2022 Additive Manufacturing
Final Outbrief
Additive Manufacturing Portal for Education
Co Leads:
Courtney Puhl (courtney[email protected])
Jeremy Chang (jian-ming.chang@navy.mil)
Mateja Fiorille (mat[email protected])
Michael Parkyn (michael.b[email protected])
Appendix G
Additive Manufacturing Portal for Education
Project Overview:
The purpose of this project is to build an online learning portal with training assets pathway across America
Makes, the DoD enterprise, and industry at large to assist those seeking to enter the additive manufacturing
industry to obtain skillsets for the desired job role
Review and Assessment of historical database - Role based assessment for training competencies for AM
Review and Assessment of historical database - A database of existing AM training assets in the DoD and
industry (interim)
Functional requirements document for the online educational portal/website (interim)
Sustainability plan for maintenance and hosting of technology platforms
An online education portal for AM that links the role-based competency needs to the database of training
assets that securely segregates any CUI or restricted access information to the public (final)
Four Micro-learning modules (web based) focused on DoD/Industry Leadership
1. Identify and define critical job roles (listing of additive manufacturing roles
validated 2020 AMMO) to support the advancement of additive manufacturing
(AM) across the DoD enterprise and industrial defense base
2. Analyze DoD training offerings to identify required metadata categories to be
used in AMPED portal
3. Explore key features, functions, usability of the AMPED portal that would be
valuable in a sustainable full-scale launch
Planned Deliverables:
1. Focused list of critical job roles/competancies within DoD/industry required to
advance adoption of AM
2. List of most valuable metadata categories to best describe available trainings
mapped to required job roles/competancies. Identify existing training assets for
focused list of critical job roles. Contrast requirements of different branches of
3. Highlight key features and overall functionality of AMPED portal based on
working group consensus, while maximizing sustainability of the platform
Additive Manufacturing Portal for Education
Accomplishments and Deliverables:
1. Ranked job roles from 2020 AMMO workshop to AM
2. Documented 11 job role categories required to
advance adoption of AM
Completed competency modeling for 11 job role categories
Additive Manufacturing Portal for Education
Application Post Processing Design
Materials Management Procurement
Operations Safety Cyber
Quality Inspection
Accomplishments and Deliverables:
3. Defined list of 25 metadata categories suggested to
adequately describe trainings mapped on AMPED
4. Brainstormed key features and overall functionality
of AMPED portal while maximizing sustainability of
the platform
Working group generated a list of potential features for
AMPED portal to maximize usability
Working group voted to prioritize most beneficial portal
Additive Manufacturing Portal for Education
Key Takeaways (what did you learn that doesn’t fit into
any other box):
AMPED tracking metrics can be used to identify gaps in training
based on data from searches with no results
Group members highlighted the need to share “playlist” of successful
If mapped trainings align to a certification or credential, that will be
noted in the AMPED portal
America Makes and others do offer trainings that align to
certifications/credentials however AMPED itself is not offering
any certifications or credentials
DoD has a sustained need for AM training, amplifying the need for
AMPED long term
Better is the enemy of good enough
Additive Manufacturing Portal for Education
Recommendations/Next Steps/Potential Engagement:
Work to balance user convenience with sustainability costs
Some “wish list” features are beyond the scope of current project
and will drive to unattainable sustainability
Sustainability plan will be drafted at the completion of the project
(America Makes led)
Official AMPED project kickoff 7/1/22, 18mo PoP
Currently completing contracting with project partners
AMMO workshop is the first of 2 workshops
A second virtual AMPED workshop will be tailored to ensure
representation across DoD
America Makes/OSD are working to identify Project Steering
Committee members to contribute to portal requirements, designs,
and demo sessions
America Makes will work to amplify AMPED for further adoption/use
Additive Manufacturing Portal for Education
Please contact our co-leads:
Courtney Puhl (courtney.puhl@ncdmm.org)
Jeremy Chang (jian-ming.chang@navy.mil)
Mateja Fiorille (mateja.fiorille@ncdmm.org)
Michael Parkyn (michael.b.parkyn.ctr@mail.mil)
Additive Manufacturing Portal for Education