(Sample rating sheet for Phone Interviews)
Telephone Interview Rating Sheet
Title: Lead Programmer Analyst
Candidate Name:____________________________ Date:____________________
Search Committee Member:_______________________________
Goals for Phone Call
Determine how well they communicate?
Determine at how well their experience and background has prepared them for this job?
Do they make a compelling case that it would be a productive partnership for both Geneseo and
Search committee add your own goals here
Opening Statement
“Thank you for taking our call today. This call should take approximately ___ minutes”, half hour etc.
Introduce yourself and the search committee members, including names and titles.
Provide Candidate with a brief background on job. Example: “This interview is for a Lead Programmer
Analyst. The duties of the job are: Supporting Banner SIS, other third party applications, and custom
applications. Configuring, customizing Banner. Resolving customer issues via vendor support.
Integration with 3rd party, Data extract/reporting via tools like Groovy, PL/SQL, Argos, Database
PL/SQL programming skills critical. Custom web applications using Page Builder, Java/Groovy/Grails
(e.g. custom workflows). Not purely head’s down product development!”
Describe what happens next. Example: “We are going to ask you a series of questions. We will take
turns asking the questions and will be taking notes. If you are unable to hear us or need the question
repeated, please let us know. Are you ready to begin? “
Rating: For each question the search committee member should circle the appropriate rating as it applies
to the candidate’s response. Record the applicant’s response to the question in the space provided.
1 Unsatisfactory, Not Complete or Incorrect
2 Fair, Marginal
3 Good, Complete with relevant examples
4 Very Good, Above Average knowledge and/or relevant examples
5 Outstanding, Superior knowledge and/or relevant examples
Why are you interested in this position and specifically working at SUNY Geneseo?
1 2 3 4 5
Describe your database programming experience and skills, feel free to use specific examples from
projects you have worked on? 1 2 3 4 5
Please describe your experience working directly with customers?. 1 2 3 4 5
How do you ensure that your solutions provide customer satisfaction? 1 2 3 4 5
What type of communication do you enjoy most? 1 2 3 4 5
What questions do you have for us? 1 2 3 4 5
Closing: Describe next steps in process, timeline, references etc. Example: “Thank you for your time
today. The next step in our process is to contact your references. We expect to make decisions to
move forward with candidates by July 30
If you are selected for on campus interview, we anticipate
they will take place between August 5
and 12
. Goodbye.”
Overall Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
The search committee member should select one choice.
I recommend this candidate for on campus interview. _____
I do not recommend this candidate for on campus interview. _____
(Sample rating sheet for On Campus Interviews)
On Campus Interview Rating Sheet
Title: Lead Programmer Analyst
Candidate Name: ____________________________ Date: ____________________
Search Committee Member: _______________________________
Goals for Interview:
Determine how well they communicate?
Determine at how well their experience and background has prepared them for this job?
Do they make a compelling case that it would be a productive partnership for both Geneseo and
Search committee add your own goals here
Opening Statement
“Thank you for interviewing with us today. This portion of the interview process should take about
one hour.” Introduce yourself and the search committee members, including names and titles.
Provide Candidate with a brief background on job. Example: “This interview is for a Lead Programmer
Analyst. The duties of the job are: Supporting Banner SIS, other third party applications, and custom
applications. Configuring, customizing Banner. Resolving customer issues via vendor support.
Integration with 3rd party, Data extract/reporting via tools like Groovy, PL/SQL, Argos, Database
PL/SQL programming skills critical. Custom web applications using Page Builder, Java/Groovy/Grails
(e.g. custom workflows). Not purely head’s down product development!”
Describe what happens next. Example: “We are going to ask you a series of questions. We will take
turns asking the questions and will be taking notes. Some questions have multiple parts. If you need
the question repeated, please let us know. Are you ready to begin?
Rating: For each question the search committee member should circle the appropriate rating as it applies
to the candidate’s response. Record the applicant’s response to the question in the space provided.
1 Unsatisfactory, Not Complete or Incorrect
2 Fair, Marginal
3 Good, Complete with relevant examples
4 Very Good, Above Average knowledge and/or relevant examples
5 Outstanding, Superior knowledge and/or relevant examples
Why are you interested in this position and specifically working at SUNY Geneseo?
2 2 3 4 5
Describe your database programming experience and skills, feel free to use specific examples from
projects you have worked on? 1 2 3 4 5
Please describe your experience working directly with customers. 1 2 3 4 5
How do you ensure that your solutions provide customer satisfaction? 1 2 3 4 5
What type of communication do you enjoy most? 1 2 3 4 5
What questions do you have for us? 1 2 3 4 5
Closing: Describe next steps in process, timeline, references etc. Example: “Thank you for your time
today. The next step in our process is to contact your references. We expect to make a hiring
decision by August 20
Describe what is happening next in the interview process: Next, Julie will escort you to meet with the
Vice President of Academic Affairs. We have a 15 minute break before the next meeting. If you need
to use the restrooms they are located down the hall to the left….ect”
Overall Rating: 1 2 3 4 5
The search committee member should select one choice.
This candidate is acceptable. _____
This candidate is not acceptable. _____
Open Forum Feedback Form (Sample)
Job Title:
Candidate Name:
Your Name (Optional):
Please review the vacancy announcement and illegal questions provided.
(Search chair should bring sufficient copies of these to the open forum to be handed out or picked up at
upon entry)
Please provide us with your feedback. All comments must be job related and relevant to the candidacy of
the individual.
1) The candidate displayed the following strengths:
2) The candidate displayed the following areas of opportunity:
3) Other job related comments:
______ I recommend the candidate for this position
______ I do not recommend the candidate for this position
My Role:
_____ Faculty _____ Professional Staff _____ Classified Staff _____ MC Staff