Employment Agreement—Straight Employment – Page 1 www.NBAC.com
The following sample agreement is provided only as an example. It is intended for familiarizing parties who are
considering entering into such arrangement. However, this sample should not be used without the services of
an attorney. The law varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction and parts of this agreement may be invalid,
incomplete or unenforceable depending upon the jurisdiction in question.
Employment Agreement—
Straight Employment
This Agreement is made and entered into this _____ day of _______, 201_,
by and between ___________________ (hereinafter “Employee”), and
_________________, D.C., (hereinafter “Employer”).
WHEREAS, __________ Corporation
is duly organized and licensed to
practice chiropractic in the state of (State) as a Professional Corporation and is
presently engaged in the practice of chiropractic in (City), (State), and
WHEREAS, Employee has requested that Employer employ him or her as a
chiropractor, and
WHEREAS, Employer does need the services of chiropractor, and is willing to
hire Employee in order to provide Employee with training and employment, and
NOW, THEREFORE, the parties agree as follows:
(The first several paragraphs are used to state when the agreement is
entered into and by whom. It stipulates the simple qualifications of each
party and in the last section lays out a primary point of protection in the
event the covenant not to complete is violated. Enforcement of a
covenant not to compete can often times prove difficult to enforce.
However, the agreement states that the associate is needed and the
Employer is willing to provide training and employment.)
1. Employment. Employer hereby employs Employee and Employee hereby
accepts employment from Employer during the term set forth below, upon
the terms and conditions set forth herein. (It is important to note that the
Employee is accepting employment based upon the terms and conditions
which are stated in the contract.)
For the purpose of this example, a corporation is referenced. However, the same concepts generally will
apply to other practice legal structures, as well.
Employment Agreement—Straight Employment – Page 2 www.NBAC.com
2. Term. The term of this Agreement shall commence on a date designated by
Employee, which date shall be (Date Employment Begins). The Employment
Agreement shall continue until the last day of the twelfth (12th) month
following the month in which Employee commences employment, unless
sooner terminated by the parties as provided herein.
(A set duration for the agreement can establish the specific expectations for
the parties. However, from a practical standpoint, the Employer is bound by
the length of the contract but the Employee may not be. There is little relief
available to an Employer if the Employee resigns before the expiration of the
term of employment as set forth in the contract. For that reason, the
Employer may consider an “at will” contract term. The agreement is still
controlling to establish the terms of the employment so long as it continues,
but leaves both parties free to terminate the relationship at any time. The
Employer might also consider stating the renewal terms in this section
instead of in Section 9.)
3. Compensation. Compensation shall be at the annual rate of $(Amount of
Compensation). Uncollected amounts due to bad debt shall not be deducted
from compensation. Each party mutually agrees that Employer shall own all
of the accounts receivable generated during the term of this agreement.
(The sample is currently drafted as an annual salary. Other compensation
possibilities that could be spelled out in the agreement include bonuses, or
compensation based on a revenue sharing or production unit basis.)
4. Duties. Employee shall engage in the practice of chiropractic at Employer’s
office or offices in (City), (State). Employee shall conduct herself in a
manner consistent with all ethical requirements of professionals in his or her
capacity in the state of (State), and in a manner consistent with the conduct
acceptable for chiropractors in said locale.
5. Expenses and Facilities. Employer shall provide Employee with professional
liability insurance coverage with limits of at least $____/$____ (e.g.,
$1 million/$3 million, at the expense of Employer. Employer shall pay all
professional dues and license fees applicable to Employee. Employer shall
pay continuing education expenses including course books, tuition, and
over-night lodging in any calendar year. Employee shall be entitled to
participate in Employer’s retirement plan as outlined in the “Summary Plan
Description.” Employer shall also provide Employee with office facilities
including all equipment and instruments necessary to conduct Employee’s
chiropractic practice, an office space for Employee, and the services of a
chiropractic assistant together with such supplies, including uniforms, and
Employment Agreement—Straight Employment – Page 3 www.NBAC.com
other facilities as are reasonably necessary for the efficient conduct of the
practice of chiropractic by Employee. Personal office furnishings shall be
provided by Employer.
(This section is covering some options of benefits for the Employee. These
benefits will vary in each practice but certain benefits may require your
participation. We would recommend that what is offered should compete
with your local market. If you have a retirement plan in place, you must be
very careful not to violate the terms of the plan. Prior to bringing in an
associate this subject needs to be discussed with the plan’s administrator.
An average office’s offering would include professional liability, continuing
education in the annual range of $250 to $500, supplies and uniforms.)
6. Reimbursement. Employer shall pay or reimburse Employee for all
reasonable expenses incurred by him or her on behalf of Employer at
Employer’s request. Reimbursement shall be made only for expenses
approved in advance by Employer and upon presentation by Employee to
Employer of itemized statements or receipts in a form satisfactory to
Employer. Expenses incurred by Employee to maintain an office in his or her
home, attend conventions, and maintain membership in chiropractic
societies shall all be considered expenses of the Employee.
7. Vacations. Employee may absent herself for personal or vacation time of not
more than __ days during any calendar year.
(Employers have several different options to deal with time off. They may
allocate specific number of days to vacation time, sick time, personal time,
or holiday time. Other employers use paid time off (PTO) as one identifier
for all time off during the year with no difference between vacation, sick,
and personal time.)
8. Hours of Practice. The parties agree that Employee shall be scheduled for
regular office hours as mutually agreed by the parties in a (full/part)-time
capacity. By (full/part)-time capacity, the parties agree that Employee shall
be scheduled for work at least (Number of Hours) (__) hours in any given
week unless Employee uses (vacation/sick/PTO) time off as set forth above.
(The point to consider in this section is that when bringing in any Employee
that Employee qualifies for most benefits if working 1,000 hours or more per
year. Some offices may be looking for the Employee/Associate to provide
“over-load” assistance and may need the Employee fewer than 20 hours per
week. It is assumed, however, most would be looking for “full-time”
Employment Agreement—Straight Employment – Page 4 www.NBAC.com
assistance. It is with these employees additional risk may occur.)
9. Termination of Employment. This Agreement may be terminated by the
parties under any of the following events:
A) Immediately in the event Employee shall be guilty of fraud, dishonesty or
any other act of gross misconduct in the performance of Employee’s
duties, which involves moral turpitude.
B) Immediately upon Employee being in breach of any provision of this
Agreement after having fifteen (15) days’ notice from Employer of such
breach and the opportunity to cure.
C) Upon notice from the Employer in the event Employee shall become
totally disabled for a period of ninety (90) days or more, which prevents
Employee from performing the substantial duties of his or her
D) Upon the mutual agreement of the parties.
E) Upon any date following the completion of the one-year term set forth
under this Agreement provided, however, that the party desiring to
terminate said Agreement shall give at least ninety (90) days written
notice to the other party of their intent to terminate the Agreement upon
a date following completion of said one-year term. In the absence of such
notice, such Agreement shall continue following the expiration of said
term until terminated as provided under this paragraph 9.
F) Upon the death of Employee.
G) Upon either party giving thirty (30) days written notice of intent to
terminate during the first six (6) months of this Agreement, which shall
be effective without cause.
10. Covenant Not to Compete. Following the completion of the initial six
months of employment and during the remaining term of this association
and for a period of one (1) year after termination of the association,
Employee shall not, without the prior written consent of Employer, engage
in or in any manner be connected or concerned directly or indirectly,
whether as an officer, director, stockholder, partner, owner, employee or
otherwise, with the operation, management or conduct of any practice of
chiropractic within a (Number of Miles) (__) mile radius of (Community
Practice Located), (State), other than as an Employee of Employer
pursuant to this Agreement.
The parties agree that this covenant is reasonable and necessary to
protect the interests of Employer hereunder in retaining the patients of
Employer’s offices. In the event Employee directly or indirectly violates
any of the provisions of this covenant, the parties agree that the
Employment Agreement—Straight Employment – Page 5 www.NBAC.com
Employer will not have an adequate remedy of law and that injunctive
relief shall be available to Employer to restrain any further breach, in
addition to any other remedies at law.
The parties further agree that in the event of any breach, the amount of
damages which would be sustained would be difficult to ascertain and the
parties hereby agree that Employer shall be entitled to obtain liquidated
damages, and not as a penalty, an amount equal to the salary and fringe
benefits paid or provided by Employer to Employee during the previous
one hundred eighty (180) days. In addition, he or she shall be responsible
for the payment of all of the Employer’s expenses, including reasonable
attorney’s fees, incurred in the enforcement of such covenants.
(The enforceability of covenants will vary, and it is difficult, if not
impossible, to say what works in one location will work in another. You
will need to discuss this with your attorney who may have had
experiences in this area of contract law. For instance, the mile radius used
will vary. In smaller communities it is not unusual to see radius distances
discussed in the 20, 30 and even 50 mile range. In larger urban areas the
distance discussed might be in the one to five mile range. And, then again
some areas won’t recognize any distance range at all. The same applies to
the liquidated damages provision. Some states will enforce them; some
states will not. Covenants not to compete can be difficult to enforce, are
fact specific, and can vary from case to case and state to state. One
alternative that may be more enforceable is to establish a “contract”
where the new doctor agrees to pay $x to the established doctor if he/she
opens up within a certain radius. Be sure to consult your attorney for an
option that works for your practice in your practice location.)
11. Records. Upon the termination of this Agreement, Employee shall not be
entitled to keep or preserve records or charts of Employer as to any
patient unless said patient shall specifically request a different disposition
of his records, and in no event shall Employee be entitled to the records
of patients not treated by him or her. Copies of the records of patients
treated by Employee will be made available to Employee for the defense
of any claims against Employee after termination of this Agreement.
(The records are always retained by the practice. As it states, copies of
the records of the patient’s treatment by the Employee can be made
available for defense of potential claims, but original records are always
kept by the Employer.)
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12. Attorneys’ Fees. In the event of a breach of this Agreement by any party,
the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover its attorney’s fees and
other costs incurred in any enforcement or litigation incurred as a result
of a breach or alleged breach of the Agreement.
13. Notices. Any notice required or permitted to be given under this
Agreement shall be sufficient, if in writing, and given to the party at their
last known address or such other address as is specified in this
Agreement, or by such party in writing from time to time.
14. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the
State of (State) and enforced in (County) County.
(It is important to note where the agreement will be enforced, which
should be the state in which the employment occurs.)
15. Severability. If any provision of the Agreement is held invalid by any
tribunal in a final decision from which no appeal is or can be taken, such
provision shall be deemed modified to eliminate the invalid element, and,
as so modified, such provision shall be deemed a part of this agreement.
If it is not possible to modify any such provision to eliminate the invalid
element, such provision shall be deemed eliminated from this Agreement.
The invalidity of any provision of this Agreement shall not affect the force
and effect of the remaining provisions.
(This paragraph is also important as it states if a provision is modified or
eliminated, the invalidity and elimination does not affect the remaining
provisions. This is an important section and must be included in all
16. Forum Selection and Jury Waiver. Employer and Employee agree that any
dispute arising under or related to this Agreement shall be litigated in a
state or federal court in ____________ [county and state of practice].
The parties agree to waive the right to transfer venue of this action to any
(A jury trial waiver can be an effective tool for the Employer. Juries may
feel sympathetic to employees in these types of disputes, so keeping the
decision in the hands of the judge can be important for an Employer.)
Employment Agreement—Straight Employment – Page 7 www.NBAC.com
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have entered into this Agreement on the
year and date first above written.
________________________ _____________________, D.C.
Employee Owner