FSU London Program Packet
Click on the tle below to jump to that secon.
Important Contacts & Addresses ............................................................................................................................................ 3
Academics ............................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Immigraon ............................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Airfare ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Arrival & Transportaon .......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Personal Travel ........................................................................................................................................................................ 7
The Study Center ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Housing ................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Packing & Climate ................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Cell Phones & Laptops ............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Mail ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Currency & Banking ............................................................................................................................................................... 10
Health & Wellness ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Policies .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Safety & Security ................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Tips & Resources ................................................................................................................................................................... 13
Important Contacts & Addresses
Florida State University Internaonal Programs- Tallahassee Office
A5500 University Center
282 Champions Way
P.O. Box 3062420
Florida State University IP-[email protected]
Tallahassee, Florida 32306-2420
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. EST internaonal.fsu.edu
Monday Friday
FSU London
99 Great Russell Street From U.S.: 011-44-20-7813-3223
London Inside UK: 020-7813-3223
United Kingdom IP-LondonPA@fsu.edu
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. GMT hps://internaonal.fsu.edu/studycenterlondon.aspx
Monday - Friday
Connect with FSU London on Social Media
Facebook, Instagram
London Staff Contact Informaon
Dr. Chrisna Carroll, Interim Director: [email protected]
Dr. Lisa Bowers Isaacson, Senior Associate Director: lbower[email protected]
Kae Behringer, Assistant Director: kbehringer@fsu.edu
Megan Griffin, Student Affairs Manager: mgriffin2@fsu.edu
Emily Greene, Senior Programs Manager: egreene@fsu.edu
Olivia Jaworski, Programs Manager: ojawor[email protected]
Mark Wheatley, Theatre Academy London Director: TAL@admin.fsu.edu
Local Authories
Emergency Services 999
U.S. Embassy
Address 33 Nine Elms Lane, London, SW11 7US
Phone 011-44-20-7499-9000
Website hp://uk.usembassy.gov/
Making Internaonal Calls:
Making internaonal calls from the U.S. to the UK: First dial “011” (for internaonal call), followed by
“44” (the country code), then the specific area code (dropping the first zero) and locaon number.
Time Differences: Countries adhere to varying me zones. Click here
to learn about me differences between locaons worldwide.
Your program is first and foremost an academic experience, so prepare to invest as much me, effort, and
thought into coursework abroad as you do on main campus. Class sizes abroad are small and facilitate
interacon with fellow students and faculty. A greater emphasis is placed on parcipaon in class discussions,
and some courses may require you to aend organized excursions. Prepare to be an acve and commied class
Consult the garnet Courses tab of your Program Page on the IP website for course descripons, and the Academics webpage
for IP
Academic Policies. IP Course registraon typically occurs within 60 days of departure; registraon instrucons will be shared in your
IP Student Portal.
London Study Center Minor
The London Study Center Minor enhances a students program in the UK. It requires 15 credits, 9 of which must be earned in London
and includes a cultural component. Contact IP-AcademicAdvisin[email protected]
for more informaon.
Academic Resources
Many academic resources at FSU are available virtually to students in Tallahassee and abroad:
Tutoring Resources at FSU
Reading & Wring Center (RWC)
Academic Center for Excellence (ACE)
Office of Accessibility Services (OAS)
OAS provides reasonable and appropriate accommodaons for students with documented disabilies. Documented disabilies and
accommodaons vary in nature, and though the Americans with Disabilies Act and Secon 504 of the Rehabilitaon Act of 1973 do
not apply extraterritorially, we do our best to accommodate our students. If you ancipate needing to request accommodaons for a
documented disability, contact OAS at 850-644-9566 (Voice) or 850-644-8504 (TDD) as soon as possible
so we can assess our ability
to provide appropriate accommodaons. Visit the OAS website
for more informaon.
Passport Requirements
A valid passport is required for internaonal travel. Many countries require your passport to be valid for at least
6 months aer your date of return to the U.S. and have at least 2 blank visa pages. Programs requiring more
than 6 months of passport validity will be nofied by our office.
If your passport does not meet these requirements or you do not have a passport, you should apply for one
Current passport processing mes are listed on the U.S. Department of State website.
FSU Internaonal Programs is a U.S. Passport Acceptance Facility. Therefore, you can apply for your passport and
have passport photos taken in our office. For details, call 850-645-9714 or visit our website
European Travel Informaon and Authorizaon System (ETIAS)
The implementaon of the European Travel Informaon Authorizaon System (ETIAS
) has been postponed to mid-2025. Once
introduced, ETIAS will be a mandated entry requirement for study abroad parcipants traveling to any of these 30 European
countries without a visa. Students are not required to take any acon regarding ETIAS at this me. The IP Immigraon Team will
connue to monitor the implementaon of ETIAS and will provide any pernent informaon to students once it becomes known to
us. Please make sure you are consistently checking your IP Student Portal and FSU email for updates.
Determine whether your program requires a visa by vising your program page on the Internaonal Programs website and navigang
to the garnet “Visa” tab.
If your program requires a visa:
You may be required to submit your signed physical passport book to your host country’s immigraon authority for visa
processing prior to deparng for your program.
Therefore, you should not plan any internaonal travel in the 3 months leading up to your program.
Further visa informaon & instrucons specific to your program will be provided via the IP Student Portal when available.
Do not enter the UK prior to your visa start date as shown on the vignee in your passport. Failure to abide by this
instrucon will require you, at your own expense, to exit and re-enter the UK in order to start your program.
You must contact IP-Visas@fsu.edu as soon as possible if you have internaonal travel plans prior to the start of your program or
currently reside outside of the United States.
Non-U.S. & Dual-Cizens should contact IP-Visas@fsu.edu
as soon as possible since visa requirements for non-U.S. cizens are
different from those of U.S. cizens. Non-U.S. cizens must possess a Permanent Resident Card or a U.S. visa to re-enter the U.S.
aer their program.
Do not purchase airfare unl you are nofied by Internaonal Programs to do so.
Permission to purchase airfare will be distributed via the IP Portal; you will receive a copy of these instrucons via email if admied
when permission is given. If admied later, reference the “Noficaons” area of the IP Portal for those details. Some programs may
not be nofied unl aer the commitment fee deadline. When in doubt, check the “Noficaons” area of the
IP Portal to review all
sent noficaons for your program.
There is no group flight, and your program fee does not include airfare. Internaonal Programs is not responsible for any fees
associated with flight changes, delays, or cancellaons.
Your travel plans may change before or during your program. Purchase changeable or refundable ckets to maximize flexibility and
minimize airline fees. Travel insurance may also cover flight cancellaon/change fees, lost luggage, etc. Speak with your airline for
specific details.
Once approved to purchase airfare, you will be instructed to upload your travel plans to the IP Student Portal so staff can plan for
student arrivals.
NOTE: Airlines may not permit passengers to board internaonal flights if traveling on a one-way cket without ‘proof of onward
travel’. If you’re not ready to finalize your plans aer the program, we recommend booking a roundtrip flexible/changeable cket
using a tentave return date that can be changed later if needed. Contact your airline about ‘proof of onward travel’ requirements.
While you’re in Transit
Have your passport accessible in your carry-on luggage.
Most internaonal airports have free WI-FI.
Drink lots of water to stay hydrated and get up to walk around oen to help your circulaon. Do simple
stretches while in your seat. Try to sleep; it will help you combat jet lag. Wear layers, as the temperature on
the plane and in airports can vary.
Arrival & Transportation
You are responsible for securing your own transportaon to/from FSU London upon arrival and departure.
You must check-in to FSU London between the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. local me on the start date of
your program; mandatory programming begins aer check-in.
Arriving at Heathrow Airport
Heathrow Airport is the largest airport in London with the best transportaon opons to central London. The Elizabeth Line easily
connects from the airport to Toenham Court Road staon, which is approx. a 5 -7 minute walk to FSU London.
Watch this video
and follow the instrucons below on how to navigate from Heathrow Airport to FSU London via the Elizabeth Line.
Upon arrival:
Follow the large yellow and blue signs for the Underground & Trains to London.
Prices from Heathrow to central London cost approx. £11-13. Use a contactless credit card or Apple/Google Pay at the cket
barrier; if you do not have this method of payment, purchase a single (one-way) paper cket to Toenham Court Road from
a kiosk in the staon.
Board any eastbound Elizabeth Line (purple) service. The Elizabeth Line is displayed as the classic circular London
Underground logo, but in purple:
The Elizabeth Line trains are white and have a purple stripe that runs along the side. The journey is approx. 35 45 minutes.
(Ensure you board an Elizabeth Line service and not the Heathrow Express that is a different train service that costs twice
the price of the Elizabeth Line). We do not recommend the Heathrow Express Train. These trains run from the same plaorm
as the Elizabeth Line but are characterised by a silver circle with an ‘X’ shape within it.
Ride the Elizabeth Line to Toenham Court Road staon. The stops are displayed on screens inside the trains and
announced overhead. At Toenham Court Road staon:
Exit the train and follow the exit signs forToenham Court Road.
Take the escalator or elevator up to the staon concourse.
At the barriers, use the paper cket or the same method of payment (contactless payment, Apple Pay or Google
Pay) to exit the barriers to ensure you are not fined or over-charged for your journey.
Once in the main concourse, follow the signs for Exit 1 (New Oxford Street).
Go up the escalator and exit the staon.
Connue straight ahead and once safe, use the pedestrian crossing to the corner to go diagonally towards the
Dominion Theatre/Halifax Bank.
Connue walking straight with the theatre on your right-hand side ahead.
Make a right onto Great Russell Street and FSU London is located halfway down the block on the le-hand side at
number 99.
FSU does not recommend travelling on the Heathrow Express, as it is twice as expensive as the Elizabeth Line at approx. £22-25.
Should you choose the Heathrow Express, you will have to take the Underground from Paddington staon to Toenham Court Road
staon, then and follow the walking direcons listed above from Toenham Court Road staon.
Arriving at Gatwick Airport
Gatwick Airport is smaller and further from central London compared to Heathrow Airport, but there are sll public transportaon
opons to navigate to FSU London.
Upon arrival:
Take a train into central London from Gatwick's South Terminal. Purchase a single paper cket (approx. £12.90) at a kiosk for
a ThamesLink service to Farringdon staon.
Ride the northbound ThamesLink train for around 40 minutes; disembark at Farringdon staon, using your paper cket to
Follow the signs for the Elizabeth Line; use a contactless credit card or Apple/Google Pay at the cket barrier (if you do not
have one, you must purchase another single cket to Toenham Court Road at a kiosk for around £2.50).
Take a westbound Elizabeth Line service for 1 stop to Toenham Court Road.
Follow the direcons in the Arriving at Heathrow Airport secon above to exit Toenham Court Road staon and walk to
FSU London.
You can also travel into central London on the Gatwick Express or Southern Rail. Both services cost around £18-20 to get you to
Victoria staon, where you will sll have to pay for and take two Tube trains to complete your journey to FSU London.
As menoned, we strongly discourage taking the Heathrow or Gatwick Express. We also discourage hailing a cab at
the airport, as the journey will be metered and expensive.
If you encounter flight delays, cancellaons, or missed connecons while traveling, nofy the FSU London team of your new
ancipated arrival me as soon as possible: IP-LondonPA@fsu.edu
Program housing will begin on the start date of your program and end on the end date. If you plan to travel before or aer program
dates, you must make other housing arrangements; click here
to view our recommended hotels list. You are responsible for securing
your own transportaon from your residence upon departure.
All on-site orientaon programming is mandatory for all students.
Transportaon in London
FSU London is located in Bloomsbury, a neighborhood in the heart of the city with most top tourist attractions reachable on foot. You
can easily explore different areas of the city via the London Underground (Tube), bus, or taxi. Use the CityMapper
app to help you
navigate like a local.
Personal Travel
Wait unl you receive the program’s cultural calendar before booking any trips away from
London during program dates as you may have mandatory academic excursions over a weekend.
You should not plan travel that will cause you to miss classes; strict academic standards will be maintained on
the programs. Your grade may be reduced by any unauthorized absence from class.
Excursions are included in your program fee, and there will also be me for independent exploraon. For safety purposes, you must
fill-out an online independent travel form each me you travel outside your host city. More informaon will be provided during pre-
departure and on-site orientaon sessions.
The Study Center
FSU London serves as a place where you can gather to meet peers, aend classes and study, receive tutoring, or parcipate in
student and staff led acvies. Learn more about FSU London here
Students live in mul-occupancy rooms in shared co-ed apartments within the Study Center or in nearby buildings. Each residence
includes a furnished living room, kitchen, and dining space. Students benefit from on-site laundry facilies, high-speed Wi-Fi, security
measures, and a cleaning service with a change of bed linens and towels.
Housing Check-In: Begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:00 p.m. on the program start date. Those who encounter delays will be
Housing Check-Out: Morning on the last day of the program.
Housing assignments, including roommate details, will be announced upon arrival and cannot be changed. Informaon provided
by students on the housing quesonnaire in the IP Student Portal is considered for housing assignments, along with many other
factors. Overnight guests are not allowed in program housing.
Local context: While preparing to live and study in the heart of this beauful city, keep in mind:
Buildings are not air-conditioned; expect indoor heating and cooling levels to be different than in the U.S.
The European electrical current (220 volts) is two times stronger than in the U.S. (110 volts)
Housing Rules & Regulaons will be reviewed by staff during on-site orientaon. You must familiarize yourself with these rules &
regulaons because any violaon is grounds for dismissal from the program. Housing facilies will be inspected at the end of the
program. Any damages will be assessed to your FSU account. For more informaon, refer to the Housing Terms and Condions
the FSU Internaonal Programs Contractual Agreement, which all parcipants are required to sign in the IP Student Portal. The
agreement outlines your contractual obligaons as a parcipant on our program.
Packing & Climate
Research the seasonal weather and local climate trends for your locaon and pack accordingly:
Fall, Winter, and Spring can be cool and damp. Bring clothes that can be layered.
Summer can be very hot and few buildings throughout the UK have air conditioning; this includes your housing.
When packing for summer, bring a scarf or light sweater to cover your shoulders during church visits.
Pack lightly, review the Packing List for guidance, and remember you can buy most items
locally if you discover you need something!
Do not bring:
Electric hair tools from the U.S. (ex: straighteners, hair dryers, curling irons, etc.); it’s best to buy these items locally and
share with roommates to avoid problems with incompatible voltage. FSU London has hair dryers to lend out.
U.S. extension cord or multi-plug strip as using this in a UK electrical outlet could cause the fuse to blow.
Any valuable or sentimental items such as jewelry, expensive watches, expensive cameras, or keepsake items you would
regret losing.
Additional furniture or large furnishings, such as couches or TVs, are not permitted.
Don’t Forget
Comfortable walking shoes are a MUST.
Pack 1 or 2 ouits in your carry-on in case of flight delays/cancellaons or lost luggage.
You should purchase & pack any required textbooks & course materials; instrucons for locang your course required
materials are provided here, and when you register for classes. eBooks (recommended) are oen available from the
Bookstore, FSU Libraries, Amazon.co.uk, or other online sites.
Make copies of your passport pages that contain the issue date, your signature, and your photograph. Leave copies with
family and bring copies with you while traveling (stored separate from your passport) in case your passport is lost or stolen.
Cell Phones & Laptops
It’s important to establish a communicaons plan prior to departure & stay connected to family and friends while abroad.
Cell Phones
Research which opon below is the best fit for you.
How it Works
Program Length
Esmated Cost
Purchase an
internaonal eSIM
data plan
Newer phone models may be
compable with embedded SIM
cards (eSIM) for internaonal data.
Learn more here.
Regional or global packages available
May be compable with U.S. numbers.
Only compable with unlocked phones.
Can purchase before travel but cannot
acvate unl abroad.
depending on
plan/ carrier
Purchase a
physical SIM card
& data plan from a
provider abroad
Sign-up for a monthly or prepaid
data plan with an internaonal
carrier, receive a new number.
Cannot purchase unl abroad.
Only compable with unlocked phones.
Program staff abroad may be able to
provide more informaon aer
depending on
plan/ carrier
Use an
internaonal data
plan from a U.S.
Pay per day or as you use data,
depending on your carrier.
Short periods or
during travel/arrival
Oen the most expensive opon, unless
your U.S. carrier provides free
internaonal data roaming.
No data plan, rely
on Wi-Fi
Keep phone in airplane mode, Wi-Fi
required to call, text, or use apps.
Short periods or
during travel/arrival
It is inconvenient to rely on Wi-Fi spots
only as it will cause issues navigang
your new city; not recommended.
No charge as long
as data roaming
is turned off
Most students bring a laptop or tablet abroad for convenient computer access. We
recommend doing the following prior to departure:
Verify your computer charger can accept higher voltages abroad (220v). You will
sll need an outlet adapter for the plug (i.e., from flat to round prongs).
Check if your homeowners insurance covers computers when away from your
primary residence. If not, consider purchasing laptop insurance through Safeware
a worldwide insurance provider for all electronic devices.
Do NOT pack your laptop or laptop charger in your checked luggage.
Share the following informaon with those in the U.S. who are interested in sending you mail abroad.
Leers can be sent to FSU London, as listed in the Contact Informaon secon of this packet. Priority mail
between the UK and the U.S. may take from 6-10 days.
Be aware that sending packages abroad could result in paying additional taxes/import duties. Avoid mailing any electronics, as these
incur import tax fees that can often be more expensive than the item is worth. Avoid sending packages from the U.S. to the
UK when possible since it could result in paying addional taxes/import dues.
Instead, students can either purchase
needed items locally or have items delivered to the study center from Amazon UK
. DO NOT send packages to the UK using FedEX; if
you must ship items to the UK, UPS or USPS are the best opons. Reference this list of banned/restricted goods that cannot be
Students are financially responsible for all customs fees; the amount(s) will be added to their myFSU account. FSU London is not
responsible for UK government import taxes/fees, failed deliveries, or lost items.
Currency & Banking
Your program descripon on the IP website
outlines the costs that are/are not included in your program fee. When esmang your
financial needs abroad, create a budget based on how much you plan to spend on meals over the duraon of your stay as well as on
your personal entertainment, independent travel, and social acvies. Don’t forget to factor in the
exchange rate. Consider what
former program participants reported spending during their program in the chart provided below.
Keep in mind, London is one of the most expensive cities in the world, with prices on par with Los Angeles or New York.
you can find great bargains all over the city. Save money by dining at a market or food hall and purchasing food in grocery stores to
cook in your flat. Many visitors find inexpensive items such as theatre tickets for West End performances and ‘meal deals’ for lunch.
Some of the best places in London are free, including most museums and scenic parks! You will learn more about specific ways to save
money on food and activities during your on-site orientation session.
Academic site-visits are included in the program fee for many classes. Occasionally, additional fees are required for course expenses
such as theatre tickets, museum entrances, art supplies, etc. These fees are visible in the textbook compliance section when you
register for classes.
The UK’s naonal currency is the pound sterling. Most businesses in London prefer contactless payments. While its not necessary to
exchange dollars for pounds before you leave the U.S., those who do should not travel with a lot of cash75100 is plenty).
Banking & Internaonal Purchases
Set-up online banking prior to departure to monitor your U.S. bank account(s) while abroad. You should have mulple ways to access
money while abroad, including credit/debit cards (make sure they don’t charge foreign transacon fees):
Debit Card
A debit card can be used to withdraw funds from your U.S. bank
account in the form of local currency at ATMs abroad.
Credit cards are useful for everyday purchases and offer excellent
exchange rates (always pay in local currency, not U.S. dollars, if asked
during check-out).
Contact your financial instuon about ATM transacon fees. You can
limit the fees if your U.S. bank has a 'sister' bank in the host country
and/or by liming the frequency of withdrawals, though you should
not keep large sums of money on your person or stored in your
Consider applying for a credit card with no foreign transacon
fees/internaonal fees. Mastercard and Visa are the most widely
accepted credit cards overseas. Not all vendors will accept American
Express. Discover card is not widely supported in the UK.
Cards must be linked to a checking account (other prepaid/reloadable
cards are not always accepted abroad).
Credit cards are also useful for large purchases or in the event of an
Contactless Payments (e.g., Apple Pay, Google Pay): Set-up contactless payment by linking credit/debit cards to your mobile
device prior to departure. Contactless Payments are heavily used in many large cies abroad, but you should always carry
other sources of funds too.
Before departure, don’t forget to:
Nofy your financial instuon(s) of internaonal travel plans & dates to avoid cards being
declined abroad.
Keep a record of all card numbers and know how to contact your bank if they are lost or stolen.
Change pins longer than 4 digits, which may not be accepted abroad.
Health & Wellness
Before Departure
FSU requires all students to show proof of certain immunizaons prior to registering for courses in the U.S. or abroad. Newly
admied first-year/transfer students and non-FSU students must submit the Student Immunizaon Form through the
IP Student
Familiarize yourself with the entry requirements and health maers in your program locaon. Some countries have specific
requirements for inoculaons based on previous travel or vaccinaon history. More informaon is available through the Centers for
Disease Control (CDC) website
. The FSU Health and Wellness Center also offers a travel clinic which provides immunizaons. It is the
students responsibility to confirm whether their previous travel or vaccinaon history requires addional inoculaons.
Bring enough of your prescripon medicaon to last for the duraon of your stay. This is oen referred to as a ‘Vacaon’ or
‘Extended’ prescripon. Pack medicaons inside your carry-on in their original containers with clearly legible prescripons.
Not all U.S. prescripon drugs are available abroad. Adderall & Concerta are examples of drugs not available
in all countries. Don’t postpone discussing your medicaon needs with your doctor. If you experience difficulty
obtaining a prescripon for your me abroad, seek assistance from our office.
Other Recommendaons:
If you wear glasses or contact lenses, take an extra pair and/or a copy of your vision prescripon.
Complete roune or preventave medical & dental care before you leave.
A tetanus booster shot is suggested if you have not had one within the past 10 years.
A flu shot is also suggested prior to departure.
While Abroad
Program fees include internaonal medical & evacuaon insurance coverage through Cultural Insurance Services Internaonal (CISI);
Click here
to access the policy online. Parcipants are covered from the day the program starts unl the day the program ends. This
policy is NOT intended to replace your domesc insurance coverage.
Mental health appointments are covered by your CISI insurance and many of our program locaons have idenfied in-person mental
health providers. Online counselling is also an opon if that is your preference or can be ulized if on an excursion or independent
travel. A list of the online providers can be found here
. Please speak to your on-the-ground support staff if you would like to make an
in-person appointment.
Alcohol Awareness & Illegal Drugs
The legal age to drink alcohol in the UK is 18. Should you choose to exercise this right, you must do so responsibly. Should students
violate the FSU Student Conduct Code with behaviour related to alcohol consumpon, they will undergo a student conduct code
process, aer which outcomes are appropriately assigned. In short, know your limits and drink within moderaon, never to excess.
Florida State University does not tolerate the possession, use, manufacture, producon, sale, exchange or distribuon of illegal drugs
by students parcipang in FSU study abroad programs. Violaon of this policy may result in immediate dismissal from the program
and disciplinary acon onsite and/or upon return to campus. For complete informaon on student conduct processes, vicm rights,
and appeals see the Student Conduct Code
All program parcipants are bound by the rules, policies, and procedures set forth in the FSU General Bullen, Student Handbook
and Student Conduct Code. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these policies before you leave.
Safety & Security
Our highest priority is the welfare and security of our students, faculty, staff, and facilies. We have emergency plans in place for
each locaon and work closely with our insurers and 24/7 emergency response providers to monitor and respond to all situaons
worldwide. We follow guidance from the respecve U.S. Embassies, U.S. State Department, as well as local officials and keep
students apprised of any new informaon. For more informaon on IPs security policies and procedures, please contact our Director
of Emergency and Risk Management, Tina Bourne, at 850-644-3786 or na.bourne@fsu.edu
You are subject to the laws of the country in which you are traveling.
Resources: Even though you are not on the main campus, you have access to many resources while abroad. Program staff
are available to support you in a variety of ways, including connecng you with professionals locally and/or on main campus.
o Vicm Advocate Program
: the University takes all types of vicmizaon seriously, including sexual violence,
relaonship violence, and domesc violence. Advocates are available and on-call 24/7 to provide confidenal
support services, even for students abroad.
o Counseling & Psychological Services at FSU: Due to licensing restricons, the Office of Counseling and
Psychological Services are unavailable while students are abroad but may be ulized upon return. The Office of
Counseling and Psychological Services is a welcoming and confidenal place to discuss quesons and concerns such
as reverse cultural shock, reentry adjustments, homesickness, struggles with relaonships, sexual identy, cultural
issues, and more.
o Center for Health Advocacy & Wellness: encourages you to make healthy lifestyle decisions that facilitate
academic success and lead to life-long health and wellness.
The Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) is a free service provided by the U.S.
Government to cizens traveling or living in a foreign country. We strongly recommend
registering your upcoming trip
so the Department of State (DOS) can assist you in an
emergency. The DOS also maintains informaon for Americans studying abroad, including
current travel advisory warnings, at:
Waiver: All IP parcipants must sign and submit a general Waiver of Liability through the IP Student Portal.
Valuables: Students should not take senmental valuables abroad or leave cash, passports, or other items of value
unaended in their rooms. If in need of cash in the local currency, students should plan regular visits to the ATM rather than
store large amounts of cash in their rooms. Students are responsible for ensuring their rooms are always le securedo not
prop open doors, leave doors or windows unlocked, or give keys to anyone. If students noce others in the building leaving
the main entrance door unsecure, they should nofy the IP staff immediately, even if there are others living in the building
who are not FSU program parcipants. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase insurance that will cover their
belongings while abroad. The Internaonal Programs insurance policy does not cover loss or the of parcipants’
Pickpockeng: In many large cies throughout the world, pickpockeng is the most common crime and can happen
anyme, anywhere! We cauon you to always be aware of your surroundings. Beware of anyone who may try to distract
you with papers, boxes, or excessive body movements. Coats, purses, phones, and wallets are oen stolen in crowded areas.
Keep these items close to you. Always secure your valuables, especially on overnight (“sleeper”) trains or in hostels.
Weapons: You are strictly prohibited from keeping or using firearms, knives, weapons (including pellet, air guns, paintball
guns or other dangerous arcles or substances). Furthermore, mace and/or pepper spray may be illegal in the countries you
visit. It’s your responsibility to know weapons laws in the host country if you intend to bring self-defense items.
Always carry a photocopy of the picture and signature pages of your passport with you when you travel. Keep another copy
in your room separate from your passport. Leave one copy at home in the U.S. with your family or a relave.
Use the buddy systemtry to travel with friends as much as possible and always tell roommates or friends where you’re
going and when you expect to return. Bystander intervenon is a powerful opportunity and responsibility for those in our
Tips & Resources
The following comments came from students who recently aended our study abroad program in London:
Be sure to read the notes when registering for classes about select textbooks being available for check-out at the library.
Comfortable shoes are a must since you will be walking a lot during excursions.
Leave extra space in your suitcase for souvenirs.
Research the weather in London before leaving. London weather is very changeable, make sure to pack accordingly for the
season. Note there is no air-condioning in the flats.
Bring a reusable water bole with you, along with any favorite over the counter medicaon in the event you get sick.
Plan to save money by being able to cook some of your favorite meals.
Do not ship expensive items from the U.S. (especially technology) as these will incur costly customs charges.
The only place you need to p in the UK is at a sit-down restaurant; you are not expected to p in pubs, bars, or cabs.
Research what to do during free me/on weekends before you leave the U.S. but do not book independent travel unl aer
you have received your program’s cultural calendar.
Looking for something to do in London? Check out these sites:
TimeOut London
(weekly magazine lisng London events)
Londonist (what’s on & events in London)
Official London Theatre (London theatre guide)
Online Resources & Useful Apps
The more informaon you find out about the country beforehand, the beer off you will be once you get there. The following list of
web sites may be helpful as you begin your informaon search:
Trip Advisor
(online travel guide)
CNN Weather (daily weather forecasts)
Rough Guides (travel guide)
Noles Abroad (FSU Internaonal Programs blog with arcles from former program parcipants)
CityMapper (Transportaon app to help you navigate cies like a local)
TfL Oyster (Manage your Oyster card travel on London’s public transportaon)
TodayTix (Best prices and discounts on London theatre
Open Table (Explore London’s vibrant restaurant scene)
Too Good to Go (Find heavily discounted surplus food daily)
Dark Sky (with down-to-the-minute forecasts, you’ll know exactly when the rain will start or stop, right where you're standing)
Mobile Passport (Authorized by US Government to get through customs upon return to the US. Allows you to use the dedicated
mobile passport line in 21 parcipang airports).
Splitwise (allows users to split expenses with friends)
Moovit (similar to Google Maps)
(Note: Florida State University is not responsible for the content of external internet sites.) Last Updated: November 2023