The Polarity of Online Reviews: Prevalence,
Drivers and Implications
Verena Schoenmueller, Oded Netzer, and Florian Stahl
In this research, the authors investigate the prevalence, robustness, and possible reasons underlying the polarity of online review
distributions, with the majority of the reviews at the positive end of the rating scale, a few reviews in the midrange, and some
reviews at the negative end of the scale. Compiling a large data set of online reviews—over 280 million reviews from 25 major
online platforms—the authors find that most reviews on most platforms exhibit a high degree of polarity, but the platforms vary in
the degree of polarity on the basis of how selective customers are in reviewing products on the platform. Using cross-platform
and multimethod analyses, including secondary data, experiments, and survey data, the authors empirically confirm polarity self-
selection, described as the higher tendency of consumers with extreme evaluations to provide a review as an important driver of
the polarity of review distributions. In addition, they describe and demonstrate that polarity self-selection and the polarity of the
review distribution reduce the informativeness of online reviews.
imbalance, online reviews, polarity, self-selection, user-generated content
Online supplement:
Consumer online reviews have become an integral part of the
consumers’ decision-making process. A recent study found that
online reviews influence purchase decisions for 93% of con-
sumers (Kaemingk 2019), and 91% of consumers trust online
reviews as much as personal recommendations (Igniyte 2019).
Online reviews have also been shown to have an economic
impact (e.g., Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006; Dellarocas, Zhang,
and Awad 2007; Liu 2006; Moe and Trusov 2011).
One common finding in the study of online reviews has been
that reviews have a mass at the positive end of the rating scale,
with a few reviews in the midrange and some reviews at the
negative end of the scale (Hu, Pavlou, and Zhang 2017; Moe,
Netzer, and Schweidel 2017).
Indeed, analyzing all consumer
reviews of 24 product categories of the e-commerce retailer
Amazon, we find that the aggregate distributions of reviews
in all 24 categories shows this pattern of polarity in the distri-
bution of reviews.
This finding is surprising given that online
reviews represent crowdsourcing of preferences and experi-
ences of a large body of heterogeneous consumers, which often
have a normal distribution (Hu, Zhang, and Pavlou 2009).
The tendency to observe primarily positive reviews has
fueled the debate on how informative consumer reviews actu-
ally are (Fritz 2016; Hickey 2015) and whether these consumer
reviews mirror “true” product
quality (De Langhe, Fernbach,
and Lichtenstein 2015). Survey results show that consumers
seem to react to the polarity in the distribution of reviews:
92% of consumers say they will use a local business only if
it has an average rating of at least four of five stars (Sa leh
2015), which indicates that the average rating acts as a thresh-
old criterion rather than a continuous measure. Thus, the com-
mon pattern of online reviews may signal a mismatch between
consumers’ true preferences and those exhibited in online
reviews, potentially hindering the usefulness of these reviews.
We describe the common pattern observed in the distribu-
tions of online reviews along two dimension s: polarity and
imbalance. Specifically, we define “polarity” as the proportion
Verena Schoenmueller is Assistant Professor, Bocconi University, Italy (email:
[email protected]). Oded Netzer is Professor of Business,
Columbia Business School, Columbia University, USA (email: onetzer@gsb. Florian Stahl is Professo r of Marketing, University of
Mannheim, Germany (email: [email protected]).
Herein, we use the term online reviews” to refer to numerical ratings
consumers provide for products or services. Thus, we use “reviews” and
“ratings” interchangeably in the remainder of the article.
See Web Appendix 1.
Throughout the article we use “product” to refer to a product, service, or
Journal of Marketing Research
2020, Vol. 57(5) 853-877
ª American Marketing Association 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
DOI: 10.1177/0022243720941832
of reviews that are at the extremes of the scale and “positive
imbalance” as propor tion of positive (vs. negative) reviews.
Polarity thus captures how extreme the distribution of reviews
is. Positive imbalance indicates the skewness of the distribution
toward the positive side of the scale.
Our aim is to explore the polarity and imbalance of online
reviews across platforms, its antecedents, and its downstream
consequences. Specifically, the objective of this research is
threefold: (1) to investigate how prevalent and robust the polar-
ity and imbalance of the distribution of reviews is across plat-
forms, (2) to analyze the role of polarity self-selection
(consumers with more extreme opinions are more likely to
write reviews) in explaining the heterogeneity in the distribu-
tion of online reviews across platforms, and (3) to explore the
possible downstream consequences of polarity self-selection.
Although the polarity of review distributions has been
widely acknowledged as the predominant underlying distribu-
tion of online reviews (e.g., Hu, Pavlou, and Zhang 2017; Li
and Hitt 2008), it is unclear how prevalent the polarity of
review distributions is. The majority of previous academic
studies on consumer reviews have relied on data from Amazon.
In fact, 30 out of 64 papers
that investigate numerical rating
scales summarized in recent meta-analyses use Amazon
reviews (Babic´ Rosario et al. 2016; Floyd et al. 2014; You,
Vadakkepatt, and Joshi 2015). Online reviews on Amazon are
indeed characterized by a high polarity and a positive imbal-
ance. Thus, the apparent prevalence of the polarity of review
distributions in academic research may be driven by an avail-
ability bias, focusing on the prevalence of Amazon reviews. In
addition, because the majority of the studies have investigated
either a single or a couple of platforms, these studies were not
able to explore the systematic variation in the distribution of
reviews across review platforms.
To investigate the heterogeneity in the review distributions,
we have compiled an expensive data set of over 280 million
online reviews generated by more than 24 million reviewers
from 25 platforms (e.g., Amazon, Yelp, Expedia), covering
more than 2 million products and services and reflecting dif-
ferent types of platforms (e.g., e-commerce, review and com-
parison sites) and various product/service categories (e.g.,
books, beers, hotels, restaurants). We find that, while the most
dominant distribution of online reviews across platforms and
product categories is indeed characterized by high degree of
polarity and positive imbalance, online reviews of several plat-
forms and product categories are less polar and positively
imbalanced. Moreover, we find that the distribution of reviews
of the same product can differ across platforms. This raises the
question, what drives the variation in the review distributions
across platforms? Using a hierarchical model, we investigate
the relationship between the distribution of reviews across plat-
forms and different characteristics of the platforms such as the
products reviewed, the platform’s business model, the rating
scale, and how often people review on the platform. We find
that platforms on which people review a large number of prod-
ucts exhibit lower polarity relative to platforms on which peo-
ple elect to review only selected products. We further find that
several other platform characteristics can explain the variation
in polarity and imbalance across platforms. Importantly, even
controlling for a host of platform characteristics, the frequency
in which reviewers review on the platform is a robust driver in
explaining the variation in polarity across platforms. We also
find a relationship between frequency of reviewing and posi-
tive imbalance, though it is less robust than the relationship
with polarity.
Accordingly, we subsequently investigate the selectivity in
which consumers make the effort to review only products with
which they are very sat isfied or unsatisfied, which we call
“polarity self-selection” (Hu, Pavlou, and Zhang 2017). We
use a multimethod approach including secondary data analyses,
experiments, and surveys to consistently demonstrate that the
number of reviews the reviewer has written on the platform can
serve as a managerially relevant, and easy to collect proxy for
polarity self-selection. Specifically, we find that reviewers with
a higher ratio of products reviewed to products purchased
(lower self-selection) exhibit less polar and more balanced dis-
tributions of reviews. We further establish polarity sel f-
selection in an experimental setting by manipulating polarity
self-selection experimentally while holding all other factors
constant. We find that consumers who were asked to review
the last experienced product (no polarity self-selection) pro-
vided less polar reviews compared with consumers who
selected the product they wish to review out of all products
they have experienced.
Finally, w e investigate t he downstream c onse quence s of
polarity self-selection for key metrics such as sales, objective
quality, and review usefulness. We show that the greater the
polarity self-selection, the lower the relationship between the
average rating of online reviews and downstream behaviors.
This result may provide a first explanation for the inconclusive
results in previous studies regarding the relationship between
the average rating and sales (e.g., Babic´ Rosario et al. 2016;
You, Vadakkepatt, and Joshi 2015) as well as between average
ratings and objective quality (De Langhe, Fernbach, and Lich-
tenstein 2015).
The rest of the article is organized as follows: First, we
relate our work to previous research on online and offline word
of mouth (WOM) and possible self-selection in generating
WOM. Next, we describe the large-scale data set of online
reviews that we compiled, including over 280 million reviews.
The main body of the paper consists of three sections (see
Figure 1). In the first section, we explore the robustness of
polarity and imbalance across platforms and the role of polarity
self-selection in explaining the variation across platforms. In
the second section, we investigate the mechanisms underlying
polarity self-selection and the polarity and imbalance of online
reviews. In the third section, we investigate how the polarity
and imbalance of online reviews can affect the informativeness
of these reviews. We conclude with a discussion of our
This includes journal publications and conference proceedings but excludes
working papers and unpublished (at the time) dissertations.
854 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
findings, implications for consumers and online review plat-
forms, and an outlook toward future research.
The Polarity of Online and Offline WOM
Our research builds on and extends the findings of previous
research that documented the polarity of the distribution of
online reviews (e.g., Dellarocas, Gao, and Narayan 2010; Feng
et al. 2012; Godes a nd Silva 2012; Hu, Pavlou, and Zhang
2017; Zervas, Proserpio, and Byers 2015), offline WOM
(e.g., East, Hammond, and Wright 2007; Naylor and Kleiser
2000) and consumer satisfaction (e.g., Danaher and Haddrell
1996; Peterson and Wilson 1992). Although prior research has
documented the presence of polarity and imbalance in online
reviews, it has neither investigated their robustness nor the
possible reasons for their variation across platforms.
Self-selection has been suggested as a potential driver of the
polarity of review distributions (Li and Hitt 2008). The primary
forms of self-selection discussed in the literature are purchase
self-selection (Hu, Pa vlou, and Zhang 2017; Kramer 2007),
intertemporal self-selection (Li and Hitt 2008; Moe and
Schweidel 2012), and polarity self-selection (Hu, Pavlou, and
Zhang 2017). In the context of online reviews, the most dis-
cussed form of self-selection is purchase self-selection—that
is, consumers who are a priori more likely to be satisfied with a
product are also more likely to purchase it, and thus, the initial
group of potential reviewers might already be more positive
about the product than the general population (Dalvi, Kumar,
and Pang 2013; Kramer 2007). Purchase self-selection has also
been discussed in the satisfaction literature, suggesting that, on
average, consumers are often satisfied with the product they
purchase (e.g., Anderson and Fornell 2000; Lebow 1982; Mit-
tal and Kamakura 2001; Mittal and Lassar 1998; Peterson and
Wilson 1992). We note, however, that it is not clear whether
one could call purchase self-selection in the context of online
reviews a “bias” per se, as consumers who intend to buy the
product may be interested in the preferences of only the self-
selected group of consumers who were interested enough in the
product to purchase it. Assuming that mo st consumer s who
reviewed a product bought it (a few exceptions might include
fake reviews or incentivized reviews), purchase self-selection
alone cannot explain the variation in the polarity of the review
distributions across platforms/products/reviewers/reviews as it
is likely to affect all of the reviews. That being said, purchase
self-selection is likely to play a role in the observed polarity
and positive imbalance of online reviews relative to the prefer-
ences of the entire consumer universe.
Intertemporal self-selection arises when consumers at dif-
ferent times in the product or consumer life cycle elect to
review products. For example, Li and Hitt (2008) demonstrate
that earlier reviews in the product life cycle tend to be extreme
and positive due to self-selection of the type of reviewers (early
vs. late adopters), giving rise to a polar distribution early on in
the product life cycle. Another form of intertemporal self-
selection is due to social influence. Seeing previous reviews
can influence one’s motivation to review as well as the actual
Cross-Platform Analyses
The Role of Polarity Self-
Downstream Consequences
of Polarity Self-Selection
Aggregate analyses
Individual-level hierarchical
Establishing metrics for
polarity self-selection
The role of polarity self-
selection in the polarity of
online reviews
Secondary data
The role of social
The relationship between
polarity self-selection and:
Objective quality
Review helpfulness
While most platforms exhibit
polarity and positive imbalance,
the degree of polarity and
positive imbalance varies
substantially across platforms.
The degree of polarity and
positive imbalance on the
platform is related to the
frequency in which reviewers
review on the platform.
Individuals who write few
reviews tend to offer more
polar views, which results in
polar review distributions.
The number of reviews a
reviewer has written on the
platform is a good proxy for
Polarity self-selection still
appears in first review of
Reducing polarity self-selection
can increase the information
contained in online review
Sequence of
Figure 1. Road map for investigating the polarity and imbalance of online review distributions.
Schoenmueller et al. 855
review provided (Godes and Silva 2012; Moe and Schweidel
2012; Moe and Trusov 2011; Schlosser 2005).
In addition to purchase self-selection, Hu, Pavlou, and
Zhang (2017) and Dellarocas, Gao, and Narayan (2010) also
discuss self-selection due to consumers’ greater propensity to
review products, with which they had either extremely good or
bad experiences (polarity self-selection). The tendency to
weigh negative and positive experi ences more strongly is
rooted in social psychology (Skowronski and Carlston 1987)
and applied in the context of offline and online WOM (e.g.,
Berger 2014; Schlosser 2005). It has been suggested that
extreme cues are perceived as less ambiguous and more diag-
nostic, and thus they receive heightened attention (Gershoff,
Mukherjee, and Mukhopadhyay 2003). The WOM literature
suggests mixed results with respect to the likelihood of satisfied
and dissatisfied consumers to spread WOM. Some suggest that
dissatisfied consumers are more likely to spread WOM (e.g.,
Heskett, Sasser, and Schlesinger 1997; Silverman 1997),
whereas others find a higher likelihood for satisfied consumers
(e.g., East, Hammond, and Wright 2007; Engel, Kegerreis, and
Blackwell 1969). Anderson (1998) reports a U-shaped fre-
quency of offline WOM for satisfied and dissatisfied consu-
mers. Online reviews, in contrast, ha ve often been
characterized as being polar and positively imbalanced result-
ing in a J-shaped distribution (Moe, Netzer, and Schweidel
2017). One could rationalize this discrepancy between the pat-
tern of offline satisfaction and online WOM distribution with
the following three findings: (1) writing online reviews is gen-
erally more effortful compared with sharing offline WOM, and
thus consumers may be less likely to exert the effort to report
mediocre experiences (King, Racherla, and Bush 2014); (2)
WOM in the online environment is often transmitted over
weaker ties, and individuals tend to be reluctant to transmit
negative information to weaker ties (Zhang, Feick, and Mittal
2014); and (3) while offline WOM is often aimed at only one
person or a small group of people, online reviews are accessible
by a considerably larger audience (Dellarocas 2003). Barasch
and Berger (2014) show that when communicating with mul-
tiple individuals, people are less likely to share negative infor-
mation to avoid sharing content that makes them look bad. We
build on that literature and demonstrate how polarity self-
selectio n can be used to explain the variation in the review
distribution across platforms. We find that polar review distri-
butions imbalanced to the positive side of the scale (J-shaped
distribution) exist across multiple products and platforms but
exhibit variation that can b e meaningfully explained by the
degree of polarity self-selection.
In addition to polarity self-selection, review fraud (e.g.,
Anderson and Simester 2014; Luca and Zervas 2016; Mayzlin,
Dover, and Chevalier 2014) has been proposed to explain the
polarity and imbalance of the review distribution. For example,
Luca and Zervas (2016) find that fake reviews on Yelp exhibit a
higher degree of polarity relative to other reviews. Similarly,
Mayzlin, Dover, and Chevalier (2014) show that hotels neigh-
boring a hotel with a high incentive to post fake reviews are
more likely to have one- and two-star (negative) reviews or five-
star (positive) reviews, with the effect being more consistent for
negative reviews. Finally, Anderson and Simester (2014) find
that, relative to verified reviews, unverified reviews are nega-
tively imbalanced. Taken together, this stream of research sug-
gests that review fraud can possibly lower the positive imbalance
due to a larger number of negative reviews. To account for
review fraud, we include a measure of the platform’s mechanism
to verify reviews in our cross-platform analyses.
The polarity and imbalance of the distribution of consumer
evaluations can also arise from the format of the scale used to
elicit the evaluations. The satisfaction and psychometric liter-
ature indicate that w hile scale modifications (e.g., question
framing, number of scale points, multi-item scales, scale word-
ing) can affect the resulting distribution (e.g., Danaher and
Haddrell 1996; Moors, Kieruj, and Vermunt 2014; Weijters,
Cabooter, and Schillewaert 2010), scale modifications alone
cannot eliminate polarity and imbalance of response distribu-
tions (Peterson and Wilson 1992). To account for possible
effects of scale characteristics on the scale distribution, we
include scale characteristics in our cross-platform analyses.
Review Distributions Across Platforms
To investigate how robust and generalizable the polarity and
imbalance of the review distribution is across platforms and to
explain the variation across platforms, we collected a compre-
hensive data set with more than 24 million reviewers, 2 million
products, and a total of over 280 million online reviews. We
collected reviews from 25 platforms, including Amazon, a Eur-
opean online retailer, Epinions, RateBeer, MovieLens, The
Internet Movie Database (IMDb), Rotten Tomatoes, Yahoo!
Movies, Fandango, Edmunds, Twitter, Yahoo! Songs, Netflix,
Trustpilot, Metacritic, Goodreads, Yelp, TripAdvisor, Expedia,
Airbnb, BlaBlaCar, Google Restaurant reviews,,
yourXpert, and Frag-Mutti. We selected all platforms with
respect to their dominant position in their respective industries
(according to Alexa Rank and Google Trends). Table 1 pro-
vides an overview of the 25 platforms and the number of prod-
ucts and reviews that we have sampled.
As can be seen in Table 1, the platforms are quite hetero-
geneous along several d imensions. For example, platforms
vary with respect to their business model (selling products/
services, collecting transaction fees, or information platforms
primarily collecting revenue from advertising), product cate-
gory, or their approach to collecting and verifying reviews. As
we discuss and demonstrate subsequently, these factors could
be related to the degree of polarity and imbalance of the review
distributions on these platforms. Using the cross-platform data
set we assembled, we examine how robust the polarity and
imbalance of online reviews are across product categories and
online platforms. In addition, we investigate different platform
We also examined, in a lab setting, the effect of variations of the commonly
used scales and scale wordings on the resulting review distribution. We did not
find a significant impact of these scale characteristics. Details of the analyses
are available from the authors.
856 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
Table 1. Platform Characteristics, Polarity and Positive Imbalance Across the 25 Platforms Used in this Article.
Platform Product Category Type of Business Model
Age of
to Reviews
Points Polarity
# Products in
Our Sample
# Reviews in
Our Sample
Average # Reviews/
Reviewer (Mdn)
yourXpert Products and services Transaction fee 6 No No Yes 577,484 Yes 5 87% 95% 78 4,733 1 (1)
Trust Pilot Products and services Information platform 12 No No No 477 Yes 5 86% 76% 92 202,242 3 (1)
Frag-Mutti Products and services Information platform 16 No No No 59,316 Yes 5 85% 83% 1,811 26,224 21 (1)
BlaBlaCar Travel/restaurants Transaction fee 13 No Yes Yes 17,247 Yes 5 84% 99% 1,075 52,456 29 (13)
Airbnb Travel/restaurants Transaction fee 11 Yes No Yes 230 Yes 5 72% 97% 1,404 48,571 4 (2)
Products and services Selling products/services 25 Yes Yes Yes 13 Yes 5 68% 85% 2,008,781 68,700,502 4 (1)
Google Restaurants Travel/restaurants Information platform 21 No Yes No 1 Yes 5 65% 92% 744 242,134 38 (13)
Fandango Entertainment Information platform 19 No No No 2,081 No 10 65% 74% 105 96,540
Online Retailer Products and services Selling Products/services 7 No Yes Yes 6,240 Yes 5 65% 89% 8,305 555,974 2 (1)
Edmunds Products and services Information Platform 24 No No No 1,973 Yes 5 63% 94% 4,784 179,640 1 (1) Travel/restaurants Transaction fee 23 No No Yes 63 Yes 10 60% 97% 1,492 515,738 7 (3)
Epinions Products and services Information platform 20 Yes Yes No 130,034 No 5 56% 73% 11,481 147,149 12 (2)
Yahoo! Songs (Launchcast) Entertainment Transaction fee 18 Yes No No No 5 56% 48% 1,000 311,704
Expedia Travel/restaurants Transaction fee 23 No No Yes 458 Yes 5 52% 84% 4,990 265,145
Yelp Travel/restaurants Information platform 15 Yes Yes Yes 186 Yes 5 51% 69% 63,154 4,666,385 27 (7)
Yahoo! Movies
Entertainment Information platform 21 No No No 11 No 13 50% 83% 3,382 205,809 29 (17)
TripAdvisor Travel/restaurants Transaction fee 19 Yes Yes No 236 Yes 5 44% 75% 6,475 1,100,156 46 (11)
Metacritic Entertainment Information platform 18 No No No 2,039 No 11 42% 75% 824 45,803 31 (5)
Rotten Tomatoes Entertainment Information platform 21 No Yes No 599 No 10 41% 69% 303 72,454 460 (107)
Goodreads Products & services Information platform 13 Yes Yes No 311 No 5 38% 90% 888 60,917,897 575 (226)
Entertainment Information platform 23 No Yes No 54 No 10 36% 69% 27,241 21,181,881 367 (32)
Netflix Entertainment Selling products/services 22 No No No 21 No 5
29% 61% 17,770 100,481,301 209 (96)
Twitter Movies
Entertainment Information platform 13 Yes No No 35 No 10 24% 85% 7,484 516,199 12 (2)
MovieLens Entertainment Information platform 22 No No No 148,026 No 10 23% 71% 22,795 24,367,613 94 (29)
RateBeer Products and services Information platform 19 Yes Yes No 45,146 No 20 9% 82% 28,521 1,503,127 69 (4)
Web Appendix 3 provides an overview of our data sources used and links to a data repository.
The rankings of website traffic were gathered via Rankings are available only for the entire platform as opposed to the specific sections that are included in our data set.
Only products with more than five reviews were used in order to calculate a stable distribution.
We examined 24 Amazon product categories.
We use reviews of the former Yahoo! Movies platform, when Yahoo! still generated its own reviews.
The original data set gives the proportion of reviews in each rating bracket rounded up to the nearest 5%.
Movie ratings for Twitter are ratings from users given on IMDb and then tweeted.
Since the time of our data collection, Netflix moved to a two-point scale.
For these platforms, we have no access to the number of reviews per reviewer of the entire sample. We thus approximate the number of reviews per reviewer by drawing a random sample of reviewers and the reviews
they have written.
Due to data limitations, we could not access the number of reviews per reviewer for these platforms.
characteristics that can possibly explain the variation in the
review distribution across platforms.
We start by defining the measures of the review distribution
for the most common five-point scale (68% of the platforms in
our data set), for polarity and positive imbalance.
Polarity ¼
Number one- and five-star ratingsðÞ
Number of ratings
Positive imbalance ¼
Number four- and five-star ratingsðÞ
Number one-; two-; four-; and five-star ratingsðÞ
According to Equation 1, for a five-point scale, a polarity
measure above 40% implies a polar distribution, whereas a
polarity measure below 40% implies a nonpolar distribution.
Equation 2 provides a measure of the skewness of the distribu-
tion to the positive side of the scale such that an imbalance
measure above 50 % means that there are more positive reviews
and below 50% indicates a majority of negative reviews. Thus,
our measure of imbalance captures the positive imbalance of
the reviews. When relating our measure of positive imbalance
to different factors (e.g., number of reviews per reviewer), a
positive (negative) effect would mean that the factor leads to
more positive (negative) reviews.
To make the analysis c omparable across platforms with
different scale lengths, we rescaled the scales of platforms with
a scale longer than five points before applying Equations 1 and
2 such that polarity is defined as the extreme 20% of the scale
on each side of the scale and imbalance as the 60%þ positive
scale points. For scales divisible by five, this rescaling is
straightforward. For scales not divisible by five, 20% or 80%
of the scale does not lead to an integer scale point. Thus, one
could scale to the closet scale point to the 20% or 80% cutoff.
In addition, for such scales we recommended testing the robust-
ness of polarity and imbalances for the scale points on the two
sides of the 20 % or 80% cut off. For example, for the two scales
in our data set that were nondivisible by five (Yahoo Movies!
has a 13-point scale and Metacritic has an 11-point scale), we
define polarity based on the number of reviews with 1–2 and
12–13 stars as well as 0–1 and 9–10 stars, respectively, and test
the robustness of the results for a polarity definition based on
1–3 and 11–13 stars as well as 0–2 and 8–10 stars, respectively.
For all scales used in this article, we provide the scale trans-
formation to calculate polarity and positive imbalance in Web
Appendix 2. We also test the robustness of our definition of
polarity and positive imbalance using only the extreme scale
points to measure polarity in longer scales (e.g., one and ten in
a ten-point scale).
Variation of online review distributions across online platforms.
While review distri butions with a high degree o f polarity have
been documented to be the prevalent distribution of online
reviews both in the academic research (e.g., Chevalier and
Mayzlin 20 06; Hu, Pavl ou , an d Zhang 2017; Kramer 20 07)
and in popular press (Hickey 2015; Wolff-Mann 2016), sev-
eral studies have found distribu tions with a lower de gr ee of
polarity on platforms such as Yel p, MovieLens, Netflix, and
Yahoo! Song s (e.g., Dalvi , Kumar, and Pang 2013; Luca an d
Zervas 2016; Marlin et al. 2012). To investigate the general-
izability of polarity and imbalance in the review distributions
across platforms, we compare the revie w distributions across
the 25 platforms in our data set. As shown in Table 1 and
Figure 2, there exists significant heterogeneity across plat-
forms with respect to the prevalence of polarity. While more
than two-thirds of the platforms have polar distri butions (e.g.,
Amazon, Google R estaurant reviews, BlaBlaCar, or Airbnb),
platforms such as RateBeer, MovieLens, or Netflix are char-
acterized b y an average polarity below 30%. While there is
substantial heterogeneity in the polarity of the distribution
across platforms, we find that almost all platforms are imba l-
anced toward positive reviews. That being said, some plat-
forms, such as the s haring economy platforms (Airbnb and
BlaBlaCar), exhibit stronger positive imbalance, whereas
at the other extreme Yahoo! Songs exhibits a balanced
In Table 1 we also compare the different platforms on sev-
eral plat form characteristics: (1) average number of reviews
written per reviewer, (2) business model (selling products/ser-
vices, charging a fee per transaction, providing information),
(3) product category (products and services, entertainment, and
travel/restaurants), (4) length of rating scale, (5) existence of a
social network among reviewers, (6) existence of reviewer rec-
ognition, (7) flagging or requiring verified reviews, (8) plat-
form popularity ranking as measured by web traffic, and (9)
opportunity for sellers to respond to reviews. A cursory analy-
sis of Table 1 reveals several interesting patterns. First con-
cerning the business model, the review distributions of
platforms either selling products or receiving a fee from each
transaction (e.g., Amazon, Expedia) are more polar and posi-
tively imbalanced relative to information platforms (e.g.,
MovieLens [an academic movie recommender system]). This
may suggest that more commercial platforms have an incentive
to showcase positive reviews to entice consumers t o buy
(Hickey 2015). While primarily anecdotal, given that we have
only two two-sided platforms in our data set (Airbnb and Bla-
BlaCar), these platforms exhibit high degree of polarity and
positive imbalance, which could be explained by reciprocity
in review behavior (Dellarocas and Wood 2008). Polarity and
positive imbalance also seem to vary by product category.
However, considerable heterogeneity also exists across plat-
forms within th e same product category (e.g., movies on
MovieLens vs. Yahoo! Movies).
Platforms that use longer scales (e.g., RateBeer, Movie-
Lens, and IMDb) exhibit a l ower degr ee of polarity and pos-
itive imbalance relative to platforms that use a five-point
In the subsequent analyses we use log(1 þ polarity) and log(1 þ positive
Our measure of positive imbalance is related to the measure used by Fisher,
Newman, and Dhar (2018), who used the difference between four- and five-
star reviews and one- and two- star reviews.
858 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
Figure 2. Distribution of online reviews across the online platforms.
This pattern may suggest that the five-point scale used
in most online platforms leads to right-censored review p at-
terns relative to longer scales. Ha ving a social network among
reviewers as a featur e of the platform (e.g., Yel p) or other
forms of reviewer recognition might stimulate the a ctivity and
the engagement o f r eviewers with the platform and thus might
reduce polarity . Indee d, we se e that ma ny of th e plat forms t hat
have such social net works or recognition (e.g., Yelp, Good-
reads, Tripadvisor, RateBeer) also exhibit lower review polar-
ization. Platforms further differ on whether reviewers or
purchase oc casio ns a re v erifie d. For example, Expedia allows
for reviews only from customers who purchased the pr oduct,
and Amazon marks reviews of customers who purchased the
product on Amazon as “verified.” Given that verification is
likely to reduce the degree of review fraud, a nd fra udulent
reviews h ave been sho wn to exhibit higher polarity (M ayzli n,
Dover and Cheval ier 2014), we may expect to see lower polar -
ity distributions for platforms with verified reviews. How-
ever, Table 1 seems to suggest an opposite pattern. Another
characteristic of platforms is their general popularity (number
of people who v isit the platform daily). On the one hand, a
more popular platform might incr ease the engagement of the
reviewers on the platform leading to lower self-selection and,
thus, lower polarity. On the other hand, popularity might
attract a higher ratio of one-ti me or infrequent reviewers,
leading to higher polarity. We also investigat e the opportunity
for sellers to respond to reviews of r eviewers. The ability of
sellers to respond may deter mediocre or negative reviewers
from p ostin g a review, leading to hi gh er polarity and positive
Finally, one of the most important variables in our analysis
is the number of reviews a reviewer writes on the platform,
which, as we demonstrate in the next section, is a good proxy
for polarity self-selection. The rationale is that individuals who
review a larger fraction of products t hey purchased/experi-
enced are less selective in the products they review relative
to individuals who review only one or a couple of products.
Table 1 provides first indications that, in line with the polarity
self-selection account, both polarity and positive imbalance
decrease when the number of reviews per reviewer increases.
To more systematically assess the relationship between the
different platform characteristics and polarity and positive
imbalance, we use two analyses. First, taking a platform as a
unit of analysis, we regress the measures of polarity and pos-
itive imbalance on the different platform characteristics. Given
the limited number of platforms, and to preserve degrees of
freedom rather than including all platform characteristics, we
regress polarity and positive imbalance on each platform char-
acteristic, one at a time. In addition, we regress polarity and
positive imbalance on each platform characteristic together
with our proxy for polarity self-selection (number of reviews
per reviewer). Given the limited number of observations (plat-
forms) that analysis should be taken as primarily descriptive in
nature. Accordingly, in a second analysis we conduct a meta-
analytic approach, using a sample of individual reviews across
platforms as the unit of analysis and “stacking” reviews from
all platforms together (leading to N ¼ 17,200) to analyze the
relationship between platform and reviewer characteristics and
polarity. We do so by estimating an individual-level hierarch-
ical model on the stacked data across platforms.
Aggregate cross-platform analysis. The regression of polarity and
positive imbalance on each platform characteristic one at a time
(see Table 2) shows that polarity self-selection (log number of
reviews per reviewer) explains a large portion of the variance
¼ 39%) in the polarity across platforms as well as in the
degree of positive imbalance (R
¼ 31%). For polarity, we also
find that whether companies can respond to a review, the num-
ber of scale points, and product category can explain a substan-
tial proportion of variance across platforms, while for positive
imbalance we find that the product category, whether compa-
nies can respond to a review, whether reviews on the platform
are verified, and the business model can explain a substantial
proportion of variance.
To more closely assess the marginal effect of each platform
characteristic above and beyond polarity self-selection, we ran
a regression of each characteristic together with the polarity
self-selection measure on polarity and positive imbalance. We
find not only that polarity self-selection explains a substantial
portion of the variance of polarity and positive imbalance but
also that, controlling for the other characteristics, polarity self-
selection is always significantly related to polarity and positive
imbalance of the distribution except for the seller’s opportunity
to answer to reviews (for details, see Web Appendix 4).
Individual level hierarchical model. The cross-platform analysis at
the platform level provided first evidence with respect to the
factors that can lead to polarity and positive imbalance in
reviews and confirmed that the number of reviews per reviewer
(polarity self-selection), even controlling for other potential
drivers, shows a significant relationship with polarity and pos-
itive imbalance of the review distribution. However, due to the
limited number of platforms this analysis is primarily direc-
tional. To further examine these relationships, while overcom-
ing the small sample size that arises from the analysis at the
platform level, we extend our analysis to the individual review,
as opposed to the platform level, thus increasing the number of
observations substantially. Specifically, we “stack” the reviews
across platforms and use a multilevel model with a platform
random effect. This analysis enables us to investigate both
Recall that in calculating polarity and positive imbalance we rescale these
longer scales to the corresponding five-point scale.
One possible concern with this measure is that it captures the number of
reviews one has written without considering the number of products
purchased. In a subsequent analysis we show that the number of reviews is a
good proxy for the ratio of reviews to products purchased (self-selection).
In this analysis we cannot use positive imbalance as our dependent variable
because positive imbalance cannot be measured at the individual review level.
Replacing the average number of reviews per reviewer with the median
number of reviews per reviewer leads to similar results.
860 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
platform and reviewer characteristics with greater statist ical
power, and controlling for all characteristics simultaneously.
We fit the following hierarchical model:
¼ a
þ bx
þ e
¼ g z
þ e
where Y
is the polarity of the r eview i post ed on platform j
(1 if the rating was one o r five, and 0 otherwise). x
is the
number of revi ews a reviewer has w ritten o n a platform and
the n umber of revie ws of the product revi ewe d. The high er-
level equation relates polarity to the platform random effect
Þ and the review specific covariates (log number of
reviews per reviewer and log number reviews of product).
The lower-level equa tion relates the platform random e ffects
to the set of platform characteristics (z
Þ describedinthe
aggregate level ana lysis . To ensure that all platforms weigh
equally in our analysis, we randomly sampled 1,000 reviews
per platform
and ensure that each review belongs to a
unique reviewer. As can be seen in Table 3, th e random -
effect multilevel model reveals a strong and significant rela-
tionship between polarity self-selection and polarity. We
also find that platforms that sell products a nd services exhi-
bit significantly stronger polarity relative to o ther types of
platforms. In addition, platforms with longer scales exhibit
significantly lower polarity relative to other platforms.
When we co ntrol for othe r platfo rm charact erist ics , we find
that the presence of review verification and sellers’ ability
to respond to reviews are no longer significantly associated
with review polarity. Overall, the results of the i ndividual-
level hierarchical model confirm our findings from the
aggregate cross-platform analysis with greater s tatistical
power. To more directly measure the relationship between
thenumberofreviewsperreviewer and polarity across plat-
forms, while fully accounting for the variation across plat-
forms, we also run a platform fixed effect mode l with the
number of reviews o f a reviewer as independent variable.
Again, we find a significant re lat ions hip betwee n the num-
ber of reviews a revi ewer has written and the polarity of the
reviews: ðb
# of reviews per reviewer
¼:036 :003½; p<:01Þ.
In summary, we find that while many platforms exhibit
polarity and positive imbalance, this is not the case for all
platforms, suggesting that the focus of past research on few
platforms such as Amazon may have created a distorted belief
about the prevalence and the degree of polarity and positive
imbalance of online review distributions. In addition, we
find that the number of reviews per reviewer, as a proxy for
self-selection, can explain a large portion of the variation in the
polarity of the review distributions across platforms.
Within-platform analysis: Yelp reviews. Our cross-platform analy-
sis has established that the number of reviews a reviewer wrote
on the platform is a strong and robust predictor of the polarity
of the review distribution. However, because platforms simul-
taneously differ with respect to multiple characteristics, we aim
to further investigate polarity self-selection and its impact on
the polarity and positive imbalance of the review distribution
Table 2. Variance Explained of Cross-Platform Polarity and Positive Imbalance by Platform Characteristics.
Polarity R
Positive Imbalance R
log(average # reviews per reviewer) .050 (.014)*** .393 .018 (.006)*** .305 22
Age of platform .010 (.006)* .137 .004 (.002)* .130 22
Business Model (Reference: Selling Products or Services)
Transaction fee .098 (.105) .162 .078 (.040)* .261 22
Information platform .045 (.091) .007 (.035)
Product Category (Reference: Products/Services)
Travel/restaurants .014 (.068) .324 .015 (.028) .332 22
Entertainment .171 (.065)** .067 (.026)**
Scale points .189 (.053)*** .392 .028 (.027) .052 22
Network among reviewers .087 (.065) .083 .001 (.028) .000 22
Reviewer recognition .035 (.065) .014 .012 (.027) .010 22
Verified reviews .157 (.060)** .254 .063 (.025)** .242 22
Popularity ranking .004 (.009) .009 .001 (.004) .003 22
Seller ability to respond to reviews .229 (.041)*** .614 .065 (.023)*** .292 22
*p < .1.
**p < .05.
***p < .01.
Notes: Each row in this table is a separate regression. SEs in parentheses. We did not include three platforms for which we had no access to the number of reviews
per reviewer.
For five platforms, we could only access a smaller sample. See Web
Appendix 5 for details.
Schoenmueller et al. 861
using a within-platform analysis, thus, h olding all platform
characteristics constant.
To investigate how polarity and positive imbalance differ
based on the reviewer frequency of reviews we analyze the
review distribution of Yelp reviewers with varying frequency
of reviews. First, to visually depict the relationship between
review distribution and frequency of reviews, we split all Yelp
reviewers in our data set to the upper (n
upper quartile
¼ 89,096)
and lower (n
lower quartile
¼ 88,947) quartiles, based on the num-
ber of reviews written by a reviewer for a restaurant per month
since joining Yelp.
We calculate the number of reviews per
month by dividing the number of reviews a reviewer has writ-
ten by the number of months she has been a member of Yelp.
Figure 3, Panel A, compares the review distributions between
frequent and infrequent reviewers. Consistent with our cross
platform analysis, we see t hat, even within a platform, the
distribution o f online reviews of frequent reviewers is not
polar, whereas the review distribution of infrequent reviewers
exhibits a high degree of polarity.
To statistically analyze the relationship between the fre-
quency of reviewing and polarity self-selection, and to go
beyond the visual dichotomization of frequency of reviewing
in Figure 3, we regress polarity and positive imbalance of all of
the reviewer’s restaurant ratings on the number of reviews
written by a reviewer per month as a covariate. To supplement
the cross-platform analysis, and to further examine the effect of
the reviewer’s network on polarity and positive imbalance, we
include the number of followers a user has (a one-way relation-
ship), the number of friends the user has (a two-way relation-
ship) and the number of years a reviewer has been an “Elite”
member as covariates. As Table 4 shows, we find that the larger
the number of reviews the reviewer wrote per month, the less
polar is the distribution of her reviews. However, for positive
imbalance we find a positive significant effect, demonstrating
that the relationship between positive imbalance and the num-
ber of reviews per reviewer is less consistent compared with
polarity. Regarding social characteristics of reviewers, we find
that the more followers a reviewer has, the less polar and posi-
tively imbalanced the review distribution becomes; however,
the opposite is true for the number of friends a reviewer has. In
addition, we find that Elite members write less polar reviews.
One could argue that frequent and infrequent reviewers visit
different restaurants and thus exhibit different distributions. To
investigate this alternative explanation, we compare the distri-
butions of frequent and infrequent reviewers within a restau-
rant. We again use the Yelp data set (n
¼ 36,882,
¼ 3,391,872
). For each restaurant, we split the
reviewers via the lower and upper quartile of the review fre-
quency of each restaurant.
We investigate whether polarity
and imbalance of the infrequent reviewers i s significantly
higher compared with those of frequent reviewers. Consistent
with polarity self-selection, we find a higher proportion of one-
and five-star reviews for infrequent (m ¼ 56.52%) compared
with frequent reviewers (m ¼ 36.10%) for the same restaurant (z
¼ 268.561, p < .001). To investigate the within-restaurant dif-
ference, we run a two-tailed sign test on the pairwise differences
of the polarity and positive imbalance between the two quartile
reviewer groups (“frequent reviewers” vs. infrequent
reviewers”) for each restaurant. Of the 36,882 restaurants,
28,717 (79.17%) have a higher proportion of one - and five-
star reviews for infrequent reviewers, while only 7,557
(20.83%) re staurants ha ve a higher propo rtion of one- and
five-star reviews for frequent reviewers (608 have the same
proportion of one- and five-star reviews for the two groups). A
sign test suggests that this difference is significant (z ¼ 111.106,
Table 3. A Random-Effect Hierarchical Model of Polarity Self-
Selection and Platform Characteristics on Polarity.
Polarity Self-Selection: Log(Number of Reviews
per Reviewer)
.163 (.013)***
Log(number of reviews per product) .008 (.011)
Age of platform .046 (.027)*
Business Model (Reference: Selling Products or
Transaction fee 2.009 (.699)***
Information platform .824 (.446)*
Product Category (Reference: Products/Services)
Travel/restaurants .897 (.518)*
Entertainment .392 (.530)
Scale points 1.090 (.399)***
Network among reviewers .316 (.370)
Reviewer recognition .190 (.276)
Verified reviews .493 (.437)
Popularity ranking .010 (.039)
Seller ability to respond to reviews .605 (.507)
Constant 2.864 (.974)***
N 17,200
*p < .1.
**p < .05.
***p < .01.
We also test the robustness of the results to using only the extreme points
(for scales longer than five-points) and alternative scale operationalizations for
platforms with scales not divisible by five (Metacritic and Yahoo! Movies) in
calculating polarity and positive imbalance and find similar results. In addition,
we rerun the model using only a sample of 100 reviews per platform and only
including platforms with at least 1,000 reviews and find similar results. See
Web Appendix 6.
Notes: SEs in parentheses. This analysis included 21 platforms. In addition to the
three platforms for which we had no access to the number of reviews per
reviewe r on these platforms, we also had to exclude the Airbnb platform
because we did not have access to online ratings at the reviewer level on Airbnb.
We exclude reviewers with fewer than three restaurant reviews. The result is
robust if we include all Yelp reviewers.
We approximate the number of months a reviewer has been on Yelp via the
time difference between the date the reviewer joined the platform and the date
of her last review.
Because we are doing an analysis within a restaurant, we need to ensure a
sufficient number of reviews per resta urant. Accordingly, we use only
restaurants with more than 15 reviews and exclude reviewers that have fewer
than 3 restaurant reviews. The result is robust if we include all restaurants and
We replicate the same analyses for polarity and positive imbalance using a
median split and find similar results.
862 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
p < .001). For positive imbalance, 13,000 restaurants (37.23%)
have a higher positive imbalance for infrequent reviewers, while
21,921 (62.77%) have a higher positive imbalance for frequent
reviewers (1, 940 have the same imbal ance of reviews). This
difference is significant (sign test: z ¼47.733, p < .001). Thus,
similar to the previous analysis, we find that positive imbalance
is stronger for frequent reviewers (lower self-selection).
Overall, this analysis rules out the possibility that polarity
self-selection is driven by frequent and infrequent restaurant
dwellers visiting different restaurants. Building on the these
results, we examine the number of reviews written by a
reviewer as a proxy for self-selection and compare it with other
possible proxies in the next section. For this investigation, we
use experimental and secondary data to reveal the role of polar-
ity self-selection in the prevalence and the degree of the polar-
ity of online reviews.
Polarity Self-Selection and the Distribution of
Having established the number of reviews per reviewer as a
strong predictor of the polarity and positive imbalance of the
Figure 3. Review distribution of frequent and infrequent Yelp reviewers.
Schoenmueller et al. 863
review distribution both across platforms and within a plat-
form, in this section we conducted a survey among Yelp
reviewers to examine the validity of the number of reviews a
reviewer wrote as proxy for polarity self-selection, as well as
two additional proxies: median time between reviews and the
standard deviation of time between reviews. In addition, to
establish the causal effect of polarity self-selection on the
polarity of the review distributions, we use an experimental
setting in which we manipulate polarity self-selection directly.
Yelp Reviewers’ Survey
In the analysis thus far, we relied on the assumption that more
frequent reviewers are less selective in the products they
choose to review relative to less frequent reviewers. However,
in the context of Yelp, as an example, it is possible that more
frequent reviewers are not less selective but, rather, go more
frequently to restaurants and are as selective or even more
selective in terms of the proportion of restaurants they select
to review. To directly measure the degree of polarity self-selec-
tion—the proportion of restaurants reviewers chose to review
of those they visited—we augmented the Yelp reviews’ sec-
ondary data with a survey of Yelp reviewers asking them about
the frequency of their restaurant visits. We recruited via Ama-
zon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) Yelp reviewers who rated at
least three restaurants on Yelp. We verified that the participants
indeed reviewed at least three restaurants using the partici-
pants’ Yelp profile (Sharpe Wessling, Hu ber, and Netzer
2017). Having access to the reviewer’s Yelp profile page also
enabled us to collect the exact number of restaurant reviews
each reviewer had written in the past, how long they had been a
Yelp member, and their review distribution. Using a short sur-
vey, we asked these reviewers how often they go to restaurants
per month and how many restaurants they visited in the last
month for the first time. We then divided the number of res-
taurant reviews each reviewer wrote per month by the number
of (1) sit-down restaurants that the reviewer visits per month
and (2) sit-down restaurants visited for the first time in the last
month. These ratios give us measures of the proportion of
restaurants a reviewer reviewed relative to the restaurants vis-
ited—direct measures of polarity self-selection.
Similar to the analysis conducted in Figure 3, for reviewers
who completed our survey (n
¼ 95, n
¼ 3,233),
we find that reviewers in the upper quartile of the ratio exhibit a
nonpolar distribution of reviews, but reviewers in the lower
quartile display a polar distribution (right two histograms in
Figure 3, Panel B). Comparing the histograms in both panels of
Figure 3, w e find that using either the ratios of reviews or
number of reviews leads to strikingly similar patterns, suggest-
ing that the number of reviews a reviewer wrote is a good proxy
for polarity self-selection. Admittedly, the number of reviews a
reviewer writes, or even the proportion of reviews to restau-
rants visited, is a proxy for the broader concept of self-
selection, which includes polarity self-selection but may also
include intertemporal self-selection or purchase self-selection.
However, as the previous analyses show, this proxy of self-
selection is indeed related to the polarity of the review distri-
bution, which is consistent with polarity self-selection.
In addition to validating the number of reviews per reviewer
as a proxy for polarity self-selection, we use the survey-based
measur e for polar ity se lf-selec tion to contrast our proxy for
polarity self-selection with two alternative proxies that can
be obtained from secondary d ata: the median time between
reviews as well as the variance of the interreview times. It can
be assumed that when the interreview time is longer or when
there is high variation in interreview time, self-selection is
higher. We regress the proportion of the number of reviews
written per month to the number of restaurants visited per
month on the three proxies for polarity self-selection, indepen-
dently and together (see Table 5). We find that the number of
reviews per reviewer explains as much as 74% of the variation
in our survey measure of self-selection (Model 1). The two
interreview time measures explain only 31% of the variation
(Models 2 and 3). Putting all three measures together, we find
that only the number of reviews per reviewer is significant
(Model 4). An incremental F-test shows that neither the median
days between reviews (F(1, 92) ¼ .5192, p ¼ .473) nor the
standard deviation of days between reviews (F(1, 92) ¼
.0102, p ¼ .920) add extra explanatory power over and beyond
the number of reviews per reviewer. Thus, we conclude that the
number of reviews per reviewer on its own is a good proxy for
To further examine how well the number of reviews per
reviewer measured from the secondary data as a proxy of
self-selection relates to direct elicitation of self-selection mea-
sured by the survey responses, we regressed polarity and pos-
itive imbala nce on the number of reviews per month
(proportion of number of reviews divided by the membership
duration in months; Model 1), the proportion of the number of
Table 4. Polarity Self-Selection: Within Platform-Analysis (Yelp
Intercept .442 (.001)*** .546 (.001)***
Log(number restaurant reviews by
reviewer per month)
-.021 (.000)*** .011 (0.000)***
Number of years Elite batch -.036 (.000)*** .012 (.000)***
Number of followers (in 1,000s) -.217 (.018)*** -.261 (.016)***
Number of friends (in 1,000s) .030 (.002)*** .061 (.002)***
.064 .018
N 355,878 355,589
***p < .01.
We exclude reviewers with fewer than three restaurant reviews. The result is
robust when we include all reviewers.
For reviewers who only wrote three-star reviews, positive imbalance cannot
be calculated.
Notes: SEs in parentheses.
We removed 33 participants because they either (1) had fewer than three
reviews on Yelp or (2) created an account and wrote three reviews on the day of
the survey only to participate in the survey.
864 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
Table 5. Analysis of Polarity Self-Selection Based on the Yelp Reviewers Survey.
DV: Survey-Based Self-Selection (Proportion of Restaurants Reviewed)
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4
Polarity self-selection
Proxy: log(reviews per month)
1.047 (.064)*** 1.011 (.094)***
Polarity self-selection
Proxy: median days between reviews
.005 (.001)*** .446 (.628)
Polarity self-selection
Proxy: standard deviation days between reviews
.003 (.000)*** .005 (.321)
Intercept 1.340 (.130)*** 2.471 (.154)*** 2.185 (.183)*** 1.352 (.133)***
.742 .314 .309 .743
N 95959595
***p < .01.
Notes: SEs in parentheses.
Table 6. Analysis of Polarity Self-Selection Based on the Yelp Reviewers Survey.
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5
Polarity self-selection
Proxy: log(reviews per month)
Polarity .059 (.015)***
Pos. imbalance .055 (.014)***
Polarity self-selection
Proxy: log(ratio of number of
reviews to restaurants visited
per month)
Polarity .039 (.012)***
Pos. imbalance .043 (.011)***
Polarity self-selection
Proxy: log(ratio of number of
reviews to new restaurants
visited per month)
Polarity .038 (.014)***
Pos. imbalance .040 (.013)***
Log(number of restaurants per
Polarity .013 (.021)
Pos. imbalance .005 (.003)*
Log(number of new restaurants per
Polarity .005 (.026)
Pos. imbalance .001 (.008)
Intercept Polarity .290 (.033)*** .273 (.043)*** .306 (.040)*** .383 (.035)*** .406 (.025)***
Pos. imbalance .343 (.032)*** .305 (.039)*** .345 (.038)*** .416 (.023)*** .451 (.026)***
Number of friends (in 1,000s) Polarity .021 (.206) .001 (.211) .076 (.217) .063 (.223) .064 (.230)
Pos. imbalance .112 (.196) .081 (.196) .006 (.203) .159 (.206) 0.150 (.216)
Number of followers (in 1,000s) Polarity .376 (4.906) .043 (5.014) .367 (5.116) 2.254 (5.248) 3.026 (5.269)
Pos. imbalance .428 (4.670) .560 (4.652) .045 (4.793) 1.937 (4.880) 2.728 (4.983)
Number of years reviewer received
Elite badge
Polarity .002 (.013) .009 (.013) .005 (.014) .024 (.013)* .021 (.013)
Pos. imbalance .004 (.012) .008 (.012) .005 (.013) .023 (.012) * .022 (.012)*
polarity .218 .184 .152 .088 .077
positive imbalance .216 .223 .174 .125 .080
95 89
*p < .1.
**p < .05.
***p < .01.
In this analysis, we exclude six respondents who indicated that they had not visited any restaurants for the first time in the last month.
Notes: SEs in parentheses.
Schoenmueller et al. 865
reviews written per month to the number of restaurants visited
per month (Model 2), the proportion of the number of reviews
written per month to the number of restaurants visited per
month for the first time (Model 3), the number of restaurants
visited per month (Model 4), and the number of restaurants
visited for the first time per month (Model 5).
As we expected, consistent with the cross-platform analysis
we find that a high number of reviews per reviewer is corre-
lated with higher polarity and positive imbalance (see Model 1
in Table 6). Measuring self-selection directly by replacing the
frequency of reviews with the ratio of reviews written about
restaurants visited (inverse polarity self-selection) leads to sim-
ilar results (Models 2 and 3). In addition, our results suggest
that an alternative explanation that polarity and positive imbal-
ance of the review distribution is driven by different reference
points of individuals who are frequent restaurant visitors versus
individuals who rarely go to restaurants does not seem to
explain the polarity and positive imbalance of reviews, as the
relationship between restaurant visits and polarity and positive
imbalance are insignificant or only marginally significant
(Models 4 and 5).
We also tested alternative versions of Model 1 with the two
additional proxy for s elf-selection (median interreview time
and the variance of the interreview time). We find that while
these measures are significantly related to polarity and positive
imbalance both using the survey data and using the larger sec-
ondary Yelp data, the number of reviews per reviewer is a
stronger predictor of both polarity and positive imbalance (for
details, see Web Appendices 7 and 8). Taken together, these
results point to the robustness of the polarity self-selection
effect using three alternative measures. In addition, we find
that the number of reviews per reviewer is a good proxy for
polarity self-selection and is superior to alternative measures.
Manipulating Polarity Self-Selection via Experimental
Our analysis of secondary data from millions of reviews, com-
plemented by survey data of Yelp reviews, provides strong
evidence for polarity self-selection. We further complement
our previous analyses with two (restaurant and book reviews)
between-subjects-design experiments in which we manipulate
polarity self-selection in a controlled environment. We use two
between-subjects conditions: forced condition (last restaurant
visited [book read]) and polarity self-selection condition (res-
taurant [book] most likely to review). N
¼ 149 (61%
female) and N
¼ 158 (56% female) Master’s students from
a large European university participated in these experiments
for a course credit. Participants were randomly assigned to the
polarity self-selection condition or the forced condition. In the
forced condition, we ask participants to write a review about
the last restaurant they have visited (book they have read). This
condition should provide a review of a “randomly” selected
product, which happens to be the last product participants expe-
rienced. Thus, this condition should be free of polarity self-
selection because it does not permit the reviewer to select
which product to review. In the polarity self-selection condi-
tion, we aim to mimic the typical online review environment
Figure 4. Empirical distributions for “self-selected” versus “forced” reviews.
866 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
and ask participants to write a review for a restaurant (book) for
which they have written a review for in the past, or, if they have
never written a review for a restaurant (book), for the restaurant
(book) they would be most likely to write a review for. We
chose restaurants and books as the two product categories
because (1) they can highlight potential differences between
services and products, (2) reviews for books and restaurants
have been commonly used in previous research, and (3) con-
sumer interest in restaurant and book reviews is overall high.
We use the typical Amazon five-point-scale rating format (for
the experimental stim uli and randomization check, see Web
Appendix 9).
The review distributions in Figure 4 reveal that the polarity
self-selection (“most likely”) condition leads to a polar distri-
bution of reviews, while the forced (“last”) restaurant (book)
condition leads to a distribution with a mass at the fourth scale
point. The differences between the two distributions are statis-
tically significant when comparing polarity (the proportion of
one- and five-star reviews; w
(1, N ¼ 149) ¼ 18.014,
p < .001; w
(1, N ¼ 158) ¼ 11.582, p < .001), as well as the
overall distributions (Fisher exact test [two sided]: restaurants:
p < .001; books: p ¼ .004). Thus, forcing individuals to write a
review about their last experience and thereby eliminating
polarity self-selection creates a nonpolar distribution of con-
sumer reviews (bottom graphs of Fig ure 4), while allowing
individuals to self-select the reviewed product creates a polar
distribution (top graphs of Figure 4). We do not find a signif-
icant difference between the two conditions for positive imbal-
ance (w
(1, N ¼ 149) ¼ 1.287, p ¼ .257; w
(1, N ¼
158) ¼ .004, p ¼ .950).
One possible confound with the design of our experiment is
that the two conditions might imply a different time frame.
Whereas the reviews in the “forced” condition are written for
a recent experience, the self-selected reviews can refer to an
experience that occurred a long time ago. This might lead to
differences in the reported review ratings. In the experiment,
we asked respondents in both conditions how long ago they
visited the restaurant (read the book) they reviewed. To inves-
tigate the potential impact of the time since purchase, we
regress the measure of polarity on the experimental condition
(coded as 1 for the polarity self-selection condition and 0 for
the forced condition) controlling for the time since the product
was purchased. The results indicate that after controlling for the
time since purchase, polarity is significantly higher i n the
polarity self-selection condition (see Table 7). Moreover, we
find no significant effect of the time since purchase for books.
For restaurants, we find that the longer ago the experience is in
the past, the higher the polarity of reviews. Thus, if anything,
the time since purchase enhances the polarity of the distribu-
tion. To further examine the effect of review timing, we ran a
separate study in which we included only the “forced” condi-
tion but split respondents on the basis of their reported like-
lihood to actually review that book/restaurant. That study holds
time of experience constant. We find similar results to the one
reported previously (i.e., a more polar distribution of reviews
for books/restaurants that were more likely to be reviewed
relative to those that were less likely; see Web Appendix 11).
In summary, we corroborate that, in a controlled experimen-
tal setting, polarity self-selection influences the polarity com-
monly observed in online review distributions. We note that
although purchase self-selection may cause a customer to both
buy the product and be more likely to rate it, relative to a
customer who did not buy the product, purchase self-
selection cannot lead to the difference we observe in our
experiment because the respondents “purchased” the product
in both conditions. Thus, we hold purchase self-selection con-
stant across conditions.
The Role of Social Influence
Another possible force that may affect the shape of review
distributions is social influence (Bikhchandani, Hirshleifer, and
Welch 1992). Previous research has documented that the deci-
sion to review and the evaluation provided can change over
time due to social influence factors such as previous reviews
(e.g., Godes and Silva 2012; Moe and Schweidel 2012; Moe
and Trusov 2011; Muchnik, Aral, and Taylor 2013; Sridhar and
Srinivasan 2012) or the composition of reviewer groups (Li and
Hitt 2008; Moe and Schweidel 2012). Social influence in the
form of previous reviews can also influence the consumer ’s
expectations of product value (Li and Hitt 2008). In addition,
existing ratings can influence one’s motivation to review and
bias the ratings consumers provide in the postpurchase stage
(Moe and Schweidel 2012). Therefore, social influences can
enhance polarity self-selection via two routes at different points
in the purchase and review funnel: (1) before buying the prod-
uct (i.e., social influences can create [high] expectations of
consumers, leading to a higher polarity self-selection to rate)
and (2) before rating the product (i.e., the existing ratings of
other consumers can influence both the incidence decision to
review a product and the product evaluation the consumer pro-
vides, thereby biasing the rating).
Unlike studies that have investigated social influence via
experimental settings (Schlosser 2005) or secondary data (Moe
and Schweidel 2012), our polarity self-selection experiments
did not expose participants to any previous ratings prior to
Table 7. Relationship Between Polarity and Time Since Purchase.
DV: Polarity ¼ 1,
No Polarity ¼ 0
(N ¼ 149)
(N ¼ 158)
Intercept 2.645 (.566)*** 1.552 (.417)***
Manipulation (1 ¼ polarity self-
selection condition)
1.113 (.390)*** 1.020 (.356)***
Time since purchase .564 (.196)*** .164 (.116)
***p < .01.
Notes: SEs in parentheses.
We replicated this study with MTurk participants (N ¼ 100) adding an
additional category (movies) and obtained very similar results (see Web
Appendix 10).
Schoenmueller et al. 867
providing their ratings. Thus, the polarity self-selection we find
in our experiments is unlikely to be affected by the existing
rating environments.
To further empirically investigate whether postpurchase
social influences can contribute to the polarity and positive
imbalance of the review distribution, we examine whether
polarity and positive imbalance exist prior to any such social
influence or dynam ics. To do so, we look at the very first
review acro ss 2,330,066 Amazon book reviews and 79,750
Yelp restaurant reviews (see Figure 5). We see that even for
the first book/restaurant review (prior to any temporal change)
the distribution of reviews is both polar and positively imbal-
anced (see leftmost charts in Figure 5). This result is consistent
with the findings of Li and Hitt (2008), who suggest that early
adopters (and review ers) of produ cts are likely to be strong
proponents of the product or experts in the category and thus
are likely to rate products at the extreme. Consequently, even in
the abs enc e of any p rior reviews—and thus the absence of
social influence factors—we find a polar distribution.
To investigate whether polarity self-selection is present at the
time of the first review, we compare the first review of products
by splitting the first reviews into two groups according to the
upper and lower quartiles of the number of reviews per reviewer
who wrote the review. The middle and right charts in Figure 5
depict the quartile split. It is evident that first reviews written by
infrequent reviewers exhibit more polar distributions relative to
first reviews written by frequent reviewers.
To investigate the relationship between polarity self-
selection and the first review distribution statistically, we use
a continuous analysis. We ran a logistic regression of whether
the review was polar (one- or five-star) or not on the number of
reviews written by the reviewer. The results in Table 8 show an
Figure 5. Review distribution for first review per book or restaurant.
Table 8. Logistic Regression for Polarity in the First Product Review
and Number of Reviews per Reviewer.
(N ¼ 79,750)
(N ¼ 2,330,066)
Log(number reviews of reviewer) .375 (.005)*** .112 (.001)***
Intercept .443 (.008)*** 1.146 (.002)***
***p < .01.
For Yelp, we use the number of restaurant reviews per month because we
have the time the user joined the platform. We find similar results if we use
the overall number of reviews. Because we do not have this information for
Amazon, we use the reviewer’s number of reviews.
Notes: SEs in parentheses.
Admittedly, participant s in our experiment may take into account the
reviews they have seen in online platforms for the restaurant (book) they
have visited (read). However, such a process would require respondents first
to be exposed to the previous reviews and then to accurately recall these
reviews at the time of the experiment.
868 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
Figure 6. Review distribution in Amazon over subsequent reviews.
Figure 7. Review distribution in Yelp over subsequent reviews.
Schoenmueller et al. 869
increasing number of reviews per reviewer leads to decreased
polarity. These differences between frequent and infrequent
reviewers are consistent with the polarity self-selection account
and cannot be explained by social influence, as these were the
first reviews ever written for the product.
To investigate whether social influence affects the review
distribution for subsequent reviews following the initial
review, we analyze the evolution of the review distribution
over time. Specifically, we examine 79,535 Amazo n books
as well as 22,231 Yelp restaurants with at least 45 reviews
each. To analyze systematic changes of the review distribu-
tions, we calculate the average proportion of review distribu-
tions across books (restaurants) using a moving window of 15
reviews increasing by an increment of 5 reviews at a time, up to
45 reviews. Specifically, we calculate the first distribution
using the first 15 reviews, the second using the 6th to 20th
reviews, and so on, with the last 15 reviews window including
reviews ordered 31–45.
The reviews at all review order windows of Amazon books
exhibit a polar distribution (the majority of the reviews are at
the poles [one- and five-star ratings] throughout the time win-
dow; see Figure 6). For Y elp, we find a similar pattern—a
decline of five-star ratings and an increase of one-star ratings
(see Figure 7). The decline in five-star ratings over time due to
social influence (Godes and Silva 2012; Li and Hitt 2008; Moe
and Schweidel 2012; Moe and Trusov 2011) suggests that, if
anything, social influence seems to reduce the polarity and thus
cannot be the underlying driver.
Overall, we demonstrate that (1) polarity self-selection is
present already in the first review, which, by definition, cannot
be affected by social influence; (2) even during the first review,
reviews are more polar for reviewers higher on polarity self-
selection (fewer reviews per reviewer); (3) platforms seem to
exhibit dynamics in the distribution of reviews over time, but if
anything, these dynamics decrease the polarity of the distribu-
tion over time; and (4) we observe that the review distributions
of both Amazon and Yelp exhibit polarity over the life cycle of
the product.
Consequences of Polarity Self-Selection:
Why the Average Ratings Metric May
Be Misleading
Given the polarity of the distribution of online reviews, sum-
marizing reviews with average ratings can mask important
information. Nevertheless, despite the prevalence of polar
review distrib utio ns i n pl atfor ms such as Amazon, many plat-
forms (and academic papers) use average ratings as a metric to
inform consumers and relate online r eviews to sales (e.g.,
Chevalier and Mayzlin 2006; Chintagunta, Gopinath, and
Venkataraman 2010; Ghose and Ipeirotis 2011). Moreover,
De Langhe , Fernbach, and Lichtenstein (2015) demonstr ate
that consumer s tend to rely more heavily on average ratings
than on the number of r atings in forming their quality
Indeed, You, Vadakkepatt, and Joshi (2015, p. 20) state that
the failure to consider distribution intensity significantly
affect[s] eWOM valence elasticities but not volume elasticities.”
This result is consistent with polarity self-selection. If mainly
consumers who are satisfied with the product are likely to review
it, as suggested by polarity self-selection, then the average rating
is likely to be uninform ative because most consumers w ho
review the product rate it posit ivel y, maki ng produ cts indis -
tinguishable based on average ratings. However, the number
of reviews is likely to be informative even in the presence of
high polarity self-selection, because if many consumers
review the product it implies that many consumers were sat-
isfied with it.
In this section, we therefore investigate the role of pola rity
self-selection in the lack of informativeness of the average
rating metric in informing consumers in their product selec-
tion and purchase deci sio ns. Specifically, we investigate the
(lack of) predictive value of average reviews with respec t to
revealed preferences as repre sented by sales and objective
product quality. If polarity self-selection reduces the informa -
tion provide d by avera ge ratings, replacing the self-selected
set of reviews with reviews that suffer from lower polarity
self-selection should lead to a more ac curate meas ure of aver-
age ratings and thus a stronger relations hip betwee n aver age
ratings and sales as well as objective quality.
Reducing the Self-Selection in Calculating Average
In the following analysis, we examine whether the review
valence measure can be enhanced by including reviews from
a population that was required (as opposed to self-selected) to
review the product. We investigate this in context of song
reviews. We chose songs as a product category in this analysis
because consumers are likely to be familiar with a large number
of songs and thus able to rate many songs. We chose the top 50
songs from the category most pop ular titles” on Google
For the set of the 50 songs, we collected the online
rating information on Amazon, the sales rank of the song on
Amazon “paid songs” as well as the “publication” date of the
song on Amazon. To allow for a reliable analysis, we elimi-
nated 11 songs that had fewer than three ratings or were not
accessible on Amazon. To obtain a measure of song ratings that
Table 9. Descriptive Statistics Song Rating Data.
Amazon Survey
Mean number of ratings 50.21 37.33
Mean average rating 4.72 3.23
Polarity of ratings 87.34% 28.78%
Positive imbalance of ratings 95.96% 58.08%
We restrict our analysis to the top 50 songs that had ratings for the specific
song, as opposed to overall album ratings.
870 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
is less affected by polarity self-selection, we collected a survey
of MTurk workers (n ¼ 146, age range 18–35 years) who were
asked to rate a set of 25 songs (from one of two randomly
chosen sets of the total of 50 songs). For songs that respondents
were not familiar with, we added the choice alternative “don’t
know the song.” On average, participants rated 51.27% of the
songs included in the sample of the 39 songs as “don’t know the
song,” leading to 1,456 song ratings (an average of 37.33 rat-
ings per song). We then compare the survey-based ratings with
the ratings on Amazon. To mitigate the concern that, at the time
of ratings, survey respondents were already aware of the song’s
popularity, we include in our analysis only Amazon reviews
that were posted after the time of the survey.
Table 9 shows
the descriptive statistics of the Amazon ratings and the survey
ratings. Consistent with polarity self-selection, the survey aver-
age ratings are significantly lower relative to Amazon’s ratings
and exhibit a considerably lower p olarity and positive
We first assess the relationship between Amazon’s sales
rank and the number and average rating of Amazon reviews
as well as the survey ratings. We regress the log of the sales
rank of the song on Amazon on each variable separately con-
trolling for the Amazon release date (see Models 1, 2 and 3 in
Table 10). For the interpretation of the results, note that songs
with higher sales have a lower sales rank. Interestingly, despite
the fact that consumers buying songs on Amazon were most
likely exposed to the Amazon reviews and the fact that our
survey results were based on a nonrepresentative MTurk sam-
ple, whi ch may not be representative of the Amazon Music
customer base, we find that the average rating of the survey
data explains much more of the variation in the Amazon sales
rank than the average Amazon reviews (R
survey avg
¼ .172 vs.
Amazon avg
¼ .004).
Including the variables together in the same regression
(Model 4), we find that, consistent with prev ious studies
(Forman, Ghose, and Wiesenfeld 2008; Hu, Koh, and Reddy
2014), when we include both the number of ratings and the
average ratings on Amazon, only the number of reviews is
significantly related to the sales rank. This result is also con-
sistent with the strong polarity self-selection on Amazon. Next,
we replace the average rating of Amazon reviews with the
average rating from our survey (Model 5). While the log num-
ber of reviews is still significant in this model, the average
rating from the survey is also (marginally) significantly related
to the sales rank. In addition, the explained variation in sales
rank is considerably higher when we replace the average rating
on Amazon with the average rating from the survey (R
survey avg
.391 vs. R
Amazon avg
¼ .336). This result holds also when we
include all three predictors in the model (Model 6). To examine
if the problem lies with the Amazon ratings, we also used Google
Play’s average ratings and number of reviews for the respective
songs instead of Amazon’s ratings and number of reviews (Model
7). Only the number of reviews on Google Play and the average
Table 10. Relationship Between Log(Song Sales Rank) and Review Volume and Valence.
Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7
Log(Amazon # reviews) .666 (.158)*** .674 (.161)*** .573 (.162)*** .581 (.163)***
Amazon avg. reviews .047 (.957) .339 (.798) .580 (.780)
Survey avg. reviews 2.096 (.777)** 1.299 (.712)* 1.387 (.726)* 1.575 (.799)*
Log(Google # reviews) .472 (.193)**
Google avg. reviews .438 (1.407)
Release date .001 (.003) .001 (.003) .003 (.003) .001 (.003) .001 (.003) .001 (.003) .007 (.003)**
Intercept 20.701 (115.597) 57.141 (140.044) 124.968 (129.547) 16.854 (117.286) 31.890 (115.700) 42.010 (117.200) 311.880 (142.656)**
.333 .004 .172 .336 .391 .401 .304
*p < .1.
**p < .05.
***p < .01.
Notes: SEs in parentheses.
Analysis with all Amazon reviews led to similar results.
Schoenmueller et al. 871
rating from the survey are (marginally) significantly related to
songsales.This again confirms that polarity self-selection leads to
a loss of information of the average rating.
The Relationship Between Self-Selection and Objective
Ratings as Well as Usefulness
Arguably, online reviews should be most closely related to
objective quality of the product such as those reflected in
product evaluations provided by experts (e.g., consumer
reports ratings, expert movie critics). However, previous
research has shown only a weak relationship between average
ratings and objective pro duct q uality measures for Amazon
online reviews (De Langhe, Fernbach, and Lichtenstein
2015). Could the low relationshi p found in De Langhe, Fern-
bach, and Lichtenstein (2015) be attributed to the high polarity
self-selection on the Amazon platform? Next, we evaluate the
role of polarity self-selection in expl a ining this discrepancy.
Specifically, consistent wi th po larity self-selection, we should
expect a stronger relationship between average online review
ratings and objective evaluation for pro ducts for which polar-
ity self-selection is low r elative to products for which polarity
self-selection is high.
To examine this, we collect a data set of movies from IMDb
and combine it with movie critic ratings from Rotten Tomatoes
as a measure of objective quality. Although critic ratings offer a
better objective measure of product quality compared with
consumer ratings, they should not be seen as a ground truth
measure of product quality, but rather a proxy for objective
quality. We collect the top 150 movies released in the United
States in 2017. As a measure of self-selection, we gathered the
number of reviews of reviewers for a random sample of 100
reviewers (written by unique reviewers) per movie. We average
the number reviews per reviewer per movie to assess the polar-
ity self-selection of a movie.
We first correlate the Tomatometer score of movie critics
from Rotten Tomatoes with the average online ratings from
IMDb. We find that the correlation between the expert’s
Tomatometer score and IMDb consumer reviews (r(150) ¼
.7935, p < .001) is much larger than the correlation between
the expert’s Tomatometer score and the same movie consumer
reviews on Amazon (r(150) ¼ .3738, p < .001). This result is
anecdotally in line with the higher polarity self-selection on the
Amazon platform (4 reviews per reviewer) relative to the IMDb
platform (367 reviews per reviewer). This result may suggest
that previous findings on the weak relationship between
average ratings and expert ratings (De Langhe, Fernbach, and
Lichtenstein 2015) may be attributed to the choice of a high-
self-selection platform (Amazon).
To assess the relationship between self-selection and the
relationship between average ratings and objective quality fur-
ther, we regress the Tomatometer score of movie critics on the
average rating, the number of reviews per reviewer, and the
interaction between the two (see Table 11). We find a signif-
icant positive interaction effect. This result demonstrates that
average ratings are more strongly related to critic ratings, and
thus objective quality when self-selection is lower (number of
reviews per reviewer is higher).
Another dimension of review informativeness is review’s
perceived usefulness, which relates to the perception of reviews
by (potential) consumers. Previous research has shown that
extreme reviews are often perceived as less useful (Mudambi
and Schuff 2010). We build on these findings and investigate
the impact of polarity self-selection on the perceived usefulness
of Yelp reviews. Again, we measure polarity self-selection of a
reviewer by the number of reviews they have written per
month. To test the effect of polarity self-selection on usefulness
of the review, we regress usefulness as measured by the number
of usefulness votes of a review on Yelp on the number of
reviews of a reviewer, controlling for the overall number of
reviews of the restaurant and the average rating. The regression
results are summarized in Table 12. We find that polarity self-
selection has a significant negative effect on usefulness. That
is, reviews written by reviewers who write more reviews (lower
self-selection) are perceived as more useful.
Overall, our analyses demonstrate that polarity self-
selection can distort the info rma tiveness of average review
ratings and, at the same time, increase the informativeness of
the number of reviews as an indicator of product popularity and
objective quality measures. We further demonstrate that com-
plementing the existing (self-selected) reviews with a less self-
selected source of evaluation in the form of survey-based
reviews leads to a more reliable measure of consumers’ pre-
ferences as reflected by products’ sales. The role of polarity
self-selection with respect to the polarity of the review distri-
bution high lights the importance of understanding not only
Table 11. Relationship Between Critic Reviews and P olari ty Self-
Intercept 105.846 (67.925)
Log(average # of reviews per reviewer) 35.054 (12.100)***
IMDb average rating 5.317 (10.039)
Log(average # of reviews per reviewer)
average ratings
5.050 (1.796)***
N 150
***p < .01.
Notes: SEs in parentheses.
Table 12. Relationship Between Review Usefulness and Polarity Self-
Intercept .976 (.011)***
Log(number restaurant reviews by reviewer per
.200 (.001)***
Log(number restaurant reviews) .022 (.001)***
Average ratings .045 (.003)***
N 4,467,240
***p < .01.
Notes: SEs in parentheses.
872 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
average ratings but also the entire review distribution in inves-
tigating the relationship between reviews and sales.
Conclusions and Future Directions
Online reviews are a major source of information for consu-
mers in making decisions. This is reflected by the sheer number
of academic and nonacademic studies investigating the impact
of online reviews on consumers’ decision making. Prior
research has documented a high degree of polarity and positive
imbalance of review distributions. In this research, we investi-
gate the prevalence of the degree of polarity and positive
imbalance of online review distributions, the role of polarity
self-selection in generating this distribution, and, finally, its
consequences with respect to the loss of informativeness of the
average review measure. We conduct a comprehensive analysis
of the prevalence of the polarity of review distributions across
more than 280 million reviews from 25 online review and
e-commerce platforms. We find that while polarity in the
review distribution is quite prevalent, substantial variation
exists across platforms. Platforms in which reviewers only
review a few products on average (high degree of polarity
self-selection) exhibit high degrees of polarity relative to plat-
forms in which reviewers review many products. We demon-
strate that the number of reviews per reviewers can serve as a
good, and easy to collect, proxy for polarity self-selection and
propose it as a measure for platforms to identify products and/
or reviewers with a high degree of polarity self-selection.
We use a multipronged approach including secondary data
analyses of a large-scale review database, experiments, and
surveys to investigate the role of pol arity self-selection in
explaining the degree of polarity of the review distributions.
Using experiments, we demonstrate the causal relationship
between polarity self-selection and t he polarity of the
Finally, we find that polarity self-selection can lead to a loss
of information of online ratings. We show that for review dis-
tributions with a higher intensity of polarity self-selection, the
average ratings metric, commonly used in online review plat-
forms and academic research, is only weakly related to sales. In
addition, we suggest that the inconclusive results in previous
research regarding the relationship between the average rating
and sales can be explained by polarity self-selection and the
prevalence of polar distributions of reviews. We further
demonstrate that while the average ratings of the reviews on
the Amazon platform are only weakly related to sales, repla-
cing these reviews with a non-self-selected set of reviews leads
to a stronger relationship between average ratings and sales.
Our results have important implications for both platforms
that host online reviews and consumers that use these reviews
as a source of information. We demonstrate that due to polarity
self-selection, reviews posted online reflect a possibly biased
view of the overall evaluations of consumers who purchased
the product. Consumers using reviews as a source of online
WOM should be aware that reviews on many platforms reflect
an extreme picture of the true shape of consumer preferences.
At the extreme, when most reviews are polar and positively
imbalanced, consumers should pay more attention to the num-
ber of reviews than to the average rating, as the average ratings
do not allow to distinguish between high- and low-quality
Platforms aiming to provide consumers with an unbiased
view of consumers’ evaluations and to increase the informa-
tiveness of their online reviews should strive to assess the
degree of polarity self-select ion, and, to the extent possible,
reduce it and inform consumers about its existence. We pro-
pose the number of reviews per reviewer as not only a good
proxy for self-selection, but also an easy measure for platforms
to collect and approximate the degree of self-selection of the
platform’s reviewers. One potential strategy for platforms to
increase the informativeness of reviews might be to report the
average or the distribution of the number of reviews of
reviewers that rated the product. For example, platforms could
allow consumers to compare review statistics and distributions
for frequent versus infrequent reviewers. One online platform
that does not present the raw average ratings but weighs the
ratings prior to showing the average is IMDb. Although IMDb
does not disclose the weighing algorithm (IMDb 2020), our
research suggests that in such an algorithm the reviews of
frequent reviewers should receive a higher weight than those
of infrequent reviewers.
Another strategy for platforms to reduce polarity self-
selection is to increase customers’ propensity to write a review.
Platforms can send out reminders or even monetarily incenti-
vize customers to write reviews about products they experi-
ence. To investigate how incentivizing reviewers may affect
the distribution of reviews, we collaborated with the German
service platform yourXpert and ran a field experiment incenti-
vizing customers to write reviews. To test whether review plat-
forms sending reminders to review a product or service can
reduce polarity self-selection, we use the following setup: the
company sent a reminder to write a review two days after the
purchase of the service, and after two weeks a second reminder
to customers who did not rate the service after the first remin-
der with an offer of 5 if they review the service. We compare
the share of polar ratings (one- and five-star ratings) for
reviews that were received before the first reminder (M ¼
90.4%;N¼ 1,343), reviews received after the first reminder
without monetary incentive (M ¼ 83.5%;N¼ 782), and
reviews received after the second reminder with a monetary
incentive (M ¼ 79.9%;N¼ 645). We find that the proportion
of one- and five-star ratings is significantly lower for reviews
that arrived after the first reminder without monetary incentive
(1, N ¼ 2,125) ¼ 21.358, p < .001) and for reviews that
arrived after the second reminder with monetary incentive
(1, N ¼ 1,988) ¼ 41.873, p < .001) relative to reviews that
arrived with no reminder. These results provide initial evidence
that incentivizing customers to write reviews for products they
have purchased (with or without monetary incentive) can
reduce polarity self-selection. We encourage future research
to explore the role of monetary and other incentives in reducing
Schoenmueller et al. 873
polarity self-selection and provide a more representative set of
reviews (e.g., Brandes, Godes, and Mayzlin 2019).
Our findings regarding the role of polarity self-selection in
the generation of reviews can help explain several findings
reported in the online review literature. First, our results are
consistent with the finding of Moe and Schweidel (2012), who
demonstrate that frequent reviewers are, on average, more neg-
ative than infrequent reviewers. The authors explain this find-
ing through the frequent reviewers’ objective to differentiate
themselves from the overall positive rating environment,
whereas infrequent reviewers show bandwagon behavior, thus
giving more positive ratings. Our finding suggests that the
difference between the behavior of frequent and infrequent
reviewers already exists in the first review they write for a
product and may be related to the degree of polarity self-
selection of these two groups of reviewers. Mayzlin, Dover,
and Chevalier (2014) find that approx imately 23% of a ll
TripAdvisor re views are posted by one-time reviewers and,
consistent with our findings, show that these reviews are more
likely to be polar compared with the entire TripAdvisor sample.
While the authors explain this result by stating the possibility
that one-time reviewers are more likely to write fake reviews,
we show that this effect can be attributed to polarity self-
We note several possible limitations of our research. First,
although we investigate a large set of factors that can affect the
variation in the polarity and positive imbalance of review dis-
tributions across platforms, other cross-platform factors, which
we could not access at scale in the current analysis, might also
affect the review distributions. We encourage future research to
investigate the impact of factors such as whether and how much
the reviewed product/service also advertises on the platforms,
information from the reviewer’s previous reviews on the plat-
form, the strength and structure of the social network among
reviewers, and the textual content of the reviews.
Second, we find evidence that the key review metrics (aver-
age ratings and number of reviews) may be biased by polarity
self-selection and that such a bias may hinder the ability of
these metrics to capture consumers’ “true” preferences. Obtain-
ing access to individual-level data of both reviews and pur-
chases may help shed more light on the relationship between
polarity self-selection and consumer choices. Future research
could investigate the impact of review distributions on individ-
ual purchasing behavior.
Third, we document the prevalence of polarity and positive
imbalance and identify polarity self-selection as a major factor
in the observed distribution of reviews. However, in the scope
of this article, we do not directly explore why consumers are
more likely to review extreme experiences (Gershoff, Mukher-
jee, and Mukhopadhyay 2003). Future research should further
explore the motivation to write reviews and its relationship to
polarity self-selection. Polarity self-selection could arise from
(1) prepurchase expectations (consumers self-select whether to
review a product based on their expectation prepurchase), (2)
the actual evaluation (consumers actual evaluation of the prod-
uct after purchasing/ experien cing it affects their decision to
review), or (3) expectation disconfirmation—the d ifference
between 1 and 2 (i.e., the change between expectations and the
final evaluation; Minnema et al. 2016). The distinction between
the three drivers can inform whether self-selection takes place
before or after the customer has purchased the product. While
expectations can be formed by existing product reviews, offline
WOM, or adver tising, expectation disconfirmation can be
formed by the experience with the product and biases such as
cognitive dissonance.
We ran a preliminary study in which we asked respondents
about their expectation, expectation disconfirmation, and
actual evaluation of a restaurant or a book as well as their
likelihood to review. We find that all three drivers—prepurch-
ase expectations, expectation disconfirmation, and overall rat-
ings of the product—affect the customer’s decision to write a
review. The finding that prepurchase expectations affect the
decision to review enables us to rule out the possibility that
polarity self-selection is purely driven by adjustment-type
biases, such as cognitive dissonance (Festinger 1957) or social
influence. Interestingly, splitting the effect of expectation dis-
confirmation between positive an d negative disconfirmation
can help explain our positive imbalance results. We find that
consumers with positive expectation disconfirmation were
more likely to review compared with those with no or negative
confirmation. From a managerial perspective, these results also
suggest that companies setting expectations too high do not get
penalized by worse-than-expected experiences when it comes
to online reviews. Rather, such companies simply end up with
fewer reviews, as only satisfied consumers seem t o write
reviews. This points to the importance of the number of reviews
as a measure of overall quality. Alternatively, companies could
set expectations low and thus “encourage” consumers to write a
review due to positive expectation disconfirmation.
Fourth, the present study focuses on numerical ratings. Con-
sumer reviews generally consist of numerical ratings and tex-
tual evaluations. Prior res earch has shown the relevanc e of
review text for sales predictions (Archak, Ghose, and Ipeirotis
2011). Our initial examination reveals that the sentiment of
review text shows lower polarity than the numerical ratings.
We encourage future research to investigate the underlying
sentiment of review text and identify potential differences
between the numerical rating distributions and the sentiment
of textual information.
Fifth, possible variation in scale usage across cultures could
lead to differences in the role of polarity self-selection and the
resulting review distribution (Li et al. 2018). Because most of
the platforms we study are U.S.-based, we cannot rigorously
analyze cross-cultural effects. We leave this interesting avenue
of exploration for future research.
In summary, our research provides one of the largest-scale
analyses of online reviews to explore the distributions of online
reviews, the prevalence of polarity in these distributions, and
the possible antecedents and consequences of such polarity. We
identi fy that the summaries of online reviews—valence and
volume—that are commonly used by consumers may be biased
874 Journal of Marketing Research 57(5)
due to polarity self-selection. We hope to encourage future
works to further explore this bias and its possible remedies.
The authors thank the Wharton Customer Analytics Initiative; Julian
McAuley; the Stanford Network Analysis Project; Stefan Schu
tt and
Bernhard Finkbeiner from yourXpert and; Yaniv
Dover, Dina Mayzlin, and Judith Chevalier for their help with provid-
ing data for this article; and Stefan Kluge for help with data collection.
Associate Editor
Hari Sridhar
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
The author(s) declared no potential conflicts of interest with respect to
the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article.
The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the
research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: Verena Schoen-
mueller gratefully acknowledges support from the Swiss National Sci-
ence Foundation.
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