fhsd.academics - i - Revised Oct 2016
4545 Central School Road
St. Charles, MO 63304
Phone: (636) 851-4000
Dr. Mary Hendricks-Harris, Superintendent
7001 Highway 94 South
St. Charles, MO 63304
Phone: (636) 851-4700
Dr. David Wedlock
Dr. Angela Kozlowski
Mrs. Jessica DiPaolo
Mr. Jon Schultz
Dr. Brian Thompson
Mr. Sean Erwin - Activities Director
Mrs. Jessie Altman
Darci Hillyer A-Cordi
Brett Griffin Cordj-Hak
Kim Potts Hal-Koo
Jennifer Lowrey Kop-Ol
Kristin Adams Om-Sol
Beth Fischer Som-Z
Kim Vest A+ Coordinator
Chris Seaman Registrar
Tina Medley Secretary
Frances Wood Secretary
Francis Howell High School has earned full accreditation
from the Missouri State Department of Elementary and
Secondary Education.
Francis Howell High School is a member of the Missouri
State High School Activities Association, the governing
body for intrastate competition. FHHS is also a member
of the Gateway Athletic Conference. Conference sports
include: football, boys’ and girls’ soccer, girls’ softball,
cross-country, boys’ and girls’ volleyball, boys’ and girls’
basketball, wrestling, boys’ and girls’ track, baseball,
boys’ and girls’ tennis, boys’ and girls’ golf, and boys’ and
girls’ swimming. If you have questions regarding Francis
Howell High School’s athletic program, please contact Mr.
Sean Erwin, Activities Director, at (636) 851-4765.
Francis Howell High School also offers a wide range of
other activities including: drama, vocal and instrumental
music, speech, student government, National Honor
Society and numerous clubs.
Francis Howell High School is committed to working in
partnership with the community (staff, students, parents,
and community members) to provide a quality learning
environment that promotes continuous improvement for
students in achievement, attachment and awareness
The Francis Howell High School Community will provide
a high quality educational experience that will result in
students possessing the necessary knowledge and skills
to become life-long learners and be positive contributors
within their community.
The Francis Howell High School Community will provide
an environment which develops a sense of personal and
school pride, cultural awareness, and tolerance.
1. We will establish clear targets and expectations that
focus on learning.
2. We will develop common formative and summative
assessments that will be used to guide instructional
3. We will utilize strategic professional development to
implement and evaluate effective instructional practices.
4. We will use SMART goals to monitor the progress of
our students’ attendance, achievement, and behavior.
5. We will model the appropriate behavior that we expect
from our students.
6. We will respect each student and staff member as a
valued individual and work collaboratively in our teams to
address students’ unique intellectual, physical, social,
and emotional needs.
7. We will foster an ongoing partnership among student,
family, school, and community that will promote a learning
atmosphere which values mutual respect, perseverance,
honesty, integrity, and school pride.
. We will model behavior we expect from our students.
2. We will discuss and monitor goals and expectations
with our students.
3. We will make a commitment to help our students make
good decisions.
4. We will make a commitment to attend school events
such as open house, parent/teacher conferences, etc.
5. We will take an active role with our student’s friends.
6. We will work to create an environment of honesty and
trust with our students and the staff at FHHS.
7. We will encourage and teach respect, integrity,
character, tolerance, and responsibility.
8. We will monitor what our students are doing in their
spare time.
9. We will work with the FHHS staff to prepare our
students for a meaningful post-high school experience.
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10. We will focus on positive expectations for our
11. We will communicate with our students and
encourage their involvement in school activities.
1. We will show respect for teachers, parents, community,
and peers.
2. We will have a positive attitude and be ready to work.
3. We will set and attain high goals.
4. We will take responsibility for learning.
5. We will be involved in school activities.
6. We will work to develop the skills necessary to make
positive life choices.
1. Francis Howell High School will achieve a core data
annual average daily attendance rate of 95.9%
2. Francis Howell High School will reduce the top three
discipline infractions by 5%.
It is the policy of the Francis Howell School District not to
discriminate on the basis of race, sex or disability status
in its educational activities or employment practices.
Inquiries related to race or sex discrimination should be
referred to the District’s designee for Title VI and Title IX
compliance. Inquiries related to disability status should
be referred to the Director of Alternative Learning. Their
offices are in the Francis Howell Administration Building,
4545 Central School Road, St. Charles, MO 63304, (636)
The Francis Howell School District offers a broad range
of services to accommodate the special educational
needs of students in the community. Please refer to the
special services section of the course listings for a
complete list of available services.
Prior to the student receiving special education services,
an individual comprehensive evaluation in the areas of
intelligence, behavior and related areas must be
completed. Before placement is final, an individual
education program must be developed and parental
permission secured.
Guidance Counselors have the option of requesting
additional support/counseling for students from the
Educational Support Counselor in the building. Requests
for services are based on personal, social and emotional
needs which may include behavioral or attendance
We continue to stress the continuity of the high school
experience and importance of educational planning. The
freshman and sophomore years will establish a solid
foundation of basic studies and required courses. The
junior and senior years will allow greater flexibility for the
student and family to choose from several broad areas of
study: College Preparatory, Technical/Vocational,
Occupational (Work/Study) and General.
College Preparatory Courses
Provide students the opportunity to prepare for entry into
a college setting.
Technical/Vocational Courses
Provides students the opportunity to select a program
from the Lewis and Clark Career Center. Entry into a
technical or vocational field upon graduation is the
primary goal.
Occupational (Work/Study) Programs
Provides seniors the opportunity to prepare for general
employment in a chosen field upon graduation. Available
areas of study include: Business/Cooperative Work
Experience, Marketing/Cooperative Work Experience and
Culinary Arts Work Experience.
General Course Study
Provides students the opportunity to complete the
minimum requirements for graduation and prepare for a
variety of career choices, including: vocational or
technical training, the military or two-year degree and
certificate programs. Additional “select” courses might be
required by a college or technical school in a particular
field or program. Therefore, students are encouraged to
consult their individual counselor on a frequent basis to
insure successful progress toward graduation in their
respective choice of studies or programs.
One unit of credit is awarded for the successful
completion of a year-long course. One-half unit of credit
is awarded for successful completion of a semester
course. Credits are awarded at the completion of each
semester. Credit will not be awarded by quarter.
A required course is one that either the State Department
of Education or the Francis Howell School District
requires for graduation. All required courses must be
successfully completed prior to graduation.
Each student is expected to make continual progress
toward graduation requirements. Keeping in mind that the
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graduation requirements are minimum standards, a
normal program will be considered to be six units of credit
per year.
An elective course is one that a student chooses to take
but is not specifically required for graduation.
A prerequisite course is one that must be successfully
completed before another related course may be taken.
(Example: Accounting I must be completed before
enrolling for Accounting II).
A student must complete a minimum of 24 units of credit
to graduate.
Communication Arts .......................................... 4.0 units
Social Studies.................................................... 3.0 units
Mathematics ...................................................... 3.0 units
Science .............................................................. 3.0 units
Fine Arts ............................................................ 1.0 units
Practical Arts ..................................................... 1.0 units
Physical Education ............................................ 1.0 units
Health ................................................................ 0.5 units
Personal Finance .............................................. 0.5 units
Electives ............................................................ 7.0 units
Communication Arts: English I, English II, English III,
and one full credit from Communication Arts electives
Math: 3 full credits
Social Studies: United States History, Modern World
History, American Government
Science: Physical Science, Biology, Science elective
Fine Arts: includes Art, Music, and Theatre (one full unit
of credit)
Practical Arts: includes Business, Family and Consumer
Science, Industrial Technology, Lewis & Clark Vocational
Career Center, Yearbook Publication, Newspaper
Production, Photojournalism (one full unit of credit)
Personal Finance: Courses for personal finance will be
offered in the Family and Consumer Science Department
as well as the Business Department (1/2 unit of credit)
P.E.: (one unit of credit)
Health: (1/2 unit of credit)
Due to a change in BOE Policy 2525, students who
successfully complete a high school course while in
middle school will have the course recorded on their high
school transcript for G.P.A. and credit notation. These
courses include, but are not limited to, the following:
Honors Physical Science
French 1
German 1
Spanish 1
Note: Students who enrolled/completed these courses in
middle school prior to the policy change (November 2013)
will have the choice of “opting-in” for the G.P.A. and credit
Credit from accredited correspondence/on-line schools
may be applied toward meeting Francis Howell School
District graduation requirements. Before enrolling in any
such coursework, students should first check with their
guidance counselor to be certain that the institution is
accredited by a reputable agency, and that the course
selections will meet designated graduation requirements.
These courses are taken at the expense of the student.
The Francis Howell School District participates in the
Missouri Virtual Instruction Program (MoVIP). Through
the MoVIP program, District students have the opportunity
to participate in tuition-paid online courses in a variety of
content areas, grades 9-12. Students and their
parent(s)/guardian(s) are strongly encouraged to meet
with their guidance counselor before enrolling in any
MoVIP course.
The District will accept all MoVIP high school course
credit earned in grades 9-12. District staff members will
assign a grade depending upon the percentage of work
satisfactorily completed for each MoVIP course. In
awarding credit and assigning grades, the District will
apply the same standards for credit award and grade
assignment as are applied to courses completed in the
District’s traditional curriculum. Again, students and their
parent(s)/guardian(s) should meet with their guidance
counselor before enrolling in any MoVIP course to be
certain that the course selection(s) will meet designated
graduation requirements. These courses are taken at the
expense of the student.
The following scale is used to calculate the grade point
average (GPA) each semester:
All courses are graded with letters.
Regular Class Honors Class
A 90 100% 4 points 5 points
B 80 89% 3 points 4 points
C 70 79% 2 points 3 points
D 60 69% 1 point 1 point
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F 0 59% 0 point 0 point
Current grade point average = the average of the
course grades for all courses taken that semester
Cumulative grade point average = the average of
the semester grades for all courses taken during
high school.
Each class with a passing grade (any grade
higher than an “F”) = ½ credit per semester
Quarter Grade 40%
Quarter Grade 40%
Semester Exam 20%
Semester Grade 100%
Requirements to be eligible for Cum Laude Awards:
Students must accumulate a minimum of 27 credits at
graduation, unless prorated due to Advanced Standing
acknowledgement of high school level coursework
successfully completed before grade nine (see NOTES
below). Only high school courses, including MoVIP
courses, qualify for Cum Laude credit. Classes taken
through dual enrollment, correspondence, or night school
do not meet this standard.
1 - Students transferring from other school districts must
have taken the maximum amount of credits available at
their previous school(s) and then meet the above credit
requirements prorated for the period they attend high
school in the District.
2 While high school credit is not awarded for college
credit earned through dual enrollment, students who
successfully complete the highest level of District
coursework available in any of the four (4) core subject
areas may petition to dual enroll at a local college or
university in order to take more advanced courses in
said subject area(s). District schedule allowances may
be necessary to accommodate these dual enrollment
situations, and the Cum Laude total credit requirement
may be prorated as a result.
Cum Laude GPA requirements are:
4.2 and above = Summa Cum Laude
4.0 - 4.19 = Magna Cum Laude
3.8 - 3.99 = Cum Laude
NOTE: GPA will be calculated to include all high school
classes (including MoVIP classes), but exclude
correspondence and night school courses. GPAs will not
be rounded up.
Students are required to take a minimum of eight
semesters in each of the core areas: math,
communication arts, science, and social studies.
Students are required to earn a minimum of “proficient” on
all but one MAP/End-of-course exams taken over high
school level coursework.
On college entry exams, students are required to attain a
minimum of a 27 composite score on the ACT or a
combined 1220 on two of the three sections of the SAT.
Cum Laude honors will be announced as students’ names
are read at commencement. Students will wear a Cum
Laude medallion with the color ribbon selected by the
individual high school:
Summa Cum Laude = gold medallion
Magna Cum Laude = silver medallion
Cum Laude = bronze medallion
A seal will be placed on the students’ diplomas indicating
the appropriate honor.
Class rank will be reported on transcripts only.
Qualified graduates may earn the following awards: the
Missouri College Preparatory Studies Certificate, the
President’s Award for Educational Excellence, and/or the
Standard of Academic Accomplishment Award (SAA).
The criteria for these awards are outlined below.
Students are encouraged to plan accordingly and to
petition for the awards for which they qualify during the
spring of their senior year. Additional information
regarding these awards is available in the Guidance
The Missouri State Board of Education awards the
College Preparatory Studies Certificate (CPSC) to
Missouri students who successfully complete a rigorous
academic program in high school. The certificate is
awarded in addition to the regular high school diploma
granted by local school districts. Created by the Board in
1985, the certificate is designed to provide incentive and
recognition for public and non-public high school students
who exceed the state’s minimum graduation
Awarding the College Preparatory Studies Certificate is
voluntary on the part of school districts, and meeting the
requirements is voluntary on the part of the students.
While the certificate is primarily intended as an incentive
for college-bound students, those who are not planning to
enter college also may wish to work toward earning the
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To be eligible for the certificate, a student must meet
these requirements:
1. Complete a rigorous high school program cooperatively
planned by the school, the student and the student’s
parents. The program must include at least these units of
Subjects Units
English/Communication Arts ................... 4.0 units
Mathematics ............................................ 4.0 units
Science .................................................... 3.0 units
Social Studies.......................................... 3.0 units
Fine Arts .................................................. 1.0 units
Practical Arts ........................................... 1.0 units
Personal Finance .................................... 0.5 units
Health ...................................................... 0.5 units
Physical Education .................................. 1.0 units
Specified Core Electives ......................... 3.0 units
General Electives .................................... 4.0 units
Total 25.0
2. Earn at least a 3.0 grade point average (GPA), on a 4.0
scale, in the combined subject areas of
English/Communication, Mathematics, Science and
Social Studies or overall Grade Point Average.
3. Score above the prior year’s national composite
average on the American College Test (ACT) or on the
Scholastic Aptitude Test (SAT). This criterion is revised
annually to reflect the latest national averages from the
ACT and SAT.
4. Complete a strong academic program in the subject
areas of English/Communication Arts, Mathematics,
Science, Social Studies and specified core electives. No
substitutions are authorized.
5. Students must also maintain an attendance rate of at
least 95% in grades 9-12.
For further information, please visit the Missouri
Department of Elementary and Secondary Education
website at:
A student must meet all specified requirements for the
Missouri College Preparatory Certificate. A student must
have a minimum GPA of 3.5 on a 4.0 system and score
at or above the 85
percentile on an ACT, SAT or other
achievement test.
In order to receive the Standard of Academic
Accomplishment Award (SAA), a student must complete
all the specified courses required for the Missouri College
Prep Certificate. If a student has a GPA of less than 3.0
but greater than 2.5 or has scores at the National average
on the ACT, SAT, he/she may still be deemed qualified if
the principal believes these grades/scores are truly
commensurate with the student’s ability level. A student
must participate in at least one extra-curricular
activity for each of the four high school years. A
student must have excellent citizenship/attendance
record in each of his/her four years in high school.
Exception: Three units of approved mathematics credit
may be substituted for Geometry and Algebra 2 as
required by the Missouri College Preparatory Studies
Seniors earning a 4.0 cumulative GPA after 7
semesters of high school will receive a special cord to be
awarded at Senior Awards night. Seniors will also be able
to wear these special cords at graduation. In addition,
seniors with a 4.0 cumulative GPA will be invited to attend
a 4.0 luncheon with the superintendent and principal.
The Francis Howell School District offers an Honors
Program at the high school level.
Honors courses include:
AP Economics
English I Pre AP
English II Pre AP
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition
Newspaper Production
Yearbook Publication
Algebra II
Pre-AP Pre-Calculus
AP Calculus AB*
AP Calculus BC*
AP Statistics*
United States History
Modern World History
AP Government & Politics
AP US History
AP European History
AP World History
AP Psychology
Physical Science
AP Biology
Biology III (genetics)
Anatomy/Physiology (if 80% or higher on both semester
Chemistry I
AP Chemistry II
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Physics I
AP Physics II
AP Environmental Science (online)
Biology III
World Language: Levels III, IV, V*
AP World Language
Treble Choir/Chorale*
Concert Choir*
Chamber and Show Choir*
Symphonic Band/Wind Ensemble*
Jazz Ensemble*
AP Music Theory*
AP Art History
AP Studio Art
Gifted Mastery*
Introduction to Engineering Design
Principles of Engineering
Digital Electronics
Engineering Design and Development
AP Human Geography (online)
Human Body Systems
Medical Interventions
Computer Science Principles
Computer Science Applications
*Criteria for these courses are determined by meeting the
Admission to the Honors Program is based upon the
classroom grade in that subject area from the previous
year(s) and test scores on district approved achievement
Honors, Advanced Placement and Advanced Credit
courses give students a head start on college while they
are still in the supportive environment of a high school
classroom. When college admissions personnel see
these types of classes on a transcript, they realize the
student has been exposed to greater depth of curriculum,
which in turn requires students to develop time
management and study skills. The combination of these
abilities transfers directly to the intensity of college
coursework. While we strongly encourage students to
challenge themselves with a rigorous schedule of classes,
please understand that students who choose to be
enrolled in an Honors class will not be allowed to drop to
a corresponding regular section after the end of the
preceding school year. Teachers are hired and class
sections are designed on students’ initial requests and our
schedule does not offer the flexibility for students to make
these changes.
Students who transfer to an FHSD high school with
weighted grades from another district will only have those
courses honored that are the same as weighted courses
offered in FHSD.
Grade 9 Honors Course Eligibility
English Language Arts
Challenge ELA 870% or higher class average
ELA 8Gates Lexile 1200L; Advanced on MAP
and class average 90% or higher
Advanced MAP and 90% or above (student must
be in Algebra 8)
Gates Percentile Score + class average = 175
Social Studies
Gates Percentile Score + class average= 175
Notification of eligibility for Honors will be made in writing
by the counselor, and eligibility letters must be signed and
returned before a student may be placed in an Honors
Grade 10 Honors Course Eligibility
For entry into the 10
Grade Honors Program, students
must meet one of the following criteria:
1) Students currently in 9
Grade Honors must earn
a minimum of 80% (B) to continue in 10
2) Students who were eligible for 9
Grade Honors
but elected not to participate must average an
85% in the respective subject for both semesters
of 9
3) Students not currently in Honors and not eligible
for 9
Grade Honors must average a minimum of
85% in the respective subject for both semesters
of 9
grade. For math, students must have an
85% AND Advanced on most recent EOC or MAP
for placement in Honors Geometry or Honors
Algebra 2.
Grade 11 Honors Course Eligibility
For entry into the 11
Grade Honors Program, students
must complete the following steps:
1) Student must indicate their interest in Honors to
the respective teacher.
2) Student must request a recommendation from
the respective teacher.
3) Student must submit parental approval on the
appropriate Honors form by the designated
Second Semester Qualification for Honors Program
Students not qualifying at the end of the first semester,
but who do qualify at the end of the second semester,
MAY be added to the program via a parent appeal begun
through the Guidance Office.
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Honors Forms
Honors forms will be distributed by the students’ current
core area teacher. Students new to the high school can
access Honors forms from their counselor.
Appeal Process
If a student is not admitted to the Honors Program under
normal conditions, the student/parent may appeal.
Likewise, if a student has been enrolled in an Honors
Program course and wants to drop, the student/parent will
need to appeal. In both cases, the student/parent should
contact their guidance counselor to initiate the appeal
Advanced Credit (AC) courses are college credit courses
offered in conjunction with area universities, including the
University of Missouri at St. Louis (UMSL) or Lindenwood
University (LU). Students have the option of paying for
college credit at a reduced rate. Official transcripts must
be requested from the individual university. Advanced
Credit courses that may be offered include:
AP Art History
Pre AP Spanish III, Pre AP Spanish IV, AP Spanish V
AP Calculus AB & BC
Marketing II
Pre AP French III, Pre AP French IV, AP French V
Graphic Design I, Graphic Design II
Please see your counselor for this year’s list of eligible
1) For UMSL, Seniors and Juniors are eligible for
enrollment if they have a 2.5 or higher G.P.A
2) Sophomores are eligible for enrollment only in
World Language classes. To do so they must
have scored at or above the 90 percentile on the
composite scores on PSAT, ACT or SAT or have
an overall GPA of 2.5.
Students who have successfully completed at least one
Advanced Credit course by the end of the first semester
of their senior year and plan to attend UMSL full time are
eligible to apply for a special scholarship to UMSL
advanced credit classes may not carry AC credit every
year. The instructor will inform students if the course is not
carrying AC credit.
Advanced Placement (AP) is a program of college-level
courses coupled with national standardized examinations
for currently enrolled secondary school students. The
Francis Howell School District, the College Board and the
Educational Testing Service provide this opportunity for
students to earn college credit while still in high school.
Students who qualify for an AP course have the option, in
May of each year, to take the standardized AP credit
examination. AP college credit can only be attained as a
result of a successful score on the standardized
examination. High school graduation credit will be
awarded upon successful completion of the course
regardless of whether or not the standardized
examination is taken.
Students must pay a fee for each AP examination, as
charged by the College Board and Educational Testing
Please check with your guidance counselor for a list of the
current Advanced Placement (AP) courses at your high
school. The following courses may be offered for AP:
AP Economics
AP English Language and Composition
AP English Literature and Composition
AP Art History
AP United States History
AP Government and Politics
AP Calculus AB
AP Calculus BC
AP Statistics
AP Biology
AP Chemistry
AP Physics I
AP Physics II
AP Environmental Science (online)
AP European History
AP World History
AP Psychology
AP French
AP Spanish
AP Studio Art
AP Music Theory
AP Human Geography (online)
Students who qualify and wish to enroll in more than two
AP courses should consult with their counselor prior to
enrollment deadlines. All AP courses are awarded Honor
High school students may earn advanced credit at St.
Charles Community College through vocational
articulation agreements. However, articulated credit
applies only to Applied Science degrees, not Associate of
Art transfer degrees.
In the Francis Howell School District, the following
courses are articulated with (SCC).
Accounting I
Business Computer Programming I & II
Business Entrepreneurship / Junior Achievement
College 101
Desktop Publishing
Marketing I and II
Introduction to Business
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Personal Finance
Residential Architecture
Child Development I & II
Students should supply SCC with a transcript from their
high school showing grades of “B” or better in the course
or courses for which articulation credit is to be granted.
Tuition will be waived for articulation courses. Students
must accumulate 15 credit hours at SCC with a 2.5 GPA
or better to receive the articulation credit.
The Francis Howell School District offers three vocational
work-study programs for Seniors. These programs
Business/Cooperative Work Experience
Marketing/Cooperative Work Experience
Culinary Arts Work Experience
These programs allow high school students release time
and credit for supervised work experience. Students
must be enrolled in a minimum of four credit classes
at their high school.
Business/Cooperative Work Study
One Unit of Business
grade status and work program teacher
Concurrent enrollment in Business Technology
Marketing/Cooperative Work Experience
grade status and work program teacher
Concurrent enrollment in Marketing I or II
Culinary Arts Work Experience
grade status and concurrent enrollment in
Culinary Arts
Students who want to be considered for a technical
program need to complete a Lewis and Clark application
form and return it to their home school guidance office.
Depending on the program, students must be completing
or 11
grade to apply.
Student information is compiled regarding grades,
attendance, discipline patterns and aptitude testing.
Students who have completed the entire application
procedure will be rated. Enrollment is based on the
cooperative decision of the enrollment team at each
sending school. For priority consideration, students need
to complete the application procedure according to the
timeline established by their high school and Lewis and
Clark Career Center.
All classes at Lewis and Clark Career Center meet for
three periods each day, and earn three units of credit per
year. Articulation agreements are in place in certain
programs for qualified students who complete their
program. Students who complete the technical program
with a minimum of 90% attendance and a “C” average will
receive a certificate of completion.
Please note: Due to time allotted for travel to and from
Lewis and Clark Career Center, students earn a
maximum of 6 credits per year. Students who are credit
deficient and choose to attend Lewis and Clark may
jeopardize their “on-time” graduation. See your guidance
counselor for potential credit assistance options.
Dual enrollment provides the opportunity to earn college
credit while also attending high school. Students must
complete a Dual Enrollment Form and apply to a local
college with which FHSD has an articulation agreement.
Students must then furnish proof of this enrollment and
paid receipt to their counselor for final admission to the
program. Dual enrollment students must have a 3.0
cumulative G.P.A. and attend high school for a
minimum of four periods. If they attend high school for
five periods, they must be enrolled in at least one three
credit hour college class. If students attend high school
for four periods they must enroll in at least six college
credit hours.
The Francis Howell School District offers a program for
gifted students. Students in the program must meet the
guidelines established by the Francis Howell School
District and the Missouri State Department of Elementary
and Secondary Education. Students who are interested in
entering the program should check with their building level
Gifted facilitator to review eligibility requirements.
End of Course Exam / State Assessment Program
For the 2017-2018 school year, end of course exams will
be given to students upon completion of these courses:
Biology, Algebra I, Algebra II (if Algebra I taken in Middle
School), English II & Government.
These are placement tests used for admission purposes
and some scholarship applications for students planning
to pursue education beyond high school at a two- or four-
year college. Fees are charged for these assessments.
DESE mandates that all juniors take the ACT in April
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during the school day. This assessment is at no cost to
All juniors will take the ACT plus writing in April during the
school day. This assessment is at no cost to the students.
Preliminary SAT offered to Sophomores and
Juniors. Juniors use PSAT scores to qualify for the
National Merit Scholarship. Fees are charged.
Lewis and Clark Career Center administers this aptitude
test to students who apply for admission to the technical
End of Course ExamsDependent upon completion of
a course with a state-developed end of course exam.
End of Course Exams - Dependent upon completion of
a course with a state-developed end of course exam.
*PSAT/NMSQTOctober - College bound students - fee
charged and sign-up required.
End of Course Exams - Dependent upon completion of
a course with a state-developed end of course exam.
*PSAT/NMSQTOctober - College bound students - fee
charged and sign-up required;
ACT/SAT Sept./Oct./Dec./Feb/April/June/ - All college
bound students - registration fee.
ACT free to all Juniors in Spring semester
End of Course Exams - Dependent upon completion of
a course with a state-developed end of course exam.
ACT/SAT Sept./Oct./Dec./Feb./April/June - All college
bound students - fee and sign-up required
*Students can qualify for the National Merit Scholarship
during their junior year only.
In general, students are encouraged to take as much
college related coursework as possible during high school
to maximize their academic potential, enhance their
admission opportunities for college and improve their
scores on college entrance tests. These courses include
Math, Science, Communication Arts, Social Studies and
World Language. Listed below are the course
requirements for admission to various area universities.
Keep in mind that class rank and ACT or SAT scores also
affect admissions to college.
(see listing of colleges below)
English 4.0 credits
Math (Algebra I or higher) 3.0 credits
Social Studies 3.0 credits
Science* 2.0 credits
Fine Arts 1.0 credit
Electives** 3.0 credits
* Northwest Missouri State University and Missouri
Western require 4 years of Math Algebra I and higher.
**Truman State University requires 2.0 World Language
(Electives from World Language and/or combinations of
the core courses)
Missouri State Colleges/Universities
University of Central Missouri
Missouri Southern
Missouri State University
Missouri Western
Northwest Missouri State
Southeast Missouri State
Truman State University
(see list below)
English 4.0 credits
Math (Algebra I or higher) 4.0 credits
Social Studies 3.0 credits
Science 3.0 credits
Fine Arts 1.0 credit
World Language 2.0 credits
University of Missouri Universities
University of Missouri Columbia
University of Missouri Kansas City
University of Missouri Rolla
University of Missouri St. Louis
Please make your choices of courses for next year very
PRINCIPAL APPROVAL. Parents are requested to
review their student’s course requests prior to the
completion of enrollment and sign the course request
Teaching assignments, textbook allocations, supply and
equipment expenditures are made based upon the spring
enrollment period. Student requests for changes disrupt
this process and cannot be honored.
Schedule changes due to the cancellation of courses or
sections, failures of required or prerequisite classes, or
other unplanned occurrences will be handled by the high
school Guidance Office. Students involved will be
contacted as to possible alternatives. If the student
cannot be contacted, student selected alternate courses
will be substituted. Any changes during the school year
must receive administrative approval.
fhsd.academics - x - Revised Oct 2016
If a student drops a class after the first ten (10) days
of a semester, the student receives an “F” for the
Purpose of Career Paths….
Your school is doing everything possible to assist all
students in choosing and preparing for a rewarding
career. A general high school program of studies is
simply not enough preparation for today’s colleges or for
employment in today’s complex workplace. Rather, the
program of studies must be carefully planned and
selected to help ensure that students will attain their
Your school counseling staff has initiated a program of
Career Pathways to help give focus and direction to the
selection of a high school course of study to best assist
the student in achieving the goal which has been chosen.
If Students Change Their Minds…
A career path choice is not a permanent commitment. As
students mature and have new experiences, they will
learn new things about themselves and may want to
change their career path. If students decide on a new
career path, they should discuss it with their counselor
and adjust their plans in accordance with their new career
We offer an Internet accessible career and educational
planning program called Career Cruising. The program
provides students and parents with the necessary tools
for career and educational planning. Students will be
trained in how to utilize Career Cruising during classroom
presentations. Parents are encouraged to use the
program at home with their student to help explore career
options, develop a comprehensive educational plan, and
research colleges and scholarships. Students will be
given an access code and instructional guide, or parents
can contact the Guidance Office.
A student who qualifies according to the following criteria
and continues a post-secondary education at a Missouri
public community college or career/technical school may
be eligible for state reimbursed tuition for up to 105%
of the hours required for the degree program,
contingent upon the high school being granted A+
Schools status each year and the availability of State
1. Enter into a written agreement with the school by
signing and submitting the A+ Agreement Form
no later than September 1
of the student’s senior
2. Attend a designated A+ School for three
consecutive years prior to high school graduation;
3. Graduate from high school with a minimum
unweighted grade point average of 2.5 on a 4.0
4. Have an overall attendance rate of 95% for
grades 9-12;
5. Perform 50 hours of unpaid peer mentoring or
tutoring of other students on FHSD property,
under the supervision of a FHSD employee, to be
completed by January 1
of the student’s senior
6. Maintain a record of good citizenship according
to the State A+ Schools Program, FHSD Code of
Conduct, and High School Student Handbook;
7. Students must earn a score of proficient or
advanced on the Algebra I end of course exam or
a higher level DESE approved end-of-course
exam in the field of mathematics. Students who
earn a 17 on the ACT math subscore meet this
requirement. Other options for meeting this
requirement will be shared via the Missouri
Department of Higher Education website.
8. Maintain a documented, good faith effort to
secure all available federal post-secondary
student financial assistance funds that do not
require repayment. The Free Application for
Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) should be
completed and submitted after January 1
of the
student’s senior year. Individuals may do so at
9. Be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or lawfully
present in the U.S.
For more information, please contact the A+ Coordinator
at (636) 851-4772.
Questions or Additional Information:
Contact Dave Witter, Activities Director 636-851-4765
fhsd.academics - xi - Revised Oct 2016
The philosophy of activities in the Francis Howell School
District is such that it is considered an integral part of the
school’s program of education: providing experiences that
will help young men and women physically, mentally and
emotionally. Students are stimulated to want to win and
excel, but the principles of good sportsmanship prevail at
all times to promote the educational values of contests.
The element of competition and winning, though it exists,
is controlled so that it does not determine the nature of
the program. This is considered to be educationally and
psychologically sound because of the training it offers for
living in a competitive society.
We believe that participation in activities, both as a player
and as a student spectator, are an integral part of the
student’s educational experiences. Such participation is
a privilege that carries with it responsibilities to the school,
to the team, to the student body, to the community and to
the student himself/herself. In his/her play and his/her
conduct, he/she is representing all the groups. Hopefully,
such experiences contribute to the knowledge, skill and
emotional patterns that he/she possesses, thereby
making him/her a better person and citizen.
In order for a student to participate in activities, he/she
must fulfill completely all the regulations and requirements
set forth by the M.S.H.S.A.A. and the Francis Howell
School District.
1. Student must be enrolled in courses offering 3.0
units and must earn 3.0 credits the preceding
semester. Summer school credits may apply to
state eligibility standards provided the course is
necessary for graduation or promotion and is
placed on the school transcript. No more than 1.0
credit in summer school shall be counted toward
semester eligibility.
2. Must not have reached 19
birthday prior to July
1st preceding the opening of the school year.
3. Are ineligible after the class in which they entered
grade has graduated.
4. Are ineligible for varsity competition for one
calendar year if they transfer to Francis Howell
from either a public or parochial high school
without a corresponding change of residence of
parent or guardian. (There is a possibility of a
waiver when transferring from private to public.)
5. Must be a good school citizen. Behavior
unbecoming a participant could result in the
principal revoking the privilege of a student to
participate in an activity temporarily or
6. Must have satisfactorily passed the physical
examination. Exams can be taken after February
of the preceding year and before school.
7. Must have a signed parent permission form and
activities handbook acknowledgment form to
participate in interscholastic activities.
8. All 9
grade students who have been promoted
from the 8
grade are automatically eligible
during their first semester of high school, but must
meet district/state requirements their second
Any student who represents one of the Francis Howell
High Schools by participating on athletic teams or other
groups that perform in public (bands, chorus, dramatics,
cheerleaders, pommers, speech, etc.) shall meet the
standards of eligibility specified in the constitution of the
Missouri State High School Activities Association and
those additional standards of the Francis Howell School
1. Student must maintain a minimum 1.5 GPA.
2. Student must attend all practices, contests, and
other performances unless excused by the
3. Student must not wear school equipment at any
time except while participating in practice or
school contest.
4. Once student has made a team in a sport, student
cannot go out for another sport until the first sport
season is over.
5. Student must not have any outstanding athletic
6. Student must attend school the entire day of a
game and must attend school on Friday to play
on Saturday.
7. Student must have satisfactorily passed a
physical examination dated after February 1
preceding the first day of the season for the sport
in which student is to participate. The
examination report must specifically state that
student “may participate in sports,” and must be
signed by the physician who conducted the
8. Any student who falsifies the physical
examination form or any other required
participation form is subject to suspension and/or
permanent removal from the team or group by the
Activities Director and/or building Principal, and
may be suspended or removed from additional
activities depending upon the nature and
magnitude of the offense.
9. Student must be a credible school citizen in
accordance with the following standards:
Students who are serving out-of-school
(or in-school) suspension may not
practice for, or participate in, school
activities during the suspension. Multiple
fhsd.academics - xii - Revised Oct 2016
and/or serious violations of the Code of
Student Conduct may result from current
and future school activities.
Student must not use, possess, or
distribute tobacco products while on
school property or at school activities,
whether on or away from district property.
Student must not use, possess, or
distribute alcohol or controlled
substances at any time, whether on or
away from school property.
Student must not be arrested for,
charged with, or convicted of a felony or
misdemeanor under either criminal or
juvenile law, whether the offense occurs
on or away from school property.
When a student is accused of an offense under either
criminal or juvenile law, the charges may be dismissed or
the student acquitted due to the high standard of proof
required under criminal and juvenile proceedings: guilt
beyond a reasonable doubt. However, the District
reserves the right to make an independent determination
regarding whether the student engaged in the misconduct
alleged, and is required only to establish by a
preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not) that
the student engaged in such misconduct.
All participants new to the Francis Howell District in the
past year are required to file a Transfer of Eligibility form.
The Activities Director’s office must receive the completed
form from the athlete’s former school before s/he can
participate in games.
NCAA-Eligibility Center
If a student is planning to enroll in college as a freshman
and wishes to participate in Division I or Division II
athletics, he/she must be certified by the NCAA. The
Eligibility Center ensures consistent application of NCAA
initial eligibility requirements for all prospective student
athletes at all member institutions.
Athletes should code 9999 on their ACT Registration
Form in order for the NCAA to receive their official
test scores.
If you have questions about the NCAA eligibility, please
call the NCAA Eligibility Center toll-free at 877-262-1492.
The web address is www.eligibilitycenter.org
Select Login/New Account
Supply e-mail address to receive instructions for
To view the 48H list of approved core courses, click on
“For High School”, view “Core Course list”, and enter the
high school code, 262-845.
It is the responsibility of student athletes to register
with the NCAA Eligibility Center.
The NCAA recently released the new SAT/ACT sliding
scale that corresponds with the increased GPA
requirements for the class of 2016 and beyond. Any
student-athlete beginning high school in the fall of 2012
and after who is even remotely considering the possibility
of playing a sport collegiately needs to understand these
changes. The wiggle room to correct academic
shortcomings has been greatly reduced.
Here is a summary of the new D1 academic requirements
for a Full Qualifier that take affect for the class of 2016
and beyond:
The minimum core course GPA has increased
from 2.00 to 2.30
10 of the 16 core course requirements must be
satisfied prior to the start of the senior year
7 of those 10 core courses must be from the
English, Math and Science subsections
Grades earned in the 10 core courses are
"locked in" for the purpose of calculating the
final core course GPA
Any retakes of the first 10 core courses must be
completed prior to senior year
The NCAA has also introduced a new status for the class
of 2016 - the "Academic Redshirt." An “Academic
Redshirt” may receive a scholarship and practice with
their team, but may not participate in game
competition as a college freshman. Students with a GPA
of 2.30 or above may achieve either “Academic Redshirt”
or “Full Qualifier” status, depending on their SAT/ACT test
scores. Students with a core course GPA between 2.00
and 2.29 cannot attain “Full Qualifier” status but may
achieve “Academic Redshirt” status by meeting minimum
sliding scale test score requirements.
The new sliding SAT/ACT scale results in significant
changes in minimum test score requirements. The
minimum SAT score required to compete as a college
freshman increased by 180 points while the minimum
ACT score increased by an average of 14 points (sum
Here are two examples of the changes to the new sliding
Prior to 2016: 2.00 core course GPA + 1010 SAT
or 86 ACT = Full Qualifier
2016 and after: 2.00 core course GPA + 1020
SAT or 86 ACT = Academic Redshirt
Prior to 2016: 2.50 core course GPA + 820 SAT
or 68 ACT = Full Qualifier
2016 and after: 2.50 core course GPA + 1000
SAT or 85 ACT = Full Qualifier
fhsd.academics - xiii - Revised Oct 2016
Remember, the NCAA does not include the writing
component of the SAT or ACT and the ACT score is a
sum score (not average) of the English, math, reading and
science sections.
Finally, just because a student-athlete meets the
minimum NCAA academic standards, it doesn't mean
they will be admitted to play sports at the college of their
choice. Many universities have academic standards for
incoming freshman athletes that are much higher than
the NCAA minimum requirements.
So what does this all mean? Student-athletes must start
tracking courses early. A student-athlete should
calculate their initial core course GPA at the conclusion of
their first semester in high school and continue to do so
each semester thereafter.
Now more than ever, every semester counts.
NAIA-Eligibility Center
If a student is planning to enroll in college as a freshman
and wishes to participate in National Association of
Intercollegiate Athletics, he/she must be certified by the
NAIA. The Eligibility Center ensures consistent
application of NAIA initial eligibility requirements for
prospective student athletes at all member institutions.
Athletes should code 9876 on their ACT Registration
Form in order for the NAIA to receive their official test
If you have questions about the NAIA eligibility, please
call the NAIA Eligibility Center at 816-595-8180.
The web address is www.playnaia.org
It is the responsibility of student athletes to register
with the NAIA Eligibility Center.