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618 OCTOBER TERM, 2006
certiorari to the united states court of appeals for
the eleventh circuit
No. 05–1074. Argued November 27, 2006—Decided May 29, 2007
During most of the time that petitioner Ledbetter was employed by re-
spondent Goodyear, salaried employees at the plant where she worked
were given or denied raises based on performance evaluations.
Ledbetter submitted a questionnaire to the Equal Employment Oppor-
tunity Commission (EEOC) in March 1998 and a formal EEOC charge
in July 1998. After her November 1998 retirement, she led suit, as-
serting, among other things, a sex discrimination claim under Title VII
of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The District Court allowed her Title
VII pay discrimination claim to proceed to trial. There, Ledbetter al-
leged that several supervisors had in the past given her poor evaluations
because of her sex; that as a result, her pay had not increased as much
as it would have if she had been evaluated fairly; that those past pay
decisions affected the amount of her pay throughout her employment;
and that by the end of her employment, she was earning significantly
less than her male colleagues. Goodyear maintained that the evalua-
tions had been nondiscriminatory, but the jury found for Ledbetter,
awarding backpay and damages. On appeal, Goodyear contended that
the pay discrimination claim was time barred with regard to all pay
decisions made before September 26, 1997—180 days before Ledbetter
filed her EEOC questionnaire—and that no discriminatory act relating
to her pay occurred after that date. The Eleventh Circuit reversed,
holding that a Title VII pay discrimination claim cannot be based on
allegedly discriminatory events that occurred before the last pay deci-
sion that affected the employee’s pay during the EEOC charging period,
and concluding that there was insufficient evidence to prove that Good-
year had acted with discriminatory intent in making the only two pay
decisions during that period, denials of raises in 1997 and 1998.
Held: Because the later effects of past discrimination do not restart
the clock for filing an EEOC charge, Ledbetters claim is untimely.
Pp. 623643.
(a) An individual wishing to bring a Title VII lawsuit must first le
an EEOC charge within, as relevant here, 180 days “after the alleged
unlawful employment practice occurred. 42 U. S. C. § 2000e5(e)(1).
In addressing the issue of an EEOC charge’s timeliness, this Court has
stressed the need to identify with care the specific employment practice
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619 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
at issue. Ledbetters arguments—that the paychecks that she received
during the charging period and the 1998 raise denial each violated Title
VII and triggered a new EEOC charging period—fail because they
would require the Court in effect to jettison the defining element of the
disparate-treatment claim on which her Title VII recovery was based,
discriminatory intent. United Air Lines, Inc. v. Evans, 431 U. S. 553,
Delaware State College v. Ricks, 449 U. S. 250, Lorance v. AT&T Tech-
nologies, Inc., 490 U. S. 900, and National Railroad Passenger Corpora-
tion v. Morgan, 536 U. S. 101, clearly instruct that the EEOC charging
period is triggered when a discrete unlawful practice takes place. A
new violation does not occur, and a new charging period does not com-
mence, upon the occurrence of subsequent nondiscriminatory acts that
entail adverse effects resulting from the past discrimination. But if
an employer engages in a series of separately actionable intentionally
discriminatory acts, then a fresh violation takes place when each act is
committed. Ledbetter makes no claim that intentionally discrimina-
tory conduct occurred during the charging period or that discriminatory
decisions occurring before that period were not communicated to her.
She argues simply that Goodyears nondiscriminatory conduct during
the charging period gave present effect to discriminatory conduct out-
side of that period. But current effects alone cannot breathe life into
prior, uncharged discrimination. Ledbetter should have led an EEOC
charge within 180 days after each allegedly discriminatory employment
decision was made and communicated to her. Her attempt to shift for-
ward the intent associated with prior discriminatory acts to the 1998
pay decision is unsound, for it would shift intent away from the act that
consummated the discriminatory employment practice to a later act not
performed with bias or discriminatory motive, imposing liability in the
absence of the requisite intent. Her argument would also distort Title
VII’s “integrated, multistep enforcement procedure. Occidental Life
Ins. Co.ofCal. v. EEOC, 432 U. S. 355, 359. The short EEOC ling
deadline reflects Congress’ strong preference for the prompt resolution
of employment discrimination allegations through voluntary concilia-
tion and cooperation. Id., at 367368. Nothing in Title VII supports
treating the intent element of Ledbetters disparate-treatment claim
any differently from the employment practice element of the claim.
Pp. 623632.
(b) Bazemore v. Friday, 478 U. S. 385 (per curiam), which concerned
a disparate-treatment pay claim, is entirely consistent with Evans,
Ricks, Lorance, and Morgan. Bazemores rule is that an employer vio-
lates Title VII and triggers a new EEOC charging period whenever the
employer issues paychecks using a discriminatory pay structure. It is
not, as Ledbetter contends, a “paycheck accrual rule” under which each
paycheck, even if not accompanied by discriminatory intent, triggers a
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Opinion of the Court
Justice Alito delivered the opinion of the Court.
This case calls upon us to apply established precedent in a
slightly different context. We have previously held that the
time for filing a charge of employment discrimination with
the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC)
begins when the discriminatory act occurs. We have ex-
plained that this rule applies to any [d]iscrete ac[t]of dis-
crimination, including discrimination in termination, failure
to promote, denial of transfer, [and] refusal to hire. Na-
tional Railroad Passenger Corporatio n v. Morgan, 536 U. S.
101, 114 (2002). Because a pay-setting decision is a “discrete
act,” it follows that the period for filing an EEOC charge
begins when the act occurs. Petitioner, having abandoned
her claim under the Equal Pay Act, asks us to deviate from
our prior decisions in order to permit her to assert her claim
under Title VII. Petitioner also contends that discrimina-
tion in pay is different from other types of employment dis-
crimination and thus should be governed by a different rule.
But because a pay-setting decision is a discrete act that oc-
curs at a particular point in time, these arguments must be
rejected. We therefore affirm the judgment of the Court
of Appeals.
Petitioner Lilly Ledbetter (Ledbetter) worked for re-
spondent Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company (Goodyear) at
its Gadsden, Alabama, plant from 1979 until 1998. During
much of this time, salaried employees at the plant were given
or denied raises based on their supervisors’ evaluation of
their performance. In March 1998, Ledbetter submitted a
questionnaire to the EEOC alleging certain acts of sex dis-
crimination, and in July of that year she filed a formal EEOC
charge. After taking early retirement in November 1998,
son H. Sullivan, Robin S. Conrad, Shane Brennan, and Karen R. Harned;
and for the Equal Employment Advisory Council et al. by Ann Elizabeth
Reesman and Laura A. Giantris.
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Opinion of the Court
charging period. 421 F. 3d 1169, 1182–1183 (2005). The
Court of Appeals then concluded that there was insufficient
evidence to prove that Goodyear had acted with discrimina-
tory intent in making the only two pay decisions that oc-
curred within that time span, namely, a decision made in 1997
to deny Ledbetter a raise and a similar decision made in
1998. Id., at 1186–1187.
Ledbetter led a petition for a writ of certiorari but did
not seek review of the Court of Appeals’ holdings regarding
the sufficiency of the evidence in relation to the 1997 and
1998 pay decisions. Rather, she sought review of the follow-
ing question:
“Whether and under what circumstances a plaintiff may
bring an action under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act
of 1964 alleging illegal pay discrimination when the dis-
parate pay is received during the statutory limitations
period, but is the result of intentionally discriminatory
pay decisions that occurred outside the limitations pe-
riod. Pet. for Cert. i.
In light of disagreement among the Courts of Appeals as to
the proper application of the limitations period in Title VII
disparate-treatment pay cases, compare 421 F. 3d 1169 with
Forsyth v. Federation Employment & Guidance Serv., 409
F. 3d 565 (CA2 2005); Shea v. Rice, 409 F. 3d 448 (CADC
2005), we granted certiorari, 548 U. S. 903 (2006).
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 makes it an “un-
lawful employment practice” to discriminate “against any in-
dividual with respect to his compensation... because of
such individual’s . . . sex. 42 U. S. C. § 2000e–2(a)(1). An
individual wishing to challenge an employment practice
under this provision must first file a charge with the EEOC.
§ 2000e5(e)(1). Such a charge must be led within a speci-
fied period (either 180 or 300 days, depending on the State)
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Opinion of the Court
1998 decision was unlawful because it “carried forward” the
effects of prior, uncharged discrimination decisions. Reply
Brief for Petitioner 20. In essence, she suggests that it is
sufficient that discriminatory acts that occurred prior to the
charging period had continuing effects during that period.
Brief for Petitioner 13 (“[E]ach paycheck that offers a
woman less pay than a similarly situated man because of her
sex is a separate violation of Title VII with its own limita-
tions period, regardless of whether the paycheck simply im-
plements a prior discriminatory decision made outside the
limitations period”); see also Reply Brief for Petitioner 20.
This argument is squarely foreclosed by our precedents.
In United Air Lines, Inc. v. Evans, 431 U. S. 553 (1977),
we rejected an argument that is basically the same as
Ledbetters. Evans was forced to resign because the airline
refused to employ married flight attendants, but she did not
file an EEOC charge regarding her termination. Some
years later, the airline rehired her but treated her as a new
employee for seniority purposes. Id., at 554555. Evans
then sued, arguing that, while any suit based on the original
discrimination was time barred, the airline’s refusal to give
her credit for her prior service gave “present effect to [its]
past illegal act and therefore perpetuate[d] the consequences
of forbidden discrimination. Id., at 557.
We agreed with Evans that the airline’s “seniority system
[did] indeed have a continuing impact on her pay and fringe
benefits,id., at 558, but we noted that the critical question
[was] whether any present v iolation exist[ed],ibi d. (empha-
sis in original). We concluded that the continuing effects
of the precharging period discrimination did not make out
a present violation. As Justice Stevens wrote for the
“United was entitled to treat [Evans’ termination] as
lawful after respondent failed to file a charge of discrimi-
nation within the 90 days then allowed by § 706(d). A
discriminatory act which is not made the basis for a
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Opinion of the Court
stantial plant seniority began to move into the traditionally
male tester positions. Id., at 902903.
We held that the plaintiffs’ EEOC charge was not timely
because it was not led within the specified period after the
adoption in 1979 of the new seniority rule. We noted that
the plaintiffs had not alleged that the new seniority rule
treated men and women differently or that the rule had been
applied in a discriminatory manner. Rather, their complaint
was that the rule was adopted originally with discriminatory
intent. Id., at 905. And as in Evans and Ricks, we held
that the EEOC charging period ran from the time when the
discrete act of alleged intentional discrimination occurred,
not from the date when the effects of this practice were felt.
490 U. S., at 907908. We stated:
“Because the claimed invalidity of the facially nondis-
criminatory and neutrally applied tester seniority sys-
tem is wholly dependent on the alleged illegality of sign-
ing the underlying agreement, it is the date of that
signing which governs the limitations period. Id., at
After Lorance, Congress amended Title VII to cover the specific situa-
tion involved in that case. See 42 U. S. C. § 2000e–5(e)(2) (allowing for
Title VII liability arising from an intentionally discriminatory seniority
system both at the time of its adoption and at the time of its application).
The dissent attaches great significance to this amendment, suggesting that
it shows that Lorance was wrongly reasoned as an initial matter. Post,
at 652654 (opinion of Ginsburg, J.). However, the very legislative his-
tory cited by the dissent explains that this amendment and the other 1991
Title VII amendments “ expand[ed] the scope of relevant civil rights stat-
utes in order to provide adequate protection to victims of discrimination.
Post, at 653 (emphasis added). For present purposes, what is most impor-
tant about the amendment in question is that it applied only to the adop-
tion of a discriminatory seniority system, not to other types of employ-
ment discrimination. Evans and Ricks, upon which Lorance relied, 490
U. S., at 906908, and which employed identical reasoning, were left in
place, and these decisions are more than sufficient to support our holding
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Opinion of the Court
and the paychecks that were issued to her during the 180
days prior to the filing of her EEOC charge do not provide
a basis for overcoming that prior failure.
In an effort to circumvent the need to prove discrimina-
tory intent during the charging period, Ledbetter relies on
the intent associated with other decisions made by other per-
sons at other times. Reply Brief for Petitioner 6 (“Inten-
tional discrimination . . . occurs when . . . differential treat-
ment takes place, even if the intent to engage in that conduct
for a discriminatory purpose was made previously”).
Ledbetters attempt to take the intent associated with the
prior pay decisions and shift it to the 1998 pay decision is
unsound. It would shift intent from one act (the act that
consummates the discriminatory employment practice) to a
later act that was not performed with bias or discriminatory
motive. The effect of this shift would be to impose liability
in the absence of the requisite intent.
Our cases recognize this point. In Evans, for example,
we did not take the airline’s discriminatory intent in 1968,
when it discharged the plaintiff because of her sex, and at-
tach that intent to its later act of neutrally applying its
seniority rules. Similarly, in Ricks, we did not take the
discriminatory intent that the college allegedly possessed
when it denied Ricks tenure and attach that intent to its
subsequent act of terminating his employment when his non-
renewable contract ran out. On the contrary, we held that
the only alleged discrimination occurred—and the filing lim-
itations periods therefore commenced—at the time the ten-
ure decision was made and communicated to Ricks. 449
U. S., at 258.
Not only would Ledbetters argument effectively eliminate
the defining element of her disparate-treatment claim, but it
would distort Title VII’s integrated, multistep enforcement
procedure. Occidental Life Ins. Co. of Ca l. v. EEOC, 432
U. S. 355, 359 (1977). We have previously noted the legisla-
tive compromises that preceded the enactment of Title VII,
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Opinion of the Court
tions through voluntary conciliation and cooperation. Occi-
dental Life Ins., supra, at 367368; Al exander, supra, at 44.
A disparate-treatment claim comprises two elements: an
employment practice, and discriminatory intent. Nothing in
Title VII supports treating the intent element of Ledbetters
claim any differently from the employment practice element.
If anything, concerns regarding stale claims weigh more
heavily with respect to proof of the intent associated with
employment practices than with the practices themselves.
For example, in a case such as this in which the plaintiff s
claim concerns the denial of raises, the employers challenged
acts (the decisions not to increase the employee’s pay at the
times in question) will almost always be documented and will
typically not even be in dispute. By contrast, the employ-
ers intent is almost always disputed, and evidence relating
to intent may fade quickly with time. In most disparate-
treatment cases, much if not all of the evidence of intent is
circumstantial. Thus, the critical issue in a case involving a
long-past performance evaluation will often be whether the
evaluation was so far off the mark that a sufficient inference
of discriminatory intent can be drawn. See Watson, 487
U. S., at 1004 (Blackmun, J., joined by Brennan and Marshall,
JJ., concurring in part and concurring in judgment) (noting
that in a disparate-treatment claim, the McDonnell Douglas
Corp. v. Green, 411 U. S. 792 (1973), factors establish discrim-
ination by inference). See also, e. g., Zhuang v. Datacard
Of course, there may be instances where the elements forming a cause
of action span more than 180 days. Say, for instance, an employer forms
an illegal discriminatory intent toward an employee but does not act on it
until 181 days later. The charging period would not begin to run until
the employment practice was executed on day 181 because until that point
the employee had no cause of action. The act and intent had not yet been
joined. Here, by contrast, Ledbetters cause of action was fully formed
and present at the time that the discriminatory employment actions were
taken against her, at which point she could have, and should have, sued.
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Opinion of the Court
In advancing her two theories Ledbetter does not seri-
ously contest the logic of Evans, Ricks, Lorance, and Mor-
gan as set out above, but rather argues that our decision in
Bazemore v. Friday, 478 U. S. 385 (1986) (per curiam), re-
quires different treatment of her claim because it relates to
pay. Ledbetter focuses specifically on our statement that
[e]ach week’s paycheck that delivers less to a black than to
a similarly situated white is a wrong actionable under Title
VII. Id., at 395. She argues that in Bazemore we adopted
a “paycheck accrual rule” under which each paycheck, even
if not accompanied by discriminatory intent, triggers a new
EEOC charging period during which the complainant may
properly challenge any prior discriminatory conduct that im-
pacted the amount of that paycheck, no matter how long ago
the discrimination occurred. On this reading, Bazemore dis-
pensed with the need to prove actual discriminatory intent
in pay cases and, without giving any hint that it was doing
so, repudiated the very different approach taken previously
in Evans and Ricks. Ledbetters interpretation is unsound.
Bazemo re concerned a disparate-treatment pay claim
brought against the North Carolina Agricultural Exten-
sion Service (Service). 478 U. S., at 389–390. Service em-
ployees were originally segregated into “a white branch” and
“a ‘Negro branch, with the latter receiving less pay, but
in 1965 the two branches were merged. Id., at 390391.
After Title VII was extended to public employees in 1972,
black employees brought suit claiming that pay disparities
attributable to the old dual pay scale persisted. Id., at 391.
The Court of Appeals rejected this claim, which it inter-
preted to be that the ‘discriminatory difference in salaries
should have been affirmatively eliminated. Id., at 395.
This Court reversed in a per curiam opinion, id., at 386
388, but all of the Members of the Court joined Justice Bren-
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plaintiffs were alleging that the defendants ha[d] not from
the date of the Act forward made all their employment deci-
sions in a wholly nondiscriminatory way,478 U. S., at 396–
397, n. 6 (emphasis in original; internal quotation marks and
brackets omitted)—which is to say that they had engaged
in fresh discrimination. Justice Brennan added that the
Court’s holding in no sense g[ave] legal effect to the pre-
1972 actions, but, consistent with Evans . . . focuse[d] on
the present salary structure, which is illegal if it is a mere
continuation of the pre-1965 discriminatory pay structure.
at 397, n. 6 (emphasis added).
The sentence in Justice Brennan’s opinion on which Led-
better chiefly relies comes directly after the passage quoted
above, and makes a similarly obvious point:
“Each weeks paycheck that delivers less to a black than
to a similarly situated white is a wrong actionable under
Title VII, regardless of the fact that this pattern was
begun prior to the effective date of Title VII. Id., at
That the focus in Bazemore was on a current violation, not the carrying
forward of a past act of discrimination, was made clearly by the side opin-
ion in the Court of Appeals:
[T]he majority holds, in effect, that because the pattern of discriminatory
salaries here challenged originated before applicable provisions of the
Civil Rights Act made their payment illegal, any lingering effects’ of that
earlier pattern cannot (presumably on an indefinitely maintained basis)
be considered in assessing a challenge to post-act continuation of that
Hazelwood [School Dist. v. United States, 433 U. S. 299 (1977),] and
Evans indeed made it clear that an employer cannot be found liable, or
sanctioned with remedy, for employment decisions made before they were
declared illegal or as to which the claimant has lost any right of action by
lapse of time. For this reason it is generally true that, as the catch-phrase
has it, Title VII imposed ‘no obligation to catch-up, i. e., affirmatively to
remedy present effects of pre-Act discrimination, whether in composing a
work force or otherwise. But those cases cannot be thought to insulate
employment decisions that presently are illegal on the basis that at one
time comparable decisions were legal when made by the particular em-
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Opinion of the Court
as an example, the employee there was unlawfully termi-
nated; this caused her to lose seniority; and the loss of senior-
ity affected her wages, among other things. 431 U. S., at
555, n. 5 (“[S]eniority determine[s] a ight attendant’s wages;
the duration and timing of vacations; rights to retention in
the event of layoffs and rights to re-employment thereafter;
and rights to preferential selection of ight assignments”).
The relationship between past discrimination and adverse
present effects was the same in Evans as it is here. Thus,
the argument that Ledbetter urges us to accept here would
necessarily have commanded a different outcome in Evans.
Bazemore stands for the proposition that an employer vio-
lates Title VII and triggers a new EEOC charging period
whenever the employer issues paychecks using a discrimina-
tory pay structure. But a new Title VII violation does not
occur and a new charging period is not triggered when an
employer issues paychecks pursuant to a system that is “fa-
cially nondiscriminatory and neutrally applied. Lorance,
490 U. S., at 911. The fact that precharging period discrimi-
nation adversely affects the calculation of a neutral factor
(like seniority) that is used in determining future pay does
not mean that each new paycheck constitutes a new violation
and restarts the EEOC charging period.
Because Ledbetter has not adduced evidence that Good-
year initially adopted its performance-based pay system in
order to discriminate on the basis of sex or that it later ap-
plied this system to her within the charging period with any
discriminatory animus, Bazemore is of no help to her.
Rather, all Ledbetter has alleged is that Goodyears agents
discriminated against her individually in the past and that
this discrimination reduced the amount of later paychecks.
Because Ledbetter did not file timely EEOC charges relating
to her employers discriminatory pay decisions in the past,
she cannot maintain a suit based on that past discrimination
at this time.
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Opinion of the Court
criminatory acts, see Brief for Petitioner 13, 15 (arguing that
payment of each paycheck constituted a separate violation of
Title VII), each of which was independently identifiable and
actionable, and Morgan is perfectly clear that when an em-
ployee alleges “serial violations,i. e., a series of actionable
wrongs, a timely EEOC charge must be led with respect to
each discrete alleged violation. 536 U. S., at 113.
While this fundamental misinterpretation of Morgan is
alone sufficient to show that the dissent’s approach must be
rejected, it should also be noted that the dissent is coy as to
whether it would apply the same rule to all pay discrimina-
tion claims or whether it would limit the rule to cases like
Ledbetters, in which multiple discriminatory pay decisions
are alleged. The dissent relies on the fact that Ledbetter
was allegedly subjected to a series of discriminatory pay de-
cisions over a period of time, and the dissent suggests that
she did not realize for some time that she had been victim-
ized. But not all pay cases share these characteristics.
If, as seems likely, the dissent would apply the same rule
in all pay cases, then, if a single discriminatory pay decision
made 20 years ago continued to affect an employee’s pay
today, the dissent would presumably hold that the employee
could file a timely EEOC charge today. And the dissent
would presumably allow this even if the employee had full
knowledge of all the circumstances relating to the 20-year-
old decision at the time it was made.
The dissent, it ap-
pears, proposes that we adopt a special rule for pay cases
based on the particular characteristics of one case that is
The dissent admits as much, responding only that an employer could
resort to equitable doctrines such as laches. Post, at 657658. But first,
as we have noted, Congress has already determined that defense to be
insufficient. Supra, at 632. Second, it is far from clear that a suit filed
under the dissent’s theory, alleging that a paycheck paid recently within
the charging period was itself a freestanding violation of Title VII because
it reflected the effects of 20-year-old discrimination, would even be barred
by laches.
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Opinion of the Court
Ledbetters appeal to the Fair Labor Standards Act of
1938 (FLSA) is equally unavailing. Stating that it is “well
established that the statute of limitations for violations of
the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the [FLSA]
runs anew with each paycheck,Brief for Petitioner 35, Led-
better urges that the same should be true in a Title VII pay
case. Again, however, Ledbetters argument overlooks the
fact that an FLSA minimum wage or overtime claim does
not require proof of a specific intent to discriminate. See 29
U. S. C. § 207 (establishing overtime rules); cf. § 255(a) (estab-
lishing 2-year statute of limitations for FLSA claims, except
for claims of a “willful violation,which may be commenced
within 3 years).
Ledbetter is on firmer ground in suggesting that we look
to cases arising under the National Labor Relations Act
(NLRA) since the NLRA provided a model for Title VII’s
remedial provisions and, like Title VII, requires the filing
of a timely administrative charge (with the National Labor
Relations Board) before suit may be maintained. Lorance,
490 U. S., at 909; Ford Motor Co. v. EEOC, 458 U. S. 219, 226,
n. 8 (1982). Cf. 29 U. S. C. § 160(b) (“[N]o complaint shall
issue based upon any unfair labor practice occurring more
than six months prior to the filing of the charge with the
Ledbetter argues that the NLRAs 6-month statute of lim-
itations begins anew for each paycheck reflecting a prior vio-
lation of the statute, but our precedents suggest otherwise.
In Machinists v. NLRB, 362 U. S. 411, 416417 (1960), we
istrate Judge’s Report and Recommendation, 1 Record in No. 03–15264–G
(CA11), Doc. 32. The District Court sustained this objection as to the
“disparate pay” claim, but without specifically mentioning the EPA claim,
which had been dismissed by the Magistrate Judge on the same basis.
See App. to Pet. for Cert. 43a44a. While the record is not entirely clear,
it appears that at this point Ledbetter elected to abandon her EPA claim,
proceeding to trial with only the Title VII disparate-pay claim, thus giving
rise to the dispute the Court must now resolve.
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Ginsburg, J., dissenting
and this means that any unlawful employment practice, in-
cluding those involving compensation, must be presented to
the EEOC within the period prescribed by statute.
* * *
For these reasons, the judgment of the Court of Appeals
for the Eleventh Circuit is affirmed.
It is so ordered.
Justice Ginsburg, with whom Justice Stevens, Jus-
tice Souter, and Justice Breyer join, dissenting.
Lilly Ledbetter was a supervisor at Goodyear Tire &
Rubbers plant in Gadsden, Alabama, from 1979 until her re-
tirement in 1998. For most of those years, she worked as an
area manager, a position largely occupied by men. Initially,
Ledbetters salary was in line with the salaries of men per-
forming substantially similar work. Over time, however,
her pay slipped in comparison to the pay of male area manag-
ers with equal or less seniority. By the end of 1997, Ledbet-
ter was the only woman working as an area manager and the
pay discrepancy between Ledbetter and her 15 male counter-
parts was stark: Ledbetter was paid $3,727 per month; the
lowest paid male area manager received $4,286 per month,
the highest paid, $5,236. See 421 F. 3d 1169, 1174 (CA11
2005); Brief for Petitioner 4.
Ledbetter launched charges of discrimination before the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in
March 1998. Her formal administrative complaint specified
that, in violation of Title VII, Goodyear paid her a discrimi-
2983682, *2 (EEOC Office of Fed. Operations, Dec. 17, 2004). Agencies
have no special claim to deference in their interpretation of our decisions.
Reno v. Bossier Parish School Bd., 528 U. S. 320, 336, n. 5 (2000). Nor do
we see reasonable ambiguity in the statute itself, which makes no distinc-
tion between compensation and other sorts of claims and which clearly
requires that discrete employment actions alleged to be unlawful be moti-
vated “because of such individual’s . . . sex. 42 U. S. C. § 2000e–2(a)(1).
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Ginsburg, J., dissenting
The Court’s insistence on immediate contest overlooks
common characteristics of pay discrimination. Pay dispari-
ties often occur, as they did in Ledbetters case, in small
increments; cause to suspect that discrimination is at work
develops only over time. Comparative pay information,
moreover, is often hidden from the employee’s view. Em-
ployers may keep under wraps the pay differentials main-
tained among supervisors, no less the reasons for those dif-
ferentials. Small initial discrepancies may not be seen as
meet for a federal case, particularly when the employee, try-
ing to succeed in a nontraditional environment, is averse to
making waves.
Pay disparities are thus significantly different from ad-
verse actions “such as termination, failure to promote,...or
refusal to hire,” all involving fully communicated discrete
acts, “easy to identify” as discriminatory. See Na tional
Railroad Passenger Corporation v. Morgan, 536 U. S. 101,
114 (2002). It is only when the disparity becomes apparent
and sizable, e. g., through future raises calculated as a per-
centage of current salaries, that an employee in Ledbetters
situation is likely to comprehend her plight and, therefore,
to complain. Her initial readiness to give her employer the
benefit of the doubt should not preclude her from later chal-
lenging the then current and continuing payment of a wage
depressed on account of her sex.
On questions of time under Title VII, we have identified
as the critical inquiries: “What constitutes an ‘unlawful em-
ployment practice’ and when has that practice ‘occurred’?”
Id., at 110. Our precedent suggests, and lower courts have
overwhelmingly held, that the unlawful practice is the cur-
rent payment of salaries infected by gender-based (or race-
based) discrimination—a practice that occurs whenever a
paycheck delivers less to a woman than to a similarly situ-
ated man. See Bazemore v. Friday, 478 U. S. 385, 395 (1986)
(Brennan, J., joined by all other Members of the Court, con-
curring in part).
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
647 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
tension Service was divided into two branches: a white
branch and a “Negro branch. Id., at 390. Employees in
the “Negro branch” were paid less than their white counter-
parts. In response to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which
included Title VII, the State merged the two branches into
a single organization, made adjustments to reduce the salary
disparity, and began giving annual raises based on nondis-
criminatory factors. Id., at 390391, 394395. Nonethe-
less, “some pre-existing salary disparities continued to linger
on. Id., at 394 (internal quotation marks omitted). We re-
jected the Court of Appeals’ conclusion that the plaintiffs
could not prevail because the lingering disparities were sim-
ply a continuing effect of a decision lawfully made prior to
the effective date of Title VII. See id., at 395396. Rather,
we reasoned, “[e]ach weeks paycheck that delivers less to a
black than to a similarly situated white is a wrong actionable
under Title VII. Id., at 395. Paychecks perpetuating past
discrimination, we thus recognized, are actionable not simply
because they are “related” to a decision made outside the
charge-filing period, cf. ante, at 636, but because they dis-
criminate anew each time they issue, see Bazemore, 478
U. S., at 395396, and n. 6; Mo rgan, 536 U. S., at 111–112.
Subsequently, in Morgan, we set apart, for purposes of
Title VII’s timely filing requirement, unlawful employment
actions of two kinds: “discrete acts” that are “easy to iden-
tify” as discriminatory, and acts that recur and are cumula-
tive in impact. See id., at 110, 113–115. [A] [d]iscrete ac[t]
such as termination, failure to promote, denial of transfer,
or refusal to hire, id., at 114, we explained, ‘occur[s] on
the day that it ‘happen[s]. A party, therefore, must file
a charge within . . . 180 . . . days of the date of the act or
lose the ability to recover for it. Id., at 110; see id., at
113 (“[D]iscrete discriminatory acts are not actionable if time
barred, even when they are related to acts alleged in timely
filed charges. Each discrete discriminatory act starts a new
clock for filing charges alleging that act.”).
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
649 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
She charged insidious discrimination building up slowly
but steadily. See Brief for Petitioner 58. Initially in line
with the salaries of men performing substantially the same
work, Ledbetters salary fell 15 to 40 percent behind her
male counterparts only after successive evaluations and
percentage-based pay adjustments. See supra, at 643644.
Over time, she alleged and proved, the repetition of pay deci-
sions undervaluing her work gave rise to the current dis-
crimination of which she complained. Though component
acts fell outside the charge-filing period, with each new pay-
check, Goodyear contributed incrementally to the accumulat-
ing harm. See Morgan, 536 U. S., at 117; Bazemore, 478
U. S., at 395396; cf. Hanover Shoe, Inc. v. United Shoe
Machinery Corp., 392 U. S. 481, 502, n. 15 (1968).
The realities of the workplace reveal why the discrimina-
tion with respect to compensation that Ledbetter suffered
does not fit within the category of singular discrete acts
“easy to identify. A worker knows immediately if she is
denied a promotion or transfer, if she is fired or refused em-
ployment. And promotions, transfers, hirings, and firings
are generally public events, known to co-workers. When an
employer makes a decision of such open and definitive char-
acter, an employee can immediately seek out an explanation
and evaluate it for pretext. Compensation disparities, in
contrast, are often hidden from sight. It is not unusual, de-
cisions in point illustrate, for management to decline to pub-
National Railroad Passenger Corporation v. Morgan, 536 U. S. 101,
117 (2002), the Court emphasizes, required that “an act contributing to the
claim occu[r] within the [charge-]filing period. Ante, at 638, and n. 7
(emphasis deleted; internal quotation marks omitted). Here, each pay-
check within the ling period compounded the discrimination Ledbetter
encountered, and thus contributed to the “actionable wrong,i. e., the suc-
cession of acts composing the pattern of discriminatory pay, of which she
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007) 651
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
male employee is selected over a female for a higher level
position, someone still gets the promotion and is paid a
higher salary; the employer is not enriched. But when a
woman is paid less than a similarly situated man, the em-
ployer reduces its costs each time the pay differential is
implemented. Furthermore, decisions on promotions, like
decisions installing seniority systems, often implicate the
interests of third-party employees in a way that pay differ-
entials do not. Cf. Teamsters v. United States, 431 U. S. 324,
352353 (1977) (recognizing that seniority systems involve
“vested...rights of employees” and concluding that Title
VII was not intended to “destroy or water down” those
rights). Disparate pay, by contrast, can be remedied at any
time solely at the expense of the employer who acts in a
discriminatory fashion.
In light of the significant differences between pay dispari-
ties and discrete employment decisions of the type identified
in Morgan, the cases on which the Court relies hold no sway.
See ante, at 625–629 (discussing United Air Lines, Inc. v.
Evans, 431 U. S. 553 (1977), Delaware State College v. Ricks,
449 U. S. 250 (1980), and Lorance v. AT&T Technologies, Inc.,
490 U. S. 900 (1989)). Evans and Ricks both involved a sin-
gle, immediately identifiable act of discrimination: in Evans,
a constructive discharge, 431 U. S., at 554; in Ricks, a denial
of tenure, 449 U. S., at 252. In each case, the employee led
charges well after the discrete discriminatory act occurred:
When United Airlines forced Evans to resign because of its
policy barring married female ight attendants, she led no
charge; only four years later, when Evans was rehired, did
she allege that the airline’s former no-marriage rule was un-
lawful and therefore should not operate to deny her seniority
credit for her prior service. See Evans, 431 U. S., at 554
557. Similarly, when Delaware State College denied Ricks
tenure, he did not object until his terminal contract came to
an end, one year later. Ricks, 449 U. S., at 253254, 257258.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
653 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
of Marshall, J.). See also § 3, 105 Stat. 1071 (1991 Civil
Rights Act was designed to respond to recent decisions of
the Supreme Court by expanding the scope of relevant civil
rights statutes in order to provide adequate protection to
victims of discrimination”).
True, § 112 of the 1991 Civil Rights Act directly addressed
only seniority systems. See ante, at 627, and n. 2. But
Congress made clear (1) its view that this Court had unduly
contracted the scope of protection afforded by Title VII and
other civil rights statutes, and (2) its aim to generalize the
ruling in Bazemore. As the Senate Report accompanying
the proposed Civil Rights Act of 1990, the precursor to the
1991 Act, explained:
“Where, as was alleged in Lorance, an employer adopts
a rule or decision with an unlawful discriminatory mo-
tive, each application of that rule or decision is a new
violation of the law. In Bazemo re ..., for example,...
the Supreme Court properly held that each application
of th[e] racially motivated salary structure, i. e., each
new paycheck, constituted a distinct violation of Title
VII. Section 7(a)(2) generalizes the result correctly
reached in Bazemore. Civil Rights Act of 1990,
S. Rep. No. 101–315, p. 54 (1990).
See also 137 Cong. Rec. 29046, 29047 (1991) (Sponsors’ In-
terpretative Memorandum) (“This legislation should be
interpreted as disapproving the extension of [Lorance] to
contexts outside of seniority systems.”). But cf. ante, at 637
(relying on Lorance to conclude that “when an employer is-
sues paychecks pursuant to a system that is facially nondis-
criminatory and neutrally applied” a new Title VII violation
does not occur (internal quotation marks omitted)).
Until today, in the more than 15 years since Congress
amended Title VII, the Court had not once relied upon
No Senate Report was submitted with the Civil Rights Act of 1991,
which was in all material respects identical to the proposed 1990 Act.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
655 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
Forsyth v. Federation Employment and Guidance Serv., 409
F. 3d 565, 573 (CA2 2005) (“Any paycheck given within the
[charge-filing] period... would be actionable, even if based
on a discriminatory pay scale set up outside of the statutory
period.”); Shea v. Rice, 409 F. 3d 448, 452453 (CADC 2005)
(“[An] employer commit[s] a separate unlawful employment
practice each time he pa[ys] one employee less than another
for a discriminatory reason” (citing Bazemore, 478 U. S., at
396)); Goodwin, 275 F. 3d, at 1009–1010 (“[Bazemore] has
taught a crucial distinction with respect to discriminatory
disparities in pay, establishing that a discriminatory salary
is not merely a lingering effect of past discrimination—in-
stead it is itself a continually recurring violation....[E]ach
race-based discriminatory salary payment constitutes a fresh
violation of Title VII.(footnote omitted)); Anderson v. Zu-
bieta, 180 F. 3d 329, 335 (CADC 1999) (“The Courts of
Appeals have repeatedly reached the... conclusion” that
pay discrimination is “actionable upon receipt of each pay-
check.”); accord Hildebrandt v. Illinois De pt. of Natural Re-
sources, 347 F. 3d 1014, 1025–1029 (CA7 2003); Cardenas v.
Massey, 269 F. 3d 251, 257 (CA3 2001); Ashley v. Boyle’s
Famous Corned Beef Co., 66 F. 3d 164, 167–168 (CA8 1995)
(en banc); Brinkley-Obu v. Hughes Training, Inc., 36 F. 3d
336, 347349 (CA4 1994); Gibbs v. Pierce Cty. Law Enforce-
ment Support Agcy., 785 F. 2d 1396, 1399–1400 (CA9 1986).
Similarly in line with the real-world characteristics of pay
discrimination, the EEOC—the federal agency responsible
for enforcing Title VII, see, e. g., 42 U. S. C. §§ 2000e5(f),
2000e–12(a)—has interpreted the Act to permit employees
to challenge disparate pay each time it is received. The
EEOC’s Compliance Manual provides that [r]epeated occur-
rences of the same discriminatory employment action, such
as discriminatory paychecks, can be challenged as long as
one discriminatory act occurred within the charge filing
period. 2 EEOC Compliance Manual § 2–IV–C(1)(a),
p. 605:0024, and n. 183 (2006); cf. id., § 10–III, p. 633:0002
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007) 657
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
The Court asserts that treating pay discrimination as a
discrete act, limited to each particular pay-setting decision,
is necessary to “protec[t] employers from the burden of de-
fending claims arising from employment decisions that are
long past. Ante, at 630 (quoting Ricks, 449 U. S., at 256
257). But the discrimination of which Ledbetter complained
is not long past. As she alleged, and as the jury found,
Goodyear continued to treat Ledbetter differently because
of sex each pay period, with mounting harm. Allowing em-
ployees to challenge discrimination that extend[s] over long
periods of time,into the charge-filing period, we have pre-
viously explained, “does not leave employers defenseless”
against unreasonable or prejudicial delay. Morgan, 536
U. S., at 121. Employers disadvantaged by such delay may
raise various defenses. Id., at 122. Doctrines such as
“waiver, estoppel, and equitable tollingallow us to honor
Title VII’s remedial purpose without negating the particular
purpose of the filing requirement, to give prompt notice to
the employer. Id., at 121 (quoting Zipes v. Trans World
Airlines, Inc., 455 U. S. 385, 398 (1982)); see 536 U. S., at 121
(defense of laches may be invoked to block an employee’s suit
if he unreasonably delays in filing [charges] and as a result
harms the defendant”); EEOC Brief 15 (“[I]f Ledbetter un-
reasonably delayed challenging an earlier decision, and that
delay significantly impaired Goodyears ability to defend it-
self... Goodyear can raise a defense of laches.... ).
In a last-ditch argument, the Court asserts that this dis-
sent would allow a plaintiff to sue on a single decision made
Further, as the EEOC appropriately recognized in its brief to the Elev-
enth Circuit, Ledbetters failure to challenge particular pay raises within
the charge-filing period “significantly limit[s] the relief she can seek. By
waiting to le a charge, Ledbetter lost her opportunity to seek relief for
any discriminatory paychecks she received between 1979 and late 1997.
EEOC Brief 14. See also supra, at 654656.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007) 659
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
Furthermore, the difference between the EPAs prohibi-
tion against paying unequal wages and Title VII’s ban on
discrimination with regard to compensation is not as large
as the Court’s opinion might suggest. See ante, at 640.
The key distinction is that Title VII requires a showing of
intent. In practical effect, if the trier of fact is in equipoise
about whether the wage differential is motivated by gender
discrimination, Title VII compels a verdict for the em-
ployer, while the EPA compels a verdict for the plaintiff. 2
C. Sullivan, M. Zimmer, & R. White, Employment Discrimi-
nation: Law and Practice § 7.08[F][3], p. 532 (3d ed. 2002).
In this case, Ledbetter carried the burden of persuading the
jury that the pay disparity she suffered was attributable to
intentional sex discrimination. See supra, at 643644; infra
this page and 660.
To show how far the Court has strayed from interpretation
of Title VII with fidelity to the Act’s core purpose, I return
to the evidence Ledbetter presented at trial. Ledbetter
proved to the jury the following: She was a member of a
protected class; she performed work substantially equal to
work of the dominant class (men); she was compensated less
for that work; and the disparity was attributable to gender-
based discrimination. See supra, at 643644.
Specifically, Ledbetters evidence demonstrated that her
current pay was discriminatorily low due to a long series
of decisions reflecting Goodyears pervasive discrimination
against women managers in general and Ledbetter in partic-
ular. Ledbetters former supervisor, for example, admitted
to the jury that Ledbetters pay, during a particular one-year
period, fell below Goodyears minimum threshold for her po-
sition. App. 9397. Although Goodyear claimed the pay
disparity was due to poor performance, the supervisor ac-
knowledged that Ledbetter received a Top Performance
Award” in 1996. Id., at 9093. The jury also heard testi-
mony that another supervisor—who evaluated Ledbetter in
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
661 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
tices and devices . . . .(internal quotation marks omitted));
Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 422 U. S. 405, 418 (1975)
(“It is...the purpose of Title VII to make persons whole
for injuries suffered on account of unlawful employment
This is not the first time the Court has ordered a cramped
interpretation of Title VII, incompatible with the statute’s
broad remedial purpose. See supra, at 652654. See also
Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio, 490 U. S. 642 (1989) (su-
perseded in part by the Civil Rights Act of 1991); Price
Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 490 U. S. 228 (1989) (plurality opin-
ion) (same); 1 B. Lindemann & P. Grossman, Employment
Discrimination Law 2 (3d ed. 1996) (“A spate of Court deci-
sions in the late 1980s drew congressional fire and resulted
in demands for legislative change[,]culminating in the 1991
Civil Rights Act (footnote omitted)). Once again, the ball is
in Congress’ court. As in 1991, the Legislature may act to
correct this Court’s parsimonious reading of Title VII.
* * *
For the reasons stated, I would hold that Ledbetters claim
is not time barred and would reverse the Eleventh Circuit’s
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
641 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Opinion of the Court
Ledbetters appeal to the Fair Labor Standards Act of
1938 (FLSA) is equally unavailing. Stating that it is “well
established that the statute of limitations for violations of
the minimum wage and overtime provisions of the [FLSA]
runs anew with each paycheck,Brief for Petitioner 35, Led-
better urges that the same should be true in a Title VII pay
case. Again, however, Ledbetters argument overlooks the
fact that an FLSA minimum wage or overtime claim does
not require proof of a specific intent to discriminate. See 29
U. S. C. § 207 (establishing overtime rules); cf. § 255(a) (estab-
lishing 2-year statute of limitations for FLSA claims, except
for claims of a “willful violation,which may be commenced
within 3 years).
Ledbetter is on firmer ground in suggesting that we look
to cases arising under the National Labor Relations Act
(NLRA) since the NLRA provided a model for Title VII’s
remedial provisions and, like Title VII, requires the filing
of a timely administrative charge (with the National Labor
Relations Board) before suit may be maintained. Lorance,
490 U. S., at 909; Ford Motor Co. v. EEOC, 458 U. S. 219, 226,
n. 8 (1982). Cf. 29 U. S. C. § 160(b) (“[N]o complaint shall
issue based upon any unfair labor practice occurring more
than six months prior to the filing of the charge with the
Ledbetter argues that the NLRAs 6-month statute of lim-
itations begins anew for each paycheck reflecting a prior vio-
lation of the statute, but our precedents suggest otherwise.
In Machinists v. NLRB, 362 U. S. 411, 416417 (1960), we
istrate Judge’s Report and Recommendation, 1 Record in No. 03–15264–G
(CA11), Doc. 32. The District Court sustained this objection as to the
“disparate pay” claim, but without specifically mentioning the EPA claim,
which had been dismissed by the Magistrate Judge on the same basis.
See App. to Pet. for Cert. 43a44a. While the record is not entirely clear,
it appears that at this point Ledbetter elected to abandon her EPA claim,
proceeding to trial with only the Title VII disparate-pay claim, thus giving
rise to the dispute the Court must now resolve.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Opinion of the Court
held that “where conduct occurring within the limitations
period can be charged to be an unfair labor practice only
through reliance on an earlier unfair labor practice[,] the use
of the earlier unfair labor practice [merely] serves to cloak
with illegality that which was otherwise lawful. This in-
terpretation corresponds closely to our analysis in Evans
and Ricks and supports our holding in the present case.
Ledbetter, nally, makes a variety of policy arguments in
favor of giving the alleged victims of pay discrimination
more time before they are required to le a charge with the
EEOC. Among other things, she claims that pay discrimi-
nation is harder to detect than other forms of employment
We are not in a position to evaluate Ledbetters policy ar-
guments, and it is not our prerogative to change the way in
which Title VII balances the interests of aggrieved employ-
ees against the interest in encouraging the “prompt process-
ing of all charges of employment discrimination, Mohasco,
447 U. S., at 825, and the interest in repose.
Ledbetters policy arguments for giving special treatment
to pay claims find no support in the statute and are inconsist-
ent with our precedents.
We apply the statute as written,
We have previously declined to address whether Title VII suits are
amenable to a discovery rule. National Railroad Passenger Corporation
v. Morgan, 536 U. S. 101, 114, n. 7 (2002). Because Ledbetter does not
argue that such a rule would change the outcome in her case, we have no
occasion to address this issue.
Ledbetter argues that the EEOC’s endorsement of her approach in its
Compliance Manual and in administrative adjudications merits deference.
But we have previously declined to extend Chevron U. S. A. Inc. v. Natu-
ral Resources Defense Council, Inc., 467 U. S. 837 (1984), deference to
the Compliance Manual, Morgan, sup ra, at 111, n. 6, and similarly decline
to defer to the EEOC’s adjudicatory positions. The EEOC’s views in
question are based on its misreading of Bazemore. See, e. g., Amft
v. Mineta, No. 07A40116, 2006 WL 985183, *5 (EEOC Office of Fed.
Operations, Apr. 6, 2006); Albritton v. Po tter, No. 01A44063, 2004 WL
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
643 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
and this means that any unlawful employment practice, in-
cluding those involving compensation, must be presented to
the EEOC within the period prescribed by statute.
* * *
For these reasons, the judgment of the Court of Appeals
for the Eleventh Circuit is affirmed.
It is so ordered.
Justice Ginsburg, with whom Justice Stevens, Jus-
tice Souter, and Justice Breyer join, dissenting.
Lilly Ledbetter was a supervisor at Goodyear Tire &
Rubbers plant in Gadsden, Alabama, from 1979 until her re-
tirement in 1998. For most of those years, she worked as an
area manager, a position largely occupied by men. Initially,
Ledbetters salary was in line with the salaries of men per-
forming substantially similar work. Over time, however,
her pay slipped in comparison to the pay of male area manag-
ers with equal or less seniority. By the end of 1997, Ledbet-
ter was the only woman working as an area manager and the
pay discrepancy between Ledbetter and her 15 male counter-
parts was stark: Ledbetter was paid $3,727 per month; the
lowest paid male area manager received $4,286 per month,
the highest paid, $5,236. See 421 F. 3d 1169, 1174 (CA11
2005); Brief for Petitioner 4.
Ledbetter launched charges of discrimination before the
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) in
March 1998. Her formal administrative complaint specified
that, in violation of Title VII, Goodyear paid her a discrimi-
2983682, *2 (EEOC Office of Fed. Operations, Dec. 17, 2004). Agencies
have no special claim to deference in their interpretation of our decisions.
Reno v. Bossier Parish School Bd., 528 U. S. 320, 336, n. 5 (2000). Nor do
we see reasonable ambiguity in the statute itself, which makes no distinc-
tion between compensation and other sorts of claims and which clearly
requires that discrete employment actions alleged to be unlawful be moti-
vated “because of such individual’s . . . sex. 42 U. S. C. § 2000e–2(a)(1).
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
natorily low salary because of her sex. See 42 U. S. C.
§ 2000e2(a)(1) (rendering it unlawful for an employer to
discriminate against any individual with respect to [her]
compensation . . . because of such individual’s . . . sex”).
That charge was eventually tried to a jury, which found it
“more likely than not that [Goodyear] paid [Ledbetter] a[n]
unequal salary because of her sex. App. 102. In accord
with the jury’s liability determination, the District Court en-
tered judgment for Ledbetter for backpay and damages, plus
counsel fees and costs.
The Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit reversed.
Relying on Goodyears system of annual merit-based raises,
the court held that Ledbetters claim, in relevant part, was
time barred. 421 F. 3d, at 1171, 1182–1183. Title VII pro-
vides that a charge of discrimination “shall be filed within
[180] days after the alleged unlawful employment practice
occurred. 42 U. S. C. § 2000e5(e)(1).
Ledbetter charged,
and proved at trial, that within the 180-day period, her pay
was substantially less than the pay of men doing the same
work. Further, she introduced evidence sufficient to estab-
lish that discrimination against female managers at the
Gadsden plant, not performance inadequacies on her part,
accounted for the pay differential. See, e. g., App. 3647, 51–
68, 8287, 90–98, 112–113. That evidence was unavailing,
the Eleventh Circuit held, and the Court today agrees, be-
cause it was incumbent on Ledbetter to file charges year
by year, each time Goodyear failed to increase her salary
commensurate with the salaries of male peers. Any annual
pay decision not contested immediately (within 180 days), the
Court affirms, becomes grandfathered, a fait accompli be-
yond the province of Title VII ever to repair.
If the complainant has first instituted proceedings with a state or local
agency, the ling period is extended to 300 days or 30 days after the denial
of relief by the agency. 42 U. S. C. § 2000e–5(e)(1). Because the 180-day
period applies to Ledbetters case, that figure will be used throughout.
See ante, at 622, 624.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
645 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
The Court’s insistence on immediate contest overlooks
common characteristics of pay discrimination. Pay dispari-
ties often occur, as they did in Ledbetters case, in small
increments; cause to suspect that discrimination is at work
develops only over time. Comparative pay information,
moreover, is often hidden from the employee’s view. Em-
ployers may keep under wraps the pay differentials main-
tained among supervisors, no less the reasons for those dif-
ferentials. Small initial discrepancies may not be seen as
meet for a federal case, particularly when the employee, try-
ing to succeed in a nontraditional environment, is averse to
making waves.
Pay disparities are thus significantly different from ad-
verse actions “such as termination, failure to promote,...or
refusal to hire,” all involving fully communicated discrete
acts, “easy to identify” as discriminatory. See Na tional
Railroad Passenger Corporation v. Morgan, 536 U. S. 101,
114 (2002). It is only when the disparity becomes apparent
and sizable, e. g., through future raises calculated as a per-
centage of current salaries, that an employee in Ledbetters
situation is likely to comprehend her plight and, therefore,
to complain. Her initial readiness to give her employer the
benefit of the doubt should not preclude her from later chal-
lenging the then current and continuing payment of a wage
depressed on account of her sex.
On questions of time under Title VII, we have identified
as the critical inquiries: “What constitutes an ‘unlawful em-
ployment practice’ and when has that practice ‘occurred’?”
Id., at 110. Our precedent suggests, and lower courts have
overwhelmingly held, that the unlawful practice is the cur-
rent payment of salaries infected by gender-based (or race-
based) discrimination—a practice that occurs whenever a
paycheck delivers less to a woman than to a similarly situ-
ated man. See Bazemore v. Friday, 478 U. S. 385, 395 (1986)
(Brennan, J., joined by all other Members of the Court, con-
curring in part).
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
Title VII proscribes as an “unlawful employment practice”
discrimination “against any individual with respect to his
compensation . . . because of such individual’s race, color, reli-
gion, sex, or national origin. 42 U. S. C. § 2000e2(a)(1).
An individual seeking to challenge an employment prac-
tice under this proscription must file a charge with the
EEOC within 180 days “after the alleged unlawful employ-
ment practice occurred. § 2000e5(e)(1). See ante, at 624;
supra, at 644, n. 1.
Ledbetters petition presents a question important to the
sound application of Title VII: What activity qualifies as an
unlawful employment practice in cases of discrimination with
respect to compensation. One answer identifies the pay-
setting decision, and that decision alone, as the unlawful
practice. Under this view, each particular salary-setting de-
cision is discrete from prior and subsequent decisions, and
must be challenged within 180 days on pain of forfeiture.
Another response counts both the pay-setting decision and
the actual payment of a discriminatory wage as unlawful
practices. Under this approach, each payment of a wage or
salary infected by sex-based discrimination constitutes an
unlawful employment practice; prior decisions, outside the
180-day charge-filing period, are not themselves actionable,
but they are relevant in determining the lawfulness of con-
duct within the period. The Court adopts the first view, see
ante, at 621, 624, 628629, but the second is more faithful to
precedent, more in tune with the realities of the workplace,
and more respectful of Title VII’s remedial purpose.
In Bazemore, we unanimously held that an employer, the
North Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, committed
an unlawful employment practice each time it paid black em-
ployees less than similarly situated white employees. 478
U. S., at 395 (opinion of Brennan, J.). Before 1965, the Ex-
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
647 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
tension Service was divided into two branches: a white
branch and a “Negro branch. Id., at 390. Employees in
the “Negro branch” were paid less than their white counter-
parts. In response to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which
included Title VII, the State merged the two branches into
a single organization, made adjustments to reduce the salary
disparity, and began giving annual raises based on nondis-
criminatory factors. Id., at 390391, 394395. Nonethe-
less, “some pre-existing salary disparities continued to linger
on. Id., at 394 (internal quotation marks omitted). We re-
jected the Court of Appeals’ conclusion that the plaintiffs
could not prevail because the lingering disparities were sim-
ply a continuing effect of a decision lawfully made prior to
the effective date of Title VII. See id., at 395396. Rather,
we reasoned, “[e]ach weeks paycheck that delivers less to a
black than to a similarly situated white is a wrong actionable
under Title VII. Id., at 395. Paychecks perpetuating past
discrimination, we thus recognized, are actionable not simply
because they are “related” to a decision made outside the
charge-filing period, cf. ante, at 636, but because they dis-
criminate anew each time they issue, see Bazemore, 478
U. S., at 395396, and n. 6; Mo rgan, 536 U. S., at 111–112.
Subsequently, in Morgan, we set apart, for purposes of
Title VII’s timely filing requirement, unlawful employment
actions of two kinds: “discrete acts” that are “easy to iden-
tify” as discriminatory, and acts that recur and are cumula-
tive in impact. See id., at 110, 113–115. [A] [d]iscrete ac[t]
such as termination, failure to promote, denial of transfer,
or refusal to hire, id., at 114, we explained, ‘occur[s] on
the day that it ‘happen[s]. A party, therefore, must file
a charge within . . . 180 . . . days of the date of the act or
lose the ability to recover for it. Id., at 110; see id., at
113 (“[D]iscrete discriminatory acts are not actionable if time
barred, even when they are related to acts alleged in timely
filed charges. Each discrete discriminatory act starts a new
clock for filing charges alleging that act.”).
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
[D]ifferent in kind from discrete acts, we made clear,
are “claims . . . based on the cumulative effect of individual
acts. Id., at 115. The Morgan decision placed hostile
work environment claims in that category. Their very na-
ture involves repeated conduct. Ibid. The unlawful em-
ployment practice” in hostile work environment claims “can-
not be said to occur on any particular day. It occurs over a
series of days or perhaps years and, in direct contrast to
discrete acts, a single act of harassment may not be action-
able on its own. Ibid. (internal quotation marks omitted).
The persistence of the discriminatory conduct both indi-
cates that management should have known of its existence
and produces a cognizable harm. Ibid. Because the very
nature of the hostile work environment claim involves re-
peated conduct,
[i]t does not matter, for purposes of the statute, that
some of the component acts of the hostile work environ-
ment fall outside the statutory time period. Provided
that an act contributing to the claim occurs within the
filing period, the entire time period of the hostile envi-
ronment may be considered by a court for the purposes
of determining liability. Id., at 117.
Consequently, although the unlawful conduct began in the
past, “a charge may be filed at a later date and still encom-
pass the whole. Ibi d.
Pay disparities, of the kind Ledbetter experienced, have a
closer kinship to hostile work environment claims than to
charges of a single episode of discrimination. Ledbetters
claim, resembling Morgan’s, rested not on one particular pay-
check, but on “the cumulative effect of individual acts. See
id., at 115. See also Brief for Petitioner 13, 15–17, and n. 9
(analogizing Ledbetters claim to the recurring and cu-
mulative harm at issue in Morgan); Reply Brief for Pe-
titioner 13 (distinguishing pay discrimination from “easy to
identify” discrete acts (internal quotation marks omitted)).
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
649 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
She charged insidious discrimination building up slowly
but steadily. See Brief for Petitioner 58. Initially in line
with the salaries of men performing substantially the same
work, Ledbetters salary fell 15 to 40 percent behind her
male counterparts only after successive evaluations and
percentage-based pay adjustments. See supra, at 643644.
Over time, she alleged and proved, the repetition of pay deci-
sions undervaluing her work gave rise to the current dis-
crimination of which she complained. Though component
acts fell outside the charge-filing period, with each new pay-
check, Goodyear contributed incrementally to the accumulat-
ing harm. See Morgan, 536 U. S., at 117; Bazemore, 478
U. S., at 395396; cf. Hanover Shoe, Inc. v. United Shoe
Machinery Corp., 392 U. S. 481, 502, n. 15 (1968).
The realities of the workplace reveal why the discrimina-
tion with respect to compensation that Ledbetter suffered
does not fit within the category of singular discrete acts
“easy to identify. A worker knows immediately if she is
denied a promotion or transfer, if she is fired or refused em-
ployment. And promotions, transfers, hirings, and firings
are generally public events, known to co-workers. When an
employer makes a decision of such open and definitive char-
acter, an employee can immediately seek out an explanation
and evaluate it for pretext. Compensation disparities, in
contrast, are often hidden from sight. It is not unusual, de-
cisions in point illustrate, for management to decline to pub-
National Railroad Passenger Corporation v. Morgan, 536 U. S. 101,
117 (2002), the Court emphasizes, required that “an act contributing to the
claim occu[r] within the [charge-]filing period. Ante, at 638, and n. 7
(emphasis deleted; internal quotation marks omitted). Here, each pay-
check within the ling period compounded the discrimination Ledbetter
encountered, and thus contributed to the “actionable wrong,i. e., the suc-
cession of acts composing the pattern of discriminatory pay, of which she
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
lish employee pay levels, or for employees to keep private
their own salaries. See, e. g., Goodwin v. General Motors
Corp., 275 F. 3d 1005, 1008–1009 (CA10 2002) (plaintiff did
not know what her colleagues earned until a printout listing
of salaries appeared on her desk, seven years after her start-
ing salary was set lower than her co-workers’ salaries);
McMillan v. Massachusetts Soc. for Prevention of Cruelty
to Animals, 140 F. 3d 288, 296 (CA1 1998) (plaintiff worked
for employer for years before learning of salary disparity
published in a newspaper).
Tellingly, as the record in this
case bears out, Goodyear kept salaries confidential; employ-
ees had only limited access to information regarding their
colleagues’ earnings. App. 5657, 89.
The problem of concealed pay discrimination is particu-
larly acute where the disparity arises not because the female
employee is flatly denied a raise but because male coun-
terparts are given larger raises. Having received a pay
increase, the female employee is unlikely to discern at once
that she has experienced an adverse employment decision.
She may have little reason even to suspect discrimination
until a pattern develops incrementally and she ultimately be-
comes aware of the disparity. Even if an employee suspects
that the reason for a comparatively low raise is not perform-
ance but sex (or another protected ground), the amount
involved may seem too small, or the employers intent too
ambiguous, to make the issue immediately actionable—or
Further separating pay claims from the discrete employ-
ment actions identified in Morgan, an employer gains from
sex-based pay disparities in a way it does not from a discrim-
inatory denial of promotion, hiring, or transfer. When a
See also Bierman & Gely, “Love, Sex and Politics? Sure. Salary? No
Way”: Workplace Social Norms and the Law, 25 Berkeley J. Emp. & Lab.
L. 167, 168, 171 (2004) (one-third of private sector employers have adopted
specific rules prohibiting employees from discussing their wages with
co-workers; only one in ten employers has adopted a pay openness policy).
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007) 651
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
male employee is selected over a female for a higher level
position, someone still gets the promotion and is paid a
higher salary; the employer is not enriched. But when a
woman is paid less than a similarly situated man, the em-
ployer reduces its costs each time the pay differential is
implemented. Furthermore, decisions on promotions, like
decisions installing seniority systems, often implicate the
interests of third-party employees in a way that pay differ-
entials do not. Cf. Teamsters v. United States, 431 U. S. 324,
352353 (1977) (recognizing that seniority systems involve
“vested...rights of employees” and concluding that Title
VII was not intended to “destroy or water down” those
rights). Disparate pay, by contrast, can be remedied at any
time solely at the expense of the employer who acts in a
discriminatory fashion.
In light of the significant differences between pay dispari-
ties and discrete employment decisions of the type identified
in Morgan, the cases on which the Court relies hold no sway.
See ante, at 625–629 (discussing United Air Lines, Inc. v.
Evans, 431 U. S. 553 (1977), Delaware State College v. Ricks,
449 U. S. 250 (1980), and Lorance v. AT&T Technologies, Inc.,
490 U. S. 900 (1989)). Evans and Ricks both involved a sin-
gle, immediately identifiable act of discrimination: in Evans,
a constructive discharge, 431 U. S., at 554; in Ricks, a denial
of tenure, 449 U. S., at 252. In each case, the employee led
charges well after the discrete discriminatory act occurred:
When United Airlines forced Evans to resign because of its
policy barring married female ight attendants, she led no
charge; only four years later, when Evans was rehired, did
she allege that the airline’s former no-marriage rule was un-
lawful and therefore should not operate to deny her seniority
credit for her prior service. See Evans, 431 U. S., at 554
557. Similarly, when Delaware State College denied Ricks
tenure, he did not object until his terminal contract came to
an end, one year later. Ricks, 449 U. S., at 253254, 257258.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
No repetitive, cumulative discriminatory employment prac-
tice was at issue in either case. See Evans, 431 U. S., at
557558; Ricks, 449 U. S., at 258.
Lorance is also inapposite, for, in this Court’s view, it too
involved a one-time discrete act: the adoption of a new se-
niority system that had its genesis in sex discrimination.
See 490 U. S., at 902, 905 (internal quotation marks omitted).
The Court’s extensive reliance on Lorance, ante, at 626629,
633, 636637, moreover, is perplexing for that decision is no
longer effective: In the 1991 Civil Rights Act, Congress su-
perseded Lorances holding. § 112, 105 Stat. 1079 (codified
as amended at 42 U. S. C. § 2000e–5(e)(2)). Repudiating our
judgment that a facially neutral seniority system adopted
with discriminatory intent must be challenged immediately,
Congress provided:
“For purposes of this section, an unlawful employment
practice occurs . . . when the seniority system is adopted,
when an individual becomes subject to the seniority
system, or when a person aggrieved is injured by the
application of the seniority system or provision of the
system. Ibid.
Congress thus agreed with the dissenters in Lorance that
the harsh reality of [that] decision” was “glaringly at odds
with the purposes of Title VII. 490 U. S., at 914 (opinion
The Court also relies on Machinists v. NLRB, 362 U. S. 411 (1960),
which like Evans and Ricks, concerned a discrete act: the execution of a
collective-bargaining agreement containing a union security clause. 362
U. S., at 412, 417. In Machinists, it was undisputed that under the Na-
tional Labor Relations Act (NLRA), a union and an employer may not
agree to a union security clause if at the time of original execution the
union does not represent a majority of the employees in the [bargaining]
unit. Id., at 412414, 417. The complainants, however, failed to le a
charge within the NLRAs six-month charge-filing period; instead, they
filed charges 10 and 12 months after the execution of the agreement, ob-
jecting to its subsequent enforcement. See id., at 412, 414. Thus, as in
Evans and Ricks, but in contrast to Ledbetters case, the employment
decision at issue was easily identifiable and occurred on a single day.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
653 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
of Marshall, J.). See also § 3, 105 Stat. 1071 (1991 Civil
Rights Act was designed to respond to recent decisions of
the Supreme Court by expanding the scope of relevant civil
rights statutes in order to provide adequate protection to
victims of discrimination”).
True, § 112 of the 1991 Civil Rights Act directly addressed
only seniority systems. See ante, at 627, and n. 2. But
Congress made clear (1) its view that this Court had unduly
contracted the scope of protection afforded by Title VII and
other civil rights statutes, and (2) its aim to generalize the
ruling in Bazemore. As the Senate Report accompanying
the proposed Civil Rights Act of 1990, the precursor to the
1991 Act, explained:
“Where, as was alleged in Lorance, an employer adopts
a rule or decision with an unlawful discriminatory mo-
tive, each application of that rule or decision is a new
violation of the law. In Bazemo re ..., for example,...
the Supreme Court properly held that each application
of th[e] racially motivated salary structure, i. e., each
new paycheck, constituted a distinct violation of Title
VII. Section 7(a)(2) generalizes the result correctly
reached in Bazemore. Civil Rights Act of 1990,
S. Rep. No. 101–315, p. 54 (1990).
See also 137 Cong. Rec. 29046, 29047 (1991) (Sponsors’ In-
terpretative Memorandum) (“This legislation should be
interpreted as disapproving the extension of [Lorance] to
contexts outside of seniority systems.”). But cf. ante, at 637
(relying on Lorance to conclude that “when an employer is-
sues paychecks pursuant to a system that is facially nondis-
criminatory and neutrally applied” a new Title VII violation
does not occur (internal quotation marks omitted)).
Until today, in the more than 15 years since Congress
amended Title VII, the Court had not once relied upon
No Senate Report was submitted with the Civil Rights Act of 1991,
which was in all material respects identical to the proposed 1990 Act.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
Lorance. It is mistaken to do so now. Just as Congress’
“goals in enacting Title VII . . . never included conferring
absolute immunity on discriminatorily adopted seniority sys-
tems that survive their first [180] days, 490 U. S., at 914
(Marshall, J., dissenting), Congress never intended to immu-
nize forever discriminatory pay differentials unchallenged
within 180 days of their adoption. This assessment gains
weight when one comprehends that even a relatively minor
pay disparity will expand exponentially over an employee’s
working life if raises are set as a percentage of prior pay.
A clue to congressional intent can be found in Title VII’s
backpay provision. The statute expressly provides that
backpay may be awarded for a period of up to two years
before the discrimination charge is filed. 42 U. S. C.
§ 2000e5(g)(1) (“Back pay liability shall not accrue from a
date more than two years prior to the filing of a charge with
the Commission.”). This prescription indicates that Con-
gress contemplated challenges to pay discrimination com-
mencing before, but continuing into, the 180-day filing pe-
riod. See Morgan, 536 U. S., at 119 (“If Congress intended
to limit liability to conduct occurring in the period within
which the party must file the charge, it seems unlikely that
Congress would have allowed recovery for two years of back-
pay.”). As we recognized in Morgan, the fact that Con-
gress expressly limited the amount of recoverable damages
elsewhere to a particular time period [i. e., two years] indi-
cates that the [180-day] timely filing provision was not meant
to serve as a specific limitation . . . [on] the conduct that may
be considered. Ibi d.
In tune with the realities of wage discrimination, the
Courts of Appeals have overwhelmingly judged as a present
violation the payment of wages infected by discrimination:
Each paycheck less than the amount payable had the em-
ployer adhered to a nondiscriminatory compensation regime,
courts have held, constitutes a cognizable harm. See, e. g.,
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
655 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
Forsyth v. Federation Employment and Guidance Serv., 409
F. 3d 565, 573 (CA2 2005) (“Any paycheck given within the
[charge-filing] period... would be actionable, even if based
on a discriminatory pay scale set up outside of the statutory
period.”); Shea v. Rice, 409 F. 3d 448, 452453 (CADC 2005)
(“[An] employer commit[s] a separate unlawful employment
practice each time he pa[ys] one employee less than another
for a discriminatory reason” (citing Bazemore, 478 U. S., at
396)); Goodwin, 275 F. 3d, at 1009–1010 (“[Bazemore] has
taught a crucial distinction with respect to discriminatory
disparities in pay, establishing that a discriminatory salary
is not merely a lingering effect of past discrimination—in-
stead it is itself a continually recurring violation....[E]ach
race-based discriminatory salary payment constitutes a fresh
violation of Title VII.(footnote omitted)); Anderson v. Zu-
bieta, 180 F. 3d 329, 335 (CADC 1999) (“The Courts of
Appeals have repeatedly reached the... conclusion” that
pay discrimination is “actionable upon receipt of each pay-
check.”); accord Hildebrandt v. Illinois De pt. of Natural Re-
sources, 347 F. 3d 1014, 1025–1029 (CA7 2003); Cardenas v.
Massey, 269 F. 3d 251, 257 (CA3 2001); Ashley v. Boyle’s
Famous Corned Beef Co., 66 F. 3d 164, 167–168 (CA8 1995)
(en banc); Brinkley-Obu v. Hughes Training, Inc., 36 F. 3d
336, 347349 (CA4 1994); Gibbs v. Pierce Cty. Law Enforce-
ment Support Agcy., 785 F. 2d 1396, 1399–1400 (CA9 1986).
Similarly in line with the real-world characteristics of pay
discrimination, the EEOC—the federal agency responsible
for enforcing Title VII, see, e. g., 42 U. S. C. §§ 2000e5(f),
2000e–12(a)—has interpreted the Act to permit employees
to challenge disparate pay each time it is received. The
EEOC’s Compliance Manual provides that [r]epeated occur-
rences of the same discriminatory employment action, such
as discriminatory paychecks, can be challenged as long as
one discriminatory act occurred within the charge filing
period. 2 EEOC Compliance Manual § 2–IVC(1)(a),
p. 605:0024, and n. 183 (2006); cf. id., § 10–III, p. 633:0002
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
(Title VII requires an employer to eliminate pay disparities
attributable to a discriminatory system, even if that system
has been discontinued).
The EEOC has given effect to its interpretation in a se-
ries of administrative decisions. See Albritton v. Potter,
No. 01A44063, 2004 WL 2983682, *2 (EEOC Office of Fed.
Operations, Dec. 17, 2004) (although disparity arose and em-
ployee became aware of the disparity outside the charge-
filing period, claim was not time barred because [e]ach pay-
check that complainant receives which is less than that of
similarly situated employees outside of her protected classes
could support a claim under Title VII if discrimination is
found to be the reason for the pay discrepancy.(citing Baze-
more, 478 U. S., at 396)). See also Bynum-Doles v. Winter,
No. 01A53973, 2006 WL 2096290 (EEOC Office of Fed. Oper-
ations, July 18, 2006); Ward v. Potter, No. 01A60047, 2006
WL 721992 (EEOC Office of Fed. Operations, Mar. 10, 2006).
And in this very case, the EEOC urged the Eleventh Circuit
to recognize that Ledbetters failure to challenge any partic-
ular pay-setting decision when that decision was made “does
not deprive her of the right to seek relief for discriminatory
paychecks she received in 1997 and 1998. Brief of EEOC
in Support of Petition for Rehearing and Suggestion for Re-
hearing En Banc, in No. 03–15264–GG (CA11), p. 14 (herein-
after EEOC Brief) (citing Morgan, 536 U. S., at 113).
The Court dismisses the EEOC’s considerable “experience and in-
formed judgment,Fireghte rs v. Cleveland, 478 U. S. 501, 518 (1986)
(internal quotation marks omitted), as unworthy of any deference in this
case, see ante, at 642643, n. 11. But the EEOC’s interpretations mirror
workplace realities and merit at least respectful attention. In any event,
the level of deference due the EEOC here is an academic question, for the
agency’s conclusion that Ledbetters claim is not time barred is the best
reading of the statute even if the Court “were interpreting [Title VII]
from scratch. See Edelman v. Lynchburg College, 535 U. S. 106, 114
(2002); see supra, at 646655 and this page.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
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Ginsburg, J., dissenting
The Court asserts that treating pay discrimination as a
discrete act, limited to each particular pay-setting decision,
is necessary to “protec[t] employers from the burden of de-
fending claims arising from employment decisions that are
long past. Ante, at 630 (quoting Ricks, 449 U. S., at 256
257). But the discrimination of which Ledbetter complained
is not long past. As she alleged, and as the jury found,
Goodyear continued to treat Ledbetter differently because
of sex each pay period, with mounting harm. Allowing em-
ployees to challenge discrimination that extend[s] over long
periods of time,into the charge-filing period, we have pre-
viously explained, “does not leave employers defenseless”
against unreasonable or prejudicial delay. Morgan, 536
U. S., at 121. Employers disadvantaged by such delay may
raise various defenses. Id., at 122. Doctrines such as
“waiver, estoppel, and equitable tollingallow us to honor
Title VII’s remedial purpose without negating the particular
purpose of the filing requirement, to give prompt notice to
the employer. Id., at 121 (quoting Zipes v. Trans World
Airlines, Inc., 455 U. S. 385, 398 (1982)); see 536 U. S., at 121
(defense of laches may be invoked to block an employee’s suit
if he unreasonably delays in filing [charges] and as a result
harms the defendant”); EEOC Brief 15 (“[I]f Ledbetter un-
reasonably delayed challenging an earlier decision, and that
delay significantly impaired Goodyears ability to defend it-
self... Goodyear can raise a defense of laches.... ).
In a last-ditch argument, the Court asserts that this dis-
sent would allow a plaintiff to sue on a single decision made
Further, as the EEOC appropriately recognized in its brief to the Elev-
enth Circuit, Ledbetters failure to challenge particular pay raises within
the charge-filing period “significantly limit[s] the relief she can seek. By
waiting to le a charge, Ledbetter lost her opportunity to seek relief for
any discriminatory paychecks she received between 1979 and late 1997.
EEOC Brief 14. See also supra, at 654656.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
20 years ago “even if the employee had full knowledge of all
the circumstances relating to the . . . decision at the time it
was made. Ante, at 639. It suffices to point out that the
defenses just noted would make such a suit foolhardy. No
sensible judge would tolerate such inexcusable neglect. See
Morgan, 536 U. S., at 121 (“In such cases, the federal courts
have the discretionary power . . . to locate a just result in
light of the circumstances peculiar to the case. (internal
quotation marks omitted)).
Ledbetter, the Court observes, ante, at 640641, n. 9,
dropped an alternative remedy she could have pursued: Had
she persisted in pressing her claim under the Equal Pay Act
of 1963 (EPA), 29 U. S. C. § 206(d), she would not have en-
countered a time bar.
See ante, at 640 (“If Ledbetter had
pursued her EPA claim, she would not face the Title VII
obstacles that she now confronts.”); cf. Corning Glass Works
v. Brennan, 417 U. S. 188, 208210 (1974). Notably, the EPA
provides no relief when the pay discrimination charged is
based on race, religion, national origin, age, or disability.
Thus, in truncating the Title VII rule this Court announced
in Bazemore, the Court does not disarm female workers from
achieving redress for unequal pay, but it does impede racial
and other minorities from gaining similar relief.
Under the EPA, 29 U. S. C. § 206(d), which is subject to the Fair Labor
Standards Act’s time prescriptions, a claim charging denial of equal pay
accrues anew with each paycheck. 1 B. Lindemann & P. Grossman, Em-
ployment Discrimination Law 529 (3d ed. 1996); cf. 29 U. S. C. § 255(a) (pre-
scribing a two-year statute of limitations for violations generally, but a
three-year limitation period for willful violations).
For example, under today’s decision, if a black supervisor initially re-
ceived the same salary as his white colleagues, but annually received
smaller raises, there would be no right to sue under Title VII outside the
180-day window following each annual salary change, however strong the
cumulative evidence of discrimination might be. The Court would thus
force plaintiffs, in many cases, to sue too soon to prevail, while cutting
them off as time barred once the pay differential is large enough to enable
them to mount a winnable case.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
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Ginsburg, J., dissenting
Furthermore, the difference between the EPAs prohibi-
tion against paying unequal wages and Title VII’s ban on
discrimination with regard to compensation is not as large
as the Court’s opinion might suggest. See ante, at 640.
The key distinction is that Title VII requires a showing of
intent. In practical effect, if the trier of fact is in equipoise
about whether the wage differential is motivated by gender
discrimination, Title VII compels a verdict for the em-
ployer, while the EPA compels a verdict for the plaintiff. 2
C. Sullivan, M. Zimmer, & R. White, Employment Discrimi-
nation: Law and Practice § 7.08[F][3], p. 532 (3d ed. 2002).
In this case, Ledbetter carried the burden of persuading the
jury that the pay disparity she suffered was attributable to
intentional sex discrimination. See supra, at 643644; infra
this page and 660.
To show how far the Court has strayed from interpretation
of Title VII with fidelity to the Act’s core purpose, I return
to the evidence Ledbetter presented at trial. Ledbetter
proved to the jury the following: She was a member of a
protected class; she performed work substantially equal to
work of the dominant class (men); she was compensated less
for that work; and the disparity was attributable to gender-
based discrimination. See supra, at 643644.
Specifically, Ledbetters evidence demonstrated that her
current pay was discriminatorily low due to a long series
of decisions reflecting Goodyears pervasive discrimination
against women managers in general and Ledbetter in partic-
ular. Ledbetters former supervisor, for example, admitted
to the jury that Ledbetters pay, during a particular one-year
period, fell below Goodyears minimum threshold for her po-
sition. App. 9397. Although Goodyear claimed the pay
disparity was due to poor performance, the supervisor ac-
knowledged that Ledbetter received a Top Performance
Award” in 1996. Id., at 9093. The jury also heard testi-
mony that another supervisor—who evaluated Ledbetter in
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
1997 and whose evaluation led to her most recent raise de-
nial—was openly biased against women. Id., at 46, 7782.
And two women who had previously worked as managers at
the plant told the jury they had been subject to pervasive
discrimination and were paid less than their male counter-
parts. One was paid less than the men she supervised. Id.,
at 51–68. Ledbetter herself testified about the discrimina-
tory animus conveyed to her by plant officials. Toward the
end of her career, for instance, the plant manager told
Ledbetter that the “plant did not need women, that [women]
didn’t help it, [and] caused problems. Id., at 36.
weighing all the evidence, the jury found for Ledbetter,
concluding that the pay disparity was due to intentional
Yet, under the Court’s decision, the discrimination Ledbet-
ter proved is not redressable under Title VII. Each and
every pay decision she did not immediately challenge wiped
the slate clean. Consideration may not be given to the cu-
mulative effect of a series of decisions that, together, set her
pay well below that of every male area manager. Know-
ingly carrying past pay discrimination forward must be
treated as lawful conduct. Ledbetter may not be compen-
sated for the lower pay she was in fact receiving when she
complained to the EEOC. Nor, were she still employed by
Goodyear, could she gain, on the proof she presented at trial,
injunctive relief requiring, prospectively, her receipt of the
same compensation men receive for substantially similar
work. The Court’s approbation of these consequences is to-
tally at odds with the robust protection against workplace
discrimination Congress intended Title VII to secure. See,
e. g., Teamsters v. United States, 431 U. S., at 348 (“The pri-
mary purpose of Title VII was to assure equality of employ-
ment opportunities and to eliminate . . . discriminatory prac-
Given this abundant evidence, the Court cannot tenably maintain that
Ledbetters case turned principally on the misconduct of a single Good-
year supervisor. See ante, at 632, n. 4.
[07-28-10 15:56:02] PAGES PGT:
661 Cite as: 550 U. S. 618 (2007)
Ginsburg, J., dissenting
tices and devices . . . .(internal quotation marks omitted));
Albemarle Paper Co. v. Moody, 422 U. S. 405, 418 (1975)
(“It is...the purpose of Title VII to make persons whole
for injuries suffered on account of unlawful employment
This is not the first time the Court has ordered a cramped
interpretation of Title VII, incompatible with the statute’s
broad remedial purpose. See supra, at 652654. See also
Wards Cove Packing Co. v. Atonio, 490 U. S. 642 (1989) (su-
perseded in part by the Civil Rights Act of 1991); Price
Waterhouse v. Hopkins, 490 U. S. 228 (1989) (plurality opin-
ion) (same); 1 B. Lindemann & P. Grossman, Employment
Discrimination Law 2 (3d ed. 1996) (“A spate of Court deci-
sions in the late 1980s drew congressional fire and resulted
in demands for legislative change[,]culminating in the 1991
Civil Rights Act (footnote omitted)). Once again, the ball is
in Congress’ court. As in 1991, the Legislature may act to
correct this Court’s parsimonious reading of Title VII.
* * *
For the reasons stated, I would hold that Ledbetters claim
is not time barred and would reverse the Eleventh Circuit’s