 
School of the Arts
Buckeye Site Principal/District Administration/Board Members………….2
Regular Day Schedule/Minimum Day Schedule………………….…..........3
BSA Mission Statement/Vision ...........................……………………..…...4
Gateway Unified School District Strategic Goals….....................…....…....5
8th Grade Promotion Policy..........................................................................6
BSA Title I School Parental Engagement Policy..........................................7
BSA Teaching Assignments..........................................................................8
BSA Classified Staff......................................................................................9
PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports...................................10
Attendance .............................................................................................11-12
Bicycles........ ...............................................................................................13
Buckeye Parent Club........... ........................................................................13
Bus Transportation/District Transportation Regulations.............................13
BSA PAWS School Rules......................................................................14-16
Recommendations for Expulsion...........................................................19-20
Dress Code Policy ………...........................................................................20
Emergency Announcements, Fire Drills, Procedures..................................22
Health Services............................................................................................22
Homework/Independent Study....................................................................23
Leaving Campus..........................................................................................23
Lost and Found............................................................................................23
Lunch and Cafeteria Rules...........................................................................23
Open House/Back to School Night .............................................................24
Parent Concerns...........................................................................................24
Parents Picking Up Students Early..............................................................24
Parent Pick Up.............................................................................................25
Personal Property.........................................................................................25
Physical Education – P.E.............................................................................25
Sexual Harassment..................................................................................25-26
Student Success Team Meeting (SST).........................................................26
Telephone Use/Cell Phone Use....................................................................27
Extra-Curricular Guidelines...................................................................28-29
Anti-Bullying Policy..............................................................................30-32
Wendy LeVier
Kris Carpenter
Andrea Jones Tina Hnyp
 
Stephanie Stutsman Jessica Rodeen
This student handbook has been prepared to help you with questions
you might have about procedures, rules and opportunities concern-
ing Buckeye School of the Arts. We are proud of our school, stu-
dents, and community. Our goal is simple ~Its to help our students
reach their goals.~
4411 Mountain Lakes Boulevard
Redding, CA 96003
(530) 245-7900
Mr. Kyle Turner, Superintendent
Lindsi Haynes, Vice President
Elias Haynes, Clerk of the Board
Dale Wallace, Trustee
Phil Lewis, Trustee
 
   2:30 
-  2:35 
5  1:30 
-  1:35 
To provide a safe, supportive environment which pro-
motes academic excellence, responsible citizenship, and
a life-long desire for learning.
Buckeye is a TK-8 elementary school serving approximately 630 stu-
dents in the North Redding area of the Gateway Unified School District.
We are a group of dedicated students, staff, parents, administration and
the community who believe every child can succeed. We offer many
programs at BSA including sports, music, art, dance, photography, dra-
ma and other activities to promote a well-rounded educational experi-
ence for the students. Along with the core subjects students also partici-
pate in structured reading courses daily to help promote them for their
future success. At Buckeye we promote the 4 C's of 21st century edu-
cation. These are creativity, collaboration, communication, and critical
thinking. Please feel free to contact us at the school office with
any questions or concerns you may have. We welcome you to be a part
of the Buckeye team.
Wendy LeVier Kris Carpenter
Principal Vice Principal
Providing Excellence in Learning: Every Student,
Every Day ~ "Preparing your children for college
and career success with a 21st century learning
Gateway Unified School
Strategic Goals
1. Gateway Unified School District will work in partner-
ship with parents and the community to assure that all
students meet or exceed state standards. Developing
and sustaining high performing schools for all Pre K-12
students to graduate career and college ready without
2. Gateway Unified School District students/staff will
learn and work in a safe, supportive and caring envi-
3. Gateway Unified School District will engage with the
community to meet the District's Mission and Vision.
4. Gateway Unified School District will ensure that the
work force is highly qualified and well trained.
5. Gateway Unified School District will provide and
maintain facilities and grounds that enhance student
learning and accommodate student capacity.
6. Gateway Unified School District will be fiscally ac-
countable to the public and will allocate resources
based on Board Goals.
Board Adopted: August 15, 2015
Students will earn 8th grade promotion and activities by meeting academic, attendance,
and behavior guidelines as listed below. Eighth grade activities include, but are not lim-
ited to, the promotion ceremony, the promotion trip, and end of the year dance.
Academics: A student must maintain good academic standing during their entire 8th
grade school year to participate in the activities related to promotion. Good academic
standing is defined as having a grade point average of 2.0 or above average for the entire
school year. If students receive an F in any core academic class parents will be notified
the student is at risk of promotion and an SST meeting may be scheduled to discuss a
plan for student success.
BY THE END OF TRIMESTER 2: If a student is still at risk concerning academic stand-
ing by the end of the second trimester an SST meeting WILL be scheduled. The student
will lose one promotion privilege (possibly more.) This will be a serious concern and par-
ents will be contacted regarding the concern of losing promotion activities.
Trimester 3: All students MUST remain in good academic standing on the final report
card to be eligible for the promotion ceremony and earned activities. Students must meet
the 2.0 GPA average year requirement to participate in the promotion activities.
Behavior: Behavior can affect any part of promotion based on lack of compliance with
adhering to the P.A.W.S. school rules.
3 or more days of suspension during the school year may result in the loss
of the promotion activities, depending on administrative discretion.
5 or more total days of suspension during the school year will result in the
loss of promotion activities, including the end of the year trip.
7 or more total days of suspension during the school year will result in the
loss of all promotion activities, including participation in the promotion
Disciplinary infractions committed in May of the school year will be subject to loss of the
promotion activities.
Attendance: In order to participate in the promotion activities and ceremony the follow-
ing requirements must be made:
90% or higher attendance for the entire school year must be maintained
(extenuating medical circumstances will be reviewed)
Any day of incomplete Directed and/or Independent Study work will be
counted as an absence.
Any student who does not meet the academic, behavioral, or attendance requirements as
listed will not be eligible for the promotion activities.
**Parents/guardians will be notified of non-promotion prior to the events and
ceremony. Every effort will be made to help students be successful. Ultimately, the out-
come lies on the choices made by the student. Non-promotion means loss of participa-
tion in the promotion activities and ceremony. These students will not receive a promotion
certificate. For any questions or concerns, parents/guardians are encouraged to contact
the administration.
Title I, Part A School-Level Parent and Family
Engagement Policy
Buckeye School of the Arts has developed a parent and family engagement policy in line
with the requirements of 20USC 6318 Section 118 a-f and ESSA Section 1116[b][1]. We
are able to provide the plan translated into whatever home language is spoken.
Parent Involvement is part of the Buckeye School of the Arts Single Plan for Student
Achievement. This policy is reviewed and updated annually with input from parents and
the Buckeye School of the Arts School Site Council. Copies of the policy and the full
SPSA are available for review in the school office and on the school website.
The school convenes two Title I informational meetings annually, allowing for parents to
choose a convenient time to attend a meeting at the beginning of each school year. It is
not necessary to attend both meetings, but attendance at one is strongly encouraged so
the school can share important information with stakeholders. Please see the September
parent newsletter for dates, times and location. Information regarding these meetings, as
well as all parent and family events are also shared on the Buckeye website, through our
all call system, publicized on the school reader board, and through monthly parent news-
The school encourages and offers multiple ways for parent/guardian involvement of Title I
students. All parents are encouraged to attend the meetings and family events throughout
the school year.Parents/guardians of Title I students shall be provided timely information
about all Title I programs. This includes information on curriculum, intervention programs,
assessments, and services. Parents are encouraged to provide feedback and input in the
following manner:
Annual Title I parent information meetings
Monthly school site council meetings
Scheduled meetings with the principal. Appointments can be made at any time
by contacting the school office manager.
Building Capacity for Involvement: At Buckeye School of the Arts we encourage and
engage parents to be involved in meaningful interactions with the school. The interaction
supports a partnership among staff, parents, and the community to improve student aca-
demic achievement. To help reach these goals we encourage parents to communicate
regularly with your childs teacher, attend parent/teacher conferences, participate in family
and parent events, attend informational Title I meetings, contact the school administration
with any questions, concerns, or need for information. Buckeye staff and administration
are here to support you and your students.
Buckeye School of the Arts provides Title I parents with materials and training to help
them work with their children to improve their childrens academic achievement. Materials
such as parent involvement activities, homework strategies, and reading support ideas are
provided through our literacy information nights as well as via our Title I staff and Instruc-
tional Coach.
Buckeye School of the Arts has a collective commitment to work collaboratively with all
students, staff, and parents. The staff uses our Professional Learning Community time to
discuss ways to work with and include parents in student learning. Our goal is to work
together in an effort to collaboratively maximize student learning. Buckeye School of the
Arts integrates Title I parental involvement programs with other programs and conducts
other activities to support and encourage parents to be involved more fully in participating
in their childs education. Parents may serve in a variety of ways including:
School Site Council
Parent Club
Student Support Teams
Parent Mentoring/Volunteering
Parents are encouraged to contact the school if wishing to be involved in these or any
other programs.
Buckeye School of the Arts
Wendy LeVier, Principal
Kris Carpenter, Vice Principal
LaRea Moxness TK MTU 1
Katie Gorman Kindergarten 11
Debbie Van De Mark Kindergarten 9
Donna Herrick Kindergarten 10
Heather Souder 1st Grade G
Alaina Elder 1st Grade H
Beth Bade 2nd Grade 15
Stacy Oliver 2nd Grade 16
Christina Clayton 3rd Grade 12
Alyssa Aucoin 3rd Grade 13
Ashley Konhurst 4th Grade 8
Kasey Cummings 4th Grade 7
Jamie Tracy 5th Grade 1
Hannah Cardinalli 5th Grade 2
Makenna Westrip 6th Grade 26
Kristen Webster 6th Grade 25
Lauraleen Schultz SDC 6th-8th Grade A
Tammy Dearman REACH 4th-6th Grade 8
Cory LaBoy Severely Handicapped K-3rd B
Austin Grewell 7th/8th Grade Social Studies 21
Gail Perkins K-8th Grade Music 20 & Stage
Eric Blanchard 7th/8th Grade Math 22
Sarah Redins 7th/8th Grade ELA 24
Cassie Simons 7th8th Grade Science 23
Tyler Spence 6th-8th Grade Physical Education Gym/Field
Lisa Endicott 7th/8th Reading Intervention 19
Yvette Brown Art/ STEAM Elective 3 & 5
Natalia Boero District Nurse Special Services RM 4
Jessica Rodeen LVN Main Office
Taylor Rehnihan School Psychologist Special Services RM 2
 Speech Pathologist Special Services RM 3
Julia Downing Resource Specialist 18
Heidi Brown Counselor Counseling Office
Olivia Bergren Counselor Counseling Office
Elva Tabarez Instructional Coach/ELL Resource D
Wes Spellins Title I Literacy Instructor C
Luboy Dixon Medically Fragile MTU
Lindene Kirkwood Preschool MTU
Christine Pallotta Preschool MTU
Buckeye School of the Arts
 2023-2024
 Holly Mitchell
 Pam Wert - Lead Cook
Ashley Torres - Cook
Kennia Jimenez- Cook
Shanna Huff - Cook
Cynthia Fortes - Cook
Irma Ochoa—Cook
 Tommy Boren
Austin Murch
Scott Severin
 Yoon-Nam Thungc
 Jessica Rodeen
 Charlene Grey
 Heather Pate
 Joe Fortes
 Andrea Jones – Office Manager
Tina Hnyp – School Secretary/Registrar
Stephanie Stutsman – Clerk Typist
 Jordan Kimbrough
 Charlene Grey
 Therese Standridge
Claudia Maddox
Delise Barth
Jen Hunt
Jen Fox
Joy Lewis
Bethany Sellers
Decky Jellison
Deanna Quigley
Zakkary Powell
Todd Rode
Alyssa Brooks
Maisy McHenry
Alan Cummings
Spencer Clark
Geretta Cuellar
Janet Cunningham
Nathan Robinson
Carrie White
Ozzy Herrick
Bethany Sellers
Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an ap-
proach to supporting students to be successful in schools and facil-
ities. PBIS was developed from research in the fields of behavior
theory and effective instruction. PBIS supports all students through
intervention ranging from a site-wide system to a system for devel-
oping individualized plans for specific students. Site-wide PBIS
focuses on the development and implementation of pro-active pro-
cedures and practices to prevent problem behavior for all youth,
and improve school climate.
Buckeye is implementing the PBIS Framework for discipline
and behavior. It is led by a team of trained staff members who
are dedicated to its campus wide success. This endeavor is one
that we, as a staff, are excited to share with you and the entire
Buckeye Community.
Student body assemblies are held at various times during the year.
The cooperation of all students is necessary for the success of these
assemblies. During assemblies there should always be attentive lis-
tening, with respect for the speakers or performers, whether the audi-
ence agrees with them or not. The P.A.W.S. expectations will be
Daily attendance is essential to your childs academic success. Stu-
dents are expected to be at school and on time each school day.
Per California Education Code 48205 (a) A pupil shall be excused
from school when the absence is
(1) Due to the pupils illness.
(2) Due to quarantine under the direction of a county or city health
(3) For the purpose of having medical, dental, optometrical, or chiro-
practic services rendered.
(4) For the purpose of attending the funeral services of a member of
the pupils immediate family, so long as the absence is not more than
one day if the service is conducted in California and not more than
three days if the service is conducted outside California.
All other absences will be considered unexcused.
The State of California and Shasta County have strict guidelines re-
garding attendance. Each school district participates in the SARB
process. Periodically the school is required to send notices (letters)
to families whose students are frequently absent from or tardy to
 is mailed after the 3rd day of unexcused absence and the 10th
day of excused absence. An attendance meeting may be scheduled at
this time.
 is mailed after the 4th day of unexcused absence and 12th day of
excused, requires a parent/school contact in an attempt to rectify the situa-
 is mailed after further absences after Letter #2 as student is at
risk of being deemed a chronic absentee. .It cautions the parent that if the
home/school cannot devise a method of consistent attendance the student
will be referred to the SARB process – per Shasta County District Attorney
         --
Research shows students who miss 10 percent of school, or two
days per month, show negative academic progress. In some
schools, that adds up to 18 days a school year and is considered to
be chronic absence.
If a student shows a pattern of chronic absenteeism due to illness,
district staff may required physician verification of any further
Any day a student is absent, his or her parents should call 225-
0420 by 8:30 a.m. to report the absence. If you are unable to call,
when the student returns to school after an absence, he/she is to
bring a note from home containing the following:
1. Students full name
2. Date(s) of absence
3. Reason for absence
4. Signature of parent or guardian
The student should bring this note to the school office before class
starts. Parents will be contacted by telephone when a student is
absent to verify reason for absence.
Students are to be in line and ready to go to class when the bell
rings. Unexcused tardies are recorded, and excessive unexcused
tardies will be handled as a truancy problem. A student who is
late to school should go to the office for a late slip before going to
class. It is disruptive to everyones concentration when a student
walks in late.
Every Minute Matters--If a student is 10 minutes late to school
each day, this adds up to missing more than 33 hours of class
time. A student with a 90 percent attendance average for Kinder-
garten through 12th grade will miss over a year of accumulated
time in the classroom.
-Students with excessive tardies and absences will
lose the privilege of attending field trips.
Students who ride bicycles to school are expected to observe the fol-
lowing rules:
1. Bicycles are to be walked on the school grounds and parked in the
bike rack when students arrive at school. Bicycles are to remain
parked until the student leaves school for home. Students are not
to loiter in the area of the bike racks at any time.
 Bicycles are not to be ridden anywhere on campus.
 Bicycles should be locked. The school assumes no responsibility
for the condition or loss of student bicycles.
 
The main purpose of the Buckeye Parent Club is to provide services
and activities that support Buckeyes School Plan for our students
and encourage parent involvement. In addition to school fundraisers,
the Parent Club sponsors various school spirit activities. They meet
one evening a month. All parents are invited and encouraged to at-
tend Parent Club meetings and/or to volunteer for Parent Club-
sponsored activities. More information is available in the office.
Bus Transportation is a privilege, not a right.
This privilege may be denied a student if he or she engages in disrup-
tive or unsafe behavior while boarding, riding, or exiting the bus.
Section 14263 of the Regulations and Laws Relating to Pupil Trans-
portation in California states, Pupils transported in a school bus shall
be under the authority of, and responsible to, the driver of the bus,
and the driver shall be held responsible for the orderly conduct of pu-
pils while they are on the bus or being escorted across a street, high-
way or road. Continued disorderly conduct or persistent refusal to
submit to the authority of the driver shall be sufficient reason for a
pupil to be denied transportation.
A number of dances for 6
graders will be held. School dress
code will apply at dances. Students without appropriate grades, at-
tendance, and excessive behaviors will be excluded from attending
dances. Students who are suspended 30 days prior to a dance will be
excluded from that activity.
Buckeye School of the Arts
PAWS before you act
  
Level 1 voice
care of
books on
Accept re-
Use manners
Listen respect-
Look for books
Walking feet
Safe body
Level 1 voice
Be a role
Keep it
Be respectful
of others
Smile and be
to others
in the hall-
Stay in line
Walk on yellow
Walking feet
Safe body
Be mindful of others
Level 2 voice
Keep it
Use manners
Use appropri-
ate lan-
Be patient
Keep your food
to yourself
Line up appropri-
Wait for dismis-
Walking feet
Safe body
Ask for Help if need-
Level 1 Voice
Keep it
Respect pri-
Use appropri-
ate lan-
Report problems
to an adult
Wash hands
Walking feet
  
Level 4 voice
Put equip-
Listen to
Use trash
Include all
Agree on rules
before the
game starts
Resolve disa-
greements ap-
Use positive lan-
Safe body
Stay inbounds
Be aware of oth-
Arrival and Dis-
Level 2 voice
Use trash
Keep be-
in back-
Use appropri-
ate language
Wait patiently
Be aware of cars
and traffic
Walking feet
Safe body
Wait for crossing
Level 2 voice
Listen to
Arrive on
Show appreci-
Use kind
Applaud at ap-
propriate time.
Wait for dismis-
sal instruc-
Walking feet
Safe body
Stay seated
Level 1 voice
Listen to
Use manners
Wait patiently
Use appropri-
ate language
Report problems
to an adult.
Reflect: Why am
I here?
Walking feet
Sit quietly while
Level 2 voice
Keep bus
Be a role
Be respectful
to all pas-
sengers and
driver on
Level 2 Voice
while on bus.
Follow drivers
Report issues or
concerns to driv-
Walking feet on
and off bus.
Safe body
Wear seat belts
Keep aisle clear
Listen to driver
Stay seated until
bus has stopped.
Failure to follow the P.A.W.S. expectations may result
in discipline consequences. Depending on the severity
of the infraction, consequences may include:
Parent Contact
Time Out
Campus Beautification
Friday Afterschool Detention
Loss of Privileges
SARB or Expulsion
Student suspension may be applied for the following reasons (Section
48900, California Education Code):
1. Caused, attempted to cause, or threatened to cause physical injury to
another person (mutual combat).
2. Willfully used force or violence upon the person of another, except in
3. Possessed, sold, or otherwise furnished any firearm, knife, explosive, or
other dangerous object, unless, in the case of possession of any such ob-
ject, the pupil had obtained written permission to possess the item from a
certificated school employee, which is concurred in by the Principal or
designee of the Principal.
4. Unlawfully possessed, used, sold, or otherwise furnished, or been under
the influence of any controlled substance, as defined in the health and
Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or intoxicant of any kind.
5. Unlawfully offered or arranged or negotiated to sell any controlled sub-
stance, as defined in the Health and Safety Code, an alcoholic beverage, or
an intoxicant of any kind, and then either sold, delivered, or otherwise fur-
nished to any person another liquid, substance, or material and represented
the liquid, substance or material as a controlled substance, alcoholic bever-
age, or intoxicant.
6. Committed or attempted to commit robbery or extortion.
7. Caused or attempted to cause damage to school property or private
8. Stole or attempted to steal school property or private property.
9. Possessed or used tobacco or any products containing tobacco or nico-
tine products, except as provided in Section 48901.This includes vaping.
10. Committed an obscene act or engaged in habitual profanity or vulgari-
11. Had unlawful possession of or unlawfully offered, arranged, or negoti-
ated to sell any drug paraphernalia, as defined in Section 11014.5 of the
Health and Safety Code.
12. Disrupted school activities or otherwise willfully defied the valid
authority of supervisors, teachers, administrators, school officials or
other school personnel engaged in the performance of their duties.
13. Knowingly received stolen property or private property.
14. Possessed an imitation firearm.
15. Committed or attempted to commit a sexual assault or a sexual bat-
tery as defined in the Penal Code.
16. Harassed, threatened, or intimidated a pupil who is a complaining
witness or witness in a school disciplinary proceeding for the purpose of
either preventing that pupil from being a witness or retaliating against
that pupil for being a witness, or both.
17. Sexual harassment.
18. Causing, threatening to cause or participating in an act of hate vio-
When expulsion is recommended, a District Discipline Hearing Panel is
convened to review the case to determine if expulsion is appropriate.
The student and his/her parents are notified of their rights, which in-
clude their right to appear and to be represented by counsel. The Disci-
pline Panel findings and recommendations are submitted to the Superin-
tendent who, in turn, submits the case to the Board of Education. The
Board of Education decides finally if expulsion is appropriate. A five-
day suspension will occur and principals shall recommend expulsion
mandatory for any student who:
1. Brings any weapon or other dangerous object to school.
2. Attacks or menaces a district employee.
3. Causes serious physical injury to another person
4. Distributes drugs or other controlled substances.
5. Commits robbery or extortion in school.
The dress code is established to promote an appropriate and safe learning environ-
ment. Any clothing or grooming that in an administrator or designated staffs judgment
may cause disruption or interfere with normal school operation is prohibited. The stu-
dent dress code is always under consideration and is subject to change during the school
Administratively, we want to spend our time focusing on education and not student dis-
cipline or disruption. Please help us in this endeavor and thanks for helping make Buck-
eye School of the Arts the premier educational institution in the north state. We are go-
ing to do amazing things in the 2023-2024 school year!
Muscle shirts, excessively ripped or loose clothing, bandeaus, bare midriffs or tops that
are strapless, see through, off the shoulder, backless, or having plunging necklines are not
Due to continuing and increased efforts to promote a safe environment and identifying
our own students both indoors and outdoors throughout the school day, hats, head cover-
ings, hoodies and/or bandanas/headbands are prohibited. On designated dress up days,
activities and extracurricular events, approved hats are permissible.
Shorts, skirts and dresses must be a suitable length. We do not prescribe to the fingertip
testas a general rule. However, shorts must be school appropriate. Any clothing consid-
ered inappropriate will not be permitted.
Pants, shorts, slacks, and skirts must be free of excessive tears or holes that are visible to
the skin. Large tears must be covered or reinforced with solid colored fabric that is clearly
identifiable. Students will be asked to change if a hole or any clothing item is deemed too
large or inappropriate by Administration.
Sleepwear (pajamas, slippers) is not permitted.
Blankets and flags cannot be used to walk about school during school hours. Jackets,
sweaters or sweatshirts should be used to keep students warm.
No clothing or accessories that:
1. Contain messages that are sexually suggestive, promote violence/intolerance or
potentially incite conflict.
2. Denote/advertise gang affiliation, cult affiliation, or any profane or racially
offensive item.
3.Advertise alcohol, tobacco, drugs, etc.
4. Advertise gang affiliation (e.g., bandanas, doo rags, etc.).
Shoes must be worn at all times. Open toed shoes are permitted unless deemed a
safety concern (lab classes, welding, culinary, etc.)
Sagging pants are not permitted. Undergarments must be covered.
Sunglasses may not be worn indoors.
Dog collars, spikes, heavy chains, and dog chains are not to be worn as jewelry,
belts, or wallet extensions.
The faculty and administration will enforce the policy governing dress and
grooming uniformly. The Dress Code applies whether the student is standing
or sitting. It shall be the responsibility of the professional staff to determine
the appropriateness of attire for all school occasions. Students involved in ex-
tracurricular activities may be held to a higher standard by the coach/sponsor
as a requirement to participate. When violations of these guidelines occur,
parents will be notified and requested to bring appropriate apparel to school.
On occasion, the parent could be asked to take the student home for the day.
When parents are unavailable, the student will not be permitted to return to
class unless in uniform with the dress code. Students unable to comply will be
sent to In-School Suspension. Repeat violations will be handled as defiance of
authority and will be grounds disciplinary action or assignment to Lunch De-
tention/Friday School.
However, students who abide by the dress code will be able to experience a
productive and awesome day at Buckeye School of the Arts :). We look for-
ward to the 2023-24 school year.
Buckeye School of the Arts conducts several emergency drills
throughout the school year. These drills include fire, intruder,
lockdown and earthquake to prepare and ensure the safety of our
students and staff. Students are expected to follow the emergency
protocols in place. For any questions regarding the school safety
plan, parents are encouraged to contact the school office.
In the case of emergencies the school will activate the emergency
All Call System. Parents are asked to wait for information to be
dispersed in this manner. If an actual emergency is in place the
school office will not be taking outside phone calls. School may be
cancelled due to extreme weather conditions or emergencies. In-
formation will also be provided by local radio stations by 6:00 a.m.
Grades are issued on report cards three times each year, at the end
of each trimester. Grades are also accessible on Aeries through out
the year. Parent conferences are held during the first trimester.
Other parent conferences may be initiated by teachers or adminis-
trators as the need arises. Parents may also request a conference
with a teacher when necessary. Please email your childs teacher
to arrange a time.
A Health Clerk is available during the school day for health super-
vision. Students who become ill at school will be sent to the of-
fice. Parents or guardians will be called to pick up the child. 
 If it is necessary for the stu-
dent to take medication during the school day, the students doctor
must fill out a form allowing the office to store and dispense the
medication. Medical authorization forms are available at the
school office. It is recommended medication be brought to school
by the parent rather than sent with the child.
Homework is assigned when a teacher feels it will be productive.
Students are expected to complete the assignment (s) and return it,
as directed, on time. If your child is going to be absent more than
one day, the teacher can send homework. However, please plan to
pick that work up in the office at the end of the day. When students
are absent, it is their responsibility to check with their teacher (s)
for the assignments they have missed and to complete them at a
time designated by the teacher. Please begin now to set aside a def-
inite time for study at home, doing so will help to ensure your
childs academic success.
The State of California has strict requirements for Directed Study.
We expect students to make up work they missed while absent.
State mandates that a student be absent a  be-
fore giving credit for work completed for an Independent Study
Buckeye School of the Arts is a closed campus. Students are to
remain at school after their arrival to school. To leave campus, the
student will need to check out through the office.
A students name should be written on personal articles. If your
child loses something, check at the school office before or immedi-
ately after school. A lost and found area is designated on campus.
Buckeye School of the Arts provides breakfast and hot lunch on a
daily basis. Information regarding cost, reduced cost, and free
meals will be sent home with all students or may be obtained in the
school office. Monthly menus are also viewable on our website.
Remember that good table manners, courtesy, cleanliness and a
quiet cafeteria will make it pleasant for you and everyone else to
enjoy lunch. Parents have the option of prepaying for student meals
at www.myschoolbucks.com.
Many informative notices will be sent home throughout the
school year from the Principal and teachers. Our monthly parent
newsletter: will be posted
on the Buckeye School of the Arts website each month at
It is each students responsibility to be sure their parents receive
their take home notices.
Buckeye School of the Arts invites parents to visit the school and
attend Back to School Night in the fall. During this activity,
teachers will explain their curriculum and classroom policies. In
the spring, during Public Schools Month, student work will be
displayed and parents, students, and community members are en-
couraged to visit the school for Open House. The dates and times
of these activities will be posted on the BSA website calendar.
Parents are encouraged to stay in close contact with the school.
General concerns such as grades and conduct can be addressed by
stopping by the school office or calling 225-0420 to arrange a
conference with your childs teacher or school counselor. Con-
cerns of a sensitive nature may be addressed in a meeting with the
Principal, Wendy LeVier or Vice Principal, Kris Carpenter.
If a parent needs to come and pick up their child early during the
school day, they will need to report to the school office first be-
fore going to the childs class. The office will call your childs
classroom to have them come to the office.
We realize that emergencies happen and that you may need to
change your child's pickup from school. Please contact the school
office no later than 12 (noon) on Mondays or 1:00 pm Tuesday–
Friday to guarantee that your child and teacher receive your mes-
sage. Calling after these times may risk your student not receiving
the information.
If a parent picks up his/her child at dismissal time, the parent
should go to the parent-pickup area in front of the gym. All stu-
dents will be waiting there with teacher supervision. If driving,
please drive through the turn-about. Be aware that our school was
not built for the number of students we have attending at this time
and this causes a delay during dismissal time to get all students to
cars safely. We ask that all parents be patient and allow plenty of
time for the traffic that builds up due to the level of activity at dis-
missal time. Our goal is the safety of all.
Toys, valuables, large amounts of cash, or other personal articles
are to be left at home. The school is not responsible for damage,
loss, or theft of personal property and unfortunately administra-
tion does not have the resources to address these concerns.
 
Students are to participate in P.E. unless they have a medical ex-
cuse for not doing so. Tennis shoes are to be worn for P.E. Your
P.E. teacher will discuss in more detail with you the P.E. program
and requirements.
To promote an environment free of sexual harassment, the princi-
pal or designee shall take appropriate actions such as removing
vulgar or offending graffiti, establishing standards and providing
appropriate student instruction and/or counseling and staff in-
service. Students shall be made aware of this policy through ap-
propriate curriculum.
Unlawful sexual harassment of or by anyone in or from the dis-
trict is prohibited. Any student who engages in sexual harassment
or anyone in or from the district may be subject to disciplinary
action up to and including expulsion
The district prohibits retaliatory behavior against any complainant
or any participant in the complaint process. Each complaint of
sexual harassment shall be promptly investigated in a way that
represents the privacy of all parties concerned.
The Board expects students or staff to immediately report inci-
dences of sexual harassment to the principal/designee or to an-
other district administrator. Any student who feels that he/she is
being harassed should immediately contact the principal or de-
signee at his/her school. If a situation involving sexual harass-
ment is not promptly remedied by the principal or designee, a
complaint of harassment can be filed in accordance with Board
Policy 1312. The Superintendent or designee shall promptly in-
vestigate each complaint of sexual harassment in a way that en-
sures the privacy of all parties concerned. In no case shall the
student be required to resolve the complaint directly with the
offending person. (Board Policy 5145.7.a). The policy defines
sexual harassment as follows: Sexual harassment means un-
welcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other
verbal, visual, or physical conduct of a sexual nature made by
someone from in the work or educational setting.
Title IX Coordinator
Gateway Unified School District
(530) 245-7900
Our Student Success Team is a student assistance program
which is designed to: assist young people dealing with a myriad
of at-risk behaviors, focus on educational concerns the student is
experiencing, and provide essential linkages for parents and chil-
dren to local and state agencies. An SST meeting will be sched-
uled for students to discuss specific concerns that have been sub-
mitted by school staff or parents.
The school phones are not for student use except in the case of
emergencies or as directed by school employees. In the case of an
emergency, the teacher and/or school office personnel will nor-
mally place the call. Any arrangements for after school activities
or a change in plansshould be accomplished through a parent
note delivered to the office in the morning. Students may only use
cell phones before or after school and are not allowed to use cell
phones to change plans on their own. In case of emergency, par-
ents should call the school office and the secretary will issue bus
notes or messages as needed. Student messages need to be called
in to the school office no later than 1:00 p.m. on a regular day or
12:00 p.m. on a minimum day. Cell phones at school need to be
turned off and kept in backpacks once the bell has rung. Cell
phones should never be out during the school day. Any cell
phone that rings or is being used during the school day will be
taken from the student and delivered to the office. Parents are re-
quired to pick the cell phone during regular office hours. 
All visitors are to go to the school office for information and per-
mission to visit classrooms. All visitors must sign in and obtain a
visitor tag from the office before entering our campus.
Students who attend other schools are not permitted on campus
during school hours without administrative approval.
Buckeye School of the Arts encourages parents, guardians, and
members of the community to share their time, knowledge and
abilities to support our students and our school. Our district re-
quires all interested persons to submit an application for clear-
ance. Application forms and more information is available in the
Extra-curricular activities (all activities held outside of the instruc-
tional day) are an integral part of the school curriculum and as
such must contribute to the well-being of all participants. All par-
ticipating students are reminded that they represent the school and
the community and their actions and behavior must be a credit to
both. All school rules apply to extra-curricular activities. 
Each athlete will maintain a minimum 2.0 GPA Caverage with
no Fs as established by grade checks, mid-term grades and tri-
mester grades. A bi-weekly grade check will be conducted. Any
athlete receiving a failing grade will have two weeks to make it
up. During this time players may practice but not play in a game.
If the grade improves, the player is reinstated to regular status. If
the player fails to meet the two-week requirement, he/she will be
dropped from the team.
Student athletes must demonstrate personal responsibility and
good citizenship throughout the season. Violations of the
schools student behavior plan will be subject to disciplinary ac-
tion. Please refer to the Athletic Handbook for more detail. 
Parent consent forms, insurance forms, bus rules and other forms
shall be recorded and on file in the School Office before any par-
ticipation or practice is allowed. A signature by a parent or legal
guardian is required. A prospective athlete shall either obtain stu-
dent insurance or be covered under his/her parents or legal guard-
ians insurance policy.
Complete the Statement of Responsibility for Athletic Insurance.
Appropriate parent permission forms and emergency consent forms
must be on file in the School Office. A parent or guardian signa-
ture is required. The extra-curricular advisor shall determine rules
concerning appropriate conduct for the specific activity.
Students are required to be present at school at least 4 periods or ½
of that day to participate in practice, games or meets, activities, or
dances. Players will not participate in games or meets that are
scheduled on Saturday unless they have attended school on the pre-
vious Friday for the minimum time required to be eligible. The
Principal or Designee may give clearance for the athlete to participate
in the event of special circumstances.
Any student who drops a sport or activity before the season of par-
ticipation ends shall not be allowed to participate in the next sport
or activity.
All equipment issued by the school to a student shall be returned at the
conclusion of the season or activity.
 For a
student to be eligible for a subsequent sport or activity, all equipment must
be turned in at the conclusion of the season.
Parents/Guardians are responsible arranging the transportation of
their child to all games and activities. Parents/Guardians are re-
sponsible for making sure the appropriate forms are completed,
signed, and on file in the Main Office of the respective school prior
to such travel.
 
 
 
Ed. Code section 48900 R specifies that school officials may uti-
lize suspension and/or expulsion for students involved in bullying
activities at school.
Bullying is a pattern of aggressive, intentional or deliberately hos-
tile behavior that occurs repeatedly and over time. Bullying be-
haviors normally fall into three categories, physical, emotional,
and verbal, and may include, but are not limited to, intimidation,
assault; extortion; oral or written threats; teasing; putdowns; name
-calling; threatening looks; gestures, or actions; rumors; false ac-
cusations; hazing, social isolation, and cyber-bullying
(electronically transmitted acts of harassment, including e-mails,
text messaging, public accessible web sites, and related electronic
 
Bullying behaviors are unacceptable. All students will be provid-
ed with information about the various types of behavior that con-
stitutes bullying, and of the consequences for engaging in bullying
 
School personnel shall receive training on anti-bullying policy to
ensure a consistent approach is adopted on a school-wide ba-
sis. The school administration requires all staff members who ob-
serve, suspect, or become aware of an act of bullying to immedi-
ately notify an administrator.
 
The school encourages students and parents who become aware of
an act of bullying to immediately report the incident (s) to a
school administrator for further investigation. Any student who
retaliates against another for reporting bullying will also be sub-
ject to consequences.
 
All students shall be informed of their right to protection against
bullying behaviors and the right to file a complaint if they believe
they have been the victim of bullying behavior. School adminis-
trators are responsible for investigating each complaint, determin-
ing if the complaint is legitimate in accordance with the above
definition, and taking appropriate corrective action. Any student
(be they the victim or the bystander) may initiate a complaint by
completing a confidential reporting form and returning it to a
building administrator.
 
Reports of bullying are taken seriously and shall be dealt with
quickly and effectively. If a student is found guilty of bullying
behavior the consequences shall depend on both the results of the
investigation and the severity of the incident. Consequences may
include but are not limited to mediation, a parent conference,
counseling, suspension, expulsion, or referral to local law enforce-
ment agency.