Convio Open Development Program Integration Guidelines
This document is provided to guide prospects who wish to develop product integrations to
Convio‟s Open platform using the available API interfaces. The intended audience is a
developer or other similar technical resource, working with either Convio‟s Luminate Online
marketing product, Luminate CRM, or Convio Common Ground. Included are document
references, community links, best practices, and tips.
The Convio Open Development Program is the official partner program for recognized vendors
that develop integrations with one or more Convio products. If you wish to apply to become a
Convio Open Partner, please fill out this submit form:
partners/become-a-partner.html . You can learn more about the Convio Open Development
Program here: .
Development and Test System
You will be provided access to a temporary system for the purposes of fulfilling the integration
development work on the Convio open platform utilizing our existing published interfaces. The
details will be provided in a separate email by the Convio Open Development Program Partner
Manager. Technology Platform
Convio‟s CRM offerings (Luminate CRM and Common Ground) are built upon the
platform that is offered by Convio is a SalesForce Foundation partner and is
currently the only nonprofit vendor licensed by SalesForce to offer a CRM solution leveraging
their CRM platform targeting the nonprofit market. SalesForce offers a rich set of APIs and their
own Apex language to develop integrations- documentation, community, and reference links are
provided below. Flavors of the APIs available beyond native Apex code to develop
custom integrations include the following:
Bulk APIs
Metadata APIs
We encourage Open partners to list their developed integration applications on the SalesForce
AppExchange, which can provide greater visibility to vendors to reach a wider audience.
Other Convio products such as Luminate Online are build upon Convio‟s own technology
platform, and Convio offers a fully documented and supported set of APIs to develop custom
integrations to this platform as well. There are two flavors of Convio Open APIs offered for
Luminate Online- REST and SOAP based.
Typical Integration Guidelines
We encourage potential Open partners to develop rich and compelling integration experiences
that will be beneficial and productive for our common clients. At a minimum, we would like to
see seamless authentication and updated constituent profile information demonstrated. We
encourage you to do more and we are happy to guide you during the design phase of your
It is assumed that prospects wishing to develop integrations to the Convio platform have the
necessary skills and experience to learn and use a new API interface. Beyond the reference
documentation made available for download, there are not any training classes offered to learn
the product if you are not yet a partner, although you can attend a Convio public training class
for a fee. Technical support is limited for Open prospects, so you need to be willing to invest the
time to research product functionality, troubleshoot errors, and resolve problems largely
It is important to decide and document a set of basic use cases that will guide your integration
development efforts. A use case can be thought of as a documented workflow from beginning
to end that one or more stakeholders would participate in to achieve some task or business result.
A documented use case scenario must be a common or frequent activity performed by clients in
order for it to be of value and relevance. It is suggested at least three (3) use cases are provided
in your submit form that you will receive from Convio.
Once you have decided on your use cases to develop, Convio will work with you to set up a time
to demonstrate the prototype integration and discuss further. During this stage, we place more
emphasis on the functionality and usability of the integration rather than the finished look.
For Convio Common Ground and Luminate CRM Integrations
For Open prospects developing integrations to Convio Common Ground or Luminate CRM, the
underlying platform for this product is There is a wealth of data and resources
available to developers wishing to develop an integration to this platform. They are as follows:
DeveloperForce main website:
DeveloperForce online documentation of their APIs, other integration documentation:
Specific link to the newly available REST API:
Core resource libraries:
Community discussion boards for developers:
Other partner / technical resources:
Introduction to developing commercial apps on
SalesForce AppExchange
It is encouraged by Convio that Open Partners who develop integrations to work with Convio
Common Ground or Luminate CRM, also complete the necessary steps to have their application
officially registered with the SalesForce AppExchange, located at . This will not only make your application
available to a wider audience, but also it offers an additional measure of confidence to clients
considering downloading and installing your packaged integration. SalesForce provides the
following material to assist developers to prepare for a security review of their submitted
applications located at .
Common Ground Integrations
Your Convio Open Development Program Manager will provide you directions on how
to access a temporary instance of Convio Common Ground for integration development
and testing efforts. Please note that only one instance per company/organization is
provided, but can be shared by multiple developers. Also the time for your automated
email notification to arrive upon completing the trial form can be up to 10 minutes. By
default the trial period for a Common Ground test instance is 30 days, but this can be
extended by the Convio Open Development Program Manager
Recording your Organization ID
For your trial version of Common Ground, you should copy down the value of your
Organizational ID so we can more easily locate your particular instance should you need
the expiration period extended. Note that any trial version of SalesForce that goes
beyond 30 days of the expiration date without being renewed is automatically expunged
and the data cannot be retrieved.
Under Setup, go to Administration Setup, and then under Company Profile click on
“Company Information”. Look for the field that has the Organization ID displayed:
Configuring API Access
The API within Common Ground is already enabled out of the box. You will need to
designate a user account that the API will use that has the proper credentials, and setting
up security access.
1. For the SFDC user account, it is recommended to set up a user as a System
Administrator that also has a Common Ground license. Without the CG license
access, the user won‟t be able to see any CG objects.
Assign / verify Common Ground licenses as follows:
Select „Setup‟ , then under „App Setup‟ select „View Installed Packages‟. You
will see the package name „Convio Common Ground‟ installed. Under the action
column, select „Manage Licenses‟:
From there you can add or remove licensed CG users:
To view what packages an existing user is licensed to use, that is displayed on the
user‟s detailed profile. On the left navigation bar under Administration Setup,
drill down to Manager Users -> Users and select a user‟s full name link, and then
scroll down to the „Managed Packages”. You can see all the packages that user is
licensed to use:
2. To set up access security for the designated user account that will access the API,
there are two options:
generate a security token
update the IP whitelist range to include the trusted network
To generate a security token:
a. While logged in as the designated API user account, go under setup menu
for that user:
b. On the left navigation bar, under “Personal Setup” expand the section for
“My Personal Information” and then click on the link “Reset My Security
Token”. Then click on the button „Reset Security Token” :
To add a new IP address to the whitelist:
a. Go to the setup selection for the user, then on the left navigation bar under
“Administration Setup”, expand the section for “Security Controls” and click
on “Network Access” :
b. Enter the IP address for the application or system that will be integrating with
Common Ground via the API.
The standard SFDC enterprise WSDL will provide access to all data objects, including
Common Ground objects defined by the nonprofit organization.
Luminate CRM Integrations
Partner access to Luminate CRM test systems is anticipated at the end of 2011. Please
consult with the Open Development Program Manager for details. Many of the
SalesForce API integration setup steps for Common Ground will also apply to Luminate
CRM, but keep in mind these are two distinct products developed separately, and as such
an integration developed for one of these CRM solutions will not necessarily work for the
other. If you are a partner prospect, please work with your Convio Open Development
Program Manager to determine which Convio product integration is appropriate for your
application on the platform, as Common Ground and Luminate CRM are not
only separate products, but they also target different market segments.
Caveat Emptor
Because Convio Common Ground and Luminate CRM introduce additional custom
objects and triggers on top of the basic offering, it is important to
understand how this might affect your planned integration. In general, a package
application written for will not always cleanly install or operate in a Convio
Common Ground or Luminate CRM environment, without some additional changes or
updates. Convio makes available upon request a copy of the Convio Common Ground
Object Reference, which details all existing triggers and workflows that exist within the
We recommend that clients consider only third party applications that have been
reviewed and approved through the Convio Open Development Partner program when
considering downloads for your Common Ground or Luminate CRM environment. Such
partners are listed on the Convio website under the partner section.
For Convio Luminate Online Marketing Integrations (formerly COM)
Complete reference documentation for Convio‟s REST-based APIs and SOAP-based Web
Services to access Convio Luminate Online (formerly COM) is available at this site: . Sample code downloads are available for free at this same location.
Please enable API logging when you begin developing your Convio integration. Details for
configuring the API logging level are located in the Convio Open API Reference Manual, under
the section “Logging API Calls”, available for download at .
1. Single Sign-On
1.1. Registration
1.1.1. Users who register on the Convio site must be automatically registered on the partner site.
1.1.2. Users who register on the partner site must be automatically registered on the Convio site.
1.1.3. Users must be able to log in using the same credentials to either the Convio or the partner site.
1.2. Authentication
1.2.1. Users logged in on the Convio site and navigating to the partner site must be automatically logged
in on the partner site.
1.2.2. Users logged in on the partner site and navigating to the Convio site must be automatically logged
in on the Convio site.
1.2.3. Tip- be careful mixing domains when making API calls authenticated sessions established on a
non-secure domain are not recognized on secure domains. Be sure you login on the secure
domain ( vs. the non-secure host site ( before
calling API methods that require a login session. Using redirect URLs can work around this
issue if working with a non-Convio domain in the same session.
1.3. Password Changes
1.3.1. When a user changes his password on the Convio site, their password must be automatically
updated on the partner site.
1.3.2. When a user changes his password on the partner site, their password must be automatically
updated on the Convio site.
2. User Profile
It is recommended that any custom objects, fields or attributes that are created within Convio to
support your integration, that the internal references are uniquely named so as not to have
namespace conflicts with potentially other client customizations before or after your integration
is enabled.
After a user registers on either site and the registration is propagated to the other site, the details
of the user‟s profile information (name, address, email, etc.) that are common to both sites
should be the same on both sites.
When a user updates common profile information (name, address, email, phone, etc.) on either
site, the change should automatically propagate to the other site.
3. Group and Interest Assignment and Synchronization
If your integration will synchronize Convio groups or interests to another application or interface
outside of Convio, it is recommended that you pair both the name of the interest or group along
with the numerical value when displaying for users. So it is more intuitive to see “outdoor
interest (1025)” vs. just “1025”.
Convio‟s Open APIs are more restrictive when assigning a user to a group id vs. interest id,
because site security is affected by internal group membership. Groups that are tied to interests
have no effect on site security permissions and access for an individual. When using the
Constituent API, you cannot use the client version (CRConsAPI) to make an anonymous update
to add a constituent to a group via the add_group_ids parameter. You must instead use the server
version (SRConsAPI) from a white-listed server IP address along with valid API admin user
credentials. Adding or updating opt-in interests via add_interest_ids is supported via
CRConsAPI and is not as constrained for use compared to add_group_ids.
4. Donations
PCI-DSS Compliance
Convio‟s payment processing system is PCI-DSS certified. Partner‟s implementation of any
donation or payment processed by Convio must provide a direct, secure connection from the
cardholder‟s browser to Convio. It must not collect, store, proxy, or transmit sensitive cardholder
information through any other system or network.
Specifically the donations API data must be sent directly to Convio - the form action must be, not, for example, to a script or page
such as donate.php which then makes a server-side request to the API and parses the resulting
XML. You'll need to use redirect URLs (see to handle the response.
5. TeamRaiser
A sample TeamRaiser registration work flow:
You may want to ask the user to login or create a new constituent record in the system.
This is not mandatory; you can register without logging in and the registration will try to
match or create the user record, but this is a good opportunity for the user to positively
identify themselves or possibly review and update their site registration profile.
getParticipationTypes returns information about participation types available for an
event. There may be more than one participation type available for a user to select, and
since the participation type drives a lot of the subsequent registration workflow you
probably want the user to select it first. Even if the event defines only one participation
type, you will probably need data, such as survey questions, that are returned by this
Given the event ID and participation type, getRegistrationDocument returns the template
document which must be filled out and passed to processRegistration to complete the
registration process.
An example contribution exists on the download page of the Convio Open site showing
how to use the TeamRaiser registration API. Please visit .
6. Advocacy
You must first create an alert template in the Convio admin interface before accessing it via the
Advocacy API.
By default the temporary Luminate Online test system provided to you by Convio has Advocacy
delivery turned off, as we do not want partners during testing inadvertently sending members of
Congress or the White House test emails. If you wish to preview email messages within
Advocacy, please contact the Open Program Manager to have that enabled. You must create a
custom target for use when sending any action alerts during testing.
The Advocacy API today does not support web forms that use CAPTCHA .
7. Survey
You must first create a survey template in the Convio admin interface before accessing it via the
Survey API.
8. MultiCenter
The REST based API has a “center_id” parameter that can be used to set the center context for
an API session. You do not need to modify access permissions for the “API_Administrators”
group in order to limit context by a particular center when making API calls.
The Web Services interface is not aware of MultiCenter and does not have the ability to filter or
set context based on a particular center.
9. Interactions
User registrations that come in through the partner site should log appropriate client-defined origin source
codes in the constituent profile of the Convio site.
Meaningful user interactions with the partner site should log appropriate client-defined interaction records
on the Convio site.
A contributed example on the open website exists for using custom interactions within Luminate Online.
Please visit .
10. Debugging
It is recommended to enable API logging when developing the integration to Convio‟s Online
Marketing product (COM). Details for configuring the API logging level are located in the
Convio Open API Reference Manual, under the section “Logging API Calls”, available for
download at .
If you cannot reach the temporary test system provided by Convio online, be sure to check the
values of the URLs you are using compared to the values within the document provided to you
by Convio to uncover any typographical errors.
Be sure you have the correct API key value and account login password taken directly from the
Convio system you are developing against - the samples provided in the documentation will not
work with live client sites!
For 403 Forbidden Status error messages displayed in your browser when attempting to
connect to Convio APIs, check the following:
sending the request from an IP address that is not white listed under Setup/Site
Options/Open API Configuration
passing a login_name/login_password to a Server API that is not a valid API
Administrator account
using an API Administrator account that does not have specific permission for the API
being called (SRTeamRaiserAPI and SRDonationAPI are both disabled by default)
passing login_name/login_password credentials in the URL rather than in the request
An on-line test console at is provided via the Convio Open
website, so you can type in API method values and submit them to a real-time instance of
Convio Online Marketing (COM) and view expected return values. A sample screen shot is
provided below: