Adobe Graduate Assistantship Contracts Guide
Visit the Graduate School's Hiring Resources page for contract links and additional information.
Creating an Adobe Account ……………………………………………………
Page 2
Adobe Form Roles & Tips ……………………………………………………...
Page 2
Instructions for Creating a Contract …………………………………………..
Pages 3-9
Additional duties/responsibilities upload ……………………………...
Page 3
Assigning approvers (participants) ……………………………………
Page 4
Form Filler Confirmation ………………………………………………..
Pages 5-6
Signers Process …………………………………………………………
Pages 6-7
Additional Signer Options (Decline to Sign & Delegate) ……………
Pages 7-8
Confirmation of completed Adobe Form ……………………………...
Page 9
Graduate School Contract Submission Process …………………………….
Page 10
Summer Appointment Contracts ………………………………………
Page 10
Academic Year and Per Semester Contracts ………………………..
Page 10
Creating an Adobe Acrobat Account
For Faculty/Staff:
Access to the Adobe Creative Cloud platform is provided for all URI community
members via the Myapps SSO (single sign on) portal. Please login into your URI Office
365 account using your SSO (Single Sign On password). The link above should bring you
directly to your ‘Apps Dashboard’. Find ‘Adobe Creative Cloud’ among the list and click
the icon to enter the platform.
Once signed in, click on the apps icon at the top right corner, then click on the ‘Document Cloud’ icon. See
screenshot below. You will be able to view submitted, in progress, and documents waiting for your signature (if
applicable) by clicking on the Documents tab located in the top menu bar.
Adobe Form Roles & Tips
There are three roles for the contract letters:
1. Form filler role - Person who completes the initial fields and sets the signature workflow, no signature
2. Dean/ Department Head/ PI/Supervisor role - Signature is required
3. Student role - Signature is required
There is a yellow tab to the left that can guide you through the sections or you can use the tab key on
your keyboard.
All red asterisks are required fields.
Click here to view the assistantship letter field-by-field instructions.
These instructions also apply to the Summer Appointment Letters.
It is recommended to create an Adobe account (It’s free!) as there is a dashboard that allows you to
track the progress of forms that you are included in.
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Instructions for Creating a Contract
Contracts are available on the Graduate School Hiring Department Resources page.
1. Click on the acknowledgement statement that appears on the bottom of the screen to start completing the
form. Form filler (initiator) fills out the sections highlighted in yellow.
2. Fill in the highlighted sections by using the tab key on your keyboard, clicking the yellow tab to the left to
guide you through the sections or clicking on the fields. Red asterisks indicate a required field.
3. At the end of the form, there is an option to add an attachment if additional duties/responsibilities are
needed. The attachment will appear as additional page(s) when submitted.
4. Once all required fields are complete, a submit button will appear at the bottom of the screen. Click
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5. A pop up will appear to input the signer’s information. Reference the notes section under the Participant
Header to determine which signer information to input. This step will initiate the workflow for obtaining
signatures. Participant 2 is the person within the department that is signing the letter, typically a supervisor,
Dean, PI, or Department Head. Participant 3 is the student. The first and last names entered will populate for
the signer's signature. Signers can modify their signature if needed. Asterisks are required signatures. Click the
next button.
a. A private message can be sent to individual signers if needed. Only the participant you send the
message to will see it. The message will automatically display once the form is opened by the
person and there is also an icon located at the top right of the form.
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6. After you click submit, a pop up will appear requesting the Form Filler’s information. Click submit.The
Form Filler must verify their identity before the form is successfully submitted (Adobe requirement).
7. An email from Adobe will be sent to the Form Filler’s email with a link to verify identity.
8. Click on the confirm my email address link sent within the Adobe email to confirm identity and officially
submit the form.
Example email notification to Form Filler:
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Example of email to Form Filler:
Once you click on the link, you will receive a confirmation like the image below:
This step must be done every time a form is created (Adobe requirement). Additional signers will not need to
verify identity, only Form Fillers. Once confirmed, the workflow of obtaining signatures begins.
9. The additional signer(s) will receive an email alerting them that their signature is requested. Click on the
Click here to view and sign {form title} link. The link will open the form.
Example email notification to Signer:
Example email to Signer:
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10. Signers will only be able to complete fields that are assigned to them. Typically this would be the
signature field(s).
11. Once the click here to sign field is selected, a pop up will appear to sign the form with different signing
options to choose from. Click the apply button to capture the signature.
12. There are additional options available to Signers. The options menu is located at the top left side.
Signers will have the following options:
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a. If selecting the Decline to sign option, a reason must be indicated by selecting Enter my own
reason. Enter the reason and then click the Decline button. All participants in the flow, including
Form Filler and all signers, will receive notice/email that the form was declined and the reason
will be displayed in the email.
b. If selecting the Delegate signing to another option, a pop up will appear to indicate the new
signer’s email and message. Click the delegate button. An email will be sent.
13. Signers click on the Click to Sign button located at the bottom of the screen to submit their sections.
The form will continue through the workflow until all signatures are obtained.
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14. A confirmation screen will appear and indicate the next signer, if applicable. It is recommended to create
an Adobe account (It’s free!) as there is a dashboard that allows you to track the progress of forms that
you are included in.
15. All parties, including the Form Filler, will receive an email with the completed form as a link and
Example email notification to all parties:
Example email to all parties:
Contract is now complete! See submission process for next steps.
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Graduate School Contract Submission Process
Summer Appointment Contracts
There is nothing further for the department to do. This form is set up to go through an internal approval
workflow. Below is the Internal Approval Workflow.
1. Department initiates the contract workflow
a. The person (form filler role) initiating the contract will assign the Business Manager (if
applicable), department, and the student signature workflow.
b. Budget table will be provided, if needed.
c. All parties in the workflow will receive the final PDF version of the contract.
2. Graduate School verifies eligibility
3. Human Resources will create the job record for all approved contracts.
a. All appointments will now be contract pay, not hourly pay
b. Changes after the job record is created require a contract change form. CC Kathy Kantor
([email protected]) when submitting the form.
c. NOTE: The department will receive a COMPLETED email once the job record is created.
4. Human Resources will create the initial budget table, if applicable.
a. Any edits to the budget table are handled by the department/college.
b. NOTE: Please read the bottom of the completed contract to know if the budget table was
successfully added or if there was a budget table error. In the case of the budget table error, the
department will need to create the budget table.
Academic Year and Per Semester Contracts
1. Department initiates the Contract workflow
a. The person (form filler role) initiating the contract will assign the department and the student
signature workflow
b. All parties in the workflow will receive the final PDF version of the contract
2. Department creates the job record in HR eCampus once the signed contract is received.
a. Changes to the contract/job record require a contract change form. CC Kathy Kantor
([email protected]) when submitting the form.
b. NOTE: HR eCampus for the following academic year opens July 1st.
3. Department uploads the final contract through the GA Contract Submission Portal.
a. The Graduate School and Enrollment Services cannot post waivers if a contract and SGA-2G
form (if applicable, dept funded assistantships) is not received.
b. If the department/college/unit received approval for higher stipend rate, the approved form must
be uploaded to the submission portal.
c. NOTE: The submission portal for the following academic year opens July 1st.
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