Revised July 2020
This chapter provides specific guidance for the preparation of cost estimates for Military,
Civil and HTRW construction projects. Construction cost estimates serve several
to include establishing program/project funding, controlling costs during design,
bids, negotiating contracts and modifications, and used as a guide for the
review and
approval of contractor proposed “schedule of values" for payment purposes
construction. As such, they must be consistent with the best estimating practices in
construction industry, as well as being current, complete, and accurate. Cost
must be prepared to reflect the expected cost to the Government to perform the
work by
contract and include all reasonable cost which a prudent experienced and well
contractor might anticipate in his/her bid.
MII Documentation, Latest Version
ER 111 0-1-1300, Cost Engineering Policy and General Requirements
ER 1110-3-1300, Military Programs Cost Engineering
ER 1110-2-1302, Civil Works Cost Engineering
ER 1110-3-1301, Cost Engineering Policy and General Requirements for HTRW Remedial
Action Cost Estimates
UFC 3-740-05 Construction Cost Estimates
EP 1110-1-8, Construction Equipment Ownership and Operating Expense Schedule-
Region III
Program Amount (PA) Total escalated amount of project funds authorized by Congress,
the customer, to be charged to construction (excludes title II engineering and related
project design cost). The PA includes the estimated construction contract cost and
allowances for construction contingencies, supervision and administration, preparation
as-built drawings, engineering and design services during construction,
commissioning and all other cost authorized by the directive or instructions to be charged
to construction. Some
typical "other" cost may include private utilities costs and costs
might be incurred by the Installation or using service to include furnishings, special
equipment, troop labor, or similar related project costs. It is very important that the
designer/cost engineer be aware of the PA and the various amounts and types of
construction funds which comprise the PA, since the construction “contract" amount or
construction cost estimate, plus all other allowances, must be within the PA.
Current Working Estimate (CWE)
The most current working estimate of the total projected project cost at a specific stage of
design necessary to provide a complete and usable facility. It, like the PA, includes the
Estimated Construction Cost (ECC) and all other allowances provided for in the PA. It is
important to note that if a portion of the work authorized by directive is to be accomplished by
a future contract, by other means, or otherwise withheld from the final design, requests for
bids or contract award, then a proper allowance for the cost of this work shall also be included
in the CWE. The CWE is continually updated during the life of the project (35%-Final) to
progressively more detailed levels of design effort which determine more accurately
expected final cost.
Construction Cost Limit (CCL)
The amount of funds, based on the PA, actually available for construction contract award,
i.e., the Program Amount less contingencies, supervision and administration, and other
allowances. It establishes the ceiling for the Government Estimate (including escalation). If
the IGE should exceed the CCL, the project must be either redesigned, additional funds
authorized, or bid additives, options established. When the A-E negotiates the
contract it has accepted the responsibility for producing a design that will result in a
project that can be awarded within the PA and CCL.
Government Estimate (IGE)
A formal approved construction cost estimate prepared for contracting purposes. It
represents the latest estimate of actual construction contract cost including escalation but
excludes contingencies, supervision and administration and other allowances. An A-E
prepared construction cost estimate does not become an "Official" IGE until approved by
SAS Cost Engineering; however, the A-E shall treat the A-E prepared cost estimate as a
"For Official Use Only" document regardless of its approval status.
Primary Facilities
These are the main facilities (buildings/structures/certain roads and pavements) in the project
fulfilling the mission essential functions. The total estimated cost of primary facilities shall be
estimated to include all
construction costs (including earthwork) within five-feet of the
structure(s), commonly referred to as the "five-foot line". Each facility shall have a separate
quantity take-off and the facility costs
estimated as a separate primary facility. Identical facilities
may share the same "quantity takeoff';
however (except for family housing), each structure
shall still be identified in the MII cost
estimate as a separate facility. Near identical facilities may
also share the same takeoff with the takeoff for one (or more) referencing the detailed takeoff
for the other and noting the quantity
variations only.
Supporting Facilities
Includes all costs outside the five-foot line such as private utilities, site work and all site
improvements. Support facility costs shall be taken-off and estimated separately for each
associated primary facility. The construction cost of items which serve more than one prime
facilities shall be included with the facility which is most critical to the project as a whole, i.e.,
least likely to be dropped from the project as a result of budget constraints.
Life Cycle Cost
The sum total of the direct, indirect, recurring, nonrecurring, and other related costs
incurred or estimated to be incurred in the design, development, production, operation,
maintenance, support, and final position of a major system over its anticipated useful life
span. Requirements for life cycle cost analysis are defined in the contract Statement of
Work and/or AEIs. The Architectural and Engineering Instructions specify which building
systems require life cycle cost studies.
The cost engineering function in Savannah District is the responsibility of the Cost
Technical Support Section which reports directly to the Chief,
Technical Specialties Branch. Responsibility and accountability for all cost engineering is
centralized in this section. It is
directly accountable and responsible for all cost engineering
services provided on all military,
environmental restoration and civil works projects designed
in-house or under A-E Services
contracts. A-Es are responsible for cost engineering services
in accordance with the contract Statement of Work (SOW) and the instructions contained
herein. The contract SOW takes
precedence over these instructions in the event of a conflict.
Cost Engineering’s review,
comments and or acceptance of A-E prepared cost estimates
does not waive the
Government’s rights with regards to the A-E’s responsibility for providing
current, complete,
and accurate cost engineering services, or the A-E's responsibility to
provide a design within
the CCL.
Planning, pre-concept, concept, and final design cost estimates shall be thoroughly
documented to explain the basis of the estimate and to include contingencies associated
with any unknowns or risk factors. If a portion of the work authorized by directive, and
included in the PA, is to be accomplished by a future contract, by other means, or, otherwise
withheld from the concept or final design, invitation for bids (IFB)or contract award, a proper
allowance for the cost of this "deferred" work shall also be included in the CWE.
Estimates shall be based on the most recent design and site information available, and shall
follow the format of the appropriate Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) to the assembly
(Level 6). Strict adherence to the specified work breakdown structure cannot be
overemphasized as estimates must be developed in the required format in order to export or,
import between the various software applications. Deviations from the specified WBS
structure may be permitted for special applications, such as unit priced contracts.
There are three (3) separate Work Breakdown Structures, i.e., Military, Environmental
Restoration, and Civil Works. The Military WBS shall be used for all vertical building
construction whether Military Environmental Restoration or Civil Works funded.
Environmental Restoration projects shall use the Hazardous, Toxic, Radioactive Waste
(HTRW) WBS (funded by DERA, Superfund, DOE etc). The Civil Works WBS shall be
used for civil funded projects such as beach nourishment, pump stations and large earth
moving/dredging projects normally funded with non-military funds. Any questions
concerning the proper format, application or work breakdown structure shall be directed to
the Chief, Technical Support Section.
The final design estimate shall reflect the expected cost to the Government for performing
the work by contract and be prepared in the same careful manner as if the cost engineer
were bidding in competition with prudent, experienced, and well-equipped Contractors. All
reasonable costs which a Contractor might be expected to anticipate and include in his
proposals shall be included in the cost estimate.
The estimate shall reflect the local labor market (Davis Bacon wage rates are a minimum)
and material prices anticipated or forecast to prevail in the vicinity of the project at the time
the project is scheduled to be constructed. Davis Bacon rates are available on the
network at the following address: www.wdol.gov. A-E shall coordinate with Savannah
District Technical Support Section for specific MII Labor Library prior to
developing an estimate.
The method used for preparing the estimate shall be in conformance with the
requirements in section 6 below.
Should any question or clarification arise concerning procedures, the Savannah District
Technical Support Section shall be contacted for clarification. Phone (912) 652-5521.
Tri-Services Automated Cost Engineering System (TRACES)
TRACES, comprised of several subsystems/modules provides a user friendly cost
engineering platform, in a windows environment, with all the necessary subsystems and
databases required to prepare, analyze, review and maintain all types of construction
estimate and schedules. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers currently mandates the use of
some TRACES modules for specific cost engineering applications. Those subsystems
currently on-line, including the applications which are mandatory, are described below.
Estimates must be prepared following the specified WBS in order to facilitate the transfer of
files between subsystems/modules. TRACES are available to A-Es and the Construction
industry within the Construction Criteria Base (CCB) information system, which is available
from the National Institute of Building Sciences, 1201 L Street, N. W., Suite 400. Washington
D. C. 20005, (202) 289-7800; however, on request by A-E firm to the District Project Architect
or Engineer (PA-E), The A-E must purchase the MII Cost book. Cost Engineering will furnish
the latest version of any of the subsystems or databases not currently available in the CCB.
In addition to the support databases (models, assemblies, crews, MII cost book, labor and
equipment) provided with TRACES
Micro-Computer Aided Cost Engineering System (MII)
A standalone detailed cost estimating system with the ability to estimate costs by
creating or incorporating pre-defined models, assemblies and crews; or, by drawing
from a unit price book, labor and equipment databases. It is a complete and
comprehensive estimating program for the preparation of detailed or parametric
construction cost estimates. MII is mandatory and shall be used by all in-house and
A-E cost engineers for all concept and final design cost estimates unless specifically
exempted by the Chief, Technical Support Section or the Commander. As of the
publication of these instructions.
Parametric Cost Engineering System (PACES)
This is a stand alone cost estimating system that uses pre-defined models and
assemblies. The user has the ability to change or create models and assembly
algorithms, and the added capability of transferring line items to and from a "quantity
takeoff system", i.e., MII. Coordinate with the Chief of Cost Estimating (EN-ET) prior
to use of the PACES.
Historical Analysis Generator (HII 2
A stand alone system that is capable of collecting, manipulating and extracting
historical data. The HII database for each project includes a description of building
systems, the cost estimate, and bid results in the required work breakdown structure.
HAG is mandatory but is available for the cost engineer to compare current project
costs with the estimate and bid results of similar projects. Coordinate with the Chief
of Cost Estimating (EN-ET) as this data should be used a back check on the overall
building unit cost and only accessed by the government.
Life Cycle Costs (LCC)
A stand alone system capable of calculating the total cost of ownership (LCC) of one or
more alternative (buildings, dams, etc.) facility systems (structural, mechanical,
electrical, etc.), or components, and remedial clean-up efforts.
PC Cost (PCC)
A stand alone cost estimating system which utilizes unit cost ($/SF). It is used for
preparing DD Form 1391 and ENG Form 3086. It will also convert parametric
estimates to 1391 and 3086 formats and upload estimates to the PAX system.
Cost Engineering Dredge Estimating Program (CEDEP)
A stand alone system used to produce cost estimates for dredging projects, in a
standard format, for pipeline, hopper and mechanical dredging operations.
This program is only available by the government.
Risk Analysis (RA)
A stand alone system used to calculate cost estimating risks and determine needed
contingencies during the planning phase or as directed. It has the capability to
upload data from MCACES and includes a
separate system for calculating
contingencies factors for HTRW projects. A cost risk
analysis shall be prepared for
cost plus contracts and for contracts where quantities
and or scope are not clearly
defined. A Risk Analysis is required for all civil works
projects over $40 million.
“Crystal Ball” software is used to produce a schedule/cost
risk analysis.
Remedial Action Cost Engineering and Requirements System (RACER)
A U.S. Air Force developed parametric model, windows based system for
programming HTRW projects, which is required for project programming on U.S. Air
Force HTRW projects. Optional for U.S, Army Corps of Engineers HTRW projects;
otherwise, use MCACES or other cost estimating system approved by Chief,
Technical Support Section. RACER is primary software for developing formerly used
defense sites (FUDS) cost to complete (CTC) estimates.
Risk assessment software for HTRW projects based on historical data.
HCAS -Historical Cost Analysis System
Database of completed HTRW projects to include cost associated with studies,
design, remedial action and operations and maintenance related cost.
Manual Method of Cost Estimating
The manual method is rarely utilized anymore; however, if proposed for an SAS project, it shall
be approved, in writing and in advance, by the Chief, Technical Support Section. Be advised
that this is an exception rarely approved. When the manual procedure is approved for a project
or specific
submittal of a project, the estimate shall be prepared organized, and formatted using
appropriate TRACES template and work breakdown structure, i.e., Military, Civil, HTRW,
The estimate shall be prepared utilizing the appropriate forms prescribed in UFC 3-740-05. At
the ready to advertise submittal, the estimate forwarded to the Savannah District shall be the
original prepared in pencil, in order that any necessary revisions by the Government may be
readily incorporated.
Excel Spreadsheet Method of Cost Estimating
The spreadsheet method is also rarely approved; however, if proposed for an SAS project it
shall be approved, in writing and in advance, by the Chief, Technical Support Section. Be
advised that
this is a rare exception. When the spreadsheet procedure is approved for a
project or specific
submittal of a project, the estimate shall be prepared, organized, and
formatted using the
appropriate TRACES template and work breakdown structure, i.e.,
Military, Civil, HTRW, etc.
The format shall be for a “detailed” estimate to include, as a
minimum, labor and equipment
hours, rates and extended costs, and material quantities, unit
and extended costs. Where
appropriate, i.e., unit pricing/cost data is not available in
Government or commercial
estimating guides, lump sum amounts may be used.
At the ready to advertise submittal, the estimate forwarded to the Savannah District shall
the excel file on a compact disk (cd), in order that any necessary revisions by the
Government may be readily incorporated.
Personnel Qualifications
The designers cost estimating staff shall consist of dedicated full-time cost engineering
specialist(s) for each required design discipline, such as architectural, structural, civil,
mechanical, electrical, fire protection, corrosion engineering, etc. It is imperative that
estimates be prepared and reviewed under the direct supervision of personnel who are
competent in construction cost estimating. Estimators must possess a working knowledge of
construction and be capable of making professional judgments based on experience. If the
designer determines his staff does not possess all these qualification, he shall obtain
assistance from a qualified firm whose specialty is cost estimating. Estimates prepared by a
consultant must be reviewed by the designer before submission to insure accuracy,
completeness, coordination and compliance with these instructions, and the contract SOW.
A-Es shall assure that cost engineers have access to and are trained in the required
computer hardware and software applications required to accomplish the cost engineering
function. Where applicable, this includes life cycle cost analysis, cost risk
analysis and
parametric estimating techniques.
The Corps of Engineers and software vendors sponsor training in the required systems.
Corps sponsored training classes are also available to A-E firms. A-Es are encouraged to
utilize either Corps or vendor training where necessary to ensure satisfactory performance in
the cost engineering function. The required software systems are complicated requiring
either formal training or extensive practical experience to achieve an acceptable level of
proficiency. Unless cost engineers proficient in the systems are used, submittal delays and
re-submissions as a result of estimating errors are very likely.
Additional Instructional Publications
Cost estimates for all construction projects shall be prepared in accordance with the
instructions and exhibits contained in this A-E Services Manual, UFC 3-740-05 Construction
Cost Estimates and applicable TRACES Subsystem/Module User Manuals.
Cost Estimate Overruns
It is the A-E’s responsibility to design the project for a Current Working Estimate (CWE) that
is equal to or less than the Programmed Amount. Proposed additives, options,
etc., shall be
identified at the concept design level and included, both in the quantity take-off and the cost
estimate, as separate bid items accordingly. Should the project CWE exceed the
amount, the A-E shall provide a written narrative explaining the reasons why the
exceeds the programmed amount and offer proposals which would reduce the CWE
available funds. A written narrative shall also be submitted whenever the current
has changed more than 5% (plus or minus) from the previous estimate. In the case
of concept
estimates, variations of 5% from the DD Form 1391 shall be explained in narrative
Failure to Comply with Procedures
Failure of the A-E to conform to the procedures contained in this and referenced manuals will
result in the estimate being rejected and resubmitted with the deficiencies corrected. If time is
a critical factor, the A-E may be required to visit the District office within 48 hours for a face-
to-face meeting and may be required to furnish a corrected cost estimate before leaving the
District office.
Cover Sheet - Checklist
ESTIMATE SUBMITTAL. Failure to complete and transmit this checklist will result in the
estimate being returned.
Estimates with More Than One Line Item
When the A-E’s design contract includes more than one "Line Item Number," preparation of a
separate detailed cost estimate and associated summaries for each line item is mandatory on
all submittals. Site work associated with each line item shall also be estimated separately.
This procedure facilitates the separation of cost in the event that a line item is deferred into
another fiscal year or another program/project/bid package, etc.
Proposed Bid Schedule
Bid Schedule
The A-E shall submit a proposed bid Schedule and IAW ECB 2007-19 submittal of
Construction Data via the Historical Analysis Generator, paragraph 3; See Exhibit G,
with each final and corrected final submittal. This schedule shall list all primary and
support facilities separately.
8.6.2 Additives and Options
When either additives, options are being considered, first consult with
the EN-ET to
determine the most advantageous to the Government or User. There are
FAR requirements that have to be followed in the award process that causes
one to
be more advantageous than the other under certain conditions. A clearly
(detailed) Scope of Work statement shall be included in the contract
specifications, on
the drawings or both for each additive/option to insure
that all contractors are bidding
on the same basis and to preclude varying
interpretations between the Government
and construction contractor concerning the
scope of base bid and or alternates during
construction. The "alternate" scope
definition shall also be reproduced and provided
to each cost engineer (for take-off
and estimating purposes) and submitted to SAS
with the proposed bid schedule for
review purposes.
8.6.3 Multiple Funding Sources
It may also be necessary to breakout items of different funding sources. The SAS
USACE should be contacted in regards to this requirement. As with alternate bid
items, a clearly defined (detailed) scope of work statement shall be included in the
contract specifications, on the drawings or both for bid items covering different funding
sources to insure that all contractors are bidding on the same basis, and to preclude
varying interpretations between the Government and construction contractor during
8.7 Design Stage Identification
All sheets of the cost estimate shall be clearly marked as to the design stage (study, pre-
concept, concept, preliminary, final, corrected final, etc.). The quantity take-off sheets shall
be dated with any subsequence revisions annotated by date and initials. The design stage
identity shall be entered in the "REPORT TITLE" field of the "PRINT SELECTED REPORTS"
entry screen from the Report Menu of MCACES Software.
8.8 Copy Requirements
The summary and detailed cost estimate and all other exhibits and/or information required by
this or referenced manuals/instructions shall be submitted in electronically to the
Technical Support Section, Savannah District and the Project Manager (unless the contract
SOW specifies
otherwise). Only one copy of the quantity take-off sheets need
be submitted.
It shall be organized by discipline and transmitted in a manner that will facilitate
separation by
discipline for review purposes. Too often the cost estimate is transmitted
without the
take-off. The take-off is extremely valuable to the reviewer as it precludes our in-house
cost engineers from having to perform redundant and separate take-offs to verify
selected quantities. It also serves as a valuable tool when conducting VE studies. Due
to time constraints, and the need to minimize review costs, the cost estimate will not
be reviewed without the take-off and the omission of the take-off from the submittal will
result in delaying the review process. This requirement includes all submittal levels,
including cost estimates for construction contract modifications. Electronic copies (compact
disks) of the project and supporting databases shall also be provided for all submittals and
transmitted in the same envelope. Access to all the databases allows SAS cost engineers to
incorporate design changes, and corrections necessary to establish the CWE reported
higher command or addendum’s prior to bid opening when there is insufficient time for
returning the estimate to the A-E for this purpose.
8.9 Budgetary
The budgetary data furnished to the A-E is not to be considered restrictive, i.e., if the project
scope of work, site conditions and design criteria result in a CWE in excess of the PA. The A-
E is responsible for providing an economical design in the
development of the site, structures
and systems as well as the functional arrangements
necessary to satisfy the scope of work,
comply with the design criteria and user requirements
for the project. Should the budget
however be exceeded as a result of choosing poor economic systems, exceeding the scope
or design criteria in general, the A-E shall be responsible for redesign without compensation.
The District shall be notified of any proposed
changes in project scope or design criteria as
soon as the need for the change has been
firmly established.
8.10 Quantity Take-off-General
8.10.3 Safeguarding
The quantity take-off, like the cost estimate, shall be treated in a confidential
manner and only those personnel concerned with the preparation and/or review of
the project shall have access. The take-off will be classified “FOR
ONLY.” Such material cannot be divulged to other than accredited
personnel with a need to know. Information contained within estimates
shall not be
divulged to prospective bidders.
8.10.4 Accuracy
The importance of an accurate and concise quantity take-off for the estimate cannot
be overstressed, The quantity take-off for each bid item, except as defined herein,
shall follow one of the following Work Breakdown Structures (WBS). Military WBS
Description: Except as provided herein, the Military WBS to Level 6 as
provided in MII shall be used on all Military Construction Projects. This
Military WBS is a hierarchy structure comprised of six levels: 1)
Primary/Supporting Facility; 2) Facility; 3) System; 4) Subsystem; 5)
Assembly Category; 6) Assembly, and followed by line item detail. Each
system is divided into one or more subsystem which is further divided into
assembly categories, then assemblies. Assemblies are made up of
construction line items. The System, Subsystem, and Assembly Category
Titles are rigidly defined and shall not be changed. Level 1 (same Level as
Project Information Record) shall not be changed, i.e., two titles, Primary
Facilities and Secondary Facilities.
Exception: The only exception to strict adherence to the specified WBS is in
the development of unit price bid items, where the cost of an item might be
spread over several systems, subsystems, assemblies, etc. and Means
based cost estimates described in paragraph 6. Therefore, for some unit
price items, it may be necessary to deviate somewhat from the WBS in order
to capture all cost associated with that item under the appropriate bid item
title. For example, a deep sewer utility project consisting of various size
sewer pipes would include all cost associated with excavation, backfill,
dewatering, shoring and laying pipe under each of the separate titles for each
8”, 10”, 12” pipe size, etc. For significant projects it will be necessary to
further divide these titles into subtitles to account for varying materials and
depths, i.e. 8” PVC Gravity 8’ to 10’ deep; 8” PVC 10’ to 12’ deep; 8” D.I.
Force Main 8’ to 10’ deep; 4’ Diameter Manhole, 8’ to 10’ deep; etc.
WBS Guidance. Each building/structure support facilities, unit price item
or bid alternate shall be taken off separately and defined at title level 2 in
the MII estimate. By utilizing the separate building and support system
take-off procedure it would be easier for Savannah District or the A-E, if
necessary, to separate from the Base Bid the appropriate quantities and
cost associated with unit price and Alternate bid items that might be
identified late in the project Common support facilities shall be included
with the building least likely to be identified as an additive or optional
bid item. In no case, except for unit price items, shall the WBS title
descriptions be changed for levels three through five. New titles for
Subsystems or Assembly Categories shall be entered under the "Other
category. See the Military WBS. Note that the 01 through 15 Systems are
for the interior of the building (5-foot line outside the building) and
System 16 Selective Building Demolition fall under Primary facilities.
Systems 17 through 20 are exterior systems and fall under Support
Facilities. For projects bid almost entirely by unit price, the A-E will
likely have to revise the military WBS in order to create a WBS tailored
to the proposed bid schedule. Consult with SAS Cost Engineer first. HTRW Projects
HTRW (Hazardous, Toxic, or Radioactive Waste) Environmental Restoration
Projects shall use the HTRW WBS. The HTRW WBS provides the framework
for preparing cost estimates, modeling development, and collecting
historical data for all remediation projects. The WBS consists of a numbering
and title system that details the work to four levels of the WBS to organize
the HTRW estimate. The quantity take-off shall be prepared following
the WBS to the same level. In no case shall the WBS title descriptions
be changed for levels one through four. Levels five and six
shall be created to further break down systems of work into Assembly
Categories and Assemblies, respectively. New titles for work not covered In
the WBS may be added under numbers 90 through 99. Maintaining this rigid
structure for the first four levels will allow systematic collection of historical
HTRW costs. Any vertical building construction required within the
HTRW project shall be a separate estimate from the environmental work and
shall follow the Military WBS. HTRW projects will likely have two distinct
phases; construction of a treatment facility and operation and maintenance
of the facility over a period of time that may range from months to years.
Construction and operation wage rates, escalation rates, and other cost may
be different for construction vs. long-term plant operation. Therefore,
construction cost will be prepared in a separate estimate from the "after
construction" operations costs. Depending on the project scope, it is
possible the A-E will be required to prepare three (3) separate estimates for
each submittal one for the vertical building construction, one for the HTRW
construction, and one for plant operations. Assemblies
An Assembly is a collection of individual cost items that function together as a single
building/construction unit. For example, a 300 mm (12-inch) storm drainage line
consists of excavation, backfill, compaction, layer of drainage gravel/bedding, 300
mm (12-inch) concrete pipe, etc. One unit of assembly contains a specified quantity
and unit of measure of each included item. The Assembly has its own unit of
measure. When the assembly is "linked" and the assembly quantity is changed, all
included item quantities are changed proportionately. The estimator shall
maximize the use of Assemblies for all building and site work construction
features. Estimating without Assemblies shall be the exception.
The following procedures and exhibits must be followed in order for the A-E to present an
acceptable quantity take-off and estimate. If a spot check of quantities by the District reveals
inaccuracies, or the required WBS format has not been used in the preparation of the
estimate, the estimate will be rejected and returned for resubmission with the deficiencies
Organization of Quantity Take-off is extremely important. It essential that the take-off be
started and organized based on the anticipated bid schedule, type of funds and the required
Work Breakdown Structure; otherwise, much time will be lost attempting to transfer take-off
quantities to the appropriate cost estimate bid item, primary or support facility, system,
subsystem, assembly and detail item. The lead cost engineer, in coordination with the
project manager, architect, and lead engineers must begin the take-off process by becoming
thoroughly familiar with the WBS, then setting up the required MII Project Database title
structure, i.e., one that will result in satisfying requirements to produce the estimated cost for
each separate lump-sum and unit price bid item for each primary and support facility,
different funding sources, additive and or options. Distribute this title structure
in hard copy
or electronic format to all cost engineer disciplines involved in the take-off and
estimate. Unless you start in this manner you will face some real challenges later in
to merge or otherwise
Consolidate the individual discipline take-off or cost estimates. It is recommended that,
until you become highly proficient with the required WBSs that a hard copy of WBS be
used as a guide during the take-off phase.
Quantity take-offs shall not be written and submitted on the drawings. The quantity take-off
shall be prepared in a manner that is clearly legible, indicating the calculations involved in
determining the quantity and any assumptions the cost engineer has made in determining the
quantity. The take-off shall contain back-up or supporting sheets, if necessary, to support the
breakdown of all material quantities contained in the design drawings and specifications.
Quantity Take-Off Sheet Heading
The top of each quantity take-off sheet shall contain the following information: 1) project
information; 2) the design stage; 3) the plate number and/or specification number from which
the quantity 'as derived; 4) facility name, quantity, and UOM; 5) WBS assembly code where
the quantity should be located in the cost estimate; 6) the date and signature of the cost
engineer who prepared them as well as the initials of the cost engineer who checked them.
Quantities at Five-Foot Line
The quantity take-off for each building and/or structure shall include quantities of materials to
a line 5 feet outside the building line. Include site preparation and grading for the building
area within this line. Include all cost outside the five-foot line in Support Facilities in the
appropriate subsystem.
Earthwork Quantities
Compute earthwork quantities for site grading, roads, drives, utilities, etc., by the methods of
cross sections or end area, or by utilizing software specifically designed for this purpose. For
large earthmoving projects, cross sections, etc. for earthwork quantities shall be prepared and
submitted with the quantity take-off sheets at concept, preliminary and final design submittal.
For minor earthmoving projects, describe method and show calculations for cut and
fill quantities. Copies of the cross sections shall be submitted with the concept and
preliminary designs, while the originals will be submitted with the final design submittal.
The estimator shall coordinate with the Chief Technical Support Section for all exceptions to
the above take-off requirements.
Wage Rate Calculations
Either the current Davis Bacon wage rates or current prevailing wage rates, whichever is
greater, shall be used. The wage rate database provided will reflect the most current Davis
Bacon hourly rate for the specific installation and includes most wage classifications and
basic labor mark-ups for workman’s compensation, taxes, insurance and benefits for a 40-
hour construction week. It does not however include some highly specialized wage
classifications nor does it take into consideration any abnormal circumstances such as a
short term shortage of manpower in a specific trade in a local market which may have driven
up rates, working in secure area, working in hazardous waste areas, or construction
schedules requiring overtime or shift work, etc. The A-E shall be responsible for adjusting
wage rates where appropriate and addressing any abnormal circumstances required by the
project or local market and making corrections to the database rates provided reference
Chapter 5 of UFC 3-740-05. Insurance and taxes on direct labor could be 20% or higher
depending on project location and discipline.
Wage Rate Modifications
If the project requires that the A-E make changes to the Labor Database provided, the A-E
shall modify the Labor Database provided to a new Labor Database for this specific project.
An explanation of changes to the Labor Database shall be entered in a separate paragraph
under PROJECT NOTES titled EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. A printed copy of the wage rates
used in the project will accompany the submission of each estimate. If a new Labor
Database is created, it shall be saved when saving the MII project library and transmitted with
the formal submittal.
Formal (written) or informal (telephone call memo) price quotes (preferred) or budget quotes
shall be obtained on all principal items of equipment (such as concrete, cranes, elevators,
equipment, pumps, compressors, unit heaters, air conditioners, fans, transformers,
switchgear, etc.) and any specialty items (such as glazed acrylic canopies, metal pan ceilings,
etc.) and all other large dollar items in the estimate and submitted as part of the estimate
backup. These price quotations shall include a sufficient description (size, capacity, etc.)
of the item for evaluation purposes, the name of manufacturer, the date and the name,
address, and phone number of the company supplying the quote. Price quotations shall
contain the name of the company representative who supplied the quote and the time range
for which the quote remains valid. A copy of all quotes/memos used to obtain pricing
information shall be attached to the construction cost estimate.
Prime Contractors Field Office Overhead Mark-Up
Indirect costs are divided into two categories, Field Overhead and Home Office Overhead
(G & A), for field office overhead, the calculated (itemized breakdown) method of determining
field overhead is required for 100% to RTA estimates. Percentages can be used for all others.
It is essential that Division 1000 specification requirements be
factored into field overhead
requirements, i.e., requirements for Supervision, QC, Scheduling,
As-Built, Project Signs,
Temp Utilities, Safety, Portable Toilets, Trailers, Clean-Up (include
dumpsters and disposal
fees), Site Survey/Layout, Vehicles, etc. Items not applicable to this
project shall be deleted
and new items shall be added as required.
Subcontractor’s Field Overhead
A subcontractor's field overhead usually bears a fairly direct relationship to the subcontractor's
portion of the work and can be estimated on a percentage basis. However, detailing
of subcontractor's field overhead costs will be required for very large projects, where the
subcontracted work has unique requirements, or where the cost impact of the subcontracted
item is 25% or more of the total project direct cost. These percentages shall
be used to determine when itemized overhead on subcontracted work is required and in
assigning the weighted guide line factors to the Contractor’s profit.
Typical Field Overhead Items
UFC 3-740-05, Chapter 5, lists typical items of indirect costs. This list is to be used as
guide for evaluating particular project requirements.
Prime and Subcontractor's Home Office Overhead
Home office costs are typically included in Government estimates as an average experienced
percentage rate of the expected contract amount. It is important to understand that home office
costs are not standard and fixed. The rate for a specific contractor varies from period to period.
It is a function of total home office costs divided by the total volume of business during a specific
period. A reasonable range of rates for general contractors subcontracting a large percentage
the work may average for estimating from 2% for larger to 7% for smaller contracts. A
subcontractor performing most of the subcontracted work will experience a higher G &
A rate,
from 8% for larger to 15% for smaller contracts. The amount of G & A is computed by
multiplying selected percentage by the sum of the total direct cost plus field overhead. The
Home Office Overhead shall be entered as a contractor markup.
Allocation of Profit in Cost Estimates: The estimate will include allowances for prime
contractor and subcontractor profit. For the prime Contractor and major subcontractors the
rates for profit shall be determined by the weighted guideline method or percentages based
on judgment of the estimator or Chief of Cost Estimating(EN-ET). Figure 11-1 of UFC 3-
740-05 is an example of the profit factor sheet. The applicable factors for use in preparing
this form are shown in UFC 3-740-05, Chapter 11. The reason for the A-E selecting each
factor shall be determined in the “Notes" of each Contractor.
The costs of performance and payment bonds will be included in the estimate. The rates
shall be calculated using Class B bond. See UFC 3-740-05, Chapter 12 for setting
instructions. No bonding shall be included for subcontractors.
Use of Subcontractors in Cost Estimate
Estimates will be prepared for subcontractor work using the same methodology and
degree of detail as outlined for the general contractor. The cost of subcontracted work is
the amount charged by the subcontractor for the work performed, including costs for
direct labor, materials, equipment, and second tier subcontracts as well as his charges
for overhead and profit. The list of subcontractors indicated on the sample estimate for
illustration only.
Use of Subcontractor Quotations
The Government Estimate will be prepared initially independent of subcontract quotes.
When subcontractor quotes are obtained and validated, they may then be used to verify the
reasonableness of the estimated subcontract work.
Civil Works and HTRW Estimates have unique submittal requirements A-E’s should reference
their Statement of Work for additional submittal requirements.
16.1 Design Build Estimate for Request for Proposals
A-E’s under contract to provide Design Build Request for Proposals shall provide an estimate
based on a 10%-35% level of design. The building shall be estimated based on the level of
available cost information since there is not a completed design to develop a Class 5 MII
estimate. Accepted methods to estimate the building included unit cost from the following
sources or combination of: historical bid information, Historical Analysis Generator (HII), adapt-
build models, parametric estimating, and PACES Estimate. The supporting facilities should be
estimated based on a detailed MII estimate from the provided design. Design Build Estimates
should follow the work flow in 16.3 below. These estimates should be prepared and updated
for each submittal based on the latest design changes, assumptions, and updated information.
16.2 Pre-concept Submittal Requirements
16.2.1 Code 3 Pre-Concept Design Program / Project Definition Report (PDR) The Code 3
Design Program (implemented for selected projects) will accelerate project design,
intensify customer involvement, and produce a more accurate project budget utilizing
parametric cost estimating techniques. It has been selected for application on certain
types of suitable projects, such as those utilizing standard designs. The goal of Code 3
is to produce an accurate project definition which will result in a functional, durable,
economical and safe facility that meets the requirements of the customer, within pre-
defined budget constraints and supported with a parametric estimate that can be
submitted quickly to Congress using minimum funds. Once a project is approved it
proceeds directly to final design (no pre-concept, concept or preliminary designs).
Reference Architectural and Engineering Instructions for Project Engineering with
Parametric Estimating.
16.2.2 On receipt of the Code 3 Directive a design team, including cost engineer(s), is
assembled for the purpose of defining project scope and cost. The customer is also
very much involved in this process. The cost engineer’s role in this programming phase
is twofold; 1) to provide quick cost estimates of the various alternatives that the team
might consider while defining the final project scope; and; 2) to provide a final budget
estimate. The cost engineer(s) involved in this process must be senior, i.e., with a
thorough knowledge of parametric cost estimating and costs of various types of
construction on a unit price, square foot or systems basis, in the vicinity of the project.
Cost engineering requirements for this submittal will
be defined in more detail in the
scope of work.
16.2.3 Other Pre-Concept Level Study/Design Submittals. The pre-concept estimate shall be
an MII or Parametric (PACES) estimate, and the format of the estimate shall conform to
the appropriate Work Breakdown Structure. The pre-concept estimate will generally be
used to compare life cycle cost or first cost of a number of alternatives prior to
proceeding to concept design.
16.3 Concept (35%) Full Design Submittal
16.3.1 Concept Estimate. The concept estimate shall be an MII estimate and
format of the estimate shall follow the appropriate Work Breakdown Structure,
proper allowances/contingencies shall be made for WBS systems
subsystems not completely defined in the concept drawings, outline
specifications or design analysis.
16.3.2 Funds. The concept estimate will be used to determine if the proposed design is
within the amount of funds programmed for the project, and, if over budget, if
redesign will be required, a reduction in scope required, or if the customer must
pursue additional funding. Frequently these funds, once appropriated, cannot be
increased. It is, therefore, imperative that this estimate include costs for every
item that will be in the project, or a contingency amount provided for items not
clearly defined at this point in the design. The A-E must be absolutely certain
the project can be built for the CWE developed from the concept estimate.
the concept design period, close cost control, consisting of coordination
designer and cost engineer, shall be exercised to achieve an accurate
Quantity Take-Off. A complete and detailed quantity take-off and accompanying
cost estimate shall be submitted with design. The quantity take-off
and cost estimate shall be an accurate representation of the completed design
Corrected Concept Cost Estimate. Corrected concept cost estimates will
generally be required to incorporate Technical Support Section review
comments and
scope changes occurring during the review process. The A-E
shall submit a
corrected concept estimate if any design or other revisions
have been made
effecting scope of bid items or project cost. This estimate
shall be prepared
utilizing all the above described instructions and
incorporating all the
corrections, revisions, review comments, etc. All
changes to the estimate
shall be described and identified in the PROJECT
NOTES. This estimate will
be submitted in duplicate.
16.4 Sixty- percent (60%) Design Submittal Requirements
16.4.1 General. Cost estimates for all construction projects shall be an MII type estimate
generated by MII Software and prepared in accordance with instructions contained
herein. Proper allowances shall be made for WBS systems and subsystems not
completely defined in the preliminary drawings, outline specifications or design
16.4.2 Preparation. The cost engineer shall show all assumptions as to scope and design
used in the preparation of the estimate.
16.4.3 Quantity Take-Off. A complete and detailed quantity take-off and accompanying
cost estimate shall be submitted with the final design. The quantity take-off
and cost estimate shall be an accurate representation of the completed design
16.4.4 Principal Equipment. In addition to the quantity take-off, the A-E’s shall submit a list
the principal items of equipment and source of pricing (such as cranes, elevators,
kitchen equipment, pumps, compressors, unit heater, air conditioners, fans, etc.),
indicating the name of manufacturers and positive identification of items selected.
16.4.5 Evaluation. Special attention shall be given to the evaluation of the item
General/Prime Contractor's Indirect Costs.
16.5 Final (95% -100%) Design Submittal Requirements
16.5.1 General. Final design cost estimate for all construction projects shall be a detailed
estimate generated by MII and prepared in accordance with instructions
herein and in accordance with Exhibits A through E of this manual. Utilizing Assemblies
of construction features.
The MII estimate format should match the Bid Schedule.
16.5.2 Quantity Take-Off. A complete and detailed quantity take-off and accompanying
cost estimate shall be submitted with the final design. The quantity take-off and
cost estimate shall be an accurate representation of the completed design
16.5.3 Principal Equipment. In addition to the quantity take-off the A-E’s shall submit a list
the principal items of equipment and source of pricing (such as cranes, elevators,
kitchen equipment, pumps, compressors, unit heaters, air conditioners, fans, etc.)
any specialty items (such as glazed acrylic canopies, metal pan ceilings,etc.) indicating
the name of manufacturers and positive identification of item
selected. Price
quotations on all items listed above and on all other large dollar
items in the estimate
will be submitted as part of the estimate backup.
16.5.4 Indirect Field Overhead Costs. An itemized detailed list of field overhead costs
shall be part of the final design estimate.
16.5.5 Profit Weighted Guide. The A-E shall use the profit weighted guide to prepare a
detailed profit for the prime Contractor and major subcontractors.
16.6 Corrected Final Design Submittal Requirements
16.6.1 Notice. Corrected final submittals are not considered a normal design level and are required
only when final submittals must be revised or corrected due to error or
16.6.2 When to Submit. The A-E shall submit a corrected final estimate and bid schedule if
any design or other revisions have been made effecting scope of bid items or project
cost. This estimate shall be prepared utilizing all the above described instructions
incorporating all the corrections, revisions, final design comments, etc., made to
design since the final design submission. All changes to the estimate shall be
described and identified in the PROJECT NOTES. This estimate will be submitted in
duplicate with the corrected final design-submittal.
Preparation of CWE Summary Calculation Report. Exhibit C shows example of the format for
a CWE Summary Calculations report. This summary report shall be prepared for all
concepts, preliminary, final and corrected final submittal. The report shall be completed in
accordance with instructions contained below.
Price Level. Use a price level of present day contract costs. The cost summary shall be
escalated to the midpoint of construction. Army and/or Air Force escalation factors will be
provided by the Technical Support Section.
Estimated Construction Time. The estimated construction time in calendar days, for the total
project shall also be shown. Calendar days are entered in the "EST CONSTRUCTION TIME"
field of the "REPORT TITLE PAGE" screen from the REPORTS Menu.
Contingencies. Exhibit D shows Contingencies at 5% of the Escalated Contract Cost, SIOH at
5.7% of the subtotal of the Escalated Contract Cost and Contingencies of the Escalated
Contract Cost (ECC). The percentages vary from program to program and are subject to
change. Currently the SIOH rate for MCA funded projects is 5.7%. All OMA funded projects
will use a 10% Contingency factor, unless it involves "new" construction and currently use a
6.5% SIOH factor.
18.1 During the bid period, any clarifications, redesigns, or other revisions to the plans and or
specifications, which affect the final estimated construction cost by either increase or decrease
in price, shall be analyzed for cost impact and submitted to Technical Support Section for
appropriate adjustment in the GE. These revisions to the estimate may be either MCACES
generated, Excel or manually prepared estimates as appropriate.
19.1 After bid opening, if the bids received (to include apparent low bidder) are significantly higher
that the Government’s Estimate suggesting an unreasonable GE, there is a high probability
that one or more bidders will protest the reasonableness of the Government Estimate.
Another situation occurs when the designer/cost consultants’ final estimate is not within 15% of
the low responsive bid at bid opening. If either situation occurs, the designer has a contractual
responsibility to assist the Government in a detailed review and evaluation of the
Government’s estimate. The designer/cost consultant will promptly conduct an independent
view of the GE at no additional cost to the Government. This includes a detailed review to
determine if the GE contains any omissions, discrepancies (errors in calculations, et.), quantity
takeoff errors, or errors in cost and pricing data. In addition, the reviewer should further
analyze any unusual conditions or circumstances that may affect or complicate the work. If the
reasonableness of the GE is protested, the analysis will consist of in-depth, point-by-point
response to all issues raised by the protester or contractor. The review analysis will consist of
the GE, including all backup and supporting data, complete explanation about assumptions
made and, if available, historical data from previous similar projects which support the
estimate. The GE should be revised immediately if an error is found, and an explanation of the
error should accompany the revised estimate. If the revised estimate brings an offers price
within range of a fair and reasonable price, the Contracting Officer will review the situation and
determine final contracting action.
20.1 AR 415-28 identifies both Primary and Support Facility Category Codes. If the A-E contract
scope of work requires that the Draft DD Form 1354 be prepared under the contract, then the
Category Code Fields shall be completed and the Title quantities and UOM shall be consistent
with AR 415-28. Otherwise, these fields need not be completed. Completing the Category
Code Fields allows MCACES to interface with the software program which generates the DD
Form 1354.
21.1 Project schedules will be provided for all projects with a project amount above $40M. The A-E
shall provide the schedule to the building system level or Work Break Down Structure Level 3
or 4. The schedule will be part of each submittal. Schedules will be submitted in PDF and raw
format. The only acceptable programs to create the schedules Microsoft Project or P6
The submittal package shall consist of (depending on type submittal) and be submitted in the
following order:
22.1 Title Page 2
22.2 Cost Engineering Checklist for A-E Estimate 2
22.3 Current Working Estimate 2
22.3 Statement of Cost Estimate Review 2
22.4 Quantity Take-Off Sheets 2
(Separated by Facility & Discipline in Excel file)
22.5 Principal Equipment & Material Quotes 2
22.6 Other Back-Up Information 2
Exhibit A
Cost Engineering Checklist for A-E Estimates
2019 March 16
1. General. The A-E shall prepare all planning, design, and final construction cost
estimates, as specified below, utilizing Micro-Computer Aided Cost Engineering System
(MII) Cost Estimating Software latest version.
2. Detailed Work Tasks. The A-E shall accomplish the following tasks:
Kickoff Meeting.
Coordinate a one hour cost engineering kick-off meeting in within 14 days of NTP.
Attendees will include USACE PM, USACE and A-E cost engineers, and cost peer
reviewers. The agenda will include discussion of: estimate development, assumption
documentation, quality control, acquisition strategy, and potential project cost
constraints. For projects less than $10,000,000, a conference call is acceptable. For
projects greater than $10,000,000, the meeting shall be held in person at the SAS
District Office. The A-E shall send out meeting minutes following the meeting.
Prepare and Check Quantities.
Develop a draft bid schedule for review and compute estimated construction quantities,
including quantities for work that may be bid as lump sum items.
Submit all computations necessary to support the bid schedule quantities and lump
sum bid item work quantities in a report format.
Prepare all cost estimates on the basis of calculated quantities and unit prices that
are commensurate with the degree of design detail known or assumed. Building SF
cost can be utilized for 35%-65% submittals if design is not far enough to support
detail cost estimate (Level 5 and greater).
Utilize project notes, added at the appropriate level in MII to explain the basis for
quantity calculations, to clearly show contingency allowances, and to note quantities
determined by cost engineering judgment that will be reconciled upon design
Check quantities through an independent peer review procedure.
Prepare Cost Estimates.
Provide a copy of the A-E design team lead and cost peer reviewer comments and
cost engineer responses with each submittal (comments/responses in email or Word
are acceptable).
Utilizing the 80/20 rule, 80% of the costs come from 20% of the items. Obtain
current local quotes for these cost drivers. For remaining items, utilize MII to the
fullest capability so that the government has the ability to adjust costs as
appropriate in the future without contacting the A-E. Transferring cost estimates
prepared using other cost estimating software or methods into MII as a lump sum
is not acceptable and is cause for rejection of the estimate.
Show source of cost information for all non-MII items (overrides, USR items, etc).
Quotes should state company, phone #, date of quote and copy of quote. All data
used for overrides and USR items must be well documented and obtained within 1
year of the estimate date. Include copy of quotes in each cost submittals.
Provide unique CSI numbers for user created items and back up quotes or costing support
back up information. If used there must be auditable trail for the cost.
The CWE scope items shall match the Section 00 11 00 - Solicitation/Contract Form bid
Prepare detailed estimates for all aspects of the project utilizing MII estimating software.
Utilize the latest version of MII with the latest Cost Book Library.
Prepare the MII cost estimate utilizing HTRW, Civil Works, or Military templates as
guides provided by the Chief of Cost Estimating.
Assure the items in the Bid Schedule and cost estimate are the same, making it possible
to cross- reference between the two and to easily determine the cost of each item on
the bid schedule.
Use labor, crew, and equipment databases and/or unit price book costs in the MII
software program to develop a cost estimate for each bid item in the Bid Schedule.
Most of the detailed items in the estimate should primarily be based on crews rather
than the Unit Price Book (UPB).
Provide notes in the MII estimate to document the assumptions and background
information. The Estimator shall provide a list of assumptions that supports how the
estimate was developed. This includes but is not limited to: derivation of profit and
overhead markups for prime contractor and subcontractors, any design contingency
included in the estimate, production and crew development methodology, labor,
equipment, quantity take-off information, subcontractor quotes, and all other data used
and identified in the MII estimate.
Document and add distributive costs (i.e. overhead, bonds, profit) to each bid schedule
item. Do not include as a separate activity in the MII estimate. Guidance for developing
distributive costs can be found in Chapter 5 of ETL 1110-2-573 for Civil Works projects
and Chapter 10 of UFC 3- 740-05 for Military projects. Clearly document the percentage
assumed and rationale for each distributive cost. MII will calculate bond costs.
Determine and document reasonable percentages for both field and home office overhead.
Detail the costs for Civil Works mobilization and demobilization
Determine and document a reasonable design and construction contingency percentage
that will accurately reflect uncertainties in quantities and pricing. Guidance for design
contingency development can be found in Chapter 6 of ETL 1110-2-573 for Civil Works projects
and Chapter 13.5 of UFC3-740-05 for Military projects.
Escalate the estimate to the expected midpoint of construction using the latest actual
escalation rates(Turner CCI, ENR, etc) for Military Construction Projects or Civil Works
Construction Cost Index System (CWCCIS) as appropriate.
Consider site specific construction conditions during preparation of the estimate.
Estimate major cost items which comprise a high percentage of the total job cost in detail
using labor and equipment crews, production rates and supplier and subcontractor quotes, as
Use current Davis-Bacon construction wage rates from http://www.wdol.gov/. or District
MII Labor Data Base.
Include the table of contents, summary pages, detail pages, backup pages for labor, crew,
and equipment with the hard copy MII submittal.
Provide an electronic version of the estimate (MII files plus all backup support).
Wholesale escalation of the MII Cost Book and Equipment Library shall not be authorized.
Utilize material quotes for Cost Book adjustments and equipment quotes Equipment Library
adjustments. Any quotes received in development of the Project Estimate become property of the
Government and shall be include in the project cost submittal.
Utilization of prior project bid/proposal’s shall not be authorized unless full disclosure is
available to the Government and the hard copies are submitted as part of the cost submittal. If the
A-E would like to utilize these bid/proposal’s coordinate with the Cost Engineering Chief prior to
Escalate the estimate to the expected midpoint of construction using the latest actual
escalation rates(Turner CCI, ENR etc) for Military Construction Projects or Civil Works
Construction Cost Index System (CWCCIS) as appropriate.
Consider site specific construction conditions during preparation of the estimate.
Estimate major cost items which comprise a high percentage of the total job cost in detail
using labor and equipment crews, production rates and supplier and subcontractor quotes, as
Use current Davis-Bacon construction wage rates from http://www.wdol.gov/. or District
provided MII Labor Data Base.
Include the table of contents, summary pages, detail pages, backup pages for labor, crew,
and equipment with the hard copy MII submittal.
Provide an electronic version of the estimate (MII files plus all backup support).
Wholesale escalation of the MII Cost Book and Equipment Library shall not be authorized.
Utilize material quotes for Cost Book adjustments and equipment quotes Equipment Library
adjustments. Any quotes received in development of the Project Estimate become property of the
Government and shall be included in the project cost submittal.
Utilization of prior project bid/proposal’s shall not be authorized unless full disclosure is
available to the Government and the hard copies are submitted as part of the cost submittal. If the
A-E would like to utilize these bid/proposal’s coordinate with the Cost Engineering Chief prior to
Exhibit B
CWE Narrative Template
Project Title
1. Project information
Project Location
Estimate date:
Estimator System:
Date of Report:
Cost book:
Equipment Library:
2. Project Background
3. Project Markups
Prime Contractor
Office Overhead (FOOH) Calculated
or %
Home Office Overhead (HOOH):
Sub- Contractor
Office Overhead (FOOH):
Home Office Overhead (HOOH):
Construction Start Date:
Estimated Construction Midpoint:
Estimated Construction Duration (Days):
Design/Estimating Contingency:
Sales Tax:
Specialty Mark-ups (Example: high security):
4. Construction Duration.
How was it determined?
5. Cost Drivers
Is there a secure area, etc.
6. Assumptions
Please address Productivity
Exhibit C
Current Working Estimate Template
Exhibit D
Quantity takeoffs and the cost estimate have been completed for the project and phase
stated below.
Notice is hereby given that (1) the design team lead was involved in developing quantity takeoffs
and has performed a thorough review of all quantity takeoffs and (2) a peer review of the
quantities and cost estimate has been performed by an independent (peer) cost estimator.
All items on the Cost Estimating Appendix for A-E Designs checklist have been completed and the
completed checklist is attached.
Reviews included, but were not limited to: assumptions, quantities, methods, procedures, materials,
alternatives evaluated, quotes received, the appropriateness of cost data used, and level of detail
During the development of the cost estimate, compliance with all required procedures and
regulations was used.
QC peer review and technical review comments and responses on the cost estimate are attached.
Project Phase (ex. 35%, 65%, 95%, 100%)
Design Team Lead* (printed) (signature) Date
Cost Peer Reviewer (printed) (signature) Date
Cost Estimator (printed) (signature) Date
*Design team lead review does not include price review (includes review of quantities,
assumptions, etc. as stated above)
Estimate Format
The format of all estimates shall follow the appropriate WBS (Military, HTRW, Civil) for the
type estimate being created. The WBS should be studied in detail by all persons preparing
the quantity take-off and the estimate. The WBS drives the way the quantity take-off will be
MII Software and Libraries
Current MII software and libraries can be provided by Savannah District. A-E must purchase
license to use the cost books. All libraries unique to Savannah District will have filename
begins with the first three characters "SAS" (South Atlantic Division Savannah District).
All labor, equipment, and material costs provided in the cost libraries are a pricing guide only.
It is the A-E’s responsibility to check, verify and adjust labor rates, crew production material
pricing and mark-ups where applicable for specific project conditions. All databases provided
are FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY and shall be protected accordingly.
Labor Rates Libraries
See paragraph 10 of this chapter for information about labor rates and any required change
to rates. NOTE: Using the localized LABOR RATES will result in the correct hourly labor cost
not necessarily the correct unit cost for labor. The correct unit cost for labor will be achieved
after adjusting crew composition and crew productivity where applicable for specific project
conditions. As the items of work a brought into the project database they are re-priced with
the currently selected LABOR, EQUIPMENT, and cost library. The labor and unit cost shown
in the cost library will not show the same cost when brought into the project because the
library has not been re-priced to the localized LABOR RATES.
3.0 Templates
MII software includes templates. It contains specific project templates for each type of
estimate. The appropriate project template shall be used to initiate the project.
Military Templates
For Military Estimates the Project-Template-Military-v3 shall be used to create the
estimate format. This template includes most of the TRACES GENERIC WBS to the
lowest title level. This printout, along with the Military WBS will help the Cost Engineer
create the estimate in the required format.
Military Estimate Hierarchy
When creating a MII estimate it is important to recognize that the construction
project consists of seven hierarchical levels, some coming from ENG Form 3086
and some from the Military WBS.
They are defined as:
Project Level (LEVEL 0)
Level "0" is the Title "Project Information Record". All cost of the Primary Facilities
and Support Facilities are accumulated to obtain a total project cost. This shall
include all construction contract cost as well as Government-furnished materials
and items furnished through funds other than construction funds, i.e., information
Primary/Support Facilities (LEVEL 1)
Level 1 is accessed on the same screen as the Project Information Record;
however, the Level 1 Titles are listed below "Project Information Record.” Level 1
divides the project into Primary Facilities, Support Facilities, Category E
Equipment, and Government-Furnished Equipment based on DD Form 1391
format for the project.
Individual Facilities (LEVEL 2)
Level 2 titles are included at the next "title level" below Levels 0 and 1, i.e., not the
same screen. Individual Facilities/Buildings shall be listed under Primary Facilities
and include all individual buildings identified by Category Codes in AR 415-28. If
the project consists of more than one building in the same category code, each
building shall be listed separately, even if the buildings are identical in size and
scope. Support Facilities shall be listed separately for each primary facility. When
Alternate bid items and items funded from different sources are required, they shall
also be located at this level.
Systems (LEVEL 3)
Under Primary Facilities the Military WBS Systems 01 through 16 are titled at this
level. If there are multiple Primary Facilities, each one shall be broken down by the
01 through 16 Systems. Under Support Facilities the Military WBS Systems 17
through 20 are broken down under the appropriate DD Form 1391/Eng Form 3086
Subsystem (LEVEL 4)
This level contains the Subsystem titles from the Military WBS for the above
Systems. If there are subsystems in the project not identified by the Military WBS,
they shall be identified using 90 through 99 under the appropriate System.
Assembly Category (LEVEL 5)
This level contains the Assembly Category titles from the Military WBS for the
Subsystems above. If there are Assembly Categories in the project not identified
by the Military WBS, they shall be identified using 90 through 99 under the
appropriate subsystem.
Assemblies (LEVEL 6)
Assembly Titles shall be created at this level following the definitions contained in
the Military WBS.
Detail (LEVEL 7)
Individual Cost Items are located at this lowest level in the estimate and reports at
this level are referred to as the Detail Reports. These are the basic work tasks
consisting of labor, equipment and material cost and is the same level of detail as
that found in the Unit Price Book Database. Some of the basic work tasks can be
modified by Modifiers from the UPB. Modifiers
Modifiers are identified in the UPB database and provide a method of
adding or reducing, for optional quality or scope to the work task
costs. Each modifier acts solely on the basic cost item it is assigned.
Civil and HTRW Templates
For Civil and HTRW projects the Project-Template-Civil-v3 or Project-Template-HTRW-v3
Template shall be used to create the estimate format.
Required Services
The A-E shall supply the following Technical Support Section services.
5. 1 Overall Project Analysis
The overall project shall be analyzed by all disciplines involved in preparing the cost estimate
to consider the following procedure before making the detailed quantity take-off. This shall be
done before preparing the concept estimate as it will dictate the final estimate format needed
in the preparation of the quantity take-off.
5.1.1 DD 1391
Review the drawings and DD Form 1391 for the project to determine the project
scope, ensuring the authorized project scope is not exceeded. Should the DD
Form 1391 contain vertical buildings that can be identified by AR 415-28 Category
Codes (no matter how small), the A-E shall put these buildings under Primary
Facilities in his estimate unless covered by a separate contract action and cost
estimate. When multiple buildings are involved make each building as a separate
Facility under the Primary Facilities. (Example: Tactical Equipment Shop which has
POL, Storage, and Sentry Buildings). When multiple buildings are being
constructed at different sites the A-E shall prepare a separate facility for each
building in the Primary Facility and separate Supporting Facilities for each building
site. The A-E shall prepare a proposed Bid Schedule based on the Facility (Level
2) of the Primary Facility and the Support Facilities (Level 2) for Site Work.
When the number of buildings has been defined in the Primary Facility, each of the
buildings shall follow the WBS of defined Systems, Subsystems, Assembly
Categories, and Assemblies. The Detail Quantity Take-off shall follow this same
When projects are funded by more than one funding source, all work related to
each funding source shall be segregated respectively. Funding sources shall be
identified separately at Level 2 in the MII estimate and shall be identified separately
on the proposed Bidding Schedule. All work associated with each funding source
shall be described on the plans and/or specifications in narrative to facilitate
contractors bidding on the same scope of work for each bid item.
Army Projects
For Army projects, all information systems that are funded by 0PA shall be a
separate Bid Item in accordance with AR 420-1 provided in other documents. These
systems shall be identified as specified in paragraph 5.1.3 above. This is not
required for Air Force Projects.
Cost Estimate
See Exhibit A, Create New Project Checklist for detailed start-up procedures. If
the cost estimate is to be prepared by more than one person on more than one
computer and then merged into one Prime Estimate, please contact EN-ET for
procedure to merge Multiple Project Databases.
Sales Tax on Materials. Use the applicable state sales tax based on project location. For
projects excluded from sales tax, i.e., certain environmental projects exclude taxes where
appropriate and provide a note accordingly in the project information notes screen.
Owner Markups. Set Owner markups to be applied at Level 01. This precludes owner
markups from being applied to project costs that may not incur owner mark-ups such as
Army communications costs, Government Furnished\Government Installed Equipment, etc.
Contingencies and SIOH. The A-E shall include contingencies and SIOH in the
CWE only, not in the MII (EN-ET) file.
Escalation. The estimate shall include appropriate escalation factor. Contact
Technical Support Section for appropriate Indexes.
Starting the MII Project
MII software and libraries should be installed as described above. Activate the MII software
following instructions from the MII Software Manual. Before starting the project ensure that
the appropriate Project Templates and Databases are selected. Reference Exhibit A, Create
New Project Checklist.
Military WBS projects
For Military WBS Projects the Project-Template-Military-v3 Template shall be
selected and copied as described above in paragraph 3.1.
With the new project highlighted press Library Properties and enter the official
description of the project title.
See Exhibit A; Create a New Project Checklist for Project Notes instructions.
The subcontractors' profit may be either fixed or calculated by the Profit Weighted Guideline
for the "OTHER” window as was done for the prime Contractor. In order for Contractors to be
used in the estimate they must be assigned at the appropriate level within the Primary/Support
Primary Facilities Title
On the Primary Facility Edit Screen the quantity shall be LS (Lump Sum). Usually the prime
Contractor ID “Prime Contractor” is entered on this screen as he is usually the prime on all
Facilities under Primary and support Facilities. Project Category Code (from DD Form 1391)
is typed into the Category Code Field, unless there are more than one Primary Facility at
level, in which case category codes should only be entered at Level 2 titles.
Facility Titles
Create the number of Primary Facilities that was determined from paragraph 5 above. To
create another Facility highlight FACILITY if there are two or more identical or very similar
facilities, recommend that you complete the detailed estimate for the first typical facility
before you create a copy the next one. By doing this you will only need to make minor
revisions (if any at all) to create the complete cost estimate for the similar facility. Continue
this process for all Primary Facilities in the project. Type in the name of the Facility, and
Gross Square Feet of the Building as the Facility Quantity, UOM, and insert the Facility
Category Code (from DD Form 1391 or AR 415-28) into the Category Code Field. Also see
the quantity and UOM consistent with AR 415-28. If the prime Contractor was defined on the
PRIMARY FACILITIES TITLE leave the Contractor Field blank. Use the same basic
procedure to define all the Support Facilities for each building at Level 2 under Level 1
Support Facilities title.
System Titles
System Titles and Selective Demolition System are pre-defined and the titles shall not be
changed. Each shall be edited to enter, the appropriate quantity as defined in the WBS. Any
SYSTEM TITLE not used in the project shall be deleted. Sometimes subcontractors can be
identified at the Systems Title level as all work performed in the system is normally
accomplished by one Contractor. For example System 11 - Electric Power and Lighting is
normally installed by the Electrical Contractor "EL." By identifying the "EL" contractor at this
title level you need not identify this subcontractor at any level below this, as it is done
automatically by the program.
Subsystem Titles
The Subsystem Titles are pre - defined and the titles shall not b changed. Each title shall be
edited to enter the appropriate quantity as defined in the WBS. When there are Subsystems
in the project which are not defined in the WBS the A-E shall create them using 90 to 99
Identification code. Any SUBSYSTEM TITLE not used in the project shall be deleted.
Subcontractors can also be identified at the Subsystem Title level if all work performed in the
subsystem is normally accomplished by one Contractor.
Assembly Category Titles
The Assembly Category Titles are pre-defined and the titles shall not be changed. Each title
shall be edited to enter the appropriate quantity as defined in the WBS. When there are
Assembly Categories in the project which is not defined in the WBS the A-E s all creates
them using 90 to 99 Identification codes. Any ASSEMBLY CATEGORY TITLE not used in
this project shall be deleted. Sometimes subcontractors can be identified at the Assembly
Category Title level as all work performed in the category is normally accomplished by one
Contractor. For example System 6 - Interior Finishes; Subsystem 01 -Wall Finishes;
Assembly Category 03 - Gypsum Wallboard Finishes is normally installed by GW-Contractor
and Assembly Category 04 - Tile and Terrazzo Wall Finishes is normally installed by the -
When Assemblies can be used multiple times within the project it is beneficial to the
cost engineer to create the Assembly in the MODEL’s DATABASE rather than in
the project. Assemblies from the MODEL’s DATABASE can be copied into the
project as often as required. The A-E shall copy the SAS Generic Models
Database using Copy a Database on the SERVICES Menu to the same six
characters as was use to name the project. Select this new Model’s Database and
uses it to create new assemblies. This new Models Database shall be submitted
along with the project database with each submittal. See paragraphs 8.9 and 16 of
this chapter for submittal requirements.
Assembly Titles
The SAS project template contains typical Assembly Titles (without detail items) associated
with military construction. The A-E shall revise the Assembly Titles by deleting inappropriate
titles and adding titles based on the requirements of the project. The TRACES GENERIC
WBS provides a description of detailed items found in the assemblies. If it is necessary to
add Assembly Titles, follow the instructions in User Manual.
Support Facilities Title
In most projects there is only one set of Support Facilities (only one Primary Facility is
constructed on the site). When there is only one set of Support Facilities these title record
needs only to be edited to identify the Prime Contractor.
Adding Additional Support Facilities
Occasionally there are projects that contain multiple Primary Facilities, or a project may
consist of more than one site and due to scope and or criteria changes or budget constraints,
it is not uncommon that one or more buildings may be isolated as alternate bid items. For this
reason it is necessary to takeoff and estimate support facilities for each primary facility
separately. Therefore, when more than one primary facility occurs, Bldg. No. 1 Support
Facilities Title shall be duplicated for each primary facility. To create another Support Facility
highlight copy/paste and rename. Continue this process for all Support Facilities in the
project. Edit each support facility title to mirror the primary facility title to the extent that the
right support facility cost can be easily related to its primary facility.
Category Codes for Support Facilities. Refer to AR 415-28 to identify the category codes
associated with support facilities, i.e., all applicable 800 and 900 Series numbers. Once all
applicable codes for the project have been identified, enter the category code at the
appropriate title or detail level which will result in capturing all related cost for that code. And
make sure the quantity and UOM at this title level are consistent with AR 415-28.
Print Selected Reports
The following procedures shall be required by the A-E when creating the required printed
reports for all submittals.
Select Required Reports
MII software includes standard Corps reports. Ensure project properties includes name AND
telephone number of the cost engineer responsible for preparation.
Activate Reports Generator
From the REPORTS Menu open standard Report, type in the estimate design status
(Concept, Final, etc.) in the Report Title Field.
7.2.1 Send Reports to Print
MII prints to .pdf
Compact Disk Labels
The following information shall be recorded on all compact disk submitted to Savannah
Project Identification Code (6 character code) and the design status, i.e. "60%
Project Title
Project No.
*** End of Section ***