Food Science and Technology (SCQP12)
Food Science and Technology
Food Science and Technology (SCQP12)
Food Science and Technology (SCQP12)
Definition, scope and current trends in food science and technology. Food Groups, Nutrients and
Balanced Diet. Definition and meaning of food, nutrition, nutrient, health, concept and characteristics of
a balanced diet.
Introduction to basic food groups and nutrients, food pyramid, macro and micronutrients. Effect of
processing on nutrients. Browning reactions in foods. Classification (enzymatic, non- enzymatic and
metallic browning), causes and prevention of browning
Cereals and Pulses
Composition and nutritive value, types of cereals, processing of cereals and pulses (gelatinization of
starch and the factors affecting it, germination and fermentation), toxic constituents in pulses, milling of
Fruits and vegetables
Classification of fruits and vegetables, composition and nutritive value; effect of processing on pigments.
Chocolate and cocoa products
Cocoa bean processing, preparation of chocolate liquor, cocoa butter and chocolate.
Milk and milk products
Composition and nutritive value.
Introduction to liquid milk technology (clarification, pasteurization, homogenization, fortification,
sterilization), Types of milk, Effect of processing on milk, Introduction to milk products.
Composition and nutritive value. Structure of an egg. Egg quality and deterioration. Green ring formation
in boiled egg, preservation of eggs. Egg foams – stages of preparation and factors affecting them. Effect of
heat on egg proteins; functions of eggs in cookery.
Meat, Fish and Poultry
Composition and nutritive value. Selection/purchasing criteria for meat, fish and poultry. Tenderization of
Composition and nutritive value. Properties of sugars. Manufacturing/refining of sucrose. Sugar cookery–
crystalline and non- crystalline candies, sugar-based products.
Fats and oils
Composition and nutritive value. Types of fats/oils and their functions. Rancidity in fat and its prevention.
Changes in fat during heating. Care of fat used for frying, emulsions.
i. The Question Paper which will have 75 questions.
ii. All questions will be based on Subject-Specific Knowledge.
iii. All questions are compulsory.
iv. The Questions will be Bilingual (English/Hindi).
Food Science and Technology (SCQP12)
Introduction to food hygiene and food adulteration
Food hygiene, factors affecting food safety, personal hygiene. Adulteration, adulterants and their effects on
Baking Industry and its scope in the Indian economy. History of Bakery - present trends, prospects
Nutrition facts of bakery products.
Wheat Grain Technology
Wheat grain– its structure. Milling of wheat; types of refined wheat flour; composition of refined wheat
flour (gluten, amylose/ amylopectin, enzyme activity, moisture) and its storage.
Cake Technology
Preparation of cakes - types of cakes; ingredients used; methods of batter preparation; steps in cake
making; balancing of cake formula; evaluation of the baked cake; operational faults in cake processing
and the remedial measures. Labeling and Packaging. Costing
Cake decoration- different methods of cake decoration
Pastry Technology
Preparation of pastry - types of pastries (short crust, puff/flaky and choux pastry); ingredients; processing
and evaluation. Faults and remedies
Purpose and Scope of Preservation. Objectives of preservation and processing. Scope of preservation
industry in India. Post-harvest Changes and Spoilage. Physical, chemical and microbiological changes in
fruits and vegetables. Factors affecting growth of microorganisms and the control measures
Food Safety
Key terms, factors affecting food safety, recent concerns.
Food laws, standards and regulations. Food additives and contaminants. Hygiene and sanitation
Principles and Methods of Preservation
Asepsis. Use of low temperature, Use of high temperature. Removal of moisture. Removal of air, Use of
chemical preservatives. Fermentation. Irradiation. Gas preservation. Newer methods
Fruit and Vegetable Processing
Sauces and Beverages. Chutney and sauces- definition, method of preservation, steps in preparation of
chutney and sauces. Fruit beverages- definition and classification, method of preservation (with special
emphasis on pasteurization, use of chemical preservatives, sugar), role of various ingredients.
Bread Technology. Preparation of bread - ingredients used; methods of dough preparation; steps in bread
processing; evaluation of the baked bread; staling of bread; diseases of bread.
Biscuit and Cookies Technology
Preparation of biscuits and cookies – types; ingredients; processing and evaluation. Crackers
Food Packaging
Packaging – it’s importance, essential features of an ideal package; various food packaging materials and
their characteristics recent trends in the field of packaging (active packaging , intelligent packaging, RFID)
label regulations and designing for packaged foods , nutritional labelling.
Marketing and Cost Control
Marketing - definition, scope, understanding the 4Ps (Product, Price, Place, Promotion), marketing
techniques, marketing and distribution of processed products. Cost control food cost, labor cost and other
costs; costing of processed products.
Food Science and Technology (SCQP12)
Dehydration and Concentration
Definition and objectives, method of preservation, normal drying
curve, water activity, factors affecting rate
of drying, sun drying, types of dehydrators (air convection, drum, freeze and vacuum driers) steps in
dehydration of fruits and vegetable.
Concentration- definition and objectives, techniques
Refrigeration and Freezing
Definition and objectives, difference between freezing and refrigeration, systems of refrigeration, method
of preservation, steps in freezing fruits and vegetables, cryogenic freezing of fruits and vegetables,
Definition and objectives, selection of fruits and vegetables, method of preservation, steps of canning
fruits and vegetables (with special emphasis on blanching, exhausting and heat processing), spoilage
of canned foods.
Introduction to New Food Product Development
Need and importance for developing a new product, types of new products, challenges, failure of new
product. Fruit and Vegetable Processing –Pectin Products Preserves and Pickles. Jam, Jelly and Marmalade-
definition, role of pectin and theory of gel formation, method of preservation, steps of preparation,
evaluation. Preserves- definition, method of preservation, steps of preparation, evaluation, candied,
crystallized and glazed fruits. Pickles- definition, classification, method of preservation, steps of preparation
of vinegar pickles, evaluation.
Food Laws and Regulations. Introduction to food acts laws and standards. National food safety and standard
act. International standards, regulatory agencies. Consumer protection act
Food Quality Management
Characteristics of quality. Quality Control, Quality Assurance. Total Quality Management. Quality
Management System. Good Manufacturing Practices. Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point System
Introduction to Food Safety and Hygiene
Food hygiene. Factors affecting food safety. Food spoilage. Food handling. Special requirements for high-
risk foods, Safe food cooking temperature and storage techniques.
Hygiene and Sanitation in Food Service Institutions
Cleaning and disinfection. Personal hygiene. Pest control. Waste disposal
Sensory Methods of Food Quality Testing
Sensation of taste, smell, appearance and flavor, sensory evaluation techniques
Objective Methods of Food Quality Testing
Physical test methods (moisture, acidity, water activity, texture, viscosity, color) Simple methods of
chemical analysis (protein, fat, water, ash). Microbiological sampling and testing.