Florida State University (FSU) protects the confidentiality of student records and the individual student’s right to
privacy, in compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, as amended. Student
records are defined as those records directly related to a student that are either maintained by FSU or a person
acting on behalf of FSU.
As an individual involved in the process for awarding scholarships who is not an employee of FSU, you have a
responsibility to respect the confidentiality of student information you may be given access to. This means you
are required to conduct yourself in a professional manner when it comes to handling the student data and
ensuring that the information is not created, collected, stored, maintained, or disseminated in violation of
institutional, state and federal laws or FERPA.
Please read and agree to the guidelines outlined below regarding the appropriate use of student information
made available to you:
I understand it is my responsibility to comply with institutional, state and federal laws regarding
confidentiality, including FERPA (20 U.S.C. § 1232g; 34 CFR Part 99).
I understand that I may be granted access to student information maintained by the University (e.g.,
personal information, enrollment or academic records, grades, scholarship application materials, etc.),
and this information may be made available to me on paper, contained in program software, visible on
screen displays, in computer readable form or in another format.
I understand that this information is to be used by me for the sole purpose of evaluating students to
identify the most qualified applicant for the scholarship and is not to be discussed, copied or shared with
others, except those involved in the awarding process and permitted access to such information. I further
acknowledge my responsibility to destroy or delete this information once the review process is complete.
I understand that passwords I create for access to approved systems will not be shared with anyone, and
I will securely log in and out of programs that store student specific data.
I understand student information should not be left unattended or unsecured at any time where others
could access the information without my knowledge.
I understand student information should never be transmitted via e-mail or as an e-mail attachment
unless the file is encrypted and/or password protected.
Name of Individual Date
Signature of Individual