Student Timekeeper
Issued by:
Human Resources
Joal Administration - 211
P: 559.278.2032
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Table of Contents
Introduction & Mission Statement ................................................................................................................ 1
General Student Employment Information .................................................................................................. 2
Orientation ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Position Description .............................................................................................................................. 4
Nature of Employment .......................................................................................................................... 4
Purpose of Student Employment… ........................................................................................................ 4
Student Employment Eligibility Requirements ...................................................................................... 4
Work Hours (Limitations) ...................................................................................................................... 4
Concurrent Appointment ...................................................................................................................... 5
Benefits & Works Compensation .......................................................................................................... 5
Voluntary Resignation……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
Involuntary Resignation…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
Student Assistant Duties & Responsibilities .................................................................................................. 7
Conduct ................................................................................................................................................. 7
Dress Code ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Meal Breaks and Rest Periods ............................................................................................................... 7
Attendance............................................................................................................................................ 7
Personal Phone Calls/Cell Phone Usage ................................................................................................ 7
Parking ..................................................................................................................................................7
Homework ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Policies and Procedures ................................................................................................................................ 8
Confidentiality & The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) ........................................... 8
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) .................................................................................................. 8
Harassment Policy .................................................................................................................................. 8
Policy ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
Smoke Free Work Place Policy ............................................................................................................... 9
Drug Free Work Place Policy8
Safety ........................................................................................................................................................... 9
General Code of Safe Practices .............................................................................................................. 9
Safety Awareness ................................................................................................................................. 9
Employee Concerns ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Student Assistant Job Posting ...................................................................................................................... 10
How to hire a Federal Work Study Student...10
Job Posting Information ........................................................................................................................ 10
GPA Requirement.................................................................................................................................. 10
Informational Workshops ..................................................................................................................... 10
Hiring a Student ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Add Student Job (New Employee) ................................................................................................................ 12
Complete Background Check Questionnaire ................................................................................................ 13
Add Student Job (No Break in Service-transition from 1870 to 1874 OR 1874 to 1870… ................................. 14
Add Student Job (Previous Employee- Break in Service)… ............................................................................ 15
Add Student Job (Work Study)… ................................................................................................................... 16
Student Hire Action/Reason Codes… ........................................................................................................... 17
Types of Student Employment… ................................................................................................................... 18
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Change Reports To ....................................................................................................................................... 19
Changer Chartfields To .................................................................................................................................. 20
Table of Contents (continued)
Student Assistant Pay Process ...................................................................................................................... 21
Add, Delete, or Change Time……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..23
Department Pay Period Report………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….24
Congratulations and welcome to your position as your departments Student Employee Supervisor/Timekeeper! As a
Student Employee Supervisor of Fresno State, we want to provide the best work experience possible so that students
can gain real working skills to take into their careers post-graduation. Campus job opportunities are available to students
in an effort to foster students’ growth personally and professionally. We understand the challenge that many students
face of having to work and at the same time attending school. We hope this employment opportunity helps alleviate
some of that load and allows them to thrive in their education! The goal and responsibility of Student Employee
Supervisors are to coach and mentor our student assistants, to help them develop strong work habits, learn
responsibility, time management and equip them with leadership skills that will afford great benefits in today’s job
As a Student Employee Supervisor, you are a vital part of our university. This handbook will introduce you to our
university mission, new-hire/re-hire processes, relevant student employee policies, expectations and codes of conduct.
Policies, procedures and rules are subject to change without notice and without regard to prior policies, procedures or
rules that were in effect at the time of initial employment. Please read it carefully and keep it for future reference!
If at any point you have an issue or concern, please contact us at the Human Resources Department for guidance and
assistance at 559.278.2032.
Our mission is to enhance the university community by attracting, retaining, and supporting a quality workforce in
its effort to provide an excellent educational program for our students.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
As a Student Assistant Supervisor/Timekeeper, you are responsible for providing students with their orientation and
any necessary training within your department. Please keep in mind that orientation and training may vary from
department to department.
Position Description
All student assistants should be provided with a position description from your respective department. It is important
for students to recognize that their job duties are a vital part of ensuring a successful work experience. You will also be
responsible for going over what the needs are within the department and how they pertain to their role as a student
assistant. In many cases this may be their first job, so it is extremely important as their Supervisor/Timekeeper that you
provide them with all the training/skills necessary for them to be a successful part of your department.
Nature of Employment (At-Will)
All student employment with Fresno State is voluntary and is subject to termination by your respective department or
by the student at will, with or without cause, and with or without notice, at any time. Due to student employment being
temporary by nature, student employment is automatically terminated at the end of the academic year. Please
coordinate with your students for the availability of appointments (employment) for the upcoming semester or have
them visit the Career Development Center webpage and view current jobs listed on HireFresnoState.
Purpose of Student Employment
The purpose of student employment is to provide students with a valuable experience related to their educational goals
and assist with financial support to help meet the cost of attending college. In addition student assistants provide useful
supportive services to the various academic and administrative programs and departments.
Student Employment Eligibility Requirements
In order to be eligible for student employment, a student must be currently enrolled at Fresno State during the regular
term Fall or Spring, whichever is applicable. Student assistants must be enrolled in at least six (6) units if an
undergraduate student; four (4) units if a graduate student and cannot be employed in a regular state classification.
In order to be eligible for continuing employment during summer session the student needs to have taken courses in
the preceding spring and be accepted for classes in the following fall semester. The same notion applies for continuing
employment during winter session, the student needs to have taken courses in the preceding fall and be accepted for
classes in the following spring semester.
Entering students may be employed as student assistants, if they have received formal notice of admission to Fresno
State. Graduating student assistants are allowed to work one term immediately following graduation, up to the day
before the next term starts.
Work Hours (Limitations)
Student Assistants, including Bridge and Federal Work-Study programs are limited to a maximum of 8 hours per day
and 20 hours per week when regular classes are in session. A student may work up to 40 hours per week if they are not
enrolled in classes during the following breaks: winter, spring, and summer.
Overtime: Student assistants do not qualify for overtime. In California, overtime is considered to be anything over 8
hours in a day and anything over 40 hours in the work week.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Concurrent Appointment
A student may be concurrently employed as a Student Assistant, Work-Study Student Assistant, Graduate Assistant
and/or Teaching Associate as long as the student does not exceed a combined total of 20 hours per week during a
regular semester and 40 hours per week if they are not enrolled in classes on campus during spring, summer, or winter
session. However, student assistants may not concurrently hold a staff position, lecturer/faculty position or two
concurrent work-study positions.
Benefits/Workers’ Compensation
Student assistants are paid for time worked. Students do not accrue vacation, sick or holiday time nor are they eligible
for health benefits. Please note that as a condition of enrollment at Fresno State, students are automatically enrolled
in the CSU-approved health insurance policy. The health premiums are a part of the Tuition and Mandatory fees for
the semesters they attend. For services please visit the Student Health and Counseling Center.
Student assistants who suffer an injury/illness on the job or due to his/her job, are entitled to Workers’ Compensation
benefits. If an injury occurs, the student must immediately notify you as their Supervisor or the Workers’
Compensation Manager Tracey Garza at (559) 278-2125, of the work illness or injury.
Separation Process
At separation, either voluntarily or involuntarily, the Student Assistant is to return all university property and
equipment, such as uniform, key, key cards, laptop, etc. to the department. Direct the Student Assistant to update
his/her current address for W-2 purposes using Self Service on the MyFresnoState portal.
Voluntary Resignation
If a Student Assistant voluntarily resigns, the Student should give his/her department as much advance notice as
possible, either in written form or verbally. Normal practice states that Student Assistants should give at least two
weeks’ notice. However, this is not a requirement.
Voluntary Resignation Process
1). Initiate the action to end the appointment by contacting your Payroll Technician at least two weeks prior to
the date the appointment is to end. This initial contact is to discuss the process and ensure appropriate steps are
taken to end the appointment and comply with legal requirements.
2). Enter the hours worked in PeopleSoft on the Timesheet. Advise your Human Resources Consultant that the
hours have been entered into PeopleSoft to initiate the termination process. Lead time is necessary to process
the final payment for the Student Assistant. An employee who resigns from employment must be paid wages
earned no later than 72 hours from the date of separation. However; if the employee provides at least 72 hours’
noticed of his/her impending separation, he/she is entitled to owed wages at the time of separation as required
by CSU Technical Letter HR 2003-15.
Involuntary Resignation
Because Student Assistants are considered at-will employees, a department may terminate his/her employment at any
time either for departmental or organizational needs, lack of work, unsatisfactory performance, or other appropriate
Involuntary Resignation Process
1). Initiate the action to end the appointment by contacting your Payroll Technician at least two weeks prior to
the date the appointment is to end. This initial contact is to discuss the process and ensure appropriate steps are
taken to end the appointment and comply with legal requirements.
2). Enter the hours worked in PeopleSoft on the Timesheet. Advise your Human Resources Consultant that the
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
hours have been entered into PeopleSoft to initiate the termination process.
3). The final paycheck will be ready for the department to pick up on the morning of the last date of
employment. If insufficient notice is given to Human Resources/Payroll, the last day of work may have to be
adjusted accordingly to comply with legal requirements.
4). On the last day of work, the appropriate manager must inform the Student Assistant in writing (using
department letterhead) that his/her appointment is ending and present the final paycheck at the same time.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
All student assistants are expected to follow acceptable business and professional principles in matters of business and
personal conduct. The university expects all student assistants to adhere to the following general principles:
Observe the highest standards of professionalism at all times.
Perform responsibilities in a manner consistent with the university’s values and ethical standards.
Comply with all laws applicable to the institution.
Treat everyone they come in contact with, in a welcoming and respectful manner.
Unsatisfactory performance, work habits, or overall attitude, conduct or demeanor; violation of institutional policies,
procedures or guidelines or any other behavior or conduct deemed inappropriate by the university or department may
result in termination of employment for a student.
Dress Code
Student assistants should dress in attire that is appropriate for their particular position of employment. Please be sure
to provide students with clear expectations of what appropriate attire is for the specific department they will be working
Meal Breaks & Rest Periods
Student assistants working more than six (6) hours in a day are required by law to take at least a ½-hour unpaid lunch
break within the first five (5) hours of working.
Student assistants are entitled to a 15-minute rest period (break) for every four (4) hour interval worked or major
fraction thereof. Rest periods are employer paid. Breaks may not be accumulated and used as excused time off. In some
departments, you may schedule rest periods.
A vast majority of Fresno State departments depend upon student assistants daily. Students should understand that
their acceptance of the position on-campus does require them to have good attendance habits and to be punctual. As
a Student Supervisor please remember that Student Assistants are Students first, but they also need to provide you
with their school schedule to ensure appropriate coverage within the department.
Communication of unforeseen absences due to illness or other uncontrollable circumstances should be addressed as
soon as possible. It is the student’s responsibility to inform you in a timely manner for approval of any absences that
may occur due to vacation, class conflicts, etc.
Personal Phone Calls/Cell Phone Usage
Personal telephone calls or cell phone usage are discouraged and should be made during breaks or lunch time. However,
we should understand that there are times when they are necessary during business hours. Therefore, student
assistants should communicate with you about any situation that may require the use of their cell phone.
Student employees who wish to park on campus must purchase a student parking permit. Student employees are not
eligible to park in employee parking lots/spaces.
Doing homework or studying while at work is prohibited unless permission is given.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Confidentiality & The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
FERPA is a federal law that guarantees the confidentiality of student records. Student employees must not, under any
circumstances, release student information to anyone (including parents and employers), unless they have been
instructed to do so. Student employees are expected to reframe from discussing student information with family or
friends. Student assistants are not permitted to check into student records, unless it is a required function of the job.
Some student assistants may have access to sensitive and proprietary information. Due to the nature of certain
information, student assistants who are in a sensitive positon may be required to complete an Accurate Background
Check and/or fingerprinting through Live Scan. If this is a requirement, you must inform the students of the appropriate
steps to take. The protection of confidential business information is vital to the interests and the success of Fresno
State. Confidential information should not be shared with anyone without expressed consent. As a student assistant
Supervisor, it is imperative that you train students on the importance of confidentiality.
Student employees who improperly use or disclose confidential information will be subject to disciplinary action, up to
and including termination of employment and legal action.
Note: If a job requires a student to access confidential information, you must have the student complete the Student
Employment Confidentiality Agreement.
Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
Fresno State is committed to a respectful work and learning environment characterized by integrity, civility and ethical
behavior by its faculty, staff, and students. The California State University does not discriminate in employment on the
basis of race, color, national origin, gender, age, marital status, religion, mental or physical disability, sexual preference,
pregnancy, or special disabled veteran status (Vietnam era or other covered veteran status). Protection against unlawful
discrimination or harassment in the work place is guaranteed by a number of federal and state civil rights laws, rules,
and regulations, by executive orders, and by university policies. Fresno State’s Policy Statement (in the Equal
Employment and the Equal Opportunity Plan for Individuals with Disabilities, Disabled Veterans, Veterans of the
Vietnam Era, and Other Eligible Veterans) addresses equal opportunity in employment for students.
Fresno State is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
Harassment Policy
Harassment on the basis of sex is prohibited by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act as well as Title IX of the Education Act.
Sexual harassment is a violation of Section 703 of Title VII. Sexual harassment refers to the unwanted imposition of
sexual attention usually in the context of a relationship of unequal power, rank, or status, as well as the use of one’s
position of authority in the university to bestow benefits or impose deprivations on another. This applies equally to all
students, staff, faculty, and managers at California State University, Fresno. Harassment includes verbal, nonverbal,
and/or physical conduct that has the intent or effect of unreasonable interference with individuals’ or groups’ education
or work performance. This may also include actions that create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive working or learning
environment. Both men and women can be the victims of sexual harassment.
Student Supervisors or Students who believe they are victims of sexual harassment should contact the Office of the Vice
President for Student Affairs and Dean of Students, (559) 278-2541. The staff can explain the complaint procedures
available to students on our campus. For more information about the complaint process, please contact Marylou Miller,
Associate Vice President of Human Resources, (559) 278-2364. Other resources include the deans and associate deans
who are trained to respond to inquiries.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
*Required Training: Student assistants are required to complete the CSU: Preventing Discrimination and Harassment
for Non-Supervisors course. If you do not receive notification to complete the required training, please advise your lead.
Nepotism Policy
It is the policy of the California State University to seek the most qualified candidates through appropriate search
procedures preceding each appointment and promotion. Student Employees with immediate family of members
working on campus must adhere to the guidelines in the CSU Policy HR 2004-18
( If you have questions regarding hiring eligibility, please
contact Human Resources.
Smoke-Free Campus
Fresno State’s commitment to student success extends beyond the classroom, and we strive for a safe and healthier
environment for which students, faculty, staff and visitors can learn, teach, work and think. Thus, Fresno State is now
100% tobacco-free, smoke-free, and vapor-free campus.
Drug-Free Workplace Policy
Fresno State complies with state and federal drug abuse regulations including the Drug Free Workplace Act of 1988. It
is against Fresno State policy to unlawfully manufacture, distribute, dispense, possess or otherwise use a controlled
substance in the workplace. Student assistants found to have violated this policy will be subject to disciplinary action
up to and including termination. Student employees will be provided the Fresno State drug-free workplace policy at the
time of hire. The student assistant will be required to certify his/her understanding of the policy by signing an employee
certification form.
General Code of Safe Practices
It is the policy of Fresno State that everything possible will be done to protect students, employees, customers and
visitors from all accidents. Safety is a cooperative undertaking requiring participation by every employee, including
student assistants. Please do your part to ensure the safety of yourself and students. The Safety Coordinator within
your department should provide all Students with a copy of the general code of safe practices during their orientation.
It’s important to inform all Student Assistants with what the emergency and evacuation procedures are for their area.
Although these situations may never arise during their employment, the Students should know what to do and what is
expected of them in the event of an emergency.
Safety Awareness
In fulfilling the responsibilities of their new position, Students may become aware of safety problems such as heavy
boxes stacked too high, cracks in flooring, or other potential hazards. Students should inform you immediately of the
problem so that steps can be taken to quickly correct it. If there is an unsafe working condition in their work area that
you cannot resolve, immediately notify the Environmental Health and Safety, Risk Management & Sustainability
Administrator at 559.278.7422.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Students are a valued part of our campus! We want them to enjoy their work experience and gain the experience that
will benefit their future. We encourage you to keep us informed should there be any concerns about their
employment, or should you encounter any work-related problems that need to be addressed.
If you have any concerns, questions, complaints, and suggestions, please inform your department manager. We want
to ensure that you have the opportunity to take immediate action and address concerns. Informing us early on will help
us initiate an interactive process that will bring about a timely resolution.
In the event that a work-related problem cannot be resolved by your department manager, please contact the Human
Resources department at (559) 278-2032.
It is mandatory for all departments hiring Students to post job openings through the Career Development Center onto
the HireFresnoState (formerly BulldogLink & HireTopDogs) website at If you have further questions about creating a job description or
posting, you may contact the Career Development Center at 278- 2381.
How to Hire a Federal Work Study Student
For information on how to hire a Federal Work Study Student please contact the Financial Aid department or the
Work Study Coordinator Lisa McReynolds at 278-6566. You may also visit the Financial Aid website at
Job Posting Information
A HireFresnoState posting may serve as a job description and a job advertisement. All student employment job
opportunities must be made reasonably available to all eligible students to comply with federal regulations and Equal
Employment Opportunity laws. Hiring departments are required to advertise their job openings with enough detail to
qualify as the job description.
Informational Workshops
Future workshops will be made available to all Supervisors/Timekeepers discussing all Hiring Policies, Hiring
Procedures, and Student Assistant Expectations.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Once a student is offered a position in any given department. The student MUST be hired in PeopleSoft proactively.
The department hires the student using the CSU Student process page.
Example of New Student Hire:
Main Menu > Time
Administration > Time and
Labor > CSU HR Student
1. Enter the Students
ID number.
2. Click “Student
Employee Search”.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
ADD STUDENT JOB (New Employee)
If student has NEVER been
employed, enter a NEW record
for them.
If the student has previously
been employed, select the first
INACTIVE record to rehire
student. (REH/REH) whether it
is a record from your
department or not.
Student WILL NOT be allowed
to work until all hiring
paperwork, including Form I-9,
is complete.
1. Enter the Effective Date
2. Action will be HIR for
“Hire. Reason will be PT
for “Appoint or CON for
“Concurrent”, (Student
has other ACTIVE
student assistant
3. Position number. Click
on magnifying glass, pull
down tab for
Department”, enter
your department
number. A list of job
codes will appear. Be
sure to select correct job
code for your
Job Code. *See list page
next page. The Job Code will
populate from the Position
Number you selected in Step
4. Hourly Rate. Enter
Student’s hourly rate of
5. Standard Hours must
equal .40 (Used for
benefits eligibility).
6. Expected End
Date. Use last day
of academic year.
Click “Save”.
NOTE: Work Study student in last
Must enter “Work Study Item Type”.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Once the Student has been hired,
the Student Saved Successfully
page will display.
The Complete the Background
Check Questionnaire will display
at the bottom of the page.
This must be completed to
determine if a background check
is needed for the new Student
Answer each Key Duty and
Responsibility by checking the
Yes or No box.
If one or more of the Key Duties
and Responsibilities is marked
Yes, a Background Check will be
Human Resources will then
notify the Department and
student via email that a
Background Check will be
ordered through Accurate
Once the Background Check is
completed, the Student and
Department will be notified that
the Background Check is
complete and the student may
then begin their Student
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
ADD STUDENT JOB (Previous Employee with No Break in Service)
If the student is currently
employed, and is changing job
codes (1870 to 1874 or 1874 to
1870), select the ACTIVE record
for your department. Use codes
(DTA/APT) to update the
student’s job code during
transitions from Spring to
Summer or Summer to Fall.
1. Enter the Effective Date
2. Action will be DTA for
3. Reason will be APT for
“Renew Appointment”.
4. Position number. Click
on magnifying glass, pull
down tab for
“Department”, enter
your department
number. A list of job
codes will appear. Be
sure to select correct job
code for your
Job Code. *See list page next
page. The Job Code will
populate from the Position
Number selected in Step #3.
5. Hourly Rate. Enter
Student’s hourly rate of
6. Standard Hours must
equal .40 (used for
benefits eligibility).
7. Expected End
Date. Use the LAST
day of the pay
Click “Save”.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
ADD STUDENT JOB (Previous Employee with Break in Service)
If the student has previously
been employed, select the first
INACTIVE record to rehire
student. (REH/REH) whether it
is a record from your
department or not.
Student WILL NOT be allowed
to work until all hiring
paperwork, including Form I-9,
is complete.
1. Enter the Effective Date
(First day of work).
2. Action will be REH for
3. Reason will be REH for
4. Position number. Click
on magnifying glass, pull
down tab for
“Department”, enter
your department
number. A list of job
codes will appear. Be
sure to select correct job
code for your
Job Code. *See list page next
page. The Job Code will
populate from the Position
Number selected in Step #3.
5. Hourly Rate. Enter
Student’s hourly rate of
6. Standard Hours must
equal .40 (used for
benefits eligibility.
7. Expected End
Date. Use last day
of academic year.
Click “Save”.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
NOTE: Must enter “Work Study
Item Type”.
The Work Study Item Type can
be obtained from the Financial
Aid Office. If you have any
questions regarding a Work
Study Item Type, please contact
the Financial Aid Office directly
at 278-
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Displayed are ACTION CODES used for Student Employees.
The Action Codes should be
used as follows:
DTA = DATA Change
Used to transition existing
appointment from 1870 to
1874 OR 1874 to 1870 job
HIR = HIRE a NEW employee
No existing employment
record or adding an additional
employment record
PAY = Change PAY Rate
Used to give student
employee a pay increase.
Used to rehire employee from
a record that shows
Used to terminate student’s
Displayed are REASON CODES
used for Student Employees:
Used for transitioning existing
employees to a new job code
or appointing new employees
Used for employee with 2 or
more ACTIVE records
Used for rehiring previous
Used to increase student pay
Used to terminate
employment record
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Displayed is a list of Job Codes for Student Employees.
Campus Employment (CE)
Class Code 1870 & Class Code 1868 (Non-resident Alien)
The Campus Employment Program is a university-funded program
that enables undergraduate and graduate students to work part-
time, on-campus jobs regardless of financial need. To qualify for
CE, students must be enrolled in a degree-granting program, carry
the required amount of units, be eligible to work in the United
States, and be in good judicial standing.
Federal Work-Study (FWS)
Class Code 1871(Off-Campus) & Class Code 1872 (On-Campus)
The Federal Work-Study program is a government-sponsored
program that enables students to work part-time to help meet
the cost of their education. Jobs may be located on or off
campus. In order to be hired through this program, FWS
recipients must have financial need as determined by the
Financial Aid Office.
Bridge Student Assistant (BSA)
Class Code 1874
Bridge Student Assistants are students not enrolled in summer
session and are employed, working more than 20 hours per week
during the months of June and July.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
When entering the student new hire into PeopleSoft, the “Reports To” manager will automatically default to one
Department Chair or MPP per department. The Reports to” may be changed to the specific MPP or Department
Chair supervising the student for final approval of time. This is manually entered by the department timekeeper, as
displayed below.
Main Menu > Time >
Reports to Maintenance.
1. Search by Department
2. Find Employee you wish
to change “Reports To”
3. Enter the “Effective
4. Search for the “Reports
To Position Number
using the magnifying
glass icon in the row of
the employee you wish
to make the change for.
5. Search by Last Name or
department. When you
locate the new “Reports
To”, click on their name.
6. Click “Save”.
NOTE: HR will review and
process accordingly. The
update will be made to
either Position management
and job data (if 1
incumbent) or job data only
for multiple incumbents.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
When entering the student new hire into PeopleSoft, the Chartfield will default by job code. The Chartifield will default
to the last used Chartfield each pay period. Should the Chartfield need to be changed, or split funding need to be
added, the Timekeeper may manually change the Chartfield as outlined below.
Main Menu > Time
Administration > Time and
Labor> Distribution
Review and Update
1. Search by department
2. The Account Code
Maintenance screen will
display. (Example 1-
Full Screen, Example 2-
View of fields to
3. Enter effective date of
change. Enter
Chartfield code in
“Combination Code 1”
field. If you are splitting
funding, you may enter
Chartfield code in
“Combination Code 2”
field, and charge to
Chartfields by
4. Click “Save”.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
Reviewing and Approving Reported Hours Worked
Student assistants are responsible for entering their hours electronically. As a Student Assistant Timekeeper, you are
responsible for reviewing and approving reported time either at the end of each work week or the end of every
month. This section will demonstrate how you will review and approve reported time.
1. Log onto MyFresnoState.
2. Main Menu > Time Administration> Time and Labor> Review Reported Time.
a. NOTE: This page will ONLY show time reported time that has NOT been approved.
The Timesheet Summary
page will display.
1. Enter criteria. You may
enter by:
a. Department number,
which will bring up all
student employees.
b. individual employees
by using EmplID, Last
Name, First Name,
c. Group ID.
2. Click “Get Employees”
Note: You may view the
employee population by:
3. “All Time Before” Date, by
“Week”, or by “Day”. You
may approve all student
employees’ time at once by
clicking “Select All”,
followed by “Approve
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
If a detailed review of
individual(s) student
employee timesheet is
necessary, then click on the
individual’s name, and the
following will appear:
4. You may approve or deny
submitted time by day
(see arrows).
Note: Comments may be
made for specific
transactions (either by
student or by Timekeeper). If
comments are made, the
comment “bubble” on the
right will look like this:
Once time is approved, you
will receive the following
confirmation message.
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
This section demonstrates how to add, delete, or change the time of your Students after they have submitted their
hours. Your students do not have access to correct their time entry mistakes after they submit their hours. All
corrected time will be available for approval immediately. Note: Students will not be allowed to enter over 8 hours
worked per day.
Navigate to Timesheet
Search for and select the
employee that needs time
1. Enter the corrected total
hours worked that day.
Select REG - Regular
Hours Worked from
the Time Reporting
Code dropdown menu.
The student will
automatically be sent an
email notifying them of
the change.
2. Click the “Submit
3. Click on the “comments
bubble” and add
comments regarding the
4. Select the day to approve
5. Click the “Approve
Selected” button.
Click “Approve Selected”
Once you have approved
changes, you will receive a
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
The Department Pay Period Report is a report you can run to view all pay period report information for Student
Employees as well as Hourly Staff Employees. This report may be run multiple times per month to monitor which
employees have time outstanding that needs to be reviewed and approved. This report will also give work study
balances for students under the work study program.
To Print the Department Pay Period
Report, use the following path: Time
Administration > Time and Labor >
Department Pay Period Report
1. You may sort the report by
staff, hourly and student
2. Enter Department Number
3. Enter the Pay Period you would
like to view.
4. Click Run
5. The Process Scheduler Request
page will display, click Ok.
6. Click Report Manager to find the
Pay Period Report once it is
Fresno State Human Resources
Updated July 2019
Student Timekeeper Handbook
The Department Pay Period Report is shown below. The example shows the report split in half due to space limitations
Reported Needs Approved: Shows Employees Reported Time
Reported Approved: Shows Time already approved by Time Keeper
Payable Needs Approval: Time waiting for MPP/Chair approval
Payable Approved: Time already approved by MPP/Chair
Rate: Hourly rate of pay
Estimated Gross: Amount of check before taxes
Reports to: Reports to Manager
Distribution Information: Chartfield being charged
Remaining Work Study $: Amount of work study award remaining (if any).