What’s a Pinpoint Document
Latest Update: 12-June-2023
Journalist Studio/Pinpoint is introducing a new tool for extracting data from form-like
documents, named Extract structured data. It enables you to import form-based data,
and export the processed data as a spreadsheet. For example, if you have ten thousand
scanned auto accident reports that use a similar form, you can import the scans and export
a spreadsheet that enables you to group, sort, or filter accidents by date, automobile
manufacture, or any other fields provided in the source documents.
To use Extract Structured Data to process and export data, the document collection
should consist of documents that share the same template (unlike a typical Pinpoint
collection which can hold any documents). The goal of this guide is to define what
constitutes a valid template for this purpose.
So, What’s a “template”?
Intuitively, documents that share the same template look identical, except for the values of
some fields (which typically are what the user is interested in extracting). In other words,
they all look like they were printed by the same clerk. Minor differences due to scanning
(e.g. slight rotation) are also allowed.
More accurately, a template is a rendering of structured information with considerable
boilerplate (common) text that maintains a consistent reading order and a consistent
horizontal position. These concepts are explained below.
A collection of documents that merely have the same title, or that provide similar
information but in vastly different organization, are not a template. For example, a
collection of invoices may contain similar structured information, but they might be
formatted in so many different ways that they are not considered a template for the
purpose of this tool.
Reading Order
A template has a natural reading order. The tool expects this to be top-to-bottom,
left-to-right (which means you read the text row by row) .
Some examples of templates that aren’t supported:
Top-to-bottom text (for example, traditional Japanese).
Column format (as in some newspapers) where reading order flows from the bottom
of a column to the top of the next column.
Cards (text boxes) that are laid out side by side (even if each card may have a valid
reading order) - example.
Contents of a template
A template can have boilerplate text, key/value pairs (for example, name and address
sections in a form), and tables.
Key-Value Pairs
In many form-like documents, each document contains many key-value pairs (e.g. the key,
or label might be Address”, and the value might be “123 Main St, SmallTown, XY 12345”).
Typically, the key is the same across all documents while the value differs between
It actually works well also for right-to-left if the document is written in a right-to-left
The current release supports two types of values:
String, inc. numerical values which are automatically converted to strings (so 1234 is
extracted as "1234")).
Checkbox (with value extracted as either true or false).
Fixed Forms
The simplest example of a template is a fixed form: Each document has a fixed number of
pages, with the exact same layout across documents. For example, if the form has a
“Residence Address” field with an adjacent box where the address is expected to be filled in,
then both the key and the value box reside in almost exactly the same location in each of
the documents. The only difference between the documents is the values that are written in
these value boxes.
A typical form includes boilerplate text (e.g. instructions, headers) along with a number of
key-value pairs, organized in some meaningful way. The boilerplate text and the keys are
expected to be in the same place in all documents associated with this template.
Fixed forms are usually associated with paper. They are typically printable on paper in their
naked form: before any values are printed on them. Many government forms are fixed (e.g.
Non Fixed Forms
Unlike fixed forms, many form-like documents are printed from some structured data by a
computer system, and may include, besides the boilerplate and fixed key-value pairs, also:
Optional fields or sections.
A variable number of fields or sections.
Variable-length tables.
In a valid template, all boilerplate text and key-value pairs are expected to keep the same
reading order. For example, if a template has a “Name” key followed by an Address” key,
then in all documents “Name” must appear before Address”. They are also assumed to have
a fixed horizontal position. So, if “Name” appears at the start of the line in one document, it
appears at the start of the line in all documents (in which it is found).
Boilerplate or key-value pairs may be optional - appearing in only some of the documents,
but if they exist, they must appear in the same order.
Repeated Sections
Sometimes templates allow a variable number of key-value fields, to describe an unknown
number of similar entities. Each “entity” is described by a full-width horizontal section,
containing one or more key-value fields describing this entity. The section repeats multiple
times, each time using the same boilerplate and keys, but typically different values. The
repeated section can be viewed as a mini-template having a variable number of consecutive
instances within the full template.
A simple example:
Involved Persons:
First Name: John
Last Name: Smith
Badge #: 12345
Gender: M
First Name: Mary
Last Name: Jones
Badge #: 98765
Gender: F
First Name: Grace
Last Name: Kelly
Badge #: 01298
Gender: F
This demonstrates 3 repeating sections, each containing the fields “First Name”, “Last
Name”, “Badge #” and “Gender. Other documents in the collection may have a different
number of persons.
Note: the grid isn’t needed, and each section may occupy more than one line, as in:
First Name: John
Last Name: Smith
Badge #: 12345
Gender: M
First Name: Mary
Last Name: Jones
Badge #: 98765
Gender: F
First Name: Grace
Last Name: Kelly
Badge #: 01298
Gender: F
As with the whole document, a repeated section in a template requires that:
Reading order is fixed (that is, it is not allowed for one instance to swXitch the rows
between “First Name” and “Last Name”).
Horizontal position of each boilerplate/key is fixed (that is, it is not allowed for one
instance to switch the position between “Badge #” and “Gender”).
The value’s allocated area (“value box”) is in a fixed position relative to its key.
Nesting of repeated sections isn’t currently supported.
Tables are structured containers of data, which are organized in rows and columns. A
template may contain tables which have the same structure across all documents. The
structure is defined by the column layout: their horizontal positions and their column
headers (if any).
For example, the above data may be formatted as a table:
First Name
Last Name
Badge #
Despite their intuitive similarity, there is a fine line differentiating tables from repeated
Repeated sections contain Key-value pairs, whereas tables contain values.
Tables may (but aren’t required to) contain column headers, which represent the
“key” for all values in that column.
Note that while grid lines are more common in tables, they don’t necessarily rule out
repeated sections (as seen in the first example).
In rare cases, it may become difficult to tell whether a template component is a table or a
repeated section, but in most cases following the above guidelines makes the choice clear.
The documents are allowed to spill over from one page to another. The extraction process is
mostly insensitive to page headers or footers which may be inserted in the flow of text.
Hence, both repeated sections and tables are allowed to span multiple pages.
Scanning Issues
When a document is scanned, some scaling, shifting or rotation of each of its pages may
occur. A collection of documents that are originally of the same template are still considered
to be of that template even if they are slightly distorted in this way.
Minor Changes
The tool is able to overlook small differences in documents, including:
Font/style changes.
Slight movements of text position.
Slight changes to boilerplate text.
Addition of new boilerplate text or new key-value pairs.
Strictly speaking, such a collection is NOT of a single template, but of a number of close
templates (e.g. yearly versions of the same form). If the differences are small, the tool can
overcome these differences, but if the differences are large (especially changes to text or
order of key-value pairs), then results might be disappointing. If your documents have large
differences, you might want to partition them into similar collections, and “Extract
structured data” from each of these subset collections separately, and then combine your
downloaded results.
When in doubt...
Just give it a try. Sometimes, if documents aren’t really of the same template, it will give
garbage. But sometimes you may be surprised to get some good results. This is especially
true if there’s a segment of the documents (e.g the first page) that adheres to these rules
while the rest doesn’t. You may be able to get good extraction results from the “good”
Examples (from across the web)
Country factbook dataset: Toy dataset built for demos. Includes key-value pairs,
tables and repeated-section. Great for learning how to use the tool.
Medical Examination Report Form: Despite its complexity, if the form is fixed then it’s
a valid template. Some sections (e.g. “Testing”) may have a column layout, but as
long as it is fixed across documents, that’s still valid. Note that support for extracting
checkboxes is not yet available in
th.com/pinpoint-extract/resources/country_factbook_sample_collection.zipe Alpha
Hearing Aid Compatibility Status Certifications (FCC Form 855): Demonstrates how
key-value pairs may be subtle, how optional sections are allowed, and how the
document flows across pages.
Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Incident Report: A great example of a
non-fixed form template. Note the many key-value pairs, and the repeated sections
Bill Receipt: Somewhat problematic, since the top key-value pairs are split into two
distinct columns. If they are always consistent (e.g. “Phone” on the left is always on
the same row as “Date” on the right) then it’s ok. Otherwise, attempting to extract
from the headers might be flaky.