Georgetown Preparatory School
Transcript Request Form
Admissions Office
Georgetown Preparatory School
10900 Rockville Pike, N. Bethesda, MD 20852
Phone 301-214-1215 Fax 301-493-6128
Student: _______________________ Grade: ______________________
To Parents: Because of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974, many schools require the
authorization below for any release of your son’s educational records. We suggest that you present this form to
your son’s guidance counselor.
Authorization for Release of Transcript
The undersigned hereby consents to the release to Georgetown Preparatory School of educational records
pertaining to the above-named student, including recommendations and other information as may be requested
to support his application to Georgetown Prep.
_________________________________ ___________________
Signature of Parent/Guardian
To the Guidance Counselor: The student named above has applied for admission to Georgetown Prep. Would
you please send us the following:
1. If he is currently an 8
grade student, his academic transcript for the 7
grade and the 8
grade to date.
If he is currently in secondary school, his academic transcript for his years at that level, including the
present year to date.
2. Copies of the results of any standardized testing he has taken.
3. The parent will solicit from two (2) teachers, on forms provided, confidential recommendations as to
character, personality, and academic potential.
If this student is admitted to our school, we will, at year’s end, request a final academic transcript, and so we
ask that you retain this authorization to preclude the need for a second one.
We appreciate very much your cooperation and assistance.
Brian J. Gilbert
Dean of Admissions