admission
policies. Please do not become discouraged or give up.
There are many excellent schools ready to meet your
educational plans.
Waiting List
Find out what waiting list status means at the particular
school concerned. Consult with your counselor about
appropriate additional information that may influence
your status on the waiting list. Don't pin all your
hopes on acceptance if you are on the waiting list at
the school. Hold your place at a school where you
have been accepted to safeguard your placement.
When it comes time for the final decision, go with your
instincts. In the end, the best choice is probably the
college where you will feel most comfortable. Whatever
your choice, you have the satisfaction of knowing that
you have made it as wisely and as well as you could.
We wish you every success in your college career!
Financial Aid, Scholarships, and Awards
All seniors who are pursuing postsecondary education,
whether college or private career school, should
consider applying for financial aid. Talk with a financial
aid officer at each college to which you are applying.
Their expertise is free. Money for college is available
regardless of academic, social, or financial background.
There are many sources of financial aid - cooperative
education, merit-based, special interest and community
scholarships, athletic, fine arts, other race grants and
minority scholarships, Academic Common Market,
and many others.
Grants are awards of money that you do not have to
pay back.
Work-Study gives you the chance to work and earn
the money you need.
Loans are borrowed money that you must repay
with interest.
Use the Counseling Center Sources. The center
maintains information and offers assistance in finding
sources of financial aid through a variety of sources.
Awards are based on your individual academic and
interest profiles.
You can access Howard County's website for financial aid
and scholarship information at Click on link
to scholarship database.
The United States Government is the single largest source
of student financial aid for all permanent residents.
If one source of aid is denied, try another source. Keep
trying and pay attention to deadlines. Remember that
successful people share the quality of persistence.
Maryland State Scholarship Programs
Maryland residency is required for scholarships
from the state of Maryland. Ten percent of the funds
can be used in reciprocating states and the nation's
capital - Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia,
Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
For majors not offered in-state, such as forestry,
Maryland state scholarships may be used at other state
universities sponsoring that program of studies.
Distinguished Scholar Program for Academic
Achievement - $3,000 per year for Maryland high
school students who are nominated by their high
school. Juniors with a GPA of 3.7 or higher (based on
freshman, sophomore, and junior years) are eligible
through guidance department nomination. You must
take the SAT, ACT, or PSAT no later than January of
your junior year.
Distinguished Scholar Program for Talent in the Arts
- $3,000 per year for Maryland high school students
nominated by their high schools and demonstrating
talent in art, music, dance, or theater. Nominations and
auditions take place in the spring of the junior year.
Guaranteed Access (GA) Grant - The Guaranteed
Access grant (GA grant) provides assistance for
students whose family income qualifies and have a
2.5 GPA. The GA grant will pay all educational costs
if you attend a state college or university. Applications
are due March 1, and the maximum award is $8,400.
Educational Assistance (EA) Grant - The Educational
Assistance grant (EA grant) is for students whose
parents can help them pay for some of their college
cost but not all. EA grants also are based on family
need - the difference between how much it costs to go
to college and how much your family can afford to
pay. Awards range from $200 to $3,000 per year, and
may be renewed up to four years.
Senatorial Scholarship - Awards and the amount of
the awards are determined by the delegate. A minimum
of $200 - $2,000. Contact your senator's office for an
Delegates Scholarship - Awards and the amount of the
awards are determined by the delegate. A minimum
of $200 for full- or part-time study is awarded. Contact
your delegate's office for an application.
Tolber Awards - $200 - $1,500 per year. These awards
are for students attending private career schools (state
approved). To be eligible, students must be nominated
by their school's guidance department.
Distinguished Scholar Teacher Education - Provides
an additional $3,000 for Distinguished Scholar Award
recipients who would like to become teachers. You
must agree to teach full-time in Maryland.
Maryland Science and Technology Scholarship - For
students with a B average in core courses who enroll
in computer science, engineering, and technology
programs. Awards are for full-time students in
associate ($1,000) or bachelors ($3,000) programs in a
Maryland school. You must agree to work in Maryland
for each year that you receive award money.
Academic Common Market - is a consortium of 15
southern states that allows nonresident students to
enroll in specific degree programs at in-state tuition
rates, if the programs are not offered in their home state.
Federal Grants, Work Study, and Loans
A Federal Pell Grant is an award to help
undergraduates pay for their education after high
school. Unlike loans, grants based on demonstrated
financial need do not have to be paid back.
Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity
grants (FSEOG) offers grants, Federal Work Study
(FWS) offers jobs, and Perkins provides loans. They
all have some elements in common. You can go to
school less than half time and still be eligible to receive
aid. There is a limited amount of money available.
Eligibility depends on financial need and availability
of funds.
Federal Perkins Loan (National Direct Student Loan)
is a low-interest (5 percent) loan to help you pay for
your education after high school. These loans are for
both undergraduate and graduate students and are
made through a school's financial aid office. Your
school is your lender. You must repay this loan.
Federal Stafford Loan is the new name for the
Guaranteed Student Loan Program. Federal Stafford
loans are low-interest loans made by a lender such as
a bank, credit union, or savings and loan association.
Sometimes a school acts as a lender. You must repay
this loan. There are two types of Federal Stafford Loans
- subsidized, for students who have demonstrated
financial need, and unsubsidized, for those who do not
have demonstrated financial need.
PLUS Loans are for parents who want to borrow money
to help pay for their children's education. This loan
provides additional funds for educational expenses
and, like Federal Stafford loans, are made by a lender
such as a bank, credit union, or savings and loan
association. Ask at your bank about PLUS Loans.
Also look into low-interest loans at state-supported
systems such as the Virginia Family Loan Program and
the Pennsylvania High Education Assistance Agency,
which are open to Marylanders.
Application Process
Complete the Necessary Financial Aid Forms
To initiate the financial aid process, you and your
parents will possibly submit one or a combination of
the following applications:
The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
State applications
Institutional applications
Private scholarship applications
The FAFSA, also available in Spanish, is a confidential
document used to collect information for determining
a student's need for financial aid. You submit the
FAFSA to a central processing service, which makes an
estimate of your family's financial ability to contribute
to the costs of education beyond high school. This
estimate and a copy of the FAFSA are forwarded,
at your request, to the Federal Pell Grant Program,
state scholarship and grant programs, and financial
aid officers at the colleges or other postsecondary
institutions you specify on the form.
Some colleges or programs require students to
complete the CSS/PROFILE. Check in the career center
to determine which forms are required by the colleges
you choose. While the FAFSA is processed at no cost
to the student, there is a fee associated with PROFILE.
The PROFILE can be accessed at: https://profileonline.
Some colleges also require applicants to submit their
own institutional financial aid application in order
to be considered for financial assistance. Check
the application instructions carefully. To verify the
information on the FAFSA, it must be mailed on or
before March 1, but not before January 1 of the student's
senior year. FAFSA forms are available in the career
centers, usually in mid-December.
Applying for Aid Online
You can complete and submit a FAFSA online at www. FAFSA Express is
OPE/express.html or call 1-800-801-0576. You may
contact the Federal Student Aid Information Center at
ACT (American College Test): A four-year college
admission test covering English, social science, natural
science, and mathematics. Register by mail using
materials available in the Student Service Center. The
test is offered at local community colleges.
AP (Advanced Placement Test): The AP program is
sponsored by the College Board and offers high school
students a chance to do college-level work in a variety
of academic subjects.
Award Letter: A letter telling you what financial aid (if
any) your college is offering you (includes types and
amounts of aid offered, specific program information,
etc.) You may choose to accept some or all that is offered.
CEEB (College Entrance Examination Board): A
company that provides college entrance testing, such
as SAT 1, SAT 2, TOEFL, etc.
your high school code: ______________
Career Research & Development (CRD): These
programs combine terms of study alternating with terms
of work for an outside employer. The job is related to the
student's field of study. Students enrolled in cooperative
education may need five years to complete the bachelors
program, but are often then hired by the firms for
which they have worked.
Common Application: More than 100 colleges use this
form. Using this form reduces the time you need to
spend composing multiple applications. All participating
colleges sign a statement saying they will not
discriminate against students who submit the common
application instead of each college’s own application.
Cost of Attendance: Includes any cost associated with
attending college: tuition and associated fees, room
and board, books and supplies.
Credit: Units of measurement institutions give for
fulfilling course requirements. Most colleges require
that you complete a certain number to graduate.
Deferred Admission: Under this program, students
who have been accepted by a college arrange to
postpone their admission for one year.
Degree: Titles given to college graduates upon
completion of a program. A two-year degree is an AA
(Associate of Arts). A four-year degree is usually a BA
(Bachelor of Arts) or BS (Bachelor of Science).
Early Action: This plan allows a student to apply early
without making a commitment to attend the college if
accepted. The student may apply to only one college
as an "early action" candidate, but may apply to other
schools at the same time under regular admission.
Early Admission: This plan allows students to being
college work after the junior year of high school. This
program is usually limited to exceptional students.
Early Decision: This plan involves a commitment
between the student and the college. The student
applies early and gets an answer from the college
usually by December. If admitted, the student must
enroll at the college.
Fee: A sum of money which must be paid above
tuition for a variety of things in college, such as for
admission, registration, graduation, health services,
books, laboratory use, etc.
Fee Waiver: a form available to students having low
family income. The Fee Waiver form is submitted instead
of money when applying for college admission or testing.
Financial Need: The difference between the cost
of education and what the family or applicant can
reasonably be expected to contribute.
GPA: (Grade Point Average) A student's average grade
is computed by counting all courses equally on a four-
point scale: A=4; B=3; C=2; D=1; E=0. Cumulative GPA
through the junior year is used to determine senior
class rank. Information on weighted GPA is found in
the Howard County Course Selection book.
Legacies: These are the sons and daughter of alumni.
Colleges vary greatly in their treatment of these
applicants. Some give legacies extra points toward
admission, while others pay little attention to alumni
Liberal Arts: A broad representation of courses in the
arts and humanities, social sciences, mathematics,
and sciences which compose the curriculum of
academic education as distinguished from technical or
professional education.
Key Terms and Admissions Lingo
Major: The main interest area of a student in college,
usually requiring about one year in a planned series of
courses during a four-year program.
Minor: Approximately 18 credits in an area outside of
the major department.
Planned or Independent College: One that operates
independently and is primarily supported by tuition
fees, alumni gifts, endowments, and investments.
PSAT/NMSQT (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/
National Merit Scholar Qualifying Test): A shortened
version of the SAT offered in October for high school
sophomores and juniors. The PSAT is given at the high
school. The scores may be helpful in college admission
planning. PSATs taken in the 11th grade qualify
students for the National Merit Scholarship Program
and/or the National Achievement Scholarship
Program for Outstanding African American Students.
Public or State College: One supported primarily
by state or local governments. They often restrict the
percentage of out-of-state students. They also charge a
higher tuition fee to out-of-state students.
Rolling Admission: At colleges that use this plan, the
admission committee reviews applications in the order
in which they are submitted and students are promptly
notified of the committee's decision. Colleges with
rolling admissions may reach their quotas early, so it
is to the student's advantage to apply early. Accepted
students do not have to notify these schools about
whether they will attend until May 1.
SAT: A four-year college admission exam measuring
verbal and math reasoning. Most colleges require
either the SAT or ACT. Register by mail using
applications available in the Guidance Office. The test
is held at local high schools.
SAT II (Subject Tests): One hour exams offered in
16 different subjects. Register by mail using material
available in the Student Services Office. The test is held
at local high schools.
Scholarship: An outright award that does not have to
be repaid. It is usually given to a student for academic
achievement, outstanding talent, or other special
qualifications, including student need.
TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language): An
English exam for foreign students, used for placement
in college English classes. Test is held at various local
high schools.
Transcript: The official record of your high school
course work. You must submit a copy provided by
your school with your college application.
Tuition: The charge for educational instruction. The
amount varies according to the institution.
Undergraduate: College student who has not yet
received a bachelor's degree.
Waiting List: Being placed on a college's waiting list
means that a student has neither been accepted nor
rejected, but instead is being asked to wait in line
while the colleges finds out how many of the students
it has accepted will actually decide to enroll. If you are
put on the waiting list by the college that is your first
choice to attend, you would be wise to send a deposit
to another school while you wait.
Work-Study: This is a government-supported financial
aid program administered through college financial
aid offices. It provides part-time jobs for students.
General Books of Interest
Antonoff and Friedemann. College Match. A Blueprint for Choosing the Best School for You! Virginia: Octameron
Press, reprinted 2001.
Coburn, Karen Levin, and Madge Lawrence Treeger. Letting Go: A Parent's Guide to Today's College Experience.
Bethesda, Maryland: Adler & Adler, 1988.
Fiske, Edward B. How to Get Into the Right College: Secrets of College Admissions Officers. New York: Times
Books, 1988.
Keeslar, Oreon. Financial Aid for Higher Education. Dubuque, Iowa: Brown & Binchmark Publishers. Published
every few years.
Matthews, Jay. Harvard Schmarvard.
Mayher, Bill. The College Admission Mystique: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, New York 2000.
Pope, Loren. Looking Beyond the Ivy League. New York: Penguin Books, 1990.
The College Board. The College Handbook. New York: College Entrance Examination Board. Published Annually
The College Board. Index of Majors and Graduate Degrees. New York: College Entrance Examination board.
Published Annually.
SUBJECTIVE GUIDEBOOKS (Based on Evaluations from students)
Fiske, Edward B. The Fiske Guide to Colleges. New York: Times Books. Published Annually.
Rugg, Frederick, E. Rugg's Recommendations on the Colleges. Haydenville, Massachusetts: Rugg's
Recommendations. Published Annually.
The Yale Daily News. The Insider’s Guide to the Colleges. New York: St. Martin's Press. Published Annually.
Helpful Websites
College Comparison Worksheet
College Name
distance from home
physical size of campus
type of school (2yr., 4yr.)
school setting (urban, rural)
location & size of nearest city
co-ed, male, female
religious affiliation
Admission Requirements
tests required
average test scores, GPA, rank
special requirements
your major offered
special requirements
student-faculty ratio
typical class size
College Expenses
tuition, room & board
estimated total budget
application fee, deposits
Financial Aid
required forms
% receiving aid
residence hall requirement
types and sizes
food plan
clubs, organizations
Greek life
athletics, intramurals
Campus Visits
special opportunities
A Quick College-Planning Guide for Students with Special Needs
There are many factors to consider when selecting a college. In addition to exploring programs, location, size, cost,
housing, career, and social opportunities, you also want to search for schools that offer the services you need to
succeed academically. This guide is designed to help you with that search. When comparing one college with another,
try using the following questions:
Derived from Peterson's Colleges for Students with Learning Disabilities or Attention Deficit Disorders
Write the names of colleges that interest you at the top of the columns to the
right. Then mark a Y (for yes) or an N (for no) in response to each question,
based on what you learn through talking with an admissions representative,
consulting with your counselor, gathering information from your high school
career center, or visiting the school.
Are admission criteria for students with special needs the same as for
other students?
Are any special assessments required?
Is diagnostic testing available?
Is there a unique summer orientation for students with special needs?
Is documentation required to demonstrate special needs?
Is the process for accessing special needs clear and easy to follow?
Is there a fee for supports?
Is tutoring available?
Is remediation in basic skills available?
Are study skills courses available?
AUXILIARY AIDS: Does the school provide the following?
Laptop computer
Personal desktop computer
Scan-and-read programs
Screen-enlarging programs
Screen readers
Speech-recognition programs
Spelling/grammar assistants
AUXILIARY SERVICES: Does the school provide the following?
Alternative exam arrangements
Duplicating at no cost or reduced cost
Note takers
Priority registration
STUDENT SUPPORTS: Does the school offer the following?
Career counseling
Career placement
Internship programs
Individual counseling
Small-group counseling
Student organizations for special needs students
Arizona State University
University of Arizona
University of the Ozarks
Bakersfield College
Ventura College
Mitchell College
Southern Connecticut College
University of Hartford
District of Columbia
American University
Central Florida Com. College
College of Dupage
National College of Education
Southern Illinois University
Husson College
University of New England
Frostburg State University
Montgomery College,
Rockville Campus
University of Maryland, College
Park Campus
University of Maryland, Eastern
Shore Campus
American International College
Boston University
Bradford College
Curry College
Emerson College
Lesley College
Northeastern University
Grand Rapids Community college
Hutchinson Vocational Technical
Rochester Community College
Colleges with Special Needs Programs
New Hampshire
New England College
Notre Dame College
New York
Adelphi University
Long Island University,
Brooklyn Campus
Long Island University,
C.W. Post Campus
Marist College
New York Institute of Technology
New York University
St. Thomas Aquinas College
North Carolina
Appalachian State University
Guilford Technical Com. College
Muskingum College
Wright State University
Edinboro University
College of Misericordia
South Carolina
Erskine College
Dallas County Com. College
Landmark College
Norfolk State University
West Virginia
Davis and Elkins College
Marshall University
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Liberal Arts Colleges - This type of college offers
a wide variety of courses in the social sciences,
humanities, and sciences. Many are private and
focus mainly on undergraduate studies. The
curriculum is designed to provide for a variety
of educational options upon graduation. Many
focus on an internship at some point of study.
Community Colleges - This type of college
offers an associates degree after the completion
of two years of full-time study. They frequently
offer technical programs that prepare you for
immediate entry into the job market. Class sizes
tend to be small. Many students also attend
community colleges to prepare to transfer to a
four-year university.
Junior Colleges - These are generally two-year
colleges that are private institutions. Some junior
colleges are residential and are attended by
students who come from other parts of the country.
Public College/University - This type of
college/university is supported by state money,
and therefore may be less expensive to attend
if you live in the state where the college is
located. Colleges are educational institutions for
undergraduate programs (bachelor degrees) and
tend to be smaller than a university. Universities
offer both undergraduate and graduate degrees
(Master’s and Ph.D.s). They usually have a
large, diverse student population and offer more
extracurricular opportunities.
Private College/University - This type of
college/university relies on the tuition, fees and
contributions of private donors and therefore may
be more expensive than state supported public
college/universities, but most offer generous
financial aid packages for those who need
them. These schools have much smaller student
populations as well as small class sizes.
Special Interest Colleges Students have a
variety of choices and are allowed to decide what
type of education they want to pursue. Some of
these diverse choices include single sex colleges,
religiously affiliated colleges, historically black
colleges, and Hispanic-serving colleges.
Specialized Colleges This type of college
emphasizes preparation for specific careers.
Examples are colleges that specialize in business,
computer technology and health science.
Types of Colleges
Colleges in Maryland
Four-Year Colleges/Universities - Public and Independent
Baltimore Hebrew University 410-578-6912
Bowie State University 301-464-6563
Capitol College 800-950-1992
College of Notre Dame of Maryland 301-532-5330
Columbia Union College 301-891-4080
Coppin State College 410-383-5990
Frostburg State University 301-687-4201
Goucher College 800-638-4278
Hood College 800-922-1599
Johns Hopkins University 410-516-8171
Loyola College 800-221-9107
Maryland Institute, College of Art 410-225-2294
McDaniel College 410-857-2230
Morgan State University 800-332-6674
Mount St. Mary's College 800-448-4347
Peabody Institute of Johns Hopkins University 410-659-8100
Salisbury State University 410-543-6161
St. John's College 800-727-9238
St. Mary's College of Maryland 800-492-7181
St. Mary's Seminary and University 410-864-9000
Sojourner-Douglass College 301-276-0306
Traditional Acupuncture Institute, Inc. 301-596-6006
Towson University 410-704-3333
University of Baltimore 410-837-4777
University of Maryland Baltimore County 410-455-1300
University of Maryland, College Park 301-314-8385
University of Maryland, Eastern Shore 410-651-6410
University of Maryland, University College 301-985-7930
U.S. Naval Academy 410-293-4361
Villa Julie College 301-486-7001
Washington Bible College 240-387-1265
Washington College 800-422-1782
Two-Year Colleges/Universities - Public and Independent
Allegany College of Maryland 301-724-7700
Anne Arundel Community College 410-541-2240
Baltimore City Community College
Liberty Campus 301-396-0203
Harbor Campus 301-396-0470
Baltimore's International Culinary College 410-752-4710
Carroll Community College 410-386-8400
Catonsville Community College 410-455-4304
Cecil Community College 410-287-1004
Chesapeake College 410-822-5400
College of Southern Maryland 301-934-2251
Essex Community College 800-832-0262
Frederick Community College 301-846-2430
Garrett College 301-387-3010
Hagerstown Business College 800-422-2670
Hagerstown Community College 301-790-2800
Harford Community College 410-836-4220
Howard Community College 410-772-4856
Maryland College of Art and Design 301-649-4454
Montgomery College
Germantown Campus 301-353-7823
Rockville Campus 301-279-5041
Takoma Park Campus 301-650-1493
Prince George's Community College 301-322-0801
Seafarers Harry Lundeberg School of Seamanship 301-994-0010
Wor-Wic Tech Community College 410-334-2895
Alabama A&M University
Alabama State University
S.D. Bishop State Junior College
Concordia College
Lawson State Community College
Lomax-Hannon Junior College
Miles College
Oakwood College
Selma University
Stillman College
Talladega College
Teskegee University
Arkansas Baptist College
Philander Smith College
Shorter College
University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff
Delaware State College
District of Columbia
Howard University
University of the District of Columbia
Bethune-Cookman College
Edward Waters College
Florida A&M University
Florida Memorial College
Albany State College
Clark-Atlanta University
Fort Valley State College
Interdenominational Theological Center
Morehouse College
Morris Brown College
Paine College
Savannah State College
Spelman College
Kentucky State University
Simmons University Bible College
Dillard University
Grambling State University
Southern University System
Southern University at Baton Rouge
Southern University at Shreveport
Xavier University
Bowie State University
Coppin State College
Morgan State University
University of Maryland, Eastern Shore
Alcorn State University
Coahoma Junior College
Jackson State University
Mary Holmes College
Mississippi Valley State University
Natchez Junior College
Prentiss Normal & Industrial Institute
Rust College
Tougaloo College
Utica Junior College
Harris-Stowe State College
Lincoln University
North Carolina
Barber-Scotia College
Bennett College
Elizabeth City State University
Fayetteville State University
Johnson C. Smith University
Livingstone College
North Carolina A&T State University
North Carolina Central University
St. Augustine's College
Shaw University
Winston-Sale State University
Central State University
Wilberforce University
Langston University
Cheyney University
Lincoln University
South Carolina
Allen University
Benedict College
Claflin College
Clinton Junior College
Denmark Technical College
Morris College
South Carolina State College
Voorhees College
Fisk University
Knoxville College
Lane College
LeMoyne-Owen College
Morristown College
Tennessee State University
Bishop College
Houston-Tillotson College
Jarvis Christian College
Paul Quinn College
Prairie View A&M University
Southwestern Christian College
Texas College
Texas Southern University
Wiley College
Virgin Islands
College of the Virgin Islands
Hampton University
Norfolk State University
St. Paul's College
The Virginia Seminary and College
Virginia State University
Virginia Union University
West Virginia
West Virginia College
HCPSS provides the following partial lists of colleges/schools to assist students and parents as they begin the
college search process. Students and parents should consult college guides for a complete listing, accreditation, and
general information.
Historically Black Colleges
Arizona Western College
South Mountain Community College
California State University, Los Angeles
Cerritos College
College of the Sequoias
Compton Community College
Don Bosco Technical Institute
East Lost Angeles College
Gavilan College
Hartnell College
Imperial Valley College
Kings River Community College
Los Angeles City College
Los Angeles Harbor College
Los Angeles Mission College
Los Angeles Trade-Technical College
Mount Saint Mary's College
Mt. San Antonio College
Oxnard College
Palo Verde College
Rio Hondo College
Saint John's Seminary College
San Diego State University Imperial Valley Campus
Southwestern College
West Coast Christian College
West Hills Community College
Pueblo Community College
Trinidad State Junior College
Barry University
Florida International University
Miami-Dade Community College
Saint John Vianney College Seminary
St. Thomas University
Saint Vincent de Paul Regional Seminary
MacCormac Junior College
St. Augustine College
Harry S. Truman College
New Jersey
Hudson County Community College
Passaic County Community College
New Mexico
Albuquerque Technical - Vocational Institute
College of Santa Fe
Dona Ana Branch Community college
Eastern New Mexico University - Roswell
New Mexico Highlands University
New Mexico State University
New Mexico State University, Grants
Northern New Mexico Community College
Santa Fe Community college
University of New Mexico, Valencia
Western New Mexico University
New York
Boricua College
Borough of Manhattan Community College
Bronx Community College
City College
College of Aeronautics
Hostos Community College
John Jay College of Criminal Justice
LaGuardia Community College
Herbert H. Lehman College
Mercy College
Bee County College
Corpus Christi State University
Del Mar College
El Paso community College
Incarnate Word College
Laredo Junior College
Laredo State University
Our Lady of the Lake University
Palo Alto College
St. Mary's University
St. Phillip's College
San Antonio College
Southwest Texas Junior College
Sul Ross State University
Texas A&I University
Texas Southmost College
Texas State technical College
University of Texas at Brownsville
University of Texas at El Paso
University of Texas at San Antonio
University of Texas-Pan American
Colleges with Large Hispanic Enrollments
The Howard County Public School System does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, physical or mental
disability, age, gender, marital status, or sexual orientation in matters affecting employment or in providing access to programs. For more information,
contact the Equity Assurance Office of the Howard County Public School System at 10910 Route 108, Ellicott City, MD 21042 or call 410.313.6654.
10910 Route 108
Ellicott City, Maryland 21042