This Criteo Data Protection Agreement (hereafter the DPA”) supplements the Criteo Umbrella Terms of Service (the Terms”)
and the relevant Criteo Specific Terms of Service (the STS”) or any other applicable agreement with the Partner (collectively, the
Agreement”), and is hereby incorporated into the Agreement between Criteo and the Partner for the provision of the relevant
Criteo Services.
This DPA describes the protection and security obligations of the Parties with respect to any Processing of Personal Data carried
out in connection with the provision of the relevant Criteo Services, including the processing of Service Data if and then solely to
the extent that such data contains Personal Data, in accordance with the requirements of Data Protection Law.
This DPA is organized around the following sections:
Section I: Common Terms
o Section I applies when Partner has ordered Services from Criteo, regardless of the type of Services ordered.
Section II: Joint Controllers Terms
o Section II applies when Partner has ordered Services in which Criteo and Partner act as Joint Controllers as
set out in the relevant STS (the “Joint Controller Services”).
Section III: Controller-to-Processor Terms
o Section III applies when Partner has ordered Services in which Partner acts as Controller and Criteo acts as a
Processor, processing Personal Data on behalf of Partner as set out in the relevant STS (the Controller-to-
Processor Services).
Section I of this DPA always applies to the Parties. Application of Section II and/or III will depend on the status under which Criteo
operates and that is specified in the STS or in any other applicable arrangement applying to the Service ordered by the Partner.
Section I: Common Terms
The provisions of this Section I “Common Terms” always apply when Partner has ordered Services from Criteo, regardless of the
type of Services ordered.
1 Definitions
Unless otherwise stated herein, definitions set out in the Agreement apply to this DPA. The additional definitions set out below
shall apply to this DPA.
means any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous indication of the Data Subject's wishes by
which he or she, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the Processing of
Personal Data relating to him or her.
means the natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which, alone or jointly with
others, determines the purposes and means of the Processing of Personal Data. Under Section II of this
DPA, Criteo S.A., as the parent company for Criteo Group, and the Partner act as Joint Controllers and
under Section III of this DPA, the Partner acts as Controller. The term “Controller” is considered as
“Business “under the CPRA.
“Data Protection
means, to the extent applicable in the relevant jurisdiction(s) for the Services, (a) the GDPR and all laws
and regulations, (b) the UK Data Protection Act 2018 and the GDPR as it forms part of the law of England
and Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland by virtue of section 3 of the European Union (Withdrawal) Act
2018 (“UK GDPR”), (c) the California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018, Cal. Civ. Code § 1798.100 et seq. ,
together with any amending or replacement legislation, including the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020
(collectively, “CPRA”) and any regulations promulgated thereunder , (d) the Virginia Consumer Data
Protection Act of 2021, Va. Code Ann. § 59.1-571 to -581, (e) the Colorado Privacy Act of 2021, Co. Rev.
Stat. § 6-1-1301 et seq., (f) Connecticut Public Act No. 22-15, “An Act Concerning Personal Data Privacy
and Online Monitoring”, (g) the Utah Consumer Privacy Act of 2022, Utah Code Ann. § 13-61-101 et seq.,
and (h) all legally binding requirements issued by the competent data protection authorities (i) governing
the processing and security of information relating to individuals and providing rules for the protection
of such individuals’ rights and freedoms with regard to the processing of data relating to them,
(ii) specifying rules for the protection of privacy in relation to data processing and electronic
communications, or (iii) enacting rights for individuals which are enforceable towards organizations with
respect to the processing of their personal data, including rights of access, rectification and erasure.
“Data Subject”
means an identifiable natural person who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by
reference to an identifier (e.g., a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier) or
to one or more factors specific to that natural person. For the purpose of this DPA, “Data Subject” refers
to the natural persons whose Personal Data is processed as part of the provision of the relevant Criteo
Means the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on
the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free
movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC.
“Joint Controller”
means a Controller acting jointly with one or several others. Under Section II of this DPA, Criteo and the
Partner act as joint controllers.
“Personal Data”
means any information identifying, relating to, describing, or is capable of being associated with, or can
reasonably be linked with, an identified or identifiable natural person or household Processed in
connection with the provision of the relevant Criteo Services.
“Personal Data
means a breach of security leading to the accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration,
unauthorized disclosure of, or access to, Personal Data transmitted, stored or otherwise processed.
means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes Personal Data
on behalf of the Controller. Under Section II of this DPA, the processors that can be engaged either by
Criteo or the Partner are Processors and under Section III of this DPA, Criteo acts as Processor.
means any operation or set of operations which is performed on Personal Data or on sets of Personal
Data, whether or not by automated means, such as collection, recording, organisation, structuring,
storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination
or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, restriction, erasure or destruction.
1.1 means the applicable public authority or government agency responsible for supervising compliance with
Data Protection Law, but not limited to: the UK Information Commissioner’s Office; EU Member State
supervisory authorities; the California Privacy Protection Agency; and U.S. state attorneys general.
The terms Business,” Business Purpose,” “Sale,” Service Provider,” and “Shareshall have the same meaning as in the Data
Protection Law, and their cognate terms shall be construed accordingly.
2 Compliance with Law
2.1 Each Party shall comply, and shall be able to demonstrate its compliance with its respective obligations under Data
Protection Law and in accordance with this DPA.
2.2 The Partner specifically acknowledges and agrees that its use of the Joint Controller and Controller-to-Processor
Services is compliant with Data Protection Law.
3 Authorizations
3.1 A Party shall not disclose Personal Data to the other Party, except where the disclosing Party warrants to the other
Party that this disclosure is compliant with Data Protection Law and that it has complied with any applicable
requirement(s) of information, notification to, or of authorization or consent from the relevant public authority(ies) or
the relevant Data Subjects, with respect to any Personal Data provided by the disclosing Party to the other Party. Each
disclosing Party must retain evidence of compliance with any such requirements for the duration of the Agreement and
provide it promptly to the other Party upon request.
3.2 Nothing in this DPA shall prohibit or limit Criteo’s rights to implement anonymization of Personal Data processed in
connection with the Agreement, and to the extent required under Data Protection Law, Partner hereby authorizes
Criteo to implement anonymization techniques in compliance with Data Protection Law. For the sake of clarity, data
resulting from effective and compliant anonymization is not subject to this DPA and more generally to Data Protection
4 Cooperation
4.1 The Parties shall cooperate to comply with Data Protection Law and to meet their obligations pursuant to this DPA.
4.2 The Parties shall keep appropriate documentation on the Processing activities carried out by each of them and on their
compliance with Data Protection Law and with this DPA with respect to the Joint Controller and Controller-to-Processor
4.3 In the event of an investigation, proceeding, formal request for information or documentation, or any similar event in
connection with a data protection authority and in relation to the Joint Controller or Controller-to-Processor Services
or to Personal Data, the Parties shall promptly and adequately deal with enquiries from the other Party that relate to
the Processing of Personal Data under the Agreement.
5 Data Protection Officers
5.1 Criteo and the Partner appointed a data protection officer. Criteo’s data protection officer may be reached at:
[email protected]. The contact details of the Partner’s data protection officer must be communicated to Criteo.
Section II Joint Controllers Terms
6 Scope of this Section II
6.1 This Section II shall apply only with respect to Processing of Personal Data carried out in the context of the provision by
Criteo of the Joint Controller Services ordered by the Partner.
6.2 In accordance with article 26 of the GDPR, the Parties hereby determine their respective responsibilities for compliance
with their obligations under GDPR.
6.3 For purposes of the CPRA, Partner shall be a “Business” and Criteo shall be a “Third Party.”
7 Obligations of the Parties when acting as Joint Controllers
7.1 When Processing Personal Data as Joint Controllers under Section II of this DPA, each Party agree that it shall:
(a) Comply with any requirements arising under Data Protection Law and not perform its obligations under this
DPA and/or ask the other Joint Controller to perform its obligations in such a way as to cause the other Joint
Controller to breach any of its obligations under Data Protection Law;
(b) Take into account all the data protection principles provided for in the Data Protection Law, including but not
limited to the principles of purpose limitation, data minimization, accuracy, storage limitation, security,
integrity and confidentiality, transparency and protection of Personal Data by design and by default;
(c) Maintain a record of the Processing of the Personal Data under its responsibility;
(d) Implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the
risks that are presented by the Processing of the Personal Data that it carries out (including, for the Partner,
in relation to the Partner Digital Properties), in particular to protect the Personal Data against accidental or
unlawful destruction or accidental loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure or access;
(e) Take all the measures necessary to address any Personal Data Breach relating to the Personal Data it
processes, mitigate its effects, prevent further Personal Data Breach and, when required, notify the
competent data protection authority(ies) and the Data Subjects;
(f) Cooperate to the preparation of the required data protection impact assessments;
(g) Carry out any assessment, consultation and/or notification to competent data protection authorities or Data
Subjects, in relation to the Processing it carries out; and
(h) Handle any Data Subject’s requests and/or complaints it receives, in particular the requests relating to the
exercise of their rights under Data Protection Law, including the rights of access, rectification, erasure and
objection and the right to withdraw Consent. Where a Party receives a Data Subject’s right request in respect
of Personal Data processed by the other Party, such receiving Party will direct the Data Subject to the other
Party’s privacy policy explaining how to exercise his or her right request with such other Party, in order to
enable such other Party to reply directly to the Data Subject’s request.
8 Criteo’s Obligations
8.1 Criteo shall be solely responsible, in accordance with and to the extent required by Data Protection Law for including a
link to Criteo’s Privacy Policy page (www.criteo.com/privacy) that will include information for Data Subjects on how to
disable Criteo Service (and insert an “opt-out” link) in all advertisements served on the Partner Digital Properties.
9 Obligations of the Partner
9.1 Partner shall be solely responsible, in accordance with and to the extent required by Data Protection Law for:
(a) providing the Data Subjects with all necessary information pursuant to Data Protection Law, including in
accordance with Articles 13 and 14 of the GDPR, in respect of the Processing of the Personal Data in relation
to the Joint Controller Services;
(b) providing appropriate notice on Partner's Digital Properties for any relevant Processing of Personal Data by
Criteo for the Joint Controller Services, including by providing a link to Criteo’s privacy policy
(c) collecting and documenting Consent or opt-out provisions, as applicable, obtained from Data Subjects;
(d) implementing choice mechanisms to request valid Consent from Data Subjects or opt-out provisions, as
applicable, in compliance with Data Protection Law and, where applicable, with the specific requirements of
the competent local supervisory authorities;
(e) where opt-out provisions are applicable, offering Data Subjects the right to opt-out of the sale and share of
their Personal Data or use of the Personal Data for purposes of targeted advertising;
(f) complying with the requirements applicable to the validity period of the Consent collected and request
Consent from the Data Subjects once this validity period has expired;
(g) where applicable, Partner represents and warrants that each third party advertising technology partner that
Partner works with in relation to the advertising space on Digital Properties that is made available for sale
through Criteo Platform (each a “Consented Third-party Vendor”) fully complies with the provision of this
(h) providing promptly to Criteo, upon request and at any time, proof that a Data Subject’s Consent has been
obtained by the Partner.
Section III - Controller-to-Processor Terms
10 Scope of this Section III
10.1 This Section III shall apply only with respect to Processing of Personal Data carried out in the context of Controller-to-
Processor Services ordered by the Partner, acting as a Controller or Business (as applicable), for which Criteo is acting
as a Processor or Service Provider (as applicable), and for which the subject-matter, the nature and purpose, the type
of Personal Data, categories of Data Subjects and duration of Processing are set out in Appendix 1 Controller-to-
Processor Services - Details of Processing of Personal Data.
11 Obligations of Partner
11.1 The Partner shall not provide Personal Data to Criteo except as is necessary for performance of the Criteo Services and
unless Partner shall have given the necessary notices and obtained the necessary consents, in each case, from the
applicable Data Subjects whose Personal Data is Processed by Criteo pursuant to the Agreement. Partner shall, in its
use of the Criteo Services, Process Personal Data in accordance with the requirements of Data Protection Law and shall
immediately notify Criteo if Partner is in violation of any Data Protection Law. The Partner’s instructions to Criteo
related to the Processing of Personal Data shall comply with Data Protection Law. The Partner shall be solely responsible
to ensure the accuracy, lawfulness and quality of the Personal Data and to ensure that the Processing entrusted to
Criteo has an adequate legal basis pursuant to Data Protection Law.
12 Obligations of Criteo
12.1 Partner Instructions. Criteo shall process Personal Data for the relevant Controller-to-Processor Services only on the
documented instructions from Partner. Partner may not instruct Criteo to process Personal Data in a manner not
compatible with the Agreement and more particularly this DPA. Criteo shall immediately inform Partner if Criteo
reasonably believes it is unable to follow Partner’s instructions, or if such instructions are not compatible with the STS
or more generally with the Agreement.
12.2 Inaccurate or Outdated Data. Criteo shall inform Partner if Criteo becomes aware that the Personal Data is inaccurate
or has become outdated, and Criteo shall cooperate on request with Partner to erase or rectify such data.
12.3 Personal Data Processing. To the extent required by applicable Data Protection Law, Partner shall only instruct Criteo
to Process Personal Data for those Business Purposes permitted under applicable Data Protection Law and shall disclose
Personal Data to Criteo only for the limited and specified purposes specified in the Agreement. Partner reserves the
right, upon reasonable notice, to take reasonable and appropriate steps to help ensure that Criteo uses Personal Data
transferred in a manner consistent with Partner’s obligations under applicable Data Protection Law, including
reasonable and appropriate steps to stop and remediate unauthorized use of Personal Data.
Criteo shall not: (a) Sell or Share Personal Data; (b) retain, use, or disclose Personal Data for any purpose other than for
the Business Purposes specified in the Agreement; (c) retain, use, or disclose Personal Data outside of the direct
business relationship between Partner and Criteo; or (d) combine Personal Data it receives from Partner with Personal
Data that it receives from, or on behalf of, another person or persons, or collects from its own interaction with data
subjects, provided that Criteo may combine Personal Data to perform a Business Purpose (with the exception of
“advertising and marketing services,” as defined under applicable Data Protection Law). Criteo shall comply with
applicable obligations and provide the same level of privacy protection as required by the applicable Data Protection
Law, and shall assist Partner through appropriate technical and organizational measures to comply with Data Protection
Law requirements, taking into account the nature of the processing. Criteo shall notify Partner if it makes a
determination that it can no longer meet its obligations under the applicable Data Protection Law.
12.4 Technical and Organizational Measures. Criteo shall implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to
ensure the security of the Personal Data, including protection against a Personal Data Breach. In complying with its
obligations under this paragraph, Criteo shall at least implement the technical and organizational measures specified
in Appendix 2 Security Schedule. Partner hereby confirms to Criteo that it considers that Criteo’s technical and
organizational measures as specified in Appendix 2 Security Schedule provide an appropriate level of security. Criteo
shall also assist Partner in complying with its obligations in relation to the security of Processing Personal Data, including
under article 32 of the GDPR.
12.5 Personal Data Breaches. In the event of a Personal Data Breach relating to Personal Data processed by Criteo, Criteo
shall take appropriate measures to address the breach, including measures to mitigate its adverse effects. Criteo shall
also notify Partner without undue delay after having become aware of the breach and providing for the time necessary
to provide relevant information, including e.g. a description of the nature of the breach (including, where possible,
categories and approximate number of Data Subjects and Personal Data records concerned), its likely consequences
and the measures taken or proposed to address the breach including, where appropriate, measures to mitigate its
possible adverse effects. In the event of a Personal Data Breach relating to Personal Data processed by Criteo, Partner
shall be solely responsible for notifying Data Subjects and/or Regulatory Authorities as required by Data Protection Law,
and Criteo shall cooperate with and assist Partner to enable compliance with any request from a competent authority
and/or affected Data Subjects, taking into account the nature of Processing and the information available to Criteo.
Before any such notification is made, Partner shall consult with and provide Criteo an opportunity to comment on any
notification made in connection with a Personal Data Breach. Nothing in this DPA shall be construed to require Criteo
to violate, or delay compliance with, any legal obligation it may have with respect to a Personal Data Breach. Criteo
shall have no liability for the Personal Data Breach management and notification obligations described in this Section
unless the Personal Data Breach is caused by Criteo’s breach of the security obligations under Section 12.4 of this DPA
or other violation of Data Protection Law by Criteo.
12.6 Access to Personal Data. Criteo shall grant access to the Personal Data to members of its personnel only to the extent
strictly necessary for the implementation, management and monitoring of the Agreement and in accordance with this
DPA. It shall ensure that persons authorized to process the Personal Data have committed themselves to one or several
confidentiality agreements or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality.
13 Data Subjects’ Rights. To the extent legally permitted, Criteo shall promptly notify the Partner of any request it has
received from a Data Subject to exercise the Data Subject’s rights, including the rights to: knowledge/access; correction;
deletion; restriction; objection; data portability; opt out of the Processing of and/or the Sale or Sharing of Personal Data;
limit the use or disclosure of sensitive Personal Data; or any other request with respect to Personal Data of the
applicable Data Subject, as set forth under applicable Data Protection Law. Criteo shall not respond to the request itself.
Criteo shall reasonably assist the Partner by implementing appropriate technical and organizational measures, insofar
as this is possible, in fulfilling its obligations to respond to Data Subjects’ requests to exercise their rights under Data
Protection Law, taking into account the nature of the Processing. To the extent legally permitted, Partner shall be
responsible for any costs arising from Criteo’s provision of such assistance. Nothing in this Section 13 shall require Criteo
to disclose or reveal any trade secrets.
13.1 Data Protection Impact Assessment. Upon Partner’s request, at Partner’s cost, and to the extent required under Data
Protection Law, Criteo shall assist Partner in complying with any required data protection impact assessment on
Partner’s request, taking into account the information available to Criteo. To the extent required under the GDPR or UK
GDPR, Criteo shall provide reasonable assistance to Partner in its cooperation or prior consultation with a Regulatory
Authority in the performance of its tasks relating to this Section 13.1.
13.2 Sub-Processors. Criteo may engage sub-Processors as set out in Appendix 1 Controller-to-Processor Services - Details
of Processing of Personal Data. Partner provides Criteo with general authorization to engage other sub-Processors to
carry out Processing for the relevant Controller-to-Processor Services. Upon written request from Partner, Criteo shall
inform Partner of any changes concerning the addition or replacement of sub-Processors . If Partner objects to such
changes on reasonable grounds [concerning data protection] within thirty (30) days from the notification by Criteo to
Partner, the Parties will discuss in good faith with a view to find a mutually acceptable solution. If the Parties fail to
agree, Criteo may terminate the Agreement in whole, or in part with respect only to the affected Controller-to-
Processor Services. When engaging another Processor, Criteo shall enter into an agreement binding on such Processor
and setting out the same or more stringent data protection obligations as set out in this DPA, in particular providing
sufficient guarantees to implement similar technical and organizational measures.
13.3 Processing Personal Data outside of the Partner’s Instructions. Notwithstanding the above, if applicable law or a
binding decision from a competent authority requires Criteo to process Personal Data outside of Partner’s instructions
for the purposes of providing the Controller-to-Processor Services, Criteo shall inform Partner unless otherwise
prohibited under applicable law.
13.4 Audit. Partner may request in writing, at reasonable intervals, that Criteo makes available to Partner information
regarding Criteo’s compliance its obligations pursuant to Section III of this DPA in the form of a copy of Criteo’s then
most recent third-party audits or certifications.
Partner can request an on-site audit of Criteo’ Processing activities described in Section III of this DPA by providing
Criteo with reasonable notice. Such on-side audit may only be conducted where (i) the information made available by
Criteo as set out above is insufficient, (ii) a Personal Data Breach has occurred or (iii) such audit is required by Data
Protection Law or a Regulatory Authority.
The Parties shall agree on the scope, timing and duration of the audit. The audit may not unreasonably interfere with
Criteo’s activities.
The Partner may only appoint a third-party auditor which is not a competitor of Criteo. Such third-party auditor shall
enter into a non-disclosure agreement with Criteo and the Partner before carrying out the audit.
After the on-site audit, the Partner shall promptly share the results of such audit with Criteo.
The Parties shall make available, upon request, to a Regulatory Authority, the information referred to in this clause,
including the results of any audits.
Partner shall bear all costs related to audits.
13.5 Transfers of Personal Data. Any transfer of data to a third country or an international organization by Criteo shall be
done only on the basis of documented instructions from the Partner in compliance with Chapter V of GDPR. The Partner
agrees that where the Criteo engages a sub-Processor in accordance with Clause 13.2 for carrying out specific
Processing activities (on behalf of the Partner) and those Processing activities involve a transfer of Personal Data within
the meaning of Chapter V of GDPR, Criteo and the sub-Processor can ensure compliance with Chapter V of GDPR by
using standard contractual clauses adopted by the European Commission in accordance with of Article 46(2) of GDPR,
provided the conditions for the use of those standard contractual clauses are met.
13.6 Consequences of Termination. If Partner terminates a Controller-to-Processor Service, or if the Agreement expires or
terminates for any reason whatsoever, Criteo shall, at the choice of the Partner, delete all Personal Data processed only
for that Controller-to-Processor Service, or return all such Personal Data to Partner. Criteo shall provide certification as
applicable that copies of such Personal Data have been deleted, on request in writing from the Partner, without
prejudice to any operational backups maintained by Criteo for a reasonable period in accordance with industry
standards. In case applicable law prohibit Criteo from deleting the Personal Data, Criteo warrants that it will continue
to ensure compliance with this DPA and will only process such Personal Data to the extent and for as long as required
by applicable law.
The Parties’ authorized signatories have duly executed this DPA:
APPENDIX 1: Controller-to-Processor Services- Details of Processing of Personal Data
Category of Data Subjects
Categories of Data
Subjects whose
Personal Data is
Partner Digital Properties
users (shoppers)
Controller’s employees
Sellers (employees/representatives)
Categories of
Personal Data
Identifiers consisting of a
series of characters
(identifier contained in a
cookie or other)
provided by Controller
(when these data are
qualified as Personal
Data under Data
Protection Law)
Name and email addresses of
authorized Controller
Email addresses of Sellers (to send
them reports and notifications)
Sensitive data
Nature of the
Collecting, hosting, processing to provide the Service, deleting
Purpose(s) for which
the Personal Data is
Processed on behalf
of the Controller
Matching conversions to
clicks (in the context of
the Ads)
Identity checks (login page)
Account administration
Emails notification to Sellers
Duration of the
Term of the Agreement
Partner acknowledges and authorizes Criteo’s use of the following entities as sub-Processors, as applicable, with respect to the
relevant Controller-to-Processor Services:
Subject matter of
the Processing
Nature of the
s of Data
Categories of
Personal Data
Duration of the
Hosting (data
center in Ireland)
See above
See above
Term of the
Sending emails to
clients (US)
Use contact data to
send emails
Email addresses
Term of the contract