State of Georgia
Manual for
The Medical and Physical
Examination Program
Department of Administrative Services
July 1, 1961
Revised July 1, 1964
Revised April 1, 1969
Revised July 1, 1975
Revised January 26, 1977
Adopted August 17, 1977
Revised February 17, 1982
Revised June 30, 1997
Revised January 1, 1998
Revised June 30, 1999
Revised October 15, 2004
Revised February 15, 2005
Revised July 1, 2006
Revised July 23, 2008
Revised February 1, 2011
Revised July 1, 2012
Revised May 1, 2017
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
Summary of Change
Medical and Physical Evaluation Program (MAPEP)
This revision —
Removed MAPEP Form 10-500, Health Informatio
n Checklist.
Inserted the
current version of the General Information form (MAPEP 10
-51-03) that
replaced form MAPEP 10-51-03.
Updated job titles and references.
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
Proponent Authority
Medical and Physical Examination Program
Standards of Pre-employment Medical and Physical Fitness
History: This publication is a revision of the MAPEP Guidelines. The portions affected by this
revision are listed in the Summary of Change.
Summary: This publication provides information, policies and procedures for pre-employment
standards of medical and physical fitness. It implements SPB Rule 478-4-.03 (2) (b), which is
authorized by O.C.G.A. 45-2-40 et.seq.
Applicability: This publication applies to candidates for employment with the State of Georgia,
including state agencies, authorities, colleges and universities, community service boards and other
state government entities.
Authority: The proponent of these guidelines is the Department of Administrative Services. The
proponent has the authority to make revisions and clarifications to these guidelines that are consistent
with controlling law and regulation.
Suggested improvements: Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements to the
DOAS Human Resources Administration, MAPEP Coordinator, at 200 Piedmont Avenue, West
Tower, Atlanta, GA 30334.
Distribution: This publication is available online and is intended for the use of individuals with
MAPEP related responsibilities.
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
IVES ........................................................................................................ 5
II. JOB CATEGORIES .................................................................................................................... 6
A. GENERAL .......................................................................................................................... 6
B. OVERVIEW ...................................................................................................................... 7
III. MAPEP PROCEDURES ............................................................................................................. 9
A. OVERVIEW ………………………………… ………………. ......................................... 9
B. PHYSICAL EXAM NOT REQUIRED (Typically jobs in categories 1 – 4) ................... 10
C. PHYSICAL EXAM REQUIRED ..................................................................................... 11
D. JOB DATA ........................................................................................................................ 12
E. JOB CATEGORY DESIGNATION ................................................................................. 13
G. APPEALS/ACCOMMODATIONS .................................................................................. 14
IV. GENERAL MEDICAL GUIDELINES ................................................................................... 15
V. SPECIALIZED MEDICAL GUIDELINES ............................................................................ 16
VI. FORMS ....................................................................................................................................... 19
VII. APPENDICES ........................................................................................................................... 33
A. APPENDIX A – O.C.G.A. 45-2-40 .................................................................................. 34
B. APPENDIX B – SPB 478-4 .............................................................................................. 38
D. APPENDIX D – O.C.G.A. 34-9-368 ................................................................................ 50
E. APPENDIX E – GLOSSARY .......................................................................................... 52
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
As defined by 1981 Opinion of the Attorney General Number 81-23, the legislative intent of
O.C.G.A. 45-2-40 is:
To insure the prospective employee will be physically capable of carry
ing out the duties
of his or he
r appointme
To protect the prospecti
ve employee from possible harmful effects associated with hi
ployment, which may arise by virtue of a particular preexisting physical ma
To protect the state from
potential liability under workers' com
pensation laws for
conditions arising after em
ployment, but caused in whole or part by preexisting phys
, the MAPEP is designed:
To provide a consistent, job-related process for determining and applying the me
dical and
ical standards
To provide for administrative procedures that are straightforward, clear, and minimal
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
Category 1:
Primarily sedentary, light physical work with limited to no unusual working
conditions (e.g. Administrative Assistant; Business Operations Manager; Human
Resources Specialist).
Category 2:
Moderate to heavy physical activity and/or moderate to high interface with working
conditions of potential concern for certain health conditions (e.g.,
Supply/Warehouse Clerk; Housekeeper; Mechanic).
Category 3:
Positions involving food preparation or the handling of raw consumable animal
products (e.g., Food Service Worker; Plant Operator; Agriculture Inspector).
Category 4:
Health-related positions involving direct contact with or exposure to airborne or
blood-borne pathogens (e.g., Nurse Manager; Health Aide; Radiologist; Dental
Strenuous physical activity and/or extreme or potentially life-threatening working
conditions requiring a high level of physical capability (e.g., GSP Sergeant; Public
Safety Cadet; Special Agent; Correctional Officer; Fire Prevention Specialist;
Conservation Lieutenant).
The five (5) categories listed above are to be used as guidelines for typical positions and are
provided for administrative purposes for the Medical and Physical Examination Program
(MAPEP). Each agency has primary responsibility for designating the job category of each position.
Any specific position may be placed in a non-typical category as indicated by job duties.
Designation of job categories is dependent upon several factors: job responsibilities, functional
requirements, working conditions, and environmental factors. (For additional information about
these factors, refer to Appendix C.)
Designation is also affected by the kind and level of medical/fitness screening the agency deems
necessary, given job-related justification.
Each agency should develop a policy to cover its implementation of these procedures, including job
category designations and exceptions to assure uniformity and consistency of application.
The "General Inform
ation" form (MAPEP 10-51-03) is used for all positions regardless of job
category designation. For positions in Categories 1 through 4, the prospective employee will "self-
certify" correctness of information and no further medical assessment will be required, unless
requested by the employing agency. If requested for positions in Categories 1-4, Form MAPEP 10-
51-03, and other identified MAPEP materials will need to be reviewed by a qualified medical
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
Other MAPEP procedures and forms vary somewhat by job category. The discussion below
highlights the process by category. The described forms and procedures should be sufficient in most
cases. However, a licensed medical practitioner in the employ of or under contract with the state or
respective employing department may request additional information from the agency and/or the
employee, up to and including examination by a licensed physician, if deemed necessary.
1 (Sedentary) jobs make up the largest group of state positions. These jobs are basically
desk or office jobs with little or no physical work or unusual working conditions.
MAPEP review for Category 1 positions involves the "General Information" form
(MAPEP 10-51-03).
If a basically sedentary
position has a specific notable or unusual functional requirement or working
condition, (e.g., occasional lifting of 45 lbs. or more, frequent exposure to patients with
communicable diseases, etc.) it should be noted in Section B, Item 3 of the "General Information"
form. Such notation is made to 1) document that the notable or unusual requirement or condition was
discussed with the prospective employee, and 2) provide for review by the employing agency for
potential further inquiry into the prospective employee's medical/fitness condition.
Examples of typical Category 1 titles include: Administrative Assistant, Programmer, Budget
Analyst, Librarian, and Telecommunications Tech.
Category 2 (Active) jobs are quite varied. They involve moderate to heavy physical activity in one
or more major, consistent job duties OR consistent exposure to working conditions that may interact
with an employee's medical or fitness condition. Physical activity may involve such things as heavy
lifting, pushing, or pulling; extended climbing, crawling, or bending; and/or, operation of potentially
dangerous equipment (such as cranes, motor vehicles, etc.).
Working conditions may include such exposures as outside weather extremes; excessive heat or
humidity; chemicals or solvents; explosives or combustibles; use of knives, drills, or other sharp
MAPEP review for Category 2 positions involves the "General Information" form
(MAPEP 10-51-03).
As in the above discussi
on, any notable or unusual requirements or conditions of employment should
be documented in Section B, Item 3 of the "General Information" form. This information allows
medical reviewers to anticipate any potential problems associated with the ability of the prospective
employee to perform the specific job requirements.
Examples of typical Category 2 titles include: Supply/Warehouse Clerk, General Trades Technician,
Housekeeper, Mechanic, Parks Maintenance Technician, and Wildlife Technician.
Category 3 (Food-handling) positions are distinct because of duties involving food preparation or
the handling of raw, consumable animal products. While these positions typically would have
physical activities or working conditions similar to Category 2 positions, they are deemed medically
distinct because of the potential transmission of communicable diseases. Pathogens that can cause
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
diseases when an infected person handles food include, but are not limited to: Hepatitis A virus,
Norwalk and Norwalk-like viruses, Salmonella typhi, Shigella species, Staphylococcus aureus, and
Streptococcus pyogenes.
MAPEP review for Category 3 positions involves the "General Information" form
(MAPEP 10-51-03).
The distinct
category for positions handling raw, consumable animal products or that are involved in
food preparation alerts medical reviewers to focus on certain critical items on the extended and
supplemental medical history document, should the agency choose to use the optional form (MS 10-
52). It also serves as a mechanism for agency focus to affirm standard sanitation procedures for
positions with food-related responsibilities.
Examples for typical Category 3 titles include: Plant Operator, Food Service Worker, and Agriculture
Category 4 (Health-related) positions are separated out primarily due to working conditions
involving exposure to air-borne pathogens, blood-borne pathogens, human body parts or products, or
hazardous chemicals or radiation. Certain of these positions may involve moderate to heavy physical
activity, as in Category 2, but the overriding distinction comes from the environmental factors
identified. These environmental factors have significant potential impact for certain health
conditions of the prospective employee. Conversely, in direct health care positions, there is potential
worker-to-patient pathogen transmission as well. (As discussed above, any significant functional
requirements of the position -- such as heavy lifting, etc. -- should be identified in Section B, Item 3
of the "General Information" form MAPEP 10-51-03.)
MAPEP review for Category 4 positions involves the "General Information" form
(MAPEP 10-51-03).
As in Category
3, distinctions for Category 4 positions alert medical reviewers for focused inquiry
and affirm agency safety/disease prevention policies and practices. They also serve as one means of
documenting the communication with the prospective employee about the responsibilities and
potential liabilities inherent in the position.
Examples of typical Category 4 titles include: Registered Nurse, Physician, Dental Hygienist,
Radiologist, Chemical Material Analyst, and Health Aide.
5 (Law Enforcement) positions involve the highest level of physical activity. Most of
these positions would be involved in violator apprehension and other enforcement duties involving
extreme or potentially life-threatening working conditions and requiring high levels of physical
capability. As a general rule, POST-certified positions would be in this category.
Because of the
potential recurring exposure to human body fluids and close public contact, the medical reviews
include health screens consistent with Category 4 positions in addition to the more in-depth
examination for the assessment of overall physical condition.
Exception: Certain POST-certified positions, such as Probation Officers, may not involve consistent levels of
strenuous physical activity sufficient to warrant completion of the physical examination requirement. Agency
policies covering exemptions should include justification and documentation on a case-by-case position-specific
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
MAPEP review for Category 5 positions involves:
Examples of typical Category 5 titles include: Trooper, Special Agent, Compliance Investigator,
Facilities Police Corporal, Correctional Officer, Public Safety Cadet, Criminal Investigator,
Prevention Specialist, and Conservation Ranger.
III. MAPEP Procedures
1. The MAPEP paperwork and review pro
cess must be completed after an offer of employment
but before disbursement of salary. (NOTE: Any required physical examination must be
completed prior to the date of appointment, and the reporting of results shall be completed
within 40 calendar days of appointment. (See Appendix B.)
2. If no physical examination is indicated, typically jobs in Categories 1 - 4, the "General
Information" form (MAPEP 10-51-03) will be completed. (See B. below.)
3. For jobs in Category 5, or other position for which a physical examination is indicated, the
"General Information" form (MAPEP 10-51-03) and appropriate Medical History forms will
be completed and a physical examination arranged. (See C. below.)
4. All medical history forms used for Categories 2-5, if indicated, and physical examination
results (typically Category 5), will be reviewed by a licensed physician in the employ of or
under contract with the state or respective employing agency for determination of the medical
and physical fitness of the prospective employee. The results of this determination should be
reported to the employing agency on the “Medical Examination Report to Employing
Agency” form (MS 10-57).
5. The physical demands of the position and the working conditions under which work is
performed will be compared with the health status of the prospective employee. Also, any
standards and/or guidelines approved by the State Personnel Board (See Sections IV and V)
will be considered in the review.
Exception: Certain POST-certified positions, such as Probation Officer, may not involve consistent levels of
strenuous physical activitysufficient to warrant completion of the physical examnation requirement. Agency policies
covering exemptions should include justification and documentation on a case-by-case position-specific basis.
a "General Information" form (MAPEP 10-51-03)
a medical/physical examination by a licensed physician, covering all major body
systems and functions and emotional/mental functioning (MS 10-56)
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
6. A report based on the results of this review will be sent to the employing agency as follows:
a) Physically capable to meet demands of position with:
(1) No limitations
(2) Moderate limitations (not to be transferred to another position without review of
medical records)
b) Recommend further examination(s)
c) Does not meet the physical standards of the position
d) Incomplete or inadequate information
7. Upon completion of the MAPEP process, all forms and materials will be kept by the
employing agency. The agency should keep copies of all MAPEP forms. All MAPEP forms
and medical or health-related materials must be filed separately from the employee's
personnel records.
NOTE: All medical data must be treated as confidential by the examining physician, and
the employing agency.
ically jobs in Categories 1 - 4.) If the position does not require a physical examination:
1. The employing agency and prospective employee will complete the "General Information"
form (MAPEP 10-51-03).
2. The completed MAPEP form and any job information attachments (see D. below) will be
retained by the employing agency.
3. For Category 1 through 4 positions, if the employing agency finds upon review of the
MAPEP materials that the prospective employee appears capable of performing the duties of
the position, no further assessment is needed. If, upon review of the MAPEP materials, the
employing agency finds information that it feels needs review by a medical practitioner, the
forms should be referred to a physician in the employ of or under contract with the state or
agency, for further review. If the employing agency finds that a physical examination is
necessary, the employing agency will designate "Additional Test(s) Requested" on the
Medical Findings Form (MS 10-56) and refer the prospective employee to a physician in the
employ of or under contract with the state or department, or a licensed medical practitioner of
the prospective employee's choice.
NOTE: The licensed medical practitioner will assume that there are no atypical or special job
duty demands or other factors affecting job performance unless such information is provided by
the employing agency (see D. below).
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
If a physical examination is required:
1. For job po
sitions, typically Category 5 jobs, for which an examination is initially required
a) The em
ploying agency will complete appropriate sections of the MAPEP "G
Information" form (MAPEP 10-51-03). The employing agency will also complete the
"Additional Tests Requested" (page 1, top left) if any; and the "Employer Name and
Address" (page 3, bottom right) portions of the "Medical Findings" physical examination
form (MS 10-56). The employing agency
will provide copies of the "General Medical
(Section IV) and the "Specialized Medical Guidelines" (Section V) as
attachments to the memorandum to the Examining Physician" (MS 10-55). The
ploying agency will also indicate which other completed form
s (ex. MS 10-52) are
being provid
ed with these "Guidelines" as part of the medical package by
checking the
appropriate b
oxes on the cover memorandum to the Examining Physician (MS 10-55).
b) The prospective employee will complete appropriate sections of the "General
ation" form (MAPEP 10-51-0
c) The agency will retain a copy of the "G
eneral Inform
ation" form
(MAPEP 10-51-03).
The prospective e
mployee will be referred with the MAPEP medical
package --
completed forms (a copy of MAPEP 10-51-03), the job information attachments (see D.
below), the "Medical Findings" form (MS 10-56), and the physician cover memorandu
(MS 10
-55) with general and specialized standards attached -- for physical examination
to one of the
(1) A licensed physician in the em
ploy of or under contract with the state or respective
employing department.
(2) A licensed m
edical practitioner of the applicant/prospective employee's choice and
at the applicant/prospective employee's expense
ncies may provide for physician services at agency expense and may stipulate
that prospective employees be examined by the designated provider. For such prior
arranged examinations, the job information attachment and the physician cover
memorandum (MS 10-55) may be omitted as long as a process is in place to assure
thorough job knowledge by examining physicians. (See D. 5-7 below.)
d) The licensed medical practitioner will send the completed medical package to the
designated representative of the employing/referring agency.
e) The employ
ing/referring agency will retain all MAPEP forms and medical or health-
related materials in separate files from the employee's personnel records.
2. For job positions for which a physical examination has been indicated after initial review
of appropriate MAPEP materials by the me
dical reviewer:
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
a) The employing agency will notify the prospective employee and will complete the
"Additional Tests Requested" and the "Employer Name and Address" po
rtions of the
"Medical Findings" ph
ysical examination form (MS 10-56). Also, the employing agenc
will identify
the general and specialized standards and the medical history form
s (ex. MS
10-52) inclu
ded in the medical package by checki
ng the appropriate boxes on the cover
memorandum to the Examining Physician (MS 10-55).
b) The entire medical package -- i.e., the "General Information" form (MAPEP
attached job information, the job-category-designated medical history forms (MS 10-
52), the "Medical Findings" form (MS 10-56) and the physician cover memorandum
10-55) – will be provided to the prospective employee. The prospective employee will
be referred
to a physician for physical examination as in 1.c), above. (Agency retains a
copy of the "General Information" form MAPEP 1
c) Processin
g then duplicates 1.d) and 1.e) above.
1. Prior to filling each vacancy, job requirements and job information documentation should be
reviewed an
d updated as
2. Essential fun
ctions should be determined and documented.
3. Detailed job information should be provided to all considered candidates.
4. Reasonable a
ccommodation of candidates with disabilities should be consider
ed, as required.
A useful worksheet (MS 10-59) for determining and documenting position functi
requirements and environmental factors is provided in Appendix C.
5. The ty
pe of job data provided to the medical reviewer and/or examining physician sho
uld be
identified in Section B of
the MAPEP "General Information" form (MAPEP 10-51-03).
6. It is recommended that, at a minimum, the provided job data attached to the "General
Information" form (MAPEP 10-51-03) be an updated description of key re
sponsibilities that
includes an indication of essential functions. It is recomm
ended that, over time, more
ation, such as functional requirements and environmental factors, be developed and
provided, as well. (See Appendix C).
7. For sedentary, office positions (Category 1) it is not necessary to attach job information to
MAPEP 10-51-03. (Be sure to document any notable or unusual job requireme
nts or working
conditions in Section B of MAPE
P 10-51-03.) For other positions (Categories 2-5) it is
recommended that job information accompany MAPEP 10-51-03 to ensure that lic
medical practitioners have a detailed description of the job duties to be performed by the
prospective em
ployee. If other methods are in place to assure thorough understanding of job
requirements and standards, (e.g., exclusive use of facility or contract physician to whom
detailed data have been supplied up front), this step may not be necessary.
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
a) Be sure to document any notable or unusual physical/functional requirements
ental factors/working conditions in Section B of MAPEP 10-51-03.
b) Be sure to describe any needed reasonable accommodations in Section B of MAPEP
1. As stated above, each agency decides the category designation of each position. This
designation may be done as vacancies occur or it may be done agency wide by occupational
category, with exceptions handled as vacancies occur. Each agency should develop a
policy to describe how this process is to be ha ndled. General guidance and discussion of
designation considerations may be obtained by contacting the Department of Administrative
2. The main issue in the job category designation is the nature of the work of each position. A
certain degree of consistency and similarity is expected across same-titled positions.
Significant dissimilarities may indicate that closer analysis is warranted to assess potential
issues involving the job classification of the position. However, the main goal should be an
identification of the category that most closely links the prescribed medical assessment with
the physical requirements and the working conditions of the position.
3. Documentation that discusses the job-relevance of typical categorizations should be
developed and retained in agency files.
1. For certain positio
ns, regardless of job category designation, agencies may stipulate an
agency-paid physical and/or psychological examination a
s long as such examinations can
be justified by job duty requirements. Care should be taken to assure focus on job duties
and on linking the requirements consistently to the position.
2. Also for certain positions, there are job-related reasons for certain laboratory tests or physical
examinations beyond
those considered in a routine physical examination. Where
supportable, req
uests for these tests may be made by an agency in the "Additional Tests
Requested" section of the "Medical Findings" (MS 10-56) physical examination form.
3. Specific guidelines approved by the State Personnel Board (See Section V) discuss
considerations for laboratory tests and other medical analyses beyond the general physical
examination. In most cases, such further analyses are triggered either by information
cumented on the “General Information” form (MAPEP 10-51-03) or by results of the
eneral physical examination. Such findings become part of the employing department's
medical file to be evaluated by the licensed medical practitioner.
4. For any positions, regardless of job category designation, the employing department or
medical reviewer may request further medical information and/or may request further
physical examination(s) or test(s). Such requests may be made in cases where medical
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
information provided indicates a potential job-related problem and/or where insufficient
information is available for appropriate determinations to be made.
1. Medical and physical guidelines/standards have been established with deliberation and
consolidation of com
plex information on medical conditions and physi
cal/functional job
ents. In the majority of cases, the soundness of the established standards would be
expected to be reaffirmed.
2. However, it is understood that special, individual circumstances may arise that might justify
a modification or waiver of a specific guideline/standard. In such cases, a review of the facts
and circumstances can be obtained by following procedures discussed in Appendix B.
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
[Approved February 24, 1994; Revised December 17, 1997]
Medical History: Free from any medical or physical condition that would interfere with
of job duties and responsibilities.
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
[Approved February 24, 1994; Revised May 22, 1997; Revised December 17, 1997; Revised October 15, 2004, February 15, 2005]
Candidates for "Category 5" positions must meet the requirements set forth in the General Medical
Guidelines plus the following specific physical standards.
A. General:
Height and weight should not be such as to interfere with specific job activities.
B. Vision: 1) Distant vision -- minimum vision of 20/40 in each eye, corrected (with glasses or
contact lenses) and at least 20/100 in each eye uncorrected (without glasses or contacts). 2) Near
vision -- minimum of 20/40, corrected or uncorrected in each eye. 3) Adequate depth perception
and the ability to distinguish colors. 4) Peripheral vision -- at least 70 degrees in each eye.
All Category 5 positions are subject to the guidelines above for 2) Near Vision, 3) Depth
perception and the ability to distinguish colors, and 4) Peripheral Vision. The following are
position specific exceptions to the 1) Distant Vision guidelines only.
For GBI: Special Investigation Agent series only: 1) Distant vision -- minimum vision of
20/20 in one eye and 20/40 in the other eye, corrected (with glasses or contact lenses), and
minimum of 20/200 in each eye, uncorrected (without glasses or contacts).
For Trooper/ GSP series only: 1) Distant vision -- minimum vision of 20/40 in each eye,
corrected (with glasses or contact lenses), and minimum of 20/60 in each eye, uncorrected
(without glasses or contacts).
For Correctional Officer series, Firefighting & Fire Prevention Specialist series,
Probation Officer series, and Parole Officer series: 1) Distant vision -- minimum vision
of 20/40 in each eye, corrected or uncorrected (with or without glasses or contact lenses).
C. Hearing: Hearing loss no greater than 24dB (decibels) for the average of frequencies 500Hz,
1000Hz, 2000Hz, and 3000Hz in the better ear, unaided (without a hearing aid) or aided (with a
hearing aid).
“Normal hearing” is a hearing loss no greater than 24 dB at 250Hz, 500Hz, 1000Hz, 2000Hz,
3000Hz, 4000Hz, 6000Hz, 8000Hz in both the right and left ears, unaided.
An Otoscopic examination is required prior to the air conduction audiogram.
A complete pure tone or warble tone air conduction audiogram is required and results
recorded for all candidates. The audiogram must be completed at all frequencies listed on
Form MS 10-56 on both the right and left ears. The pure tone air conduction audiogram is
to be used as the baseline audiogram.
o If the testing indicates air conduction thresholds to be within the stated hearing
guidelines for employment, no further hearing testing is necessary. However, if any
single air conduction threshold is obtained outside the normal, 0-24dB range; i.e., if
hearing is not within “normal limits”, the results of the test are explained to the
candidate and the recommendation is made to obtain a complete audiological evaluation
at the individual’s expense for his/her own hearing healthcare benefit.
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
o If the testing indicates air conduction thresholds to be outside the stated hearing
guidelines for employment, the results of the test are explained to the candidate and a
complete audiological evaluation is recommended, at the individual’s expense for
his/her own hearing healthcare benefit.
o In addition to the pure tone air conduction testing, warble sound field testing is required
and results must be recorded for all candidates who wear a hearing aid and do not meet
the guidelines on the air conduction test, to verify if an individual meets the guideline
for employment with the use of a hearing aid. If the site does not have the personnel or
equipment to satisfy this requirement, then a referral is indicated.
A qualified individual
should administer the audiometric testing and perform the otoscopic
examination. Qualified individuals include licensed audiologists, otolaryngologists,
physicians trained in hearing conservation, technicians who are certified by the Council for
Accreditation of Occupational Hearing Conservation, or technicians trained by such a
physician. A technician who performs audiometric tests must be responsible to an
audiologist, otolaryngologist, or physician.
All tests should be performed in an acoustic environment to meet the current ANSI standards.
All audiometric equipment should be calibrated annually to meet current ANSI standards.
D. ENT: There should b
e adequately free nasal breathing. The mouth should be free from
deformities or conditions that interfere significantly with distinct speech.
E. Cardiovascular: Rheumatic and congenital heart disease should be thoroughly evaluated by
the examining physician and commented on in the examination report.
Atherosclerotic (arteriosclerotic) heart disease, myocardial infarction, coronary insufficiency,
angina pectoris, and hypertension above 140/90 must be evaluated on an individual basis and
must not
be of sufficient severity to interfere with the performance of all duties.
F. Respiratory: Free of infectious diseases or other pulmo
nary processes that would interfere with
the physical demands of the position.
G. Gastrointestinal: Must be free of any major pathological conditions that will interfere with the
performance of physical requirements of the position.
H. Rectum a
nd Anus: Major hemorrhoidal conditions and symptomatic pilonidal cysts must not be
of sufficient severity to interfere with the job.
I. Hernia: Hernia (E) which might interfere with the performance of duty would require
surgical repair with clearance from
operating surgeon, prior to employment.
J. Genital/Urinary: Large varicocele or hydrocele, which might interfere with the performance
of duties, should be repaired with clearance from operating surgeon prior to employment.
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
K. Back and Neck: History of significant injury, deformity, surgical procedure, or other spinal
pathology should be thoroughly evaluated by the examining physician and commented on the
examination report.
L. Extremities: *If a prosthesis or orthosis is used, such prosthesis or orthosis must not
interfere with the performance of duty. 1) Upper Extremities -- both hands must have at least
the index, middle, and one other finger and must not interfere with the performance of duty; both
thumbs must be functional; or see (*) above. 2) Lower Extremities -- both lower extremities must
be free from limitation of any joint motion which would interfere with the performance of duties;
both great toes must be functionally normal; or see (*) above.
M. Nervous System: Central and peripheral nervous system disorders must be evaluated by the
medical examiner. Applicants with seizures must be thoroughly evaluated by the examining
physician and all findings included in the examination report. Special attention must be given to
any history of seizure activity.
N. Emotional Stability: Any history of significant emotional instability or mental illness should be
thoroughly evaluated by the examining physician and commented on in the examination report.
O. Laboratory Analysis: Items 1 through 4 are not required unless medical history or physical
examination results indicate that such tests are needed to adequately assess the applicant's
physical status. Item 5 is required for Correctional Officers (including Juvenile Correctional
Officers) only.
1. Urinalysis (Multi-Test Stick): Abnormalities in the sugar and albumin tests must be evaluated
further. If Glycosuria is significant, must have Glucose Tolerance Test and if albuminuria,
must have the cause identified.
2. Hemoglobin or Hematocrit.
3. Chest x-ray.
4. Resting Electrocardiogram.
5. Tuberculin Skin Test. (For Correctional Officer Series Only) If there is a positive reaction
of 10mm or greater, a chest x-ray is required to document the absence of tuberculosis.
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017
MAPEP 10-51-03 .. General Information
MS 10-52
............... Medical History Report (Optional)
MS 10-55 ............... Memorandum to Examining Physician
MS 10-55A ............. Memorandum to Reviewing Physician
MS 10-56 .............. Medical Findings
MS 10-57 .............. Report to Employing Agency
MAPEP 10-51-03 (2006) Page 1
Inquiry Authority/Use Statement
The collection of this information is authorized by O.C.G.A. 45-2-40. This information will be used to determine fitness for
duty and to provide protection to employees from potential harmful effects associated with this employment. Unless otherwise
stated, this information may be disclosed to the hiring agency, State agencies responsible for State benefits and workers’
compensation programs, and, where pertinent, to an appropriate law enforcement agency for investigation for prosecutive
purposes or in a legal proceeding to which the hiring agency is a party. As provided by the Americans with disabilities Act of
1990 (Public Law 101-336), this information is to be filed separately from other personnel records and is to be used only for
legitimate, non-discriminatory hiring and placement purposes with reasonable accommodation, where appropriate. Completion
of this form is voluntary; however, if this information is not provided, the individual may not receive the requested benefits or
A: Completed by Employee
1. Employee Name: ____________________________________________________ 2.________-_______-_________
Last First Middle Social Security Number
3. Race: _________________ 4. Sex: Female Male 5. ______________ 6. _________________________
Date of Birth Daytime Telephone Number
7. Address: ______________________________________ 8. Position Title: _______________________________
______________________________________________ 9. Position Number: ____________________________
______________________________________________ 10. Location of Position: _________________________
11. Direct Con
tact for Position Information
a. Name:_______________________ f. Dept.: _________________________________________
b. Title:________________________ g. Unit: __________________________________________
c. Telephone: ___________________
h. Add
ress: _____________
d. E-Mail: _______________
_______ ______________________________________
e. Fax Number: __________________________ ______________________________________
12. Hav
e you been provided detailed information on the duties of this position?
13. Do you understand the functional requirements and environmental factors of this position?
14. Are you capable of performing the duties and responsibilities of this position (with reasonable
accommodations, if necessary, as described in Section A, Item #17)?
For the following questions, explain a "Yes" answer in the space pr
ovided below
15. Have you ever been employed by the State of Georgia?
16. Have you had a physical examination for employment with the State of Georgia within the past
twelve-month period?
17. Is there anything in your past medical history, of which you have knowledge, that would prevent
you being able to perform the duties of this position?
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
MAPEP 10-51-03 (2006) Page 2
Explanation of items 15-17 checked “Yes.” Enter item number before each comment.
I certify that all information given by me in connection with this medical assessment is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief. I agree and understand that any misstatements of material facts may cause forfeiture
on my part of all right to employment in the service of the State of Georgia; may result in dismissal after
appointment; or may result in loss of entitlement to disability retirement benefits. My signature also indicates
that I understand all of the questions on this form.
18. _____________________________________________________ 19. _____________________________
Signature of Employee Date
B: Completed by Employer
1. Indicate type of job information used for medical review (check all that apply): 2. Check job category:
Job description Other (please specify): Category 1 Sedentary
Performance standards Category 2 Active
Functional requirements analysis Category 3 Food Handling
Environmental factors analysis Category 4 Health-related
Category 5 Law Enforcement
3. Descri
be any notable or unusual job requirements or working conditions: (continue on separate page, if needed)
4. Were any “reasonable accommodations” needed? If “Yes,” describe:
Yes No
. _____________________________________
(Type or Print Official Contact’s Name)
6. _________________________________________________________ 7. _____________________________
Signature of Official Contact Date
STATE OF GEORGIA Name: _____________________________________ Soc. Sec. No.: _______-______-________
MEDICAL AND PHYSICAL Job Title: ___________________________________ Department: _________________________
MEDICAL HISTORY REPORT Job Category (circle one) 1 2 3 4 5
The purpose of these questions is to gather information concerning your health and physical condition, both now and in the past. This
information will be used only to determine whether you can safely perform the duties of the job for which you are being considered. Please
answer all of the following questions as fully and completely as you can. If you don’t understand a question, or are unsure of how to answer it,
leave it blank and request assistance.
I certify under penalty of perjury, that the information given by me is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I agree and understand that
any misstatements of material facts may cause forfeiture on my part of all right to employment in the service of the State of Georgia, may result
in dismissal after appointment; or may result in loss of entitlement to disability retirement benefits. My signature also indicates that I
understand all of the questions on this medical history form.
EMPLOYEES’ SIGNATURE: _______________________________________ DATE: ______________________
Individual History To Be Completed By Applicant/Employee (Use Ink)
A. MEDICAL CONDITIONS. Check every item. Do you have or have you ever had any of the following: (If “Yes,” give date of most
recent occurrence and explain on page 3.)
Health Condition Yes Year No
Health Condition
Yes Year No
28. Glasses
1. Persistent or severe headaches
29. Contact lenses
2. Frequent nose bleeds
RESPIRATORY SYSTEM (lungs & breathing)
3. Frequent nasal congestion
30. Persistent or severe colds
4. Persistent or severe sinus condition
31. Persistent or severe cough
5. Bleeding gums
32. Coughing blood
6. Persistent or severe dental condition
33. Asthma or breathing difficulty
7. Hoarse when don’t have cold
34. Emphysema
8. Difficulty swallowing
35. Pneumonia
9. Persistent sore throat
36. Tuberculosis
10. Loss of taste or smell 37. Other lung or breathing condition:
11. Head injury
CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM (heart & blood vessels)
12. Other head, nose, mouth or throat conditions:
39. Heart attack
39. Hardening of the arteries (Arteriosclerosis)
13. Hearing difficulties
40 High or low blood pressure
14. Use hearing aid
41. Heart murmur
15. Ringing in ears (tinnitus)
42. Palpitations or irregular heart beat
16. Perforated ear drum
43. Episodes of chest pains, tightness, discomfort
17. Persistent or severe ear infection
44. Shortness of breath
18. Other ear or hearing conditions
45. Varicose veins
46. Swelling of ankles, feet or legs (edema)
19. Glaucoma
47. Leg pains, cramps
20. Cataract
48. Other cardiac conditions:
21. Eye irritations (itching or burning)
GASTROINTESTINAL SYSTEM (stomach & intestines)
22. Eye infection
49. Persistent or severe nausea or indigestion
23. Defective vision
50. Persistent or severe stomach pain
24. Color blindness
51. Vomiting blood
25. Injury to eye
52. Persistent or severe vomiting
26. Eye surgery
53. Hernia (rupture)
27. Double vision
54. Stomach or duodenal ulcer
MS 10-52, February 15, 2005 (Page 1 of 3)
Health Condition Yes Year No Health Condition Yes Year No
55. Colitis
99. Trick or locked knee
56. Hemorrhoids or piles
100. Knee surgery
57. Change in bowel habits
101. Foot problems
58. Black stool or blood in stool
102. Bone infection
59. Persistent or severe constipation
103. Broken or fractured bone
60. Persistent or severe diarrhea
104. Persistent or severe muscle aches or pains
61. Pancreatitis
105. Other Musculoskeletal conditions:
62. Appendicitis
63. Other conditions of stomach or intestines
106. Diabetes
107. Thyroid condition or disease
64. Cirrhosis
108. Hypoglycemia
65. Hepatitis
109. Unexplained weight gain or loss
66. Yellow jaundice
110. Unusual loss or growth of body hair
67. Gallstones
111. Gout
68. Other conditions of liver, spleen or gallbladder:
112. Osteoporosis or other bone disease:
69. Kidney stones
113. Rash
70. Kidney infection
114. Hives
71. Blood or pus in urine
115. Moles that bleed or get larger
72. Pain or burning when urinating
116. Change in color of skin (other than suntan)
73. Frequent urination
117. Frequent boils/abscesses
74. Albumen or protein in urine
118. Trouble with fingernails
75. Prostate condition
119. Small itching blisters on the side of fingers or palms
76. Burning discharge from penis
120. Sores that do not heal
77. Other conditions of kidneys or urinary tract
121. Other skin conditions:
78. Pregnant at present
122. Anemia
123. Bleeding disorder
79. Epilepsy, convulsions, seizures
124 Sickle cell disease or trait
80. Periods of blackouts/loss of consciousness
125. Phlebitis/blood clot
81. Fainting spells
126. Blood transfusion
82. Dizzy spells (vertigo)
127. Chills, fever, night sweats
83. Memory difficulty
128. Lymph node or glandular swelling that persists
84. Tremor of the hands or head 129. Other conditions of blood or lymph:
85. Paralysis of any type
86. Stroke
130. Surgery
87. Severe numbness, tingling or weakness
131. Radiation therapy
88. Dyslexia/learning difficulty
132. Chemotherapy
89. Other conditions of neurological (nervous) system:
133. Immunotherapy
134. Hormone therapy
90. Arthritis
135. Breast
91. Bursitis/tendonitis
136. Bone
92. Swollen or painful joints
137. Skin
93. Dislocations
138. Other
94. Painful or trick shoulder
95. Elbow problems
139. Mental problem requiring hospitalization
96. Wrist or hand problems
140. Suicidal/attempted suicide
97. Back pain
141. Active psychosis
98. Back surgery
142. Drug, narcotic or alcohol
MS 10-52, February 15, 2005 (Page 2 of 3)
Health Condition Yes Year No Health Condition Yes Year No
143. Persistent or severe depression/worry ALLERGIES (caused by)
144. Other psychological conditions: 152. Medication
Meningitis/encephalitis 153. Food
146. Polio 154. Soaps or detergents
148. Mumps
155. Pollen
149. Measles
156. Insect bites/scales
150. Venereal Disease
157. Other:
151. Other:
Explanation of items checked “Yes.” Enter item number (1-157) before each comment.
Have you ever had surgery? Yes No
[If “Yes, complete the following information about each surgery]
1. __________________________________________ _____________
2. __________________________________________ _____________
Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes No
[If “Yes,” complete the following information about each hospitalization]
1. ___________________________________________ ______________
2. ___________________________________________ ______________
3. ___________________________________________ ______________
MS 10-52,
February 15, 2005 (Page 3 of 3)
TO: The Examining Physician
FROM: State Personnel Board and
(Name of Agency)
SUBJECT: Medical and Physical Examination Program (MAPEP)
We earnestly solicit your assistance in completing a medical and physical examination on the bearer.
Medical and physical examinations are of invaluable aid to both the employer and the employee in matching the
physical and working environment demands of the job with the physical and mental capacities of the job candidate.
From a health conservation standpoint, this type of pre-placement examination program is most effective when
aimed at the prevention of occupational disease and injury at work.
The results of the examination should be reported on the enclosed MAPEP “Medical Findings” form (MS 10-56).
All items should be completed by the examining physician except for tests listed in the “Additional Tests Requested”
box at the top of the form. Those items are to be completed when the employing department has indicated that these
tests are needed or if indicated as follow-up to a potential medical condition identified in the physical examination.
Please read the general and specialized standards provided. These standards identify certain assessments that should
receive close attention during the physical examination.
Accompanying this memorandum and the “Medical Findings” form should be several information items and
completed forms, including those indicated below:
__General Information (MAPEP 10-51-03) __General Medical Guidelines
__ Description of Job Duties __Specialized Medical Guidelines
__ Medical History Report (MS 10-52) __Other:
Attached to the “General Information” form (MAPEP 10-51-03) should be information on the duties and
responsibilities of the job for which the bearer is being hired. This information and other job information on form
MAPEP 10-51-03 – specifically, responses to items A.12.-17. and B.3.-4. -- should be carefully considered in
providing your assessment of the medical implication of bearer’s health history and physical condition for the job
duty assignment. (To assist your understanding of item B.2, a more detailed discussion of the job category
description follows on page 2.)
The results of the examination may be reviewed by a medical practitioner selected by the department or under
contract with the state. The responsibility for the final decision on bearer’s employability in the specified positions
rests with the employing department. If further examinations are indicated, the applicant will be notified.
After the examination has been completed, please return all medical materials to the address and employer
representative identified at the bottom of page 2 of the “Medical Findings” form. All forms and materials are to be
sent together, the bearer should not retain any of the documents.
MS 10-55 (Page 1 of 2) Revised May 1, 2017
Category 1:
Primarily sedentary, light physical work with limited to no unusual working conditions (e.g.,
Administrative Assistant; Manager, Business Operation; Human Resources Specialist).
Category 2:
Moderate to heavy physical activity and/or moderate to high interface with working conditions
of potential concern for certain health conditions (e.g., Supply/Warehouse Clerk; Housekeeper;
Contracts Administrator; Mechanic).
Category 3:
Positions involving food preparation or the handling of raw consumable animal products (e.g.,
Food Service Worker; Plant Operator; Agriculture Inspector).
Category 4:
Health-related positions involving direct contact with or exposure to airborne or blood-borne
pathogens (e.g., Nurse Manager; Health Aide; Radiologist; Dental Hygienist).
Category 5:
Strenuous physical activity and/or extreme or potentially life-threatening working conditions
requiring a high level of physical capability (e.g., GSP Sergeant; Public Safety Cadet; Special
Agent; Correctional Officer; Fire Prevention Specialist; Conservation Lieutenant).
NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, expense for all examinations is to be paid by the prospective employee.
MS 10-55 (Page 2 of 2) Revised May 1, 2017
TO: The Reviewing Physician
FROM: State Personnel Board and
(Name of Agency)
SUBJECT: Medical and Physical Examination Program (MAPEP)
We earnestly solicit your assistance in reviewing the attached information and completing an assessment of the
physical fitness of the prospective employee(s) for and position(s) listed below.
Information relating to the medical and physical condition of prospective employee is of invaluable aid to both the
employer and the employee in matching the physical and working environment demands of the job with the physical
and mental capabilities of the job candidate. From a health conservation standpoint, this type of pre-placement
program is most effective when aimed at the prevention of occupational disease and injury at work.
The results of the assessment should be reported on the enclosed “Report to Employing Agency” form (MS 10-57).
Please review the standards provided, these standards identify certain assessments that should receive close attention
during your review.
Accompanying this memorandum and the “Report to Employing Agency” form, should be several information items
and completed forms, including those indicated below:
__General Information (MAPEP 10-51-03) __General Medical Guidelines
__ Description of Job Duties __Specialized Medical Guidelines
__ Medical History Report (MS 10-52) __Other: ________________________
MS 10-55-A (Page 1 of 2) Revised May 1, 2017
Information on the duties and responsibilities of the job for which the prospective employee is being hired should be
included in section A and B of the “General Information” form (MAPEP 10-51-03). Additional job information may
also be attached. Please consider this information as you provide your assessment of the medical implications of the
prospective employee’s health history and physical condition for job duty assignment. (To assist your understanding
of item B.2., a more detailed discussion of the job category description follows.) Your medical opinion will be
invaluable to the employing department, in as much as, the responsibility for the final employability decision in the
specified position rests with the employing department.
After your review has been completed, please return all medical materials to the address and employer representative
identified in section A, item 11 of the “General Information” form (MAPEP 10-51-03).
Category 1:
Primarily sedentary, light physical work with limited to no unusual working conditions (e.g.,
Administrative Assistant; Manager, Business Operation; Human Resources Specialist).
Category 2:
Moderate to heavy physical activity and/or moderate to high interface with working conditions
of potential concern for certain health conditions (e.g., Supply/Warehouse Clerk; Housekeeper;
Contracts Administrator; Mechanic).
Category 3:
Positions involving food preparation or the handling of raw consumable animal products (e.g.,
Food Service Worker; Plant Operator; Agriculture Inspector).
Category 4:
Health-related positions involving direct contact with or exposure to airborne or blood-borne
pathogens (e.g., Nurse Manager; Health Aide; Radiologist; Dental Hygienist).
Category 5:
Strenuous physical activity and/or extreme or potentially life-threatening working conditions
requiring a high level of physical (e.g., GSP Sergeant; Public Safety Cadet; Special Agent;
Correctional Officer; Fire Prevention Specialist; Conservation Lieutenant).
MS 10-55-A (Page 2 of 2) Revised May 1, 2017
edical Findings
Examinee’s Name
SSN 3. Height (Feet, Inches) 4.
eight (pounds)
5. Vision Evaluation
Depth Perception Within Normal Limits
Yes No 
Peripheral Vision
Right Eye ________ Left Eye ________
istant Vision
Near Vision
Without Glasses
Right 20/ Left 20/ ______
ithout Glasses
Right 20/ _____ Left 20/ _____
With Glasses
Right 20/ Left 20/ ______
With Glasses
Right 20/ _____ Left 20/ _____
e. Is color vision normal when Ishihara or other color plate test is used?
Yes No
f. If the answer is “No”, can applicant pass lantern or other
Yes No
6. Hearing Evaluation
a. OTOSCOPIC EXAMINATION: Right Ear _______ Left Ear ______
b. PURE TONE AIR CONDUCTION TEST RESULTS: (This section is to be used for all pre employment air conduction hearing testing.)
Right Ear
Left Ear
250 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000 250 500 1000 2000 3000 4000 6000 8000
c. SOUND FIELD PURE TONE/WARBLE TONE TEST RESULTS: (This section is to be used in conjunction with the pure tone air conduction testing
section for all individuals with hearing aids who do not meet the guidelines on the air conduction test.)
Sound Field Test
If individual meets the stated hearing guideline, no further hearing testing is necessary for the purpose of employment. However, if any single air conduction
threshold is obtained outside the normal, 0-24dB range, the results of the test must be explained to the candidate and the recommendation made to obtain a
complete audiological evaluation at the individual’s expense.
d. AUDIOMETER SERIAL #: ______________________ e. DATE OF CALIBRATION: _______________________
Pulmonary Function
Tuberculin Skin Test (TST)
Chest X-Ray
Back X-Ray
Other Tests
The person you are about to examine is being
evaluated for the position described in job
materials provided. In conducting your exam and
reporting your findings and conclusions, take the
job duty data into consideration.
MS 10-56, May 4, 2012 (Page 1 of 3)
7. Blood Pressure/Pulse
a. Systolic/diastolic b. Two additional Readings if elevated c. Pulse
8. Physical Examination
Clinical Evaluation Normal Abnormal Remarks
a. Head, face, neck, and scalp
b. Nose
c. Mouth and Throat
d. Ears
e. Eyes
f. Ophthalmoscopic
g. Ocular motility
h. Lungs and Chest (Breast, if
i. Heart
j. Vascular system (Varicosities, etc.)
k. Abdomen
l. Anus and rectum (If indicated)
m. Endocrine system
n. Hernia (Any type)
o. Upper extremities
p. Feet
q. Lower extremities
r. Spine
s. Identifying body marks, scars
t. Skin, lymphatics
u. Neurological
v. Mental status
9. Allergies
1. 3.
2. 4.
10. Surgery
Type of Surgery Date (Mo/Yr)
MS 10-56, May 4, 2012 (Page 2 of 3)
11. Comments/Implications for Fitness for Duty
12. Physician Signature and Address
a. Physician's Name (Type or Print) b. Physician Telephone c. Address
d. Signature e. Date
13. Employer Name and Address
IMPORTANT: Examining Physician --
Return all materials supplied by the
prospective employee to the employer
address provided.
eturn to:
n order to comply with ‘‘The Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 (GINA), we ask
that you NOT provide any genetic information when responding to this request for medical
information. This includes family medical history, results of genetic tests, information regarding
genetic services, and genetic information about an individual’s or family members’ fetus or
MS 10-56, May 4, 2012 (Page 3 of 3)
(Employing Agency)
FROM: _____________________________________________
In reviewing the medical information/examination of , for a _______________________________________________
(Name of Applicant)
position and performed on by _______________________________, M.D., of ____________________________________,
(Date) (Name) (Address)
The physical demands of the position and the working conditions under which work is performed as approved by the State Personnel Board and
described in the procedure manual, have been compared with the health status of said prospective employee and the following report is submitted
for your consideration:
Physically capable to meet the demands of position with:
) No limitations (
) Moderate limitations (not to be transferred to another position without review of medical records)
( )
2. Recommend further examinations: _______________________________________________________________________________________
Remarks: _________________________________________________________________________________________
oes not meet the physical standards of the position: _______________________________________________________________________
omplete or inadequate information: ___________________________________________________________________________________
Date: _______________________ M.D.
(Reviewing Physician)
MS 10-57, February 15, 2005
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017 33
X A – O.C.G.A. 45-2-40 – Medical and Physical Examination of Prospecti
State Employees
X B – SPB 478-4 –Medical and Physical Examination Program
APPENDIX C – Worksheet of Functional Requi
X D – O.C.G.A. 34-9-368 – Subsequent Injury Tr
ust Fund
X E – Glossar
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017 34
Medical and Physical Examination of Prospective State Employees
O.C.G.A. 45-2-40
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017 35
Medical and Physical Examination of Prospective State Employees
O.C.G.A. 45-2
No person who is otherwise qualified shall be employed in any capacity by the state or any
department or agency thereof unless the person is certified as meeting the standards of medical
and physical fitness by a qualified medical practitioner within a prescribed number of calendar
days after the date of an offer of employment. However, the State Personnel Board may provide
for standards of medical and physical fitness for some positions that require only certification by
the prospective employee and such certification may be accepted by the respective employing
department without further assessment by a medical practitioner.
(a) The commissioner of administrative services, subject to the approval of the State Personnel
Board, shall appoint up to five doctors of medicine licensed by the state and other specialists, as
appropriate, to develop standards of medical and physical fitness required for persons about to be
appointed to positions in the state service. Such standards shall be related to the duties required
of specific positions in the state service. The commissioner of administrative services shall
develop the forms to secure the information needed to determine if prospective employees meet
the medical and physical fitness standards required to perform the essential functions of the
relevant position.
(b) If a physical examination is required by the standards of medical and physical fitness, a
licensed medical practitioner may perform the assessment and report the findings to a physician
in the employ of or under contract with the state or respective employing department. The
licensed medical practitioner may be of the applicant's choice and at the applicant's expense or
may be a licensed physician in the employ of or under contract with the state or respective
employing department. When the licensed physician is in the employ of or under contract with
the state or respective employing department, the assessment and findings shall be made to the
respective department and shall be final, except as provided in the State Personnel Board rules.
(c) The commissioner of administrative services may, through a competitive proposal process,
enter into an agreement on behalf of the departments to contract with medical practitioners for
the purpose of conducting assessments for medical and physical fitness as required by the
standards of medical and physical fitness. In such case, each department may use the selected
contractor as an expense of a departmental employee selection process or may recommend that
prospective employees seek the examination at the contractor's site at the prospective employee's
expense. If the prospective employee chooses to use a medical practitioner other than one
selected by the department or under contract with the state on behalf of the department, the
findings and recommendations of such other practitioner shall be furnished to the medical
practitioner selected by the department or under contract with the state on behalf of the
department for final determination of the medical and physical fitness of the prospective
Appendix A (Page 1 of 3)
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017 36
employee. Expenses for the medical practitioner under contract with the state on behalf of the
department shall be paid by the respective employing department based upon the services
provided by such medical practitioner.
(d) The State Personnel Board is authorized to establish a fee and make payment of same to the
consultants appointed by the commissioner of administrative services for services rendered in the
development of standards of medical and physical fitness for state employees; provided,
however, that no state employee shall receive additional compensation for services as a
consultant for developing the standards of medical and physical fitness.
(e) The certification required by Code Section 45-2-40 shall be completed as required in the rules
of the State Personnel Board; provided, however, that if a physical examination is required by
the standards for medical and physical fitness, the physical examination shall be completed prior
to the date of appointment, and the reporting of results shall occur within a prescribed number of
calendar days from the date of appointment.
The state department or agency shall furnish to the applicant the standards of medical and
physical fitness for the position for which applied in such manner as to enable a medical
practitioner to ascertain the physical capacity of the applicant to fulfill the requirements of
If a physical examination is required, the examining medical practitioner shall make a report
certifying that the prospective employee has been examined and certified as not having any
condition that would impair the fulfillment of the prescribed duties of the employment. However,
if a condition exists which would impair the fulfillment of the prescribed duties, the medical
practitioner shall identify such condition, the employing agency shall provide reasonable
accommodation to the extent required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Section
12101, et seq., and the medical practitioner shall certify that the prospective employee, with the
accommodation, meets the standards of medical and physical fitness for the position. Additional
confidential medical information should be given only with the consent of the applicant. The
examining medical practitioner shall complete the necessary forms and findings in accordance
with the rules of the State Personnel Board. All such medical information shall be retained in a
separate, confidential file and not as a part of the personnel file.
The State Personnel Board, subject to the approval of the Governor, shall adopt and promulgate
rules and regulations for the administration of this article. The board, through the commissioner
of administrative services, is authorized to expend allocated funds for the necessary forms and
other incidental administrative expenses in effectuating this article. All other expenses shall be
borne by the prospective employee or the respective employing department in accordance with
the rules of the board.
Appendix A (Page 2 of 3)
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017 37
This article shall not apply to department heads, temporary employees, other categories of
employees of the state as defined by the State Personnel Board, or to students in the University
System of Georgia in the employ of the state, nor shall it apply to any present employee. As used
in this Code section, the term "temporary employee" means a person whose period of
employment is of short duration or is part time as defined by the State Personnel Board.
Appendix A (Page 3 of 3)
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017 38
Rules of the State Personnel Board
Governing the Medical and Physical
Examination Program
State of Georgia
Manual for Medical and Physical Examination Program
Revised May 1, 2017 39
478-4-.01 Definitions.
(1) Co
mmissioner and Commissioner of Administrative Services are synonym
ous and mean the chief
executive officer of the
State Department of Administrative Services. The term also includes any
person properly designated by the Commissioner to perform any duty of the Com
missioner under
these rules. (10-31-96/1-3
(2) Committee and
Medical and Physical Standards Committee are synonymous and mean the bod
appointed b
y the Commissioner to advise the Board relative to standards of medical and ph
fitness. (10-3
(3) Department means any department or agency of the state. (10-31-96/1-31-97)
Prospective Employee m
eans any person, other than a department head, who has
been offered
ployment by any state department, who will work at least 30 hours per week, and whose
employment shall not be of short-term, temporary, contingent, interm
ittent, part-time, or student
nature. (10-31-96/1-31-97)
Qualified medical practitioner
means any medically trained person who
is licensed to assess the
edical and physical condition of a Prospective Employee. (10-31-96/1-31
State Personnel Board and Board are synonymous and mean the body established by Article IV,
Section III of the Constitution of the State of Georgia. (10-31-96/1-31-97)
State Ph
ysician means any licensed physician who has been employed or contracted by
ent or the Commissioner for the purpose of conducting Limited or
Full Physical
Examinations, assessing the results of the examination for Prospective Employees, or determining if
the Prospecti
ve Employee meets the standards of physical fitness for the specific position. (10-31-
Authority O.C.G.A. Sec. 45-2-40. History. Original Rule entitled “Definitions” adopted. F. Feb. 7, 1997; eff
Jan. 31, 1997, as specified by the Board.
478-4-.02 General Provisions.
Applicability. No Prospective Employee who is otherwise qualified shall be employ
ed on and
after Jul
y 1, 1996, in any capacity by the state or any department or agency thereof, unless the person
has completed certification or is certified by a qualified medical practitioner as meeting th
e standards
of m
edical and physical fitness as established by the Board. (10-31-96/1-31-97
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(2) Records. All medical information that is completed or collected in any form about a Prospective
Employee under the Medical and Examination program shall be confidential and retained separately
from other personnel records of the employee. (10-31-96/1-31
ive Employee’s Responsibility. A Prospective Employee may choose to use a me
practitioner other than a State Physician to complete the Limited or Full Physical Examination. The
Prospective Employee shall cause the physical examination report to be forwarde
d to a State
ysician to determine if the appropriate standards of physical fitness have been met. (10-31-96/1-
Completion of the Physical Examination and Certification. The Prospective Employee shall
plete the self-assessment or the Limited or Full Physical Examination prior to the effective date
of employment. The employing department shall require the Prospective Employee who chooses to
use a medical practitioner other than a State Physician to submit the Limited or
Full Physical
ination assessment to the employing department prior to the date the employee reports to work.
The employing department and the Commissioner shall provide for performance requirements that
stipulate that a State Physician shall complete the assessment and decision no later than the fortieth
day following receipt of the Physical Examination report or conducting the Limited or Full Physical
Examination. (10-31-96/1-
478-4-.03 Organization.
Functions, Duties and Responsibi
lities of the State Personnel Board. The State Personnel Board
shall prescribe the general policies by which the Medical and Physical Examination Program shall be
administered. Specific functions of the Board are: (10-31-96
(a) subject to the approval of the Governor, pro
mulgate rules and regulations for the effective
inistration of the Medical and Physical Examination Program; (10-31-96/1
(b) after providing interested parties an opportunity
to review and comment,
approve the
standards o
f medical and physical fitness that are required by the duties of
the specific positions
in the state service; (10-31-96/1-31-97)
(c) establish
a fee to be paid to consultants for services rendered in the developm
ent of standards
of m
edical and physical fitness; however, persons in the employ of the st
ate shall not receive
pensation other than the regular salary paid by the employing department or agency. (10-31-
Duties and Responsibilities of the Commissioner. The Commissioner shall administe
the m
edical and physical examination and certification program. The Commis
(a) subject to the approv
al of the State Personnel Board, shall appoint a Medical and Physical
Standards C
ommittee consisting of up to five Georgia licensed doctors of me
dicine or other
specialists to develop stan
dards of medical and physical fitness; (10-31-96/1-31
(b) shall dev
elop all forms for administration of the medical and physical examination program,
shall develop procedural processes for administration and shall publish the standards for medical
and ph
ysical fitness; (10-31-96/1-31-97)
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(c) may develop appropriate purchasing requests to select through a competitive process and
enter into an agreem
ent on behalf of the departments to conduct assessments for medical and
physical fitness as required by the standards of medical and physical fitness; (10-31-96/1-
(d) provide technical assistance to employ
ing departments for complying with the requirements
of the Medical and Physical Examination Program. (10-31-96/1-31-97)
Functions, Duties,
and Responsibilities of the Employing Departments. The department head or
his or her designee shall administer the medical and physical examination and certificatio
n within the
respective departm
ent in compliance with the standards of medical and physical fitness.
In addition,
the department head or his or her designee: (10-31-96/1-31-97)
(a) shall develop policies and processes necessary for compliance with these rules
within 120
calendar days of the effec
tive date of these provisions; (10-31-9
(b) shall advise the Co
mmissioner and Committee on duties required for specific positions in the
respective departm
ent; (10-31-96/1-31-
(c) m
ay employ a licensed physician or contract for services of a licensed ph
ysician to be
designated as a State Physician to perform
the assessment and make
a determination as to
compliance with the standards of physical fitness for Prospective Employees of the respective
department; (10-31-96
(d) m
ay utilize the statewide contract of State Physician(s) to conduct the Limited or Full
Physical Examination and to determine if the Prospective Employee meets the a
standards for physical fitness for the specific position; (10-31-96/1-31-97)
(e) may pay the charge for contract services of the State Physician to conduct the Limited
or Full
ysical Examination for the specific position; (10-31-96/1-31-9
(f) shall pa
y any charges for contract services for the State Physician to review Limited or Full
Physical Examination reports and decide if the Prospective Employee’s physical condition meets
the standards of physical fitness for the specific posi
tion; (10-31-96/1-31-97)
(g) shall inform
the Prospective Employee of the administrative requirements to comply with the
Medical and Physical Examination Program and furnish the Prospective Employee with the
appropriate form
s and standards of medical and
physical fitness for the position for which the
ployment offer has been made. (10-31-96/1-31-9
Authority O.C.G.A. Sec. 45-2-40. History. Original Rule entitled “Organization” adopted. F. Feb. 7, 1997; eff
Jan. 31, 1997, as specified by the Board.
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478-4-.04 Standards of Medical and Physical Fitness.
(1) The Com
missioner shall determine the most appropriate method of collecting information about
the duties required of specific positions and shall provide the Committee with departmental collected
information that describes the essential functions of specific groups of positions. (10-31-9
(2) Ba
sed upon the information about the essential job functions, comments from departmental
representatives, and guid
elines provided in state and federal laws, the committee shall form
ended standards for medical and physical fitness for specific positions. The standards fo
edical and physical fitness that are in effect on June 30, 1996 shall remain in effect until modified
through these rules. (10-31-96/1-31-97)
(3) Upon ap
proval by the Board of new or revised standards, Prospective Employees wh
o are
ployed on and after the effective date of the new or revised standards of medical and physical
fitness shall be assessed using the new or revised standards. The standards shall include the me
of assessm
ent and certification that is required for a decision as to the medical and physical fitness of
the Prospective Employee. (10-31-96/1-31-97)
Authority O.C.G.A. Sec. 45-2-40. History. Original Rule entitled “Standards of Medical and Physical Fitness”
adopted. F. Feb. 7, 1997; eff. Jan. 31, 1997, as specified by the Board.
478-4-.05 Assessment and Certification.
(1) Self-Asse
ssment. Positions that require general health conditions may
be included in general
standards of m
edical and physical fitness that provides for the Prospective Employ
ee to assess
oneself b
y completing a questionnaire or statement form. (10-31-96/1-31-97
Limited Physical Examination. Positions having essential functions that may involve moderate to
heavy physical activity or exposure to conditions that normally place the employee or public in
unhealthy risk situations may require a Limited Physical Examination for assessing if the Pros
ployee meets the appropriate standards of medical and physical fitness. The examination may
ed by a State Physician; however, the employee may choose to use any licensed me
practitioner other than a State Physician who is designated by the employing department. (10-31-
Full Phy
sical Examination. Prospective Employees for positions having essential f
unctions that
require stre
nuous physical activity or potentially life-threatening working conditions shall be
assessed by a Full Physical Examination. The examination may be performed by a State Physician;
however, the employee may choose to use an
y licensed medical practitioner other than a State
ysician who is designated by the employing department. (10-31-96/1-31-
Certification. Certification that the Prospective Employee meets the standards of medical and
physical fitness may be completed by the Prospective Employee or a State Physician. (10-31-96/ 1-
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(a) A department may accept the self-assessment as self-certification that the individual meets the
general standards of medical and physical fitness to perform the essential functions of a position
for which the general standards apply; however, the department may refer the form of self-
assessment and the essential functions required of the Prospective Employee to a State Physician
for assessment and certification that the Prospective Employee meets the standards of me
and physical fitness to perform the essential functions of the position. (10-31-96/1-31-97)
(b) A department may accept the results of the Limited Physical Examination or Full
ination and statement of assessment by a State Physician that the Prospective Employ
eets the standards of medical and physical fitness to perform the essential functions of the
specific position. (10-31-96/1-31-97)
(c) A department may receive or designate a place for the receipt of the results of a Limited
Physical Examination or Full Physical Examination report by a medical practitioner oth
er than a
State Physician. Based upon the report and any
additional information required to ma
ke an
assessment, a State Physician shall make an assessment of the results and determine if the
Prospective Employee may be certified as meeting the standards of medical and ph
ysical fitness
to perform
the essential functions of the specific position. (10-31-96/1-31-97)
(5) Cost.
A department may develop a written policy that establishes the c
onditions under which the
department or the Prospective Employee must pay the cost of a Limited or Full Physical
ination. (10-31-96/1-
rtment Pay. The respective department may use appropriated funds for payment to pay a
State Physician for performing the Limited or Full Physical Examination and certification. (10-
mployee Pay. The respective employing department may develop or participate in a pricing
arrangement by which the State Physician may charge the Prospective Employee for a Limi
ted or
Full Ph
ysical Examination and certification. (10-31-96/1-31-97
Employee Pay. When a Prospect
ive Employee chooses to use a medical practitioner other
than a State Physician, the employee shall pay the charge made by the medical practitioner. (10-
Reasonable Accommodations. A department shall provide reasonable accommodation to the
extent required by the Americans with Disabilities Act, 42 U.S.C. Sect 12010 et seq. The departme
shall take into considerati
on the report from the examining medical practitioner that the
ployee does not have any condition that would impair the fulfillment of
the prescribed duties of
the position and the certification statement of a State Physician when com
ing with the
requirements of federal and state law. (10-31-96/1-3 1-97)
Authority O.C.G.A. Sec. 45-2-40. History. Original Rule entitled “Assessment and Certification” adopted. F.
Feb. 7, 1997; eff. Jan. 31, 1997, as specified by the Board.
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478-4-.06 Appeal.
(1) Depa
rtmental Policy. Each department shall establish a written policy that provides the
department with an informed opinion when Prospective Employees subm
it an appeal, regardless of
the form
at under which presented, contesting any requirement of the Medical and Physical
Examination Program. (10-31-96/1-31-
Departmental Decision
. Upon receipt of an appeal from a Prospective Employee, the employing
department shall review the facts and circumstances, obtain an informed o
pinion, and issue a final
inistrative decision to dispose of the appeal. (10-31-96/1-31
Notice to Commissioner. A department shall provide to the Commissioner notification of any
appeal or litigation filed in any court by a Prospective Employ
ee that alleges a violation of these
rules. When
a decision regarding the issue is rendered by the appropriate departme
ntal official or
court, a cop
y of the decision shall also be made available to the Commissioner. (10-31-96
Authority O.C.GA. Sec. 45-2-40. History. Original Rule entitled “Appeal” adopted. F. Feb. 7, 1997; eff. Jan.
31, 1997, as specified by the Board.
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Worksheet of Functional Requirements and
Environmental Factors
(MS 10-59)
List and briefly describe major functions of the job.
List in order of importance, most important first.
For each function, indicate percentage of time spent and answer ‘yes
or no’ to the ten questions provided. (NOTE: The response to
question ) is a decision about “essential” functions under ADA.)
For “essential” functions, identify equipment, machinery or vehicle
required to performance
Indicates the % of total annual work time
typically spent on this function.
a. Does this function need to be done at all?
b. At this time, is the incumbent of this position
the only staff member to whom this function
can be assigned?
c. Would eliminating this function
fundamentally change the job?
d. Does this job exist primarily to do
this function?
e. Is special expetise/judgement required?
f. Is special training or education required?
g. Is a license required?
h. Would there be any significant consequence
if this is not done?
i. Did the previous incumbent of the position
do this?
j. Is this functionessential”? (NOTE: Use
ADA definition. The more ‘yes’ responses a-I,
the stronger the support for “essential.)
For each
functional list
any equipment,
machinery, or
vehicles required
to perform the
MS 10-59 (Attach additional sheets, if needed.)
Appendix C
Appendix C
Circle the number preceding each functional requirement and each environmental factor involved in the performance of the essential
functions marked in section C on the previous page. For circled items, indicate frequency by checking the appropriate box for Occasional
(<25%), Frequent (25-75%) or Continuous (75% +)
Functional Requirements Environmental Factors
Occasional Frequent Continuous Occasional Frequent Continuous
(<25%) (25-75%) (75% +) (<25%) (25-75%) (75% +)
1. Heavy lifting, 45 pounds and over
2. Moderate lifting, 15-44 pounds
3. Light lifting, under 15 pounds
4. Heavy carrying, 45 pounds and over
5. Moderate carrying, 15-44 pounds
6. Light carrying, under 15 pounds
7. Straight pulling
8. Pulling hand over hand
9. Pushing
10. Reaching above shoulder
11. Use of fingers(e.g., typing)
12. Both hands required or compensated by the use
of acceptable prostheses
13. Extended sitting
14. Running
15. Walking
16. Standing
17. Crawling
18. Kneeling
19. Repeated bending
20. Climbing, legs only
21. Climbing, use of legs and arms
22. Operation of crane, truck, tractor, or motor vehicle
23. Ability for rapid mental and muscular
coordination simultaneously
24. Minimal visual requirements (e.g., shapes,
shadows, contrasts)
25. Routine visual requirements (e.g., reading with
attention to details; seeing activities near and far)
26. Acute visual requirements (e.g., microscopic work,
high speed driving)
27. Night vision
28. Peripheral vision
29. Depth perception
30. Ability to distinguish basic colors
31. Ability to distinguish shades of colors
32. Ability to smell
33. Minimal hearing ability (e.g., loud noises,
emergency sirens)
34. Routine hearing ability, (e.g., whispers at close range,
voices at 15 feet, converse by telephone)
35. Acute hearing ability (e.g., use of stethoscope,
radio transmission with static)
1. Inside
2. Outside
3. Excessive heat 
4. Excessive cold
5. Excessive humidity
6. Excessive dampness or chilling
7. Dry atmospheric conditions
8. Excessive noise
9. Dust
10. Fumes, smoke, or gases
11. Silica, asbestos, etc.
12. Solvents (degreasing agents)
13. Grease and oils
14. Acidic/caustic solutions
15. Pesticides
16. Other chemicals (specify)
17. Human blood, body fluids, or tissue
18. Human wastes
19. Animal blood, body fluids, or tissue
20. Animal wastes
21. Biological agents
22. Biomedical waste
23. Radiant energy
24. Electrical energy
25. Slippery or uneven walking surfaces
26. Working around machinery with moving parts
27. Working around moving objects or vehicles
28. Working on ladders or scaffolding
29. Working below ground
30. Working with sharp instruments
31. Working with fire, boilers, large hot stoves or the like
32. Unusual fatigue factors (specify)
33. Cleaning supplies/abrasives
34. Working with hands in water
35. Explosives
36. Combustibles
37. Vibration
38. Working closely with others
39. Working alone
40. Protracted or irregular hours of work
41. Other (specify)
_________________________________________________ 
MS 10-59
Appendix C
Circle the number for the highest level of cognitive skills needed to perform any of the "essential" functions marked in
Section C on page 1.
Circle the number for the highest level of mathematics skills needed to perform
any of the "essential" functions marked
in Section C on page 1.
Circle the number for the highest level
of speech communication needed to
perform any of the essential functions
marked in Section C on page 1.
1. Apply common sense understanding to carry
out simple one- or two-step instructions. Deal
with standardized situations with occasional or
no variables in or from these situations
encountered on the job.
2. Apply common sense understanding to carry
out detailed but uninvolved written or oral
instructions. Deal with problems involving a
few concrete variables in or from standardized
3. Apply common sense understanding to carry
out instructions furnished in written, oral, or
diagrammatic form. Deal with problems
involving several concrete variables in or from
standardized situations.
4. Apply principles of rational systems to solve
practical problems and deal with a variety of
concrete variables in situations where only
limited standardization exists. Interpret a
variety of instructions furnished in written, oral,
diagrammatic, or schedule form.
5. Apply principles of logical or scientific thinking
to define problems, collect data, establish facts,
and draw valid conclusions. Interpret an
extensive variety of technical instructions, in
books, manuals, and mathematical or
diagrammatic form. Deal with several abstract
and concrete variables.
6. Apply principles of logical or scientific thinking
to a wide range of intellectual and practical
problems. Deal with non-verbal symbolism
(formulas, scientific equations, graphs, musical
notes, etc.) in its most difficult phases. Deal
with a variety of abstract and concrete variables.
Comprehend complex, hard-to-understand
1. No mathematics requirement.
2. Perform simple addition and subtraction,
reading and copying of figures, or counting
and recording.
3. Use arithmetic to add, subtract, multiply,
and divide whole numbers.
4. Make arithmetic calculations involving
fractions, decimals and percentages.
5. Perform ordinary arithmetic, algebraic, and
geometric procedures in standard, practical
6. Apply knowledge of advanced mathematical
and statistical techniques such as differential
and integral calculus, factor analysis, and
probability determination, or work with a wide
variety of theoretical mathematical concepts
and make original applications of
mathematical procedures, as in empirical and
differential equations.
1. No speech requirement.
2. Expression of a level to verbally respond to
supervisors or co-workers in the affirmative or
3. Expression of a level to respond to or make basic
requests. Vocalization to alert others to
emergencies. Capable of basic verbal exchange,
though may not be able to communicate by
telephone .
4. Expression of a level to communicate verbally with
clients/customers and others to obtain and provide
basic information. Able to communicate by
telephone. Capable of explaining routine policies
and of properly referring more complex cases.
5. Expression of a level to communicate fluently with
clients/customers and others to obtain and provide
complex information. Vocalize and explain detailed
data and problem-solve, both in-person and by
telephone. Capable of interpretation of technical
materials, oral presentation of reports and able to
adapt vocabulary, tone and content for listener.
6. Expression of a level comparable to 5, plus highest
order verbal skills such as ability to lecture to large
groups, ability to speak on complex issues without
prepared notes.
MS 10-59
Appendix C
Circle the number for the highest level of composition ability needed to perform
any of the essential functions marked in Section C on page 1.
Circle the number for the highest level of travel needed to perform any of the
essential functions marked in Section C on page 1.
1. No composition requirement
2. Comprehension and expression of a level to record very limited
information such as name and address of client/customer.
3. Comprehension and expression of a level to record fairly uncomplicated
information frequently such as filling in report forms, logging entries and
taking telephone messages.
4. Comprehension and expression of a level to routinely draft narrative
information such as case histories, compose routine correspondence on
own initiative, make interview notes. May involve a large volume of such
5. Comprehension and expression of a level to draft lengthy technical
documents such as project or research reports, policy position papers and
other advanced informational materials requiring grammatical correctness
and clarity of expression. Requires facility to compose narrative text and
technical data that may vary according to the intended audience. May
involve a large volume of such composition.
1. No travel required.
2. Minimal travel required - ability to travel infrequently (i.e., annually) for
activities such as developmental sessions at a centralized training center.
3. Moderate travel required - ability to travel occasionally (i.e., quarterly) for
activities such as out-of-town meetings or training sessions.
4. Normal travel required - ability to travel frequently (i.e., weekly-monthly) for
activities such as home visits, collateral contacts, transport of clients to
appointments, delivering mail, auditing records, inspecting facilities, or other
activities requiring frequent travel under normal conditions.
5. Extreme travel required - ability to travel routinely (i.e., daily) under extreme
conditions such as all hours of day/night in high risk/dangerous settings such
as to remove and place children in protective custody or heavy travel for long
distances such as conducting business sessions in various parts of the state or
6. Comprehension and expression of a level comparable to 5, plus highest
order of composition skills such as ability to do this as primary function of
the job, to draft and edit publication-quality papers, to prepare highly
complex documents such as wills and contracts. May involve a large
volume of such composition.
J. OTHER SPECIAL DEMANDS: List and explain any other special
requirements of the position necessary to perform the essential job functions
identified in Section C on page 1.
Reviewer’s Name Date
Reviewer's Signature
MS 10-59
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Dissolution of Subsequent Injury Trust Fund
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(a) The Subsequent Injury Trust Fund shall not reimburse a self-insured employer or an
insurer for a subsequent injury for which a claim is made for an injury occurring after June 30,
2006. The Subsequent Injury Trust Fund shall continue to reimburse self-insured employers or
insurers for claims for injuries occurring on and prior to June 30, 2006, which qualify for
(b) Self-insured employers and insurers shall continue to pay assessments pursuant to Code
Section 34-9-358 to the extent necessary to fund claims for injuries occurring on and prior to
June 30, 2006.
(c) Upon or in contemplation of the final payment of all claims filed for subsequent injuries for
which claims are filed for injuries occurring on and prior to June 30, 2006, the board of trustees
shall adopt and implement resolutions providing for the final dissolution of the Subsequent
Injury Trust Fund. Such resolutions shall become effective when all claims made for injuries
occurring on and prior to June 30, 2006, have been fully paid or otherwise resolved and shall
include provisions for:
(1) The termination of assessments against insurers or self-insurers;
(2) The pro rata refund of assessments previously collected and unexpended;
(3) The termination of employment of the employees of the fund or the transfer of
employment of any employees to any other state agency desiring to accept them;
(4) A final accounting of the financial affairs of the fund; and
(5) The transfer of the books, records and property of the fund to the custody of the State
Board of Worker’s Compensation.
Upon completion of all matters provided for in such resolutions, but not later than December 31,
2020, the Subsequent Injury Trust Fund and the members of its board of trustees shall be
discharged from their duties except for such personnel necessary to administer any remaining
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SI - The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, non-profit organization (501(c)3) that
administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standardization and conformity assessment system
Audiogram - a graphical representation of a person’s auditory sensitivity to sound: a picture of one’s hearing
Audiologist – a person who, by virtue of academic degree, clinical training, and license to practice and/or
professional credential, is uniquely qualified to provide a comprehensive array of professional services related to the
prevention of hearing loss and the audiologic identification, assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of persons with
impairment of auditory and vestibular function, and to the prevention of impairments associated with them
Audiometer – an instrument used to measure the sensitivity of hearing
Decibel (dB) – a logarithmic unit of sound intensity
Hepatitis A – inflammation of the liver caused by a virus that is transmitted by ingestion of infected food and water
Hertz (Hz) – a unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second
Hypertension – persistent high blood pressure
Ocular motility – ability of the eye to move spontaneously
Ophthalmoscopic – examination of the interior structures of the eye
Orthosis (bracing) – an external orthopedic appliance that prevents or assists the movement of the spine or limbs
Otoscopic – examination of the interior of the ear, especially the eardrum
Pathogen – an agent that causes disease
Prosthesis – an artificial device used to replace a missing body part such as a limb
Psychoneurosis – mental or emotional disorder
Salmonella typhi – bacteria that causes typhoid
Shigella – bacteria that causes dysentery
Staphylococcus aureus – bacteria that causes food poisoning
Streptococcus pyogenes bacteria that causes the formation of pus or fatal septicemias