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A Stock Insurance Company (herein called We, Us and Our)
Administrative Office: P.O. Box 64010, St. Paul, MN 55164-0010 Phone Number 800-416-3624
Policyholder: XYZ Employer
Group Policy Number: XXXXXX
Group Policy Effective Date: January 1, 2016
Group Policy Issued In: California
Group Policy Anniversary Dates: January 1 of 2017 and each succeeding year
Premium Due Dates: The Group Policy Effective Date and the first day of each
succeeding month]
This Group Policy is issued in consideration of payment of any required Premium, as stated in the
Premium Rate Schedule, and any applicable Application. We will provide Coverage to the Policyholder
and any Insured in accordance with the terms, provisions and conditions of this Group Policy and its
This Group Policy becomes effective on the Group Policy Effective Date. All time periods under this
Group Policy start and end at 12:01 a.m. Eastern Time in the United States.
Signed for Genworth Life Insurance Company.
Senior Vice President
This Group Policy, and any Certificate(s) issued hereunder, may not cover all of the costs associated with
long term care incurred during the period of Coverage. The buyer is advised to review carefully all Policy
Neither this Group Policy, nor any Certificate issued hereunder, is a Medicare Supplement Policy.
If a person is eligible for Medicare, the Guide to Health Insurance for People with Medicare is
available from Us for review.
TAX DISCLOSURE: This Group Policy is intended to be a federally tax-qualified long term care
insurance contract under Section 7702B(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, (as amended by
the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 - Public Law 104-191).
NOTE: The Insurance Department, or similar regulating body, of the State in which this Group Policy
is issued does not in any way warrant that this Group Policy meets the requirements of
Section 7702B(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended.
The Group Policy is non-participating.
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Section Contents of Section Page
Declarations …………………………………………………………………………………………………1
This is the first page of this Group Policy and includes notices and other important
Table of Contents …………………………………………………………………………………………..2
This lists the major sections in this Group Policy.
General Definitions …………………………………………………………………………………………3
This provides the definitions of words used in this Group Policy that have special
meaning when applied to this Group Policy. Additional terms not defined in this
section are defined in the provisions in which they are most commonly used.
General Provisions ............................................................................................................................ 5
This tells the Policyholder: the documents which state all of the contractual
agreements; the importance of completing all applicable Applications truthfully; and
other rights, obligations and features.
Premium and Renewal ...................................................................................................................... 8
This states: how and when to pay Premium; the importance of paying Premium on
time; what happens if it is not paid on time; and how We may change Premium.
Discontinuance Provisions ............................................................................................................... 10
This describes: how the offer of new Coverage under this Group Policy may be
discontinued; discontinuance of this Group Policy as a result of the failure to pay
Premium; and an Insured’s right to Continuation Coverage.
Schedule of Exhibits ......................................................................................................................... 11
This includes attachments describing eligibility, available Benefits, forms evidencing
coverage applicable to Insureds, and Premium rates.
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This section provides the definitions of words used in this Group Policy that have a special meaning when
applied to this Group Policy. Additional definitions may also appear in this Group Policy where they can
assist Policyholder in understanding related text. To help Policyholder recognize defined terms, they are
printed in bold where they are defined and the first letter of each word is capitalized wherever it appears.
Application means the written or electronic form(s) provided by Us and completed and signed,
in written or electronic form, by Policyholder.
Benefits mean each of the benefits identified in the Certificate’s Schedule under “Benefits
and Services Provided.” Benefits may change in accordance with the terms of the Certificate.
Certificate means the certificate issued to each Insured under this Group Policy, including all
applicable Application(s), and any riders, endorsements, amendments and attachments. It
evidences Coverage an Insured has under this Group Policy, including Continuation
Coverage described in the Period of Coverage section.
Coverage means the Benefits available to an Insured under the Group Policy, as evidenced
by the Insured’s Certificate.
Covered Care means those Qualified Long Term Care Services for which Benefits are
payable, or would be payable in the absence of an Elimination Period or payment limits.
Covered Expenses means costs an Insured incurs for Covered Care. Each Benefit under
the Certificate defines the Covered Expenses under that Benefit. An expense is considered to
be incurred on the day on which the care, service or other item forming the basis for it is
received by the Insured.
Direct Billed means the obligation an Insured has to pay any Premium directly to Us or Our
administrator in order to maintain Coverage under the Insured’s Certificate when the
Policyholder is not paying Premium on the Insured’s behalf.
Elimination Period means the length of time, as determined in an Insured’s Schedule before
the Insured is entitled to Benefits under the Coverage. The Insured’s Schedule describes how
the Elimination Period is satisfied and whether it is based on calendar days or days on which
an Insured receives Covered Care. Each Benefit provided for under the Certificate states the
extent to which Coverage is subject to the Elimination Period.
Days used to satisfy the Elimination Period do not need to be consecutive; and can be
accumulated over time. Once satisfied, an Insured will never have to satisfy a new
Elimination Period for Coverage.
Covered Care an Insured receives and related Covered Expenses that are otherwise
excluded from Coverage because of the Non-Duplication or Coordination With Other
Coverage provisions as provided for in the Certificate may be used to satisfy this
Group Policy means the policy issued under the Group Policy Number shown on the
Declarations page of this Group Policy.
Insured means each individual that is issued a Certificate under this Group Policy.
Medicare means the Health Insurance for the Aged Act, Title XVIII of the Social Security
Amendments of 1965, as then constituted or later amended.
Policyholder means the entity named as the Policyholder on the Declarations page of this
Group Policy.
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Premium means the premium identified in the Premium Rate Schedule, as attached to the
Schedule of Exhibits of this Group Policy, or where noted, as reflected in the Schedule of an
Insured’s Certificate. Premium may change in accordance with the terms of this Group Policy.
Premium Due Date means the end of the period for which a Premium payment provides
Coverage and the date on which Premium is due to be paid to Us.
Qualified Long Term Care Services means necessary diagnostic, preventive, therapeutic,
curing, treating, mitigating, and rehabilitative services and maintenance or personal care
services which:
- are required by a Chronically Ill Individual; and
- are provided pursuant to a Plan of Care prescribed by a Licensed Health Care
As used above, "maintenance or personal care services" means any care the primary
purpose of which is the provision of needed assistance with any of the disabilities as a result
of which an Insured is Chronically Ill. This includes protection from threats to health and safety
due to Severe Cognitive Impairment.
Note: To be eligible for Coverage it is not sufficient for the care and services to only be Qualified
Long Term Care Services. Such care and services must also meet the definition of Covered
Schedule means the section of an Insured’s Certificate that states an Insured’s Coverage
features and limits as of the original Certificate Effective Date, and as may be changed over
time. Changes in an Insured’s Schedule may be made by rider.
Spouse or Partner means the person to whom an Insured:
- is joined by marriage; or
- is joined by a relationship legally recognized under State law as entitled to the same
rights and benefits of married persons; or
- live in a committed relationship acceptable to the employer. The Insured and such person
cannot be joined to anyone else by: (a) marriage; or (b) a relationship legally recognized
under State law.
State, unless otherwise indicated, refers to the District of Columbia, any territory or
possession of the United States, or any one of the 50 states (or commonwealths) within the
United States.
Unearned Premium equals A multiplied by [B divided by C] (Ax[B/C]), where:
A = The total Premium paid during the Coverage Period.
B = The number of days remaining in the Coverage Period after the Insured’s Coverage has
C = The total number of days in the Coverage Period.
The amount of Unearned Premium will be rounded to the nearest penny. There is no
Unearned Premium for Coverage which has become paid-up.
As used above, Coverage Period is the period that begins on the most recent Premium Due
Date and ends on the next Premium Due Date.
United States includes all fifty (50) States, the District of Columbia and any territory or
possession recognized by the United States as a territory or possession of the United States.
We, Us, Our and the Company mean Genworth Life Insurance Company.
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This Group Policy constitutes the entire contract between the Policyholder and Us. While this
Group Policy is in force, it determines governing contractual provisions between the
Policyholder and Us. No change in the Group Policy or this Group Policy is valid until and
unless approved in writing by one of Our officers. That approval must be noted on, or
attached to, this Group Policy. No agent or producer has the authority to change the Group
Policy, or any Certificate, or waive any of their provisions.
Payment of Premium following:
- a change to Coverage requested by Policyholder; or
- a change in Premium as provided in Our Right to Change Premiums provision;
shall constitute acceptance by Policyholder of any such change.
The Group Policy consists of:
- the Declarations page;
- the Table of Contents page;
- the General Definitions,
- these General Provisions;
- the Premium Provisions;
- the Discontinuance Provisions
- the Group Policy’s Application(s) and any supplements thereto;
- any Group Policy Riders and Endorsements;
- the Schedule of Exhibits, which includes the Group Policy Eligibility Schedule(s), Benefits
Master Schedule(s), Premium Rate Schedule(s) and all applicable Certificate form(s),
Riders and Endorsements.
Governing Jurisdiction
The Group Policy is governed by the laws of the State where this Group Policy is issued, as
stated in the Declarations page of this Group Policy.
We will not contest the validity of the Group Policy after it has been in force two (2) years,
except for nonpayment of Premium. Benefits We pay will not be recovered by Us if the Group
Policy is rescinded.
We may also have the right to deny benefits or rescind an Insured’s Coverage as provided for
in the Misstatements and Incontestability provision of the Insured’s Certificate.
We will furnish an individual Certificate for delivery to each Insured. The Certificate will
include a description of the following:
- the Benefits and Coverage available;
- Premium and renewal requirements;
- the applicable exclusions and limitations;
- information regarding filing a Claim for the payment of Benefits;
- other important information regarding the Coverage .
Non-Participating; Dividends Not Payable
This Group Policy does not participate in Our profits or surplus earnings; has no cash values;
and will not pay dividends at any time.
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Coverage Under The Group Policy
This Group Policy is issued to the Policyholder, whose acceptance is evidenced by the
signed Application for this Group Policy and payment of any required Premium. No
Coverage under this Group Policy shall take effect:
- unless it is approved by Us in writing;
- before the Group Policy Effective Date stated in the Declarations page; nor
- after the date We cease to offer such Coverage under this Group Policy as provided in
the Discontinuation Provisions.
Information To Be Furnished
The Policyholder and each Insured will furnish Us with all information, which We reasonably
require from time to time, related to the Coverage provided and any reporting requirements
imposed under applicable law. This includes information that will enable Us to determine
Premium and an Insured’s eligibility for Coverage.
The Policyholder will allow Us to inspect all documents, books and records which relate to
Premium, eligibility for Coverage, and an Insured’s Coverage under this Group Policy.
On, or prior to January 31st of each year, We will furnish copies of any information We are
required to report to the Internal Revenue Service. The information:
- will be given to each Insured where Benefits have been paid during the preceding year;
- will show the aggregate amount of Benefits paid to an Insured.
We may also prepare and report other information required by law or regulation.
Group Policy Changes
The Group Policy may be changed at any time by written agreement between the
Policyholder and Us without the consent of any other person. No change in this Group Policy
is valid until and unless approved in writing by one of Our officers. That approval must be
noted on, or attached to, this Group Policy. No agent or producer has the authority to change
the Group Policy or any Certificate or waive any of their provisions. We may amend this
Group Policy unilaterally, without Policyholder’s written consent, if:
- the Policyholder has made a written request to amend this Group Policy and We have
agreed to such amendment;
- the amendment is required so that this Group Policy will conform to any law, regulation or
ruling of:
- any State that affects this Group Policy or any Insured covered under the Group
Policy; or
- the federal government.
- We change the Premium in accordance with the terms of this Group Policy.
Persons Eligible for Coverage
A person who is a member of an Eligible Class defined in the Group Policy Eligibility
Schedule attached to this Group Policy can apply for the Coverage available for such Eligible
Class under this Group Policy. The person must apply for Coverage while a member of his
or her Eligible Class. We must be provided with proof of insurability, in a form and manner
We specify and that is satisfactory to Us.
If the information provided to Us by Policyholder or an Insured incorrectly identifies a person
as being eligible, We have the right to deny benefits or rescind that person’s Coverage as
provided for in the Clerical Error and Misstatement of Eligibility provision.
Coverage Limitation
We reserve the right to limit the initial Coverage amounts for an Insured based on Our
maximum issue limits in effect at the time the Certificate is issued, as determined from the
Benefits Master Schedule. These limitations may take into consideration other coverage the
Insured may have under another long term care insurance policy or certificate.
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Conformity With Internal Revenue Code
If on its effective date, this Group Policy does not comply with the requirements of Section
7702B(b) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, it will be treated as if it had been changed to
comply with those requirements. We will inform the Policyholder (and when applicable, each
Insured) in writing of any required change in the provisions of this Group Policy.
All payments by, or to, Us will be in the lawful money of the United States of America.
No Cash Values, Borrowing, Or Use As Collateral
Coverage provided under this Group Policy does not provide for a cash surrender value, or
other money that can be: borrowed; or paid, assigned or pledged as collateral for a loan.
Communications Through Electronic Means Or Other Technologies
We reserve the right to designate the form and means of all communications, notices or
proofs required by this Group Policy or any Certificate. If We agree, the Policyholder or an
Insured may contact Us about this Group Policy using electronic means or other
technologies. If the Policyholder or an Insured agrees, We may contact the Policyholder or
Insured regarding this Group Policy or the Certificate using electronic means or other
technologies. Except where prohibited by State or federal law, electronic communications
have the same legal effect, validity and enforceability as other forms of communication.
Clerical Error and Misstatement of Eligibility
Clerical error, misstatement as to an Insured’s eligibility, or delays in making entries on the
records by Policyholder or Us:
- will not void an Insured’s Coverage if an Insured’s Coverage would otherwise have been
in effect; and
- will not cause an Insured to become insured if they are otherwise not eligible; and
- will not extend Coverage if Coverage would otherwise have ended or been reduced.
If a clerical error or misstatement is found, Premium and/or Benefits will be adjusted based
on the true facts and the provisions of this Group Policy or the Certificate.
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Premium Rates
The initial Premium rates appear in the Premium Rate Schedule attached to this Group
Policy. They can be changed as shown in these Premium Provisions. Premium for each
Insured will be based on his or her age as shown in the Insured’s Certificate.
Payment Of Premiums And Grace Period
The total Premium due on any Premium Due Date will be the sum of the Premiums due for
the Coverage provided for all Insureds. The Policyholder is responsible for submitting all
Premium except those for Insureds who are Direct Billed. Insureds who are Direct Billed,
must pay their Premium directly to Us or Our insurance administrator as specified in the
Insured’s Certificate. When the Policyholder is responsible for paying Premium, Premium
must be paid within 31 days of the Premium Due Date. If Premium is not paid within the
specified period, the Grace Period provisions will apply.
Premiums will be determined in accordance with the Premium Rate Schedule.
Grace Period
The Grace Period is the period of time specified below during which any unpaid Premium
payment, after the First Premium, must be paid in order to keep this Group Policy from being
discontinued in accordance with the Discontinuance Provisions. This Group Policy will remain
in effect during the Grace Period; however, Our failure to receive due and unpaid Premium by
the end of the Grace Period will result in discontinuance of this Group Policy as of the
Premium Due Date.
If on the Premium Due Date, the Premium payment has not been received by Us, the Grace
Period will begin. After a period ending 31 days following the Premium Due Date, We will
send a written notice of Discontinuance for non-payment of Premium to Policyholder at the
address Policyholder has provided. This notice will explain that a Premium payment has been
missed; and will show the Premium amount that the Policyholder must pay no later than the
end of the Grace Period so that this Group Policy is not discontinued in accordance with the
Discontinuance Provision. This notice will provide an additional 35 days from the date the
written notice was mailed to pay any due and unpaid Premium.
Right To Change Premium
We reserve the right to change Premium on or after any of the following dates:
- the date there is a change in benefits or eligibility for benefits under this Group Policy;
- the date there is a change in: benefits; the terms of Coverage; eligible classes; or a
change in the terms of the Group Policy required by any law, regulation, judicial or
administrative order or decision, including, but not limited to, changes in rating practices;
- the date We determine an increase is applicable when the change is required because of
a change in the factors bearing on the risk assumed, or Our estimates for future cost
- the date We determine an increase is applicable when the change is required because of
actual or expected experience. A change in Premium rates due to experience may occur
only once during any 12 month period.
We can change Premium either on a Group Policy or rate class basis; but only if We change
Premium for all similar Certificates issued under this Group Policy in the same state as an
Insured’s Certificate. Written notice of any such change in Premium will be given to
Policyholder 60 days before the effective date of the change.
Premium will not change due to a change in an Insured’s age, health, or use of benefits or
the Insured’s divorce. A change in Premium may occur only once during any 12 month
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Discontinuance Of The Offer Of Coverage Under The Group Policy
The Policyholder may elect to discontinue the offer of Coverage under this Group Policy for
any, or all, Eligible Classes stated in the Group Policy Eligibility Schedule. We must be given
31 days advance written notice of any such election by Policyholder. The notice must
provide Us with the date on which Policyholder has elected such discontinuance to take
Following at least 31days advance written notice to the Policyholder, We have the right to
discontinue the offer of new or additional Coverage under the Group Policy:
- when the Group Policy is replaced;
- when the number of insured Eligible Persons is less than 20;
- with respect to Eligible Family Members if the number of Eligible Persons insured is less
than 20 ;and
- with respect to any class or classes of Eligible Persons (including Eligible Family
Members) any time after the most recent Rate Guarantee Period, if any, has expired.
Discontinuance For Failure To Pay Premium
This Group Policy may be discontinued for failure of the Policyholder to pay Premium in
accordance with the requirements of Payment of Premiums and Grace Period provision of
this Group Policy. This Group Policy may also be discontinued as of the effective date of a
Premium increase if the Policyholder provides Us with Prior written notice of such
Continuation Coverage
Discontinuance of this Group Policy shall not affect an Insured’s right to continue any
Coverage in effect at the time of the discontinuance. An Insured’s Coverage is guaranteed
renewable and may be continued in accordance with the Continuation Coverage provision in
the Insured’s Certificate even if this Group Policy is discontinued in accordance with the
Discontinuance Provisions of this Group Policy.
An Insured must pay Us all Premium required for the continuation of the Insured’s Coverage.
The Premium for the continuation of the Insured’s Coverage may change in the future as
stated in the Premium and Renewal section of the Certificate.
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The Group Policy includes the following Exhibits and related forms and listings
- The Group Policy Eligibility Schedule.
- The Benefits Master Schedule.
- The Premium Rate Exhibit.
- The Certificate Forms (including any applicable optional Riders and Endorsements and
required version pages for specific States).
7053POL CA 11
Group Policyholder: XYZ Employer
Group Policy Number: LTCG-XXXX
Schedule Effective Date: January 1, 2016
A person who is a member of an Eligible Class, as defined below, can apply for the Coverage available
for such Eligible Class.
All Eligible Persons and their Eligible Family Members as defined below who:
- are at least 18 years of age (or the age of majority if greater where the person resides);
- are, at the time of Application, less than 76 years of age [(this age limit does not apply to
persons whose eligibility is based on being an employee);
- have a valid Social Security or individual Tax Identification Number from the United
States government; and
- at the time of Application maintain a permanent residence in the United States of
America, or one of its territories or possessions.
If We determine that residents of a State are prohibited by law from being insured under this
Group Policy, such persons will not be included in the classes of persons eligible for
Coverage Limits: Each Insured is subject to the Company’s maximum issue limits in effect on his or her
Coverage Effective Date. These limitations may take into consideration other coverage the Insured may
have under another long term care insurance policy or certificate.
Eligible Class I: All persons associated with the Policyholder in the manner described below. Coverage
is on a contributory basis.
- Employees: All hourly or salaried employees of the Policyholder, other than members of
Class II, who are Actively at Work on a full-time or part-time basis. Full-time means
working for the Policyholder at least 35 hours per Week; part-time means working for the
Policyholder at least 17.5 hours per Week. A Week is considered to start at 12:01 a.m.
on Sunday and end at 12:01 a.m. on the following Sunday.
Actively at Work means You, the proposed Insured, are an employee who is performing
the usual duties of Your job at the usual place of work as required by Your employer on a
full-time basis at least 35 hours each week. You will be considered Actively at Work while
on employer approved vacations, holidays and regularly scheduled days off, or during
temporary business closures. You will not be considered to be Actively at Work if You are
unable to perform Your usual duties due to a sickness, accident or injury or if You are on
a leave of absence, a sabbatical or retired from the same employer.
- Retirees: Former employees of the Policyholder who have retired under the
Policyholder’s retirement or pension plan, and who satisfy the age and service
requirements determined by the Policyholder.
Eligible Class II: All persons associated with the Policyholder in the manner described below. Coverage
is on a non-contributory basis.
- Employees: All employees of the Policyholder who are in Job Category 8 or higher, and
who are Actively-at-Work employees.
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Eligible Class III: All persons associated with the Policyholder in the manner described below. Coverage
is on a contributory basis.
Eligible Family Members
The members of an Eligible Person’s family listed and described below.
- Spouse or Partner of the Eligible Person.
- Surviving Spouse or Partner who is participating in a health benefits program or a
retirement plan sponsored by the Policyholder and was a Spouse or Partner at the time
of the Eligible Person’s death.
- Adult Child (including a natural, step or adopted child) who has reached full legal age,
with attendant rights and responsibilities.
- Sibling who is related to the Eligible Person or Spouse or Partner, as a brother, sister, ,
step-brother or step-sister.
- Parent of an Eligible Person or Spouse or Partner, including a natural parent, adoptive
parent or step-parent.
- Grandparent of an Eligible Person or Spouse or Partner, including a natural
grandparent, adoptive grandparent or step-grandparent.
7053POL CA 13
Group Policyholder: XYZ Employer
Schedule Effective Date: January 1, 2016 Applicable To Class(es) I, II & III
Coverage is provided for Covered Expenses that are incurred after the Elimination Period has been
satisfied. Payment is subject to the limits determined below and all other provisions of an Insured’s
Elimination Period 90 calendar days.
The Elimination Period is satisfied by days an Insured is cChronically Ill, starting with the first day the
insured incurs a covered expense.
Nursing Facility Maximum: An amount from $1,500 - $7,500 per calendar month, to be purchased
in $500 increments.
Coverage Maximum: An amount equal to 24, 36 or 48 times the monthly Nursing Facility
Maximum, as applicable to the plan selected.
The Coverage Maximum and amounts based on the Nursing Facility Maximum are: (a) reduced as
payments are made for Covered Expenses; (b) increased when Benefit Increases apply; and (c)
exhausted when they are reduced to zero.
Benefit Increases:
Future Purchase Options will apply unless one of the following options is
5% Compound;
3% Compound;
The Future Purchase Option is not available to residents of Connecticut. Other plans, features, limits
and options may be available in the future based on mutual written agreement between Us and
Policyholder as provided for in the Group Policy Changes section of this Group Policy.
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We Pay Covered Expenses Up to these Limits
Benefits and Services Provided (except where otherwise noted)
Privileged Care Coordination Services ...................... Not subject to coverage limits
Nursing Facility Benefit .............................................. Nursing Facility Maximum per calendar month
Residential Care Facility Benefit ................................ 100% of the Nursing Facility Maximum
(Includes room charges) per calendar month
Bed Reservation Benefit ............................................ 60 days per calendar year
International Nursing Facility Benefit ......................... As stated in the Benefit
Home and Community Care Benefit .......................... 75% of the Nursing Facility Maximum
with Incidental Homemaker and Chore Care per calendar month
Home Assistance Benefit ........................................... A Certificate total payment maximum equal to
(Equipment, modifications & training) 3 times the Nursing Facility Maximum
Informal Family Care Benefit ..................................... 1% of the Nursing Facility Maximum per day
for 30 days per calendar year
Hospice Care Benefit ................................................. As stated in the Benefit
Respite Care Benefit .................................................. 30 days per calendar year
Alternate Care Benefit ................................................ Payment subject to mutual agreement
Waiver of Premium Benefit ........................................ Included
The Waiver of Premium applies only during period for which Benefits are payable under the: Nursing
Facility Benefit; Assisted Living Facility Benefit; Bed Reservation Benefit; Home and Community Care
Benefit; or Hospice Care Benefit.
The following Riders and Endorsements are attached to, and included in, the Certificate.
Available Options
Nonforfeiture Benefit
The maximum total amount payable for all Covered Expenses incurred in a calendar month is limited to
the Nursing Facility Maximum. This does not apply to the Home Assistance Benefit and Alternate Care
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See the attached copies of applicable forms.