General Admissions Eligibility
Enrollment Procedures
College Credit Students 3
Certificate Program Students 8
Adult Studies Students 9
Continuing Education Students 13
Registration Procedures
College Credit Students 7
Certificate Program Students 8
Tuition and Fees
Financial Aid
New Students Tips
Tips for Success 19
Most Commonly Asked Questions 19
General Admissions Eligibility
Individuals seeking general admission to Florida
Community College must meet the
following mini-
mum criteria, except as provided below:
1. The individual must be a U.S. citizen.
2. The individual must be 18 years of age or older.
3. The individual must have earned a standard or
college ready high school diploma or the equiv
alency of a high school diploma.
Individuals seeking admission to Florida Commu
nity College who do not meet the general admissions
criteria may seek admission if they meet the criteria
of the following special admissions classifications.
SSppeecciiaall AAddmmiissssiioonnss CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn
ffoorr AAdduulltt SSttuuddeennttss
Individuals age 18 or older who do not meet
the general criteria for admissions outlined above
may be admitted to the College under one of the
following sets of conditions.
NNoonn--HHiigghh SScchhooooll GGrraadduuaatteess
Adults who have not earned a standard or
college-ready high school diploma or the equiv-
alency of a standard high school diploma may be
admitted to the College’s adult general education
Post Secondary Adult Vocational programs (PSAV).
Adults who have not earned a standard or college-
ready high school diploma or the equivalency of a
standard high school diploma may be admitted into
college-credit classes with the following requirements
and restrictions:
The individual will be required to take the College
Placement Test.
2. The individual may enroll for no more than 12
hours of college-credit course-work before
completing his/her standard or college-ready
high school diploma or the equivalency of a
standard high school diploma.
IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSttuuddeennttss WWhhoo AArree AAdduullttss
Individuals who are age 18 or older and who
are not citizens of the United States may be admitted
to Florida Community College if they meet the
criteria of any category listed above and if they are
in compliance with the standards from the
Immigration and Naturalization Service.
SSppeecciiaall AAddmmiissssiioonnss CCllaassssiiffiiccaattiioonn
ffoorr MMiinnoorrss
United States citizens under the age of 18 may
be admitted to the College under one of the fol-
lowing sets of conditions with confirmation from all
high schools attended that the individual has not
committed any of the following offenses:
1. Distribution of drugs
Simple battery upon school employees or agents
3. Robbery
4. Extortion
5. Burglary of school property
6. Criminal mischief or vandalism
7. Possession of weapons or dangerous objects
8. Indecent public conduct
9. Battery upon another student resulting in bodily
Inciting or participating in a major student disorder
11. Commission of any felony
HHiigghh SScchhooooll GGrraadduuaatteess
Minors who have earned a standard or college-
ready high school diploma or the equivalency of a
standard high school diploma may be admitted to
Florida Community College with authorization to
attend from their parent or legal guardian.
DDuuaall EEnnrroollllmmeenntt
Students enrolled at a public or private high
school, or home school may be admitted to Florida
Community College for either college or vocational/
technical credit if they meet the dual enrollment
requirements in accordance with state statute and
have high school authorization.
AAcccceelleerraatteedd HHiigghh SScchhooooll CCoommpplleetteerrss
Minors who have not earned a high school
diploma may be admitted to Florida Community
College for college credit courses under the follow-
ing requirements and restrictions.
The individual must have authorization to attend
the College from his/her high school and
parent or legal guardian.
2. The individual will be required to take the
College Placement Test if he/she plans to enroll
in college-credit.
3. The individual may enroll for no more than 12
hours of college-credit coursework before
completing his/her standard or college-ready
diploma or the equivalency of a standard high
school diploma.
OOtthheerr NNoonn--HHiigghh SScchhooooll GGrraadduuaatteess
Minors who have not earned a standard or
college-ready high school diploma or the equiv-
alency of a standard high school diploma and who
are no longer attending a public or private school
may be admitted to the College’s adult general
education programs if they have authorization to attend
the College from their parent or legal guardian and
from the high school of last attendance.
IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSttuuddeennttss WWhhoo AArree MMiinnoorrss
Individuals who are minors and who are not
citizens of the United States may be admitted if they
meet the criteria of Accelerated High School Com-
pleters and if they are in compliance with standards
from the Immigration and Naturalization Service.
SSeelleeccttiivvee AAcccceessss
Dental hygiene, emergency medical services
(EMS) technology, emergency medical technology
(EMT), histotechnology, medical laboratory technol-
ogy, nursing, paramedic, physical therapist assistant
and respiratory therapy programs are selective access
programs and have special selection and admission
criteria and procedures which may be obtained from
the program office as listed in this catalog.
Enrollment procedures for students entering
FCCJ’s college credit programs are different for
students in varying circumstances. Below is a list of
admissions categories. Find the one that best describes
your situation and jump to the page indicated to
learn what is required for admission.
TTyyppee ooff SSttuuddeenntt GGooaall PPaaggee
First-Time-In-College Earn a degree (AA,
Degree-Seeking AS or TC) at FCCJ 3
Incoming Transfer Transfer to FCCJ’s
college credit program
from another
college/university 4
Non-Degree-Seeking Earn college credit
without earning a
degree at FCCJ 5
High School Earn college credit
while in high school 5
Military Earn college credit
programs 6
International Earn college credit
as a visiting foreign
student (non-resident) 6
DDeeggrreeee SSeeeekkiinngg SSttuuddeennttss
Applicants in this category are those who intend
to earn a college degree from FCCJ and have never
attended college at FCCJ or any other institution. If
this describes your situation, please take the follow-
ing steps to enrollment at FCCJ.
MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp AApppplliiccaattiioonn aanndd FFeeee
Submit a
completed membership application and the
appropriate application fee. The non-refund-
able membership application fee is $15 for
U.S. citizens and $80 for international students.
Be sure to indicate in the “Educational Plans”
section of the application that you intend to
earn your degree at the College. The
application and the fee may be submitted to
any campus enrollment services office or
mailed to the College’s Student Records Office
at 501 W. State St., Jacksonville, FL, 32202.
Call (904) 646-2300 to have an application
packet mailed to you.
HHiigghh SScchhooooll TTrraannssccrriipptt
If you graduated or will
graduate from a high school outside of Duval
or Clay county or if you graduated or will
graduate from a private school, please have
your high school send an official transcript of
your grades and credits with graduation date
indicated to the Student Records Office (see
address above). If you graduated from a public
school in either Duval or Clay county, the
College will automatically request your high
school transcript after we receive your application.
AAcccceeppttaannccee LLeetttteerr
Once we receive your
application and your transcript, you will receive
a letter indicating the approval of your
admission if you meet the College’s admissions
criteria. Admissions criteria are included on
page 2 of this catalog.
FFiinnaanncciiaall AAiidd AApppplliiccaattiioonn
If you are interested
in receiving financial aid, call or visit the
Enrollment Services office on campus. The
Collegewide Information Center (646-2300)
can also mail you an application for federal
student aid.
CCaarreeeerr GGooaall
If you haven't already decided on
a career goal and FCCJ program of study,
make an appointment with a counselor at the
Career Development Center on campus.
AAsssseessssmmeenntt TTeessttiinngg
After receiving the letter
notifying you of your admission to FCCJ, con-
tact the Certificate and Assessment Center on
campus and take the required course place-
ment tests. (Students with S.A.T. or A.C.T. test
scores that are two years old or less are exempt).
Complete the New Student Orien-
tation, either by video (about a half-hour in
length) or through live group session on
campus (about one hour).
FFiirrsstt TTeerrmm AAccaaddeemmiicc AAddvviissiinngg
At the orienta-
tion, you will meet with an academic advisor
who will review your placement tests scores and
suggest appropriate courses for your first term.
During the appropriate registra-
tion period, register for the courses you plan to
take this term using FCCJ’s touchtone tele-
phone registration system or at enrollment
services on campus.
TTuuiittiioonn aanndd FFeeeess
Tuition and fees must be paid
by the payment deadline. Payment may be
made via the touchtone telephone registration
system, by mail or by visiting the Business
Affairs office on campus. Upon payment, we will
mail you your class schedule and fee statement.
Obtain a student identification
StarCard at the StarCard office on campus.
PPaarrkkiinngg DDeeccaall
Obtain a student parking decal
from the campus security office.
Enrollment Procedures for College Credit Programs
IInnccoommiinngg TTrraannssffeerr SSttuuddeennttss ttoo
FFCCCCJJss DDeeggrreeee PPrrooggrraammss
If you have attended and received college credit
from institutions other than FCCJ and desire to
complete your degree at FCCJ, please take the
following steps to enrollment.
MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp AApppplliiccaattiioonn aanndd FFeeee
Submit a
completed membership application and the
appropriate application fee. The non-refund-
able membership application fee is $15 for
U.S. citizens and $80 for international students.
Be sure to indicate in the “Educational Plans”
section of the application that you intend to
earn your degree at the College. The application
and the fee may be submitted to any campus
enrollment services office or mailed to the
College’s Student Records Office at 501 W. State
St., Jacksonville, FL, 32202. Call (904)
2300 to have an application packet mailed
to you.
CCoolllleeggee TTrraannssccrriippttss
Have official transcripts
from all colleges attended sent to the Student
Records Office, Florida Community College at
Jacksonville, 501 W. State St., Jacksonville, FL
32202. If these transcripts are not received
within one term, subsequent registration will be
blocked. Transcripts will not be evaluated until
all transcripts have been received. The student
will receive a notice by mail once all transcripts
have been officially evaluated. All transcripts
must be evaluated before a student can be
approved for financial aid.
FFiinnaanncciiaall AAiidd AApppplliiccaattiioonn
If you are interested
in receiving financial aid, call or visit the Enroll-
ment Services office on campus. The College-
wide Information Center (646-2300) can also
mail you an application for federal student aid.
AAddmmiissssiioonnss PPllaacceemmeenntt SSuurrvveeyy
Go to any
student success office and complete an
admissions placement survey (APS) to establish
a course placement record and document
previous coursework in English, reading and
mathematics. Also, if you have ACT or SAT
scores less than two years old, bring these
along. You will be advised if any further testing
is required.
AAccaaddeemmiicc AAddvviissiinngg
Make an appointment with
an academic adviser to help select your classes.
Bring along a copy of your transcripts if
possible. This advising will be unofficial if your
transcripts have not been officially evaluated.
You should return for official advising once you
receive notice that your transcripts have been
evaluated. Make an appointment by calling the
counseling and advising center. Any questions
that you may have about the evaluation can be
discussed at this time.
Complete the New Student Orien-
tation, either by video (about a half-hour in
length) or through live group session on
campus (about one hour).
Contact any student affairs office
counseling and advising center for assistance if
there is any difficulty with registration. It is not
uncommon for this to happen because all
records may not yet be on file. During the
appropriate registration period, register for the
courses you plan to take this term using FCCJ's
touchtone telephone registration system.
TTuuiittiioonn aanndd FFeeeess
Tuition and fees must be paid
by the payment deadline. Payment may be
made via the touchtone telephone registration
system, by mail or by visiting the Business
Affairs office on campus. Upon payment, we will
mail you your class schedule and fee statement.
After registering, go to the student I.D.
center and get a photo I.D (StarCard). All
students are required to carry their I.D. while on
College property.
PPaarrkkiinngg DDeeccaall
Obtain a student parking decal
from the campus security office.
DDeeaaddlliinneess aanndd PPoolliicciieess
Become familiar with
the deadlines printed in
this catalog. Be sure to
review important College
policies and proce-
dures related to drop deadlines, withdrawal
procedures and deadlines, standards of student
conduct, grading policies, academic standing
standards and student support services.
GGrraadduuaattiioonn SSttaattuuss
Understand graduation
status. Note that FCCJ requirements will probably
be different than those of other institutions. An
academic audit sheet will be mailed to you
each term you are enrolled. Transfer students,
must complete at least 25 percent of credit
semester hours required for the degree at FCCJ
and meet all other FCCJ graduation requirements.
EEvvaalluuaattiioonn ooff OOtthheerr CCoolllleeggee TTrraannssccrriippttss
Transfer credit may be accepted from degree
granting institutions that are accredited at the
collegiate level by an appropriate regional accred-
iting agency and recognized by the Council for
Higher Education Accreditation. Transfer courses are
subject to a course-by-course evaluation process.
Students with college credit from outside the
United States must have their document evaluated
by an approved credential evaluation agency.
Transcripts from other colleges attended will be
evaluated for degree-seeking students only. Tran-
scripts must be received from all colleges attended
before an evaluation will be completed. All courses
attempted at the freshman and sophomore levels
will be evaluated. Transfer credit to FCCJ will be
calculated in the all-college cumulative grade point
average. Upper division courses will only be
evaluated when they are substantially equivalent to
courses offered at FCCJ. FCCJ does not evaluate
transcripts for external agencies.
NNoonn--DDeeggrreeee SSeeeekkiinngg SSttuuddeennttss
If you want to take college credit courses but
you do not intend to earn your degree at FCCJ, all
you need to do is submit a completed membership
application and the appropriate application fee. The
non-refundable membership application fee is $15
for U.S. citizens and $80 for international students.
The application and the fee may be submitted to any
campus enrollment services office or mailed to the
College’s Student Records Office at 501 W. State St.,
Jacksonville, FL, 32202. Call (904) 646-2300 to
have an application mailed to you. No transcripts
are required, and placement testing will be required
only if you desire to enroll in a mathematics, English
or reading course. Please note that non-degree
seeking students can not be certified for financial
aid. If you desire to switch to a degree seeking status
in the future, contact the enrollment services office
on your campus and follow the procedures for degree-
seeking students in the previous section. Non-
degree seeking students are required to obtain and
carry an FCCJ StarCard.
SSttuuddeennttss SSeeeekkiinngg CCoolllleeggee CCrreeddiitt
WWhhiillee SSttiillll iinn HHiigghh SScchhooooll
AAcccceelleerraatteedd CCoolllleeggee PPrrooggrraamm
ffoorr HHiigghh SScchhooooll SSttuuddeennttss
This program is designed for students at
participating high schools who have a sophomore
classification or higher and an unweighted 3.0
grade point average on a 4.0 scale. If approved by
the parent, high school principal, and guidance
counselor, these students may be admitted to the
College and take up to seven college credit hours
each term while still enrolled in high school. Students
pay all tuition and fees. Students must have per-
mission from their high school and parent each term
to re-enroll.
A high school representative must submit an
application packet to the College’s program devel-
opment coordinator that includes the following:
1. an accelerated college application signed by
the student’s parent, high school principal and
guidance counselor,
2. a transcript verifying the student’s grade point
average, completion of requirements through
the freshman year and mathematics credits and
grades, and
3. a copy of the student’s scores on the Florida
College Entry Level Placement Test (FCELPT),
College Placement Test (CPT), SAT, or ACT.
EEaarrllyy AAddmmiissssiioonnss ffoorr HHiigghh SScchhooooll SSttuuddeennttss
Applicants who wish to enter Florida Com-
munity College at Jacksonville as full-time students
at the end of their junior year in high school may be
admitted to earn 30 semester hours of
college credit
coursework, or its vocational equivalent
and still
graduate with their high school class. These
applicants must have an unweighted high school
grade point average of 3.25 for college credit
instruction or 2.50 for vocational instruction on a 4.0
scale, have a senior classification and receive
approval from their high school principal.
This pro-
gram is limited
to students from participating high
schools and to students enrolled in the high school
completion program at Florida Community College.
Students do not pay tuition. Students are, however,
responsible for the purchase of textbooks and a one-
time $15 membership fee.
The high school representative must submit an
application packet to the College’s program devel-
opment coordinator that includes the following:
1. an early admissions application signed by the
student’s parent, high school principal and
guidance counselor,
2. a transcript verifying the student’s grade point
average, completion of all requirements through
the junior year and Mathematics credits and
grades, and
3. a copy of the student’s scores on the Florida
College Entry Level Placement Test (FCELPT),
College Placement Test (CPT), SAT, ACT or Test
of Adult Basic Education (TABE).
Upon successful completion of courses students
will earn high school credits. College credit will be
awarded when proof of high school graduation is
submitted to the College’s registrar.
DDuuaall EEnnrroollllmmeenntt ffoorr HHiigghh SScchhooooll SSttuuddeennttss
This program is designed for Duval and Nassau
high school juniors and seniors whose county school
board, private school or home school parent or
association has a state approved articulation
agreement with
FCCJ to offer dual enrollment
courses. These students
must possess an unweighted
high school grade point average, on a 4.0 scale, of
3.0 to enroll in college credit or 2.5 to enroll in
vocational dual enrollment. Additionally, students
must earn the required college entry scores on the
Florida College Entry Level Placement Test (FCELPT),
College Placement Test (CPT), ACT, SAT or Test of
Adult Basic Education (TABE) to qualify. Students may
take up to nine credit hours each term and do not
pay tuition. However, students are required to pay a
one-time $15 membership fee. Books may be paid
for by the high school. Upon successful completion
of college
courses students will earn high school
credits. College
credits will be awarded after proof of
high school graduation is submitted to the College’s
A high school representative must submit an
application packet to the College’s program devel-
opment coordinator that includes the following:
1. a dual enrollment application signed by the
student’s parent, high school principal and
guidance counselor,
2. a transcript reflecting the appropriate grade
point average, completion requirements through
the sophomore level, and mathematics credits
and grades, and
3. a copy of the student’s scores on the Florida
College Entry Level Placement Test (FCELPT),
College Placement Test (CPT), SAT, ACT or Test
of Adult Basic Education (TABE).
MMiilliittaarryy PPeerrssoonnnneell SSeeeekkiinngg CCoolllleeggee CCrreeddiitt
SSeerrvviiccee MMeemmbbeerrss OOppppoorrttuunniittyy CCoolllleeggeess ((SSOOCC))
SOC is a consortium of some 400 colleges and
universities dedicated to meeting the voluntary edu-
cational needs of members of the military service.
SOC member institutions act as “home campus” for
service members who, by prior agreement, earn
academic credits elsewhere. Service members desiring
to participate in SOC may do so by calling 633-8134.
SSeerrvviiccee MMeemmbbeerrss OOppppoorrttuunniittyy CCoolllleeggeess NNaavvyy
SOCNAV is a network of some 26 colleges agree
ing to accept in transfer, with previous approval,
courses applicable to the student’s degree program.
SOCNAV students/applicants must coordinate
all activities (student agreement forms, transfer
advising and possible rating credit) through the
FCCJ office at any of the Navy bases or through the
Open Campus Military Education Institute office by
calling 633-8134.
IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall SSttuuddeennttss
IInntteerrnnaattiioonnaall AApppplliiccaannttss
For admission purposes, applicants are classified
as international students only if the applicants require,
or will require at any time, the College to issue papers
required by the Immigration and Naturalization
Service. Applicants who have been admitted to the
United States as immigrants and have been issued
resident alien numbers will not be classified as inter-
national students for admission purposes.
Applicants must submit the following items.
1. application for admission as degree seeking
application fee of $80, (a non-refundable, non-
transferable processing fee)
3. proof of previous education as follows
a. a certified English translation of the tran-
script, (for high school graduates who have
never attended college) or
b. a certified English translation of the tran-
script(s) of all colleges attended, (for students
who have attended college previously)
4. proof of proficiency in the use of the English
language (Students from non-English speaking
countries must submit to the College admis-
sions office an original copy of satisfactory
scores on the TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign
Language Examination), available through the
Educational Testing Service, Box 899, Princeton,
N.J. 08540.)
5. a statement showing that financial resources
are available for travel, tuition, books and
living expenses while in school (Applicants may
also be requested to show evidence that there
are funds to cover these expenses on deposit in
a United States bank.)
No international applicants will be considered
for admission until items one through five have been
received. To be considered for any term, all items
must be received at least 60 days prior to the
student’s initial term of admission. International
students accepted for admission will be notified of
their acceptance and will be provided with Form I-
20A as required by the U.S. Department of Justice.
International students should be enrolled and
satisfactorily complete a minimum of 12 credit hours
for the fall term (I) and 12 credit hours for the spring
term (II) and six credit hours for the summer A term
(III). For more information contact any campus
enrollment services office.
TTeerrmmss aanndd DDeeffiinniittiioonnss
SSeemmeesstteerr HHoouurr
The semester hour is the unit of measure for
college credit coursework. This measure corresponds
in actual time requirements in class to one 50-
minute class period per week for one semester. The
exceptions to this rule are found in laboratory
courses, music activity courses and studio art courses.
For example, a three semester hour (also called
credit hour) course requires at least three 50-minute
periods of actual class time per week. Laboratory
Biology, on the other hand, a four semester hour
course, requires six in-class hours. Semester hours
can be converted to quarter hours by multiplying the
number of semester hours earned by 1.5.
CCoouurrssee LLooaadd
Full-time students are enrolled as follows.
fall 12 or more semester hours
spring 12 or more semester hours
*summer A 6 or more semester hours
*summer B 6 or more semester hours
*Summer “C” cross term semester hours will count
one-half for summer A and one-half for summer B.
The suggested maximum load of an entering
first term, full-time freshmen enrolled in day classes
is 18 semester hours. The suggested maximum load
for full-time students who fail to maintain a “C
average for the preceding term is 15 semester
hours. The suggested maximum load for full-time
students who have an average of “B” or higher
during the preceding term is 21 semester hours.
To receive overload permission, students must
get approval from the campus dean of student affairs.
PPrreerreeqquuiissiitteess aanndd CCoorreeqquuiissiitteess
Some college credit course descriptions include
specific requirements which must be met prior to
enrollment. Specific requirements may include
prerequisites (courses which must be satisfactorily
completed prior to enrollment), corequisites (courses
which must be taken at the same time of enrollment)
or other specific conditions.
HHooww ttoo RReeggiisstteerr
FCCJ offers two ways to register: by Touch-Tone
telephone and in person on campus. You are
encouraged to register by Touch-Tone telephone.
However, if you need additional assistance please
visit the enrollment services office on any campus for
registration help. Touchtone instructions are printed
in the college credit schedule. To register on campus,
visit any campus or center enrollment services office
during operating hours.
SScchheedduullee CChhaannggeess aanndd AAdddd//DDrroopp
Schedule changes may be made on any
registration day prior to the first day of classes or
during the add/drop period advertised in the college
credit schedule.
Level changes may be made after the final drop
day with the approval of the appropriate assistant
dean. These changes may take place no later than
the end of the fifth week of class in the fall and
spring terms and the end of the second week of class
in the summer A and B terms, and the end of the
fourth week of class in summer cross term. Students
will not be allowed to change from a course in one
term to a section in another term, other than from a
summer A term course to a like course scheduled in
summer cross term.
FFiinnaall DDrroopp DDaayy
Final drop day is the last day upon which
students may drop a course and be eligible for a full
refund of fees paid for that course. Courses officially
dropped will be removed from the students’ records.
The final drop day will be scheduled so that all
students have an opportunity to drop a course on or
after the first scheduled class meeting. Refer to the
College calendar for this deadline date for dropping
courses each term.
CCaanncceellllaattiioonn ooff aa CCoouurrssee bbyy tthhee CCoolllleeggee
If the College cancels a class at any time prior
to its completion, students’ enrollment in that class
will be cancelled, and they will be entitled to a 100
percent refund of fees paid for that class, less any
indebtedness to the College. The College will notify
students and the College will initiate the refund process.
EEnnrroollllmmeenntt VVeerriiffiiccaattiioonn
The enrollment services office will verify enroll-
ment for students eligible to receive educational
benefits from any external agency.
Inquiries relating to benefits should be directed
to the agency giving the student benefits.
Verification of enrollment will be done after the
published deadline to drop and receive a refund.
CCoonnccuurrrreenntt RReeggiissttrraattiioonn
Concurrent registration is permitted between
Florida Community College and state universities.
For more information, contact any FCCJ enrollment
services office.
SSuussppeennssiioonn,, TTeerrmmiinnaattiioonn oorr
CCaanncceellllaattiioonn ooff EEnnrroollllmmeenntt
The College reserves the right to suspend,
terminate or retroactively cancel the enrollment of
any student for either of the following reasons:
1. disciplinary reasons or
2. non-payment of course fees when payment is
due, including non-payment resulting from dis-
honored checks or charge cards.
Registration for College Credit Programs
Enrollment and Registration for Certificate Programs
Florida Community College at Jacksonville
offers many postsecondary training programs which
prepare students to enter a given career or vocation.
Each of these programs prepares students to enter a
specific occupation or one of a cluster of related
occupations. To complete a program, students must
demonstrate that they have mastered specific job-
related performance requirements as well as com-
munication and computation competencies. Upon
the completion of a program, students will be awarded
a postsecondary training certificate.
Postsecondary job preparatory programs vary
in length from 20 to 1,500 hours. Students entering
programs which are 180 hours or more will be tested
for basic reading, mathematics and language skills.
Prior to the completion of their respective programs,
those students who score below the prescribed
grade levels on the Test of Adult Basic Education
(TABE) will be required to enroll in basic skills train-
ing (VPI) and be retested to demonstrate attainment
of the prescribed skill level for their respective pro-
grams of study.
Enrollment Procedures for students entering
vocational programs are as follows:
MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp AApppplliiccaattiioonn
Complete and submit
an FCCJ Membership Application, along with
the $15 fee. Applications are available through
the Enrollment Services office at each campus
or by calling the Collegewide Information
Center at 646-2300.
FFiinnaanncciiaall AAiidd AApppplliiccaattiioonn
If you are interested
in receiving financial aid, call or visit the Enroll-
ment Services office on campus. The College-
wide Information Center (646-2300) can also
mail you an application for federal student aid.
CCaarreeeerr GGooaall
If you haven't already decided on
a career goal and FCCJ program of study,
make an appointment with a counselor at the
Career Development Center on campus.
AAsssseessssmmeenntt TTeessttiinngg
After submitting your FCCJ
membership application, contact the
Certification and Assessment Center on campus
and take the required Test of Adult Basic
Education (TABE).
Make an appointment with the
manager of the vocational program in which
you plan to enroll. The program manager will
advise you regarding which classes to take first.
If you are not sure who to call, call 646-2300.
During the appropriate registra-
tion period, register for the courses you plan to
take this term.
TTuuiittiioonn aanndd FFeeeess
Tuition and fees must be paid
by the payment deadline. Payment may be
made by mail or by visiting the Business Affairs
office on campus. Upon payment, we will mail
you your class schedule and fee statement.
Obtain a student identification Star-
Card at the StarCard office on campus.
PPaarrkkiinngg DDeeccaall
Obtain a student parking decal
from the campus security office.
VVooccaattiioonnaall PPrreeppaarraattiioonn IInnssttrruuccttiioonn
Developmental education is offered to non-
credit students at various locations. The goal is to
assist students who need additional help in improv-
ing their reading, math or language skills to earn
their certificate. Program strategies include:
reading courses that may be taken for high school
2. individualized instruction in reading,
3. tutoring and
4. diagnostic and prescriptive teaching in the
Vocational Preparatory Instruction (VPI) labs and
classes in the areas of mathematics, English and
reading. For more information call 633-8360.
Registration dates will vary by program category
and campus. Students should contact the program
adviser for specific information.
SScchheedduullee CChhaannggeess
Schedule changes, commonly known as add-
drop, will be allowed in accordance with the
schedule established by the registrar each term.
SSuussppeennssiioonn,, TTeerrmmiinnaattiioonn oorr
CCaanncceellllaattiioonn ooff EEnnrroollllmmeenntt
The College reserves the right to suspend, ter-
minate or retroactively cancel the enrollment of any
student for either of the following reasons:
1. disciplinary reasons or
2. non-payment of course fees when payment is
due, including non-payment resulting from
dishonored checks or charge cards.
EEnnrroollllmmeenntt VVeerriiffiiccaattiioonn
Students requesting enrollment certification for
educational benefits must be admitted to and be
enrolled in a vocational program. Full time atten-
dance requirements range from 20 to 30 clock hours
per week. The minimum may vary by program and
agency requirement. Veterans should refer to the
Student Services section, Veteran Affairs, in the
catalog for information. Students may also contact
Veteran Affairs located in the Enrollment Services
Office on each campus.
AAdduulltt SSttuuddiieess
GGeenneerraall DDeessccrriippttiioonnss
The adult studies department of FCCJ coop-
erates with numerous agencies to provide adult
basic education, GED, adult high school and self-
courses, in the following locations:
and community schools, health and human services
facilities, civic and community clubs, business and
industry and other adult agencies.
Adults in the community have the opportunity to
grow in basic knowledge, improve in home and
community life, develop leadership and civic responsi
bilities, and expand in knowledge in general education.
Adult studies programs are offered where there
is community need and interest. Florida Community
College at Jacksonville offers courses in locations
throughout Duval County.
Many programs, courses and services are
offered on a continuing basis. Short courses, in-
service training programs and courses of specific
interest may be initiated by request from individuals,
businesses and groups in the community, based
upon resources available at the time of request.
Students who enroll in classes held on one of
FCCJ’s four campuses, will be required to pay a $15
student photo I.D. (StarCard) fee. Students should
carry this I.D. at all times while on campus.
SSttaannddaarrddss ffoorr SSttuuddeenntt SSuucccceessss
FCCJ is dedicated to providing students with a
high quality educational experience in an environment
supportive of intellectual and personal development.
The Adult Studies Standards for Student Success
were formulated to help assure quality and to clearly
communicate the department’s minimum expecta-
tions of reasonable academic progress for our
students. All students enrolled in an Adult Studies
course at FCCJ must meet the minimum requirements
of the Standards for Student Success established by
the department. A thorough review of these stan-
dards will be presented to each student during the
orientation/enrollment process.
AAdduulltt BBaassiicc EEdduuccaattiioonn
The adult basic education program of
Community College at Jacksonville is designed
provide basic skills instruction in the fundamental
academic areas of reading, writing, math and the
enhancement of workforce skills.
The primary focus of study may be on any one
or more of the following general knowledge areas.
pre-vocational or employability skills development
use of financial resources and consumer education
3. human and interpersonal relations in the
4. communication skills in the English language
Performance in these general knowledge areas
will be based upon achievement in the following skill
areas: reading, writing, speaking, listening, problem
solving and computation.
The program provides supportive services for its
students in the areas of guidance and counseling,
testing, and specialized reading needs.
Enrollment in adult basic education classes is
available to all adults who are 16 years of age or
older and function below the ninth grade level on
basic academic skills assessments.
Adult basic education classes are offered on FCCJ
campuses and in adult centers located in schools,
churches and other available community facilities
throughout Duval County. Tuition cost to students is
waived if they test below the ninth grade level.
AAdduulltt BBaassiicc EEdduuccaattiioonn GGrraaddiinngg SSyysstteemm
The grading system is designed to evaluate
the performance of students as fairly and equitably
as possible.
Letter grades will be assigned for courses as
S = Satisfactory
The GED program of FCCJ is designed to assist
students in attaining an equivalent high school level
of educational accomplishment through preparation
for the GED examination. The program offers stu-
dents the opportunity to successfully complete the
GED test and earn a state high school equivalency
diploma. Instruction is offered in the general educa-
tion subjects of writing, social studies, science,
literature and mathematics. The GED courses pro-
vide foundation skills instruction at the ninth through
12th grade levels. Additionally, supportive services
are provided in the area of advising, testing and
computer-aided instruction.
GED classes are offered on FCCJ campuses
and in adult centers located in community schools,
churches and other available community facilities
throughout Duval County. Tuition is waived for
students who do not have a high school diploma
and test above the eighth grade level.
Students are encouraged to take the GED test
after exhibiting mastery of course materials and
successfully passing the GED practice examination.
GGEEDD EExxaammiinnaattiioonn
The GED (High School Equivalency) exami-
nation is a battery of five tests administered on a
regularly scheduled basis by Florida Community
College at Jacksonville to individuals who are at
least 18 years of age, not attending a public high
school, citizens of the United States or resident aliens
and Florida residents. Information on test registra-
tion may be obtained from any campus adult studies
office or the certification and assessment department.
Guidelines for the registration fee are established by
the Department of Education. Individuals who pass
the exam receive a diploma from the State Depart-
ment of Education.
Enrollment for Adult Studies Programs
Applicants who do not keep their GED exami-
nation appointment must repay the fee to reschedule
another appointment. GED registration fees are
AAdduulltt HHiigghh SScchhooooll
The adult high school program at Florida
Community College at Jacksonville provides the
opportunity for adults 16 years of age or older, who
have withdrawn from public or private high school,
to earn sufficient credits to receive an FCCJ high
school diploma. The adult high school program also
provides the opportunity for students enrolled in high
school to earn credits to transfer to their current high
school. In addition, students who have already grad-
uated from high school may earn credits in a specific
subject matter for college admission or other reasons.
Adult high school courses are offered during
the day and evening hours at all FCCJ campuses.
Tuition fees are waived for students who do not have
a high school diploma. Textbooks are purchased by
students, or they may use those
available in the class-
room or learning resources center.
The program provides supportive services for its
students in the area of guidance and counseling,
testing, computer-aided instruction and specialized
reading, writing and mathematics courses. Addi-
tionally the program allows students to make pro-
gress toward the attainment of high school credits at
their own pace in keeping with the program stan-
dards of progress.
AAdduulltt HHiigghh SScchhooooll RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
STATUS A — Applicants 18 years and older will
be admitted to the FCCJ high school completion
program to seek an FCCJ adult high school diploma
by submitting the following.
1. completed application including social security
2. proof of previous education (Applicants may
transfer credits earned from grades nine
through 12 and be placed into appropriate
courses to meet the credit requirements for
graduation. Official transcripts, grades earned
and other documents can be submitted for
specific course placement.)
3. citizenship verification (Applicants must be
citizens of the United States or resident aliens. If
applicants are not U.S. citizens or resident aliens,
FCCJ requires papers issued by the Immigra-
tion and Naturalization Service to determine
eligibility for admission.)
4. age verification restrictions (Applicants 16 or 17
years old must have been out of public or pri-
vate school for six full months. Proof of the last
date of attendance is verified by the following.)
a. official transcript (in a sealed envelope) with
date of last attendance indicated or
b. official withdrawal form from the school
c. letterhead with last date of attendance indi-
cated signed by a school official
d. confirmation from all high schools attended
that individual has not committed any of the
following offenses:
1. Distribution of drugs
Simple battery upon school employees or agents
3. Robbery
4. Extortion
5. Burglary of school property
6. Criminal mischief or vandalism
7. Possession of weapons or dangerous objects
8. Indecent public conduct
9. Battery upon another student resulting in bodily
10. Inciting or participating in a major student
11. Commission of any felony
If applicants do not attend the fall term when
school opens, the waiting period begins the last day
of the previous school year. One day of attendance
in the fall term cancels this rule.
Exception to this restriction is approved
only as follows.
a. school board waiver (letterhead obtained
from the school superintendent or designee
from the county school system where
applicants reside)
b. private school waiver (letterhead signed by
the principal of the school students were
STATUS B — Students who will transfer credit to
the high school in which they are enrolled must submit
the following.
1. a completed application membership including
social security number
2. permission letter (A letter on letterhead
stationery from the principal or counselor of the
high school to which the student desires to
transfer credit is required each time applicants
enroll. This should indicate which subject(s) are
approved for transfer credit.
3. confirmation from all high schools attended
that individual has not committed any of the
following offenses:
1. Distribution of drugs
Simple battery upon school employees or agents
3. Robbery
4. Extortion
5. Burglary of school property
6. Criminal mischief or vandalism
7. Possession of weapons or dangerous objects
8. Indecent public conduct
9. Battery upon another student resulting in bodily
10. Inciting or participating in a major student
11. Commission of any felony
STATUS C — Students who are already high
school graduates but who need credit for a specific
reason (e.g., seeking admission to FCCJ’s nursing
program but lack a chemistry credit) must submit
the following.
a completed membership application for admis-
sion including social security number
2. course fees (Students must pay fees for courses
AAdduulltt HHiigghh SScchhooooll GGrraaddiinngg SSyysstteemm
The grading system is designed to evaluate
the performance of students as fairly and equitably
as possible.
Letter grades will be assigned for courses as
A = 94 percent - 100 percent
B = 85 percent - 93 percent
C = 77 percent - 84 percent
D = 70 percent - 76 percent
I = Incomplete
IW = Instructor Initiated Withdrawal
NP = Non-punitive
W = Withdrawal
S = Satisfactory*
*This grade applies only to college preparatory
students (see below, “College Preparatory Program”)
Once a grade of “A,” “B,” “C,” “D” or “NP” in
a course has been reported to the registrar, it may be
changed as follows.
1. upon recommendation of the instructor who
assigned the grade with approval of the
program coordinator
2. upon recommendation by the program
coordinator and approval by the instructional
dean when the instructor who assigned the
grade is no longer a member of the faculty.
An “I” grade may be assigned only when
extenuating circumstances prevent students from
completing the course-work during the regular term.
To be eligible to receive an “I” grade, students must
have completed at least three-fourths of the
The “I” grade may be changed by the instructor
to “A,” “B,” “C,” “D” or “NP” within the time limit
indicated in the College calendar.
An instructor initiated withdrawal grade “IW”
may be assigned by adult studies instructors prior to
the withdrawal deadline to students who have been
absent from more than 15 percent of the scheduled
classes in any given term and
are not demonstrating
satisfactory progress. The “IW” grade is an optional
grade and may be assigned only after a warning
has been sent to the students. Faculty who intend to
use this grade option must clearly state that intention
in their course syllabi. Students may appeal an instruc
tor initiated withdrawal within 10 days of the with-
drawal by contacting the campus student affairs office.
Students registered in high school classes but
not earning high school credit will receive an “NG
(no grade).
The Florida State Department of Education has
established that adults can progress and earn
credit(s) within their own time frame. Thus, adults
may complete credit requirements as rapidly as they
are able to prove their mastery of skills.
A minimum of 24 unduplicated credits, grades
nine through 12, is required for an adult high school
diploma. The credit requirements are as follows.
1. English, four credits
a. English courses must include major concen-
tration in composition and literature
2. science, three full credits
a. laboratory courses, two full credits
b. non-laboratory courses, one full credit
3. mathematics, three credits
mathematics courses must include Algebra I or
4. social studies, three credits
a. American history, one credit
b. world history, one credit
c. American government, one-half credit
d. economics, one-half credit
5. study skills, one-half credit
6. career explorations, one-half credit
7. life management skills, one-half credit
8. practical arts, vocational education/exploration
vocational education, one-half credit and per-
forming fine arts, one-half credit or one credit
in either area
9. electives, eight and one-half credits
GGrraadduuaattiioonn RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
To graduate students must:
1. complete 24 credits: 15.5 credits of general
course requirements and eight and one-half
credits of approved electives,
complete a minimum of two full credits at FCCJ,
3. receive a passing score on the High School
Competency Test (HSCT), or equivalent state
approved assessment
4. acquire a minimum cumulated GPA of 2.0, (see
state student performance standards)
5. be classified as admission status “A
6. apply for graduation with adult studies adviser
Graduation and course requirements may
change. Please be sure to check with your adult studies
adviser and refer to the state student performance
standards listed in this section.
SSttaattee SSttuuddeenntt PPeerrffoorrmmaannccee SSttaannddaarrddss
All students must pass the Florida High School
Competency Test (HSCT) and/or other state man-
dated tests prior to graduation.
No student shall be granted credit toward a
high school diploma for enrollment in the following
courses or programs.
1. more than nine elective credits in remedial
programs as provided for in FS* 236.0841 and
remedial programs as provided for in FS*
232.246(8)(a) (Students entering the ninth
grade in 1997/98 may not use the level one
courses to meet graduation requirements.)
2. more than one-half credit in exploratory voca-
tional courses as defined in FS* 228.041(22)(a)(2)
3. more than three credits in practical arts home
economics as defined in FS* 228.041(22)(a)(4)
Students enrolled in the adult high school
program in pursuit of the high school diploma after
the beginning of the 1978 – 79 school year and
before the 1984 – 85 school year are required to
meet only those requirements for graduation that
were in effect at the time of their enrollment when
such enrollment has been continuous except for
summer terms.
Students enrolled prior to the 1997 – 98 school
year in the adult high school program have two
options in pursuit of the high school diploma.
Students have until the end of Spring/Summer Term
2003 to graduate, using level one courses to satisfy
graduation requirements using one of the following
two options.
Option 1: Earn a cumulative 1.5 GPA on a 4.0
scale in those courses taken prior to July
1, 1997, and earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA
on a 4.0 scale for courses, which are
taken after July 1, 1997, that apply to
the 24 credits required for high school
graduation as specified in subsection (1)
of section FS* 232.246, or
Option 2: Earn a cumulative 2.0 GPA on a 4.0
scale for courses that apply to the 24
credits required for high school grad-
uation as specified in subsection (1) of
section FS* 232.246.
For students entering the ninth grade for the
first time in the 1997 - 98 school year and thereafter,
a cumulative GPA of 2.0 on a 4.0 scale is necessary
to graduate from high school as specified in
subsection (1) of section FS* 232.246.
It is the students' responsibility to schedule and
participate in an exit interview with an adult studies
adviser and make application for graduation after
they have completed requirements. Before students
may graduate, they must have fulfilled all financial
obligations to the College.
*Florida Statutes
EEnngglliisshh ffoorr SSppeeaakkeerrss ooff OOtthheerr
LLaanngguuaaggeess ((EESSOOLL)) NNoonn--CCrreeddiitt
The adult education non-credit ESOL program
offers classes for community residents whose native
language is not English and who desire to learn and
improve their English language skills in preparation
for job placement. Instruction is offered at six
different levels, covering listening, speaking, reading
and writing skills from beginning to advanced.
Instruction including speaking, reading and writing
skills are taught at all levels. Before registration,
students must be tested to determine placement
levels. Classes are held at the Downtown Campus
during the day and at various high schools in the
evening. For testing and registration information
contact the ESOL office, Downtown Campus, at
Through its continuing education program,
FCCJ offers a wide variety of continuing workforce
education and recreation courses. These courses are
offered throughout the community college district
wherever the need exists and adequate facilities are
available. Courses are taught in public schools,
industrial plants, commercial office buildings, on all
the campuses and centers of the College, and other
suitable locations. The length and frequency of
meetings for classes differ and are determined by
the type and objectives of each course.
The primary purpose of these courses is to
provide individuals with the training needed to
upgrade or broaden their present skills and enhance
their occupational opportunities. This training also
provides the business and industrial community with
trained personnel.
The College maintains close liaison with
outside agencies to facilitate the educational and
training needs of the community. These groups
include: program advisory committees, professional
and civic organizations, governmental agencies, busi-
ness and industry as well as various other groups.
A high school diploma is not required for
enrollment in most continuing workforce education
courses, but students must be at least 16 years old.
New participants in the College’s continuing
education programs must submit a membership
application and the $15 application fee.
Non-resident aliens may enroll in continuing
workforce education courses; however, the College
will not issue immigration papers based on this enroll-
ment. Non-resident aliens must pay out-of-state
tuition for all classes except self-supporting classes.
PPrrooffeessssiioonnaall DDeevveellooppmmeenntt aanndd
SSeellff EEnnrriicchhmmeenntt
A variety of non-credit courses are offered
through two very popular program series: the
Professional Development Series and the Self
Enrichment Series. Brochures are available for a
wide variety of courses that provide new skills, help
develop new and exciting interests and offer
opportunities to have fun while in pursuit of lifelong
learning goals. For information call 633-8292.
SSppeecciiaalliizzeedd CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg
EEdduuccaattiioonn PPrrooggrraammss
Numerous nursing education programs are
planned to meet the educational needs of nurses by
updating knowledge and skills required for current
practice. These courses are designed to enhance the
quality of nursing care provided to the public.
Nursing practice is based on a continuously
expanding body of experience, knowledge and skills
which prepare nurses to function effectively as mem-
bers of the health care team.
Reassessment of learning needs and ongoing
evaluation of the current offerings are the basis for
future program development. Topics and locations
will vary to meet the diverse needs of the nursing
community. For information call 766-6581.
TTeeaacchheerr CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg EEdduuccaattiioonn
FCCJ offers coursework for teachers interested
in updating their skills, adding to their content or
renewing their teaching certificate. They can select
from a variety of courses including English, history,
psychology, science, mathematics, and computers.
Since 1984, FCCJ has been a leader in pro-
viding Northeast Florida with quality teleconferencing
services. These satellite telecasts link audiences to
prominent speakers and experts throughout the
region, across the continent and around the globe.
FCCJ sponsors special teleconference events
featuring local speakers, panel discussions, work-
shops and networking sessions on such topics as
Insurance, Health Care, Law, Education, Computers,
the Internet, and the Environment.
FCCJ is part of a statewide network of over 30
satellite downlink sites and offers C- and Ku-Band
downlinking, off-satellite taping, a variety of local
meeting sites for large and small groups, catering,
event planning and registration assistance, large
screen projection, direct phone lines and fax
machines, expert technical support and a trained
staff. For information call 633-8312.
RReeccrreeaattiioonn CCoouurrsseess
AApppplliieedd DDeessiiggnn aanndd MMaarrkkeettiinngg
The department of applied design and market-
ing offers courses for developing and/or increasing
knowledge and skills. Classes, workshops and semi-
nars are designed to meet the needs and interests of
the community. These include
beginning clothing
construction to the most advanced;
drapery, window
treatments and home accessories; crafts, quilting, and
nutrition, to name a few. For information call 381-3555.
OOppeenn CCaammppuuss CCoouurrsseess
Florida Community College at Jacksonville
offers recreational courses on request from the
community. These courses are supported by fees
(self-supporting) and not funded by the state. The
fee structure for these courses is calculated to cover
the direct instructional cost of offering the course to
the community. For more information call Open
Campus at 633-8292.
Enrollment for Continuing Education Programs
Tuition and Fees
MMeemmbbeerrsshhiipp AApppplliiccaattiioonn FFeeee
U.S. citizens $15
International students $80
This fee is a processing fee and is non-refundable.
CCoolllleeggee CCrreeddiitt RReeggiissttrraattiioonn FFeeeess
Fees listed may be changed with
approval of the District Board of Trustees. Current
fees shall be posted at the time of registration for
each term.
Florida residents $47.10*
Non-Florida residents $174.40*
*includes technology fee and parking fee
Students enrolled in college preparatory
instruction shall pay the same fees charged for
college credit courses. Students are limited to two
attempts of the same college preparatory class
within a skill area. After the second attempt, students
must enroll in adult education courses or use a
private vendor. Previous attempts made prior to Fall
Term 1997 do not count.
Students enrolled in the same undergraduate
college credit course more than two times, shall pay
course fees at the non-Florida residents rate.
Previous attempts made prior to Fall Term 1997 do
not count.
AAddddiittiioonnaall CCoouurrssee FFeeeess
Science laboratory fee per course
Materials fee per course
Fine arts fee per course
All applied music courses have an additional
fee. All fine arts courses beginning with prefixes ART,
PGY and MUM have an additional fee.
Selected courses have additional fees. The fee
will be specified at the time of registration.
Students may obtain this information from the
enrollment services office.
CCeerrttiiffiiccaattee PPrrooggrraamm aanndd CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg
EEdduuccaattiioonn RReeggiissttrraattiioonn FFeeeess
Fees listed herein are subject to legislative
budget constraints or as otherwise deemed appro-
priate by the College. Current fees shall be posted at
the time of any given registration.
Fees charged for non-credit adult and occupa-
tional education courses will be at least $1.20 per
total class contact hour. In most instances, fees for
non-Florida residents are triple those of Florida
residents and are in addition to matriculation fees.
Fees for avocational and recreational courses vary
according to the actual cost of the course. In addi-
tion, some courses may be assessed a materials fee.
For actual course fees, check the current term’s con-
tinuing education class schedule.
RReessiiddeennccyy RReeqquuiirreemmeennttss
Applicants for admission to FCCJ are classified
as Florida resident students or non-Florida resident
students for tuition assessment purposes.
Students may qualify as a resident in these
1. An individual, or, if dependent, their parent(s),
shall have established and maintained legal
residence in Florida for at least 12 months
immediately prior to the student’s enrollment.
However, dependents who have lived with an
adult relative other than their parent for five years
may qualify for in-state tuition purposes if the adult
relative is a legal resident who has maintained legal
residence in Florida as described above.
2. Individuals shall not be eligible to receive the
in-state tuition rate until they have provided
such evidence related to legal residence and its
duration as required by officials of the
institution of higher education. However, any
period of time in which the students reside in
this state primarily for educational purposes
may not be counted towards residency status.
3. The legal residence of dependents’ parent(s)
shall be evidence of their legal residence.
However, if the legal residence of the parent(s)
is outside this state, individuals who have lived
in this state for five consecutive years prior to
enrolling may apply for the in-state tuition rate.
4. Any non-resident individual who marries a
legal resident of this state may, upon becoming
a legal resident of this state, receive the benefit
of the spouse’s residency status.
5. No individual shall lose his or her resident
status by reason of serving or, if dependents, by
their parent(s) serving in the armed forces
outside this state.
6. The legal residence of dependents whose
parents are divorced, separated or otherwise
living apart shall be deemed to be Florida if
either parent is a legal resident of Florida.
Applicants should be aware that a false
statement regarding residency status is punishable
as a misdemeanor under Florida Statutes, Section
837.06. If a statement is determined to be false,
students shall be subject to discipline by the District
Board of Trustees which may include expulsion and
the withholding of credit.
Applicants who do not qualify as Florida
students under these provisions will pay the non-
Florida tuition and other charges required of non-
Florida students.
Students requesting to reclassify as a Florida
resident for tuition purposes must:
1. complete a residency reclassification form,
2. have documentation verifying residency and
intent to make Florida their home 12 months
prior to the first day of classes for the term of
reclassification, and
3. Submit all documents and forms prior to the
drop deadline for the term of reclassification.
Students that are spouses, dependents or
minors must present documents in the name of
the person that is a Florida resident. Students
may apply for residency reclassification at any
campus enrollment services office.
OOtthheerr FFeeeess
LLaattee RReeggiissttrraattiioonn FFeeee
The fee for late registration is $35.
RReettuurrnneedd CChheecckk FFeeee
Checks returned by the bank $15
This fee will not be assessed if the bank certifies
that the check was returned due to bank error. Unless
the returned check and $15 service charge are paid
in full on or before the prescribed deadline, students
will be disenrolled from all classes affected by this
returned check. Students who have been disenrolled
from their classes can re-enroll through the late
registration process and shall be charged the late
registration fee. For one full calendar year, the
College will not accept a check from these students.
TTeesstt aanndd EExxaammiinnaattiioonn FFeeeess
College Level Academic Skills Test
(CLAST) examination *$30
(*This fee is only charged to non-FCCJ students.)
Proficiency Examination Program
(PEP) examination $35
College Level Examination Program
(CLEP) examination $43
administration $7
DANTES Subject Standardized Test
(SST) examination $27
administration $7
Health Occupations Aptitude Examination
(PSB) examination $10
administration $6
General Education Development Test (GED)
(High School Equivalency)
Test 1 $8
Tests 2 through 5 (each) $7
Total Battery $35
(Fees established by the State Department of
Education. These fees are non-refundable.)
Validation of GED scores from out-of-state,
United States Armed Forces Institute (USAFI) or
DANTES (includes diploma if entitled) $5
Test fees will be waived for students enrolled in
a high school course for credit, if students wish to take
the test for that particular course.
Test fees are to be paid at time of making appli-
cation for the test. Test fees are non-refundable.
IInnssuurraannccee FFeeeess
Professional malpractice and liability insurance
risk coverage fees per course:
The risk coverage fee is non-refundable if students
withdraw after the official close of the add/drop
period for the term.
CCeerreemmoonnyy FFeeeess
Items purchased by the College to permit the
conducting of ceremonies in accordance with estab-
lished traditions for special programs, primarily in
the health-related education area, will be charged to
the affected students. Charges shall not exceed the
cost of the items purchased for students.
HHooww ttoo PPaayy
After you register, your courses are reserved for
you until your payment deadline. When we receive
your payment, your courses are locked in. If you
choose not to pay by the payment deadline, your
course reservation will be canceled, and you will
need to re-register. The College provides you with
three ways to pay for college credit courses: by
telephone, on campus and by mail.
Students registering for non-credit courses must
pay at the business services office at each campus.
Some continuing education courses are payable
through the office sponsoring the course. See the
college schedule for details.
The easiest way to pay for college credit courses
is directly through the Touch-Tone telephone regis-
tration system. You have two options: pay by credit
card (Visa, MasterCard or Discover Card) or pay by
financial aid. You can pay through the Touch-Tone
system at any time after you register, but remember,
if you choose to delay your payment it still must be
received by the deadline to lock in your schedule.
If you pay by financial aid and the operator
says, “No aid on file,” please contact a campus enroll-
ment services office for further service.
OOnn CCaammppuuss
You may pay your tuition and fees at the
business office on any Florida Community College
campus. On campus, you can use cash, check,
money order or credit card (Visa, MasterCard or
Discover Card) to pay your fees.
BByy MMaaiill
Pay by mail instructions and forms are printed
in each college schedule.
AAggeennccyy SSppoonnssoorreedd PPaayymmeennttss
When a sponsoring agency or organization has
agreed in writing to reimburse FCCJ for the
registration fees and/or books for students, these
students are responsible for bringing a copy of the
authorization to any campus student aid office.
Once the student aid office has entered the
authorization into the computer, students must report
to registration and have the authorization pay for
their fees. If the sponsoring agency does not render
payment to the College in the prescribed manner,
the sponsored students will be liable for any charges
incurred on their behalf and will be billed by the
College. Students will be required to render payment
within 10 days of the billing date.
PPaayymmeenntt ooff SSttuuddeenntt AAccccoouunnttss
DDuuee tthhee CCoolllleeggee
FCCJ prohibits the registration of, release of
transcripts to, or the issuance of a certification of
completion or diploma to students whose accounts
with the College are delinquent. Students who fail to
pay short-term loans, veterans deferment or other
debt by the date established by the College may be
disenrolled or turned over to a collection agency and
will not be able to register and receive transcripts.
FFeeee RReeffuunnddss
Refunds for cancelled classes will be processed
automatically on a timely basis by the finance
Students who wish to drop a class to receive a
refund or clear their financial aid must report to the
campus enrollment services office and complete a
drop card no later than five business days after the
beginning date of class or the date shown on the
registration receipt, whichever is later. No refund of
fees will be made on classes for which the fee is less
than $5, unless the College cancels the class.
If a veterans deferment is authorized and the
College cancels the class(es) or the registration of
students is cancelled, the deferment will be reduced
by the amount of the cancelled class(es) for students.
Amounts due the College will be deducted before
any check or credit memorandum to the credit card
account is issued.
FFeeee RReeffuunnddss,, CCoonnttiinnuuiinngg EEdduuccaattiioonn CCoouurrsseess
SSeemmiinnaarrss aanndd WWoorrkksshhooppss
As published in the announcement, workshops
or seminars which require special arrangements
may provide no refund of fees if participants cancel
after the time specified in the announcement.
RReeffuunndd PPaayymmeenntt DDaatteess
Refund checks or credit memoranda to credit
card accounts will be made in accordance with the
schedule established by the College.
Students paying part of their tuition with cash/
check and part by credit card will receive a credit
memoranda to their credit card account.
SSttuuddeenntt AAiidd
Student financial aid assistance is made avail-
able from federal, state, private or institutional
sources. Depending upon the type of aid, eligibility
is determined by one or more of the following
factors: financial need, academic achievement,
disability and/or special talent. To be considered, all
students must submit the free application for federal
student aid each year and maintain satisfactory
progress. Minimum standards of progress for finan-
cial aid students are the same as for the general
student population. See previous section on “Standards
for Student Success.” There are many types of finan-
cial assistance offered at FCCJ, including grants,
loans, work programs and scholarships. Assistance
is provided without regard to race, sex or age.
Grants are financial aid awards not requiring
Loans must be repaid and include interest.
Repayment usually begins shortly after a student
graduates, leaves school or drops to less than half
time attendance.
Work Programs allow students to work and earn
money to help pay for school. Some work programs
are based on financial need, others are not.
Scholarships are awarded based on academic
achievement, financial need and/or other criteria.
Talent Grants pay tuition and fees for students
who demonstrate outstanding talent or ability in a
specific area.
The free application for federal student aid is
used to determine eligibility for federal financial aid
and is also required for students interested in any
other type of aid, including scholarships. Students
should apply early, preferably by March 15. When
requesting aid from federal sources, students may
be required to provide documentation. Financial aid
transcripts are also required for each college pre-
viously attended even when no aid was received. It
takes approximately six weeks to process an appli-
cation and make an award.
To be eligible for federal financial assistance,
students must be enrolled in a college credit pro-
gram or an eligible vocational program. Eligible
vocational programs are listed in this catalog and
require 600 or more contact hours. Students
admitted under the following classifications are NOT
eligible for financial aid: special student, non-
degree-seeking, accelerated college, audit, early
admission, dual enrollment and international
student (F-1 Visa).
Application forms, brochures and handbooks
providing more specific information are available
for pickup at each of the campus enrollment services
office or by mail via the College’s Information
Center, 501 West State Street, Jacksonville, FL 32202
VVeetteerraannss AAffffaaiirrss
Veterans benefits are a form of student aid
awarded to eligible individuals based on their
military service. There are currently five programs
provided under Title 38 of the United States Code
which authorizes payment of educational benefits to
eligible individuals.
Chapter 30 — New GI Bill — members of the
armed forces who entered active duty for the first
time after June 30, 1985.
Chapter 31 — Disabled Veterans — members
having a service-connected disability which entitles
them to veteran compensation.
Chapter 32 — Veterans Educational Assistance
Program (VEAP) — members who initially entered
service after Dec. 31, 1976.
Chapter 35 — Survivor and Dependents —
sons, daughters, spouses and surviving spouses of
veterans who died in service, as a result of a service-
connected disability or became permanently and
totally disabled.
Chapter 1606 — Selected Reserve Program —
members of the selected reserve who are certified by
their unit commander and the VA.
A veterans representative is located in the
enrollment services office on each campus and at
the Martin Center for College Services to provide
forms and information pertaining to educational
assistance for veterans. The following action must be
taken once the veteran student has been admitted to
the College.
1. Complete the necessary applications at the
enrollment services office on any campus.
2. Provide copies of all DD214’s if applicable.
3. Provide a copy of marriage licenses, birth
certificates and divorce decrees, if applicable.
4. Provide a certificate of eligibility from VA, if
Inquiries relating to benefits should be directed
to the VA agency that is providing the benefits. Once
students have been certified, they are required to
notify the campus enrollment services office each
time they make a change in enrollment.
CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn RReessttrriiccttiioonnss
The College’s veterans affairs office will audit
all courses for enrolled students who are eligible to
receive benefits. There are restrictions as to the pro-
grams and courses for which students will be certified.
1. Students may only be certified for programs,
courses and terms approved by the state approv
ing agency.
The declared program of study must be the same
on both the College’s record and the student’s
official Veteran Affairs file. Students must follow
the program of study outlined in their gradua-
tion status sheet and can only be certified for
courses which are required for graduation.
Financial Aid
3. Students cannot be certified for an audit
course, a course for which they have previously
received credit or the repeat of an “I” grade
within one year.
4. Non-punitive grades will be reported to the
Department of Veterans Affairs and will affect
the previously submitted certification within a
given term.
5. Veteran students must achieve satisfactory
academic progress in order to continue to be
certified. Unsatisfactory progress must be
addressed with an academic counselor before
certification can be resumed. Minimum stan-
dards of progress are the same as for the general
student population. See previous section on
“Standards for Student Success.”
AAtttteennddaannccee PPoolliiccyy
Veterans in vocational programs are allowed
two days of unexcused absences per class per calen-
dar month. Excused absences are those occurring
for the reasons cited hereafter and officially accepted
by the director of student aid.
1. Personal Illness — Must be supported by a
physician’s signed statement on letterhead
stationery, specifying the dates the student was
incapable of attending classes.
2. Death in Family — Pertains to death of a
parent, spouse, children, brothers or sisters
only. Must be supported by valid evidence that
indicates date of death and relationship of
deceased person to the veteran.
3. Jury Duty — Must be supported by a document
from the court showing dates of jury service.
Documentation of excused absences must be
submitted no later than the 10th calendar day of the
month following the month in which the absences
occurred. All unexcused absences are reported to
the Veterans Administration. Partial days of absence
are converted to full days. Veterans reported for
failure to attend class will be contacted by the
college veterans affairs office. Without a satisfactory
explanation and immediate resumption of atten-
dance, veterans will be reported to the VA as having
terminated attendance in that course. Individuals
reported for excessive absence will be eligible for
recertification at the
beginning of the following term
providing other enroll
ment criteria are met.
DDeeffeerrmmeenntt aanndd SShhoorrtt--TTeerrmm LLooaannss
Short-term loans are available to students with
documented need and ability to repay. Students
must have no other source of funds with which to
meet temporary costs of education. One deferment
of tuition charges per year is available for veteran
students who qualify. The VA deferment and short-
term loan due date is determined as follows.
1. If the term is at least 60 calendar days in
length, the obligation must be cleared no later
than 60 calendar days from the beginning date
of the term.
2. If the term is less than 60 calendar days, the
obligation must be cleared no later than 10
calendar days from the end of the term.
If the date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or
holiday, it may be paid the next work day.
SSppeecciiaall PPrrooggrraammss OOffffeerriinngg FFiinnaanncciiaall AAiidd
IInnVVEESSTT PPrrooggrraamm
The InVEST program is a cooperative effort by
FCCJ, the health and business communities, and
other agencies to recruit individuals 18 years of age
or older into non-credit vocational training pro-
grams. The program is designed to provide support
and encouragement for adults who are educa-
tionally or economically disadvantaged. Assistance
and services that the program offers include: tuition,
transportation and other financial assistance; career
advising; assistance with registration for vocational
classes; TABE testing and voca
tional assessment;
services to students with disabilities;
and financial aid
advising. Program availability is subject to continued
funding through the Carl Perkins Vocational and
Applied Technology Act of 1998. For more information
call 633-8189 or 633-8398 at Downtown Campus
or 766-6701 or 766-6689 at North Campus.
TTaaxx CCrreeddiittss
The federal government's Taxpayers Relief Act
of 1997 (TRA ’97) provides new tax benefits to help
families meet the cost of post-secondary education.
The TRA '97 contains the Hope Scholarship Tax
Credit for students in the first two years of post-
secondary (college and vocational) education and
the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit for other students.
Because each person's tax situation is unique,
students interested in these tax credits should consult
their tax advisor to determine eligibility. More
information can also be obtained by calling the IRS
at (800) 829-1040 and asking for IRS publication
970 or logging on to the IRS website at
www.irs.ustreas.gov or U.S. Department of Educa-
tion website at www.ifap.ed.gov.
PPrreeppaarree ffoorr SSuucccceessss::
AA CChheecckklliisstt ooff HHiinnttss
There are a few things that you can do to help
your college experience go more smoothly for you.
Check off the following items as you complete them.
Walk around the campus and find out where
your classes will be meeting. This will keep you
having having to hurriedly look for them the
first day of class and risk being late.
Locate the nearest parking lot to your classes
and save time by parking there. Parking lots are
crowded at the beginning of the term, so get
there early to get the spot you want.
Check the bus schedule if you aren’t driving to
school, and make sure you can make connec-
tions to get to your first class on time.
Keep your book receipt and don’t mark in your
books, so if you end up changing your schedule,
you can return those books.
Be on time for class. First impressions count
with instructors, so you might even want to be a
little early. Try to sit in the center and front, so
you can see what is written on the blackboard.
And remember to take notes. Instructors can go
over some important information that first day
that they may not mention again.
Study the class syllabus. The syllabus outlines
class activities for the term, the name of the
textbook, any special projects or assignments,
the instructor’s attendance policy and grading
policy and due dates for tests and other
assignments. It’s important that you get a copy
of the syllabus for each of your classes and that
you are there when the instructor reviews it. If
you don’t understand something, that’s the time
to ask questions and get things straight.
Accept the fact that you’re likely to feel some
anxiety about beginning your college career.
This is a natural feeling, shared by your fellow
students and one that can be minimized by
adequate preparation.
MMoosstt CCoommmmoonnllyy AAsskkeedd QQuueessttiioonnss
I attended college credit classes at FCCJ several
years ago. Do I need to complete another
application for admission?
No, check with the campus enrollment services
office to update your records and prepare for
I don’t care anything about receiving credit for
my class. Do I still have to complete an application?
Yes, then you may enroll and audit the class.
What is the difference between degree seeking
and non-degree seeking?
FCCJ offers two kinds of college credit degrees
for degree seeking students — the associate in arts
(A.A.) and the associate in science (A.S.). A.A.
students who want to transfer to a four-year college
or university receive an A.A. degree. Students who
want to obtain a two-year degree in a specified area
of expertise receive an A.S. degree. Non-degree
seeking students are not trying to obtain a degree.
They may be taking classes for work advancement,
to transfer credit back to another college or for
personal enrichment.
Where do I have my transcripts from another
institution sent?
Have them sent to: Florida Community College
at Jacksonville, Student Records Office, 501 W. State
St., Jacksonville, FL 32202-4030.
How do I get a transcript sent to another institu-
Fill out transcript request forms in the campus
enrollment services office. If you are going to
another college or university, transcripts can be
requested by phone.
FFiinnaanncciiaall AAiidd
Where do I go for information on financial aid?
Contact the enrollment services office on the
campus you plan to attend.
Does FCCJ provide scholarships for students?
Yes, contact the enrollment services office on
the campus you plan to attend.
When is college-credit registration?
Refer to the dates listed in the College credit
class schedule (available in the campus enrollment
services office).
May I register if I haven’t gotten my transcripts
from another institution/high school/Navy/etc.?
It’s not a problem, if it’s your first term enrolling.
But if they are not received by the end of the term,
you cannot register for subsequent terms. In this case,
you will be notified and will need to continue to fol-
low-up until all of your transcripts have been received.
You may not qualify for financial aid, however, until all
transcripts are received and evaluated.
Tips for Success and Answers to Questions
May I register at one campus for classes at
another campus?
You may register for any class at any campus;
you can also do this by Touchtone telephone. (See the
special section in the College credit class schedule.)
When is the last day to register?
Refer to the College credit class schedule or
check with the campus enrollment services office.
When does the term start and end?
Refer to the College calendar listed in the catalog.
How can I get a catalog? An application? A
class schedule?
You may pick one up at any campus enrollment
services office or call 646-2300.
What are telecourses?
Telecourses are a form of independent study
broadcast on cable television. Each lesson is shown
at least twice a week. Students come to campus
three to four times during the semester to take
exams. A copy of the current schedule can be picked
up at any campus enrollment services office.
What kinds of telecourses are offered?
Courses are listed in the College credit class
schedule, and are available in the enrollment
services office at all campuses.
How do I register for a telecourse?
Apply and register just like any college credit class.
Where do I get my books?
Textbooks are available at any campus bookstore.
Where do I take my telecourse test?
You can take the test at the campus where your
instructor is located or at an alternative test site. (Call
your professor for alternative locations.)
Where do I view the videotapes for my telecourse?
If you miss viewing them at their regularly
scheduled time on cable TV, you can view them at
the learning resources center on any campus.
How long do you have to live in Florida to be
considered a resident?
You must live in Florida 12 consecutive months
prior to the first day of classes to qualify as a resident.
If my spouse is in the military, do I qualify for in-
state tuition?
If your spouse is stationed in Florida on active duty,
you and your dependents qualify for in-state tuition.
DDrrooppss aanndd CCaanncceellllaattiioonnss
How do I drop a class in order to obtain a refund?
Complete a drop card before the deadline
listed in the FCCJ catalog. You may also drop
classes by Touchtone telephone if it is during the
telephone registration period.
When will I get my refund?
You will receive your refund within four to six
weeks. Checks are not processed until after the drop
deadline. If you paid with a charge card, your card
will be credited, otherwise you will receive a check.
When is the last day to drop a class?
Refer to the College calendar listed in the catalog.
If I miss the drop deadline, can I get my money
Obtain an appeal form from the dean of
student affairs office on your campus to request a
refund, if you feel the circumstances warrant it.
My class was cancelled. How do I get my refund?
Refunds are mailed automatically unless you
register for another class in its place.
Why was my class cancelled?
Usually a class is cancelled when too few stu-
dents enrolled in that particular class.
How much do books cost?
Books vary in price, but $15 per credit hour is
a good benchmark.
When does the bookstore buy back books?
This varies from term to term; check with the
Where do I get a parking decal?
Decals are available at the campus security
Where do I pay my parking fine?
Pay it in the campus business affairs office.
Who can I contact if I don’t know what to do to
resolve a problem?
Contact a counselor or adviser within the
campus student affairs office. They are specially
trained to answer such questions and to help you
obtain the assistance you need.