Introduction to Cookie Booths………………………………………..Page 3
What is a Cookie Booth?
Why have a Cookie Booth?
How do we have a successful Cookie Booth?
COVID Guidance……………………………………………………Page 4
Important Dates………………………………………………………..Page 5
Smart Cookies……………………………………………………..…. Page 6
Smart Cookies—What is it?
Logging into Smart Cookies
Smart Cookies App
Social Media
Troop Cookie Link……………………………………………………..Page 7
Lottery and First Come First Serve……………………………….…Page 8
What is a Lottery Booth?
How to reserve a Lottery Booth
What is a First Come First Serve (FCFS) Booth?
How to reserve a First Come First Serve Booth
Troop Secured Booths………………………………………………...Page 9
What is a Troop Secured Booth?
How to enter a Troop Secured Booth
Canceling a Booth
Location Restrictions……………………………………………......…..Page 10-11
Booth Setup Checklist………………………………………………......Page 12
Booth Setup………………………………………………………………Page 13
Where do we set up?
What goes on the table?
What goes under the table?
Touch Free Ideas & QR Codes
Golden Ticket……………………………………………………………Page 14
Social Distancing………………………………………………………..Page 15
No Contact Deliveries…………………………………………………..Page 16
Drive Thru Booths……………………………………………………….Page 17-20
Lemonade Stands……………………………………………………….Page 21
Safety and Etiquette……………………………………………….........Page 22
Ratio and Attendance
Booth Safety
Smart Divider…………………………………………………………Page 23
FAQ and Who to Contact………………………………………………Page 24
Glossary……………………………………………………………….....Page 25
DIY Tabletop Shield…………………………………………………….Page 26
DIY Face Shield………………………………………………………Page 27
My Contacts……………………………………………………………..Page 28
Intro to Cookie Booths
What is a Cookie Booth?
A Cookie Booth is a place where Girl Scouts sets up a table at a business or other
approved public location to sell Girl Scout cookies. Only registered Girl Scouts are allowed
to sell Girl Scout Cookies. Any resale or redistribution of Girl Scout Cookies is unauthorized.
Why have a Cookie Booth?
Girls and troops can sell a lot of cookies in a short period of time because they dont
have to transport boxes to individual homes.
Girls and troops can reach customers that may have been overlooked or were
unreachable during door-to-door sales.
Four out of five people will purchase Girl Scout cookies if asked, but nearly 35% of
customers are never asked!
Girls who are unable to sell door-to-door can participate in cookie booth sales.
How do we have a successful Cookie Booth?
Select a location with a lot of foot traffic.Nights and weekends are generally the best
Take an adequate supply of the best sellers at least two or three cases each of Thin
Mints, Caramel deLites, Peanut Butter Patties, and Lemonades plus 1 to 2 cases each
of the other varieties.
Make an attractive table display to invite customer interest. Balloons and cookie
costumes are great.
Prepare a troop goal poster and display it at your booth. Customers love to help girls
reach their goals! Update the poster as boxes are sold.
Have a donation jar for Operation Cookie Drop with our custom designed label you can
download and print from our website.
Make safety a priority at all booths; girls should stay away from street traffic and be
dressed appropriately.
Who to Contact?
Girls & Parents: Contact your Troop Cookie Coordinator and/or Leader
Troops: Contact your Area Cookie Coordinator or your Area Booth Coordinator
Area Coordinators: Contact Regional Cookie Managers or Council Staff
General Questions regarding Girl Scouts NC Coastal Pines
1-800-284-4475 or help@nccoastalpines.org
COVID Guidelines
Booth Sanitaon and Cleanliness
Each booth table will need to have sanitizer accessible to troop and customers
Each booth table will need to have sanitization supplies to wipe down any touchpoints
between customers
If using a bin method, bins need to be sanitized between each customer
Pens should be sanitized frequently
Masks will need to be worn at all times at a booth
Girls and adults should use hand sanitizer between each customer
Girls and adults should not attend a booth if they are not comfortable being there or if
they themselves do not feel well
Troop members should practice social distancing with troop members while at a booth
Urge customers to use card transactions whenever possible
Addional Safety Measures
Troops may build or buy a plastic barrier or sneeze guard to use at a booth. Instructions
to build your own guard can be found at the end of this guide
Girls and adults may make or buy face shields. Instructions on how to make your own
face shield are at the end of this guide
All troops must adhere to each locations specific COVID-19 protocol should they have
specific requirements
GSNCCP In-Person Acvity Guidance
Girls and volunteers are not required to participate in any activity. It is the sole discretion of
each individual family and their comfort level with the planned activity.
Please continue to refer to the GSNCCP In-Person Activity Guidance often. This document
is updated frequently as local and state guidelines are continuously
changing. This document is located on the GSNCCP website at
Click the link or scan the QR code to access the Covid-19 information
page and the Activity Guidance document.
Important Dates
January 11 Troop Secured Cookie Booths can begin January 15, 2022 (no booths can be
hosted prior to this date). Troops are allowed to secure cookie booths on their
Troop Secured Booths and Council Secured Booths cannot be the same
location. No exceptions.
Smart Cookies Booth Scheduler Lottery Selection. Troops should visit Smart
Cookies January 18-21 and select up to 15 booths. The lottery will be held at
10am on January 21 with each troop receiving up to 3 booths (which may
include up to one Premium Booth) from their selection (troops have potential to
receive up to 3 booths; however, if all 15 selections are the most popular booth
opportunities, the troop has potential to receive less than 3 booths).
The lottery is a chance and never a guarantee. Troops may not be
rewarded their chosen booths in a lottery. If 3 Premium booths are
chosen, troops may not receive a booth.
Smart Cookies Booth Scheduler Lottery at 10am today. Troops will be notified
by email what cookie booths they have received.
The lottery is a chance and never a guarantee. Troops may not be
rewarded their chosen booths in a lottery. If 3 Premium booths are
chosen, troops may not receive a booth.
At 4pm on January 21 the Smart Cookies Booth Scheduler will be open for
troops to secure First Come First Serve cookie booths. For the first three days
following the lottery, FCFS booths will be limited to 3 per day (up to one
Premium Booth within those 3) will be awarded.
First Come First Serve will be available at 4pm each day from January 21-23.
First Come First Serve will now be open to select up to 7 booths a day. Only
book booths you have coverage for. Holdinga FCFS booth is not permitted.
All booths must be attended or canceled in Smart Cookies.
Last day troops can host cookie booths for the 2022 Cookie Product Program.
Smart Cookies
Smart Cookies
Our web-based cookie platform is called Smart Cookies. Girls and troops will use Smart
Cookies for all of their cookie program needs. All booths will be entered into Smart Cookies.
Only registered members will receive access to this website. All invitations will be sent via
Logging into Smart Cookies
All girls must be registered for the 2021-2022 membership year.
The parent or guardian will receive an email invitation to set up the
Smart Cookies Account.
Scan the QR Code or follow the link to watch a video tutorial on how to
log in for the first time. https://youtu.be/WtOKi7oW9lQ
Download the App!
Smart Cookies is available in the app store.
Each year the app is new and improved so if
you have the app from last year, delete the app
and download the most recent app.
Social Media
You may advertise your booth sale on your personal social media accounts. Posting on
public sales sites such as Facebook Marketplace, Craigslist, Amazon and eBay are
prohibited. Smart Cookies has the option to post directly to your personal
Facebook page from the Smart Cookies site. Find the social media icons
under the Troop Reservations tab in Smart Cookies.
Scan the QR code or click the link to see how to share booths on
Social Media. https://youtu.be/h6x5O_yJ1Uo
Troop Cookie Link
This season each troop will have a Troop Cookie Booth Link that they can share
throughout the Cookie Program to promote touchless ordering and curbside pickup of
cookies. The cookies ordered using this link will post in the Smart Booth Divider and troops
can divide the cookie packages between Girl Scouts in the troop.
How do troops find their Troop Cookie Booth Link?
Troop Cookie Booth Links are only offered by ABC, and troops will have two links on their
My Troop Information page in Smart Cookies:
Troop Ship Only Link (New For 2022):
Listed first on the Troop Information page is the Troop Ship Only QR code along with
the existing social link.
The QR code is shareable through social media, text, email or customized print pieces.
Troop Cookie Booth Link (Previously Called Virtual Booths):
This link is only for local deliveries and donation orders. This link will not appear on the
Girl Scout Cookie Finder.
The Troop Cookie Booth Link can be used to manage drive thru cookie booths or
curbside pickups.
Troop creates a separate virtual onlybooth location/date/time through the Troop
Secured Booth feature in Smart Cookies. Simply modify the location name from the
physical booth location (example: Sallys Beauty Supply VIRTUAL PICKUPfor virtual,
Sallys Beauty Supplyfor physical booth location)
Customer Tips:
Give clear pick up locations when communicating or socializing drive thru or curbside locations.
Approve orders promptly. Troop volunteer must approve order before transaction can be completed.
Refunds can be issued per your Councils instructions if a customer does not pick up their order.
A troop volunteer or girl must never deliver cookie orders coming in from the Troop Cookie Booth Link
to the home of a person you do not know.
If you do not know the customer placing the cookie order simply reroute the customer order to a
physical booth location or the troop Direct Ship Troop Link.
Loery & FCFS Booths
What is a Loery Booth?
Booths are reserved in a few different ways. Council Booths, also called Lottery booths, are
first offered in a lotterywhich gives troops a chance to win premium and high traffic
locations. After the lottery, these booths become First Come First Serve (FCFS). The lottery
will run on January 21st at 10am. Troops are randomly selected through the lottery process
in the Smart Cookies site. From their 15 booths selected, troops may or may not win
booths. Troops may or may not win up to 1 Premium booth in a lottery. Troops will receive
email confirmation to the email listed in their Smart Cookies account if they win a booth or
booths. Refer to the Important Dates page for FCFS dates and times.
Video Tutorial on Reserving Loery Booths
Scan the QR Code or click the link to watch a video tutorial on how to
reserve a Lottery Booth https://youtu.be/aaaCIqLs_8o
Reserving a Council Secured FCFS booth
Scan the QR Code or click the link to see a tutorial on how to reserve a
FCFS booths. https://youtu.be/v4yqIZfx0ZA
First Come First Serve (FCFS) Booths
After the lottery, council secured booths are now considered First Come First Serve or
FCFS. Once the lottery is complete, the Smart Cookies Booth Scheduler will be open for
First Come, First Serve. Any booths not secured through the lottery will be available for
troops to select on Friday, January 21 beginning at 4pm. From January 21-23, First Come,
First Serve will be limited to 3 booths a day (up to one Premium Booth within those 3). Each
new day will begin at 4pm. Beginning January 24, Troops may select up to 7 FCFS booths
a day.
Troop Secured Booths
Troop Secured Booths
Troops are welcome and encouraged to set up Troop Secured Booths, but this needs to be
approved by your Area Booth Coordinator. To do this, please enter your Troop Secured
Booth into Smart Cookies for approval. The Area Booth Coordinator needs to confirm that
the booth doesnt conflict with another approved booth, is an appropriate booth, and is not
already listed in Smart Cookies. Please provide accurate information about the store and
the location. Use Google Maps to confirm the location name and address. Area Booth
Coordinators will review and approve or deny your booth within 72 hours.
There is no limit to the number of Troop Secured Booths a troop can hold. Troops will
receive a confirmation email once the booth has been approved or denied. Entering a
booth into Smart Cookies does not confirm the booth reservation.
Troops will not be able to accept credit card payments unless the booth is entered and
approved in the Smart Cookies website.
All booths entered and approved in Smart Cookies will be available in the Booth Finder,
where customers can see when and where booths will be.
Update Regarding Food Lion: All Food Lion Stores will be entered by council
Into the lottery this year. Troops should NOT approach them for troop secured
Reserving a Troop Secured Booth
Scan the QR Code or click the link to see a tutorial on how to enter a
Troop Secured Booth into Smart Cookies. https://youtu.be/qok5UeX-idg
Troops may not secure booths at any Walmart, Sams Club, Harris
Teeter, Food Lion and Lowes Foods. These are set up on a corporate
level and are entered as Premium Lottery and First Come First Serve booths.
Canceling Booths
Please cancel all booths you are not able to attend. This frees up this area and deletes it
from the public Cookie Locator system.
Locaon Restricons
Locaons with Non-Solicitaon Policies*
Barnes & Noble
Best Buy
Marshalls/TJ Maxx/Homegoods
Trader Joes
Whole Foods
* Current policy at time of publication. It never hurts to reach out to a location with a non-
solicitation policy. Policies and management are always changing and could allow booths at
some point in the future.
Locaon Restricons
Troops may not approach any of the following locations to set up a Troop Secured Booth:
Harris Teeter
Lowes Foods
Food Lion
Sams Club
Harris Teeter, Lowes Foods, Food Lion and GNC will be secured at a council level.
At the time that we created this guide we have not yet received our corporate contract with
Walmart and Sams Club. Please do not approach these locations until notified by council
that it is ok to do so. If we receive the go ahead from Walmart and Sams Club Area Booth
Coordinators will set these locations up as Lottery/FCFS council secured locations.
Locaon Restricons
Locaon Restricons
In accordance with GSUSA Product Sales Guidelines, certain locations may be
inappropriate for young girls based on the standards of your local community, may
negatively impact the cookie program experience for girls, and/or may negatively
impact our brand in your community.
For additional clarity, girls cannot sell in or in front of establishments that they
themselves cannot legally patronize on their own.
This includes:
Any location that is 18+ or 21+
CBD, Marijuana, or Hemp dispensaries/pharmacies
Gun stores
Liquor stores
Wineries, breweries, bars, and brewery food truck events
Wine/beer/tobacco/firearm events
Any location that advertises as a vineyard, winery or brewery will not be
permitted. Safety comes first.
Booth Setup Checklist
Booth Checklist
Count cookies and money before the booth begins
Bring health history forms for all girls present
Table & Chairs
Booth tally sheet, pens & clipboard
Cash box or waist pouch for adult to wear
Cash for change
Booth confirmation email from Smart Cookies (also on your app!)
Keep track of cookies sold on tally sheet or in Smart Cookies App
Goal Chart
Operation Cookie Drop Sign and OCD Donation Jar (donations for any
other purposes, even for the troop, are not allowed)
Troop Number Displayed
Girl Scout attire or cookie costumes
Weather ready attire (ponchos, coats, hand warmers, hats, gloves, boots,
First aid kit
Wireless phone or device charger
Count cookies at the end of booth for final count sold
Personal Protective Equipment (masks, sanitizer, disinfectant, etc.)
Booth Setup
What goes on the Table?
Each variety of cookie
Goal Chart
Troop Number
Operation Cookie Drop donation bin and flyer
Pens & Clipboard with tally sheet and extra blank paper
Shield if preferred (DIY shield instructions at the end of this guide)
What goes Under the Table?
First Aid Kit
Money box (if not on an adult in a waist pouch)
Extra warming layers/ hand warmers/ inclement weather gear
Extra Cookies
Handbags, backpacks, personal items
Empty cookie boxes
Where do we set up?
Booths should be set up 15 feet of the entrance of the store and out of vehicle and customer traffic. Store
management may have specific setup instructions. Girls should stay within one foot of the booth throughout
Touch Free Ideas
Menu board instead of cookies
QR Codes displayed for nutritional information
(www.the-qrcode-generator.com). Scan QR code for generator site.
Enter a URL and download the QR to place on your materials
Money envelopes: to collect money & return change in new envelope
Bin or basket to transfer cookies to customer touch free
Golden Ticket
Earn a from one of our mystery volunteers, and
maybe even local celebrities!
Each area will have numerous people with lots of tickets to give! The more tickets you earn,
the more chances you have to win!
How to earn a :
Having your OCD jar with OCD label
Having your goal chart or goals displayed
Troop number displayed
Having appropriate girl to adult ratios
Having girls wear Girl Scout attire or accessories
Be following all booth rules and safety guidelines
All booth participants wearing a mask
Adhering to all current government and CDC COVID restrictions
What you could win!
Winning troops will receive a $250.00 cash reward for their troop! We will be doing 5
drawings, so thats 5 chances to win troop registration!
Social Distancing
How to conduct a socially distanced booth:
Please practice social distancing when interacting with customers. Please do not attend a
booth if you are uncomfortable in doing so or if you do not feel well.
Wear a mask
Wash hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer when soap and water
is unavailable
Stay 6 feet away from customers
Utilize credit card transactions as much as possible
Follow your communitys social distancing guidelines
Avoid touching your face
Bring masking tape, cones or some sort of line marker to show where customers should
Post appropriate signage at each booth to alert customers of social distancing instruction
Post mask sign to alert customers that they must wear face coverings while at a booth
If you have a rectangular table, consider using it lengthwise rather than horizontal (space
To maintain social distancing, it is recommended that there only be 2 adults and 2 girls at
each booth table. A business may request only a certain number of people at a booth.
Troops should follow the locations guidance as long as it fits within the girl to adult mini-
mum ratio for the age group. Troops may rotate girls throughout their booth shift to give
more girls an opportunity to attend a booth.
Get creative. Use a box or bag system to hand off cookies and payment methods.
Bag: Place cookies in bag and place on the table. Back away and let the customer
collect the bag.
Box: Place the cookies in a box or bin and let the customer pick up their cookies out of
the box. You may also use a tool to slide the box toward the customer.
No-Contact Deliveries
No Contact Delivery Ideas:
Communicate with your customer to determine where they would like their cookies
dropped off
Knock on the door and leave the cookies. Then back up 10 feet, have the customer take
their cookies and leave payment. Collect payment no less than 6 ft away from customers
Consider scheduling trunk pick-ups at a central location and scheduling customer pick-
up times to minimize the number of people there at once
Find a special way to say thank you! whether through a thank you video or a person-
alized note, your girls will want to show their customers come appreciation!
Always have an adult present with any delivery
Prepay & Pickup Curbside:
Secure your curbside booth location, such as your local library parking lot. Be creative
considering locations and opt for customer convenience. Be sure to get permission from
the location and enter the drive thru booth into Smart Cookies to be reviewed. All drive
thru booths must be approved in Smart Cookies.
Share the Troop Cookie Booth Link via text, email or online meeting.
Review and approve orders, and pick up cookies from cupboards as needed
The day before the booth, have girls work together to prepare the orders.
Enclose a personal thank you note with each order.
Consider sending email reminders to customers about booth location and hours.
On the day of the event, stage the cookies for pick up, assign roles and responsibilities
When customers arrive, verify orders and place cookies in carscontact free
Congratulate the girls on a job well done!
NOTE: You can use the Troop Cookie Booth Link to promote touchless transactions at
your regular booths too! Share the link on-site by:
1. Texting or emailing it to customers
2. Posting it on a large sign at your booth
3. Post the Troop Cookie Booth QR code at your booth for customers to scan and order!
Be sure to view the Troop Cookie Link tutorial on the Safety and Trainings tab in
Smart Cookies. QR code is on page #7
Drive Thru Booths
How to conduct a drive through booth:
Just like finding a troop secured location, you may find a location ideal for a drive through booth. This could
be a business lot, an open lot or large location you could set up a driving path. Make sure its easily
accessible by car and that it can be seen from the road. This is also a great way to conduct a contact free
booth. Just like a regular booth, you will need to get permission from the owner to be there, enter it into
Smart Cookies and have the booth approved before conducting the booth.
Set up your booth and mark out an area where customers should drive up to or park. Make sure you have
plenty of signs or even an extra adult to help direct customers where to go.
Consider using stations to limit exposure to customers and touchpoints. Utilize the digital payment feature
on Smart Cookies.
No more than 4 girls at drive thru booths. Girls may never approach a vehicle alone. Girls must stay behind
their booth table or in a designated area away from moving vehicles. A minimum of 2 adults are required
at every drive thru booth. Daisy and Brownie troops require an additional adult to stay with the girls in their
designated area, while additional adults approach vehicles.
All drive thru booths must be entered into Smart Cookies
just like any other booth. Enter Drive Thruin the Locaon
Scan the QR code for an online video tutorial of drive thru booths
Enter Here
Park here
to order
Pay here
Pick up
cookies here
Drive Thru Booths
Safety is our number one priority. During Drive Through Booths, safety measures
must be increased. Please abide by the following rules. Failure to follow the rules
below could result in an unsafe environment for girls.
Drive through booths may need to have additional adults depending on booth setup
No more than 4 girls are allowed to be at a drive through booth. Girls must stay behind
the table, safely out of drive through traffic flow.
Daisy and Brownie troops must have an additional adult that must remain at the table
with girls throughout the duration of the booth, plus additional adults to approach
Additional adults should be present to take payment, distribute orders to pickup location,
and to guide traffic.
Should a girl need to leave their table for any reason, two girls (buddy system) and one
adult must accompany girls.
Junior to Ambassador may conduct a drive thru booth with 2 adults or more.
Locaon Guidelines:
Drive through sites must have adequate space for table setup and traffic flow.
Drive through sites must not interfere with public traffic flow
Drive through sites must not interfere with neighboring business parking
Locaon Ideas:
Mattress stores
Paint stores
Church parking lots
Vacant store lots
Outlying mall parking spaces
Drive through booths cannot be held after dusk.
Girls cannot approach a vehicle alone at any time regardless of age and drive thru setup
Drive Thru Booths 1
Straight Drive Thru Setup:
Take Order &
1. Cars enter lot—ensure ample space for cars waiting
2. Customer places order with adult.
3. Adult takes payment with Smart Cookies app
4. Adult tells girls what the order is—this is a great role for an additional adult. They can communi-
cate orders with order fulfillment center
5. Girls fulfill order
6. Adult gathers order from fulfillment
7. Adult gives customer their order—this could be contact free in trunk or back seat. Or the adult
can utilize the bin technique.
Signage :
1. Enter
2. Stop (order placement)
3. Drive Forward
4. Stop (order pickup)
5. Exit
6. Thank You
7. Troop Sign
8. Safety cones or improvised barrier for traffic flow and to rope off girl area
Girls must remain in fulfillment area throughout the duration of booth
Only adults may approach vehicles
Additional adults must be present for Daisy and Brownie booths. 1 Adult to stay with girls and 2
adults to approach cars
Cars must never impede traffic or business parking
Curbside Booth
Curbside setup:
Take Order &
Order Dropo
1. Cars enter parking spot
2. Adult takes order or takes name for pickup
3. Adult processes payment
4. Adult brings order to girls
5. Girls prepare order
6. Adult brings order to customer
Signage :
1. Enter
2. Park Here for Order Pickup
3. Park Here to Place Order
4. Thank You
5. Troop Sign
6. Safety cones or improvised barrier to rope off girl area
Girls must remain in fulfillment area throughout the duration of booth
Only adults may approach vehicles
Additional adults must be present for Daisy and Brownie booths. 1 Adult to stay with girls and 2
adults to approach cars
Cars must never impede traffic or business parking
Mark off alternating parking spots to maintain social distancing while approaching vehicles
Lemonade Stands
What is a Lemonade Stand?
Lemonade style stands are small scale booths usually in your neighborhood.
Neighborhood lemonade stands, like Walkabouts, can be held by one girl and one adult.
Where can we set up a Lemonade Stand style booth?
Set up your lemonade stand in your front yard or a central location in your neighborhood
and invite neighbors to drop by.
Share your opentimes and location with your community and on personal social media*.
Do not enter your lemonade stand as a booth since that information is shared publicly.
Lemonade stands should be for your neighborhood only. For safety and security, we want
to keep all girlspersonal information like full name, address, phone and email anony-
Ensure you have proper permissions from your neighborhood or homeowner association
prior to setting up any public booth.
*Do not share on public social media. Do not share on social media if you are uncomfortable in sharing your
personal information
Safety & Equee
Do not ask the store manager to mediate conflicts between troops; please contact your Area
Booth Coordinator, ACC, or RCM if there is any confusion concerning the booth.
Begin packing your booth up 15 minutes prior to your end time; never stay past your assigned
booth time when another troop is waiting to set up.
If two troops show up at the same booth, the troop with the approved booth email has priority.
In the unlikely event that both troops have a report for the same booth (check to make sure
date, time and location are correct) the troops should calmly work together to find a solution
that is satisfactory with both troops. Notify the council if this occurs. council@nccoastalpines.org
Be polite and friendly; Say THANK YOU to all customers.
No running around or shouting at the booth.
Remember to be considerate, caring, friendly and helpful to sister scouts, customers and
No smoking or eating at booth
Approach customers as they are exiting store.
Always cancel a booth if you cannot attend. Customers get frustrated when they show up to a
Rao & Booth Aendance
There needs to be a minimum of 2 adults and 2 girls at every booth table. If a troop is at
multiple entrances, each table must have a minimum of 2 girls and 2 adults.
Never leave the booth unattended.
Girls can never be left alone at a booth for any amount of time or for any reason.
Use the buddy system when using restrooms.
Only Girl Scouts and booth specific adults should be at the booth. Additional family members,
friends and pets (unless it is a service animal) should not be at the booth with the girls. Non-Girl
Scout attendees are not covered under our insurance and pose a safety risk to all participants
at the booth.
Booth Safety
Cash is to be kept out of site at all times. Preferably on an adult in a zippered waist pouch.
Adults should assist in handling cash transactions.
Always have a first aid kit.
Have a health history form for each girl present.
If someone takes money or cookies, DO NOT attempt to physically retrieve the stolen items
and DO NOT allow the girls to do so. Instead, get a good description of the offender(s), call 911
and alert store security (if available). Make sure the girls know what to do in the case of theft.
Keep the girls in a safe location until parents/guardians pick them up.
Girls should never give out their names, addresses, or telephone numbers to customers.
Booths should not be set up on a busy street, intersection or curb.
Distribute Cookies at End of Sale with Smart Booth Divider (Option 2)
Smart Divider
Smart Cookies Smart Divider
The Smart Booth Divider is a great tool to help you transfer boxes sold at a cookie booth to the
girls who participated at the booth. This is also great for transferring Operation Cookie Drop
donations at cookie booths to the girls who participated in the booth.
Quick Tutorial:
Log on to Smart Cookies
From your troop dashboard, hover over Booths and select My Reservations.
Select the booth that you would like to record sales for.
Click the 3 dots to the right, and select Smart Booth Divider.
Distribute Cookies for Each Booth with Smart Booth Divider (Option 1)
Smart Booth Divider-Editing or Deleting a Transaction
Scan the QR Code or click the links to watch these very helpful Smart Divider
How do I log into Smart Cookies?
You will receive an email inviting you to log in to Smart Cookies. All Smart Cookies users must be a
registered member of Girl Scouts NC Coastal Pines. Ensure you are registered for the 2021-2022
membership year. You may check your membership status by logging in to your MyGS account and
viewing your registration. Double check the email in your MyGS account and the email you are checking
for your access email. If you are a registered member, follow up with your leader or Area Cookie
Coordinator who can follow up regarding your access email.
How do I enter a booth?
Troop Cookie Coordinators can enter Troop Secured Booths by logging in to Smart Cookies. Hover over
Booths and click Troop Secured Booths from the dropdown. Please refer to page 9 in this guide for
more information or view the Safety & Training tab in Smart Cookies.
A girl can purchase food or soda from a brewery locaon. Are we then able to
host a booth at a brewery or vineyard?
No. For safety reasons, a troop may never host a booth at a brewery, vineyard, distillery, dispensary, or
CBD pharmacy regardless if a girl is able to purchase a candy bar or soda from the establishment. These
locations are not suitable for booths.
When can we start having booths?
Troops can begin setting up booths on January 15th. These booths are considered Troop Secured where
Troop Cookie Coordinators set up booth locations on their own. Please refer to the Important Dates and
Troop Secured Booths pages for more information regarding Troop Secured Booths.
What is the rao for booths?
Safety is our number one priority. Daisy to Junior troops must have a 2:2 girl/adult ratio. Older troops,
Cadette to Ambassador may have a 1:1 ratio, however a girl of any age can never be left alone at a booth
for any amount of time. Adults must be with the girls at all times throughout the duration of the booth no
more than 6ft from the girl. Daisy and Brownie drive thru booths require an additional adult to remain with
the girls throughout the duration of the booth.
Who to Contact?
Girls & Parents: Contact your Troop Cookie Coordinator and/or Leader
Troops: Contact your Area Cookie Coordinator or your Area Booth Coordinator
Area Coordinators: Contact Regional Cookie Managers or Council Staff
General Questions regarding Girl Scouts NC Coastal Pines
1-800-284-4475 or helpdesk@nccoastalpines.org
Council Secured: Booths that council staff and Area Booth Coordinators secures at a corpo-
rate level . These booths are entered into the Lottery and then become First Come First
FCFS: First Come First Serve booths. First Come First Serve begins after the lottery.
First Come First Serve: First Come First Serve booths. First Come First Serve begins
after the lottery.
Troop Secured Booth: Booths that troops are encouraged to set up on their own at
locations they secure on their own.
Locaon Restricons: Any location that is Council Secured. Also any Walmart, Sams Club,
Lowes Foods and Harris Teeter as these have been reserved on a corporate level.
Equee: Guidelines that allow us to have the best booth experience for girls, customers
and businesses that are allowing booths.
Smart Cookies: The official platform for the Girl Scout Cookie Program powered by ABC Bak-
Smart Cookies App: The official platform App available on for Android and iOS devices.
Download the latest version from Google Play or the App Store.
Booth Divider: A section in Smart Cookies where you can assign girls certain quantities of
cookies they sold at a booth sale.
Area Booth Coordinator (ABC): A volunteer that oversees Cookie Booths in a specific area.
Each area has a Booth Coordinator. This volunteer is available to answer booth specific
questions and will be reviewing all Troop Secured booth requests.
Troop Cookie Coordinator (TCC): A volunteer that manages all parts of the cookie program
for a specific troop. This volunteer will be the one to ask about program materials, booked
booths, financials and cookie program reports.
My ABC is__________________________ _________________________
DIY Tabletop Shield
Easy DIY Sneeze Guard
Tri-Fold Presentation Board
Clear Plastic Sheeting (plastic tablecloth, shower
curtain, etc.)
Duct tape
Box cutter/mat knife
Bricks (or any type of weighted objects)
Measure out your windows. Create a box leaving at
least 4 inches around the border on the front and on
each side of the board.
Have an adult cut the windows out of each panel of
the tri-fold board.
Measure your plastic film. Make sure the film is larger
than the opening. Cut out the film and tape to the in-
side of the board. Make sure to seal all edges.
Tape a weight to the bottom portion of the board to
keep it from blowing over.
Intermediate Sneeze GuardBuild your Own!
If youd like to work on a building project AND have
something for booths, check out this barrier made out
of wood and plastic roofing! The instructions are linked
below and via QR code:
DIY Face Shield
Easy DIY Face Shield
Clear Acetate sheets (or Dura-Lar)
1" KNIT ELASTIC (1” x 3yards)
1" Polyurethane Foam Strip
 Trace the template onto a sheet of plastic
and cut out with scissors. To download a
printable template, click here or scan the
QR below. When you go to print, you may
need to tile the image, then cut/piece to-
gether the template with tape as it is a little
larger than most printers will allow.
 Now, cut a 13" strip of elastic, then staple
each end to the top, non-curved corner of
the shield shape to form a head band.
 Cut a 6" strip of polyurethane foam and
attach across the, inside edge of the shield
to cushion the forehead.
TIP: Be sure the foam covers all staples.
My Troop Number is______________________________
My Area is_______________________________________
My Troop Cookie Coordinator is
My Favorite Cookie is_____________________________
6901 Pinecrest Rd. Raleigh, NC 27613