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Using the Raz-Kids reading program to increase reading Using the Raz-Kids reading program to increase reading
comprehension and 7uency for students with LD comprehension and 7uency for students with LD
Angela Marchand
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Marchand, Angela, "Using the Raz-Kids reading program to increase reading comprehension and 7uency
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Angela G. Marchand
A Thesis
Submitted to the
Department of Language, Literacy, and Special Education
College of Education
In partial fulfillment of the requirement
For the degree of
Master of Arts in Special Education
Rowan University
May 20, 2015
Thesis Chair: Joy Xin, Ph.D.
© 2015 Angela G. Marchand
I would like to dedicate this manuscript to my daughter, Ella Sophia Marchand
I would like to thank Dr. Xin for advising me throughout my research seminar. I
would also like to thank my co-teacher Lauren Smith, as well as my classroom assistants
Linda Pino and Christina Ranson for helping to implement my research intervention as
part of our classroom routine.
Angela G. Marchand
Joy Xin, Ph.D.
Master of Arts in Special Education
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the computer program, Raz-
Kids will assist in supporting independent reading as well as increase a students guided
reading level, fluency, and comprehension. Four 1st graders with a learning disability in
an inclusive classroom participated in the study. The Raz-Kids online reading program
was provided individually for 15 minutes each session during the literacy intervention
period, 3 times a week for 16 weeks. The Developmental Reading Assessment was given
at the end of each month to evaluate student performance on a guided reading level,
fluency and comprehension. A single subject design with A B phases was used in this
study. The results showed participating students increased their guided reading levels and
fluency. It seems that the Raz-Kids program would be beneficial as a supplement to
reading instruction and small group guided reading for struggling readers.
Table of Contents
Abstract ........................................................................................................................... v
List of Figures ............................................................................................................. viii
List of Tables.................................................................................................................. ix
Chapter I: Introduction.................................................................................................... 1
Statement of Problems ............................................................................................... 1
Significance of the Study ........................................................................................... 6
Statement of Purposes ................................................................................................ 6
Research Questions .................................................................................................... 6
Chapter II: Review of the Literature................................................................................ 8
Reading Strategies for students with LD .................................................................... 9
Shared Reading .................................................................................................. 10
Repeated Reading .............................................................................................. 12
TechnologyBased Instruction ................................................................................. 13
Software Programs ............................................................................................. 14
CD-Roms and Electronic Talking Books ............................................................ 16
Summary ................................................................................................................. 20
Chapter III: Methods .................................................................................................... 21
Setting ..................................................................................................................... 21
Classroom .......................................................................................................... 21
School ................................................................................................................ 21
Participants .............................................................................................................. 21
Students ............................................................................................................. 21
Table of Contents (Continued)
Teacher .............................................................................................................. 23
Materials .................................................................................................................. 23
Instructional Materials ....................................................................................... 23
Measurement Materials ...................................................................................... 24
Procedures ............................................................................................................... 26
Instructional Procedure ...................................................................................... 26
Measurement Procedure ..................................................................................... 26
Research Design ...................................................................................................... 27
Data Analysis .......................................................................................................... 27
Chapter IV: Results ...................................................................................................... 28
Chapter V: Discussion .................................................................................................. 35
Limitations .............................................................................................................. 37
Implications ............................................................................................................. 38
Conclusion and Recommendations........................................................................... 38
References ..................................................................................................................... 40
Appendix: Raz-Kids Reading Program ......................................................................... 46
List of Figures
Figure Page
Figure 1. DRA Comprehension Rubric ......................................................................... 25
Figure 2. Reading performance of Student A ................................................................ 30
Figure 3. Reading performance of Student B................................................................. 31
Figure 4. Reading performance of Student C................................................................. 32
Figure 5. Reading performance of Student D ................................................................ 33
List of Tables
Table Page
Table 1. General Information of Participants ................................................................. 22
Table 2. DRA Reading Levels ...................................................................................... 22
Table 3. Student reading performance by percentage .................................................... 28
Table 4. Student growth and average scores by percentages across phases .................... 29
Table 5. Activities Student Completed in Raz-Kids ...................................................... 29
Chapter I
Statement of Problems
Reading is considered to be one of the most important academic skills in schools
(Gibson, Carledge, & Keyes, 2011). Being able to read is essential for students to learn
other subjects. For example, students are required to read directions, word problems, and
passages in textbooks when learning math, science and social studies (Gibson, Carledge,
& Keyes, 2011). Students who are not successful to become independent readers will
typically struggle in other academic areas, which will cause a wider achievement gap as
they progress through school (Melekoglu & Wilkerson, 2013). Further, the importance
of reading extends beyond schooling, literacy is necessary to function as a successful
independent adult in our society. As an adult, he/she needs to be able to read notes in
order to maintain a job, communicate with his/her family, and complete daily tasks.
Thus, reading is listed as a primary requirement in the state’s Common Core State
Standards to prepare all students to be ready for higher education and career. These
standards require students to retell stories with key details, read grade level texts with
sufficient accuracy and fluency to support comprehension (CCCS, 2010).
Reading is a complex task which entails many skills including decoding unknown
words, recognizing sight words, understanding vocabulary as well as recalling facts and
events occurred in the story. According to Lacina (2006), there are five principles
deemed necessary for reading instruction, such as phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency,
vocabulary, and comprehension. Phonemic awareness begins at an early age. Most
students entering school are already expected to know most of the alphabet letters and
their corresponding sounds. Phonics instruction focuses on individual vowel and
consonant sound, and symbol correspondence to enable students to decode and encode
words. Students are required to transfer these phonics skills when reading an unknown
word. Fluency is the bridge between a student’s ability to decode words and comprehend
written text during reading. There are three elements of fluency: 1) accuracy which is
the ability to decode words correctly, 2) automaticity which is the speed or ability to read
words, and connected text automatically, and 3) prosody which is the rhythm and tone
exhibited when reading orally. A fluent reader uses voice inflections with various pitches
and tones, as well as reads through text in a fluid manner, free of errors (Thoermer &
Williams, 2012). As indicated by Biemiller (2001), vocabulary words specific to lessons
should be introduced to familiarize students with the subjects they are learning. As
required by the CCCS (2010), students should read fluently and comprehend the text they
are reading. Reading instruction should take place at a student’s independent reading
level (Allington, 2011).
According to the report of the National Assessment of Education Progress (2008),
only one-third of students in the United States read at or above the proficient level; which
means that two out of every three students are unable to read at a level proficient enough
to function independently at their grade level (Allington, 2011). Students without the
necessary reading skills cannot derive meaning from what they read, causing their
reduced motivation in reading. They become unmotivated towards all activities
involving reading and writing (Melekoglu & Wilkerson, 2013). Two thirds of children
entering kindergarten already know the names of the alphabet letters, and one third of
these children know the consonant sounds. The one third that does not know the letters
are most likely to become struggling readers (Allington, 2011). The expectations of
students entering school has increased over the years, making it increasingly difficult for
those not receiving literacy activities at home, as well as those that are developmentally
delayed or have learning disabilities.
Students with learning disabilities (LD) have difficulty in reading, due to their
poor cognitive skills, task avoidance, and lack of phonological awareness. It is found that
these students typically spend less time reading independently (Eklund, Torppa, &
Lyytinen, 2013). Limited time spent for reading books at their independent level will
hinder their growth to become successful readers. Students with LD often experience
social discomfort when struggling in reading contexts due to embarrassment, leading to a
reduced motivation in reading (Oakley & Jay, 2008). Their lack of motivation at times
causes them to avoid participation in class and small group activities in reading, while
this missing engagement in the learning process will hinder these students from the
instruction. It is found that acquisition of reading skills and comprehension has a direct
impact on one’s reading skills (Kotaman, 2013). Students with LD in upper elementary
and high school often read below the basic level, causing them to be challenged by the
demands of their grade levels (Melekoglu & Wilkerson, 2013). According to Hudson,
Lane, & Pullen (2005), reading texts at their independent level can benefit these students
enhancing fluency, comprehension, and positive attitudes toward reading. Incorporating
digital texts in reading instruction can increase students’ motivation to read and assist in
increased reading fluency (Thoermer & Williams, 2012). Shared reading provides
students with the opportunity to listen to different texts, which also can assist in
increasing reading motivation (Thoermer & Williams, 2012).
Learning to become a successful independent reader begins much earlier than the
time a child starts schooling. It is found that children that are read to regularly and have
access to books at an early age would become successful independent readers (Fox,
2013). Young children learn from adults because adults model fluent reading, show
expressions, make changes in their voice tones, and convey positive attitudes towards
reading. With these positive attitudes they learned from adults, children will spend more
time and enjoy their reading, eventually become better readers (Kotaman, 2013). It is
also found that children reading books at their independent level are making greater gains
in reading development than those instructed with classroom books only (Allington,
2011). It is expected that students should be reading books with 98% accuracy or better,
and 90% comprehension when reading independently (Allington, 2011). Therefore, early
exposure of books and practice of reading will benefit children to build their interests and
become a lifelong reader.
One of the early reading practices is to use technology as a tool to support young
children. There are many software packages available as well as websites developed for
reading. Raz-Kids is an internet-based computer program for young readers
( It was launched in 2004 as part of the Learning A-Z
resources. The mission of this program is to make reading easier and more fun for
children. The features of the program allow learners to listen to fluent reading, record
their own reading for practice, and take a quiz at the end of their reading. It also allows
teachers to set up individual accounts for each student, so that he/she is able to participate
in independent reading on his/her individual level. The teacher can input individual
students guided reading levels to ensure that they are reading at the most appropriate
level, with the flexibility to adjust levels at any time needed, and access to numerous
books. As a motivation, points were provided as an award for listening to the story,
reading the story, and taking the quiz. These points can be used to purchase items for
their individual Raz Rocket that is a game feature included in the program. Learners
work through each guided reading level, and their levels can be advanced as the books
are read completely.
To date, technology has been used to support reading instruction in early
elementary classrooms, such as electronic books, books on CD-ROM, and other software
program. For example, using a web-based computer program called Living Letters with
kindergarteners showed their increased phonological skills, invented spelling, and
decoding skills (Van der Kooy-Hofland, Bus, & Roskos, 2011). It seems that using
technology-based reading can improve students’ motivation (eg. Melekoglu &
Wilkerson, 2013), improve students reading proficiency and fluency, as well as allow for
independent practice of reading skills through repeated and silent reading while listening
and following along with the captions demonstrated in the digital texts (Thoermer &
Williams, 2012).
However, reviewing technology-assisted reading instruction, little has focused on
internet- based reading programs for students with LD. Some studies, (e.g. Doty et al.,
2001; Grimshaw et al., 2007; Matthew, 1997; Pearman, 2008) applied electronic books in
CD-ROM format which differ from the features of internet-based programs, such as Raz-
Kids, a particular reading program without animations. Schools are eager to provide
instruction, and today’s students are enthusiastic to use technology. Recently schools start
purchasing internet-based supplemental reading programs for their students to enhance
their reading and enrich their after school activities. Raz-Kids is one of the programs
used in school, while no data has been collected on learners’ learning outcomes to
evaluate such a program for reading instruction.
Significance of the Study
With the vast number of programs available, schools need to make a decision on
purchasing the best to meet their students’ needs. Unfortunately, many program reviews
available are provided by the companies selling the products, while no data on students’
learning outcomes to evidence the effect on their reading achievement. The purpose of
this study is to examine the Raz-Kids program used for the first graders in my school.
The main purpose of this study is to determine whether this program will assist in
increasing guided reading level, reading fluency and comprehension for students with
Statement of Purposes
The purpose of this study is to determine whether the computer program called
Raz-Kids will assist in supporting independent reading as well as increase a student’s
guided reading level, fluency, and comprehension by evaluating student scores obtained
using the Developmental Reading Assessment monthly.
Research Questions
1. Will the Raz-Kids computer program assist in the development of the
independent reading skills of children with LD?
2. Will the children with LD increase their guided reading level when the
Raz-Kids computer program is provided in reading instruction?
3. Will the children with LD increase their fluency scores when the
Raz-Kids computer program is provided in reading instruction?
4. Will the children with LD increase their comprehension scores when the
Raz-Kids computer program is provided in reading instruction?
Chapter II
Review of the Literature
Reading is the most important academic skill in school to enable students to
acquire content knowledge of other subject areas. Students that do not become proficient
readers in the primary grades are often unlikely to be successful in later grades (Carnine
& Carnine, 2004; O’Reilly & McNamara, 2007; Roe et al. 1991; Visone, 2010). The
importance of reading extends beyond schooling into adulthood, because literacy is
necessary for an independent adult to function in the society.
Reading is a complex task consisting of many processes. The two areas focused
on reading instruction are fluency and comprehension. Fluency is the ability to read texts
with accuracy and proper expression. This is an important step to build skills for reading
comprehension (Speece & Ritchey, 2005; NRP, 2000), because reading is more than
simply saying the words on a page, but making connections from the text to the
information for understanding which is the comprehension of the reading.
The U.S. Department of Education (2002) reported that due to a developmental
delay in reading, the majority of school-aged children were identified as having learning
disabilities (LD). For example, 90% of students with LD have significant difficulties in
reading, especially combining the sounds of letters to decode words (Lyon, 1995;
Vaughn, Levy, Coleman, & Bos, 2002). They are struggling in reading fluency, which
makes difficult for them to understand the text they are reading (Manset-Williamson &
Nelson, 2005). Their poor cognitive and phonological awareness skills cause them to
spend more time to read, but less time to enjoy (Lyytinen et al., 2006). In addition, these
students often struggle with reading comprehension, and have difficulty with
understanding of word meanings, recalling specific details, making inferences, drawing
conclusions, and predicting outcomes (Denton & Vaughn, 2008; Newman, 2006). Many
of these students also lack general vocabulary knowledge, which makes difficult for them
to process phonological aspects of language, such as decoding unknown words and
understanding word tenses (Swanson, 1999).
Therefore, teaching reading to these students is important, especially providing
appropriate instructional strategies to meet their needs. It is found that shared reading,
repeated reading, and technology-based instruction can be used to promote their
comprehension and vocabulary development (Baker et al., 2004; Baker et al., 2006;
Santoro et al., 2008; Santoro et al., 2005). This chapter reviews research about these
reading strategies.
Reading Strategies for students with LD
According to the National Reading Panel (2000), instructional strategies for
literacy development should focus on phonological and phonics skills, as well as
encourage students to think about and understand their reading. Students should be
actively engaged in the learning and encouraged to connect prior knowledge, make
predictions and personal connections, and visualize before, during, and after reading
(NICHD, 2000). New information should be tied to what the learner already knows for
learning to occur, therefore appropriate text should be chosen according to students’
ability as well as supplemental vocabulary instruction (Sperling, 2006). Learning
outcomes should also be evaluated frequently to check for progress making and to drive
for follow-up instruction. In addition to these strategies, it is essential that teachers create
an environment in which students feel comfortable to overcome their reading difficulties
(Martin, Martin, & Carvalho, 2008). Educational success for students with LD is
dependent on their emotional and psychological needs being met (Martin, Martin, &
Carvalho, 2008).
Shared reading. According to the National Council of Teachers of English
(1992), students benefit from telling stories, as well as being active listeners. Listening to
stories enables students to be introduced to unfamiliar patterns of languages and practice
new vocabulary words. Using shared reading as a teaching technique where the teacher
models concepts and strategies is recommended for struggling readers (Allington, 2001).
Listening to someone’s fluent reading has been found to be beneficial for reading fluency
and vocabulary development (Cunningham, 2005).
Kotaman’s study (2013) focused on the impact of shared reading on a child’s
receptive vocabulary and reading attitude, including 40 preschool children and 40 parents
as participants. The children’s receptive vocabulary knowledge was measured using the
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test (PPVT) and their reading attitudes were measured by
the Preschool Reading Attitudes Scale as pre and posttests. These children and parents
were divided into a control and experimental group. Participating parents in the
experimental group received training on dialogical reading techniques for two hours, in
which they learned how to model and role play when reading to their children. These
parents were given prepared reading passages to their children, and a survey to record
how often they applied the techniques. After seven weeks, posttests were administered.
Results showed statistically significant increases of scores in the Reading Attitude Scale
and PPVT of the children in the experimental group comparing to those in the control.
Another study by Edwards, Santoro, Chard, Howard and Baker (2008) evaluated
the effectiveness of shared reading to introduce content and to teach comprehension and
vocabulary skills in a first grade classroom. A specific curriculum including text
structure, text focused discussions and vocabulary was used in a general education
classroom for shared reading which lasted 20 to 30 minutes per day for five days, for 15
units of study. The curriculum was designed to address the state standards including
specifically selected narrative and information texts. Students were assessed in the
experimental classroom and compared with students in another classroom in which the
teacher used her own shared reading procedures. Results of this study showed that
enhancing shared reading with comprehension strategies and text-based discussions made
a positive difference in student performance. Students in the experimental classroom
demonstrated higher levels of comprehension and vocabulary knowledge, and their
retelling of stories included more information.
Wiseman’s study (2011) focused on the implementation of interactive shared
reading in a kindergarten classroom to examine if student learning was supported. The
participants included 21 children, all of which were African American from low income
families. The teacher selected specific literature based on the culture of the students.
The shared reading was used to model oral reading, encourage discussion of texts, and to
connect to students’ individual reading and writing from 25 to 45 minutes each day for
nine months. Data was collected four times a week through observations for eight
months focusing on the teacher’s instruction, students’ interactions and responses to the
shared readings. In addition to the observations, students’ shared readings were audio-
taped and their journals were reviewed as well as an interview with teachers and students.
It was found that the shared reading led to a positive classroom environment in which the
students showed an increase in engagement in reading activities and academic
performance (Wiseman, 2011).
It seems that shared reading in an elementary classroom can have many benefits.
Students are able to experience different types of texts and learn how to become a better
reader through teacher modeling. Students in a classroom with shared reading tend to
have positive attitudes towards reading, as well as the knowledge of skills used to
comprehend texts they are reading independently.
Repeated reading. Repeated reading refers to reading text several times with
follow-up activities to assist students in reading concepts. It is noted that repeated
reading in the same passage may enable children to have a deeper understanding of the
story as well as vocabulary words (Philips & McNaughton, 1990).
In a case study by Ates (2013), the repeated reading technique was investigated
along with feedback practices to determine if these strategies would benefit a 10 year old
student with reading difficulty. In the beginning of the study, the student was tested and
found to be at the frustrate level for word recognition. Data was collected using a video
camera and computer software. The students reading level was assessed before and after
the intervention using narrative passages, and the teacher recorded the student’s word
recognition and reading miscues, as well as the number of correct words read in a minute.
This intervention lasted a total of 38 hours. The student worked one on one with a
researcher 2 to 3 times a week, and was given feedback on the prior session of reading
before a new session started. It was found that the student showed an increase in word
recognition and a decrease in miscues (Ates, 2013).
Another case study by Walker, Jolivette, and Lingo (2005) used the Great Leaps
Reading Program to implement repeated reading with a 10 year old boy in 3rd grade
diagnosed with a specific learning disability in reading. The students participated in this
program in the resource room setting, as well as in a community environment for 20 to 25
minutes. This case study lasted from the time the student was in 3rd through 5th grade.
Data was collected using the passages the student read aloud for one-minute timed
sessions. It was found that the repeated reading program was effective for increasing his
reading fluency. The student showed an increase in the number of correct words read in
one minute (Walker, Jolivette, & Lingo, 2005).
Lo, Cooke, and Starling’s study (2011) investigated repeated reading to determine
the effects on participants’ oral reading rates. The study included three 2
graders for 15
to 20 minutes daily four times a week. The intervention included repeated readings of
independent level passages four to five times with a preview of difficult words, unison
reading, error correction, and performance feedback. Results showed improved fluency
rates of all the participants (Lo, Cooke, & Starling, 2011).
It appears that repeated reading is another strategy that can be beneficial to
students with LD. Students instructed with this technique have shown increases in
reading fluency, as well as vocabulary development (e.g., Ates, 2013; Philips &
McNaughton, 1990; Walker, Jolivette, & Lingo, 2005; Lo, Cooke, & Starling, 2011).
Technology-Based Instruction
The U.S. Census Bureau report (2009) stated that 77% of children between the
ages of 3 and 17 use the Internet at home. The use of technology at home and in school is
getting popular for today’s children. There are many internet-based websites found to be
available for supplement materials in reading instruction. According to Leu (2002), the
internet offers new tools for effective early reading instruction. It is found that young
children are becoming increasingly exposed to, and interested in reading via online
electronic storybooks (e-books), and this type of digital text can promote language and
literacy skills such as phonological awareness, word recognition, and reading fluency
(Plowman & Stephen, 2003; Valmont, 2000; Van Kleeck, 2008). Technology becomes
an important part of literacy for educators to prepare their lessons and instruction for their
students beyond a paperbound book (Lacina, 2006). In school, students are expected to
navigate texts on a computer for their standardized assessments such as the Partnership
for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC). Teachers are expected
to expose their students to the different types of text media for these technology-based
assessments. For example, an increase in the use of technology in elementary schools
with computer programs for supplemental instruction, often found at a literacy center for
students while the teacher is instructing a small group (Gibson, Cartledge, & Keyes,
2011). Thus, computer-assisted instruction in reading has become a new pathway to
benefit students with reading difficulties, such as software programs, CD-Roms and e-
books (e.g., Elbro, 1996; Jimenez et al., 2007; Saine, Lerkkanen, Ahonen, Tolvanen, &
Lyytinen, 2011; val Daal & Reitsma, 2000; Wise, Ring & Olson, 1999).
Software programs. There are some software programs used in reading
instruction as supplemental materials. These include Read Naturally, Living Letters,
Omega-IS, and COMPHOT. A study by Gibson, Cartledge, and Keyes (2011) examined
the effects of a computerized supplemental program on students’ reading fluency, growth
rates, and comprehension. The study included eight 1st graders that were determined to
have a potential risk for reading failure. The students participated in treatment sessions
on the computer three to four times a week, for 14 to 16 weeks using the Read Naturally
software program. The results showed an increase in reading fluency and comprehension
for all the students. Of these, five reduced their risk status, and seven increased their
reading rate (Gibson, Cartledge, & Keyes, 2011). These results appear to support the use
of supplemental computer-based reading programs.
Another study by Van der Kooy-Hofland, Bus, and Roskos (2012) used the
Living Letters software program with 110 at risk kindergarteners to determine the
instructional effects of the program. The participants were divided into three groups.
The first group received instruction using the Living Letters program, the second group
used Living Books, and the final group used both programs. The kindergarteners in the
first and second groups spent 10 to 15 minutes a week on the program, while those in the
combined intervention group spent 15 to 30 minutes a week. All children were tested on
letter knowledge, phonological skills, invented spelling, word recognition, and decoding
prior to the start of the program. After 18 months of the implementation, the same test
was given as a posttest to compare the difference. Results showed positive learning
outcomes of participants in the Living Letters program. The kindergarteners
outperformed the others in the area of decoding related skills and these gains were
sustained beyond the kindergarten year.
In Falth, Gustafson, Tjus, Heimann, and Svensson’s study (2013), the Omega-IS
comprehension training program and the COMPHOT phonological training were used
with 130, 2
graders with reading disabilities. The participants were divided into four
groups: phonological training, comprehension training, combined training, and special
instruction. They received 25 one to one sessions with a special education teacher in
their specific program for 15 to 25 minutes per day. Participants in the phonological
training group worked through four different activities involving word position, addition,
rhyme, and segmentation. The focus of the training was on phonemes, letters, words
segments, and words, and immediate feedback was provided after each activity. The
participants in the comprehension training group focused on word and sentence
processing. Their immediate feedback was given through speech and animations.
Participants in the combined training group received both phonological and
comprehension training. Those in the special instruction group received instruction with
the teacher and focused on activities such as reading aloud, discussing stories, and
spelling rules. At the end of the study, the participants were tested on sight word reading,
word recognition, non-word reading, segment subtraction, reading comprehension, rapid
automatized naming, processing speed, verbal fluency, short-term memory and working
memory. The results showed that the group receiving the comprehension training
improved in reading comprehension and working memory. The group receiving the
phonological training showed improvement in reading comprehension and verbal
fluency. The group that received both types of training showed gains in decoding,
reading comprehension, and non-word reading that lasted even after a one year follow up,
and was found to be the most effective.
CD-ROMs and electronic talking books. In addition to supplemental software
reading programs, Electronic talking books (ETBs) are available to children. ETBs have
support features, such as narrations, feedback, and sound effects. These features not only
make reading easier but also attracting children to read (Glasgow, 1996; Passey, Rogers,
Machell, & McHugh, 2004). ETBs allow students to access the higher level of texts that
they would not be able to read successfully on their own, because they can concentrate on
meaning while listening to ETBs, instead of struggling to decode unknown words
(McKenna, 2002). In Oakley and Jay’s study (2008), the use of ETBs was provided as
part of a home reading program. The participants included 41 students between the ages
of 8 and 11 defined as reluctant readers. Students brought home one ETB per week for
their reading activity for a total of 10 weeks. Interviews and surveys were completed at
the end of the study to evaluate their satisfaction. The results showed that overall students
enjoyed the ETBs and their reading time at home was increased.
However, research by de Jong & Bus (2002) found evidence that listening to
ETBs was not as beneficial as listening to stories read by adults. Often times, children
chose to use the play features included with ETBs instead of listening to the story for a
repeated time. This study included 55 Kindergarteners assigned to four groups: a regular
book group, restricted computer book group, unrestricted computer book group, and
control group. Participants in the regular book group listened to a paper version of a
book read by an adult examiner. The unrestricted computer book group explored the
electronic version of the same book including games. Participants in the restricted
computer group explored the same electronic version but were not allowed to play the
games. There were six, 15 minute training sessions for two and a half weeks. All
sessions took place in room free of interruptions with only the participant and examiner
present. The participants were pre and post tested on letter knowledge, rhyming, name
writing, word writing, and word recognition. The focus of the study was to compare
book formats and its effects on attention for meaning, phrasing, and text features. It was
found that in the unrestricted computer book group, the children played games almost
half the time. Only the children in the regular book group heard the entire story each
session, and could retell the story content. Results of the post tests showed that
participants in the regular book group and restricted computer group made progress in
word recognition.
It appears that E-books can be utilized in a manner that would provide students an
opportunity to listen to stories when a fluent model of reading, such as the teacher,
parent, or another adult is not available. Ciampa’s study (2012) utilized a researcher-
developed online e-book guided reading program for six, 1
graders. The participants
were involved in 12 e-book reading sessions for 3 months. They were able to access the
program at home. Results showed that the participants showed a favorable rating when
they were given the freedom to choose their reading selection, as well as an increase in
the time they spent reading online at home and listening comprehension. This study
differs from others on e-books involving in listening to texts on participants’ guided
reading level. It has been found that students make the most progress and increase their
reading fluency and comprehension when they are given the opportunity to choose their
reading material at their appropriate level.
Earlier studies also focused on comparisons of traditional books and computer or
e-books. For example, Leong’s study (1995) compared students’ comprehension when
computers were used in reading. The participants included 192 students categorized as
poor, below average, and above average readers. Participants were placed into two
groups, one group read from the computer either silently or aloud while the second group
listened as the computer read to them. The Canadian Tests of Basic Skills was used to
measure their reading comprehension. Results showed that no advantage to using
computer controlled reading could be concluded. The students did not show an increase
in reading comprehension when the computer read to them in comparison to reading on
their own. Greenlee-Moore and Smith (1996) completed a similar study in which 31, 4th
graders were given either a book or an electronic version of a book to read for a period of
eight weeks. The children were asked to complete comprehension questions at the end of
the study. It was found that the longer and more difficult the text, the on-line reading
made a positive difference on comprehension scores. Medwell (1996) also compared
electronic books with paper books, to evaluate 16 students performance. It was found
that students reading from the electronic books showed a greater degree of increase in
accuracy comparing to reading the paper book on their own. The result was supported by
Matthew’s study (1997) to evidence that reading comprehension increased when using an
electronic book over a paper version. It is reported that the embedded hotspots in the e-
books may encourage passive participation and distract learners from the printed text,
hindering comprehension (Labbo and Kuhn, 2000; Lefever-Davis & Pearman, 2005). In
addition, combining electronic books and printed books provided was found to be the
most benefit to students (Sharp, 1996). The e-book allowed children to get immediate
feedback on word meanings and pronunciations, and repeated readings of CD-ROM
storybooks resulted in substantial gains in sight word acquisition by using the read aloud
features (McKenna, 1994).
E-books for young children using Internet-based sites have become increasingly
available and popular, however, the effectiveness of these new literacy tools have not
been explored. In the past, research was focused on supplemental reading programs, CD-
ROM books, and electronic books, while learners with special needs, especially LD was
not included, and most participating students were in third grade or above in the report
(NICHD, 2000). Early elementary students at the beginning of their reading should be
included, as well as diverse learners including those with LD.
The definition of reading has changed drastically due to advancements in
technology. Reading includes texts in a variety of forms, such as the traditional printed
text, CD-ROM versions, e-books, and internet-based reading. Studies have shown the
benefits of utilizing alternate versions of books, such as e-books for students to improve
reading comprehension, vocabulary, and word recognition (e.g., Gibson, Cartledge, &
Keyes, 2011; Van der Kooy-Hofland, Bus,& Roskos, 2011; Falth, Gustafson, Tjus,
Heimann, & Svensson, 2013; Oakley & Jay, 2008; de Jong & Bus, 2002; Ciampa, 2012).
E-books should be provided for students in conjunction with printed text as part of the
elementary curriculum in reading. As the needs of learners in a classroom continue to
vary, e-books may become another way to differentiate instruction, which only need little
planning and training on the part of the teachers and students. This present study will
continue to use an e-book program to evaluate its effect for elementary children with
learning disabilities in learning to read with fluency and develop comprehension.
Chapter III
Classroom. The study took place in a 1st grade inclusive classroom consisting of
18 students, one general education teacher, one special education teacher, and one
assistant designated for two students with special needs. Of these students, 4 are
classified with a learning disability.
School. This classroom is one of five first grade settings in an elementary school
located in a middle class suburban area in southern New Jersey. There are 462 students
from 1
to 5th grades in the school. Students with disabilities are placed in inclusion,
resource, or self-contained classrooms based on their individual needs.
Students. Four 1st graders, classified with a learning disability in an inclusive
classroom participated in the study. They were taught together with 14 general education
students following the general education curriculum with additional support from a
special education teacher. Each of these students has an IEP addressed in learning
language with specific goals and objectives in reading fluency and comprehension. Table
1 presents the general information about participants. Table 2 presents different reading
levels across grades.
Table 1
General Information of Participants
Special Education
Reading Level
(Fall, 2014)
Since preschool
Since preschool
Since preschool
Since preschool
*Note: DRA: Developmental Reading Assessment (2001)
Table 2
DRA Reading Levels
Student A is a six year old boy classified as LD with a teacher assistant to
support. This student has difficulty in discussing stories read or answering questions,
though he is able to read fluently. He often shuts down and refuses to speak, even when
working with the teacher one to one which makes it difficult to assess his level of
Student B is a seven year old boy classified as being Autistic. He is reading
below the grade level, and needs support for reading fluency and comprehension. He
struggles with sounding out sight words, and reads with a monotone voice without paying
attention to the punctuations. When prompted by the teacher he is able to answer
questions about a story but lacks details.
Student C is a six year old girl diagnosed as ADD, with reading problems. Her
reading is below the grade level. She has difficulty recognizing sight words and needs
many prompts when asked to recall the story. During reading, she often needs a teacher
assistant to support.
Student D is a seven year old boy classified with LD. His reading is at grade level
with fluency, but lacks comprehension skills. He is able to answer questions when
prompted by the teacher with some detail, but generally is unable to recall what he reads.
Teacher. All lessons were taught by a teacher who has 15 years of teaching
experience, 6 years in an inclusion classroom.
Instructional materials.
Raz-Kids online reading program. This program was purchased by the school
for the 1
graders in learning reading. It is an internet-based computer program for
young readers ( launched in 2004 as part of the Learning A-Z
resources. The features of the program allow learners to listen to fluent reading, record
their own reading for practice, and take a quiz at the end of the reading. It also allows
teachers to set up individual accounts for each student, so that an individual student is
able to participate in independent reading on his/her own level. The teacher can input
individual students guided reading levels to ensure that they are reading at the most
appropriate level with the flexibility to adjust levels at any time needed, and access to
numerous books. As reinforcement, points were provided as an award for listening to
and reading the story, and taking the quiz. These points can be used to purchase items for
a learner’s Raz Rocket that is a game feature included in the program. Learners work
through each guided reading level, and their levels can be advanced as the books are read
completely. A timer will be used to monitor and signal the students when they have
completed 15 minutes on the program. This program was used as a supplemental activity
to the general education curriculum.
Measurement materials.
Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA). This assessment was used to
evaluate students’ learning outcomes. DRA provides a guided reading level, scores of
fluency and reading comprehension. It is a standardized reading test administered
individually by a teacher or reading specialist. The assessment consists of a collection of
leveled books starting with level 1A, and ending with 80Z. The teacher begins by
introducing the text, the student then reads the leveled book and the teacher makes notes
of oral reading behaviors; such as omitting words, adding words, reading words
incorrectly, self-correcting after a miscue, and repeating words. After the reading,
questions were provided and story retelling was requested. “Independent” level is
considered when a student reads with 95 100% accuracy, and comprehension scores of
75 100%; 90 94% accuracy, and scores of 67 71% as “Instructional “ level, and
lower than 90% accuracy and less than 67% is the “Frustrational” level. A rubric with 4
points was used to evaluate reading comprehension with 4 points indicating very good
comprehension and 1 for very poor comprehension, (See an example in Figure 1). A
fluency table was included to calculate percentages for reading fluency, while this table is
different in each DRA book on the number of words in the selected story.
Very Little Comprehension
6 7 8 9
Some Comprehension
10 11 12 13 14 1 5
Adequate Comprehension
16 17 18 19 20 21
Very Good
22 23 24
1 Tells 1 or 2 events
or key facts
2 Tells some of the
events or key facts
3 Tells many events
in sequence for the most
part, or tells many key
4 Tells most events in
sequence or tells most
key facts
1 Includes few or no
important details from
2 Includes some
important details from
the text
3 Includes many
important details from
the text
4 Includes most
important details and
key language or
vocabulary from text
1 Refers to 1 or 2
characters or topics
using pronouns (he, she,
it, they)
2 Refers to 1 or 2
characters or topics by
generic name or label
(boy, girl, dog)
3 Refers to many
characters or topics by
name in text (Ben,
Giant, Monkey, Otter)
4 Refers to all
characters or topics by
specific name (Old Ben
Bailey, green turtle,
Sammy Sosa)
1 Responds with
incorrect information
2 Responds with some
3 Responds with
literal interpretation
4 Responds with
interpretation that
reflects higher-level
1 Provides limited or
no response to teacher
questions and prompts
2 Provides some
response to teacher
questions and prompts
3 Provides adequate
response to teacher
questions and prompts
4 Provides insightful
response to teacher
questions and prompts
1 Requires many
questions or prompts
2 Requires 4 or 5
questions or prompts
3 Requires 2 or 3
questions or prompts
4 Requires 1 or no
questions or prompts
Figure 1. DRA Comprehension Rubric
Instructional procedure. The Raz-Kids online reading program was provided
individually for fifteen minutes each session during the literacy intervention period, 3
times a week for 16 weeks. During each session, two students were required to log on
the program. Each child had his/her individual login name and password, and the
program was set to his/her independent reading level. The timer was set to fifteen
minutes during which students listened to, read, and took quizzes on the books designated
for their level. They were not allowed to access the play features during these sessions.
In addition, students were instructed in small groups for guided reading focused on
improving reading fluency and comprehension skills. Fiction and non-fiction stories
were selected to teach specific skills such as: a) asking and answering questions about
key details in text, b) retelling a story, c) describing characters, settings, and major events
in a story using key details, and d) using illustrations and details in a story to describe its
characters, settings, and events.
Measurement procedure. DRA was given at the end of each month to obtain a
guided reading level, comprehension, and fluency scores. It is administered by a teacher
to test an individual student. An estimated level of book from the DRA leveled books
was selected, and the teacher read the title with an introduction. The student was
required to read the story and his/her reading behaviors were recorded. After reading, the
student was asked to recall the characters, setting, and main events with details. If
needed, the teacher may prompt the student in order to attain more information to assess
comprehension. All prompts must be documented on the scoring sheet, and the rubric
was used for recording the comprehension scores. The teacher circled the number to the
left of one statement in each row that best described the student’s retelling of the story
read. The circled numbers were then added together to obtain a total score and level of
comprehension. The fluency table for oral reading percentages was used to record
student’s performance. The teacher circled the number of miscues and looked at the
corresponding percentage for the fluency score.
Research Design
A single subject design across students with A B phases was used in this study.
During phase A, the baseline, each student was tested by DRA monthly, their guided
reading level and comprehension and fluency scores were recorded. During phase B, the
intervention, students were instructed using the Raz-Kids reading program 15 minute
sessions, 3 times a week for 16 weeks. The same DRA assessment was administered
monthly to record student performance scores and reading level.
Data Analysis
Each students guided reading levels; fluency and comprehension scores were
plotted on a line graph to demonstrate individual student’s reading progress, as well as
tables to present student’s learning outcomes to compare their performance in the
baseline and intervention, in order to evaluate the effects of the Raz-Kids program.
Chapter IV
Each student was tested monthly using the Developmental Reading Assessment
(DRA) to attain scores of guided reading level, fluency, and comprehension during the
baseline and intervention. Growth in guided reading level was reported, as well as
average fluency and comprehension scores. Data are also included on items of Raz-Kids,
specifically the number of books listened to, read, and quizzes completed. The total
amount of time spent was also recorded. Each student’s performance is presented in
Tables 3, 4, and 5 respectively.
Table 3
Student reading performance by percentage
Student A
Reading Level
Student B
Reading Level
Student C
Reading Level
Student D
Reading Level
Table 4
Student growth and average scores by percentages across phases
(phase A)
(phase B)
+ 0
+ 8
+ 0
+ 6
+ 0
+ 3
+ 0
+ 6
Table 5
Activities Student Completed in Raz-Kids
Books (read)
Quizzes taken
Total Time
Student A
12 hours
25 minutes
Student B
11 hours
53 minutes
Student C
11 hours
30 minutes
Student D
10 hours
44 minutes
Figures 2, 3, 4, 5 present each students reading performance in fluency and
4C 4C 8E 12G 18J 20K
Figure 2. Reading performance of Student A.
At the reading level C, this student’s performance scores were 63% for
comprehension and 96% for fluency during the baseline. When using the Raz-Kids
program, the student’s reading level was increased 2 levels to 8E with scores of 42% for
comprehension and 100% for fluency. The student continued to show growth in reading
levels throughout the intervention. At level 12G, the scores were 75% for comprehension
and 99% for fluency. At level 18J, the scores were 71% for comprehension and 99% for
fluency. At level 20K, the scores were 33% for comprehension and 99% for fluency.
3C 3C 6D 8E 12G 14H
Figure 3. Reading performance of Student B.
At the reading level C, this student’s performance scores were 79% for
comprehension and 100% for fluency during the baseline. When using the Raz-Kids
program, the student’s reading level was increased 1 level to 6D with scores of 50% for
comprehension and 96% for fluency. The student continued to show growth in reading
levels throughout the intervention. At level 8E, the scores were 75% for comprehension
and 97% for fluency. At level 12G, the scores were 63% for comprehension and 96% for
fluency. At level 14H, the scores were 50% for comprehension and 99% for fluency.
3C 3C 4C 4C 8E 8E
Figure 4. Reading performance of Student C.
At the reading level C, this student’s performance scores were 79% for
comprehension and 100% for fluency during the baseline. When using the Raz-Kids
program, the student’s reading level did not increase at first. At level 4C the scores were
63% for comprehension and 96% for fluency. The student continued on the same level
with scores of 67% for comprehension and 96% for fluency. At level 8E, the scores were
42% for comprehension and 95% for fluency. The student continued at the same level
with scores of 63% for comprehension and 100% for fluenc
8E 8E 12G 16I 18J 20K
Figure 5. Reading performance of Student D.
At the reading level E, this student’s performance scores were 58% for
comprehension and 100% for fluency during the baseline. When using the Raz-Kids
program, the student’s reading level was increased 2 levels to 12G with scores of 54% for
comprehension and 100% for fluency. The student continued to show growth in reading
levels throughout the intervention. At level 16I, the scores were 50% for comprehension
and 99% for fluency. At level 18J, the scores were 63% for comprehension and 100% for
fluency. At level 20K, the scores were 46% for comprehension and 100% for fluency.
At the end of the study, all participating students were asked the following 5
questions: 1. Did you like using Raz-Kids? 2. Did you like listening to books on Raz-
Kids? 3. Did you like reading books on Raz-Kids? 4. Did you like taking quizzes on
Raz-Kids? 5. Do you prefer reading traditional books or books on Raz-Kids? Three out
of the four students (75%) reported that they enjoyed using Raz-Kids. The same three
students also stated that they preferred reading books on Raz-Kids in comparison to
traditional books. One student reported that she did not like using the program because
the time spent on the program seemed too long for each session. The same student also
stated that she did not like to read, but that she preferred reading traditional books over
those on Raz-Kids. All four students (100%) reported that they liked listening to books,
reading books, and taking quizzes on Raz-Kids. Overall, the students seemed satisfied
with the Raz-Kids program.
Chapter V
The purpose of this study was to determine if the Raz-Kids program would be a
successful reading intervention for students with learning disabilities. The program
enabled students to listen to, read, and take quizzes on stories at their individual reading
level, as well as increased the amount of time for students involved in reading in their
school day. Student scores obtained using the Developmental Reading Assessment
(DRA) evaluated their learning growth in reading level, fluency, and comprehension.
The first research question focused on the development of the independent
reading skills of children with LD when the Raz-Kids program was provided. Results
showed that all students gained reading levels throughout the study. For example,
Student A made the most growth with 8 reading levels from 4C to 20K, but struggled
with comprehension as the stories increased with difficulty. Student B grew 6 reading
levels from 3C to 14H, and Student D grew 6 reading levels from 8E to 20 K, but still
had the same difficulty with comprehension as the stories increased with the difficulty
level. Student C made the least amount of growth, from 3C to 8E, only 3 reading levels.
Overall, all students gained their scores, though each gained at different levels. It seems
that the Raz-Kids program helped these students develop reading fluency by listening to
the stories, as well as the repeated reading of the stories. The Raz-Kids program did not
seem to help students develop their comprehension, because all participants had overall
low comprehension scores.
The second research question focused on guided reading levels to evaluate student
performance. All students showed growth in reading levels once the Raz-Kids program
was introduced as part of the intervention. For example, prior to the intervention, the
students had not made any growth in reading levels, while during the intervention,
Student A made the most growth, increasing 8 guided reading levels. Students B and D
increased 6 guided reading levels, and Student C increased 3 guided reading levels.
These results are similar to the findings in Gibson, Carledge, and Keyes’ study (2011) in
which students showed an increase in fluency when using the Read Naturally, another
computer program. This may mean that computer programs that allow students to listen
to stories being read increase the amount of time spent on reading. It may also improve
student’s sight word vocabulary through exposure to the many stories available on the
The third research question was addressed to evaluate students’ reading fluency.
Students’ scores varied due to the increasing difficulty of the books being read to
determine reading level. Overall, their scores were 95% or higher, which showed that the
students were reading with sufficient accuracy. According to the DRA, “Independent
level is considered when a student reads with 95 100% accuracy, and comprehension
scores of 75 100%; 90 94% accuracy, and scores of 67 71% as “Instructional
level, and lower than 90% accuracy and less than 67% is the “Frustrationallevel.
During the intervention, all students gained their scores to reach the “independent” level,
for example, Student A had an average score of 99.25%, Student B, 97%, Student C,
96.75%, and Student D, 99.75%.
The fourth research question was asking about reading comprehension. Results
showed that the Raz-Kids program did not improve student progress in this area. The
average comprehension scores of all students during the intervention phase were below
67% that could represent “Frustrational” level according to the DRA. For example,
Student A had an average score of 55.25%, Student B, 59.25%, Student C, 58.75%, and
Student D, 53.25%. Comparing to fluency, the lower scores in comprehension can be
explained due to the increasing difficulty of the books being read as reading levels
increased. Lower scores can also be explained due to other circumstances, for example,
Student A often has difficulty in testing situations, which accounted for lower scores for
refusing to discuss the story. These results were similar to Leong’s study (1995) which
also found limited increase in comprehension when computers were used for reading. It
seems that the Raz-Kids program did not assist in the increase of student comprehension
when used as part of reading instruction. This may mean that comprehension skills need
to be trained in a longer time by guided practice with a teacher. Listening to and reading
stories may not result in immediate improvement in comprehension.
Despite the positive results, there were some limitations in this study. The small
sample size of four limited the amount of data that could be collected to determine if the
Raz-Kids program was successful as a reading intervention for students with learning
disabilities. Second, the study took place over sixteen weeks; however, there were some
inconsistencies between the students and the amount of time spent on the program. Some
students were absent from school due to illnesses and were not able to complete all of the
sessions. Interruptions in the school calendar were also a factor, for example, schedule
changes due to snow day closings and delayed openings, holidays, and school assemblies.
Another concern is that the classroom setting with other students’ noise might affect
individual student’s concentration. It was noted that when students used the program on
the iPad they seemed to be more engaged and focused comparing to the use of the
desktop computer in the classroom. Because of the limited number of iPads available,
most of the sessions of the reading instruction were completed on desktop computers.
The results showed an increase in guided reading levels for all participating
students in reading fluency, though comprehension was an area of weakness. The Raz-
Kids program would be beneficial as a supplement to reading instruction and small group
guided reading. Teachers may encourage students to utilize the Raz-Kids program in a
structured way, for example requiring students to listen to, read, and then take a quiz on
each book in the designated level. Teachers should encourage school administrators to
support technology application in the classroom. In the study, it is found that students
benefited from an increased amount of time involved in reading when Raz-Kids on both
desktop computers and iPads was provided. If schools could provide a designated room
where students could read using technology, this would definitely increase their
concentration and motivate their reading interests resulting in enhanced reading of books.
Conclusion and Recommendations
The results of this study showed an increase in guided reading levels of the
students with learning disabilities by their growth in reading fluency. It seems that the
Raz-Kids program would be beneficial as a supplement to reading instruction and small
group guided reading for struggling readers. Future studies should include a larger
sample size to validate the finding. It would also be beneficial if the sessions could be
completed in a setting free of distractions. Future studies should also include groups in
which the subjects are instructed with paper copies of the Raz-Kids books during small
group instruction. These books could be given to students for additional practice at
home. Reading can be taught in various ways to encourage readers to be motivated in
reading activities. Using technology for reading enables students to be engaged in their
learning, increase time reading, and assist with fluency when listening to stories on the
computer. The use of technology in reading can also provide the teacher with
information about each individual student’s progress in reading instruction.
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Raz-Kids Reading Program