Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Aramid fiber
Laundering guide
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Section I: introduction to Nomex
aramid fiber
General information ...............................1
Section II: Commercial laundering garments
made of Nomex
aramid fiber
Sorting and washer loading .............................2
Washing supplies .......................................2
Detergent. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2
Alkalinity (ph) ...........................................2
Bleach ..................................................2
Sour ....................................................2
Softeners, anti-stats and wicking agents .................2
Non-durable water and oil repellents ................... 3
Washing procedures ................................... 3
General wash formulas .............................. 3
Wash temperatures .................................. 3
Prevention of soil redeposition ....................... 3
Rinsing .............................................. 3
Souring .............................................. 3
Softeners, anti-stats and wicking agents .............. 3
Repellents ........................................... 3
Drying and finishing .................................... 4
General guidelines ................................... 4
Tumble dry conditioning/finishing ....................4
Wet-to-dry type tunnel drying/finishing ..............4
Dry-to-dry type tunnel drying/finishing ...............4
Pressing .............................................4
Section III: Home laundering garments
made of Nomex
aramid fiber
General guidelines ..................................... 5
Sorting ................................................ 5
Pretreating ............................................ 5
Preparing the wash load ................................ 5
Load size .............................................. 5
Wash water temperature ............................... 5
Detergents ............................................ 5
Water and water conditioners .......................... 5
Bleaches ...............................................6
Fabric softeners and anti-stats .......................... 6
Other washing additives ................................ 6
Drying ................................................. 6
Other drying additives ................................. 6
Ironing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Section IV: Dry cleaning garments
made of Nomex
aramid fiber
General guidelines ......................................7
Section V: Removing spots and other non-standard
contaminants from garments made of Nomex
aramid fiber
General guidelines .....................................8
Section VI: Appendix
Source list for commercial laundering products .......9-10
Table of contents
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
General information
aramid fiber has been used in garments for 50
years for protection against threats from fire, heat and
arc flash. Over time, the line of Nomex
products has
expanded and evolved to include blends like Nomex
with Kevlar
, other inherently flame resistant (FR) materials
and static-dissipative fibers. The family of Nomex
fibers for thermal protective apparel now includes:
IIIA, a blend of Nomex
, Kevlar
a static-dissipative fiber
III, a blend of Nomex
and Kevlar
MHP, an engineered blend of materials
offering inherent multi-hazard protection against heat,
flame, electric arc and small molten metal splash
, a unique blend of inherent materials
designed for both electric arc and flash fire protection
Producer-colored Nomex
fibers, featuring inherent
flame resistance with built-in color that can be blended
with other materials
100% Nomex
T-450, used in its natural, undyed state
or dyed for sewing thread
filament with higher strength and chemical
resistance compared to staple spun yarn, available in
natural white or producer colors
Properly dyed and finished garments made of Nomex
fiber are inherently flame resistant, meaning the flame resistance
is a permanent or inseparable attribute of the fibers that cannot
be washed out or worn away. No laundry procedures are
known that remove the flame resistance of Nomex
. However,
thermal protection can be compromised if there are flammable
contaminants, stains or soiling on the garment or fabric from
which it is made. Even though garments made of Nomex
inherently flame resistant, flammable contaminants, such as oil
or grease, on the clothing can ignite and burn until consumed,
thus increasing potential burn injury to the wearer.
Laboratory tests have shown that the procedures recommended
in this guide are effective in removing oil-based soils from
garments while minimizing the impact on colorfastness and wear
life. Users of garments made of Nomex
should ensure that the
techniques they use achieve similar results. Please refer to the
manufacturer’s laundering and care instructions for turnout gear
and firefighter protective hoods made with Nomex
This guide is intended to provide general recommendations
on conditions and products for laundering garments made of
. Throughout the remainder of this guide, all variations of
and blends of Nomex
will be referred to as Nomex
. The
products, under conditions described in this guide, performed
well in laboratory evaluations; other conditions and products
may provide equivalent results.
Section I
Introduction to Nomex
aramid fiber
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Sorting and washer loading
Garments made of Nomex
should be washed separately from
other clothing made of flammable fibers, such as cotton, to avoid
contamination. Dark colored clothing made of Nomex
should be
sorted and washed separately from very light shades or undyed
clothing to avoid possible staining of light colored clothing.
To ensure thorough cleaning, washer loads for garments
made of Nomex
should be approximately 2/3 the weight of
loads recommended by the washing machine manufacturer.
Washing supplies
A source list for industrial laundering products is presented
in Section VI: Appendix. Other products also may provide
acceptable results.
Many commercial and industrial detergent formulations have
been evaluated in the laboratory for their cleaning effectiveness
and impact on wash-fastness. Tests show that formulations
designed for use at a temperature of 140°F (60°C) or less—
such as high surfactant, low-alkalinity products—adequately
clean Nomex
and provide the best fabric color retention.
The use of soaps for laundering Nomex
is not recommended
due to the potential formation of insoluble residue with hard
water. Soap residue may be flammable and could adversely
affect the thermal protective performance of the garment.
Alkalinity (pH)
Detergents with pH values ranging from 9 to 11 have been
found to effectively lift dirt and oil from Nomex
fiber. The use
of higher wash temperatures and detergent formulations with
higher alkalinity will improve cleaning; however, these harsher
conditions can negatively impact the colorfastness of the
garments. Users must choose appropriate laundering conditions
to maintain the desired balance between garment cleanliness
and color retention.
Only oxygen-based bleach is recommended for use on
garments made of Nomex
—chlorine bleach should not
be used. Although chlorine bleach will not affect the inherent
flame resistance of Nomex
, it may cause loss of strength and
color in clothing over time.
When laundering items made of Nomex
, the use of a sour
after thorough rinsing helps ensure that any remaining traces
of alkalinity are neutralized. This eliminates the possibility of
skin irritation.
Softeners, anti-stats and wicking agents
Softeners, anti-stats and wicking agents perform useful and
often highly desirable functions when applied to the load in
the last commercial laundering operation. Flammable materials
added when laundering FR garments have the potential to
remain on the garment and have a negative effect on the
thermal protection of the garment. The impact of fabric
softeners, wicking agents and anti-stats should be evaluated
at the intended use level prior to routine use.
Fabric softeners impart a softer hand to the fabric and assists
in wrinkle removal when articles made of Nomex
are tunnel
or tumble dried.
Anti-stats reduce the effects of nuisance static electricity,
such as clinging and lint pick-up. Nuisance static is fairly common
with textiles, especially in low-humidity environments. Under
normal conditions, garments made of Nomex
IIIA, Nomex
and Protera
do not require the use of anti-stats because these
products already contain a proprietary static-dissipative fiber.
Note: Although certain anti-stats can provide a high degree of static control
when properly applied in the washer, they cannot ensure safety in situations
where a discharge of static electricity could create a hazard to life or property,
such as in an explosive or highly flammable environment. For this reason,
it is important that personnel and equipment be properly grounded for
maximum safety.
Wicking agents help fabrics adsorb and spread moisture.
Experience suggests that these characteristics contribute to
comfort in warm, humid environments by helping to rapidly
dissipate perspiration, thereby taking full advantage of the
cooling effect of evaporation
Section II
Commercial laundering garments made of Nomex
aramid fiber
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Non-durable water and oil repellents
Water and oil repellency may be a desirable feature in some
industrial applications. If the original fabric has not been treated
with a repellent, water and oil repellency can be obtained by
using sprays or laundry-applied chemicals. Laboratory tests
have shown that fluorocarbon sprays, such as FIRELINE WINSOL
GUARD 690 PLUS, when applied according to manufacturers'
recommendations, will impart water and oil repellency to items
made of Nomex
with minimal effect on the thermal protection
of the garment. These materials will cause liquids to bead on the
fabric surface and minimize wicking into the fabric. They will not,
however, prevent liquids from being forced through the open
structure of the fabric.
The use of these or other chemicals should be evaluated with
respect to the particular oils and/or solvents encountered to
determine if they meet the required chemical and thermal
protective performance criteria. In addition, because these
water repellents may wear away or wash out, retreatment may
be necessary, especially after garment cleaning.
Washing procedures
General wash formulas
The products in the appendix have been developed to wash
garments made of Nomex
. Modifications should be made to
meet the needs of particular types of wash loads and other
specific quality standards. Product suppliers should be
contacted to achieve the most desired result.
Wash temperatures
Detergents are primarily designed to work at 140°F (60°C).
At this temperature, these surfactant-based formulas
effectively lift oils and soil while maximizing color retention.
For heavily stained and oily garments made of Nomex
, a higher
temperature wash formula may be required for adequate
cleaning. The use of higher temperature formulas will not affect
the inherent flame resistance of the clothing nor overall wear
life. However, higher wash temperatures or alkalinity levels may
adversely affect garment colorfastness. Where color loss
is a concern, dry cleaning is an alternative method to remove
heavy soil while minimizing color fading.
Prevention of soil redeposition
To improve soil removal and minimize soil redeposition in
heavily soiled loads, add washing supplies to the suds cycle.
Ensure that the concentration is kept high enough to keep the
soil in suspension.
Garments made of Nomex
must be adequately rinsed to remove
residual wash chemicals. Rinse cycles should be continued until
the pH of the rinse closely approaches that of the water supply.
To minimize washer-induced wrinkles, water temperature should
be reduced in each succeeding rinse cycle until the last operation
(sour), where it should be 90°F (32°C) or lower.
Residual alkalinity in garments made of Nomex
can cause skin
irritation. To ensure that all traces of wash chemical alkalinity
are neutralized, sour can be added to the final rinse cycle in the
washer. Garments should not be rinsed additionally after the
sour is added. Overuse of sours should be avoided because it will
result in highly acidic fabrics. Any standard or buffered sour is
acceptable for use with items made of Nomex
. Check the flame
resistance properties before use.
Softeners, anti-stats and wicking agents
Generally, softeners and anti-stats are not permanently affixed
to fabrics. Instead, they should be applied in the last washer
operation, then reapplied at the end of each subsequent
wash cycle. Most softeners and anti-stats are compatible with
sours and can be applied in the sour bath. When applying any
proprietary laundry product in the washer, it is essential to seek
the supplier's advice on its exact use and possible effect on the
flammability and thermal protection of the garment.
Although the use of anti-stats may not be required with
garments made of Nomex
IIIA, Nomex
MHP or Protera
, the feel
and wickability of such clothing can be improved with softeners
and wicking agents.
Some fabrics are treated with water repellents during the
manufacturing operation prior to the fabrication of clothing.
These treatments may last for many cleanings, but they are
not considered permanent. Other repellents are available that
can be applied during or after laundering to previously untreated
garments, or to previously treated garments that have lost
their repellency.
Repellent applications will reduce moisture wicking and
can make garments that come in contact with the body less
comfortable in hot, humid weather. In addition, repellent
chemicals may be flammable. Before applying any repellent,
it should be evaluated to determine if it will impact the thermal
protective performance of the garment.
Repellents can reduce the penetration of oils, solvents and
water through the fabric by causing them to bead-up on the
fabric surface. The level of repellency depends on the type and
level of the material being applied, as well as the characteristics
of the soils coming into contact with the garment. Chemical
or liquid splash protection for industrial work or laboratories
requires a specially treated fabric or an appropriate secondary
chemical barrier suit. Protective treatments added by other
manufacturers to fabrics made of Nomex
may require special
laundering procedures. Please refer to the manufacturer’s
laundering and care instructions.
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Drying and finishing
General guidelines
Garments made of Nomex
dry faster than many other FR
garments and can be finished with good appearance using
several methods. Economic savings are possible if drying and
finishing are combined into one step, as with the wet-to-dry
tunnel method.
No matter which method is chosen, every effort should be made
to avoid introducing hard-set and unnecessary wrinkles during
washing or extraction. For best results, garments should not be
bagged. However, if bagging is necessary, the bags should not
be filled to more than half their capacity to ensure that the items
have adequate freedom of movement. Similarly, the washer
should not be overloaded. After the break and suds cycles,
the water temperature should gradually be reduced through
several rinse cycles to avoid introducing "thermal shock"
wrinkles, which can be very difficult to remove. The final
operation (sour) should be carried out at a temperature of 90°F
(32°C) or lower.
Garments should not be fully extracted unless they are to
be pressed. If an extraction is used as a preliminary step to other
finishing methods, items should be cold and subjected only
to very brief and light hydraulic or centrifugal pressure.
Extraction will reduce softener add-on by diminishing water
carry-over; thus, a higher softener concentration in the final
rinse will be required to achieve the desired add-on.
Tumble dry conditioning/finishing
In some instances, tumble dry conditioning is the only
finishing necessary for garments made of Nomex
. Tumble dry
conditioning also can be done prior to dry-to-dry tunnel
finishing or pressing. Adequate tumbling action is necessary
for good wrinkle removal; therefore, tumble dryers should
not be overloaded. Clothing will dry rapidly and satisfactorily at
exhaust air temperatures between 140°F (60°C) and 160°F (71°C).
Garment temperature measured in the basket should not exceed
280°F (138°C). Excessive shrinkage and color loss can occur if
higher temperatures are encountered. Tumbling without heat
for an additional 10 minutes at the end of the drying cycle will
cool the garments and help avoid dryer-induced wrinkles. To
avoid set-in wrinkles, garments should not remain in a hot
tumbler when it is not in motion, nor should they be folded
or stacked.
Wet-to-dry type tunnel drying/finishing
With this method, wet items from the washer are hung on
hangers, placed on a conveyor and passed through a tunnel
containing forced air supplied at 300°F (149°C) dry bulb and 190°F
(88°C) wet bulb. Garments subjected to this combination of heat
and air movement dry and finish wrinkle free and ready to wear.
Garment temperature should not exceed 280°F (138°C).
After exiting the tunnel, clothing should hang freely and should
not be compressed against other garments until they have
cooled to below 100°F (38°C).
Dry-to-dry type tunnel drying/finishing
After being conditioned in a tumble dryer, garments can be
hung on hangers and rapidly and continuously conveyed through
an abbreviated finishing cabinet. Steam, heat and forced air
agitation minimize wrinkles and allow processing in a short
period of time.
If pressing is required, a steam-heated hot head press is
recommended with a steam pressure of 80 psig (325°F [163°C])
and a steam/bake/vacuum cycle of 5/10/5 seconds. If an
electrically heated hot head is used, a temperature of 375°F
(191°C) should be used for 20 seconds as a starting point.
Garments should be examined for glazing and dye sublimation
before adopting these methods on a commercial basis.
Laundering study with DuPont and FFT Technologies, LLC.
Garments made of Nomex
shown before and after commercial laundering.
Laboratory tests have shown that the laundering procedures recommended
in this guide are effective in removing oil-based soils from garments made of
while minimizing the impact on colorfastness and wear life.
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Section III
Home laundering garments made of Nomex
aramid fiber
General guidelines
Items made of Nomex
can be washed and dried by any
conventional home method using normal household washers
and dryers followed by hand ironing if necessary. No special
technology is needed for home laundering garments made of
. However, for heavily soiled clothing, home laundry
procedures may not remove the last traces of very heavy,
widespread or ground-in soils, which may be flammable and
could adversely affect the thermal protective performance of
garments made of Nomex
If home laundering does not remove contaminants or
contaminant build-up, garments should be dry cleaned or
commercially laundered. When garments are contaminated by
hazardous materials, only commercial or on-site laundering or
dry cleaning should be used with the appropriate wastewater
treatment techniques.
Adhering to the following procedures can help provide
optimum cleaning.
Items made of Nomex
should be sorted and washed separately
from other garments to prevent contamination with lint of
flammable fibers such as cotton.
Stains, as well as deep soil lines on the collars and cuffs of
garments, are more readily removed if pretreated. Stains should
be pretreated at the earliest opportunity and sufficient time
allowed for the pretreatment material to penetrate and loosen
the soil. The heavily soiled or stained areas should be rubbed
with a full strength, heavy-duty liquid detergent or any off-the-
shelf laundry pretreatment product.
Preparing the wash load
Before laundering garments made of Nomex
, pockets should be
emptied, pants cuffs cleaned out and zippers closed.
Load size
When laundering clothing made of Nomex
, it is important not
to overload the machine. To ensure a cleaner wash and avoid
setting wash wrinkles, the load size must allow clothes to move
freely through the wash water and rinse cycle. Regardless of the
machine's rated weight capacity, bulk—not weight—should be
the limiting factor.
Wash water temperature
Moderate soil levels may be removed adequately at normal wash
water temperature settings. Heavily soiled and stained garments
made of Nomex
require a higher water temperature setting.
Using the steam setting on a home washer will not impact the
inherent flame resistance of Nomex
; however, prolonged use
could cause color fading.
Synthetic, heavy-duty liquid laundry detergents are
recommended for washing items made of Nomex
. These
detergents do a superior job of removing soils and are less
likely than soap to form sticky deposits of lime soap curds,
which are difficult to rinse out. Fatty-based soaps should not be
used. Underuse of detergent results in poor soil removal and
frequently causes suspended soils to redeposit on the clothes.
Failure to use a sufficient amount of detergent is the single
greatest cause of inadequate home cleaning.
Water and water conditioners
For best results, an adequate supply of "soft" water is required
for home laundering garments made of Nomex
. "Hard" water
contains minerals, such as calcium and magnesium salts, that
combine with fatty-based soaps to form insoluble film, scum
or curd. These insoluble contaminants are difficult to rinse
from fabrics, may be flammable and could adversely affect the
thermal protective performance of garments if not adequately
removed. Soap is not recommended, but if it is used in hard wash
water (more than approximately 7 grains/gal, 120 mg/L or 120
ppm), a non-precipitating type of water conditioner should be
added. Softening the water improves the quality of washing.
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Only oxygen-based bleaches such as OxyClean
should be used
on clothing made of Nomex
. Chlorine bleach should not be
used. Although chlorine bleach will not affect the inherent flame
resistance of Nomex
, it may cause loss of strength and color in
garments over time.
Fabric softeners and anti-stats
Under normal conditions, garments made of Nomex
MHP and Protera
do not require the use of anti-stats
because these products contain a proprietary static-dissipative
fiber. Nevertheless, numerous washer- and dryer-applied fabric
softeners are available for use in home laundering. These
products improve the feel of items made of Nomex
and can
reduce the nuisance effects of static electricity—such as lint
pick-up and clinging—that are often experienced with fabrics.
However, they are not as effective as antistatic treatments
applied by an industrial or commercial laundering facility.
NOTE: Antistatic additives cannot ensure safety in situations where a discharge
of static electricity could create a potential hazard to life or property. If clothing
made of Nomex
will be worn in an area where explosive or highly flammable
materials are present, it is important that personnel and equipment be properly
grounded for maximum safety.
Other washing additives
Commercially available laundry additives or aids, such as scent
booster, fabric conditioner, odor eliminator, static guard, wrinkle
release or wrinkle remover should not be used with items made
of Nomex
if they are flammable. Flammable materials on the
surface or within fabric made of Nomex
could adversely affect
thermal protection.
Clothing made of Nomex
will have a smoother appearance
when tumble dried instead of being line or drip dried. If line or
air drying, flatten garments to minimize wrinkles. Articles made
of Nomex
should not be dried in sunlight, which can cause
fading but does not affect the flame resistance protection of the
To ensure maximum removal of wrinkles, tumble dryers should
not be overloaded. Drying time varies with garment materials
and size of the load. Items made of Nomex
dry faster than
all-cotton garments of the same weight. When tumble dried at
the medium or high temperature setting, a properly sized load
usually dries in approximately 20 minutes. The cool down or
wrinkle control cycle may be helpful to minimize wrinkles. Use of
the steam setting on a home dryer will not impact the inherent
flame resistance of Nomex
; however, prolonged use could cause
color fading.
Other drying additives
Commercially available laundry additives or aids, such as dryer
sheets or static guard, should not be used with items made of
if they are flammable. Flammable materials on the
surface or within fabric made of Nomex
could adversely affect
thermal protection.
If clothing made of Nomex
needs pressing or ironing, a steam
or dry iron may be used at the medium setting. Commercially
available ironing aids such as starch, ironing spray or wrinkle
spray should not be used with items made of Nomex
if they are
flammable. Flammable materials on the surface or within fabric
made of Nomex
could adversely affect thermal protection.
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Section IV
Dry cleaning garments made of Nomex
aramid fiber
General guidelines
Clothing made of Nomex
can be dry cleaned successfully in
any conventional commercial dry-cleaning system. With heavily
soiled garments, using a two-bath cycle may improve soil removal
and minimize redeposition. Items made of Nomex
should be
cleaned separately from items made of other materials to avoid
contamination with lint from flammable fibers such as cotton.
The practice of maintaining a clean solvent supply must be observed.
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
General guidelines
Properly dyed and finished clothing made of Nomex
inherently flame resistant. However, flame resistance can be
compromised by the presence of flammable contaminants
on the garment, or on the fabric from which it is made. Paint,
heavy oily soils or other flammable materials encountered in an
industrial environment can pose a hazard if not removed from
the garment. When accidental exposure occurs, the contaminant
should be removed as soon as possible before it sets in or dries.
The contaminated garment should be clearly identified so the
cleaning facility can spot clean the garment before routine
laundering or dry cleaning.
For work assignments where employees are routinely exposed to
paint, epoxy or other contaminants that are difficult or impossible
to remove, the use of flame-retardant disposable coveralls
as over-garments should be considered. Only secondary FR
disposable coveralls, such as some DuPont
should be worn over primary FR personal protective equipment
(PPE). Wearing disposable secondary FR coveralls over clothing
made of Nomex
will maintain the wearer’s FR protection,
minimize laundering issues and prolong the life of the garment
made of Nomex
fiber is resistant to most chemicals typically used to
launder, dry clean or spot clean clothing, including special
laundry detergent/solvent emulsifier formulations designed
to remove paint, tar, adhesives and other difficult-to-clean
stains. These special formulations can be used as either spot
cleaners or as laundry or dry-cleaning additives. As an added
precaution, they should be checked for compatibility with fabric
made of Nomex
before any contaminant removal is attempted.
The chemical supplier's spotting and cleaning procedure
recommendations should be followed.
Because these formulations may contain flammable solvents,
garments should be cleaned by standard cleaning methods after
spot cleaning. When chemical additives are used in laundering
or dry cleaning, items should be thoroughly rinsed to ensure the
removal of any residual flammable solvents.
Section V
Removing spots and other non-standard contaminants
from garments made of Nomex
aramid fiber
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Section VI
Source list for commercial laundering products
Product / Trademark Detergent / Sour vendor
E-Max Detergent
Performance Industrial Detergent
Performance Industrial Booster
Performance Industrial XXEL Detergent
Performance Industrial XXL Sour
Ecolab, Textile Care Division
1 Ecolab Place
St. Paul, MN 55102
(800) 553-8683
FFT Laundry Cleaner
FFT Technologies, LLC
(formerly Fog Free Technologies)
4365 Dorchester Road, Suite 301
North Charleston, SC 29405
(843) 735-6626
U.N.X. Incorporated
707 E Arlington Blvd
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 756-8616
Washing Systems, LLC (WSI)
167 Commerce Drive
Loveland, OH 45140
(800) 272-1974
Product / Trademark Antifoams vendor
Dow Corning
Antifoam 1430
Dow Corning
PO Box 994
Midland, MI 48686
(800) 248-2481
Product / Trademark Anti-static vendor
U.N.X. Incorporated
707 E Arlington Blvd
Greenville, NC 27858
(252) 756-8616
Laundering guide for Nomex
aramid fiber
Source list for commercial laundering products
Product / Trademark Water/oil repellents vendor
WINSOL Laboratories
1417 NW 51st Street
Seattle, WA 98107
(800) 782-5501
Product / Trademark Disinfectant vendor
I D O Cleaner,
Disinfectant and Sanitizer
WINSOL Laboratories
1417 NW 51st Street
Seattle, WA 98107
(800) 782-5501
NOTE: Listing of products in this appendix does not indicate a DuPont endorsement. Other products not listed in this appendix
also may be acceptable laundering products for garments made of Nomex
aramid fiber. Other products that have not been
tested but that belong to the same class of low-temperature, low-alkalinity, high surfactant-based products also may provide
acceptable results.
5401 Jefferson Davis Highway
Richmond, VA 23234
Tel: 800-931-3456
E.I. DuPont Canada Company
P.O. Box 2200
Streetsville Postal Station
Mississauga, Ontario, L5M 2H3
Tel: 800-387-2122
DuPont de Nemours
International S. A.
P.O. Box 50
CH-1218 le Grand Saconnex
Geneva, Switzerland
Tel: +41-22-717-5111
Japan and Asia Pacific
DuPont K.K.
Sanno Park Tower
11-1, Nagata-cho 2-chome,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-6111
Tel. 81-3-5521-8688
South America
DuPont do Brasil S. A.
Alameda Itapecuru, 506
Alphaville - Barueri
Sao Paulo, Brasil
Tel: +0800-17-17-15
+55 11 4166 8295
For more information about Nomex
or for global
product support, contact us in your region:
Product safety information is available upon request.
This information corresponds to our current knowledge on the subject. It is offered solely to
provide possible suggestions for your own experimentations. It is not intended, however, to
substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability
of our products for your particular purposes. This information may be subject to revision as
new knowledge and experience become available. Since we cannot anticipate all variations
IN CONNECTION WITH ANY USE OF THIS INFORMATION. Nothing in this publication is to be
considered as a license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent right.
OxyClean™ is a trademark of Church & Dwight Co, Inc. Dow Corning® and XIAMETER®
are registered trademarks of Dow Corning Corporation.
DuPont™, the DuPont Oval Logo, and all trademarks and service marks denoted with ™,
or ®
are owned by affiliates of DuPont de Nemours, Inc. unless otherwise noted. © 2019 DuPont.
K-29759 (07/19)