1. Course number and name: BMED 4000: The Art of Telling Your Story
2. Credits and contact hours: (0-2-0-1)
3. Prepared by: Janece Shaffer and Joe LeDoux
4. Textbook: None
5. Specific course information
a. A brief description of the content of the course (catalog description): Students
will participate in a number of highly interactive
exercises/activities/reading/writing assignments both in-class and out that will
result in greater self-awareness, curiosity and storytelling skills. This course will
focus on 1) growing your ability to share a story and 2) connecting to and
understanding your own story.
b. Prerequisites or co-requisites: BMED 1000
c. Required
6. Brief list of topics to be covered:
a. Basic structure of stories
b. The 3Cs (creativity, connection, and creating value)
c. “Storifying” moments with an entrepreneurial mindset
d. Critical thinking and creative thinking
e. Story delivery skills
f. Evaluate, iterate, edit, and refine stories with constructive feedback
g. Student presentations and using stories as a tool for collaboration and